- DalCasa


- DalCasa
0 09 0 9
9 77 18 4 5 20 80 05
ISSN 1845-2086
DAL’CASA d.o.o.
Put Brodarice 6
21000 Split
tel.: +385(0)21 332 725; +385(0)21 332 726
fax:+385(0)21 380 852
Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief:
Vanesa Bilbija
Izvršni urednik/Executive editor:
Leo Nikolić
Grafički urednik/Graphic editor:
Marija Tudor
Art director:
Stephan Lupino
Marketing i prodaja oglasa/
Marketing and advertising:
Maja Šarić, dipl. oec.
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)98 330 477
Ivana Radeljić Vrdoljak
Kontakt telefon: +385 (0)99 230 5973
Prijevod na engleski/English translation:
Zoran Abaza
Jelena Badovinac, Ana Bralić, Lovorka
Buterin, Nikola Čelan,Jadran Lazić, Lupino,
Hajdi Mihanović, Romina Peritz, Domagoj
Tomić, Aleksandar Vrtarić
Tisak d.d., Distripress, Tim Press, Slobodna
Dalmacija, Glas Istre
Fotografija na naslovnici/Cover photo:
Biljana Gaurina
Suton tisak Split
Dragi čitatelji!
Pred vama je novi broj magazina DalCasa s novim zanimljivim temama. Izdvajamo tekst u kojem vas informiramo o izgradnji sveučilišnog kampusa i Sveučilišne biblioteke u Splitu. Osim toga, donosimo tekst o interijeru dizajnera Jaime
Hayona u restoranu Terazza del Casino u Madridu. Nekoliko riječi i interesantnih
teza donosimo u dva intervjua, prvi sa pjevačicom Ninom Badrić i drugi sa
poznatim japanskim arhitektom Shigeru Banom. Izdvajamo tekst o vrijednom
dijelu hrvatske baštine, o stotinama dvoraca razbacanih širom naše zemlje.
Avantura u ovom broju nas vodi na otok Korčulu. Reporteri DalCase su posjetili
vinoteku Kozlović u Istri, a probali su i delicije u restoranu Sora na Hvaru. Novost
u svijetu dizajna je projekt Normana Fostera, jahta Ocean Emerald. Interijer te
jahte je donio novu razinu dizajna interijera na ekskluzivnim jahtama. Od interijera predstavljamo vam blagavaonice, a od detalja nove trendove u dizajnu
slavina. Također vas informiramo
o dječjim sobama i o audio vizuelnom uređenju doma. Na kraju
objavljujemo novi zakon o prometu nekretninama, te donosimo najbolji izbor ekskluzivnih nekretnina u
Hrvatskoj. Vjerujemo da će te se
dobro informirati i zabaviti čitajući
naš magazin.
Dear readers!
You are holding the brand-new issue of DalCasa with new interesting topics. Allow us to point out
a text that will inform you about
building a new university campus
with University library in Split. We
also bring you a text about interior in Madrid, restaurant Terazza
del Casino, designed by famous interior designer Jaime Hayon. We bring you
several words, interesting theses in two interviews with singer Nina Badrić
and japanese architect Shigeru Ban. We point out on interesting text about
interesting part of croatian heritage, hundreds castles intersperse around
whole our country. Adventure take us on the island of Korčula. Reporters of
magazine DalCasa visited vinary Kozlović in Istra and tasted delicious food in
restaurant Sora in city of Hvar. News in the world of design is project by Norman Foster, yacht Ocean Emerald. That interior raised up the level of interior
design on exscusive yachts. In articles about interiors we bring you dinning
rooms and details of new trends in producing faucets. Also we inform you
abot childrens rooms and new trend in audio-video design in home.
We bring you the text about the Law on mediation in real estate sales, as well
as delivering our usual overview of Croatia’s exclusive real estates. We hope
you will be well informed and have u fun in reading our magazine.
Vanesa Bilbija
8 Investicije
16 Intervju
Kampus Split
Nina Badrić
24 Nove forme
New forms Ocean Emerald
28 Ambijent
Ambient La terazza del casino
34 Dekoracije
Decorations Marilyn
38 Arhitekti
44 Vijesti iz kulture
Culture news
46 Avantura
Adventure Korčula
52 Fine stvari
Shigeru Ban
54 Aktualno
Events Hotel Maritime
58 Baština
Hrvatski dvorci
68 Gastro
Gastro SORA
72 Vinoteka
Exterior Kozlović
78 Interijeri
Interiors Blagavaonice
Dječje sobe
90 Vijesti
94 Trend
Trend Audio
110 Pitanja i odgovori
Questions & answers
114 Zakon o nekretninama
Law on the properties
Zakon o prometu nekretnina
119 Nekretnine
Real estates
Ostakljena riznica znanja
Izgradnjom nove zgrade Sveučilišne knjižnice, kapitalnog
objekta Sveučilišnog kampusa, Split dobiva novi kulturnoobrazovni centar i definitivno se potvrđuje kao vodeći grad
znanosti i obrazovanja na istočnoj obali Jadrana
Piše: Leo Nikoliæ
ada se analiziraju najznačajniji planirani i
realizirani projekti i postignuća u arhitektonsko-urbanističkom smislu u posljednja dva
desetljeća u Splitu, u prvi plan se
ističe kapitalni projekt gradnje splitskoga Sveučilišnog kampusa Visoka.
Početak aktivnosti na izvedbi toga
strateški važnog znanstveno-obra-
Foto: Leo Nikoliæ
zovnog kompleksa je bio 1999. godine, kada je hrvatska Vlada ustupila
zemljište bivše vojarne na predjelu
Visoka za izgradnju kampusa.
Na tom prostoru je već smješteno nekoliko obrazovnih ustanova, kao što
su Građevinsko-arhitektonski fakultet
i Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i
brodogradnje. Osim toga, u jugozapadnom uglu budućega kampusa
je i srednjoškolski centar i studentski
dom. S obzirom da je taj dio grada
bio urbanistički nedefiniran, trebalo
ga je privesti funkciji, uklopiti u jasno
profilirano okruženje, te je logičan
epilog bio nastavak izgradnje objekata za potrebe obrazovanja, znanosti i smještaja studenata.
Potrebno je bilo nekoliko godina da
se riješi veći dio pravnih pretpostavki
za objedinjavanje tako velikog prostora i otpočne s realizacijom. Prvi
novoizgrađeni objekt je bio Ekonomski fakultet, rad splitskog arhitekta
Dinka Kovačića, a koju godinu poslije i aneks. Taj funkcionalni objekt suvremenog arhitektonskog rukopisa
je nametnuo visoke kriterije za druge
autore i nastavak gradnje sveučilišnoga kompleksa. Odgovor je stigao
u obliku nove zgrade Sveučilišne
knjižnice, kapitalnog objekta Sveučilišnog kampusa. Riječ je o možda najvažnijoj obrazovno-kulturnoj
ustanovi koja će zapravo biti centar
novog Splita, grada koji realizacijom
ovog projekta definitivno potvrđuje
svoju vodeću ulogu na istočnoj obali
Jadrana. Objekt je građevinski bio finaliziran i svečano predan u prosincu
2008., a u rujnu ove godine treba biti
završeno informatičko opremanje,
premještanje starog fundusa knjiga
i nabava nove literature, i tek tada
će knjižnica biti u punoj funkciji.
Vrijedan fundus knjižnice
Bruto površina knjižnice je 19.000
četvornih metara i moći će opsluživati istodobno 700 korisnika. Treba
istaknuti da će se u objektu smjestiti vrijedan knjižnični fond i posebno
vrijedne knjige u kontroliranim uvje9
tima. Podaci o toj građi datiraju još iz
srednjeg vijeka, a u Splitu je uostalom
sačuvana najstarija knjiga u Hrvatskoj
– Splitski evanđelistar. U fundusu će biti i
Zbirka Dalmatica, 10 tisuća knjiga, zbir
svega ikad objavljenog u Dalmaciji.
Zgrada je s arhitektonskog stajališta zanimljiv spoj velikoga podzemnog prostora čitaonice i pratećih prostorija i
lebdećega staklenog kubusa. Time je
izbjegnuto nadmetanje s velikim betonskim blokovima u bližem okruženju
i postignuta je ravnoteža u prostoru.
Stakleni toranj s dvostrukom fasadom
koja se ventilira funkcionira kao prozračno zrcalo i posebno su zanimljive
kubističke intervencije na plohama.
Premda zgrada arhitektonski slijedi
vokabular arhitekture sedamdesetih i
osamdesetih godina, proboji na fasadama sugeriraju informatički jezik sketch up programa i duhovito nas uvode
u informatičku eru. Interijer knjižnice je
funkcionalan i posebno je zanimljiva
kombinacija umjetne rasvjete i dnevnog svjetla koje se probija kroz konzole na krovu čitaonice. Velika dvorana,
aula magna, srce i najveći dio zgrade,
ukopana u zemlju slijedi trend energet10
ski učinkovitih objekata u kojima su
troškovi optimiziranja temperature
svedeni na minimum.
Treba istaknuti smještaj knjižnice na
osi pješačke ulice koja prolazi kroz
kampus i na toj liniji na predjelu Trstenik izlazi na obalu. U tijeku je i izgradnja pješačkog mosta, najvažnijeg
dijela zamišljene komunikacije, planirane još sedamdesetih. Naravno,
neki od tih planova traže redefiniranje, zamisao o nadogradnji antičkog rastera koji je zapravo agrarna
podjela, sada više nije funkcionalna
u novim okolnostima razvoja i urbaniteta. Posebno se to odnosi na
aktualne aktivnosti oko planiranja
najvećega splitskog prostornog i turističkog resursa, područja Žnjana i
Novi centar Splita
Kampus na Visokoj, površine oko
300.000 četvornih metara, nije planiran samo kao sveučilišni rezervat,
nego su tu predviđeni razni javni sadržaji, kina, restorani, kafići, sportski
tereni, trgovi i parkovi. Trenutačno su
u blizini knjižnice, koja je zamišljena
kao središnja točka čitavoga kompleksa, u tijeku radovi na izgradnji
triju novih zgrada – za Prirodoslovnomatematički, Kemijsko-tehnološki i
Pomorski fakultet. U idućoj fazi planira se i izgradnja studentskog doma,
kapaciteta 600 osoba, i zgrade Filozofskog fakulteta. Sljedeće godine
počinju i radovi na izgradnji Pravnog fakulteta, a upravo je završen
i natječaj za Umjetničku akademiju.
Južno, 200 metara od kampusa, na
pješačkoj osi, gradi se i Medicinski
fakultet. Kada sve to bude završeno, splitski Sveučilišni kampus će biti
prestižan kompleks i jedan od najsuvremenijih na svijetu, te će time Split
strateški profitirati kao istinski centar
znanja i obrazovanja u regiji. Možemo reći i da će kampus funkcionirati
kao točka društvenog života i novi
centar koji će pridonijeti policentričnosti grada, nešto što se već događa, ali u nekontroliranim uvjetima.
Komleks na Visokoj je u tom smislu
dobro zamišljen i isplaniran projekt
koji će unaprijediti urbanistički raster
i samim tim učiniti grad još ugodnijim
mjestom za življenje.
A glassed treasury
of knowledge
With the construction of the new University
Library building, which is a capital object within the University Campus, Split is receiving
a new cultural and educational centre that
unquestionably confirms it as the leading city
of science and education on the eastern Adriatic coast
Written by: Leo Nikoliæ
Photo: Leo Nikoliæ
hen we start analyzing the most
significant planned and achieved projects in the fields of
architecture and physical planning over the last two decades in Split, the top spot unquestionably belongs to the capital project of University
Campus Visoka. Activity on this strategically important
scientific and educational complex began back in 1999
when the Croatian Government presented the ex-military parcel in Visoka as the perfect location for this campus. This location already featured several educational
institutions such as the Faculty of Civil Engineering and
Architecture, as well as the Faculty of Electrical Engi-
neering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture. In addition to that, the south-western corner of the
soon-to-be campus features a high-school centre and a
student hostel. Considering the fact that this part of the
city has always been physically undefined, it had to be
given a function and adapted into a purposely profiled
environment, which logically resulted in the continuation of constructing objects for the purpose of education,
science and student accommodation.
It took several years to resolve a large part of legal
assumptions that would unite such a large piece of land
and start the construction process. The first new object
appeared in the form of the Faculty of Economics, designed by Split architect Dinko Kovačić, which was su-
bsequently annexed several years later. This functional
object with modern architectonic features set a very
high standard for other authors and the subsequent
units of the University Campus. The answer arrived in
the shape of the new University Library building, which
is a capital object within the University Campus. This building is perhaps the most important educational and
cultural institution that will serve as the centre of the
new Split, which is now unquestionably confirmed as the
leading city on the eastern Adriatic coast. The object
was physically finalized and ceremoniously presented in
December 2008, but the processes of acquiring all the
computer equipment, transferring the pre-existing book
collection and acquiring new literature won’t be com13
pleted before September of this year, which is when the
library will be fully functional and ready to go.
The Valuable Library Collection
The library’s gross surface is 19.000 square metres, and
up to 700 students will be able to use it at the same time.
We should point out that the object will feature
a very valuable literature collection with some
high-value books that will be kept in a controlled environment. The information about this literature date back to the Middle Ages, and it is
important to say that Split possesses the oldest
Croatian book, the Split Evangelistar. The collection will also include Dalmatica, which is a
collection of 10.000 books that include everything that was ever published about Dalmatia.
Architectonically speaking, the building is an interesting combination of a large subterranean
reading room and the accompanying rooms
within a floating glassed hexahedron. This type
of structure avoids the competitive aspect with
numerous large concrete blocks in the immediate environment, as well as achieves a sense of
balance in the space. The glass tower with a double ventilating facade functions as an ethereal
mirror with particularly interesting cubistic interventions on the surfaces. Although the building
architectonically pays tribute to the architecture of the seventies and eighties, the facade penetrations suggest computer sketch-up programmes and introduce us into the high-tech era
with an element of humour. The library interior is functional and features a fascinating combination of artificial
lighting and daylight that penetrates through the roof
brackets. The large hall – aula magna, the heart and the
largest part of the building, is built into the ground and
follows the trend of energetically efficient objects that
minimize expenses of temperature control.
We should point out the library location on the axis of a
pedestrian street that passes through the campus and
leads to the coast in Trstenik. The pedestrian bridge is currently being built, and it is designed as the most important part of the entire communication that was planned
back in the 1970s. Naturally, some of those plans need
to be readjusted, as the idea of annexing the ancient
agrarian raster is no longer functional within the new urban environment. This aspect especially relates to the
plans regarding the largest spatial and tourism resource
in Split – the area around Žnjan and Duilovo.
The New centre of Split
The Visoka Campus with its 300.000 square metres of
surface is not exclusively planned as a university facility,
but will also include various public facilities like cinemas,
restaurants, coffee shops, sporting courts, squares and
parks. At the location near the library, which is designed
as the central point of the entire complex, we are currently witnessing construction of three new buildings for
the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Faculty of Chemistry and Technology and Faculty of Maritime Studies. The next planned phase will include the
construction of a new student hostel for 600 students, as
well as the building for the Faculty of Philosophy. Next
year will see the beginning of construction of the new
building for the Law Faculty, and the contest for the Art
Academy has just been completed. About 200 metres
down south from the campus, the Faculty of Medicine
is being built on a pedestrian axis. When all these buildings are completed, the University Campus in Split will
be one of the most prestigious and contemporary complexes in the world, which will improve Split’s strategic
position as a genuine centre of knowledge and education in the region. We can also say that the campus will
function as the focal point of the city’s social life that
will contribute to the polycentric nature of Split, which is
already happening in slightly uncontrolled conditions. In
that sense, this complex in Visoka is a superbly designed
and planned project that will improve the urban raster
and make this city a better place to live in.
Moja glazba su čiste
Za mene je glazba uvijek bila sveta. Ne pristajem biti djelom estrade
na ovakak površan način jer je jako
puno truda, godina i koncerata iza
mene. Iza svake velike karijere stoji
veliki rad i trud
Piše: Jelena Badovinac
Foto: Iz arhive Nine Badriæ
reba li posebno predstavljati
Ninu Badrić? Što reći o pjevačici čiji talent je zaista iznimna
rijetkost, pa uopće ne čudi
činjenica da je zasigurno jedna od najboljih pjevačica na
ovim prostorima. Nikada praćena skandalima Nina je postigla uspjeh isključivo svojim radom, pa ako je taj put i dulje trajao,
doveo ju je do očekivano velike karijere.
Nina Badrić je od onih pjevačica kojoj je,
čini mi se ponekad, život jedan veliki cirkus
u kojem se ona , ovisno o ulozi, pretvara
u željeni lik. Osim u glazbenim transformacijama, Nina je odličan imitator i u stanju
je sugovornika zabavljati satima. Sklona
je sitnim radostima u životu poput ritualnih
ispijanja kave i cigaretama, a ono što će
vas sigurno već na prvu kod nje osvojiti je
neodoljivi šarm i toplina kojom Nina zrači. I
ne zaboravimo, muški dio publike sigurno
neće moći ne primijetiti njezinu toliko posebnu putenu seksipilnost.
DC: Dostigli ste status najbolje pjevačice na ovim prostorima. Uopće je
neosporno da titula nije zaslužena,
ali pretpostavljam da nije svih ovih
godina bilo lako.
Moram biti iskrena i priznati vam da
je predivan osjećaj biti jednako poštovan i voljen gdje god da dođete.
Ljudi me dočekuju sa istom količinom
ljubavi i to je ono što najviše vrijedi.
DC: Uvijek me zanimalo kako je biti sugovornik preko puta mene, odnosno kako
izgleda kad tjedan za tjednom dajete intervju, novinarima koje poznajete i ne poznajete. Umori li kad rad s medijima, jer u
svakom intervjuu bi trebalo biti originalan,
a to je ponekad teško.
Ponekad je zaista teško originalno odgovarati na pitanja koja su vam bezbroj puta
do sada već postavljena, no trudim se da
svaki moj interjvu koji dajem bude prije
svega vezan za neki konkretan povod. Za
mene je besmisleno pojavljivanje u medijima gotovo svakodnevno ako nemate neki
uspješan projekt koji trenutno predstavljate. Hvala bogu, do sada je u mojoj karijeri
bilo puno realnih uspjeha pa tako i povoda tj. interes novinara. Trudim se svakog
svog sugovornika maksimalno ispoštovati
jer i on samo obavlja svoj posao.
DC: Sad nakon godina karijere, što
je Nina drugačije kad danas stanete
na scenu u odnosu na vrijeme prije
desetak godina?
Danas sam puno opuštenija, sigurnija i puno više uživam u koncertima.
Naučila sam kroz sve ove godine da
ništa što treba biti tvoje neće pobjeći nikuda, da se nikada ne žurim na
koncerte i da stvorim oko sebe najpozitivnije ljude,zdravo okruženje i
da s njima uživam u muziciranju.
dopustio da snimam pjesmu satima.
Kako sam ušla u studio i otpjevala je
od prve on je zaustavio snimanje i
odveo me na kavu. Ne kolače. Tako
smo uspjeli dobiti i sačuvati čistu
emociju u pjesmi.
DC: Iz osobnog iskustva znam da
ste osoba kojoj je uglavnom uvijek
samo zafrkancija na pameti. Sigurno
postoje i trenuci kad ipak nije sve ružičasto oko vas. Kakvi ste tada, povlaičte se u sebe ili svi oko vas moraju znati što se dogodilo?
Vrlo sam emotivna osoba, možda u
nekim segmentima čak i previše. To
znaju moji najbliži i kada dođu trenuci koji i nisu baš najbolji, tada se povučem u sebe i postajem nedruželjubiva. Navikla sam na samoću koju
ovaj posao nužno nosi tako da moji
često znaju reći da sam ja sama sebi
dovoljna. Ja se nekako ne mogu složiti sa time jer previše volim ljude i život. Još uvijek vjerujem u iskren osmijeh i u svakom čovjeku tražim onu
bolju stranu. Takav stav često nosi
nužno i razočaranja jer nismo ipak svi
jednaki. Mnogi me doživljavaju kao
zafrkanticu, no s druge strane najviše vole balade koje pjevam. Malo
kontradiktorno , ali u mom slučaju to
je tako.
DC: Pojam estrade je u posljendje
vrijeme imao jedan veliki negativan
predznak, no čini mi se da se zabavna i pop glazba opet vraćaju na
velika vrata kod nas. Zašto?
DC: Postoji li još uvijek trema pred
Uuvijek, no to nije problematična
trema nego trema koja je izazvana
odgovornošću. Pa kad krene koncert nestane i moja trema.
DC: Pripremate li se prije koncerata?
Uvijek me zanimalo da li netko s takvom blagodati glasa i godinama
iskustva uopće više vježba?
Hoću li vas razočarati ako kažem
ne? Svaki moj koncert je svojevrsna
vježba tako da su moje glasnice
jako često zaposlene. Ono što je najvažnije je da ih ne opteretim previše
i da ih čuvam. Kroz sve ove godine
pjevanja još niti jedan put nisam bila
na operaciji glasnica, nemam niti jedan čvor i zbog toga sam presretna.
Dokle god je hvala bogu tako, dodatno vježbanje je nepotrebno.
DC: Duet s Harijem Varešanovićem
za pjesmu „Ne mogu ti reći“ otpjevali ste od prve u studiju, a pjesma
nije nimalo laka. Što je to što vas je u
njoj toliko ponijelo?
Ta pjesma s Harijem me fascinirala
od prvoga trena, zaljubila sam se u
nju na prvo slušanje. Ima jednu prelijepu ljubavnu priču u tekstu, vrlo je
zahtjevna vokalno, a i Hari je sjajan
pjevač. Najbolje što se moglo dogoditi je upravo to što mi Hari nije
Za mene je glazba uvijek bila sveta. Ne pristajem biti djelom estrade
na ovakak površan način jer je jako
puno truda, godina i koncerata iza
mene. Iza svake velike karijere stoji
veliki rad i trud, vjerujte mi, a ostale
koji zabljesnu na godinu ili dvije niti
doživljavam dijelom svega ovoga.
Vrlo je lako prepoznati osobe koje
ovaj posao rade zbog slave..
DC: Možemo li očekivati koncert u
zagrebačkoj Areni?
Nadam se i vjeruje da će se u prosincu dogoditi moj veliki agrebački
koncert u areni.
DC: Odradili ste odličan koncert
u jazz varijanti nedavno u dubrovačkom hotelu Excelsior. Možemo
li očekivati nešto slično na novom
Takav album protkan jazzom snimam do kraja godine, ali će to biti
jedam poseban projekt. Novi album
će ipak biti u mome prepoznatljivom
DC: Prema onome što ja znam, gotovo stalno ste na putu. Tko vas vozi
kad putujete autom? Sigurna sam
da je to veliki umor.
Bez vozača bilo bi nemoguće stizati bilo gdje, a pogotovo odmorna.
Imam osobu koja pazi na mene i
koja me sigurno vozi na mjesta gdje
trebam stići. Ponekad mi stvarno fali
sna, no ja sam na ovakav nomadski
život već odavno navikla tako da mi
ne pada teško i volim putovati.
DC: Jeste li razmišljali da je došlo vrijeme da malo stanete na loptu?
Bacite mi loptuuuuu!
DC: U žiriju ste novog reality showa
Nove TV Multi talents. To vam je prvi
takav angažman, zašto ste pristali?
Sigurna sam da će ovaj show biti
najgledaniji kod nas do sada i to je
nešto što me je odmah privuklo. Vrlo
je različit od svih jer gledateljima nudi
različite talente, ne nužno pjevačke
i mnogi će se iznenaditi kada vide
ljude koji su sjajni i iznimno talentirani,
a do sada nigdje nisu imali priliku to
pokazati. Atmosfera na snimanju je
sjajna i zaista sam sretna što sam dio
prvog super talent showa kod nas, a
moji dečki u žiriju, Merlić i Bešlagić ne
bi mogli biti bolji niti da sam ih sama
DC: Mnogi o medijski eksponiranim
ljudima imaju sliku nedodirljivih zvijezda, pa čak i insinuacija da oni žive
drugačijim životom od drugih. Kako
izgleda vaš običan dan sa suprugom Bernardom?
Kao što ste i rekli, običan dan je svaki kada nemam obaveze. Tada i ja
kao i svi ostali ljudi riješavam stvari
koje ne stignem dok sam na putu.
Živim normalnim životom poput većine svojih prijatelja, barem pokušavam i dajem sve od sebe da bude
DC: Kad biste morali odabrati idealno mjesto za živjeti u Hrvatskoj gdje
bi ili što bi to bilo i zašto?
Teško pitanje jer postoji par mjesta
gdje bih boljela pod stare dane biti.
Zagreb mi je za sada zakon. Opet..
luda sam za morem i osjećam da ću
jednom blizu njega i živjeti...Dubrovnik je divno mjesto za provesti dio
života, a niti unutrašnjost Istre mi nije
DC: Maštate li o tome da ste uskoro
okruženi djecom, dva psa i vrtom?
Vrt imam, psa imam, nedostaje
samo jedno da moja savršena sličica
bude potpuna. Nedostaje najvažnije, no ja vjerujem da će dati Bog.
DC: Postoji li neostvarena želja
Ja dobro pazim što želim jer do
sada su se mnoge moje želje ostvarile tako da ih pomno odabirem. Ne
smijem ih reći na glas, onda gube
svoju čaroliju.
My Music is
I have always thought of music as something sacred. I refuse to be a part of the musical scene for shallow reasons
because I have been through a lot of years of hard work
with numerous concerts. Every great career is built with
an incredible amount of hard work and effort.
Pure Emotion
Interview: NINA BADRIÆ
Written by: Jelena Badovinac
Photo: Nine Badriæ Archive
ow do we present someone like Nina Badrić? What do we say
about a singer with a
talent of extreme rarity, other than the fact
that she is surely one of the greatest
singers of our region? Never one to
be connected with scandals, Nina
built her success with a lot of hard
work, so even if her path lasted a little
longer, it is no surprise to see it result
in a great career. Nina Badrić is one
of those singers who appear to project life as one big circus in which she,
depending on the role, transforms
into the character of her choice. In
addition to her frequent musical transforming, Nina is also an excellent
imitator who can entertain for hours
without any effort. She likes to enjoy
the smaller pleasures in life like ritual
coffee meetings with a cigarette or
two, but the first thing you are bound
to notice is her irresistible charm and
warmth that she absolutely radiates.
And let’s not forget her unique and
sensual sex appeal that is bound to
draw the male part of the audience.
DC: I was always wondering about
being on the other side of this table,
giving interviews week after week to
reporters you may or may not know
personally. Does working with the media ever become tiring, because you
are supposed to be original every single time, and I imagine that’s not the
easiest thing to do?
Sometimes it is really difficult to provide original answers to questions
you’ve faced a million times before,
but I try to make sure that each of
my interviews has a specific cause
and reason. I don’t see any sense in
constant media appearances if you
don’t have a successful project to
present. Thank goodness, I’ve had a
lot of objective successes in my career thus far, which usually created
a lot of interest from the press. I try
to give maximum respect to every reporter I speak because
they are just doing their jobs.
DC: You have reached the status of this region’s greatest singer. It cannot be denied that the title is well-deserved, but I
must assume that there have been some difficult moments
on that path.
I must be honest and say that it is wonderful to be just as loved and respected wherever you go. People come to see
me with the same amount of love, and that is the most important thing.
DC: After all these years of your career, what do you find different in comparison to about ten years ago?
These days, I am much more relaxed, secure and I enjoy concerts a whole lot more. Over the years, I have learned that
nothing will escape you if it’s meant to be, so I’m never in a
hurry to start playing and I always make sure to create the
healthiest environment with the most positive people that I
can enjoy making music with.
DC: Do you still experience stage fright?
Always, but we’re not talking about problematic stage fright,
but rather about a slight case of nerves caused by responsibility. It goes away once the concert begins.
DC: How do you prepare for a concert? I was always wondering about the amount of practice for someone with such a
marvellous voice and years of experience?
Will I disappoint you if I say I don’t really practice at all? Every
one of my concerts is a practice of sorts, so I keep my vocal
cords very busy. My main focus is on not burdening them too
much and keeping them in good shape. Throughout all of my
singing years, I have never had to go to a vocal-cord operation, and I’m also happy to say that I don’t have any knots in
that area. As long as that is the case, thank goodness, there is
no need for any additional practicing.
DC: Your duet with Hari Varešanović in the song “I Cannot
Tell You” was recorded from the very first try, and the song is
everything but easy. What was so special about it from you?
That song with Hari fascinated me from day one, as I fell in
love with it the first time I heard it. It has a wonderful love story
in the lyrics and it is very vocally demanding, and Hari is a
wonderful singer. The best thing that could have happened
for me was the fact that Hari wouldn’t let me record the song
for hours. As I came to the studio and recorded it the first time,
he stopped the session and took me out for a coffee, not cakes. That is how we managed to preserve the original and
pure emotion in the song.
DC: I know from personal experience that you are the person
who loves joking around. There must be some moments when
your life is less than perfect. What are you like in those circumstances, do you become withdrawn or do you let everyone
in on the situation?
I am very emotional as a person, sometimes maybe even too
emotional. The people closest to me know that when the times are bad, I do become withdrawn and I don’t let anybody
in. I have become accustomed to the loneliness that is inevitable in this business, so my loved ones often say that I don’t
need anyone but myself. I tend to disagree with that
because I have too much love for life and people. I still believe in an honest smile and I look for good things
within people. That type of attitude will often bring you
disappointments because we are all different. A lot of
people see me as a joker, but they still prefer my ballads
over my other songs. That is sort of contradictory, but I
often see it happening.
set, Merlić and Bešlagić, I couldn’t have chosen them
better myself.
DC: The musical scene has had a quite negative image
as of late, but it seems that we are witnessing a revival
of our pop music. Why is that?
As you said, an ordinary day is every day when I don’t
have any obligations. That is when I, just like all other
people, try to catch up on the things that usually don’t
have my attention due to the lack of time. I live a normal life like most of my friends, or that is at least what I’m
trying my hardest to do.
I have always thought of music as something sacred.
I refuse to be a part of the musical scene for shallow
reasons because I have been through a lot of years of
hard work with numerous concerts. Every great career is
built with an incredible amount of hard work and effort,
believe me, and I refuse to even acknowledge those
who are around for a year or two as a part of the big
picture. It is very easy to recognize people who are in
this business for nothing but fame.
DC: Can we expect a concert in the Zagreb Arena?
I hope and believe that I will have a big concert in the
Zagreb Arena in December.
DC: You have just performed an excellent concert with
a jazz flavour in Excelsior Hotel in Dubrovnik. Can we
expect similar sounds on your next album?
DC: Many people see media personalities as these untouchable stars, and even have insinuations about their
lives being completely different from the lives of ordinary
people. How would you describe your ordinary day with
your husband Bernard?
DC: If you had to choose an ideal place for living in Croatia, where would that be and why?
That is a difficult question because there are quite a few
places where I wouldn’t mind living when I’m older. For
now, Zagreb is the place to be. However... I’m crazy about the sea and I have the feeling that I will be living near it
in the future... Dubrovnik is a wonderful city to live in for a
period of time, and I also like the inside parts of Istria.
DC: Do you ever fantasize about being surrounded by
children, a couple of dogs and a garden?
I have a garden and a dog, so there is only one ingredient missing from making that image complete. The most
important one, but I have faith in God.
