Gazette Issue 67


Gazette Issue 67
The latest KPA Management Committee was held on 19th January at Star Meadow Sports
and Social Club, Gillingham. In attendance were….D.Baxter—C.Cooter—K.Pinder—
P.Abblett—E.Hatfield—A.Eggleton—A.Mills—R.King—J.Marstin and R.Yates.
With apologise for absence from M.Eggleton and M.Weston.
A few notes about the meeting of general interest...…not minutes !
The KPA Playing Sub-Committee under the Chairmanship of Andy Mills has met, and produced some guidelines for the coming summer season, including finalising some fixture
dates which will be published as the KPA Calendar for 2012, on the KPA web-site. There
will be “five” rounds of Qualifying competitions for the Regional Triples to be held at
various venues across the county. There are minor changes to the “Qualifier Rules”…
(a) Clause 2 deletion….para...regarding top 16 teams eligible to represent the KPA
against Nord Maritime…..( this fixture is now regarded more as a social event and
will be open to all KPA members on a first come first served basis ).
(b) Clause 2 addition….para….” the team that is top after first three qualifiers will be
eligible to be the official KPA representatives in the Open Weekend Competition in
Zeist, Holland and the overall winners of the series ( or 2nd placed team if the winners are the team that went to Zeist ) will be the official KPA representatives in
the Dunkerquoise.
(c) Clause 3…..delete….” One substitute only is allowed per team during the qualifying
(d) Clause 9….change to….” Seeding will be based on average points scored. “
The Inter Regional Finals will be held at MILL RYTHE HOLIDAY VILLAGE
HAYLING ISLAND (not Pontins, Brean Sands) and as yet the arrangements for accommodation and individual costs are not finalised, with the aim to inform all KPA members of
the full details prior to the first Regional Qualifier to be held in April. A small subsidy of
costs to individual players representing Kent at the finals has been agreed in principle,
but is yet to be quantified. No doubt however….the number of players entering the Qualifiers, and their total entry fees will have a major bearing on the amount of subsidy available….”to everyone’s benefit, encourage entry into this years Qualifiers”
The question of a KPA Shooting Competition was discussed and agreed in principle, however there was a recognition of minor problems relating to equipment and manpower and a
suitable date that needs to be sorted out. Tovil is a possible choice of venue.
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An imaginative proposal from the Duke of
Wellington ! As most of us are aware, the Duke of Wellington P.C., Ryarsh have been very
successful in attracting a group of keen juniors to take up the sport. These youngsters
have been loaned KPA competition boule and provided with some redundant Kent shirts,
plus the Duke of Welling Club has provided them all with a bar towel, tape and cochonet.
All ready to go !.....and the proposal by the Club is to hold an open doubles competition
with teams comprising of “Junior + Adult”.
This open competition is to be held at the Duke of Wellington and will be held on a Saturday and will be part competitive and part fun and social, to give the youngsters a “feel”
for the game of petanque. The intention is to provide catering and some drinks for an all
in a one off entry fee. This event is planned initially for some time in May…...but keep an
eye out for the final details… ideal opportunity for players from other clubs to bring
along a son a daughter or grandchild for an introduction to petanque. This will be a designated KPA event.
A discussion on how to encourage more KPA members to attend the Management Committee meetings resulted in the agreement to inform all Club secretaries, by e-mail, of
forthcoming meetings with details of time, location and agenda.
The KPA bank account stands at £13,709 as of the date of this meeting.
Agreed that 6 more sets of junior boule are to be purchased, available for loan by Kent
An ongoing long term problem relating to a storage facility for the storage of KPA equipment is nowhere being resolved. KPA equipment is currently stored in committee members
houses, garages and lofts…..not the ideal arrangement. Lordswood P.C. have offered a
hard stand area for a suitable free standing storage facility. A vandal proof, fire proof,
steel “container” approx size 8ft x 12/15ft would be ideal. Lordswood personal have been
searching for a container for a while now without success. Suggestions to solve this problem by members are welcome.
Preliminary plans are in hand for a meeting to discuss ways to organise sporting and
petanque social events by individual clubs followed by an open melee at Whitehouse P.C.
some time in early Spring.
Next KPA Management Committee Meeting….
