MONDAy - Monroe County Buzz
MONDAy Volume: XI Issue: 241 October 12, 2015 “Huffing” Driver Arrested Suspect Charged with Multiple Forgeries Teen Seemed Endangered Detectives’ Investigation Brings 14 Counts A Monroe County driver was taken off the road on Friday, following a rear-end collision with a tow-truck while accompanied by a teenager in his vehicle. Charged by Tellico Plains Police Patrol Officer Dalton Rinehart with reckless endangerment Law enforcement officers arrested a Monroe County man on Friday, following a series of forged checks at a local business late last month and early this month. Charged by Madisonville Police Detective Scott Hicks with seven counts of forgery and Henderlight seven counts of theft was Dustin James Martin, 34, of County Farm Road, Madisonville. Hicks said he and other officers were dispatched to the business to investigate bad checks and found Martin had written and cashed several checks (See Martin pg 3) Martin Schlafer Resigns from Rett Syndrome Awareness Month Schools’ Central Office (See Henderlight pg 5) Third Official to Leave Administrative Post The Monroe County Board of Education federal programs administrator turned in his school system central office resignation on Friday, announcing he was leaving the cadre of Director of Schools Tim Blankenship for a similar position in his home territory of Cumberland County. (See Schlafer pg 7) 911 Board Names New Secretary and Treasurer Monroe County Mayor Tim Yates proclaims October as “Rett Syndrome Awareness Month” on Thursday, presenting a special proclamation to the family of four-year-old Carly Teague. Rett Syndrome is a devastating neurodevelopment disorder that strikes baby girls and causes loss of speech and hand control and trouble walking, plus seizures and scoliosis. Yates said research was underway to find a cure for the condition and urged everyGreg Altum only weeks ago, the Mon- one to support the efforts of creating a world without Rett Syndrome. From After naming April roe County 911 Board left, mother Sally Teague, 18-month-old Connor, father Josh Teague, Carly, White as its new director filled two more positions and Yates. Smile of the Day! at its monthly meeting on Thursday. Chairman Boyd Curtis said the state was “getting nit-picky” and now required a secretary and treasurer for the board. Harold Davis was nominated and approved as secretary and Road Superintendent Steve Teague was selected as treasurer. (See 911 pg 10) Page 2 - The BUZZ MONDAY BUFFET Meatloaf Country Fried Steak 442-3304 Donna’s Olde Towne Cafe OBITUARIES BORDEN, MELVIN L., age 76, of Maryville, passed away Friday morning, October 9, 2015 at the home of his daughter, Marilyn Hall. He retired from ALCOA Aluminum Company. He was formerly a teacher in Monroe County for three years, was formerly employed by Watson Lumber Company and Hiwassee Furniture Company. He was co-owner of Borden’s Daylily Gardens and was a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church. Melvin coached ball teams for many years including being the Pee Wee football coach for three years at Lanier Elementary and Madisonville Elementary Schools. He previously served as the assistant girls softball coach at Sequoyah High School. Preceded in death by parents, Harold and Gladys Borden; October 12, 2015 CHOATE, BERTHA MERLE WAYMAN, age 89, of Madisonville, widow of Rev. Fred Robert Choate, Sr., went to be with the Lord 5:35 p.m. Saturday, October 10, 2015 at Sweetwater Hospital. She was a member of 411 Chapel Baptist Church. She worked with children in Sunday School for over 35 years. Preceded in death by an infant son, Fred Robert Choate, Jr. and parents, J.M. and Agnes Choate. Survivors: children, Suzann and Randy Hill; Mike and Linda Choate all of Madisonville; grandchildren, David and Coleen Choate, of Loudon, Amanda and Jason Vance, of Madisonville, Holly and Kevin Kryter, of Lenoir City; great grandchildren, Joshua and Andrew, Emily, William, Anekin and Caden. Funeral 7:00 p.m. Monday, Biereley-Hale Chapel, Rev. David Choate, Rev. Michael McLemore officiating. Interment 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, Sunset Cemetery. Family will receive friends 5-7 p.m. Monday at Biereley-Hale Funeral Home, Madisonville. brother, James Borden. Survivors: wife of 54 years, Charlotte Borden; daughters and sons-in-law, Marilyn and Lee Hall, of Vonore, Kim and Charlie Atkins, of Madisonville, Angelia Borden and Joel Tatum, of Vonore, sons and daughter-in-law, Tony and Penny Borden, of Loganville, GA, Jackie Borden, of Coleman, FL; grandchildren, Chris Borden and wife, Meghann of Oak Ridge, Jennifer Kaylor and husband, Michael, of Vonore, Sarah Burris, of Knoxville, Tiffany Atkins, of Madisonville, Brittany Hall, of Vonore, James Borden, of Loganville, GA, Zachary Borden, of Knoxville, Tristan Johnson, of Vonore; great grandchildren, Dalton, Skylar, Abby, Layne, Baylor, Bryson and Sophia; sisters, Charlotte Arwood, Patsy Moser; brothers, Ronnie and Danny Borden. Funeral 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Biereley-Hale Chapel, Rev. Rick Harris, Rev. Tommy Self, Rev. Chris Farmer officiating. Interment 2:00 p.m. Monday, Oak Grove Baptist Cemetery. Family will receive friends 6-8 p.m. Sunday at Biereley-Hale GRAY, MICHAEL WAYNE Funeral Home, Madis- “SHADY”, age 57, passed away October 8, 2015 at onville. Madisonville Health & Re- CELEBRATE NATIONAL CHEESE CURD DAy OCTOBER 12 HALF PRICE CHEESE CURDS! 3989 US-411 Madisonville habilitation. He was a faithful member of New Macedonia Baptist Church. Preceded in death by grandparents, Marshall and Myrtle Dunsmore Campbell; and George and Minnie Shults Gray; infant nephew, Patrick Dalton. Survived by parents, Charles and Louise Campbell Gray; sister, Pamela Gray; brother, Brad Gray, all of Philadelphia; several Aunts, Uncles and cousins. A memorial service will be held 6:00 pm Sunday, October 18, 2015 at New Macedonia Baptist Church, with Rev. Gerald Lynn and Rev. Bill White officiating. Family will greet friends beginning at 4:00 p.m. Interment will be 11:00 a.m. Monday, October, 19, at the church cemetery. Arrangements provided by Loudon Funeral Home. VENDORS THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER! Call the Buzz! 423-442-1635 Mountain Sales & Supply Health Food Store Store Hours Monday- Thursday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mountain House Freeze Dried Foods 105 Warren Street Madisonville 423-241-2562 REPAIR ON ANy AGE, MAKE, OR MODEL OF HEARING AID • Free Hearing Screenings • Affordable Hearing Aids • Payment Plans Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Same Day Appointments Available Sidney Hicks, H.I.S Board Certified by National Board for Certification in Hearing Instrument Science 423-545-3022 815 Englewood Road Madisonville Like Us on Facebook Across Highway 68 from Wendy's Page 3 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015 The Hitching Post Marriage Licenses October 2, Scott Allen McKelvey, 29, of Madisonville to Sara Jessie Lennex, 21, of Madisonville. October 2, Tyler Ryan Walters, 20, of Loudon to Elizabeth Brooke Watson, 19 of Madisonville. October 3, Gregory Taylor Melton, 24, of Tellico Plains to Brittany Ashton Daugherty, 21, of Rockwood. October 3, William Lee Shubert, 46, of Madisonville to Allison Leann Kitto, 48, of Madisonville. October 3, Brent Joseph Burris, 29, of Tellico Plains to Heather Nicole McLemore, 28, of of Tellico Plains. October 3, Derrick Scott Vernon, 24, of Sweetwater to Jessica Danielle Sturgill, 25 of Sweetwater. October 5, Christopher Warren Collier, 30 of Sweetwater to Tonya Annette Palmer, 38, of Sweetwater. October 5, Jonathan Andrew Trentham, 30, of Knoxville to Jennifer Ann Robledo, 29, of Knoxville. October 5, Justin Wayne Ford, 36, of Madisonville to Carmen Nicole Gates, 40, of Rossville GA. October 6, Samuel Aaron Truman, 21, of Sweetwater to Jessica Dawn Franks, 20, of Sweetwater. October 6, Gannon Wilton Richesin, 22 of Sweetwater to Taylor Beth Hall, 20 of Englewood. Place Your Engagement or Wedding Announcement In The Buzz! Did YouKnow? El Jay Smothers Did you know that some of our founding fathers had some remedial problems? Take Tom Jefferson. Although he wrote the colonies’ Declaration of Independence, he was a suspect speller. Button Gwinett of Georgia took one look at the draft and summoned Ben Franklin to help Tom with his grammatical difficulties. Ben did just that and edited the document. Button also suggested that Pennsylvania delegate Timothy Matlack engross the document. Matlack, along with being a Red Coat head whacker, was an expert calligrapher and had a British style of writing. Of course, everyone in 1776 spoke with a dandy THANK yOU For 28 Great years! British accent including the lower colonies and before signing the document as the president of the delegation, John Hancock read it several times and wanted changes made. The majority said “No, just sign the X@*#&$! thing.” Hancock