Bachelor - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste


Bachelor - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts
Bildende Kunst
Mediale Künste
Departement Kunst & Medien
& Kunst
Programme Information
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Zürcher Fachhochschule
Campus Information
Bachelor Media & Art/ Preface
dear prospective students
I am delighted that you are interested in
studying at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). We offer our students an outstanding environment: our art and design programmes promote high-level independence within a framework
designed to ensure that you will enjoy continuous further
development through close contact with our teaching faculty.
With over 2’300 students, we are one of the
largest arts universities in Europe — so that here, in Zurich,
looking beyond the confines of your own discipline is very much
worthwhile. We thus welcome students seeking to cross
boundaries and bring different fields together, because we
are convinced that the productive exchange with other disciplines
brings forth better, more versatile, and more critically minded
artists, musicians, designers, and individuals capable of conveying
the arts to a wider public.
We have an excellent network worldwide —
thanks to cooperations with over seventy arts universities
in Switzerland and abroad, and with countless partners from the
fields of science, culture, business and industry. This manifold
cooperation stands for the national and international relevance
of our programmes.
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) offers
a vibrant environment in which you can develop your individual
profile while also establishing lifelong contacts and networks.
Doing so is both a challenge and an opportunity. We would like to
encourage you to seize this opportunity together with us.
Thomas Dominik Meier
President, Zurich University of the Arts
Bachelor Media & Art/ Preface
Bachelor Media & Art/ Feature
fostering self-willed authorship
paths to authorship
In the Department of Art & Media (DKM)
at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), teaching and research are
based on our conviction that students should have minds of their
own. We place great emphasis on experimental and project-based,
disciplinary and trans-disciplinary, individual and integrated
approaches. The Department also strives to cultivate a keen interest
in the key cultural issues of our time amongst its students.
We see ourselves as a vibrant and dynamic
space – as a laboratory at whose centre stands exploratory, researchbased experimentation.
Our five guiding principles are:
— to promote individual and collaborative
authorship (artists, media authors,
cultural professionals, theorists)
— to foster and make use of the idiosyncrasies
of various media
— to conceive art as a process
— to nurture strong
research practice and theory
— to place one’s own authorship
within its social context
We offer a Bachelor of Arts in Media & Art and
a Master of Arts in Fine Arts. In addition to having our own research
institute, the Institute for Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR),
we maintain close ties with the cross-university Institute for Critical
Theory (ith).
Giaco Schiesser
Head of Department
Our Bachelor of Arts in Media & Art offers
a uniquely broad, diverse, and comprehensive path to authorship.
Here is how some of our past and present students consider the
benefits of studying in such a distinctive environment:
Gregory Polony, for instance, specialised in
Fine Arts and graduated with a BA in 2010. After completing his first
year at the Valais College of Art, he came to our Department and
savoured the freedom we offered him: “How you make the most
of a three-year course is up to you. We enjoyed a lot of freedom on
our programme.” Following the degree show, Gregory received
various enquiries and commissions from several galleries and
institutions. He is convinced that the BA has provided with a solid
foundation for his future work: “I consider our coursework as a
tool that offers a wealth of opportunities. It helped me build a base
from which I can continue to expand.”
Sandra Lang, a fifth-semester theory student, is
currently doing an exchange semester in New York. Originally
trained as a violin maker in Italy, Sandra pursued this profession for
quite a long time, until she decided to follow her second vocation
and take up academic studies in art and theory. Based on stringent
scientific principles, coursework on the BA in Media & Art closely
aligns the theory and practice of art: “We read and discuss a lot; the
atmosphere is lively and we have a really good debating culture.”
Sandra also appreciates the stimulating exchange of ideas with her fellow students, also with those pursuing
other specialisations: “There is an interesting cross-section of
people — some of us have a background in crafts, others have
moved across from university.” The fact that a Specialisation in
Theory is hardly a self-evident pursuit at an arts university she
considers as a unique opportunity, even though she has to keep
explaining what exactly she is studying. She is confident that
she will manage to establish herself as a cultural author: “On the
programme, we are trained to develop critical, independent voices.”
Bachelor Media & Art/ Feature
Like Sandra, Vlada Maria Tcharyeva also first
did an apprenticeship (as a draughtswoman). She specialised
in Media Arts and earned her Bachelor’s in 2009: “I actually applied
for a place on the Fine Arts programme, but wasn’t accepted.
I was offered a place on the Media Arts course instead. I accepted
and soon realised that I was even better suited to this programme.”
Vlada saw her course as a good pathway into the art world.