I will be recording a jazz-flavoured album by the end of
the year, but that will be a separate project. The new
album will be more characteristic of my previous work.
DC: Is there something that Nina wants, but hasn’t achieved yet?
DC: According to my information, you are constantly on
the road. Who drives you on your trips? I am sure that
must be very tiring.
I am very careful about what I wish for, because a lot of
my wishes have come true so far. That is why I carefully
choose them, but I cannot state them out loud because
they will lose their magic.
It would be impossible to make it to anywhere without
my designated driver, especially in a rested state. I have
a person who looks after me and who safely drives me to
wherever I need to be. Sometimes I am sleep-deprived,
but I have long been used to this nomadic lifestyle, so
travelling is something that comes pretty easy for me.
DC: Have you given any thought to maybe calming
down the ball a little bit?
Throw me the baaaaall!!!
DC: You have agreed to be one of the judges on the new
reality show Multi Talents by Nova TV. This is your first assignment in this field of work, so why did you agree to it?
I am positive that this show will break the ratings records in Croatia, and that is what attracted me from the
first moment. It is very different from everything else because it offers an insight into different types of talents
rather than merely potential singers, and many people
will be surprised to see people who are excellent and
extremely talented, but haven’t had the chance to demonstrate it yet. The atmosphere on the set is fabulous
and I am really happy to be a part of the first-ever super
talent show on our television. And as for my boys on the
Dizajn na površini mora
Treba naglasiti da su oblik i linija ove luksuzne jahte, prije
svega remek-dijelo likovne redukcije i rezultat sjajnog talenta
Normana Fostera za spoj oblikovanja i funkcije. Ocean Emerald je primjer plutajućeg dizajna koji atraktivno izgleda u luci
i još dinamičnije na pučini u punoj brzini
Piše: Nikola Čelan
uperjahta Ocean Emerald svečano je predstavljena u travnju u Porto Lotti, na lokalitetu u
talijanskoj La Speziji, u prisutnosti njezina dizajnera, arhitekta Normana Fostera, inače
jednog od najvećih živućih predstavnika struke. Četrdesetmetarsku aluminijsku jahtu proizveo je renomirani
graditelj Rodriguez Yachts, a zanimljivost vezana uz ovo vrijedno plovilo
jest činjenica kako vlasništvo nad
njim dijeli osam osoba ujedinjenih u
Foto: Foster and partners
koncern YachtPlus. Radi se o skupini
investitora osnovanoj i specijaliziranoj
za takozvano “frakcionirano vlasništvo”, čega je svrha omogućiti realizaciju ovakvih megaprojekata ipak nedovoljno bogatim subjektima, kojima
bi ovakvo samostalno megaulaganje bilo nedostupno. U vezi s izlaskom
na tržište prvog značajnijeg njihova
projekta, promotori se koriste jedino
superlativima. Ocean Emerald, kao
iznimno moderno dizajniran primjerak, prvi je u nizu od deset globalno
neviđenih “superjahti” koje koncern
u iduće dvije godine planira izgraditi
u suradnji s proizvođačem Rodriguez
Cantieri Navali, čega je Rodriguez
Yachts tek jedna od sekcija. Identični
blizanci Ocean Pearl i Ocean Sapphire svoje porinuće očekuju u bliskoj
Dvanaest gostiju je predviđeno za
istodobno ugošćivanje unutar pet
luksuznih apartmana, uz non-stop
servis sedam visoko obučenih članova posade. Posebnost ove jahte,
iako bez konkurencije već u samoj
zamisli, zasigurno je originalan dizajn
svjetskog imena koje ga potpisuje.
Podražavanje dragulja, sugerirano
u imenima svih primjeraka serije, postiže se iznimnom pažnjom posvećenom dizajnu interijera. Organizacija
bez daha monumentalno stubište
na krmi broda. Treba naglasiti da su
oblik i linija ove jahte, prije svega remek-djelo likovne redukcije i rezultat
sjajnog talenta za spoj oblikovanja i
funkcije. Radi se o plutajućem dizajnu koji atraktivno izgleda u luci i još
dinamičnije na pučini u punoj brzini, s
izvanrednim detaljem nad kokpitom
koji sugerira rep mlaznog aviona.
Norman Foster, međutim, nije jedino
veliko ime koje su investitori uključili u
Emeraldov projekt. Znameniti talijanski proizvođač Cassina odgovoran je
za cjelokupan namještaj na brodu,
dok kompletan kuhinjski i gostinski aspekt opreme potpisuje drugi poznati
brand Schiffini.
Posebna zanimljivost uz predstavljanje Ocean Emeralda u Hrvatskoj
vezana je uz činjenicu kako Norman
prostora podređena je prije svega
izvanjskoj osvijetljenosti, a takvo “svjetlosno” pozicioniranje unutrašnjih elemenata ujedno je i ideja čitavog dizajnerskog koncepta.
Sir Foster se ovim projektom zapravo
predstavio kao dizajner, ali i poznavatelj brodograditeljskog zanata i
struke. Oblikovanje interijera na luksuznim jahtama je podignuto na još
jednu, višu razinu i bačena je rukavica već renomiranim proizvođačima
luksuznih plovila.
Ipak, i tako dobro oblikovana unutrašnjost je neusporediva prema izvanjskom dojmu koji ostavlja pogled na
plovilo. Izvanredno izgleda i ostavlja
Foster nije prošao na natječaju za
idejno rješenje zagrebačke Zračne
luke. No zašto bi uostalom projektant
revolucionarne jahte u globalnim razmjerima bio dovoljno dobar za intervenciju u hrvatskom arhitektonskom
prostoru? Dobar zaključak ovdje se
svodi na retoričko pitanje: je li riječ o
gesti kojom se možemo pohvaliti ili o
još jednom koraku dalje od svjetskih
estetskih i građevnih standarda? Na
to ćemo pitanje morati potražiti odgovor od nekog izvana.
Design on the
surface of the sea
We should point out that the shape and outline of this luxurious yacht is primarily the masterpiece of artistic reduction and the result
of Norman Foster’s amazing talent for combining shape and function. Ocean Emerald is an
example of floating design that looks attractive in the harbour and even more dynamic at
full speed in the middle of the sea
Written by: Nikola Čelan
Photo: Foster and partners
uper-yacht Ocean Emerald was officially
presented this April in Porto Lotta, which is
located in Italian region La Spezia, in the
presence of its designer, architect Norman Foster, who is one of the greatest living figures in that field of work. This forty-metre aluminium
yacht was manufactured by the renowned Rodriguez
Yachts, and it is interesting to reveal that this expensive
vessel is owned by eight different people joined together
in the YachtPlus concern. It includes a group of investors
that was started and specialized in the so-called “fractioned ownership”, which aims to enable these types of
mega-projects for subjects that are not wealthy enough
to pull such an investment on their own. The promoters
are using nothing but superlatives when it comes to the
presentation of their first truly significant project. Ocean
Emerald has an extremely modern design and makes
its way as the first in the series of ten globally unseen
“super-yachts” that the concern is planning to build
over the next two years in cooperation with manufacturer Rodriguez Cantieri Navali, which also includes the
section called Rodriguez Yachts. Identical twins Ocean
Pearl and Ocean Sapphire are expecting their launching in the near future.
Twelve guests will be ready for simultaneous accommodation within five luxurious apartments, with non-stop
service of seven highly trained members of the crew.
This yacht may not be without competition when it
comes to the idea itself, but its original design created
by a world-famous name makes it truly special. The simulation of jewels, which is suggesting in the names of all
the ships in this series, is accomplished with exceptional
dedication to the interior design. Spatial organization is
primarily focused on the large amount of outdoor light,
and such “light-filled” positioning of interior elements is
also the basic idea of the entire designer concept. Sir
Foster used this project to present himself as both a designer and a well-informed follower of the shipbuilding
profession. The level of interior design on luxurious yachts
has been raised to a whole new level, which presents a
challenge for the already established manufacturers of
luxurious vessels.
Still, even such a spectacular interior fails to match the
impression one gets while looking at the outside of the
vessel. The monumental staircase on the stern of the
ship looks incredible and leaves you breathless. We
should point out that the shape and outline of this luxurious yacht is primarily the masterpiece of artistic reduction and the result of Norman Foster’s amazing talent
for combining shape and talent. This is a floating design
that looks attractive in the harbour and even more dynamic at full speed in the middle of the sea, with an exceptional detail revealed above the cockpit that suggests the tail of a jet plane.
Norman Foster, however, is not the only household name
that was included into the Emerald project. Famous Italian manufacturer Cassina gets credit for the entire furniture set on the ship, while the entire kitchen and guest
aspect of this story is signed by Schiffini, another worldfamous brand.
One interesting note regarding the Croatian presentation of Ocean Emerald relates to the fact that Norman
Foster failed to win the contest for the adaptation of
the Zagreb Airport. But then again, why should someone who just projected a globally revolutionary yacht
be good enough to intervene in the Croatian architectonic space? This conclusion brings us to a rhetoric
question: are we talking about a gesture that gives us
something to brag with or have we just taken another
step further from the aesthetic and construction standards of the world? That question demands an answer
from someone from the outside.
Harmonija klasiènog
i inovativnog
Kreativna energija Jaimea Hayona neosporno je utkana u svaki element interijera restorana. Uspio je stvoriti savršeni estetski balans spajajući elemente karakteristične za prošlost i budućnost
Piše: Ana Braliæ
Foto: Hayon Studio
aime Hayon je izrazito uspješan španjolski dizajner. Rođen
je 1974. u Madridu, gdje je i završio industrijski dizajn. Hayon
je utjelovljenje multidisciplinarnog talenta, te ne čudi njegov
uspjeh na različitim područjima. Umjetniči
izraz mu je natprosječan i stilski prepoznatljiv. Spaja potpuno suprotne elemente u
skladne kompozicije, naoko potpuno spontano. Uređuje interijere, dizajnira namještaj,
keramičke pločice, izrađuje umjetničke instalacije... Jedan od njegovih osebujnijih
projekata, svakako je uređenje luksuznog
restorana La terazza del casino, u središtu
Luksuzno opremljeni restoran La terazza del
casino je smješten u povijesno važnoj zgradi, koja je izgrađena na početku prošlog
stoljeća, i to na posljednjem katu. Nekoć je
tamo bio ekskluzivni klub, namijenjen samo
istinskoj gospodi. La terazza posluje od
1998., te otad nudi samo prvoklasne namirnice. Jelovnik je iz klasičnoga transformiran
u krajnje inovativan, pod palicom gastronomskog virtuoza Ferrana Adrie, te može
zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije goste, one u potrazi za originalnim, kreativnim i jedinstvenim
gastronomskim doživljajem. Svakako, uz
hranu, oduševljavaju i uređenje, atmosfera
i ostali vizualni elementi. Sam Casino postoji već desetljećima, te svjedoči evoluciji potraživanja i usluga, odnosno društva u konačnici. Kreativna energija Jaimea
Hayona neosporno je utkana u svaki element interijera
restorana. Uspio je stvoriti savršeni estetski balans spajajući elemente karakteristične za prošlost i budućnost.
Neobična harmonija klasičnog, te asimetričnog i inovativnog, osvaja na prvi pogled. Iza svake gastronomske
fantazije krije se ime Paca Roncera. Hayon je za ovu
priliku dizajnirao i elemente namještaja te ih uskladio s
potrebama restorana. Neki detalji ručno su izrađeni, što
je odraz dizajnerove vječne potrage za drukčijim.
Luksuz i bjelina koja osvaja
Interijer La Terazze del casino osvaja na prvi pogled. Visoki stropovi i dominacija bijele boje stvaraju osjećaj slobode i prozračnosti. U uređenju su korišteni najvalitetniji materijali i najrazličitiji tonovi. Uočljivi su tekstil
Dorothy, dizajnerski namještaj i detalji. Pri uređenju
se težilo tome da se napravi odmak od “težine
klasičnog“. Blagavaonica je stoga u svježem koloritu, za razliku od uobičajenih tonova drva i teških
baroknih zavjesa. Hayon je našao i mjesta za svoje fotelje Poltrona, koje su, naravno, u bijeloj boji.
Pod je obložen crno-bijelim kockama koje prostoru
daju dinamiku. Pažnju svakako plijene zrcala, kojih
je priličan broj, krase vrata, ali i zidove. Uočljive su i
vaze obogaćene zlatnim detaljima, a i porculanske
figure također pridonose zaigranom štihu prostora.
Kombinacija svega navedenog te zaobljenost linija
namještaja djeluje profinjeno i opuštajuće. Hayon
ističe da je pri uređenju težio teatralnosti i ekstravagantnom, te da je u suvremenom svijetu najvažnije imati dobar koncept. Ovakav sklad i dimenzija
uređenja interijera nameću visoke kriterije na estetskom planu. No, od Hayona se ovakva ostvarenja
i očekuju, to više što i sam ističe da je jedino što želi
– umrijeti s olovkom u ruci...
The harmony of
classic and innovative
Written by: Ana Braliæ
Photo: Hayon Studio
Jaime Hayon’s creative energy is clearly evident in every element of this restaurant’s interior. He has managed to create the perfect aesthetical balance by combining elements that
are characteristic of the past and the future
aime Hayon is an extremely successful Spanish designer. He was born in Madrid in 1974,
where he graduated in industrial design.
Hayon is the embodiment of multi-disciplinary talent, so it is not surprising to see him
succeed in different fields of work. His artistic
expression is extraordinary and his style is very recognizable. He combines completely opposite elements into
harmonious compositions in seemingly spontaneous
manner. He decorates interiors, designs furniture and
ceramic tiles, builds artistic installations... One of his more
distinctive projects was certainly the decoration work he
performed on a luxurious restaurant in the centre of Madrid called La Terazza del Casino.
The luxuriously furnished La Terazza del Casino is situated on the top floor of a historically important building,
which was built at the start of the last century. That facility used to host an exclusive club for elite members of
the society. La Terazza has been in business since 1998,
and it has offered nothing but top-notch food throughout this entire period. The menu was transformed from
classic to extremely innovative under the guidance
of gastronomic virtuoso Ferran Adria, and it is guaranteed to satisfy even the most demanding customers
who always search for an original, creative and unique
gastronomic experience. In addition to the food, the
guests are always enthusiastically talking about the
decoration style, atmosphere and other visual elements. Casino has existed for decades, and it stands as
a true testimony of how demands and services, as well
as society itself, have evolved. Jaime Hayon’s creative
energy is clearly evident in every element of this restaurant’s interior. He has managed to create the perfect
aesthetical balance by combining elements that are
characteristic of the past and the future. An unusual
harmony of classic elements with asymmetrical and in-
novative things will enchant you the minute you step
into this facility. Every gastronomic fantasy was created by Paco Roncer. Hayon used this opportunity to
also design furniture elements in perfect harmony with
the restaurant’s needs. Some details were hand-made,
which again confirms the designer’s eternal search for
something different.
The Irresistible Luxury and Whiteness
The interior in La Terazza del Casino will immediately win
your affection. High ceilings and dominant white elements create the feeling of freedom and etherealness.
The decoration process used top-quality materials and
all kinds of various tones, and it is particularly easy to
notice Dorothy textile, designer furniture and numerous
details. The guiding thought in the entire decoration
process was to step away from the “weight of classic
elements”. Therefore, the dining room reveals itself in
fresh colours, unlike the usual tones of wood and heavy
baroque curtains. Hayon also found room for his Poltrona armchairs, which also come in white colour. The floor
is paved in black-white cubes, which provide a great
sense of dynamics to the room. The guests’ attention
is also directed at numerous mirrors, which appear all
over the doors and walls. It is also easy to notice vases
with golden details, as well as some porcelain figures
that contribute to the playfulness of the restaurant. The
combination of all these elements, with the addition of
rounded furniture lines, provides a sophisticated and
relaxing atmosphere. Hayon points out that he used
this decoration process to achieve theatrical and extravagant results, and he is quick to say that success
in the modern world demands a good concept. This
type of harmony and dimension of interior decoration
establish some high aesthetical criteria in this field of
work. However, these types of performances are what
we’ve come to expect from Hayon, especially since he
has previously stated that his one desire is to – die with
a pencil in his hand...
Marilyn vječ
na inspiracija
Marilyn inspi
ration forever
Hrvatski projekti
slavnog arhitekta
Odlučio sam se od samih početaka voditi filozofijom finskog arhitekta Alvara Aalta
za čiji je dizajn od presudne
važnosti bio p
i materijali. Želim prije svega
poštivati kontekst i lokalne
Piše: Romina Peritz
Foto: Arhiva DalCasa
ada je jedan od najvećih svjetskih arhitekata,
Japanac Shigeru Ban
u svibnju posjetio Dubrovnik nije krio oduševljenje prirodnim okruženjem, čarobnim pogledom na Elafitske otoke
i ljepotom drevnog grada. No nije
krio niti razočaranost ugledavši velike
betonske, napuštene i neobnovljene
objekte koji nedvojbeno narušavaju
tu ljepotu. Upravo je to i bio razlog
zbog kojeg je na poziv privatnog
naručitelja stigao iz Pariza u društvu
svog francuskog kolege Jeana Gastinesa kako bi ponudio projekt za
rekonstrukciju jednog takvog dubrovačkog hotela – riječ je o Belvedereu
- koji još uvijek čeka neka bolja vremena. Pažljivo razmatrajući poziciju
bivšeg hotela tom nam je prigodom
kazao kako mu je prilikom projektira-
nja najvažnija usklađenost s okolinom.
Dubrovnik je sam po sebi spomenik i
ne treba mu još jedan koji će mu biti
konkurencija, tvrdi Ban. Stoga smatra da građevina koja će zamijeniti
postojuću devastriranu i zapuštenu
strukturu treba odisati unutarnjom ljepotom, a ne se agresivno nametnuti
u prirodno okruženje, kakav je slučaj
s mnogim hotelskim zdanjima na tom
Natječaj za zagrebačku
Zračnu luku
Veliki arhitekti poput Le Courbisiera
i Miesa van de Rohea koji su gradili
u tzv. međunarodnom stilu nisu vodili
računa o okruženju. Primjenjivali su isti
stil svugdje, u istome materijalu. Iako
su mi dakako bili uzori odlučio sam se
od samih početaka voditi filozofijom
finskog arhitekta Alvara Aalta za čiji
je dizajn od presudne važnosti bio
pejzaž, okruženje i materijali. Želim
prije svega poštivati kontekst i lokalne
materijale, objašnjava arhitekt.
Dubrovački hotel nije jedini njegov
projekt u Hrvatskoj. Ban je naime sudjelovao i na prošlogodišnjem natječaju za zagrebačku Zračnu luku
na kojem je zauzeo drugo mjesto.
Njegovo rješenje u drvu, bilo je po
mnogima jedno od najboljih, ako ne
i najbolje. Ban ne krije razočaranost
što nije uspio pobijediti na natječaju.
Ne bi bio toliko razočaran, tvrdi, da
je prvonagrađeni projekt nadmašio
njegov u dizajnu, no to, smatra, nije
bio slučaj. Odlučio se sudjelovati na
natječaju nakon što se osjećao zrelim za projektiranje aerodroma. Toliko
putuje da je, ističe, postao pravim
stručnjakom za aerodrome.
Svoju arhitektonsku estetiku Ban je
tijekom svoje karijere objasnio u više
navrata. Uspio se u posljednjih desetak godina nametnuti kao jedan od
vodećih arhitekata prepoznatljivih
rješenja u kontekstu današnje arhitekture koja sve više nalikuje jedna
na drugu. Zbog neobičnog i originalnog izgleda svojih građevina te
metoda gradnje, možda i više nego
drugi arhitekti imao je potrebu artikulirati svoje ideje kroz sjećanje na svoje
početke s naglaskom na inspiraciju
tradicionalnom japanskom arhitekturom, kroz svoje uzore među kojima
su i neki od najvažnijih arhitekata 20.
stoljeća poput Le Corbusiera, Miesa van de Rohea, Arata Isozakija,
Oscara Niemeyera, no prije sve ga
kroz strukturalna obrazloženja. Struktura i svojevrsni inženjering presudni
su u njegovoj arhitekturi budući da
voli eksperimentirati, prvenstveno
materijalima. Postao je poznat po
papirnatim kućama, s vremenom se
javio termin papirnata arhitektura,
te stvorio sasvim jednu novu tiplogiju
građevina temeljenu na tom, prema
uvriježenom mišljenju, neotpornom i
netrajnom materijalom. Kada je počeo s gradnjom kuća od papira, točnije papirnatih tuba, izazvao je čuđenje, ali i divljenje jer je postigao nešto
što je za mnoge bilo nemoguće.
I kompjutori su bili nešto neobično
kada su se pojavili, a danas ih svi koriste. Ne vidim zašto se i papir ne bi
koristio kao i svaki drugi materijal. Ne
znam po čemu je on to manje trajan
od, recimo betona. Dugovječnost
neke građevine ne određuje materijal već naš odnos i ljubav prema
njoj. Papir kao građevni materijal počeo sam koristiti još 1986. godine, a
još uvijek se smatra novitetom u široj
javnosti. I dalje mi je izazov i trenutno radim na jednoj takvoj građevini
u Londonu.
Shigeru Ban pokazao je da je u mno-
gočemu drugačiji od današnjih arhitektonskih zvijezda, kako ih i sam voli
nazvati od tzv. hi tech arhitekata.
Jedan od razloga je i taj što je humanitarac. Realizirao je niz privremenih
nastambi od papirnatih tuba ili dostupnog lokalnog materijala za žrtve
prirodnih katastrofa u Kobeu, Turskoj,
Indiji i Šri Lanci.
Suradnja s UNHCR-om
Arhitekti svugdje u svijetu rade za
privilegirane, bogate ljude, uglavno
korporacije, vlade, u svrhu vizualizacije snage i moći naručitelja, ne za
društvo. To jedan od razloga zašto
se arhitekti ne poštuju u društvu. Zato
sam smatrao da moram iskoristiti svoje znanje i umijeće u društveno korisne
svrhe. Nakon što sam vidio fotografije izbjeglica u Ruandi 1994. smatrao
sam svojim pozivom da im pomognem.Tako je počela moja suradnja s UNHCR-om. Planiram pomoći i
stradalima u potresu u Aquili. Potiču
me naravno prije svega humanitarni
razlozi ali i potreba da dalje razvijam
svoje ideje ovisno o zatečenom stanju i ograničenim sredstvima.
Jedan od važnijih projekata na kojemu radi posljednjih godina je novi
muzej Georges Pompidou u Metzu
čije je otvorenje najavljeno za svibanj iduće godine. Za potrebe tog
projekta otvorio je europski studio u
Parizu, uz onaj u New Yorku i Tokyu,
podignut u obliku privremene strukture od pairnatih tuba na zadnjoj etaži
čuvenog Centra Pompidou.
Nadamo se da ćemo uspjeti stvoriti
jedan novi tip muzeja. Ne sviđaju mi
se muzeji koji izgledaju kao spomenici i mislim da se danas previše inzistira
na njihovoj monumentalnosti. Suvremena umjetnost je otišla daleko i šira
publika nema naviku pratiti takve
izložbe jer naprosto je ne razumiju.
Moramo naviknuti publiku da počne
gledati suvremenu umjetnost u muzejima koji će biti otvoreniji, vizualno
i fizički. Vizulano, da možeš vidjeti što
se događa unutra, a fizički da postoji
otvoreni pristup. Muzej mora biti prostor okupljanja, da ljudi tu dođu na
kavu, u knjižaru, da im je zanimljivo.
Jedino na taj način može ih se zainteresirati za umjetnost.
Iako danas Shigeru Ban potpisuje dizajn mnogih javnih građevina, počeo
je kao arhitekt stambenih zdanja, a i
danas je vrlo tražen u tom segmentu svoga djeovanja. Pobudio je veliki
interes nakon projektiranja tzv. Curtain Wall House, kuće čije su glavno
obilježje bijeli, pomični zastori koji zaklanjaju odnosno otkrivaju pogled u
interijer umjesto vanjskih zidova.
Croatian projects
by famous architect
I immediately decided to follow the philosophy of
Finnish architect Alvar Aalto, who found scenery,
surrounding and materials to be the crucial elements of his design. I want to make sure that I
respect the context and local materials
Interview: SHIGERU BAN
Written by: Romina Peritz
Photo: DalCasa Archive
hen Japanese architect Shigeru
Ban, one of the greatest architects
in the world, visited Dubrovnik back
in May, he made no effort to hide
the fact that he loved the natural
environment, the magical view
over the Elafit Islands, and the sheer beauty of the ancient
city. However, he also expressed his disappointment with
the abandoned and neglected large concrete objects that
were significantly disrupting the beautiful scenery. That was
the main reason he accepted the invitation from a private
contact to arrive from Paris with his French colleague Jean Gastines in order to suggest a
project for the reconstruction of one of these
Dubrovnik hotels that keeps waiting for a better day. While carefully observing the position
of the former hotel, he pointed out that the
most important aspect of his projecting process is achieving harmony with the surrounding. Dubrovnik is a monument by itself and it
doesn’t need another monument to compete
with, according to Ban. He therefore felt that
the building that will replace the existing devastated structure must stand out with its inner
beauty, instead of aggressively imposing itself
into the natural environment, which often occurs with hotel buildings in this area.
Contest for the Zagreb Airport
“Great architects of the so-called international
style, like Le Courbisier or Mies van de Rohe,
never really paid attention to the surrounding.
They always applied their same style by using
the same materials. Although I naturally looked
up to these people, I immediately decided
to follow the philosophy of Finnish architect
Alvar Aalto, who found scenery, surrounding
and materials to be the crucial elements of his
design. I want to make sure that I respect the
context and local materials, says the architect.
The Dubrovnik hotel wasn’t the only project
he undertook in Croatia. Ban participated at
last year’s contest for the Zagreb Airport, in
which he came in second. His solution in wood
was widely considered to be one of the best
projects in the competition, if not the very best.
Ban himself makes no effort to hide his disappointment about not winning the contest. He
says he wouldn’t have been so disappointed
if he felt the top-awarded project reached a
higher level of design, but he felt that wasn’t
the case. He decided to partake in that contest after feeling mature enough to project airports, for which he feels he has become a true
expert due to his intense travelling.
Ban has explained his architectonic sense of
aesthetics numerous times during his career.
Over the last ten years, he has managed to
establish himself as one of the leading archi-
tects with recognizable solutions that stand out in the context of today’s increasingly similar architecture. Due to the
unconventional and original look of his buildings and his
construction methods, he may have had even more need
than the other architects to articulate his ideas through the
memories of his early days, with emphasis on his inspiration
with traditional Japanese architecture, as well as through his
role models and some of the greatest architects of the 20th
century like Le Corbusier, Mies van de Rohe, Arat Isozaki and
Oscar Niemeyer, but primarily through structural explanations. Structure and certain types of engineering are crucial
for his architecture due to his fondness for experimentation,
primarily with materials. He has become famous for his paper
houses, which eventually coined the term paper architecture, and he created an entirely new construction typology
based on the material that wasn’t considered resistant or durable. When he started building his paper houses, or paper
tubes to be exact, he stirred up a lot of surprised looks, as
well as admiration for achieving something many thought
was impossible.
“Computers were also considered unusual when they first
showed up, but now everyone’s using them. I see no reason
why paper shouldn’t be used just like any other material. I
have no idea what makes it less durable than concrete, for
example. Durability of a building has nothing to do with material, but rather with our relationship and love towards it. I
first started using paper as a construction material back in
1986, and it is still considered a novelty in the public eye. I still
find the whole thing challenging and I’m currently working
on such a building in London”.
Shigeru Ban has shown that he is significantly different than
today’s architectonic stars, and he often refers to them as
hi-tech architects. One of the reasons is also his humanitarian
nature. He has worked on numerous temporary residential
facilities that were made of paper tubes or accessible local
materials for the victims of natural disasters in Kobe, Turkey,
India and Sri Lanka.
Working with UNHCR
“Architects all over the world work for privileged and wealthy
people, predominantly corporations and governments, in
order to visualize the strength and power of the entity that
hired them, instead of using their skills for society as a whole.
That is one of the main reasons why architects are not respected in society. That’s why I felt that I had to take advantage of my knowledge and skills to contribute to things
that are useful for society. After I saw pictures of refugees
in Ruanda in 1994, I considered it an obligation to help out.
That is how I started working with UNHCR. I am also planning
to help the casualties of the Aquila earthquakes. Naturally, I
am primarily motivated by humanitarian reasons, but I also
feel the need to develop my ideas with regards to the existing condition and limited funds”.
One of the more important projects that have kept him busy
over the last several years is the new Georges Pompidou
Museum in Metz, which is due to open in May of next year.
In addition to his studios in New York and Tokyo, Ban opened
up his European studio in Paris for the needs of this project,
and it was built as a temporary paper-tube structure on the
top level of the famous Pompidou Centre. “We hope that
we will be able to create a new type of museum. I don’t like
museums that look like monuments, and I think that aspect is
very much overemphasized these days. Contemporary art
has come a long way, and the general audience isn’t used
to watching those types of exhibits because they don’t understand them. We must train our audience to start watching contemporary art in museums that will be more visually
and physically open. Visually open in the sense that people
can see what is going on in there, and physically open by
achieving a more open access. Museums have to become
places where people gather, meet for coffee or check out
the library, and generally have an interesting time. That is the
only way we can get people interested in art”.
Although Shigeru Ban has now projected numerous public
buildings, he started out as an architect of residential buildings, and that is an area in which he is still very much active.
He created a lot of buzz by projecting the so-called Curtain
Wall House, which is dominated by moveable white curtains
that hide and reveal the view into the interior instead of outside walls.
Izložba crteža, maketa i fotografija poznatog belgijskog umjetnika Jana Fabrea
„Posuđeno vrijeme“, koja je postavljena u
Umjetničkoj galeriji Dubrovnik, drugi je
dio neplaniranog, ali dobrodošlog autorovog dubrovačkog „izložbenog diptiha“
. Izloženo je stotinjak crteža, studija i zabilješki koje prethode Fabreovim kazališnim predstavama, zatim devet maketa,
odnosno trodimenzionalnih prikaza scene, te oko dvije stotine
fotografija s motivima kazališta i manje formalnih prizora vezanih
uz kazališni život.
Autori tih fotografija, njih dvanaest, značajni su fotografi među
kojima su i čuvena svjetska imena poput Roberta Mapplethorpea, Helmuta Newtona, Jorgea Moldera, Carla De Keyzera i Maartena Van den Abeelea. Robert Mapplethorpe, primjerice, snimao
je 1984. godine predstavu „Moć kazališnog ludila“, koja je označila međunarodni uspjeh Fabrea, ne samo kao likovnog umjetnika
nego i kao režisera. Helmut Newton bio je fasciniran predstavom
„Das Glas im Kopf wird vom Glas –The dance sections“ s kraja 80ih koja uključuje reference na operu i balet. Izložba ostaje otvorena do 23. kolovoza.
