Ignite June - July 2016


Ignite June - July 2016
Issue 76 / June - July 2016
sparking passion for the
Gospel across the UK
New chapter for John
& Brenda Wilkes
Steps of faith
In this edition of Ignite we have the opportunity to welcome evangelists who have transitioned
from Counties’ training programme and new associate evangelists; as well as say goodbye to
John Wilkes, who has been Counties’ CEO for 11 years (see page 8-9).
The first Bible verses I remember being taught were: ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and
lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your
paths straight’ Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV)
Each of us may be able to recall times when those around us have taken new steps: watching a
toddler taking their first tentative steps on their own, or a young person meeting new people,
or friends or family members starting a new job.
In our walk of faith we may also recall times when we have known that it has only been by
taking new steps of faith that we will be able to grow and mature, and continue to become the
people God would want us to be.
At Counties we continue to thank the Lord for those who are taking steps of faith by becoming
new Counties evangelists or by continuing to trust in Him after many years of ministry. We
also ask you to, please, continue to pray for Counties as we look forward to the next chapter the
Lord is writing with Martin Erwin starting as Counties’ new CEO from 1st June.
At times, new steps may be scary, but we have a great God, for whom “Nothing is too hard”
Jeremiah 32:17.
Yours in Christ,
Jonathan Brooks-Martin, Operations Manager
Counties exists to make Jesus known across the UK through our evangelists,
exhibitions and resources, in Biblically faithful and culturally relevant ways.
Address: Counties 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD
Telephone: 01373 823 013 Email: office@countiesuk.org www.countiesuk.org
Thank you for your valued partnership. We are glad to make Ignite available free of charge.
It costs approximately £5 per year to produce and distribute six editions of this newsletter to you.
Every additional contribution will help us continue in our mission.
Counties (formerly Counties Evangelistic Work) is a Registered Charity No. 264278
and a Company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales No. 1041761
Editor: Helen Rimmer - helen@counties.org
Design: www.relevantdesign.co.uk
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News in Brief
Q&A with
John Wilkes
Trainees become
New associate
Spotlight on
Mike Thomas
Working with
Bishop endorses
Life expo
Please introduce
Counties to your friends
by following us on
Facebook and Twitter
Facebook ‘Counties
Evangelism Network’
Twitter ‘@countiesuk’
Ignite | 3
News in Brief
Churches reach out to
celebrate Queen’s birthday
Street parties and community events are being
hosted by churches across the country this
month – to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.
Swansea evangelist Phil Davies is helping to coordinate the ‘Right Royal Tea’ event, a tea
party at Dunvant Church, on Tuesday 7 June, 2.30pm, where they will give copies of a book
highlighting the Queen’s testimony to the community. The event has been organised to
launch a new group aimed at reaching the elderly and lonely in the community.
Evangelists Tim & Katrina Cracknell in the Forest of Dean will be hosting a garden party
in honour of the celebrations, on Sunday 12 June. Tim said: “Please pray that this would
encourage many from the local community to come along and celebrate and be inspired and
challenged by the faithfulness of the Queen as she seeks to serve our King–Jesus.”
BBQ in the woods
A men’s monthly outreach group in Hampshire has
celebrated a successful year with a BBQ in the woods.
Counties evangelist Gordon Curley helps to run The Net –
a monthly inter-church men’s activity aimed at nonchurch goers.
He said: “The BBQ was a great way to end this
year’s series of monthly events for men. 36
men enjoyed some special kebabs (squirrel,
chicken, ostrich, beef, rabbit, pork and who
knows what else?) as well as some local
special sausages.
“Thanks also to Bob Telford for a
challenging talk around the fire, it was
good to see a number of men responding
to the invitation/appeal to follow Christ!”
The Net activity is ideal for non-church
goers to discover more about what
Christians believe. The evening normally
takes the form of a snooker, quiz, darts
evening and finishes with a guest speaker.
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News in Brief
Bringing the Gospel to Stonehenge
As party-goers descend on Stonehenge
to celebrate the summer solstice, Wiltshire
evangelist Jonathan Brain will be joining
the crowds for the 15th year to share the
As well as speaking to people and giving out
tracts, Jonathan will be leading reflections at
a special event ‘New Age, New Creation? An
evening comparing Jesus and the New Age’ at
Cromhall Chapel, Gloucestershire.
The evening café event, on Tuesday 21
June, 7pm, will feature stories, groups
reflections, videos and short talks comparing
the spirituality of Jesus and the New Age.
