StanthonyofPadua bulletin Dec 27, 2015
St. Anthony of Padua ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 2 0 C h e s h i r e P l a c e , E a s t N o r t h p o r t , N e w Yo r k 11731 December 27, 2015 OUR MISSION Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is a welcoming, loving Catholic community, centered in Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit. PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Monsignor Joseph Mirro, Pastor 261-1077 ext. 202 Rev. Vian NtegerejImana, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 203 Rev. Innocent Amasiorah, Associate Pastor 261-1077 ext. 235 Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Cantley, STD Robert Braun, Deacon Judy Corbellini, RCIA • 261-1179 Ann Finley, Adult Faith Formation 261-1077 ext. 208 Patricia Seibert, Coordinator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 226 Anne Giorgio, Administrator of Religious Education, 261-1306 ext. 224 Karen Humphreys, Parish Outreach Coordinator 261-1695 ext. 230 Together we celebrate the liturgy in prayer and sacrament; we educate our children and adults in the faith; we support and reach out to those in need. We believe the Holy Spirit is calling us to continue: to love one another as Jesus loves us, to share the word of God and to serve both within and beyond our Parish family. MASSES WEEKDAY MASSES Monday - Friday 6:45 am 9:00 am Saturday Morning 8:30 am WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Evening 5:00 pm HOLY DAYS As announced in the bulletin Sunday 7:30am 9:00 am (Family Liturgy) 10:30 am (Choral Mass) 10:30 am (Spanish Mass Lower Church) 12:00noon 7:00 pm (Teen Mass every third Sunday) Joe Chiovarelli, Youth Minister 261-1077 ext. 209 Don Ferrer, Business Manager 261-1077 ext. 206 Deborah Liguori, Parish Secretary 261-1077 ext. 200 RECTORY OFFICE THIS MONTH WE CELEBRATE The coming of the Lord 631.261.1077 • Fax 631.757.0572 Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL Principal: Miss Jeanne Morcone • 631.261.5130 PARISH OUTREACH 631.261.1695 • Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 10 am - 2 pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 631.261.1306 • Mon. - Thurs. 10 am - 3 pm (closed 12-30-1:30) The Celebration of the Sacraments Baptism Baptisms are normally celebrated at 2:00PM on scheduled Sundays in a month. Please call the Parish office to arrange for a meeting with a Parish Priest and to register for the baptismal class which is normally held on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30PM. Marriage Couples should make an appointment with a Priest at least eight months prior to the wedding. A Marriage Preparation Program is required. Anointing of the Sick Anyone seriously ill, elderly, or prior to an operation should be anointed with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please speak with one of the Priests to make the arrangements. Communion for the Homebound Anyone who cannot attend Mass due to illness or age may receive Communion at home. Please call the Rectory office to make arrangements. MASS INTENTIONS: Reconciliation (Confession) Every Saturday and Eve of Holy Days from 4:00PM to 4:45PM in the Church and on the Thursday before the First Friday of every month after the 9:00AM Mass. Individual confessions may be arranged by calling the Rectory office. Interested in becoming a Catholic or completing your Sacraments? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which adults are brought into the Catholic Church. If you have never been baptized, confirmed or received first Holy Communion or if you are a member of another Christian Church and wish to become a member of the Catholic Church, contact Judy Corbellini at (631) 261-1179. Holy Orders - Priesthood Those young men interested in preparing for or learning more about the Priesthood, please contact one of the Priests. The rectory will close on Friday, January 1st -2- MONDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM December 28, 2015 Christmas Novena Marguerite Kutner TUESDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM December 29, 2015 Christmas Novena Ester and Anthony Carbuto WEDNESDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM December 30, 2015 Christmas Novena Anthony L. Sievers THURSDAY 6:45 AM 9:00 AM 5:00 PM December 31, 2015 Christmas Novena Rita Cooney Robert Schwarz, Jr. FRIDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM January 1, 2016 Parishioners of St. Anthony’s Robert (Toby) Gustilo Michael and Theresa Radman No Evening Mass SATURDAY 8:30 AM 5:00 PM January 2, 2016 Christmas Novena Mario Belanich SUNDAY 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12:00 Noon 7:00 PM January 3, 2016 Parishioners of St. Anthony Christmas Novena Banfield and Byrne Families Nina Simicich John Rolleri Sunday Scripture Reflection Please Pray Readings for the Week of December 27, 2015 Pray for the Sick: Elias Dallis, Anthony Piacentino, Louis Gervey, Jack Tedeschi, Ray Lessard, Albert Snolis, Sal Guadagna, Amber Rose Scalia, Holly Gallo, Anastasia O’Grady-Farrell, Mary Koepper, Rich Kramer, Corinne Schopp, Mindy Abbruzzese, Patti Ford, Nicholas Napoli,Paul (Skip) Wildgen, Catherine Napoli, Christine Byrne, Emily Byrne, Barbara and John Caggiano, Irene Ketteridge, Joan Burke, Joseph Sheehan, Joseph Badamo, Robert Flinn, Christina Mahon, Marie Baffo, Marie King, Mary Santino, Carmela Strano, Maxine Ryan, Ralph Parise, Robert Callatone, Maureen Mahon, Debbie Williams, Mary Beth Spooner,Kathy LaRusso, Paul Strano, Frances Powers, Elaine Flanagan Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Names submitted for the bulletin should be submitted to the Rectory office by Thursday, 12 Noon, of the previous week and will remain on the Prayer List for one month. Saturday: 1 Sm 1:20-22, 24-28 or Sir 3:2-6, 1214/Ps 84:2-3, 5-6, 9-10/1 Jn 3:1-2, 21-24 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/ Lk 2:41-52 1 Jn 1:5—2:2/Ps 124:2-5, 7-8/Mt 2:13-18 1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96:1-3, 5-6/Lk 2:2235 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-10/Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21/Ps 