Advisor August 2016 Web - Texas Locksmiths Association


Advisor August 2016 Web - Texas Locksmiths Association
Celebrating over
50 Years of Service
1964 - 2014
2016 Board of Directors
1st Vice President
Don Hiser, Houston, TX
Sean Preuss, New Braunfels, TX
2nd Vice President
Jake Hall, Fayetteville, NY
Stacy Hetchler, New Braunfels, TX
Kim Valois, TX
Robert Connel, TX
Membership Director
Don Fulton, TX
John C. Helweg, Houston, TX
Jerry Lopez Jr, TX
Chair, Board of Trustees
Steven Sharp, Austin, TX
Steve Sacco, Benson, AZ
‘The Legislative Voice of Texas Locksmiths’
P.O. BOX 15242
AUSTIN, TX 78761-5242
Comments, questions, change of address or material for
inclusion in this publication should be directed to the TLA
Editor. Other associations wishing to use material from the
“Advisor” are welcome to do so as long as proper credit is
given to the author and publication.
President’s Message
Don Hiser
Fellow Members:
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. The 2016 TLA Board
had its first face to face meeting in Denison, Texas at the
Hilton Garden Inn, we are looking into the possibility of
having our 2018 convention there. We had a good meeting
and we accomplished quite a bit. I am looking forward to
working with the new board members.
I am currently in Orlando for the ALOA Convention and
Expo. The education started this past weekend and the
show will start in the next couple of days. I will be making
the rounds to all the vendors to get our last few booths sold.
I am very optimistic; we only have 9 booths left at this point.
Raul Moreno did an excellent job getting us to this point.
We are trying to plan road shows, we need your help! We
would like to have a road show in the Tyler area, North
Texas, the Pan Handle and West Texas. We need you to
help us find a location in your area to hold the classes.
Please contact me or Stacy Hetchler to help set this up. We
depend on your help to make this possible.
If you have any suggestions for classes, please let Jake
Hall or me know, the sooner the better.
Thank you for your support.
1st Vice President’s Report
Sean Preuss
Happy August everyone!
I hope everyone is staying cool and busy! Life in the 1st
VP's house as always is getting increasingly more hectic as
we come to the end of summer vacation and start moving
forward towards the beginning of another school year.
In TLA news, the face to face in Denison went very well I
think. We had a lot of questions for the potential hotel event
coordinator and as we get more details we will for sure be
passing those along! Preparations for this coming years
convention are also moving along great.
After the ALOA show in Florida I'm happy to say we are
down to only one vendor booth available. Over the next few
weeks we will be sending out contracts and collecting dues
to solidify what I know will be another amazing TLA
Everyone stay safe and cool and have a great rest of the
Treasurer’s Report
Kim Valois
August Report
July 1 - July 31, 2016
Account Balances
General Fund (Wells Fargo 9695)
Legislative Money Market (Wells Fargo 8876)
Scholarship Money Market (Wells Fargo 8868)
Education Savings (Wells Fargo 8884)
Education CD (Wells Fargo)
Total of All Accounts
General Fund Detail
Beginning Balance
Total Deposits
Total Withdrawals
Total Check Withdrawals
Total Debit Withdrawals
Total Electronic Withdrawals (Bank Card Fees)
Total Transfer
Ending Balance
Legislative Fund Monthly Transaction Detail
Transfer from General Fund (From Dues Payments)
Check Transactions
General Fund Monthly Transaction Detail
Debit Transactions
QuickBooks Account Fee
$19.95 Account Fee
Hilton Garden Inn
Office Depot
Sgt-at-Arm’s Report
Jerry Lopez Jr.
Hello Fellow TLA members:
I would first like to discuss our store. I have been in touch
with Ruben, and he has been a tremendous help in getting
me on my feet. We are currently working on new designs
for the TLA merchandise, and are looking to get with a
printing company to start cleaning up and finalizing several
possible designs. I am also trying to get a hold of and
inventory what merchandise we have on hand. I look
forward to making more progress and having more
concrete numbers and designs for our face to face.
Secondly, I would like to report a little on my neck of the
woods. Austin has been experiencing high temps and
muggy weather. Though the heavy rains have subsided,
we still experience an occasional shower. Our lakes are full
and summer activities are under way. With the influx of
visitors, we are looking forward to an increase in business
and networking opportunities.
