Focus: Body Care
Focus: Body Care
COS1404_01_Titel_GB_COS1402_01_Titel_GB 14.03.14 07:38 Seite 1 E 51 2 8 0 COSMETICS S P R AY T E C H N O L O G Y MARKETING Marketing Trends and requirements in body creams Ingredients What’s next after Doctor Brands and organic cosmetics? Nutricosmetics? Events In-Cosmetics 2014: Exclusive preview Packaging Retail cartons and more VIP of the Month Laurie J. Marshall of AkzoNobel on new film forming polymers for effective sun care Focus: Body Care 4 / 2 0 14 Non-invasive solutions for skin rejuvenation Botulinum Toxin or Hyaluronic Acid injections are two aesthetical solutions directed at rejuvenating the skin. Today, advanced topical formulations with scientifically-driven active ingredients and clinically proven effects can be seen as complementary or, even as alternatives to those more invasive methods. LIFTING REPLENISHING REDEFINING PLUMPING VOLUMIZING In only 7 days, expression wrinkles were reduced by 20.6% (volume) and 15.9% (length). Maximum depth of nasogenian folds decreased on average by 19.6%. Significant improvement of firmness and dermis restructuration. Lipstick lines decreased by 16.5% after 1-week treatment. Lip volume increased up to 30% after treatment. All trademarks owned by The Lubrizol Corporation. © 2014 The Lubrizol Corporation. AAFF_pmsa_DrLike_ENG_210x297_110314.indd 1 11/03/14 13:24 COS1403_03_Edi_GB_COS1402_03_Edi_GB 14.03.14 08:10 Seite 1 EDITORIAL Innovations Sensory aspects in real demand Depending on its definition “Body Care” can mean a number of different things. Euromonitor divides body care products into the general variants and those with a specific aim of firming the skin, and they include, in the first category, exfoliants, deodorants and bath and shower products. Worldwide the lion’s share of this sector is taken up with bath and shower products, which in 2013 turned over 31.3 billion Euros. Compared with 2007 Downloads this was a grand increase of about 40 perAdditional information at cent. Even deodorants, or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: compared with 2007, User name: cossma4 enjoyed enormous Password: body growth. They in fact PS: Our QR codes and tablet-compatible E-papers can take you, via direct links, to TV clips, downloads, book tips grew by about 54 perand more cent to 17.5 billion Euros. The third biggest sector is body care products, where sales of 13.7 billion Euro in 2013 resulted in an increase of 32 percent over 2007. The lowest sector in this category, i.e. anti-ageing skin firming products, had, at 2.0 billion Euro, a comparably small share, but since 2007 has grown at a similar rate and enjoyed an increase of more than 11 percent. It is just this body care sector that, in the major European markets (with the exception of the United Kingdom), that has seen sales fall. Since 2007 sales in Spain have fallen by about 18 percent, in Italy by about 8 percent, in France by some 6 percent and in Germany by more than 4 percent. If you want to know about the demands placed on the market by this product sector, you should read, starting on page 12, our interview with Rainer Kröpke, former head of Beiersdorf’s body creams laboratory. To really attract consumers with cosmetic products they must be persuaded by, among other things, the sensory aspects of the product. Would you like to know more about this? Then why not book in for the COSSMA Webinar Sensorial Properties – WellBeing: Back to Basics on April 28th at 14.00 h (Berlin time). The consultant Prof. Dr. Karl Lintner, who in 2013 was honoured with the In-Cosmetics Lifetime Achievement Award and is a pioneer in the matter of peptides, will at this event explain all of the important aspects of the sensorial properties theme, and look a bit at future trends. Make sure of your place now at this first COSSMA webinar, and register free of charge at Here you will also find Prof. Dr. Karl Lintner’s articles already published in COSSMA, as well as links to his Web TV interviews. If our webinar proves a success we will of course expand our series of topics. We will keep you posted ... Well then, let’s hope that we not only meet you at our webinar, but also at the Marketing Trends Presentations during this year’s In-Cosmetics. You may also be interested in the round table discussion on the topic of “Innovation vs. Status quo – is new always best?“ At this event, to be moderated by me, Dr. Andrea Sättler of Henkel, Alice Hart Davis of Good Things Skin Care and Sarah Brown of Pai Skin Care, will be discussing the question. I hope you enjoy reading this issue. Yours Angelika Meiss Senior editor, COSSMA Follow us on COSSMA 4 I 2014 3 COS1404_04_Inhalt_GB_COS1402_04_Inhalt_GB 14.03.14 09:41 Seite 4 Contents 3 Editorial 쮿 NEWS 8 Markets + Profiles 쮿 FOCUS Body care 12 I What are the main points to consider when developing international body creams? 12 a Rainer Kröpke, Cosmetic Consulting: Body care creams – Smart actives delivered as required 14 a Laurie J. Marshall, AkzoNobel: Improved sun protection – Multi-talented new film formers 쮿 18 MARKETING Vivienne Rudd, Mintel: International launches 14 I Two new 22 a In-Cosmetics 2014: Exclusive preview filming polymers simplify the formulation of effective sun care products 30 Star of the Month: A smart idea – sun protection as a roll-on 쮿 PRODUCTION 32 a Angela Kleiner, Marketing Manager, Croda: What’s next, after Doctor Brands and Organic Beauty? Nutricosmetics? 22 I An initial preview of new products at In-Cosmetics 34 35 37 New Ingredients Packaging News a Retail cartons and more 쮿 SERVICES 6 38 Download List Essential Oils: Price list 40 Formulations: Masks + more 41 BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014: B2B now a lot easier 42 43 44 48 48 49 50 32 I Are nutricosmetics the next trend following Doctor Brands and Organic Cosmetics? 50 Events Diary International B2B Exchange Suppliers‘ Guide Company Index Advertisers‘ Index Masthead Page Trend statement by Dr. Rainer Wohlfart, Kneipp Preview a Leading articles Front cover picture: K. Kulikov, COS1404_Clariant_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:11 Seite 1 06 2014 Get natural WITHOUT COMPROMISE. YOUR PARTNER FOR SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS AND SENSORIAL SOLUTIONS IN SKIN AND HAIR CARE: CLARIANT PERSONAL CARE. Uncover the secret to more sustainable formulations. Our EcoTain® product range fulfills your desire for more responsible, more ecological, and safer ingredients – without compromising on quality or performance. WWW.PERSONALCARE.CLARIANT.COM WWW.ECOTAIN.CLARIANT.COM Plantasens® Olive LD-SP Eco is a natural alternative to silicone with a similar performance and appearance. COS1404_06_Download_GB 14.03.14 08:13 Seite 6 SERVICES DOWNLOAD Free Downloads for Subscribers COSSMA Download-Tip Click through our Web TV clips: Claudia Valder of Frey & Lau explains the background and why it is so important to make sure that the colour and fragrance of a product are carefully selected to produce a pleasing whole. photo: Rudchenko Liliia, … characterizes the natural cosmetics market in the USA. Fragrances: How much does colour matter? COSSMA subscribers can download further background information. Colours are carefully targeted to visually bring out the character of the fragrance to a maximum Top-Downloads for April … points out how the market developed in 2013. • Market data: Fine Fragrance Worldwide (Euromonitor) • Literature References: photo: Nikolai Sorohin, Genetic testing by skin model analysis • Background: Fragrance Stability, Training, Consumer Information • Formulation: … explains what the brand Clarisonic is all about. Foaming Facial Cleanser (Inolex) Downloads … explains the product concept behind Lancôme’s ”Dreamtone“. 6 COSSMA 4I 2014 Additional information at or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: User name: cossma4 Password: body Log in and take full advantage! On the COSSMA web site we post lots of additional information elated to the topics covered in the magazine. You will find more than 1,000 useful additional items to extend your knowledge and understanding: more information on the ingredients and finished products that we cover, market data and statistics, supplier listings, literature references, scientific articles, product formulations and useful base formulations. Take a look right now, at COS1304_Nordmann_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:13 Seite 1 Besuchen Sie uns auf der in-cosmetics 2014, am Stand 1J50. We care for your beauty Es gibt viel zu entdecken an unserem Stand 1J50 auf der in-cosmetics 2014. Wir präsentieren Ihnen innovative Rohstoffe und hochwertige Spezialitäten und beraten Sie bei der Wahl Ihrer maßgeschneiderten Produktlösung. Sie sind nicht auf der in-cosmetics dabei? Dann informieren Sie sich direkt unter oder rufen Sie uns an: (040) 36 87-0. Austria · Bulgaria · Czech Republic · France · Germany Hungary · I t a l y w w w. j o i n t e c . i t · P o l a n d w w w. n r c . p l · R o m a n i a w w w. n r c . r o · Serbia Slovakia · Slovenia · Sweden · Switzerland COS1404_08_People_GB_COS0701_08_News_D 14.03.14 08:14 Seite 8 NEWS MARKETS + PROFILES AkzoNobel: Himesh Joshi and … … Michael Russell Cosmogen: Renaud van den Berg CPL: Gail Fowler Krell Croda: Denise Costrini and … … Doug Krysiak DSM: Ilona Haaijer and … … Wilfrid Gambade Intelligent Nutrients: Horst Rechelbacher Kline: Karen Doskow Lindal: Dan O’Hare Sappi: Steve Binnie People AkzoNobel I Himesh Joshi has been appointed as Sales Manager, Personal Care, for Europe, the Middle East, India and Africa (EMEIA). His promo- tion follows a three-year tenure as Country Manager, Surface Chemistry, for AkzoNobel India. Prior to joining the company in 2010, he worked for Dow Chemical India and for Rohm and Haas India. Michael Russell who zellaerosol since 50 Years specialised in the Development – Manufacture – Filling – Packing of Aerosols and Liquid Products 왘 Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 왘 Licenced for pharmaceutical manufacturing operations in accordance with §13 of the german drug act for human and veterinary medication 왘 Production and filling of pharmaceutical, medical, cosmetic, household and technical products in accordance with prevailing ATEX directive 왘 Planning, execution and documentation of clientexclusive development projects 왘 Consultancy and collaboration with clients in compiling product data as required for the Cosmetics Directive, Technical Files, and for pharmaceutical approvals 왘 Full service management and completion of client contracts from A to Z. 왘 . . . and lots more! zellaerosol Zellaerosol GmbH Wiesenstraße 13 D-79669 Zell im Wiesental Tel.: ++49 (0)7625/92 53 0 Fax.: ++49 (0)7625/92 53 14 nd er g a partn n o e tr a s eliabl r joined the company in 2008 has been promoted to Technical Service Manager, Skin Care/Sun Care. His formulation expertise encompasses skin care products across a wide range of product forms and applications and both professional and retail hair care and hair colour products. Cosmogen I Gérard Gieux, who founded the company in 1982, has appointed Renaud van den Berg as General Manager. Courage + Khazaka electronic Köln Besuchen Sie den Weltmarktführer für Hauttest-Geräte co in s t me ics 3 4H 1 oder COS1404_08_People_GB_COS0701_08_News_D 14.03.14 08:14 Seite 9 MARKETS + PROFILES Van den Berg has 25 years of experience in the management of industrial companies in France, Africa and Asia, especially in cosmetics packaging and luxury products with companies such as Qualipac, GL, Augros and Essilor. CPL Aromas I Gail Fowler Krell has been appointed as perfumer to be based at the company’s facility in USA. She has specific knowledge of the US market and has trained and worked for Florasynth, Naarden, Fritsche Dodge & Olcott and Givaudan. Croda I Denise Costrini, who previously worked with Dow Chemical and Univar in roles including market research, sales, global marketing and industry management, has joined the team at the North American Headquarters and Innovation Center as Marketing Manager – Hair Care. Doug Krysiak, the new Sales Manager Personal Care, who previously worked with Dow Corning and most recently for Tri-K, has fourteen years of experience in the personal care industry. DSM I Ilona Haaijer, who has led the Personal Care Business Unit during the past four years, has accepted another appointment within DSM. She hands over her position as Senior Vice President and Member of the Executive Committee to Wilfrid Gambade, former Director of the business unit Composite Resins. Gambade previously worked for Ciba, amongst others, as head of North American sales and business responsible for the cosmet- NEWS ics branch. Later, he was Global Business Director at Huntsman. Intelligent Nutrients I Aveda founder Horst Rechelbacher died at the age of 72. Having founded Aveda in 1978 he sold the company to Estée Lauder for US $300 million in 1997 and remained consultant until 2003. Aveda is a plantbased beauty company that manufactures hair care, skin care, make-up, perfumes and lifestyle products. Rechelbacher was the CEO and founder of Intelligent Nutrients, a certified organic, non-toxic plant-based hair, skin, body, aroma and lifestyle products company using post-consumer recycled packaging. Rechelbacher was a strong advocate within the cosmetic industry against misleading “greenwashing” marketing claims. Kline I Karen Doskow has been promoted to Director, Consumer Products of the company’s Market Research division. Doskow, having been with Kline for 19 years, has developed many of the company’s reports in the fields of Professional Skin Care, Beauty Devices, and Home Fragrances. Lindal I Dan O’Hare has been appointed to the position of Eastern Regional Sales Manager for North America, reporting to Alex Piagnarelli, Sales Director, North America. Sappi I Steve Binnie, 46, current CFO, will take over from Ralph Boëttger as CEO from July 2014. COS1204_BASF_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:15 Seite 10 Add more life to hair styling products Our styling polymers provide perfect hold and the confidence that comes with great-looking hair — and not just for Italian men. Hair styling polymers — another Care Creations product group inspired by life. Finding derived from a representative TNS market survey. COS1204_BASF_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:16 Seite 11 COS1404_12_Body_Care_GB_COS1305_10_Croda_D 14.03.14 08:18 Seite 12 FOCUS: BODY CARE PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Body care creams Smart actives delivered as required What are the global trends, the challenges and the future visions that are expected to set the next phase of the market for body care creams? Rainer