96:1-2, 11-13/Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27/Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28/Ps 98:1-4/Jn 1:19-28 Next Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 The Holy Family “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them.” We might be tempted to think that Jesus more or less raised himself. As the Son of God, it might appear on first glance that earthly parents would be a mere formality for this particular child. But it wasn’t so. Mary and Joseph had real influence, and real authority, over their son. Although Jesus apparently understood from a tender age how he related to God (“Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”), he also knew that he owed appropriate respect to his parents. This is why he stayed in their home in Nazareth and was obedient to them. And because of this obedience, clearly Mary and Joseph must have been deeply influential in his life. Their direction, their teachings, their example, and their rules would all have shaped Jesus in his humanity. It was thanks in no small part to the matriarch and patriarch of the Holy Family that Jesus “advanced in wisdom and age and favor PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Joan D. Brennan Ann-Marie Bonner Maryann Theresa Barbieri Jean Hennenberg BAPTISMS Magdalena Imbasciani Liam Joseph Mazur Thomas Robert Negreira Harrison Theodore Soni before God and man.” We should be advancing in these ways too! And those of us who are parents are likewise called to direct and guide our children to develop as Jesus did, not only forming our sons and daughters to succeed in the eyes of men, but also leading them on the path of “favor before God.” The Holy Family serves as a beautiful model for us in this regard. They help us learn how to submit our lives to the loving leadership of our heavenly Father. But more than this, Mary and Joseph also serve as intercessors who, like any faithful family member or friend, want to pray with us and for us. Let us turn, then, to the intercession of the Holy Family asking that our families may be holy too. -3- Pastor’s Pen May Everyday of the New Year Glow with good cheer and happiness for you and your family Happy New Year From all of us at St. Anthony’s METHODS OF GIVING Many different, exciting and thought pro- TAXES AND GIVING AT CHRISTMAS AND YEAR'S END voking orms of Christmas and year end giving are available, all of which are tax deductible. Did you know that "charitable giving" is one of only a few tax provisions that was not greatly impacted by recent federal tax legislation. Many people enjoy using Christmas and year's end as a special time to give to their parish and also positively impact their federal and state income taxes. Christmas and year end giving provides many advantages to you, the donor. All gifts made on or before December 31 are tax deductible for the tax year in which your gift is made. The knowledge that your gift is assisting your parish and advancing the mission of the Catholic Church here on earth. GIVING SECURITIES is perhaps the best way to make a Catholic gift of faith. You can save and give at the same time! Stocks, bonds, and even shares in mutual funds that have appreciated can be given and your deduction is for the full market value at the time the gift is made - not just your original cost for the securities. You can also save by paying no capital gains tax on the sale of the stock as you would if you sold the stock and held the cash. DEPRECIATED SECURITIES You can sell stock that has declined in a down market and claim that loss on your tax return, Then, donate the cash from the sale of the stock and, of course, claim a charitable deduction on your tax return for the amount of the gift. A professional stock broker can assist you in making this type of gift. A last reminder to make that special gift or increased gift that you've wanted to make during the year, If you are an itemizer, your gift will lessen your tax liability for the tax year in which your gift is made. If you are not an itemizer, your Christmas gift may be just the right decision to allow you to itemize and lower your tax bill (check with your tax advisor). CASH - the most standard and familiar way to make a Christmas or year end gift, Simply write a check to make your gift. PROPERTY- both real estate and personal property qualify as charitable gifts that would benefit your parish through Christmas and year end giving. Consider real estate such as residences, farmland and buildings as well as antiques, jewelry, artwork, coin collections, or other collectibles. "Carry Over Deduction," depending on your age, income and the size of your gift, you may be able to "carry over" your charitable gift tax deduction to subsequent years. Most importantly, make a return to God of your blessings at Christmas and assist our parish attain its spiritual and programmatic goals: serving God's people and His Church here on earth. BUSINESS GIFTS - businesses can make gifts and receive tax deductions as well. Businesses can give gifts of inventory, equipment, materials and service as well as cash. If you own your own business, giving through your business is another way to benefit your parish and positively impact your taxes. LIFE INSURANCE - cash value in current or paid up life insurance policies can benefit our Catholic parish. Of course, naming our Catholic parish as a beneficiary of life insurance proceeds can be a wonderful means of making a future major gift to "give the gift . “ You may even designate policy dividends as gifts. MATCHING GIFTS If you are an employee or a participating retiree of a company or corporation with a "matching gifts program," and your gift to Trinity Regional School or Parish Outreach may be matched if the gift is made to the school. Check with your employer. -4- Sacrificial Giving 2015 Did We Take a Step? December 13, 2015 December 13, 2014 Decrease $24,514.83 $24,650.32 ($ 135.49) The first reading today provides a challenging guideline for the good stewardship of our family relationships. How do I measure up? FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: Our parish now offers Online Giving, a web -based electronic contribution application. We are providing this service so that YOU have the option to manage your contributions online or with your offering envelopes. This service is safe and secure. And it is convenient for you and for our parish staff. Sign UP for Online Giving by visiting There you will find St. Anthony of Padua parish online giving.. ***See page 16 of this weeks bulletin for further instructions. Living Stewardship: We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who embrace stewardship as a way of life. Their relationships with family, friends and co-workers are now different, influenced by a spirit of generosity and sharing, which affect all aspects of their daily lives. Christmas Spiritual Bouquet Mass Remembrance Cards The Sanctuary Lamp burns before the Tabernacle in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved to indicate the presence of Jesus. This week it burns In Memory of Available in the Church and Rectory Office Lou Gervey You may drop cards off in the collection basket or at the rectory office. My good deed for this week: Young Stewards Corner Offering $29.00 I cleaned my whole room. We helped clean up after dinner. I fed my dog. I helped my mom in the yard. I helped sweep leaves in the driveway. I helped make pancakes. I was a good listener. I helped my brother get some cars to play with. 14 envelopes for the week of December 13th, 2015 -5- Youth Ministry Our Midnight Run last month was a huge success in many ways. First and foremost, we served “the least of my brothers” by providing food and shelter (in the way of clothing and blankets) to dozens of homeless men and women, living on the streets of NY City. Secondly, our teens (20) learned a valuable lesson on Stewardship, Loving Thy Neighbor, and Doing Unto Oth- ers. Thirdly, our young men and women in youth group gave witness to their faith by dedicating several hours in the preparation and implementation of this service project. And lastly, they learned that it takes a village, or in this case, a parish to accomplish such a great task. We would like to thank everyone whodonated money and clothing to the Midnight Run and especially some who we feel went above and beyond the call of duty: The CYO Dr. & Mrs. Lambroia St. Anthony’s Book Club Mr. & Mrs. Ray McCusker St. Anthony’s Peanut Butter & Jelly Gang Our next PBJ Gang will meet Saturday, January 30th in the lower church. Please e-mail RSVP if you would like to help us. Please arrive by 8:50am. We end by 10:30. Join the dozens of wonderful people who attend each month to help feed the hungry. Financial Stewards: Elizabeth & Paul Medici We rely on financial donations to sustain our PBJ ministry. -6- Religious Education TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2015: No classes for Levels 1 - 8, 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Trinity Regional School. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2015: No classes for Levels 1 - 8, 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Trinity Regional School. No classes for levels 7 & 8, 6:15 PM to 7:30 PM, evening session, at Trinity Regional School THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2015: No classes for Levels 1 - 8, 4:30 PM to 5:45 PM at Trinity Regional School. SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 2016: No Classes for levels 1 - 8, Session 1, 9:00 AM to 10:15 AM and Session 2, 10:45 AM to 12:00 PM at Trinity Regional School. Religious Education classes will resume Tuesday, January 5, 2016. The Religious Education Office will be closed 12/21/15 through 1/2/14. The office will reopen on Monday, January 4, 2016. Jesus is the holy one who lived with us on earth, Sent down from God, our Father, So miraculous was His birth Although born the king of kings, He lived a servant’s life He showed us all how to live And placed his love inside. © By M.S. Lowndes IMPORTANT WEATHER INFORMATION When Northport schools cancel classes or after-school activities due to weather conditions, religious education classes will also be cancelled. This will permit time to address the campus conditions and reduce any hazards on the roads. There is nothing more important than your safety. For Saturday closures see our website or the radio and TV media. OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday - 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Closed for lunch 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Closed Friday and Saturday Phone 631-261-1306 - Email: Please visit our website for additional information or to download forms: -7- Altar Servers Altar Server Schedule January 2nd and January 3rd January 2nd @ 5:00 PM Bridget Flynn Brian Flynn James Sapio-King January 3rd @9:00 AM Matthew Boccard Daniel Brown Guiliana Brown January 3rd @12:00 PM Emma Brech Taylor Brech Kimmie Engel January 3rd @7:30 AM Bryan Kuprian Robert Malewski Caroline Malewski Nick D’Andrea January 3rd @10:30 AM Sam Aftel Max Aftel Kristian Schuchman January 3rd @7:00 PM Patrick McGroarty Liam McGroarty Sean McGroarty Charlotte McGroarty -8- Adult Faith Formation BOOK CLUB MEETING – SATURDAY, January 9TH RECTORY MEETING ROOM – 9:15 TO 10:30 AM The Boston Girl ~ BY ANITA DIAMANT ALL ARE WELCOME. BAPTISM BIB SEWERS MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS WANTED. This is a rewarding ministry. St. Anthony’s supplies handmade bibs to babies at their Baptisms. If you can embroider (a stamped image), sew two pieces of material together or cut material around a cardboard cut out of a bib, we can use your help. Meetings are three or four times a year for an hour. We cut material and socialize. All work can be done at home and there is no time limit for completion. Virtus and a background check are requirements. For information call Ann Finley @ 261 1077 ext. 208 or email Available for Sunday Mass In keeping with Pope Francis’ Laudato Si: On Care for our Common Home, St. Anthony’s is taking steps to become a “green” campus. Call Evelyn 631.368.0118 We have begun recycling all recyclables generated