She was able to try out lots of things, also beyond the confines of the
university, for instance, on an internship with the “!Mediengrupe
Bitnik” or by participating in the Cabaret Voltaire’s world-record
After graduating, she took part in various
group exhibitions in England, Germany, and Switzerland. She
directed a multimedia opera production of Midsummer Night’s
Dream. The foundations for these projects were laid on the BA
programme: “Coursework opens loads of doors, but you need to
seize the opportunities available yourself. Nothing happens
without dedicated personal commitment. Those unwilling to
make a total effort and to make sacrifices are definitely in the wrong
place.” After working for two years as an independent artist, Vlada
is about to take up further studies: she has enrolled on the MA in
Art and Politics at Goldsmiths in London. “It’s something new and
different, but nevertheless not too far removed from what I’ve been
doing so far.”
Bianca Hildenbrand is a different kind of lateral
entrant. She spent only three semesters at Zurich University of
the Arts (ZHdK), after doing Media Arts for two years at the
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
in Aarau. When that course was disbanded and merged with
the Fine Arts programme in Basel, Bianca relocated to the ZHdK
Specialisation in Media Arts. What she most appreciates about
our Department and its programme are “how broad and diverse our
course is, the excellent infrastructure, the inspiring atmosphere –
I really benefitted a lot!” Also, “coursework offered me time to
find and pursue individual answers through art. Obviously,
demands were high, and it was up to us to approach our tutors, but
support was always available.”
After earning her Bachelor’s a year ago, Bianca
has been working for Shift, the acclaimed festival of electronic art
and culture, where she pursues her artwork besides administrative
Bachelor Media & Art/ Feature
duties and responsibilities. She also operates and curates an
offspace in Basel, her hometown, together with a friend. She teaches
courses on how to use Indexhibit, a web tool used to design a lot
of artist websites, and undertakes independent art projects. She is
now doing her MA in Fine Arts, “because I am keen to benefit
from the freedom and opportunity to experiment and network for
another two years.”
Rico Scagliola, who completed his Bachelor’s
with a Specialisation in Photography in 2010, knew already for
a long time that he wanted to study art, but initially considered
pursuing Film Studies. He discovered his affinity for photography
on the ZHdK Propaedeutic Studies programme. After two years,
he worked with Michael Meier for the first time — and, thanks to
the faculty’s open-minded approach, they have since formed an
inseparable team. Rico thoroughly enjoyed the Photography course,
as well as the entire programme, even though at first criticism
was harsh: “Not everyone can stomach that. If you’re insecure or
not really sure of what you want to achieve, you’re in the
wrong place.” But one get used to the programme’s strict culture
of appraisal, he adds, and it helped him grow.
Rico also emphasises the great freedom
offered by the course: “You can really suit yourself. For instance,
at first I wasn’t at all interested in analogue photography.
So I decided not to pursue it after the Propaedeutic programme.”
After graduating, one of his on-course projects evolved into a nice
photobook published by Edition Patrick Frey, followed by various
commissions for the Tages Anzeiger Magazine, the Zeit Magazine,
the Migros annual report, and exhibitions in various galleries.
Bachelor Media & Art
Fine Arts
Media Arts
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
bachelor media & art
The Bachelor of Arts in Media & Art
provides state-of-the-art training for future artists,
media authors, and cultural professionals. All three
professions share a distinctive attitude towards
authorship. In the Department of Art & Media, we help
students develop this stance by offering them the
freedom and scope to acquire and experiment with
different artistic procedures, techniques, and theories.
We expect and foster individual responsibility and
self-organisation as the cornerstones of our programme.
Coursework requires students to be self-motivated
and keen to produce their own work. The hallmarks of
such a disposition towards inner productivity are
curiosity, a readiness to take risks, and an uncompromising attitude towards one’s own themes, interests,
and approach.
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
Candidates seeking admission
onto the Bachelor in Media &
Art must hold one of the
following qualifications: a
school-leaving certificate from
a secondary school (Level 2)
providing general education, a
subject-specific baccalaureate, a vocational baccalaureate, or an academic
Portfolio admissions are also
possible. Admissions are
subject to the positive
assessment of the individual
candidate’s artistic aptitude.
For further details and
admissions requirements, see
page 16.
Application Deadline
Either in February or March of
each academic year
Our programme offers students
a unique range of four specialisations: Fine Arts, Photography, Media Arts, and Theory. Its scope and thematic breadth make for an attractive degree course,
tailored to individual needs. Coursework is open to
both disciplinary and interdisciplinary working
Admissions Procedure
Submission of application
For our admissions
requirements, please see
p. 58
The primary aim of our BA in Media
& Art is to lay a solid foundation for our MA in Fine
Arts. Students graduating from the BA in Media & Art
have been equipped to undertake individual and
collaborative ventures (the latter in conjunction with
other artists and cultural professionals). Upon
successful completion, they will be able to pursue
careers in the cultural and creative industries and in
the dissemination of art.
