bumi cinta - Terengganu
bumi cinta - Terengganu
Issue 02 2012 June Ulasan Buku BUMI CINTA Oleh: NORHAFIZA ABU SEMAN Fakulti Sains Pentadbiran dan Pengajian Polisi Selepas Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC), minat saya pada karya Habiburrahhman El-Shirazy (Kang Abik) serasa biasa-biasa sahaja. Apatah lagi, selepas saya membaca Rindu Cleopatra, saya jadi menyampah habis. Namun, apabila membaca Ketika Cinta Bertasbih (KCB) I dan II, saya ok kembali. Mungkin kerana watak yang hampir sempurna membuatkan saya tidak berapa selesa dengan karya-karyanya. Itu cerita hari itu. Sebelum menulis ulasan ini, saya ada membaca beberapa ulasan di banyak blog. Kebanyakannya menyatakan karya Kang Abik yang ini tidak semantap AAC dan KCB – kerana plotnya mendatar dan banyak perbincangan yang tidak berapa menarik. To each of his own la, kan? Bagi saya, selepas habis membaca, saya rasa puas. Walaupun tidak secara keseluruhannya, tapi pada skala 1-10, saya menarafkan kepuasan saya pada skala 8.5. Kenapa besar sangat skalanya? Mari saya ceritakan. Watak– Ada 4 watak utama – Muhammad Ayyas, pelajar sarjana bidang sejarah yang mahu mengkaji mengenai sejarah Islam moden dalam era Rusia moden, Yelena – gadis Rusia teman serumah Ayyas, pelacur kelas pertama yang tidak mempercayai Tuhan. Linor EJ Lazarenko @ Sofia Corsova @ Sofia Ezzuddin – juga teman serumah Ayyas, ejen perisik Mossad yang menyamar sebagai wartawan dan pemain biola untuk orkestra, Dr. Anastasia Palazzo, pembimbingnya yang menggantikan pembimbing asal – Prof. Abramov Tomskii. Anastasia, gadis berdarah Rusia-Itali adalah pensyarah di MGU dan seorang pakar mengenai sejarah Asia Tenggara. Plot – Ayyas diminta oleh profesornya di Aligarh, India, untuk pergi ke Rusia untuk mendapatkan first hand data mengenai sejarah Islam di Rusia bagi melengkapkan tesis sarjananya. Rencananya hanya tiga minggu di Rusia. Namun, dalam tempoh itu, pelbagai perkara yang berlaku yang menyebabkan hidup Ayyas terpusing 180 darjah kalau tidak 360 darjah. Dia terlibat dengan pembunuhan seorang ahli mafia, difitnah sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab meletupkan hotel ternama Rusia, menjadi terkenal setelah berjaya mematahkan hujah seorang penulis kontroversi di dalam satu talk dan kemudiannya muncul di dalam sebuah talk show. Di samping itu, Ayyas menjadi pemuda idaman 3 gadis watak utama yang gedegang-gedegang kecantikannya. Happy ending untuk sebahagian, dan cliff hanger pada sebahagian. [Mungkin akan ada Bumi Cinta II?]. Nilaian saya: Nilai tambah Saya menyukai plot cerita ini kerana subjeknya sangat menarik – bagi saya lah. Subjeknya adalah mengenai negara Rusia – yang saya rasa sangat luas dan kompleks untuk diterokai. Saya selalu membayangkan Rusia itu adalah sebuah negara yang sentiasa dalam keadaan berkabus, misteri dan cold (bukan sebab cuacanya, tapi budayanya). Malah, membaca tentang Kremlin saja sudah menyeramkan saya – bukan kerana di situ tempat pembuat dasar – tapi kerana dibayangi cerita-cerita ganas Stalin dan Lenin. St. Petersburg pula kedengaran seperti kota yang kejam dan keras. Entah apa-apa, kan? Itulah padah kalau tidak mengetahui. Perbahasan mengenai atheis. Fenomena (boleh dipanggil begitu?) atheis adalah sesuatu yang pada saya sangat menarik. Walaupun, dasarnya ia tidak mempercayai wujudnya kuasa Tuhan, atheis itu sendiri sebenarnya adalah satu kepercayaan [ini antara perkara-perkara yang membuatkan saya tidak ‘lalu’ dengan falsafah]. Menerusi Ayyas, Kang Abik menyajikan ilmu baru kepada saya mengenai jenis-jenis atheis serta evaluation setiap satunya. Dan, paling menarik bagi saya adalah part Ayyas berlawan hujah dengan seorang penulis terkenal dan penuh kontroversi kerana tulisan yang bersifat provokatif, Viktor Murasov. Namun, ada sedikit kesalan, kerana setelah Ayyas berhujah, Murasov terus didiamkan oleh Kang Abik – sebagai tanda Murasov terkena pukulan KO dari Ayyas. Pada saya, Murasov perlu bangun menentang kerana dia adalah seorang yang kritis dan penuh provokasi [tapi, kalau nak masuk yang ini, mungkin mencecah ribuan halaman pula lah jadinya, kan?] >> >> Nilai susut Sejarah Sabra dan Shatilla 1982 – pembersihan umat Palestin oleh tentera Yahudi. Melalui watak ibu Linor, Ekatrina – seorang sukarelawan PRC ketika kejadian itu, Kang Abik memperincikan cebisan kejadian peristiwa itu, bermula dari serangan 16 September hingga 19 September 1982. Cerita ini mengingatkan saya kepada 2 perkara – satu, Dr. Ang Swee Chai, penulis Dari Beirut ke Jerusalem (yang setengah saja saya baca – saya akan cuba habiskan lain ketika), yang menjadi saksi kepada peristiwa itu, dan lagu Allahyarham Zubir Ali – Balada Seorang Gadis Kecil, yang dinukilkan bersempena peristiwa itu – dan satu lagi, tarikh peristiwa ini bersamaan dengan tarikh lahir saya – September 17. Hal- hal teknikal sahaja … Kekejaman bangsa Yahudi di dalam peristiwa ini memang sukar untuk dibayangkan. Andai mereka bijak melukis peristiwa holocaust demi menarik rasa simpati dunia kepada mereka, mereka juga sebenarnya bijak menyembunyi pembunuhan di Sabra dan Shatilla ini. Sehinggakan, kita (saya sebenarnya), lebih dulu mengetahui holocaust dan simpati terhadap ‘mangsanya’ daripada saudara seagama di Sabra dan Shatilla. Saya sebenarnya kagum dengan ‘keperasanan’ penulis dengan negaranya dan rakyatnya – lewat watak Ayyas itu. Watak itu dilukis dengan penuh pesona dan Indonesia digambar sebagai negara yang indah dan muluk. Saya jarang sekali menemukan watak orang Melayu Malaysia digambarkan sebegitu – maksudnya, yang sampai memberi impak international sebegitu (seperti menjadi popular hingga dijemput ke dalam talk show pada waktu prime time di stesen TV Rusia). Ejaan. Kalau novel itu tebal, dan tiada langsung kesalahan ejaan, ia merupakan bonus point kepada saya kerana saya tak tahu kenapa saya sangat sensitif dengan ejaan. Walaupun tak banyak salah, ia tetap mengganggu. Dan, masa terganggu itulah masa terbaik untuk saya larut sampai tidur … what an excuse! Lame sungguh! Tapi, seriously, ejaan salah memanglah mood spoiler. Pengecualian mungkin kepada tulisan FT dalam 1511 dan yang sewaktu dengannya. Juga karya Ramlee Awang Murshid – ADAM (besar kemungkinan ramai yang telah menulis, cuma saya yang tidak terjumpa). Bagi kita yang maklum dengan keadaan Indonesia, pasti ada rasa lucu apabila membaca perkara-perkara ini, dan ini juga mengingatkan saya kepada Ideal-Type Construct theory dalam bidang Development Administration. Tapi, kekaguman saya mengatasi kelucuan itu, kerana kalau tidak kita yang bermegah dan berbangga dengan diri kita, siapa lagi? Tidak salah kalau memberi penarafan yang tinggi pada diri sendiri (walau hakikatnya kita tidak begitu bagus) – kerana itu adalah lambang kepada tingginya self-esteem dan self-confidence kita. Kuasa confidence itu sangatlah besar dan mengesankan walaupun over-confidence selalu mendajalkan kita. Seperkara lagi, hikmah dalam berdakwah. Hikmah dalam berdakwah pada saya adalah kebolehan menerangkan dengan mudah perkara yang susah tanpa mengurangkan tuntutan kepada perkara tersebut untuk orang yang mahu didakwahkan. Ataupun, hikmah itu, bermaksud, sentiasa ada jawapan untuk perkara-perkara yang ditanya. Dan, hikmah juga bermaksud, pintar memilih tindakan mengikut keadaan. Dan, perkara ini tercermin benar pada Ayyas semasa di dalam talk show itu. Saya cemburu dengan watak Ayyas dan penulisnya kerana hikmah mereka! Pertamanya, pengulangan dan pengulangan. Mungkin, dek kerana novel ini agak tebal, penulis terpaksa mengulang beberapa kali benda yang sama supaya fokus pembaca tidak lari. Namun, ia sedikit mengganggu kerana kadang-kadang pengulangan itu sama panjangnya dengan bahagian asal yang sudah dibaca. Bagi orang yang jenis membaca laju, mungkin tak terasa, tetapi pembaca yang deep reading (baca: slow dan lembab) macam saya ia menerbitkan rasa kecewa kerana tibatiba kena baca benda yang baru dibaca pada 15 muka surat yang lepas … Kebetulan. Apabila ramai pengulas mengatakan novel ini mendatar sahaja, saya menyedari ada kebenarannya apabila habis membaca. Banyak perkara yang antiklimaks. Asalnya memang mendebarkan, tetapi, bila di pertengahan, sudah boleh ditebak apa jadinya. Mungkin ia bermaksud, oleh kerana Ayyas seorang yang berperibadi tinggi, segala kesulitan jarang menghinggapinya … ah, bosan! Antaranya, bila Ayyas tergoda oleh Linor, tiba-tiba Ayyas tersedar perbuatannya, kemudian terus melumpuhkan Linor serta mengeluarkan Linor dari kamarnya. Kebetulan. Bila Linor memasukkan beg yang mengandungi bukti palsu yang akan mengaitkan Ayyas dengan letupan hotel Metropole, beg itu boleh pula tertinggal semasa Ayyas berpindah dan Ayyas tidak langsung melihat beg itu. Kecuaian seorang perisik? Kebetulan yang pelik. Dan banyak lagi lah … Kesimpulan: Selepas membaca novel ini, terasa semangat Islam itu sedikit membara. Memang ia boleh membangunkan jiwa sedikit sebanyak. Semangat untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk agama, bangsa dan negara melambai-lambai. Namun, selama mana? Hanya Allah yang tahu. Hidayah itu kerja Allah. Namun, usaha untuk mencarinya tidak pernah Allah halangkan. Semoga kita semua menemukan makna pada kehidupan yang sementara ini, InsyaAllah. Rujukan: Dr. Ang Swee Chai, (2007). Dari Beirut ke Jerusalem, Harakah , Kuala Lumpur. Ramlee Awang Murshid (2007). ADAM (Aku Darah Anak Malaysia), Alaf 21(2002), Kuala Lumpur. Zubir Ali (2008). Lagu Balada Seorang Gadis Kecil From the Chief Editor’s Desk Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim.. Assalamualaikum and greetings to all BizNewz readers. Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah for this second issue of BizNewz in 2012. Thank you so much to all the contributors for your support in making sure BizNewz meets its readers again for the second time in this year. Habiburrahman El Shirazy entitled Semoga segala urusan ‘Bumi Cinta’, was meticulously done dipermudahkan Allah, by our fellow lecturer, Miss Norhafiza insya Allah. Abu Seman. Pembaca BizNewz Pembaca BizNewz yang budiman, yang dihormati, In this issue, we have 13 interesting articles which include 3 attentiongrabbing articles from our fellow columnists – Dr. Zainuddin, Mdm. Anita and Mr. Bashir. Moreover, there is an article on tips in handling and managing in-text citation and reference list by the faculty’s APA expert, Mdm. Nurmuslimah. Those who are health conscious would find it beneficial to read ‘An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away’ and ‘Kanser Paru-Paru’. In order to further spice up our teaching techniques, don’t forget to read our 2 articles regarding classroom management. Apart from that, the article entitled ‘Tabiat Berbelanja Rakyat Malaysia’ would provide us an insight on the actual spending habits among Malaysians. We also have 2 articles concerning on the business perspectives, namely ‘Kepentingan Perhubungan Pemasaran’ and ‘The Importance of Succession Planning’. In the Aktiviti Pelajar section, there is a report on ‘SIFE Boot Camp’ activity which had been conducted in UiTM Penang. Lastly, a book review, by the well known Indonesian novelist, Ucapan selamat bertugas ditujukan khas buat Timbalan Rektor HEA yang baharu, Prof. Madya Dr. Baharom Abdul Rahman. BizNewz yakin budaya penulisan dalam kalangan staf UiTM (Terengganu) akan kekal rancak di bawah pentadbiran Prof. Madya Dr. Baharom. BizNewz ingin merakamkan ucapan penghargaan kepada mantan Timbalan Rektor HEA, Prof. Madya Wan Dorishah Wan Abd. Manan, atas jasa dan sumbangan beliau selama menjawat jawatan TR HEA. Didoakan semoga Prof. Madya Wan Dorishah sentiasa sukses dalam apa jua yang dilakukan. Bersempena dengan semester pengajian diploma yang baru bermula, selamat datang diucapkan kepada pelajar diploma yang baru menjejakkan kaki di UiTM Terengganu. Semoga peluang menuntut ilmu digunakan sebaik mungkin dan para pelajar dapat menjadi insan yang berilmu, berkeperibadian mulia, cemerlang di dunia dan di akhirat. Kepada pelajar ijazah sarjana muda, selamat menempuh peperiksaan akhir bermula pada 27 Jun – 15 Julai ini. Sedar tak sedar kita telah pun berada di penghujung bulan Rejab 1433H. Syaaban bakal menyusul dan tidak lama lagi pasti penghulu segala bulan, iaitu Ramadhan almubarak, akan menjelma. Alhamdulillah, kita masih diberi peluang untuk mentarbiah diri dengan melakukan ibadah sebanyak mungkin. Molek benar sekiranya kita berazam agar Ramadhan 1433H yang bakal muncul berbeza dengan Ramadhan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Semoga amalan kita semakin bertambah, dosa semakin berkurang. Semoga hari-hari yang bakal kita lalui adalah lebih baik daripada hari ini dan semalam. Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadhan… Last but not least, do enjoy reading our range of articles. If you like to see your writing published in this bulletin, you know where to reach us - BiznewzEditor@tganu.uitm.edu.my. I would also love to hear what you think, so please send your comments, response or feedback to the above e-mail. Editor-in-Chief, AZYANEE LUQMAN Editor’s Column Assalamualaikum wmt wbt... Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat ilahi di atas limpah dan inayahNya, BizNewz dapat sekali lagi menerbitkan pelbagai artikel buat tatapan semua.Terima kasih kepada Ketua Editor kerana memberikan saya kesempatan buat kali pertamanya menulis di ruangan Editor’s Column ini. Tahun keempat saya bergelar seorang pensyarah di UiTM (Terengganu), pada amatan saya sebenarnya agak sukar untuk benar-benar menjadi seorang pendidik yang serba boleh. Begitu banyak kesabaran dan cabaran yang perlu ditempuhi di dalam menjalankan tugas terutamanya di dalam mengadaptasikan diri kita dengan para pelajar yang semakin hari semakin bijak. Mungkin saudara/ saudari semua mempunyai visi, misi dan matlamat yang lebih hebat daripada saya, malah lebih berpengalaman. Berbekalkan sedikit pengalaman yang saya kutip sepanjang bergelar seorang guru di SM IMTIAZ Dungun, saya cuba berikan yang lebih baik kepada UiTM. Mujur saya juga bekas pelajar di sini, dan ianya amat membantu saya mencipta kegemilangan bersama-sama pelajar di bumi UiTM (T) ini. Kasih saya kepada UiTM tidak pernah berbelah bagi di saat saya bergelar pelajar ITM pada tahun 1998 sehinggalah tamat EMBA pada 2007. Di sinilah tempat saya menimba ilmu daripada para pensyarah saya yang amat dedikasi dan mesra, malah merekalah jua sumber inspirasi saya untuk berjaya seperti hari ini. Di sinilah dulu tempat saya mencurah bakti kepada adik-adik junior, juga kepada siswa siswi UiTM sepanjang begelar MPP. Kenangan dan semua ilmu yang diperoleh akan digunakan sebaik mungkin selama berada di sini. InshaAllah.... Kaum ibu baru sahaja diraikan dan diberikan hadiah istimewa sebagai tanda ingatan. Terima kasih atas segala jasa ibu kita yang dari dulu hingga sekarang tetap setia menyayangi kita. Sambutan Hari Guru pada bulan Mei yang lalu juga terasa amat indah tatkala para pelajar mengucapkan ‘Selamat Hari Guru’ kepada kita semua. Indahnya hari-hari itu hanya diri kita sahaja yang dapat merasainya. Buat kaum bapa, ‘Selamat Hari Bapa’ diucapkan, semoga kaum-kaum bapa juga terus gah berdiri memimpin generasi akan datang terutamanya pemimpin keluarga tersayang agar menjadi idola semua. Akhir kata, semoga kita terus tabah dan diberikan kekuatan mengharungi hari-hari yang bakal tiba..... Wassalam. Wan Maziah Wan Ab. Razak An Ink in the Ocean By: Dr. Hj. Zainuddin Zakaria Tasks in Understanding Environmental Context of a Research In many research thesis or proposal, defining a research problem is a critical step in conducting a good research. In fact, it is the first step in a marketing research process. Many students and researchers are sometimes baffled on how to define a problem and develop an approach towards the problem. Before a research problem can be defined, it is necessary to perform four tasks to enable a researcher to understand the context of a problem. Malhotra (2010) suggested four tasks that will help researchers to understand the context of a problem. The four tasks are Discussion with Decision Makers, Interview with Experts, Secondary Data Analysis and Conducting Qualitative Research. The purpose of undertaking these tasks is primarily to help the researchers to understand the background of the problem by analysing the environmental context. Once the background of the problem has been identified, then the marketing research problem can be defined. Based on the definition of the research problem, an appropriate approach to the problem can be developed. In this short article, the author will discuss briefly the four tasks necessary in understanding the environmental context of a research problem. Discussion with Decision Makers This step is extremely important. As decision makers, they are the individuals who have the authorities for the relevant information that beneficial the organisation. A research helps in providing information that is relevant to the management’s decision, but information alone does not offer solution to the issue that the research intend to solve in the first place. In order to implement the solution, it needs the judgement of the decision makers. On the other hand, researchers need to understand the nature of decision that managers face and what they hope to use from the information provided by the research. In addition, discussion with decision makers may provide insights on the real issues face by the organisation that is relevant to the researchers. Interviews with Expert Interview with the expert is another task relevant in understanding the environmental context of a problem which will lead to better problem definition. These experts are individuals that are knowledgeable about the firm and industry. If the individuals are those who are knowledgeable about the general topic of the research at hand, then this type of interview is known as experience survey or key-informant technique. Expert opinion interview is typically conducted using unstructured questions rather than using a formal questionnaire. It is useful to have a list of topics to be covered during the interviews. However, the order in which the topics are covered and the questions are asked should not be pre-determined as to allow some flexibility in gathering the insights of these experts. Researchers must be mindful that the purpose of this interview is to define the research problems instead of developing a conclusive solution. Secondary Data Analysis Secondary Data is data collected by the researchers or others for a purpose (objective) that is different from the problem or issues of the present research. Some of the sources of secondary data come from business and government sources, commercial marketing research firms, research data from other research and computerised database. Sometimes we can use the source of background information as it is an economical and quick source of information. As this is one of the important steps in problem definition process, Malhotra (2011) argues that secondary data should be fully utilised before primary data can be collected. The purpose of analysing secondary data is that it can provide valuable insights, current trend, and background scenario of the research problem. Secondary data also lays the foundation for conducting primary data analysis. In terms of defining a research problem, secondary data may help in identifying and defining the problem better. Qualitative Research If the information obtained from decision makers, industry experts and secondary data was not sufficient to define the research problem, researchers need to conduct a qualitative research to gain understanding of the problem and its underlying factors. What is qualitative research? Maholtra (2010) suggested that qualitative research is a research that is unstructured, exploratory in nature, based on small samples and may utilised popular qualitative techniques such as focused groups, word association and depth interviews. Pilot survey and case studies may also be applied. Even though at the problem definition stage, it is not conducted formally but it can provide valuable insights towards the problem. The rich data obtained from the qualitative data may give some clear insights on who, what, when and how of the issues at hand and help the researchers to define clearly the research problem. Reference: Malhotra, N.K (2010). Marketing Research. An Applied Orientation (6th edition). Pearson Education, Inc. New Jersey, USA. Berpesan-pesan Oleh: Anita Md. Shariff APAKAH ISLAM HANYA TINGGAL PADA NAMA? Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikum wbt.. Islam mempunyai penganut teramai iaitu 23.4% dari jumlah 6.9 billion penduduk dunia pada 2010 dan bakal mencecah 26.4% dari 8.3billion pada 2030. Peningkatan sebanyak 2.2% setahun direkod dari 1990 ke 2010 (The Future of the Global Muslim, 2011). Selari dengan peningkatan itu, permintaan untuk produk atau servis yang berlabel Islam atau halal juga turut meningkat. Di peringkat nasional, bukan sahaja institusi-institusi dilabelkan Islam seperti Universiti Islam, Parti Islam, Perbankan Islam dan sebagainya, kini timbul pula produk-produk jualan yang turut dilabelkan Islam seperti Pizza Islam, Seks Islam, English Islam (Islamic English) dan sebagainya. Nampaknya, institusi-institusi dan produkproduk berlabel Islam tumbuh begitu subur dewasa ini. Jadi apakah kita melihat ini sesuatu yang positif? Kepincangan dalam sistem sediada menyebabkan terlalu banyak kemungkaran berlaku di seluruh dunia. Penindasan, penyelewangan , ketidakadilan dan jenayah terus berleluasa. Umat Islam sedar betapa pentingnya untuk kembali kepada Islam sebagai jalan penyelesaian. Namun, rata-rata umat Islam tidak mempunyai gambaran sebenar atau menyeluruh tentang Islam yang merupakan Ad-deen atau cara hidup yang dibawa oleh Rasullullah s.a.w. Firman Allah dalam Surah Al Baqarah 2: 208: “Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Masuklah kamu ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan; dan janganlah kamu ikuti langkah-langkah Syaitan. Sesungguhnya Syaitan itu musuh kamu yang nyata.” Persoalannya, bagaimana ingin masuk ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan sekiranya kita tidak mempunyai gambaran menyeluruh tentang Islam? Dalam khutbah baginda yang terakhir,Rasulullah s.a.w. telah berpesan: “Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya nescaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah Al-Quran dan Sunnahku.” Jelaslah bahawa untuk masuk ke dalam Islam secara keseluruhan dan bagi melindungi diri dari kesesatan, umat Islam tidak boleh tidak mesti mengambil Al-Quran dan Sunnah Rasulullah sebagai cara hidup. Usaha tidak sepatutnya hanya tertumpu kapada memperbetulkan bacaan Al-Quran dan beranggapan bahawa pengkajian dan penghayatan isi Al-Quran dan Sunnah hanya layak untuk mereka yang berpendidikan agama sahaja. Apakah mereka yang berpendidikan agama hari ini mampu untuk memberi gambaran atau menghurai secara menyeluruh tentang Islam yang sebenar? Saya pernah mengajukan soalan kepada mereka yang berpendidikan Islam, apakah matawang yang digunapakai oleh Rasulullah dalam urusan-urusan seperti muamalat dan pengukuran dalam hukum hudud, dan mengapa ia tidak diguna pakai pada hari ini sedangkan ia sudah termaktub dalam AlQuran dan Sunnah? Jawapan yang diterima sungguh mengecewakan. Hakikatnya, umat Islam tidak mampu mengamalkan Islam secara menyeluruh kerana perkara-perkara asas dalam kehidupan Islam yang merupakan sunnah Rasulullah telah dipinggirkan dan tiada dalam silibus sistem pendidikan di seluruh dunia. Cara hidup yang berasaskan sunnah Rasulullah sudah dianggap kuno dan ketinggalan zaman! Jadi, apakah akibatnya? Kegagalan memahami Islam secara keseluruhan berdasarkan AlQuran dan Sunnah mendorong umat Islam untuk mengambil jalan mudah dengan menerima bulatbulat apa sahaja yang berlabel Islam. Bahkan, ada yang berpendirian, apa sahaja yang bernama Islam sudah tentu halal dan selari dengan Islam tanpa menyelidiki terlebih dahulu atau mencari nas atau dalil yang menyokongnya. Ia adalah satu kesilapan besar yang tidak disedari. Allah berfirman: “Dan sesungguhnya Kami jadikan untuk isi neraka Jahannam kebanyakan dari jin dan manusia, mereka mempunyai hati, tetapi tidak dipergunakan untuk memahami [ayatayat Allah] dan mereka mempunyai mata [tetapi] tidak dipergunakan untuk melihat [tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah] dan mereka mempunyai telinga [tetapi] tidak dipergunakan untuk mendengar [ayat-ayat Allah]. Mereka itu seperti binatang ternakan, bahkan mereka lebih sesat lagi. Mereka itulah orang-orang yang lalai.” (Al-A’raaf 7 : 179) Penerimaan membuta tuli segala yang dihidangkan atas nama Islam menyebabkan umat Islam mudah terpedaya dan tertipu. Ternyata, itulah yang terjadi dewasa ini di mana umat Islam telah akur dengan perkara-perkara yang jelas bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam sebenar. Sebagai contoh, apakah umat Islam sedar yang riba’ kini sangat berleluasa diterima pakai atas kewujudan institusi berlabel Islam? Apakah umat Islam nampak yang permusuhan dan perpecahan di kalangan umat dibiarkan parah kononnya bagi tujuan dan agenda politik Islam? Adakah umat Islam dapat meneliti segala bentuk sistem/insitusi/produk kufur kini secara halus dan lunak diadaptasikan atas nama Islam? Hasilnya, begitu banyak institusi/produk yang dilabelkan Islam hari ini tetapi initipatinya adalah kemungkaran. Begitu ramainya umat Islam di muka bumi tetapi pemikiran dan cara hidup dikongkong dalam kotak kejahilan menyebabkan kita terus lemah, tertindas, teraniaya dan mundur. Umat Islam terus-menerus menemui jalan buntu dalam menghuraikan permasalahan pokok yang berlaku hari ini serta punca kepada permasalahan tersebut apatah lagi untuk menyelesaikannya. Islam di hadapan kita hari ini bukan lagi Ad-deen atau cara hidup yang menyeluruh tetapi hanyalah amalan-amalan rutin bercampur tempelan-tempelan atau label yang dipampang sebagai strategi pemasaran bagi memperdaya pembeli/pelanggan/pengikut di kalangan umat Islam. Lebih membimbangkan, Islam hari ini adalah adaptasiadatasi dari sistem kufur yang diolah mengikut keperluan semasa bagi kepentingan dan keuntungan golongangolongan tertentu termasuk mereka yang memusuhi Islam. Maka, yang tinggal dari Islam hanyalah pada namanya. Sungguh menyedihkan namun apakah kita sedar? Bagitu keadaannya telah termaktub seperti dalam hadis berikut: “Telah bersabda Rasulullah SAW bahawa sudah hampir tiba suatu masa, di mana tidak tinggal lagi daripada Islam itu kecuali hanya namanya, tidak tinggal daripada Al Quran itu kecuali hanya tulisannya. Masjidmasjid mereka tersergam indah, tetapi ia kosong daripada hidayah. Ulama mereka adalah sejahat-jahat makhluk yang ada di bawah naungan langit. Daripada merekalah berpunca fitnah, dan kepada merekalah fitnah itu akan kembali”. (Hadis riwayat Al Baihaqi) Sekian, wallahu’alam. Rujukan : The Future of the Global Muslim Population Projections for 2010-2030: Analysis January 27, 2011. New research by the US-based Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. Available at http://www.pewforum.org/The-Future-of-the-GlobalMuslim-Population.aspx 3Es – Economist, Economy and Eco-No-Money By: Bashir Ahmad bin Shabir Ahmad Tighter Loans by Bank Negara - A Smart Move? Year 2012 kicked start with a somber mood due to the new guidelines implemented by Bank Negara, which is to “Strengthen the Monetary Base”. The new regulation imposed peculiarly to tighten the loans application from the public. It’s started on 18th November 2011 when Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) unveiled new financial guidelines to the financial institutions hoping to promote prudent, responsible and transparent retail financing practices. The guidelines commenced on 1st January 2012 and is applicable to home and vehicle financing, credit and charge cards, personal financing including overdraft facility and financing for the purchase of securities. The table below is the summary of the new guidelines framework. [1]. Items Car Loan Debt Service Ratio Early Loan Settlement Financial Institutions Obligation Co-operative Banks Description Maximum tenure capped at 9 years Effective Date 18th Nov 2011 Capped at 60% for civil servants. Others, bank to determine 1st Jan 2012 Calculated after tax and EPF statutory deductions. To consider all debt obligations. Banks will only be allowed to charge for the cost incurred in processing the loan and not for profit loss To provide consumers with information on total repayment amount and total interest cost & the impact of an increase in the financing rate Cooperatives Commission will be imposing the similar requirements 1st Jan 2012 July 2012 1st Jan 2012 1st Jan 2012 As predicted, the nightmare begins for banking sector as well as housing industries and automotive players. Their sales volume started to diminish especially the consumer banking segment and consumer loans. Data released by Bank Negara showed that loan growth in Nov 2011 moderated further to 12.8% year on year from a 13.1% and 13.8% year on year growth in October and September 2011 respectively. CIMB Investment Bank analysis projected that total loan growth to decline up to 9% compared to 13% for same period last year while Maybank Investment Bank reported the total system loan growth in 2012 is expected to slow further to 9.4% compared to loan growth at 2011 which was at 12.4% [2]. Most dreadful impact goes to local automotive players; Proton and Perodua cried foul over more stringent and tightening lending which resulted in only 30 percent of applicants successfully obtained their car loans in the first two