Jonathan will be joined by Pastor Chris
Crocker from Cromhall Chapel.
Teaching + Bible
= success!
A class which combines
Bible teaching with maths
has proved a winning
formula in Essex.
Essex evangelist Charles
Addoco (pictured left) leads
a weekly mathematics and Bible class at
South Park Chapel, Ilford, for local children.
Charles commented: “Most of the children
have been collecting rewards in mathematics
from their schools, even those who were
behind in their classes have improved
tremendously and they love doing the subject.
“Parents have also commented on the impact
this progress has had on the behaviour of
their children. They now enjoy school and
are motivated to be in school all the time.
Praise God!”
Jonathan Brain chats to people at Stonehenge.
For more details, visit:
Take a
look at life!
A resource developed by Counties
evangelist Ivor Cooper has been
helping a group of 35 people in
Coventry explore the basics of the
Christian faith.
Take a Look at Life is a six week
course, usually hosted by a church,
and features questions to aid
discussions. Questions include: What
do you think God is like? What are
humans? Who was/is Jesus? Why do
Christians make such a fuss about the
cross of Jesus? What evidence is there
for the resurrection of Jesus? What is
a reasonable response to the questions
discussed over the course?
Ignite | 5
Looking back over my training programme
with Counties I am overwhelmed by God’s
faithfulness to us as a family.
Trainees now
Two of Counties latest trainee evangelists
have finished their training and are now
full-time evangelists.
Beverley Bedford from North Devon and Kim
Hobbs from Hertfordshire have completed
almost two years of a training and induction
programme, which featured mentoring
sessions, training events and special
outreach work.
Beverley, married to Bryan with two
children, is involved in local mission projects
in her church in Barnstaple, as well as being
part of the Parish Nursing ministry, visiting
local people offering both practical and
pastoral care.
Originally from Ballymena in Northern
Ireland, Beverley said: “Looking back over
my training programme with Counties I am
overwhelmed by God’s faithfulness to us as
a family. Praise his name! The training and
mentoring has transformed my ministry!
“The most important thing that I have
learned is that God’s promises are sufficient
for every step in the journey he plans for us.
I must remain focused on the vision God
has called me to. It is easy to be distracted
from the primary calling by getting caught
up in other people’s good ideas. God’s vision
focuses me on why I do what I do.”
Kim and Jo Hobbs, of Hemel Hempstead,
Hertfordshire, joined Counties trainee evangelist
programme in August 2014.
Kim Hobbs on a Counties
training session.
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Kim and his wife Jo are working with offenders and
ex-offenders both in and out of prison in their home
county, where Kim has long seen the ‘revolving door’ of
those in the criminal justice system from when he was a
practice director for a London based criminal law firm.
More details on their ministry on Page 12!
Spotlight on the work of
Counties Cardiff evangelist
In a new series – Ignite will be taking a
closer look at the busy day-to-day work
of Counties evangelists up and down the
country. Cardiff evangelist Mike Thomas
gives an update of what he has been
up to lately:
We seem to have accidentally
started a mentoring programme in a
school in East Cardiff! Communities
First (the Welsh government programme
for the relief of poverty) approached me and
said that they know what we do works and
that, if they gave us some money, could we
do something in our local high school.
“We have been doing chaplaincy at the
school for the last 18 months and now we
have been able to introduce a community
mentoring project called XLM Cardiff.
Through this scheme we can match trained
volunteer mentors with young people who
need help realising their potential.
“Please pray for the students
referred to the programme and
for the 12 volunteers who have
each committed two hours a week for a year
to be a mentor. Please also pray for me as I
oversee the whole project!
“Church has been going really well, we’ve
gone from having 55 people on a Sunday
morning to 111 last Sunday in the space of two
months. Lots of new families and children,
which is great. We’ve had two men in their
40s become Christians recently and they
talked to me last week about getting baptised.
“Tots and Toys has also doubled in size
in the past month. We’ve had significant
conversations with different parents each
week for the last 3 weeks, each resulting in
them coming to church on Sunday morning!
Pray for more of the same!
“Lastly, we restarted Messy Church last month
after a break of almost 12 months. We see this
as a stepping stone between some of the social
stuff we’re involved with and involvement in
church. We planned for 25 and 76 turned up.
Lots of frantic cutting out took place, but we
were able to share the parable of the lost son
and true love just in time for Valentine’s
Day, which went down a treat.