Course Commencement
Our BA programmes start in
the autumn semester
Tuition Fees
CHF 680.00 per semester
Duration and Length
Our BA courses are three-,
max. four-year full-time
“Bachelor of Arts ZFH in Fine
Arts,” including mention of the
respective specialisation
Course Director
Prof. Nadia Graf
degree structure
Our three-year, max. four-year
Bachelor of Arts in Media & Art provides
students with solid practical and theoretical foundations for the independent
production of art. Coursework includes
ideas development, project conceptualisation and budgeting, project execution and
presentation. Students acquire the necessary skills through project work based on
assigned or chosen topics. They also learn
to critically reflect on the conceptual,
material, theoretical, technical, and
methodological foundations of art and
media practices. Teaching formats include seminars, courses, practical exercises, workshops, and lectures.
The degree is divided into Basic
Studies (Semesters 1 and 2) and Advanced
Studies (Semesters 3 to 6). In the first two
semesters, students focus on their chosen
specialisation. Semesters 3 and 5 are
interdisciplinary, while semesters 4 and 6
are devoted to the core discipline.
Course contents are taught in four
types of module: Practice, Theory,
Technology/Cultural Technology, Context. Practice Modules make up approximately half of the BA degree programme.
Our Practice Module (16 ECTS) conveys
the artistic procedures and techniques
required to become a qualified author.
This module focuses on working individually or collaboratively on assigned and/
or chosen topics. The Theory Module
teaches the foundations of the theory and
history of art, media theory and media
history, cultural theory and cultural
history. The Technology Module is
dedicated to the technologies and technical skills required for the respective
individual specialisation. The Context
Module teaches those skills needed
for conveying specialisation projects to
the wider public (such as mounting an
exhibition, networking, project funding,
and self-management).
These four modules are accompanied by university-wide Z-Modules,
where students from all programmes
meet. See p. 68.
Successful course completion
leads to a “Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts.”
Degrees are awarded to students who
have completed the programme within
a maximum of eight semesters, who have
attended the required number of modules, and who have exhibited their work
at the degree show and presented their
work before a jury at a final colloquium.
Course Director
Prof. Nadia Graf
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
fine arts
To do justice to the experimental
character of artistic practice, no technical
or media requirements are imposed
on students on the Specialisation in Fine
Arts. Students choose their means of
expression in line with the specific contents and individual concerns of their
work. Work can be undertaken in varioius
media, include painting, sculpture, video,
audio, installation, and performance.
Contents and Structure
Studio practice forms the core of
BA coursework. Critical artistic practice
is developed by fostering the interplay
between studio practice and the discursive contextualisation of individual work.
The broad media orientation of our
Specialisation in Fine Arts, from painting
to performance, is a highly fruitful environment for approaches employing
various media. Attention remains focused
on the distinctive aspects and effects
of specific media. Basic-level students
devote their time to developing their own
ideas. Advanced students are offered
the opportunity to reach beyond their
own specialisation to pursue interdisciplinary work whilst also further developing
work undertaken in previous semesters.
Course Objectives
The course aims to enable students to become independent professionals in the areas of artistic practice,
experimental research, and the critical
reflection on art. Coursework focuses
on developing a personal field of interest,
sharpening one’s individual artistic
profile, and acquiring extended artistic
skills. The course enables students
to critically reflect on the prevailing rules
and paradigms of the art system and
to critically reflect on the concept of art, to
position themselves as artists, and to
place their artwork in a social and political context.
Students specialising in Fine Arts
must possess artistic potential and preliminary media skills and knowledge.
Other key requirements include a genuine
interest in the arts and culture, a readiness to take part in critical debate on the
arts and culture, and a willigness to
critically reflect on their own work and
that of others.
Photographers work in a professional environment subject to ongoing
creative and technical change. Current
developments include the equipping
of cameras with video functions, which
forces photographers to critically reflect
on the moving image and its implications.
Other developments are the emergence
of new devices fitted with photographic
means and functions. At the Specialisation in Photography, we see ourselves
as a laboratory for exploring, questioning,
and producing both photographic and
moving images.
Contents and Structure
Zurich University of the Arts
BA in Media & Art,
Specialisation in Fine Art
Sihlquai 125,
Postfach, 8031 Zürich
Heads of Specialisation
— Prof. Dr. Elke Bippus
— Franziska Koch
Coursework focuses on developing photographic practice through
project work. Students first learn to conceptually develop their ideas, to deal
with questions concerning their technical
feasibility, and to embed their work
within historical and media contexts.
Seminars and mentored projects explore
and debate how individual work might
be pursued in terms of a student’s authorial intention and previous artistic practice.
