The pharmacy of nature! - makeworldcleanandgreen
The pharmacy of nature! - makeworldcleanandgreen
LET’S MAKE OUR WORLD MORE GREEN AND CLEAN! The pharmacy of nature! Aromatic plants and herbs COMENIUS PROJECT 2012-2014 Contents: 1. Teachers’ work of all the participants’ countries about the aromatic plants and herbs. 2. The pharmacy of nature (work about herbs as medicine) GREECE Βότανα και αρωματικά φυτά της Ελλάδας ΙΔΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ - ΧΡΗΣΕΙΣ Μέσα απ' αυτή τη σελίδα γίνεται μια προσπάθεια προσέγγισης μερικών από τα πιο γνωστά βότανα και αρωματικά φυτά της Ελλάδας. Η αναφορά μας σ' αυτά δεν είναι επιστημονική και δεν φιλοδοξεί να εξαντλήσει το θέμα της χρησιμότητας και χρήσης των βοτάνων μέσα από αυτή τη σελίδα. Στόχος μας είναι να δημιουργήσουμε το ερέθισμα στον αναγνώστη να ψάξει να γνωρίσει και να εκμεταλλευθεί σωστά τις χρήσιμες ιδιότητες των φυτών αυτών τόσο στην μαγειρική όσο και στην αντιμετώπιση ήπιων προβλημάτων υγείας. Οι πληροφορίες που δίδονται για τα βότανα, έχουν αντληθεί από βιβλία και συγγράμματα βοτανολογίας, η δε αναφορά στις ιδιότητες των, είναι καθαρά ενδεικτική και δεν αποτελεί σε καμία περίπτωση ιατρική συμβουλή ή συνταγή. Ο χρήστης αυτών πρέπει να έχει υπόψη ότι τα βότανα δεν αποτελούν πανάκεια ούτε μπορούν να θεραπεύσουν όλες τις αρρώστιες και δεν μπορούν να αντικαταστήσουν ολοσχερώς τα κλασσικά φάρμακα. Η χρήση τους πρέπει να γίνεται με μέτρο ή κατόπιν ιατρικής συμβουλής, αφού αλόγιστη χρήση μπορεί να επιφέρει αντίθετα αποτελέσματα για την υγεία μας. Herbs and aromatic plants of Greece PROPERTIES - APPLICATIONS Through this page is an attempt to approach some of the most well known herbs and aromatic plants of Crete. Our reference to these is not science and does not purport to be exhaustive of the utility and use of herbs through this page. Our goal is to create the stimulus to the reader to look to know and properly exploit the useful properties of these plants both in cooking and treat minor health problems. The information provided about herbs, drawn from textbooks botany, and references to properties are purely indicative and do not in any way constitute medical advice or prescription. The user should be aware that herbs are not a panacea, nor can they cure all sickness and can not fully replace the classical drugs. Their use should be made to measure or on medical advice after excessive use may cause adverse effects on our health. Βασιλικός Το όνομά του προέρχεται από την Ελληνική λέξη βασιλιάς. Χρησιμοποιείται στην μαγειρική για αρωματισμό σαλτσών. Το εκχύλισμα του βασιλικού προλαμβάνει τις άφτρες, τους πονοκεφάλους, βοηθά στην πέψη και καταπραΰνει νεύρα και σπασμούς. Basil The name comes from the Greek word king. Used in cooking to flavour sauces. The extract of the Royal prevents afthes, headaches, aids digestion and soothes nerves and spasms. Δάφνη Γνωστό φυτό της Μεσογείου, τα φύλλα του οποίου νοστιμίζουν σάλτσες, ψαρικά, κρέατα και όσπρια. Με δάφνινα στεφάνια αντάμειβαν τους Ολυμπιονίκες στην αρχαιότητα. Το εκχύλισμα της δάφνης καταπολεμά τα φουσκώματα, ανοίγει την όρεξη και τονώνει τα τεμπέλικα στομάχια. Αντισηπτική, είναι πολύτιμη για το συνάχι και τη βρογχίτιδα. Το δαφνέλαιο είναι κατάλληλο για τους ρευματισμούς. Daphne Known Mediterranean plant, whose leaves relish sauces, fish, meats and legumes. With laurel wreaths reward Olympians in ancient times. The extract of laurel fights bloating, whet the appetite and stimulates the lazy stomachs. Antiseptic, are valuable for colds and bronchitis. The laurel oil is suitable for rheumatism. Δενδρολίβανο Το δεντρολίβανο θεωρείται τονωτικό και βοηθητικό της σεξουαλικής λειτουργίας. Τονώνει τη λειτουργία του ήπατος, βοηθά στη μείωση της χοληστερίνης και αναζωογονεί τον κουρασμένο οργανισμό. Σαν προσθετικό σε διάφορα παρασκευάσματα ανακουφίζει τον πονόδοντο. Κατά της τριχόπτωση και της πιτυρίδας. Στην μαγειρική θεωρείται εξαιρετικό αρωματικό για ψητά και τηγανητά ψάρια. Rosemary The rosemary is a stimulant and utility of sexual function. It stimulates the liver, helps lower cholesterol and revives the tired body. As anadditivein relieves toothache. Against hair loss and dandruff. The cooking is excellent for flavouring grilled and fried fish Δίκταμος Από τα χαρακτηριστικά φυτά της Κρήτης και από τα αγαπημένα βότανα των Κρητικών, οι οποίοι το χρησιμοποιούν για να καταπολεμήσουν το συνάχι, τη γρίπη, τους πονοκεφάλους, τις πεπτικές διαταραχές, τους ρευματισμούς κλπ. Σε εξωτερική χρήση βοηθά στην επούλωση τραυμάτων και εξάλειψη των μωλώπων. Στη Μινωική εποχή είχε τιμητική θέση αφού θεωρούνταν το πολυτιμότερο βότανο. Dittany From the characteristic plants of Crete and of the favourite herbs of the Cretans ,who use it to combat colds, flu, headaches, to digestive disorders, rheumatism, etc. In out door use helps in healing wounds and removing bruises. In Minoan times was consideredan honorary position as the most valuable herb. Δυόσμος Στον δυόσμο αποδίδονται πολλές ευεργετικές ιδιότητες, όπως καταπολέμηση των πόνων του στομάχου, της ναυτίας, του λόξυγκα και υποβοήθηση στην πέψη. Επίσης προσφέρει πολλά κατά της νευρώσεων και τις διάφορες εκδηλώσεις της: αϋπνίες, σπασμοί, τρεμούλες, ημικρανίες, ταχυπαλμίες. Στη μαγειρική χρησιμοποιείται αρκετά ως μυρωδικό σε κεφτέδες, σκαλτσούνια, μυζηθρόπιτες, σάλτσες κλπ. Mint The mint attributed many beneficial properties, such as fightings to mach pains, nausea, hiccups, and assist in digestion. It also offers many of the neuroses and in the various events: insomnia, convulsions, tremors, headaches, palpitations. Used in cooking as a flavour in ginmany meatballs, skallitsounia, cheese pies, sauces, etc. Πράσο Ο Ιπποκράτης ήταν ο πρώτος που ανακάλυψε τις πολυάριθμες ευεργετικές ιδιότητες του φυτού αυτού. Σήμερα το πράσο είναι γνωστό διουρητικό, χρησιμοποιείται κατά του πρηξίματος ποδιών και χεριών και της κυτταρίτιδας. Πολύτιμο κατά της κατακράτησης υγρών της κόπωσης και της ατονίας. Το πράσο μπορεί να μαγειρευτεί με διάφορους τρόπους. Επίσης προστίθεται με άλλα χορταρικά στις χορτόπιτες. Leek Hippocrates was the first to discover the numerous beneficial properties of this plant. Today the leek is known diuretic, used in the feet and hands swelling and cellulites. Valuable as fluid retention, the fatigue and debility. The leeks can be cooked in various ways. Also use it with other greens vegetables in pies. Θυμάρι Εξαιρετικό φυτό και από τα καλύτερα αντισηπτικά και τονωτικά βότανα. Το εκχύλισμά του μπορεί να προλάβει το κρύωμα, ρίχνει τον πυρετό, καταπολεμά τη γρίπη, τις εντερικές διαταραχές και δερματικές λοιμώξεις. Αντισπασμωδικό των πεπτικών οδών, διευκολύνει την πέψη, ηρεμεί τις νευρικές συσπάσεις του στομάχου και του εντέρου. Δεν συνιστάται η χρήση του από υπερτασικούς γιατί ανεβάζει την αρτηριακή πίεση. Στην μαγειρική θεωρείται από τα καλύτερα μυρωδικά για το ψητό κρέας. Thyme Excellent plant and the best antiseptic and tonic herbs. The extract can prevent colds, fever sheds, fighting the flu, intestinal disorders and skin infections. Antispasmodic the digestive tract, facilitates digestion, calms the nervous twitching of the stomach and intestine. Not recommended because hypertensive by raising blood pressure. The cooking is considered one of the best herbs for grilled meat. Μαϊντανός Από τα πιο αγαπημένα για την κουζίνα μας αρωματικά φυτά, γνωστό από την αρχαιότητα οπότε και χρησιμοποιούνταν σαν καρύκευμα και σαν φάρμακο. Ισχυρό διουρητικό, πολύτιμο σε περιπτώσεις κατακράτησης υγρών, πρηξίματος ποδιών και χεριών. Χρήσιμος κατά της κυτταρίτιδας. Φυτό, εξαιρετικό ως τονωτικό και αντιφλεγμονώδες. Τα φύλλα οι μίσχοι και η ρίζα, σε πολτοποιημένη κατάσταση και σε τοπική χρήση καταπραΰνουν τον πόνο και τη φαγούρα από τσιμπήματα εντόμων. Έχει τη φήμη ότι δίνει πιο φωτεινό δέρμα και εξαλείφει τους σκούρους λεκέδες του δέρματος. Parsley One of the most favourite for our kitchen herbs, known since antiquity when it was used as a spice and as medicine. Strong diuretic, valuable in cases of fluid retention, swelling feet and hands. Useful against cellulite. Plant, excellent as a tonic and anti-inflammatory. The leafstalks and the root, crushed instate and local use to relieve pain and itcling from insect bites. He has a reputation for giving more luminous skin and eliminates darks pots in the skin. Ρίγανη Η ρίγανη διευκολύνει την πέψη και καταπολεμά τη δυσκοιλιότητα. Καλό δυναμωτικό και φίλος για τους πνεύμονες βοηθά στις χρόνιες βρογχίτιδες. Έχει διεγερτικές ιδιότητες και βοηθά άτομα που υποφέρουν από κόπωση. Εξαιρετικό μυρωδικό χρησιμοποιείται σε πολλές σάλτσες και σαλάτες – ιδίως στη χωριάτικη-. Αρωματίζει ευχάριστα κρέατα, ψάρια, τηγανητές πατάτες, φέτα. Oregano Oregano facilitates digestion and combats constipation. Good friend and tonic for the lungs in chronic bronchitis helps. It has stimulant properties and helps people suffering from fatigue. Excellent herb used in many sauces and saladsespecially in rustic-. Gives pleasant smell to a lot of meals, as meat, fish, fried potatoes, and slice. Σέλινο Στην αρχαιότητα σαν στεφάνι αντάμειβε τους νικητές της Νεμέας. Το σέλινο είναι πολύτιμο στις δίαιτες αδυνατίσματος. Ευεργετικό στο συκώτι, νεφρά και καρδιά. Μπορούμε να το καταναλώνουμε καθημερινά υπό μορφή αφεψήματος. Η φήμη του είναι μεγάλη ως άριστο αφροδισιακό. Χρησιμοποιούμενο στη μαγειρική ανοίγει την όρεξη και προσδίδει ευχάριστη γεύση στα ψάρια, σούπες, φρικασέ. Celery In ancient times as a crown rewards the winners of Nemea. Celery is valuable in slimming diets. Beneficial to the liver, kidneys and heart. Can we consume daily in the form of decoction. His fame is great as an excellent aphrodisiac. Used in cooking to whet the appetite and gives a pleasant flavour to fish, soup, fricassees. Μέντα Υπάρχουν πάρα πολλές ποικιλίες. Περιέχει μια δροσιστική ουσία, τη μενθόλη. Είναι εξαιρετικά αντισηπτική, καταπολεμά το συνάχι τη γρίπη και τον πονόλαιμο. Είναι επίσης χωνευτική, ηρεμιστική σε μικρή δόση και αφροδισιακή σε μεγάλες δόσεις. Τα αιθέρια έλαια από από αυτά τα φυτά έχουν εξαιρετική αξία στον αρωματισμό αρκετών προϊόντων (οδοντόπαστες, τσίχλες κ.λπ.) Mint There are too many varieties. Contains a cooling substance, menthol. It is highly antiseptic, fights cold flu and sore throats. It is also digestive, sedative and a small dose of aphrodisiac in large doses. Essential oils of these plants have great value to the flavour of several products (toothpaste, chewing gum, etc.) Σκόρδο Ο βολβός του σκόρδου αποτελείται από σκελίδες και περιέχει αιθέριο έλαιο με έντονη οσμή και καυτερή γεύση. Χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως σε όλη τη μεσογειακή μαγειρική και γαστρονομία. Αντισηπτικό, καταπολεμά τις μολύνσεις και τα παράσιτα των εντέρων. Ορεκτικό, βοηθά στη χώνεψη και στη δυσκοιλιότητα. Ευεργετικό στη μείωση της αρτηριακής πίεσης και της χοληστερίνης. Σε εξωτερική χρήση, καταπραΰνει τις φλεγμονές των αρθρώσεων και τους ρευματισμούς. Garlic The bulb of garlic cloves consists of and contains essential oil with strong odorant and pungent taste. It is widely used through out the Mediterranean cooking and gastronomy. Antiseptic, fights infections and intestinal parasites. Appetizer helps in digestion and constipation. Beneficial in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. In out door use, soothes the Inflammation of joints and rheumatism. Ταραξάκο Πικρόχορτο, το οποίο διεγείρει της εκκρίσεις της χολής, τονώνει τη λειτουργία του ήπατος και καταπολεμά τη δυσκοιλιότητα το ζαχαροδιαβήτη και τη χοληστερίνη. Διουρητικό, καταπολεμά την κατακράτηση υγρών, τις πέτρες στα νεφρά και την ουροδόχο κύστη. Θεωρείται εξαιρετικό για την πρόληψη και ήπια αντιμετώπιση των ρευματισμών και της κόπωσης του οργανισμού. Στη γαστρονομία χρησιμοποιείται ως σαλάτα ωμό ή βρασμένο, με λίγο λεμόνι και ελαιόλαδο. Taraxako Bitter herbs, which stimulates the secretion of bile, stimulates liver function and combats constipation in diabetes and cholesterol. Diuretic, fight fluid retention, kidney stones and bladder. Considered excellent for the prevention and treatment of mild rheumatism and fatigue the body. In the gastronomy is used as salad raw or boiled with a little lemon and olive oil. Τσουκνίδα Γνωστό σε όλους μας - κυρίως λόγω της φαγούρας που μας προκαλεί το δηλητήριό της - φυτό των αγρών και των εγκαταλειμμένων κήπων. Όμως αυτό το ανεπιθύμητο χόρτο είναι στην ουσία από τα πολυτιμότερα στον άνθρωπο, γνωστό από την αρχαιότητα. Το αφέψημα από φύλα τσουκνίδας συνίσταται ως διουρητικό και καθαρτικό. Πολύ αναζωογονητική, διαθέτει ιδιότητες κατά της κόπωσης και του άγχους. Το κατάπλασμα από πολτοποιημένα φύλλα τσουκνίδας χρησιμοποιείται για τη θεραπεία των τραυμάτων. Nettle known to us all- mainly because of the it pinching at causes us the venom-the plant of abandoned fields and gardens. But this unwanted grass is actually the most valuable to man, known since antiquity. The decoction of its leaves is diuretic and laxative. Very refreshing, possesses properties against fatigue and stress. The poultice of pureed nettle leaves used to treat wounds Φασκόμηλο Το φασκόμηλο είναι εξαίρετο τονωτικό, καταπολεμά την κούραση, βοηθά άτομα που βρίσκονται σε ανάρρωση και διευκολύνει την πέψη. Συνιστάται σε άτομα που υποφέρουν από υψηλή εφίδρωση. Ισορροπεί ήπια τον οργανισμό των γυναικών που πάσχουν από σπάνια έμμηνα ή πρόωρη εμμηνόπαυση. (θα πρέπει να αποφεύγεται σε συχνή χρήση από γυναίκες που εκκρίνουν πολλά οιστρογόνα). Στη γαστρονομία πολλοί το χρησιμοποιούν ως συνοδευτικό λαχανικών και λευκών κρεάτων. Sage The sage is an excellent tonic, fights fatigue, helps people in recovery and helps digestion. Recommended for people who suffer from high perspiration. Gently balances the body of women who suffer from rare menses and early menopause.(should be avoided in frequent use by many women who secrete estrogens).In gastronomy, many use it as an accompaniment to white meats and vegetables. Χαμόμηλο Ένα φλιτζάνι χαμομηλιού πριν το γεύμα ανοίγει την όρεξη. Βοηθά στον ύπνο και ηρεμεί τους πονοκεφάλους, τους πόνους των δοντιών και τις νευρώσεις. Καταπολεμά το συνάχι. Το εκχύλισμα του χαμομηλιού κάνει μια τέλεια λοσιόν για τον καθαρισμό του προσώπου και του ευαίσθητου δέρματος των βρεφών, ενώ δίνει ζωηρές ανταύγειες στα ξανθά μαλλιά. Επίσης οφθαλμόλουτρα χαμομήλιoυ καταπραΰνουν τις φλεγμονές των βλεφάρων. Camomile A cup of chamomile before a meal to whet the appetite. It helps to sleep and calms headaches, aching teeth and ribs. Fights colds. The extract of chamomile makes a perfect lotion for facial cleansing and the sensitive skin of babies ,and gives vivid highlights in blond hair. Also compresses with chamomile, soothes the inflammation of the eyelids. Ενδεικτικές χρήσεις βοτάνων και αρωματικών φυτών Αλόη βέρα: για έκζεμα, ζάχαρο, δυνάμωμα μαλλιών. Αρχαγγελική: τονωτική αναιμία, βαρυστόμαχη, συκώτι, εντερίτιδα, ρευματισμούς, αρθριτικά. Αγριάδα: πέτρες νεφρών, προστάτη, χολή, πολύ διουρητική. Άγριο τριαντάφυλλο: χοληστερίνη, ζάχαρο, άμυνα οργανισμού, περιέχει βιταμίνη C. Αγριμόνιο: ζαχαροδιαβήτη, φαρυγγίτιδα, πόνοι λαιμού, διάρροια. Αλεξανδρινά φύλλα: δυσκοιλιότητα. Αλθαία: μαλακτική, λαρυγγίτιδα, βήχα, φαρυγγίτιδα. Αχιλλέα: Αιμορροΐδες, κιρσούς, γρίπη, άσθμα, λιποδιάλυση, κυτταρίτιδα. Αψιθιά: ζάχαρο, διαταραχές έμμηνων, χωνευτική, εμετούς. Βασιλικός: για καλή μνήμη, πονοκεφάλους, στομαχόπονους. Βαλεριάνα: ηρεμιστική, νεύρα, αϋπνίες, υστερία. Βάτος: ζαχαροδιαβήτη, διάρροια, πέτρες στα νεφρά, αρθριτικά, ρευματισμούς. Γλυκάνισο: κολικούς, αεροφαγία, χώνεψη, λιποδιάλυση, κοιλόπονους. Γλυκόριζα: αντιφλεγμονώδης, βήχα, κρυολόγημα, άσθμα, γαστρικά έλκη. Δάφνη: διαλύει τα άλατα του σώματος, για πυρετό. Δενδρολίβανο: Ελιξίριο νεότητας, τριχόπτωση, πιτυρίδα, καρδιά, συκώτι. Δίκταμο Κρήτης: παθήσεις στομάχου αφροδισιακό, τονωτικό, ζάχαρο. Ευκάλυπτος: βήχα, άσθμα, καλή λειτουργία αναπνευστικού, βακτηριοκτόνο. Θυμάρι: Συκώτι, τονωτικό, χωνευτικό, στομάχι, καρδιά, ρευματισμούς. Καλαμπόκι (φούντα): πέτρες νεφρών, κύστη χολής, ουρικό οξύ, προστάτη. Καλέντουλα: κατά εκζέματος και ακμής. Κάρδαμο/κακουλέ: αφαιρεί φακίδες και πανάδες, καρδιοτονωτικό, περιέχει βιταμίνη C. Κύμινο: αεροφαγία, ορχίτιδα, χιονίστρες, δυσπεψία. Κυπαρισσάκι: προστάτη, κυστίτιδα, πέτρες νεφρών, ζάχαρο, διουρητικό. Λεβάντα: γενικό παυσίπονο, καρδιά, πονοκέφαλο, ιλίγγους, αϋπνία, σκόρο. Λιναρόσπορος: βήχα, δυσκοιλιότητα, αιμορροΐδες, πέτρες χολής. Λουΐζα: αδυνάτισμα, αέρια εντέρου, δυσκοιλιότητα, τυμπανισμούς, καλή διάθεση. Λυκίσκος: ζάχαρο, χοληστερίνη, ηρεμιστικό, αφροδισιακό. Μάραθο: πέτρες νεφρών, αδυνάτισμα, λιποδιαλυτής. Μαντζουράνα: στομαχόπονους, αέρια, αϋπνίες, κοιλόπονο. Μαστίχα Χίου: ζάχαρο, χοληστερίνη, διουρητική, χρησιμοποιείται στη ζαχαροπλαστική. Μελισσόχορτο: ηρεμιστικό, αϋπνίες, διαλύει ουρικό οξύ, ταχυκαρδίες, υπέρταση. Μέντα: Στομαχικές διαταραχές, γρίπη, ξηρόβηχα. Μολόχα: μαλακτική για το λαιμό, βήχα, λαρυγγίτιδα, φαρυγγίτιδα, γαστρίτιδα, άσθμα. Πράσινο τσάι Κίνας: χοληστερίνη, τριγλυκερίδια, συκώτι, χολή, καρκίνο στομάχου. Πικρόξυλο: ζάχαρο, χοληστερίνη. Πασιφλώρα: ηρεμιστική, αϋπνίες, στρες, νεύρα. Πιπερόριζα: τονωτική, αφροδισιακή. Πολυκόμπι: πέτρες νεφρών, προστάτη, κύστη, ζάχαρο, αιμορροΐδες, σκώληκες εντέρου. Πολυτρίχι: βρογχίτιδες, τραχειίτιδες, κρυολόγημα, φλεγμονές ουρικών οδών, άσθμα. Σαπουνόχορτο: καθαρτικό, έκζεμα, δερματίτιδα, νεφρά. Σαλέπι: πονόλαιμο, γρίπη. Σιναμική: δυσκοιλιότητα. Σινάπι: βρογχίτιδα, ρευματισμούς, πλευρίτιδα, νευραλγίες, καρδιά. Σπαθόχορτο: στομαχόπονους, ρευματισμούς, πληγές και κρεατοελιές (λάδι με σπαθόχορτο). Σαμπούκο: γρίπη, φαρυγγίτιδα, κρυολόγημα, βρογχικά, αλλεργικό άσθμα, βήχα. Σκορπιδόχορτο: πέτρες νεφρών, προστάτη, κυστίτιδα. Τανατσέτο: παράσιτα, χαλαρώνει αιμοφόρα αγγεία, ανακουφίζει πόνους περιόδου. Ταραξάκο: ίκτερο, ρευματισμούς, αιμορροΐδες, ζαχαροδιαβήτη. Τσάι βουνού: θερμαντικό, γρίπη, βήχα, ηρεμιστικό, αϋπνίες, αναιμία. Τσουκνίδα: αιμοκαθαρτικό, συκώτι, πέτρες νεφρών, διαλύει ουρικό οξύ, αφροδισιακό, περιέχει βιταμίνες A, B, C και μέταλλα. Ύσσωπος: ζάχαρο, άσθμα, χοληστερίνη, βρογχικά, υπέρταση. Φασκόμηλο: ζάχαρο, υπόταση, αναιμία, δυναμωτικό, στομάχι, μυϊκούς πόνους, γρίπη. Χαμομήλι: Ηρεμιστικό, αϋπνίες, χωνευτικό, διουρητικό, ρευματισμούς. Αρωματικά φυτά και βότανα Αγνά αρωματικά φυτά και βότανα, συλλεγμένα από την φύση ή καλλιεργημένα βιολογικά, επεξεργασμένα και συσκευασμένα. Βάλτε τη φύση στην κουζίνα και στο φαρμακείο σας. ΑΓΡΙΑΔΑ ΑΧΙΛΛΕΑ ΔΑΦΝΟΦΥΛΛΑ ΔΕΝΤΡΟΛΙΒΑΝΟ ΚΑΛΕΝΤΟΥΛΑ ΛΕΒΑΝΤΑ ΜΑΡΑΘΟΣ ΜΕΝΤΑ ΡΙΓΑΝΗ ΤΡΙΜΜΕΝΗ ΠΙΕΡΙΩΝ ΡΙΓΑΝΗ ΠΙΕΡΙΩΝ ΣΕ ΜΑΤΣΑΚΙ ΣΠΑΘΟΧΟΡΤΟ (ΒΑΛΣΑΜΟΧΟΡΤΟ) ΤΣΑΙ ΒΟΥΝΟΥ ΚΟΜΜΕΝΟ ΤΣΑΙ ΒΟΥΝΟΥ ΣΥΣΚΕΥΑΣΜΕΝΟ ΤΣΟΥΚΝΙΔΑ ΦΑΣΚΟΜΗΛΟ ΦΛΑΜΟΥΡΙ ΑΝΘΟΣ (ΤΙΛΙΟ) ΦΛΑΜΟΥΡΙ ΦΥΛΛΟ (ΤΙΛΙΟ) ΧΑΜΟΜΗΛΙ Typical uses of herbs and aromatic plants Aloe Vera: for eczema, sugar, turning hair. Archangelic: tonic anemia efstomachi, liver, enteritis, rheumatism, arthritis. Bermuda grass: kidney stones, prostate, bile, very diuretic. Wild Rose: cholesterol, sugar, defence agency, contains vitamin C. Agrimonio: diabetes, sore throat, neck aches, diarrhea. Alexandrian sheets: constipation. Althea: emollient, laryngitis, cough, sore throat. Achilles: haemorrhoids, varicose veins, influenza, asthma, fat burning, cellulite. Wormwood: sugar, menstrual disorders, digestive, vomiting. Basil: for good memory, head paint, stomachaches. Valerian: sedative, nerves, insomnia, hysteria. Bush: diabetes, diarrhea, kidney stones, arthritis, rheumatism. Anise: colic, aerophagy, digestion, fat burning, abdominal pains. Licorice: anti-inflammatory, cough, colds, asthma, gastric ulcers. Daphne: dissolve the salts in the body for fever. Rosemary: elixir of youth, hair loss, dandruff, heart, liver. Dittany of Crete: stomachopathiseis, aphrodisiac, tonic, sugar. Eucalyptus: cough, asthma, respiratory functioning, bactericidal. Echinacea: defence organization, immune stimulant, anti-allergy. Thyme: Liver, Tonic, stomach, heart, rheumatism. Corn (tassel): kidney stones, gall bladder, uric acid and prostate. Calendula: emminagogiki in eczema and acne. Cress / Kakouli: removes freckles and blemishes, cardio, contains vitamin C. Cumin: aerophagy, chilblains, indigestion. Cypress: prostate, cystitis, kidney stones, sugar, diuretic. Lavender: a general painkiller, heart, headache, dizziness, insomnia, moth. Linseed: cough, constipation, hemorrhoids, gall stones. Louisa: weight loss, intestinal gas, constipation, bloating, good mood. Hops: sugar, cholesterol, sedative, Fennel: kidney stones, weight loss, fat soluble. Marjoram: stomachaches, gas, insomnia, abdominal pains. Chios Mastic: sugar, cholesterol, diuretic, used in confectionery. Melissa: sedative, insomnia, dissolves uric acid, tachycardia, hypertension. Mint: upset stomach, flu, xirovicha. Mallow: softening for the throat, cough, laryngitis, pharyngitis, gastritis, asthma. China Green Tea: cholesterol, triglycerides, liver, bile, stomach cancer. Pikroxylo: sugar, cholesterol. Pasiflora: sedative, insomnia, stress, nerves. Ginger: tonic, aphrodisiac. Polykompi: kidney stones, prostate, bladder, sugar, hemorrhoids, intestinal skolikes. Maidenhair: bronchitis, tracheitis, colds, urinary inflammation pathways, asthma. Sapounochorto: bile, laxative, eczema, dermatitis, kidney. Salepi: sore throat, flu. Sinamiki: constipation. Mustard: bronchitis, rheumatism, pleurisy, neuralgia, heart. Sedge: stomachaches, rheumatism, sores and warts (oil sedge). Elder: flu, sore throat, colds, bronchitis, allergic asthma, cough. Skorpidochorto: kidney stones, prostate, cystitis. Tanatseto: parasites, relaxes blood vessels, relieve period pain. Taraxako: jaundice, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, diabetes. Tea Mountain: heating, flu, cough, sedative, insomnia, anemia. Nettle: aimokathartiko, liver, kidney stones, uric acid dissolves, aphrodisiac, contains vitamins A, B, C and minerals. Hyssop: sugar, asthma, cholesterol, bronchitis, hypertension. Sage: sugar, hypotension, anemia, tonic, stomach, muscle aches, flu. Chamomile: Calming, digestive, diuretic, rheumatism. Ηerbs in kitchen Recipe: lavender sugar If you think the lavender is used only to reject the moth from the closet you're mistaken. The gourmet gardeners know that the flowers of lavender can lead in their kitchen! Prepared it make a mixed of lavender sugar in a glass jar lavender flowers 1 part, 10 parts granulated sugar. Leave for 2 weeks and then sprinkle with this at flavored fruit tarts, jam and donuts! The lavender is combined with a delicious creamy cheese(mascarpone, ricotta, etc.), rosemary, lamb, chicken, duck, dried fruit, honey, dairy products (cream) and nuts(walnuts) .You just have to experiment! Cooking with herbs for extra taste An important part of traditional Greek cooking. They typically have special smell, is very rich in active ingredients, including essential oils with antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiinflammatory and anti-aging properties! The reason for herbs and spices, of course! Culinary herbs from the foliage of the plant and most often used fresh. By contrast, spices are usually derived from the seeds, roots or fruit of the plant and are usually dried. Herbs and spices are not considered vegetables, since both are used in very small quantities, the other can not serve themselves food. ANITHOS: Potatoes a ... worship. Fits with boiled or mashed potatoes. Added to pickles, salads, cooked vegetables, peas, beans, pies and "white" fish. When cooking, add in the end, because cooking destroys. Try to freeze either whole or chopped in airtight glass containers. BASIL: Not just for "pesto." Fresh, frozen or dried, used with summer vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant), fish, omelet’s, sauces, pizza toppings (eg beans or potato salad) and in confectionery (ice cream, sorbet). Mix it with olive oil as a condiment for pasta, rice and salads. It is the most important ingredient of the famous sauce "pesto." Cloves (moschokarfi): And the sweet smells delicious! The dried buds of the plant as a spice used primarily in sweets, apple pies, cookies and cakes.But fits with the cooked meat to the pot, in sauces and marinades. ANISEED: Another taste of the bread. The seeds used in breads, cookies, mixes for cakes made minced meat and dried fruit. Daphne: Try the sauce. The leaves (preferably whole) are added mainly in soups, legumes (eg lentils), sauces of all kinds (but especially tomato and bechamel sauce), meat, stew, fish as well as in tea. ROSEMARY: And the stew! It has a very strong flavor. Use dried soups, roasts, stew, classic recipes with meat, various fish, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, sauces based on milk, bread, and drink while being. Dittany: Something Cretans know! It is mainly used as a soothing drink and a Cretan recipes, usually with other herbs, especially oregano and rosemary. SPEARMINT: Everything you need for soups. Fits in soups with pasta or rice, cream based potato, steamed vegetable, eggs and salads. The fresh cut just be used without rub or melt. THYME: The best marinades. Fresh or dried, flavoring meats (especially lamb), grilled tomatoes, eggs, soups, vegetables, legumes and fish. Because the smell late lunch, placed early in the cooking or going into marinades. CILANDRO (coriander): Another