Jan Fabre
in Dubrovnik
The exhibit of drawings, models and
photographs by famous Belgian artist Jan Fabre “Borrowed Time” has
been put on display at the Dubrovnik
Art Gallery. This exhibit is the second
part of the unplanned, but welcomed
“exhibit diptych” by this author in Dubrovnik. About a hundred drawings,
studies and notes that precede Fabre’s
theatre plays are on display, as well as nine models (three-dimensional stage setups) and around two-hundred photos with
theatre motifs and less formal scenes that reflect on theatre
The twelve authors of these photos are all significant photographs, including renowned names like Robert Mapplethorpe,
Helmut Newton, Jorge Molder, Carlo De Keyzer and Maarten
Van Den Abeele. Robert Mapplethorpe, for example, came up
with “The Power of Theatrical Madness” in 1984, which set the
stage for Fabre’s international success as an artist and a director. Helmut Newton was fascinated with a play called “Das Glas
im Kopf wird vom Glas – The Dance Sections” from the late eighties, which included references of the opera and ballet. The
exhibit remains open until August 23rd.
After Dubrovnik “Hamlet”
in Zagreb
U koprodukciji sa Hrvatskim narodnim kazalištem, dramski ansambl Dubrovačkih ljetnih igara premijerno je izveo kazališnu
predstavu Hamlet, u režiji Ivice Kunčevića. Premijera na tvrđavi
Lovrjenac održana je 20. kolovoza 2009., reprize su bile na programu 22., 23. i 24. kolovoza, a zagrebačka publika će predstavu
po prvi put moći vidjeti 2. listopada.
In co-production with Croatian public theater, dramatic ensemble of Dubrovnik summer games performed theater play
Hamlet, directed by Ivica Kunčević. Premiere on the fortress
of Lovrijenac was on 20. of august and. Audience in Zagreb
will see the play on 2. of October.
Tridesetogodišnji Luka Dragić igra naslovnu ulogu danskog kraljevića i tako postaje petnaesti Hamlet na Dubrovačkim ljetnim
igrama. Uloga Ofelije pripala je Mirni Medaković, Kralja igra Goran Grgić a Kraljicu Alma Prica.
U ostalim ulogama su Zvonimir Zoričić, Radovan Ruždjak,
Amar Bukvić, Ivan Glowatzky,
Marko Makovičić, Zijad Gračić, Krunoslav Šarić, Kristijan
Potočki, Ivana Bičan Boban,
Dušan Gojić, Srđana Šimunović, Tomislav Stojković, Josip
Filipović, Ioan Barbu, Grga Raguž i Darko Juroš. Scenografiju potpisuje Dubravka Lošić,
kostime Danica Dedijer, koreografiju Ivana Bičan Boban,
dok je za oblikovanje svjetla
odgovoran Zoran Mihanović.
30 years old actor Luka Dragić play leading role of danish
prince and he became fifteen Hamlet on Dubrovnik summer
games. Role of Ofelija belongs to Mirna Medaković, King is
played by Goran Grgić and Queen by Alma Prica. I other roles are Zvonimir Zoričić,
Radovan Ruždjak, Amar
Bukvić, Ivan Glowatzky,
Marko Makovičić, Zijad
Gračić, Krunoslav Šarić,
Kristijan Potočki, Ivana
Bičan Boban, Dušan Gojić, Srđana Šimunović,
Tomislav Stojković, Josip
Filipović, Ioan Barbu, Grga
Raguž i Darko Juroš.Set is
signed by Dubravka Lošić,
costume, Danica Dedijer,
choreography Ivana Bičan
Boban and light designer
Zoran Mihanović.
Najveće redateljske zvijezde predstavit će se od 18. do 26.
rujna u Zagrebu na sedmom Festivalu svjetskog kazališta.
Prvi put u Hrvatskoj prikazat će se autorska ostvarenja Christopha Marthalera i Heinera Goebbelsa, njemačkih redatelja koji su svojim predstavama odredili trendove europskog
teatra. Belgijski redatelj i vizualni umjetnik Jan Lauwers
inovator je postdramskih tendencija, a Lev Dodin je autentični nastavljač ruske dramske tradicije. Spiro Scimone,
dramatičar, glumac i redatelj, originalni je glas novoga talijanskog teatra. Festival svjetskoga kazališta otvara Dodinova inscenacija Grossmanova romana “ŽIVOT I SUDBINA”,
jednostavne obiteljske priče koja nam podastire široku panoramu događaja i problema 20. stoljeća. Predstavu izvodi
Dramsko kazalište Maly iz Sankt Peterburga. Predstave iz
Rusije, Belgije, Njemačke, Švicarske i Italije bit će izvedene
u Zagrebačkome kazalištu mladih, Hrvatskome narodnom
kazalištu, Zagrebačkome kazalištu lutaka i na Velesajmu.
New York, New York
U ovoj knjizi Angelica Taschen otkriva najšminkerskija mjesta u najuzbudljivijem gradu na svijetu – New Yorku. Riječ je o vodiču
kroz restorane, barove, dućane, hotele za koje
i mnogi Njujorčani ne znaju. Vodič uključuje i plan Manhattana za što bolje snalaženje
gradom i spomenutim mjestima u knjizi. Od
nezaobilaznih meta uvršteni su The Maritime
Hotel u Chelseaju, novi Greenwich Hotel Roberta De Nira, Pod Hotel, restoran Waverly Inn
i bar subMercer, među ostalim.
U ovoj knjizi Angelica Taschen otkriva najšminkerskija mjesta u najuzbudljivijem gradu na svijetu – New Yorku. Riječ je o vodiču
kroz restorane, barove, dućane, hotele za koje
i mnogi Njujorčani ne znaju. Vodič uključuje
i plan Manhattana za što bolje snalaženje
gradom i spomenutim mjestima u knjizi. Od
nezaobilaznih meta uvršteni su The Maritime Hotel u Chelseaju, novi Greenwich Hotel
Roberta De Nira, Pod Hotel, restoran Waverly
Inn i bar subMercer, među ostalim.
Angelica Taschen: Taschen’s New York,
The biggest theatre stars are scheduled to appear in Zagreb
from September 18th to September 26th for the seventh
World Theatre Festival. This will be the first opportunity for
the Croatian audience to see plays by Christoph Marthaler
and Heiner Goebbels, German directors who have determined new trends in European theatre with their plays. Belgian director and visual artist Jan Lauwers is a true innovator
with post-dramatic tendencies, and Lev Dodin is an authentic follower of the Russian drama tradition. Spiro Scimone,
playwright, actor and director, has the reputation of being an
original voice of the new Italian theatre. The World Theatre Festival will be opened by Dodin’s staging of Grossman’s novel
“Life and Fate”, which is a simple family story that provides a
detailed insight into the events and issues of the 20th century. The play will be interpreted by Maly Theatre from Sankt Petersburg. Various plays from Russia, Belgium, Germany,
Switzerland and Italy will be performed at the Zagreb Youth
Theatre, Croatian National Theatre, Zagreb Muppet Theatre
and the Zagreb Fair.
Angelica Taschen: Taschen’s New York,
Pripremila / Edited by: Romina Peritz
World Theatre Festival
Svaki grad na istočnoj
obali Jadrana je priča
za sebe, originalna i
jedinstvena, ali ta povijest je istodobno dio
zajedničke sudbine Hrvatske i Dalmacije tijekom minulih stoljeća. To se
može reći i za grad Korčulu na istoimenom otoku. Grad je to zanimljive
povijesti, iznimnog urbanizma, kvalitetne arhitekture, i priča o Korčuli
je zapravo priča o Dalmaciji. Premda je posljednjih desetljeća posjet
tome jadranskom biseru uglavnom
dio ljetnog i turističkog iskustva, Korčulu prije svega treba doživjeti kao
uranjanje u povijest i upoznavanje
urbanističke i graditeljske baštine
ovog dijela Mediterana.
Najstariji tragovi civilizacije na otoku
su datirani još u prapovijest, a prva
naselja osnivaju Grci u 6. stoljeću
prije Krista. Nešto kasnije otok koloniziraju Grci s Isse (Vis), koja je u to vrijeme bila najmoćnija sila na Jadranu, dok su na obali i u unutrašnjosti
dominirali Iliri. Dolaskom Rimljana na
istočnu obalu Jadrana, slabi utjecaj
Isse i Ilira, te otok Korčula na prijelazu
tisućljeća postaje dio rimske provincije Dalmacije.
Strateški položaj grada
Grad Korčula se odmah u početku
nametnuo kao središte otoka zbog
svog iznimnog strateškog položaja
na poluotoku koji je kontrolirao najstariji pomorski put i tjesnac između
otoka Korčule i poluotoka Pelješca.
Stoljećima u antička vremena, a i
kasnije, istočna obala Jadrana i zaštićeni akvatorij između dalmatinskih
otoka je bio ruta plovidbe u ovom
dijelu Mediterana. Tada su se i glav-
nina trgovine, izmjene dobara i komunikacija odvijali morskim putem i
jaki pomorski centri kao, primjerice,
Venecija, Dubrovnik i Korčula, bili
su pomorske sile i centri moći. Prodorom i dolaskom Hrvata na obalu,
dio romanskog stanovništva iz Salone je, osim na Brač i Hvar, izbjegao
i na Korčulu. Kasnije, osnivanjem hrvatske kneževine i kraljevine, taj dio
populacije se asimilirao s doseljenicima i grad nastavlja mediteransku
multikulturnu tradiciju u utvrđenim
naseljima. Prepoznatljivi dio te tradicije je folklorna igra moreška, ples sa
sabljama star već 500 godina, kod
kojega je vidljiv maurski utjecaj.
Urbanizam, koncepcija i oblik grada
kakav danas vidimo, formirani su još
u ranom srednjem vijeku, kada je na
strateškom položaju na poluotoku
izgrađen utvrđeni grad u najboljoj
tradiciji srednjovjekovnog urbanizma. U tlocrtu se prepoznaje oblik
riblje kosti sa strogom kompozicijom
glavne i pokrajnjih ulica, i unutar
tako zadanih gabarita se smještaju
kuće, palače, crkve i trgovi. Korčula
je bila opasana moćnim kamenim
Korčula u srcu
Urbanizam, koncepcija i oblik grada Korčule, formirani su još u ranom srednjem
vijeku, kada je na strateškom položaju na poluotoku izgrađen utvrđeni grad u
najboljoj tradiciji srednjovjekovnog urbanizma. U tlocrtu se prepoznaje oblik
riblje kosti sa strogom kompozicijom glavne i pokrajnjih ulica
Piše: Leo Nikolić
Foto: Lupino
zidinama i kulama, od kojih je većina i danas u potpunosti sačuvana.
Prevladavajući stil u stambenoj i
sakralnoj arhitekturi je gotičko-renesansni. Otok je bio poznat po svojim
klesarima i brodograditeljima, koji su,
uz poljoprivredu i pomorstvo, činili
osnovu lokalne ekonomije. Klesari i
graditelji su radili i u drugim gradovima na objema stranama Jadrana,
dok su brodograditelji svoju vještinu
izvozili u druge dalmatinske gradove. Tako su, primjerice, poznati brodograditelji iz Betine, doseljenici
iz obitelji Filipi s Korčule, koji su širili
vještinu gradnje drvenih brodova i
zabilježena je njihova selidba u sedamnaestom stoljeću.
Najznačajniji objekt u gradu je gotičko-renesansna crkva sv. Marka, građena u 14. i 15. stoljeću, kada komuna bilježi procvat, ponajprije zbog
kamenoklesarstva. Osim rada Marka
Andrijića, najpoznatijega klesara koji
je radio i u Dubrovniku, u crkvi smještenoj na dominantnom položaju,
usred grada na uzvisini, čuvaju se i
dva djela Jacopa Tintoretta koja pri-
kazuju sv. Marka. Kult toga sveca se
pripisuje utjecaju Venecije u to doba.
Inače Korčulani štuju kult sv. Todora,
sveca koji je blizak bizantskoj tradiciji
i dio tih utjecaja se može razaznati u
sakralnoj arhitekturi u gradu.
Pravni okvir za sve te aktivnosti je
bio Statut grada Korčule s početka
trinaestog stoljeća, kojim je reguliran život u gradu. Taj statut, uz onaj
Splitski, smatra se najstarijim pravnim
spomenikom u ovom dijelu Europe i
radi se o simbiozi slavenske i romanske pravne tradicije. Uglavnom se
bavi komunalnom i poljoprivrednom
problematikom, najvažnijim aspektima tadašnjeg života, za razliku od
Splitskog koji se malo šire bavi i uređivanjem odnosa Crkve i komune.
Grad po mjeri čovjeka
Osim po velikoj klesarskoj i pomorskoj
tradiciji, Korčula je poznata po bra-
interesnom organiziranju u
srednjem vijeku. Najpoznatije ime koje se vezuje uz grad
je, naravno, Marko Polo.
Njegovo ime se spominje i
uz pomorski boj Venecijanske i Genoveške flote 1298.
u akvatoriju Korčule. Najpo-
znatija povijesna priča je obrana
grada od Otomana Karakozija 1571.
godine. Nakon pada Venecije i kratkotrajne okupacije Francuza, kao
kuriozitet bilježimo i englesku dvogodišnju okupaciju otoka.
Danas je grad Korčula orijentiran na
turizam i diskretno njeguje svoju tradiciju s odmjerenim odmakom od
suvremenosti. U kamenim kaletama
se, uz duh prošlosti, osjeća i bezvremenska ljepota života na Mediteranu danas i to je zaista grad po mjeri
čovjeka u antičkom smislu. Na otoku
se ljudi bave vinogradarstvom i maslinarstvom, a nastavlja se i višestoljetna tradicija brodogradnje i klesarstva. Nadaleko su poznata vina s
tog otoka. Grad i čitavi akvatorij su
atraktivna destinacija i za nautičare.
Premda se često govori o Korčuli kao
o „malom Dubrovniku“, taj grad ima
svoj originalni karakter, i to je samo
površni dojam. Uostalom, sve je u
Dalmaciji u isti trenutak vrlo slično i
različito, u samo stotinjak milja plovidbe, potpuno se promijeni krajobraz i
vizure, ali kamen, pučka arhitektura,
polja, ljudi i ugođaj ostaju gotovo isti,
zaglušeni cvrčanjem cvrčaka.
Korčula in the
Heart of Dalmatia
very town on the eastern Adriatic coast is a
separate story that is guaranteed to be original and unique, but that history also stands as
a fragment of the joint history of Croatia and
Dalmatia during the past centuries. The same
can be said of the town Korčula on the island
of the same name. It is a town with an interesting history,
exceptional urbanism and quality architecture, and it’s
fair to say that town Korčula reflects a smaller image of
the overall story of Dalmatia. Although this Adriatic pearl
has mostly served as part of the summer tourism experience over the last several decades, Korčula should primarily be experienced as a trip through the course of
history with clear demonstration of the urban and construction heritage of this part of the Mediterranean.
The Town’s Strategic Position
The earliest traces of civilization on this island date back
to ancient history, but the first settlements were started
by ancient Greeks around 600 BC. The island was then
colonized by the Greeks from Issa (Vis), who stood as the
Urbanism, conception and the shape of town
Korčula were formed back in the early stage of
the Middle Ages, as a fortified town was built
on a strategic position on the island in the finest tradition of that era’s urbanism. The blueprint clearly shows the shape of a fish bone
with a very strict composition of the main and
sideway streets
Written by: Leo Nikoliæ
Photo: Lupino
most powerful force in the Adriatic at the time, while the
coast and the continent were dominated by Illyrians. After the Romans took over the eastern Adriatic coast, the
influence of Issa and Illyrians weakens, and the island of
Korčula becomes a part of Roman province Dalmatia
at the turn of the millennium.
Town Korčula has immediately imposed itself as the centre of the island due to its exceptional strategic position
that controlled the ancient nautical path and the chan49
ing stone walls and towers, most of
which are still completely preserved
today. The predominant style in residential and sacral architecture is
gothic-renaissance. The island was
famous for its stonemasons and shipbuilders, who carried the majority of
local economy along with agriculture and nautical affairs. Stonemasons and constructors also worked
in other towns across both sides of
the Adriatic coast, while shipbuilders exported their skills in other Dalmatian towns. For example, the famous Betina shipbuilders originate
from the Filipi family from Korčula,
and they spread their knowledge
of building wooden ships while relocating in the seventeenth century.
The most important object in the
town is the gothic-renaissance St.
Mark’s Church , built in the 14th
and 15th century as the community started to prosper due to stone
carving. Besides the works of Marko
Andrijić, the most famous stonemason who also worked in Dubrovnik,
this church on the dominant position in the middle of the town slope
nel between the island of Korčula and peninsula Pelješac. Throughout all
those centuries of the Classic period, as well as a long time after that, the
eastern Adriatic coast and the protected water between the Dalmatian islands served as the main sailing routes in this part of the Mediterranean.
This was the time when the main portion of trading, exchanging goods and
communication took place at sea, and the strong nautical centres like Venice, Dubrovnik and Korčula served as the centres of power. After the Croatians arrived to the coast, the remainder of the Romanic population from
Salona escaped to Brač, Hvar and Korčula. Later on, as Croatia became a
principality and a kingdom, that section of the population assimilated with
the immigrants, and the town continued with its Mediterranean multicultural
tradition in fortified communities. The recognizable part of that tradition is
a piece of folklore called moresca, a 500-year-old dance with swords that
shows a visible influence of Moors.
Urbanism, conception and shape of today’s Korčula were formed back in
the early stage of the Middle Ages, as a fortified town was built on a strategic position on the island in the finest tradition of that era’s urbanism. The
blueprint clearly shows the shape of a fish bone with a very strict composition
of main and sideway streets, and the locals built houses, palaces, churches
and squares within those boundaries. Korčula was surrounded by impos50
features two St. Mark statues by Jacopo Tintoretto. This
saint’s cult is usually credited to strong Venetian influence during this time. People from Korčula also cherish
the cult of St. Todor, who was closer to Byzantine tradition, and some of these influences can be traced in the
town’s sacral architecture.
The legal frame for all these activities was the Korčula
Town Statute from the early thirteenth century, which
regulated life in the town. This statute, along with the
one from Split, is widely considered the oldest legal document in this part of Europe, as it represents a symbiosis
of Slavic and Romanic legal tradition. It mostly deals with
communal and agricultural issues, which were the most
important aspects of life at the time, unlike the Split Statute that also dealt with the interaction between Church
and the community.
A Town for a Common Man
Besides its significant stone carving and nautical traditions, Korčula is also famous for its guilds, which were
frequent interest organizations in the Middle Ages. The
most famous name to ever come out of this town is,
naturally, Marko Polo. His name is also attached to the
nautical battle between Venetian and Genovese fleets
in 1298 in the Korčula waters. The most famous historical story concerns the town managing to successfully
defend against Otoman Karakozije in 1571. After the
Venice downfall and a brief period of French occupation, there was also a rather curious two-year period of
English administration ruling this island.
These days, town Korčula is oriented towards tourism
and discretely cherishes its tradition with a well-measured detachment from modern times. The stone alleys
reveal the spirit of past times and a timeless beauty of
Mediterranean life, as it truly stands as a town for a common man in the classical sense of the phrase. People
on the island are predominantly working in vineyards
and olive groves, but the centuries-long tradition of shipbuilding and stone carving is also being continued. Various types of wine from this island are extremely famous.
The town and the surrounding sea provide an attractive
destination for nautical enthusiasts. Although Korčula is
often referred to as “small Dubrovnik”, that is just a superficial impression as this is a town with a truly original
character. As a matter of fact, everything in Dalmatia
can be branded as simultaneously very similar and different, as the scenery can be completely change within
a circle of a hundred nautical miles. However, the stone,
folk architecture, fields, people and the ambience are
exactly the same throughout the region, and are faithfully accompanied by the omnipresent soundtrack of
cricket chirping.
Olympus ponovno mijenja povijest
Kada je 1959. dizajnirao prvi od brojnih Pen fotoaparata, Yoshihisa Maitani nije ni slutio da pokreæe revoluciju. Fotoaparat Pen koji je prodan u
17 milijuna primjeraka postao je jedan od najpouzdanijih, najpopularnijih
i najuspješnijih fotoaparata ikada. Danas je legenda ponovno oživjela u
obliku digitalnog fotoaparata E-P1. Konstrukcija bez zrcala je temelj za
novi dizajn i nevjerojatno kompaktnu velièinu fotoaparata Pen E-P1. Jednostavan za korištenje i jeftin, E-P1 je dostupan od srpnja 2009.
Changing History Once Again
Back when he designed his very first Pen photo-camera in
1959, Yoshihisa Maitani had no idea that he was starting a
revolution. The Pen camera was sold in 17 million copies and
has become one of the most reliable, popular and successful
cameras of all time. The legend is now brought back to life in
the form of the digital E-P1 camera. The mirror-free construction serves as foundation for a new design and the incredibly
compact size of the Pen E-P1 camera. Easy to use and not too
expensive, E-P1 has been accessible since July 2009.
Trendovski vruæi stol
s hladnim srcem
Gorenjev SmarTable s potpuno integriranim hladnjakom s daljinskim upravljanjem u srednjem dijelu je prestižan “pametni”
stol, izraðen od kombinacije dragocjenih materijala prema izboru kupca – najvrsnijeg kamena, stakla i drveta. Namijenjen je
zahtjevnijim korisnicima razlièitih životnih stilova a prikladan je
i za protokolarna i poslovna okružja. SmarTable æe, u razlièitim
kombinacijama upotrebe materijala, biti ponuðen na europskim
tržištima veæ ove godine.
Trendy Hot Table
with a Cool Heart
Gorenje’s SmarTable, with a completely
integrated remote-control fridge in the
mid-section, is the prestigious “smart”
table that is made of a combination
of expensive materials that the buyers
choose – things like top-class stone,
glass and wood. It is aimed for the
more ambitious users of different lifestyles, while also being appropriate for
business function-type environments.
SmarTable will find its place on European markets by the end of this year in
different material combinations.
Vaza (još uvijek) kao izazov
Chemistubes zbirku vaza dizajnirala je talijanska arhitektica
Teresa Sapey za španjolski brand Vondom. Svoj iznenaðujuæi
efekt duguje postupku “dekonstektualizacije” gdje se nanošenjem drugih materijala na izvorni, ekološki – polietilensku
smolu tehnikom kružnog lijevanja u kalupe mijenja primarna
namjena predmeta. Tako se, primjerice, laboratorijski kontejner
brzo i efikasno pretvara u dizajnerski predmet. Osim što je dovršena u više matt i lakiranih boja, posebna njezina vrijednost
zasigurno je i efekt dodatnog osvjetljenja kojim raspolaže zbog
originalne dizajnerske zamisli.
The Vase Is (Still) a Challenge
Vase collection Chemistubes was designed by Italian architect Teresa Sapey for a Spanish ship called Vondom. Its surprising effect
is the result of a procedure called “decontextualizaton”, which
implies the usage of other materials on the original ecological
material – polyethylene resin is swiftly replaced by the object’s
primary usage with the technique of circular pouring. For example, this technique sees a lab container quickly and effortlessly
become a designer object. Besides its multiple versions in matt
and varnished colours, the special value is also emphasized by
additional lighting that further implies the original designer idea.
Brak dizajna i vina
Ellemme, jedan od vodeæih svjetskih proizvoðaèa konobama s klimatskom kontrolom oblikovao je jedinstven, patentirani sustav koji
osigurava idealne uvjete temperature I vlažnosti za èuvanje vina, te
uèinkovitim oèuvanjem njegovih organoleptièkih svojstava. Znaèajka
ovog sustava je njegova savršena prilagodljivost za bilo kakvu postavku. Suradnja proizvoðaèa i dizajnerske agencije ovdje je realizirana
u suradnji s Andreom Finom i Samantom Snidaro u Sand & Birch
Design Studiju. Prvi predstavljeni model je mješina za vino, koji æe se
naæi u dvije verzije: “Easy” - pohranjuje do 12 boca vina i “Luxe”,
koji drži 5 boca visokokvalitetnih pjenušaca
The Marriage of Design and Wine
Ellemme, one of the world’s leading producers of wine cellars with
climate control, has come up with a unique patented system that
ensures ideal temperature and humidity for wine preservation, as
well as efficiently retains its organic leptical traits. This system’s main
characteristic is its perfect adjustability to any setting. In terms of design, the manufacturer collaborated with Andrea Fina and Samantha
Snidaro from Sand & Birch Design Studio. The first model to be presented appears in the form of two versions of wine goatskin: “Easy”,
which can store up to 12 wine bottles, and “Luxe”, which contains
up to 5 bottles of high-quality champagne.
Hotel Maritime:
Morski štih u srcu New Yorka
Piše: Romina Peritz
rvo što privlači pažnju
kod njujorškog hotela Maritime zasigurno
je njegov impozantni
izgled i neobični detalji na fasadi – okrugli, brodski prozori. Doima se poput
golemog, pravokutnog broda koji
je usidren u srcu jedne od trenutno najpopularnijih njujorških četvrti,
Chelseaju, samo nekoliko koraka od
druge vrlo “in” gradske zone, Meatpacking districta. Kada su 2003.
otvarali taj trendy hotel, vrlo omiljen
među filmskim zvijezdama, modnim
i umjetničkim svijetom, hotelijeri Eric
Goode i Sean MacPherson dobro
su prosudili da će taj njojorški predio
doživjeti svojevrsni procvat tijekom
narednih godina. Da su bili u pravu
svjedoči niz butika, galerija i restorana smještenih u blizini hotela. Poznata modna dizajnerica Diane von
Fürstenberg otvorila je među prvima
svoj dućan i sjedište tvrtke samo
nekoliko blokova dalje i povukla za
sobom brojne druge dizajnere pa
se tu danas nalaze i dućani Stelle
McCartney, Moschina, Alexandra
McQueena i drugih. Umjetničke
galerije koje su se otvorile doslovno
preko puta ceste tog “hip boutique”
hotela, kako ga nazivaju brojni vodiči, nude recentna djela nekih od trenutno najtraženijih umjetnika iz cijelog svijeta. Postala je to stvar prestiža
među umjetnicima da ih predstavlja
neka od galerija u Chelseaju. Osim
što su prepoznali potencijal samog
mjesta, Goode i MacPherson započeli su novu modu u dizajnu hotela.
Prošlo je, naime, više od dva desetljeća otkako su Andrée Putman i
nešto kasnije Phillipe Starck započeli
s otvaranjem tzv. boutique hotela.
Nakon njih uslijedile su slične verzije, a brojni novi hoteli bili su uređeni
svi više-manje u stilu minimalizma i
retro-modernizma. U svom prvom
hotelu, The Maritimeu, vlasnici su
odlučili osvojiti novi teritorij u dizajnu
hotela inspirirani samom zgradom
gdje je smješten, nekadašnjem sjedištu Nacionalne pomorske unije. Po
mnogima bili su vrlo pametni kada
su odlučili urediti hotel u morskome
stilu kakav nameće izgled izvorne
građevine sagrađene sredinom šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, pa
tako cijela unutrašnjost ima brodski
izgled. Nautički štih vlada u cijelom
hotelu od retro lobija u stilu pedesetih i šezdesetih do samih soba sa
namještajem od tikovine i krevetima
presvučenim posebnim japanskim
tkaninama. Posebnost svakoj sobikabini daju okrugli prozori s veličanstvenim pogledom na rijeku Hudson.
Sam hotel postao je i omiljeno mjesto za izlaske među Njujorčanima i
pomodnim gostima iz cijelog svijeta
zahvaljujući svojima restoranima - japanskom “Matsuri” i talijanskom “La
Bottega” s jednom od najvećih hotelskih terasa u New Yorku.
gner Diane von Furstenberg was one of the first people to open her store and company headquarters just
a few blocks away, which served as an invitation for
numerous other designers like Stella McCartney, Moschin, Alexander McQueen and others. Art galleries that
literally stand across this “hip boutique” hotel, which is
a reference used by numerous guides, display recent
works of art by some of the hottest artists in the world.
It has now become a question of prestige for these artists to be represented in some of the Chelsea galleries.
In addition to recognizing the potential of the location,
Goode and MacPherson also opened a new phase in
the process of designing hotels. It has now been over
two decades since Andree Putman and subsequently
Phillipe Starck introduced the so-called boutique hotels.
Similar versions soon followed, and numerous new hotels were predominantly decorated in minimalism and
retro-modernism. The Maritime owners decided to use
their first hotel to conquer new territory in hotel design by
drawing inspiration from the building itself, which used to
host the headquarters to the National Maritime Union.
It has often been commented that they made a good
choice when they decided to decorate add a sea
flavour to the hotel, as that complements the original
building that was built way back in the 1960s, and now
the entire hotel interior resembles a ship. The nautical
Hotel Maritime:
The Sea Flavour in
the Heart of New York
Written by: Romina Peritz
he first thing that draws attention in hotel
Maritime in New York is surely its imposing
look and unusual façade details, such as
the round ship windows. It comes across as
a gigantic rectangular ship that is harboured in the heart Chelsea, of one of New
York’s hottest neighbourhoods that is located right next
to the other “it” city zone, Meatpacking District. When
this trendy hotel, which is very popular with movie stars,
fashion stylists and artists, was opened in 2003, hoteliers
Eric Goode and Sean MacPherson rightfully anticipated the blossoming of this part of New York within the
following several years. Their judgment is now confirmed by a string of boutiques, galleries and restaurants
that are located near the hotel. Famous fashion desi-
flavour dominates the entire hotel, starting with the retro
lobby that recalls the fifties and sixties to the rooms with
teakwood furniture and beds covered in special Japanese fabrics. Every room-cabin is distinctive due to the
round windows that reveal a magnificent view over river
Hudson. This hotel has also become a frequent hangout
place for New Yorkers and trendy people from all over
the world thanks to its restaurants – Japanese “Matsura”
and Italian “La Bottega”, which features one of the largest hotel terraces in New York.
Hrvatska je zemlja
Piše: Romina Peritz
Foto: Lupino
tisuæu dvoraca
ko je bilo uobičajeno Hrvatsku
predstavljati kao
zemlju koja ima
tisuću otoka zagrebački profesor
Mladen Obad Šćitaroci načinio je i malu nadopunu,
govoreći o Hrvatskoj i kao zemlji s tisuću dvoraca. ”Nažalost, ne postoji
percepcija Hrvatske kao zemlje tisuću dvoraca, jer su oni punih osam
desetljeća zanemareni, zaboravljeni
i obevrijeđeni. Među 1000 hrvatskih
dvoraca ubrajamo srednjovjekovne
feudalne utvrđene dvorce, burgove
poput Medvedgrada, dvorce i kurije sjeverne Hrvatske koji se grade od
kraja 17. do početka 20. stoljeća, te
renesansne ljetnikovce – ladanjske
dvorce u južnoj Dalmaciji, posebice
na području Dubrovnika”, kaže profesor Šćitaroci, autor izuzetne monografije o dvorcima Hrvatskog zagorja,
koja je bila godinama izdavački hit i
prodana je za Hrvatsku, ali i Europi, u
zaista rekordnim nakladama.
Zajedno sa svojom suprugom, arhitekticom dr. Bojanom Bojanić Šćitaroci, godinama ugledni znanstvenik
istražuje sve ono što je ostalo od starih dvoraca, ali i podržava sve akcije koje vode spašavanju baštine i
revitalizaciju zdanja koja su do sada
bila najčešće prepuštena zubu vremena.
Zanemarena baština
Postoji još jedna predrasuda da je
najviše dvoraca na području Zagorja, a profesor Šćitaroci kaže da to
jednostavno nije istina. ”Često Hrvatskom zagorju pripisujemo obilježje najgušće koncentracije dvoraca
i kurija u Europi. Ako to i nije točno,
dobro zvuči. Zasigurno je to prostor s
najvećom koncentracijom dvoraca i
kurija u Hrvatskoj, ali slično je i s ljetnikovcima dubrovačkoga područja.”