It is with sadness to report that ERIC MIDDLEMISS passed away this
month. Eric was one of the founder members of Hartley Country Club
Petanque and he will be remembered with affection. Eric and his late
wife Chris were very active with Petanque at Hartley and in particular
both were the first couple to put their names forward to take part in
social functions, for their own enthusiastic enjoyment, and the
encouragement of others to have fun……
both Eric and Chris were good to be with, both were fun people.
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A small “stocking-filler” article appeared in the Christmas edition of the Gazette,
suggesting that Boris was thinking of covering the Isle of Sheppey with runways for his
proposed Thames Estuary Airport….this article has tempted a response from one of our
more regular and valued readers…...
The Thames Estuary Airport
A comment in the last edition of the Gazette, on the proposal to develop a hub airport for the SE
in the Thames estuary caught my attention. The comment suggested that “we” did not want it. Who
the “we” might be was not explained and certainly did not, from my perceptions, reflect the many varied views on the proposal.
The “we” appear to be a group consisting of some of the following and others; ‘Nimbys’, populist local politicians, local media and with good reason ecologists, environmentalists and concerned
residents. This ‘group’ appear to have hi-jacked the debate; ie: (Medway Council surveyed 100 people
nationally to come up with a policy of not supporting the proposal. Why not ask their local electorate?). The people who do not yet have a voice are the dispossessed, the deprived, the unemployed,
the dejected youth and future generations of Medway, Swale, Thanet and Essex for whom this proposal could provide hope for the future.
The proposal has been deemed feasible and cost effective by Mr D. Oakervee who helped construct a similar airport in Hong Kong. The investment funding is likely to be privately sourced from areas such as China (CIC) and expanding Asian and South American economies seeking investment opportunities for their surplus cash holdings. Such a development would attract other investment, create
jobs on many levels, develop and improve the North Kent and the wider infrastructure and provide
hope for the future for many in this very, on a national scale, deprived area. It would relieve pressure
on the Dartford Crossing a major source of air pollution in Kent and additionally contribute to the move
towards sustainable energy generation through a barrage electricity generation scheme.
On the other hand the reservations of those concerned about the impact of such a scheme on
the ecology and environment must be given proper consideration through very careful and thorough
studies. The area is of particular importance for migrating birds and has a unique ecology which may be
irreplaceable. Creation of areas such as Samphire Ho, a great success, which was created with the spoil
from the fast rail link, could perhaps be given consideration. The concerns of residents who are likely
to be affected also need to be taken into account. But with the take-off and landing approach being
primarily over the sea, and the latest developments in engine noise reduction, noise and other pollution may not be the problem it has been for other communities in the past.
The pros and cons of the proposal to develop a hub airport in the Thames Estuary are complex
and demand a thorough airing with all parties being given the opportunity to contribute to the debate.
It is not good enough for the ‘bien pensant’ to hijack the debate and mute those less able to advocate
their views. Indecision will blight infrastructure and investment planning in both the public and private
sectors to the detriment of all. It is essential therefore, that a full public enquiry is urgently convened
to arrive at a reasoned and balanced decision on this matter which has major implications for all involved.
Mick Weston
29 Dec 2011
The Gazette would like to hear your opinions……..please e-mail
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Last year a few Kent players entered Competitions organised
by the Carrefour Petanque Club, enjoyed themselves, and did
reasonably well.
This year 2012, the Carrefour Club will be running similar
Competitions, and Kent players are invited . These Competitions will follow on from the JERSEY OPEN to provide a nice
few days of Petanque….”in the sun”. Should you need reminding, the Jersey Open takes
place on the 5th and 6th of May…..followed by the CARREFOUR COMPETITIONS on 7th
and 12th May. The two Carrefour Competitions will be, an Open Triples on May 7th with
top prize money of £225 and an Open Singles on 12th May .
The Carrefour contact is...MICHEL MOREL and the Carrefour Web-site can be found at…..where details of the Competitions, and entry forms can be
THURSDAY 1st MARCH at Hartley Country Club, spectators will be
made welcome.
Remaining in the “CUP” Competition are the following teams…..
George Dragons—Gravesend Rugby Football Club—Tovilliers—and
George Slayers.
Remaining in the “PLATE” Competition are the following teams….
Lordswood Sirocco—Bat & Ball—Tovil Titans and Seal
In the depths of winter, temperatures still falling, and snow is on
it’s way. Most, if not all, of the hairy legged posties have hung up
their shorts after the deserved winter scrub, fresh and smelling of
lavender rinse ready for the warmer weather to arrive in the spring.