flavor to stuffed! It has been quite heavy perfume. Used as a garnish or to flavor enhancer stuffed, sauces, vegetables, cereals, etc. The seeds of the tea made. KROKOS Kozani: And the rice was successful. You need a minimum amount of the stigmata! It gives a special color on all food (risotto, pilaf, poultry, seafood, fish, etc.). Before you add the first dissolve in warm water or wine. You can also dissolve in a glass of milk, leave in refrigerator overnight and drink the next day. MAINTANOS (parsley): So ... everywhere! Use chopped or as a garnish or to enhance the flavor to stuffed tomatoes, tomato sauces, vegetables, chorto crèmes, legumes, pasta and rice. MARJORAM: Τry it in sauces? Used leaves, fresh or dried. In olive oil or vinaigrette enhances the flavor. Used in tomato sauces, pies and grilled poultry. MARATHOS: Greeks loves it! Ideal for marinades, pickles and spice mixtures. Performed in Cretan nuts and cooked in Macedonia. The chopped fresh leaves are excellent in salads and match with fish and rice recipes. The fennel is known as "fennel." MINT: For meatballs unique. Add in a stuffed meatballs, salad, fruit and drinks. And, of course, is an excellent drink with digestive properties. OREGANO "Married" with tomato and olive oil. Use either dried (mostly) or fresh (the Greek variety is native and has white flowers). It gives wonderful flavor to any meat, fish, omelet’s, eggplant and tomato and includes any oil, such as salad and all the other red foods. You can also add dried oregano sprigs in glass bottles or jars with olive oil and use in salads. CELERY: Perfect in white soups. Use the leaves and stems, mainly in white soups, soups with legumes and vegetable salads. GARLIC: Not only in tzatziki. Especially suited to tomato sauces and meats made tzatziki and skordalia. By cooking the taste becomes milder TARRAGON (estragon): Ideal for psaronostimies. It has a sweet anise flavor. It goes with fish, poultry, ham and egg dishes. SAGE: For cheese crockets. Besides the manufacture of the famous drink, the leaves can be added to roast turkey, pork and cheese recipes. When dried, it can be mixed with olive oil and blend to be added to pasta, boiled or fried vegetables, meats and fish. The nature of Greek herbs have antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. How will we preserve them? The spices should be consumed in very small quantities. Also, be protected from heat and light, not exposed to air and are fresh, freshly ground if possible. Otherwise they lose in intensity and aroma, while some are made when old, toxic! Uncontrolled, long-term consumption of herbs or spices, especially for people with epilepsy or pregnant women, can produce adverse effects on health and serious side effects. Remember: Dried spices and herbs are kept up to one year, provided the proper storage. Fresh herbs in cooking A simple and nice way to give aroma and flavor to cooking is to add a few fresh herbs. It's amazing transformation of flavors in dishes that are fresh herbs. Although you can find on the market, and the popular in supermarkets all year round, is just as easy to have them in small pots on your balcony or in your yard. They do not want special care, basic sun and water and have it available at all times. Each herb course match different materials and, although we have some flavors blend together dare to experiment with various cooking and fresh herbs to find the flavors you like. Some basic things about using herbs in cooking. * Put them at the end of cooking so as not to destroy the flavor and aroma. * If using dried, put the corresponding half have since dried stronger aroma. * The best way to spend their flavor in cooking is to leave them within several days or oil to mix with chopped butter. A few drops of scented oil or one tablespoon of the flavored butter elevate the flavor in cooked vegetables - especially potatoes, but also grilled meat or fish. * Even in sweets, beverages, soft drinks and in herbal teas, fresh herbs always give fresh flavor. Herbs - taste combinations * Basil: Tomatoes (salad or sauces), white cheese, chicken. * Coriander: All spicy dishes, seafood, chicken, zucchini. * Marjoram: meat, potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini. * Tarragon: Seafood, chicken, eggs, cream. * Mint: Potatoes, beans, peas, lamb, seafood, beets, salad with tomato or cucumber, white cheese (mainly halloumi). * Thyme: In gravies, sauces, grilled meat or fish, potatoes. * Oregano: meat, potatoes, chicken, salad with white wine. * Melissa: seafood, fruits, sweet sauces for ice cream. * Louisa: pork, fish, celery, celery root. * Sage: Pork sausage, chicken, pumpkin. * Rosemary: seafood (especially mussels), fish, lamb, chicken, potatoes. Scented oil for more flavor in dishes. The aromatic oils are great way to keep the flavor and aroma of fresh herbs. First of all, you need good quality olive oil and fresh herbs of course. Rinse the herbs and allow to dry thoroughly on a towel or absorbent paper. Put 2handfuls of roughly half a liter of olive oil and 2 weeks leave in a shady and cool place. Then drain the oil and transfer to a clean dry bottle. The aromatic oil is ready for use. Some ideas: 1. You can make vinaigrette dressing or any salad, replacing the simple recipe of olive oil with aromatic oil. 2. Also you can cook meat, fish or vegetables in a little scented oil to pass the taste of herb sin cooking. 3. Very nice idea is to pour boiled potatoes (both are hot) or grilled fish or chicken. 4. Try to even baked cheese (goat, feta or halloumi) or slices of grilled bread. Ideas for mixtures of herbs for aromatic oils: •Basil, lemon zest, chili pepper •Rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage •Dill, lemon zest, garlic •Fresh cilantro, lime zest, chili pepper •Marjoram, thyme, oregano HERBS List of aromatic plants and herbs Put nature to the kitchen to your pharmacy Pure aromatic plants and herbs, collected from nature or cultured biological for our kitchen or our pharmacy. POLAND Babka lancetowata Babka lancetowata występuje w zmiennym środowisku. Roślina mało absorbująca, rosnąca na stanowiskach słonecznych do półcienistych. Babka lancetowata, podobnie jak babka zwyczajna znana jest ze swoich właściwości leczniczych. Ziele pełne jest substancji bioaktywnych, które pozytywnie wpływają na organizm człowieka. Jako surowiec wykorzystuje się liście (Folium Plantaginis lanceolatae), które zawierają flawonoidy, glikozyd aukubinę kwasy organiczne ( waniliowy, cynamonowy), śluzy, pektyny, garbniki, sole mineralne, cynk, potas, krzem, żelazo. Babka lancetowata wykazuje działanie przeciwzapalne, wykrztuśne, ściągające, bakteriostatyczne. Ziele babki lancetowatej wykorzystuje się głównie przy kaszlu, podrażnieniach jamy ustnej, nieżytach górnych dróg oddechowych. Plantago lanceolata pomaga przy nieżytach układu pokarmowego, wykazuje działanie antybiegunkowe, bakteriobójcze, osłonowe. Stosowana w przypadku uszkodzenia błony śluzowej, chorobie wrzodowej żołądka, dwunastnicy. Plantain performs on different surfaces. Plant not very absorbing, growing in full sun to partial shade. Plantain, like the plantain is known for its healing properties. Herb is full of bioactive substances that have a positive impact on the human body. Uses leaves (Plantaginis lanceolatae Folium) as a material which contain flavonoids, glycosides aukubinę organic acids (such as vanilla, cinnamon), mucilages, pectins, tannins, mineral salts, zinc, potassium, silicon, iron. Plantain has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, astringent, bacteriostatic. Plantain herb is mainly used for cough, mouth infections, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract. Plantago lanceolata helps with catarrh of the digestive system, has been shown to antydiarrhea, bactericidal, shielding. Applied to mucosal damage, ulcer, duodenum. Babka zwyczajna Babka zwyczajna to roślina nieuprawna jest bowiem bardzo rozpowszechnionym zielem i rośnie niemal wszędzie. Spotkać ją można zarówno na polnych ścieżkach, dzikich łąkach, leśnych polanach, przy drogach jak i w naszych ogrodach. Plantain is one of the most popular herb found in Poland. it is a widely used herb and grows almost everywhere. To meet her you can both wild paths, wild meadows, forest clearings, along the roads and in our gardens. Jest dość ekspansywnym ziołem i łatwo rozmnaża się z nasion. Liście babki zwyczajnej zawierają szereg witamin (A, K, C), flawonoidy, substancje śluzowate, kwasy organiczne (np. cytrynowy, cynamonowy), garbniki i sole mineralne (np. magnez, cynk, potas, krzem). Mają silne właściwości przeciwzapalne, powlekające i wykrztuśne. Kiedyś babka często była stosowana w postaci okładów na trudno gojące się rany oraz ukąszenia owadów. Również dzisiaj powoli wraca się do takiego jej zastosowania. Napary z suszu polecane są przy chorobach żołądkowych, zapaleniach jamy ustnej i gardła, kłopotach z drogami oddechowymi lub uporczywym kaszlu. Może być również pomocna przy oczyszczaniu organizmu z toksyn oraz podniesieniu ogólnej odporności na choroby, przede wszystkim wirusowe. It is quite expansive herb and easily propagated from seeds. Plantain leaves contain a number of vitamins (A, K, C), flavonoids, mucilaginous substances, organic acids (e.g. citric acid, cinnamic acid), tannins and mineral salts (e.g. magnesium, zinc, potassium, silicon). They have strong antiinflammatory properties, coating and expectorants. Once my grandmother was often used as a compress for hard to heal wounds and insect bites. Also today, slowly returning to such of its application. Infusions of dried are recommended in diseases of the stomach, inflammation of the mouth and throat, problems with the respiratory tract or persistent cough. It may also be helpful in the purification of toxins and increasing the overall resistance to disease, especially viral infections. Ogórecznik lekarski Bardzo ciekawa i oryginalna roślina, należąca do rodziny szorstkolistnych. Dorasta nawet do 70 cm wysokości. Kwiaty bardzo piękne niebieskie, fioletowe lub różowe z białym środkiem i czarnymi wydłużonymi pręcikami i słupkiem. Olejki tych roślina mają właściwości redukujące cholesterol. Stosowany jest do zmniejszania napięcia przedmiesiączkowego i bólów reumatycznych. Leczy egzemę. Nadmierna ilość zioła może prowadzić do zaburzenia pracy wątroby. Borage Very interesting and original plant, which belongs to the family of szorstkolistnych. It grows up to 70 cm in height. Flowers very beautiful blue, purple or pink with a white middle and black elongated stamens and a pistil. Oils of these plant have a cholesterolreducing properties. It is used to reduce PMS and rheumatic pains. Heals eczema. An excessive amount of herbs can lead to disorders of the liver. Czarny bez Czarny bez (Sambucus nigra) to właściwie niemal kultowa roślina lecznicza. Jej cenne właściwości wykorzystywano już w starożytności. W medycynie naturalnej znaczenie mają przede wszystkim owoce i kwiaty. W kwiatach stwierdzono obecność flawonoidów, olejków eterycznych, soli mineralnych, garbników, kwasów organicznych i związków napotnych. Natomiast w owocach dodatkowo Elder Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) is actually almost cult medicinal plant. Its valuable properties were used in ancient times. In natural medicine, the most important are fruits and flowers. The flowers revealed the presence of flavonoids, essential oils, minerals, tannins, organic acids and compounds napotnych. However, the fruit has been observed in addition zaobserwowano występowanie dużej ilości witamin (B, C), karotenoidów, antocyjanów i cukrów. Wszystkie te substancje działają bardzo skutecznie przy wszelkiego rodzaju kłopotach zdrowotnych. Suszone kwiaty w postaci herbatki mają właściwości napotne i przeciwgorączkowe, a wiec znakomicie sprawdzają się przy przeziębieniach i chorobach górnych dróg oddechowych. Wykazują też działanie moczopędne, przydatne przy kłopotach ze strony układu moczowego. Owoce mają podobne właściwości, ale dodatkowo działają odtruwająco, przeciwzapalnie i przeciwbólowo, a także oczyszczają organizm z toksyn i wpływają korzystnie na poprawę przemiany materii. Podczas infekcji stymulują aktywność układu odpornościowego, działają też silnie antywirusowo oraz nieco słabiej przeciwbakteryjnie. Zawartość dużej ilości antocyjanów, umożliwia wykorzystywanie ich również w profilaktyce antynowotworowej. Zewnętrznie stosuje się głównie wyciągi i napary z kwiatów, które działają przeciwzapalnie. Do celów leczniczych używa się też liści oraz kory czarnego bzu, chociaż ich znaczenie jest nieco mniejsze niż kwiatów i dojrzałych owoców. Znajduje również zastosowanie w kuchni. Dojrzałe owoce nadają się do przyrządzania dżemów, konfitur, powideł, soków, win. Intensywny kolor przegotowanego soku umożliwia wykorzystanie go jako naturalnego barwnika. the presence of large amounts of vitamins (B, C), carotenoids, anthocyanins and sugars. All of these work very effectively with all kinds of health problems. Dried flowers in the form of teas are diaphoretic and antipyretic properties, and thus perfectly suited for colds and upper respiratory tract diseases. They show also a diuretic, useful for problems with the urinary system. Fruits have similar properties, but also act as detoxication, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and cleanse the body of toxins and have a positive effect on metabolism. During infection stimulates the immune system, there are also strong antiviral and antibacterial slightly weaker. The content of a large amount of anthocyanin also enables their use in anti-cancer prevention. Externally applied mainly extracts and infusions of flowers, which are antiinflammatory. For medicinal purposes is also used leaves and bark of elderberry, though their importance is slightly smaller than the flowers and ripe fruit. Elder is also used in the kitchen. Ripe fruits are perfect for making jams, preserves, jam, juice or wines. The intense colour of boiled juice allows you to use it as a natural dye. Czosnek niedźwiedzi Czosnek niedźwiedzi (Allium ursinum) to gatunek rośliny z podrodziny czosnkowych, powszechnie występujący na naturalnych stanowiskach leśnych w całym kraju. Do celów leczniczych i kulinarnych wykorzystywane są jednak nie tyle główki, co młode liście czosnku niedźwiedziego i to zbierane wczesną wiosną. Wtedy są bowiem najdelikatniejsze i zawierają najwięcej cennych substancji odżywczych. W młodych liściach można znaleźć ogromne ilości witaminy C, a także wit. A i E, olejki eteryczne, sallicynę, flawonoidy, aminokwasy, siarkę, selen, mangan, żelazo i wiele innych Ramsons (Allium ursinum) is a plant species in the subfamily garlic, commonly found in natural forest stands across the whole country. For the purposes of medicinal and culinary uses but not the head, which the young leaves and bear's garlic is harvested in early spring. Then there are for the most delicate and contain many valuable nutrients. The young leaves can be found large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin. A and E, essential oils, sallicynę, flavonoids, amino acids, sulfur, selenium, manganese, iron, and many mikro oraz makroelementów. Z tego powodu ma podobne działanie prozdrowotne co znany nam czosnek, a więc działa bakteriobójczo, przeciwgrzybiczno, obniża ciśnienie krwi i poziom „złego cholesterolu”, wspomaga trawienie, przeciwdziała miażdżycy i jest polecany przy chorobach górnych dróg oddechowych. other micro-and macronutrients. For this reason is similar health benefits as garlic known to us, and so has antibacterial, przeciwgrzybiczno, lowers blood pressure and levels of "bad" cholesterol, aids digestion, prevents atherosclerosis and is recommended in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Dzika róża - Rosa canina Róża dzika zaliczana jest do roślin różowatych Rosaceae, charakteryzujących się pięknymi kwiatostanami. Spotykamy ją przy drogach jako element krajobrazu. Surowcem leczniczym dzikiej róży są owoce. Bogactwo witaminowe sprawia, że owoce dzikiej róży są doskonałym surowcem wzmacniającym. Tak duża zawartość witaminy C, powoduje, że kilka owoców wystarczy do zaspokojenia dziennego zapotrzebowania organizmu na witaminę C. Warto zaznaczyć, że witamina C w takiej formie jest lepiej przyswajalna, w przeciwieństwie do witaminy C w formie syntetycznej. Przetworzone owoce dzikiej róży dobroczynnie wpływają na wątrobę, procesy trawienne, serce, przyspieszają gojenie ran oraz poprawiają wygląd skóry, działają lekko moczopędnie oraz żółciopędnie. W kuchni owocnie mogą być wykorzystane do produkcji wina, nadają się także do produkcji dżemów, konfitur, powideł, nalewek, herbaty itp. Wilde Rose is considered to the plant Rosaceae, characterized by beautiful florets. We can meet it on the road as a part of the landscape. Used medicinally are fruit of a wild rose. Vitamin wealth makes rose hips as a great resource strengthening. Such a high content of vitamin C causes some fruit enough to meet the daily requirement of vitamin C. It is worth noting that the vitamin C in the form is better absorbed, in contrast to vitamin C in a synthetic form. Processed fruits of wild rose beneficially affect such the liver, digestion, heart, accelerate wound healing and enhance the appearance of the skin, act slightly diuretic and cholagogue. The kitchen can be fruitfully used in the manufacture of wine, are also suitable for the production of jams, preserves, jam, tinctures, teas, etc. Dziurawiec zwyczajny Jedną z najbardziej popularnych leczniczych jest dziurawiec zwyczajny Hypericum perforatum, zwany także zielem świętojańskim. Jego liczne właściwości lecznicze doceniono już w starożytności. Zawiera olejek eteryczny, garbniki, czerwony barwnik, kwasy organiczne, flawonoidy roślin One of the most popular medicinal plants is St. John's Wort Hypericum perforatum, also known as the herb świętojańskim. His numerous healing properties appreciated in antiquity. It contains essential oil, tannins, red dye, organic acids, flavonoids (e.g. routine hyperozyd), lipophilic components (hipercyna), mineral salts. (np. rutyna, hyperozyd), składniki lipofilne (hipercyna), sole mineralne. Dzięki nim działa rozkurczowo, dezynfekująco, uspokajająco. Poza tym wykazuje pozytywne działanie w stanach chorobowych skóry. Wpływa na poprawę nastroju, obniżenia stanu zmęczenia i stresu. Dobrze wpływa na problemy układu pokarmowego poprawiając przemianę materii, pobudza trawienie, przeciwdziała biegunce, pomaga przy zapaleniu przewodu pokarmowego. Stosowany przy schorzeniach wątroby, pobudza wytwarzanie żółci. Działa wzmacniająco na układ krwionośny. Dziurawiec wykorzystywany jest również jako środek przeciwkrwotoczny i dezynfekujący. Skutecznie eliminuje bakterie gronkowca i paciorkowca. Dodatkowo pomaga przy oparzeniach, zapaleniu gardła, problemach skórnych. Wykorzystywany jest także w przemyśle kosmetycznym (składnik wielu odżywek, kremów, szamponów). Thanks to the work relaxant, disinfecting, reassuringly. Besides, has a positive effect on the skin disease states. It improves your mood, reduce fatigue and stress state. Its impact on the problems of the digestive system by improving the metabolism, stimulates digestion, prevents diarrhea, helps with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Used in diseases of the liver, stimulates the production of bile. Strengthens the cardiovascular system. St. John's Wort is also used as a antihemorrhagic and disinfectant. It effectively eliminates the bacteria staphylococcus and streptococcus. In addition, helps with burns, pharyngitis, skin problems. Is also used in the cosmetic industry (an ingredient in many supplements, creams, shampoos). Kalina W Polsce, w stanie dzikim występują dwa gatunki kalinykalina koralowa (Viburnum opulus) oraz kalina hordowina (Viburnum lantana). Kaliny są bardzo dekoracyjne i doskonale prezentują się w ogrodach. Biorąc pod uwagę właściwości lecznicze kaliny, należy zauważyć, że już od starożytności była ona znana i wykorzystywana jako roślina lecznicza. W Polsce najbardziej popularną kaliną na tej płaszczyźnie jest rodzima kalina koralowa. Jako surowiec leczniczy wykorzystuje się przede wszystkim korę, a rzadziej owoce. Z kory sporządza się odwary oraz ekstrakty, które wykorzystuje się przy dolegliwościach kobiecych. Wykazują właściwości rozkurczowe oraz przeciwkrwotoczne. Owoce wykazują właściwości trujące. Zaszkodzić może spożycie większej ilości owoców. Szczególnie należy uważać na dzieci, które są bardziej wrażliwe na działanie niebezpiecznych dla człowieka substancji. Owoce kaliny koralowej zawierają witaminę C, kwasy organiczne, pektyny, karoten, cukry. W lecznictwie stosowane przy problemach zdrowotnych, związanych z pracą serca, działają uspokajająco oraz moczopędnie. Viburnum In Poland, in the wild, there are two species of viburnum viburnum-reef (Viburnum opulus) and hordowina viburnum (Viburnum lantana). Kalina are very decorative and well presented in the gardens. Taking into account the healing properties of viburnum, it should be noted that since ancient times it was known and used as a medicinal plant. In Poland the most popular Kalina on this level is a native viburnum opulus. As a therapeutic material used primarily bark and less fruit. The bark is prepared decoctions and extracts that are used by medical problems such as women's with dysmenorrhea. Exhibit antispasmodic and antihaemorrhagic. Fruits have toxic properties. Harm can intake more fruit. In particular, watch for children who are more sensitive to the effects of substances dangerous to man. Fruits viburnum reef include, among others vitamin C, organic acids, pectin, carotene, sugars. In medicine used for health problems related to the work the heart, calming and diuretic. Knieć błotna Knieć błotna zwana popularnie kaczeńcem lub kaczyńcem jest byliną, porastającą bagna lub obrzeża strumieni i sadzawek. W Polsce knieć błotna występuje dziko na bagnistych łąkach, brzegach strumieni, a nawet rowów, w miejscach okresowo zalewanych. Surowcem zielarskim jest świeże i suche ziele – Herba Calthae palustris. Posiada ono zastosowanie w leczeniu kamicy żółciowej, dyskinezy dróg żółciowych, wirusowego zapalenia wątroby oraz obrzęków na tle niewydolności krążenia. Zewnętrznie stosowane jest na trudno gojące się rany, wypryski, owrzodzenia. W surowcu stwierdzono obecność alkaloidów izochinolinowych (w tym m. in. berberyny). Aktywne są również inne składniki kaczeńca: alkaloidy aporfinowe (magnofloryna), laktony (hemiterpenowy – protoanemonina, trójterpenowy – kaltolid) i saponinowy glikozyd nasercowy (helleboryna), a także flawonoidy (kwercetyna), karotenoidy, witamina C. Magnofloryna, laktony i berberyna działają antybakteryjnie, przeciwwirusowo i antygrzybiczo. Berberyna ponadto działa żółciotwórczo, żółciopędnie i rozkurczowo. Caltha palustris popularly known as marigolds or kaczyńcem is a perennial plant, growing on the periphery of wetlands or streams and ponds. In Poland, there is Caltha palustris wild in marshy meadows, stream banks, and even ditches in periodically flooded. Herbal raw material is fresh and dry herbs - Herb Calthae palustris. It has application in the treatment of gallstone disease, biliary dyskinesia, viral hepatitis and swelling against failure. Externally it is used for hard to heal wounds, eczema, ulcers. The raw material revealed the presence of isoquinoline alkaloids (including, among others. Berberine). Active ingredients are also other marigolds alkaloids aporfinowe (magnofloryna), lactones (hemiterpenowy - protoanemonina, trójterpenowy - kaltolid) and saponinowy cardiac glycoside (helleboryna) and flavonoids (quercetin), carotenoids, vitamin C. Magnofloryna, lactones and berberine an antibacterial , antiviral and antygrzybiczo. Berberine also works żółciotwórczo, cholagogue and relaxant. Koniczyna Koniczyna łąkowa należy do rodzimych i bardzo pospolitych gatunków rodzaju. Występuje w zaroślach, na bezdrożach, pastwiskach. Ze względu na obecność substancji aktywnie czynnych, wiele z gatunków koniczyny traktowanych jest jako rośliny o właściwościach leczniczych. Najbardziej popularnym gatunkiem koniczyny wykorzystywanym także na wspomnianej wyżej płaszczyźnie jest koniczyna czerwona. Trifolium pratense zawiera flawonoidy, glikozydy, witaminę A, C, E, olejek eteryczny, garbniki, żywice, kwasy organiczne oraz sole mineralne. Jako surowiec traktuje się zarówno ziele jak i kwiaty. Wyciągi oraz napary z koniczyny Red clover is a native and very common species of the genus. There in the bushes, off-road, pastures. Due to the presence of active ingredients, many of the species treated as clover plants with medicinal properties. The most popular species of clover used as the above-mentioned plane is red clover. Trifolium pratense contains among others flavonoids, glycosides, vitamins A, C, E, essential oil, tannins, resins, organic acids and mineral salts. As the raw material is treated with both herbs and flowers. Extracts or infusions of red clover have expectorant, sedative, diuretic, diaphoretic and mitigation dysmenorrhea. czerwonej mają działanie wykrztuśne, uspokajające, moczopędne, napotne oraz łagodzące bolesne miesiączkowanie. Koniczyna biała wzmacnia, działa przeciwbólowo, natomiast białoróżowa wykazuje działanie przeczyszczające, przeciwzapalne oraz przeciwbólowe. Koniczyna polna ma zastosowanie jako ziele przeciwzapalne, ściągające, przeciwbólowe, natomiast koniczyna łubinowata wykorzystywana była przede wszystkim jako środek moczopędny. White clover strengthens, an analgesic, and has been shown to include white-rose laxative, antiinflammatory and analgesic. Clover herb is used as anti-inflammatory, astringent, analgesic, and primarily as a diuretic. Krwawnik Krwawnik pospolity Achillea millefolium jest jedną z roślin wykazującą zróżnicowane właściwości lecznicze. Możemy go spotkać na całym terytorium Polski- podczas spaceru na przydrożach, łąkach, w zaroślach, na miedzach, nieużytkach, również w ogrodach. Pod względem leczniczym najwartościowsze jest ziele oraz kwiatostany. O wyjątkowości krwawnika decydują substancje czynne wchodzące w jego skład. W lecznictwie wykorzystywany jest przede wszystkim na płaszczyźnie schorzeń związanych z układem pokarmowym. Pobudza trawienie, pomaga przy zaburzeniach i nieżytach tego przewodu. Posiada właściwości ograniczające krwawienia wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne. Dodatkowo obniża ciśnienie krwi, przyśpiesza gojenie ran oraz oparzeń. Wykazuje właściwości przeciwzapalne, pomoże przy zapaleniu pęcherza moczowego, bolesnych miesiączkach, schorzeniach wątroby oraz poprawi apetyt. Krwawnik pospolity wykorzystywany jest także w przemyśle kosmetycznym. Milfoil Yarrow Achillea millefolium is one of the plants having different medicinal properties. We can be found throughout the Poland -while walking on roadsides, meadows, thickets, for balk, wasteland, also in the gardens. In terms of the most valuable medicinal herbs and inflorescences. The uniqueness of yarrow determine the active substances in its composition. The therapy is used primarily in the field of disorders associated with the digestive system. It stimulates digestion, and helps with disorders of the gastrointestinal catarrh. It has the properties of limiting internal and external bleeding. Additionally, lowers blood pressure, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns. Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties help with inflammation of the bladder, painful menstruations, liver disease, and improve appetite. Yarrow is also used in the cosmetic industry. Mięta Do roślin leczniczych należy także mięta. Poza miętą pieprzową, najpopularniejszą reprezentantką tego rodzaju, warto zwrócić uwagę na mięte polną. Ona także ma wiele właściwości, dzięki którym ulżymy sobie przy konkretnych dolegliwościach. Mięta zawiera olejek eteryczny, zawierający mentol, menton, garbniki, flawonoidy, pinen, gorycze, sole mineralne, wykorzystywana Mint is also the medicinal plant. Peppermint and mint are the most popular representatives of the types. They also have a number of properties which help us with specific medical illnesses. Mint contains essential oil, which has, among others menthol, menthone, tannins, flavonoids, pinene, bitter, mineral salts, is used for the symptoms jest przy dolegliwościach związanych z problemami trawiennymi. Mięta polna tak jak mięta pieprzowa należy do tych gatunków rodzaju charakteryzujących się dużą zawartością mentolu. Pomoże ona przy wzdęciach, problemach trawiennych, nieżytach żołądka, jelit, a także przy problemach z górnymi drogami oddechowymi. Ma działanie wiatropędne, żółciopędne, przeciwbakteryje. with digestive problems. Peppermint also has a beneficial effect onthe liver. Mint such as peppermint belongs to the species of the genus are characterized by a high content of menthol. It will help with bloating, indigestion, gastritis, enteritis, and the problems of upper airways. It has an carminative, cholagogue, antibacterial. Rumianek Rumianek poza odmianami polnymi posiada, także odmiany ogrodowe. Rumianek działa przeciwzapalnie oraz odkażająco. Przy zapaleniu spojówek i powiek używa się go do zewnętrznego przemywania oczu. Rumianek pomaga, także w przypadku nie gojących się ran czy przy wzdęciach. Poza tym wspomaga trawienie i działa kojąco. Jest popularnym składnikiem składnik wielu kosmetyków. Chamomile has dirt outside varieties, including garden variety. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic usage. When conjunctivitis and eyelid infections is used to external eyewash. Chamomile helps, as in the case of non-healing wounds or flatulence. Besides chamomile aids digestion and soothes. It is added as an ingredient in cosmetics. Mniszek lekarski Mniszek lekarski, jest bardzo rozpowszechniony w naszym kraju. Zwany pospolicie mleczem bądź dmuchawcem jest zaliczany do bardzo uciążliwych chwastów. Ta żółto kwitnąca roślina należy do roślin leczniczych, które mogą nam pomóc w przypadku wielu dolegliwości. Do celów leczniczych wykorzystywany jest przede wszystkim korzeń rośliny oraz kwiaty. Znajduje zastosowanie przede wszystkim przy regulacji zaburzeń związanych z przepływem żółci do dwunastnicy. Takie dolegliwości mogą wystąpić po przebytej żółtaczce czy też uszkodzeniach wątroby. Poza tym poprawia apetyt i reguluje proces trawienia. Na trawienie dobry wpływ mają goryczki, które pobudzają żołądek do wydzielania większej ilości soku żołądkowego. Korzeń mniszka lekarskiego, a przede wszystkim kwiaty powodują znaczne zwiększenie wydalania moczu przy jednoczesnej dezynfekcji układu moczowego. Lekarstwo możemy spożywać pod postacią naparów, odwarów, nalewek. Roślina jest wykorzystywana także w celach kosmetycznych (problemy skórne) oraz spożywczych. Dandelion, is very common in our country. milt or commonly called Dandelion is classified as a noxious weed. This yellow flowering plant is a medicinal plant that can help us in many ailments. For medicinal purposes, is used mainly root crops and flowers. It is used primarily by control disorders associated with the flow of bile into the duodenum. These symptoms may occur with a history of jaundice or liver damage. Besides, improves appetite and regulates the digestive process. Good digestion is affected bitterness that stimulate the stomach to secrete more gastric juice. Dandelion root, and above all flowers resulting in a significant increase in urine output while disinfecting the urinary tract. Medication can be eaten in the form of infusions, decoctions, tinctures. The plant is also used for cosmetic purposes (skin problems) and foodstuffs. Lawenda lekarska (wąskolistna) Lewenda lekarska (Lavandula angustifolia) należy do jednych z najbardziej wyrazistych i najpiękniejszych krzewinek. Cechą szczególną tych roślin jest ich aromatyczność. Nie sposób nie wspomnieć o jej leczniczych właściwościach. Wynikają one z dużej zawartości substancji aktywnych linalolu, terpeny, garbników, kwasów organicznych oraz soli mineralnych. Olejek eteryczny dobroczynnie wpływa na prawidłową pracę przewodu pokarmowego, wątroby oraz wykazuje działania moczopędne. Dowiedziono także, że obniża napięcie nerwicowe i ułatwia zasypianie. Zewnętrznie działa przeciwgrzybiczno oraz przeciwbakteryjnie. Olejek lawendowy znalazł szerokie zastosowanie w perfumerii i całościowo w kosmetyce. Jest składnikiem wielu perfum oraz środków higieny. Lewenda Medical (Lavandula angustifolia) is one of the most distinctive and beautiful shrubs. A special feature of these products is their aromaticity. It is impossible not to mention its medicinal properties. They result from the high content of active ingredients such as linalool, terpenes, tannins, organic acids and mineral salts. The essential oil has a beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the digestive tract, liver and has a diuretic. It is also proved that reduces the voltage neurotic and facilitates sleep. External works przeciwgrzybiczno and antibacterial. Lavender oil is widely used in perfumery and as a whole in cosmetics. It is used in many perfumes and hygiene measures. Szałwia lekarska Szałwia Lekarska wydziela intensywny zapach, który zbliżony jest do kamfory. Pozwala nam to odróżnić inne szałwie od szałwii lekarskiej. Leczące właściwości mają liście rośliny. Działają między innymi przeciwzapalnie. Świeże liście szałwii wzbogacają smak potraw. Przyprawia się nimi drób oraz mięso, jak również dodaje je do sosów. Poza tym szałwia działa, także dezynfekująco, grzybobójczo, rozkurczowo, a także przeciwzapalnie. Liście szałwii zawierają w sobie olejek eteryczny. W roślinie znajdują się, także witaminy A, C i PP. Napar z rośliny pomaga przy zapaleniu dziąseł oraz przeziębieniach, łagodząc zapalenie gardła oraz krtani. Rośliny używa się do produkcji kosmetyków, które między innymi pomagają w walce z trądzikiem. Poza tym szałwia przeciwdziała, także zbyt dużej potliwości. Zastosowanie płukanki z zioła pomaga zwalczać łupież i zmniejsza przetłuszczanie się włosów. Sage has a strong smell that is similar to camphor. This allows us to distinguish from other salvia sage. The curative properties of the plant are listed. They work among other anti-inflammatory.Fresh sage leaves enhance the flavor of foods. Them seasoned poultry and meat, as well as add them to the sauce. Besides sage works as disinfectant, fungicidal relaxant, and an anti-inflammatory. Sage leaves contain an essential oil. In the plant there are also vitamins A, C and PP. An infusion of the plant helps with gingivitis and colds, relieving inflammation of the throat and larynx. Plants used for the production of cosmetics, which should help in the fight against acne. Besides, sage prevents, as excessive sweating. Use lotion with herb helps fight dandruff and reduces oily hair. Pokrzywa zwyczajna Pokrzywa zwyczajna (Urtica dioica) należy do bardzo pospolitych bylin. Możemy ją spotkać na bezdrożach, obrzeżach lasów, nieużytkach, polanach, w zaroślach jak również w ogrodach, gdzie traktowana jest jako chwast. Najlepszą wartość odżywczą wykazują rośliny o młodych liściach. Bogactwo składnikowe sprawia, że wykazuje ona dobroczynny wpływ na wiele dolegliwości mogących nam dokuczać. Przede wszystkim wykazuje działania przeciwkrwotoczne i moczopędne. Właściwości przeciwkrwotoczne wykorzystywane są do tamowania krwawień wewnętrznych macicznych, w układzie pokarmowym. Wpływa na podniesienie zawartości hemoglobiny we krwi, korzystne przy wszelkiego rodzaju dolegliwościach związanych z anemią. Właściwości moczopędne ziela można wykorzystać przy problemach układu moczowego oraz chorób nerek. Dowiedziono, że pokrzywa zwyczajna podwyższa ilość wydalanego moczu i substancji toksycznych. Pozytywnie działa na przewód pokarmowy wzmagając przemianę materii. Pomaga przy biegunce, obniża poziom cukru we krwi oraz ciśnienie. Działa pozytywnie na wzrost włosów, tak więc bardzo często możemy się spotkać z szamponami pokrzywowymi oraz innymi kosmetykami do których produkcji wykorzystuje się pokrzywę. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is a very common perennial varieties commonly can be found on the off-road, edges of forests, wastelands, clearings in the brush as well as in gardens, where it is regarded as a weed. The best nutritional value of plants show the young leaves. Wealth component that makes it has a beneficial effect on many ailments that can annoy us. First of all exhibits and diuretic action antihemorrhagical. Antihemorrhagical properties are used for control of internal bleeding include uterine, in the gastrointestinal tract. Raises the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, beneficial to all kinds of ailments associated with anemia. Diuretic herb can be used for urinary problems and kidney disease. It has been proved that the stinging nettle increases the amount of urine and toxic substances. Positive effects on the gastrointestinal tract intensifying the metabolism. Helps with diarrhea, lowers blood sugar and blood pressure. Has a positive impact on the growth of hair, so very often we meet with pokrzywowymi shampoos and other cosmetics for the production used nettle. Skrzyp polny Skrzyp polny (Equisetum arvense) jest jednym z wielu gatunków zaliczanych do rodziny skrzypowatych (Equisetaceae). W ogrodzie, mimo swej wyjątkowej formy traktowany jest jako chwast i wskaźnik kwasowości podłoża. Ziele skrzypu wykazuje pozytywny wpływ na organizm człowieka. Posiada działanie remineralizująceproces mineralizacji. Proces bardzo ważny ze względu na ciągłe zapotrzebowanie organizmu na poszczególne składniki mineralne, które wciąż są wykorzystywane do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu. Warto się skupić na krzemionce, gdyż krzem jako pierwiastek mimo, Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is one of many species belonging to the family skrzypowatych (Equisetaceae). In the garden, despite his outstanding form is regarded as a weed and acidity index of the substrate. Horsetail herb has a positive effect on the human body. It has a remineralizingmineralization process. The very important because of the continuous body's need for individual minerals, which are still used for the proper functioning of the body. It is worth to focus on silica as silicon as the element even though present in trace amounts is very important. With age, there is less and less in the body, so it should be completed. że występuje w śladowych ilościach jest bardzo ważny. Wraz z wiekiem jest go coraz mniej w organizmie, tak więc należy go uzupełniać. Ziele skrzypu ze względu na łatwą przyswajalność krzemionki sprawdza się w tej roli. Krzem bierze udział w procesie zabliźniania się ran. Wykazuje dobroczynny wpływ na błony śluzowe i naczynia krwionośnie zapobiegając ich łamliwości i nadmiernej przepuszczalności. Poza tym ma dobry wpływ na skórę, włosy i paznokcie. Ziele ma działanie moczopędne, przeciwkrwotoczne. Działa pozytywnie w przypadku stanów zapalnych dróg moczowych oraz miażdżycy. Zapobiega tworzeniu się kamieni w układzie moczowym. Zewnętrzne stosowanie poprawia wygląd skóry oraz pomaga przy zapaleniu spojówek. Poprzez okłady ze skrzypu polnego można przyśpieszyć gojenie się ran oraz ulżyć przy stłuczeniach i oparzeniach. Horsetail herb due to easy absorption of silica suited for this role. Silicon is involved in the process of healing the wounds. Has a beneficial effect on mucous membranes and blood vessels by preventing excessive fragility and permeability. Besides, it has a good effect on the skin, hair and nails. Herb is a diuretic, antihaemorrhagic. Effective in cases of urinary tract inflammation, and atherosclerosis. It prevents the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Topical application improves the appearance of skin and helps with conjunctivitis. By poultice of horsetail can accelerate wound healing and relieve the bruises and burns. Szczypiorek Szczypiorek zaliczany jest do najbardziej popularnych ziół przede wszystkim o właściwościach aromatyzujących potrawy. Jest rośliną wieloletnią, charakteryzującą się rurkowatymi, pustymi wewnątrz liśćmi. Jego wysokość sięga zazwyczaj do 30 cm. Allium schoenoprasum zawiera witaminę C, witaminy z grupy B, witaminę PP, a także żelazo, fosfor, wapń, sód. Szczypiorek przyśpiesza trawienie, wzmaga apetyt. Powszechnie wykorzystywany jest w kuchni, ale w stanie świeżym. Chives is one of the most popular herbs is all about food flavoring properties. It is a perennial plant, which is characterized by tabular, hollow leaves. Its height reaches typically up to 30 cm. Allium schoenoprasum contains among others vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin PP, as well as iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium. Chives speeds up digestion, stimulates the appetite. Widely used in the kitchen, but in a fresh state. Pietruszka Pietruszka zwyczajna jest rośliną dwuletnią, znaną już w czasach starożytnych. Zaliczana jest do roślin baldaszkowatych. W pierwszym roku wytwarza palowy korzeń, a w drugim wysoki pęd kwiatowy. W lecznictwie wykorzystuje się korzeń oraz owoce. W kuchni zastosowanie znajduje część podziemna oraz pierzaste liście zwane natką. Podczas kwitnienia roślina może sięgać do 80 cm wysokości, wielu Parsley Parsley is a biennial plant, known since ancient times. Ranked among the Umbelliferae plants. In the first year produces a pile of root, and the second high the flower. The root is used medicinally, and fruit. The kitchen is part of the use of underground and feathery leaves called parsley. During flowering plant may be up to 80 cm in height, while the list of up to ca 30 cm in height. natomiast liście sięgają do około 30 cm wysokości. Roślinę rozmnażamy generatywnie poprzez nasiona, każdej wiosny. Roślina niezwykle popularna w ogrodach warzywnych. W białym korzeniu pietruszki odnajdziemy olejek eteryczny, witaminę C, witaminy z grupy B, fosfor, wapń. Korzeń oraz owoce pietruszki wykazują działanie moczopędne, wiatropędne, antyseptyczne, wspomagają proces trawienia. W stanie świeżym natka pietruszki dodawana jest do potraw. Można ją także przechować w formie mrożonej. Generatively propagate the plant by seed each spring. Plant very popular in gardens vegetables. The white root parsley find such essential oil, vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium. Parsley root and fruit have diuretic, carminative, antiseptic, aid the process of digestion. When fresh parsley is added to many dishes. It can also be stored in a frozen form. Rozmaryn Rozmaryn lekarski jest krzewem. Liście rozmarynu zawierają olejek eteryczny oraz inne składniki, które w niewielkiej dawce wspomagają proces trawienia, wzmagają apetyt. Rozmaryn można stosować do aromatyzowania mięs, zup, sosów, sałatek. Rosemary is a shrub. The leaves contain an essential oil of rosemary and other ingredients that in small doses stimulate the process of digestion, enhance appetite. Rosemary can be used for flavoring include meats, soups, sauces and salads. Tymianek pospolity Tymianek pospolity to jedna z tych roślin przyprawowych, które są pospolicie wykorzystywane w kuchni. Nie można także zapominać o licznych właściwościach leczniczych rośliny. Jest to roślina wieloletnia. Roślina zawiera olejek eteryczny, w którym możemy odnaleźć tymol oraz cyneol. Poza tym tymianek zawiera flawonoidy, garbniki, kwasy organiczne, saponiny, a także sole mineralne. Zawartość substancji bioaktywnych sprawia, że tymianek pospolity wykazuje właściwości wykrztuśne oraz antyzapalne, tak więc pomaga w problemach związanych z drogami oddechowymi np. przypadku przeziębienia. Thymus vulgaris doskonale sprawdza się przy aromatyzowaniu mięs, serów, zup, sosów. Thyme is one of those spices, which are commonly used in the kitchen. You cannot forget about the many medicinal properties of the plant. The plant contains essential oil, which can be found among others thymol and cineole. In addition, thyme contains flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, saponins, and mineral salts. The content of bioactive substances makes thyme has expectorant and antiinflammatory properties, so it helps in problems related to the respiratory tract such as the common cold. Thymus vulgaris is ideal for aromatyzowaniu meats, cheeses, soups, sauces. Koper ogrodowy Koper ogrodowy uprawiany jest niemalże na każdym warzywniku. Jego wysokość może przekraczać 100 cm. Roślina niezwykle aromatyczna. Jako surowiec wykorzystuje się liście, mające szerokie zastosowanie w kuchni, natomiast owocostany wykorzystywane są w ziołolecznictwie. Anethum graveolens zawiera olejek eteryczny zawierający karwon. Poza tym zawiera flawonoidy, białko, witaminę C, a także sole mineralne. Do prawidłowego rozwoju koper wymaga słonecznego stanowiska, podłoża przeciętnego, umiarkowanie wilgotnego. Koper ogrodowy rozmnażamy poprzez nasiona. W kuchni możemy wykorzystać roślinę w stanie świeżym, a także w formie mrożonej oraz suszonej. W ziołolecznictwie pozytywnie wpływa na trawienie, jest wiatropędny, a w kuchni przyprawia się nim całą masę potraw, a także wykorzystuje przy konserwowaniu oraz kiszeniu ogórków. Dill is grown on almost every grocery store. Its height can exceed 100 cm. An aromatic plant. As a raw material are used leaves and have a wide application in the kitchen, and the seed heads are used in herbal medicine. Anethum graveolens contains an essential oil containing such carvone. It also contains flavonoids, protein, vitamin C, as well as mineral salts. The fennel requires proper development of solar position, the substrate average, moderately moist. Dill propagate by seeds. In the kitchen we can use the plant in the fresh state, as well as frozen and dried. In herbal medicine has a positive effect on digestion, is a carminative, and the food is seasoned with a whole bunch of dishes, as well as the preservation and use of ensiled cucumbers. Melisa Melisa jest rośliną wieloletnią, której wysokość może sięgać nawet 100 cm. Jako surowiec wykorzystuje się górną część pędów. Melisa lekarska zawiera olejek eteryczny, kwasy organiczne, flawonoidy, garbniki, sole mineralne. Roślina słynie ze swych właściwości leczniczych. Większość z nas doskonale wie, że melisa działa uspokajająco, a przy tym pozytywnie wpływa na pracę żołądka. Melissa officinalis jest bardzo ciepłolubna, dlatego preferuje stanowiska słoneczne, podłoże przepuszczalne, żyzne, ciepłe, a także próchnicze. W kuchni możemy ją wykorzystać przy sporządzaniu napojów, może stanowić dodatek do zup oraz sałatek. Melissa is a perennial, the amount may be as high as 100 cm. As a raw material used in the upper part of the shoot. Melissa contains essential oil, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, minerals. The plant is known for its medicinal properties. Most of us knows that lemon balm has a calming and at the same positive effect on the stomach. Melissa officinalis is extremely thermophilic, and therefore prefers the position of the sun, well-drained soil, fertile, warm, and caries. In the kitchen we can use in the preparation of beverages may be an addition to soups and salads. Majeranek Majeranek to jednoroczna roślina. Największą popularność oraz najszersze zastosowanie majeranek uzyskał w przemyśle spożywczym oraz kulinarnym. Jest niezastąpioną przyprawą w kuchni. Dzięki swojemu niezwykłemu zapachowi, nadaje niezwykły i cudowny aromat mięsom, wędlinom, rybom, a także zupom. W ludowej medycynie bywał stosowany przy bólach głowy, skurczach, kaszlu, migrenie, problemach z trawieniem, a nawet lekkich schorzeniach nerwowych. Marjoram is an annual plant. The most popular and most widely used marjoram obtained in the food industry and culinary. It is an indispensable spice in the kitchen. Thanks to its unusual smell, gives a remarkable and wonderful flavor meats, hams, fish, and soups. In folk medicine frequented used for headaches, cramps, cough, migraine, digestive problems and even diseases of the nervous light. SPAIN LITHUANIA Herbs and aromatic plants of Lithuania Adonis pavasarinis Pavasarį. Reguliuoja širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos darbą. Grows in Spring. Regulates the cardiovascular system Ajeras (Acorus calamus L) Antžeminė dalis The useful part of the plants: flower. Vasario - kovo mėn. Šaknys Gerina apetitą. Vartojama esant virškinimo negalavimams, skarandžio sulčių rūgštingumui mažinti, esant nenormaliam širdies darbui, širdies skausmui, kaulų skausmui, prie inkstų ir tulžies ligų. Roots February - March. Improves appetite. Used in gastrointestinal ailments, gastric reduction, an abnormal heart rate, heart pain, bone pain, the kidney and gall diseases. Apinys paprastasis (Humulus lupulus) Rudenį. Spurgai Labiausiai žinomas, kaip alaus prieskonis, bet tuo pačiu, kaip ir vaistas, keliantis apetitą, raminanti priemonė. Jauni ūgliai kaip ir šparagai pavasarį vartojami maistui Autumn. Best known as the beer flavor, but at the same Young shoots time as the drug appetizing, soothing tool. Young shoots like asparagus consumed in the spring. Alijošius (Aloe vulgaris) Auginamas vazonėliuose, todėl Lapai jis naudojamas ištisus metus. Gydo naujas ir senas žaizdas, taip pat gilias, pūvančias žaizdas. Juo gydomos pūliuojančios žaizdos. Naudojamas nuo vidaus ligų. Grown in pots, so he Leaves used all year round. Heal old and new wounds, as well as deep, rotting wounds. It is used to treat festering wounds. Aronija juodavaisė (Aronia melanocarpa) Rudenį. Vaisiai Mažina kraujospūdį, reguliuoja širdies ritmą. Autumn. Lowers blood pressure, regulate heart rhythm. Fruits Arnykas (Arnica montana) Kovo mėn. Žiedai Tinktūra vartojama esant persitempimui, suspaudimui, išnirimams, atviroms žaizdoms. Apsaugo žaizdas nuo kraujavimo ir pūliavimo. March. The tincture is used in Flowers overexertion, compression, dislocations, open wounds. Protects wounds from bleeding and suppuration. Asiūklis dirvinis (Equisetum arvense L) Birželio - liepos mėn. Stiebai ATSARGIAI - dirvinio asiūklio preparatų negalima vartoti sergantiems inkstų ligomis (nefritu, nefroze, nes jie dirgina inkstus!) Naudojamas šlapimo išsiskyrimui skatinti, širdies negalavimams gydyti, sergant inkstų akmenlige, nuo prostatos uždegimo, kraujingam viduriavimui, skrandžio bei kepenų