Cooperations with various partners,
including universities, art institutions,
the media, and private business and
industry help students build contextual
knowledge. Theory seminars discuss
the history of photography and relevant
media discourses. Technology modules
convey and deepen various exposureand image-processing techniques.
Basic-level students learn to
develop their own working method and
to approach various kinds of themes with
increasing confidence. Advanced students extend their ability to implement
complex themes and issues in their own
photographic work, through a disciplinary and interdisciplinary deepening of
their own approach. Colloquia allow
students to present their work, to relate it
to the corresponding fields of practice
or to current theoretical debates, and to
discuss it within a challenging discursive
Course Objectives
Coursework is aimed at developing an independent visual idiom and at
a conscious use of the available resources.
Successful completion enables graduates
to formulate and carry into practice their
own approach to photography and the
moving image. It also teaches students
how to critically reflect on their approach
to the medium – also with a view to the
various areas of production and the use of
photographic and moving images.
Students specialising in Photography must have a genuine interest
in, and the potential to, develop their own
photographic position. They should
possess demonstrable technical flair, be
open to criticism, as well as keen to
engage in critical reflection.
Zurich University of the Arts
BA in Media & Art,
Specialisation in Photography
Sihlquai 125,
Postfach, 8031 Zürich
Head of Specialisation
Marianne Müller
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
media arts
Within the digitisation of society,
culture, and art, media constitute key
fields of design, reflection, and research.
Through undertaking individual projects,
students on the Specialisation in Media
Arts engage with contemporary issues
concerning human perception and the
digital construction of reality.
Contents and Structure
art. They are able to fruitfully employ
these skills in their own work within
the context of an extended notion of art
open to society.
Students specialising in Media
Arts must possess a genuine interest
in art, combined with a strong desire to
grapple with the world of media.
Candidates seeking admission also need
to be interested in digital and technical
contexts, from which they will strive
to develop new forms and processes of
artistic practice. Other requirements
include critical reflection skills and a
readiness to engage in critical debate.
The Specialisation in Media Arts
offers students the opportunity to learn
about and pursue media-based forms of
production and reception in close relation
to artistic traditions and techniques of
representation. Students experiment
with new artistic practices and procedures situated between drawing, animatiZurich University of the Arts
on, video, audio, performance, net art,
BA in Media & Art,
and computer codes. Along with individuSpecialisation in Media Arts
al workplaces, we offer students three
Sihlquai 131,
state-of-the-art laboratories in the areas
Postfach, 8031 Zürich
of “Time-based Media” (video editing,
live video, 3D), “Performative Interfaces”
Heads of Specialisation
(Sensor and Motor Technology), and
— Prof. Dr. Nils Röller
Basic-level students undertake
their first independent projects and focus — Dr. Felix Stalder
on building a range of methodological,
media, technological, and theoretical
foundations. Advanced modules offer
students space for interdisciplinary
work beyond the confines of their specialisation, for developing their own area
of interest, and for further extending their
knowledge and skills.
Course Objectives
Media Arts graduates possess the
fundamental practical and theoretical
skills for approaching mediality through
complex theoretical work, and learn how
to integrate the arts, culture, and science
in productive ways. Our Advanced Studies
The Specialisation in Theory
offer students the opportunity to adopt
introduces students to the currently
an interdisciplinary approach to theoretirelevant aesthetic, political, and cultural
cal materials beyond the confines of their
studies theories. Coursework focuses
specifically on theories of artistic practice, particular specialisation.
popular-, media-, and everyday culture,
Course Objectives
in addition to fostering critical reflection
on their social and political dimensions.
Coursework aims to provide the
foundations for critical authorship and
Contents and Structure
for producing theoretically versatile work.
Graduates build the skills required
Students specialising in Theory
to analyse, co-determine, and reinvent
are introduced to state-of-the-art apcultural practices. On successful compleproaches and procedures within current
tion, they will be equipped to enter
artistic practice and theory. Core faculty
careers in publishing and curating, or to
and our numerous guest lecturers are
work as publishing or media consultants,
themselves active in the field of culture
or for cultural institutions.
and render fruitful their experience for
teaching, thereby ensuring the practical
relevance of the programme. Close
proximity to the specialisations in Fine
Our Specialisation in Theory is
Arts, Photography, and Media Arts make
aimed at students seeking to combine heir
for fruitful debate on contemporary
artistic and linguistic abilities with a proartistic and theoretical discourses.
nounced tendency to critical engagement.