Too cold for shorts !.....but not for rugged weather beaten “man for
all seasons”….ROB HARVEY….who was spotted last week, on a cold and
windy night in the middle of January playing in his shorts at a KPA
Winter League match for the George P.C. Meopham.
And the 5 Regional Triples Qualifiers. The entry fee per
team is the same as last year, however this year the Management Committee will be juggling the entry fees and some funds for the new financing arrangement for the finals….no
doubt however...the more teams that enter the qualifiers, the more entry fees are collected, and more money will be available to benefit individual players. Also as one of the
sages on the Committee is quick to point out….teams of 4 ,mean that several good Kent
players are stood watching instead of playing ! Teams of 4 that arrange beforehand, who
plays in which game throughout the day, are not necessary playing to the strength of 4.
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Reading between the “lines”, and putting 2 and 2 together it could be that
the planned new high speed rail link
from London to somewhere “Up North”
could have an impact on Kent. The Gazette investigative department has put
together an informative story about
the HS2, without the assistance of
phone tapping…. well not much anyway.
As the whole world knows, there is only one high speed rail link in England, and that belongs to Kent….for the general betterment of the “Garden” ,but in the main part, to provide service access to the many Petanque Clubs located in Kent.
And now….thanks to behind the scenes pressure being exerted by the Chiltern Petanque
Region, they are to have their very own high speed rail link with the imaginative title of
“HS2”….not only to the satisfaction of Chiltern Petanque, but also to the appreciation of
the many “Up North” Racing Pigeon Clubs who will use HS2 rail link for transporting their
pigeons speedily south for the weekend races. Apart from the local landed gentry of the
Chilterns and the many Tory MP’s who reside there….plus one elderly TV personality, the
rest of the Midlands are very happy with the plans it would seem !
Not to be out done with this sudden availability of tax payers dollars being spent “Up
North”, the top people and grandees of Kent have put a bid in for a share of the wonga.
A suggested “branch line” from the HS2 to the Isle of Sheppey, with a very new International Rail Terminal at Leysdown to be named “Leysdown-on-Sea-Schi” as a small tribute
to the many local workers who will no doubt help to build the new railway line. Some Kent
rate payer’s dollars will be made available for the “branch line” once Iceland sees it clear
to hand back some long term dodgy Kent investments.
So to the benefits for Kent. The major being… divert the transport of goods from
road to rail. HS1 (as it is now called) is an asset, the HS21/2 Branch Line will prove likewise…...hoards of foreign lorries and truck drivers with their dodgy sat-navs clogging up
the roads of Kent are the problem. Sleeping truck drivers are a regular sight on the
roads, weaving their way across Kent, known as the “Dormitary—County”, for obvious reasons. The slow haul up the hill from the port of Dover is enough to send most to an early
visit to the land of nod. A true story….. after a jolly good sleep on his journey through
Kent, one such trucker was caught by the police….cooking a fry-up breakfast in his cab
whilst negotiating Swanscombe Cutting. The boys in blue were satisfied that the truckers
resulting indigestion was penalty enough, as they were very busy with their kettles at the
And what of the illegal human cargo presumed to be lacking in comfort squeezed amongst
the bottles of olive oil in the back of some of these trucks ? Where do they alight ? Is
there some sort of secret international passport free landing terminal, minus attending
immigration officials, or will any un-manned lay-bye do ?
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Along with the numerous schemes employed at both Calais
and Dover to thwart the efforts of the illegal “back-trucker”
travellers, ...a new scheme (so it is said)…. is to be employed
at Dover.
Trucks alighting from the ferries at Dover will be directed
into a huge hanger type building, where the existing heart
beat and carbon monoxide scans will be made by the Border
Control person…..very quietly…. at the same time a state of
the art P.A. system will be playing extremely loudly prerecorded street noises from Mogadisho…...including atmospheric Somallian folk music like… “Yo- Ho- Yo a Pirates Life for Me” ....and….“Hoist the
Jolly Rodger me Hearties”. The “illegals” hidden in the dark in the back of the truck,
without a ticket will, at this stage, not be sure as to where the ferry, the truck and
themselves have landed.
The Mogadisho street sounds will be the first “Sounds” of Dover that the back-truckers
will hear…..this is the sound of England ? it ? And as if by magic illegal heads will appear from the back of the truck.
