casewv newsletter issue 1 july 2011
casewv newsletter issue 1 july 2011
CASEWV Chat & News The Power SMART OfPHONE S SCAN CODE VISIT OUR WEBSITE @ WWW.CASEWV.ORG Partnerships WV WV Your Local Community Action Agency! ISSUE 1 JULY 2011 W elcome! The CASEWV family is proud to have a quarterly newsletter to keep you up-to-date with the many things that are happening within the agency. With approximately 300 employees and 12 different programs, we have a lot to share. Enjoy learning more about us and the great services we offer. FEATURED Executive Directors Message Page 2 CASEWV Chat & News Issue 1 July 2011 Board of Directors Page 3 Pics & Trips Pages 4 & 5 Program Updates SMART PHONES SCAN CODE Pages 6 & 7 Upcoming Events Page 8 WV Administrative Offices 355 Bluefield Avenue Bluefield, WV. 24701 Agency Articles Page 9 Funding Sources Page 10 Newsletter Partners Page 11 ©2011 All Rights Reserved Managing Editor Bonnie Patterson LOOKING UP! R ecently, there have been many exciting events within the agency which promoted more local community awareness of our programs. With stronger recognition we are continuing to build relationships that compliment and improve our goals and services. Our new administrative offices on Bluefield Avenue has given us more public exposure. Besides housing our Executive Director’s office, other programs at this location include Weatherization, the CASEWV Academy that facilitates our Certified Nurses Accreditation Program, our Housing Development Program, plus our state-ofthe-art computer training and video conferencing center. With new digital signage that runs information about our programs outside the building, we are certainly making a visual impact. As we launch this newsletter, we would like to give a big thanks to all our employees. Without the dedication of an amazing staff could we reach and touch so many lives. Our dynamic directors, teachers, cooks, drivers, office staff and maintenance workers do an excellent job for the people and communities we serve. Whether they are in-office, behind the scenes, or out in the field, they perform their duties with professionalism that uniformly make our agency run smooth. We would also like to thank our Board Of Directors for their time and talents. Every month they travel from several different counties to attend our meetings and govern over agency affairs. With a great board and super employees, we continue to do our best in “Making Southeastern West Virginia A Better Place To Live.” CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 2 CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 11 THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING PARTNERS FOR THEIR NEWSLETTER DONATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Serving South Eastern West Virginia Since 1964 Independence Powered by LPL Financial 401 ( k ) Rollovers - Retirement - Insurance C ASEWV, who are we? We are Community Action of South Eastern WV and we are one of many Community Action agencies across the United States. Every county in West Virginia is included in the coverage area of a Community Action Agency. CASE is proud to cover Mercer, Summers and Monroe. And yes, we do cover other counties in many of our programs, but these three counties give us our identity. In West Virginia there are sixteen agencies and well over 1,000 nationwide. We are as diverse as we are alike. CASEWV LOCATIONS LAW & COMMERCE WISE In 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared the “War on Poverty” and created a task force headed by Sergeant Shriver to assist with developing policy for his anti -poverty agenda. The result of this was the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The EOA Act defined a local delivery entity called a Community Action Agency and defined their purpose. CASE (then MCEOC) was chartered on December 8, 1964. We were at the forefront of this “war”. Our organization was given a mandate to “stimulate a better focusing of all available State, Federal, and private resources upon the goal of enabling low-income families, and low income individuals of all ages, in rural and urban areas, to attain skills, knowledge and motivation to secure opportunities needed for them to become self-sufficient.” KENNEDY CENTER Specializing in Women’s Clothes “Low to No Pricing “ For Those That Qualify Scrubs for Nurses Too! 304-324-5809 511 Commerce St. Bluefield, WV Different acts have passed over the years since 1964 that included funds for Community Action Agencies. The names have changed, but the purpose has not. Every program that we operate is dedicated to assisting families and individuals with attaining and maintaining self-sufficiency. We have a broad and proud history of providing “a hand up, not a hand out” The credit of our success rests squarely on the shoulders of our staff and Board of Directors. Oraetta Hubbard, Executive Director A services that improve the quality of life for our residents through our various programs. With over 300 professional employees and locations in Mercer, Summers, Monroe and Raleigh counties, we service over 7,000 families and individuals per year. Our annual budget of approx. $12,000,000 not only helps our citizens, but stimulates our local economy through employment, ownership of properties