Kröpke of Cosmetic Consulting and formerly head of the body care creams laboratory at Beiersdorf, provides some answers. care creams. They are generally characterised by a manly fragrance. Furthermore the key claim being made for the body care sector is moisturisation. Vitamins and minerals are often presented here that go well with the concept and the fragrance. photo: Malyugin, What regional differences are there in the way that body care creams are used? With body creams of the future smart actives will dose whatever the skin needs Which are the most interesting global trends in body care creams just now? Rainer Kröpke, Cosmetic Consulting, former head of the body care creams lab at Beiersdorf: In the body care creams sector a great deal of effort is being put into translating the anti-ageing claims of the facial care business to the body care sector. In body care the anti-ageing claims made by the facial care sector are translated as firming, an even skin tone, and slimming. The aim is to make the skin younger and better looking. In the men’s care sector there is a move towards special masculine body 12 COSSMA 4 I 2014 In the Far East light textures are used, with fresh fragrances, which must not be at all sticky. Here the consumers are also willing to experiment with new products, i.e. products that have not been as conservative as they have been in Europe. The extracts, and the rewards promised in the advertising, often point to Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the idea of skin lightening is becoming very important in body creams. In Europe and the USA the market relies on traditional cream textures and a company’s product portfolio will often be extended to include a body butter. Here are a few interesting examples: Arko Nem Meyveli Bakim by Evyap in Turkey is a light body cream with grapefruit and fig extracts and vitamin C. It has a fragrance suited to the extracts, and is promoted as a revitalising moisturiser that lasts up to 24 hours. Skin So Soft Firming And Restoring Body Cream from Avon Europe, is a light body cream with Babassu oil and is promoted as rejuvenating and improving the skin’s texture and elasticity. The Honeymania Rich Body Butter, marketed world-wide by The Body Shop, claims 24 hour hydration for dry skin. The Velvety Body Cream from Johnson & Johnson in Italy is a clinically tested, quickly absorbed body cream with shea butter and claims all-day moisturisation. The Soft Cream with jojoba oil, aloe vera and vitamin E from Laverana Europe offers long lasting hydration and leaves skin feeling fresh and nourished. The product is NaTrue certified and “free from” synthetic preservatives, colorants, synthetic perfume components, mineral oils, GMOs and animalbased ingredients. The Enriched Shea Butter Soft Body Cream by Jergens/Kao for the Arabic countries is a cream with shea, cocoa and mango butter which claims to penetrate deeply and leave skin radiant. The Super Cream from Pure Chip in the United Kingdom is a rich cream for sensitive, irritated skin, and contains hemp seed wax, ceramide 3 and ceramide 6. The cream, which is quickly absorbed and rubbed in, allows the skin to “breathe”. It is also suitable for hair treatments. Its claim is that it nourishes skin, and the formula reduces inflammation and hydrates skin naturally. The Luminosity Moisturizing Body Cream from the Spanish Mercadona brand Deliplus is a light body cream that claims a pearly effect which gives shine and luminosity to the skin. What are the challenges when developing an innovative body cream? The standards faced by body care products are constantly growing. They COS1404_12_Body_Care_GB_COS1305_10_Croda_D 14.03.14 08:18 Seite 13 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT FOCUS: BODY CARE What can go wrong when formulating a body product? The stability of the perfume is very important and should be tested 100 percent in the finished product. If there is an interaction between two ingredients there is a danger of discoloration or other signs of incompatibility such that the developer is obliged, often at the last minute, to replace one of the extracts. Things usually go well, but in some cases there can be problems if the producers have no experience with the ingredients. It is also a problem when actives recrystallise because of an unsuitable lipid phase, or recrystallise in a changing pH level. Not only does the efficacy fall off dramatically but it can also lead to high reclamation costs if the crystals can be felt. What can go wrong in scaling up to production? When the production conditions are properly respected and the scaling up department is involved at an early stage there is not a lot to go wrong. Usually it is typical mistakes when setting the pH value (formation of electrolytes) or homogenisation during the build-up of the stabilising gel network. photo: Vikoria Gavrilina, should impart a super skin feel, an unusual fragrance, and they should stand out by having as many “free from” claims as possible. Not using formaldehyde release agents, parabens and phenoxyethanol has become a basic tenet in body care. In many markets producers are trying to upgrade their products by using 5 times, or even more active product. In Europe and the USA product ranges are often expanded to include a body butter Body creams are, thanks to their consistency, a relatively easy to develop product category. What sort of difficulties can we get with the packaging? One problem that can arise is the label coming loose. If there is an incompatibility with the packaging the product can take on the colour of the package, or fragrances may penetrate the packaging because one is constantly trying to cut down on the use of materials. Cutting the cost of the cap or lid can also lead to the cap not fitting perfectly, and taking on the look of a cheap economic alternative. After the user has removed the foil seal the upper surface of the cream can become dis- coloured or an unpleasant aroma can develop. What will body creams of the future look like? The body cream of the future will match the biological clock of the skin. Using smart ingredients the skin will be supplied with what it needs. Perhaps it will come to new application formats, for example we may be expected to warm up our body creams for a few seconds in the microwave, to get used to the temperature and achieve a better efficacy from the product. With the body cream of the future special preservation will no longer be required because this will be done by the packaging. n 2014: we proudly announce in-cosmetics taking place in our hometown. growing beautifully since 1984 YEAR ANNIVERSARY IN 2014 We kindly invite you to visit beautiful Hamburg and our booth No. 1F40 | hall 1 | 1. - 3. April to enjoy our latest product developments and celebrate our anniversary with us. COS1404_14_Akzo_GB_COS1307-8_14_Plantasense_D 14.03.14 08:18 Seite 14 FOCUS: BODY CARE INGREDIENTS Improved sun protection Multi-talented film formers The new film formers provide proven high SPF values, water resistance, rub-off resistance, low tack and pleasing skin feel achieve these goals in both sunscreen emulsions and ethanol-based sunscreen products. photo: Warren Goldswain, Sunscreen emulsions Test results demonstrate that Dermacryl E and Dermacryl 2.0, two new film-forming polymers developed by AkzoNobel Personal Care, will allow formulators to create effective sun care products. They are proven to enhance the performance and aesthetic properties of sunscreen emulsions and ethanol-based sunscreen products. W ith skin cancer rates continuing to rise, regular photoprotection is the leading preventative health strategy recommended by dermatologists. Effective sunscreens can play a role in preventing the sunburns that are a major risk factor for melanoma, and regular use of sun protection products can reduce the aging effects of UV-A exposure. Due to growing concern about the effects of UV radiation on the skin, demand for UV protection has made the sun care market the fastest-growing personal care sector. According to Euromonitor International, global retail sales were projected to reach US $ 9.35 billion in 2013. Encouraging regular and repeated use of sun protection products requires the development of appropriate formulations. After all, consumers are increasingly seeking higher Sun Protection Factor (SPF) values, stable broad-spectrum protection, enhanced water resistance and rub-off resistance, as well as more aesthetically pleasing products that feature convenience and ease of use. 14 COSSMA 4 I 2014 For formulating chemists, this has created new challenges, such as delivering water resistance from popular product forms including alcohol-based aerosol sprays and non-aerosol pump sprays, or incorporating UV protection into daily-wear products, such as moisturizers and BB creams. Formulators are also striving to enhance product performance without increasing the level of active ingredients in the final product. Film-forming polymers enable the development of traditional and newerform sun protection products that feature enhanced SPF, reduced active ingredient content, and consumerpreferred aesthetics. The two new film-forming polymers, Dermacryl E and Dermacryl 2.0 polymers, help to Downloads Additional information can be found at qr00228 or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: User name: cossma4 Password: body Dermacryl E polymer with the INCI name Styrene/Acrylates Copolymer provides effective and durable film formation, enabling the formulation of long-lasting, high-SPF systems. Easy to use and cost-effective, the polymer helps to create a wide range of products that provide good skin feel on application and dry-down. It is designed for use in recreational sun protection products, daily-wear moisturizers with SPF, tinted sun protection products, color cosmetics, and creams and lotions for face, body and hands. The polymer provides the film formation that leads not only to proven water resistance but also to SPF retention as well as long-lasting performance and resistance to rub-off. Supplied as a low-viscosity, polymer emulsion, it requires no heat or neutralization. As it has no impact on formulation viscosity, it can be used in a range of product formats, including sunscreen emulsion sprays. The polymer has broad compatibility with sunscreen actives and commonly used formulation ingredients. The performance of Dermacryl E in emulsion sun care products, along with currently available film-forming polymers, was evaluated. This was done in an SPF 50+ emulsion sunscreen system for in-vivo SPF under both static and 80-minute very-water-resistant conditions. The in-vivo test results (Fig. 1) demonstrate that Dermacryl E polymer at 1% active performs well in an SPF 50+ sunscreen formulation and shows SPF values and water resistance equal to those provided by other polymers at 2% active level. Sunscreens were evaluated for water resistance using contact angle measurements. The results of these tests indicate that the polymer’s films maintain integrity after water exposure 쑺 COS1404_Inolex_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:19 Seite 1 MYTH: NATURAL INGREDIENTS SACRIFICE PERFORMANCE. FACT: SOME DO. SOME DON’T. LexFeel® N Series. Inolex now brings you a fully natural, fully functional silicone replacement powered by BioAmber succinic acid. With no compromise in performance, reliability or value. Learn more at Learn more about BioAmber at COS1404_14_Akzo_GB_COS1307-8_14_Plantasense_D 14.03.14 08:19 Seite 16 Label SPF FOCUS: BODY CARE INGREDIENTS 1% Dermacryl E 2% VP/Ercosene Copoymer 2% Polyurethane34 Label Static SPF and allow for the formulation of durable and long-lasting products. The polymer works by creating hydrophobicity in the sunscreen films, which increases water resistance in the formulation and creates a skin-protecting barrier that may enhance moisturization. Ethanol-based sunscreens Ethanol-based sunscreen products – ranging from continuous sprays to pump sprays and gels – offer today’s consumer high performance and convenience in an appealing product form but also present new formulating challenges. They need to apply easily and uniformly, withstand water immersion, resist rub-off, and feature pleasing, non-tacky aesthetic properties. Advanced film-forming technology as provided by Dermacryl 2.0 polymer with the INCI name Acrylates/Octylacrylamide Copolymer helps to create cost-effective ethanol-based products that meet both performance requirements and consumer preferences. With this polymer technology, formulators 2% Acrylates Copolymer Label 80 min VWR 2% Acrylates/C12-22 Alkylme fra crylate Copolymer Fig. 1: Target SPF 50+ results, in-vivo 5 subjects, 32 % total UV filter level can create broad-spectrum, high-SPF products that are durable and longlasting, without being tacky or sticky. The polymer enables the creation of alcohol-based sunscreen products featuring the best in form and function. Designed for use in ethanol-based systems including continuous sprays, pump sprays and ethanol-based gels, this polymer provides the film formation that creates water resistance and SPF retention in products intended for recreational sun protection. It is particularly suited for use in products claiming long wear and water resistance and those aimed at active lifestyles. It features resistance to rub-off, improved aesthetic properties and low tack, and provides the consumer-preferred formulations that encourage consistent sunscreen usage. The performance of Dermacryl 2.0 polymer, along with currently available film-forming polymers designed for use in ethanol-based sunscreens, was evaluated in an SPF 50+ model system for in-vivo SPF in both static and 80-minute very-water-resistant condi- tions. The results (Fig. 2*), measured both before immersion and after 80-minute immersion in water, demonstrate that systems with this polymer display SPF values well above the targeted SPF for each system. This indicates that formulators may be able to reduce the level of sunscreen actives and still achieve their targeted SPF, which may help reduce formulation cost. As UV-absorbing actives can lend a heavy, greasy feel to formulations, the ability to reduce actives may result in a reduction of tack and an improvement in product skin feel. Contact angle measurements were used to further test the water resistance of ethanol-based sunscreen formulations. In these tests, the polymer maintained a high contact angle on the substrate compared to other tested polymers. These results indicate that the films of this polymer maintain their integrity after water exposure and aid in the formulation of long-lasting and durable sun protection systems. Further testing of film