And another thing….prior to the demise of the pound and when the Euro was in a real bad
state, and we could afford to take a motoring holiday on the continent, you may remember that at every border crossing on the travels across Europe there would be some sort
of legalised scam to “collect money” for the benefit of the country that you were about
to pass through, …...bogus road taxes, iffy short term licences, crappy windscreen badge,
motorway, bridge and road tolls etc.
What is collected at Dover from incoming Johnny Foreigner traveller and truck driver ?
apart from the whiff of garlic……..nothing.
As you may have noticed, this country is on it’s “uppers” and it seems pretty obvious that
the odd entry “tenner” at Dover would not go amiss, if only to help repair the roads and
cover the costs of removing the rubbish from the lay-byes….or bankers bonuses.
And then there was Leysdown-on-Sea….the sun drenched jewel of the Isle of Sheppey. If
you are very old… will know that after the war and up to the period of the early 60’s
Leysdown was the place of choice for an enjoyable family holiday for many from the suburbs of North West Kent and South London. Mainly camping sites, caravan sites and upmarket cosy asbestos chalets on a site with a “Club House”. Almost 24 hour a day bingo
was available played with beer bottle tops as markers, for prizes that can now be found
at car boot sales. These were the happy, simple days prior to the invention of “pollution”
and “health and safety” and long before our Chinese visitors got into the act, the holiday
makers of Leysdown would spend many an hour knee deep in murky evil smelling mud collecting cockles….but not in the afternoons.
A real holiday treat in the afternoons…..a free spectacle with noise drama and a bit of
danger. Anchored about a quarter of a mile off shore from the Leysdown beach were targets, and without warning several fighter planes would fly at “umbrella height” above the
holiday makers and fire off rounds of ammunition at the targets. Any tardy cocklers
would dive face first into the mud to avoid the live ammunition.
And so to the end of this tale… wishes to the Chiltern Petanque Region with your
new proposed “train set” - by and large Kent seem to be pretty satisfied with theirs.
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There will be 3 International Competitions next year in
the seaside town of SANTA SUSANNA, located not
too far from Barcelona Spain.
1st Competition EASTER from 5th to 9th April
2nd Competition WHIT MONDAY 26th to 29th May
3rd Competition AUTUMN from 14th to 20th October.
For full details in English go to……..
This major event attracts teams and players from Jersey, Guernsey , France and the UK, and will be taking
place on Saturday and Sunday 5th & 6th May 2012. For
full details contact GORDON DE GRUCHY on 01534
854357 or e-mail at
The first major
Petanque event of the 2012 season…..INDOOR….at the Quob Stables
Equestrian Centre, Durley Brook Road, Durley, Southampton SO32
2AR. Entry restricted to 96 teams at entry fee of £20 per team.
First prize £500, and second prize £200. Playing terrain is 60m x
30m and the surface is a “cushioned track floor” ...different, but
interesting playable pistes, fairly springy fibrous dirt surface.
Licensed bar and food available all day. Morning leagues then afternoon knock-outs. Aiming to finish with prize giving at 7pm.
All entrants will be required to present a valid EPA licence affiliated to the FIPJP.
Pre entry recommended, closing date for entries Saturday 18th February.
Event registration 8:30 to 9:15 for start of play at 10am.
For further details contact ……..
GLENN FORD Tel. 01489 784840 or e-mail
Mick Weston for providing info for this issue of the Gazette
Page 7
to supply and machine embroider
a wide range of polo shirts, T
shirts, sweatshirts, rugby shirts,
fleeces, jackets, caps, bags, towels, flags and other garments,
sew-on or iron-on badges.
up to 15% price reduction for
ALAN CREGEEN proprietor.
In the village of Diano San Pietro - fully
furnished 2 bedroom villa is approx 2
miles from the Mediterranean beaches
of DIANO MARINA—nearest airport is
Genoa—for full details contact
JOHN SUGUATO Tel. 01634 312675
See also Gazette Issue 50 for full report
Tel. 01304 830809 or
All you need for petanque—supplies from the on
line brochure. Boule—accessories—trophies—
bags and clothing.
Tel. 01359 250829
Shop and Sales Office at…
Pen-y-Coed Petanque—Up Street—Bradwell
Bury St. Edmonds—Suffolk—IP31 1AA
Please find attached a letter from
Any item of news for inclusion in future editions should be sent to e-mail
The views expressed in the KENT PETANQUE GAZETTE are those of the
editor and contributors only, and do not necessarily reflect the views of
E & O E
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