augliams, sergant hemorojumi, reumatu, žaizdoms gydyti. June - July. CAUTION – asiuklis Stems dirvinis preparations should not be used by patients with kidney disease . Used to increase urine production, heart ailments, suffering from kidney stones. Ąžuolas (Quercus) Naudojimui tinka ištisus metus. Stiprina silpną širdį, sulaiko žarnų kraujavimą, kraujingą kosulį ir vėmimą krauju. Gera priemonė esant viduriavimui, šlapimo pūslės uždegimui, gausioms mėnesinėms. Tinka esant kojų prakaitavimui ir nuospaudoms. Gydo naktinį šlapinimąsi. Žievė rind Suitable for use all year round. Strengthens the faint of heart, inhibits intestinal bleeding, bloody cough and vomiting blood. A good tool with diarrhea, bladder inflammation. Fits under your feet sweating and corns. Beržas (Betula alba) Vasario-kovo mėn. Pagreitina inkstų veikimą ir valo juos nuo akmenų. Vartojama esant kosuliui, vandenligei, dedervinėms, niežams. February-March. Accelerates the kidney function and cleanses them from stones. Used Lapai, pumpurai, sula, žievė Leaves, rind, juice in cough, dropsy, itch, itchy. Bruknės (Vaccinium vitis idaea) Rugsėjo mėn. Uogos, Gerina apetitą, vartojamos lapai,šakelės esant kraujuotam viduriavimui, šlapimo pūslės uždegimui, reumatui, stipriam kosuliui. Valo virškinimo organus September. Improves appetite, used under inflammation, rheumatism, severe cough. Cleans the digestive organs Fruits, leaves . Česnakas (Allium sativum) Nuo liepos iki rugsėjo mėn. Šakniagumbis Profilaktinė priemonė nuo (svogūnas) infekcinių ligų. Varo įvairius žarnyno kirminus. Stabdo viduriavimą, vidurių skausmus, gerina apetitą. Valo kraujagysles nuo kalkėjimo, reguliuoja kraujo spaudimą. Slopina kosulį From July to September. Preventive measure against infectious diseases. improves appetite. Cleans blood vessels from scaling, regulates blood pressure. Suppresses cough . Degsnis (Potentilla tormentilla) Vasario-kovo mėn. Slopinamas vėmimas krauju, kraujingas viduriavimas ir šlapinimąsis. Gydomos gausios mėnesinės. Stiprina dantenas. Gydomos įvairios žaizdos. Šaknys roots February-March. Used to treat wounds. Dobilas raudonasis (Trifolium pratense L) Birželio-rugsėjo mėn. Vartojama kaip atsikosėjimą lengvinantis, šlapimą varantis vaistas. Tinka gydyti mažakraujystę, cukraligę, bronchinę astmą. Žiedų nuovirai slopina uždegimus, gydo kvėpavimo takų, inkstų ligas, anemiją, aterosklerozę, urologinius negalavimus. Patariama gerti išsekus organizmui. Išoriškai- dedami ant žaizdų, vočių, nudegimų Žiedai, lapai, žolė Flowers, leaves. Between June and September. Suitable for treating anemia, diabetes, bronchial asthma. Advised to drink the degradation of the body. Externally-placed on wounds, sores, burns. Ežė - Auksažiedė (Tanacetum vulgare) Nuo liepos iki rugsėjo mėn. Vartojama nuo mėšlungio, kaulų skausmo, sunkaus šlapinimosi, akmenligės, šlapimo pūslės ligų, skaudžių mėnesinių. Varo askarides. Lapai, žiedai From July to September. Leaves, Consumption of cramps, flowers bone pain, difficulty urinating, bladder stones, bladder disease, Kiaulpienė paprastoji (Taraxacum officinale F.H.Wigg.) Balandžio-gegužės mėn. Visas augalas ATSARGIAI - augalo negalima vartoti viduriuojant, nelaikantiems šlapimo. Jos preparatais atsargiai reikia gydyti vaikus. Gerina virškinimą, didina apetitą, reguliuoja medžiagų apykaitą, padeda sergant cukriniu diabetu. Taip pat laisvina vidurius, gerina atsikosėjimą, aktyvina organizmo apsaugines jėgas. Sultimis gydomos nuospaudos, karpos ir strazdanos. Jos tinka ir nuo kirminų. All plants Improves digestion, increases appetite, helps patients with diabetes mellitus. It is also a diuretic, expectorant improves, activates the body's protective forces. Juice is used to treat corns, warts and freckles. Liepos-rugpjūčio mėn. Gera priemonė esant kosuliui, bronchitui. Veikia švelniai raminančiai. Prieskonis. Krapas Liepa (Tilia) July-August. A good tool in cough, bronchitis. Running a gentle calming effect. Spice Sėklos seeds Liepos-rugpjūčio mėn. Žiedai, sula Naudojama kosmetikoje nuo raukšlių bei odos valymui. Gydomos įvairios plaučių ligos, vandenligė, epilepsija. Puiki priemonė nuo persišaldymo, slogos, chroniško, ilgo, sunkaus kosulio. Gydo mažakraujystę. flowers July-August. Used in cosmetics, antiwrinkle and skin treatment. Used to treat lung disease, dropsy, epilepsy. An excellent remedy for colds, rhinitis, chronic, long, hard cough. Treats anemia Linas (Linum usitatissimum L) Rugpjūčio mėn. Sergant lėtiniu vidurių užkietėjimu, chronišku skrandžio ir kvėpavimo takų uždegimu, inkstų akmenlige, hemorojumi, dvylikapirštės žarnos opalige, padidėjus rūgštingumui. Kompresai - ant pragulų, pūlinių, nudegimų, išbertų kūno vietų. Daromos veido kaukės. Naudojamas maistui. Sėmenys Seeds August. Compresses - the bedsores, abscesses, burns, rashes of the body. Draw a face mask. Used for food. Liepos-rugpjūčio mėn. Vartojama nuo vėmimo, mėšlungio, esant silpniems šlapimo organams, kosuliui, cukraligei. Puiki priemonė esant viduriavimui. Stiprina regėjimą. Uogos, lapai, šakelės Mėlynės (Vaccinium myrtillus) July-August. Consumption of cramps, a weak urinary organs, cough, diabetes. A great tool with diarrhea. Strengthens eyesight. Ramunėlė (Matricaria chamomilla) Fruits, leaves. Gegužės-rugsėjo mėn. Žiedai Varo prakaitą, šildo, ramina vidurių skusmą, tinka nuo reumatiškų skausmų, skrandžio ir žarnyno uždegimams gydyti. Taip pat sergant kepenų bei tulžies latakų ligomis. Tinka esant išbėrimams galvoje, nuo odos ligų, dedervinių, sunkiai gyjančioms votims gydyti, stiprina plaukų šaknis, naikina pleiskanas. Dedami kompresai pūliuojant akims. Ramunėlių žiedų maišeliai padeda esant dantų skausmui ir rožei. Gydo flowers sutrūkinėjusią rankų odą. May to September. . Fits in mind rashes from skin diseases, herpes, treatment of difficult to heal, gatherings, strengthens hair roots, eliminates dandruff. Placed compresses purulent eyes. Camomile flower bags help with tooth pain.Treats chapped hands. Rugiagėlė (Centaurea cyanus L) Nuo gegužės iki rugsėjo mėn. ATSARGIAI -rugiagėlės preparatų nepatartina vartoti ligoniams, kurių sausas kosulys ar padidėjęs šlapimo išsiskyrimas. Vartojamas plauti akims nuo įvairių uždegimų, inkstų ligų. Taip pat gydomas vaikų peršalimas, plaučių uždegimas, aštrus bronchitas. Skalaujama burna nuo gleivinės uždegimo, valoma spoguota ir inkštiruota veido oda. Ji naikina pleiskanas ir stiprina plaukų šaknis Žiedai flowers Used to wash the eyes of a variety of inflammatory kidney diseases. It is also used to treat children's colds, pneumonia, acute bronchitis. It eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair roots. Šalpusnis (Tussilago farfara L) Kovo-balandžio mėn. Žiedai, lapai Gera priemonė nuo kvėpavimo organų kataro, kosulio, užkimimo, dusulio ir nuo džiovos, bronchinės astmos. Lapai dedami ant skaudulių karščio ištraukimui, vočių. Taip pat juo gydoma šlapimo pūslės ir inkstų uždegimas, kepenų ir tulžies akmenligė, odos ligos, pleiskanojimas ir plaukų slinkimas, bendras organizmo nusilpimas March-April. Flowers, A good remedy for respiratory Qatar, cough, leaves hoarseness, shortness of breath and a hectic, bronchial asthma. The leaves are placed on the heat extraction sores. Šaltalankis dygliuotasis (Hippophae rhamnoides L) Rugsėjo-spalio mėn. Uogos, ATSARGIAI- uogų nepatartina šakelės vartoti sergant cholecistitu, esant padidėjusiam skrandžio sulčių rūgštingumui. Plačiai naudojamas kosmetikoje. jo uogų nuoviras stiprina plaukus, o košelė maitina ir jaunina odą. Labiausiai vertinamas šaltalankių aliejus. Juo gydomi nudegimai, įvairios sunkiai gyjančios žaizdos, skrandžio ir dvylikapirštės žarnos opaligė, vidurių užkietėjimas. Fruits, branches September-October. CAUTION-berry recommended for use by patients with cholecystitis with elevated gastric acidity. Widely used in cosmetics. decoction of the fruit strengthens hair . Very useful is buckthorn oil. The treatment of burns, various hard-healing wounds. Ugniažolė didžioji (Chelidonium majus L) Gegužės-rugsėjo mėn. ATSARGIAI- augalas Žolė nuodingas! Negalima kramtyti, čiulpti šaknų, stiebų ar lapų, laižyti sulčių. Augalas gali sukelti kvėpavimo centro paralyžių bei vėmimą. Kaip išorinis vaistas vartojama ugniažolės sultys ar žolės užpilas. Jų gerti negalima, nes augalo alkaloidai nuodingi. Vartojant išoriškai, gydomos karpos, niežai, furunkulai, egzema, psoriazė, nudegimai ir nuospaudos. Daromos vonelės, kuriomis gydoma podagra, reumatas May to September. CAUTION-plant poisonous! Do not chew, suck the roots, stems or leaves, licking the juice. The plant can cause paralysis of the respiratory center, and vomiting. Used as an external medicine celandine juice or grass dressing. They should not be used as a plant alkaloids toxic. used to treat, psoriasis, burns and calluses. Draw a bath to treat gout, rheumatism. Varnalėša didžioji (Arctium lappa L) All plant Anksti pavasarį arba vėlai Šaknys rudenį. Naudojama nuo reumato, podagros,prostatos adenomos, vidurių užkietėjimo, cukraligės, inkstų akmenligės. Gydomos odos ligos, egzema, seborėja, šunvotės, spuogai, naikina pleiskanas ir stiprina plaukus. Šviežios lapų sultys, sumaišytos su aliejumi, gydo žaizdas. Daromi lapų kompresai. roosts Early spring or late autumn. Used from rheumatism, gout, , constipation, diabetes, kidney stones. Used to treat skin diseases, eczema, seborrhea, boils, acne, eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair. Fresh leaf juice, mixed with oil, heals wounds. Made leaf poultices. Žemuogės (Fragaria vesca) Gegužės-birželio mėn. Uogos, Vartojamos vidurių žiedai, lapai užkietėjimui, mažakraujystei, inkstų akmenligei, kepenų ir blužnies ligoms gydyti. Taip pat tinka hemorojaus ir įvairių išbėrimų gydymui. Valo kraują, pašalina dusulį, katarą, kosulį, stabdo viduriavimą. Fruits, leaves, May and June. flowers For constipation, anemia, kidney stones, liver and spleen diseases. It is also suitable for a variety of rashes treatment. Purifies the blood, eliminates breath, Qatar, cough, stops diarrhea. FRANCE FRENCH AROMATICS PLANTS A plant measuring 20 to 60 cm high, has oval leaves, up to 2 to 3 cm. The leaves are light green to dark green, sometimes purple in some varieties. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a plant of the family Lamiaceae grown as aromatic condiment plant. The best known is the common basil, also called Roman basil pesto or royal herb. Common basil is widely used in the kitchen Gastronomy Basil leaves are used as a herb. They are preferably used because their raw flavor fades with cooking. They accompany raw vegetables (salads, tomatoes zucchini), pasta, shellfish and fish, scrambled eggs, chicken, rabbit, duck, sauces (salad dressing, lemon, olive oil). Pistou soup recipe is the traditional soup of Provence. This is a soup that is eaten only in the summer. in drugstore • Part used: leaves and flowering tops • Property: Stomachic, carminative, lactagogue, amazing light • Instructions: Infusion, powder, gasoline, oenolé, poultice, spray Sedative, antispasmodic digestive tract, diuretic, antibacterial, against indigestion and as a vermifuge. This move away mosquitoes and it is a remedy against the héméralopie5. Basil also would own narcotic properties. SAUGE Sages form the genus Salvia. These are plants of the Lamiaceae family which includes over 900 species of annual, biennial, or perennial shrub. Ten sages are native to Europe, such as meadow sage. Gastronomy Sage is also used as a herb in preparations as aiga bolhida example. The taste is strong, slightly bitter and camphor. It goes well with pork (arista, pork loin roast) and dishes of poultry (chicken, turkey, duck) but also with potatoes and other féculentsPistou soup recipe is the traditional soup of Provence. This is a soup That is eaten only in the summer. in drugstore The effects of salvia officinalis on stomach aches and digestive problems are due to flavonoids and species. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action could be related to the presence of phenolic acids. In laboratory tests, extracts of sage officinale showed estrogenic activity (similar to female hormones), but the substances responsible for this effect have not been identified. THYM Thymus is a genus of plants of the Lamiaceae family. They are creepers or pad bearing small pale pink or white flowers. These plants are rich in essential oils and as such are part of the aromatic plants. •Thyme is used as a flavoring in cooking and as a medicinal plant in herbal teas or even candy (Ricola example). • In tea, it is used to treat respiratory infections. A thyme tea is also effective to drain the liver, so it is recommended by naturopathic for people undergoing chemotherapy treatment very destructive to the liver. • This is also a great calming Gastronomy Thyme is a condiment plant widely used especially in rural and Provençal cuisine. With laurel parsley rosemary, oregano, it is part of bouquet garni which falls many recipes for meat sauce. in drugstore Thyme is antiseptic and has antiviral properties. It is stomachic, expectorant and antispasmodic. In herb or infusion, it is a digestive tract disinfectant often used in combination with rosemary and sage. Thyme relieves digestive problems. The infusion of thyme can be used as a mouthwash in cases of inflammation of the gums and gargle for sore throat or tonsillitis. But especially thyme or preparations containing thyme are used in fumigation to treat colds and sinusitis. Thyme can be also used for liver disease. MAKING AN AROMATICS PLANTS ALBUM MAKING AROMATICS PLANTS MIXTURE FOR COOKING AND TASTING OFFERING MOTHER AROMATICS PLANTS’ BOTTLE… LATVIA Parastais baziliks (latīņu Ocimum basilicum) (angļu Common basil) Common basil is Herb, which can be grown in our latitudes. Known about 150 peter's species, between which is also perennial. One-year dead-nettle native vascular plants. Homeland considers South Asia. Propagated by seed, and sowh in April. Plant height 20 to 80 cm. Common basil is very aromatic so people grow it as the houseplant. Use fresh leaves and flowering tops of page. It contains essential oils, vitamins C and P, carotene and other biologically active substances. Basil is not suitable for drying, as light and moisture loses flavor. Basil has anti-inflammatory and central nervous system tonic effect, it promotes blood circulation and breathing. It used to improve digestion, for colds, fever, headache, nausea. For external use aromatic bath, rinse the throat, hoarseness and sore throat, as well as taxable and compresses difficult healing wounds and heal eczema, insect bites. Deters moths and other pests. Basil can be used in the garden as a natural repellent for aphids, flies and mosquitoes. Basil is not recommended in patients with renal and liver, during pregnancy because are menstruation pull. Parastais biškrēsliņš (latīņu Tanacetum vulgare) (angļu Tansy) Perennial vascular plants. In Latvia frequently occurs as a weed in gardens, roadsides, and river bluffs. Propagated by seed or plant distribution. Tiny yellow flowers, height 40-150 cm. Use leaves and flowers. The flowers contain essential oils, tannins, flavanoids, vitamin C and other biologically active substances. Tansy is an antiseptic and spasmolytic effect, it promotes the secretion of bile. Used to treat rheumatism, gout, headache, ascarids and pinworms, as well as the treatment of enterocolitis. Tansy leaves gives meats Rosemary-like odor. They can be used with rhubarb preparing dessert. Fresh tansy flowers or flower infusion is used garden and pet pest deterrence. Plant must not be used for long periods. An overdose may be vomiting, diarrhea. Tansy preparations should not be used during pregnancy. Smaržīgā dille (latīņu Anethum graveolens) (angļu Dill) The fragrant Dill is an herb grown in the garden in our latitudes. Annual plant. On the Dill considers homeland in southern and western Asia. Propagated by seeds. Plant height from 0.4 to 1, 5 m. Blossoming yellow flowers which are aggregated into in clusters. Use the tops and seeds. All parts of plants containing essential oils, C, B group, P and vitamin PP. Dill is a blood pressure lowering, calming, easily narcotic effects. In folk medicine recommends dill shortness of breath, respiratory, inflammation, neurosis and treat insomnia. Dill essential oil used in perfumery. During pregnancy is not recommended to use dill in large doses. Sējas koriandrs ( latīņu Coriandrum sativum) (angļu Coriander) Coriander is a medicinal plant and herb. Annual plant. Homeland considers Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. withstands cold. Propagated by seeds and plant height: 40 - 60 cm. Blossoming white or rosy flowers, good nectar plants. Use the seeds, leaves and young shoots. All parts of the plant contain essential oils, vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins, rutin. Coriander seeds are used to improve appetite and digestion, anti-gastritis and expectorant product. Coriander essential oil is used in perfumery. Piparmētra (latīņu Mentha piperita) (angļu Peppermint) Peppermint is a medicinal plant, herb and ornamental plant. Peppermint is of a multiannual herbaceous dead-nettle native, widely distributed in Europe, Asia, North America. Propagated by rhizomes, cuttings and shoots surface strings. Flowering in tiny, white, purple or pink flowers are good nectar plants. Plant height of up to 1 meter. Use leaves. The plant contains essential oils, bitter substances, vitamin C, carotene, microelements and other biologically active substances. Essential oil used in perfumery. Peppermint is used to improve appetite and digestion, anti-sickness medication, migraine, insomnia. Used to treat toothache and massages. In cooking uses salads, sauces, soups, vegetables, and meat dishes, confectionery, tea and soft drinks. Fresh mint kitchen creates a pleasant aroma put off by the flies, ants, mice, moths and other pests. Peppermint is not recommended for people with a significantly decrease in blood pressure. Ārstniecības rozmarīns (latīņu Rosmarinus officinalis) (angļu Rosemary) Rosemary is a medicinal plant, herb and ornamental plant. Frost flimsy plant. Plant homeland considers the Mediterranean region and South America. Propagated by seeds or by cuttings. Plant height 0.5 - 1.5 m. Blossoming tiny, pale bluish, rarely rosy or white flowers. Use the leaves and young shoots with flowers or flower buds. All parts of the plant contain essential oils, resins, bitter substances and other biologically active substances. The plant has phytoncides activity. Rosemary is used for cardiac neurosis, epilepsy, irregular menstruation treatment and improves digestion. Is used for skin care, hair roots strengthening and massage. In cooking used in salads, soups, with meat, tea and soft drinks. Put off by moths and other pests. Vārpainā lavanda (latīņu Lavandula officinalis) (angļu Lavender) Service-berry lavender is an herb and ornamental plant. Plant native country is considered to be western Mediterranean. Propagated by seeds or cuttings. Blossoming blue or blue-violet flowers, a good nectar plants. Plant height up to 60 cm. Use flowers and stem endings. The flowers contain essential oils, flavonoids and other compounds. Lavender essential oil is used in perfumery. Lavender is used to improve appetite and digestion, heart rate regulation. Used externally to treat neck rinsing and to treat migraine and rheumatism. Oil is used for massage, it soothes, relieves tension, pain, especially muscle pain. In cooking uses fresh lavender flowers to salads. Lavender is used as flavorings in soft drinks. Flowers used in herbal compositions. Parastā raudene (latīņu Origanum vulgare) (angļu Wild marjoram) Oregano is a medicinal plant and herb. The plant native is southern Europe and Asia. In Latvia this plant are found in the wild. Propagated by seed and cuttings. The plant height 3075 cm. The flowers are small, white, pink. Use the leaves and tops. They contain essential oils, bitters, vitamin C, vegetable oils and other biologically active substances. The plant has antimicrobial effects. It is used for coughs and bronchitis, tuberculosis. Improves digestion, bile secretion, relieves headache. Use for external mouthwash against toothache, rashes and acne treatment. In cooking used to salads, vegetables, eggs and meats, cheeses, tomato puree, beverage perfuming, home brewing preparation. Wild marjoram is not recommended for pregnant women. Ārstniecības salvija (latīņu Salvia officinalis) (angļu Sage) Sage is a medicinal plant, herb and ornamental plant. Native to the Mediterranean region. Propagated by seeds or cuttings. Plant height up to 70 cm. Flowers blue-violet. Use leaves. The plant contains essential oils, resin, tannins, flavonoids, organic acids and phytoncides. Sage is a tonic, sedative, an astringent, blood clotting promotes, pain soothing, bactericidal action and antitumor activity. Used externally to treat if there are bleeding gums, skin rashes and skin cancer. Sage prolong food shelf life, it is a natural preservative. The aroma deters moths and other pests. Sage is not recommended for use in patients with acute renal inflammation and pregnant women. Smaržīgā selerija (latīņu Apium graveolens) (angļu Celery) Celery is a medicinal herb, vegetable and herb. The plant homeland Mediterranean region. Propagated by seeds. Blossoming small white flowers. Use all parts of the plant. They shall contain essential oils, vitamins B and C, carotene and minerals. Celery considered to be invigorating the nervous system and calming plant. It increases mental capacity for work, activates your metabolism tones up the body. Celery used to treat rheumatism. The plant juice or essential oils suggests to stimulate renal function. In cooking used in salads, soups, with meat and preserving. Celery can be used in the garden as insect repellors. ROMANIA Bilberry: Vaccinium myrtillus Fam. Ericaceae Common name Bilberry: Afeni, mountain bilberry, cranberry, black, afinghi, asinine, baking, Cucuz, Berries PHARMACEUTICAL Bilberry: The leaves of blueberry - Are excellent anti-diarrheal - Causes tissue tightening, moderate secretions and facilitates wound healing - Consumers often lower blood sugar - Acts on the multiplication of microbes - Are great diuretics - Bilberry is also a urinary antiseptic - Blueberries increase visual acuity - Used to treat diabetes Diseases treated with blueberries: disease treated with bilberry diarrhea, enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine) fermentation enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine) from rotting, oxiurază, diabetes, urinary infections, diarrhea, uremia, gout (uric arthritis), rheumatism Bilberry SPA - Blueberry tea combined with other herbs is used in treating the symptoms of gout, rheumatism, and hyperuricemia (meaning excess of urea in blood). This tea can drink 2-3 cups smoothly recommended on an empty stomach and every time before mass about 1 hour. It still made excellent rexultate if long cures will make blueberry tea (at least 6 weeks). It is very good in combination with root burdock and grass pansy - In treating the oxiurazei - recommended combined cranberry tea, and it will cure 12 days: Drink at least 1-2 liters of this tea every day. In addition, it may be enemas every 2-3 days with combined infusion of the leaves of cranberry. - People with capillary fragility which may be issued and bruising over large areas of the skin, react extremely well to treatment consisting of blueberry leaf and vine leaves vines. This treatment will last for 3 months during which it will take on an empty stomach in the morning, noon, afternoon and evening, a teaspoon of powder (in English) from a combination of bilberry leaf and vine vines (those black grapes) in equal Method Bilberry - Bilberry tea, decoction affinity cold maceration Infusion: blueberry tea - will put 2 teaspoons in half a liter of boiling water. It is best to drink warm in 3 innings during a day Decoction: bilberry fruit crushed in the one and a half teaspoon to 500 ml of cold water will boil half an hour, then drink warm 3 times during the day Cold maceration: bilberry fruit crushed in the one and a half teaspoon to 400 ml of cold water, let soak at room temperature for 8 hours; drink 3 times during the day Leaf - in 250 ml boiling water will put 2 teaspoons chopped leaves of bilberry. Leave covered 10 minutes after which it will slip, and drink throughout the day. - In 250 ml water will put 2 teaspoons of chopped leaves of bilberry - boil 15 minutes. It is used to treat diarrhea, is a urinary bunantiseptic Fruits - 500 ml of water will put 2 tablespoons of blueberries. It will boil for half an hour. The resulting tea will warm drink during an entire day - 500 ml of water will put 2 teaspoons of crushed blueberries - let it soak in the evening until morning to room temperature. Drink within the next 24 hours - 1 kg of sugar will make 1 kg of crushed blueberries. Keep this fire for 30 minutes, oiar then be poured into bottles with wider mouths. - 700 g of sugar will put a liter of cranberry juice. Then simmer until thickened. It can be