U sjeni su i dvorci iz Slavonije, s kar-
lovačkog područja, samoborskog i
turopoljskog kraja. ”Iako ne postoji
sustavna evidencija pretpostavljamo
da je u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj oko 300
dvoraca i većih kurija, isto toliko je
ljetnikovaca na Jadranu. Ako tome
broju dodamo još barem polovicu
od 700 utvrđenih dvoraca, burgova,
srednjovjekovnih feudalnih plemićkih
gradova koje spominje Gjuro Szabo
u svojoj knjizi Sredovječni gradovi u
Hrvatskoj i Slavoniji iz 1920. godine ,
onda možemo govoriti o brojci od
1000 dvoraca, utvrđenih dvoraca,
kurija i ljetnikovaca”, kaže dr. sc. Šćitaroci.
Zagrebački profesor i pisac tvrdi da
je stanje naših dvoraca doslovno tragično. Analizom sto dvoraca u sjevernoj Hrvatskoj utvrđeno je da je pedesetak u izuzetno lošem stanju, trećina
je bez ikakve namjene, a trećina bez
trajne namjene. Samo je dvanaest
posto dvoraca u dobrom stanju, a to
je, kaže Šćitaroci, premalo.
Država se brine samo za malobrojne
odabrane dvorce, najčešće muzeje
i bolnice. Uspješni primjeri obnove
i revitalizacije dvoraca-muzeja još
iz doba bivše države su Trakošćan,
Varaždin Stari grad, Gornja Stubica
(Dvorac Oršić – Muzej seljačke bune,
obnova 1973.), Čakovec, Virovitica,
Našice. Uspješni primjeri obnove i revitalizacije dvoraca-muzeja u novije
doba su TRAKOŠĆAN (nova obnova), VELIKI TABOR (obnova peterokutne kule 2007., daljnji radovi obnove u tijeku), ILOk (obnova u tijeku).
Trakošćan je danas najkomercijalniji
dvorac u Hrvatskoj gdje dolazi godišnje 62.000 posjetitelja a dvorac ima
godišnji prihod od 1.131.426 kuna
– podatci za 2005. godinu; to je za
europske prilike malo, ali jako puno
za naše prilike! Nažalost, ima i slučajeva vrijednih dvoraca u državnom
vlasništvu za koje se Država ne brine
i oni propadaju – najdrastičniji je primjer Opeka (Varaždin).
Postoje i primjeri da se iz fondova Europske unije financira obnova dvoraca, a jedan od tih primjera je i Ludbreg, a sada se obnavlja i dvorac
u Vukovaru. Obnavljaju se i dvorci i
kurije u privatnom vlasništvu, poput
Miljane u vlasništvu obitelji Kajfež,
LUŽNICA pokraj Zaprešića koja je u
vlasništvu časnih sestara Sv. Vinka
Paulskog, uspješno je obnovljen i revitaliziran u zadnjih pet godina kao
duhovni centar u kojega dolaze brojni gosti. Primjera još imao, poput
DVORCA Kulmer koji je prije nekoliko
godina obnovljen metodom faksimila prema starim fotografijama;
namjena stambena, a privatno je
vlasništvo obitelji Todorić. Isto tako
kurija Štakorovec kod Božjakovine
u vlasništvu Envera Moralića i kurija
Klokovec kod Krapinskih Toplica u
vlasništvu obitelji Čermak.
Postoje i projekti za obnovu drugih
dvoraca, negdje su počeli radovi, ali
još nisu dovršeni. ”U budućnosti očekujemo obnovu svih dvoraca bez
namjene. Takvih je jako puno – trećina do polovica hrvatskih dvoraca
”, kaže prof. Šćitaroci. Za Miljanu
Šćitaroci kaže da je prvi dvorac u Hrvatskoj koji se obnovio privatnom inicijativom i privatnim novcem nakon
Drugoga svjetskoga rata i postao je
svojevrsna ikona revitalizacije hrvatskih dvoraca jer je odigrao pionirsku
ulogu u procesu obnove dvoraca
u kontekstu privatnih inicijativa. Za
Lužnicu pokraj Zaprešića Šćitaroci
tvrdi da je sjajan primjer poduzetništva časnih sestara reda sv. Vinka
koje su posljednjih nekoliko godina
uz pomoć njemačkog kapitala i drugih donacija uspjele obnoviti dvorac
i perivoj, sagraditi novu zgradu za
smještaj umirovljenih časnih sestara i
od dvorca napraviti Duhovni centar.
”Vrijedi pogledati i čestitati časnama
na poduzetništvu i ozbiljnosti pristupa
tako velikom i zahtjevnom projektu”.
Za Stubički Golubovec, dvorac između Donje i Gornje Stubice, 50 posto u
privatnom vlasništvu a 50 posto u državnom vlasništvu Šćitaroci kaže da
je nedavno vraćen bivšim vlasnicima
barunima Steeb (u dvorcu su živjeli
do 1945. a zatim žive u Austriji) koji su
svoj dio dvorca, perivoja i okolnoga
terena prodali tvrtki «Vilinske poljane»
d.o.o. iz Donje Stubice.
Skupa obnova dvoraca
Zamisao revitalizacije dvorca Golubovec objavljena je javnosti u obliku
knjige „Dvorac Golubovec“ , a autori su bračni par Šćitaroci. Ipak, Šćitaroci kaže da država ulaže premalo
novca u obnovu dvoraca, a kada se
i odobre sredstva ona su najčešće
simbolična. ”Hrvatska politika i vladina ministarstva nisu svjesni potencijala hrvatskih dvoraca. Oni nisu prepoznali 1000 hrvatskih dvoraca kao
mogući brand i ne shvaćaju da oni
mogu znatno unaprijediti i pokrenuti
kontinentalni turizam i razvoj lokalne
sredine.”, tvrdi dr. Šćitaroci.
Kada je riječ o tržištu nekretnina i
dvorcima koji se na tom tržištu povremeno javljaju profesor Šćitaroci kaže
da se ne može navesti jedinstvenu
cijenu dvorca jer ona ovisi o brojnim
čimbenicima. ”No, realna cijena
dvorca (zgrade) mogla bi iznositi oko
1000 eura po kvadratu bez namještaja i uz prijeko potrebne velike zahvate
u obnovi ”, smatra Šćitaroci. Načelno
se može reći da je potrebno nekoliko
milijuna eura za sve potrebne radove
(dvorac, perivoj, okolni prostor). Cilj je
provesti cjelokupnu obnovu premda
se može i financijski razdvojiti dvije
etape – građevna sanacija dvorca
od uređenja unutrašnjosti u svrhu svih
planiranih sadržaja i aktivnosti.
”Napravimo jednostavni izračun
potrebnog novca za obnovu. Ukupna površina dvorca jest primjerice
2.000 m2. Uzmemo li da je za obnovu potrebno 1.000 eura po kvadratnom metru doći ćemo do iznosa od
2.000.000,00 eura što je vjerojatno
realan iznos koji može biti i veći (ako
je zahtjevnija oprema unutrašnjosti) ili
manji (ako se obnova većim dijelom
svodi na građevnu sanaciju). Tom
iznosu treba dodati i novac za obnovu i uređenja perivoja i perivojne
šume (uključujući uređenje odvodnje, komunalnih instalacija, putova i
šetnica) koji nije malen i može iznositi
1.000.000,00 eura.”, izračunao je istaknuti zagrebački profesor arhitekture.
Ipak, tržište dvoraca u Hrvatskoj je
jako slabo, zapravo ne postoji. ”Koliko mi je poznato trenutno se prodaje
Miljana i Bežanec u Hrvatskom zagorju. Prodaje se još nekoliko dvoraca –
barem prema napisima u tisku. Neke
Općine/Gradovi spremni su dati dvorac i u koncesiju ili ići u javno-privatno
partnerstvo.” Koliko nam je poznato
stranci uopće nisu zainteresirani za
naše dvorce ili je njihov interes zanemariv. Možda i postoji, ali ubrzo shvate da hrvatski dvorci ne zadovovljavaju osnovne kriterije”, objašnjava
prof.dr. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci i navodi da su neki vlasnici naših dvoraca pokušavali naći kupce ili glavne
ulagače u dvorce, ali još uvijek ih nisu
našli. ”Zanimljiv je jedan nedavni slučaj. Na www.dvorci.hr stigao je upit
iz Brazila o mogućnosti iznajmljivanja
jednog hrvatskog dvorca na tri dana
za 200-injak ljudi. Nažalost nismo im
imali puno za ponuditi jer nema prikladnog i uređenog dvorca, koji ispunjava neke osnovne kriterije uređenosti i reprezentativnosti, hotelskoga
smještaja u blizini, urednog okolnog
ambijenta, dobroga kolnog pristupa
i sl. Jedan je dvorac ponudio cijenu
koja je tražiteljima iz Brazila bila preskupa. Javili su da u EU mogu naći
znantno jeftinije uz zadovoljavanje i
drugih pratećih uvjeta”, kaže dr. Šćitaroci.
Croatia a Country of
t is very common to refer to Croatia as the country of a thousand islands, but architecture professor Mladen Obad Šćitaroci from Zagreb has
slightly updated that promotional phrase by calling Croatia a country of a thousand castles. “Unfortunately, the perception of Croatia as a country of
a thousand castles is non-existent, as they’ve been neglected, forgotten and demised for eight decades now.
Among the thousand Croatian castles, we include medieval feudal fortified castles, burgs like Medvedgrad,
castles and curias in northern Croatia that were built
from late 17th to early 20th century, and renaissance
cottages – countryside castles in southern Dalmatia,
especially around Dubrovnik”, says professor Šćitaroci,
author of an exceptional monograph about castles in
Hrvatsko Zagorje, which was an absolute publishing hit
for years and sold in record numbers for Croatian and
European standards. Along with his wife, architect Dr.
Bojana Bojanić Šćitaroci, this very respected scientist
has spent years researching everything that remained
from these ancient castles, as well as supporting all efforts to rescue the heritage and revitalize these facilities
that are usually left for decay.
Neglected Heritage
It is a common prejudice that the majority of Croatian
castles are located in Zagorje, but professor Šćitaroci
adamantly denies that claim. “We often claim that Hr-
a Thousand Castles
vatsko Zagorje has the biggest concentration of castles
and curias in Europe. Even if it’s not entirely correct, it
sure sounds good. It is surely an area with the biggest
concentration of castles and curias in Croatia, but the
same can be said for cottages in the Dubrovnik area.”
We also mustn’t forget about castles in Slavonia, and
around Karlovac, Samobor and Turopolje. “Although
there are no exact records, we assume that there are
about 300 castles and larger curias in northern Croatia,
and the same number of cottages on the Adriatic coast.
If we then add at least a half of 700 fortified castles,
burgs and medieval feudal aristocratic towns that Gjuro
Szabo mentioned in his book Medieval Towns in Croatia
and Slavonia from 1920, we have reached the number
of 1000 castles, fortified castles, curias and cottages”,
says Dr Sc. Šćitaroci.
This professor and writer from Zagreb claims that the
condition of our castles is literally tragic. By analyzing
a hundred castles in northern Croatia, it has been established that fifty of them are in very bad condition,
one third of them is without any function, and the other
third of them is without any permanent function. Merely
twelve percent of those castles are in good condition,
and that is just not good enough for Šćitaroci.
The government takes care of just a small number of
chosen castles, which are predominantly used as museums and hospitals. Successful examples of renovation
and revitalization of castles-museums from the Yugoslavia period are Trakošćan, Varaždin Stari Grad, Gornja
Stubica (Castle Oršić – Peasant revolt Museum, renovated in 1973), Čakovec, Virovitica, Našice. As for the
recent period, some successful renovation examples
are Trakošćan (updated renovation), Veliki Tabor (renovation of pentagonal tower in 2007, the process is still
ongoing) and Ilok (the renovation is still taking place).
Trakošćan is now the most commercial Croatian castle
that is visited by 62.000 people per year, and the castle’s annual income is 1.131.426 kunas (in 2005), which
may not be much by European standards, but it is pretty
good for Croatia. Unfortunately, there are many exam-
ples of valuable government-owned castles that are just
left for ruin due to lack of concern – the most drastic
example is Opeka (Varaždin).
There are also examples of using European Union funds
to finance castle renovation, such as Ludbreg or the
castle in Vukovar. Quite a few castles and curias in private ownership are being renovated, such as Miljana by
family Kajfež, or Lužnica near Zaprešić that is owned by
Holy Sisters of St. Vinko Paulski, which has been successfully revitalized over the last five years and redefined as
a spiritual centre that is attended by numerous guests.
There are other examples, such as castle Kulmer that
was renovated several years ago by using old photographs for facsimile methods; it now has a residential
function, and is owned by the Todorić family. Let’s also
mention curia Štakorovec near Božjakovina (owned by
Enver Moralić) and curia Klokovec near Krapinske Toplice (owned by family Čermak).
There are numerous projects in place for renovation
of other castles, and some of these processes have already begun and are about to be finished. “We expect
all castles without function to be renovated sometime
in the future. There are many castles like this – between
one third and a half of all Croatian castles”, says professor Šćitaroci. He says that Miljana is the first Croatian castle that was renovated with private initiative and funds
since World War 2, which has turned it into an icon of
castle revitalization in Croatia because of its pioneering role in the context of private initiatives in this field.
Šćitaroci also states that Lužnica near Zaprešić is an excellent example of the holy sisters’ enterprising spirit, as
they’ve used German funds and other donations over
the last several years to renovate the castle and the surrounding park, as well as build a new building for retired
holy sisters and transform the castle into a spiritual centre. “It is worth to check this project out and congratulate
the holy sisters for their enterprising spirit and serious approach towards such a large
and demanding project”. As
far as Stubički Golubovec, a
castle between Donja and
Gornja Stubica that is 50%owned by private entities
and 50%-owned by the government, Šćitaroci says that
it has recently been returned
to its former owners, barons
Steeb (they had lived in the
castle until 1945, when they
moved to Austria). Since
then, the barons sold their
part of the castle, surround-
ing park and land to company “Vilinske Poljane” from
Donja Stubica.
The idea for the revitalization of castle Golubovec has
been published in a book “Castle Golubovec” by the
Šćitaroci spouses. However, Šćitaroci says that the
government is investing way too little money into the
renovation of castles, and even when some funds are
awarded, they are mostly on a purely symbolic level.
“Croatian politics and the government ministries are not
aware of the potential of Croatian castles. They have
failed to recognize the 1000 Croatian castles as a possible brand and they do not understand the chances of
significantly improving and raising the level of continental tourism and the development of local economies.”,
says Dr. Šćitaroci.
of renovation, although there are two financial phases
– the constructional renovation of the castle and the
process of interior decoration for the purpose of all the
planned events and activities.
“Let’s make a simple calculation for the necessary renovation money. The overall surface of a castle is around
2000 m2. If we say that it takes 1000 EUR/m2 for the renovation process, we will reach the figure of 2 million Euros,
which is probably realistic and could be even bigger (if
the interior decoration is more demanding) or smaller (if
the majority of the money goes to constructional renovation). We must also collect money for renovation of
the park and the surrounding forest (including funds for
drainage, sanitary facilities, paths and walking areas),
which is quite significant and can add up to a million
Euros.”, says this famous architecture professor from Zagreb.
However, the castle market in Croatia is exceptionally
weak, and doesn’t even exist at all. “As far as I know,
castles Miljana and Bežanec in Hrvatsko Zagorje have
been recently put up for sale. Several other castles are
up for sale – at least that’s what the press says. Some
counties and cities are prepared to have their castles
up for concessions or enter the public/private partnerships.” To our best knowledge, foreign citizens are not
even remotely interested in our castles, or their interest
is purely symbolic. It may exist to a certain degree, but
they quickly realize that Croatian castles do not satisfy
the basic standards”, Prof. Dr. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci
explains and adds that some castle owners have tried
to find buyers or main investors for their castles, but have
remained unsuccessful. “We had an interesting situation recently. Some people from Brazil contacted www.
dvorci.hr and expressed an interest for renting out a
Croatian castle over the course of three days for about
200 people. However, we didn’t really have anything
to offer because there were no adequate castles that
fulfilled any basic criteria of representation, as well as
any hotel facilities nearby, maintained surrounding ambience, quality driveway etc. One castle offered a price
that the Brazil clients found too expensive. They said that
they can find something much cheaper in the EU that
would satisfy their basic demands”, says Dr. Šćitaroci.
Expensive Renovation of Castles
When it comes to the position of
castles on the real estate market, professor Šćitaroci says that
it is impossible to state the unique
price for castles because there
are numerous factors involved.
“However, the realistic price of
castle (building) is about 1000 EUR
/m2, without furniture and along
with numerous other renovation
investments”, Šćitaroci says. It can
be said that it would take several
million Euros for all the necessary
procedures (castle, park, the surrounding land). The goal is to go
through with the overall process
Sora s mora
onuda restorana duž
Jadrana, uz poneku
iznimku, i nije najinventivnija. Uglavnom,
kada je riječ o ribi, hrvatski restorani drže
se tradicionalnog načina pripreme
kako bi turistima ponudili nešto što
bi trebalo biti tipično za podneblje.
Stoga otvaranje japanskog restorana u jednom od nafrekventnijih turističkih mjesta, Hvaru, u prvi mah izaziva iznenađenje. No sudeći prema
riječima vlasnika novootvorenog restorana Sora u Hvaru, zagrebačkog
poduzetnika Stipe Marića, takav
restoran pokazao se kao pravi pogodak budući da je svakodnevno
pun do zadnjeg stola. I turisti nakon
određenog vremena postaju zasićeni jednim te istim morskim jelima kakva se nude u restoranima na obali,
Hvarska Sora podružnica je zagrebačke s gotovo identičnim jelovnikom uz manje prilagodbe ljetnoj sezoni. Radi se o konceptu dopune jednog restorana drugim odnosno zamjene – dok
je zagrebačka Sora tijekom ljetnih mjeseci zatvorena kuhari se
sele na more i pripremaju jela u hvarskoj depandansi
Piše: Romina Peritz
a mnogi stranci navikli su u domovini
obilaziti restorane najrazličitijih svjetskih kuhinja. U Sori su gosti uglavnom
strani turisti što ne znači da taj restoran neće kroz skoro vrijeme privući i
domaće goste.
Japanski restorani još su novost na
hrvatskoj gastronomskoj sceni te nakon zagrebačkog Takenoka dugo
se čekalo na još jedan restoran s
japanskom kuhinjom. Stipe Marić
upustio se zajedno sa suprugom,
Foto: Lupino
slavnom tenisačicom Ivom Majoli,
prošle godine u jedan takav pothvat
vođen prije svega, kako je u više navrata u medijima naglasio, ljubavlju
prema japanskoj kuhinji. Otvorio je
u prosincu ekskluzivni restoran Sora,
na 16. katu obnovljenog zagrebačkog Nebodera, koji je ubrzo postao
omiljeno mjesto mnogim ljubiteljima
orijentalne kuhinje.
Hvarska Sora podružnica je zagrebačke s gotovo identičnim jelov-
nikom uz manje prilagodbe ljetnoj
sezoni. Radi se o konceptu dopune
jednog restorana drugim odnosno
zamjene – dok je zagrebačka Sora
tijekom ljetnih mjeseci zatvorena kuhari se sele na more i pripremaju jela
u hvarskoj depandansi. I tako do 1.
listopada kada se službeno zatvara i
ustupa mjesto zagrebačkom restoranu koji se otvara nešto ranije, u rujnu.
Sora raspolaže s tri kuhara od kojih
je glavni Japanac dok su se druga
dva usavršavala u inozemstvu. Na
Sorinom jelovniku nalazi se široka ponuda japanskih jela od različitih vrsta
sushija preko sahimija i toro tartarea
tj. tartara od trbušnog dijela tune do
gyosa – japanskih okruglica od tijesta s povrćem ili svinjetinom. Kako
naglašava Sorin tim riječ je zapravo
o modernoj, sofisticiranoj interpretaciji japanske tradicionalne kuhinje, a
jela predstavljaju ravnotežu okusa,
teksture, izgleda i boje hrane. Kao i
svaki bolji restoran, u Sori vode računa o odabiru namirnica: „Tuna koja
se koristi u restoranu Sora, na primjer,
je domaća, jadranska bluefin tuna,
koja je vrlo cijenjena u Japanu. Po-
znato je da japanski tunolovci svake godine dolaze na naše more na
izlov tune i prepremaju je za izvoz u
Japan, a love je na poseban način
kako bi se izbjeglo zadržavanje krvi u
mesu“, ističu u Sori.
Glavni adut restorana uz ponudu japanskih specijaliteta je i smještaj uz
samu obalu u prizemlju hotela Riva.
Velika Sorina terasa jedna je od najljepših na hvarskoj rivi, pomno dotjerana s dizajnerskim namještajem kao
što je, uostalom, slučaj sa zagrebačkim restoranom gdje je međutim naglasak na interijeru i veličanstvenom
pogledu na središnji gradski trg.
Seaside Sora
Sora in Hvar is a branch of the Zagreb restaurant with an almost identical menu, with several smaller adjustments for the
summer season. This is a concept of completing or replacing
one restaurant with another – while Sora in Zagreb closes its
doors during the summer months, the cooking staff moves
to Hvar and prepares the food in the summer version of the
Written by: Romina Peritz
Photo: Lupino
here are a few exceptions, but it is fair to say that restaurants
along the Adriatic coast don’t exactly have the most innovative offering. When it comes to fish, Croatian restaurants mostly
stick to the traditional ways of preparing such meals in order
to present tourists with the things that should be typical of our
environment. Therefore, the opening of a Japanese restaurant
in Hvar, one of the busiest tourist towns on the Adriatic, came as somewhat
of a surprise. But judging by the words of the owner of newly-opened restaurant Sora in Hvar, Zagreb businessman Stipe Marić, this type of restaurant
has proven to be a true hit because it is absolutely filled with guests every
single day. After a while, even tourists become slightly saturated with the
same fish meals that they find in seaside restaurants, and let’s not forget
that numerous foreign citizens are accustomed to eating in restaurants of
different world cuisines back home. The guest list at Sora mostly consists of
foreign tourists, which doesn’t mean that the restaurant won’t eventually
find its way to the hearts of local guests. Japanese restaurants are still a relative novelty on the Croatian gastronomic scene and, after the opening of
Takenoko in Zagreb, we waited for quite awhile for another restaurant with
Japanese cuisine. Stipe Marić and his wife, famous tennis player Iva Majoli,
decided to open such a restaurant last year, and they repeatedly stated
in the media that they were primarily motivated by their love for Japanese
cuisine. In December of last year, Marić opened the exclusive restaurant
Sora, located on the 16th floor of the renovated Zagreb Skyscraper, which
soon became a favourite hangout for numerous lovers of oriental cuisine.
Sora in Hvar is a branch of the Zagreb restaurant with an almost identical
menu, with several smaller adjustments for the summer season. This is a concept of completing or replacing one restaurant with another – while Sora in
Zagreb closes its doors during the summer months, the
cooking staff moves to Hvar and prepares the food in
the summer version of the restaurant. That will last until
October 1st when it will officially be closed, only to hand
the spotlight back to the Zagreb restaurant that will be
opened somewhat earlier, in the month of September.
Sora employs three chefs – the main chef is Japanese
while the other two perfected their professional skills
abroad. The Sora menu features a wide palette of Japanese meals: from different types of sushi, sahimi and
toro tartare, which is a tartar from the tuna stomach,
all the way to gyos – Japanese dough meatballs with
vegetables or pork. Members of the Sora team explain
that they present a modern, sophisticated interpretation
of traditional Japanese cuisine, while the meals present
a balance of flavour, texture, dashing appearance and
food colour. Just like any other upgrade restaurant, people at Sora also pay a great deal of attention to the
choosing of their groceries: “The tuna we use here at
Sora is the local, Adriatic bluefin tuna, which is very respected in Japan. It is common knowledge that Japanese tuna hunters come to our sea every year to hunt
tuna and export it back to Japan, and they have a special hunting method that prevents traces of blood in the
meat”, we find out from the people at Sora.
In addition to the fabulous Japanese specialties, the
main attraction of this restaurant is the location along
the coast on the ground floor of hotel Riva. The spacious Sora terrace is one of the most beautiful sights at
the Hvar promenade, as it was meticulously embellished
with designer furniture, just like the Zagreb restaurant
where the emphasis was placed on the interior and the
magnificent view over the central city square.
Istarski top vinari
Gianfranco Kozlović prvi je
istarski vinar koji je u devedesetima dobio i službena priznanja, a njegova malvazija
1998. godine proglašena je
top vinom u Hrvatskoj
Piše: Romina Peritz
Foto: Lupino
ilozofija Kozlović sadržana
je u povijesti obitelji koja
je znala ostati udružena,
radeći na zajedničkom
cilju, njegujući vrijednosti
rada, truda, ozbiljnosti i sposobnosti», tim riječima predstavlja se obitelj Kozlović, danas svojevrsna vinarska institucija, čiji su podrumi gotovo
kultna mjesta. Uhodana obiteljska
tradicija očito je tajna uspjeha, a
sami Kozlovići kažu da pokušavaju
povezati prošlost i sadašnjost, a da
je cilj uvijek isti: vrednovanje vina i
teritorija, primjenjujući gdje god je to
moguće nove načine rada koji će
održati stil Kozlović, pazeći da tradicija ostane neizmijenjena.
Gianfranco Kozlović prvi je istarski
vinar koji je u devedesetima dobio
i službena priznanja, a njegova malvazija 1998. godine proglašena je
top vinom u Hrvatskoj. Nazivali su ga
i vinarom buntovnikom, jer je na tradiciji stvorio ipak nešto sasvim novo,
neuobičajeno, zanimljivo i intrigantno. U uhodanu obiteljsku proizvodnju unio je drastične promjene i to je
bila i tajna uspjeha.
Od klasičnih vina malvazija, muškat,
teran, od specijalnih Santa Lucia
malvazija, Dulcinea, Ruža, samo su
neka vina koja su prepoznatljiva za
Kozloviće. Ali, proizvode i rakiju komovicu, koja se radi od dropa muškata momjanskog. Izrazite mekoće,
oduševila je ljubitelje oštrog pića. Ali,
bez ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog
ulja, pikantnog okusa, tipičnog za
mlado maslinovo ulje, proizvodnja
ne bi bila kompletna.
Sve to rezultat je napornog rada
između tihih istarskih brežuljaka, a
Kozlovići kažu da vino nije proizvod.
Vino je izražaj zemlje i ljudi koji ga
stvaraju. Vino je kreacija. U podrumu, ukopanom u brdu, čuva se tako
vino nastalo na iskustvu i tradiciji i
korištenju najmodernije tehnologije i
znanja. Drvene bačve od hrasta, zapremine 225 litara, pospješuju vinu
intenzivniju boju i dobivanje zanimljivih aromatičnih karakteristika.
Istarska malvazija već je sto godina
najčuvenije i najprisutnije vino poluotoka, ali nove tehnologije nude
i nove sorte, jednako tako dobre i
zanimljive. Istarski vinogradari dokazali su da se radom i znanjem mogu
postići prava čuda, pa su danas izuzetno cijenjeni u svijetu vinara, tom
posebnom, ponekad malo i mističnom svijetu u kojem uspijevaju samo
Top Istrian Winemakers
Gianfranco Kozlović is the first Istrian
winemaker that has been officially
honoured during the nineties, and
his malvasia wine has been declared the best in Croatia in 1998
Written by: Romina Peritz
Photo: Lupino
he Kozlović philosophy consists
of the history of a family that
has remained united and has
always worked towards a common goal, by cherishing the
values of work, effort, seriousness and ability”. These are the words from the Kozlović
family, which has reached the status of a
winemaking institution with near-legendary
cellars. The successful family tradition is clearly the secret of their success, and the Kozlović family members
themselves say that they’re trying to connect present
and past, but always with the same goal: honouring
wine and tradition, applying as many new methods and
techniques as possible without changing the Kozlović
style and altering the family tradition.
Gianfranco Kozlović is the first Istrian winemaker that
has been officially honoured during the nineties, and his
malvasia wine has been declared the best in Croatia
in 1998. He has also been referred to as the rebel wi76
nemaker, due to his efforts of using tradition to create
something entirely new, exceptional, interesting and intriguing. He introduced some drastic changes into the
usual family winemaking methods, but that proved to
be the secret of success.
This family offers everything from the classic malvasia wines (muscat, teran) to the special Santa Lucia malvasia,
Dulcine and Ruža – these are some of the trademark
Kozlović types of wine. They also, however, make the
type of rakia that is produced from drops of Momanian muscat. This beverage has exquisite softness that has
enchanted all lovers of hard drinks. However, without
the extra-virgin olive oil and its typical delicate flavour,
the process wouldn’t be complete.
All these products are the result of hard work between
the quiet Istrian hills, but the Kozlović people have
always said that wine is not a product. They feel that
wine is an expression of soil and the people that create
it. Wine is a creation. In a basement that is built within a
hill, they stock up their wine based on experience, tradition, and usage of latest knowledge and technologies.
Wooden oak barrels with 225 litres of capacity improve
the wine’s intense colour and fascinating aromatic characteristics.
Istrian malvasia has been the most famous and familiar
wine of this peninsula for a hundred years, but new technologies offer new flavours that are just as good and
interesting. Istrian winemakers have proved that their
hard work and knowledge can create true miracles, so
it is no surprise that they are currently enjoying immense respect from everyone in the winemaking world – a
world that is special and even somewhat mystical, but
which allows success for only the very best.
Blagovaonica – oaza
obiteljskog druženja
Iako moderna verzija mjesta za blagovanje može biti i šank ili otok koji kuhinju dijele od dnevne
sobe, ipak su prije svega osnovni “gradivni element” ideje blagovaonice upravo stolovi i stolice
oš od vremena srednjeg vijeka, kad se blagovaonica povijesno
počela odvajati od
ostalih prostorija u kojima se odvijao život, prije svega unutar važnih stambenih cjelina poput
dvorova, značaj ovih manje ili više
odvojenih prostorija za konzumaciju
hrane sadržavao je svoj dizajnerski
značaj. Sklop kreacije i funkcije i danas služi kako bi se stvorio jedinstven,
Uredio: Nikola Èelan
Foto: Arhiva DalCasa
“energetski” poželjan prostor odvojen od drugih također funkcionalno
definiranih prostorija kućanstva. U
modernim uvjetima stanovanja obitelj je najčešće na okupu jedino za
vrijeme pripremanja i konzumiranja
doručka i večere. Kako bi se ta obiteljska druženja odvijala u što udobnijem okruženju, potrebno je pažljivo
pristupiti opremanju blagovaonice.
Iako moderna verzija mjesta za blagovanje može biti i šank ili otok koji
kuhinju dijele od dnevne sobe, ipak
su prije svega osnovni “gradivni element” ideje blagovaonice upravo
stolovi i stolice.
Kod pristupanja uređenju blagovaonice prije svega treba razmisliti o
potrebnoj veličini stola. Ako je blagovaonica predviđena samo za potrebe četveročlane obitelji – dužina i
širina stola trebale bi biti barem oko
90 cm. Priređujete li večeru za 8 ljudi
– ciljana dužina stola je oko 2 metra.