Theory modules serve to build
Besides requiring the desire and ability to
effective methods of authorship, by
work on theory, language, and texts, stuhelping students acquire the most advan- dents should also be self-motivated and
ced contemporary theories and by learprepared to work with others. Our proning how to employ these in their own
gramme is well-suited to lateral entries
writing and work. Practice modules
from other arts universities or universities.
enable students to bring in their individuAddress
al experience in various kinds of projects
and by way of different artistic proceZurich University of the Arts
dures. Projects and mentored practice
BA in Media & Art, Specialisamodules ensure that students can
tion in Theory, Förrlibuckstr. 62,
immerse themselves in different themes
Postfach, 8031 Zürich
and issues while also benefitting from
continuous supervision.
Heads of Specialisation
Our Basic Studies provide orientation and introduce students to fun
— Dr. habil. Gerald Raunig
damental themes and issues in the field.
Advanced students explore particular
— Dr. habil. Klaus Schönberger
themes in greater depth, undertake more
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
fine arts
Besides the Bachelor of Arts
in Media & Arts, the Department of Art &
Media at Zurich University of the Arts
(ZHdK) offers one of the most distinguished Master of Fine Arts programmes in
Switzerland and Europe. Within the
field of Media & Art, an MA degree is
considered the standard qualification for
a comprehensive tertiary education.
Students seeking admission onto our
MA in Fine Arts must hold a Bachelor of
Arts. Building on the experiences and
insights gained on one of our BA courses,
which are designed to promote both
disciplinary and interdisciplinary work,
our MA programme offers students the
possibility to further extend and deepen
their authorial position.
For detailed information on our
MA in Fine Arts, see
— > Studium
— our respective course brochure.
Besides offering the BA in Media
& Art and the MA in Fine Arts, the
Department of Art & Media at Zurich
University of the Arts (ZHdK) is also home
to the Institute for Contemporary Art
Research (IFCAR). It is also closely associated with the cross-university Institute
for Critical Theory (ith), which is affiliated
to the Department of Cultural Analysis.
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
Institute for Contemporary
Art Research (IFCAR)
Founded in 2005, the Institute for
Contemporary Art Research (IFCAR)
specialises in artistic research. Research
in art means conducting research
as artistic practice, by way of art and by
virtue of its specific processes and
questions. Artistic research is a practice
where science, technology, economics,
politics, ethics, culture, and life play
equally significant roles. The Institute and
its work are oriented towards two core
research areas: “Urbanity and the Public
Sphere” and “Art and Forms of Knowledge.”
Institute for Critical Theory (ith)
The Institute for Critical Theory
(ith) was established in 1999 to promote
theory building in the field of aesthetics
and within the force field of art and
politics. Forming part of the Department
of Cultural Analysis, the Institute undertakes applied and basic research, which is
explicitly transcultural and located within
the current discourses on knowledge
cultures. Particular emphasis is placed on
developing and testing the practice of
theory, that is, to exploring various
different theory formats and theory-research procedures (different media,
sites, performativities). The Institute for
Critical Theory (ith) intervenes in current
affairs and is committed to researching
theory in a sustained manner.
Admissions Procedure
(Assessing Candidate Suitability)
Applying for admission is a twostep process: first, you need to submit an
application form; second, you should
submit your portfolio within the stipulated submissions period. If your portfolio is
positively assessed, you will be invited to
attend a personal interview with the
admissions committee. Following your
interview, the committee will decide
whether or not to grant you admission
onto the programme.
Applications are by specialisation. Candidates seeking admission to
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) may
apply for more than one specialisation.
(Please note that if you are applying for
more than one specialisation, you will be
charged only one application fee).
We expect applicants to
— possess artistic and design
potential (with a recognisable or
already existing interest in
pursuing their own ideas, topics,
questions, and with a potential
for individual development)
— have a mind of their own and
— be self-motivated and curious
— possess good interpersonal and
social skills
— have basic media knowledge,
experience, and skills
— possess a basic knowledge of
historical and current developments in the arts and culture
— be keen and willing to engage in
critical reflection on art and
design, their specific environment and perspectives
— be prepared to explore new knowledge and working methods
Admissions are also subject to the
following additional requirements:
— positive assessment of the
candidate’s artistic suitability
— evidence of an adequate working
knowledge of German, and where
necessary of English, to be able
to follow classes. In exceptional
cases, admission may be granted
despite insufficient language
skills; in such cases, admission
shall be granted subject to special
provisions, to be determined by
the responsible course director or
head of programme.
