See-through,cyber@festo stop,:sclJooltruants
See-through,cyber@festo stop,:sclJooltruants
--- ~-- ,-~ - ,N1"7 See-through,cyber@fes to stop,:sclJool truants ~/tD NaveenMathew I . By Menon, I SUBANG,JAYA:The front doors of cybercafes should be made see-through -for auilioritiestoeasily I'pot school truants. The suggestion~am~from -.Subang Jaya municipalcoun" cillor Keshminder Singh who said the cybercafes are sometimes fronts-for 'gamblingdens. "This is to cut down onillegal activities tl}.atmay,be fuk~ ing place behind these closed doors, ";he said during the Keshminder Singh; council's fullboard meeting. He also suggl;\!:)tedthat Par- Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan.. ' ent7Teacher AssoCiation goers playing _truant-and members carry out random wasting:money and time at , checks on cyD~rcafes. '~Thisisonewayto stop students from wasting their time at these places. They should be spending their time studying OF doing healthy activi" ties," he said. He said complaints have been floodingin aboutschool these outlets. .Council president Datuk Admm MdIkShan said the councllisadoptinga zero-tolerance, policy on places that flout the laws and cause- all kinds of social and communi~ ty problems: - - Adnan said even though NEW STRAITS TIMES . Tarlkh: ' 3 1 0CT ,...2OGO ............ ,- , the cq,uncilhas been taking action against these illegal businesses _and closing many of them down, they continue to sprout like mushrooms. Adnan added- that he did not want the public to think that the council was turning a blind eye on these cybercafes by not taking aCtion. OnlinepaymentfOf.parkingfines tJ<--1, SUBANGJAYA:There is now pay up via credit cards on- find out how many fines they . . . have been imposed with. an easier way. to. settle Y°l!f. line. Called""B-COL",the.system parking fines. . . Register; at . S~ang Jay~' Municipal was ini1iatedby the coimcil by keying in your -, .CoUncilhas imple~ented an lastmonth. vehicle number.' plate and onlfuesystem for offenders to . didimtityc¥drilinilier. - . . -. NEW STRAITS TIMES Tarikh:..SJ..D.C.T..m........ ..... MPSJ-pefkert~tkan ~st~f~m B.GOL ~ . sistembaru ini, MPSJ akan memc SUBANGJAYA".- ¥ajlis Perbandarankadar segera," katanya kepada pemberikan pengurangan automatik seSubangJaya (MPSJ) telah memperke-berita selepas mempengerusikan. menalkan sistem terkini untukcmenyelesyuarat bulanan di rnenara. MP$J di ,banyak 50 _peratusuntuk selllUa kensaikan masalahkompaun melal~isistem ,sini semalam.'"ti~~..,< "",".'. deraan yang dibayar secaraonline dee'ngan menggunakan.