tensile strength, modulus and tack (as measured by a texture analyzer) indicated that these polymer films have low tack compared with other polymers tested. The polymer is ethanol-soluble (and water-soluble with neutralization), has been safety tested for use in spray applications and is globally approved and suitable for use in all regions. * Fig. 2 and additional information can be found on the Internet – see Internet panel Laurie J. Marshall Global Marketing Manager Personal Care Applications AkzoNobel Surface Chemistry *)&%$#""! %##% &" # ##%"##% ! EN ISO 9001:2008 EN ISO 13485:2003+AC:2009 COS1304_Zschimmer_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:20 Seite 1 COS1404_18_Mintel_GB_COS1404_18_Mintel_GB 14.03.14 08:21 Seite 18 MARKETING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT International launches photos: Mintel This month Vivienne Rudd, head of Beauty and Personal Care Insight at Mintel, presents a selection of innovative body care products. H H2O+’s anti-ageing marine night cream to transform the skin overnight 2O+ Total Source Night Cream Lirikos’ cream contains a marine substance with skin-regenerating effects Dewy’s oil-free gel with a lightweight texture Marubi’s hydrating lotion for men has an icy cool texture Phytomer’s moisturising gel features weaving algae is described as an anti-ageing marine infusion with an oilfree formula to help reduce wrinkles. The product is formulated with antioxidant-rich rooibos (red bush), chestnut rose extract, seaweed extract, seasourced pearl extract and brightening yarrow extract. The premium skin care line Lirikos Marine Expert Restoring range contains the enriched marine Expert Restoring Complex (ER) for skin-regenerating effects combining Marine Placenta and the Skin Rejuvenator complex. Marine Placenta consists of a marine fluid, a marine peptide from phytoplankton and moisturising alginin PCA. The premium regenerating Cream is formulated with a 3-step emergency skin regeneration: Express Rejuvenation, Epidermal Restoration and Energy Recharge. The Oceana skin care line features a skin-friendly essence, containing French brown algae extract, vitamins and natural moisturising factors. The oil-free Watery Light Hydrating Gel as part of the Dewy Fresh + Hydrated subline has a lightweight and water-rich texture. Thanks to the highly concentrated brown algae in the water, it ensures 24 hour moisturisation, and has a refreshing ocean fragrance. The hydrating Marubi Men Ocean Collagen Refreshed Lotion for men with its icy cool texture contains marine water, tripeptide collagen, organic maguey and sea proteoglycan. The 12H Moisturizing Flash Gel Phytomer Hydracontinue Feuchtigkeits- Downloads Additional information can be found at qr00229 or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: User name: cossma4 Password: body spendender Flash 12 Std. features weaving algae to restore the skin’s water reserves and the Hydra-8 Complex. The Saem Triplus Hydrating Ampoule features three layers: a fermented oil layer with fermented olive oil and vegetable squalane; a moisturising, highly enriched fermented water layer with snow lotus extract and hyaluronic acid, plus an oxygen-infused fluorinated oil layer with oxygen carrier for a boosting effect. Additional information can be found on the Internet see Internet panel Vivienne Rudd Head of Beauty and Personal Care Insight, Mintel London, UK WINOPAL FORSCHUNGSBEDARF Schönheit messen. Mit dem Texture Analyser TA.XTplus ist die Anzahl der Messmethoden fast unbegrenzt. Mithilfe der Software „Exponent“ werden Parameter der Textur wie Elastizität, Plastizität, Bruchverhalten, Klebrigkeit und Härte bzw. Konsistenz dargestellt und ausgewertet. etics in-cosm ri p l 2014 1. – 3. A rg Hambu J11 | Stand Halle 4 WINOPAL Forschungsbedarf GmbH // Bahnhofstraße 42 // 31008 Elze // T +49 (0)5068- 99 99 010 // 631-11_EA_Image_Med_Cos_GB_631-11_EA_Image_Med_Cos_uk 14.03.14 08:22 Seite 1 medical BEAUTY FORUM… … forms the bridge between research and its practical application in the fields of aesthetic medicine and cosmetics For a successful partnership: · Covers the current state of knowledge and practice for doctors involved with aesthetic procedures and for beauticians · Cosmetology, technology or trophology: Carries in-depth and carefully researched professional knowledge and guidance – Published 6 times per annum – Reaches more than 10.000 dermatologists, beauticians and plastic surgeons in Germany, Austria and Switzerland Further information: Health and Beauty Germany GmbH • Karl-Friedrich-Str.14–18 • 76133 Karlsruhe • Deutschland Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Volpp • Registergericht Mannheim • HRB 106183 • USt-ID: DE 813859129 COS1404_20_Download_GB 14.03.14 08:23 Seite 20 SERVICES WEB-TV Click through our: Web TV-clips … explains why Beiersdorf entered the foot care market and points out what the ”Hansaplast“ brand stands for. … explains developments and trends in the market for natural cosmetics. … talks about how the company started at a kitchen table in London in 2005. … is the founder of Bulldog Natural Skincare, the UK’s first and largest natural skin care brand for men, talks about his experience with fair trade products. . . . explains what makes Cosnova so successful. … gives an overview on cosmetic peptides: Origin, obstacles which had to be overcome, future perspectives. . . . talks about the most important findings in the field of sun care at Coty. … presents the philosophy behind the company’s two main brands, ”Dr. Rimpler“ and ”Isabelle Lancray“. … talks about the most recent findings in the field of anti-ageing. …outlines the market development in the boom market of natural and organic cosmetics and personal care products. He thinks that the growth will continue, the segment will up to triple its market share in some European countries. … points out the most important recent findings in the treatment of sensitive skin. … explains how Mibelle’s stem cell based actives work and what technology was used to develop them. 20 Cossma 4 I 2014 COS1404_Beyound_Beauty_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:24 Seite 1 COS1404_22_Incosmetic_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 14.03.14 09:42 Seite 22 MARKETING EVENTS In-Cosmetics 2014 Exclusive preview of new products photo: In-Cosmetics We bring you here a foretaste of some of the exciting new products which will be on show by the 600-plus exhibitors during this year’s In-Cosmetics exhibition, in Hamburg from April 1st to 3rd. A 3 day exhibition with a full programme of exhibitor presentations and training sessions A MA Laboratories, Stand 3J11, offer a proprietary system of “before and after” scientifically acquired and electronically measured photographs, called PhotoGrammetrix. It allows for support photographs to be incorporated into the advertising and marketing material for clients’ products. The introduction of 3D photography and 3D printing/modelling is something quite new in this market. Downloads Additional information can be found at qr00231 or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: User name: cossma4 Password: body Aromtech, Stand 4C10, are introducing a skin-care concept under its ArctiCare range of CO2-extracted northern berry oils. Atlas, Stand 4G14, is presenting the table top Suntest CPS+, which is characterised by a compact design, aese of operation and a high level of reliability. The XLS+ xenon instrument offers UV-regulation for reliable R&D screening tests. Optional equipment such as spraying, flooding and cooling, expand the possible applications of the equipment. 22 COSSMA 4 I 2014 BASF, Stand 4J30, will present a validated typology which will help in identifying the widest range of consumer personalities. In addition the company will show a new blue hair colorant that allows the production of lively colours from light blue tones to a deep dark blue. The new hair colorant offers a high colour intensity with low doses and good colour stability during shampooing. A new root extract is able to stimulate the synthesis of two structural components that are of central importance in the integrity and self regulation of the skin. The extract supports the structure and cohesiveness of the skin and reinforces its vascularisation. The surface of the skin is made smoother with an optimum degree of light reflection. Bayer MaterialScience, Stand 1K20, present formulations for cosmetic products based on Baycusan film forming polymers. They will also present new general formulations that meet the requirements of CC creams (Color Control Creams). Baycusan C 1000 forms a flexible film that follows the movements of the skin. The polymer stabilises oil-in-water sun protection products, imparts a high level of water resistance and significantly increases the light protection factor. In mascara formulations that add volume and length to the lashes the film former has excellent water and colour retention characteristics as well as a long-lasting performance. Baycusan C 1004 gives swing to the lashes, ensures that they are clearly di- vided, and extends their length. The heat stable Baycusan C 1008 protects the hair from high temperatures when treating it with smoothing devices as well as protecting the hair from becoming brittle. Clariant, Stand 4F20, present their EcoTain for Personal Care label, Nipaguard Zero, Velsan SC and the all-natural Plantasens range. Cremer Care, Stand 1B40, present their new palm oil based emulsifier CremerCOOR GC 810, which offers multifunctional benefits. Besides its wetting, solubilizing and emulsifying properties, this emulsifier effectively helps to protect cosmetic formulations from microbiological spoilage. Croda, Stand 1H30, launches its OleoCraft Polymers, a range of oil structuring polyamides that can create films on the skin, lips and eyelashes, providing water and wear resistance in colour cosmetics and sun care applications and that are proven to form clear, thermo-reversible gels. The company’s coating technology offers a simple solution for “light feeling“ products without relying on silicone-heavy formulations. Combined with a novel titanium dioxide particle specifically designed to balance UV-A and UV-B attenuation, they showcase their actives suitable to create high SPF, broad spectrum UV protection products. Sensification is an easy-to-use system that allows formulators and marketers to navigate the complex landscape of sensory descriptors in a clear and defined way. Sensemol LST, the first in a new line of sensory driven emollients, provides a COS1404_22_Incosmetic_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 14.03.14 09:42 Seite 23 EVENTS First ever country focus: Brazil photo: Alexander Mak, light feel and a high degree of skin spreading, broad pH tolerance and compatibility with actives. Crodazoquat MCC is a hybrid conditioning technology to provide multicultural conditioning and to improve the appearance, feel and manageability of hair. New data shows that Keramimic 2.0 can improve the sensory properties of the hair whilst wet. Düllberg Konzentra, Stand 4B36, has four focal points: Rose, Red Berries, Oud and Exotic Flowers. With new perfume oil compositions a modern rose fragrance can be created. The portfolio focussing on red berries addresses the fruity trend. In addition the company will be showing body care solutions with the oud fragrance. Elixens, Stand 1D19. Both divisions will honour the queen of flowers with the ROSEmania theme. Evonik, Stand 4F60, launches Sphingony, a new hair and scalp care active ingredient. It significantly prevents hair loss by prolonging the anagen growth phase of hair and effectively improves hair quality and scalp health. Exsymol, Stand 3K11, presents a new molecule, Rhamnosil, originating from the Silanol Technology. Greentech, Stand 1F20, presents a new active obtained by cryoextraction designed to be used against dark circles for effective formulation of concealers. Another active against oily skin, which is part of the new Probiophytes range, is obtained by fermentation and counteracts sebum secretion. Ferment’Actives is obtained by a cus- MARKETING tomized and controlled fermentation process to naturally enhance the functionality and increase efficacy. GTB butters are a new variety of the Soft Butter series that combines its properties with higher feel, sensory and autoemulsion capacities. Inolex, Stand 3D51, presents Spectrastat OL and OEL for paraben-free or preservative-free claims to be used in cold-process applications, such as toiletries and wet wipes. LipFeel Natural is a 100% natural and eco-certified fluid for make-up and colour cosmetics as well as an alternative to synthetic pigment dispersants and castor oil without the odour and rancidity often associated with natural oils. WetFilm FilmFormer for UV protection on wet skin compatibilizes the UV protection ingredients with the water on the skin, creating a smooth, transparent application experience for the consumer. Jungbunzlauer, Stand 3J11, presents new solutions for natural de- • Analyse home and personal care products and raw material with our dispersion and stability analysers • Measure in real-time and accelerated • All of our analysers correspond to international norms ISO TR 13097 & ISO 13317/18 in-cosmetics Hamburg 2014: Booth 4C15 Visit our seminar »Innovative accelerated stability tests (ISO TR 13097) and particle analysis« The show’s first ever country focus features Brazil and is supported by the Brazilian association ABIHPEC. There will be events including a Brazil product trail, marketing trends presentations, a workshop, a Brazil exhibitor pavilion hosting many first-time exhibitors, a networking zone with a Brazilian bar and innovative Brazilian products handpicked by Mintel and demonstrated on the Innovation Zone. The new country focus features Brazil, the world’s 3rd biggest personal care market odorant and oral care applications with their Ecocert and Cosmos approved ingredients. Kobo Products, Stand 3H60, is introducing the Non-Nano Composite AC series to be applied in formulations for the attenuation of UV light. Lubrizol, Stand 1K30, launches a new Carbopol polymer technology targeted for shampoo applications with the key benefits of cost-efficient stabilization of shampoo systems with low or difficult-to-thicken surfactant levels and/or (silicone) oils, as well as an efficient thickening effect and suspension capability in synergy with salt in surfactant systems. The polymer technology allows for optimized conditioning performance due to low impact of polymer on silicone deposition. Carbopol Aqua SF-1 OS polymer is an acrylates copolymer grade targeting skin care, sun care and colour cosmetics. LUM, Stand 4C15, presents a new generation of the approved stability 쑺 INSTRUMENTS FOR After-shave balms Creams Liposomes Lotions Make-up Nail varnish Shower gel Sun creams UV filters phone: +4930 6780 6030 COS1404_22_Incosmetic_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 25.03.14 13:41 Seite 24 MARKETING EVENTS Educational programme and more photo: In-Cosmetics This year’s educational programme includes more than 20 Marketing Trends sessions, nine workshop sessions offering practical scientific advice and a third Innovation Seminar with exhibitor-led presentations.