here at the Church and rectory. We now have Low Gluten Hosts Available at every Mass Ask the priest when you receive Holy Communion Please help us by placing all recyclable trash in proper containers when using the Church and meeting rooms Please do not leave the Church until Mass has ended -9- Parish Outreach~ 1025 Fifth Avenue, East Northport ~ 261-1695 Parish Outreach Fax:266.9168 OPEN: Mon. – Fri.: 10am- 2pm The KNITTING MINISTRY Ladies meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be JANUARY 13th from 1-3 pm at Parish Outreach.We continue to work on lap robes and large blankets for the veterans in Northport. We are coordinating with two Girl Scouts from St. Anthony's Regional School who are working on their silver badge. Their goal is to collect 100 lap robes for the veterans by March, 2016. Your yarn donations and gift cards are welcomed. Thank you. Merry Christmas to All. HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program) closes on 3/16/16. The Low-Income HEAP program is a federally funded energy assistance program. HEAP consists of 2 components: REGULAR HEAP- benefits are available to low income-eligible households that pay directly for heat or pay for heat in their rent. (Parish Outreach also has income guidelines available.) SUFFOLK COUNTY HEAP: 631-853-8825 SENIORS: 631-853-8326. Heap applications are accepted at any DSS (Dept of Social Services) location. Heap Applications may be filed on line through Applications may be downloaded from the OTDA website at HERR-HEATING and EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT benefits are available to assist eligible homeowners in replacing or repairing inoperable primary heating equipment. EMERGENCY HEAP: (OPENS JANUARY 4th 2016) An additional benefit (after regular HEAP) which requires a utility termination notice and /or little to no fuel in the tank. Non-fuel related electricity is available for limited assistance. Same phone # as regular Heap. FOOD STAMP RECIPIENTS MAY APPLY FOR EMERGENCY HEAP DIRECTLY BY CALLING: 631-853-8820. SINCE FOOD STAMP RECIPIENTS ARE ALREADY DEEMED INCOME ELIGIBLE FOR HEAP, CLIENTS NO LONGER HAVE TO GO TO A HEAP SITE TO APPLY FOR AN EMERGENCY GRANT. Catholic Charities Job Openings: DIRECT SUPPORT PROFESSION- ALS – Residential ServicesWe are seeking individuals who have a sincere desire to use their skills to help our Developmentally Disabled Adults enhance their ability to lead self-determining lives and participate fully in the community. FT & PT evening, Weekend & On Call opportunities are available in Western Suffolk County (Huntington, Babylon, Copiague & Amityville areas). Essential functions include personal care, household maintenance, transporting/safeguarding residents on community outings, coaching for skills development and administering medications. Experienced and non-experienced applicants welcome. Training provided. HS Diploma/GED and a clean, currently valid NYS Driver’s License are required to apply. Apply:submit resume & cover letter via email or fax. Reference Code “DSP – parish bulletin” in subject line. Fax: 516.733.7038 jobs@catholiccharities.ccCatholic Charities – Diocese of Rockville Centre; An Equal Opportunity Employer “Care With Dignity Life With Hope” The Suicide Bereavement Group “You are Not Alone” continues to meet the first and third Monday of every month at 7 p.m. Please call Pat Karpowicz at 266-2656 for information. CALLING ALL SENIOR MEN!! MENS’ GROUP is the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month 1:30- 3 PM. NEXT MEETING WILL BE MONDAY DECEMBER 28th PARENT /CHILD PLAYGROUP The group will meet on Thursdays 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. For more information, call Outreach office or Regina Cosenza at 516-527-7375 The group meets at 1025 Fifth Avenue, basement of Trinity School. The Group will meet for crafts and free play weekly. All mothers, fathers, grandparents and caregivers are very much welcome to join with their children ages 6 months to 4 years old. Please stop in to register and meet other parents in your community. The cost to join for the year is $15 for first child and $5 for each additional child over age 1. The Senior Womens’ Group would love to have more women join them for coffee, cake and social conversation at their meetings. A van is available to pick up anyone who is unable to drive themselves to and from the meetings. The meetings are held at Parish Outreach the first and third Wednesday of the month from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. The next meeting is December 28th . Meetings are accessible to women with walkers or wheelchairs; there is a ramp to access the meeting room. -10- Legion of Mary Invite Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue into your home! In a brief meeting, two members of the Legion of Mary will set up the statue in your home and pray the Rosary with you. Your family will be blessed by the presence of this beautiful, holy statue for one week. Please call Maureen at 631-3680132 for more information and to sign up. To learn more about Our Lady’s appearances and the miracles at Fatima, Portugal, please go to: . God bless you! Come join the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Church’s largest, worldwide apostolic/evangelization organization of lay people! Active members share the faith through a variety of faceto-face ministries and spiritual works of mercy. These include teaching religion, bringing Communion to the sick and homebound, praying with the elderly at nursing homes, praying outside abortion mills, and much more. The prayers of the Blessed Mother and our Auxiliary members support our witness and efforts. We also enjoy retreats, days of recollection, and social interaction with other local Legion of Mary groups several times a year. You will learn more about the Catholic faith, help save souls, build friendships, grow in holiness, and help prepare yourself for judgment day. For more information, please call Marie at 631-682-3007. Baptism Communion Breakfast Baptism Communion Breakfast for All Babies Baptized in 2015 All babies baptized in 2015 