and the accomplishments of the programs themselves. With services ranging from pre-natal to seniors, our directors facilitate these programs at our state-of-the-art locations. Governed by a Board Of Directors, we have established an excellent record of local, regional and national partnerships. We have been serving southeastern West Virginia since 1964. CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 2 ( 3 04 ) 323-2040 ( Office ) ( 3 04 ) 323-2023 ( Fax ) ( 3 04 ) 922-1428 ( Mobile ) 1607 1/2 Bland St, Suite 6 Bluefield, WV 24701 BLUEFIELD BB&T PRESTON PLACE STADIUM DRIVE REC. CENTER SOUTH POINT PLAZA PMS WAREHOUSE BLFD. AVE. WAREHOUSE #2 BLFD. AVE. EAST RIVER ARTS MT. ZION CENTER PRINCETON TRENT STREET THORN STREET NEW HOPE LASHMEET BOUT US: CASEWV is your local community action agency providing Jeffery M. Keczan Financial Consultant UNION ROCK BRUSHFORK SOPHIA HINTON RAINELLE 108 South Walker Street - Princeton, WV. 304-487-8485 LANDMARK ANTIQUES 3 Huge Floors of Treasures 200 Federal Street Bluefield, WV. 304-327-9686 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Open For Lunch Mon.-Fri. 11:00 - 2:00 Salad Bar-Buffet-Sandwiches Thurs. Night Dinner @ 6:00 PM w/Doc Greenberg + Open Mic CALL: 304-327-9300 CITIZENS BUILDING SUPPLY CASEWV CHAT & NEWS 600 Bluefield Ave. Bluefield, WV. 304-327-6118 Mon-Sat 7:30 to 5:00 Page 11 CASE COUNTRY CASENEWS WV CHAT & Page NEWS 6 Page 4 CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 9 PICS AND TRIPS CASE ACADEMY I.T. Report David Weiss Lois Wren & Zella Dunham CASE ACADEMY graduates had a celebration on March 21, 2011. We had 42 graduates this session with 100% placement. Please call us at 304-324-8397 for more info. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Oraetta Hubbard and Governor Earl Ray Tomlin are all smiles during his recent visit to a luncheon at the Commission On Aging in Princeton. CASEWV COMMISSION ON AGING had a nice Valentine’s Party. Great food, games and entertainment was enjoyed by all. Special bingo gifts were given away. These two friendly “FACES of CASE” are very busy ladies! Heading up our Certified Nurse’s Assistant program, their record of successful graduates is impressive. With approximately 1400 on their graduation roster, they certainly have the “right stuff” to help students accomplish their goals. The 215 hour course for high school graduates or GED recipients who meet the income and physical requirements includes an array of skills from home health clinical, to first aid and CPR. After completion of the 10 to 12 week course each student is set to test at the state level. Tech Times Issue 00 Month Year EXPO TWO was a big hit again this year at the Mercer Mall. All of our programs were showcased and a fun time was had by all. RIGHT FROM THE START Christmas party in Rainelle. Thanks to all who brought gifts for our young moms and babies in needs. BLUEFIELD SENIOR FRIENDS and the national Souls4Soles had a brighter Xmas. CASEWV gave away over $25,000 in shoes! Each student who enters the class is given individual attention and encouragement by Lois and Zella. Like the expertise of an Olympian relay team, they perform the criteria needed for students with exacting precision. Every student matters, and they have offered personal help, and perks, with everything from false teeth to baby food, to assure that students complete the course, graduate and find placement. True Story. Courses for certification run 4 times a year. If you have an interest and want to start a very good career, you need to give them a call for more details. Lois has been with the CASEWV family since 1978 and Zella since 1983. “What is most rewarding, said Lois, is the impact it has on families as a whole. We have had several situations where mothers, daughters, cousins, and brothers all completed the course. But, even if there is just one person in a family who graduates it can lead to a better life.” With an 80% placement record, plus setting you up with a list of potential employers, this dyno team will make every effort for you to achieve success. Please call 304-324-8397 I would like to remind all employees about our agency email address and how important the proper usage of it is to our computers and the agency as a whole. Your CASEWV email should be used for agency business only. never for personal use. If you sign up for offers or subscriptions under this business address you may be overwhelmed with spam and potential viruses. Once an email is infected, it becomes very difficult to clean it up. On occasion, please take time to delete old mail so we can keep running smooth. Remember that the email address does belong to CASE. Thank you. New sign for CASEWV ADMIN. We are very proud of our new digital sign at 355 Bluefield Avenue. Agency announcements are featured here along with special occasions. Please contact Rachel Remines if you would like to have something reviewed for posting @ 304-320-0450. PRESTON PLACE One of our newest projects currently under construction is the renovation of the former Preston Street School in Bluefield, WV into transitional housing for women. In conjunction with Southern Regional Drug Court and Mercer Day Court, qualified low risk female offenders will have the opportunity to participate