* At the Innovation Zone visitors can discover 80+ new ingredient launches from all corners of the globe. Visitors can also touch, test and understand how the new ingredients on display can be developed into a formulation. In addition to the Innovation Zone there is a Fragrance Zone (twice as big as last year) and a Testing and Regulation Zone (five times larger than in 2013). analyser LUMiFuge, which is said to simplify industrial quality control by the introduction of the instability index in SEPView 6 software. The stability of cosmetics formulations is easily characterized according to ISO TR 13097 at relevant temperatures in the range from +4oC to +60oC. Since there is no need of any material data, LUMiReader PSA (ISO 13317), as well as the dispersion analyser LUMiSizer *More details on the programmes can be found on the Internet – see Internet panel The Innovation Zone presenting new ingredients as well as finished products always attracts a lot of visitors (ISO 13318), are suitable for new product development. The separation analyser LUMiReader X-Ray extends the proprietary near-infrared STEP technology after the inclusion of visible light to X-radiation to characterize the separation behaviour of high concentration, opaque suspensions and emulsions for a broad range of particle sizes under original conditions (no dilution required). Merck, Stand 4D30, working with cooperation partner Sachtleben, have developed and launched Eusolex T-Easy a new broad spectrum UV filter. The product, based on rutile titanium dioxide that has been inorganically coated with silica and subsequently treated with cetyl phosphate makes the filter combinable, without problems, with a large number of cosmetic ingredients such as antioxidants, skin lighteners, or the self-tanner dihydroxyacetone. Ronaflair Smart Veil, a filler for face powders with zinc oxide, imparts a pleasant skin feel and preserves UV protection. Ronaflair Flawless acts against wrinkles. Ball-shaped particles roll into the wrinkles and evenly lighten the skin. The Ronastar Blue Jewel pearl gloss pigment based on a substrate of glass platelets, is characterised by its shimmer and gloss. Pearlescence meets Personal Care are product concepts for the growing market for shower and bath products, as well as shampoos. The actual Color Forecast is concerned with colour trends in the spring and summer of 2015. Four styles – Aes- COS1404_22_Incosmetic_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 14.03.14 09:43 Seite 25 photo: Dorothea Michaelis Not to be missed: Discussion session Innovation vs. status quo – Is new always best?– This is the title of a discussion to be moderated by COSSMA’s senior editor Angelika Meiss as part of this year’s Marketing Trends Presentations on April 3rd, from 14.00h until 14.45h. The discussion will include Alice Hart Davis of Good Things Skin Care, Sarah Brown of Pai Skin Care and Dr. Andrea Sättler of Henkel Beauty Care. COSSMA editor Angelika Meiss moderating last year’s interview with niche brands representatives thete, Amusement, Epicurean and Impulse – have been defined in cooperation with the Paris-based design agency Peclers and linked to product ideas. It has been expanded with a Trend Forecast for skin care. Mibelle Biochemistry, Stand 1G50, presents its novel active ingredient Snow Algae Powder. The product is based on the extract of a unique algae which is able to grow on glaciers and permanent snow. At extreme environmental conditions the algae turns from a green to red form and produces valuable stress response molecules. The product induces a calorie restriction mimetic effect in the skin. Calorie restriction is a well proven anti-ageing concept to significantly increase the lifetime and health span in many organisms. Snow Algae Powder stimulates the longevity protein klotho and activates AMPK, a master sensor of cell energy. A number of clinical studies show that the activation of this novel anti-ageing pathway is able to rejuvenate and protect the skin. Naturex, Stand 4C40, are expanding their NAT oleis line to feature botanical butters along with new premium oils. Following the trends for super-fruits or super-veggies, the new collection of superflowers, comprises exotic flowers like ginger torch, blue lotus, pomegranate flowers, blue malva and jasmine, each with a high content of polyphenols, polysaccharides, flavonoids and glycosides. NuSil, Stand 3J31, present their new award-winning water-in-silicone velvet mousse foundation (W/Si) CareSil Mousse Velours. Omya, Stand 4K60, will be promoting Omyacare natural minerals and natural calcium carbonates, tailor-made for the needs of the cosmetics industries. Provital, Stand 1E20, presents Linefill, which increases the subcutaneous fatty tissue to replump sagging areas, fill in lines and wrinkles and increase lip volume. It consists of a lignan enriched fraction of the sesame (Sesamum indicum) seed. The active is able to stimulate adipocyte differentiation, resulting in a 30% increase in the accumulation of triglycerides. Lipout is obtained, through biotechnology, from the microalgae Tisochrysis lutea. It converts lipid-storing adipocytes into lipid-burning beige adipocytes leading to a visible reduction of the subcutaneous fat layer in both men and women. Quimica Masso, Stand 1K10, present under the slogan “Feel the seasons” personal care products that capture and transmit the essence of each season. Rahn, Stand 1J40, presents Myramaze, an extract of the South African resurrection plant Myrothamnus flabellifolius. It protects membrane structures from dehydration and preserves the linoleic acid skin lipid against oxidation. With regular use it revives, regen- 쑺 The DERMATEST® promise: We take your success personally. Our clients expect performance. And they get more than that. Because our dermatologists are not only experts in the labora-tory, but also in the day-to-day routine of dermatological practice. Experience that leads to better test results. Dermatest® takes your success personally: the right test for every assignment. Tailor-made for the purpose and with precisely the required level of performance to achieve best results Dermatological-clinical application tests. Co-operation with other medical specialities (ophthalmologist, gynecologist, paediatrician, dentist etc.) | Simple epicutaneous trials conducted in accordance with international guidelines | TrichoScan hair analysis | Determining skin properties by means of confocal laser scanning (VivaScope 1500 system) | Measuring the elasticity of the skin (cutometry) | Determining the hydration and fat content of the skin (corneometry, sebumetry) | Sun protection determination according to DIN and COLIPA | Photo patch tests | Long-term (repetitive) epicutaneous tests | Safety assessment | Measuring TEWL | Ultrasound examination of the skin (DermaScan C) | Determining skin roughness using PRIMOS (optical 3-D assessment device) | UVA protection in accordance with COLIPA standard | Human full-thickness skin model for cosmetic testing of efficacy and tolerance w w w. d e r m a t e s t . d e ® dermatest R E S E A R C H I N S T I T U T E F O R R E L I A B L E R E S U LT S Ta k i n g y o u r s u c c e s s p e r s o n a l l y COS1404_22_Incosmetic_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 14.03.14 09:44 Seite 26 photo: In-Cosmetics MARKETING EVENTS In Hamburg more than 600 exhibitors will be showing their latest developments erates and invigorates skin that is stressed, attacked and depleted. Myramaze is free of preservatives and is Ecocert certified. Seppic/Biotechmarine, Stand 4C20, presents Bioplasma BG, a desert microalgae extract (Scenedesmus Sahel) for skin cell energy, which is said to regulate the mitochondrial membrane po- tential, which is then transformed in available energy. Bioplasma FA stimulates cell communication, acting as a natural vectorizer of properties. Sisterna, Stand 2B11, presents its newest addition to its range of emulsion concepts cold emulsification with sucrose esters. Solabia, Stand 4D60, presents Saniskin, a solution to clarify, purify, cleanse, and fight skin imperfections. Omegalight is a non-aggressive new solution to lastingly brighten the complexion and lighten pigment spots after just 28 days, both on the surface and at the deepest levels, while also preventing the appearance of spots. Slimexia is a novel plant-based solution to reduce unsightly marks on the body, such as cellulite and orange-peel skin, by acting on lipid storage both upstream and downstream. Symrise, Stand 4B40, present their SymVitalAgeRepair, a 100% pure and natural ginger root extract that protects, repairs, and improves skin smoothness, complexion regularity and homogeneity of challenged and stressed skin. The Marine Collection is More awards than ever On April 2nd the Innovation Zone Best Ingredient Awards will be presented, as well as the Best New Ingredient Award organized by Cosmetics & Toiletries magazine. Two new awards include the Green Ingredient Award in association with Organic Monitor and the Beiersdorf Innovation Pitch. composed of ingredients from all around the sub-aquatic world, including sugar kelp, red and brown algae, amber and pearl, and products like Fleur de Sel de Camargue or oyster extract. The company is also investing in the responsible sourcing of shea butter from Ghana. Worlée, Stand 1H10, are showing WorléeBeads HCO, a natural alternative to exfoliant particles made from microplastic which is based on castor oil and is biodegradable. The special film-forming agents for this area of applications, WorléeMicromer C70/61 and C70/63, for aqueous nail polish systems are characterised by good AM flexibility, hardness and gloss. ADD A TOUCH OF GENIUS TO YOUR HAIR CARE FORMULATIONS! it u s ! a n d v is Come cs ti e m in -c o s rg Hambu 4 r il 2 0 1 1– 3 Ap 0 1K2 B o o th With Baycusan® C 1008 from Bayer, you can now easily incorporate a three-way advantage into your future hair care products. Discover the amazing possibilities of this innovative polymer! Protection against heat, humidity and damage Repair of split ends, proven frizz control Styling: instant and lasting natural strong hold Curious? Visit or contact us at P O LY U R E T H A N E S F O R C O S M E T I C S COS1304_Mibelle_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:25 Seite 1 Mibelle AG Biochemistry, 5033 Buchs/Switzerland, Phone +41 62 836 17 31 Snow Algae Powder Key to skin’s longevity Snow Algae Powder stimulates the longevity gene Klotho and activates AMPK, which is a master sensor of cell energy. Through the activation of Klotho and AMPK a calorie restriction-mimetic anti-aging effect can be achieved in the skin for the very first time. • Protects and activates longevity factors in skin cells • Safeguards youthfulness of skin by activating Klotho • Rejuvenates and protects skin at the cellular level Snow Algae Powder is based on the extract of a unique algae that is able to grow on glaciers and permanent snow. In these extreme environmental conditions the algae produces valuable stress response molecules that protect the youthfulness of the skin. COS1404_Schubert_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:26 Seite 1 TRANS Rail based Transmodules are the central element of a Schubert packaging system. These transport robots autonomously guide your products through all areas of the interpack, Düsseldorf 08 – 14 May 2014 Hall 14 | A06 Welcome! COS1404_Schubert_GB_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:26 Seite 2 MODUL packaging system – ensuring positive control through the entire process. Thus they open up new dimensions: for flexibility and safety, for operating comfort and efficiency. The Transmodul in action Gerhard Schubert GmbH Verpackungsmaschinen Industriegebiet Suedost, Hofaeckerstraße 7 74564 Crailsheim – Germany 8MebAlfN7v8 COS1404_30_Star_GB_COS1306_15_Star_D 14.03.14 08:27 Seite 30 MARKETING PACKAGING Star Sun protection of the Month Refillable roll-on with a massage effect photo: Maëva Houpert, Vincent Resnays, Aline Victor A sun protection roll-on that delivers to the user a pleasant massage effect, and is also really easy to refill with a solid lotion stick, and only becomes liquid in contact with water. Really? T he rotating microspheres in the stackable 100 ml roll-on deliver a pleasant massage as the sun care product is applied – surely an attractive alternative to the creaming-in process that is not so popular. 2-in-1 product: Sun protection with a massage effect When the pack is empty it can be filled with body care oil and so be used as a massage applicator. The sun protection formulation itself is a concentrate in a solid state, rather like a dishwasher tablet, and is first converted into an emulsion with added water. The refill pack is simply held inside the packaging and subsequently activated with three 25 ml capfuls of water. The refill has 2 sun protection tablets – one with an SPF of 30 and one of 50 +, the most popular and normal- ly the highest SPF category. The lotion stays in a solid condition until it comes into contact with moisture and has a considerably longer shelf-life than standard sun care lotions. The rather complicated product is really aimed at retail pharmacies. Here one can load a new tablet on the spot and so also save on packaging debris, or alternatively buy 2 refills with the reAM quired SPF. This concept was one of the six finalists in the Emballé 3.0 2013 competition, which is run by the French Conseil National de l’Emballage association. 