months of the year. This worsens when Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) reported an actual of 25 percent yearon-year decrease in the sales of new vehicles, which fell by 13,833 units to 40,948 units in January 2012. MAA attributed the significant sales decline due to several reasons and one of it is the stricter hire purchase loan approval process that is rooting out buyers seemingly unable to afford the cars they are buying [3]. The local properties also seem to ‘cool down’ due to these new guidelines. According to reports, applications for loans for the purpose of purchasing residential properties contracted 6.3% in January from a growth of 11.3% in December 2011. In light of this situation, Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association (Fomca) Chief Executive Officer, Datuk Paul Selvaraj is urging the central bank to perhaps ease the loan application process, such as making it easier for consumers to switch banks if necessary while Real Estate and Housing Developers Association (Rehda) President Datuk Seri Michael Yam in his statement said that Bank Negara action would distort the economy as the transactions are now taking a longer time to crystallize as banks are grappling with more data required for processing loan applications and what’s worse, , the middle-income segment are suffering the most [4]. Bank Negara Malaysia in their press statement has stood firm, maintaining that financing will still be available to those who are able to repay the loans, announcing no changes to the new financing guidelines. The current household debt is almost 78 percent of Malaysia’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is considered ‘not healthy’ for economic growth, has compelled the central bank to stick with their decision. It is agreed that the action taken by central bank is to control the monetary base especially with the rising of inflation rate and sluggish world economy that is affecting the nation directly. However, their actions were not so apparent. Basically, people got confused with the mixed signal arising from this new lending rule. The property segment is one of the examples. At one hand, we have this central bank announcing to control loan applications; while on the other hand, the government is encouraging constructions of more affordable medium-cost housing by introducing “My First Home Scheme” and “PR1MA” homes to stimulate the demand and supply side. Therefore, from what is going on currently, it has come to one major question. Does the action of slowing down the economy would indeed be able to help the market or make it worse? Recently, Bank Negara has revised the economic growth or GDP forecast from 5% -6% this year to 4%-5%, a significant downward revision that the export-dependent country blamed on global economic weakness [5]. This is not parallel with government efforts to stimulate the economic growth through 2012 budget tablet in aiming to become a high income country by 2020, which is just around the corner. Till we meet again… References [1]New 2012 Financial Guidelines by Bank Negara Malaysia. Retrieved 5 April 2012 from http://1-million-dollar-blog.com/new2012-financial-guidelines-by-bank-negara-Malaysia/ [2] Banks tighten lending rules amid uncertainty. Retrieved 5 April 2012 from http://biz.thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/1/4/business/10197682&sec=business [3] Bank Negara Malaysia Holds Firm on Stricter Lending, Ignores Calls from Proton & Perodua. Retrieved 8 April 2012 from http://www.livelifedrive.com/malaysia/news/view/1380/bank-negara-malaysia-holdsfirm-On-stricter-lending-ignores-calls-from-proton-perodua [4]Malaysian banks tighten the screening of loans. Retrieved 10 April 2012 from http://rightways.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/ banks-tighter-screening-of-loans/ [5] Bank Negara cuts economic growth forecast. Retrieved 11 April 2012 from http://www.mmail.com.my/story/bank-negaracuts-economic-growth-forecast Karya Kreatif ‘Setitis Perjuangan Selautan Keindahan.......’ Sempena Hari Guru 16 Mei 2012 Teringat daku akan suatu memori tika terdengar kata-kata itu aku terus bangkit walau tersentuh jiwaku, walau tersentak nadiku aku tetap menghormatimu Wahai Pensyarahku... kau penyumbang ilmu kau jua inspirasiku tanpamu aku mungkin jauh tanpamu aku mungkin jatuh tidakkan faham apa itu pelajaran tidakkan mengerti apa itu masa hadapan Pensyarahku, Kau tidakkan kulupa sehebat mana idola negara, kau lebih hebat berbanding mereka ilmu diberi tidakkan dipersia kasih sayangmu tidak ternilai harganya kadangkala kasihmu melebihi kasih ayahbonda didikanmu akanku semai hingga ke hujung nyawa Pensyarahku, Tidakkan dapat ku balas jasamu Tidakkan dapat ku cari gantimu Akhirat jua ku doakan buatmu..... Kini kusedari......... Pensyarahku juga ibarat guru, Tugasnya sama turut mendidikku Walau tidak semua sama yang kutemu Namun aku terfikir sejenak Terbiarkah pensyarahku jika aku tidak menghormatinya? Berdosakah aku jika aku tidak menyapanya? Tenaga yang dicurahkan kurasa tetap sama seperti dulu Kasih sayang dan ajarannya masih tidak berbeza berbanding yang pernah kurasakan dulu Rupanya Pensyarahku juga adalah guruku Mendidik, mengajarku kepentingan ilmu dan masa hadapan Agar menjadi insan berguna Setelah detik itu baru ku sedari setiap perjuangan insan-insan yang mendidikku wajar bagiku,juga wajar bagi semua sahabat-sahabatku diluar sana menyedari betapa beruntungnya kami mendapat sesuatu darimu Tunjuk ajar dan kasih seorang guru yang tidak terbalas jua sekali lagi olehku Ibarat Mutiara yang jauh di dasar lautan yang tidakkan tercapai oleh kudratku Itulah setitis perjuanganmu Selautan keindahan kau berikan padaku Guruku dan juga Pensyarahku....................... *Hasil Nukilan WMZ’ (Buat semua pendidik dan Nov guru)2010 SUCCESSION PLANNING: PREPARING TOMORROW’S LEADERS 1. Prepared by: Noorazlina Ahmad and Sakinah Mat Zin Introduction Succession planning is defined as a dynamic, ongoing process of systematically recruiting, identifying, assessing, developing and recognising potential individuals to meet future organizational strategic and operational needs (Rothwell et. al, 2005). Succession planning must be strategically driven and not simply focused on the selection of specific leaders or the identification of talented managers or executives. Rather, it must be focused on creating a match between the institution’s mission and the individuals best suited to accomplish the goals and strategies. In other words, the underlying objective of succession planning would be to obtain the right skills at the right place (Fulmer and Conger, 2004). By matching the potential talents and personalities of individuals with job descriptions, organisations could elevate the effectiveness of their recruiting and hiring practices in addition to developing imminent talents. 2. Models of Succession Planning According to Berger and Berger (2004), a succession programme should be implemented in accordance with the following strategies: Find, assess, develop, reward and retain those employers who greatly exceed the organisation’s expectations and are the backbone for current and future organisational success Identify key position and have back-up positions in place Invest resources in employees based on current and potential contribution to the organisation’s success 3. Types of Succession Planning Family-Owned Business According to Grassi et. al (2008), family business owners’ main apprehension is how to encourage an orderly and affordable succession of the business to guarantee the future needs of the owner and his or her spouse especially in their retirement . Proper planning on the smooth succession during the owner’s lifetime is very crucial to prevent from monetary losses and even loss of the business itself . It is estimated that more than 70 percent of family owned businesses do not endure the transition from founder to second generation. Nevertheless, a business succession plan can be smooth and profitable if it follows a good planning within an ample time. There are essentially five levels to a family business succession plan: The FIRST LEVEL is to determine the business owner’s long-term goals and objectives for the family business. Establishing the business owner’s goals and objectives is necessary to determine the appropriate financial planning, retirement planning, business planning, business succession-transition planning, tax planning and estate planning strategies. The SECOND LEVEL is to uncover the financial needs of the business owner and his or her spouse, and to develop a viable plan that ensures their financial security. If the owner’s goals and financial needs are out of sync, they will need to be brought into harmony. The THIRD LEVEL is to ascertain who will manage the business and to develop the management team. It is important to recognize that management and ownership of the business are not the same. The FOURTH LEVEL is to decide who will own the business and how to transfer (gift, sell or devide) the owner’s interest in the business to the “new” owner. The FIFTH LEVEL is to reduce transfer taxes and to prepare an appropriate estate plan. Estate taxes alone can claim up to 45 percent of the value of the business, frequently resulting in a business having to liquidate or take on debt to keep the business afloat. Business with unrelated owners Directors of an organization produce a succession plan to make certain that a replacement is available if an employee leaves or retires. The succession plan is most significant for upper management positions. The objective of the plan is to replace the executive who leaves with an individual who can quickly take over the job duties of the position. For a succession plan to succeed, the managers of an organization must implement the plan before it is necessary to replace an employee. Formal succession/ replacement program is likely implemented by larger companies. As a company’s size increases, the number of key or critical positions also increases, resulting in mounting pressure to institute formalized procedures that plan succession processes. University Succession Planning Universities are governed by a board of trustees whose roles and responsibilities are on policy decisions related to human resources and finance. The university senate, make policy decisions on academic matters. Universities, especially public universities, are non-profit organizations. In Universities, there are many sources of leadership and the power of the academics (faculty) gives rise to shared governance arrangements (Padilla, 2005). Universities value discipline excellent over administrative skills. Gaither (2002) argued, academic leadership should be developed based on the organizational structure of multi-type institutions, the different expectations of a more diverse workforce, a flat organizational hierarchy and on academic quality and excellence. 