in this program to gain skills and new goals to re-enter the mainstream. There will be five individual living units accommodating two women each. Also at this location is another one of our Early Head Start centers for children ages birth to three years old. We are very pleased with our latest addition to the community. WCAP, April 2011 conference in Charleston was not all work! Directors also enjoyed good food and entertainment . CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 4 CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 9 CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 10 CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 3 CASEWV BOARD OF DIRECTORS FUNDING SOURCES FEATURED MEMBER GLADYS WALTERS PRESIDENT WV Office of Economic Opportunity, US Department of Health and Human Resources, WV Department of Health and Human Resources, Community Connections, Inc., Governor’s Cabinet of Children and Families, WV Bureau of Senior Services, Work Force Investment Board, U.S. Department of Energy, Department of Labor, Department of Agriculture, Housing & Urban Development, Mercer County Commission, WV Board of Education, Benedum Foundation, WV Housing Development Fund, United Way of the Virginia’s West Virginia Prescription Drug Abuse Quitline 1-866-WV-QUITT 24 hours a day, 7 days a week If you, or someone you love are addicted to prescription drugs, please call for information. Phone educators are waiting to help. SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you WVVA for the great news coverage on the opening of CASE CARES BABY CLOSET on Friday, February 18, 2011. Also, to the Bluefield Daily Telegraph and the Bluefield Chamber of Commerce. We appreciate everyone who attended and supported this event. CASE AGENCY WISDOM A powerful step toward living at your full potential is to discover the power of your thoughts and words. You cannot think or speak negative thoughts and expect positive results. You can’t think and speak thoughts of failure and expect to succeed. Set your mind each day on positive thoughts. Your days will be brighter. People who dress for success, really do come out ahead. Your appearance says volumes about how you feel about YOURSELF and how others perceive you. Happiness is something you are and it comes from the way you think. Q CODE We’re Mobile! Download Our Website To Your Smart Phone! Type into your phones browser. Or, search your app. Store for QR Code reader specific to your phone. Download. Select new QR icon on phone and hold to code above. Bing! Congratulations! Our website is now on your phone! CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 10 As President of the Board for 2011, the spunk and spirit of Gladys Walters certainly keeps our meetings interesting. We can always count on some “good ’ole country wisdom” being offered up, and you can bet there will be a chuckle or two once she gets the gavel in hand. Originally from Bradshaw, West Virginia, Gladys has had an exciting life including traveling to 37 states and Canada. Some years ago she bought a farm in Union, West Virginia where she lived with her husband of 40 years before his passing. Farm life had its excitement as well. There were often wild cats, bears and stray cows prowling her front yard. “You can’t reason with a bear,” said Gladys. DIRECTORS Gladys Walters - President Mary Lou Haley - Vice President Tracey Robinson - Secretary Joe Coburn - Treasurer Actively involved in her local Senior Centers, Gladys met James, her current partner, at one of the Centers dances and three years ago, at the young age of 80, they married. They said their nuptials on the front porch of her home with a preacher from the Senior Center officiating. They still regularly attend the dances and also enjoy visits with their children and James’ 2 year old grandson. Her other interests include reading, sewing, crocheting and she loves to walk. Gladys calls herself “A Professional Volunteer” and has previously worked with the Council on Aging where she took people in need to their appointments, But, no matter what she is involved in, she just down right likes people! Faithfully traveling to Princeton each month to head up our agency affairs we feel very fortunate that she is on our Board. She has taught us that while an agenda is serious business, a meeting that somewhere places a smile on our faces is the best way to adjourn. Thank you Gladys. 2011 SCHEDULE MEMBERS Jerry Berry Marguerite Fullen John Feuchtenberger Lucille Lemons Joyce Pritt Jeana Carr Jay Mills Reverend Grover Morris Judy Hartwell Joyce Tedder Terri Philpott Brian DeRowen Jack Woodrum Dana Steele ALTERNATES Francis Wayland Vicki Reed Bill Krafft Lonnie Mullins Kathy Wyrick Your Board of Directors at work for you. JULY 20th Our monthly meetings are attended by program Directors, as well as Board members. Each program submits a report to the board along with any new agency business. We sincerely thank all of our board members who travel from many counties to make our meetings a success. AUGUST 17th SEPTEMBER 21st OCTOBER 19th NOVEMBER 16th DECEMBER 21st CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 3 CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 6 PROGRAM UPDATES F AMILY STABILIZATION: Our areas of support