116 concepts from more than 300 students, and 18 universities and training establishments were submitted. This sun care roll-on was among the finalists and was developed by Maeva Houpert, Aline Victor and Vincent Resnays – three students on the communications design and packaging course at the French university CEPE Angoulême. HAIR GROWTH baicapil™ Effective combination of natural actives to stimulate hair growth, prevent hair loss and increase hair density In just 3 months, 60% less of hair loss Global improvement in quantity and quality Increases A/T ratio by 69% vs. T0 VISIT US ON STAND 1E20 AT 356-14_EA_BF_connect_A4_engl 14.03.14 08:29 Seite 1 BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH Europes No. 1 au tumn cosmetics trade fair 25th, 26th Octob er 2014 Munich Internat ional Trade Fair LOOKING FOR A PARTNER? BEAUTY FORUM connect – your b2b networking & matching tool! The big PLUS: 쑺 Find national and international distributors and business partners – fast and efficient 쑺 Global marketing via the BEAUTY FORUM media network 쑺 Automatical matching of supply and demand BEAUTY FORUM connect – free of charge for exhibitors of 29th BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH FOR MORE INFORMATION JUST SCAN QR CODE. COS1404_32_Kleiner_GB_COS1402_24_Rahn_D 14.03.14 08:29 Seite 32 PRODUCTION INGREDIENTS What’s next, after Doctor Brands and Organic Beauty … Nutricosmetics? I nterestingly enough the term nutricosmetics, which are taken orally as a supplement to topically applied cosmetics in order to further improve one’s looks, has no legal definition. Research in this area leads us into a jungle of various terms where functional food and drink, beauty foods, cosmeceuticals, nutriceuticals or nutraceuticals, health claims and novel foods are all in the melting pot. Clearly a differentiation, with limits, would be sensible and is in fact necessary. Unlike cosmetics there are no regulations covering nutricosmetics to define the properties or composition of this product group. The term itself is a newly coined term made up from bits of other words. The thing really boils down to nutricosmetics foodstuffs, or food supplements with a cosmetic action. As normal food they are ingested orally and have a systemic action, i.e. they metabolise and are distributed throughout the body by the blood. As with normal cosmetic products the results of their action is nevertheless visible, externally on a healthy body. Thus we find nutricosmetics amongst dietary supplements as well as amongst regular foodstuffs and beauty foods. Dietary supplements are subject to the relative legal regulations (NemV) and are required to complement regular foodstuffs. Clearly cosmeceuticals are not covered by this legislation. These cosmetics products are applied externally but are supposed to work like a pharmaceutical. Also they have no legal defini- 32 COSSMA 4 I 2014 photo: Best Photo Studio, There is at present a boom in cosmetic products that contain active ingredients, and in cosmetic treatments, and of course there is a constant demand for new concepts and active mechanisms ... So it is no wonder that the range of nutricosmetics is growing in importance. Here Angela Kleiner gives us a peep into the background. Actives from plants, marine organisms, biotechnology or chemical synthesis with a proven efficacy tion, but because of their presentation they are classified as cosmetics. An example could be a cream to treat scars or slight wounds. Because pharmaceuticals are heavily regulated, and also have to be licensed, cosmeceuticals must be very carefully limited by the manufacturer. What are Nutri- or Nutraceuticals? The terms used for this new type of food, whose contents may have some kind of pharmacological action, are not protected by law. Hence they find themselves in a legal “half way house” between foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals. Foodstuffs that are enriched with folic acid or omega fatty acids can, as examples, be, classified in this product group. The main thing is that they have to be clearly differentiated from functional foods, for which there is also no legal definition. If a product is enriched with additional ingredients that are intended to have a positive effect on the user’s health, this is one characteristic of functional food. In the area covered by these variously positioned foodstuffs it is important to check whether the foodstuff legislation, general guidelines for special dietary products, the Novel Foods legislation (Regulation (EC) 258/97) or the Health Claims legislation (Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006), are the appropriate legislation when it comes to promoting healthcare benefits. Future perspectives At the moment the market for nutricosmetics is still relatively small. Because of demographic factors, our modern lifestyles, and an increase in consumer awareness, as well as increased research work, growth in this sector is expected. The global market, according to Global Industry Analysts, will more or less double by 2017 and reach a volume of 4.24 billion US Dollars. COS1404_32_Kleiner_GB_COS1402_24_Rahn_D 14.03.14 08:30 Seite 33 INGREDIENTS This legislation has only been in force for a short time and states clearly that only claims backed by a scientific basis are acceptable. These product categories are not always easy to differentiate, but to be sure of offering adequate consumer protection one of the above-mentioned pieces of legislation will be appropriate. Formats and presentation of nutricosmetics So nutricosmetics can be offered as a foodstuff or as a dietary supplement. Thus we can find them on the market in the form of capsules, tablets, pills, powders, or liquids, as well as drinks, desserts or candy bars, or even milk and dairy products. This means it is easy to have the impression that we are talking about a whole new product category. On the other hand, according to the Wikipedia Internet dictionary it was a Swedish man called Ake Dahlgren and known as the “father of beauty from within” who discovered the first nutricosmetics in the late 1980s. His German counterpart was Friedrich Merz, the inventor of Merz Spezial Dragees. As early as 1964 he launched his tablets on the market and fought hard for their successful positioning. He developed the tablets with 18 active substances and a special yeast extract. On the Merz Internet site there is a note on how the customers reacted to the first presentation: “Pharmacists and drug stores did not immediately understand where to classify the product but they were offered a several month long cure using the Merz Spezial Dragees, and in this way they obtained the best possible recommendation for what is still an unusual product”. Since that time there has been just one unanimous answer to the question “Can beauty care be eaten?” A clear “Yes!” The market today 50 years after their launch we find a huge range of products and active claims on the market. In addition to their cosmetic claims, such as promoting skin moisturisation and elasticity, protecting the structure of the skin, prevention of accelerated ageing through oxidative stress and protection against skin redness and irritation, there are products to help weight loss and men’s products aimed at reducing hair loss. It becomes clear that nutricosmetics, as a rule, target three areas: skin, hair and nails. To maintain a proper bodily function a qualitatively and quantitatively balanced dietary and fluid intake is essential. Skin, hair and nails are sensitive indicators of a stress-induced lack of the right nutrition. Thus a wrong and/or insufficient diet can lead to signs of premature skin ageing. Stress at work, canteen meals, fast food and an unvaried diet can lead to an imbalance of anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and other essential foodstuffs. Supplementary use of nutricosmetics can here be a sensible move. An important point with regard to their efficacy is that the actives be bio-available. Ingredients and their action The most common groups of active substances are vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, biotin, unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), carotenoids such as beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin, astaxanthin, phytoene and phytofluene, polyphenols such as flavonoids, anthocyanine, procyanidine, ellagic acid and rosmarinic acid, minerals such as zinc and selenium, collagen, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, phytosterols (isoflavones), coenzyme Q10 and caffeine. They come from various sources, perhaps from plants, marine organisms, biotechnology and chemical synthesis. In recent years there has been a major increase in studies covering product efficacy. The properties of vitamins A, C and E as effective antioxidants are well known, and more recent analyses point to a synergistic active relationship with carotenoids. In addition vitamin C is known to have a positive action on collagen production. Intensive studies have been carried out for carotenoids which offer an increased basic level of protection for the skin. Volunteers were able to increase the level of protection of their own bodies by 3 to 4 times, which can delay the onset of skin ageing due to sunlight. There is also plenty of data available for unsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which confirm their efficacy. PRODUCTION It is true that the body can build up the omega-fatty acids from linoleic and α-linolenic acids, but the conversion is often inadequate and a shortage can arise and a further dose is worth recommending. The positive actions of these substances go from an increase in resistance to solar radiation and so offer protection from excessive sunlight and light-induced skin ageing, as well as soothing skin redness, and a positive action on frail skin and hair. Phytosterols, such as found in red clover, improve the skin’s density, elasticity and moisture levels, and so contribute to a stronger skin barrier. Polyphenols are contained in green tea and cocoa and exhibit a photoprotective action. They increase the skin’s Downloads Additional information can be found at qr00232 or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: User name: cossma4 Password: body barrier function and density, and improve the surface relief. Biotin is also known for its action in strengthening the skin and hair. Minerals such as zinc are important in repairing the skin’s tissue. Collagen is an important ingredient to give the skin’s tissue improved structure. Hyaluronic acid is essential for the skin’s moisture level. Amino acids contribute to collagen synthesis and coenzyme Q10 is an important antioxidant. Finally caffeine is well-known for its mild action against cellulite. Research is also being carried out on combination formulations. At the University of Witten-Herdecke a study carried out over a period of 12 weeks with a supplement consisting of natural carotenoids, selenium and vitamin E showed a significant increase in skin thickness and density, as well as a positive impact on the skin’s surface structure. A literature list plus additional information can be found on the Internet (see Internet panel) Angela Kleiner Marketing Manager Croda Sederma Nettetal, Germany COSSMA 4 I 2014 33 COS1404_34_Ingred_News_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 14.03.14 08:31 Seite 34 PRODUCTION NEW INGREDIENTS NEWS Plankton extract to protect from environmental stress Ingredients photo: Jovana Milanko, For a smoothing action photo: Croda Croda I Crodabond CSA is a new active designed to impart a smoothing effect on any cuticles on the surface of the hair and which have become lifted from the hair itself by chemical treatments such as colorants conditioners or perms. Smoothes the cuticles on the surface of the hair It has a proven, long-lasting effect in sealing the that have been lifted by chemical treatment hair and can contribute to avoiding future damage. Compared with commercially available products with a strong repair action this new active product can keep the hair’s surface smooth and glossy over a longer period without having any impact on the hair’s sensory properties. Plankton extract to dampen the effect of infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation and thermal shocks Ashland I According to new studies plankton extract rich in GP4G nucleotides can limit the appearance of skin damage ex vivo following exposure to environmental shocks, such as infrared radiation, ultraviolet radiation, heat and cold. Clinical results show that GP4G SP biofunctional, the same basic compound protecting Artemia salina plankton from extinction during severe environmental conditions, may be used in formulations to better manage the appearance of skin following exposure to solar and thermal shocks. Infrared radiation A (IR-A) is known to deeply penetrate human skin and may cause damage to the mitochondria. The experiment confirmed that when exposed to a certain dose of IR-A, human keratinocytes showed marked increases in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in vitro. Coating human keratinocytes with just 1 percent GP4G SP biofunctional was associated with a limited increase in production of ROS in vitro for cells exposed to the same level of IR-A. After applying 1 percent of biofunctional on cells (human keratinocytes) twice a day for 48 hours following exposure to cold shock (for six hours), limited modulation of the cold inducible RNA binding protein (CIRBP) was measured in vitro. These experimental test results suggest that human skin cells may be protected from cold stress in vitro when GP4G SP biofunctional is present. photo: CandyBox Images, Masks for the specific needs of the epidermis all Efficient masks targeting each kind of skin can be customized in a few steps Soliance I To meet consumers’ daily needs and to follow the ”mood cosmetic” trend, Soliance has developed a totally customizable concept – tailor-made masks which can target the specific needs of the epidermis. The mask can be customized in a few quick steps. glitters the to rding AN S acco OPE ON EUR A L TI U G RE d SiLiglit ® SiLiglam are teste man The Ger ® ... glittering your world ... glamorous effects brilliant effects for cosmetic products SIGMUND LINDNER GmbH · Oberwarmensteinacher Str. 38 · 95485 Warmensteinach/Germany Phone (+49) 92 77 - 99 40 · Fax (+49) 92 77 - 9 94 99 · E-Mail: ality u q f o t i r spi ce 1854 sin isit us at Please v cs Hamburg eti In-Cosm 014 l2 ri p 1-3A 59 M 1 d Stan COS1404_35_Pack_News_GB_COS1402_36_Pack_News_D 14.03.14 08:31 Seite 35 PACKAGING NEWS NEWS PRODUCTION New colour stick Packaging Masterbatches in trend-setting colours Grafe I Trendsetting colours this year will include TransparentPurple with a decent soft shimmer, and Rusty-Brown with the bronze tones of an ancient robot, giving a high class, high priced look. 2014 will be a bright, colourful year and at the same time elegant and decent. Blue and lilac tones will be central colours, as will greens, with their natural overtones and harmonic workings, and with at times a futuristic metallic sheen. Grafe is developing masterbatches, compounds and pigment powder blends to meet these trends. Quadpack I Working with Brivaplast Quadpack has developed the Flash Pen, an efficient applicator stick for eye makeup and lipsticks. An