- kredit .kad," kaBayar - Compound Online (B-€PL) di Bagaimallapur\,k~ta Nlnaui';.orahg kawasan pentadbirannya. ramai perlu. mendaftar .seb~gai.al1li tanya lagi. Dalam pada itu, beliau tllrut berYang Dipertua MPSJ, Datuk Adnan MY@MPSJuntuk memudahkan'para harap_agar orang ramaisegera-memMd. Ikhsafl berkata,'lang~ah inisiatifpelanggan MPSJ rn,~mbuat selTIakan. buat pembayaran kompaunyang ma~ itu diambiIuntukmemudahkaR orang "Namundernikian, MPSJ tidakaka,h sih tertunggak. ralTIai menyemak danrpembuatpem" mengenakan seharang pembayal'an Katanya lagi, MPSJ turut memanbayaran kompa~n secara online, . . untuk pendaftaran," ujarnya. dang seriui;>'mengenai ikian. harani "Sekurang-kurang .melalui langkah,Menurutnya;'lagi,. bagi. proses seyang berleluasa'di kawasan komerini, ia memberLpeluangkepada oraIlg.,makan kompaunken,deraan, orang rasiaL; ramai untuk .menjelaskan' kompajIr\'" maL hanya perluw.~!Jaip'illombor.ken"Walaupun.kakitangan MPSJ menMPSJ, dengan- sistematik sekali gus deraan, nombor":ka(l:',!'>engenahinat?u jalankan operasi'namun ia umpama menggalakkar\,orang ramai membaYilr nombor kompaun MPSJ. . virus yang sukar diubati," jelasnya. kompaun kenderaan mereka dengan ,,' Untuk itu, sernpena pelancaran . ..'KOOivtG >-'.'" 3 1 OCT2006-. Tarikh: :>;..\.~.';.~.t.... ..... ~- ---~ ~~ Outburstat coundlmeeting ByKHA,RLEEZZUBIN THE Subang JayaMunicipal Council, full board m~eting yesterday chugged on,unevent~; fully, discussing triVial issues until Keshminder Singh'~ outburst woke the members of the Press from their semi., slumber. ", Keshmin,der said'1hat seven councillors had,conspired to disparage and slander,him 0)1 the issue of Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh's prese~ce at ,.the cOl,mcil table on Aug 28. 'tie pointed ou~ that, tlie seven and three others, two assemblymen from Selangor and a Member of Padiament, had secretly" send Quta petition to the council pr~ident DatukAdnari Md Ikshan falsely daiming'thathewas against Yeoh's presence at the full council meeti!1g on that day in question. "They,sent the petition and , sneakily leaked it to~e'P~s whichcarrieddtas' a newsitem th~ next day,",keshmindertold KESHMINDER: Slammed fellow councillors YEOH:Attends council's m~ngs as observer the councillors had said in the full council meeting "In the petition they'cIaimj:)d the petition in the newspapec. that I had objected to. Hannah 'Sinar Hanan, he had to write attending the full council meetc to the council to get a copy of the petition. In view of such ing on Aug 28. I orily raised :cthe'issue of Yeon sitting. at unbecoming behaViour and :the conference table while the d.irty tactics of councillors, 'he council was in session when proposed several.resohitions to shl:)was supposed to sit at the be adopted by the council. Amongthem werl:)council-;1!lrealiyde~ignatedspot at the lori to take' an oath not"to i>bserver'sdeck," he said. ,He told the m'eeting that disparage fellow councillors the action was unbecoming of through lies and deceit. councillors who were'supposed Adnan :;aid he was allowing the_resolution as Keshminder to be tra!1spa~nt, straightforward '!,nd accountable; .