4. Conclusion Based on Leibman et. al (1996), succession planning helps companies: assure the continuity of prepared leaders for key executive positions; engage the senior management team in a disciplined process of reviewing the corporation’s leadership talent; and put the diversity issue on the corporate agenda. Understanding the sources and functions of academic leadership and appreciating their significance in the fabric of the university system are critical to succession planning and institutional success. The key to succession planning is to recognise potential and to cultivate excellence in young academics to become future academics leaders. References: Berger, L.A., & Berger, D. A. (2004). The Talent Management Handbook: Creating Organisational Excellent by Identifying, Developing and Promoting Your Best People. New York: McGraw Hill. Fulmer, R. M., & Conger J. A. (2004). Developing Leaders with 20/20 Vision.” Financial Executive, pp. 38-41 Gaither, G. H. (2002). Developing Leadership Skills in Academia. Academic Leadership. The Online Journal. Retrieved 9 December 2010 from www. academicleadership.org Leibman, M., Bruer, R. A, Maki, B. R. (1996). Succession Management: The Next Generation of Succession Planning Human Resource Planning, Vol. 19. Padilla, A. (2005). Potraits in Leadership Wesport, C.T: American Council on Education. Rothwell, W., Jackson, R., Knight, S., Lindholm, J., Wang, W., & Payne, T. (2005). Career Planning and Succession Management: Developing Your Organization’s Talent for Today and Tomorrow Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press/an imprint of Praeger Grassi, S. V. & Giarmarco, J. H. (2008). Practical Succession Planning for the Family-Owned Business, Journal of Practical Estate Planning; Feb-March 2008, pp. 39 - 49 by: Jazira bt Anuar Faculty Hotel and Tourism Management ‘AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY’ When I was small, my mother used to tell me that ‘an apple a day will keep the doctor away’. So I ate lot of apples without knowing why it is good besides its good taste. Hence, I would like to grab this opportunity by sharing some justification behind this old proverb. First and foremost, eating apple may be beneficial for the heart through lowering the level of cholesterol in heart disease. The pectin found in apples may lower the Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or also known as bad cholesterol particles. On top of that, the pectin may also help in the management of the diabetes through supplying galacturonic acid that lowers the body’s need for insulin (“Six health benefits of apples,” 2011). An apple a day resulted to bone protection as well. The phloridzin or flavanoid found in apples protects post-menopausal women from osteoporosis based on a French researcher study. It also increases the bone density. In spite of that, apples may also prevent several cancer illnesses such as lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and liver cancer (“10 heatlh benefits of apples,” 2007). The richness of fiber in apples assists the digestion process. It ensures smooth bowel movements and prevents constipation and stomach disorders. Last but not least, eating apples play a part to anemia treatment. Anemia is a symptom where some people may experience a decrease number of red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. This can be encountered back through the intake of rich iron diet such as in apples. (“Healths benefits of apple,” n.d.). To sum it up, this high antioxidant fruit may benefit us with healthy circulatory system and cells. Let us eat an apple a day starting from today. Till we meet again some other time with my articles on some other fruits. Have a pleasant day! J References Healths benefits of apple. (n.d). Retrieved from http://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/fruit/ health-benefits-of-apple.html Six health benefits pf apples. (2011). Retrieved from http://www.energize.com/six-health-benefitsof-apples/ 10 heatlh benefits of apples. (2007). Retrieved from http://www.healthdiaries.com/eatthis/10-healthbenefits-of-apples.html Classroom Management: Towards Improving Teaching and Learning Environment by: Noorazlin binti Ramli Classroom management is very important aspect to be concerned in the life of a university in order to improve teaching and learning environment. The academics have tremendous influence on the classroom that they deal with. The styles they employ for management, teaching and interaction with students differ greatly and thus the impact on the students’ behavior will also differ. It is significant that academics and the lecturers scrutinize the views of their students, because their views form the basis for any potential adjustment and development of classroom management techniques. As quoted by Marzano, Marzano and Pickering (2003), the classroom management techniques emphasize that the academics should play various roles in a typical classroom, but surely one of the most important is that of classroom manager. They added that the effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. If students are disorderly and disrespectful, and no apparent rules and procedures guide behavior, chaos becomes the norm. In these situations, both academics and students will suffer. Academics struggle to teach, and students most likely learn much less than they should. In contrast, Barbetta, Morona and Bicard (2005) noted that well-managed classrooms provide an environment in which teaching and learning can flourish. But a well-managed classroom doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. It takes a good deal of effort to create and the person who is most responsible for creating it is the academics. According to Al Hamdan (2007), the term classroom management is no longer exclusively means keeping order inside the classroom. The concept has developed to include many other components such as offering the opportunity for the students to express their views, to disclose their problems and to exchange opinions with academics in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Furthermore, classroom management encompasses all of the activities and behavioral patterns practiced by the academics based on a clear set of rules governing students and academics relations. This requires that the academics should be skillful in what he teaches, able to diversify his teaching techniques, and enhancing students’ develop relationships in class (Raney,2003).The academics who have problems with those skill and ability are frequently ineffective in the classroom, and they often report high level of stress and symptoms of burnout. Learning to manage a classroom requires diligence and careful planning, but it is worth the effort. Once the classroom is running smoothly, academics will spend less time disciplining and much more time teaching and positively interacting with the students. It shows that the classroom management is very important to improve the process of teaching and learning especially in higher institutions and colleges. Classroom management is very important in the process of teaching and learning because it can help the academics to achieve the accurate curriculum design that has been developed by university system. This means that effective academics are skilled at identifying and articulating the proper sequence and pacing of their content with the proper classroom management (Pozo, 2002). In addition, Marzano et al. (2003) revealed that rather than relying totally on the scope and sequence provided by the textbook given to the students, the academics will consider the needs of their students cooperatively and individually. Then, it assists the academics in determining the content that requires to be emphasized and the most appropriate sequencing and presentation of that content. For example, from my view, the academics should enclose with highly skilled at constructing and arranging learning activities that present new knowledge in different formats such as stories, explanations and demonstrations. Besides, the academics will be able to evaluate students in using different media such as oral presentations, written presentations, simulations as well as hands-on activities. Additionally, the effective academics that practicing proper classroom management can prevent all discipline problems by keeping students interested in learning through the use of exciting classroom activities and materials (Watson, Ackerman, Goodwin and Parker, 2007). In addition, the academics could make rules and procedures the priority the first few days of class and explaining each rule and procedure with authority, for example the University’s academic rules and regulations. It includes the passes marks of particular subject, on-going