Lastly I would like to say that I am grateful for the
opportunity to be a part of this organization. I look forward
to making significant and invaluable business and personal
connections. I sincerely hope to contribute in making the
TLA the organization we know it can be.
How did I Get Here?
Most of y’all know Stacy Hetchler of KeyPro and Just Cars
fame. He has also served on the TLA Board the past few
years. He and I get along pretty well and like to cut up, so I
recently asked him what he did in another lifetime to
deserve being an Automotive Locksmith? We had a good
laugh and here’s what he said…
I love doing this, every day. I would do it for free. I would
cut car keys for enough food to have enough energy to
make the same deal the next day. But of course I wasn’t
born with that plan.
I went to high school in New Braunfels, where I still love to
live. I would like to say the most important thing I got from
high school was an education and that’s what I will tell my
kids. But if I am being honest I was a mediocre student and
the most amazing thing that happened to me back then was
seeing the most beautiful girl, ever cutting across the
cafeteria one day. Haven’t stopped looking at her since that
day. Second most important event in my life happened that
same year. Junior in high school, opened my first car and
made a key for it. Hook, line and sinker.
I was working at a hardware store and they had a locksmith
that ran calls 24/7. Problem was he was doing that on and
off the books so he was fired. They figured I duplicated
keys better than everyone else so they gave me a pining kit
and a bag of car opening tools.
I finished high school, with mediocre grades but I was the
only person in my graduating class with perfect attendance.
Not for that year, for all twelve years. I may not get straight
A’s but I show up every day. So that’s what I continued to
do for college. I started at Southwest Texas State in San
Marcos in 1996. I still didn’t know that I had caught the bug
so I was still wandering. I started classes with the intention
of getting a bachelors in history and an education minor.
I wanted to educate at a college level. I took my first
philosophy class and enjoyed it so much that I changed my
major and started a course towards being a college
philosophy instructor. I paid the bills by Locksmithing after
classes, the hardware store had long since closed but all
the regular accounts still had my pager number so I kept
calling them back. I also managed a Blockbuster video till
1am for a couple years in there. I spent my summers in a
1988 Ford Ranger with flip flops and a HPC1200. Spent my
last month of college in Beijing China studying religions that
have written history that is over twice as long as
Somewhere in there I upgraded from an 88 Ranger to an
86 Dodge Ram Van, first service van. Dirty, ugly, and
barely running. But I still wasn’t fully invested in
Locksmithing. Around 2001 my dad had really gotten
involved in the auto key generation world. I was still not
gonna be a boring locksmith, the rest of my life.
So I enrolled in law enforcement academy in San Antonio.
Not the top grades but I was elected the class president
and never missed a day. That took a year. I was hired by
New Braunfels Police Department. Again if I am being
honest then I have to say I was a crap cop. But more than
that, it is boring as hell. Bored, bored, bored, 4 minutes of
pure adrenaline then back to bored for another shift after
another. And the payment for the adrenaline is dealing
with a turd of a person and writing lots of paperwork about
it. Did that for about 4 years and then felt I had given it a
fair shake and moved on.
I had some major accounts by then and was really making
stupid money for a guy who never took school too
seriously. I was spending time much then as I do now at
large auto auctions that can demand from 5 to 50 car keys
be generated from scratch a day. Local associations had
started to call asking for classes. The Hetchler name was
starting to mean something. I was finally starting to realize
this was what I was meant to do. I am good at it. I
apparently also have a knack for teaching others to auto
locksmith. Over the years I have traveled from one end of
North America to the other teaching. I enjoy teaching as
much as I have always known but till then I didn’t know
what I was gonna teach others. The pinnacle of this
education is the Just Cars Auto Expo that myself and family
host every year around the country. We get almost 1000
automotive locksmiths together and let the knowledge flow.
I also managed to get a helicopter pilots license
somewhere in those years. People always ask “Why?” and
my answer is always “What kid doesn’t wanna fly
helicopters?” I do that on the weekends for leisure. Don’t
own one yet but that’s on my long term plan. So is
attaining a PhD. I don’t know why, it’s just always been on
the bucket list.
My kids arrived here a few years ago. My girl first, Khoal.
She is artsy, always stealing moms tape and scissors to
waste on a project that will most likely be in the trash
before day’s end. My wife brought me a son next, Greisun.
He’s a do-er. Jump first and fix what you break later. My
daughter has figured out that her little brother is a great
manual worker and she takes full advantage of his strong
back yet short sighted thoughts.