~ never identified any of the' . Keshminder added that' aut)1Ors of the ,petition.iby ",hen he read aIJoutwliat name'in the cOuDcilmeeting. MALA Y MAIL Tarikh: ;\.1.J)J;J..2OOa.- ' LangLJag~lessons for (au ncillors . . I functi(jn aiili administration of council is to get.;them3nd . read up. ' Getting their facts together is obviously'l!.choteJor these councillors.Butthereallabour , begins when they open. their mouths. Many councillo!s" Bal1asa answers-to which are already Malaysia is amazingly incoherent. The council members in tb,e pubJic domain. takes is a little r:e.adingup of had a good la~ughlistening government standing orders to some of 'them .~truggling and procedures so that. the to pose questions 'in Bahasa council president need ~not .Malaysia. wastelime educating them, . 'Council presiflent Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan had to One councillor~Pooi-cWeng Keong, during a sess,ion on rephrase after several counother matters; started asking cillors had finished for the questions on the basic proce- benefit of the others. . Several times Adnan haa to dures for' awarding con1:ract. At this juricture,cO\Incillor explainto councilofflcerswhat , ~apiyan MoM Din interjected' was being askedbyoouncillors and saiq councillors should' to ena.blethem to.answertheir read the'treasury handbook on questions.. cOuncil procedures' governing Taxpayers wo.uld.surely . th~ aW1/.rdofcontracts. . agree that small' allocation These. booklets are easily be ~t aside for.'councillors available and all it takes for" to 'attend Bahasa Malaysia . SUBANG Jaya municip:iL councillors must take' ales~ son. in government standing~ orders and. procedures before they-cOme for meetings or risk looking like schoolboys. Yesterday: at th~ full couil-' ~il meeting, a few councillors were raising quesfions the . . anyonewho wants t~ know the ~ leSsons. MALAY MAIL Tarikh:...~.~..g.S.!...~..- ' ... ~ ~ N . """-"_._'"'"'"''"""'-~"""""...~.. ~Jftf~~ilirtJ1ttt1T*JT*.~ fc -_. . , '. I ( 1t~rPm) .l\iiJl¥Hl(L1Jf1It;i U1IJ0~~f>t~~ ¥pO "~LJ~3bif~~" *~ (B-COL) . *~T 0~fiH*xjj . . 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IR'~?£IR'~.~§IR~~..U~~ PJitM1'f-560fjz!l!Jc~ '~~1I£)j!H~1I}~~~ , tE~~ ~~$:IRII!M1 mJ~1iE[j{JtJ1$ ' " *i~~:fij:-~mi)(~JtJ§tE*in~iP,1R =f5601X!!&~ 0 ',~~1R 0 ' wr~7~~IR.&WT~~ ' . ~Mf,t~Bj3i~rlnSl.~~JJjj&]M" - ( ) . ~ic.J£1J~~ . )!ii.:i2\;B-COL' . !OOA$m~iiI\' *~-F~~~~~~~' ~f~~~fi . -1 Tarikh: 3..1..QkJ:..f~Qt..... j3i~~A 1~JlH~iiI\):1~ ( f,j~~m50%Ir-J:fJTHI) ~ .- i (1)l~30 if *~ *iif # EIif\,) :>t.!. Jf- Tj1r:.'*U1 -f lit Jt r:t IS ~ 7]<."f*: I ~ JPJ ~e,A,~ilt51~!tJt. tf~ it ~.i~;ft J}JJ4\-~ ~ :f*t 'Jt D-A ~ 'J' N&A~ A nUll} , tH~ -* k. Tj11St 4df. #: jH~:AIU~'e, M.~ I ~. (1£-) lUH~* (1£=) ~~£1H~E~IJ~t91 ~~I~£agjttJt 0 ii:/J\I!I1:J¥:WJijj7J<ag~~B~/;XE~IJ . J. ( ~l'~~7J<~o .;!\;-1~JIiI!: 4~n~~£.4-~ ¥.J(./I~.'" I]'r.T-1~.£ ~ PJ1UBt{jHI1~*Jt ifLiJWJ . {tl;itHA.19ilJ .