Također je potrebno imati na umu
da bi od ruba stola do zida trebalo
biti barem 90 cm prostora, što će
omogućiti udobnije sjedenje za stolom ili kretanje oko njega. Ključni kriterij u odabiru blagovaoničke opreme upravo su materijali od kojih su
stolovi i stolci izrađeni, a isto vrijedi i
za oblike ovog središnjeg dijela blagovaonice. Neke od njih zastupaju
okviri pripadajućih stilova.
Tehnološki stil u blagovaonicu donosi
stol ravnih linija i minimalističkog dizajna, često izrađen od popularne
Blagovaonice iz kolekcije Phoenix
Lifestyle stilski su razvrstane u èetiri
osnovne skupine. Programi “Casual”, “Urban”, “Exclusive” i “Vintage” svaki sa znaèajkama sadržanim
u svom imenu iskorak su i jedan od
moguæih naèina artikulacije obiteljskog svakodnevnog življenja. Barem
u ovome važnom aspektu koji se
tièe zadovoljenja nasušnih potreba
njezinih èlanova u uvjetima prihvatljivim zahtjevima suvremenosti.
kombinacije materijala – ploče od
kaljenog stakla koja počiva na čvrstim metalnim nogama. Staklo ovdje
ne mora nužno biti prozirno, budući
da postoje razni načini obrade ovog
materijala. U sklopu tehnološkog stila,
interijerom uglavnom vladaju hladni
neutralni tonovi – crna, bijela, siva
(ne)boja. Stolci, ali i noge stola sve
su češće obloženi kožom, što im daje
određenu mekoću. Također, stolci
mogu biti obloženi i raznim tkanina-
ma. Spomenimo i stolce oblikovane
od prozirnog polikarbonata. Nenametljivo prisutni u prostoru dobar su
odabir pri uređenju manjih interijera.
Osim navedenog polikarbonata, u
izradi stolaca koriste se i drugi sintetički materijali. Ovakvi stolci mogu
biti jednobojni, kao i ukrašeni različitim uzorcima, primjerice, mogu izgledati kao da su dekorirani čipkom.
Stakleni tanjuri i čaše nastavit će ovu
prozirnu shemu, dok će nadstolnjaci
i podmetači u žarkim bojama izaći
iz okvira tehnološkog stila te osvježiti
blagovaonicu. Odlučite li blagovati i
družiti se na otvorenome, na raspolaganju su vam stolovi i stolci izrađeni od sintetičkih materijala poput silikonskog tehnoratana u kombinaciji
s aluminijskom konstrukcijom. Među
glavnim odlikama navedenog namještaja su atraktivan izgled, otpornost na vremenske (ne)prilike te jednostavno održavanje.
Klasični stilovi u blagovaonicu unose
profinjenost kao i toplinu drva poput
oraha ili trešnje. Stol i stolci oplemenjeni su rezbarijama, furnirima, intarzijama, pozlatama.
Shabby Chic stil u interijer ponovno
unosi povijesnu priču. Klasične linije
pokućstva čine ga elegantnim, a
bijela (ne)boja daje mu lakoću. Ne-
utralnost bjeline pokućstva osvježavaju vesele boje dodataka.
Šećer na kraju ove dizajnerske priče
svakako je dekoriranje stola, kako
za svaki dan tako i za posebne prilike. Stolnjaci, nadstolnjaci, posuđe,
pribor za jelo, ukrasni dodaci poput
košuljica za stolce – sve navedeno
učiniti će boravak za stolom još zabavnijim i atraktivnijim. Ukrašavanje
stola prava je prilika za kreativno
izražavanje u udobnosti vlastitog
doma. Priređujete li okupljanje obitelji ili / i prijatelja, vaši gosti će osim
kulinarskog umijeća svakako zamijetiti i estetiku dekoracija.
Dining Room – The Oasis
for Family Time
ver since the Middle Ages, which is when the
dining room started to historically separate
itself from other rooms within the important
residential units like castles, the significance
of these predominantly separated rooms for
food consummation heavily relied on designer elements. The combination of creativity and function still serves the purpose of creating a unique, “energetically” positive space that is separated from other
functionally defined sections of a household. In today’s
modern lifestyle, a family is usually only gathered around
during the preparation and consummation of breakfast
and dinner. In order for that family time to take place in
an environment of maximum comfort, it is imperative to
carefully approach the process of furnishing the dining
Although the modern version of the dining
area often appears in the form of a bar or
island that separates the kitchen from the living room, it can’t be denied that the main
“construction element” of the dining-room
idea consists of tables and chairs
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Photo: Arhiva DalCasa
Although the modern version of the dining area often
appears in the form of a bar or island that separates the
kitchen from the living room, it can’t be denied that the
main “construction element” of the dining-room idea
consists of tables and chairs.
Dining rooms from the Phoenix Lifestyle collections are divided
into four basic style groups. Programmes “Casual”, “Urban”,
“Exclusive” and “Vintage” each have the name that features
characteristics that present a step forward in possible articulations of everyday family life. At least when it comes to the
all-important aspect of satisfying the vital needs of the family
members within the life conditions that are deemed acceptable
by standards of the modern era.
While approaching the furnishing of your dining room,
the first thing to do is consider the necessary size of the
table. If the dining room is meant to satisfy the needs of
a family of four, the table should be about 90 cm long
and wide. If you’re organizing a dinner for eight people,
you should be looking for 2-metre tables. You also need
to keep in mind that there must be at least 90 centimetres from the wall to the edge of the table, which will
enable comfortable sitting or moving around the table.
The crucial factor in choosing the dining-room furniture
comes in the form of materials for tables and chairs, as
well as the shapes in the central part of the room. Some
of them are represented by the following styles.
Technological style in the dining room features a flatline table with minimalist design, which is often manufactured from a popular material combination – hardened-glass panels resting on firm metal legs. The glass
doesn’t necessarily have to be transparent, as there are
different ways of processing this material. Technologi-
cal-style interiors are mostly dominated by cold neutral
tones – black, white and grey (non) colours. Chairs and
table legs are often covered in leather, which adds an
increased sense of softness. Chairs can also be covered
in different fabrics. We must also mention chairs that are
shaped from see-through polycarbonate, which make
a good addition to smaller interiors thanks to their unassuming presence. Besides polycarbonate, other synthetic materials are also used in chair manufacturing.
These types of chairs can consist of only one colour, but
can also be embellished with different motifs, such as
lace decorations.
Glass plates and glasses will continue this transparent
scheme, while the tablecloths and bright-coloured coasters were provide a variation from the technological
style and fresh up the dining room. If you choose to eat
and spend time outdoors, you can choose tables and
chair from synthetic materials like silicon techno-ratan,
which is combined with aluminium construction. Some
of the main characteristics of this type of furniture are
attractive appearance, resistance of weather conditions and simple maintenance.
Classic tables bring sophistication into a dining room, as
well as the warmth of walnut or cherry wood. Tables and
chairs are often embellished with various carvings, veneers, inlays and gildings.
Shabby Chic style re-introduces the historical aspect
into the dining room. Classic furniture lines bring a lot of
elegance, while the white (non) colour provides a sense of lightness. The neutral white furniture is refreshed by
bright-coloured accessories.
And last but not least, there is the process of decorating the table, for daily life and for special occasions.
Tablecloths, dishes, silverware, accessories like little chair shirts – all these elements will provide additional fun
and aesthetics to sitting at the table. Decorating a table
provides you with a great opportunity to express your
creativity within your own home. If you’re organizing a
gathering of friends and/or family, your guests will pay
as much attention to the decorative aesthetics as they
will to your culinary skills.
Djeèja soba
oaza veselja i zaigranosti
nogi se često
pitaju kolika bi
bila optimalna
površina dječje
sobe. Idealno bi
bilo kada biste
na raspolaganju imali oko 12 četvornih metara, no u obzir dolaze i
manje prostorije. Veličina prostorije nije presudna, bitno je samo da
dijete ima svoj sigurni kutak, svoje
utočište. Kod uređivanja sobe treba
povesti računa o više stvari. Dječja
soba treba ponajprije ispunjavati
funkcionalne i estetske kriterije, ali i
biti potpuno u skladu s djetetovim
željama i sklonostima.
Odabir namještaja
Soba u prvom redu treba biti prilagođena aktivnostima djeteta. Dobrom organizacijom, čak i u manji
prostor, možemo smjestiti sav potreban namještaj. Osnovni elementi u
Bez obzira na veličinu doma,
svatko ima potrebu za svojim
vlastitim kutkom, svojim utočištem. To se posebno odnosi na
djecu, jer je ključno za njihov
rast i razvoj. Dječje sobe, zbog
procesa odrastanja, pretrpe
najviše promjena u uređenju
Piše: Ana Braliæ Foto: Arhiva DalCase
opremanju dječje sobe jesu krevet,
ormari i police, te radni stol. Važno
je imati dobar krevet i madrac jer
to utječe na djetetovu kralježnicu,
a potrebno mu je i mnogo kvalitetnog sna. Kod odabira ostalog
namještaja moramo paziti da ima
zaobljene kuteve, te da nema staklenih i lomljivih površina. Police su
također nužne zbog što bolje iskoristivosti prostora. Namještaj sobu
ne smije zagušiti, niti bitno umanjiti
prostor za igru. Radni stol, prije ili poslije, postat će sastavni dio dječje
sobe. On treba biti tako smješten
da mu prirodna svjetlost dolazi s lijeve strane, te treba pripaziti da
ne zapinje o prozorska vrata. Kod
manjih prostorija idealno rješenje
su tzv. skriveni elementi koji vizualno
povećavaju prostor - zidni ormari,
multifunkcionalni kreveti i sl. Ljudi
često zanemaruju podove, no to je
u dječjim sobama vrlo važno. Keramičke pločice ne dolaze u obzir
jer su hladne, pri čemu ni tepih ne
pomaže. Nužno je da je pod topao,
tako da se kao idealno rješenje nameću drvene podloge. Idealan bi
bio tvrdi pod od kvalitetno obrađenog parketa, koji se po potrebi
može osvježiti šarenim tepisima. Pri
odabiru materijala treba svakako
Phoenix lifestyle
Poznato je da dječje sobe trebaju biti vesele i djelovati stimulativno
na razvoj djeteta. Igra bojama je imperativ pri uređenju. Phoenix lifestyle u ponudi ima bogat asortiman za uređenje odaja najmlađih.
Secret Garden soba idealno je rješenje za djevojčice s obzirom na
njezin nježan dizajn i pastelne boje. Zaigrani dječaci mogu uživati u
namještaju i uzorcima s likovima svojih najdražih junaka poput Spidermana, kao i u sobi koja ih vodi u uzbudljiv svijet moreplovaca i
svjetskih putnika.Također, za male ljubitelje Formule 1 tu je i krevetić
dizajniran poput istoimenog bolida.
Boje u sobi – šareno i veselo
Prije svega, glavni cilj je da dijete
zavoli svoju sobu, pri čemu su i boje
vrlo važne. Boje se međusobno razlikuju zbog načina na koji utječu
na ljude. One koje pozitivno i stimulativno djeluju na psihu djeteta jesu
žuta, narančasta, crvena, dok su
plava i zelena idealne za prostore
gdje se djeca igraju i uče. Unatoč
tome što je poželjno šarenilo, treba
povesti računa o estetskom dojmu.
Treba uskladiti boju na zidovima s
eventualnim tapetama i zavjesama. Zatim treba pronaći odgovarajuće tepihe, pokrivače i jastuke.
Navedeni elementi nisu skupi, te ih
se lako može zamijeniti drugima i
tako osvježiti sobu.
Pedagoški je poticajno i postavljanje panoa na zid. Na pano se izlažu dobri crteži, pohvalnice, te se
tako dijete ohrabruje da se nastavi
kreativno izražavati. Nema pravila
kod korištenja boja u ovom slučaju,
kombiniraju se različite boje i stilovi,
no naposljetku je ipak najvažnije da
to odgovara željama djeteta. Psiholozi vezuju upotrebu boja uz karakter djece, pa tako smatraju da kod
aktivne i hiperaktivne djece treba
izbjegavati jake boje, te koristiti svijetle i smirujuće. Tiha i pasivna djeca trebaju više živahnosti, te im je
dobro unijeti u prostor jarke i intenzivne boje. Kako djeca odrastaju,
tako se mijenjaju njihove potrebe i
ukus. Dječje sobe prolaze najveći
broj transformacija, no bitno je djeci
uvijek omogućiti da u tome aktivno
sudjeluju. Uz malo kreativnosti, dječja soba uistinu može postati mjesto
iz bajke...
odabrati otpornije i one koji se lako
čiste, te odgovarajuću boju za zidove, zavjese...
Rasvjetna tijela također zaslužuju
veliku pažnju. Osim što je ključno priskrbiti potrebnu količinu prirodnog
svjetla, valja omogućiti dovoljno i
umjetnoga kako djeca ne bi naprezala oči. Ako su djeca mala, treba
izbjegavati stolna i podna rasvjetna
tijela, te je preporučljivo da tada
glavni izvor umjetnog svjetla bude
stropna svjetiljka. Idealno bi bilo
kombinirati nekoliko različitih izvora
svjetlosti, jer se tako količina svjetla
može prilagoditi potrebama i aktivnostima djeteta.
Preporuča se dječju sobu opremiti dodatnim izvorima topline, jer je
djeci nekad potrebno zagrijavanje
i toplina onda kad ostalim ukućanima nije, primjerice u slučaju bolesti.
Children bedroom an oasis
of joy and playfulness
Regardless of the size of your home, everybody has the need
for their own little corner and sanctuary. That statement is
particularly true for the children, as it is crucial for their growth
and maturing process. Children bedrooms, due to the growing-up process, tend to suffer the majority of changes during
Written by: Ana Braliæ
often wonder
about the ideal
size of the children bedroom.
It would be perfect to have about 12 square metres
at your disposal, but smaller rooms
are also not out of the option. The
size of the room is not crucial, as it is
only important for the child to have
its own safe little corner and sanctuary. Numerous things need to be
addressed during the decoration
process. A children bedroom primarily needs to fulfil functional and
Photo: DalCasa Archive
aesthetical criteria, as well as completely agreeing with the child’s
wishes and tendencies.
Choosing the Furniture
The room primarily needs to be adjusted to the child’s natural activities. A good sense of organization
will ensure that all necessary furniture will fit even into smaller rooms.
Primary elements in the process of
decorating a children bedroom are
the bed, closets, shelves and a desk.
It is important to have a good bed
and mattress because it has a direct
influence on the child’s spine, as the
child needs plenty of quality sleep.
While choosing the remaining furniture, make sure it has rounded corners, and don’t forget to eliminate
any glass or breakable surfaces.
Shelves are also essential as your goal
is to maximize the available space.
The furniture mustn’t suffocate the
room or significantly reduce the size
of the playing area. Sooner or later,
a desk will become the integral part
of the children bedroom. It needs to
be positioned in such manner that it
is approached by natural light from
its left side, and make sure it doesn’t
collide against the window frames.
Smaller rooms are ideal for the socalled hidden elements, which tend
to visually increase the size of the
room – wall closets, multifunctional
beds etc. People often ignore floors,
but they are also an important segment of children bedrooms. Ceramic tiles are out of the question
because they are too cold, even
with a carpet. It is essential to keep
the floor warm, so wooden flooring is implied as the ideal solution.
The perfect way to go would be to
choose a hard quality parquet floor,
which can be illuminated with multicoloured carpets. While choosing
the materials, make sure to go with
ones that are more resistant and are
easily cleaned, as well as with appropriate colour for walls, curtains...
Lighting objects also deserve your
undivided attention. Besides the
fact that it is crucial to ensure the
necessary amount of natural light,
make sure the children also have
enough manufactured light so they
don’t have to stress their eyes. If the
children are small, avoid any lighting objects on floors and desks, and
make sure that the main source of
manufactured light is positioned
on the ceiling. The ideal way to go
would be to combine several different sources of light, as that ensures
ways of adjusting the amount of
Phoenix lifestyle
It is well-documentated that children bedrooms need to be cheerful
and have a stimulating effect on the child’s growth. Playing with colours is imperative for the decoration process. Phoenix Lifestyle has a rich
assortment for decorating the young ones’ chambers in its catalogue.
The Secret Garden bedroom is ideal for little girls considering its gentle
design and pastel colours. Playful boys can enjoy furniture and samples featuring their favourite superheroes like Spiderman, as well as the
bedroom that leads them into an exciting world of sailors and world
travellers. In addition to that, little Formula 1 fans can use a little bed
designed as the racing car of the same name.
light to the child’s needs and activities.
We also firmly recommend ensuring additional sources of heat for
the children bedroom, as children
sometimes need heat and warmth
when other people in the house
don’t, like in case they get sick.
Colours in the Room – Lots of Colours
and a Happy Environment
The main goal is for the children to
love being in their room, which also
brings us to the issue of colours. Colours are separated into groups according to different ways they affect people. Those with a positive
and stimulating effect on the child’s
psychological structure are yellow,
orange and red, while blue and
green are the colours ideal for ar-
eas where children play and learn.
Despite the fact that lots of colours
are recommended, the aesthetical
impression is also very relevant.
It is important to coordinate the
colour on the walls with potential
wallpapers and curtains. Finding
the appropriate carpets, blankets
and pillows is the next step. These
elements will not cost you a lot of
money, which makes them fairly replaceable, and they can effortlessly
freshen up the room.
Educational experts also encourage placing some posters on the
walls. Those posters can include
nice drawings or certificates of merit, and that can encourage children
to continue expressing their creativity. There are no predetermined
rules regarding the usage of colours
as different samples and styles can
be combined, but the important
thing is for the child to be comfortable with them. Psychologists find
a strong connection between the
usage of colours and the child’s
character, so they feel that active
and hyperactive children shouldn’t
be surrounded by strong colours,
but rather by bright and soothing
colours. Quite and passive children
need more spontaneity, so they
should be surrounded by strong
and intense colours. As the children
grow up, their needs and preferences tend to change a lot. Children
bedrooms go through the largest
number of transformations, and it
is important to allow the children to
take active part in these processes.
With just a little creativity, a children
bedroom can truly become a place
from a fairytale...
Najskuplja i najjeftinija
Termocommerce, vodeæi hrvatski lanac trgovina opremom
za kupaonice pred svoje je struènjake za ureðenje interijera postavio neobièan zadatak – opremiti najskuplju i
najjeftiniju kupaonicu u Hrvatskoj. Prvi tim pod nazivom
„Živi svoje MEGA snove“ uredio je najskuplju kupaonicu
èija je finalna cijena vrtoglavih 315.923,93 kuna. Drugi
tim pod nazivom „Živi svoje MINI snove“ uredio je najjeftiniju kupaonicu u ponudi Termocommercea za što im je
bilo potrebno samo 10.435,43 kuna. Za razliku od skupe
varijante, ovdje tuš kabina košta samo 1.326 kuna, wc
školjka 288, a sve ploèice i bordure u kupaonici jeftinije
su od primjerice 24 komada bordura koje su se koristile u
„MEGA snovi“ varijanti.
The Most and Least
Expensive Bathroom
Termocommerce, Croatia’s leading chain of sanitary-facilities stores has
issued an unusual challenge towards its interior decorators – furnishing
the most and least expensive bathroom in Croatia. The first team came
up with a project called “Live Your MEGA Dreams”, which featured the
least expensive Termocommerce bathroom at a cost of only 10.435,43
KN. Unlike the expensive version, this bathroom’s shower cabinet costs
merely 1.326 KN, a toilet bowl costs 288 KN, while all the tile and border samples in this bathroom cost less than the 24-piece borders that
were used in the “MEGA Dreams” version.
Designers guild – jesenska kolekcija
Nova kolekcija Designers guild za jesen 2009 nastaje pod utjecajem klasiènih arhitektonskih motiva iz 18. stoljeæa, francuskih
motiva sobnih i zidnih pozadina 19. stoljeæa kao i poznate beèke Werkstätte škole. Sofisticirani obrasci lijepo izvedenih cvjetnih
motiva protkivaju ovosezonsku svilu i saten, a baršun i luksuzna vuna upotpunjuju se na razini tekstura nazvanoj ‘Essentials’, zajedno s tkaninom otpornom na zapaljenje kao i zidnim tapetima.
Boje su ove sezone jaèe, tako se organièki neutralne prebijaju
po muškobanjastoj nijansi ugljena, indigu i kakau, sa svijetlim
tonovima i zlatnim i srebrnim akcentima.
Designers guild –
autumn collection
The new Designers Guild collection for autumn 2009 is heavily
influenced by classical architectonic motifs from the 18th century, as well as French motifs of room and wall surfaces from the
19th century and the well-renowned Werkstatte school from
Vienna. Sophisticated patterns of lovely floral motifs emphasize this season’s silk and satin, while velvet and luxurious wool
intertwine on the level of the so-called “Essentials” textures,
along with the non-combustible fabric and wallpapers. The colours are stronger this season, as the organically neutral colours
weave through the manly shades of coal, indigo and cocoa,
with plenty of light tones and gold-silver accents.
Otvaranjem novog izložbeno-prodajnog salona sanitarija i keramika u mjestu Bobovici kraj Samobora, osiguran je velik izbor te
kvalitetna prezentacija i ponuda kupaonièkog asortimana. U ponudi se može naæi široki izbor kvalitetnih proizvoda domaæih i
stranih proizvoðaèa opreme za kupaonice. Nord, Schmidler, Hatria, Inker, Ariston, Gravena, Liv, Ape ceramics, Azejulos Alcor i
Mobilduenne samo su neki od poznatih brandova koje možete razgledati i kupiti u prodajnom salonu koji može zadovoljiti i najzahtjevnije klijente. U prezentaciji proizvoda vodilo se raèuna o
detaljima i opæem ugoðaju koji odiše kreativnošæu i modernom
elegancijom. Cijene su povoljne i pristupaène svaèijim potrebama i ukusu. Radno vrijeme salona je radnim danom od 08-20
i subotom od 08-14 sati. NordStore nudi velik izbor stilova od
modernog, elegantnog, u duhu zena pa sve do rustikalnog, a
osnovna poruka prezentiranog asortimana je èinjenica da kvaliteta nije nedostižna.
NordStore – retail store and
showroom of ceramics and
sanitary facilities
By opening the doors of new retail store and showroom of ceramics and sanitary facilities in Bobovica near Samobor, great
choice, quality presentation and offer of bathroom assortment
have been ensured. Store offers wide assortment of quality products from domestic and foreign manufacturers of bathroom
equipment. Nord, Schmidler, Hatria, Inker, Ariston, Gravena,
Liv, Ape ceramics, Azejulos Alcor and Mobilduenne are only
some of the famous brands that can be seen and bought in retail store that can satisfy even the most demanding customers.
During products’ presentations it has been taken care of details and general atmosphere that abound with creativity and modern
elegance. Prices are favorable and accessible for each needs and tastes. Working hours of showroom are from 08-20 on working
days and from 08-14 hours on Saturday. NordStore offers great choice of styles from modern, elegant, in spirit of Zen and rustic.
Main message of presented assortment is the fact that quality is accessible.
Music Monsteri
na plesnim podijima
Ovog ljeta kroz sveobuhvatnu kampanju Sony Ericsson
predstavlja Music Monstere, simpatiène, nasmiješene,
rasplesane likove, u naravi Walkman telefone kao sinonim za glazbu u pokretu. Povodom kampanje na
oznaèenim prodajnim mjestima do isteka zaliha traje
posebna ponuda pojednih Walkman modela – Sony
Ericssona W395, W595 i W705 – uz kupnju bilo kojeg
od njih na poklon se dobiva i stereozvuènik MPS-100.
Finale kampanje je veliki DJ Music Monster Festival koji
æe se održati 12. rujna na Zagrebaèkom Velesajmu.
Music Monsters
on Dance Floors
This summer’s full-scale campaign by Sony Ericsson presents
us with Music Monsters – likeable, smiling, dancing characters in the form of Walkman telephones that are synonymous
for music on the move. During the course of this campaign,
several chosen stores will offer special deals until they run out
of stock on certain Walkman models – Sony Ericsson W395,
W595 and W705 – as purchasing one of these models also
gets you a free MPS-100 stereo-loudspeaker. The campaign’s
grand finale will take place on September 12th at the Zagreb
Fair in the form of the huge DJ Music Monster Festival.
NordStore – maloprodajno izložbeni salon sanitarija i keramike
Prva hrvatska online
“lista za mladence”!
The First Croatian Online
Newlyweds List
Magma home, lanac prodavaonica za opremanje i ureðenje doma, na web-stranicama www.magma-home.com
pokrenuo je prvu hrvatsku online “listu za mladence”!
Stoga, ako planirate uskoro veliki dan vaši æe se gosti vjerojatno pitati èime darivati mladence.
Uz Magma home “listu za mladence” buduæi supružnici,
uz pomoæ svojih svatova, vrlo jednostavno, 24 sata na dan
i bez dodatnog obilaženja trgovina, mogu stvoriti dom iz
snova! Dom koji æe opremiti funkcionalnim i lijepim darovima – od klasiènih
poput posuða i posteljine, preko modernih
i lijepih dekoracija za
ureðenje doma do
namještaja koji im je
trenutaèno možda i
najpotrebniji. U ponudi je veliki izbor sjedeæih garnitura i fotelja,
stolova i stolica za
blagovaonicu, ormara
i komoda, odnosno
kompletno namještene sobe.
Magma home æe sve
parove koji otvore
“listu za mladence”
dodatno darivati Magminom darovnom karticom! Vrijednost kartice je 10 posto od ukupne vrijednosti svih kupljenih darova, a kartica
se može iskoristiti u svim Magminim prodavaonicama. Dakako, spomenimo i da se svi darovi uz èestitku besplatno
dostavljaju na adresu po odabiru gosta.
Magma Home, a chain of stores for home furnishing and decoration, has started the very first Croatian online newlyweds list
at website www.magma-home.com. Therefore, if you’re in the
midst of planning your big day it is probable that your guests
will ask the question of the appropriate present for newlyweds.
This Magma Home Newlyweds List will enable future spouses,
along with their guests, to create a home of their dreams in
very easy fashion, with 24-hour-a-day control and without any
additional browsing through various stores. Their home will
be furnished with functional and beautiful
presents, starting from
classic wedding gifts
like plates, glasses and
linen to modern and lovely home decorations,
as well as the most necessary group of items
– furniture. Magma offers a great palette of
seating ensembles and
armchairs, as well as tables and chairs for the
dining room, closets,
dressers and even completely furnished bedrooms.
Magma Home will also
provide an additional
Magma gift-card for every couple that choose to open the
Newlyweds List. The card carries 10 percent of the overall value
of all presents, and it can be used in all Magma stores. Naturally,
we must also mention that all presents will be delivered without
expenses to the guests’ chosen address with an additional congratulation card.
Revolucija u svijetu keramike
Renomirani talijanski proizvoðaè keramièkih ploèica Cotto d’Este donosi pravu revoluciju u svijet keramike. Rijeè je o ploèama Kerlite
koje, u svega 3mm debljine, spajaju kvalitete izuzetne èvrstoæe i estetike, a radi svojih fleksibilnih formata istodobno su pogodne
za oblaganje zidova, podova, stropova, fasada, pa èak i zaobljenih površina. Iznimno su otporne, lakše od aluminija i bolje obradive
od keramike. Inovativnost proizvoda temelji se na dizajnu i formatima keramièkih ploèa koje je moguæe rezati staklarskim skalpelom i na taj naèin
kreirati jedinstvene oblike i forme. Kerlite ploèe prodaju se u salonima
tvrtke Špina u Poreèu, Puli, Rijeci, Splitu, Zagrebu i Varaždinu.
A Revolution in the World of Ceramics
Renowned Italian ceramic-tile manufacturer Cotto d’Este has succeeded
in delivering a true revolution into the world of ceramics. The revolution
comes in the form of Kerlite tiles that are merely 3 millimetres thick, but
they still combine the qualities of exceptional firmness and aesthetics, and
their flexible formats also make them very convenient for walls, floors,
ceilings, facades and even rounded surfaces. They are extremely resilient,
much lighter than aluminium and easier to process than ceramics. This
product’s innovativeness is based on the design and formats of ceramic
tiles that can be cut with glazier scalpels, which results in unique shapes
and forms. Kerlite tiles are on sale in Špina stores in Poreè, Pula, Rijeka,
Split, Zagreb and Varaždin.
Kenda otvorila
outlet u Zaprešiæu
Tvrtka Kenda prisutna je na tržištu od 1990. i nametnula se kao vodeæa veleprodaja namještaja u Hrvatskoj i
bližoj regiji. Prateæi svjetske trendove, razvojni put tvrtke
obilježen je u nekoliko faza. Kenda veleprodaja razvija
svoj maloprodajni lanac Doma. Ubrzo, Doma postaje
nacionalni brand i odvaja se kao zasebna tvrtka. Kenda
nastavlja svoj put kao distibuter namještaja i koristeæi
svoju Europsku poziciju razvija u suradnji sa domaæim
proizvoðaèima artikle, kojima se nameæe i na tržištu
šire regije. U Hrvatskoj opskrbljuje više od 70 salona i
partnera. Izgradnjom distributivnog centra tvrtka se nametnula kao vodeæi protagonist i ostvarila moguænost
otvaranja svoje maloprodajne trgovine.
Outlet trgovina specifièna je zbog svoje lokacije i postavljenoj ponudi koja obuhvaæa kompletnu ponudu
namještaja po najkonkurentnijim cijenama. Sama organizacija maloprodaje drugaèija je i
jedinstvena na ovom podruèju.
Cijene artikala odreðuju se kao
“tvornièke”, pa je ponuda uvijek
atraktivna bez obzira na sezonu. Outlet služi kao showroom
i edukativni centar za edukaciju partnera i održavanje kuænih
sajmova, kojima se kreiraju nove
kolekcije i trendovi.
Na izlogu outlet trgovine postavljena je kompletna ponuda
namještaja tvrtke Kenda d.o.o..
Najveæa prednost ponude je
komisioniranje artikala. Tako se
80% namještaja može naruèiti
po želji u razlièitim sastavima,
boji, kvaliteti i naravno cijeni.
Tapecirani namještaj kupac æe
odabrati prema svojim željama
u ponuðenoj paleti tekstila ili
kože. Dnevne boravke kupac
æe prilagoditi svojim željama u
sastavu i boji prema prostoru za
kojeg je namještaj namjenjen, a
ne prema ponudi koja se nudi.
Company Kenda has been a factor on the market since 1990, and has established itself as
the leading wholesale company for furniture
in Croatia and the surrounding region. Always
one to follow the trends, the company’s development has featured several phases. Wholesale company Kenda developed its retail chain
called Doma, which soon became a national
brand and separated as an individual company. Kenda continued on as a furniture distributor and used its European position to develop new items in collaboration with Croatian
manufacturers, which established it as one of
the leading companies in the entire region. The
construction of a distributive centre further defined the company as a leading protagonist that now has the option
of opening its own retail store.
Outlet stores are specific because of their location and the offering
that includes a complete palette of furniture for the most accessible
prices. The retail organization itself is different and unique in this
area. Item prices are determined as “factory” prices, so the offering
is always attractive regardless of the season. Outlet also serves as a
showroom and educational centre for partners’ education and organization of house fairs, which are used to create new collections
and trends.
Complete furniture offering of Kenda d.o.o. can be seen at the
window of this outlet store, and the biggest advantage comes from
item commissioning. Around 80% of the furniture can be custommade in different materials, colours, quality and, naturally, prices.
Buyers can choose their own preferred version of upholstered furniture from a large palette of textile and leather products. Buyers can
also decorate their living rooms according to their own wishes in
the material and colour that is appropriate for the room in question,
while not being limited by what is on offer.