Years ago one of the associations or publications asked
me for some printed materials. Tech articles etc. I guess I
got pretty good at that somewhere also because I wrote
and completed my first edition training manual for
locksmiths last year. It’s called Advanced Automotive
Transponder Programming. I’m currently putting the final
touches on my next edition.
My story started and will end that same way. I will probably
be looking at the most beautiful girl I have ever seen,
Candee. She is my first and everything. My life would be
but would not have nearly as much light in it, if not for her.
I will gladly bleed another 21 years in this industry if it will
make her smile. I can write down how much I love
locksmithing but when it comes to her and the life she has
afforded me, I cannot form the ….
DPS Regulatory Services Division Report
RenEarl Bowie
The Texas Online Private Security (TOPS) system which is
the new licensing system replacing the existing CLIPS
system on August 27, 2016 which keeps track of all our
company and individual registrations.
Everyone: (Owners, Qualified Managers and
Employees) need to go online to the DPS PSB web site
and establish their company and employee contact
email. TOPS is ONLINE ONLY, NO PAPER, you have to
have an email address registered with the system to
change and renew current registrations as well as submit new applications.
August 13 – Last day to submit online applications until
August 29 (TOPS release) and last day for employers to
make payments on bulk transactions
August 16 – Last day for electronic submission of
unique email address until August 29
August 17 – Online record search data will be available
but will not contain updated information from August 17
through August 29.
August 14 through August 28 – All applications and fees
must be submitted by mail
August 29 – Go Live! New TOPS applications launched
Go to the DPS Private Security page for more details.
The Texas Locksmiths Association would like to invite all licensed locksmiths to a Full Day of Hands
On Automotive in Central Texas. The preferred hotel for this event is La Quinta Temple, details
below. The gracious host of this event is the Copart Auto Auction in Temple. State certified instructor(s) will demonstrate and guide a full day at that facility all day Saturday October 1st. Any and All
aspects of Automotive Locksmith will be addressed starting at 8AM till 5PM. CEU’s will be offered.
Both members and Non are invited, current members and applicants are free with proof of legal
Text 830-708-5625 to secure your spot.
Copart Auction
7201 N General
Bruce Drive
Temple 76501
La Quinta Temple 1604 W Barton Ave Temple 78504 (254)771-2980
Calendar of Events
TLA Board conference calls are held the first Tuesday of
each month from 7-8pm
MLA meetings are held the first Monday (even months) from
7-9pm @ Michael's Keys, 4003 Colleville Blvd,
Colleville, TX 76034
LASA meetings are held the second Thursday of each month
from 7-9pm @ Oak Ridge Baptist Church
GHLA meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month
from 7-9pm @ HL Flake
NTLA meetings are held the second Monday of each month
from 7-9pm @ Hans Johnsen
El Paso meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each
month at the EPMPOA Hall, 3601 Rutherglen St., El Paso,
TX 79925 from 11am-1pm
August 2016
8/1 - 8/6 - ALOA Convention & Security Expo - Orlando, FL
8/1 - MLA meeting
8/8 - NTLA - no meeting
8/9 - GHLA meeting
8/11 - LASA - no meeting
8/24 - El Paso meeting
September 2016
9/8 - LASA meeting
9/12 - NTLA meeting
9/13 - GHLA meeting
9/28 - El Paso meeting
October 2016
10/3 - MLA meeting
10/10 - NTLA meeting
10/11 - GHLA meeting
10/13 - LASA meeting
10/26 - El Paso meeting
November 2016
11/8 - GHLA meeting
11/10 - LASA meeting
11/14 - NTLA meeting
11/23 - El Paso meeting
December 2016
12/5 - MLA meeting
12/8 - LASA meeting
12/13 - GHLA meeting
12/12 - NTLA meeting
12/28 - El Paso meeting
January 2017
1/9 - NTLA meeting
1/10 - GHLA meeting
1/12 - LASA meeting
1/25 - El Paso meeting
February 2017
2/6 - MLA meeting
2/9 - LASA meeting
2/13 - NTLA meeting
2/14 - GHLA meeting
2/22 - El Paso meeting
2/23 - 2/25 - TLA Convention - Houston, TX
March 2017
3/9 - LASA meeting
3/13 - NTLA meeting
3/14 - GHLA meeting
3/22 - El Paso meeting
April 2017
4/3 - MLA meeting
4/10 - NTLA meeting
4/11 - GHLA meeting
4/13 - LASA meeting
4/26 - El Paso meeting
The following article is an excerpt from
Eprom Book - KeyPro - Stacy Hetchler
The book may be purchased HERE
*Transponder Optional
At A Glance.
Documented Date: 052716
Device Reader: AR32
Programmer: Tango with Software
Target Module: ICU
Module Location: Above the Gas Pedal
Target Device: 93LC46B (8 SOIC)
Read In or Out: In Circuit (Grounding Required!)
Original Transponder: Mega 48
Usable Transponder(s): Mega 48
BIN Encrypted: No
PIN etc in BIN: PIN
Clone Out or Convert BIN: Conversion
Keyway: HD103
Isuzu was in trouble in its final years but she went out with a bang. They added an optional immobilizer systems to two of its vehicles right at the end. Its secured with a four digit
PIN. At this time, acquiring that number is getting difficult. But it isn't an issue for EEPROM
folks. Lets have a look at this pretty simple process.
1. The presence of the black ring, visible around the
metal face of the ignition, is the indication of the optional immobilizer system. Have the customer look before
you drive out so you will be prepared.
2. Just above the gas pedal, the target module
sits in a bracket. One 10MM bolt secures it on the
top edge. Two small plugs need disconnection.
Steering Wheel
Even if you have acquired
the PIN for one of these, I
have found that they can be
difficult to program via the
©Key Pro USA LLC
OBD. I find it just as easy to
do them via EEPROM and
more successful on the first
attempt. Good Luck.
4. These can corrupt if you do not protect yourself by either
desoldering or shorting the oscillator. We are about to externally power the 93LC46B. If the MCU powers during that,
the MCU can send a random command and corrupt the BIN.
5. Solder a bridge between either PINK point
and another point, PINK or ORANGE. This
shorts the oscillator which stops the MCU
from sending out destructive commands.
6. I chose my points and applied a small bead of
solder between them. You should feel safe using this technique, however desolder is the safest should you feel nervous about the in circuit.
7. Now we are prepared to read the target device. Open the AR32 software, PgDn and arrow
scroll over to our device type then Insert. You
can also type “93LC46B” and press enter.
8. Verify all switches, including lowest voltage
setting, and the Pamona/ribbon cable is
plugged in to the Left position and the Brown
wire is to the right.
Pi n
3. Here is the immo box on the bench. The lid
flips up and open. Removal of the board from
the box is difficult and unnecessary.
wire to
the right.
©Key Pro USA LLC
9. AR32 is set. Pomona Clip is in place and the
Oscillator is grounded to itself. From the AR
home screen select option 3 Read Device into
10. The question that appears at the bottom of
the screen is “Do you want to start reading at the
beginning of the file?” For us always yes. For
other industries this is a useful ability of the AR.
11. Once you hit “Y” the process is so quick
the screen doesn't appear to change. Option
5 Buffer Editor, should display a screen like
12. Return to the AR home and
choose option 8 Compare to verify the BIN. Always “Y” Read
from the start. The Green Zero
Errors is what we are looking for.
Green Zero Errors is the Goal!
13. Once we have a verified Read, Save the file immediately. Choose Option “A” and Create a name that ends in
“.BIN” and can be easily located later. We don’t suggest
customer last name, invoice numbers, etc. for security reasons.
14. If the only EEPROM equipment you have is
a reader; AR32, Orange 5, MiniPro, Wellon, at
this point you can remove the bridge and return
the immo box. In this system the pin is in plain
language and in a static location, always at 75
and 76. Program via the OBD with the found
PIN, 3651.
Pin always at
address 75 &
76 in plain
©Key Pro USA LLC
15. Connect and start the Tango.
Region> ASIA>
16. The options screen should appear. Details such as required transponder and expected file size can be seen. Click the
Green Context Help Book in the top right.
17. The Context Help button results in
18. We are now ready to open the
images of the Target Module and Target saved BIN file. Click the Open ImDevice. Coverage isn't 100% but helpful. mo Button.
19. Locate and double click the new 20.No error messages appear, such as incorsaved AR32 BIN file. Here is where an rect file size, and the fields populated thereorganized saving system will be helpful. fore the file is good. Click the Blue Pin
Code Button.
©Key Pro USA LLC
21. The previous click of the pin code button
results is what we should already have know
from examining the raw BIN file but this confirms we are on a the correct path.