used throughout the year - Dried fruit to be milled - it has a pinch 3 times per day sublingually. It is maintained for 10 minutes, and then swallow. - Jams and preserves, cranberry recipes are as known to every Bilberry tincture - (For diabetics is recommended to make the leaves) - used to tincture fresh fruit - some of these will be crushed and will add 5 parts alimentary alcohol 70C. Thus take 15 days and then it will slip. Stir often and keep only at room temperature, protected from frost and sun. From this tincture can take 20 drops 3 times a day Wine - 1 liter of wine grapes can put 50 grams of fresh blueberries. Allow within 8 days at room temperature and shake whenever possible. Subsequently, filter and complete fluid obtained wine. It is best to eat 15 minutes before meals. Blueberry liqueur - about 500 ml of vodka put 50-100 ml cranberry tincture. Affinity - is prohibited diabetics Traditionally affinity It is highly appreciated for sweet-sour fruit at harvest that began in the summer months, use some special Pieptani. From blueberries to prepare many things, from soft drinks and alcoholic foods. Blueberry fruit juice is used to color wines in the past, and the dyeing of yarns and fabrics. In mountain areas, blueberry dried fruit in brandy or formed, very much used against diarrhea. Leafy branches that were previously left to dry, prepare all kinds of tea used in various diseases. In some areas of the country, against diarrhea make some cakes and flour blueberry pomace, which were given sick to eat, cooked mixed with birch leaves , laurel and shepherd's purse . Aloe vera: Aloe Ferox, Aloe Perry, Aloe vulgaris Aloe Barbadensis Common name aloe vera: aloe vera Diseases that can be treated with aloe vera: disease treated with aloe vera: abscess, stomach acid, eye diseases, intestinal disorders, skin diseases, diseases of the mouth, liver disease, alcoholism, allergies, angina, anorexia, heartburn, arthritis, bronchial asthma, inertia, nerve diseases, bronchitis, cancer, cataracts, cramps, dermatitis, colitis, constipation, headache, diabetes and other Contraindications aloe vera: - Pregnant women with abnormal uterine bleeding, in patients with hemorrhoids, those with nephritis. Herbal treatments with aloe vera - Preparation and Administration: - A pinch of powdered aloe vera will put under the tongue for 10 minutes, then swallow with water. It is very bitter and therefore very difficult to take. - Is put in capsules 0.5 g per capsule medicine and internal taken 3 times a day before meals. - It will make tea powder 1 tsp placed in 250 ml boiling water. Cover for 10 minutes then filtered and consumed, preferably sweetened with honey, if it's east and about diabetes - Sprinkle dust on external injuries - Powder mixed with oil, grease, other (butter, cream, lard, lanolin, petroleum jelly) turning into creams or ointment to be applied externally. Place 1 part herb powder and 3 parts fat. - Tincture - will put 50 g of powder in 250 ml Alcohol 70 °. Keep stirring often for 15 days bottle. Filter and put in bottles of less than cool. It will take about 10 drops 1 teaspoon three times a day. It can make fresh plant tincture and all this way. - Plant fresh cut and put on the wound cut. - Aloe plants are kept dry in the dark for 5 days. Only use plants that are past 3 years old vegetation. After this period will be cut foliage. There are several processes: - Place the dry dust around the plant getting sliced thinner. - Extract the juice is put to dry forming dust. - Fresh plant will use only external applications. Cut into slices with a special cut from the wound or skin. Aloe as a purgative: 1 teaspoon of tincture made with 100 l water or tea. Take after meals. Action occurs after 8-12 hours, rarely after 24 hours, by increasing intestinal peristalsis due to nerve irritation caused local intestinal walls. - Also acts as a purgative, bitter tonic (anorexia), but also as a good eupeptic antitoxin especially liver. - A pinch of powder will be placed under the tongue for 10 minutes, then swallow with water. It is very bitter and therefore very difficult to take. - Is put in capsules 0.5 g per capsule medicine and internal taken 3 times a day before meals. - It will make tea powder 1 tsp placed in 250 ml boiling water. Cover for 10 minutes then filtered and consumed, preferably sweetened with honey, if it's east and about diabetes. - Sprinkle dust on external injuries. - Powder mixed with oil, grease, other (butter, cream, lard, lanolin, petroleum jelly) turning into creams or ointment to be applied externally. Place 1 part herb powder and 3 parts fat. Tincture of Aloe vera - will put 50 g of powder in 250 ml alimentary alcohol 70C. Keep stirring often for 15 days bottle. Filter and put in bottles of less than cool. It will take about 10 drops, 1 teaspoon three times a day. It can make fresh plant tincture and all this way. - Plant fresh cut and place the cut on rană.0 Aloe as a purgative - a teaspoon of tincture diluted in 100 ml of water or tea. Take after meals. - Purgative dose can be given 2-3 times during the day. It will avoid the sensitive patients have trouble with hemorrhoids. However those with hemorrhoids as well not take aloe preparations than external form of ointments which are very active. - It is noteworthy that these effects were noticed for a long time yet the locals who use this plant population to these conditions for hundreds of years. Only recently been discovered that these beliefs have a scientific background. Aloe Propolis - 100 ml of tincture of aloe put together with 30 ml of 30% propolis tincture. It is shown both internally and externally with the role of cell recovery, regeneration, cellular healing, antibiotic, etc.. It is one of the most effective antibiotics used in many conditions. Dosage teaspoon three times a day diluted with a little water. Aloe buckthorn oil - it will make 100 ml aloe tincture 30 ml sea buckthorn oil. Shake well before use. It is useful for all skin conditions when there is excessive dryness of the skin, but also in eczema, psoriasis, ichthyosis. It can be applied in a thin layer to be applied as a dressing. Dressing will be changed to 24 hours. A LoE with honey - Aloe powder and honey as include internal uses a spoon 3 times a day or in external topical application, and then bandaged for 24 hours. It is useful even cancer or skin ulcers and so on within the body at various wounds, even after the operation. Aloe olive oil - a teaspoon of aloe powder to 50 ml of oil. It can be used for all diseases in domestic indicating the cleansing of the body, especially in chronic diseases. Wine with aloe - a liter of red wine and 10 g of powdered aloe. Will be taken to soak for a period of 8 days, after which the user. There is no need to filter. Shake the bottle before use because it has a tendency to settle. Creme with Aloe - use one teaspoon of aloe powder and 50 g of fat. It may be, lard oil (put and beeswax), cream, butter, lanolin, vaseline, etc.. Indicate all cosmetic or dermatological conditions both for healing and maintenance. Contraindications aloe vera - It is prohibited to pregnant women with abnormal uterine bleeding, in patients with hemorrhoids, those with nephritis. - Women who are breastfeeding should also not consume aloe as it passes into breast milk. Armory: Common name armory: silver garden, armory, armories weed, crapusnic, variegated thistle The therapeutic armory: - Hepato-protective - Favorable treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, hepatic failure, and in poisoning with mushrooms - Leaves can be eaten in salads as a stimulator of the stomach and also a painkiller. Diseases that can be treated with armory: disease treated with armory: spleen disorders, liver diseases as diverse gallbladder disease, cancer (reduces side effects for chemotherapy), cirrhosis, constipation, difficult digestion, dyspepsia, chronic hepatitis, hemorrhoids, hypertension, jaundice, liver infections , hepatic failure, hypochondria, cholelithiasis (with tourists big oil), menorrhagia, varicose veins, vomiting. Method armory - tea armory - Tea armory - 250 d eml boiling water will put a teaspoon of seeds small armory. It will leave covered for 10 minutes - drink 2-3 cups per day. The first cup of tea is consumed in the morning before breakfast will then lie on your right side for 30 minute.Se dpua cup drink on two occasions 15 minutes before meals. This diet takes 15 to 20 days and then will pause for 15 days and can resume. - Leaves the armory are great to eat fresh in salads - useful in digestive disorders or domestic. Tincture armory - armor grind seeds and place in a resealable bottle with 250 ml Alcohol 70 ˚. This mixture is kept at room temperature and shake daily - then strain and filter. Place the smaller bottles cold where you can keep for 2 years. Dust armory : the armory grind seeds and will be placed sublingually a very small amount, as a pinch. Hold for 10 minutes, and then be swallowed with water. This treatment is done three times a day. 20 days is also a break for 15 days, and then be resumed. Warnings armory: - No pauses or supradozeaza and 20 days between courses Traditionally armory Armory is grown by peasant gardens. The roots, leaves and fruits were always used in folk medicine in diseases of the liver and spleen. It was a normal cure for syphilis. name: Achillea milefolium, Compositae fam Yarrow popular name: peanuts, Brădăţel, ciureşică, tail mice milfoil, hârcelui tail, tail paper, indentations, crâvalnic, Garve, grass, sheep, rat grass, grass-sneezing, sorocină, sneezing, father-bustle. Yarrow therapeutic properties: Yarrow Flowers Intern: - Yarrow dilates bronchi - bronchodilator reduces gastric secretions, topical astringent, disinfectant and soothing gastrointestinal - Yarrow soothe abdominal pain and helps eliminate gas - Antiseptic biliary - Expectorant - Decongestant hemorodial - Analgesic External: - Calming, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant (baths or compresses) - Yarrow regenerating tissues - Calming the anorectal mucosa Diseases treated with yarrow: disease treated with yarrow: burns, wounds effusion, eczema zemuinde, dental abscesses, ulcers varicios, hemorrhoids, anorexia, enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine), stomach cramps, liver colic, bronchitis, gastritis, hypermenorea (heavy menstrual periods), dysmenorrhea , hemorrhoids, abdominal bloating, cystitis Yarrow Herbal treatments: - Sângerânzi treat hemorrhoids, epistaxis, hemoptysis in, in internal bleeding - is administered as a powder, a teaspoon of yarrow every hour on an empty stomach. - In conditions such as dyspepsia, bloating, digestion difficult - given a teaspoon of powdered yarrow on an empty stomach before each meal 10-15 minutes. If desired amplification effects associated with the powder coriander fruits - If you suffer from allergies, allergic rhinitis and rhino-sinuzltă, allergic asthma, asthma - is adimistreaza powder. In asthma and asthmatic bronchitis with much success using yarrow tea from the flowers in the form of emergency medicine - In the event of amenorrhea - powder administered yarrow flowers that are associated with treatment with tincture of fennel - For diseases such as enteritis, enterocolitis, entero-renal syndrome - Yarrow tea is taken in combination with other plants, in half of 4 cups of yarrow daily on an empty stomach. - Swelling in conditions such as cardio-renal hypertension - is given yarrow powder - Penru those who are suffering from cystitis, hemorrhagic cystitis, nephritis and pyelonephritis - Yarrow tea is taken in combination with other plants. For best results folseste tincture is combined with the Juniper - For wounds - is used as compresses yarrow leaves; - Sângerânzi hemorrhoids, varicose ulcers, skin ulcers - are washing with a cotton swab and apply compresses with yarrow tea - If ano-rectal lesions - are loţionări sitz bath tea and yarrow combined with other herbs, highly concentrated - If you have sinusitis - can be inhaled Yarrow infusion 2 times per day. Method Yarrow: Yarrow tea Intern - yarrow tea - infusion: 500 ml hot water 2 teaspoons of yarrow flowers, drink hot tea SHIP 4-5 innings during a day External - yarrow tea - is an infusion 3 tablespoons yarrow who put in 500 ml of boiling water, so use as compresses or baths Traditionally Yarrow Almost everywhere yarrow was used for cuts and wounds. In some areas grind plant, or only its leaves, sap squeeze the wound or cut, and the remains were linked. Elsewhere, beat it leaves is mixed with fat and so are put, or are dried it is crushed and sprinkled dust. Leaf crushed and mixed with resin was placed on boils, as to hasten ripening, breaking and healing. They were treating him spots on face scab. Dried and crushed leaves arise between toes against scalds and raw and pounded on the toes. Garlic mixed with them were linked against toothache. Tea or decoction is used in many parts against breast disease. Tea in floral tops take cough sometimes mixed with thyme and chamomile and cons when taking asthma. Bathrooms were being made to foot pain mixed with hay flowers. Everywhere employed for digestive diseases, stomach pain, intestinal colic, diarrhea. For patients with ulcer leaves boiled down those who grew up there until the water drop by half, and then take three times a day before meals one cup. Chamomile: Matricaria chamomilla. Common name Chamomile: Mamora, foaming dog, matrix, matrix, memory, beluga, Musat, Musat, muscatel, field chamomile, aster, St. Mary's lap, Romania, Romona, Romona good Romona small, Rumania, Rumania, rumoniţe Chamomile therapeutic properties: Chamomile Flowers Intern: - Chamomile is antiiflamator, sedative, relieves abdominal pain and helps eliminate gas - Gastric and intestinal antispasmodic and healing - Perspiration and diarrhea - Powerful antiseptic - destroys germs - germicide External: - Prevents microbial infections - antiseptic - Capillary tonic - Emollient - Antisepric descongestiv anorectal Diseases treated with chamomile: disease treated with chamomile: gastritis, enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine), dysmenorrhea, intestinal colic, diarrhea, kidney infections, infected wounds, burns, eczema, irritated and congested complexions, dental abscesses, laucoree, conjunctivitis, vaginal inflammation, itching vulvar , inflammatory dermatoses, inflammation hemorodiale, anal fissures, atrophic vaginitis Herbal treatments with chamomile: - For people who suffer from allergic reactions, asthma, chills - hot chamomile tea is given because it has a strong and pretty fast - for a general treatment will be given 4-6 teaspoons of chamomile powder day. - For allergic skin reactions (urticaria) - is administeraza chamomile and other herbs . There will be external and Treatment Chamomile poultice is put on the affected areas. - Acute or chronic inflammatory conditions of the gastric mucosa, gastric hyperacidity, ulcers in infancy, gastric irritation caused by excessive use of medications aggressive colitis associated with ulcer disease occurring - is given powdered chamomile chamomile or combined with other plants. In severe cases of ulcer and gastritis associated chamomile is very effective with calamus and comfrey - Abdominal cramps, intestinal spasms, colitis (adjuvant) - for fast soothing and antispasmodic effects of colic is given chamomile tea hot - in treatments that will last longer will be given chamomile powder - Colic babies and children - are given firbinte chamomile combined with other herbs - Cataruri chronic upper respiratory tract - chamomile powder. If you want efficiency in function is given in combination with pansy and mint . This mix will take a teaspoon 3-4 times daily before meals - is good for asthma and allergic bronchitis - For those who suffer from migraine headaches and nervous background - is administeraza chamomile powder. For problems of this type that is associated with biliary dysfunction chamomile blend with artichokes or wormwood - For those who have feelings of restlessness and nervousness or insomnia in children and nightmares - chamomile tea combined with other herbs - For women who experience nausea during pregnancy - is given chamomile powder - one teaspoon 2-3 times a day, always before meals - The infection - is given chamomile tea combined with other plants, one liter per day. The external treatment are douche or put poultices, baths or enemas is chamomile tea very concentrated. - For those who suffer from insomnia or nervous irritability - Chamomile tea is given 2 hours before bedtime - For women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, emntruale disorders, abdominal cramps during menstruation and genital pain - drink hot chamomile tea. To treat these imbalances will be given in equal combination of chamomile, sage and St John's wort . Take a teaspoon 4 times a day before meals - For those who have hormonal imbalances during puberty - it will be a combination of chamomile, sage and shepherd's purse - 4 times a day a teaspoon - In cases of radiation - is given chamomile powder, black tea and terrors in equal proportions: a teaspoon of the mixture of 6 times per day. Meanwhile consume plenty of fluids chamomile and mint tea. - Is very good in cases of pharyngitis and tonsillitis, epididymitis, diarrhea, dyspeptic, purulent cystitis, chronic stress and stress-related diseases. - TLS rash with itching and Weeping - Chamomile poultices are - they take a minimum of 1 hour per affected area. - In case of upper respiratory tract disease and sinus, chronic sinusitis in children - are inhaled daily for several days - 5 or 10 days - For those who suffer from allergic asthma - are general hot baths where they will put 5 liters of infusion of chamomile combined with other herbs. - For those who suffer from conjunctivitis or any ocular inflammation - comrpese will make chamomile tea and wash the combined infusion Masterbatches filtered through cotton - For those who have eye pain - will put a chamomile compress on the eyelids - Is given in case of neuralgia. - Chamomile is very good for hair - last rinse after washing will be combined infusion Masterbatche - Chamomile is very good for skin care, spots and skin irritation - wash morning and evening skin and affected areas with a cotton swab dipped well combined infusion Masterbatches. S - Itching in the genital area in women (pruritus vulvae) - vaginal washings combined infusion of chamomile Masterbatches. - Star irritation of the large intestine - enemas combined infusion. Method Chamomile - chamomile tea, chamomile infusion Internal - Chamomile tea: Prepare a teaspoon of chamomile flowers in 200 ml of hot water - Drink 2-3 cups of tea per day External - Infusion - the amount of chamomile flowers doubles, is used as compresses, baths, vaginal lavage, enemas, gargling, etc. Traditionally Chamomile Decoction is used to wash and oblojeli against headaches. Cons earache he was done with bullshit, or wash with the decoction of flowers. It is used in wounds, boils, sores, sweet, hemorrhoids. Tea taking cough, colds, rheumatism. Decoction is kept warm in the mouth, the pain of teeth longer made him gargle against sore throats. Everywhere was used for stomach aches. Molded as a tea or in spirit, from evening to morning, take counter vătămăturii. Very often it was used to ease childbirth, complications or other feminine disorders. Chicory: Cichorium intybus, fam. Asteraceae Chicory Common name: chicory, chicory field, endive, chicory summer bitter chicory, cicoria bitter cocita, DORULET, dudau, sunflower rye, girdle, Mesta PHARMACEUTICAL chicory: - Stimulates the liver and digestive functions - Increases bile secretion of liver - Stimulates contraction of the gallbladder and bile ducts and causes emptying of diuretic - Stimuleză kidney function - Depurativ - helps remove toxic substances from the body - Laxative Diseases treated with chicory: disease treated with chicory acne, anemia, anorexia, irritability or pain cardiac arrhythmias. Arthritis, fatigue, gastric and digestive atony, gallstones and kidney stones, liver colic, hepatic and splenic congestion, constipation, depression, dermatitis, hypotonic biliary dyskinesia, diabetes (soothes thirst), headaches, furunculosis, gout, chronic hepatitis and acute , dropsy, jaundice, urinary infections, severe gall stones, chronic fatigue, malaria, intestinal parasites, wounds, chronic degenerative rheumatism, cuts (fresh herb) SPA Chicory: - All very good cicoaresunt leaves used in salads mixed with other plants less bitter. - 250 ml boiling water will put 2 teaspoons of leaves and flowers of chicory, leave covered for 15 minutes, strain and drink ulteriro around 2-3 cups a day in digestive problems such as constipation - Chicory root decoction is made from 2 teaspoons chopped chicory thrown in 250 ml of hot water. This mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, strain and drink before meals, 2-3 times per day. - Chicory is very good in combination with the salad with lemon, salt and garlic. - Chicory juice can be consumed in quantities of 50-250 ml per day - Chicory Syrup - for children and babies: combine with sugar. Boil until it reaches a syrup consistency and is given a teaspoon 2-3 times a day. - Is a good substitute for coffee, especially chicory root fry, cook and drink it instead of coffee. It is not toxic and can be used straight years Method Chicory: Chicory tea Infusion - Tea is made from chicory root 2 teaspoons minced who put in 250 ml of cold water, boil least for 5 minutes and drink warm before meals; Traditionally chicory Raw leaves of chicory are put on wounds and cuts, like flower petals sometimes formed, in undelemn. Flower decoction is used against eye diseases, and against stomachache tea against toothache, pain killers cancer and lower blood pressure. Flower of chicory, red clover was mixed with tea for headaches. For liver and stomach cleansing drink juice squeezed from the leaves of early spring chicory mixed with dice. Flowering plants pour over boiling water and place over your stomach to soothe the pain. Chicory root is used to heartache. Grind and boil in water or vodka and drink. Marigold: Calendula officinalis Common name Marigold: marigold; Boanca step, Calin, cilimică, columbine Coconut, marigold, lamb's lettuce, marigold, sunflower yellow flowers osenesti, jaundice, galbinele, hilimic, nacotele, yellow eyes, ruginele, rujinele, rusculite Salome sinilii, salunii, rock , tataiasi Marigold therapeutic properties Marigold Flowers Intern: - Sudorific - Stimulates contraction of the gallbladder and bile ducts and causes emptying of healing - Inflammatory gastrointestinal External: - Healing - Inflammatory hemorodial - Stimuleză blood flow to the tissues Diseases treated with Marigold: disease treated with Marigold: hard to heal wounds, hemorrhoids, frostbite, burns, climbed complexions, eczema, acne (pimples on the face, chest and back), abnormal uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea (white vaginal leakage), biliary dyskinesia (ANROM gallbladder function and biliary), gastric and duodenal ulcer, dysmenorrhea, enterocolitis (inflammation of the small and large intestine) Method Marigold: Marigold tea, calendula cream Intern - marigold tea - is an infusion: in 300 ml hot water 2 teaspoons of marigold flowers, this tea to drink before main meals during the day split External - Marigold Tea Infusion is an infusion of 10 g of marigold flowers to be placed in 100 ml of boiling water, leave covered for half an hour, then strain and use; Marigold SPA - 250 ml hot water 2 teaspoons of flowers. This tea will leave covered for 10 minutes, strain and drink these teas daily 3-4 - In 500 ml of water put 4 tablespoons of marigold flowers or ground into powder and then will make 5oo ml of water. After simmer 5 minutes, strain and will use external or wash and gargle. - In a pot is put in the water bath 50 g of calendula flowers to be wet with a little alcohol and 100 ml of vegetable oil or fat. It is boiled for 3 hours in a water bath. This mixture is filtered while hot and put then decanted. This oil will be disjointed both internally and externally. - To prepare a cream will add 20 grams of beeswax - it melts into water bath and stir until it becomes a paste eprmanent - In a bottle will put marigold flowers and above sunflower oil or olive oil. Let ulteriro Sun for 4 weeks, then strain, achieving a very good oil used in internal treatment. Since it can be done and an ointment, adding that melts wax in a water bath and then strain - Tincture of calendula - is made of 20 grams of marigold placed in 100 ml alimentary alcohol 70 degrees. The mixture is kept at room temperature for 15 days, stirring frequently. Finally, strain and put in small bottles that will be hermetically sealed. It can be stored as two years. Management module is failed by 10 or a teaspoon between meals. Traditionally Marigolds Marigold flowers are used for dyeing yellow. The plant is boiled in wine take against jaundice, or boiled in water