internal mechanism prevents the colour cartridge from tilting and ensures that the cartridge is always fully and correctly extended, and carefully withdrawn after use, in order to avoid damage. In addition the product is equipped with Quadpack’s patented colour identification. The system uses coin-shaped, colour-coding discs – which can be decorated with a logo – and which snap into the bottom of the pack. In this way, the colour code can be added during final assembly. If the stick is turned upside down the colour is seen without having to remove it from the point-of-sale display stand. Masterbatches, compounds and pigment powder blends in the trend-setting colours of 2014 photo: Quadpack photo: Grafe Coin shaped discs with a logo become interchangeable colour recognition components when clicked onto the base of the stick Expect amazing new things from high-water formulations. Despite everything you’ve been led to believe, high performance and a smooth sensory feel are possible in a high-water phase formulation. The secret is using Air Products’ hydrophilic active complexes and Deposilk® Q1 polymer. For performance data and guide formulations, visit our website or call 800-345-3148 (U.S. only) or 610-481-6799. And see how an amazing new generation of lower-cost skin-care products is about to take flight. tell me more ©2014 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 쑺 COS1404_35_Pack_News_GB_COS1402_36_Pack_News_D 14.03.14 08:32 Seite 36 PACKAGING NEWS NEWS Advantages of aluminium cans Packaging World’s longest spatula Meding I Meding has launched a flat spatula with the grand length of 270 mm, which has been designed for applications in laboratories, for mixing liquids together and for large surface applications in the cosmetics sector, such as mudpacks or hair removal products using hot wax. photo: Meding Spatula for the application of face packs or for professional hair removal using hot wax Aerobal I 2012 gave the international aluminium aerosol can industry another record year with 6.93 billion cans produced. According to Aerobal aluminium aerosol cans now have the advantage of versatile pressing technology, the production of fullbody shaped cans and with a wider range of shoulder forms. Decorated all round with photo-realistic printed images the cans are real eye-catchers in the retail store. Another plus point is the excellent barrier performance when compared with non-metallic packaging. Aluminium packaging can be recycled with no loss of quality and in Eu- Aluminium aerosol cans: advantages rope a recycling rate of in marketing, environment and safety 55 % is being achieved. For pressurised aerosol packs aluminium, thanks to its material properties and the monobloc technology, is extremely limited in its corrosion possibilities and can easily be re-used in case of shortages. photo: Aerobal PRODUCTION New monodose Lameplast I Lameplast extends the single-dose product range. The latest addition is a new strip of five re-closable vials. The new, patented container has been designed to weigh less than similar sized containers, reducing the use of resources. The ergonomic shape ensures ease of use and reliable dose dispensing for each type of content – liquid, gel or cream – even for those clients with limited hand function. Oval snap-top O.Berk I Sense is a large, oval snap-top that features a soft and rounded design. Bi-injection provides crisp product differentiation with two-colour design possibilities. A silicone valve provides optimum product cut-off and is self-sealing to prevent drips and spills. The snap-top is available in a 28mm snap-on neck finish that fits the O.Berk plastic bottle, with orifice choices of 3.2mm/.125“ and 6.4mm/.250“. Practical, ergonomic 0.6 ml containers Foto: O.Berk photo: O.Berk photo: Lameplast Bi-injection provides product differentiation with two colour design possibilities Wir schlagen die Brücke. Vom innovativen Rohstoff zur sicheren Formulierung. uf uns a ! n Sie 14 e 0 h 2 c s etic Besu -cosm der in urg, Hamb pril in d 4 C 1 0 A . 3 1. bis Stan A4 / Halle COS1404_37_Akzo_GB_COS1402_29_Akzo_D 14.03.14 09:44 Seite 37 PACKAGING PRODUCTION Retail cartons, and more W photo: PR Service Graphique inner of the Pro Carton/ Ecma Award 2013 in the Beauty & Cosmetics category was the carton produced by Antilope for Mylène’s Femme Fatale woman’s fragrance. When it came down to producing the carton, designed by Sappi, a new technology was applied, using laser cutters. This meant that a flower with elaborate, very fine cut edges could be The authentic fragrance of this magazine promotion has no interaction with ink or with the carrier material realised, and which appeared not only on the side but also on the front of the carton. The two colour printing and design with the fine laser-cut edges give the carton a really high-class look. PR Service Graphique, under the guidance of Petra Roth, create refined packaging systems from paper and board – from gift cartons to artistic promotions in paper, all inspired by Origami and the creative use of printing systems, graphics, laser cutting and stamping, 3D embossing and screen printing. An interesting example of a fragrance promotion is Lancôme’s La Vie Est Belle, which was used for a magazine promotion. In this refined dembossed mobile the scented cardboard bottle literally hangs by a thread. The fragrance with a micro-fibre texture, which made the scent come alive, was created by the PO Groupe. This company had patented a new development by which a fragrance can be directly integrated into brochures, greetings cards, business cards, paper flowers and cartons. The fragrance is applied using a special technique which ensures that the perfume is not in any way mixed with the scent of the paper or the ink. In this way undesirable side aromas are very limited without having to microencapsulate the fragrance. Unlike in micro-encapsulation, the fragrance can develop freely and does not have to be rubbed to activate it. photo: Pro Carton Examples of laser-produced, complicated and visually appealing samples, more authentic integrated fragrances and new qualities of board show, what can be achieved in the retail carton business. You will find some specifics in this short article. Laser cutting can produce precise and realistic flower images Carta Allura is Metsä Board’s new quality of board for luxury applications. It is particularly smooth and flat, is characterised by a high grade of white and is especially suitable for foil lamination, high gloss lacquer, and other special effects. The lightweight board, for increased sustainability, is nevertheless very firm and rigid, ensuring good processability. Because of the very white rear sided stripes a carton made from this board also looks classy AM on the inside. COS1404_38_Preise_GB_COS1402_38_Preise_GB 14.03.14 08:32 Seite 38 SERVICES INGREDIENTS Essential oils: Current import prices in €/kg April 2014 Amyris, Sandalwood, West Indies 43.00 Anethol from star anis oil 19.00 Bergamot ”Reggio“ 87.50 Buchu leaf ”Betulina“ 350.00/590.00 Cananga 67.00 Caraway, Balkan/Holland 38.50 Cassia, China 36.50/50.00 Cedarwood, China 15.00 Cedarwood, Florida/Virginia 23.00 Cedarwood, Texas 21.00 somewhat firmer effectively unchanged effectively unchanged steady steady unchanged with a weak undertone firm firm firm Celery seed, India 95.00 Citronella, China, 85/35% 17.50 Citronella, Java, 85/35% 18.50 Clove leaf, Madagascar 18.50/21.00 Coriander 95.00/110.00 Dill, Balkan 35.50/42.00 Eucalyptol, min. 99% (1.8 cineol) 16.00 unchanged steady steady steady firmer for the time being almost no change somewhat firmer following Chinese New Year stabilised at a higher level stabilised at a higher level somewhat firmer following Chinese New Year unchanged steady very volatile, scarce firmer again stable at a high level steady for the time being unchanged unchanged, good quality is very scarce now stabilised, with a firm undertone very firm, scarce very firm, scarce big variations in quality firm, and scarce firmer firmer firm, scarce practically unchanged volatile, prices on day to day basis volatile, prices on day to day basis volatile, local deals scarce Eucalyptus citriodora, Brazil, min. 75% 18.50 Eucalyptus citriodora, China, min. 75% 18.50 Eucalyptus, China, 80/85% 12.00 Eucalyptus staigeriana Fennel, seed Geranium, Egypt Geranium, China Ginger, India/Cochin Grapefruit, white Guaiacwood, Paraguay Howood, min. 85% Juniper berry 23.50 33.50/62.00 110.00 125.00 155.00 26.50/45.00 21.00 28.00/38.00 210.00/450.00 Lavandin abrialis 28.00 Lavandin grosso 26.00 Lavender, Bulgaria 70.00/90.00 Lavender, France, 40/42% 130.00 Lemon, Messina, winter harvest 27.00 Lemon grass, Cochin, min. 75% 15.50 Limette, distilled, Mexico/West Indies 40.00 Litsea cubeba, China, min. 75% 18.50 Menthol, China, BP/DAB 19.00 Menthol, India, known brands 19.00 Mint (Pepp. arv.), China 17.00 38 COSSMA 4 I 2014 Prices ar ex-works Germany, customs cleared in the EU Note: The €/$ exchange rate has an impact on several prices and at times has a greater impact than percentage price changes at source. Mint (Pepp. arv.), India Nutmeg, Indonesia Nutmeg, Sri Lanka Orange, bitter Orange, Brazil Orange, Florida/Valencia, CP Palmarosa, East Indies 17.00 83.00/100.00 80.00/95.00 56.50 volatile, local deals scarce weaker steady now steadier 4.80/5.30 firmer 5.10/5.65 firmer 35.00 unchanged, still no clear direction Palmarosa, South America 39.00 unchanged, still no clear direction Parsley, seed 165.00 unchanged Patchouli, Sumatra extra 67.00 steady Pepper, Indian 110.00/140.00 firmer Peppermint, American 65.00/78.00 steady Peppermint, Indian 29.50 somewhat easier Petitgrain, Paraguay 34.00 unchanged Rosemary, North Africa, nom. 30.00/35.00 theoretically all sold Morocco/Tunisia Rosewood, Brazil nom. 325.00 small quantities becoming available Sage, Dalmatian, offic., 30% 75.00 firm Sandalwood, India nom. 2,400.00 very firm, legally sold oil almost unavailable Spearmint, Am. Native/Scotch 52.00/54.00 steady with firm undertone Spearmint, China, 60/80% 38.00/48.00 firm, good quality scarce Spruce needle, Siberia 23.50 unchanged, at an attractive price Star anis, China 16.50 in principal no change Vetiver, Haiti 190.00 in principal no change Vetiver, Java 125.00 somewhat easier COS1404_Sabinsa_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 08:33 Seite 1 COS1404_40_Formulierung_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 14.03.14 08:34 Seite 40 SERVICES FORMULATIONS In our May issue we will be focussing on formulations for natural cosmetics and in June sun care formulations will be on the agenda. All of the information published here has been carefully assembled, however neither the publishers nor the developers of these formulations can accept responsibility for their safety or accuracy A n eye-catching new concept is proposed by Dr. Straetmans with their Cracked Heel Cream. And a product that we do not see every day is Night Repair Hair Conditioner from BASF. Staying in the hair care sector we have the Baobab Hair Mask by Amedeo Brasca, which is said to bring something more exotic into hair care. And still looking at hair care, there is the Soothing Mask for Hair and Scalp by DKSH, the Repairing Hair Masks and more The 30 plus formulations that we have selected for you on the theme of mask, face packs and exfoliants are just a creative cross-section of the huge range of products in this field. If you want to know which ingredients are used in one or other of the products, or how they are produced, then just go to our web site at download* and download the full formulations free of charge. Mask Cream from Natura-tec and Evonik’s Hair Mask. For those looking, on the other hand, for a styling product formulation the Move Me Dynamic Combing Cream from Croda sounds very interesting. Downloads All formulations can be found at or you can just scan the QR code! Your access codes for April: User name: cossma4 Password: body So now let’s look at the fanciful concepts in the facial packs and masks sector: one idea that should be interesting during those cold winter days is Warm Up Your Face Mask from Honeywell. And for easily peeling-off of a mask the Soothing Wet Peel-Off Mask from Bayer should be of interest. And if it’s a question of saving time the AntiStress-Gel-Mask (Leave On) from CLR sounds like a good idea. *The access codes to download the formulations can be found on the Internet panel on this page Facial Scrub Gel Akzo Nobel Anti-Stress-Gel-Mask (Leave On) CLR Cool Breeze O2 Facial Mask Lonza Chocolate Face Mask Alfa Chemicals Smoothing Conditioner Cremer Oleo Coconut Full Nourishment Cream Lubrizol Shower Scrub Regeneration 4 Men Altana/ Eckart Move Me Dynamic Combing Cream Croda Fresh Avocado Mask Merck Baobab Hair Mask Amedeo Brasca Cosmobiotic Equilibrium Lotion Ashland Night Repair Hair Conditioner BASF Soothing Mask for Hair and Scalp DKSH Cracked Heel Cream Dr. Straetmans Repairing Hair Mask Cream Natura-tec 3 in 1 Facial Cleansing Treatment Nordmann, Rassmann Clay Mask Protameen Hair Mask Evonik Conditioner with Inca Inchi Greentech Non-Stop Anti Cellulite Treatment Provital Rinse Of Conditioner Biesterfeld Warm Up Your Face Mask Honeywell Scrubbing Mask Sederma Chocolate Mint Foot Mask Brenntag Body Polish Amazonia Impag Smoothie Fruity Mask Sisterna Body Butter for Dry Skin C.H. Erbslöh All Nature Rich Body Butter Inolex Tailor-Made Facial Mask Soliance Hair Care Creamrinse Treatment Clariant Exfoliation Cream Jungbunzlauer Polyethylene free Shower Scrub Worlee Soothing Wet Peel-Off-Mask Bayer ONLINE AUCTION on the instruction of our client we offer for sale COSMETICS PROCESSING, FILLING AND PACKING EQUIPMENT Somerset, Preston and Hereford - United Kingdom Bidding only on the internet CLOSING: Wed 9 APRIL from 14.00 hrs (15.00 hrs CET) Viewing by appointment: Somerset: Thu 3 April - Preston: Fri 4 April PHOTO’S / Catalogue on the website COS1404_41_BF_Muenchen_GB_COS1105_10_Anti_Aging_GB 19.03.14 07:01 Seite 41 EVENTS SERVICES B2B-networking now a lot easier BEAUTY FORUM connect I Are you looking to make new business contacts, but without spending a great deal of your valuable time? Then the new BEAUTY FORUM connect B2B networking tool is just the thing for you! The matchmaking platform allows you to gather information about potential business partners and to make direct contact for discussions with them at a pre-agreed time during BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH. In addition the tool helps in attracting international business partners and in promoting your B2B sales. Networking with BEAUTY FORUM connect is quite simple. Firstly you prepare an informative profile about your company (videos and images can be included, and