then penned his signature three times the size of the others with a flowing understatement. By the way, some Noreastern lumberjacks were among the first to fight for independence. They called themselves “Ethan’s Vermont Garson’s,” or as we call them today, Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys. These axers could fight and make some nice living room furniture too. Jefferson was the founder of the Jeffersonian style of government, which afforded a more liberal, individual “state” control, while Alexander Hamilton preferred a more central-government type of control. Forget Tom’s dyslexic spelling problems because the guy bought a gazillion acres from Napoleon for a pittance and in 1803 sent Army Rangers (Corps of Discovery’s Lewis & Clark and boys) on a quest of Manifest Destiny unequaled by any acquisition (except Seward’s purchase of Alaska from the Ruskies) before and since and made sure we were “shore to shining shore.” By the way, the rangers carried the latest in firearms technology with the “Kentucky Long Rifle” (made in Pennsylvania) and the most effective Indian pleaser (Tennessee branch bourbon). When the Corps returned to receive their back pay, they found out Congress was not exactly flush with money. In fact, it took until 1994 to pay off the last soldier’s family. The founding fathers had their flaws, but gave us some things we are forever in their debt for, like your home is your castle, guns, bail, and divorce court. Martin (Continued from pg 1) from September 26 to October 1. The total amount of the checks came to $1,200, Hicks said. The checks belonged to a female victim, who earlier reported them as stolen. Martin made the checks out to himself, forged the victim’s name, and cashed them at the business. The individual checks were in the amounts of $200, $200, $200, $100, $200, $100, and $200. Bond was set at $30.000. We’re More Than A Feed Store! •Mums It has been a pleasure to serve our community for many years. Having great employees has been the key to our success. Here is hoping that there have been many good times and memories made with your friends and family inside the walls of Bert’s Hometown Grill and Pizzeria! Thank you, Bert Blankenship Fallor! •Pumpkins Dec •Straw Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. 423-442-8505 East Tennessee Feed and Seed, LLC 3415 New Highway 68 Madisonville October 12, 2015 Page 4 - The BUZZ Around The Globe Two simultaneous explosions struck a Turkish peace rally by Kurdish activists and opposition supporters in Ankara on Saturday, killing at least 85 persons and wounding hundreds of others in what officials said were suicide attacks. The rally was intended to call for an end to renewed violence between Kurdish rebels and Turkish security forces. Aviation safety authorities issued alerts to airlines flying in Iran and Iraq and over the Caspian Sea on Saturday, announcing concerns about risks to commercial flights operating in the conflict zones in Syria. Officials in Baghdad, Tehran, and Damascus said there could be serious risks amid the Russia’s long-range missile strikes in support of President Bashar al-Assad’s government. In a show of military might, North Korea’s military held a massive military parade through Kim Il Sung Square in the heart of Pyongyang on Saturday, celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea. Little dictator Kim Jong Un spoke of the strength of the party and said the North Remember When You Were Quitting At $5 A Pack? We Can Help! Open Seven Days a Week 913 New Hwy 68 Sweetwater 423-271-6445 stood ready to defend itself if ever provoked by the United States. Palestinians carried out two stabbing attacks in Jerusalem on Saturday before being shot dead by police while two more Palestinians were killed during a violent demonstration near the Gaza Strip. The deaths followed continuing violence in a series of attacks against Israeli citizens and soldiers during the past week. China began to operate two lighthouses on a reef of a disputed island chain in the South China Sea on Saturday after completion ceremonies took place a day earlier for the 164foot-high structures. The facilities, which straddle the Spratly Islands, encompass one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes atop oil and natural gas deposits that are additionally claimed by Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Brunei. An Army officer on Saturday recommended that Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl face a lower-level court martial and be spared the possibility of jail time for leaving his post in Afghanistan. Mili- tary prosecutors charged Bergdahl in March with desertion and misbehavior toward the enemy, a charge that could carry life in prison. And according to a study by scientists at Oxford University, researchers said on Saturday that one in three men in China were likely to die from tobacco use, especially the ones who began smoking before the age of 20. Of the men who were teens when they began the habit, it was estimated that half would likely die from tobacco-related illnesses unless they stopped using the plant immediately. DINNER SPECIALS After 4 p.m. MONDAY $5 Pizza! TUESDAY 2 For $20 One Starter, Two Entrees (10 oz sirloin, rib eyes & full rack ribs not included) WEDNESDAY $19.99 All You Can Eat Ribs THURSDAY Free Dessert *with purchase of two entrees 442-2981 Sloan Center Highway 411 Madisonville Page 5 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015 NATIONWIDE President Obama launched a video campaign on Saturday, extolling the benefits of the newly minted Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal and saying the agreement would most benefit American workers and businesses. Opponents and numerous Congressional lawmakers said the deal would undermine the American economy by allowing employers to ship out domestic manufacturing jobs to low-wage nations. At the same time, trying to distance herself from the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton on Saturday said she was “not in favor” of the pact with the Pacific Rim nations, a direct turnaround from her support of it while sec- 24 HOUR TOWING Full Auto Body Repair & PDR Shop, Restoration, Mechanical TRUCKS• BOATS• CARS• RV’s Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. 660-B New Hwy 68 Sweetwater 423-351-7777 DJ AYERS - OWNER Mention the Buzz for Discount retary of state, when she urged on the free trade deal. Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan left Washington DC on Saturday, heading for home and a Green Bay Packers game where he would get a “breather” after receiving “sustained pressure and encouragement” from his colleagues to run for speaker of the House. Members of the House almost unanimously agreed that Ryan would be the overwhelming choice following the resignation of Speaker John Boehner at the end of the month. South Carolina governor Nikki Hailey warned on Thursday that flooded areas in the state could remain underwater for as many as the next 12 days as swollen rivers were expected to deliver more water to low lying and coastal areas. Heavy rain returned on Saturday, delivering thunder, lightning, and at least two more inches of water amid 20 broken dams and other destroyed highways, buildings, and infrastructure. In Hawaii on Saturday, a 25-year-old Oahu man was bitten by a shark while surfing off the northern shore of the city, fighting off the critter and suffering injuries to his hands and the loss of a leg. Hospital officials said the victim was transported to Queens Medical Center in critical condition. Fox News said on Saturday the new Diet Pepsi that recently switched to the artificial sweetener sucralose from the more controversial aspartame had begun eliciting words like “yuck” and “undrinkable” from its loyal fan base. Irate supporters hit social media in recent weeks showing their displeasure after Pepsi replaced aspartame in August, trying to reverse plunging industry wide diet-soda sales. And the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in California said the cre- Be Clever... Build Green FEMA Approved Storm Shelters 423-241-2562 95% Recycled Materials 105 Warren Street, Madisonville ator of “Bikran Yoga” could not copyright a series of centuries-old yoga poses, saying it would be a stretch to declare the series was Bikran’s “signature sequence.” Bikran Choundhury assembled 26 poses of mainstream yoga in a prescribed order and called the sequence unique when performed in a room at 105 degrees, naming it informally “hot yoga.” Henderlight (Continued from pg 1) and driving under the influence, or DUI, was Steven Allen Henderlight II, 21, of Croft Road, Tellico Plains. Rinehart said he was dispatched to a two-vehi- cle crash on Highway 68 around 8:30 p.m. and found Henderlight unable to speak in complete sentences. Henderlight said he had rear-ended a tractor-trailer and it had kept on moving without stopping. However, Henderlight