For further information on our
admissions process and application
deadlines, please see: > studium
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
Bachelor Media & Art/ Programme Information
an upper-secondary school
qualification (Level II)
§ 3 Additional admissions
Explanatory Notes, 13 August 2009
Admission shall also be subject to
§ 1 Purpose
the following cumulative require 1 This factsheet provides an overments:
view of the conditions for admis—positive assessment of the
sion into the BA Media & Art
candidate’s creative and artistic
at Zurich University of the Arts
(Zürcher Hochschule der Künste,
—evidence of an adequate working
knowledge of the German langu 2 All admissions are subject to the
age, and of the English language
statutory provisions stipulated
where applicable, allowing
in the General Study Regulations
students to follow classes. In
(ASO) governing academic
exceptional cases, admission may
courses and programmes at
be granted notwithstanding
Zurich University of the Arts
inadequate language skills; in
(ZHdK), the specific study regusuch cases, admission shall
lations for the BA Media & Art,
be made subject to special proviand the relevant legislation.
sions; these shall be determined
§ 2 Previous education and
by the responsible course
Students seeking admission into
the BA Media & Art must hold one § 4 Point in time
Prospective students must satisfy
of the following formal qualifiall requirements when commencations:
cing their studies. Where candi—recognised academic baccalaudates are unable to furnish
evidence of their full compliance
—recognised vocational baccalauwith the admissions requirereate;
ments, Zurich University of the
—recognised subject-specific
Arts (ZHdK) reserves the right to
baccalaureate in the occupatioexclude such candidates from a
nal field of art and design;
course of studies even if they have
—either a qualification from a
passed their aptitude test.
recognised, three-year commer § 5 Portfolio admission
cial college, or – for the duration
of a transition period lasting until Portfolio admission is possible
even if candidates do not hold the
31 August 2014 – from a recogninecessary formal qualifications,
sed, three-year upper-secondary
but where there is demonstrable
specialised school, or a qualificaevidence of outstanding creative
tion from any other recognised
and artistic ability. The Executive
secondary school providing
Board of Zurich University of
general education and leading to
§ 6
the Arts (ZHdK) reserves the right
to issue regulations specifying
the details of portfolio admission. Candidates must satisfy all
other admissions requirements
without exception.
Further provisions
Only a limited number of places
are available on any given course.
Candidates who have passed
their aptitude test but whom the
University cannot offer a place on
their chosen course will be placed
on a waiting list in the order of
their examination results. Candidates who have failed their aptitude test may resit their examination only once per course of
studies. Authorisation for admission is valid only for the academic
year for which a candidate has
taken an aptitude test.
Bachelor Medien & Kunst
Media Medien
& Art & Kunst
Bachelor Media & Art/ Campus Information
in zurich
Zurich is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The city is
home not only to stockbrokers and gallery
owners, but also to 50’000 students.
Thanks to numerous discounts,
you should expect monthly living costs to
amount to about CHF 1’700.00.
As a ZHdK student, you are
eligible for affordable accommodation
shared. For details and assistance, please
contact the “WoKo” (Zurich Student
Housing Association, or
the “JuWo” (Verein Jugendwohnnetz, For further information
and helpful addresses, please go to www. > Studium.
The University canteens at Ausstellungsstrasse 60, Florhof, and on
the Media Campus cater to student needs
at affordable prices. Plenty of other affordable food is available in the vicinity of
the various campuses.
Student discounts are also available for the city’s rich cultural programme
– which includes a host of theatre events,
opera performances, concerts, exhibitions
and museums.
Bachelor Media & Art/ Campus Information
technical facilities
At the Department of Art & Media, we provide all students on the Bachelor in Media & Art with state-of-the art
infrastructure. Each specialisation has
its own facilities, including designated
computer rooms and editing suites
(Specialisation in Media Arts), studios,
laboratories and image editing suites
(Specialisation in Photography), as well as
a workshop and individual studio places
(Specialisation in Fine Arts, Media Arts).
ZHdK offers its staff and students
a wide range of technical equipment
for the production of art: clapperboards,
spotlights, microphones, mixer consoles,
record players. We also have our own
photography suite, sound studio, and
video editing workplaces. We have
a staffed information desk that provides
expert advice on events and production
technology, as well as assistance with
technical questions.
At five central locations, our
Media- and Information Centre (MIZ)
provides access to a comprehensive range
of specialist literature and media in
the various fields of study taught at Zurich
University of the Arts (ZHdK). The MIZ
houses books, journals, musical scores,
sound carriers, and DVDs, along with
a wide range of text- and image databases,
electronic journals, Webstreams, and a
large number of digital resources. We offer
guidance and courses to help users find
their way around the available wealth
of resources, and to use these successfully
on their courses.
grants and
Zurich University of the Arts
(ZHdK) does not award any grants
or scholarships. Subject to certain conditions, Swiss students may apply for
grants to the Canton of Zurich. In cases
of hardship, applications for a fees waiver
may be submitted. – Studium
mac-shop &
The University’s Mac-Shop (MacITZ) is very popular with students. It
provides Apple Mac computers and software packages at unmatched terms and
conditions. The service is run by the
Information Technology Centre (ITZ),
which is also responsible for developing
software for ZHdK and for maintaining
the University’s IT infrastructure. ITZ
staff are happy to provide assistance with
all computer problems. The Centre also
provides a range of student training
programmes, from Photoshop through
video editing to musical notation.