the more interesting your company profile the easier it is for potential contacts to find you). And if you are also looking for new business partners you can easily search using keywords. MyMatch will then recommend compa- nies and people who exactly fit your profile. If you have already found some interested candidates you can exchange dates and fix a meeting during BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH. At the exhibition there will be a Matching Area where you can meet your new contacts “face to face” to discuss possible cooperation. All approved exhibitors at BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014, (see insert) can photo: Health and Beauty BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014 A new way of networking: find your contacts on line and discuss face to face at the exhibition enjoy the benefits of BEAUTY FORUM connect free of charge! Further information can be found at BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH 2014 – at a glance BEAUTY FORUM MUNICH takes place from October 25th to 26th, 2014. The venue is once again at the Messe München International exhibition centre. This business platform for professionals in the cosmetics, nail and foot care sectors is supported by an extensive programme of events at the exhibition. Real magnets are the Medical Beauty, Natural Cosmetics and Wellness & Spa themed areas. Entry for visitors from outside of Germany is free of charge. Full information available at Informative Up with the times ++ LIVE–ONLINE–SEMINARS ++ Wherever you are! This is how it works: Register now at for the seminars that you are interested in. During the seminar you will be able to put questions – LIVE – to the speakers and other participants and so expand your own knowledge and understanding in an interactive way! Moderator Up-coming COSSMA Webinars: Monday, April 28th, 2 p.m. (Berlin time) Prof. Dr. Karl Lintner (Kal’idées): Trends in Active Ingredients Chat Paticipants Audio + Camera Settings Register today at: Monday, May 26th, 2 p.m. (Berlin time) Elfriede Dambacher (naturkosmetik konzepte): The European Natural Cosmetic Market Hotline: +49 (0)721 165-131 Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Karl-Friedrich-Str. 14–18 76133 Karlsruhe Germany Tel: +49 (0)721 165-131 Fax: +49 (0)721 165-103 COS1404_42_Kalender_GB_COS1402_42_Kalender_GB 14.03.14 08:35 Seite 42 SERVICES EVENTS Fairs, conferences and seminars 2014 When? What? Where? Who? 05.–06.04.2014 BEAUTY FORUM LEIPZIG Leipzig Germany Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Natalie Karszt, 10.–11.04.2014 DGP-Fachtagung 12.–13.04.2014 BEAUTY FORUM ROMANIA Amsterdam Netherlands Cluj-Napoca Romania DGP Health and Beauty Business Media Kft. 13.–14.04.2014 Natural & Organic Products Europe LuxePack Shanghai London Great Britain Shanghai China Moscow Russia Hull Great Britain Athens Greece Diversified Communications Idice SAS Reed Expo SCS Beauty Greece Tsirimokou Frankfurt a.M. Germany Salzburg Austria Düsseldorf Germany Budapest Hungary Messe Frankfurt Swiss SCC, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Health and Beauty Business Media Kft. Edison, NJ USA Mannheim Germany New York USA Amsterdam Netherlands Rome Italy Leverkusen Germany Dubai VAE Thessaloniki Greece NYSCC BDIH, Idice SAS PLMA KGS Sepawa Messe Frankfurt Beauty Greece Tsirimokou London Great Britain Paris France Munich Germany Paris France Brussels Belgium Deauville France Huddersfield Great Britain Brussels Belgium Philadelphia USA Summit Events Ltd Idice Leipziger Messe GmbH Cosmed Cosmetics Europe Allured Business Media SCS Cosmetics Business Cosmetics & Toiletries 16.–17.04.2014 17.–19.04.2014 30.04.–01.05.2014 03.–05.05.2014 03.–05.05.2014 InterCharm Professional SCS Annual Scientific Symposium BEAUTY FORUM GREECE 07.–09.05.2014 Hair and Beauty Hairworld Forum Cosmeticum 08.–14.05.2014 Interpack 10.–11.05.2014 BEAUTY FORUM HUNGARY 13.–14.05.2014 NYSCC Suppliers’ Day 14.–15.05.2014 BDIH-Fachtagung 14.–15.05.2014 Luxe Pack New York World of Private Label innoCos 20.–21.05.2014 21.–23.05.2014 27.–28.05.2014 27.–29.05.2014 Tagung: FG Angewandte Kosmetik Beautyworld Middle East 31.05.–02.06.2014 BEAUTY FORUM MACEDONIA 03.–04.06.2014 04.–05.06.2014 Anti-Ageing Skin Care Conference Pack & Gift 05.–06.06.2014 CosmeticBusiness 05.–06.06.2014 CosmeticDays 10.–11.06.2014 Global Scientific Regulatory Conference World Perfumery Congress Joint SCS & BACS Event 10.–12.06.2014 12.06.2014 17.–18.06.2014 26.–27.06.2014 42 COSSMA 4 I 2014 Cosmetics Business Regulatory Summit Cosmetics & Toiletries Summit 2014 Research & Discovery COS1404_43_IBF_GB_COS1402_43_IBF_GB 14.03.14 08:36 Seite 43 INTERNATIONAL B2BEXCHANGE SERVICES Go to b2bexchange B2B Exchange: Find your business partners of tomorrow today! for more information about suppliers and their products COSSMA and BEAUTY FORUM will help you to build new business contacts. All our business partners can use this "International B2B Exchange". Have a look at the entries below now and find your business partner of tomorrow today! Further information: see (a =NEW!) Wish to export their products abalico D-69469 Weinheim, Germany Contact: Mr. Rüdiger Vogel; Products: Cosmetic products for hand and nail wish to export to: A, CH, F, E, GB Akzent direct GmbH D-63571 Gelnhausen, Germany Contact: Mr. Reiner Schmidt; Products: Nail Design, Permanent Make-Up wish to export to: Asia, AUS, Africa, Near East, P, E, I Beauty Line Consulting D-76698 Ubstadt-Weiher, Germany Contact: Janos Stegena Products: skin and body Care products, private label, bulk wish to export to: worldwide beauty lumis GmbH D- 80995 München, Germany Contact: Angela Frommer Products: 2-Frequenz-Simultan- Meso-Laser-and cosmetic products wish to export to: worldwide DR. BELTER COSMETIC GMBH D-38106 Braunschweig, Germany Contact: Mira Fischbach Products: skin and body care cosmetics wish to export to: worldwide GERTRAUD GRUBER KOSMETIK GmbH & Co. D-83700 Rottach-Egern/Tegernsee, Germany Contact: Roland Schäfer Products: Wirkstoffaktives holistisches Produktund Anwendungskonzept auf Naturbasis der 1. Beautyfarm Europas. wish to export to: worldwide Klapp Cosmetics GmbH Guderma GmbH D-59192 Bergkamen, Germany Contact: Mr. Manfred Wolf Products: Skin Care Products for dry und very dry skin wish to export to: worldwide Heitland & Petre International GmbH (ROSA GRAF) D- 29229 Celle, Germany Contact: Saskia Schneider Products: skin care products, wellness & spa treatments wish to export to: worldwide House of Melchiorsen DK-4700 Naestved, Denmark Contact: Annelise Langhorn Products: Natural Skin Care products and herbal teas – made of biodynamic herbs from own d herbs-garden. Wish to export to: Worldwide Ingeburg Praxis-Cosmetic GmbH Dr. GRANDEL GmbH PHYRIS Premium Spa Cosmetic D-86150 Augsburg, Germany Contact: Mr. Jürgen Geisler Products: Skin care products, wish to export to: GB, GUS, TR, TW, S. America IONTO-COMED GmbH D-76137 Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: Export Products: cosmetic and footcare technology wish to export to: worldwide D-78229 Karlsruhe, Germany Contact: Ms. Renate Karner Products: Skin and Body Care Cosmetics, Ampoules, Decorative cosmetics wish to export to: EU + worldwide D- 37235 Hessisch Lichtenau, Germany Contact: Fernando Duarte Products: Cosmetic products, SPA collection series wish to export to: EU, S. America, Asia NEOVITA COSMETICS D-69256 Mauer, Germany Contact: Karina Grimm Products: Premium Skin Care products for professionals wish to export to: worldwide Dr. med Christine Schrammek Kosmetik GmbH & Co. KG D-45127 Essen, Germany Contact: Birgit Schmitz Products: Hautpflegeprodukte, Peelings wish to export to: I, MAL, RA, UA, ZA TANA Cosmetics D-33602 Bielefeld, Germany Contact: Egypt-Wonder GmbH+Co.KG Mr. Ronald Fortmann Products: Colour cosmetics, Cosmetic products for self tanning wish to export to: E, F, DK, S COSSMA 4 I 2014 43 COS1404_44_GB_Einstieg_COS_BQ_1107_08_GB_Einstieg 14.03.14 08:36 Seite 44 SERVICES SUPPLIERS’ GUIDE Suppliers Guide Alphabetical Listing On the following pages you will find a selection of suppliers to the cosmetics industry. The listing is in alphabetical order based on the English section headings. To make it easier for you to find what you are looking for we have listed the German section headings below, with their English equivalents. A detailed supplier listing can be found starting on page 43ff. You can also find a full overview, with a search function, at Should your company be listed here? Send an e-mail to We will be glad to send you details of terms and prices German Heading see Abfüll- und Verschließmaschinen Adeps Lanae Ätherische Öle Airless Systeme Aloe Vera Alu-Siegel-Verschlüsse Ampullenabfüllung Avocadobutter Avocadoöl Filling and Crimping Machines Adeps Lanae Essential Oils Airless Systems Aloe Vera Aluminium Seal Closures Ampul Filling Avocadobutter Avocado Oil Boragesamenöl Borage Seed Oil Chitosan Chitosan Dermatologische + klinische Tests Dichtemessung von Cremes, Flüssigkeiten und Aerosolen Dermataogical + Clinical Tests Density Measurement of Creams, Liquids and Aerosols Etiketten Etuis für die dekorative Kosmetik Labels Pouches a. Cases f. Colour Cosmetics Fettsäure-Ester Flüssigkeitszerstäuber und Sprühpistolen Formen und Kunststoffteile Fatty Acid Esters Dispensers and Trigger Pumps Molds and Plastic Parts Glittereffekte Glitter Effects Hagebuttenkernöl Hyaluronsäure Natrium Johanniskrautöl Hacoba Jojobaperlen Jojobaöl Karmin Kosmetik-Farbstoffe Kosmetik-Rohstoffe Kosmetik Spatel Lanolin (Adeps Lanae), Wollwachs, -alkohole pestizidarm Lohnabfüllung Lohnherstellung Arzneimittel und Kosmetika Lohnherstellung und Verpackung Makadamianussöl Mandelöl Mischkugeln für Aerosole Molch-Reinigungssysteme Nachtkerzenöl Oleochemicals Olivenbutter Olivenöl Parfümöl Pflanzenöle Pumpen für die Produktion Rizinusöl Rose Hip Oil Hyaluronic Acid Sodium St. John’s Wort Oil /Hypericum Oil Jojobabeads/Grains/Pearls Jojoba Oil Carmine Cosmetics Colorants Cosmetics Raw Materials Cosmetics Spatulas Lanolin (Adeps Lanae), Low Pesticide Wool Wax, Wool Alcohols Contract Filling Contract Manufacturing Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Manufacturing + Packaging Macadamia Nut Oil Almond Oil Aerosol Mixing Balls Pig Clearing Systems Evening Primrose Oil Oleochemicals Olivebutter Olive Oil Perfume Oil vegetable oils Pumps for the production process Castor Oil Sesamöl Software Sheabutter Spraysysteme Sterilisation Sesame Oil Software Shea Butter Spray Systems Sterilization Verpackungen Packaging Weizenkeimöl Wirkstoffe für Kosmetika Wollwachs Wheat Germ Oil Actives for Cosmetics Wool Wax ✂ ✂ ADVERTISING FAX-SERVICE: Fax +49 (0) 721 165-227 Start winning tomorrow’s customer today with your entry in the suppliers’ guide width of column: price per mm height: for a period of: advertising deadline: Please send me an order confirmation for the following ad: Category/ies: 43 mm € 3,10 1 year 10th day of each month before publication ❑ Yes, I wish to place a firm order for an entry in the suppliers’ Height i. mm: guide at a price of € 3,10 per column mm for each entry. You will receive the text for my ad with separate fax. Company: To be first published in issue: ❑ 05/2014 contact: ❑ black and white ❑ 06/2014 ❑ 07-08/2014 ❑ 09/2014 ❑ 10/2014 ❑ 11/2014 ❑ 1 year ❑ test: 3 month Street, P.O. Box: For a period of: Post Code, City: ❑ Yes, I agree that you may keep me advised of industry news by phone (including mobile phone), by e-mail, or in writing! Country: phone: fax: date, signature 44 mm ❑ 4 colour (Euro scale) COSSMA 4 I 2014 COS1404_45_BQ_GB_COS_BQ_1107_08_GB 14.03.14 08:37 Seite 45 SUPPLIERS’ GUIDE Adeps Lanae Adeps Lanae Ampul Filling Ampullenabfüllung Contract Filling Lohnabfüllung Aerosol Mixing Balls Mischkugeln für Aerosole SiLiglit ® SIGMUND LINDNER GmbH Phone (++49) 9277 99410 · Fax (++49) 9277 99499 E - M a i l : s i l i @ s i g m u n d - l i n d n e r. c o m Aerosol-Qualitätsabfüllung im Rhein-Main-Gebiet Lohnabfüllung Konfektionierung Verpackung Versand Produktentwicklung H. Erhard Wagner GmbH 28701 Bremen, Postfach 77 01 20 Tel. (04 21) 6 93 60-0, Fax (04 21) 6 93 60 15 Imperial-Oel-Import Handelsgesellschaft mbH Bergstr. 11, 20095 Hamburg Tel. 040-33 85 33 0 SERVICES Eigene Rezepturen Zink-Spray Alu-Spray Schmierspray Techn. Aerosole W + S Aerosoltechnik GmbH Am Sportplatz 5 63791 Karlstein Tel. 0 61 88 / 95 75 13 Fax 0 61 88 / 95 75 44 Ein Unternehmen der Firmengruppe Fischer Ampullenabfüllung GbR Abfüllung in 1 ml bis 20 ml-Glasampullen Wir bieten auch Konfektionierung an! Lohnabfüllung Zellaerosol GmbH Wiesenstraße 13 D-79669 Zell/Wiesental Telefon 0 76 25 / 92 53-0 Telefax 0 76 25 / 92 53-14 E-Mail: Internet: Rufen Sie uns an: Fischer Ampullenabfüllung GbR Am Sportplatz 5 D-76479 Steinmauern Tel.: ++49 (0) 72 22 / 2 36 26 Fax: ++ 49 (0) 72 22 / 2 54 91 Wir haben uns spezialisiert auf das Herstellen, Füllen und Verschließen von ✓ Standardsachets ✓ Zeitschriftensachets ✓ Onpacksachets ✓ Konturensachets ✓ Tüchlein Carmine Karmin Aloe Vera Aloe Vera Lohn-Pack K.A.Wolf GmbH & Co. KG Dorfwiesenstraße, 61197 Florstadt Tel. 0 60 41 / 82 28 - 27, Fax 0 60 41 / 47 76 Mail: Certification Zertifizierung Contract Manufacturing + Packaging Lohnherstellung + Verpackung Aluminium Seal Closures Alu-Siegel-Verschlüsse Made in Germany Für Sie.... Entwickeln und produzieren wir Cremes, Gele, Liquida u.v.m. Konfektionieren in Ampullen, Tiegel, Flaschen, Tuben GMP-gerecht mit eigenen Kontroll-Laboren (Mibi und Analytik) Please note: 5/2014 Consulting Beratung Hinter der Mauer 4a | D-07407 Rudolstadt Fon: 03672426120 | Fax: 03672426175 Publishing date: 05.05.2014 HIRTLER SEIFEN GmbH Alu-Siegelverschlüsse Alu-Folien • für Glas- u. Kunststoff-Behälter • in Kleinst- u. Massenauflage • in jeder Größe zu jedem Zweck • Qualität seit 1957 DERSCHLAG GmbH & Co. KG Stanzerei und Folienverarbeitung 57319 Bad Berleburg Tel.: 0 27 51/20 27, Fax: 0 27 51/20 25 We take care of your cosmetics. Your service provider in the healthcare industry: Advertising deadline: 28.03.2014 Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions Call: Dorothea Michaelis +49 (0)721 165-144 Quality bar soap for personal care Seit 125 Jahren entwickeln und stellen wir her • • • • Feinseifen (Stückseifen), Syndets und Combars, Seifengranulate und -nudeln, Rohglycerin und exportieren in alle Welt. HIRTLER SEIFEN GmbH Beiersdorfstraße 1 79423 Heitersheim Tel.: 0 76 34/51 00-0 Fax: 0 76 34/51 00-99 www.hirtler.com0 COSSMA 4 I 2014 45 COS1404_45_BQ_GB_COS_BQ_1107_08_GB 14.03.14 08:38 Seite 46 SERVICES SUPPLIERS’ GUIDE Contract Manufacturing + Packaging Lohnherstellung + Verpackung Contract Manufacturing Pharmac. + Cosmetics Cosmetic Ingredients Kosmetik-Rohstoffe