Kenda Opening an
Outlet in Zaprešiæ
U vizualnom i
Okupljanje uz ognjište? To svakako zvuči lijepo i ugodno. No,
kako zvuči okupljanje u sobi koja ujedinjuje vizualne i zvučne
čarolije te ih pretvara u jedan čaroban, ali opet jedan sasvim
naš mali svijet, u naša omiljena četiri zida?
oš od davnina se kao centar svakog doma
spominju ognjišta, uz koja su se članovi obitelji i posjetitelji osjećali ugodno. Otprilike
tako je i danas jer se svi osjećaju ugodno
uz neko ogrjevno tijelo, no danas je centar
svakog stana dnevna soba, a centar dnevne sobe su
postali proizvodi tehnoloških trendova. Pa dok su nekad
TV uređaji imali namjenu središnje informacijske jedinice
Piše: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Foto: Arhiva Dalcase
u domovima onih imućnijih, danas su LCD i plazma televizori nešto posve drugo. Oni su nešto što se mora imati,
prozor u svijet, ukras u stanu koji se može uklopiti u sve stilove, oni su pravi wellness za oči i uši jer – mnogi će se složiti
- nakon dugog i napornog dana nema ničeg ljepšeg od
gledanja omiljenih serija ili novog filma na elegantnom,
lijepom i velikom ekranu ili pak uživanja u najdražoj glazbi. Danas ovakvi ekrani imaju i dekorativnu namjenu jer
je moderno uređen stan bez modernih tehničkih uređaja
nemoguće zamisliti. Ruku pod ruku, uz velike ekrane idu i
kućna kina, te će ta dva čuda u sekundi pretvoriti svaku
dnevnu sobu u pravo vizualno-zvučno carstvo. Ako ste se
planirali počastiti novim komadom tehnike i učiniti svoju
dnevnu sobu još atraktivnijom i raskošnijom, sada je pravo
vrijeme jer izbor je zaista velik, a cijene su pristupačne.
Za svaki stan i svaku dnevnu sobu
Istina je da znaju izgledati toliko moderno i ispolirano da
čovjeku jedino padnu na pamet oni hladni, minimalistički stanovi. No, LCD i plazma televizore, pa i kućna kina,
odnosno 5.1 ili 7.1 sustave, može se pronaći u najrazličitijim izvedbama. Mnogi proizvođači misle baš na sve pa u
svojoj ponudi imaju modele koji će se potpuno prirodno
stopiti baš u svaki interijer. Dakako, tu priči nije kraj jer mašta uvijek čini čuda, a kako se radi o relativno laganim
napravama, one se, primjerice, mogu ugraditi u zid koji
je obložen prirodnim drvom, u popularnim gipsanim pločama se lako izvode “rupe” u kojima veliki ekrani ostaju
dovoljno uočljivi, no ne dominiraju u prostoriji. Dakle, ako
se želite počastiti jednim velikim LCD ili plazma ekranom,
razmislite o tome gdje ćete ga smjestiti. No, jednog pravila se ipak valja pridržavati, a to je: veći stan – veći ekran.
Ako dnevna soba raspolaže s tek dvadesetak četvornih
metara, jasno je da neće imati smisla ako LCD pokrije četvrtinu zida u takvoj sobi jer osim estetike, važno je znati
i da za ugodno gledanje ipak mora postojati određeni
razmak od samog ekrana. Naravno da bez kućnog kina
priča ne može završiti jer za puni užitak, uz vizualne slastice, moramo imati i one akustične. Popularnih kućnih
kina ima svakakvih, od onih jeftinih koja s pravim kućnim
kinom dijele samo ime, do onih kvalitetnih, od kojih se
čovjek naježi prilikom gledanja filma ili slušanja glazbe.
Što se dizajna tiče, 5.1 ili 7.1 sustavi su također dostupni
u brojnim varijantama, od onih ukrašenih drvom, do onih
u elegantnim champagne bojama, vječno elegantnih
crnih, onih s uskim samostojećim zvučnicima koji u velikoj
dnevnoj sobi preuzimaju uloge kutnih statua do onih malih koji će lijepo izgledati i u najmanjim sobama. Na što
treba paziti? Opet na veličinu dnevne sobe jer će metar i pol visoki samostojeći zvučnici manju dnevnu sobu
pretvoriti u cirkus, dok se mali satelitski zvučnici u dnevnoj
sobi od sedamdesetak četvornih metara neće ni vidjeti.
Snagu kućnoga kina jednako tako valja prilagoditi prostoriji pa se kod kupnje svakako valja posavjetovati s prodavačem, koji će po potrebi – barem ako se radi o iole
ozbiljnijoj trgovini – poslati i stručnjaka koji ne samo što će
pomoći u odabiru nego će i spojiti, odnosno idealno rasporediti sustav u prostoriji. Jasno, uvijek treba paziti i na to
da se dizajn ovih naprava lijepo uklapa u stil prostorije, pa
će prodavač lako pronaći model koji će vam odgovarati
i po dazajnu I po tehničkim karakteristikama.
Za one koji mogu i žele više
Ako imate veliku i prostranu dnevnu sobu, a muči vas neki
prazan zid, možda je digitalni projektor idealno rješenje.
Iako su na tržištu već nekoliko godina, DVD projektori su
danas dostupniji no ikad. Povoljni su, uporaba im je vrlo
jednostavna, a sve što trebaju jest jedan velik i prazan
zid. Naravno, i sam projektor mora se negdje smjestiti, no
to je najmanji problem. Korištenje u manjim prostorijama
nikako nije preporučljivo, no u velikim dnevnim sobama
oni donose pravu čaroliju, užitak koji se jednostavno ne
može mjeriti i uspoređivati jer ipak sjedite u vlastitu domu,
u udobnoj ili, još bolje, ekstra udobnoj masažnoj fotelji.
Ipak, planirate li se počastiti ovakvim čudom tehnike, na
surround zvučnom sustavu nikako ne smijete štedjeti. Postavite li u dnevnu sobu digitalni projektor, obogatite prostoriju i vrhunskim zvučnim sustavom jer ćete samo tako
uživati do kraja. Okupljanje uz ognjište? To svakako zvuči
lijepo i ugodno. No, kako zvuči okupljanje u sobi koja ujedinjuje vizualne i zvučne čarolije te ih pretvara u jedan
čaroban, ali opet jedan sasvim naš mali svijet, u naša
omiljena četiri zida?
Inside a Visual
and Acoustic
Gathering around a fireplace? That sure sounds
lovely and pleasant. But how would you feel
about gathering your family together in a room
that unites visual and acoustic magic by creating your own magical little world within your
favourite four walls?
Written by: Aleksandar Vrtariæ
Photo: DalCasa Archive
ver since ancient times, a fireplace has
been referred to as a centre of every
home that made all family members and
visitors feel comfortable. That perception
still remains the same because everybody
likes to be around a heating object, but
the centre of today’s apartment is a living room, and
the centre of that living room has now shifted towards
products of technological trends. TV sets used to have a
function of central information units in homes of wealthier citizens, but having an LCD or plasma set these days
is something completely different. They are something
you simply must have, as they represent your window
to the world, a decoration that adapts to any style in
your apartment, and a true wellness experience for your
eyes and ears because, as many of you will agree, there
is nothing nicer at the end of a long busy day than to
watch your favourite TV show or a new movie on an elegant and beautiful large screen, or maybe to listen to
your favourite music. Nowadays, these types of screens
also have a decorative function because it is impossible
to imagine a modern apartment without the latest technological devices. Large screens are often accompanied by home-cinema systems, and these two miracles
are bound to turn every living room into a visual and
acoustic empire. If you’re planning to treat yourself to
a new piece of latest technology that will make your
living room even more attractive and sumptuous, now is
the time to buy because there are numerous options to
choose from, and the prices are quite accessible.
For Every Apartment and Every Living Room
To be honest, these devices can look so modern and polished that it’s no wonder they’re mostly connected to those
cold and minimalist
However, LCD and
plasma TV sets, as
well as home cinemas, 5.1 or 7.1
systems, can be
found in all types
of performances.
Numerous manufacturers pay attention to every little
detail, so their offerings include models that will effortlessly adapt to any type of interior. Of course, there’s
even more to it because imagination can take you to
all kinds of places, and because these devices are relatively light, you can build them into a wall that is covered
in natural wood. It is also no problem to create “holes” in
popular plaster panel mouldings, so your large screens
can remain noticeable without completely dominating
the room. Therefore, if you’re thinking about buying a
large LCD or plasma screen, carefully consider its position in the room. There is one rule that must be obeyed,
and that is: a larger apartment – a larger screen. If
your living room doesn’t take up more than
twenty square metres, it’s only
natural that you will
choose another option
because an
LCD screen
quarter of the
wall in such
room, and it is
important to know that, in addition to aesthetics, there must be a certain detachment from
the screen in order to enjoy the watching experience. Of course, this entire story demands
a home-cinema system because visual and
acoustic pleasures go hand in hand. There
are all types of popular home cinemas, from
the cheaper ones that barely deserve to carry
that name, to the quality ones that will give
you goose bumps while watching a movie or
listening to music. On the subject of design,
5.1 or 7.1 systems are also accessible in all
kinds of options - from those covered in decorative wood or elegant champagne colours,
to eternally elegant black systems with narrow detached loudspeakers that resemble
statues in the corners of your room. You can
also find smaller home-cinema systems that
will wonderfully fit into the smallest of rooms.
Once again, you must pay attention to the
size of your living room because 1,5-metrehigh detached loudspeakers will turn a smaller living room into a circus, while smaller satellite speakers will remain unnoticed in a 70-m2
living room. The power of the home-cinema
system must also be adjusted to the room, so
make sure to get plenty of advice from the
salespeople who will, if we’re talking about a
serious store, send an expert that will not only
help you choose the right system, but will also
install it and find an ideal position for it in the
room. Naturally, make sure to recognize the
design that agrees with the overall style of the
room, which should help the salesperson to
find the model with just the right design and
technical qualities.
For Those who Want and Can Afford More
If you have a large and spacious living room
with an empty wall that doesn’t stop bothering you, a digital projector might be an ideal
solution. Although they’ve been on the market for several years now, DVD projectors are
more accessible than ever. Their price isn’t too
high, they are very simple to operate, and all
they require is a large and empty wall. Naturally, you must also find a position for the projector, but that should be no problem at all.
Using the projector in smaller rooms is not recommendable, but when used in larger rooms,
they produce magic and pleasure that can’t
be compared to anything because you are
sitting in your own home, and in your comfortable, or better yet, super-comfortable massage chair. However, if you’re planning on
treating yourself to this technological miracle,
don’t try to save money on the surround audio
system. If you install a digital projector in your
living room, make sure to add a top-notch
audio system because that is the only way
to properly enjoy the experience. Gathering
around a fireplace? That sure sounds lovely
and pleasant. But how would you feel about
gathering your family together in a room that
unites visual and acoustic magic by creating
your own magical little world within your favourite four walls?
Novi trendovi
u oblikovanju slavina
Danas kad zaštita okoliša zauzima sve bitniju ulogu u društvu,
j j se novi načini p
j i upotrebe
j smanjuju
j j
zagađenje, štede energiju i sirovine. Čista i pitka voda je pravo
blago i u mnogim zemljama postaje luksuz pa je ekonomična
potrošnja vode vrlo bitna
Piše: Nikola Èelan
to bi bile veličine koje
čine idealnu slavinu?
Spoj odličnog dizajna,
vrhunske kvalitete i povoljne cijene zasigurno
diktiraju dobar dio za-
Foto: Arhiva DalCase
htjeva koji određuju ako ne idealan,
onda barem proizvod koji će zadovoljiti kupca sa zahtjevima za jednu
razinu iznad najnužnije kod opremanja dnevnih prostorija alatima za regulaciju protoka nasušne vode.
Slavine danas kao proizvod odlikuje vrhunski dizajn, iznimna izdržljivost
i trajnost, a materijali korišteni u proizvodnji, odabiru se prema zadnjim
tehnološkim dostignućima. Kvaliteta,
stil, pouzdanost i funkcionalnost neke
su od veličina koje trebamo imati u
vidu pri svom odabiru ovog važnog
elementa stambene opreme.
Ekonomična potrošnja
Slavine možemo podijeliti na dvoručne i jednoručne, kupaoničke i
kuhinjske, a kao dodatna grupa slavina su slavine ekonomične serije.
Danas kad zaštita okoliša zauzima
sve bitniju ulogu u društvu, smišljaju
se novi načini proizvodnje i upotrebe koji smanjuju zagađenje, štede
energiju i sirovine. Čista i pitka voda
je pravo blago i u mnogim zemljama
postaje luksuz pa je ekonomična potrošnja vode vrlo bitna. Sve slavine
mogu izdržati radni tlak do 6 bara, a
slavine iz Schmidlerovih serija Tempo
i Nord Siena2 mogu izdržati tlak čak
do 10 bara. Preporučeni radni tlak
svih slavina je do 5 bara. Kvalitetnije
slavine proizvođača poput, primjerice Schmidlera trebale bi izdržati minimalno 100 otvaranja i zatvaranja
svaki dan u periodu od 5 godina bez
prestanka. Otprilike to iznosi 180 000
otvaranja unutar “radnog vijeka”.
Također se testom utvrđuju i razine
buke, tako slavine iz ove kategorije
stvaraju zvuk tiši od 18 db što približno određuje prvu klasu po okvirnoj kategorizaciji kvalitete mehanizma.
Slavine često imaju mogućnost ugradnje regulatora prije početka korištenja, koji unaprijed određuje količinu protoka tople vode,
čime se može dodatno uštedjeti ili osigurati od neželjenih protoka
pretople ili prehladne vode. Na primjer u dječijim vrtićima, gdje
želimo zaštititi djecu od opeklina nastalih korištenjem vruće vode,
ugrađuje se regulator koji osigurava željeni maksimum tople i onemogućuje protok pretople vode. Dio slavina posjeduje inventivan
mehanizam koji nam omogućuje korištenje slavine u eko modu
(štednom modu ) kojim se propušta samo manji mlaz vode, dovoljan za, primjerice, pranje ruku i drugi koji omogućuje jači mlaz
vode kada trebamo u kratkom vremenu veću količinu vode. Posebna kategorija slavina predstavljaju miješalice.
Kod izrade slavina također je bitan
element, naravno, materijal. Najčešće se kao bitna stavka kvalitetne
izrade navodi mesing visoke čistoće, čija se prisutnost izražava u postocima dok je u postupku izrade
slavina važna faza, upravo ona zaštitna, završna obrada – kromatura.
Proizvođači poput Schmidlera pak
pored sastavnica visoke kakvoće
u svoje slavine ugrađuju i posebne
elemente poput Hydroplast (Italija)
keramičke pločice (kartuša) i Neoperl (Švicarska) perlator, što im jamči
dodatnu trajnost i izdržljivost.
AIR tehnologija
Na sličan način u današnje vrijeme
šire se kriteriji za odabir tuševa: ručni tuš, bočne mlaznice, tuš panel,
nadglavni tuš, cijev za tuš, Rainfall
ili Rainmaker sustavi iz programa
Raindance proizvođača kakav je
Hansgrohe. Odabir ovisi o tome želimo li da voda teče odozgo, sa zida
bočno, sa više strana, želimo li klasiku ručnog držanja tuša, meki val
vodopada, gustu kišu, masažu vodom. Raindance tuševi nešto većih
dimenzija, primjerice, razlikuju se od
klasičnih po kraćoj ručki, plošnom
dizajnu i nadprosječno velikom glavom, gdje promjer ruže tuša seže od
100 do čak 600 mm. Inovativna karakteristika Raindance kolekcije jest
i AIR tehnologija zahvaljujući kojoj
voda prilikom istjecanja prolazi kroz
vrtlog zraka. U obilnim kapljicama
vidljiv je uhvaćen zrak, a istodobno
zrakom obogaćena voda kožu potpuno obuhvaća stvarajući dodatnu
vrijednost svakodnevnoj aktivnosti
poput tuširanja. Pritom je, uslijed postotka zraka u kapima vode, smanjena količina njihove potrošnje u odnosu na običan tuš, a kod održavanja
naglašena je Quick Clean funkcija
zaštite od prijanjanja kamenca. Ne
treba posebno naglasiti kako su kupaonički proizvodi spomenutih proizvođača česte “mušterije” nagrada
u svijetu industrijskog dizajna.
New trends in
design of faucets
Now that environmental protection has such an important role in society, we are witnessing numerous new
methods of production and consumption that reduce
pollution while preserving energy and raw materials
Written by: Nikola Èelan
Photo: DalCasa archive
hich sizes comprise an ideal faucet? A combination of excellent design, top-notch
quality and accessible price surely dictate
a good part of demands that determine a
product that may not be ideal, but will surely
satisfy a demanding buyer and provide him
with a level above minimum in the process of furnishing daytime
facilities with devices that regulate the flow of precious water.
These days, faucets as products are characterized by superb design, exceptional durability and longevity, while the production
materials are chosen according to latest technological accomplishments. Quality, style, reliability and functionality are just some
of the elements that deserve our attention while choosing this important element of residential equipment.
Economical consumption
We separate one-hand and two-hand faucets, bathroom and
kitchen faucets, as well as economical faucets that present themselves as an additional group. Now that environmental protection
has such an important role in society, we are witnessing numerous
new methods of production and consumption that reduce pollution while preserving energy and raw materials. Pure and drinkable water is a treasure that is fast becoming a luxury in numerous
countries, which further emphasizes the importance of economical consumption of water. All faucets can work under 6 bars of
working pressure, but Scmidler’s Tempo and Nord Siena2 faucets
can withstand pressure of up to 10 bars. The recommended working pressure for all faucets is up to 5 bars. Higher-quality faucets by
manufacturers like Schmidler are supposed to have the capacity
for at least 100 openings and closings per day in a period of 5
years without a break. That roughly translates
into 180 000 openings within the “working period” of a faucet. Various tests also determine
different levels of noise, and it must be said that
faucets in this category create a noise lower
than 18 decibels, which stands for top class in
terms of broadly categorizing the mechanism
Faucets often have the option of building in regulators before they’re used, and those regulators can predetermine the amount of used hot
water, which can help to ensure ourselves from
excessive flowing of overly hot or cold water.
For example, kindergartens always use these regulators
that determine the desired maximum of hot water and
prevent the usage of overly hot water in order to protect
the children from subsequent burns. Some faucets possess an inventive mechanism that enables the usage in
economical fashion, as it releases a weaker flow of water
that is adequate for washing hands, while also releasing
a stronger flow when we need a bigger amount of water
in a short period of time. A special category of faucets
comes in the form of shufflers.
Production materials are also an important element in
the process of manufacturing faucets. The most common high-quality element to be used is high-percentage
brass, while the all-important finishing phase of faucet
production often features – chroming. Manufacturers like
Schmidler accompany high-quality materials with special
elements like Hydroplast (Italy) ceramic tiles (cartridge)
and Neoperl (Switzerland) perlators, which provide additional durability and longevity.
AIR technology
Present criteria for choosing your showers are very similar
in their expansion: hand showers, sideway nozzles, shower panels, above-head showers, shower hose, Rainfall
or Rainmaker systems from Raindance programmes by
manufacturers like Hansgrohe. Our choices depend on
whether we’re looking for the water to come from above,
from the side walls or from more than one angle, as well
as if we want classic hand showers, a soft waterfall wave,
thick rain or water massage. Larger Raindance showers,
for instance, stand out with their shorter handles, flat-line
design and exceptionally large shower heads, as the di107
ameters vary from 100 to 600 mm. The Raindance collection is also inventive because of its AIR technology that releases the water through the swirling air. The numerous water drops clearly exhibit the captured air, which completely
encompasses the skin and creates an additional value to an everyday activity like showering. It is also important to
say that, due to the percentage of air in these water drops, the consumption of water is significantly reduced, while
maintenance activities ask for Quick Clean methods of protection. It is almost unnecessary to state that bathroom
products by these manufacturers often end up winning numerous awards in the world of industrial design.
Fizička osoba prodavatelj prvu je nekretninu (građevinu) prodala 19.12.
2006. god. a drugu 28.08.2007. god.
Postavlja se pitanje kada ta ista osoba smije prodati i treću istovrsnu nekretninu a da ne uđe u sustav poreznog obveznika poreza na dohodak
od samostalne djelatnosti obrta i s
obrtom izjednačene djelatnostima?
Člankom 18. stavak 1. t. 3. Zakona
o porezu na dohodak propisano je
da se dohotkom od samostalne djelatnosti obrta i s obrtom izjednačene
djelatnostima smatra otuđenje (prodaja, zamjena i drugi prijenos) više od
tri nekretnine ili više od tri imovinska
prava iste vrste u razdoblju od pet
godina te pritom, razdoblje od pet
godina počinje teći od dana otuđenja prve nekretnine, pri čemu je mjerodavan nadnevak kupoprodajnog
ili drugog ugovora odnosno isprave o
stjecanju vlasništva.
S obzirom da je prvi kupoprodajni ugovor zaključen dana 19. prosinca 2006.
god., prodaja slijedeće istovrsne nekretnine (građevine) ne bi smjela uslijediti u razdoblju do 19. prosinca 2011.
god. kako prodavatelj ne bi postao
porezni obveznik poreza na dohodak
od samostalne djelatnosti obrat i s
obrtom izjednačene djelatnosti.
Porezni obveznik je prodao četiri poljoprivredne parcele, od kojih dvije u 2005., jednu u 2006., te jednu u
2007. god., pa se postavlja pitanje
da li je obvezan kao primitke po toj
osnovi iskazati samo one ostvarene
od prodaje nekretnine u 2007. ili one
ostvarene po prodanim parcelama u
ranijim godinama?
Obzirom da u slučaju utvrđivanja i
oporezivanja dohotka od samostalne djelatnosti kojega porezni obve-
znik ostvari pod propisanim uvjetima
od otuđenja nekretnina i imovinskih
prava, porezna obveza nastupa u
trenutku prodaje četvrte nekretnine
iste vrste, a da je predmet oporezivanja dohodak po toj osnovi utvrđen
od primitaka od prodaje svih prodanih nekretnina iste vrste u propisanom
razdoblju od pet godina, to se dohodak od samostalne djelatnosti po toj
osnovi utvrđuje u poreznom razdoblju
u kojem je porezna obveza nastupila,
a od primitaka koje je porezni obveznik ostvario od prodanih nekretnina
u razdoblju unutar toga razdoblja od
pet godina.
Dakle, u predmetnom slučaju se dohodak po toj osnovi utvrđuje u 2007.
god. i to od primitaka od prodanih
nekretnina u tekućem i u prethodnim poreznim razdobljima odnosno
od primitaka koje je porezni obveznik
ostvario prodajom dvije nekretnine u
2005., jedne u 2006. i jedne u 2007.
Podliježe li obvezi plaćanja poreza
na dohodak prodaja devet čestica
zemljišta, koje se nalaze u jednom
zemljišnoknjižnom ulošku i predstavljaju jednu cjelinu, a prodaju se jednom kupcu putem jednog kupoprodajnog ugovora, odnosno smatra li
se to jednim prometom ili prometom
devet istovrsnih nekretnina?
Člankom 20. st. 4. Pravilnika o porezu
na dohodak propisano je da se nekretnine (zemljišta i građevine) smatraju istovrsnima ovisno o njihovim
obilježjima i namjenama i to:
1. zemljišta – poljoprivredna, građevinska i druga zemljišta,
2. građevine – stambene, poslovne i
sve druge zgrade, te njihovi dijelovi.
Shodno navedenom, bez obzira što
više suvlasnika temeljem jednog kupoprodajnog ugovora prodaje devet zemljišnih čestica koje se nalaze
u jednom zemljišnoknjižnom ulošku i
predstavljaju jednu cjelinu, riječ je o
prodaji devet nekretnina iste vrste.
Dohodak od samostalne djelatnosti
neće se utvrditi samo ako se radi o
nekretninama stečenim nasljeđivanjem, ako se nekretnine izvlašćuju
na temelju posebnog zakona, ili ako
se radi o nekretninama prodanim u
okolnostima propisanim čl. 19. st. 2.
Zakona o porezu na dohodak.
U svim drugim slučajevima otuđenja
više od tri nekretnine u roku od pet
godina utvrđuje se dohodak od samostalne djelatnosti na način propisan člancima 19-24. Zakona o porezu na dohodak, koji podliježe obvezi
plaćanja poreza na dohodak i prireza porezu na dohodak.
Prodavatelj fizička osoba ima u vlasništvu 6 nekretnina, u naravi građevinskih zemljišta i to od 1962. god. u
2/3 dijela, a 1/3 je naslijedio 2004.
god. od pokojnog oca.
Tijekom 2006. god. je kao jedini vlasnik prodao kupcu 3 nekretnine, a
uskoro namjerava istom kupcu prodati i preostale 3 nekretnine.
Da li je fizička osoba po toj osnovi obveznik poreza na dohodak, ako jest
u kojem dijelu odnosno na koji dio
primitka od otuđenja nekretnina?
S obzirom da u konkretnom slučaju
fizička osoba unutar roka od pet godina od dana otuđenja prve nekretnine, prodaje ukupno šest nekretnina
iste vrste (građevinskih zemljišta), a
da pritom nisu ispunjeni uvjeti propisani čl. 19. st. 2. Zakona o porezu na
dohodak, fizička je osoba obveznik
poreza na dohodak od samostalne
djelatnosti po osnovi otuđenja svih
šest nekretnina u skladu s člankom
18. stavak 1. točka 3. Zakona o porezu na dohodak.
S obzirom da je fizička osoba bila
prvobitni vlasnik 2/3 tih nekretnina,
a da je vlasnikom preostalog dijela
od 1/3 nekretnina postala nasljeđivanjem, mišljenja smo da se dohodak
po toj osnovi treba utvrditi kao razlika
između ostvarenih primitaka prodajom nekretnina i to samo u dijelu 2/3
ostvarenih primitaka te izdataka koji
će fizičkoj osobi nastati pri otuđenju
tih nekretnina.
Dana 01.01.1997. god. sklopila sam
sa najmodavcem Ugovor o najmu
stana (sa zaštićenom najamninom)
na neodređeno vrijeme.
Da li je moguće u Zemljišnim knjigama uknjižiti pravo najma kao takvo a
s obzirom i u svrhu mogućeg prodavanja predmetne nekretnine, kako bi
potencijalni kupac imao uvid u pravo
stanje nekretnine u odnosu na posjed
iste, te da se vidljivim učine osobni
odnosi, naročito ograničenja glede
upravljanja imovinom, s tim učinkom
da se nitko ne može pozivati na to da
za njih nije znao niti morao znati.
Zakonom o zemljišnim knjigama (NN
91/96, 68/98, 137/99, 114/01, 100/04,
108/07, 152/08) u čl. 31. st. 1. taksativno su nabrojena zemljišnoknjižna prava koja se mogu upisivati u zemljišnu
knjigu, a to je pored prava vlasništva, zakupa, nadzakupa, prvokupa
itd. međuostalim i pravo najma kao
jedno od četiri obvezna prava čijom
uknjižbom se takvo pravo stječe,
prenosi, ograničuje ili prestaje bez
posebnog naknadnog odobrenja.
Dakle, za upis prava najma u zemljišne knjige potrebno je u zemljišno-knjižni odjel općinskog suda tzv.
gruntovnicu predati Prijedlog za upis
i potrebne isprave iz kojih je vidljiv
pravni temelj za upis knjižnog prava (u konkretnom slučaju Ugovor o
najmu stana) kao što i trebaju biti u
izvorniku ili ovjerenom prijepisu., a sve
u svrhu kako se isti Prijedlog ne bi odbacio ili odbio kao neosnovan.
Pa tako sukladno čl. 44. Zakona o
zemljišnim knjigama, upis u navedene dopustit će se samo na temelju
isprava koje nemaju očitih nedostataka koji dovod u sumnju njihovu
vjerodostojnost te osobe protiv kojih
i u čiju se korist upis zahtijeva moraju
u ispravama biti navedene tako da
ne postoji opasnost da ih se zamijeni
sa drugima, a moraju biti navedeni i
mjesto, dan, mjesec i godina gdje i
kad su isprave sastavljene.
Također, takve isprave pored gore
navedenog moraju sadržavati i točnu oznaku zemljišta ili prava glede
kojeg se uknjižba zahtijeva te izričitu
izjavu onoga čije se pravo ograničava, opterećuje, ukida ili prenosi na
drugu osobu da pristaje na uknjižbu.
Slijedom navedenog, zemljišna knjiga je javna tj. svatko može zahtijevati
uvid u zemljišnu knjigu i iz nje dobiti
izvatke, ispise i prijepise.
Moj pokojni otac kupio je prije dvadesetak godina manje zemljište u
Dalmaciji u jednom manjem mjestu
na obali. Potpisan je kupoprodajni ugovor i plaćen porez na promet
nekretnina. Problem je u tome što
prodavatelj nije upisan u gruntovnici kao vlasnik, znači on je samo izvršio kupnju i poslije prodaju prema
nama. Uz to je problem što se sve to
odvijalo prije dvadesetak godina pa
je pitanje tko je uopće živ od tih koji
su posredovali u kupnji i prodaji istog
Postavlja se pitanje na koji način bi
nam se moglo kao vlasnicima predmetne nekretnine omogućiti upis u
zemljišne knjige i koji postupak bi
trebali slijediti.
Upisi u zemljišnu knjigu dopušteni su
samo protiv osobe koja je u času
podnošenja prijedloga za upis upisana u toj zemljišnoj knjizi kao vlasnik
ili nositelj prava u pogledu kojeg je
zatražen upis ili koja bar istodobno
kao takva bude uknjižena ili predbilježena . Navedena odredba predstavlja pravilo o knjižnom predniku
koje mora biti ispunjeno kod svih vrsta
zemljišnoknjižnih upisa. Ukoliko je knjižno pravo izvanknjižno preneseno na
više osoba, posljednji stjecatelj može
zahtijevati da se knjižni prijenos provede neposredno na njega ukoliko
dokaže ispravama podobnim za upis
neprekinuti niz izvanknjižnih stjecanja.
U vašem slučaju ukoliko ne postoje
isprave kojima bi se mogao dokazati
neprekinuti slijed biti će potrebno pokrenuti parnični postupak za utvrđivanje vlasništva.
Direktorica Tana Imobilia d.o.o.
Lara Hraste
Physical entity (seller) sold his first
real estate (building) on December
19th 2006, and his second one on
August 28th 2007. I was wondering
when would this person be allowed
to sell the third real estate of the
same type without entering the system of income-tax payers from the
independent transactions of a firm
or transactions identical to that?
Paragraph 18, item 1, article 3 of the
Law on Income Taxes states that the
income from the independent transactions of a firm or transactions identical to that imply ownership transfers
(selling, replacing, and all other transfers) of more than three real estates
or three ownership rights of the same
type within the period of five years.
That five-year period begins from
the day of selling the first real estate,
which is determined by the date on
the purchasing contract or any other
ownership certificate.
Considering the fact that the first purchasing contract was concluded on
December 19th 2006, the selling of
the following real estate (building)
of the same type is not allowed until
December 19th 2011, or the seller will
become an income-tax payer from
the independent activities of a firm
or activities identical to that.
A tax payer sold four agricultural
parcels – two of them in 2005, one in
2006, and one in 2007. I was wondering if he was obligated to only report
income from the 2007 sale, or would
he have to also report the income
from previous sales?