include housing/utility bills assistance, food resources, clothing needs, day care & housing referrals, health care, senior services information, family relationships, financial management, education and training. We also use various other community resources to help you attain your goals. To review you needs, an appointment is necessary to determine your eligibility and to select the programs that work best for you. New applicants are assessed the first two weeks of every month. We service Mercer, Monroe and Summers counties. FAMILY STABILIZATION: 304-325-3511 E ARLY HEAD START: This program for children ages 0-3 is designed to help bolster the important early learning stages of children. With many educational activities, plus social, emotional and physical support, we help fulfill their health, nutrition and developmental needs. Each child is given individual attention to ensure the best results. Parents are urged to participate and to also develop/ learn skills that give their child the best opportunity for advancement. We service Mercer and Summers counties. R IGHT FROM THE START: Beginning with a positive pregnancy test, through a newborns development and up to age one, our program has a vast array of services. We assist with medical care, child birth and parenting classes, and the overall needs of having a well and healthy baby. Our inhome registered nurses and licensed social workers assist in clients health and how to properly care for their baby. There are requirements for participating in this program. We service Mercer, Monroe, Summers, Wyoming, Raleigh, Greenbrier, Pocahontas, Webster, Nicholas, Fayette, Braxton, McDowell ASE ACADEMY: Located at our new administration building at 355 Bluefield Ave. in Bluefield, WV. Our state-of-the-art training facility offers Certified Nursing Assistant classes, weatherization technician classes and computer training classes. Qualified applicants for nurses training will receive a scholarship that will pay for the class and a stipend to assist with costs while taking the class. We have an excellent placement program. All other scheduled training will be announced on our website. We service Mercer country. P TechTimes S H EAD START: This nationwide, well recognized program is for children ages 3-5. The program prepares children for kindergarten whose families are within certain income guidelines. The award winning early learning and activities criteria also offers transportation to and from school and a healthy breakfast and lunch. To enhance school readiness, each child is given individual assistance to develop their physical, mental and emotional skills. The learning experiences are encouraged to be shared with parents to monitor their child's progress. We service Mercer and Summers counties. PROJECT YES: 304-327-8822 H F a very exciting opportunity for those 18 and older who provide registered child care in their home. You can receive a check for the meals you feed the children by signing up for the USDA program and following a few simple guidelines. We offer free, in-home training on how to serve meals and instruction on the programs policy and regulations. The menus are simple, but nutritious. Meals can also be served to provider’s own children if income eligible. Receive monthly payments to help cover the food costs for children in your care. Service in Mercer, Raleigh, Monroe and Summer counties. CASE ACADEMY: 304-324-8397 CASE WV CHAT & NEWS F.D.C.F.P.: 304-324-0453 Page 6 With a very active Seniors population in our area we have many great programs to service them. Our Trent St. and Thorn St. centers in Princeton, along with our Bluefield site on Stadium Dr. serve a nice hot lunch, Monday thru Friday, along with the opportunity to enjoy a variety of activities such as bingo, exercise, crafts, trips and many more special events. Other Senior services include home delivered meals, care giver relief, personal-in-home assistance care and transportation services. We are dedicated to providing care and services that assist in maintaining a good quality of life. CASEWV COMMISSION ON AGING: 304-425-7111 OUSING: If you are thinking, or dreaming of owning a home, we would like to talk with you. We have brand new homes available for qualified clients and low interest loans that are sometimes less than renting. Closing cost assistance is also available. If you have decent credit and have paid your bills on time this could be an opportunity of a lifetime. Credit repair or building credit consultation is also offered. As well, we do have a limited number of rental properties, so please contact us as to availability. We service Mercer, Monroe and Summers counties. HEAD START: 304-487-5631 AMILY DAY CARE FOOD PROGRAM: This is ENIORS: ROJECT YES: Encouraging our youth in the community to be drug free and to have healthy relationships is the main focus of this program. Actively participating at schools and fairs throughout our area this presence gives our teens an opportunity to learn how to make good decisions while having fun. We also offer seminars for parents to help educate them on teen issues and develop stronger communication skills for a trusting relationships. Servicing Mercer, Monroe, Raleigh and McDowell counties. RIGHT FROM THE START: 304-323-8315 EARLY HEAD START: 304-487-5631 C CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 7 T HOUSING: 304-325- 6635 W RANSITIONAL HOUSING: Those interested in improving their quality of life and needing a fresh start, should inquire about this program. This independent living plan also includes support with job placement and budget counseling. Our goal is to help you acquire self-sufficiency with a long term goal of home ownership. There are term limits to this program. Qualified applicants will be assessed and monitored. Areas serviced are Mercer and Summers counties. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING: 304-325-3511 EATHERIZATION: Home energy improvements through this program include a variety of upgrades that will save on utility bills and make your living space more comfortable. Once you have met the income qualifications, a certified technician takes a survey and tests for problem areas in your home. The Weatherization program includes heating and furnace retrofitting, insulation, air sealing, pipe duct insulation and making recommendations for getting the best results on improvements. There is "No Cost” to those that qualify. We service Mercer, Summers, Monroe and Raleigh counties. WEATHERIZATION: 304-325-2023 R .S.V.P.: For ages 55 and above, all you baby boomers can lend your talents to the community by serving on short term projects. Some of the areas include helping with United Way, blood mobiles, food drives, homework assistance for students and mentoring, health related information, local Chamber of Commerce activities, library book sales, many local hospitals and neighborhood watch committees. There is something for everyone. They are celebrating their 40th year of service. R.S.V.P. 304-425-1911 CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 7 CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 8 UPCOMING EVENTS CASEWV CHAT & NEWS Page 5 PICS AND TRIPS FAMILY STABILIZATION: Hours of Operation: 8:30 to 4:00 Applications: First Two Weeks Each Month SENIOR CENTERS: Bluefield & Princeton Open Mon.-Fri. 9:00 to 3:00 HEAD START: FIRST DAY OF CLASS - AUGUST 31, 2011 HEAD START: Enrollment Schedule: PRINCETON: Thorn St.-Monday, July 11th 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM-3:00 PM BLUEFIELD: Kennedy Center-Tuesday, July 12th 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM & 1:00 PM -3:00 PM LASHMEET: Wednesday July 13th 9:00 AM-11:00 AM BRUSHFORK: Tuesday July 13th 1:00 AM - 3:00 PM NEW HOPE: Thursday, July 14th 9:00 AM-11:00 PM &1:00 PM -3:00 PM PARENT ORIENTATION: New Hope: Monday, August 29 - 10:00 Thorn: Monday, August 29, 2:00 Kennedy/Mt. Zion: Tuesday, August 30 11:00 Brushfork: Tuesday, August 20, 2:00 R.S.V.P. - July 26th Meet & Eat Cook Out - Ruth Albert’s August 9, 10, 11th -Faces of Leadership WV Volunteer Conference August 12, 13th - Stuff The Bus Project September 18-24 - Senior Corp. Week September 21 - State Wide Senior Corps Recognition - WV Cultural Center Monthly 4th Tuesday 11:00 AM - Pot Luck Green View United Methodist Church - Green Valley RIGHT FROM THE START RECEIVES AWARDS at their bi-annual conference in Charleston. Out of 300 DCC’s, 3 awards were given, with two going to CASEWV’s Donna Marshall and Micki Hughes. Congratulations ! FUN AT THE PARADE: CASEWV had many programs represented in Bluefield’s Christmas parade in 2010. We are inviting all programs and parents to start thinking about joining us in 2011. Many thanks to the Historic Bank Lobby for the cookies and hot cider party afterwards. Transitional Housing staff also gave a wonderful party to its residents. WEATHERIZATION was a vendor at the grand opening of New River College. It was a great day with many dignitaries from several counties. Senator Nick Rahall was special guest speaker. As recently featured in the Bluefield Daily Telegraph, our Weatherization record has a stellar record of performance! R.F.T.S. - Case Cares Baby Closet - Bluefield Southview Plaza Call 304-323-8315 MONROE COUNTY July 6th - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - NEC, Cash Flow Workshop July 28th & 29th: 8:30-4:00 WV Choice will be offering “Homemakers” Training. August 4th & 5th 8:30-4:00 WV Choice will be offering “Homemakers” Training. August 30th - 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM- 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM - FSC-Budgeting Workshop CASEWV SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS We have office space available at Law & Commerce, Bluefield, from $200 per month. Please call Ida Wallace @ 304-323-1880 for more information. Utilities included! Great for starter businesses! If you are looking to buy a house, we have several properties that are ready to move in. Please call Mary Turner @ 304-325-6635 for more information. We help with down payments & closing costs. Next Certified Nurse’s Training is scheduled for the middle of September. Call Zella or Lois @ 304-324-8937 Day Care Providers! Join our Family Day Care Food Program and get paid for the food you serve to children. Call Michelle Buchanan 304-324-0453 CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 8 Project Yes, Mike Eades waving from Expo Two. CASE WV CHAT & NEWS Page 5
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