Dermatological + Clinical Tests Entwicklung, Bulkherstellung, Konfektionierung Aerosole, Kosmetik, Pharmazeutik/OTC, Medizin- und Haushaltsprodukte Trichema AG Lättichstrasse 4 Postfach 1063 CH-6341 Baar Tel 0041 (0)41 768 0202 Fax 0041 (0)41 768 0200 $#"!! ! " " Engelstraße 37, 48143 Münster Your advertisement could be right Essential Oils Ätherische Öle RF und innovativ kompetent zuverlässig Ätherische Öle Aroma-Chemikalien Extrakte GANZ EINFACH: LEISTUNG HERSTELLEN von Salben, Gelen, Cremes, Zahnpasta, Liquida, Pulver; Suppositorien in PVCoder Aluzellen. ABFÜLLEN in Alu-, Kunststoff-, Laminattuben, Tiegel, Flaschen, Beutel, Dosen. KONFEKTIONIEREN von pharmazeutischen, kosmetischen, chemischen Produkten, Nahrungs- und Genußmitteln. DOKUMENTIEREN GMP-gerechte Kontrolle und Dokumentation. Modernes Labor mit Mikrobiologie. WAGENER & CO GANZ EINFACH : LEISTUNG. Wagener & Co GmbH Postfach 1645 · 49516 Lengerich Telefon 0 54 81 / 8 06 - 0 Telefax 0 54 81 / 8 06 - 200 E-Mail: Internet: Rolf Schneider Handelsgesellschaft mbH Your company could be placed here for only € 120,40 per issue. Louisenstraße 141 D-61348 Bad Homburg Telefon: 0 61 72 4 96 30 Fax: 0 61 72 49 63 40 web: Book your ad today. Call +49 (0)721 165-144 Polyurethanes, film forming polymers and sensory additives for your cosmetic formulations baycusan ® Spenden statt Geschenke! Geburtstag, Hochzeit, Marathon, oder Ihre eigene Idee - starten Sie eine eigene Spendenaktion zugunsten der SOS-Kinderdörfer weltweit und motivieren Sie Ihre Freunde, Sie zu unterstützen! for more information: Cosmetic Spatulas Kosmetik-Spatel Advertising Hotline +49 (0)721 165-144 go Meding GmbH Kruppstraße 8 · D-58553 Halver Tel.: +49 (0) 23 53 / 91 58 -0 Fax: +49 (0) 23 53 / 91 58 - 28 46 COSSMA 4 I 2014 COS1404_45_BQ_GB_COS_BQ_1107_08_GB 14.03.14 08:39 Seite 47 SUPPLIERS’ GUIDE Filling Lines Filling Lines Maschinen für Aerosole und Sprühsysteme – – – – Glitter Effects Glittereffekte SiLiglit ® Software Software Verpackung für Kosmetik – Selbstabfüller Dosen u. Flaschen in Plastik u. Glas (Sprühköpfe, Dosierspender, Aromaflaschen, Parfümflaschen, Sprühflaschen ohne Treibgas) Füll- und Verschliessmaschinen Prüf- und Sicherheitseinrichtungen Sortier-, Zuführ- und Aufsetzmaschinen Mess- und Testgeräte Auch Kleinstmengen! Kosmetik - Pharmazeutik - Chemie Technik - Nahrungsmittelindustrie Farben/Lacke - Polyurethanschäume Pamasol Willi Mäder AG, CH-8808 Pfäffikon T +41(0)55 4174040, F +41(0)55 4174044, SERVICES Fordern Sie unsere Unterlagen an R.GERSCHON GMBH SIGMUND LINDNER GmbH Phone (++49) 9277 99410 · Fax (++49) 9277 99499 E - M a i l : s i l i @ s i g m u n d - l i n d n e r. c o m D . 61462 Königstein im Taunus Tel. 06174/7017 . Fax 06174/1312 Internet: E-Mail: Siebdruck ab 300 Stück Lanolin (Adeps Lanae) Lanolin (Adeps Lanae) Cosmetic packagings big choice on stock in plastic, glass, aluminium caps, pumps, sprayers, pipettes H. Erhard Wagner GmbH 28701 Bremen, Postfach 77 01 20 Tel. (04 21) 6 93 60-0, Fax (04 21) 6 93 60 15 Mixing + Homogenizing Mixing + Homogenizing MOQ 100 pc for stock items decoration from 1.000 pc per ref. Gewerbering 10 D-85777 Fahrenzhausen Fon +49 8133 - 44 4090 Fax +49 8133 - 44 409 -11 Sterilzation Sterilisation steril! Wir machen Ihre Produkte BGS – Ihr Spezialist für Strahlensterilisation. WI E H L | B R UCHSAL | SAAL (DONAU) B GS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG | + 49 (0) 22 61 78 99 - 0 Vegetable Oils Pflanzenöle A STEP AHEAD symex GmbH & Co. KG Lengstr. 10, 27572 Bremerhaven Fon: +49 (0)471/98 40 10 Fax: +49 (0)471/98 40 140 AOT GmbH Packaging Verpackungen Food Supplements Nahrungsergänzung We deliver high-quality oils, fats, raw materials and extracts in organic quality Rosa Heinz GmbH Verpackungen aus Glas und Kunststoff Straßfeld 6, 85777 Fahrenzhausen Tel. +49 (0 )8133 - 91 85 90 Fax: +49 (0 )8133 - 91 85 99 Coloured ads in this section at the same price as black-white! Book now: Call +49 (0)721 165-144 Your company could be placed here for only € 139,50 per issue. Book your ad today. Call +49 (0)721 165-144 Wool wax Wollwachs H. Erhard Wagner GmbH 28701 Bremen, Postfach 77 01 20 Tel. (04 21) 6 93 60-0, Fax (04 21) 6 93 60 15 COSSMA 4 I 2014 47 COS1404_48_Verzeichnis_GB_COS1402_48_Verzeichnis_GB 14.03.14 08:39 Seite 48 Advertisers’ Index Air Products & Chemicals Inc Company Index p. 35 BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH p. 10, 11 ABIHPEC p. 22 Fritsche Dodge & Olcott p. 8 Mintel pp. 18, 22 Aerobal p. 35 GB Cosmetics p. 12 Givaudan Mylene p. 37 p. 8 NaTrue p. 12 p. 8 Naturex p. 22 NuSil p. 22 O.Berk p. 35 Oceana p. 18 Omya p. 22 Organic Monitor p. 22 Akzo Nobel pp. 8, 14 Bayer Material Science AG p. 26 BB med. product GmbH AMA Laboratories p. 22 GL Cosmetic p. 16 Bech Packaging Spzoo Antilope p. 37 Good Things Skincare p. 37 Aptar p. 35 Grafe p. 35 Beyond Beauty Events Itec Exhibition Company Aromtech p. 22 Greentech p. 22 p. 21 Ashland p. 34 H2O+ p. 18 p. 22 Henkel Clariant International Ltd p. 5 COURAGE + KHAZAKA electronic GmbH Atlas p. 8 Augros pp. 3, 22 pp. 3, 22 p. 8 Huntsman p. 24 Aveda p. 8 In-Cosmetics p. 22 DERMATEST GmbH p. 25 Avon p. 12 Inolex Pai Skincare p. 22 Dr. Straetmans GmbH p. 22 Intelligent Nutrients p. 18 p. 13 BASF Phytomer p. 8 Bayer MaterialScience p. 37 p. 22 Jergens PO Groupe p. 12 Johnson & Johnson p. 12 PR Service Graphique p. 37 Jungbunzlauer p. 22 Provital p. 22 p. 12 Quadpack p. 35 CREMER OLEO GmbH & Co.KG Gerhard Schubert GmbH Greentech GmbH p. 28, 29 p. 9 Beiersdorf Body Shop INOLEX Inc. p. 15 Kosmetik Konzept GmbH Ciba p. 40 Lehmann & Voss & Co. KG Clariant p. 36 Cosmetic Consulting Lipotec S.A. p. 2 pp. 3, 22 p. 12 p. 8 Kao p. 8 p. 22 Kline p. 8 Qualipac p. 12 Kneipp p. 50 Quimica Masso p. 22 p. 22 Cosmogen p. 8 Kobo Products p. 22 Lameplast Rahn p. 35 Rohm and Haas Saem LUM GmbH p. 23 CPL Aromas p. 8 Mani GmbH p. 9 Cremer Care pp. 22 Lancôme p. 37 Croda pp. 22, 32, 34 Laverana p. 12 Dow Chemical p. 8 Merck KG aA Performance & Life Science Chemicals Cosmetics & Food Mibelle AG Biochemistry Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH Provital SA p. 52 p. 27 p. 7 Dow Corning DSM pp. 3, 22 Lindal p. 8 p. 8 p. 18 Sappi pp. 8, 37 p. 18 Sederma p. 32 p. 22 p. 8 p. 8 Lirikos p. 8 Lubrizol p. 22 Seppic p. 22 p. 30 Düllberg Konzentra p. 22 LUM p. 22 Sabinsa Europe GmbH p. 39 Elixens p. 22 Marubi Sisterna p. 18 p. 34 p. 8 Meding p. 22 Sigmund Lindner GmbH Essilor Solabia p. 35 Mercadona Soliance p. 34 p. 12 Symrise p. 22 Troostwijk Veilingen B.V. www.troostwijkauctions.comp p. 40 Winopal Forschungsbedarf p.18 Zellaerosol GmbH Zschimmer & Schwarz GmbH & Co.KG 48 COSSMA 4 I 2014 Euromonitor pp. 3, 14 Evonik p. 22 Merck p. 22 Evyap p. 12 Merz p. 32 p. 8 Exsymol p. 22 Metsä Board p. 17 Florasynth p. 8 Mibelle Biochemistry Tri-K p. 8 p. 37 Univar p. 8 p. 22 Worlée p. 22 COS1404_49_Impressum_GB_COS1402_49_Impressum_GB 14.03.14 08:40 Seite 49 Trends Statements Masthead Page Innovation E-mail newsletter order The Team Volume 15 ISSN 1439-7676 Published by Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Managing Director: Jürgen Volpp Assistant: Phone: +49 721 165-311 Address Health and Beauty Germany GmbH, COSSMA P.O. Box 1446, 76003 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 721 165-0, Fax: +49 721 165-148 Editorial Staff Legally responsible party and Senior Editor: Angelika Meiss Phone: +49 721 165-169 E-mail: Managing Director Jürgen Volpp Advisory Board François Berthoud, Jean-François Billon, Agnès Borel, Peter Finkel, Dr. Ulrike Heinrich, Ulrich Herfurt, Birgit Huber, Dr. Jean-Luc Lévêque, Dr. Daniel Maes, Prof. Dr. Hagen Tronnier, Dr. Klaus-Peter Wittern Advertising Advertisement Manager: Dorothea Michaelis Phone: +49 721 165-144 E-mail: Advertising Services: Ruth Reif Phone: +49 721 165-232, Fax: +49 721 165-148 The current list of advertising rates is dated 1st of Jan. 2014. Senior Editor Angelika Meiss +49 721 165-169 Circulation Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Service Phone: +49 721 165-162, Fax: +49 721 165-148 Published: 10 issues per year COSSMA: formerly “Parfümerie und Kosmetik“ and “Aerosol and Spray Report“ Subscription Purchase price/annual subscription rates: Rates Germany: € 192; outside Germany: € 198. Cancellations addressed to the publishing firm by letter will be accepted one month before the end of the subscription year. The subscription fees will be billed in advance once a year. A quarterly debit transfer arrangement via a bank or post office is acceptable. Design/ Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Production Ulrich Hanke Karl-Friedrich-Str. 14–18, 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany Phone: +49 721 165-592 ISDN (Leonardo): +49 721 165-696 Advertising Sales Dorothea Michaelis +49 721 165-144 Printing Kraft Druck GmbH Industriestr. 5-9, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany that Health and Beauty Germany GmbH may contact me J by mobile phone J by e-mail J in writing J by telephone/fax with news from the industry and to tell me about interesting offers. If I do not wish to receive further information, I will communicate this to Health and Beauty. Please fill in completly in capital letters or add your business card: @ International Representatives Hungary Health and Beauty Business Media Kft. Anita Zsilak, Naphegy tér 8. III. em. (MTI Székház) 1016 Budapest, Hungary Phone: +36 1 457006600, Fax: +36 1 2013248 E-mail: Italy Zero Venti Loris Sparti Via Giuseppew Luigi Passalacqua, 4 10122 Torino, Italy Phone: +39 348 2247176 E-mail: Advertising Support Ruth Reif +49 (0)721 165-232 z Yes, I want to be kept right up to date. I therefore agree Poland Health and Beauty Media Sp.z.o.o. Malgorzata Szulc, ul. Kubickiego 9/3 02-954 Warsaw, Poland Phone: +48 22 8587955, Fax: +48 22 8587953 E-mail: USA and Canada D.A. Fox Advertising Sales Inc. Detlef Fox 19th Floor 5 Penn Plaza New York, NY NY 10001, USA Phone: +1 212 896-3881 Fax: +1 212 629-3988 E-mail: E-mail First name, family name Company Street address Postcode, city, country Date and signature © Copyright Health and Beauty Germany GmbH, Karlsruhe 2014 Graphics Ulrich Hanke +49 (0)721 165-592 The publisher has taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of information in this magazine. Nevertheless, no responsibility is accepted for any errors which may occur. The magazine, including all articles and illustrations is copyright. Unauthorised use of published material is prohibited and will be the subject of legal action. This applies in particular to photo copying, translations, microfilms and the storage and editing using electronic media. The use of trade names, brand names, product designations etc. in this publication implies no authority for their further use by third parties. Such product names and brands may be the subject of legal protection, even though they may not be identified as such in the magazine. Order today: Fax: +49 (0)721 165-103 Health and Beauty Germany GmbH Karl-Friedrich-Str. 14–18 76133 Karlsruhe Germany Tel: +49(0) 721 165-131 Fax: +49(0) 721 165-103 COS1404_50_Vorschau_GB_COS1402_50_Vorschau_GB 14.03.14 08:40 Seite 50 SERVICES Trend statement Body care trends PREVIEW There is still the problem that high level inorganic light protection filters find little acceptance in the cosmetics industry. Without nano-technology there is no solution here. And it is also still unclear whether the consumers go along with this or whether they prefer organic light protection. For me the most exciting ingredients are still aroma chemicals. Despite the problems being put forward here with regard to allergies, aroma chemicals whose psycho physiological effects have only marginally been investigated yet represent for the vast majority of consumers a significant factor in the quality of life. High quality, appropriate fragrancing is essential for the success of every product concept. photo: Mila May, More and more brands are taking steps to seem more transparent and closely controlled in order to be believable, unique and authentic. And although the term “natural” for the consumer is often associated with attributes such as “particularly skin tolerant”, “original” or even “spiritual”, Dr. Rainer Wohlfart, it is becoming even more important, head of R&D at in view of the abstract “natural” conKneipp cept, to provide clear evidence of sustainability and efficacy. It remains to be seen in which way the criteria relevant to natural cosmetics will be standardised and whether this in itself will bring more transparency and more traceability. Exaggerated marketing claims, meaningless “free from” claims, and so-called greenwashing will in future join the list of absolute non-starters, as made clear not only by appropriate EU activities and current legislation in German courts, but in fact often by media campaigns with at times fatal results for the companies involved. For decades 5.5 was the figure regarded as the physiological pH value for the skin. It is only in recent times that products with a pH level clearly lower than 5.5 were shown to have an impact on the skin’s own flora and thus to have a favourable effect on irritated skin. These findings also found favour in the prevention of skin problems and were able, as a result, to bring about a serious change in body cleansing and body care. If pH levels in the range of 4 to 5 become the trend then this will also have an impact on the demands placed on ingredients suppliers. The psycho-physiological effects of fragrances have only been marginally investigated yet May 2014 Product development Plus: +++ A close-up view of active concepts +++ Experience the packaging with all of your senses +++ In-Cosmetics review – the most interesting highlights +++ Market survey of processing and laboratory techniques +++ COSSMA 5/2014 is published on May 5th, 2014 50 COSSMA 4 I 2014 photo: Chad Zuber, Dr. Daniel Stangl, Head of Innovation and Science Management, La Prairie, talks about trends in active ingredients Which actives are setting the trend right now? Focus: Active ingredients 100-06_EA_CosmeticNET_uk_100-06_EA_CosmeticNET_uk 14.03.14 07:41 Seite 1 Check the website with detailed online-information for the personal care industry – news, product innovations, addresses, events, books and these selected internet sites: Find tomorrow’s suppliers today! Hersteller von hochwertigen kosmetischen Verpackungen PUROLAN ENERGIZED BY You can find further information of these as well as on their homepages (see Url below the logos). Your logo can be listed here for just € 60,– per month – for further information, please contact Dorothea Michaelis phone +49 (0)721 165-144 COS1404_Merck_02_215x290mm_1/1_A 14.03.14 07:40 Seite 1
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