Considering the fact that the evaluating and taxing the income from
independent transactions in the field
of selling real estates and ownership
rights imply that the tax obligation
becomes valid with the selling of the
fourth real estate of the same type,
and that the taxing includes complete income from selling all real estates
within a five-year period, that means
that the income is determined from
independent transactions within the
given tax period from complete income that the tax payer accumulated within a five-year period.
Therefore, the income in this case is
determined in 2007, and it includes all
transactions in that tax period, which
means that the real estate sales in
2005, 2006 and 2007 are included.
Do my income-tax obligations include the selling on nine land units that
are all included in the same landregistry segment as one single unit?
They are sold to one buyer with a pur112
chasing contract, so I was wondering
if that is considered to be one single
transaction or nine identical transactions?
Paragraph 20, item 4 of the Law on
Income Taxes states that real estates (parcels and buildings) are considered identical depending on their
characteristics and purposes:
1. Parcels – agricultural, construction
and other parcels
2. Buildings – residential, business and
all other buildings with their units
As a result, regardless of the fact that
multiple co-owners are selling nine
parcel units with one purchasing contract, and all of these nine units are
entered into the land registry as one
single unit, we are dealing with nine
separate real estate transactions.
Income from the independent transaction will not be included solely if
the real estates were inherited, entered based on a separate law, or sold
under the circumstances established
in Paragraph 19 Item 2 of the Law
on Income Taxes. In all other circumstances, income from the transactions including over three real estates
is determined in accordance to paragraphs 19-24 of the Law on Income
Taxes, which implies the obligation of
paying income taxes and additional
Physical entity (seller) owns six realestate properties for construction purposes, and 2/3 of them originate from
1962, while the remaining 1/3 was
inherited from his late father in 2004.
During 2006, he sold three properties
to a buyer as a sole owner, and he is
about to sell the remaining three properties to the same buyer.
Does this physical entity qualify as an
income-tax payer, and if he does,
which part of the income is included?
Considering the fact that this case
includes a physical entity selling six
real-estate properties of the same
type (construction purposes) within
a five-year period from the first sale,
and noticing that the conditions
from Paragraph 19, Item 2 from the
Law on Income Taxes have not been
completely fulfilled, the physical entity is obligated to pay income taxes
for independent transactions for all
six properties, based on Paragraph
18, Item 1, Article 3 of the Law on Income Taxes.
Considering the fact that the physical entity was the original owner of
the 2/3 of the properties, and that
he inherited the remaining 1/3 of
the properties, we feel that the income should be determined as a ratio
between the income from the 2/3 of
the properties and the expenses that
the physical entity receives from these transactions.
On the day of January 1st 1997, I signed a leasing contract for an apartment (with protected rent) with the
apartment owner for an undisclosed
period of time.
Is it possible to enter a leasing right to
the land registry, in sight of the possible selling of the real estate, in order
for the potential buyer to have true
insight into the state of the real estate
possession, and also in order to distinguish personal relations and limitations with the handling of the real
estate, as nobody could claim lack
of information as an excuse.
The Law on Land Registry (NN 91/96,
68/98, 137/99, 114/01, 100/04, 108/07,
152/08) in Paragraph 31, Item 1 states all land-registry rights that can be
entered into the land registry, and in
addition to the rights of ownership,
hiring, sub-hiring, purchasing precedence, etc., those rights also include
the leasing right as one of the four
basic rights that are acknowledged,
validated, transferred or halted with
the act of entering into the land registry without any additional approvals.
Therefore, in order to enter the leasing
right into the land registry, you need
to submit a statement that requests
the entering into the local land registry office, as well as obtain all necessary licenses that demonstrate
legal basis for the entering act (in this
specific case, the leasing contract)
in original form or as verified copies,
in order to prevent the request from
being denied as unfounded.
According to Paragraph 44 of the
Law on Land Registry, the entering
act will only be allowed based on fully valid documentation that do not
refute the credibility of the request.
It is also essential for the request to
state the names of transaction participants in such fashion that there are
absolutely no doubts about the identity of those entities, and it must also
state the exact location and date of
the said documentation.
The documentation must also state
the exact serial number of the property of the request in question, as
well as an explicit statement regarding the rights that are limited, burdened, abolished or transferred to
another entity.
Due to the fact that the land registry
is public property, everyone can gain
a clear insight into its content, as well
as obtain transcripts and verifications
from it.
My late father purchased a smaller
parcel in Dalmatia about twenty years ago, and it is located in a smaller
town on the coast. A purchasing
contract was signed and real estate
taxes were paid. The problem lies in
the fact that the seller was not entered into the land registry as the pro-
perty owner, which means that he
only performed the purchase and
subsequent sale. Another problem is
the fact that this all took place about
twenty years ago, which implies the
question of the actual existence of
the mediators and participants in this
We, as the owners of the real estate in
question, were wondering about any
possible ways and procedures of being enlisted into the land registry as
the property owners.
Entering the land registry is only
allowed when dealing with entities
who were enlisted as owners or had
appropriate power of attorney during the act of requesting the enlistment, or with entities who at are at
least marked as such. This regulation
presents the rule that must be fulfilled
with all land-registry enlisting procedures. If the land-registry status is
transferred to multiple entities outside
of the land registry, the status acquirer can demand the enlisting in immediate fashion if he obtains documentation that is required for this act.
In your case, if such documentation
that proves an uninterrupted line of
transfers outside of the land registry is
non-existent, you will have to start a
litigation process with the purpose of
determining the ownership rights.
Director of Tana Imobilia d.o.o.
Lara Hraste
Posredovanje u
prometu nekretnina
rajem travnja ove godine isteklo je prijelazno razdoblje za
usklađivanje poslovanja posrednika u prometu nekretnina sa
Zakonom o posredovanju u prometu
nekretnina, objavljenog u Narodnim
novinama 107/07. Slijedom toga je
svaki posrednik u prometu nekretnina
dužan pridržavati se navedenog Zakona kojim se uređuju pretpostavke
za obavljanje djelatnosti posredovanja u prometu nekretnina, kao i način
obavljanja te djelatnosti. Posrednik u
prometu nekretnina može biti trgovačko društvo, trgovac pojedinac
ili obrtnik za kojeg je rješenjem Ministarstva gospodarstva utvrđeno da
ispunjava pretpostavke propisane
navedenim Zakonom, te koji je upisan u Registar posrednika u prometu
nekretnina kojeg vodi Hrvatska gospodarska komora.
Navedenim Zakonom postrožene su
pretpostavke za obavljanje djelatnosti posredovanja u prometu nekretnina, u odnosu na ranije uređenje. Cilj
je strožih kriterija osigurati visoke standarde usluga u obavljanju djelatnosti
posredovanja u prometu nekretnina
te ih u cijelosti profesionalizirati.
Pod posredovanjem u prometu nekretnina podrazumijeva se obavljanje
poslova povezivanja nalogodavca i
trećih osoba radi kupnje, prodaje, zamjene, zakupa, najma ili radi sklapanja drugih pravnih poslova vezanih uz
nekretninu. Pored toga, posredovanje uključuje i obavljanje svih drugih
stručnih poslova u pregovorima te pri
sklapanju ugovora o pravnom prometu nekretnina, sukladno ugovoru
o posredovanju između posrednika i
nalogodavca, kao i općim uvjetima
poslovanja posrednika.
Posrednik u prometu nekretnina
Četiri su temeljne pretpostavke za
obavljanje djelatnosti posredovanja
u prometu nekretnina: poseban statusni oblik posrednika, zapošljavanje
stručne osobe – agenta u posredovanju, osiguranje od profesionalne
odgovornosti za štetu te odgovarajući prostor za obavljanje djelatnosti
Posrednik može biti trgovačko društvo,
trgovac pojedinac ili obrtnik. Time su
od obavljanja djelatnosti posredovanja u prometu nekretnina isključene
fizičke osobe koje nemaju registriran
obrt ili nisu trgovci pojedinci.
Posrednik mora, ili sam biti agent posredovanja u prometu nekretnina, ili
zapošljavati na puno radno vrijeme
barem jednog takvog agenta. Agent
posredovanja u prometu nekretnina
je osoba koja je položila stručni ispit
kojega prema posebnom Programu
osposobljavanja za agenta posredovanja u prometu nekretnina provodi
Hrvatska gospodarska komora. Također, agent mora biti kao takav upi-
san u Imenik agenata kojeg vodi Hrvatska gospodarska komora. Agent
ne smije bez suglasnosti posrednika
za kojeg na temelju ugovora o radu
obavlja poslove posredovanja, istodobno obavljati istovrsne poslove
za drugoga posrednika ili obavljati
druge radnje istovrsne s posredovanjem.
Posrednik mora biti osiguran od odgovornosti za štetu koju bi mogao prouzročiti u obavljanju djelatnosti posredovanja. Najniža osigurana svota je
200.000,00 kuna po jednom štetnom
događaju, odnosno 600.000,00 kuna
za sve odštetne zahtjeve u jednoj
osiguravateljskoj godini. Posrednik se
dužan osigurati kod osiguratelja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nakon pristupanja
Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju
bit će dostatno i osiguranje kod osiguratelja u državi članici Europske unije ili
Europskog ekonomskog prostora.
I, naposljetku, posrednik mora poslovati u prostoru koji je primjeren za
poslovanje, koji je u cijelosti odvojen
od stambenog prostora te koji ima
posebnu prostoriju za povjerljive razgovore sa strankama.
Ispunjenje navedenih pretpostavki posrednik dokazuje u postupku
za stjecanje rješenja kojim mu Ministarstvo gospodarstva odobrava
obavljanje djelatnosti posredovanja
u prometu nekretnina. Po ishođenju
rješenja, posrednik se upisuje u Re-
gistar posrednika nekretnina kojeg
vodi Hrvatska gospodarska komora.
Nadzor nad poslovanjem posrednika
provodi Državni inspektorat.
Ugovor o posredovanju
Posrednik postupa na temelju ugovora o posredovanju u prometu
nekretnina kojega u pisanome obliku sklapa s nalogodavcem. Pored
ugovora, međusobni odnos između
posrednika i nalogodavca uređuje
se i općim uvjetima poslovanja posrednika koje je on dužan istaknuti na
vidljivom i pristupačnom mjestu. Nalogodavac može biti fizička ili pravna
osoba zainteresirana za prodaju ili
kupnju nekretnine ili za zakup, najam
te stjecanje drugih prava i obveza u
odnosu prema nekretnini.
Prema ugovoru o posredovanju, posrednik se obvezuje da će nastojati
pronaći i dovesti u vezu s nalogodavcem osobu radi pregovaranja i sklapanja pravnog posla o prijenosu prava vlasništva na nekretnini. No, može
se raditi i o ugovaranju zakupa ili najma te drugih prava i obveza u odnosu prema nekretnini. Obveze posrednika sastoje se u obavljanju i drugih
stručnih poslova kao što su provjera
i upoznavanje nalogodavca s pravnim statusom nekretnine, prosječnom
cijenom nekretnina na tržištu, te posredovanje u pregovorima i sklapanju
ugovora. Također je posrednik dužan
upozoriti nalogodavca na očite nedostatke i moguće rizike u svezi s neuređenim zemljišnoknjižnim stanjem
nekretnine, na nedostatke građevne
i uporabne dozvole, te na druge važne okolnosti koje može uočiti uvidom
u isprave kojima se dokazuje vlasništvo i druge isprave o nekretnini.
Posrednik može ugovor o posredovanju prenijeti na druge posrednike
ako mu je to ugovorom dopustio nalogodavac. Tada posrednik s drugim
posrednicima sklapa ugovore o potposredovanju. No, i u tome slučaju
nalogodavac ostaje u ugovornom
odnosu samo s onim posrednikom
s kojim je sklopio ugovor o posredovanju. On mu je dužan predati popis
posrednika s kojima je sklopio ugovore o potposredovanju.
Posredniku prema ugovoru o posredovanju pripada posrednička naknada. Ona može iznositi najviše 6%
od kupoprodajne cijene nekretnine.
Pravo na naknadu posrednik stječe
tek po obavljenom poslu, osim ako je
drukčije ugovoreno. Općim uvjetima
poslovanja posrednik određuje opis
pojedinih poslova koje obavlja te visinu posredničke naknade za pojedine
poslove. Posredničku naknadu je nalogodavac dužan platiti posredniku
i onda kada sklopi s trećom osobom
pravni posao nakon prestanka ugovora o posredovanju, ako je sklapanje
takvoga pravnog posla pretežito posljedica posrednikova djelovanja prije
prestanka ugovora o posredovanju.
Troškove dodatnih usluga u vezi s
poslom koji je predmet posredovanja posrednik može naplatiti u visini
stvarnih troškova, ako je to posebno
Nalogodavac je prema ugovoru
o posredovanju dužan posredniku
predočiti istinite i potpune podatke
i obavijesti o svim okolnostima koje
su važne za obavljanje posredovanja, te platiti posredničku naknadu u
skladu s ugovorom. Ako je sklopljen
ugovor o isključivom posredovanju,
tada nalogodavac ne smije angažirati drugog posrednika za isti posao,
za vrijeme trajanja ugovora o isključivom poslovanju.
Također, moguće je sklopiti ugovor s nalogodavcem koji želi ostati
nepoznat trećim osobama. Tada
se radi o ugovoru o posredovanju s
anonimnim nalogodavcem. U tome
slučaju posrednik nije dužan trećim
osobama otkriti identitet svoga nalogodavca sve do sklapanja pravnoga
posla radi kojeg je sklopljen ugovor o
Ugovor o posredovanju sklapa se na
određeno vrijeme. Ako to vrijeme nije
utvrđeno u ugovoru, smatra se da je
sklopljen na vrijeme od 12 mjeseci.
Pod određenim uvjetima se ugovor
može otkazati i prije isteka vremena
na koje je sklopljen. Ako stranke žele
produžiti trajanje ugovora o posredovanju, moraju to izričito ugovoriti.
Stručni suradnik Tana Patents d.o.o.
Romana Matanovac Vučković
Mediation in
Real Estate Sales
uring April of this year, the transitional period for coordinating
the role of mediators in real
estate sales with the new Law on
Mediation, which was published in
Narodne Novine 107/07, has officially
expired. As a result, every mediator
in real estate sales is obligated to uphold this law, which determines the
circumstances of mediation in real
estate sales, as well as proper manner
of conducting business in that field of
work. Mediators in real estate sales
can appear in the form of trade companies, independent traders or any
firms that possess a certificate from
the Ministry of Economics that confirms their qualifications with regards
to the new law, and which are entered into the Registry of Mediators in
Real Estate Sales, conducted by the
Croatian Chamber of Economics.
The new Law on Mediation introduces more rigorous prerequisite conditions for conducting mediation services in real estate sales, as opposed
to the previous law. These rigorous
standards have the goal of ensuring
high standards of mediation services
in real estate sales, as well as transform them into something completely professional.
Mediation in real estate sales implies
establishing connections between
their clients and third entities with regards to purchasing, selling, substituting, leasing, renting or conducting
any other business that is connected
to the real estate. In addition to that,
the role of mediators also includes
performing all other professional activities in negotiating and drawing
contracts about real estate sales,
while honouring the mediation contract between the mediator and the
client, as well as the general standards of the mediation business.
Mediator in Real Estate Sales
There are four basic assumptions that
must be fulfilled in order to properly
conduct mediation in real estate
sales: gaining the special mediator
status, hiring a professional – a mediation agent, gaining insurance from
professional liability in case of damages, and providing a suitable location
for conducting mediation affairs.
Mediation affairs can be performed
by trade companies, independent
traders or firms. That means that it is
deemed unacceptable for physical
entities without registered firms or
trade licenses to conduct business in
this field of work.
Mediators must serve as real estate
agents themselves, or they must employ at least one full-time agent. A
real estate agent is a person who has
passed a license test that is provided
by the Croatian Chamber of Economics and its training programme. It also
must be said that a real estate agent
must be registered in the Registry of
Agents, which is also conducted by
the CCE. Real estate agents aren’t
allowed to simultaneously perform
identical or similar activities for other
mediators without consent from the
mediator for which they’re working
and have a valid contract with.
Real estate mediators must be ensured from liability for the damages
that could occur in the mediation
process. The lowest insurance figure is 200.000 KN per one damaging
event, and 600.000 KN for all damage demands in one insurance year.
Mediators are obligated to obtain
insurance in the Republic of Croatia.
After Croatia receives full membership in the European Union, it will be
allowed to obtain insurance in any
EU country or within the European
economic area.
And, finally, mediators must conduct
business in facilities that are suitable
and adequate, as well as completely
separated from residential spaces,
and there must be a separate room
for confidential conversations with
Fulfilling all these prerequisite conditions must be proven in a process for
obtaining a license from the Ministry
of Economics, which is obligatory for
all real estate mediators. After gaining the license, the mediator must
enter the Registry of Real Estate Mediators, which is conducted by the
Croatian Chamber of Economics.
The mediators’ business is supervised
by the Government Inspectorate.
Mediation Contract
Mediators must base their actions on
mediation contracts that are drawn
up in writing with the client. In addition to the contract, the relationship
between the mediator and the client
is also determined by a general set of
regulations for real estate mediators
that must be put on display in a visible and notable location. Clients can
appear in forms of physical or legal
entities that are interested in selling,
purchasing, leasing or renting real
estates, or maybe obtaining some
other rights and obligations towards
the real estate in question.
With the mediation contract, the mediator is obligated to put the client in
contact with a person for negotiating and arranging a transfer of ownership over a real estate. However,
this legal procedure can also result
in renting or leasing a real estate, or
obtaining some other rights and obligations towards a real estate. The
mediator’s obligations also consist of
performing other professional affairs,
such as evaluating the property and
introducing the client with the real
estate’s legal status, as well as the
average price of real estate on the
market. Mediators are also obligated
to take part in negotiations and the
process of drawing up a contract,
and they also must warn their clients
of obvious shortcomings and possible
risks regarding the non-existent licensing with certain real estates: the lack
of construction or ownership licenses,
as well as any other important detail
that can be traced in the real estate’s identification papers.
A mediator can transfer a mediation
contract onto other mediators with
the client’s permission in the contract.
If that is the case, the mediator signs
a sub-mediation contract with other
mediators. But even if that occurs,
the client still remains exclusively under contract with the original mediator, who is obligated to provide the
client with the list of mediators that
have been signed to sub-mediation
Mediation contracts also determine
the fact that mediators are entitled
to mediation fees, which can amount
up to 6% of the real estate’s purchasing price. The mediator earns its right
to the fee after the deal is completed, unless it is stated otherwise. The
set of general regulations determines
the list of the mediator’s obligations
and the height of the mediation fee.
The client is obligated to pay the fee
to the mediator even if the deal is
closed after the mediation contract
expires, under the condition that the
deal is predominantly the result of the
mediator’s actions during the course
of the contract’s validity.
The mediator can also charge any
additional expenses in their actual
amount if they are connected to the
procedure in question, and if it is specifically stated in the contract.
According to the mediation contract,
the client is obligated to present the
mediator with truthful and complete
information regarding all the relevant
circumstances for the mediation
process, as well as pay the mediation fees in line with the contract. If
the contract specifically states exclusive mediation rights, the client is not
allowed to hire a second mediator
for the same procedure during the
course of said contract.
It is also possible to draw up a contract that ensures the client’s ano-
nymity towards all third entities. In the
case of such contract with an anonymous client, the mediator is not obligated to reveal the client’s identity
to the third entities until the closing
stages of the procedure in question.
Mediation contracts are valid for determined periods of time. If the length
of that period is not stated in the contract, it is considered to be valid for
a period of 12 months. The contract
can also be cancelled prior to the
expiration date under certain conditions. If the parties want to prolong
the mediation contract, they must
express their wishes in clear manner.
Professional associate Tana Patents d.o.o.
Romana Matanovac Vučković
120 str.
121 str.
124 str.
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150 str.
Obiteljska vila u Povljima na otoku Braču smještena je odmah uz privatnu plažu dužine 100 metara. Vila površina
370 m2 se sastoji od 5 spavaćih soba, 2 kuhinje, 2 dnevna boravka, 5 kupaonica i balkona. Uživajte u suncu dok
promatrate Jadransko more kao svoj privatni bazen. Lokacija osigurava maksimalnu privatnost, mir i tišinu, dok do
samog grada Povlja sa odličnim restoranima stižete za svega nekoliko minuta. Ispred kuće postoje i dva veza za jahte
do 30 m dužine. Brač je jedini hrvatski otok sa aerodromom koji prima veće avione poput Airbusa 320, te je najbliži
Splitu, najvećem gradu na obali. Vila Točinjak je trenutno u izgradnji te će biti useljiva u ožujku 2010.
“Villa Tocinjak” is situated on island Brac. This beach front Villa has 100 meters of private beach in front . It has 370 sq m
with 5 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 2 living areas, 5 bathrooms and balconies. Enjoy sun, while watching into beautiful Adriatic
sea as your private pool. Location is very private and again just a couple of minutes away from the city of Povlja with great
restaurants. This is a unique opportunity to own one of a last beach fronts in Croatia. There are two secure berths for
yachts up to 30 meters in front. Brac is the only island with airport for planes like Airbus 320 and it is the closest Island to
the Split, our biggest City on the coast. ”Villa Tocinjak” is still under construction and will be finished in March 2010.
Cijena / Price: 2.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Dvije samostojeće kamene kuće sa bazenom smještene su 18 km od mora, u malom naselju neposredno blizu Buja.
Kuće sadrže kompletnu sanitarnu opremu, klimu, podno grijanje, vrt pripremljen za sadnju, pristup cesti, vanjsku
rasvjetu i parkirna mjesta. Riječ je o kućama visoke kvalitete koje pružaju kompletanu udobnost za vas i vaše goste.
Kuće sa svoje 4 spavaće sobe su idealne za iznajmljivanje tjekom cijele godine a pogotovo za vrijeme ljetne sezone.
Površina kuća iznosi 212 m2 i 179 m2.
Two detached stone houses with swimming pool, located 18 km from the sea in a small village just near Buje in Istria.
Houses are equipped with full sanitary equipment, air conditioning, floor heating, garden prepared for planting, access
road, outdoor lighting and parking places. They are high quality homes that provide complete comfort for you and your
guests. Houses with its 4 bedrooms are ideal for rental all year round and especially during the summer season. House
surfaces are 212 m2 and 179 m2.
Cijena / Price: 475.000 € and 429.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Nova investicija Elanije
Na istočnom ulazu u Splitu, na Poljičkoj cesti, tvrtka
“Elanija plus” počela je gradnju poslovno stambenog
objekta koji se sastoji od četiri suterenske etaže, prizemlja s galerijom i osam stambenih etaža. Investicija
će biti realizirana po idejnom rješenju Lovre Petrovića
i Branke Mimice, a planirani rok izgradnje je 24 mjeseca, što znači da bi useljenje trebalo uslijediti do 2011.
godine. Nakon ishođenja lokacijske dozvole i potvrde
glavnog projekta, započeti su zemljani radovi, a prve
konture budućeg objekta, neto površine 22.300 kvadrata, ukazat će se krajem ovoga ljeta.
Zbog visinske razlike lokacija je iznimno zahtjevna,
no u isto vrijeme uzdignuti plato budućim stanarima
omogućuje neometan pogled na cjelokupan splitski
akvatorij. Na gornjem platou radit će se stambeni
dio objekta, ukupno 112 stambenih prostora raspoređenih na osam katova. Površinom najmanje (29,70
kvadrata) su garsonijere, jednosobni stanovi imat će
od 35 do 55, dvosobni od 63 do 68 i najveći trosobni
92 četvorna metra. Svaki stan ima otvoren pogled, a
gotovo svi (iznimka su najmanji, jednosobni) imaju
bogate i duboke lođe sa zaštitnim griljama. Posebna
pažnja posvećena je hortikulturnom uređenju pa će
objekt biti okružen zelenilom. Primjena novih tehnologija i materijala u gradnji, prije svega ventilirajuće fasade i IZO stakla s low-e premazom, omogućit
će uštedu energije, na čemu se inzistira i zakonskim
odredbama. Zahvaljujući tehnologiji, ali i činjenici da
je stambeni dio objekta povučen u odnosu na Poljičku
ulicu, jednu od važnijih splitskih prometnica, bojazni
od pojačane buke nema jer ona neće prelaziti granice
dopuštenih vrijednosti.
Garaže su u objektu smještene unutar podruma i sjevernog dijela suterenskih etaža, dok su na južnoj strani suterena smješteni poslovni prostori. Poslovni dio,
(podijeljen na 18 prostora) proteže se i na prizemlje,
a predviđen je za hipermarket na površini 2500 m2,
ljekarnu, ordinacije, urede te ostale sadržaje uslužnih
djelatnosti. Dio parkirališnih mjesta smješten je i na
vanjskom prostoru. Napomenimo i da je dio garaža i
parkirnih mjesta na otvorenome, javnog tipa.
Stanovi u objektu “Poljička” prodavat će se po različitim cijenama. Kupci imaju mogućnost izbora dijela
unutrašnjeg uređenja (boja zidova i vrste i boja keramike). Stanovi su klimatizirani i svi imaju takozvani
inteligentni paket, s mogućnošću nadzora.
ject will be surrounded by numerous green surfaces.
The application of new technologies and construction
materials, primarily the ventilating facade and IZO
glass with low-e coating, will enable energy preservation that is prescribed in the law regulations. Thanks
to technology and the fact that the residential part of
the object is not located immediately next to Poljička
Street, one of the more important traffic directions in
Split, there is no concern regarding the increased level of noise
as it will stay within the allowed
Garages in this object will be located within the basement and
the northern part of subterranean storeys, while their southern
sections are reserved for office
spaces. The business section (divided into 18 units) also includes
the ground floor, and it is planned
to feature a 2500 m2 hypermarket, pharmacy, various
offices and other facilities in the service-providing
business. Some parking spaces will be kept outdoors,
and it must be said that some part of the garages and
outdoor parking spaces will be kept public.
Apartments at “Poljička” will be purchasable in different prices. The buyers have the option of choosing some of the interior decoration elements (colours
of wall paint, colours and types of ceramics). All the
apartments have air conditioning and the so-called intelligent supervision system.
At Poljička Street near the eastern entrance into Split,
company “Elanija Plus” has begun construction on a
business-residential object that consists of four subterranean storeys, a ground floor with a gallery, and
eight residential floors. This investment will be constructed within 24 months after a projected solution
by Lovre Petrović and Branka Mimica, so the movingin process should begin by 2011. After obtaining the
location license and confirming
the main project, the construction work was safe to begin, and
the first outlines of this 22300
m2 object will reveal themselves
by the end of this summer. This
location turned out to be extremely demanding due to the
difference in height, but t he ascended plateau does provide a
clear view over Split and all the
neighbouring islands. The upper
plateau will feature the residential part of the object,
as 112 residential units will spread themselves across
eight floors. Bachelor pads will be the smallest in size
(29,70 m2), followed by one-bedroom apartments
(35-55 m2), two-bedroom apartments (63-68 m2)
and three-bedroom apartments (up to 92 m2). Every
apartment will feature an open view, and almost all of
them (with the exception of the smallest one-bedroom
apartments) will possess spacious and deep loggias
with protective shutters. Special attention was paid
to horticultural decoration, which means that the ob-
Prodaju se ekskluzivni stanovi u novogradnji u Ićićima s velikom terasom i prekrasnim pogledom na more. Opremljeni
su podnim grijanjem, klimom, p.p. vratima, parketom (rustikalni jasen), videoparlafonom i garažom. Kvadrature
stanova se kreću od 89.40 m² do 110.73 m².
Exclusive apartments have been put up for sale in a new building in Ičići, and the offer large terraces and a marvellous
view over the sea. They feature floor heating, air conditioning, anti-burglary doors, parquet flooring (rustic ash), videospeaker and garage. The apartments’ sizes range from 89.40 m2 to 110.73 m2.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 320 0003, +385 (0)99 320 0001
www.crozilla.com ID 71805
Prodaje se luksuzno uređena, kamena kuća na Krku. Površine je 180 m2, dok površina okućnice iznosi 2200 m2.
Okoliš je uređen, a vrt sadrži i bazen. Kuća je smještena na mirnoj lokaciji, te udaljena od mora 4 km.
A luxuriously decorated stone house has been put up for sale on the island of Krk. It takes up 180 m2 of surface, and it
stands on a 2200 m2 courtyard. The environment is well-maintained, and the garden also possesses a swimming pool.
The house is located on a peaceful location, merely four kilometres from the sea.
Cijena / Price: 600.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5474 709
Prodaje se novoizgrađena, luksuzna kamena kuća na otoku Krku. Površine je 110 m², s okućnicom od 509 m².
Raspored prostorija je praktičan, a dobro je iskoristiva i natkrivena terasa. Okućnica je prekrasna, te uključuje bazen,
grill, dva mjesta za parkiranje i mnogo zelenila. Posjed je ograđen kamenim zidom. Pri izgradnji su korišteni vrhunski
materijali, a isto vrijedi za keramiku i sanitarije. Kuća je klimatizirana te ima i podno električno grijanje.
A luxurious newly-built stone house has been put up for sale on the island of Krk. It has 110 m2 of surface, and stands on
a 509 m2 courtyard. The room arrangement is practical, and the covered terrace is also very usable. The lovely courtyard
includes a swimming pool, grill, two parking spaces and plenty of green surfaces. The estate is enclosed by a stone wall.
Only top-quality materials were used during the construction process, and the same applies for ceramics and sanitary
facilities. The house possesses air conditioning, as well as floor electrical heating.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5474 709
Prodaje se novoizgrađena,luksuzna kamena kuća površine 119 m2,na parceli veličine 592 m2. Raspored prostorija
je praktičan,a okućnica uređena. Terasa površine 40 m2 sastoji se od natkrivenog i otvorenog dijela. Keramika i
sanitarije su prvoklasne. Imanje je ograđeno kamenim zidom.
A luxurious, newly built stone house with 119 m2 of surface has been put up for sale. It stands on a 592 m2 parcel, the
room arrangement is practical, and the courtyard is well-maintained. A 40 m2 terrace consists of a covered and open section. Ceramics and sanitary facilities are first-class, and the entire estate is enclosed with a stone wall.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 5474 709
U mirnom dijelu otoka Krka, u blizini Malinske, prodaje se renovirana stara kamena kuća, okružena mediteranskim
biljem. Na prekrasno uređenoj okućnici od 1200 m² nalaze se još kuća za goste i bazen. Stambena površina od 193
m² sadrži četiri odvojene jedinice uređene u primorskom stilu.
A renovated old stone house is on sale near Malinska, which is located at a peaceful part of island Krk. The house, which
is surrounded by marvellous Mediterranean plants, is situated on a wonderfully decorated 1200 m2 courtyard, and it also
features a guesthouse and a swimming pool. The 193 m2 of residential surface contain four separate units, all of which
are decorated in coastal fashion.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)51 858 405, +385 (0)98 610 955
www.crozilla.com ID 43745
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Predivna kamena villa nalazi se u malom, mirnom selu u okolici Labina, na istočnom dijelu Istre, smještenom na vrhu
brežuljka s pogledom na dolinu rijeke Raše. Villa je građena kao spoj moderne arhitekture sa detaljima tradicionalne
gradnje i materijala. Ukupna stambena površina ville iznosi 160,20 m², a sastoji se od dvije etaže. U prizemlju se
nalazi ulazni hodnik, prostrani dnevni boravak, kuhinja s blagovaonom, te wc i spremište. Na katu su smještene 3
spavaće sobe, svaka sa svojim kupatilom i terasom. Villu okružuje 152,00m² terasa sa kojih se pruža panoramski
pogled na okolne brežuljke. Zbog orijentacije kuće, te pozicije zemljišta, zajamčena je potpuna privatnost.