and their families are invited to attend the Family Liturgy Mass on January 10, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. Many families attend this Mass and will have the opportunity to see the new little members of our parish. You, as parents, will receive a special blessing asking God to assist you in raising your child in the Catholic faith. The Baptism Team will host a Communion Breakfast immediately after the Mass. This breakfast provides an occasion for your immediate family to celebrate with other families who have brought their children into the faith through the sacrament of Baptism. Please RSVP by January 3, 2016 by calling Susan Ronde at 754-3185. Girl Scouts CATHOLIC GIRL SCOUT RELIGIOUS BOOKS DUE January 19, 2016 Awards for Daisies, Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts will be presented at the Annual Girl Scout Sunday Mass in March 2016. The award application and submission of books is due by January 19, 2016. Please return books to St. Anthony of Padua Rectory – Attention Fran Pietsch & Trish Tast -11- Parish Calendar SUNDAY December 27th MONDAY December 28th TUESDAY December 29th 7:00 AM AA Meeting- 7:00 AM AA Meeting- NO RELIGIOUS ED Parish Outreach Parish Outreach CLASSES WEDNESDAY December 30th THURSDAY December 31st FRIDAY January 1st SATURDAY January 2nd NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES RECTORY CLOSED NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASSES 7:00 AM AA Meeting1:00 PM CYO Basket- 6:00 PM CYO Basket- 7:00 AM AA Meeting- 7:00 AM AA Meeting- 7:00 AM AA Meeting- Parish Outreach ball-Parish Hall ball-Parish Hall Parish Outreach Parish Outreach Parish Outreach 6:00 PM CYO Basket7:00 PM AA Step 6:00 PM CYO Basket- 6:15 PM Kids Ball7:15 PM Handbell ball-Parish Hall Group-Parish Outreach ball-Parish Hall room Dance Class- LC Choir- Church 7:30 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM Español 7:00 PM Prayer 7:00 PM Spanish 8:00 PM Adult Choir- with Fr. Kline- Rectory Rosario-Church Group (Spanish) REC- Mass- CHURCH Meeting Room Church TORY MEETING 7:30 PM Mom's 9:00 AM Pine Wood ROOM Group- Rectory MeetDerby Trial Run-Parish ing Room Hall Fr. Joe’s Tuesday Bible Class 7:00 AM AA MeetingParish Outreach 1:00 PM CYO Basketball-Parish Hall ALL MEETING ROOM REQUESTS email or drop off at the rectory Attn: Debbie will resume on Tuesday January 19 at 10 am with: Revelation: The Bible and Tradition Eucharistic Ministers Needed for Hospital Duty on Thursdays after the 9AM Mass. The Priest dismisses the Ministers with a blessing, and they proceed to Huntington Hospital. Usually the return is around 11:30 am. There are presently 4 Teams, each going once every 4 weeks. For those who are able to partake in this Ministry of bringing Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to the patients at Huntington Hospital, it is truly a gift and full of graces! If you are interested, please call: Regina Whitaker, 757-7028 Bible study group with Fr. Kline is held Fridays from 7:30pm to 9:30 pm in the Rectory Meeting Room -12- Miscellaneous The Ministry of Consolation needs volunteers to console and support families in our parish who have suffered the loss of a loved one in the planning of the Funeral Liturgy for the loved one. If you would like information about this wonderful ministry, please call: Loretta Hamann: 368-3039 Jean Chiovarelli: 261-9343 Pray for Our Military Please pray daily for: Steven Banville U.S. Marine Corps., Sean Bishop U.S. Marine Corps., Joshua Bower U.S. Air Force, Frank Bazzicalupo U.S. Air Force, Timothy Breen U.S. Army, James Brennan U.S. Marine Corps., Anthony Bua U.S. Navy, Kyle Caminsky U.S. Navy, Ronal Bucca U.S. Army, Jacob D. Chang U.S. Navy, Wesley Townsend Choate U.S. Air Force, John P. Corrigan U.S. Air Force, Joseph Courtien U.S. Army, John K. Curry U.S. Army, Jeff Davis U.S. Marine Corps., Adriana DeFeo U.S. Marine Corps. Andrew DeSousa U.S. Army, Christopher Devaney U.S. Air Force, Keith De Vinney U.S. Navy, Paul Duchowski U.S. Navy, Robert J. Fallon U.S. Army, Christine Fiala U.S. Army, Sean Fitzgerald U.S. Army ROTC, Jesse Fitzpatrick U.S. Army Ranger, John C. Gallegro U.S.Navy, Robert A. Gartner U.S. Marine Corps., Michael Gibbs U.S. Air Force, Christopher Gillespie U.S. Navy, Dean Halton U.S. Navy, Thomas Hickey U.S. Army, Daniel J. Keenaghan U.S. Army, Danielle Koulermos U.S. Army, Thomas Kravse Jr. U.S. Marine Corps., John Christopher Lee U.S. Marine Corps., Lukasz Leonczuk U.S. Army, Tom Lesnieski U.S. Army, Robert Martin U.S. Army, Christopher Mattos U.S. Army, Sean Mc Knight U.S. Army, Robert K. Millmann U.S. Air Force, Eric Muller U.S. Army, Mark Murphy U.S. Army, Stephen K. Murphy U.S. Army, Michael Padilla U.S. Marine Corps., Matthew Patoir U.S. Army, Christopher Petersen US Air Force, Domenick Polesel U.S. Air Force, Conor Pryor U.S. Navy, William D. Proietto U.S. Army, Dominic Ricca U.S. Army, Ruben Rodriguez U.S. Army, Geordy Santiago U.S. Army, Anthony L. Santosus U.S. Air Force, Richard N. Silecchio U.S. Army, Brice Sinisgalli U.S. Marine Corps,, Tyler Sinisgalli Army Ranger, Elizabeth Skaf U.S. Navy, Marc Stanco U.S. Air Force, Darrell St. George U.S. Navy, Timothy L. Sullivan U.S. Navy, Timothy Taney U.S. Marine Corps., Stephen Thomas U.S. Marine Corps., Mikelis Visgauss U.S. Marine Corps., John H. Walter U.S. Marine Corps., Eric D. Waxman U.S. Army, Erick Wine U.S. Air Force, R.I.P. Cpl. Christopher G. Scherer – U.S. Marine Corps., R.I.P. PO1 Robert Joyner - U.S. Navy Respect Life Sign up for Free Bus Trip to March for Life, Friday, January 22! Reserve your space on St. Anthony’s family-friendly bus to the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Friday, January 22nd. The day will begin with very early Mass at St. Anthony’s and end late in the evening (times TBC.) You will join thousands of other Americans in D.C. for a peaceful, prayerful witness to the dignity of every human life. January 22 is the anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion, the greatest human rights violation of our time. Please call Marianne at 631-368-5612 for more information or to sign up. God bless you! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS If you would like to add someone to the military prayer list please contact: Patricia Seibert at 261-1306 X226 -13- New Year’s Schedule New Year’s New Year’s Eve, Thursday, December 31st at 5:00 pm New Year’s Day Solemnity of Mary ~ Friday, January 1st 7:30 am, 9 am and Noon ***There are NO EVENING MASSES on New Year’s Day ST. HUGH’S WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS INTERFAITH CLUB Eucharistic Ministers for the homebound are available for anyone who is sick, injured, or has had recent surgery or is unable to attend weekly Mass but Next meeting at 1pm in the cafeteria Tuesday, January 12th St. Hugh’s School 1450 New York Avenue Huntington Station would like to receive Communion. You will always be visited by a priest first to be anointed and receive the sacraments. If you would like a visit by a Eucharistic Minister, please call the rectory 261-1077 New Members are welcome. Donation $2.00 For further information, call Lucy at 427-7645 or Chuck at 368-4333 Please observe Handicapped Parking places in the parking lot next to the church and in the main parking lot. Please don’t park illegally anywhere on church property but especially not in or near places marked for the Handicapped. -14 - Beach Boys Night! BEACH BOYS NIGHT Featuring “The Rockinghams” Presented by: Fr. Thomas A. Judge Knights of Columbus and Columbiettes Saturday, January 16th, 2016 7:00 pm to11:00 pm Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Hall, Cheshire Place and Fifth Avenue, East Northport, NY 11731 $35.00 per person Show, Dinner, Beer, Wine, Soda, Coffee and Dessert Call: Jackie (516) 318-5809 or Theresa (631) 379-2655 No tickets will be sold at the door. (Snow date Jan. 17, 2016 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm) -15- Mailing Ministry WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR MAILING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29TH AFTER THE 9 AM MASS IN THE LOWER CHURCH. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT DEBBIE AT THE RECTORY 261-1077 EXT. 200 “Feed My Lambs” is the weekly request of the SVDP Society Please remember our Poor Box! to parishioners to bring to church the one or two items that the Food Pantry is in low supply of. This week’s food item(s) are: Chunky soups, Tuna fish, Canned Fruit Canned beans & Pork n’ Beans Donations benefit both St. Vincent de Paul Society & Parish Outreach. Sunday, December 13th, 2015 Thank You!!! Of course any other items you wish to donate will be gratefully accepted, but the item that we are concentrating on will help us ensure that this item will be in supply for our clients. All items can be left in the rear of the Church before and after all the weekend Masses. During the week items can be brought to Parish Outreach, Monday -Friday between the hours of 10:00AM and 2:00PM. Thank you for helping us minister to the lambs of our community who are in need. $762.00 -16- Miscellaneous St. Anthony’s Holy Hour is held from 1pm until 2pm on Wednesdays on a regular weekly basis. It begins with Exposition of the monstrance at 1pm & concludes at 2pm following Benediction. The service includes hymns (O Salutaris, Tantum Ergo), Scripture reading, preaching, and silent prayer. If you would like to register: PARISH CENSUS/REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND AT THE BACK OF THE CHURCH. WHEN COMPLETED, PLEASE DROP THEM IN THE RECTORY OFFICE THE ALUMNI PARENTS OF TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL INVITE YOU TO: An Alumni Trinity Parent Reunion JANUARY 23, 2016 At Trinity Regional School from 7-11pm. $60.00 PER PERSON PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ‘TRINITY REGIONAL SCHOOL” MAIL CHECKS NO LATER THAN JANUARY 10, 2016 TO: TRINITY PARENT REUNION P.O BOX 412, E. NORTHPORT NY. 11731 Any Questions? Call 631.252.2884 or email us: Or friend us on Facebook: Trinityparent Reunion We are looking forward to seeing old friends and enjoying a few laughs! Welcome to Online Giving! TO OPEN A NEW ACCOUNT GO TO: CREATING A DONOR ACCOUNT An Online Giving Account should be created to have the ability to set-up recurring donations, pledges and be able to view and print history. Setting up an account will also allow you to set-up payment methods that can be used for future donations. An email address can only be used once per Online Giving URL. • Navigate to Home/Register • The New User Account Registration page will appear • Create your User ID – This must be between 6 and 35 characters and may be alpha numeric and contain the special characters of !@&*. • Create your Password – This must be between 8 and 16 characters and may be alpha numeric and contain the special characters of !@&*. • CONFIRM Password – Type your password a second time • Registration Code – You will not enter anything into this field. This is only used when creating an administrator login • First Name – The first name on your account • Last Name – This is the last name on the account • Email – This is the email address for your account. The email address can only be used one time per URL. This is the email to which such things as password reset and user IDs will be sent. • CONFIRM Email – Type the email again Phone – This is not required but you can key in a contact phone number . Address – Most administrators will key in the organizations address when filling in this information. (Address 2, City/State, and Zip) Continue– To register your new account This is required and helps the system know that you are a human creating an account and not a computer. This is for security purposes that you will need to enter this code. If you cannot read the code, click the reload button for a new code. • Click the Submit button. • The New User Account Registration page will pop up. • You must now validate the account by going to your email and clicking the link to activate the Online Giving Account. You will not be able to log into Online Giving until you click the link in your email. Sometimes the email will go to your spam or junk folders. If you do not get this email, please contact tech