assessments and percentages of attendance. By doing that, academics can effectively enforce their needs for a properly managed class (Ryan, 2009). It was also believe that the potential for problems exists beyond academics. In my own view and experiences, students experience difficulties at colleges which spill over into the classroom, students experience problems with peers during class and in the classroom which often involve the lecturers, and students experience mood changes which can generate problems. Thus, the effective classroom management is to begin the semester by teaching the students the behaviors and conduct expected of them in the classroom. Moreover, the assertive communication style and behavior could be developed while academics assist students in positive behaviors in class (Oyinloye, 2010). They will always know what they want their students to do and the students will involve in the respective learning activities, under the general >> >> conditions of clearly and explicitly stated assessment’s requirement. Minter (2008) describes communication as being a classroom management skill. He notes that the nature of communication between students and academics requires wisdom. The academics must always seek to nourish the sense of love, friendliness, sympathy and consideration (Oyinloye, 2010). For example, one of the essential practices that have been applied is present in the classroom a few minutes earlier than the time set for the class start. Then, the academics should walk in smiling and greeting students, walk around the class, holding brief chats with them on matters of personal and study concerns, try to learn from them what they hope for and answer their queries. Also, the academics or lecturer should stand where he or she is clearly visible to all and pay adequate attention to all students, and give clear instructions as proceeds. Furthermore, the most important point is that they must learn to perfect the art of preparing students be productive through motivation, suspense, keenness to learn and curiosity. Last but not least, classroom management is important to aid academics and lecturers are more enthusiastic about their lessons. When they teach a lesson and teach as if they love what they are doing and be interactive with students, it will engage the students to participate in class (Wong, Harry and Rosemary, 2005). For example, as my practices in classroom, the academics have to develop a method to call on each one of students and don’t let a few of talkative ones dominate the class. Besides, it is important to encourage all of students to participate in lesson and if a student gives a wrong answer, academics or lecturers will encourage and help them to succeed by helping them come up with the correct answer by giving clues, asking questions and probing them. Then, academics have make sure that he always thank all students for their participation in class lessons and also remember to give students enough wait time to answer the question because students are all different and some need more time than others. Engaging students in lectures by moving around the room, asking questions, and employing both verbal and nonverbal teaching methods will ensure that students are paying attention and taking more from the learning experience than simple facts. Furthermore, engaging students boosts their confidence and makes the lesson more effective. Classroom management are of vital importance for the academics who are looking for ways to achieve the accurate curriculum design, accomplish assertive communication style and behavior among students and academics, to aid academics and lecturers are more enthusiastic about their lessons which engage the students to participate in class and minimize the discipline problems among students. The ability of academics to organize classrooms and manage the behavior of their students is critical to positive educational outcomes. Comprehensive academics preparation and professional development in effective classroom management is therefore needed to improve outcomes for students in higher education institution. References Al Hamdan, J. (2010).Higher education classroom management: Kuwait University students’ views. College Student Journal. 15 (4), pp. 565-75. Barbetta, P., Norona, K. & Bicard, D. (2005). Classroom behavior management: A dozen common mistakes and what to do instead. Madrid,Spain: Centre for Research in Education and Educational Technology (CREET) Jack, C (2001). Student Discipline and Classroom Management: Preventing and Managing Discipline Problems in the Classroom. Springfield, IL: Charles C Thomas. Marzano, R. J, Marzano, J. S. & Pickering, D. J. (2003). Classroom Management That Works: Research-Based Strategies for Every Teacher.Alexandria: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Oyinloye, G. O. (2010). Primary School Teachers’ Perception of Classroom Management And Its Influence On Pupils’ Activities. European Journal of Educational Studies. 2(3), pp.21-56. Pozo, M. L. (2002). An instrument for evaluating classroom management (QCME). Electronic Journal of Research Educational Psychology and Psychopedagogy. 1(1), pp. 67-94. Raney, D.(2003). Strategies to Prevent and Reduce Conflict in College Classrooms’, College Teaching, V51 N3 P94-98. Ryan, C. J. (2009). A study of factors that influence high school athletes to choose a college or university, and a model for the development of player decisions. College Student Journal. 5(8), pp. 5-8. Watson, S., Ackerman, M., Goodwin, M. & Parker, K. (2007, February). Improving Instruction for Teacher Candidates ın Classroom Management and Discipline Issues. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, New York. Wong, H. K., & Wong, Rosemary, T. (2005). How to Have a Well-Managed Classroom. How to be an effective teacher. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal. 4(157). Pp 32-46. KANSER YANG DIPANDANG REMEH OLEH SANG PELAKU: KANSER PARU-PARU - ANDA BOLEH MENJAUHINYA OLEH: NUR SYAZNI MOHD SHUKRI , JANNAH MUNIRAH MD NOOR, NOR IDALISA & NOR KHAIRIAH Statistik mengenai Kanser Paru-Paru Statistik menunjukkan penyakit kanser paru-paru merupakan penyebab utama kematian akibat kanser di Malaysia. Sejumlah 95% daripada pesakit kanser paru-paru meninggal dunia dalam tempoh lima tahun selepas diagnosa dilakukan. Daripada jumlah itu, 90% penyebab kanser paru-paru adalah dari amalan menghisap rokok. Kejadian kanser paru-paru juga tinggi di kalangan orang yang tidak merokok tetapi terdedah kepada asap rokok (perokok pasif), Kementerian Kesiahatan Malaysia (2010). Apakah Kanser Paru- Paru? Kanser paru-paru merupakan pertumbuhan selsel abnormal di dalam paru-paru yang tidak boleh dikawal. Sel-sel ini tidak dapat mengawal pembiakannya secara teratur dan menghasilkan satu ketumbuhan yang disebut tumor. Jika tumor ini tidak merebak ke bahagian badan yang lain, ia disebut tumor benigna (bukan kanser). Sebaliknya, jika tumor tersebut merebak ke tisu-tisu dan organ-organ yang berhampiran atau merebak melalui saluran darah atau limfa ia adalah tumor malignan (kanser). Apabila sel kanser ini merebak melalui saluran limfa membengkak. Apabila ia menyusur melalui saluran darah ia boleh merebak ke organ lain khususnya hati, tulang, otak atau paru-paru yang sebelah. Apakah Penyebab Kanser Paru-Paru? Merokok merupakan penyebab utama kanser paru-paru. Asap tembakau mengandungi sebanyak lebih kurang 4,000 jenis bahan kimia yang berlainan. Sekurang-kurangnya 43 daripada bahan kimia ini diketahui menyebabkan kanser. Terdapat juga bukti yang meningkat bahawa asap tembakau di persekitaran boleh menyebabkan kejadian kanser paru-paru di kalangan orang yang tidak merokok (perokok pasif). Ruang pekerjaan yang mendedahkan pekerja kepada asbestos dikaitkan dengan peningkataan risiko kanser paru-paru. Lain-lain jenis pekerjaan yang dikaitkan dengan kanser paru-paru meliputi kerja-kerja yang berhubung rapat dengan kerja-kerja memproses keluli, nikel, krom, dan gas arang batu. Tanda-tanda dan Gejala Kanser Paru-Paru Gejala ini bergantung kepada saiz dan tempat kanser paru-paru itu wujud. Pada peringkat awal, kanser paru-paru mungkin tidak mempunyai sebarang gejala dan tumor tersebut mungkin ditemui secara tidak sengaja melalui X-ray dada. Tanda-tanda biasa ialah: • Batuk yang berterusan • Sesak nafas • Kahak berdarah • Kurang berat badan • Sakit dada • Suara garau >> >> Rawatan Kanser Paru-Paru Kanser paru-paru selalunya susah dikesan diperingkat awal. Apabila kanser paru-paru didiagnosa, ia sudah di peringkat yang serius dan ini membuat kejayaan rawatan semakin sukar. Hanya lebih kurang 5% pesakit kanser paru-paru dapat hidup dan sembuh selepas diagnosa dilakukan. Kanser paru-paru boleh dirawat melalui tiga kaedah utama, iaitu pembedahan, radioterapi dan kemoterapi. Jenis rawatan bergantung kepada saiz, keadaan perebakan, dan histologi (jenis sel) kanser paru-paru tersebut. Kadangkala pesakit memerlukan kombinasi kaedah untuk merawat kanser paru-paru. Pencegahan Kanser Paru-Paru Ini boleh dilakukan dengan: Tidak merokok – Perokok hendaklah berhenti merokok dan orang yang tidak merokok hendaklah menjauhi diri dari tabiat ini. Kesan-Kesan Berhenti Merokok Dan Kanser Paru-Paru Langkah pencegahan yang terbaik yang boleh diambil oleh perokok untuk mengurangkan risiko kanser paruparu ialah berhenti merokok. Berhenti merokok boleh mengurangkan risiko anda mendapat kanser. Lebih lama tahun anda berhenti bermakna lebih tinggi pengurangan risiko kanser anda. Sekiranya anda berhenti merokok sekarang, 15 tahun kemudian risiko kanser paru-paru anda adalah sama dengan orang yang tidak merokok. Bagaimana Cara Berhenti Merokok? Tentu ada ketikanya anda memikirkan perlunya berhenti merokok. Mungkin anda pernah mencuba satu dua kali tetapi tidak berjaya. Tetapi jangan putus asa. Memang tidak ada cara yang mudah. Seperti semua benda yang bernilai anda perlu berusaha untuk berjaya. Inilah Caranya! • Cara yang didapati paling berkesan untuk berhenti merokok adalah dengan berhenti serta-merta dan sepenuhnya. Ini bermakna anda tidak akan merokok langsung selepas membuat keputusan berhenti merokok. • Beritahu keluarga dan kawan-kawan anda keputusan anda untuk berhenti merokok. Dengan sokongan dan galakkan mereka, perkara ini akan menjadi lebih mudah. • Buang semua rokok, mancis, pemetik api dan bekas abu rokok. • Libatkan diri anda dengan hobi atau kegiatan-kegiatan luar seperti berenang, berjalan, berjoging, dan sebagainya untuk memenuhi masa lapang anda. • Minum lebih banyak air dan elakkan minum arak, kopi, dan lain-lain minuman yang boleh merangsang anda untuk merokok kembali. • Belajar untuk menolak tawaran merokok daripada kawan atau orang lain. Jauhi orang-orang yang merokok. • Banyakkan makan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. RUJUKAN • Sekiranya anda mengalami perasaan mahu merokok, cuba tarik nafas panjang-panjang untuk menenangkan fikiran atau minum air sejuk atau pergi mandi. Jangan menyerah kepada perasaan dan menghisap rokok semula. 