with saffron. Longer bathe put children to sleep. Decoction is used against skin diseases. Tea leaves are dried in the shade take stomach ulcers, jaundice, duodenal ulcer and uterine lesions. Lavender: Lavandula angustfolia, fam. Lamiaceae Common name Lavender: aspic, lavender, lavender garden, lavender forest, livanţ, livanţică, Livan, spichinel, spichinat. Lavender therapeutic properties: Lavender flowers Intern: - Calming the central nervous system - Lavender is diuretic, stimulates contraction of the gallbladder and bile ducts and causes emptying its contents, disinfectant, soothes abdominal pain and helps eliminate gas - Levante stimulates appetite and increases bile - Relieves abdominal pain, antispasmodic - Reduce mental sensitivity, blurred fear - Combat hair loss - Drives away insects. External: - Analgesic - Calming Diseases that can be treated with lavender: disease treated with lavender acne, thrush, skin disorders, diffuse alopecia, dizziness, anxiety, cardiac arrhythmia, heartburn, asthma, abdominal distension, heart nervous substrate, kidney and liver, - Respiratory diseases, bronchitis, - Thrush, - Headache - Cellulitis - Cystitis - Cuperosis, rheumatic pain, eczema, excessive excitation, flu, infections, insect bites or vipers, nerve irritation, insomnia - Leukorrhea - Headache, nervousness, neurosis, fatigue, neurotic pathology, itching, cold sores, rheumatism - General stimulant, stress, overwork, cerebral blood - Digestive disorders, cough, atonic ulcers, intestinal worms. SPA lavender - lavender tea: - Powder Lavant - will grind dried herb grinder then what will ground the dark because the light negative influence is sealed to avoid losing flavor. It may take 3-4 times per day an amount equal to a pinch or a teaspoon. It will take 15 minutes before meals. It is good that it is kept just below the tongue and then be swallowed with water - In lavender powder 2 teaspoons freshly ground with grinder will put in 250 ml boiling water. Leave covered for 10 minutes after which it will be consumed. You can sweeten with honey if you have diabetes. You can drink this tea on day three - 50 g of finely ground lavender powder with grinder will put in 250 ml alimentary alcohol 70C. It will hold tightly closed and stirred for 15 days very often to the principles of the plant extract. After 15 days strain and will put into dark bottles which can be hermetically sealed. Administration lavender - Depending on the nature and severity of the condition may be administered from 10 to drop or teaspoon 3-4 times a day, or as needed. It may be, however, a treatment with the preparation for 30 days by a teaspoon three times a day before meals taken neurological disorders, are very useful. - 20 g of powder to make a one liter bottle of wine quality, which was not sprayed with chemicals. It will allow to soak for 8 days stirring frequently in order to extract active ingredients from the plant. It will slip through cheesecloth and then be placed in smaller bottles tightly closed cold. It may take one tablespoon or 50 ml three times daily in the treatment or more serious conditions can take only 2 hours before bedtime to induce a peaceful sleep. - 50 g of powder will make a liter of apple vinegar and honey, and will allow to soak for 8 days stirring frequently. After this strain and will get flavored vinegar which is very useful in various massages or just to soothe itchy skin. - Liter sunflower oil-in it will put 50g of powdered lavender obtained with electric grinder. It shall be stopped and allowed to warm while the sun or in a place for 21 days, after which the filter. It will give an oil with a strong smell of lavender that can be used in biliary dyskinesia or other diseases. It can take one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach, or using different external conditions. By adding beeswax can get a cream that is useful in rosacea and other skin disorders. - Lavender aroma oil commercially available (in the household can not be obtained) can be used to flavor the bath and which can be taken internally is very effective in diseases which are higher. But we must be very careful because there are two types of oil. One internal and one is external use. The foreign national will not ever. - To ward off insects and mites is advisable to use together with sweet clover it is very effective not only for lice or mites but also to other pests such as fleas, etc.. - Lavender baths are indicated in many conditions and they will be pouring oil into the bathtub a few drops will do the bath to be fragrant and to make the desired effect. It can however be a plus infiltrated by breaking the fall with the same effect on the body. - In cosmetics is well suited not only for the particularly strong effect of oil but for the effects it has on the body. Traditionally Lavender Lavender oil is used in perfumery and toilet soaps. Floriferous stems arise between clothing against moths and smells so nice. The more use it as a stimulant, antispasmodic, tonic and respiratory disease control. Dough with a handful of flowers in one liter of spirits strong yeast, held two weeks and then strained, place it in compresses to relieve pain from falls and bruises to heal wounds and burns, and against hair loss. A few drops of lavender oil in place in the vessels which watered the animals, the appetite. Armory: Common name armory: silver garden, armory, armories weed, crapusnic, variegated thistle The therapeutic armory: - Hepato-protective - Favorable treatment of cirrhosis, hepatitis, hepatic failure, and in poisoning with mushrooms - Leaves can be eaten in salads as a stimulator of the stomach and also a painkiller. Diseases that can be treated with armory: disease treated with armory: spleen disorders, liver diseases as diverse gallbladder disease, cancer (reduces side effects for chemotherapy), cirrhosis, constipation, difficult digestion, dyspepsia, chronic hepatitis, hemorrhoids, hypertension, jaundice, liver infections , hepatic failure, hypochondria, cholelithiasis (with tourists big oil), menorrhagia, varicose veins, vomiting. Method armory - tea armory - Tea armory - 250 d eml boiling water will put a teaspoon of seeds small armory. It will leave covered for 10 minutes - drink 2-3 cups per day. The first cup of tea is consumed in the morning before breakfast will then lie on your right side for 30 minute.Se dpua cup drink on two occasions 15 minutes before meals. This diet takes 15 to 20 days and then will pause for 15 days and can resume. - Leaves the armory are great to eat fresh in salads - useful in digestive disorders or domestic. Tincture armory - armor grind seeds and place in a resealable bottle with 250 ml Alcohol 70 ˚. This mixture is kept at room temperature and shake daily - then strain and filter. Place the smaller bottles cold where you can keep for 2 years. Dust armory : the armory grind seeds and will be placed sublingually a very small amount, as a pinch. Hold for 10 minutes, and then be swallowed with water. This treatment is done three times a day. 20 days is also a break for 15 days, and then be resumed. Warnings armory: - No pauses or supradozeaza and 20 days between courses Walnut Juglans regia, fam. Juglandaceae Common name: Walnut Nucarilor Walnut therapeutic properties: Walnut leaves Intern: - Disinfectant renal - Prevents microbial infections - antiseptic - Diarrhea - Antidiabetic External: - Prevents microbial infections - antiseptic Diseases treated with walnut: walnut treated diseases: ulcers, eczema zemuinde (bathrooms), furunculosis (bathrooms), eye disorders, oily skin (seborrhea), acute enteritis, leucorrhoea (white vaginal leakage), diabetes, diarrhea, kidney infections, kidney swelling SPA with walnut: - A nut tea spoon of crushed walnut leaves placed in 250 ml of boiling water, after which the cover for 10 minutes. It will slip. You can eat 2 cups per day. Externally this can wash the head or various injuries or even pain killers helps to external alopecia, or if excessive sweating. - Double the amount of tea plant walnut (walnut leaves) can be used externally above conditions. - Green walnut shell half teaspoon is placed in 250 ml of water, then it is boiled for 5 minutes after which the inner one can use a spoon to 2 hours, and will be able to use the external skin disorders or dandruff hair dye or if you will use a little lemon juice. - Seeds of nuts are consumed every day by 3 times 250 g in those cases where it is desired mineral supplementation and after work where high fatigue, anemia, or when it is desired to gain weight. - Tea nut placed 20 g in 250 ml water. It will boil for 5 minutes then strain. You can drink 3-4 cups a day for pain. - Tincture of walnut pericarp. It will take 50 g of walnut green pericarp will put in 250 ml alimentary alcohol 70C. Will be taken for 15 days at room temperature stirring frequently. It will slip after 15 days and will be put in bottles smaller capacity. Reference should be made to the above conditions internal (domestic) by 5 drops 3 times a day diluted in a little water. It is useful in internal diseases as: liver disease, endocrine, cardiac, etc.. - Coconut oil, is taken in the morning on an empty stomach one spoon where you want to eliminate intestinal worms or different dyspepsia. The hair can put frecţionând, which helps restore hair. - Nutmeg apply warm piss boils to hasten ripening. - Walnut poultices leading place in conditions outside tumors or adenomas. 2 changes twice a day and kept moist. - Cosmetic is used a lot in both leaf and seed walnuts, walnut oil or pericarp of which can be a very persistent dye. - Leaves alcohol tincture form of food will take 30-50 drops 2-3 times daily. Useful in diabetes. - Body oil frecţionarea in children rickets, anemia and dermatitis. Method walnut - walnut tea, decoction of walnut Infusion - Walnut tea - one teaspoon of walnut leaves in 200 ml of water, drink 2 teas per day - The more concentrated 20 g of walnut leaves in 200 ml of boiling water - tablespoons a day taken 3-4 Infusion - Tea, walnut - 15 g in 200 ml of boiling water, is used in disorders of the neck and stomatitis, as a gargle, compresses the diseases of the eye - Decoction of logs: - the bath: 100 g of leaves are boiled in 3 liters of water for 15 minutes, the resulting liquid is mixed with the water bath must be at a temperature of 37 degrees. It sits in the bath for 15-20 minutes. Traditionally Walnut Leaves, walnut peel contain a substance used in dyeing wood, of wool, hair and stain preparation of phones. They used to paint in black, brown, yellow and red with other plants. Leaves are also used for rheumatic pain sometimes mixed with other herbs. In villages around which boil egg and flower stalks of hay or nettles. Put ameţii roots or oil and knead 3 weeks manure, then were rubbing against rheumatic pain, or taking raw nuts, formed, with sugar. The land Beius musculoskeletal washings were made with leaf decoction after plămădească were left to two days, or bathrooms walnut leaves and branches of tomatoes, cooked separately and then mixed, or hold legs in green leaves. Pool of green leaves is very much used in scrofulous children with Galm. In some parts were taken against mange walnut leaves, fir, yarrow and brimstone. The toothache nut shell is boiled and the juice held in the mouth, or hold smicele walnut, black peel out, take green peel, put into a new mug, pour vinegar over it come and put a piece of stone and cob sour, pour wine vinegar over it. It is sealed with dough and boil until Down 2 Party and cooled juice held in the mouth, where the tooth hurt. Bullshit leaves against cold. Cons jaundice patient branches gathered from 9 nuts, they burned and the ash was a lye, which bathe once or many times, if you want to speed up recovery, drink this liquor. With wine, green shells grease to ringworm. Green nutshell baked in brandy give each a glass. Wash the head with decoction. Walnut kernels, crushed and mixed with flour and cream is put on wounds, baking remover. Crushed and mixed with oil is put against boils sweet. SALVIA (Salvia officinalis) is part labiates family (Lamiaceae) and comes from the Mediterranean. It was used in ancient times as a medicinal plant and culinary ingredient. From sage leaves are used fresh or dried. They have oval, gray-green and velvety in appearance and touch, covered with soft hairs. sage plant grows well in sunny locations with rocky soil, and in pots. Can reach a height of 70 cm. Summer flowers produce small purple circle around a common axis. It is a beautiful plant and decorative. Salvia is very fragrant and is used mainly in Italian cuisine, from soups, fish, a roast chicken, pork or beef. Leaves placed in hot olive oil, crispy in less than 10 seconds and is used in salads, snacks or decoration. In general there are used along with other herbs as strong sage taste overshadows other spices. It's a bit bitter and so are people who avoid the kitchen. There are several types of sage, with different taste and leaves of different colors. Tricolor species has green dots on the leaves, pink and white PIacteria species has yellow spots on leaves and purpurascens species has dark red leaves. If you want to cultivate salvia, you can use or you can buy seeds from a young plant which flowers to plant in spring garden or to keep the pot. If you plant in the garden, winter plant must be covered and must be trimmed spring to make room for young twigs. The leaves are harvested from spring to autumn, and can be eaten fresh or dried. Fresh may be kept in the refrigerator up to 2 weeks. If you want to dry, choose a dry and dark place and then keep the leaves in a jar with a lid. Hang a few months. As an herb, sage is used to treat gallbladder disease, promotes digestion and milk secretion in new mothers. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is part of labiates family (Lamiaceae) and is native to the Mediterranean, where it was used in ancient times as an ingredient in the kitchen. Rosemary is an herb very beautiful and has a pleasant smell, so it is often used in flower beds. It can grow in the garden, and potted. If you plant in the garden, you should note that loves the sun and is very resistant to cold, so winter must be moved indoors, or be "dressed" well. The easiest is to buy a young plant rosemary at the supermarket, internet or a flower. Take care to be healthy. If you keep in the house can be moved to a larger pot at any time if a garden plant, this process should be done in spring. The soil should be loose and sandy well and does not require frequent watering. Should be kept light. Can be cut herb sprigs of fresh rosemary anytime you need. It's a pretty robust shrub, can grow to a height of 2 meters. It has a greenish gray, older stems are woody and the young are flexible. The leaves are needleshaped and have a high comfor, hence the strong smell. Prodcut spring blue flowers, white or pink. Stems and leaves is good to be used fresh, but can be eaten dry without losing too much flavor. Rosemary is very use to the Mediterranean cuisine and steaks made from baked or grilled lamb, beef, pork and over. It is very easy to prepare your own flavored olive oil. Put in a bottle of olive oil 2-3 sprigs of rozmatin and over nly a week it can be consumed. It is a good idea for gift. As a medicinal herb, is a good digestive activates blood circulation, increases fertility. Has aphrodisiac and increases fertility. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is part of labiates family (Lamiaceae). It is native to southern Europe and is now used as a culinary ingredient in Europe, North and Central America. Semilemnoasa is a plant, a shrub that can reach a height of 50 cm, with numerous branches on stalks. Since the plant are mainly leaves that have oval, white fluff. They have dark green color and a strong flavor. Summer is gathered lilac flower bouquets. Thanks to them, oregano attract the bees and butterflies. 's a plant that can be used in combination with other herbs and used mostly in Italian recipes, pizza, sauces, salads, pasta, and with chicken or fish. Oregano can be grown in pots or garden by you. You can plant seeds purchased from the supermarket, or online flower inside in early spring and then, after the heat outside, you can replant seedlings in the garden, at a distance of 20 or 30 cm apart, to have room for growth. If you keep them inside, be rare. Oregano need a sunny and sandy soil and humid. In winter, the plant must be covered and spring stems will be cut to allow young shoots to grow freely. Oregano leaves and flowers can be harvested anytime you need. You can eat fresh or can be dried. Dried retains strong flavor. As a medicinal herb, is beneficial in the treatment bile and stomach, eases breathing and relieves coughing. Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is part of labiates family (Lamiaceae) and is native to Asia. The Indian plant is considered sacred. In Europe it spread very quickly, and is used mainly in the Mediterranean. In our country it is used in the kitchen for a few years with the opening of an Italian restaurant. Is marketed fresh or dried. The fresh flavor but is much stronger and it is always recommended instead of dry. Basil is one of the plants that grow easily in pots. It multiplies by seeds, sprinkle the earth and watered in the early days of abundance. In a few days the seeds will germinate and young plants will have first basil. Let it grow a few inches and then can replicate and rare or may be left still so dense, but seedlings will grow feeble and crooked. After they grow several rows of leaves, plant tops can be cut and it will increase further. Use both leaves and stems. The leaves should be gathered before the plant to flourish. With time, the basil will wilt. If you want to always have fresh basil in the house, you can plant many pots every 3-4 weeks. basil can be used as soon as it is cut, and recommends what. It can put in the refrigerator for several days. If left unused, however, lies on a towel and leave to dry for a few days until the leaves become brittle. Then storing it in a jar or chop first with a food and also retains a jar with a lid. Aroma is weak, but dry your house is nothing compared to the purchase of commercial land in the envelope. Such land may be used in preparation of various dishes and can be used to prepare a fragrant olive oil. Place a few tablespoons of chopped dried basil in a bottle of olive oil can be consumed in a week. If you want to grow in your garden, do the same as above, but after they grow a bit seedlings will be replanted in the garden, spring, in April-May. The soil should be loose, and instead chose to be married. Caution! Basil matter where we cultivate, should be watered frequently, otherwise it dries. If you forgot to wet and loses its vitality, we recommend that you wet as soon as you remember, and it is likely to recover. There are many species of basil leaves large or small, different in appearance and the flavor. There basil green, purple and red. If we grow in pots, I recommend the one with small leaves which I tried and I grew very well and very flavorful (you buy seeds, you see that the envelope are pictures of the plant, and you'll realize if he leaves small or large). Basil is mainly used in Italian cuisine, the preparation of sauces for pizza and pasta to salads and bruschetelor. Generally used with tomatoes. In medicine, due to the essential oils contained, is used to treat nerves and stomach cramps. Banish stress and stimulate appetite. Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) belongs to the carrot family (Apiaceae) and is native to the Middle East. Quickly adopted the Mediterranean, coriander is a plant used since ancient times as a medicinal plant first and later as a condiment. coriander from plants using green leaves or seeds. In Romania, there are on the market so fresh leaf bags and bags of seeds. In the kitchen, coriander is used in the same dishes as parsley, and resembles that. Thus, you can use it in salads, soups, fish dishes. 's a little bitter and spicy. Most often used in Indian cuisine dishes belonging, Thai, Chinese and Mexican. seeds are used in pickles, sausages, curry powder. The seeds can be used whole or ground. If you grind them, put the resulting powder in a sealed jar, because it loses flavor quickly. coriander plant is an annual plant, so the seeds are planted each year in April-May. You can plant them directly in the garden or in pots. Place coriander chosen to be sunny and the soil rich in calcium. Are planted at a distance of 20-30 cm and a depth of 2 cm. To ensure fresh herbs for a longer period, will advise to sow new plants every 2 weeks. coriander plant looks very much like parsley . The leaves have a strong smell because of it being avoided by some people. If you do not stand the smell, I advise you not grown at home in pots. The seeds should be harvested when they turn brown. Cut rods containing seeds and hang in bunches to dry. Afterwards, gather seeds, which retains properties, provided they are kept in optimal conditions, up to one year. In medicine use coriander seeds in the form of teas to treat many ailments stomach and intestines. Contains vitamin C and A. Regulates cholesterol and blood sugar. ITALY ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO E. PATTI TRECASTAGNI ITALY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The chili pepper (also chile pepper or chilli pepper), is the fruit of plants from the genus Caspicum, members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Culinary uses Chili pepper pods, which are berries, are used fresh or dried. Chilies are dried to preserve them for long periods of time or may also be done by pickling Dried chilies are often ground into powders. Chilies are present in many cuisines: in Sicily is used also in a special flavour of Modica's chocolate. Medicinal Capsaicin is a safe and effective topical analgesic agent in the management of arthritis pain, herpes zoster-related pain, diabetic neuropathic, post mastectomy pain, and headaches. Oregano is a common species of Origanum, a genus of the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is native to warm-temperate western and southwestern eurasia and the Mediterranean region.. Oregano is related to the herb marjoram, oregano also being known as wild marjoram. It is a perennial, although it is grown as an annual in colder climates, as it often does not survive the winter months. It has purple flowers and spade-shaped, olive-green leaves. It prefers a hot, relatively dry climate, but will do well in other environments. To cultivate, it should be planted in early spring, in fairly dry soil, with full sun. Culinary uses Oregano is an important culinary herb, used for the flavor of its leaves, which can be more flavourful when dried than fresh. It has anaromatic, warm and slightly bitter taste, which can vary in intensity. Oregano's most prominent modern use is as the staple herb of italian cuisine.It is most frequently used with roasted, fried or grilled vegetables, meat and fish. Unlike most Italian herbs] oregano combines well with spicy foods, which are popular in southern Italy. It is less commonly used in the north of the country. Medicinal Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. A Crtean oregano (O. dictamnus) is still used today in Greece as a palliative for sore throat. Oregano is high in antioxidant activity. WILD CABBAGE Brassicaceae, a medium-sized and flowering plants, are informally known the crucifers or the cabbage family. The family is cososmoplolitan but temperate regions and reaches mediterranean area. Culinary use In Sicily people eat it with sausages. economically important family of as the mustards, mustard flowers, is concentrated in the northern maximal diversity around the CELERY Celery (Apium graveolens var. dulce) is a plant variety in the family Apiaceae, commonly used as a vegetable. Uses Celery is used around the world as a vegetable for the crisp petiole (leaf stalk). The leaves are strongly flavoured and are used less often, either as a flavouring in soups and stews or as a dried herb. In temperate countries, celery is also grown for its seeds. Celery seeds can be used as flavouring or spice, either as whole seeds or ground and mixed with salt, as celery salt. Celery, onions, and carrots make up the French mirepoix, often used as a base for sauces and soups. Celery is a staple in many soups, such as chicken noodle soup. Medicine The use of celery seed in pills for relieving pain was described byAulis Cornelius Celsus around 30 AD. Celery seeds contain a compound, , that has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure in rats. Celery is used in weight-loss diets, where it provides low-calorie dietary fibre bulk. Celery is among a small group of foods (headed by peanuts) that appear to provoke the most severe allergic reactions. MINT Mints are aromatic, almost exclusively perennial, rarely annual,herbs. Uses Culinary The leaf, fresh or dried, is the culinary