ZHdK students automatically
become members of Zurich’s Academic
Sports Association (ASVZ). Football,
boxing, fencing, and yoga are just some of
the many courses and training programmes on offer. Fitness rooms, gyms,
and endurance training are available
at ETH Zentrum (Polyterrasse), the
University of Zurich’s Irchel Campus, and
ETH Hönggerberg.
Bachelor Media & Art/ Campus Information
union (sturz)
The Student Union represents
the interests of all students at Zurich
University of the Arts (ZHdK). We provide
advice and assistance on all matters
related to your studies. We support
student ideas, events, and projects benefitting the University.
From Vienna to Barcelona, Berlin
to Istanbul – ZHdK belongs to a large
international network of 120 universities
in Europe and 18 higher education
institutions in the United States, Asia, and
Australia. A wide range of exchange
programmes lasting one semester is
available. Each year about 70 ZHdK
students spend a semester abroad, and we
welcome about the same number of
international guest students. For further
information and assistance, please
contact the International Office. Its Website provides further details on all subjectspecific programmes.
Bachelor Media & Art/ Campus Information
Z-Modules are overarching
compulsory elective courses aimed at all
Bachelor students attending Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). They represent
a unique and innovative learning and
communication platform. On Z-Modules,
staff and students from various disciplines experiment with manifold methods, procedures, and practices. Crossdisciplinary ventures are subject to
critical reflection, and serve to cultivate a
comprehensive, interdisciplinary perspective.
Z-Modules are oriented towards
either theory or practice, or bring together both perspectives in project-like
formats. They provide the foundations for
the further development of individual
creative processes, for building personal
and interpersonal skills, and for enhancing information transfer skills and
critical reflection. Possible teaching
formats include projects, seminars, workshops, colloquia, and excursions.
Individual modules last one week.
BA students are required to attend three
Z-Modules during their degree studies.
Courses are offered as one-week block
seminars totalling 30 contact hours.
theatre of
the arts
museum of design
Located adjacent to the main
University building, the Museum of
At its Theatre of the Arts, Zurich
Design is an internationally renowned
University of the Arts (ZHdK) has three
exhibition space specialising in design,
public stages. Stage A is the main stage.
visual communication, and architecture.
Operated by a student group, the main
It evolved from the city’s Museum of
stage is used not only by theatre professioDecorative Arts and Crafts, which was
nals but also by students from other
established in 1875. Located on Lake
ZHdK departments. All three stages are
Zurich, the Bellerive Museum also beequipped with state-of-the-art technololongs to the Museum of Design.
gy. Stage sets, props, and scenery are
The Museum of Design hosts nine
made in the University’s own workshops.
to eleven temporary exhibitions each year,
Admission to the Theatre of the Arts is
together with various smaller events and
interventions, to illuminate various
design themes and issues. Its collections
– of posters, graphics, design, and decorative arts – are of international importance.
The Museum is actively involved in the
teaching and research undertaken at
Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Free
Mehrspur, the University’s music
admission for students.
club, has been hosting a wide range of
concerts since 2005, from jazz and funk
through trip-hop and pop to classical
and electroacoustic music. The club aims
to promote young talents across all styles
of music, and without blinkers. It is also
a popular meeting place for music lovers
and students from all divisions of the
university and fields of study.