actually hit a tow truck and the truck had stopped in the road, Rinehart said. Monroe County Sheriff’s Sergeant John Acuff administered sobriety tests and Rinehart said Henderlight performed the testing poorly. Tellico Plains Police Chief Russ Parks was on scene and located an empty bottle of Falcon Dust-Off compressed-gas duster. Henderlight admitted to huffing the contents hours earlier. An 18-year-old female was in Henderlight’s SUV, Rinehart said. Your business could be here! Call The Buzz 442-1635 AUTO INSURANCE Cancelled Non-Renewed Need SR-22? No Prior Insurance? LoCAL oFFiCe LoCAL SeRviCe Insurance Services of Monroe Co. Cecil Tallent LUTCF Owner/Agent The Coverage You Need, The Service You Deserve 442-9004 144 Warren St Madisonville October 12, 2015 Page 6 - The BUZZ Guilty Pleas in General Sessions Court And the Usual: Case Resets, Grand Jury Waivers Monroe County General Sessions Court had a bit of it all this past Tuesday, plea bargains, grand jury options, continuances, dismissals, and no shows. Daniel Bookout was bound to the grand jury, following a hearing on Schedule II methamphetamine for resale and seventh offense driving on revoked license. Jimmy Massingale pleaded to driving under the influence, or DUI, and received 11 months, 29 days suspended, 48 hours jail, and a $365 fine. Patricia Smith, shoplifting, theft, pleas, 11/29 suspended, 40 hours community service. Crystal Scott, Schedule IV drugs, plea, 11/29 suspended, $750; evading arrest, plea, 11/29 suspended, $100. Nicholas Standridge, DUI2, plea to DUI, 11/29 suspended, 48 hours jail, $365; suspended license, plea, six months probation, 48 hours jail, $65. Carri L. Gardner, identify theft, waived to grand jury. Jonathan Tony Best, reckless endangerment, plea, 11/29 suspended; evading arrest, plea, 11/29 suspended, $600 restitution; auto theft, nolle. Jonathan Slack, paraphernalia, plea, 11/29 suspended, $150. Coy David Carter, marijuana, plea, 11/29 suspended, $250; domestic assault, December 1. Brittany Leann Carter, DUI, plea, 11/29 sus- pended, 48 hours jail, $365. Justin Hattery, felony evading, revoked license, evading arrest, waived grand jury. Susan Webb, suspended license no show. Klain West, revoked license, plea, six months probation, 48 hours jail, $65. William L. West, marijuana, waived grand jury. Keesha Raper, theft, plea, 11/29 suspended, five days jail; marijuana, plea, 11/29 suspended, $750. Donna Kay Seargeant, aggravated assault, resisting arrest, non-emergency 911 calls, bound grand jury. Agustin Lara, evading, plea, 11/29 suspended, ten days jail. Lisa Long, public intoxication, or PI, plea, 30 days to serve. Robert Justice, underage DUI, plea, 11/29 suspended, $365; suspended license, plea, six months probation, $65. Jacob Farrar, domestic assault, plea, 11/29 suspended, $100. April Burchfield, shoplifting, plea, 11/29 suspended, eight hours community service, $250. Donald Trew, felony evading, suspended license, reset October 13. Ryan Catledge, DUI2, Schedule I ecstacy, marijuana, paraphernalia, October 13. Tammy Garcia, false report, disorderly, October 13. Dorothy Underwood, DUI, Schedule IV drugs, EASy PAyMENTS NO CREDIT CHECK Cash Loans up to $700 QUICK LOANS OF TN MADISONVILLE 4207 HIGHWAY 411 N APPLy By PHONE CALL CANDICE 423-420-3213 paraphernalia, reckless driving, October 27. Steven White, Schedule II opana, November 10. Joshua Witt, three counts suspended license, revoked license, all dismissed. Adam McDaniel, 22 counts rape of child, November 10. Ashley Miller, hydrocodone, Xanax, marijuana, paraphernalia, November 10. Brandon Burns, hydrocodone, November 10. Amos Frerichs, DUI, plea to reckless driving, six months probation, $50. Oscar Terry Young, evading, revoked license, paraphernalia, meth, meth for resale, driving while in possession of meth, reckless driving, off-road vehicle on highway, alter VIN, felony reckless endangerment, contraband, October 27. Zona Lee Weese, meth for resale, marijuana for resale, November 3. David Jacobs, revoked license fourth offense, initiation meth process, unlawful police scanner, paraphernalia, criminal trespass, theft of services, October 13. Cody Jarvis, DUI, suspended license, no show. Lisa Ann Keeton, DUI2, November 3. Aaron Lovingood,, theft over $1,000, nolle. Jacqueline Witt, violation of probation, or VOP, guilty; forgery, theft, dismissed.. Harvey Sledge, aggravated assault, October 13. Brandon Sloan, theft, VOP, October 13. Joseph Stout, two counts domestic assault, October 13. Charles McGuire, third offense revoked license, January 12; PI, dismissed. Brandy Kay Moore, fraud, conspiracy, theft, no show. Marvin Parker, aggravated assault, October 27. Ashley Patterson, shoplifting, November 10. Sarah Phelps, criminal impersonation, December 15. Lindsey Harris, shoplifting, trespassing, dismissed. Amber Holt, VOP, dis- missed. Sheila Holt, forgery, shoplifting, December 15. Barbara Giffen, DUI, January 12. Jeffery Goca, disorderly, dismissed. Michael Gonzalez, aggravated assault, December 1. Tammy Green, child abuse neglect, January 19. Noah Hamilton, DUI, January 12. Shane Carroll, aggravated domestic assault, October 27. Mary Filley, aggravated domestic assault, April 12. Brian Franklin, sex offender registry, October 13. Amy Howarth, DUI3, revoked license, November 10. William Kinne, four counts cruelty to animals, dogs at large, November 24. Billie Sue Mason, meth FREE GUN ORIENTATION EVERy WEDNESDAy 10 A.M. - Noon You don’t know anything about guns? Have you always been fearful of guns? NEED SOME BASIC KNOWLEDGE WITHOUT PRESSURE? Just give us a call and let us know you are coming next Wednesday! SELF DEFENSE SOLUTIONS, LLC Firearms Training Academy 423-442-7486 4120 Highway 411 Madisonville BUy HERE - PAy HERE We Offer Bank Financing With Approved Credit Madisonville Motor Company, Inc 423-420-1000 BESIDE WENDY’S 701 ENGLEWOOD ROAD MADISONVILLE H Page 7 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015 for resale, hydrocodone, November 17. Jeffery McCourry, aggravated domestic assault, Schedule IV drugs, November 10. Melissa Stringer, theft of services, January 12. Michael Thompson, domestic assault, February 9. Luke Butler, domestic assault, October 13. Lonnie Queener, aggravated domestic assault, December 15. Chad Scrivner, evading, false report, October 27. Justin Carroll, DUI2, - revoked license fourth, oxycodone, open container, paraphernalia, October 13. Travis V. Carroll, burglary, theft over $10,000, dismissed. Rolando Chavez, meth for resale, paraphernalia, October 27. Rhonda Givens, forgery, no show. Melissa Ann Stringer, theft over $60,000, January 12. Gordon Watkins, reckless endangerment, December 15. Mark Neeley and Megan Neeley, opana, November 11. Corey Parkerson, opana, November 11. Kayla Neuhard, DUI, October 13. Cameron Rigsby, DUI by consent, October 13. Shannon Rosier, marijuana, theft, reckless driving, suspended license, escape, resisting, October 13. Teresa Crowd, ménage mismanagement, three days math class. Stephen Saunders, meth for resale, paraphernalia, December 15. A&B Eagleline Equipment TRAILER SALES FARM EQUIPMENT Selling Trailers Since 1987 Bale Spears - Pallet Forks Plows - Disc Harrows Box Scrapers - Grade Blades Rock Rakes Hay Wagon Running Gear Aerators - Pluggers Utility - Carhauler - Equipment Gooseneck - Custom Orders All DOT Legal - Breakaway Kit New Tires and wheels Repair, Parts and Service Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. 2315 Hwy 11 South 337-2390 Sweetwater Master Key Storage of Tennessee, LLC 423-351-9797 Move-In Outdoor Special! $10 off First Month w/Two Months Rental 1250 Highway 68, Sweetwater Schlafer (Continued from pg 1) Dan Schlafer became the third top school employee to strep down from the local system this year, joining Nutrition Director Kathy Davis, who left for employment in the Blount County school system, and longtime central office employee Sharon Benton, who announced her retirement last month. Schlafer said he would become the federal programs director in the Cumberland County school system, a position that would seat him only 20 minutes from his home. “I’ve spent half of my 40-year career in Monroe County,” said Schlafer. “It has become a second home. There are so many special people here who have filled my life with joy. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve our community and will do everything within my power to ensure a smooth transition.” Schlafer said his last day in Monroe County would be Friday, October 23. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” ~Helen Keller FIND WHAT MOTIVATES yOU! NEW! yoga • Zumba • Line Dancing AND TWO NEW CLASSES Rebounding Julie Thornton Instructor Limited space available in some classes. Call for more information. Membership not required NEW! Pound Gabby McConkey Instructor Silver Sneakers Classes SIX CLASSES PER WEEK! Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. 10:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M. 423-420-1030 CELL 404-2908 These classes and gym may be free under your insurance plan! 807 Englewood Road Madisonville with Instructor Julie Thornton With Instructor Sue Kromhout Sloan’s Hwy 411 At Citico Road • Vonore • 884-6499 Hours: Monday-Sunday 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Prices Effective: Monday, October 12 Thru Sunday, October 18, 2015 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Manufacturer Coupons • Postage Stamps • W.I.C (FI) (CVV) • Fax Service • $0.10 Photo Copies FRESH MEAT SPECIALS FRESH PRODUCE SPECIALS Quantity Rights Reserved. Not Responsible For Typographical Errors. No Sales To Dealers At These Prices. October 12, 2015 Page 10 - The BUZZ Trading Places No District Listed John Judd Sr. etux Debra Judd to Robert Shaffer etux Christine Shaffer $300,000. Linda Flaitz to Craig Pickerel etux etal Kelly Robinson $227,500. District 1 Jeffery Clayton Arden etal Betty Annette Richeson, Joyce Arden Duggan Houston Estate to Betty Annette Richeson $0. Jeffery Clayton Arden etal Betty Annette Richeson, Joyce Duggan Arden Houston Estate to William Arden etal Jeffery Clayton Arden $0. Jeffery Clayton Arden etal Jeffrey Clayton Arden, Betty Annette Richeson, Joyce Duggan Arden Houston Estate to Jeffrey Clayton Arden $0. Jeffery Clayton Arden etal Betty Annette Richeson, Joyce Duggan Arden Houston to Jeffery Clayton Arden $0. Larry Lowell Russell to Southeast Developments Inc. $23,000. Mark Purdy to David Raper etux Debbie Raper $8,000. Arnold Weiss etal Michael Miller, Patricia Miller to Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB etal Christiana Trust BCAT $75,000. Houston Plemons to Donna Torbett $132,000. Houston Plemons to Marshal Mitchell $24,200. Houston Plemons to Brennon Garrett $11,000. Secretary of Veterans Affairs to Lakeview Loan Servicing $0. Alan Purdy to Jerry Wayne Jackson etux Helen Marie Jackson $20,000. Richard Roy Owens Jr. etal Richard Owens to Edgar Harold Sands Jr. $150.000. District 2 Glen Leroy Madsen Trustee etal Joanna Rouse Madsen, Glen Leroy Co Trustee, Joanna Rouse Madsen Co Trustee, Madsen Family Revocable Living Living Trust to John Eley etux Lucinda Eley $270,000. Deborah Green to Christopher Presley $99,900. Denzil Thies Jr. to Denzil Thies Sr. etux Roberta Thies $0. Ritchie Kilpatrick Co Trustee etal Roberta Kilpatrick Co Trustee, Kilpatrick Revocable Trust to Roberta Kilpatrick $0. Steven Benfield etux etal Pamela Benfield, Neal Antill, Cindy Antill to Charles Cannon etux Carol Cannon $23,000. Lewis Gerald Daugherty Sr. etux Kathryn Daugherty to Lewis Gerald Daugherty Jr. $2,000 District 3 Doyle Arp etux Beverly Arp to Mark Meier etux Christine Meier $195,000. Linda Tallent to Timothy Tallent $5,000. Fannie Mae etal Federal National Mortgage Association PLLC, Wilson and Associates to Jack Holcomb $25,000. Mildred Arwood to Loretta May Moody $0. Wayne Moody etux Jodi Moody to Without a Paddle $475,000. Douglas Carter etux Pauline Carter to Charles Adam Summitt etux Melinda Nicole Summitt $65,000. Brian White Jr. to Brian White Sr. etal Brian White Jr. $0. James Richard McLemore etal James McLemore Sr., Jeraldean McDaniel, Bobby Roger McLemore to Bruce Naro etux Lisa Naro $56,000. David McMahan to Lisa McMahan $0. Elby Stehr to Ruby Stehr $0. Fred Van Pelt etux etal Helen Van Pelt, Fred Van Pelt to Timothy Williams J. REED DIXON Attorney At Law General • Criminal • Civil 423-337-5054 701 N Oak Street Sweetwater One Block Behind Post Office Vonore Baptist Church IS NOW HIRING INDIVIDUALS WHO ARE GREAT WITH KIDS! Part time positions available for After School Program 2:30 - 6:30 Monday thru Friday. FOR MORE INFORMATION Call The Church 423-884-6230 etal Frances Dokey $218,000. District 4 Mark Jenkins to Kendra Blair etal Robert Atkins, Christopher Atkins $98,000. Susan Kazy etvir etal Gary Kazy, Susan Irene Kazy to Tonya Presley etal Shawn Sanders $5,000. Peoples Bank of East Tennessee to Mary Jane Saunders $ 200,000. Donald Alwell to Barry Montgomery etux Lynda Montgomery $310,000. James R. Scyphers etux Patricia Scyphers to Richard Babbitt etux Monica Lynn Babbitt $35,000. District 5 Connie McRee etux etal Betty McRee, Connie McRee, Evan Franklin, Chris Franklin to Evan Franklin etal Chris Franklin, Connie McRee, Betty McRee $200,000. John Roden Successor Trustee etal John Roden Trustee, Gary Roden Successor Trustee, Gary Roden Trustee, William C. Roden, William H. Roden Jr. Trust Agreement, William H. Roden Trust to Dennis Plante etal Candace Plante $65,000. Laverne Davis etal Dennis Bilbrey Davis, Shellie Mitchell, Mechelle Mitchell, Nancy Miller, Cherry Pamela Thomas, Gladys Irene Davis Heirs, Gladys Irene Davis Estate to Thomas Russell $60,000. David Reed etux etal Freida Reed, Wilda Taylor Reed, Joan Chapman to Carlo Dockery etux Kelley Dockery $0. 911 (Continued from pg 1) Peggy Hickey, who had been performing treasurer duties, was approved to continue her accounting duties. She said that Court Ordered ESTATE AUCTION THURSDAy, OCTOBER 15 12 NOON Commercial Building, Madisonville & Building Tract, Vonore JACKie GRAY eSTATe TRACT #1 – SALe SiTe (Bid STARTS AT $83,000) • 112 College St. Madisonville • Corner of College Street & Warren Street • 2160 Sq. Ft Building • Central Heat/Air • All Utilities Available • Zoned C-3 • City Tax $166.10 • County Tax $632.45 • Storage Upstairs • Loading Area TRACT #2 – (No MiNiMuM, No ReSeRve) • 2.95 acre Building Site • Asphalt County Rd. • Near Lake • 623 Clearview Rd. • Vonore – Behind TASS • Personal Property: • Great Views Stove/Oven, Dishwasher & • Restricted Buffet Side Table • Utility Water TERMS: A 10% Buyer’s premium in effect day of sale. Verification of funds required. Real Estate - 25% down day of sale, balance with deed 20 days; Personal Property - Cash or Good Check, day of sale. INSPECTION: INSPECTION: Visit our web site at or www. Vonore - Plats on property or online. Madisonville - Call Bill Howe at 423-519-9355 for a personal tour (currently rented). Announcements day of sale supercede any written advertisement. Rain or Shine, All Sales Final Day of Sale For more information or 423-337-9355 • 800-337-9356 675 New Hwy 68 Sweetwater Wm. E “Bill” Howe, Broker/Auctioneer TAL#4476 Firm#1303 Howe Realty & Auction Each office is independently owned and operated. Page 11 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015 budget figures from September were not complete and she was unable to update the fiscal budget. For the first two months of 2015-16, however, 18.9 percent of the expenses in the $860,940 budget had been used. Teague said garbage pickup fees had recently been renegotiated and would figure in the budget. The amount of $14,600 was moved from the mortgage payment category to the director’s salary category. Curtis said it was necessary because former Director Clara Hitson had unused vacation time that fell in the present fiscal year. Director April White said a memorial in Hitson’s honor had been com- MEETING NOTICE Monroe County Justice Committee MONROE COUNTY JUSTICE COMMITTEE WILL MEET OCTOBER 20, 2015 4 P.M. JPK CONFERENCE ROOM pleted with an official dedication yet to come. In other business, Curtis said a problem existed with the current radio equipment. “We’re getting complaints,” he said. “People can’t hear transmissions.” After a discussion, the board directed White to contact Cartwright Communications and Find Communications and seek the companies’ services. Discussion also took place regarding the implementation of Code Red, a service that simultaneously alerts all communications to a major emergency. The estimated cost would be $16,000. The addition of weather alert would add an additional $11,000 per year. White said Code Red was basically designed for land lines. The matter was tabled. The purchase of a new copier was approved. Curtis said the amount would be under $5,000. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NON – RESIDENT NOTICE Application with FCC for Transfer of License On October 2, 2003, an application was filed with the FedIN THE PROBATE COURT eral Communications FOR MONROE COUNTY, Commission in Washington, TENNESSEE DC to transfer the license of DOCKET #2015-045 radio station WRKQ from Beverly Broadcasting, LLC to CRYSTAL DAWN RAGAN Storm Front Communications, and STEVEN L. RAGAN LLC. Beverly Broadcasting is PETITIONERS owned by Michael and Sue Beverly and Storm Front ComJENNIFER COGDILL munications is owned by RESPONDENT Sheila Woolard, Carl R. IN THE MATTER OF: Woolard, and Nicholas Woolard. A copy of this appliKATELYNN LASHAE cation is available for public inCOGDILL spection at the WRKQ Studios Child under the age of 18 IN THIS CAUSE IT APPEAR- at 880 Englewood Road, ING BY THE PETITION FOR Madisonville, TN or online at APPOINTMENT OF Comments on this GUARDIAN THAT JENNIFER transfer may be made in writCOGDILL, THE MOTHER OF ing to the Federal CommunicaCommission, THE RESPONDENT KATE- tions LYNN LASHAE COGDILL, IS A Washington, DC 20554. NON-RESIDENT OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, “Start by doing AND THAT PERSONAL SERVICE OF PROCESS CANNOT what's necessary; BE HAD UPON HER, JENNIFER COGDILL, THERE- then do what's FORE, IS HEREBY REQUIRED TO SERVE AN- possible; and SWER ON OR BEFORE THE 25TH DAY OF NOVEMBER suddenly you are 2015, THE SAME BEING 30 DAYS FROM THE LAST doing the PUBLICATION OF THIS NO- impossible.” TICE, UPON JAMES HARVEY STUTTS, 306 EAST WALNUT ~Francis of Assisi STREET, P.O. BOX 419, SWEETWATER, TN 37874 ATTORNEY FOR THE PETITIONERS. FAILURE TO DO SO, JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT WILL BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF DEMANDED IN THE COMPLAINT AND A HEARING EX PARTE CAN BE SET. For Return or information IT IS FURTHER ORDERED leading to return of THAT THIS NOTICE BE PUBWHITE I PHONE 5S LISHED FOR FOUR CONSECStolen From Student at UTIVE WEEKS IN THE Sequoyah High School on MONROE COUNTY BUZZ. Thursday, October 8 Call the BUZZ 442-1635 THIS THE 1ST DAY OF OCTOor Message on Facebook BER 2015. Monroe County BUZZ TERESA A. CHOATE, Black and tan female hunting PROBATE CLERK dog last seen near Smokey Branch in Vonore. Goes by the DONNA C. MCKENZIE, name Lady. If found please call PROBATE DEPUTY CLERK 423-295-2695. Lost Great Dane last seen near ISSUED THIS THE 1ST DAY Mount Vernon area. White with OF OCTOBER 2015. black spots and white eyes. If found please contact 423-442INSERT: October 5, 12, 19, 26, 8083 or 423-371-5031.Reward offired. 2015. Lost triangle rimmed cat-eyed sunglasses with tan case from the 1970's. Very special with sentimental value. Lost from baseball game in Greenback, if found please call 865-705-7282. CLASSIFIEDS LOST & FOUND REWARD Sun Power Off Grid Solar Power For your Hunting Cabin 105 Warren Street Madisonville 423-241-256 Page 12 - The BUZZ CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS ANIMALS ANIMALS ANIMALS APPLIANCES 6 Pitbull puppies. Bully breeds are colby, rednose, and razors edge am-staff. 2 males 4 females and parents available $150-$200. 865-296-0768 or 865-657-3521. AKC Registered Labrador retriever puppies for sale in Englewood. Chocolate, yellow and caramel in color, first shots and wormed twice $500 each. 859533-3359 or e-mail Male and female sugar gliders/flying squirrels for sale. Very gentle and tame $100 each or $150 for both. 423-442-3549. 2 females and 2 males Iredale/black and tan mix puppies 5 months old with shots and wormed. 423-519-3621. Chihuahua, rat terriers and rat terrier/beagle mix, shots and wormed $100 each your pick. 423-253-2398. Boxer puppies. Registered, up to date on shots, wormed and declawed $300 each. 295-4476. Co-op Rhode Island Red Bluff pullet and roosters, Co-op mix bluff, game hens and roosters for sale. Call for price 423-836-6311. Jack Russell terrier, male, fixed, shots and wormed. 10 months old $100. 423-420-6431. Baby Silkie chicks. $5. 865-3871479. AKC registered Labrador retrievers are wormed with first shots. Chocolate, black, yellow and blonde. Mon and dad are on sight. Available October 16, $300 each. 423-371-5748. Bird cage with some accessories. $20 442-1327. Pigs for sale. 295-2314. Full grown Orpington mix rooster. $10. 865-387-1479. 3 male canaries, 2 months old $50 each. 423-271-0837. Chihuahua mix puppies for sale. First shots and wormed, black/white and brown/white $20 each. 865-466-4214. Mother and three kittens. Free to good home. Kittens are approximately 4 months old. Grey and white, one kitten is stripped. 3513703. Applehead male Chihuahua for breeding, very smart $100 stud fee or pick of litter. 423-371-1321 CLASSIFIEDS LOST & FOUND Found: Cow off Old Highway 68. Please contact with description. 423-836-2273. Reward for the return of a Doberman named Misty. No questions asked. Last seen near Freeman Lane in Madisonville on October 7. Approximatly 112 pounds. Please call 423-442-2135. ADOPTION ADOPT: My greatest wish is to adopt a baby. A loving, secure home awaits with happy, financially secure, educated woman. Expenses paid. Call Anne-Michele 1-877-246-1447 Text 516- 305-0144 or ANIMALS Two black and tan coonhounds puppies. 6 weeks old. One male, one female. $125 each. 4044170. Rabbits for sale. Holland Lop, Mini Rex (Velveteen), dwarf and lionhead breeds. $10 each. 865274-9899. Muscovy ducks for sale. 12 total, all for $30. 423-519-9387. Male Beagle hunting dog, needs training. Black, white and tan in color. He is one year old, up to dates on shots and neutered $100. 423-420-6341. Female Jack Russell & Feist mix, about 1 year old, not spade Free or will trade. 423-371-0357. October 12, 2015 Assorted aquariums: 5, 10, and 15 gallon tanks with assorted accessories. $1.00 per gallon or $25 for all. 442-1327. Free kittens to good homes. Four available, all female. 2535510. Black and tan pure bred blood hound puppies for sale $125 each. Great bear or hog hunters. 865-466-4214. Chihuahua Reindeer breed puppies for sale $100. Ready to go October 16 with first shots and wormed. Will hold with deposit. 423-337-1028. Dachsund-Jack Russell mix. One year old. $100.865-7055996. Brown & blue AKC Yorkies, 12 weeks old. Up to dates on shots. 1 girl $350 and 2 males $300 each. 423-519-3363. Daschund male pure bred, dark red color, not neutered Free or will trade. 423-371-0357. SOLD! UKC registered American leopard hound puppies. 12 weeks old. Have shots and are very healthy. $50 each. Call or text 404-3075. 4-year-old male Poodle, not neutered and white in color $200. 423-420-6341. Labrador retriever puppies. AKC registered, chocolate, yellow, and black. 1st shots and wormed. $600. 859-533-3359. 2 male Yorkies, one traditional, one parti, vaccinated, wormed. No papers $550 each. 3334593. Full blood, 5-years-old, male Yorkie. Very friendly, prefers females and children. Clothes, dog food and accessories included $200. 810-348-5050. Chihuahua and fiest dogs for sale. Ages range from 4 months to 2 years. $100 a piece. 2952398. Baby pigs for sale. 836-2046. Pigmy goats for sale, tri-color. $75 for billies & $100 for nannies. 423-253-3938. Heavy duty dryer stainless steel $175. 423-337-5474. Small, white Kenmore upright freezer with key. $175. 423-3513874. Upright frost free freezer in good condition $195. 941-713-9514. Used GE dryer $100. 828-2306004. Older model Maytag dishwasher $50. Call or text 865-556-8491. Older model Maytag dishwasher White side by side GE refrigerator $200. 423-442-3102 or 423836-0256. THE BUZZ 442-1635 Whirlpool front loader washer, good condition. $200. 423-4058799. Super plus, white Kenmore dryer. $200. 423-351-3874. APPLIANCES Maytag washer and dryer $300. 423-519-4458. Maytag washer heavy duty $200. 423-337-5474. Talking yellow naped Amazon Whirlpool drop in range with parrot. 2 years old, includes 2 big black front and stainless steel cages $650. 423-312-2388. top, in good condition $200. 423Black and tan pomeranian. 4 337-5474. years old. Not nuetered. $200. New ten cup Bunn coffee brewer $75. 423-337-5474. 865-705-5996. Mixed Pitt puppies $50. 423- Black side by side refrigerator with glass like front and no ice 420-6596. maker. Nice condition $175. 941B B red banties $20 a pair. 713-9514. Guinea fowl 10 for $100. 423Commercial Ice cream freezer, 404-3027. $1200. Contact Henry's Casual Pit bull puppies that have been Café 442-2981. wormed. $150 each. 865-2504314. 3 different sized bird cages. $25 each. 423-442-6388. AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS & VANS Assorted aquariums: 5, 10, and 15 gallon tanks with assorted accessories. $1.00 per gallon or $25 for all. 442-1327. SEATON ENTERPRISES APPLIANCES WILL HELP yOU FALL INTO CASH FAST S PAy P TO AR! L D OL WE K TA E ALLF T y P ES O ! METALS C AL L T O DA FOR y P RI C I N G! Looking to buy good used working reasonable priced appliances. 423-351-3874. Used Maytag washer $125 OBO. 828-230-6004. Good used appliances. Washer, dryers & refrigerators $100 & up. 423-351-4319. Champion heavy duty juice extractor, complete unit $195 OBO. Ask for Marie 423-261-2039. Refrigerator $225. Stove $225. Microwave $50. Dishwasher $100. Vacuum $125. 423-4427977. Architect Series II Kitchen Aid electric range, self cleaning, good condition and all digital controls. $250. 865-466-1127 Big gray dryer in good working order. $200. 423-405-8799. Seaton Enterprises Sweetwater Recycling 2101 Old Niota Rd Athens 157 County Rd 323 Sweetwater THE BUZZ 442-1635 423-745-9989 423-337-0028 Whirlpool washer, good condition $80. 423-442-5413. 1995 Geo Tracker. Nice condition. New tires. $2495. 253-7965 or 519-5569. Silver 2004 Nissan 350 Z $7,000 firm. 423-836-4724. 1992 Nissan Maxima, 4 dr, 92K, a/c, good condition $1600 423745-2416 1993 Toyota van. Runs and looks great. 26 mpg. $1,650. 271-0665 or 519-9078. Four good used 10-ply Cooper truck tires size 245/75R16. 423351-7736. 