“I know it’s not all about the numbers,
but it’s blown our socks off with all
of the things happening recently. Not
just increased numbers, but people
moving from first contact events to
more evangelistic, church
focused stuff. Your prayers
for energy and focus for
us would be
Mike Thomas at
a community fun
day in Llanrumney,
South Wales.
Ignite | 7
New chapter
for Counties
CEO John Wilkes
As Counties CEO John Wilkes retires this
month and evangelist Martin Erwin takes
over the role, Ignite talks to John about
his working life and finds out what led
him to Counties and how his faith has
sustained him on his journey.
There’s no mistaking you are from Wales!
Where did you grow up?
I am the middle of five children and I grew
up in a small town in the mining valleys in
South Wales called Tredegar. We were taken
to the local Gospel Hall virtually from birth!
My mum and dad clearly loved Jesus and
wanted us all to follow him. I always seemed
to be getting into trouble but God revealed
his love to me in a memorable way1.
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John and wife Brenda and their children in 1986.
How did you come to faith?
I made numerous prayers of commitment
and was baptised at age 11. However, I
was a sham disciple until I met Brenda on
a summer camp at 15 (!), where she came
to faith too. The Lord showed me that
discipleship applies to every area of life – not
just Sunday mornings, so I began to take the
Bible, prayer and church more seriously.
Can you describe your early career?
Grammar school (all boys) was a struggle for
me, as I wanted to stay home and help my
dad! He was a shoe repairer and developed
a small business with shops in three towns.
However, my craft teacher was a real
encourager and inspiration. After our family
moved to Nottingham, I did A levels there and
then applied for teacher training in 3D Design,
back in South Wales for the next four years.
Brenda and I prayed for clear direction after
college and really sensed the Lord directing
us back to Nottingham where I taught in a
comprehensive school and FE college for
ten years. Brenda trained as a health visitor
and the Lord gave us our two wonderful
daughters, Esther and Miriam.
“John has proved to be an energetic
and creative CEO, developing and
expanding Counties, whilst keeping
evangelism and scripture as its
heartbeat and giving all the glory
to God.”
Brian Adams, former chair of trustees at Counties.
When did you join Counties?
As a family, we were heavily involved at
Foxhill Gospel Hall – especially with young
people, and sensed a growing conviction that
the Lord was saying, ‘Follow me and I will
make you fishers of men’2. Although we had
no guaranteed income, I resigned teaching in
mid-1983 to seek training in evangelism and
joined Counties in that October.
Describe your time as an
evangelist – any highs/lows?
Our greatest delight has always been to see
people of all ages coming to faith – not in
large numbers, but through church life,
holiday clubs, summer camps, Alpha courses,
preaching, events and one-to-one mentoring.
After our first Counties Tent Mission in
1986 (during which our amazing son, Luke,
was born!), the Lord planted a church at
Warren Hill, Nottingham (with Counties
support). Alongside the rejoicing in seeing
lives transformed, were the tears shed and
weariness felt when some folk fell or drifted
away. We needed the constant reminder of
who’s in charge and who the church belongs
to! ‘I will build my church’3.
When did you become CEO?
After five fruitful years cultivating a
purposeful and outward looking church in
Devon, we sensed the Lord preparing us
for ‘a fresh vision’ which was confirmed by
the invitation to help lead Counties work
from 2005, with the goal of ‘preparing God’s
people for works of service’4.
What has been the most
challenging part of the role?
I confess this has been a very demanding role
with so many different responsibilities and I’ve
often been out of my comfort zone! But, it’s
been a great privilege to serve our evangelists
and the wider work.
And the most rewarding part of the role?
The Lord has developed a great support
team here in Westbury and we love praying
and working together. I also love creating
and ‘thinking outside the box’ (but ‘inside
the Book!’) so finding new evangelists
or developing new projects has been
particularly rewarding.
How has your faith
helped you in this role?
The Lord has etched two scriptures in my
mind: ‘Without me you can do nothing’5 and
‘my grace is sufficient for you’6. He reminds us
constantly that we need to rely on Him. As I
step down from this role and get my pension
and bus pass, Brenda and I see it as another
(as yet, unwritten) chapter where we want
to be open to God’s leading and available for
Him to use us, however he chooses.
“John has served Counties
tremendously well over the last
11 years, and I am especially
appreciative of the fellowship which
I’ve enjoyed with him since I became
chair of trustees. We pray God’s
richest blessing on John and Brenda
in the months and years ahead, and
we look forward to John joining the
trustees later this year.”
Glyn Davies, chair of Counties trustees.