1. Statistik Kanser Paru- Paru, Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (2010). 2. Risalah Kanser Paru-Paru , Info Kesihatan Hospital Dungun (2011). KEPENTINGAN PERHUBUNGAN PEMASARAN Perhubungan merupakan suatu perkara yang amat penting dalam kehidupan sama ada hubungan dalam percintaan, kekeluargaan, persahabatan mahupun dalam perniagaan. Begitu juga dengan perhubungan pemasaran yang baik dan erat akan memberi banyak kebaikan kepada setiap individu terutamanya kepada usahawan-usahawan bagi mengekalkan pertumbuhan dalam perniagaan di samping meningkatkan keuntungan dalam pasaran. Perhubungan pemasaran yang wujud itu termasuklah perhubungan dengan pelanggan, pemegang saham, agensi kerajaan, bakal pelanggan, pembekal, kakitangan kerana mereka ini memainkan peranan yang penting dalam sesuatu perniagaan. Sebagai usahawan, kita sedar dalam dunia perniagaan yang mencabar ini, kita tidak boleh hanya mengharap kepada keuntungan dengan hanya memasarkan barangan atau perkhidmatan. Ini kerana pesaing-pesaing kita juga memasarkan produk atau perkhidmatan yang sama. Oleh itu adalah amat penting bagi memastikan pelanggan yang ada berpuas hati dengan produk atau perkhidmatan yang kita tawarkan. Oleh itu, dengan mengamalkan perhubungan pemasaran yang baik di mana aktivitinya memfokuskan kepada memberi perhatian atau ‘cakna’ yang serius kepada pelanggan. Jika seseorang usahawan itu tidak cakna kepada pelanggannya sudah pasti mereka tidak akan menggunakan atau membeli lagi produk atau perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan. Tanggungjawab ke arah kecemerlangan pelanggan ini perlu diamalkan oleh semua kakitangan. Justeru, di dalam organisasi perniagaan adalah tidak benar jika hanya kakitangan dalam bahagian pemasaran yang patut mempunyai hubungan Oleh: Mohamad Kamil Ariff Dato’ Khalid Normala Ismail pemasaran yang baik kepada pelanggan. Semua kakitangan sama ada berjawatan ‘CEO’ sehinggalah pekerja bawahan bertanggungjawab ke atas pemasaran. Setiap kakitangan perlu menjiwai dan menjadikannya budaya organisasi dalam memastikan perhubungan pemasaran menjadi satu proses membina atau mempertingkatkan hubungan dengan pelanggan yang sedia ada dan juga kepada bakal-bakal pelanggan baru kita. Setiap pendekatan yang kreatif dan berinovatif serta berkualiti bagi penambahbaikan setiap produk dan perkhidmatan hendaklah diakhiri dengan tahap kepuasan yang maksimum kepada pelanggan kita. Setiap pelanggan yang puas dengan kerja yang kita jalankan, ianya sudah tentu akan mengeratkan lagi hubungan kita dengan pelanggan dan akhirnya menjadikan mereka pelanggan setia dalam perniagaan kita. Pada masa yang sama, pelanggan yang setia ini akan mewar-warkan kepuasan mereka kepada rakan-rakan dalam jaringan persahabatan mereka yang akan menyebabkan bakal pelanggan akan mencuba produk atau perkhidmatan yang kita jalankan. Mereka juga akan mula membeli produk atau perkhidmatan yang lain yang dipasarkan oleh perniagaan kita kerana yakin dengan kehebatan produk atau perkhidmatan keluaran syarikat. LAPORAN SIFE BOOT CAMP Disediakan oleh: Suhaily Maizan Abdul Manaf & Wanniey Fatimah Mohamed SIFE (Student in Free Enterprise) adalah persatuan pelajar yang melibatkan perkong- Kampung Besul Baharu, Bukit Besi, Terengganu. Projek ini masih lagi di peringkat permulaan. sian global di antara perniagaan dan pendidikan tinggi. Ia merupakan satu platform yang terbaik bagi generasi akan datang di dalam aspek keusahawanan dan kepimpinan. Ahli-ahli SIFE terdiri orang telah menyertai SIFE Boot Camp di UiTM Pulau Pinang yang telah diadakan pada 6 hingga 8 daripada mahasiswa universiti yang diketuai oleh Penasihat Fakulti dan Lembaga Penasihat Per- April 2012. SIFE Boot Camp adalah satu platform bagi SIFE UiTM Malaysia mencari projek-projek niagaan Tempatan. Tujuan utama SIFE adalah memberikan khidmat kepada masyarakat berkenaan projek-projek pembangunan yang mengambil kira ilmu yang dipelajari di dalam kelas, terutamanya tentang perniagaan. Seterusnya, menggaplikasikan pengetahuan tersebut dalam menyelesaikan masalah dunia sebenar. Projekprojek yang dijalankan adalah projek yang dapat membantu masyarakat setempat dalam menjana pendapatan individu, ekonomi setempat dan komuniti. Pendedahan terhadap projek yang dibangunkan oleh mahasiswa merangkumi prinsip-prinsip ekonomi pasaran, kemahiran keusahawanan, pengurusan kewangan, etika perniagaan, dan kemampanan alam sekitar. yang terbaik melalui pembentangan yang telah dijalankan oleh SIFE dari kampus Sarawak, Sabah, Terengganu, Shah Alam, Pulau Pinang, dan Kelantan. SIFE UiTM Terengganu telah membentangkan projek penanaman pisang yang diberi nama ‘’Mix-Banana”, dengan diiringi oleh seorang pensyarah pengiring iaitu Cik Nursyazni Mohamad Shukri. Di sana, mereka telah didedahkan dengan pelbagai projek dari kampus lain dalam usaha menilai projek yang sesuai bagi mewakili UiTM ke SIFE National Exposition 2012 pada Julai ini. Dua orang pembentang dari UiTM Terengganu telah berjaya menyampaikan perjalanan projek dan hasil yang bakal diperolehi dari projek tersebut dengan baik sekali. Salah seorang pembentang iaitu Elleena Soraya binti Shamsul Anuar (BM114-Diploma Analisis Pelaburan bahagian 2) telah terpilih untuk mewakili SIFE UiTM Malaysia sebagai Q&A Team ke SIFE National Exposition 2012 di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC) dan seterusnya ke SIFE World Cup 2012 di Washington DC pada bulan Julai dan Oktober ini. Beliau dikehendakki menjalani latihan intensif selama dua bulan bermula pada 15 April 2012 di UiTM Shah Alam. Tahniah diucapkan dan diharapkan beliau berjaya hingga ke peringkat antarabangsa. SIFE UiTM Terengganu telah lama bertapak di kampus ini. Terkini, ia telah melibatkan sepasukan mahasiswa yang terdiri daripada pelbagai program dan bahagian dengan dibantu oleh dua orang penasihat fakulti iaitu Puan Jannah Munirah Mohd Noor dan Puan Suhaily Maizan Abdul Manaf. Ahli-ahli SIFE telah didedahkan mengenai pengurusan projek komuniti dan hasil yang mampu menjana pendapatan yang maksimum kepada kominiti setempat. Projek terbaru yang sedang dijalankan ialah Projek Penanaman Pisang di Pasukan SIFE UiTM Terengganu seramai 17 GALERI GAMBAR SIFE Boot Camp Tabiat Berbelanja Rakyat Malaysia Disediakan oleh: Normala Ismail, Mohamad Kamil Ariff Dato’ Khalid Rakyat Malaysia gemar berbelanja. Keadaan ini sering berlaku, khasnya apabila tiba sesuatu musim perayaan. Tidak dinafikan bahawa rakyat di negara ini sangat mudah tertarik dengan ratusan promosi dan iklan jualan murah yang menawarkan pelbagai potongan harga yang menarik dan istimewa. Aliran perbelanjaan mereka pula bukan sahaja terarah kepada pembelian barangan, tetapi juga kepada perkhidmatan. Sektor perkhidmatan seperti industri automotif, pelancongan dan perhotelan turut memperoleh manfaat akibat daripada sikap rakyat negara ini yang gemar berbelanja. Dengan kata lain, tabiat berbelanja memang agak sinonim dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia dan keadaan ini terbukti apabila indikator ekonomi seperti Kecenderungan Marginal untuk Kepenggunaan [MPC] secara terang–terangan menunjukkan bahawa rakyat di negara ini mempunyai kecenderungan berbelanja yang tinggi. Pada tahun 2011 sahaja, nilai MPC Malaysia adalah sebanyak 0.53, yang ketiga tertinggi selepas negara Indonesia dan India. MPC merujuk kepada indikator statistik ekonomi yang mengukur kecenderungan isi rumah berbelanja bagi setiap ringgit kenaikan dalam pendapatan. Selain itu, kajian oleh Bank Negara Malaysia mendapati bahawa tabiat berbelanja dalam kalangan isi rumah negara ini turut mengalami perubahan. Dahulu, jika mereka gemar berbelanja terhadap barangan yang berbentuk keperluan, kini tabiat berbelanja mereka menganjak kepada barangan bukan keperluan atau perkhidmatan seperti komunikasi, kebudayaan, rekreasi, restoran dan hotel. Ini bermakna kegemaran perbelanjaan pengguna terhadap produk bukan keperluan telah meningkat berbanding dengan produk keperluan asas. Keadaan ini mungkin berlaku disebabkan oleh peningkatan dalam pendapatan boleh guna dan faktor– faktor pengumpulan kekayaan. Persoalannya, adakah isi rumah yang gemar berbelanja dapat membantu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan pembangunan ekonomi negara? Tambahan pula, Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang mengamalkan sistem ekonomi terbuka. Sudah semestinya, sebarang ancaman ekonomi luar seperti inflasi yang diimport mahupun kelembapan ekonomi dunia akan menjejaskan dan membantutkan perkembangan ekonomi negara, terutamanya sektor pembuatan dan pembinaan. 