2003 Dodge 3500 with 225k miles, 5.9L Cummins Diesel engine, 5 speed transmission, 4x4, all-power, husky liner floor mats. Recently rebuilt front end with new brakes, shocks, u-joints, wheel bearings, and ball joints. Custom built front bumper/ bushguard and nerf bars. Too many add-ons to list. Call 337-6652 for more info. 2006 Ford Lariat 4 door, 1 owner, new tires and covered bed. Local truck with 130,000 miles for $15,000 OBO. 423519-8484. THE BUZZ 442-1635 Page 13 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS AUTOMOTIVE CHILDCARE ELECTRONICS Auto Mechanic Service Detail and Car Wash 423-836-1796. Need a babysitter? Providing day and night shift child care. References available. 519-5881. New asking price $2,900 for 2000 Toyota Four Runner four wheel drive, blown cam seal, otherwise runs like a top. You fix, but hurry, at this price this bargain won’t be around long. 423-5196666. Nice 2001 Jeep Wrangler with only 87,000 actual miles, soft top and garage kept $10,995. 865776-0249. Nissan Titan factory aluminum alloy 18 inch wheels. Call for price 423-836-6311. 1992 Jeep parts for sale. 423261-2426. 2 Michelin tires and wheels. Size 185/GOR-15. $40 for both tire/wheel set. 423-404-3027. 2013 Ford Focus in excellent condition, fully loaded with black and tan interior and 46K. $9,995. 423-337-9749. Over the rail bed liner with tailgate protector for short wide truck bed $35. 423-539-5839 New Canon printer never used $50. 371-1321 or 271-1744. HP Deskjet printer 1010 $20. Now enrolling for pre-school pro- 423-253-4872. gram at First Presbyterian RCA 25 inch t.v. $30. 27 inch t.v. Church Child Development Cen- $30. 423-519-7162. ter at 601 Church Steet in V-Stream T.V. Dump your cable Sweetwater. Development Pro- satellite today. No monthly fees. gram is for children ages 2-5. Internet required. $250. Please Please call 423-337-6082 be- leave message at 423-884tween the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 2752. 5:30 p.m. Sharp 46 inch LCD table top flat screen with surround sound system and DVD player included $300. 423-442-3547. Hewlett-Packard flat screen and keyboard. $20. 836Pressure washing special of the monitor week: Will pressure wash the 6251. algae from the north side of your house. Call for pricing. 836-6578. 100+ years old antique hand- Family Home Care Services made bricks. $1 each. 404-4311. CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING EMPLOyMENT is hiring caregivers and CNAs in Sweet- Woodworking material, table water, Madisonville, and Tellico Plains. leaves, drawers, other finished $9.00/hr. Insurance benefits available wood panels. $1-$2 each. 295after 90 days. Apply online www.fhc5916. or come by our office at 603 Old doors and windows. 404- Congress Pkwy N in Athens. Call Brandy 4311. 744-4674 with any inquiries. Scalloped sink with vanity an Dickey McCay Insurance, one of nice faucet $40. 423-519-6958. 4X8 camper top $100. 371-0774 Monroe County's largest indeOld barn wood all sizes & pendent agencies, is seeking 2 68 Car Care lengths call for pricing. 404-4311. licensed P&C agents for off-site Quality Service 3 covered church benches 15 commission & marketing of our You Can Depend On products. References a must. feet. $35 each. 404-4311. All Type Repairs on Foreign and Call 423-253-3524 or e-mail Used barn tin. $5 a sheet. 404-4311. djohnson@dickeymccayinsurDomestic Cars & Light Trucks ASE Certified Cooper Services LLC is now 337-9751 taking apps. for 1st, 2nd, and 2805 New Hwy 68 Sweetwater •Excavation & Trucking •Site Prep 3rd shifts for material handlers and mobile equipment opera•Land Clearing •Road Building tors in Vonore. Background Toyota Tacoma tracking factory mags, six lug, used but in good and drug screen required. State Licensed Contractor check condition. $350 for the set. 836Pay starts at $9.50/hr. Pick up 6311. Call Mitchell or Gary and return applications at The 113A Main Street in Wheel covers, new, for Ford 253-4007 or 263-7001 BUZZ Madisonville, send resumes to pick-up, date inside 1975. $60 stair_julie@ or call 295-5916. 884-9124. Canvas cover for Ford Pick-up Looking for experienced CDL truck $100. 423-442-1037. driver and farm hand. Refer16x35 or larger rubber tarp $199. MARBLE.GRANITE.CERAMIC.WOOD ences required please call 423423-442-1037. 253-4912. KitChens, BAths, Floors And WAlls, FireplACes, And shoWers 16 inch 8 lug heavy duty tire rim HVAC INSTALLERS in good condition $50. 351-7736. licensed,insured,Guaranteed Hamilton Environmental Inc. Affordable Installations 30 Years of Experience Tom Carroll 865-201-8485 1954 Ford F100 lowered with 351 Cleveland engine, mild build c4 automatic transmission, Ford 9” rear end, Mustang II disc brake front end, factory heat/defrost. New floor mats, door seals, exhaust, radiator and hoses, 15” steel wheels, steering column/ shifter, BF Goodrich Long Trail T/A Tour tires, and an aftermarket gauge cluster. Nearly perfect interior. 17,000 OBO 337-6651. 1956 Crown Victoria two door, hardtop, started restoration on body $5,500. 423-519-5815. 2003 Ford Ranger, 4 cyl, a/c, 5 spd, short bed, mint condition, $4200 423-745-2416 2 Bridgestone tires. T225/ 60R17. In good condition. $30 for both. 253-3059. Stall torque converter for 350 Turbo $200. 423-404-3027. 37 lengths (540') 1" PVC pipe, 10 lengths (200') 3/4" PVC pipe, 80 of 2" PVC pipe, all schedule 40. $225 for all. 423-351-7736. Jack’s Backhoe & Septic Service All types of backhoe work AND SERVICE TECHS Looking for experienced installers or service technicians. CLASSIFIEDS EMPLOyMENT EQUIPMENT & TOOLS CNA/Caregiver-Quality of Life Home Care is seeking compassionate, caring aides to assist elderly or disabled adults with daily living activities in their home in Monroe, Loudon and McMinn counties. Valid driver license, automobile insurance, pass a criminal background check required. Please call (423) 836-9505 to schedule an interview. Black and Decker table saw, good condition $50. 423-5193718. Half inch drive air impact wrench $80. 423-351-7736. Now Hiring Servers at Classical Italian Pizza, located in Tellico Village contact Vera 865-206-8865 SEEKING PROPANE DELIVERy DRIVER must have CDL and Hazmat endorsement. email: rmckimm@ 423-253-3655 EOE Now hiring house painters. Experience a plus. 423-519-2728. United Methodist Church in Sweetwater is now taking applications. Positions available for pre-school ministries organization. Successful applicants are subject to background checks. Please drop off resume at 501 Church Street in Sweetwater or fax to First Kids at First United Methodist Church 423-337-5424 You may also contact Janet at 423-404-4885. Local body shop now hiring for the combination of any two of the following, Auto Body Technician, Auto Frame Technician, Auto Painter. Must have 4 years experience and your own transportation. Pay depends on experience and quality of work. References are required. 423442-3860 2 school bus drivers needed with a Class License, air brakes and P&S endorsements. Paying above average wages. 865-6800412 or 423-519-6631. Pay dependent on experience: $15 - $21 hourly. Retirement benefits and paid vacation 423-442-5039 Vonore Baptist Church now hiring part time position for After School Program. Hours are 2:30 to 6:30 Monday - Friday. Must be good with children, for more info please call 423-884-6230. EQUIPMENT & TOOLS Dental office seeking full time front desk position with dental experience preferred. Job duties scheduling appoint423-404-0240 or 423-351-3752 include ments, patient check in, phone and simple accounting. 1940's house drop siding. Call reception Knowledge of computer softfor pricing. 404-4311. ware system Eaglesoft is an advantage as well as knowledge of dental terminology. Proffesional and courteous demeanor is essential. Mail resume to P.O. Box 398 Madisonville. TN 37354. Drivers: Dedicated Lane. NoTouch Openings! $3000 SignOn Bonus! Excellent Comprehensive Benefits! ClassA CDL 2 Years exp Call Penske Logistics: 855-200-2883 CLASSIFIEDS Heavy duty post driver $35. 423442-4729. 9HP Craftsman gas operated wood chipper/shredder bought used. Used once $195 OBO. Ask for Marie 423-261-2039. 5HP air compressor $75. 423519-3718. Milwaukee heavy duty electric circular skill saw with blades and concrete cutting discs $50. 423351-7736. Portable generator 3250 new condition $300. 423-442-6261. EXERCISE EQUIPMENT Lifestyler stationary bike $35. 423-253-4872. Weider 148 weight bench with weights $125. 423-337-5474. Powerbooster weight machine. Works upper and lower body. Has plate weights up to 200 pounds. $140. 462-5055. FOR RENT PLEMONS RENTALS 2 BR 1 BA Mobile Home in Vonore $400 rent/deposit FOR RENT Utilities NOT included/ NO pets 423-442-8869 1BR Apartment for rent located on Monroe Street in Madisonville. References required. 423-442-9793 or 423-253-5553. 2BR 1BA mobile home located in Madisonville area. Appliances furnished, $110 weekly and $450 deposit. 423-519-1987. Apartment for rent located in Sweetwater. Includes electricity, water, trash pick-up, pey friendly with no deposit required. $200 weekly. Call or text 423-8366404. 3 BR trailer in Tellico Plains for rent. $450 mo. $450 deposit. Call between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. Monday-Friday, between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday and after 1 p.m. Sunday. 519-5380. The Willows New 2&3 Bedrooms Apartments $525-$625/month washer & dryer hook-up, refrigerator, microwave, stove, dishwasher 423-442-1833 CLoverLeaf apartMents 1 Bedroom ..................................$440/month 2 Bedroom Townhouse.........$532/month 3 Bedroom Townhouse........$619/month Rent Includes Water, Sewer, Garbage, Playground, Picnic Area, And On-Site Laundry Room. Starting May 1: $15 off if rent is paid by the 5th of the month. For Qualified Tenants Application on Site For More Information Call 423-442-3333 HANDICAP UNITS AVAILABLE / EqUAL HOUSINg OPPORTUNITy 121 Cloverleaf Lane Madisonville 1BR Apartment for rent outside Tellico Plains. Utilities paid. For more information contact 423271-0231. Page 14 - The BUZZ CLASSIFIEDS October 12, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS GUNS & AMMO FOR RENT FOR RENT FURNITURE DOGWOOD TErrAcE II SEQUOYAH VILLAGE ApArTmEnTS 1 Bedroom Apartments Available 5625 square feet warehouse with roll up door and power $950 monthly. Call James 423-5190600. 2BR Trailer for rent in Tellico Plains $400 monthly, $400 deposit. No calls after 9 p.m. and no texting please. 423-519-5380. Matching couch and loveseat, excellent condition. $500. 423351-3874. Designed for any person 62 or older who meets the income guidelines. Rent based on income, utilities furnished, ground floor apartments, maintenance furnished. 423-337-3810 423-442-9190 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 2BR 1BA for rent, water and trash included, located on Highway 72 West. References required and no pets. $425 monthly and $425 deposit. 423271-0428. SPRINGBROOK APARTMENTS 1 Bedroom apartments designed for seniors age 62 or older who meet the income requirements. Utilities furnished, rent based on income, ground floor apartments, central heat/air, maintenance and yard work furnished. 423-884-6070 Equal Housing Opportunity Handicap Units Available 1BR 1BA apartment for rent in Sweetwater. Partly furnished $160 weekly. 423-271-1017. HOMESTEAD RENTALS 2 BR 1 BA Mobile Home Vonore $400 monthly/deposit 2 BR 2 BA Mobile Home Vonore $425 monthly/deposit 2 BR 1 BA MobileHome Madisonville $325 monthly/deposit Utilities NOT included/ NO pets 423-442-8869 2BR 1BA Apartment for rent located in Vonore. Appliances furnished with washer and dryer hookup, new and never lived in $675. Call James 423-5190600. AFFORDABLE HOUSING OLD SAyBROOK APARTMENTS 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Available, Appliances furnished Maintenance & yard work provided Income limits apply. 529 Isbill Rd., Madisonville 423-442-2262 TDD: 1-800-848-0298 THIS INSTITUTION IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PROVIDER AND EMPLOYER. Equal Housing Opportunity Handicap Units Available 2BR Trailer for rent in Athens $400 monthly, $400 deposit. No calls after 9 p.m. and no texting please. 423-519-5380 3BR Trailer for rent located on Reagan Valley Road $475 monthly, $475 deposit. No calls after 9 p.m. and no texting please. 423-519-5380. FURNITURE Full size mattress and box spring $40. 423-836-4100. Dining room table with 6 chairs oblong oak $250. Coffee table & 2 end tables light solid wood $150. Other things and more! 423-404-4077. Good condition couch & love seat both ends recline, brown fabric call for price 423-371-9311. Vintage liquor cabinet/bar with 4 drawers, serving tray, mirrored background, shelf and 2 doors in dark wood finish $150 OBO. 423-836-8434. 3 peice full size bedroom set with box spring and mattress $275. 423-351-3874. Two ladderback chairs with woven seats in good condition. Sturdy. $25 each. 442-2126. Repurposed: old furniture, doors, tailgates, headboards, barnwood, etc. Barnwood tables, headboard benches, coffee and end tables and different size chests. 423-519-9898. Several used 4-drawer legal filing cabinets $20-25 each. 828230-6004. China cabinet with glass doors and light. Cherry wood. Excellent condition. Matching dinning room table with 4 side chairs and 2 captain chairs also in excellent condition. 295-5518 Hot-Point side by side refridgerator, works good looks good $200. 423-519-4458. Cherry wood bedroom suit for sale. Headboard, footboard, mattress & box spring with rails, two nightstands, TV & TV stand and dresser $300. 404-1621. Queen size boxspring and mattress. $125. 371-0774 Glass display case $50. 865318-6557. 4pc mahogany table set with slate top, 2 end tables, one coffee table with matching lamps. $250. 865-640-5398. Queen size cedar hand made bed mattress & box spring $250. 423-371-1321 or 423-271-1744. China cabinet for sale. Very good condition with 2 glass doors & storage in bottom. 423442-6013. Big cedar wardrobe 74x40 real nice $225. 423-519-4458. Full size couch with 3 cushions, comfortable and clean $150. 423-519-4458. Loveseat couch $50. Round table with 4 chairs $100. 423371-0774. King size mattress box spring $75 OBO 423-371-1321 or 423271-1744. Loveseat. maroon and tan scalloped design, no rips or tears $110. 423-253-4632. Dining room table with 2 leaves and six chairs. $150. 519-4458. Solid oak dining room table and chairs $200 OBO. 423-3103093. King size mattress set, name brand with dual pillow top extra nice $200. 423-442-6013. Oak entertainment center $75. 423-442-1037. Old China hutch with glass doors on top $100 OBO. 423-4423102. Queen size mattress $35. 423351-7736. Very nice queen size solid oak bedroom suite, includes headboard, rails, mattress and box spring, dresser with mirror and 2 night stands $400 OBO. 423310-3093. Wrought iron kitchen table with 4 chairs, call for price. 423-2612787. Used, but clean, queen size boxspring and matress for sale. Asking $125 Please inquire at 423-807-0593 Antique mission style oak plant stand, 31 inches tall $37. No calls after 6 p.m. 423-836-7432. Bathroom garden tub, brand new $75. 423-519-4732. Full size box spring & mattress $100. 423-519-0551. 2 wing back chairs, olive green. 423-442-3882. Solid light oak finish round table with 6 ladderback chairs great condition $300. 423-442-4455. Vintage outdoor porch table with glass top 27x17x21x $18. No calls after 6 p.m. 423-836-7432. 44 inch round glass top dining room table with pretty ornate base $75. 423-519-4732. Computer armoire cabinet in excellent condition $140. 423-2952680. Antique brass full size bed $50. No calls after 6 p.m. 423-8367432. Twin size bed frame $25. 423295-5518. King size Beauty Rest mattress and box spring real nice $100. 423-519-4458. .22 LR Federal 50 rounds $11 and 325 rounds $65. 423-2534632. THe BuZZ 442-1635 SOLD! GUNS & AMMO Benelli 12 gauge pump Super Nova. $650. Other items also available. 253-4632. CLASSIFIEDS HOME HEALTH Hoveround electric wheelchair with load ramp for sale. 1 year old and used for approximately 2 hours. Asking $3,000 Please inquire at 423-337-1964 INFANT & CHILDREN Glock 45 new in box with 5 magazines. $630. Other items also available. 253-4632. HEAT & COOLING WHO yOU GONNA CALL? HEATBUSTERS! $45 SERVICE CALLS STALVEy’S HEATING & AIR 3 in 1 toddler bed and crib, dark wood and hardware included. Mattress not included, $75 OBO. 423-836-8434. Graco metro light stroller. $20. 836-6251. INSULATION Save On Energy Bills! CR Spray Foam INSULATION Owner Chad Robbins call or text 423-261-5382 Free Estimates 423-519-5802 Gas fireplace. $350 if interested. 371-5876 or cell 244-4148. PRESSURE WASHING SGT. PAUL AQUA FORCE HEAT & AIR CONDITIONING NEW INSTALL-SERVICE - REPAIR 865-458-0655 FINANCINg AVAILABLE PRESSURE WASHING Got Mold or Mildew? PATIOS•RV’S•DRIVEWAYS & MORE! FREE ESTIMATES MICHAEL MOORE 423-404-3315 MICHAELMOORE@TDS.NET Jimmy Harris 442-5039 Comfort Zone portable elecrtic heater within a wood cabinet. Heats up to 1200 sqft, with remote control $90. 423-536-6073. HOME CARE LAWN & FARM Cedar fence posts. 404-4311. Boom pole heavy duty fits on loader. Call for price. 371-7631. ED’S TREE SERVICE Licensed-Bonded-Insured FREE ESTIMATES 24 HOUR EMERgENCy SERVICE 865-257-4804 423-253-4176 B AREFOOT H OME E NVIRONMENTAL New Subsoiler 40 HP. Call for price 371-7631. Indoor • Outdoor Service Detail CARPET SERVICE•HARDWOOD CARE ExTERIOR POWERWASH HOME&DRIVE L AWNCARE•AND MORE! ASK US ABOUT MOBILE MAIDS! Don Henderson CALL US TODAY! 423-404-2424 Martinez Drywall Hang--Finish--Texture--Paint Free Estimates Honest Prices 423-368-8577 Stump King DEEP Removal All Surface Roots Best equipped with the Best Prices 423-442-4729 Firewood for sale, pick up - all you can haul $45. Delivered $30 extra 423-519-7532 1978 480CK backhoe with extra attachments. Excellent condition, great for farm use. Call for price. 423-261-2787. Page 15 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015 CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS MOBILE HOMES REAL ESTATE Blue Lake top crop green beans for sale. 423-836-8284 or 423337-9787. Miscellaneous comic books. 865-556-5674. Beautiful Western Auto ladies bike built in Lynchburg, TN in 1976. Antique $150. 423-3513430 call or text. 8 college books for sale including biology, Spanish 1, literature. All for $50. 420-0450. Two new large lamps. $35 for both. 423-442-2126. Original Cardinal 3 spinning reel $75. 423-519-9898. Inversion table for stretching the back $50. 423-442-4455. Coca-Cola collection $200. 423442-1037. Tote-N-Stor 15 gallon portable holding tank, never used $50. 423-507-7881. Wooden porch swing, seats 3. $75. 423-253-4872. 3 seater porch swing great condition! $100. 423-442-1577. Tekken acoustic guitar with built in pick up and a custome design Line Six Spider IV 120V and 15 watts. 423-519-6832. Craftsman 12 gallon wet/dry vacuume cleaner $45. 423-3517736 2 cemetery plots for sale located at Notchy Creek Cemetery. Please call for price 423-4429733 or 423-442-9488. Real leather coat, black in color with faux fur collar leading into hood, size 16-18 $25. 423-2533059. 3 piece leather luggage set $35. 423-337-5600. Mobile home give away! Doublewide must be removed from propert immediately. 423-4429662. 2BR trailer. Has to be moved. $5500. 519-5380. No calls before 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m. 3BR trailer. Has to be moved. $7500. 519-5380 No calls before 9 a.m. or after 9 p.m. CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS LAWN & FARM Cub Cadet tractor mower. 54 inch cut. Water cooled radiator. Yamaha motor. All new blades and belts. $1,150. 519-3152. Free range organic eggs. $2 per dozen. 442-1327. Glide trolling motor 37lb thrust with foot pedals and bracketts $195. 865-408-0118. 1990 40-inch John Deere mid mount rotary mower fits lawn & garden tractor #210, 212, 214, 216. $150. 423-253-7909. Bean & tomato sticks. $0.25 each. 423-404-4311 Massey Ferguson tractor with industrial loader and front pump. Call for price.371-7631. Rubbermaid heavy duty fiberglass pull behind mower yard trailer.35x47x11 $200. 519-5088. Carpenter bee traps. $15 each. 836-3306. Bush hog $200 or will trade. 423271-5699. Round and square bales of hay for sale. 423-519-3621. Dry hay in Tellico Plains, 4X5 rolls $20 each. 423-337-1780 or 423-253-7617. Tri-County Tree Service • Trimming • Cut Down • Complete Tree & Stump Removal •Bucket Truck & Chipper 20 years Experience • No Job Too Small •Licensed Insured• Locally Owned 337-6298 or 404-5506 Plastic container with metal cage measures 48x40x53 $75. 423271-1198 or 423-519-7156. Mushroom compost for sale at 453 Summitt Road Vonore. 865577-0713. Rotary mower 6 foot in good shape. Call for price. 371-3761. Hay for sale. Call Lee Yates at 865-206-7860.King size electric blanket. Two new controls. Only been used once. $75. 519-7162. Hay for sale. Call Lee Yates at 865-206-7860. MISCELLANEOUS Ladies size 16-18 dress clothes for all seasons. 519-4104. Eureka steamer with pads $30. 423-536-6073. 50th Anniversary Edition Barbies dolls, 1967 Twist and Turn Barbie, 1971 Malibu Barbie, both in box and mint condition $40 both. 423-519-0144. Ladies medium suede, fringed chaps and matching jacket, blue and gray. 423-519-0144. Propane / Natural Gas stove $200 or will trade for wood stove. 423-371-0357. Covered swing in good condition $75. 423-442-1577. Brand new hand quilted quilt $75. King comforter brow, navy, olive paisley $50. 423-404-5239. Dress pants size 36/30 $2, or khakis $1. 423-404-5239. Antique Fenton 2 stack fruit bowl $65 423-442-2126. 70 pieces of clothing and tubs full of misc. items $100. 836-4357. MOBILE HOMES MOTORCyCLES, ATVS, & GO-KARTS Honda Gold Wing Trike with trailer. 88,000 miles very good condition $11,000. 423-2534872. Motorcycle helmets $20 each or both for $35. 423-253-4872. New HJC motorcycle helmet. Silver. $45. 423-210-1986. Body frame for go-kart. Has rolling cage. $50. 561-0404. 2005 Kawasaki KFX 700 4wheeler, orange, one owner, original tires, new plugs, new oil filter, adjusted valves, garage kept $3700. Serious inquiries only. 865-399-1053. 2 motorcycle helmets $20 each. 423-333-9814. 2003 Honda Shadow Spirit with 6,500 original miles, only a 2 owner bike, garage kept in good condition $3,200 OBO. 423-4042381. MUSIC Casio keyboard with 51 rhythms, 100 tones, 100 songs bank, plays good and sounds good $100. 423-519-4458. Vintage Collegiate parlor guitar $175. 423-519-9898. Rogue bass guitar $60. 423519-9898. POOLS New 3BR 2BA home $21,900 865-938-2041 MARTIN Pools & Fence THINKING OF A NEW POOL OR FENCE? CALL US BEFORE MATERIAL PRICES GO UP Free estimates Brad Martin 423-568-2006 423-829-4114 PAUL BROTHERS Pools & Fence Maintenance & Repair 25Years of Experience Free Estimates 420-0089 New 3BR Doublewide $37,641 865-938-2041 REAL ESTATE MADISONVILLE Mountain Valley Estates FoR SALe BY oWNeR $174,900 3 bedroom/ 2 bath house for sale on 0.5 acre in in Madisonville. 2 car garage, hardwood and tile floors, vaulted ceilings, large back deck with great mountain views, stainless steel appliances, walk out crawl space 423-836-3639 For Sale: In Tellico Plains 8.98 acres, city water, power, county road, restricted against single wide mobile homes. Very nice building site. $39,900 Norman Lee Real Estate. Ask for James 519-0600 O/A. 16x73 2BR 2BA with fireplace on 5.4 acres with 2 metal building, 1 shed on Fairview Drive. Very private. $58,000 negotiable. 423442-9192 or 423-371-5264. 2BR 1BA brick rancher on 7.72 acres on Ballplay Road in Madisonville. $137,500. Has bonus room and 1 car carport. 100 % financing WAC. No rental or owner financing. Call, text Tracy Bagley 423 337-2499 or Joni Powell 423 519-8312 East Tennessee Properties LLC 423 4535722. mls # 924332 20 acres for sale in the country with old house, barn and workshop. Well water, plenty of springs and a cave for $79,000. 423-442-9582. Mountain cabin near Green Cove/Tellico. Half acre lot on creek. 423-887-3719 1 acre lot to build on for sale. Good space for 2 homes or 2 doublewides. Sweetwater area with city water, sewer and natural gas. Package deals available with local mobile home dealer. Call after 1 p.m. 423-337-6073. Large lot for sale or will trade for motor home of equal value $10,000 - $12,000. 423-4429582. House for sale located in Sweetwater on Grant Street. 2B 1B on corner lot, newly remodeled with nice, large back deck. $50,000. 423-519-5658. 1989 14X70 mobile home for sale in Madisonville $4,000. Must move. 423-351-4948 4.37 acres and 4.64 acres for sale on Niles Ferry Road and 7.77 acres for sale on Mason Road. $45,000 each OBO. 423295-2124. For all your Real Estate needs Call Danny Best Cell 836-0836 Office 746-0227 580 S. Congress Pkwy Athens, TN 37303 4BR 2BA house for sale in Madisonville with city and water sewer. 1500+ square feet, new construction $139,900. 423-2101044 or 423-519-8159. CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE Commercial building located in Madisonville at the intersection of Highway 68 and Isbill Road at stoplight. 2400 square feet for sale or lease. Call James 423519-0600. 2BR 1BA house on lot in Niota $67,500. 100% financing WAC no owner financing, Call or text Tracy Bagley 423 337-2499 or Joni Powell 423 519-8312 East Tennessee Properties LLC 423 453-5722 mls # 917688 ROOFING Tim Richardson ROOFING 25 Years Experience Licensed & Insured All Types Of Roofing and Waterproofing 423-442-6707 865-748-1445 FAX 423-545-9271 SPORTING GOODS Lifetime adjustable basketball goal $65. 423-519-7891. 26 inch male bicycle $40, 26 female bicycle $40. 423-442-4455. All leather saddle. Two leather bridles, one leather halter and one saddle blanket. $225 for everything. 423-337-5474. Girls Mongoose Fling 90 bike with helmet. Like new $60. 423351-3430 call or text. 4x8 heavy duty vinyl pool table cover. $45. 865-408-0118. Bag of golf clubs $75. 333-9814. Lady's mountain bike $40. 423884-2752. UTILITy TRAILERS Cargo South enclosed 5X8 trailer, good shape $1500. 423435-8884. 14 foot trailer with new floor and paint, assembled with 2 feet walls around trailer and 17/8 ball. Great buy at $375. 423-4042381. WANTED We will pick up your junk or clean up your home, shed, garage or any other building and haul it all away for one low price. 865-2366977. Looking for a 3 or 4BR, 2BA house to rent or rent to own option in the Sweetwater School District area. I am capable of $800 monthly rent with great references. Please call 423-3713805. WATERCRAFT 1995-19 feet Polar fishing boat with T-top, 1995-88HP Johnson motor, marine 2-way radio, Garmin GPS with chips, temperature gage, switchable 12 volt outlet, tachometer and dual action performance trailer with hydraulic brakes. Call for price 423-442-4370 or 423-295-4376. 17ft. Bass Tracker Tournament TX model boat with 75 HP Evinrude engine, new trolling motor complete with trailer and new tires, all in very good condition $3500. 423-371-3092. Page 16 - The BUZZ October 12, 2015
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