Stone villa in vicinity of Labin. We are offering contemporary holiday villa build with natural materials and using traditional
details. That way we can fulfill all occupier needs when comes to comfort and todays way of living as well as need to
escape from stress and have peaceful vacation. Position of villa guarantees spectacular views on Rasa valley and Istrian
green hills without compromising privacy. Large glass areas ensures that you can enjoy scenic views from inside, while
sitting next to the fireplace, as well as from outside during sunbathing on terrace. Villa is just 2 km away from small picturesque village Sv.Martin where you can find numerous “agro-tourism” households, or 9 km away from Rabac, which is
largest tourist center on eastern Istrian coast with excellent sea food restaurants and beautiful white sandy beaches.
Cijena/Price: 516.600 € (PDV uključen / VAT included)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Prodaju se apartmani u Peroju, mjestu u Istri udaljenom 12 km od Pule i 2 km od Fažane. Apartmani se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini morske obale, i iz njih se pruža predivan pogled na Nacionalni park Brijuni. Svaki apartman ima: protuprovalna vrata, sef, satelitsku antenu, klima-uređaj, etažno plinsko grijanje, bežični pristup internetu, vrhunsku talijansku
keramiku i hrastov parket. Stanovi u prizemlju imaju vlastiti vrt, a postoji zajednički prostor za roštilj. Svaki stan ima pripadajuće parkirališno mjesto, dok stanovi na drugom katu imaju po dva mjesta za parkiranje. Ostavljena je mogućnost
izgradnje bazena. Površine apartmana variraju od 108 m² do 187 m².
Apartments are on sale in Peroj, which is a small town in Istria about 12 km from Pula and 2 km from Fažana. They are
located right next to the coast, while also providing a wonderful view over National Park Brijuni. Each apartment features:
anti-burglary doors, vault, satellite dish, air conditioning, storey gas heating, wireless access to Internet, top-level Italian
ceramics and oak parquet. The ground-floor apartments have their own garden, while all apartments have a joint barbeque space. Each apartment receives an accompanying parking space, while second-floor apartments get two parking
spaces. There is an option of building a swimming pool. The apartments’ surfaces vary from 108 m2 to 187 m2.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)800 345 346
www.crozilla.com ID 37369
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se kuća na osami u brdu, oko 400 m od Magistrale, tako da ima dosta intime i privatnosti. Građena je od
ručno klesanog kamena starog 300 godina, s čvrstom betonskom konstrukcijom. Kuća ima u prizemlju dvosoban
komforan stan te odvojenu konobu s kaminom i kuhinjom u rustikalnom stilu. Iz prizemlja se izlazi u prekrasan vrt s
mediteranskim biljem. Na prvom katu je komforan trosoban stan uz koji je vezana terasa od 15 m² s pogledom na
more. Na uzdignutom platou iza kuće nalazi se bazen (grijanje, masaža). Cijela kuća je ograđena zidom od klesanog kamena i kovanom ogradom.
The house is located on a solatary hillside, cca 400 m from the main road, so that it contains enough peace and privacy. It is constructed of hand chiseled stone which is 300 years old, with a concrete cement construction. The house
has a comfortable two bedroom apartment on the ground floor, as well as a separate cellar with a fire place and
kitchen in the rustic style. From the ground floor entrance is gained into a beautiful garden with Mediterranean herbs.
On the first floor there is a comfortable three bedroom apartments with a terrace of cca 15 m2 and a sea view. On a
elevated plateau behind the house, there is a swimming pool (heating, massage). The entire house is enclosed with a
wall of chiseled stone and a wrought iron fence.
Cijena / Price: na upit / on inquiry
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 260 792, +385 (0)98 411 775
www.crozilla.com ID 38540
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaje se samostojeća prekrasna kamena vila cca. 9 km od Poreča i mora, kompletno renovirana od arhitekata
iz Italije. Ukupna površina vile je cca. 200 m2 na parceli od cca. 670 m2. U kući se nalaze četiri spavaće sobe s
pet kupatila, prostrani dnevni boravak sa kaminom, blagovaona, kuhinja i balkon. Kuća je potpuno namještena i
odmah useljiva. U vrtu se nalazi bazen te vanjski roštilj. Kuća je pogodna za iznajmljivanje jer je kategorizirana s četiri
zvjezdice. Sa svih prednjih prozora pruža se prekrasan pogled na more.
A wonderful detached stone villa has been put up for sale about 9 kilometres from Poreč and the sea, and it has been
completely renovated by Italian architects. The villa’s overall surface is around 200 m2, and it stands on a 670-m2 parcel.
The house features four bedrooms with five bathrooms, as well as a spacious living room with fireplace, dining room,
kitchen and grill. The house is completely furnished and can be moved into immediately. The garden features a swimming
pool and an outdoor grill. The house is excellent for renting purposes as it carries a four-star status. All the front windows
provide a sensational view over the sea.
Cijena / Price: 695.000,00 EUR /5.073.000,00 Kn
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 433 801, +385 (0)98 411 430
Prodaju se stanovi u novogradnji, stambenoj zgradi s 8 stanova različitih kvadratura (od cca. 49 m² do cca. 55 m² )
u Dugoj Luci (Prtlogu), koji je zbog svoje ljepote proglašen zaštićenim krajolikom. Svaki stan ima nesmetan pogled na
more. Udaljenost od Labina je cca. 4 km, od turističkog mjesta Rabac cca. 8 km te od aerodroma Pula cca 35 km.
Apartments have been put up for sale in a newly-built residential building with eight different-sized apartments (from approximately 49 to 55 m2) in Duga Luka (Prtlog), which has been declared a protected area due to its beautiful natural
environment. Labin is about 4 km away, a tourist town Rabac is about 8 km away, while the Pula Airport is about 35 km
away from Prtlog.
Cijena / Price: 2.700 - 2.800 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)52 851 500, +385 (0)91 1853 217, +385 (0)91 2885 054
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 83846
Unesite broj u realestate tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in realsetate search engine and find out more
Duga Uvala
Prodaje se 11.000 m² Zemljišta sa projektom apartmana U turističkom naselju Duga uvala kod Pule. Duga uvala
nalazi se oko 25 km od Pule i oko 20 km od međunarodnog aerodroma Pula,na istočnoj obali Istre u predivnoj
prirodnoj uvali obrasloj sa mediteranskom vegetacijom i sa šljunčanom obalom. Zemljište je u cijelosti je građevinsko
sa važećim detaljnim urbanističkim planom. Mogućnost izgradnje apartmana prema važećem planu u iznosu oko
10.500 m² brutto izgrađenosti, tj. oko 110 apartmana i drugih sadržaja. Osim izgrađenih i plaćenih priključaka
zemljište obuhvaća plaćene obveze iz područja komunalnog doprinosa i drugih komunalnih naknada.
About 11,000 m2 of land with apartment project is for sale in the tourist resort Duga uvala near Pula. Duga uvala is located
about 25 km from Pula and about 20 km from the international airport of Pula, on the eastern coast of Istria in the beautiful
natural bay covered with Mediterranean vegetation and a gravel bank. The land is entirely urbanized with valid detailed
urban plan. Possibility of building apartments of about 10,500 m2 of gross surface, or about 110 apartments and other
content. In addition to the land plot, paid municipal and other utility fees are included.
Cijena/Price: 2.200.000,00 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Nedaleko od centra Rogoznice gradimo objekt na jednoj od poslijednjih građevnih parcela, udaljenoj samo 10
metara od mora. Nalazi se u zoni individualnih građevina naselja Rogoznice gdje su uglavnom obiteljske stambene
Stanovi su u naravi različitih prostornih površina, od 30 m² do 50 m², a svaki stan ima balkon ispred dnevnog boravka
i spavaćih soba, i orijentiran je prema moru kako bi se vlasnicima priuštio istinski ugođaj i stil života na Jadranu.
Ujedno i svaka stambena jedinica ima pripadajući natkriveni parkirališni prostor.
Not far from the centre of Rogoznica, we are building an object at one of the last remaining construction parcels, at just
10 meters from the sea. It is situated in a zone of individual buildings of the Rogoznica settlement, joined mostly by family
residential objects.
The apartments have different sizes, from 30 m2 to 50 m2, and every apartment has a balcony in front of the living room
and the bedrooms, and it is oriented towards the sea to give the owners a true sense of Adriatic lifestyle. Every residential
unit also has an adequate covered parking area.
Cijena/Price: 2.700-3.200 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Praznici u blizini raja
Na poluotoku Punta Skala nalaze se ekskluzivne i luksuzne rezidencije
„Senia“ , naselje koje će, kao osvježenje na hrvatskom tržištu nekretnina,
svojom luksuznom ponudom impresionirati buduće vlasnike. Apartmani su
izgrađeni u različitim veličinama i dizajnu te namještenju. Vlasnici apartmana mogu uživati u ekskluzivnoj usluzi osiguranoj od hotela u resortu te
uživati u vrhunskoj udobnosti i komforu.
Apartmani Falkensteiner obećavaju luksuz i ekskluzivnost, dok „premium
lifestyle“ koncept vlasnicima omogućuje uživanje u bezbrižnom, udobnom
boravku, ali im pruža i praktičnu pomoć unutar njihovih apartmana.
Vlasnici mogu birati između šest različitih tipova apartmana od 40, 60, 80 ili
100 četvornih metara. U potpunosti opremljeni apartmani arhitekta Beate
Mitterhofer moderni su, prvoklasno opremljeni i isijavaju mediteranskim
šarmom. Međunarodna zvijezda arhitekture Boris Podrecca planirao je
187 jedinica apartmanskog naselja tako da svako od unutrašnjih dvorišta
ima bazen s travnjakom za sunčanje i terase, kao i dva izvanjska dvorišta
za sunčanje.
Vlasnici mogu u potpunosti iskoristiti prednosti koje nudi usluga Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera (otvorenje u 2010), s prostranim Acquapura
SPA wellnessom sadržanim unutar 8000 kvadratnih metara, a već otvorena Falkensteiner Family Hotel Diadora nudi široku paletu zabavnih aktivnosti u svako doba. Usluga nudi i mogućnost za uživanje u individualno
osmišljenom obroku od Punta Skala restorana u vlastitom domu.
24-satni raspon prilagođen individualnim potrebama svakog klijenta
uključuje i uslugu brige o djeci kao opuštajući doživljaj podjednako za
roditelje i djecu. 24-satna služba sigurnosti pazi na apartmana i u odsutnosti njihovih vlasnika. Usluge čišćenja, pranja rublja, održavanja vrta
i servis za popravke također vlasnicima dopušta potpuno uživanje u
Punta Skala rezidencije „Senia“ nudi vlasnicima nezaboravno ljetovanje
i, citirajući Alfreda Hitchcocka, “najljepši zalazak sunca na svijetu” na
Falkensteiner Resort’s poluotoku. A već po započetom putovanju kući,
vlasnike će već ponovno veseliti njihov sljedeći boravak u Punta Skali.
So close to a holiday in paradise
The exclusive and luxurious residences “Senia” are situated
on the Punta Skala peninsula. This community is like a breath
of fresh air on the Croatian real-estate market, which will
impress future owners with the luxury it has to offer. Apartments are built in a variety of designs and sizes and feature
various furnishings. Apartment owners can enjoy the exclusive services provided by the hotels on the resort peninsula,
allowing them to enjoy comfort and convenience.
The Falkensteiner Apartments promise luxury and exclusivity,
while the “premium lifestyle” concept allows owners to enjoy
a carefree and comfortable stay which offers them practical
assistance inside their apartments.
Owners can choose from six different apartment types of either 40, 60, 80 or 100 square metres. Fully furnished modern apartments designed by architect Beate Mitterhofer are
classy and timeless, radiating with Mediterranean charm. The
international renowned architect Boris Podrecca, planned the
apartment complex with 187-units, so that each of the inner
courtyards has a swimming pool with a sunbathing lawn and
terrace, the two outer courtyards feature sunbathing lawns.
Apartment owners can fully take advantage of the services
offered by the Falkensteiner Hotel & Spa Iadera***** (opening in 2010), with its spacious Acquapura SPA wellness encompassing 8,000 square metres and the already opened
Falkensteiner Family Hotel Diadora****, which offers a wide
range of entertainment and leisure activities, at all times.
Services include the possibility of enjoying individually designed meals from the Punta Skala restaurants in your own
home. 24-hour guest services, which are tailored to meet
the individual needs of each customer, also include childcare
service in order to provide a relaxing environment for parents
and children alike. 24-hour security service monitors apartments when owners are away. The apartment cleaning service, laundry service, garden maintenance and repair service
also allows owners to enjoy a carefree holiday. The Punta
Skala residences “Senia” offers their owners unforgettable
holidays, quoting Alfred Hitchcock, “the most beautiful sunset in the world” on Falkensteiner’s resort peninsula, Punta
Skala. As soon as owners begin their journey home, they will
already be looking forward to their next stay in Punta Skala.
Prodaje se novosagrađena obiteljska vila u Splitu na Mejama sa otvorenim pogledom na more. Stambena površina
iznosi 280 m2 što uključuje 4 spavaće sobe. Uz vilu se nalaze terasa od 160 m2 i vrt od 500 m2. Pod opremu spadaju:
protuprovalna zaštita, alarm, kamere, burmanska tikovina, satelitska TV, kompletan klimatizacijski sustav, luksuzne
sanitarije, kamene obloge, profesionalno izrađen projekt hortikulture, kamin, itd.
Newly build family villa in south part of Split under the slopes of Marjan hill with sea view is for sale. Living area is 280 m2
which includes 4 bedrooms. Villa includes 160 m2 of terrace and garden of 500 m2. Equipment includes: Intrusion detection, alarm, camera, Burmese teak, satellite TV, full air-conditioning, luxury toilets, stone cladding, professionally made
project gardens, fireplace, etc.
Cijena/Price: 2.000.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Prodaje se obiteljska vila u blizini Šibenika, prvi red do mora. Površina parcele na kojoj se nalazi objekt iznosi 1050
m2, dok je ukupna kvadratura samog objekta 249 m2. U prizemlju je prostor za opuštanje, s barom iz kojeg se izlazi u
kultivirani vrt i na more. Prizemlje se sastoji od kuhinje, dnevnog boravka, blagovaonice, radne sobe i velike terase,
a na istoj etaži smještena je i garaža. Unutrašnjim stepenicama dolazi se na treći kat gdje su četiri spavaće sobe i
kupaonica, a jedna soba ima vlastitu kupaonicu sa jacuzzijem. S terase se pruža pogled na otvoreno more.
A family villa has been put up for sale near Šibenik, and it is located right next to the beach. The object stands on a 1050
m2 parcel while taking up 249 m2 of surface. The ground floor features a relaxation area with a bar that leads to the cultivated garden and the sea. The ground floor consists of the kitchen, living room, dining room, study and a large terrace,
as well as a garage. The interior staircase leads us to the third floor with four bedrooms and a bathroom, and it must be
said that one of the rooms features an individual bathroom with Jacuzzi. The terrace provides a view over the open sea.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 222 0976
Prodaje se stan u višestambenoj zgradi sagrađenoj 1998 godine. Sastoji se od dnevnog boravka s kuhinjskom linijom,
2 spavaće sobe, tuš-kupatila, hodnika i ostave površine 8 m2 u suterenu. Udaljen 5 minuta pješice od plaže stan
ima svoj privatni ulaz, vrt skriven iza 2m visoke zelene ograde. Trava je umjetno navodnjavana, a u vrtu su formirane
dvije terase. Ispred kuće je sjenica za automobile. Stan je u odličnom stanju i prodaje se na način viđeno-kupljeno,
uključujući sve stvari osim slika. Stan je u vlasništvu pravne osobe i može se kupiti kao udio u d.o.o., što kupcu znači
uštedu od 5% poreza na kupnju nekretnine.
An apartment has been put up for sale in a multi-residential building from 1998. It consists of the living room with a kitchen
line, 2 bedrooms, bathroom with shower, hallway and an 8m2 pantry in the basement. Just a five-minute walk away from
the beach, the apartment has a private entrance and a garden hidden behind a 2-metre-high fence. The grass is artificially
watered, and the garden forms two terraces. There is a car gazebo in front of the house. The apartment is in excellent
condition and once it is purchased, there are no options for complaints. The buyer will receive everything in the apartment
with the exception of the artwork. The apartment is owned by a legal entity and can be bought within a limited liability
company, which will provide the buyer with a 5% relief from the real estate taxes.
Cijena / Price: 170.000 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0) 52 441 383, +385 (0)91 56 76 583
www.realestatecroatia.com ID 46222
Unesite broj u realestate tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in realsetate search engine and find out more
Prodaje se kuća s četiri dvosobna, namještena stana, površine 270m2 i okućnicom 801m2 u Uvali Brdonja, 1. red do
mora. Kuća je novogradnja (2005) s klimatizacijom, solarnom energijom i grijanjem na struju. Nekretnina raspolaže s
4 kupaonice i 8 spavaćih soba, svom potrebnom dokumentacijom i dozvolama, uključujući vlasnički list te djelomičnom
A house has been put up for sale with four furnished two-room apartments. It takes up 270 m2 of surface and stands on an
801-m2 courtyard at Brdonja Bay, first in line to the sea. The house was recently built (2005) and features air conditioning,
solar energy and electrical heating. The real estate features four bathrooms and eight bedrooms, as well as all necessary
documents and licenses, including the ownership certificate and partial infrastructure.
Cijena / Price: 320.000,00 EUR
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)23 362 017, +385 (0)98 213 352, +385 (0)98 890 921
www.crozilla.com ID 31837
Prodaje se veliko istarsko imanje u okolici Roča u središnjoj Istri. Raspolaže štalom, kućom za stanovanje s
gospodarskim objektom i manjom štalicom te poljoprivrednim zemljištem raznih kultura (livade, pašnjaci, šume,
vinogradi, oranice). Površina imanja je cca 360 000 m². Objekti su smješteni na 2000 m² građevinskog zemljišta s
potpunom infrastrukturom (asfaltni put, voda, struja, telefon).
A large Istrian estate has been put up for sale near Roč, which is located in central Istria. It features a barn, a residential house with a business object and a smaller barn, as well as various agricultural pieces of land (meadows, pastures,
forests, vineyards, plough land). The estate covers approximately 360 000 m2. The objects are situated on a 2000 m2
construction parcel with complete infrastructure (asphalted driveway, water, electricity, telephone).
Cijena / Price: 420.000 Eura
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)21 387 387, +385 99 192 4162
Prodaju se stanovi površine 67m2 i 65m2 u Novom Zagrebu. Izgrađeni su 2008.godine. Svaki stan ima pripadajuće
parking mjesto.Stanovi se nalaze u prvom hrvatskom niskoenergetskom naselju Odri. Opremljeni su najkvalitetnijom
keramikom i sanitarijama.Glavna karakteristika stanova u ovom naselju je iznimna ušteda energije i kvalitetno življenje.
Otvorena je i mogućnost najma određenog broja stanova s pravom kupnje. Naselje je opremljeno svim potrebnim
svakodnevnim sadržajima.
Apartments with 67 and 65 m2 of surface have been put up for sale in Novi Zagreb. They were built in 2008. Every
apartment receives an accompanying parking space. The apartments are located in Croatia’s first low-energy settlement
Odra. They feature top-quality ceramics and sanitary facilities. The apartments’ main characteristic in this settlement is an
exceptional level of energy preservation and a quality lifestyle. There is also an option of renting out a certain number of
apartments with a subsequent buying option. The settlement features all the necessary facilities for everyday life.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 6262 021, +385 (0)91 422 33 08
www.crozilla.com ID 63104
Unesite broj u Crozillinu ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in Crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaju se stanovi u novogradnji veličine 49 m . Godina izgradnje je 2010. Zgrada je opremljena s dva dizala i
stubištem. Smještena je na križanju Zagrebačke ceste i zagrebačke Avenije. Osigurana su parkirna i garažna mjesta.
U izgradnji su korišteni najkvalitetniji materijali. Rezervacije su u tijeku.
Apartments with 49 m2 of surface have been put up for sale in a new building, which will be completed in 2010. The building is equipped with two elevators and a staircase. It is located at the crossroads of Zagreb Street and Zagreb Avenue.
Parking and garage spaces are guaranteed. Only top-quality materials have been used during the construction process,
and the reservations are currently being booked.
Cijena / Price: 1.950 - 1.990 €/m²
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 3838 111, +385 (0)1 3649 287
www.crozilla.com ID 64992
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Prodaju se stanovi u dovršenoj i usljivoj zgradi sa 101 stanom u neposrednoj blizini parka Maksimir. Parking je
predviđen isključivo u podzemnoj garaži. Stanovi su individualno prilagođeni mladim bračnim parovima (u svega
47 m2), zatim samačkom životu u domu s više funkcionalnosti te ekstra-luksuzne stanove sa stropovima visine 3m.
Zgrada nudi izdašne, široke hodnike do stana, velike predprostore ispred lifta bez skučenih hodnika-tunela. Fasada u
prizemlju otporna je na grafite. Investitor, izvođač, jedini prodavač, tvrtka Megrad, nudi i uslugu redovnog održavanja
zgrade bez provizije i dodatnih marži.
Apartments have been put up for sale in a completely finished and prepared building with 101 apartment right next to
park Maksimir. The parking spaces are planned exclusively for the underground garage. The apartments are individually
adapted for young married couples (with merely 47 m2 of surface), and there are also extra-functional apartments for
bachelors and extra-luxurious apartments with 3-metre-high ceilings. The building reveals spacious and wide hallways that
lead to apartments, as well as large spaces in front of elevators that don’t include narrow hallway-tunnels. The groundfloor facade is resistant to graffiti. Company Megrad, which functions as the exclusive investor, constructor and seller for
this building, offers additional service of maintaining this building without any additional fees and provisions.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)1 363 80 86
Prodaju se stanovi u dvjema novim urbanim vilama u Zagrebu, ukupno osam njih, po jedan na katu, površine
94–177 m2. Stanovima u prizemlju pripadaju veliki vrtovi, a onima na vrhu prostrane terase. Vile su prilagođene
suvremenom obiteljskom načinu života, za kupce s visokim kriterijima prema kvaliteti svoje svakodnevice i izrazito
urbanim pristupom stanovanju. Lokacija objekata relativno je blizu centra (iznimno zelen, šumovit dio grada - tik uz
Park šumu Kraljevec), vrlo je perspektivna u pogledu potencijala koje nudi za specifičnu stambenu namjenu. Stanovi
i vile u cjelini predstavljaju ukusan, diskretan i nenametljiv luksuz.
Apartments in two new urban villas are up for sale in Zagreb, altogether eight of them, one on each floor, with surfaces
between 94 and 177 m2. Apartments on ground floor have big gardens, and those on top spacious terraces.The villas are
adapted to the contemporary family living conditions, for clients with high criteria in terms of the quality of their everyday
life and extremely urban approach to residential issues. The object’s location is very close to the city centre (a part of the
city filled with green surfaces – near park-forest Kraljevec) offers a lot of potential for specific residential purposes. Apartments and villas altogether offer a flattering, discrete and unassuming luxury.
Cijena / Price: na upit / upon request
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)99 31 34 435
Prodaje se vrhunski osvijetljen penthouse, posljednji u novogradnji s 5 stanova na Sv. Duhu – Bijenik. Okružen
zelenilom s prekrasnim pogledom na Sljeme, Šestine, Šestinski vrh te na grad stan se sastoji od 3 spavaće sobe,
predsoblja, kupaonice, kuhinje, blagovaonice, dnevnog boravka te dvije velike terase, od kojih je jedna okrenuta
prema sljemenu, a druga prema gradu. Stan se proteže čitavom zadnjom etažom zgrade površine 93m2, a dvije
otvorene terase površine su 40m2. U cijenu stana uračunata je i luksuzna namještena kuhinja, kvalitetni ugradbeni
ormari, 2 parking mjesta i ostava površine cc 10m2. Stambena oprema: KOLNOA-Multilock protuprovalna vrata,
fasada Demit, parket jasen, talijanska i španjolska keramika, Idea pipe u kupaonici, PVC stolarija sa LOW-e staklima,
hidroizolacija Sika, klima LG, portafon, stubište od granita i lođe. Prodaju se stanovi u zgradi br.2 pred useljenjem
na Bijeniku. Radi se o četiri dvosobna stana površine 47m2-61m2 kvalitetne gradnje s krasnim pogledom i urednom
dokumentacijom. U cijenu je uračunato parking mjesto ili garaža. Useljivo do 1.9 2009.
A wonderfully lighted penthouse has been put up for sale as the final of the five apartments in a new building in Sv. Duh
– Bijenik. Surrounded by green surfaces and featuring a marvellous view over Sljeme, Šestine, Šestinski Vrh and the
city, the apartment consists of three bedrooms, hallway, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room and two large terraces, one of which is facing Sljeme and other one facing Zagreb. The apartment spreads across the entire top floor of
the building at 93 m2 of surface, while the two open terraces take up 40 m2. The apartment’s price includes a luxurious
furnished kitchen, quality built-in closets, 2 parking spaces and a 10-m2 pantry. Residential equipment: KOLNOA-Multilock anti-burglary doors, Demit facade, ash-wood parquets, Italian and Spanish ceramics, Idea faucets in the bathroom,
PVC joinery with LOW-e glass, Sika hydro-isolation, LG air conditioning, speaker phone, granite staircase and loggias.
Apartments are on sale in building no.2 at Bijenik, which is about to start the moving-in process. There are four two-room
apartments still available, and their surfaces vary from 47 to 61 m2. They feature quality construction work, a wonderful
view and clear documentation. The price includes a parking space or a spot in the garage. The moving-in process begins
on September 1st 2009.
Cijena / Price: 1600-2050 €/m2 (PDV uključen)
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)98 540 842
www.crozilla.com ID 40578
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more
Poslovno stambeni projekt
Ugao Zagrebačke avenije i Rudeške ceste.
Zona M1, pravomoćna lokacijska dozvola.
021 387 387 - 099 192 4162
- Tri podrumske etaže u fuknciji garažnog prostora
- Prizemlje u funkciji javnog korištenja, autosalon
- Poslovno-stambeni blokovi sa 6 i 8 etaža
Građevna čestica:
Ukupni GBP svih etaža:
Ukupno nadzemno BRP:
4.210,00 m2
18.691,90 m2
11.262,45 m2
Podrumske etaže: garaže
prizemlje: auto salon
1. kat: uredski prostori + stanovi
2.-8. kat: uredski prostori + stanovi
Stambeni dio građevine projektiran je s ukupno 65 stanova.
- Three basement floors, in a function of a garage
- Ground floor designed as a car salon and commercial
- Commercial-Residential blocks consisting of 6 and 8 floors
Developed surface:
Building plo 4,210.00 m2
Total BRP of all levels 18,691.90 m2
Total BRP above ground level 11,262.45 m2
Basement floors: a garage Ground floor: auto shop 1st floor:
offices + flats 2-8th floor: offices + flats
The residential portion of the building is designed with a total
of 65 flats
- Three basement floors, in a function of a garage
- Ground floor designed as a car salon and commercial
- Commercial-Residential blocks consisting of 6 and
8 floors
Developed surface:
Building plo
Total BRP of all levels
Total BRP above ground level
4,210.00 m2
18,691.90 m2
11,262.45 m2
Basement floors: a garage Ground floor: auto shop
1st floor: offices + flats 2-8th floor: offices + flats
The residential portion of the building is designed with
a total of 65 flats
Prodaju se stanovi u Atriusu, novoizgrađenom kompleksu zgrada u samom središtu Zagreba. Atrius predstavlja
zelenu oazu s više od 3000 m² zelenih površina sa središnjim atrijem i šetnicom te velikim dječjim igralištem. Atrius
tvori šest vrhunski opremljenih zgrada sa stanovima i poslovnim prostorima, izgrađenih prema najvišim kriterijima i
najmodernijim tehnikama gradnje, uz vrhunsku kupaonsku i sanitarnu opremu, drveno-aluminijsku stolariju, električne
rolete i videoportafone s ekranom u boji. Atrius ima i jedinstvenu stambenu zgradu obloženu samoventilirajućom
keramičkom fasadom, sa stanovima čija svijetla visina etaže iznosi 3,2 metra te pruža dodatne mogućnosti uređenja
Apartments are on sale in Atrius, which is a newly-built building complex in the centre of Zagreb. Atrius presents a green
oasis with over 3000 m2 of green surfaces with a central atrium, a walking area and a large children playground. Atrius
consists of six supremely equipped buildings with apartments and office spaces, which were built according to the highest
standards and latest construction techniques, which include top-notch bathroom and sanitary facilities, wood-aluminium
joinery, electrical shutters and video speakers with coloured screens. Atrius also has a unique residential building paved
in a self-ventilating ceramic facade, which features apartments with 3,2 metres of storey height and plenty of options for
additional decorating.
Cijena / Price: : 2.490 do 2.780 €/m2
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: : +385(0)1 370 1319
Prodaje se novi dvoetažni stan s bazenom na prvom katu urbane vile u predjelu Sveti Duh u Zagrebu, ukupnog
prostora 251,86 m2, a od toga je za stanovanje 175,96 m2. Na prvoj etaži ovog prostranog stana su blagovaonica
i dnevni boravak, kuhinja, tri kupaonice, od kojih jedna ima i saunu, bazenski prostor, dvije sobe, dvije terase i vrt.
Na gornjoj etaži su još dvije spavaće sobe, kupaonica, praonica rublja, garaža i lođa. Opremljen je vrhunskom
opremom, posjeduje bazen, u sobama je hrastov parket velikih dimenzija, ima automatsku kontrolu grijanja/hlađenja,
svjetla i roleta, protuprovalni sustav – 8-zonski alarm u svim prostorijama, videonadzor, kontrola ulaza, metereološka
stanica, audiosustav, internet, a čak je i garaža s grijanjem, vodom i daljinskim otvaranjem vrata. Useljenje se planira
u srpnju 2008.
A new two-storey apartment with a swimming pool is on sale, and it is located on the first floor of an urban villa in Sveti
Duh, Zagreb. The overall surface of the space is 251,86 m2, while the living capacity is limited to 175,96 m2. The lower
floor of this spacious apartment consists of the dining room, living room, kitchen, three bathrooms, one of which has a
sauna, as well as a swimming-pool space, two rooms, two terraces and a garden. The upper floor reveals two more bedrooms, bathroom, laundry room, garage and a loggia. It is supremely furnished, possesses a swimming pool, while the
rooms feature grand-sized oak parquet, automatic heating/cooling system, automatically controlled lights and blinders,
an anti-burglary system, 8-zone alarm in every room, video supervision, entrance control, meteorological connection,
audio system and Internet, while even the garage features a heating system, water and remote-controlled door opening.
The moving-in process is planned for July of 2008.
Cijena / Price: 654.836 €
Kontakt telefon / Contact telephone: +385 (0)91 464 0100
www.crozilla.com ID 35648
Unesite broj u crozilla ID tražilicu i saznajte više informacija / Enter the number in crozilla ID search engine and find out more

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