John 3.16, 2Matthew 4.19, 3Matthew 16.18,
Ephesians 4.12, 5John 15.5, 62 Corinthians 12.9
Ignite | 9
New evangelist
is no illusion!
Christian comedian and illusionist Tom
Elliott says laughter is the best medicine
for helping to reach people with the
Christian message.
The Gloucestershire based entertainer has
been described by TV personality Miranda
Hart as ‘such fun’ and travels across the
country exploring life and faith with people at
theatres, conferences, schools and churches.
Now Tom has joined Counties as an ‘associate
evangelist’ – a new scheme aimed at helping
potential (full or part-time) evangelists test
their calling and enjoy support from a wider
network of like-minded people.
Tom, married to Natalie and dad to Abigail,
said: “I am passionate about helping people to
live life more fully. I believe that when taken
seriously, this message can transform lives.
I deliver the Christian message
mainly through events and
resources. It’s great to join Counties and
be part of a supportive network.
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Could you be an Associate Evangelist?
•Associate Counties Evangelists (ACEs) need to commit to a minimum
of around 20 hours per month to evangelistic ministries.
•Evangelism time might include assignments with Counties Evangelists, assisting
home church/church leader with evangelism or personally developed opportunities.
•Mentoring, regular fellowship and training days are provided.
•Includes the possibility of a 3/6 month ‘Counties placement’
for someone taking an employment sabbatical.
•Churches are encouraged to identify and link their potential evangelists with Counties.
•There is no guarantee of financial support.
For more details contact the Counties office on 01373 823013 or email office@countiesuk.org
Busy schools worker Janet Hawking has also
joined Counties as an associate evangelist.
Janet, from West Wales, started to teach Bible Explorer in
Welsh junior schools ten years ago, after a clear call of God
out of the blue.
Although she is not a Welsh speaker, she and her small team now
teach in 200 schools across West Wales. Many children asked for
Bibles as they enjoyed her lessons, so now these schools receive
their own Bibles from the charity Bibles For Children. Janet said:
“These two ministries complement each other - teach the Bible,
then give them the Book!”
Janet Hawking.
Janet also hosts GSUS Live covering all the secondary schools
in her county. Originally from Devon, Janet and her husband
moved to Pembrokeshire as farmers in 1974. They were
blessed with six children and helped establish New Life
Church, Cardigan. Widowed in 2000, Janet kept the farm
running until 2006 when the call from God came.
As the schools work increased (10 a week), she moved from the farm in 2010 and is now a
volunteer five days a week. Janet also cares for her mum with dementia, and enjoys time
with her family.
Ignite | 11
Helping ex-offenders
see the light
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evangelists Kim
and Jo Hobbs
have recently
transitioned to fulltime evangelists
after completing
Kim and Jo Hobbs.
a two-year
training programme with Counties.
They work with offenders and ex-offenders
both in and out of prison. “We are passionate
about the mission God has given us!” says
Kim. “Men and women who leave prison
face an enormous challenge to resettle
successfully and turn their back on crime.
We relish the challenge, not only to support
them in practical ways - helping them to
make good decisions and to see a better
future is possible - but also to show them the
love that God has for them.”
The challenges Kim is referring to include
homelessness, addiction, financial hardship
and isolation. Jo added: “We also work with
the partners and the families, who also suffer
greatly when someone is sent to prison. By
supporting them all, we give the ex-prisoner
a real chance to change his life.”
Kim & Jo have established a charity called
Cornergate Foundation so that they can
put services on a more formal footing and
also expand them to include a home where
ex-offenders can live with Kim and Jo for
weeks or months following prison. This will
give the newly-released prisoner time and
space in order to adjust to freedom and make
good plans for a new and different life.
There are many challenges along the way
but also many high points. Kim continued:
“I was able to take a guy to a football match
recently, that night turned out to be a
highlight of his life so far. He had never been
to a football league match in a stadium and
he was thrilled and grateful. I love it when
God blesses people with simple pleasures!
“The very next day he attended a job club
and met a board director from a large
national company who was visiting. The
director was very impressed with him and his
desire to change his life and he was surprised
at the impact his story had. He thought
people wouldn’t care.
“Supporting ex-offenders is effective and
produces results! God is so faithful. We
befriend, we support, we are reliable and at
the right time we pray over the guys. And
God changes lives!”
Please pray for some of the
challenges Kim and Jo face
in their ministry:
• Pray for more links with local churches.
• The relationship with the prison
resettlement team and probation
• Pray for wisdom in helping newly saved
men walk in their faith with Jesus.
• Pray for salvation for all those Kim and
Jo are in contact with.
Ignite | 13
Key to Life
The latest resource from Counties - Key
to Life? - has started visiting schools and
is getting great reviews from all those
who have stepped on board.
The exciting new resource – which uses
sight, smell and sounds to share the story
of Jesus in a one- hour lesson – has visited
primary schools in the Midlands.
Catherine Mason, year 5 teacher and RE
coordinator at Franche Community Primary
School, Kiddeminster, said: “The Key to Life?
unit is a fantastic resource which engaged
pupils of all abilities from the moment they
entered. It gave a unique opportunity, using
cutting-edge technology, for them to consider
what Christians believe, whilst encouraging
them to ask questions and make their own
decisions about what they heard.
Children take part in the interactive
lesson on board Key to Life?
“From the pupils’ perspective, it was
an exciting, stimulating session. From
a teacher’s point of view, the material
complimented perfectly the Christianity
element of RE curriculum.”
Another teacher from Lillington Nursery
and Primary School in Leamington Spa,
commented: “I have never seen technology
used as effectively in engaging and
motivating a whole class of children at
one time.”
For more details on Key to Life?
call Ben Telford, Key to Life?
coordinator, on 07398 280328 or
visit www.keytolife.media
14 | Ignite
“The Key to Life? unit is a
fantastic resource which
engaged pupils of all
abilities from the moment
they entered.”
Catherine Mason, year 5 teacher and RE coordinator at
Franche Community Primary School, Kiddeminster.
Bishop gives
thumbs up to
Life expo
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Children enjoy the Life exhibition resource.
Counties popular
Life exhibition has
been praised by the
Bishop of Dunwich
after he visited the
resource in Ipswich.
Revd Canon Dr Mike
Dr Mike Harrison,
Harrison said: “I
Bishop of Dunwich.
thought the exhibition
was really clear, really simple and really
effective. It was pitched at just the right level for
young people and children.
“It also gave them the opportunity to think
about it for themselves and gave them elbow
room to make their responses.”
Kevin Baldwin, Life exhibition coordinator,
commented: “It has been great to have so many
enquiries from a variety of different churches
across the country. The week at Norwich
Cathedral has been particularly fruitful.”
For the full interview with the Bishop visit the
Life Expo’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/
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shared with a local COUNTIES Evangelist, but with no
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Your feedback is always appreciated.
30 Haynes Road
Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD
Ignite | 15
Your local evangelists
All Counties evangelists are self-employed,
receiving support from our funds, as the
Lord provides. We welcome approaches
from new evangelists, potential trainees or
associates, particularly in vacant counties.
Call Martin Erwin on 01373 823013 for an
informal discussion.
1. Charles & Elizabeth Addoco
Andrew & Rachel Mugford (ETP)
2. Will & Lynne Andrews
Kim & Jo Hobbs
3. Tim & Joy Ayrton
Tony & Ruth Hood
4. Beverley & Bryan Bedford
David & Katie Symons
5. Jonathan & Heather Brain
6. David & Lindsey Brown
Andy & Isobel Hodson
Paul & Vanessa Willmott
7. Ian & Sally Carr
8. James & Christine Coates (AE)
9. Tim & Charissa Cooke
Martin and Angie Korchinsky (ETP)
10.Ivor & Angela Cooper
Bob & Rita Telford
11. Clive & Fiona Cornish
Mike & Janet Thomas
12. Tim & Katrina Cracknell
Tom Elliott (AE)
13. Gordon & Penny Curley
14. Phil & Sheila Davies
15. Julian & Elizabeth Gutteridge (ETP)
16. John & Rachel Hardwick
17. Janet Hawking (AE)
18.Colin & Linda Johnson
19. Steve & Dawn Loader (ETP)
20.Mike & Su Strange
John Simpson (AE)
21. Matt & Nicola Rich
22.Robert & Sarah Watson
23.Janice Webb (AE)
AE – Associate Evangelist | ETP– Evangelist Training Programme
Seniors and widows
Grace Anderson, Tom &
Madelene Bathgate, Jean
Campbell, Geoff Carr, Roger &
Hazel Chilvers, Lionel & Mavis
Clargo, Ray & Carol Dadswell,
Rose Geary, Stephen & Jean
Gillham, Victor Jack, Andy
& Miriam Jelfs, Phyllis
Jenkins, Hettie Hall, Wendy
Iliffe, John &, Jane Martin,
Ruby Powell, Dick & Betty
Saunders, Gladys Whittern.