source of mint. Fresh mint is usually preferred over dried mint when storage of the mint is not a problem. The leaves have a warm, fresh, aromatic, sweet flavor with a cool aftertaste. Mint leaves are used in teas, beverages, jellies, syrups, candies, and ice creams. In italian cuisine, mint is used i soups dishes, specially in green beans soup. Alcoholic drinks sometimes feature mint for flavor. Mint essential oil and menthol are extensively used as flavorings in breath fresheners, drinks, antiseptic mouth rinses,toothpaste,chewing gum andcandies. Medicinal and cosmetic Mint was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach ache and chest pains, and it is commonly used in the form of tea as a home remedy to help alleviate stomach pain. Mint tea is a diuretic. A common use is as an antipruritic, especially in insect bite treatments. ] The strong, sharp flavor and scent of mint is sometimes used as a milddecongestant for illnesses such as the common cold. Mint is also used in some shampoo products. Menthol from mint essential oil (40–90%) is an ingredient of manycosmetics and some perfum. Mint oil is also used as anenvironmentally friendly insecticide for its ability to kill some common pests like wasps, hornets, ants and cockroaches. GRASS WIND Parietaria officinalis, the Pellitory-of-the-wall, also known as lichwort, is a plant of the nettle family. Its leaves, however, are non-stinging. The plant grows on rubbish and on walls, hence the name. It was once used as a medicinal herb and in the making of certain metheglins. It is in a different family from Anacyclus pyrethrum, also called pellitory. Uses It is helpful in soothing itching. This plant contain tannin, flavonoids and potassium nitrate, it is diuretic, depurant emollient and expectorant. It can provoke allergies in spring time for its pollens. La lattuga selvatica (nome scientifico Lactuca serriola L., 1756) è una specie di piante spermatofite dicotiledoni appartenenti alla famiglia Asteraceae SALVIA OFFICINALIS Salvia officinalis (sage, also called garden sage, or common sage) is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is a member of the family Lamiaceae and is native to the Mediterranean region. Uses Culinary It appears in many European cuisines, notably Italian, Balkan and Middle Eastern cookery. Medicine Salvia and "sage" are derived from the Latin salvere (to save), referring to the healing properties long attributed to the various Salvia species. It has been recommended at one time or another for virtually every ailment by various herbals. Modern evidence shows possible uses as an antisweating agent, antibiotic, antifungal, astringent, antispasmodic, estrogenic, hypoglycemic, and tonic. In a double blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial, sage was found to be effective in the management of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. THISTLE Weedy species of Cirsium, Caruus, and other plant genera of the family Asteraceae. The word thistle most often refers to prickly leaved species of Caruus and Cirsium wich have usually pik or purple flowers. CAMOMILE Matricaria chamomilla (synonym: Matricaria recutita), commonly known as chamomile (also spelled camomile), German chamomile, Hungarian chamomile (kamilla), wild chamomile or scented mayweed is an annual plant of the composite family Asteraceae. M. chamomilla is the most popular source of the herbal product chamomile, although other species are also used as chamomile. The flowers bloom in early to midsummer, and have a strong, aromatic smell. German chamomile is used in herbal medicine for a sore stomach, irritable bowel syndrome, and as a gentle sleep aid. It is also used as a mild laxative and is anti-inflammatory and bactericidal. It can be taken as an herbal tea, two teaspoons of dried flower per cup of tea, which should be steeped for 10 to 15 minutes while covered to avoid evaporation of the volatile oils.] One of the active ingredients of its essential oil is the terpene bisabolol. Other active ingredients include farnesene, chamazulene, flavonoids (including apigenin, quercetin, patuletin and luteolin) and coumarin. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, cholesterol-lowering effects. SWEET PEA Sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) is a flowering plant in the genus Lathyrus in the family Fabaceae (legumes), native to the eastern Mediterranean. Unlike the edible pea, there is evidence that seeds of members of the genus Lathyrus are toxic if ingested in quantity. A related species, Lathyrus sativus, is grown for human consumption but when it forms a major part of the diet it causes symptoms of toxicity called lathyrism COMMON VETCH Vicia sativa, known as the Common Vetch, Tare or simply "the vetch", is a nitrogen fixing leguminous plant. Although considered a weed when found growing in a cultivated grainfield, this hardy plant is often grown as green manure or livestock fodder. This is an annual herb, a distant member of the vine and pea family, with hollow, four-sided, hairless to hairy stems which can reach two meters in maximum length. WOAD Isatis tinctoria Woad as the common name, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. It is commonly called dyer's woad. It is occasionally known as Asp of Jerusalem. Woad is also the name of a blue dye produced from the leaves of the plant. Woad is native to the steppe and desert zones of the Caucasus. Chemicals from woad might be used to prevent cancer, as it can produce high levels of glucobrassicin. The roots are harvested during the autumn and dried. The dried root is then processed into granules, which are most commonly consumed dissolved in hot water or tea. The product is very popular throughout China. Possible minor side effects include allergic reactions and dizziness; only large dosages or long term usage can be toxic to the kidneys. Treatments have not generally been evaluated clinically. MALVA Malva is a genus of about 25–30 species of herbaceous annual, biennial, and perennial plants in the family Malvaceae (of which it is the type genus), one of several closely related genera in the family to bear the common English name mallow. The genus is widespread throughout the temperate, subtropical and tropical regions of Africa, Asia and Europe. Very easily grown, short-lived perennials often grown as ornamental plants. Mild tasting young mallow leaves can be a substitute for lettuce, whereas older leaves are better cooked as a leafy green vegetable. The buds and flowers can be used in salads. ROSEMARY Rosmarinus officinalis, commonly known as rosemary, is a woody, perennial herb with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region. It is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae, which includes many other herbs. The name "rosemary" derives from the Latin for "dew" (ros) and "sea" (marinus), or "dew of the sea" because in many locations, it needs no water other than the humidity carried by the sea breeze to live. Rosemary is used as a decorative plant in gardens and has many culinary and medical uses. The plant is said to improve the memory. The leaves are used to flavor various foods, such as stuffings and roast meats. Uses The leaves, both fresh and dried, are used in traditional Mediterranean cuisine. They have a bitter, astringent taste and are highly aromatic, which complements a wide variety of foods. A tisane can be made from the leaves. Rosemary oil is used for purposes of fragrant bodily perfumes or to emit an aroma into a room. It is also burnt as incense, and used in shampoos and cleaning products Rosemary contains a number of potentially biologically active compounds, including antioxidants carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid. Other chemical compounds include camphor, caffeic acid, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, rosmaridiphenol and rosmanol. Rosemary antioxidants levels are closely related to soil moisture content. LAURUS Laurus is a genus of evergreen trees belonging to the Laurel family. This plant is distribueted around the Mediterranean. The plant is the source of several popular spices used in a wide variety of recipes, particularly among Mediterranean cuisines. Most commonly, the aromatic leaves are added whole to Italian pasta sauces Aqueous extracts of bay laurel can also be used as astringents and even as a reasonable salve for open wounds. In massage therapy, the essential oil of bay laurel is reputed to alleviate arthritis and rheumatism, while in aromatherapy, it is used to treat earaches and high blood pressure. PARSLEY Parsley or garden parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a species of Petroselinum in the family Apiaceae, native to the central Mediterranean region (southern Italy, Algeria and Tunisia), naturalized elsewhere in Europe, and widely cultivated as an herb, a spice and a vegetable. Culinary use Parsley is widely used in Middle Eastern, European, and American cooking. Curly leaf parsley is often used as a garnish. In central and eastern Europe and in western Asia, many dishes are served with fresh green chopped parsley sprinkled on top. Green parsley is often used as a garnish on potato dishes (boiled or mashed potatoes), on rice dishes (risotto or pilaf), on fish, fried chicken, lamb or goose, steaks, meat or vegetable stews. Parsley is the main ingredient in Italian salsa verde, which is a condiment of mixed parsley, capers, anchovies, garlic, and bread soaked in vinegar that is traditionally served with bollito misto or fish. Medicine Parsley is a source of antioxidants (especially luteolin), folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin A. Parsley should not be consumed in excess by pregnant women. It is safe in normal food quantities, but large amounts can have uterotonic effects. GARLIC Allium stivum, commomly knowun as garlic, is a species in the onion genus Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive and rakko. Culinary use Garlic is widely used around the world for its pungent flavor as a seasoning or condiment. The garlic plant's bulb is the most commonly used part of the plant. Other parts of the garlic plant are also edible. Oils can be flavored with garlic cloves. These infused oils are used to season all categories of vegetables, meats, breads and pasta. Medicinal use and health benefits Garlic is claimed to help prevent heart disease (including atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure) and cancer . Urtica The species of the genus Urtica are herbaceous plants , rarely shrubs , with a height between 10 and 300 cm, annual or perennial . The leaves are opposite, toothed, with stipules . Uses The plants of the genus Urtica are used and cultivated by man right from ' Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC). From woody stem of ' Urtica dioica paper was produced and adult tissues. The green leaves were used for the coloration of the fibers. Nettles are used in the kitchen since the time of the Greeks and Romans throughout Europe, and are still a popular food in rural areas. In folk medicine, these plants have found use since the ancient Egyptians . The applications take advantage of the stimulating and irritating hairs, and include the treatment of anemia , rheumatism , arthritis , eczema , asthma , skin infections and intestinal pain, or traditionally used as a shampoo or against hemorrhoids . The medicinal use of U. dioica and U. urens has been scientifically proven against arthritis, rheumatism, rhinitis allergic and for the treatment of ' benign prostatic hypertrophy . ONION The onion (Allium cepa), also known as the bulb onion or common onion, is used as a vegetable and is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Allium. Onions are cultivated and used around the world. As a foodstuff they are usually served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a prepared savoury dish. Consumption is believed to benefit health in that onions contain phenolics and flavonoids that have potential anti-inflammatory, anticholesterol, anticancer and antioxidant properties. WILD FENNEL . Any of various Mediterranean and western Asian annual herbs of the genus Nigella, having finely dissected leaves, showy white, blue, or yellow solitary flowers, and an aggregate fruit composed of several follicles. Also called nigella. Culinary use In Italy wild fennel is used in preparing various dishes, specially a sicilian tipical dish: pasta con le sarde. Medicinal uses Fennel contains anethole, which can explain some of its medical effects: It, or its polymers, act as phytoestrogens. Fennel seeds TURKEY BAHARAT, AKTARİYE VE ŞİFALI BİTKİLER LİSTESİ NO KDV BİRİM ÜRÜN ADI 1 2 3 8% 1% 18% KG. KG. KG. 4 18% KG. 5 18% 6 ÜRÜNÜN ÜRÜNÜN İNGİLİZCE İSMİ LATİNCE İSMİ ACI BAKLA ADAÇAYI (*) AK GÜNLÜK ALIÇ (ÇİÇEK\MEYVA\YAPRAK) Lupinus sp. Salvia officinalis Gummi olibanum Lupin, seeds Sage Olibanum Crataegus sp. Hawthorn, flowers,fruit,leaves KG. ALTIN OTU ÇİÇEĞİ Helianthemum vulgare Rock-Rose (flowers) 18% KG. 7 18% AD. 8 9 10 11 1% 1% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. AMONYAK ARAP KIZI KREM(MAVİPEMBE) ANASON (*) ANAMUR ADA ÇAYI (*) ANDIZ KÖKÜ ARAPZAMKI 12 18% KG. ARDIÇ TOHUMU 13 18% KG. ARDIÇ KATRANI 14 15 8% 8% AD. AD. 16 18% KG. 17 18% KG. 18 8% KG. 19 18% KG. 20 21 22 23 24 25 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 26 8% KG. 27 8% KG. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 18% 18% 8% 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% 1% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 38 8% KG. 39 8% KG. ARI SÜTÜ (10CC ŞİŞE) ARI SÜTÜ (25 GR ŞİŞE) ASİT SALİSİLİK(DOMTS.İLACI )C7H6O3 ASLAN PENÇESİ Alchemilla alpina Carthamnnus ASPİR ÇİÇEĞİ tinctorius Aesculus ATKESTANESİ hippocastanum AVAKADO YAPRAĞI Persea gratissima AYNISEFA (NERGİS) Calendula officinalis AYRIK OTU Agropyron repens AYRIK OTU KÖKÜ Agropyron repens AYVA YAPRAĞI Cydonia vulgaris BALMUMU INS NO. 901 BEYAZ BİBER (AKBİBER) Piper nigrum TANE (*) Rosmarinus BİBERİYE (*) officinalis BÖĞÜRTLEN KÖKÜ Rubus fructicosus BUHUR BURÇAK Vicia ervilla BÖĞÜRTLEN YAPRAĞI Rubus fructicosus CENTİYANA KÖKÜ Genitana lutea CEVİZ YAPRAĞI Juglans regia CİVAN PERÇEMİ ÇİÇEĞİ Achillea millefolium ÇAKŞIR OTU KÖKÜ Ferula elaeochytis ÇAM FISTIĞI YERLİ (*) Pinus pinea ÇAM SAKIZI Pinus nigra (resin) Trigonella foenumÇEMEN (ÖĞÜTÜLMÜŞ) graceum Trigonella foenumÇEMENOTU (ÇEMEN TANE) graceum Ammoniac Pimpinella anisum Salvia officinalis Inula helenium Acacia arabica Juniperus communis Juniperus oxycedrus Royal jell Royal jell Aniseed,fruit Sage Elecampane, root Acacia Juniper, seed Prickly Cedar, fruit Royal jelly Royal jelly Acid calicylic Alpine ladies mantle Safflower, flowers Horse-Chestnut Avocado,leaves Marigold, flowers Couch-Grass Couch-Grass (root) Quince, leaves Wax, beewax Pepper, fruit (white) Rosemary, leaves Blackberry, root Blackberry, leaves Yellow Gentian, root Walnut, leaf Yarrow, flowers Stone pine, umbrella pine Black pine resin Fenugreek, seeds (powdered) Fenugreek, seeds 40 18% KG. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 18% 8% 1% 18% 18% 18% 8% 1% 1% 18% 8% KG. KG. KG. DZ. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 52 8% KG. 53 8% KG. 54 18% KG. 55 8% KG. 56 18% KG. 57 58 8% 18% KG. KG. 59 18% KG. 60 61 18% 18% AD. AD. 62 18% DZ. 63 64 65 66 18% 8% 18% 8% KG. KG. KG. KG. 67 18% AD. 68 18% AD. 69 70 71 18% 18% 8% KG. KG. AD. 72 18% KG. 73 74 75 18% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. 76 1% KG. 77 1% KG. 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 8% 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 85 8% KG. Capsella bursa pastoris ÇOBAN ÇÖKERTEN YAPRAĞI Tribulus terrestris ÇÖREK OTU (*) Nigella sativa ÇÖVEN KÖKÜ Saponaria officinalis ÇUBUK TÜTSÜLER DAMLA SAKIZI Pistacia lentiscus DARIFÜLFÜL/UZUN BİBER Piper longum DEFNE TOHUMU Laurus nobilis DEFNE YAPRAĞI Laurus nobilis DEFNE YAPRAĞI EKSTRA (*) Laurus nobilis DEMİR BOZAN DEMİRHİNDİ Tamarindus indica Anethum DEREOTU KURUSU graveolens Anethum DEREOTU TOHUMU graveolens DEVE DİKENİ TOHUMU(Boğa Silybum marianum dikeni) DOLMA BAHARAT KARIŞIMI (*) Arctium DULAVRAT OTU tomentosum EBE GÜMECİ YAPRAĞI Malva sp. EĞİR KÖKÜ(HAZANBEL) Acorus calamus EKİNEZYA ÇİÇEĞİ Echinacea (EKİNEZYA) angustifolia EMMAK AĞIZ SPREYİ EMMAK AYAK SPREYİ EMMAK RUSMA TOZ (tüy dökücü) ENGİNAR YAPRAĞI Cynaria scolymus FESLEĞEN (*) Ocimum basilicum FUNDA YAPRAĞI Calluna vulgaris GALETE UNU (*) GIDA BOYASI(KAHV.-SARIYEŞİL) GIDA BOYASI(ŞEKER PEMBESİ) GİNKGO BİLOBA Ginko biloba GİNSENG Panas ginseng GLABURU MEYVA SUYU 1 LT GLİSEROL(Glycerin)INS NO.422(C3H8O3) HALİLE KARA Terminalia sp. HALİLE SARI Terminalia sp. HARDAL --SARI Sinapis alba Papaver HAŞHAŞ BEYAZ somniferum Papaver HAŞHAŞ MAVİ somniferum HATMİ ÇİÇEĞİ YERLİ Althea officinalis HATMİ ÇİÇEĞİ İTHAL Althea officinalis HAVA CİVA Alkanna tinctoria HAVLICAN--TANE Alpinia officinarum HAVLICAN--ÖĞÜTÜLMÜŞ Alpinia officinarum HAYIT TOHUMU Vitex agnus-castus HİBİSKUS BAMYA ÇİÇEĞİ Hibiscus esculentus HİNDİSTAN CEVİZİ RENDE( Cocos nucifera YAĞSIZ) (*) ÇOBAN ÇANTASI Shepherd´s purse, herb Black cumin,seed Incense Mastix Long pepper,fruit Fructus lauri Bay,Laurel, leaves Bay,Laurel, leaves (extra) Tamarind, tamarind tree , tamarindo Dill (dried) Dill (seed) Eryngo, Sea holly, (seed) Mixed spices Burdock Mallow, leaves Sweet Sedge, Sweet Flag,rhizome Echinacea, flowers Mouth spray Foot spray Moulting powder Artichoke,leaves Basil, herb Heather leaves Food colouring (Brown-Yellow-Green) Food colouring (Sweet pink) Ginkgo, leaves Ginseng Glycerol Fructus myrobalani(black),fruit Fructus myrobalani(yellow),fruit Mustard,seeds Poppy ,white Poppy ,blue Marshmallow,flowers Marshmallow,flowers Alkanet Lesser Galangal, rhizome Lesser Galangal, (powdered) Chaste tree, seed Okra,flower Coconut, flakes (defatted) 86 8% KG. 87 88 89 90 91 92 1% 1% 8% 8% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 93 8% KG. 94 95 8% 18% AD. PK. 96 18% KG. 97 8% KG. HİNDİSTAN CEVİZİ RENDE( YAĞLI) (*) IHLAMUR ÇİÇEĞİ (*) IHLAMUR YAPRAĞI (*) HÜNNAP ISIRGAN TOHUMU ISIRGAN YAPRAĞI (*) ISPANAK TOHUMU İSOT(KAVRULMUŞ KIRMIZI PULBİBER)(*) KABAK LİFİ KAFURE KALSİT (kardeş kanıMERCAN) KAKAO TOZU (*) 98 8% KG. KAKULE TOHUMU 99 18% KG. KANTARON ÇİÇEĞİ (SARI) 100 18% KG. KARA HİNDİBA 101 18% KG. KARA SAKIZ 102 18% 103 8% 104 8% KG. KG. KG. KARABAŞOTU ÇİÇEĞİ KARABİBER TANE (*) KARABİBER TOZ (*) 105 8% KG. KARANFİL TANE (*) 106 8% KG. KARANFİL TOZ 107 18% KG. 108 18% 109 1% 110 8% 111 18% 112 1% 113 1% 114 1% 115 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 116 18% KG. 117 118 119 120 18% 18% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. 121 8% KG. 122 123 8% 8% KG. KG. 124 8% KG. 125 8% KG. 126 8% KG. 127 18% KG. 128 18% 129 18% 130 1% KG. KG. KG. KARBONAT(SODYUM Bİ KARB.) E 500 (*) KAYIŞKIRAN OTU KEÇİ BOYNUZU KEÇİ BOYNUZU TOZ KEDİ OTU KÖKÜ KEKİK 2 (*) KEKİK BİLYA (*) KEKİK EKSTRA (*) KEREVİZ TOHUMU KETEN TOHUMU ÖĞÜTÜLMÜŞ KETEN TOHUMU KINA RGS HİNDİSTAN KINAKINA KABUĞU KIRKKİLİT OTU YAPRAĞI KIRMIZI BİBER (TATLI TOZ) (*) KIRMIZIBİBER(ACI TOZ) (*) KIRMIZI BİBER (KURU) (*) KIRMIZIBİBER(PUL) BİBERYUM (*) KIRMIZI KARABİBER TANE (*) KIZAMIK ŞEKERİ KİBRİT OTU( KURT PENÇESİ YAPRAĞI) KİL TOZ KİLERMENİ KİMYON TANE (*) Cocos nucifera Coconut, flakes Tilia sp. Tilia sp. Zizyphus jujuba Urticae sp. Urticae dioica Spinacia oleracea Lime, flowers Lime, leaves Jujube Nettle, herb,seed Nettle, herb,leaves Spinach, seed Capsicum annuum Roasted chilli pepper Pumpkin strings Calcite Theobroma cocoa Elettaria cardamomum Hypericum perforatum Taraxacum officinale Latex scorzonerae latifolia Lavandula cariensis Piper nigrum Piper nigrum Eugenia caryophyllata Eugenia caryophyllata Cacao, husk (powdered) Cardamom, seed St. John´s Wort, herb Chicory, herb Pepper, fruit (black) Pepper, fruit (black) Clove, buds Clove, buds (powdered) Sodium bicarbonate Ononis spinosa L. Ceratonia siliqua Ceratonia siliqua Valeriana officinalis Thymus sp. Thymus sp. Thymus sp. Apium graveolens Spiny Rest Harrow, herb Carob, fruit Carob, fruit (powdered) Common valerian, garden heliotrope Thyme, herb Oregano, herb Thyme, herb (extra) Celery,seeds Linum usitatissimum Linseed,Flax,seed (powdered) Linum usitatissimum Linseed,Flax,seed Hennas Cinchona succirubra Peruvian bark, bark Equisetum arvense Horsetail,herb Capsicum annuum Paprika,(sweet, powder) Capsicum annuum Paprika, (chilli, powder) Capsicum annuum Parprika, (dried) Capsicum annuum Chilli pepper Piper nigrum Pepper, fruit (red) Lycopodium clavatum Club Moss, herb Clay (powder) Cuminum cyminum Cumin, fruit 131 1% 132 18% 133 1% 134 1% KG. KG. KG. KG. 135 18% KG. 136 1% 137 18% 138 8% 139 8% 140 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 141 1% KG. 142 18% KG. 143 8% KG. 144 18% KG. KİMYON TOZ (*) KİRAZ SAPI KİŞNİŞ TANE KİŞNİŞ TOZ KINA TAŞI (OXIDATION BASE 10 ) KİTRE KREM TARTAR (*) KÖFTE HARCI (*) KÖRİ BAHARAT KARIŞIMI (*) KRİZOİDİN(KURBAN BOYASI) KORİNT ÜZÜM(KUŞ ÜZÜMÜ) (*) KUŞBURNU KÜCÜK TANE HİND.CEVİZİ( MUSKAT) (*) KÜKÜRT TOZ Cuminum cyminum Cumin, fruit (powdered) Cherry, stalks Coriandrum sativum Coriander Coriandrum sativum Coriander (powdered) LAVANTA ÇİÇEĞİ Lavandula angustifolia 145 18% KG. 146 18% KG. 147 18% KG. 148 18% KG. 149 150 151 152 153 154 1% 1% 1% 8% 8% 1% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 155 18% KG. 156 157 158 159 18% 18% 18% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. LİMON TOZU SİTRİK ASİT E_330 (TOZ) (*) LİMON TOZU SİTRİK ASİT E_330 7 NO (*) LİMON TUZU SİTRİK ASİT 5 NO( İRİ) (*) MAHLEP TANE (*) MAHLEP TOZ (SAF) (*) MAHLEP TOZ (UNLU) (*) MATE YAPRAĞI MAYDONOZ KURUSU MAZI MELİSA YAPRAĞI / LİMON OTU MENENGİÇ/ÇİTLENBİK MENTOL (KRİSTAL) MERCAN KÖŞK MERSİN YAPRAĞI 160 18% KG. MEŞE PALAMUDU 161 8% KG. MEYAN BALI 162 1% KG. MEYAN KÖKÜ 163 1% KG. MEYAN LİF 164 8% KG. MEYAN TOZ 165 18% 166 8% KG. KG. 167 8% KG. 168 8% KG. 169 8% 170 18% AD. KG. MISIR PÜSKÜLÜ MISIR UNU MISIR UNU EKSTRA (YEŞİL ÇUVAL) (*) MISIR UNU (TURUNCU ÇUVAL) (*) MİSVAK MOR REYHAN (*) 171 18% KG. MÜRRİSAFİ(MİRHA) 172 18% KG. 173 18% KG. 174 18% 175 18% KG. KG. NAR ÇİÇEĞİ(YERLİ) NAR ÇİÇEĞİ(MÜRVER ÇİÇEĞİ ) İTHAL NAFTALİN (TOZ) NAFTALİN (BİLYA) Astragalus sp. Tragacanth, gum Curry Ribes nigrum Blackcurrant, fruit Rosa canina Rose Hip,fruits Myristica fragrans See muscat, nutmeg Sulphur, (powder) Lavender, flowers Salts of lemon,citric,acid,citrate(powder) Salts of lemon, citric acid, citrate Salts of lemon, citric acid, citrate(granule) Prunus mahaleb Prunus mahaleb Prunus mahaleb Ilex paraguariensis Petroselinum sp. Thuja occiileritalis Mahaleb (granule) Mahaleb (pure) Mahaleb (with flour) Mate, leaves Parsley,dry leaves Melissa officinalis Lemon Balm, leaves Pistacia terebinthus Terebinth Tree, fruits Menthol Origanum majorana Marjoram, herb Mytrus communis Myrtle,leaves Quercus Oak, fruits inthaburensis Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice juice Glycyrrhiza Licorice, root uralensis Glycyrrhiza glabra Licorice (fibriform) Glycyrrhiza Licorice (powdered) uralensis Zea mays Cornsilk Zea mays Corn flour Zea mays Corn flour (extra) (green sack) Zea mays Corn flour (extra) (orange sack) Salvadora persica Ziziphora sp. Commiphora molmol Punica granatum Stipites salvadorae (tooth brushes) Sambucus nigra Elder, flowers,fruit Myrrh Pomegranate, flowers Naphthaline (powder) Naphthaline 176 8% 177 8% 178 18% 179 18% 180 8% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. NANE EKSTRA (*) NANE II (*) NAR ÇEKİRDEĞİ NİŞADIR NÖBET ŞEKERİ Mentha longifolia Mentha longifolia Punica granatum 181 8% KG. OĞUL OTU Melissa officinalis 182 183 184 185 186 18% 18% 18% 18% 8% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. OKALİPTUS YAPRAĞI ÖKSE OTU ÖKSÜRÜK OTU YAPRAĞI PAPATYA PASTA SÜSÜ (*) Eucalyptus Viscum album Tussilago farfara Anhtemis tinctonia 187 18% KG. PELİN OTU 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 18% 18% 18% 8% 8% 18% 1% 8% 18% 18% 8% 8% 18% 18% 18% 8% 8% 8% 8% 18% 8% 1% 1% 1% 18% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. AD. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 213 18% KG. 214 18% 215 18% 216 8% KG. KG. KG. PEYGAMBER ÇİÇEĞİ POLEN PORTAKAL NERGİZİ POY PUDRA ŞEKERİ RASTIK KUTU BOYA REZENE SAHLEP TOZ SANDALOS SAKIZI SARI SABIR SARIMSAK TOZU (*) SARIMSAK KURUSU (*) SIĞIR KUYRUĞU ÇİÇEĞİ SİNAMEKİ YAPRAĞI (*) SİNİRLİ OT SOĞAN TOZU (*) SOĞAN KURUSU (*) SOYA UNU (*) SOYA (TEKSTURE)KIYMA (*) SÖĞÜT YAPRAĞI SUMAK EKSTRA (*) SUSAM BEYAZ (*) SUSAM PASTANELİK SUSAM SİMİTLİK ŞAHTERE ŞAP (POTSYUM ALÜ.SÜLFAT) ŞERBETÇİ OTU ÇİÇEĞİ TALK PUDRASI TAVUK HARCI (*) Arthemisia absinthium Centaurea cyanus 217 8% KG. TARÇIN BORU (*) 218 8% KG. TARÇIN TOZ (*) 219 8% KG. TARHANA KOKUSU 220 18% KG. TARHUN 221 18% 222 18% KG. AD. 223 8% KG. 224 18% AD. TERE TOHUMU TOPUK TAŞI TUZ OT(Sebzeli baharatlı acılı çeşni) TÜTSÜ STANDI 225 18% KG. UD UL KAHR 226 18% KG. UDUHİNDİ Mint (extra) Mint Pomegranate, seed Sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride lemonbalm,gardenbalm,sweetbalm,beebal m Eucalyptus, leaves Mistletoe, herb Coltsfoot Daisy, flower Common Wormwood, herb Cornflower, flowers Pollen Calendula officinalis Marigold, flowers Powdered sugar Foeniculum vulgare Fennel,fructus Sandaraca,Thyine Wood, oleoresin Indian aloe Allium sativum Garlic, bulb (powdered) Allium sativum Garlic, bulb (dried) Verbascum sp. Mullein, flowers Cassia acutifolia Senna leaf Plantago lanceolata Plantain, herb Allium cepa Onion, bulb (powdered) Allium cepa Onion, bulb (dried) Glycine max Soy bean Glycine max Soy bean Salix alba Willow, leaves Rhus aromatica Sumac (extra) Sesamum indicum Sesame (white) Sesamum indicum Sesame Sesamum indicum Sesame Fumaria officinalis Fumitory, herb [KAl(SO4)2.12H2O] Humulus lupulus Cinnamomum zeylanicum Cinnamomum zeylanicum Artemisia dracunculus Lepidium sativum Hops,flowers,gland Talcum powder Cinnamon, bark Cinnamon, bark (powdered) Tarragon,estragon leaves Garden cress, seeds Anacylus(Anthemis) Ud-ul kahr (üdülkahri) pyrethrum 227 18% 228 8% 229 18% KG. KG. KG. 230 18% KG. 231 8% KG. 232 8% 233 18% 234 18% 235 18% 236 8% KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. ÜVEZ YAPRAĞI ÜZERLİK TOHUMU ÜZÜM ÇEKİRDEĞİ ÜZÜM ÇEKİRDEĞİ (öğütülmüş) VANİLYA ÇUBUK (MEYVASI) (*) VANİLYA TOZ (*) YABAN MERSİNİ YAKI OTU YAPIŞKAN OTU YASEMİNLİ ÇAY(*) 237 18% KG. YAVŞAN OTU 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. KG. 8% 8% 8% 8% 1% 18% 8% 18% 8% 8% 8% 8% 18% 18% Sorbus domestica Peganum harmala Ribes nigrum Sorb Apple Peganum, seed Grape,seeds Ribes nigrum Grape,seeds (powdered) Vanilla fragrans Vanilla,fruits Vanilla fragrans Vaccinium myrtillus Epilabium sp. Asperula odorata Vanilla (powdered) Bilberry, fruit Willow herb, herb Sweet woodruff, herb Tea with Jasmine flowers Veronica beccabunga YENİBAHAR TANE(*) Pimenta officinalis YENİBAHAR ÖĞÜTÜLMÜŞ(*) Pimenta officinalis YEŞİL ÇAY(*) Camellia sinensis YEŞİL KARABİBER(*) Piper nigrum YILDIZ ANASON(*) Illicum verum YOĞURT OTU Galium aparine YULAF UNU Avena sativa ZAHTER(*) ZENCEFİL TANE(*) Zingiber officinale ZENCEFİL TOZ(*) Zingiber officinale ZERDEÇAL TANE(*) Curcuma longa ZERDEÇAL TOZ(*) Curcuma longa ZEYTİN YAPRAĞI Olea europea ZIRNIK BARYUM SÜLFÜR Brooklime, herb Allspice, fruit Allspice, fruit Tea plant,leaves Pepper, fruit (green) Star Anise, fruit Cleavers, herb Oats (flour) Ginger, rhizome Ginger, (powdered) Turmeric,rhizome Turmeric,rhizome(powdered) Olive, leaf HORSE-CHESTNUT Distribution Aesculus hippocastanum is native to a small area in the Pindus Mountains mixed forests and Balkan mixed forests of South East Europe. It is widely cultivated in streets and parks throughout the temperate world. Growth A. hippocastanum grows to 36 metres (118 ft) tall, with a domed crown of stout branches; on old trees the outer branches often pendulous with curled-up tips. The leaves are opposite and palmately compound, with 5–7 leaflets; each leaflet is 13– 30 cm long, making the whole leaf up to 60 cm across, with a 7–20 cm petiole. The leaf scars left on twigs after the leaves have fallen have a distinctive horseshoeshape, complete with seven "nails". The flowers are usually white with a small red spot; they are produced in spring in erect panicles 10–30 cm tall with about 20–50 flowers on each panicle. Usually only 1–5 fruit develop on each panicle; the shell is a green, spiky capsulecontaining one (rarely two or three) nut-like seeds called conkers or horsechestnuts. Each conker is 2–4 cm diameter, glossy nut-brown with a whitish scar at the base. Etymology The common name "horse-chestnut" (often unhyphenated) is reported as having originated from the erroneous belief that the tree was a kind of chestnut (though in fact only distantly related), together with the observation that eating the fruit cured horses of chest complaints despite this plant being poisonous to horses. Uses Cultivation for its spectacular spring flowers is successful in a wide range of temperate climatic conditions provided summers are not too hot, with trees being grown as far north asEdmonton, Alberta, Canada the Faroe Islands, and Harstad, Norway. In Britain and Ireland, the nuts are used for the popular children's game conkers. During the two world wars, horse-chestnuts were used as a source of starch which in turn could be fermented via the Clostridium acetobutylicum method devised by Chaim Weizmann to produce acetone. This acetone was then used as a solvent which aided in the process ofballistite extrusion into cordite, which was then used in military armaments. A selection of fresh conkers from a horse-chestnut The nuts, especially those that are young and fresh, are slightly poisonous, containing alkaloid saponins and glucosides. Although not dangerous to touch, they cause sickness when eaten; consumed by horses, they can cause tremors and lack of coordination. Some mammals, notably deer, are able to break down the toxins and eat them safely. Though the seeds are said to repel spiders there is little evidence to support these claims. The presence of saponin may repel insects but it is not clear whether this is effective on spiders. In the past, horse-chestnut seeds were used in France and Switzerland for whitening hemp, flax, silk and wool. They contain a soapy juice, fit for washing of linens and stuffs, for milling of caps and stockings, etc., and for fulling of cloth. For this, 20 horse-chestnut seeds were sufficient for six litres of water. They were peeled then rasped, or dried and ground in a malt or other mill. The water must be soft, either rain or river water; hard well water will not work. The nuts are then steeped in cold water, which soon becomes frothy, as with soap, and then turns milky white. The liquid must be stirred well at first, and then, after standing to settle, strained or poured off clear. Linen washed in this liquid, and afterwards rinsed in clear running water, takes on an agreeable light sky-blue colour. It takes spots out of both linen and wool, and never damages or injures the cloth. Horse chestnuts can also be used to wash human hair. By pouring about 3/4 cup of boiling-hot water and 1 grated horse chestnut into a closed bottle and shaking it, a frothy white liquid emerges. This can also be strained and later poured over the head in the shower. In Bavaria the chestnut is the typical tree for a beer garden. Originally they were planted for their deep shade which meant that beer cellar owners could cut ice from local rivers and lakes in winter to cool the Märzen Lager beer well into summer. Nowadays guests enjoy the shade to keep their heads cool. Horse-chestnuts have been threatened by the leaf-mining moth Cameraria ohridella, whose larvae feed on horse chestnut leaves. The moth was described from Macedonia where the species was discovered in 1984 but took 18 years to reach Britain. The flower is the symbol of the city of Kiev, capital of Ukraine. Although the horsechestnut is sometimes known as the buckeye, this name is generally reserved for the New World members of the Aesculus genus. SLOVENIA KINDERGARTEN JELKA Glavarjeva ulica 18 a 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA HERBS AND AROMATIC HERBS AND PLANTS DWARFS GROUP 3-6 years old children Preschool teacher: Martina Hočevar Trontelj Preschool teacher assistant: Danilo Varga Presented by Petra Kočar In Kindergarten Jelka we put a lot of stress and effort into healthy leaving and ecological activities. In school year 2013 -14 we have also learned about aromatic herbs and plants. Grandmother visited us and together we learned about herbs and aromatic plants. We have prepared seeds for planting. We have explored and discover how herbs look like... We grow herbs in our playroom and we have planted herb garden in the kindergartens playground. We take care of our herbs and aromatic plants and look how beautiful they grow… We made herb tea, herb salts, herb burkes, sage lollipops… In the end of school year we have presented our whole year work with exhibition in the kindergarten and in the local library and we have received very positive and encourage feedback from parents and local community. NORWAY Navn/Name Bergmynte (oregano) Norwegian Bergmynte er en flerårig plante som tilhører slekten Origanum i leppeblomstfamilien. Den blir opptil 40 cm høy. Bladene er ovale, svakt tannete, stilkete. Blomstrer i hoder, krone er rødfiolett, støtteblad mørkfiolette. Vokser på tørre bakker, kratt og ur. Planten er velluktende krydderurt og kan brukes i matlaging, oftest til pastaretter men også til pizza. I dagligvarebutikken selges den tørket, knust og fylt på glass under navnet oregano. Einer (Juniper) English Oregano, scientifically named Origanum vulgare by Carolus Linnaeus, is a common species of Origanum, a genus of the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is native to warm-temperate western and southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region. Oregano is a perennial herb, growing up to 40 cm tall, with opposite leaves 1–4 cm long. The flowers are purple, 3–4 mm long, produced in erect spikes. The plant smells good and can be used with food. Often with pasta and pizza. It’s sold in stores, dried on a glass. Einer (latin: Juniperus communis) er en art av bartrær som tilhører einerslekten Juniperus i sypressfamilien. Einer kalles også enebær, bresk, brake eller brisk. Juniper grows wild all over Norway, up to 1730 meters above sea level. It occurs in many different shapes, from low bushes to high trees (up to 15 – 20 meters). Planten kan enten ha form som en busk eller et tre, og bli inntil 10 meter høy, men er oftest lavere. Einer har blant annet blitt brukt som prydplante, matkrydder, øl- og brennevinskrydder, medisin, snop, brensel og trevirke. Juniper berries are a spice used in a wide variety of culinary dishes and best known for the primary flavoring in gin (and responsible for gin's name, which is a shortening of the Dutch word for juniper, genever). Juniper berries are also used as the primary flavor in the liquor Jenever and sahtistyle of beers. Juniper berry sauce is often a popular flavoring choice for quail, Einer Juniperus communis tilhører en liten familie av bartrær, sypressfamilien Cupressaceae, med bare ca 120 arter på verdensbasis. Norge vokser einer vilt over hele landet, fra havets nivå til 1730 m o.h. i Lom. Einer opptrer i mange former, både lave fjellformer (subsp. alpina), brede, buskaktige former og ranke, opprette former. Opprette, enstammete former kan nå betydelige dimensjoner, både i høyde (15-20 m) og stammetykkelse. Groblad (Plantago major) Groblad (Plantago major) er en plante som regnes med til kjempefamilien. Den blir 10 til 50 cm høy og er flerårig. I Nord-Amerika ble den kalt «Den hvite mans fotspor» av indianerne, fordi den ble spredt av europeiske immigranter. Den er brukt som legeplante helt fra oldtiden. Den skulle virke blodstoppende på sår. Groblad skal også ha evnen til å få sår til å gro raskere. Den ble lagt i bandasje, rett på åpne sår. Groblad inneholder stoffer som antas å virke gunstig i behandling av kronisk bronkitt og ved forkjølelse. Undersøkelser tyder også på at groblad har antibakteriell og soppdrepende virkning. Bladene til groblad kan høstes på våren og forsommeren. De brukes til salat og grønnsaksblanding. Strimlet kan de også bakes i brød eller fungere som et vegetarisk pålegg. Det presses også olje av frøene og de kan gratineres sammen med andre grønnsaker. Blomsterknappene kan spises rå eller stekt. Smaken minner om pheasant, veal, rabbit, venison and other meat dishes. It is also used for medical purposes. Plantago major ("broadleaf plantain" or "greater plantain") is a species of Plantago, family Plantaginaceae. The plant is native to most of Europe and northern and central Asia but has widely naturalised elsewhere in the world. Plantago major is one of the most abundant and widely distributed medicinal crops in the world. A poultice of the leaves can be applied to wounds, stings, and sores in order to facilitate healing and prevent infection. The active chemical constituents are aucubin (an anti-microbial agent), allantoin (which stimulates cellular growth and tissue regeneration), and mucilage (which reduces pain and discomfort). Plantain has astringent properties, and a tea made from the leaves can be ingested to treat diarrhea and soothe raw internal membranes. Broadleaf plantain is also a highly nutritious wild edible that is high in calcium and vitamins A, C, and K. The young, tender leaves can be eaten raw, and the older, stringier leaves can be boiled in stews and eaten. The plant was called “The white sjampinjonger. Karve/Caraway Karve eller kummin er et krydderfrø som benyttes for å smaksette brød, sterke alkoholholdige drikker som f.eks. akevitt, gryteretter og annen mat. Frøet kommer fra den botaniske familien apiaceae, og har en smak som kan ligne litt på anis. Frøene er også brukt til å gi smak til oster som bondost, piltost, nøkkelost og havarti. Planten vokser både i Europa, nord-Afrika og vest i Asia; det er mulig at den kom til Europa sist. Det norske ordet karve er en versjon av det som på engelsk er blitt caraway, det greske karví, og det franske carvi. Bør ikke forveksles med spisskummen. Fruktene og den eteriske oljen har følgende egenskaper: krampeløsende, appetittvekkende, fordøyelsesbefordrende, tarmgassdempende, magestyrkende, antiseptisk, melkedrivende, urindrivende, luftrørsutvidende, slimløsende, blodrensende og styrkende. Mjødurt (Meadowsweet) man’s footstep” by the Indians in North-America. That’s because it was spread by European immigrants. Caraway (Carum carvi), also known as meridian fennel or Persian cumin is a biennial plant in the family Apiaceae, native to western Asia, Europe and Northern Africa. The plant is similar in appearance to other members of the carrot family, with finely divided, feathery leaves with thread-like divisions, growing on 20–30 cm stems. The main flower stem is 40–60 cm tall, with small white or pink flowers in umbels. Caraway fruits (erroneously called seeds) are crescent-shaped achenes, around 2 mm long, with five pale ridges. Caraway is also used in desserts, liquors, casseroles, curry and other foods. It is more commonly found in European cuisine. It is also used to add flavor to cheeses such as bondost, pultost, nøkkelost and havarti. Akvavit and several liqueurs are made with caraway. Caraway fruit oil is also used as a fragrance component in soaps, lotions, and perfumes. Oljen blir også brukt som en ingrediens i såper, kremer og parfymer. Caraway also has a long tradition of medical uses, primarily for stomach complaints. Mjødurt er en flerårig urt som kan bli opptil 1,5m høy. Grunnbladenen har 3-5 par store sidesmåblad og et stort trefliket endesmåblad. Plantene Filipendula ulmaria, commonly known as meadowsweet or mead wort, is a perennial herb in the family Rosaceae that grows in damp meadows. It is har i tillegg mange store stengelblad. Blomstringen skjer i juni til september og de små kremgule blomstene er velduftende av en mandellignende duft. Fruktene er ca 2mm store. Stammene kan bli 1 – 2 m høye. Man finner mjødurt i europa og i det nordlige Asia. Den ble innført i Nord-Amerika. I Norge er den vanlig over hele landet og finnes også høyt til fjells. Den vokser ofte i store bestander på fuktige steder i skog og på enger, og ved bekker og vann. Mjødurt er en bitter og søt urt som virker avkjølende og opptørkende. Den er angitt å ha følgende egenskaper: Smertestillende, betennelseshemmende, syrenøytraliserende, kvalmedempende, astringerende (sammentrekkende), sårhelende, slimhinnebeskyttende, magestyrkende, urindrivende, svettedrivende, febersenkende, mildt antiseptisk, antibakteriell, desinfiserende, lokalbedøvende, krampeløsende, antirevmatisk og blodfortynnende. Mjødurt styrker kapillærårenes vegger og virker som en antioksidant. Nesle (Nettle) Stornesle (urtica dioica) er en flerårig plante som kan bli opptil 1,5 m høy med krypende jordstengel og ugreina stengler. Bladene er lansettformede eller smalt hjerteformende og er 4-8 native throughout most of Europe and Western Asia (Near east and Middle east). It has been introduced and naturalised in North America. Juncus subnodulosus-Cirsium palustre fen-meadow plant associations of Western Europe consistently include this plant. The stems are 1–2 m tall, erect and furrowed, reddish to sometimes purple. The leaves are dark-green on the upper side and whitish and downy underneath, much divided, interruptedly pinnate, having a few large serrate leaflets and small intermediate ones. Terminal leaflets are large, 4–8 cm long, and three- to fivelobed. Meadowsweet has delicate, graceful, creamy-white flowers clustered close together in handsome irregularly-branched cymes, having a very strong, sweet smell. They flower from June to early September. It has many medicinal properties. The whole plant is a traditional remedy for an acidic stomach, and the fresh root is often used in infinitesimal quantities in homeopathic preparations. Dried, the flowers are used in pot pourri. It is also a frequently used spice in Scandinavian varieties of mead. Muchhistorical evidence of use of nettles in medicine, folk remedies, cooking and fibre production relate to one species - Urtica dioica, but a fair amount also refers to the use of Urtica cm lange. De har kvasse tenner og brennhår. urens, the small nettle, which is preferred because it has more stinging hairs per leaf area than the more common species. Stornesle er utbredt stort sett over hele verden. I Norge er den vanlig overalt bortsett fra høyt til You can find both types of the fjells og lengst nord i landet. nettles all over Norway, but Planten betraktes som et ugras. Urtica dioica is most common. Smånesle (Urtica urens) er ettårig og mye mindre (ca 30 cm høy). Den er mer sjelden enn stornesle, men kan brukes på samme som den. The stems of Urtica dioica can be up to 1,5 meters high. The leaves are 4 – 8 cm long. Urtica urens can be approximately 30 cm long. Smånesle er utbredt i Europa og Middelhavsområdet. I Norge er den mer sjelden enn stornesle, men likevel funnet over det meste av landet. Den er vanligst på tangvoller langs kysten. Various types of Nettle have been studied for their effects on prostate hypertrophy, diabetes mellitus, rheumatic disease, hypertension, gastrointestinal symptoms, osteoarthritis, diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation, pain, constipation, gastrointestinal disease, headache, nausea, common cold, arthritis, asthma, bleeding, respiratory tract disease, allergic rhinitis, kidney disease, prostate cancer, skin disease and urinary tract disease. In terms of allergies, nettle contains properties of an antihistamine to be used for treating reactions associated with the respiratory system. Nettles can also be used to make a tisane known as "nettle tea". Urten har følgende egenskaper og virkning: Generell styrkende, demper prostatakjertelvekst, stimulerer dannelsen av røde blodlegemer, blodstillende, sårheldende, smertestillende, betennelseshemmende, immunstyrkende, urindrivende, utrensende, renser nyrene, galledrivende, blodsukkersenkende, blodrensende, stimulerer hårvekst mm. Ryllik (Yarrow) Ryllik (Achillea millefolium) er en 15–50 cm høy flerårig urteplante i kurvplantefamilien. Det er en av våre vanligste planter, og vokser gjerne i grøftekanter, tørre bakker og enger fra lavlandet og helt opp til snaufjellet (kjent opp til 1600 moh). De små 3–6 mm brede blomstene vokser ut i en skjerm, fargen er normalt hvit, men kan Yarrow is an herb which can be 15 – 50 cm tall. It’s one of Norway’s most common plants and you can find it beside roads, in dry places and up to 1600 meters above sea level. The plant is purported to be a diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant and mild aromatic. The plant also has a long history as også gå over i rosa og (mer sjelden) dyprød. Ryllik vokser nesten alltid på eller i nærheten av kulturbeite. Den blomstrer i juni–september. Planten har vært kjent som medisinplante både fra Kina (ca. 2000 år f.Kr.), fra antikkens Hellas og fra europeisk middelalder. Ryllik har mange kjente bruksområder, blant annet ved skjørbuk, som blodstillende middel og som en komponent i salve til sårheling (ved at friske blad knuses, blandes med fett og legges på sår med omslag), og som te som har blitt brukt mot tannverk, hodepine, nyrestein, diare og innvollsorm. Det finnes vitenskapelig dokumentasjon for at ryllik kan ha antibakteriell effekt på enkelte bakterier. Selv om ryllik regnes som trygt for folk flest, er det flere grupper som bør unngå å bruke ryllik eller rådføre seg med lege før de benytter ryllik til behandling. Timian (Thyme) Ryllik ble også brukt i ølbrygging før humle ble innført, og hadde rykte på seg for å gjøre ølet sterkere, antagelig fordi den etter sigende skal inneholde tujon. Timian er en gruppe aromatiske krydderurt-arter som kan bli opptil 40 cm høye. Den er hjemmehørende i Europa, NordAfrika og Asia. a powerful 'healing herb' used topically for wounds, cuts and abrasions. The genus name Achillea is derived from mythical Greek character, Achilles, who reportedly carried it with his army to treat battle wounds. In the Middle Ages, yarrow was part of a herbal mixture known as fruit used in the flavouring of beer prior to the use of hops. The flowers and leaves are used Yarrow has also been used as a food, and was very popular as a vegetable in the 17th century. The younger leaves are said to be a pleasant leaf vegetable when cooked like spinach, or in a soup. Yarrow is sweet with a slight bitter taste. The leaves can also be dried and used as an herb in cooking. Thyme is an aromatic herb which can be up tpo 40 cm long. You can find it in Europe, NorthAfrica and Asia. Common thyme is well known in Vanlig timian er et meget utbredt cooking. Lemon-thyme is also a popular spice. kjøkkenkrydder. Sitrontimian er også et populært krydder. Thyme is often used in casseroles with meat and in Timian benyttes gjerne til smakssetting av kjøtt, supper og soups. In the French kitchen is it a very important part I a bouquet stuinger. I det franske kjøkken garni and in Herbes de er det en viktig bestanddel i en bouquet garni og i Herbes de Provence. Malurt (Wormwood) Ekte malurt (Artemisia absinthium) er i slekt med burot og norsk malurt, blant mange andre. Prikkperikum (St. Johns Wort) Prikkperikum eller johannesurt (latin: Hypericum perforatum) er en flerårig urt. Den blir 20-80 cm høy, og har eggrunde og svakt perforerte små blad, og sterkt gule blomster med fem kronblad. Stilken er grå nederst og grønn øverst, og tidvis betydelig greinet. Provence. Wormwood is the common name for Artemisia absinthium, the plant whose aromatic oil is used to make absinthe. Although absinthe contains Ekte malurt brukes som krydder, extracts from a whole variety of different plants, wormwood oil is for eksempel i brennevin, både fersk i absint (forbudt i Frankrike the key ingredient of the famed green drink, and perhaps the fra 1915) og tørket i bitterdram. reason why absinthe is quite Hele urten har ytterst besk unlike any other liquor ever smak, og sprer en gjennomtrengende lukt hvis man produced. maler den i stykker. Navnet «malurt» kommer av den Wormwood is a wild plant of the påståtte, men tvilsomme evnen daisy family. Native to Europe, it å kunne beskytte klær mot møll. can now be found in many other parts of the world, especially North America. Wormwood is a Malurt er en vill plante i perennial plant that flowers year prestekragefamilien. Det er en after year. It can be 30 to 90 cm flerårig plante og den kan bli tall and has small, yellowish mellom 30 og 90 cm høy. Den flower heads. har små gule blomster. Prikkperikum har helt siden oldtiden vært en kjent og mye benyttet medisinplante. Prikkperikum vokser vilt i store deler landet. Det har blitt funnet prikkperikum så langt nord som til Sør-Varanger. Planten blomstrer fra juli og utover hele sommeren med gule blomster St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a yellowflowering, stoloniferous or sarmentose, perennial herb indigenous to Europe, which has been introduced to many temperate areas of the world and grows wild in many meadows. St John's wort is widely known as an herbal treatment for depression. It is proposed that the mechanism of action of St. John's wort is due to the inhibition of reuptake of certain neurotransmitters. St. John’s wort grows in most part of Norway. The flowering starts in July. som vokser i klaser. Prikkperikum blir brukt som krydder til brennevin. Når de gule blomstene blir lagt i brennevin blir brennevinet farget kraftig rødt, noe som i tidligere tider har ført til en tro på at planten har magisk kraft. Gjennom tidene har planten blitt brukt som universalmedisin mot en lang rekke plager. I våre dager påstås prikkperikum å ha en effekt mot tungsinn, altså lette depresjoner, og dette har etter hvert blitt gjenstand også for seriøs forskning. It is used as spices for liquors/spirits. When you put in the yellow flowers, the liquor/spirits turns red. COMENIUS 2012-2014 “This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author and the Commission is not responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained inside.” Gathered by Edyta Tworek-Gagolska Poland