Mehrspur hosts events starting at
8 p.m. on Wednesdays (Jam Night),
Fridays (Jazz night), and Saturdays (Mehrspur Nacht). Concerts are followed by live
DJ events. Beverages and snacks are
available at moderate prices. Admission is
music club
& Medien/
Media &Campusinformationen
Art/ Campus Information
Bahnhof Altstetten Nord
. Al
standorte departement
& media
art &
* Escher-Wyss-Platz
SBB-Werkstätte, Bus 31
Museum für Gestaltung
Zoo Zürich
Zür ahnho
* Sihlpost
Museum für Gestaltung Zürich
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
Bachelor, Vertiefung Bildende Kunst
Bachelor, Vertiefung Fotografie
Sihlquai 125
Bachelor, Vertiefung Mediale Künste
Sihlquai 131
Bachelor, Vertiefung Theorie
Förrlibuckstrasse 62
Master Fine Arts
Förrlibuckstrasse 62
Institut für Gegenwartskunst
Institut für Theorie
Hafnerstrasse 39
Museum Bellerive
Höschgasse 3
Musikklub Mehrspur
Waldmannstrasse 12
Theater der Künste
Gessneralle 9/11/13
Zukünftiger Standort der
Zürcher Hochschule
der Künste im Toni-Areal
ab 2013
Förrlibuckstrasse 109
Bahnhof Enge
* Höschgasse
Mediale Künste/ Fabian Vögeli/ Lavaterzimmer
Fotografie/ Cortis & Sonderegger/ Greeding
Bildende Kunst/ Francisca Silva/ oben: STYLA THA MASTA (Detail)/ Mixed media Rauminstallation (Grösse variabel)
unten: F.S. & S.M./ WE`R SO HOT, HOT HOT, HOT (Detail)/ Mixed media Rauminstallation (Grösse variabel)
Fotografie/ Pierre Kellenberger/ Hecke
Mediale Künste mit Departement Darstellende Künste/ Penal Colony/ Kammeroper von Philip Glass
Mediale Künste/ „!Mediengruppe Bitnik“ und Sven König/ Opera Calling/ Interventionen
im öffentlichen Raum (Opernhaus Zürich)
Bildende Kunst/ Roman Gysin/ Lifestyler (Detail) (oben und unten)
Alice Gut/ ein Volumen, MDF Platten, Dispersionsfarbe, 160 x 200 x 45 cm (oben)
Bildende Kunst/ Mia Marfurt/ B.B./ Siebdruck auf Aluminium, 96 x 124 x 40 cm
Bildende Kunst/ Daniel Lanz/ Besenheiliger/ Performance
Fotografie/ Taiyo Onorato & Nico Krebs/ Been there, done that
Fotografie/ Patrick Cipriani/ ohne Titel
Fotografie/ Corinne Futterlieb/ Ein Portrait #3/ Skizzen/Versuche
Mediale Künste/ Andrea Palamarcukova/ Wer sind die sie?/ Installation mit 6-Kanal-Audio und Video
Bildende Kunst/ Nadine Wintsch/ ohne Titel/ Öl auf Leinwand, 30 x 30 cm
Theorie mit Studiengang Theater (Regie/Pädagogik)/ Voulez vous Foucault?/ Theaterperformance
Bildende Kunst/ Kathrin Schmid/ Bukarest/ HD Video, 12:18', Farbe, Ton, 16:9
Medienmit & Kunst/
Mediale Künste
der Klasse
Digitale Kunst, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien/
44 Soundworkshop
Klanghimmel/ —
Bachelor Medien & Kunst/ Studieninformationen
te (ZHdK) interessieren. Die ZHdK bietet ihren
künstlerische und gestalterische Eigenständigkeit
Studierenden im engen Kontakt mit unseren
Bachelor Medien
& Medien
Kunst & Kunst/ Studieninformationen
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Departement Kunst & Medien
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8005 Zürich
Redaktion Departement Kunst & Medien
Giaco Schiesser
Christoph Brunner
Barbara Draeyer
ulen Europas – bei uns lohnt sich der Blick über
udierende, die an einem vernetzten Studium
mit anderen Disziplinen vielseitigere, reflektiertere
mittler hervorbringt.
Gesamtkonzept und Redaktionsleitung
Stefan Schöbi
und zahllosen Praxispartnern aus Wissenschaft,
n stehen für die nationale und internationale
Christine Meyer,
eigenständigen Profil weiterentwickeln und
rung und Chance zugleich. Wir ermutigen Sie
Redaktion Hochschulkommunikation
Isabelle Vloemans
Lukas Meyer-Marsilius
Mark Kyburz,
Cover-Bild und Bildredaktion
Regula Bearth
Tobias Markus Strebel
Satz und Infografik
Samuel Marty
Moritz Wolf
Helvetica Neue LT, Utopia, Roemisch Stehend
Linkgroup, Zürich
Scherrer AG, Zürich
Lessebo Smooth 90 g/m2
Algro Design 200 g/m2
Medien & Kunst/ Studieninformationen
Bachelor Medien
& Kunst
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Departement Kunst & Medien
Bachelor of Arts in Medien & Kunst
Prof. Nadia Graf
Sihlquai 125
8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 43 446 31 82
Bachelor Medien & Kunst / Vertiefungen
Bildende Kunst
Sihlquai 125
8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 43 446 31 82
Sihlquai 125
8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 43 446 31 42
Mediale Künste
Sihlquai 131
8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 43 446 31 62
Förrlibuckstrasse 62
8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 43 446 31 94
Zürcher Hochschule der Künste
Departement Kunst & Medien
Ausstellungsstrasse 60
8005 Zürich
Telefon +41 43 446 31 01/02
Weitere Informationen zum
Studium an der ZHdK: