Fusion Lamp technology Standard Output
Fusion Lamp technology Standard Output
ATEA CATHODE FROIDE Fusion Lamp technology Standard Output F us ion L amp Technology 37,5 15mm DIA FUSION COLD CATHODE LAMP 95mm 115mm 47,5 20mm DIA FUSION COLD CATHODE LAMP 95mm 115mm P roduct s pecification: F US IO N L A MP 15mm & 20mm D iameter - S tandard O utput S pecification S tandard Output 15mm or 20mm Diameter C old C athode Lamp with fusion turnback and oven proces sed for long life in the region of 45,000 hours and lumen output of 1600 lumens per metre. D es cription T he AC DC manufacturing proces s is an interes ting blend of old lamp indus try techniques and dramatic new machinery and technology. U sing technology from the fluorescent indus try, the c ompany have been able to make several advances in c old c athode lamps. High Q uality C omponents W hile the proces ses of manufacturing the lamps are abs olutely critic al, the raw material of phosphor c oated glas s tubes and long life electrodes are similarly as important. AC DC use products from the worlds premier glas s suppliers to guarantee the highes t pos sible quality c old c athode lamp production. Typical L amp P erformance Type Diameter Typic al Life Operating C urrent Max Length Lumen Output Average Output E ffic acy (based on Nemesis gear) Lamp Voltage Temperature at electrode Temperature at mid lamp S tandard Output Fusion 15 or 20mm 45,000 hours 100mA 2000mm 3200 Lumens 1600 Lumens per metre 64 Lumens per watt 680 Volts Approx 65-70˚C Approx 30-31˚C F us ion Manufacture ACDC Lighting are the only company in the world to automate the manufacture of cold cathode lamps with turned back electrodes. T he fusion proces s welds the lamp electrode to the glass tube to form a ‘H’ section at each end of the lamp. This join is more robust than the traditional lamp, which is still manufactured by hand by mos t of the world’s lamp shops. T he ACDC fusion process is also 10 times as quick as the ‘hand made’ method, reducing lead-times and improving both manufacturing quality and capacity alike. O ven P umping The pumping of the lamps remains a critical process. ACDC have developed a hi-tech lamp oven to process cold cathode lamps. The oven measures 3m by 2m and is capable of producing up to 30 lamps per hour. The oven pumping process heats the lamp to temperatures in excess of 400˚C, and using state of the art turbo molecular vacuum pump, more impurities are removed from the lamp than by other methods. A ll of the above factors represent impor tant elements of the manufac turing proc es s, equally critic al to as sure c onsis tent quality large volume lamp manufacture and is a fundamental part of as suring the long 45,000 hour lamp life of AC DC c old c athode.