22. We now need to decide where to place the
new transponder in the file. Select the desired
key slot. Place an acceptable transponder into
the Tango hardware and Click the Write Button.
23. A pop-up should display the current status of the conversion process. Remember the
transponder data is being placed into the
original BIN file. Conversion not clone out.
24. Another pop-up appears and this one is requiring us
to name the new file. Under no circumstances should you
over-write the original file. I like to add the conversion programmer name to the original file name for the new file
25. Our final pop-up from the Tango reminds
us that we must re-write the device with the
new Tango converted file to complete the
programming process.
26. Now return to the AR32 software, we need to
program the “Tango” BIN to the device, hopefully
still all connected. Option 1 Program Device from
Disk File., then ALT “D” to view the files.
©Key Pro USA LLC
24. Use the arrow keys, scroll to the file that the Tango
created, keep in mind that the AR32 only displays 8 character file names. New file may appears as “446013~1.bin”
vs “44601317tango.bin” But if you locate the Original BIN,
the Tango BIN should be the next one to the right.
25. From the file selection screen, hit “F3” to program. The software returns to the home screen
and requires “P” to proceed programming. “S”
Skip returns to home screen.
26. Assuming you get the Green Programming
Complete message at the bottom, you are done.
Any Red Errors Found Messages means revisit
all settings and connections and try again. Don’t
forget to remove the grounding bridge from step
6. Return everything to its rightful location and
test transponder function. These vehicle are becoming increasingly rare but if you are the tech
that’s prepared, you are the tech to get paid.
Date:____________________________________ Notes:_________________________________
©Key Pro USA LLC
Associate Members
5200 Tennyson Pkwy, Ste 300
Plano, TX 75024
P 972-378-1191
11925 Pacific Avenue
Fontana, CA 92337
P 800-421-6142
Associated Locksmiths of
America (ALOA)
3500 Easy Street
Dallas, TX 75247
P 214-827-1701
Big Red Safe Locks
Michael J Walsh & Assoc.
PO Box 377
Chiloquin, OR 97624
Clark Security Products
1601 Water Ridge
Lewisville, TX 75057
P 214-654-3933, 800-483-5625
F 888-682-3329
9900 Sam Houston Ctr Dr, Ste.
Houston, TX 77064
P 972-353-7076
ClearStar Security Network
4454 Lopez Ave
Port Townsend, WA 98368
F 866-850-9926
Commercial Van
2323 N. Support Rd
Dallas, TX 75261
F 214-638-8805
Detex Corporation
302 Detex Drive
New Braunfels, TX 78130
P 830-629-2900, 800-729-3839
F 830-620-6711
Dugmore & Duncan Inc.
30 Pond Park Road
Hingham, MA 02043
P 888-384-6673
F 888-329-3846
Elite CEU
16238 Ranch Road 620 N Ste F
Austin, TX 78717
P 866-556-5512
F 512-351-3746
Greater Houston Locksmiths
P.O. Box 541894
Houston, TX 77254-1894
Hans Johnsen Company
Reid Hill
8901 Chancellor Row
Dallas, TX 75247
P 214-879-1550
F 214-879-1520
H L Flake
5235 Glenmont Dr
Houston, TX 77081
P 800-231-4105
F 888-329-0601
Hollon Safe Company
Trent Beltman, Texas Sales Rep.
277 44th St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78412
P 888-455-2337
F 866-408-7303
IDN Acme
14020 N Welch Rd, Dallas, TX
P 972-664-1240, 800-372-2263
IDN Acme
1308-A N. First St. Bellaire, TX
P 713-668-0022, 800-359-2263
7555 Pebble Dr, Ft. Worth, TX
P 817-284-5696, 800-859-2263
12919 Delivery Dr. San Antonio,
TX 78247
P 210-545-3396, 800-431-2263
ROFU International
10029 South Tacoma Way,
St. E-11
Lakewood, WA 98499
P 253-922-1828, 800-255-7638
F 253-922-1728, 888-840-7272
Security Hardware Marketing
6700 Main St., Ste. 106
The Colony, TX 75056
F (800) 571-7462
Stanley Security
10155 FM 1565
Terrell, TX 75160
P 800-311-1705
TimeMaster Inc.
157 Venture Court, Suite #9
Lexington, KY 40511
P 888-798-8465
«Company Name»
«Billing Street»
«Billing City», «Billing State» «Billing Zip»
P. O. BOX 15242
AUSTIN, TX 78761-5242