support at 800.348.2886 Option 4 for a new -17- Honor Roll Year of Mercy Students from our parish who have achieved honors at Saint Dominic High School Prayer for the Year of Mercy Second Honors (An overall average of 88 to 91 with no failures) Connor Rutigliano Grade 9 Patrick McGroarty Grade 12 First Honors (An overall average of 92 to 94 with no failures) William Maher Phoenix Stanton Grade 9 Grade 12 Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Principal’s List (An overall average of 95 or higher with no failures) Emma Mayette Francesca Ripani Grade 10 Grade 10 Let the Church be your visible face in the world. Send your spirit so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen. Pre Cana Are you getting married? As you may be aware, all engaged couples are required to participate in a marriage preparation program. Completing our Pre-Cana course before your Wedding day is required. If you’ve already registered for your wedding, please hand in your completed Pre-Cana form to the Rectory office. Our winter session runs from January 31 – March 13, 2016. Letters will be mailed out by January 2. If you do not hear from us, please contact Susan Vizzi at as soon as possible. ~ Adapted from the prayer penned by Pope Francis. Our next session is from October 2 – November 13, 2016. -18- Miscellaneous F I F TY F I F TY RAF F L E Novena Group meets in the Church every Tuesday at 7:00 pm Raffle tickets available at the rectory o ffice Cost- $5 for one $5 0 f o r a b o o k o f 1 2 January’s Winner F ebr ua ry ’s Wi nn er : Ma r ch ’s Wi n n er : April’s Winner: Ma y ’s Wi n n er : J u ne’s Wi n n er: J u l y ’s Wi n n er : A u g u s t’s Wi n n er : S ep tem b er ’s Wi n n er : O ctob er ’s Wi n ner : FRIDAY EVENING BINGO 7:30PM St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall SATURDAY EVENING BINGO 7:30PM in St. Anthony of Padua Lower Church Hall. $3,100 i n p r i zes g i v en a w a y ea ch w eek ! ! Call 239-1325 if you have any questions. NEW YEAR’S EVE BUS TRIP TO ATLANTIC CITY!!! $40 per person Bus leaves at 5 pm for Harrahs $723.40 $744.66 $724.67 $709.63 $683.39 $708.82 $ 656.71 $660.05 $626.28 $669.64 NOVEMBER’S WINNER: Betsy Krikalo $635.87 For information call Dotty at 631 266– 2607 POWER RITE AUTO SERVICE 368-3555 565 Larkfield Rd. East Northport The UPS Store M-F 8am-7pm Sat. 9am-4pm Sun. closed 631.754.4400 Tel Seniors Night - Sun & Tues. 4pm-10pm 25% OFF your entree with purchase of beverage 1 Hewitt Square Larkfield & Pulaski Rd., East Northport CPA KATHLEEN M. DOTZLER Tax & Accounting Services At Reasonable Rates Parishioner PHONE 631-225-5144 266-3990 E-MAIL: Website: STONE UNLIMITED, Inc. 2159 Jericho Turnpike, Commack • Power Washing • Wallpaper Removal (631) 499-7265 Greenland Landscaping and Nursery, Inc. 631-368-7182 References Available ~ Free Estimates ~ Gloria 631.680.9318 PL.L.C. /(21,&./$: PL.L.C. /(21,&./$: PL.L.C. PL.L.C. JAMES F. F. LEONICK LEONICK •• LISA LISA A. A. LEONICK LEONICK JAMES JAMES JAMES F. F. LEONICK LEONICK •• LISA LISA A. A. LEONICK LEONICK Lic/Ins Since 1975 Richard G. Davis, M.D.,F.A.A.O. 631-462-2020 EYE PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS JAMES F. LEONICK • LISA A. LEONICK Tel: 631.486.9500 •• Tel: 631.486.9500 Tel: 631.486.9500 •• Tel: 631.486.9500 382 Larkfield Larkfield Rd., East East Northport, NY NY 11731 11731 382 Rd., Northport, 382 Larkfield Rd., East Northport, 382 Larkfield Rd.,•East Northport, NY 11731 ACCIDENTS • PROBATE ESTATE PLANNING •NY REAL11731 ESTATE Serving All Cemeteries Monuments - Markers - Granite - Bronze - Marble Monument Lettering Visit our Showroom at 88 West Hills Rd. Huntington Station 631-549-8207 Fax 549-1828 Advanced Veterinary Services of Long Island 285 Larkfield Road, East Northport 631-757-2716 24 Hour Emergency Hotline Handy-Man Services 631-427-0826 Alf Paulsen State Farm 3034 Jericho Tpke., E. Northport 631-462-1717 Dave Robitaille, Agent Home, Auto, Business, Life Insurance LADDER AND SCAFFOLD Co. 163 Dupont St., Plainview, NY 11803 INDUSTRIAL LADDERS Fiberglass • Aluminum • Wood SCAFFOLDING•SHORING Sales • Rentals All Types Scaffold Fall Protection & Safety Equipment Scaffolding Installations Phone: (516) 781-7310 1700 East Jericho Turnpike • Huntington JACK A. CORCORAN MONUMENTS Northport Animal Clinic MONUMENT MANUFACTURING & INSCRIPTION WORK * No Job Too Small * Free Estimates * Brian O’Neill, owner * References Available * Senior Discounts SERVICES Ray Gruhn Professional CLEANING Business & Residential I can clean your home/office and organize closets Painting or garage. ~ Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly (631) 365-5716 Over 12 Years of Experience Guests 62 and older dine-in only not to be combined with other disounts or offers Gift Items • Annuals • Shrubs • Patio Pots • Landscape Designs Advertising Joseph Gruhn -19- #217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 • BRUEGGEMANN FUNERAL HOME OF EAST NORTHPORT, INC. 340 Larkfield Rd. E. Northport (631) 368-7887 Raymond A. Mascolo, D.D.S. Thomas A. Mascolo, D.M.D. General Preventive Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Laser Tooth Whitening Daily, Evening & Saturday Hours Available 240 Clay Pitts Rd., E. Northport 631-368-8617 Roofing Contractors Est 1950 NILL BROTHERS, INC. B Three Generations of Quality & Services Serving All of Long Island ROOFING /SHEET METAL GUTTERS & LEADERS COMMERCIAL---------------RESIDENTIAL Old Traditions - New Ideas 364 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport 368-8610 631-423-0820 Board-Certified Orthopedic, Clinical Specialist Doctor of Physical Therapy Herbert N. Tandy, PTA Physcal Therapy Assistant 554 Larkfield Rd., East Northport, NY (In the Larkfield Professional Center) 275 Wolf Hill Rd., S. Huntington, NY 631.266.4501 (On the Campus of St. Anthony’s High School) Larkfield & Fort Salonga Market 368-1850 Friendly Personal Service Quality Meats, Produce, and Deli Serving the Community Since 1982 Memorials • Vestments • Wedding • Candles Communions • Confirmations • Medals & Rosaries, etc. 757-5423 Parishioner 155 Larkfield Rd., E. Northport 10% off any purchase totaling $20 or more for all parishioner w/cpn Nolan & Taylor-Howe Funeral Home, Inc. 5 Laurel Avenue, Northport, N.Y. 11768 754-2400 Orthopedi c - Neurolo gical - Sports Related 279 Larkfiel d Rd., E. Northpo rt (631) 262-1370 97 EAST PULASKI RD HUNTINGTON STA., NY 11746 Kitchens, Vanities, Fireplaces, Barbecues Clogged Drains Service Kitchens & Bathroom Remodeling Boilers - Water Heaters • Gas Conversions Emergency Svc. 631-269-7455 Luke DeNapoli - Parishioner DeNapoli Associates 517 B Larkfield Road E Northport | 631-368-1622 Home Auto Business & Life Insurance • Bariatric Surgical Program Behavioral Health Services • •Bariatric Surgical Program fâuâÜutÇ _tÇwávtÑx VÉÜÑA • • • • • • • • • • 631-902-6688 TOTALLY FREE PERSONAL & BUSINESS CHECKING FOR LIFE! 536 Larkfield Rd. A. Shields, DDS East Northport, NY Maria Family Dentistry Children & Adults Welcome (631) 368-7010 MARBLE & GRANITE PLUMBING & HEATING INC. NYS Certified 30+ Yrs Experience Prestigious L.I. School District Specializing in State Exams, Improving Classroom Confidence Exeeptional Results - Reasonable Rates Devin Jewelers Rico STEVE LAUSCHUS SPANISH/FRENCH TUTOR John 3:16 631-673-5800 F: 631-673-5829 • All Phases of Masonry • Full Landscape Design & Construction 75 Larkfield Rd. East Northport Good News Book Store & Religious Goods 301 Clay Pitts Road * East Northport Custom Area Rugs, Runners 10-15 Fort Salonga Rd • Ft. Salonga (25A) & Broadloom Larkfield: 368-1661 * Ft. Salonga: 261-3511 Window Treatments Wood, Laminate & Vinyl Floors Wood Floor Refinishing We Buy Gold & Diamonds Lic. & Ins. Exceptional credentials. Outstanding results. For Membership or Hall Rental East Northport Public Mausoleum Now Open Steven C. DeSousa, PT, DPT, MA, OCS Est. 1950 Please call 631-262-1891 Superb Workmanship 10 yr leak free service guarantee Licensed/Insured Slate/Tile Roofing Repairs & Maintenance Complete Tin Shop Hot Asphalt Built up Custom Copper Architectural take-offs Fabrications Flat & Slope Roofing SUFFOLK PHYSICAL THERAPY, P.C. Single Ply Systems Thomas Gruhn, PT, COMT Board Certified Orthopedic Call Day or Evening Manual Therapist 120 West Hills Rd., Hunt. Sta. NY East Northport Physical Therapy Fr. Thomas A. Judge Council Knights of Columbus Fred’s Est 1959 Carpet 318 Larkfield Road 631-261-8422 Together . GREAT RATES ON COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES! CALL NOW! (631) 486-5055 5 Cheshire Pl., E. Northport 261-3123 HAIR N 368-1235 522 Larkfield Road NORTHPORT RURAL CEMETERY (631) 754-0820 Parishioner Michelle Turina Inc 1968 JERICHO TPKE EAST NORTHPORT, NY 11731 631-261-1908 PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings • Communions • Portraits 229 Laurel Road, East Northport 731 Ft Salonga Rd • Npt, CVS Shopping Cntr. Parishioner Serv. our Community Since 1973 David Tuohy Jr. 565 Larkfield Rd. E. Northport John Cornetta (631) 368-3555 Agency Owner Allstate Insurance Company 233 East Main St. Huntington Office 631-423-1200 • Neurology Orthopedic Surgery and Podiatry • •Neurology • •BaBreast riatric Health SurgicaServices l Program • •NePalliative urology • Behavioral Health Services • OrthopedicCare Surgery and Podiatry •• •BBreast eCancer havioHealth raCare l HeaServices lth Services •• •O rParkinson’s thopediCare c SuOutpatient rgery and Podiatry Palliative Bariatric Surgical Program • Neurology •• •BCancer rCardiovascular east HCare ealth ServServices ices •• •PParkinson’s aPhysical lliative CTherapy aOutpatient re Behavioral Health Services • Orthopedic Surgery •• •C aColon ncer Cand are Rectal •• •PPhysical aRadiology rkinsonTherapy ’s O utpand atiePodiatry nt Services Program and Imaging Cardiovascular Services Breast Health •• •C aDiabetic rdiovand asServices cand ular Wound SeProgram rvicesHealing Program • Palliative •• •PRadiology hRobotic ysiCare cal ThSurgery erapImaging y Program Colon Rectal and Services Cancer Care • Parkinson’s Outpatient •• •C o l o n a n d R e c t a l P r o g r a m • R a d i o l o g y a n d I m a g i n g SerMedicine vices Emergency Services • Siena Proactive Internal Diabetic and Wound Healing Program • Robotic Surgery Program Cardiovascular Services • Physical Therapy Endoscopy Suite • The Vein Treatment Center •• •D i a b e t i c a n d W o u n d H e a l i n g P r o g r a m • R o b o t i c S u r g e r y P r o g r a m Emergency Services • Siena and Proactive Internal Medicine Colon and Rectal Program • Radiology Imaging Services Maternity Services/Lactation Support •• •EEndoscopy m ergency SSuite ervices •• •SThe ieWomen’s naVein ProaTreatment ctHealth ive InteServices rn al Medicine Center Diabetic • Robotic •• EMaternity ndoand scopWound yServices/Lactation Suite Healing Program •• TWomen’s heSurgery Vein THealth reProgram atmen t Center Support Services Emergency Services • Siena Proactive Internal Medicine For more information about these services, or to connected with • Maternity Services/Lactation Support • Women’s Health Servicesa dedicated St. Catherine of Siena call (631) 870-3444. Endoscopy • Theorplease Vein Treatment Center For moreSuite information about these physician, services, to connected with a Maternity Support • Women’s Health Services For moreServices/Lactation information about thesephysician, services, or to connected with a dedicated St. Catherine of Siena please call (631) 870-3444. dedicated St. Catherine of Siena physician, please call (631) 870-3444. For more about these ute 25A, Smith town, N Y 1178services, 7 • (631)or87to 0-connected 3444 • stcwith 50 Roinformation dedicated Catherine of Siena physician, call•(631) 870-3444. 50 RouteSt. 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) please 870-3444 Window Tinting • Alarms Stereo • Sun Roofs Installed Approved by All Insurance Companies 333 Larkfield Road 757-3689 50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 • 50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787 • (631) 870-3444 • • Property Maintenance • Licensed & Insured Rick Marchetta 631-262-0202 Serving the community for over 25 yrs. #217 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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