~~1Tl11l.3~ , })(:4<~1JJ~JtLJJ: OOJjlf.:Xt5~~.~j~ .' j0-J!B~~=iX ,Bt.£ J:m~.:J:;... *7GJjiJ~ITff%~~ ~-t A* 11 I!IJltm'~:tJDPJ ~1:JjIf:!ff1iIUi!$t&!t!!J1 T~ ~~*"a<J~k~1f ~a . 1<1T ;;f1IMBi3i!R0., ' . ~it '. 0 '~-:Jiw ' m ,~~~~, 'ilJ})(:4<4tl! ~i7R~ ~iliJ:W~m'~iI!!1["/J "B~:ifIZ#J:~:J'Ii* ~~:;:J:ilJ1S<.4<I;fi~g(iI!i'§~T3:.!!!.:w !I 1 '§ifljre B i§.~a<JOO gli£*":ts!~;J;I;~OO U1i:;fJ~4fIi!~:ti Jjlfm~Fo£Jt ,~ Jjlfa<J~Iim11'MIa] ~*lE5! 0 . . 1 SIN CHEW TITPOH T artok'h. ~1 \J OC1 ~ . ~..... ~. ~ ~II ' . . ,d' . , . ~MB¥j:1!J.rtJi.Si.~§ 9,Ej 23 B~,:ti/:ij .~L~#tf~. Jj~* ' R.£J!J:ii§ffl-NE~L ~#3(:im~j\Hij~~ ' CJ~~ 500/o:lfitDtt;m: 0 $iSi.~~ffl'i~1f~-m1&Ll! i~ ' 1'~~~~:ffi~~ ' -~ CJJ!tl~Li§ffl-t#J!1i,~~ 500/0:lfitDtIt;m: , !lP100~a~ foj~.R~~# 50 ~a 0 1fuiJl.' "~L~#~~" Jj~* (Bayar-Compound On Line, im~ B-COL) ,:tJif~ AJ!iEt-t L~~1BJ~~~'~gXft IxU#fI1 0 "~A.R~~iC~ MY@MPSJ~~ ' 1'~~#i:f faJfI1ffl'*~A$~'~7J:iiE %WgX~~%'ifCJ~~~i\!i ~,~*~ 0 . Tarikh: 3.1..Q.~.T.J~~~........ ~ *.&$)Ji NL( 31/'0 4~t!tt$.ttFI ¥j:1!J.$iSi.~F1E*)1j!}f*ftj!}f ~<p/L'~~)!~H£j'5:tp~, ~ ~1iI~m-;J/. ' mi§lJ~~5!tIiJFm ~foj , ~=I5f1tEtL$iSi.~:ti$ 1fui~' $iSi.~B5JK/:ij1200 ~o ~Ii'FA~ ' :!it,Ej2 IiJ 4 ;-"1£ . ~n¥j:1!J.$iSi.~~ffl'i~1f $:-mm/:ij , ~-i~~)!~H£j'5 fi~*f:&i!!:.' :IJf~~~)!j'5:tp ~o :tp~~~,ttL)!A~~sticJ1fu in~/:ij~~ ' ~J5~~jwH~ "M~fFl ,Ej~9,Ej,:tI;~ 15 7J 900 N~)!j'5~JI\1.l' ' :j;fltEtL$iSi.~:ti$~ 0 I. " -!F MjOJHn E', icJ - * If!1.'Il~ itill1!J.~i:ffaJmfjt.~,*~ $iSi.. EJ£,/:ij~~ 1 J . (r.f~~i!1.30 BiR) #,in 1fu~D ' $iSi.~ft~fF:tI; £/:ij 157J7331 ~*3(:imW~' *$ffl'$~ItSJ3!J(~i-$$gX)9:~ 9!tJi\!iilii~~~~o "ftJlt:l;UI~A ' *ffl~L ~N~~Jj~* ' ~-!F~#foj ~ ' :!uJ*1fuinttL~1'# ' 1fuin :j;ft$iSi.~:ti.~~mEt 0 " NAN YANGSIANGPAD .fIIA' IIro~~ ~A:t, ~T200~a~~0" $:i¥J~ 'i1f~A~~){~r- ' foj~ 1500 ~ aO'~~Bft~t.J#,in¥j:1!J.$ iSi.~m,Ej~iSi.J5,tm£m/:ijo @£$:-m~D ' $iSi.~q~ ~Itm/:ij~*~~ ' =lE1fuinEtL :ti.~ ' ~~~:n:!E~icJ$iSi. ~ ' J!!Ut1'A~,3j:&~EJ~ :111:0 '5f1J.~JI1ifflmf.ii ' PJT~){J!i~~* j1j'5:tp:~ ' ;I:t~ 8 R~){L(t-j j'5~ ' :!it,Ejf].~:It~ 60 ~ a ; :i!:ilft&J!1i.R£ 20 ~a 1fui~' ~fcj~f,U!:1If1Ej '5'55Fn& ' fjt$~~tHj6ji:t:m ff-~o 0 .r.fmi!1.m~~~Fm~f.j:(£ifIj~..,p,t\~~~~IUij~:m~&"1Iiij tl9if1j* (f!!f~I!ft) 0!J.$iSi.~~$t~ m~ ' f:E~fF1t 43 !!!jIJj:tl;~ ~ 1670*1Nm1.!'&E:j~,* ' fit iiE:j;1;;(t-j~ 1126 * ,.'IW;J/.!:t* fFFaJjlJjfl'j~~o *fFFaJjIJj'fIt:N:,*~ff .ti~1835*,fltiiE:j;1;;(t-j I ~ 1173* 0 ~iF]t 43 1*J j£ 1670 *~_~~1~1& . $iSi.~~ffl'i~1froJ-m1& *jj1I;~~)j:~~~'Ii!f;J/. 0 ffi~~fR£ PJS 916 Ll!mH:\ ,~~~.It' $iSi.~ B~1E 441''I!r~~jj£~fR ' l' ,PJS 7 21' ' ~~:n:1Z!J 2 1"JII!#I~fR21',~£ $i.Si.~1!J.1&~~A:N:iJi: ! I \i\61',:;t.:rJt!WWJ'1"f4f .JiUffiii;/J '@tltlc~IJF~(t-j , m~:n:IZ!JWJ'1"JII!#~m~ ~fRotM~.o WJ'1'~o "~711JJ.It~m~JHi£ ' ~~$iSi.~:tI;1£fi 1560 ;j;:ot 1fu~1i'$iSi.~£1&~ J\IT~.jl.I!.~fcjPJTmfjt(t-j'I!r ~~;r.fiii;/J , IiJiJj(t-jtt*~ .~'IiE~~ . IiJffm;~'liEfR 14 7J 4000 fBj0 gX)xIJ~fRotM~.0 .