0.7 0.6 0.48 0.5 0.4 0.34 0.50 0.53 0.54 0.58 0.36 Walaubagaimanapun, jika dilihat dari perspektif perniagaan, kecenderungan berbelanja dalam kalangan rakyat negara ini jelas menggambarkan bahawa ekonomi negara mampu menyediakan lebih banyak peluang perniagaan yang hebat. Hal yang demikian kerana tabiat berbelanja akan memastikan permintaan yang berkekalan dan berterusan terhadap barangan dan perkhidmatan yang dikeluarkan. Sekaligus, keadaan ini akan mengurangkan kadar pengangguran dengan mewujudkan lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan sekiranya para pelabur memilih untuk melaburkan modal mereka di negara kita dengan mendirikan lebih banyak kilang sebagai hub pengeluaran mereka. Contohnya, rangkaian jenama kereta dari negara Jepun dan Eropah di samping peruncitan hiper yang telah lama wujud di negara kita ini menyediakan pelbagai peluang pekerjaan mahuppun perniagaan kepada rakyat Malaysia. Namun, tabiat berbelanja dalam kalangan pengguna perlulah berpada–pada. Ia seharusnya dilakukan secara berhemah dan berimbang bagi mengelakkan pembaziran akibat daripada terlebih belanja. Setiap isi rumah perlulah membuat suatu senarai perbelanjaan bulanan yang tersusun, di samping melakukan pemantauan secara teliti setiap kali perbelanjaan dilakukan agar tidak dibebani dengan hutang, khasnya hutang kad kredit yang berlebihan. Di samping itu, menurut perspektif ekonomi, terdapat hubungan tidak langsung antara pendapatan boleh guna isi rumah dengan tingkat harga sesuatu barangan dan perkhidmatan. Misalnya, apabila harga produk meningkat secara berterusan, maka berlakulah inflasi. Peningkatan kadar inflasi akan menyebabkan pendapatan boleh guna isi rumah atau nilai wang semakin lama semakin berkurangan. Justeru, perbelanjaan berhemah sesebuah isi rumah seharusnya menjadi teras dalam mengukuh dan menjamin kedudukan kewangan keluarga yang mantap. Malah, kajian yang dilakukan oleh Institut Penyelidikan Ekonomi Malaysia [MIER] turut menyokong konsep perbelanjaan berhemah apabila isi rumah disarankan agar lebih berhati–hati dalam perbelanjaan mereka disebabkan oleh kenaikan harga sesuatu barangan dan perkhidmatan. Akhir sekali, pihak kerajaan juga perlu memainkan peranan dan tidak ketinggalan dalam usaha memerangi kos hidup yang semakin meningkat. Hasilnya, kerajaan telah memperkenalkan Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara [NKRA]. Sekiranya usaha kerajaan ini berjaya, di samping dapat memperkukuhkan lagi perbelanjaan swasta, maka sudah tentu pertumbuhan ekonomi yang berlaku mampu menghalang ancaman kelembapan ekonomi dunia. 0.3 Rujukan: 0.2 Mohd Afzanizam (2012). Rakyat Malaysia gemar berbelanja. Retrieved from http://www.bharian.com.my/articles/ RakyatMalaysiagemarberbelanja/Article/ 0.1 0 China Singapura Korea Thailand Malaysia India Indonesia Kecenderungan untuk berbelanja bagi setiap kenaikan pendapatan [Sumber: Laporan Bank Negara Malaysia [2011] ONLINE DOCUMENTS:TIPS FOR IN-TEXT CITATION AND REFERENCE LIST USING APA 6 TH BY: NURMUSLIMAH KAMILAH ABDULLAH Generally, when citing information from secondary sources, the writer should follow some guidelines with regards to intext citation and its reference list. The author’s name, year, title of article, digital object identifier (DOI), URL, publishers, etc must be managed wisely. The online sources cited by the writer can be in many forms, published or unpublished, such as journal articles, newspapers, newsletter, thesis/dissertation, general online documents, etc. The articles originated from online databases would not be much of a problem to the writer since it would come together with the author’s name, year, title, name of the journal, volume & number of issue, page number and DOI or URL. Therefore, in the in-text citation, the surname and the year would be easily quoted. In addition, the format of the reference list would be as follows: Author’s name. (year). Title. Name of journal. Volume(issue), page number. Retrieved from http://www.stateTHEurl or doi:XXXX Note: no need to put a period (.) after URL or DOI. Example: Luqman, A., & Abdullah, N. K. (2011). E-business Adoption amongst SMEs: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 16(2), 1-20. Retrieved from http://www.arraydev.com/commerce/jibc/2011-08/AzyaneeLuqman.pdf However, some online documents come with and without the author’s name and the year. This kind of secondary sources would be referred to when writing an article which is not really tied to rigorous criteria, such as the newsletter. The following table shows some examples in citing online documents. It is worthy to mention that the writer only highlights the common techniques. For details, please refer to the stated general sources. Details provided from online document (/ = with) (X = without) Author’s name / / X X Year In-text citation Note: Author’s(s’) name and the year can be placed: 1) Both in parentheses 2) Both in-text 3) Author’s(s’) name in-text, year in parentheses Reference list Note: should be alphabetically listed / Abdullah (2011) stated that in practice it is acceptable to write the problem statement in paragraphs with basic items to be explained pertaining to the current situation, the ideal situation, consequences, and the expected variables to be studied. Abdullah, N. K. (2011). Some misunderstood concepts in doing research among the students. Retrieved from http://terengganu.uitm.edu.my/images/stories/publication/aug_sept_2011web.pdf note: the url is only for example X In practice it is acceptable to write the problem statement in paragraphs with basic items to be explained pertaining to the current situation, the ideal situation, consequences, and the expected variables to be studied (Abdullah, n.d.). note: n.d. = no date Abdullah, N. K. (n.d.). Some misunderstood concepts in doing research among the students. Retrieved from http://terengganu.uitm.edu.my/images/stories/publication/aug_sept_2011web.pdf note: the url is only for example / To cite material that you have not read but that is discussed in another source, refer to both sources in the text, but include in the References list only the source that you actually used (“Summary of guidelines,” 2010). Summary of guidelines for formatting references according to the APA style guide: 6th Edition. (2010). Retrieved from http://informingscience.org/APA.pdf X In practice it is acceptable to write the problem statement in paragraphs with basic items to be explained pertaining to the current situation, the ideal situation, consequences, and the expected variables to be studied (“Some misunderstood concept,” n.d.). General sources: http://informingscience.org/APA.pdf and http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/tutorials/citing/apa-a4.pdf Some misunderstood concepts in doing research among the students. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://terengganu.uitm.edu.my/images/stories/publication/aug_sept_2011web.pdf note: the url is only for example REFERENCES Summary of guidelines for formatting references according to the APA style guide: 6th Edition. (2010). Retrieved from http://informingscience.org/APA.pdf The Importance of Classroom Management and the Way I Practice It by: Fatimah Abd Ghani In classroom study, effective classroom management approaches have long been believed critical for students’ achievement gains (Walberg & Paik, 2000). When classroom management is taken into strict consideration it can improve teaching and learning environment for both parties of the educators and learners. Classroom management is generally envisaged to involve all actions taken by the teacher to guarantee order and effective time use during lessons (Doyle, 1986). It is therefore deem important to ensure that as educator careful and systematic planning is made each time before lessons are taken place in the classroom. Emmer & Stough (2001) pointed out that educators’ ability in organizing classrooms and their students’ behavior is crucial so as to accomplish positive educational outcomes which can makes classes runs smoothly. McCaslin & Good (1992) concluded that one aspect that has received little consideration is the impact of classroom management strategies on students’ motivation. In this regard, it is sometimes argued that learning environments characterized by a high degree of classroom management may have negative effects, particularly where educational objectives other than academic achievement are concerned. Whereas in study conducted by Sprink & Daniels (2010) stressed out the importance of knowledge of a full and varied set of mechanisms is empowering, giving teachers the confidence to reach even the most difficult of students. On top of that, for Rice (2003) had raised issues on the currently raising questions related with educators whether teachers are made or born? And other questions raised are the current emphasis on hiring “high-quality teachers. It is understood that merely talented educators isn’t sufficient in order to teach and it needs to be balanced with training to strengthen their potential.” He realized teachers are the prime factors affecting student success. Successful teachers or educators are more aware on the mechanisms in how to handle students’ behavior. They are also able to give motivation on students’ achievement which can then foster safe and nurturing classroom environment. However teachers who are lacking in both instincts and training are prone to be panic when encounter with students who misbehave and are very liable to try to take charge of the students, hence getting drawn into power struggles. That is why the need of proper training for the educators is essential to undergo especially during the early years of teaching for them so that educators will have more confidence and are at more ease when teaching or disseminating knowledge with their students in the classroom. This is currently practiced whereby new lecturers are send by the management for Basic Teaching and Learning for a few days to expose them on the current practices and techniques on teaching and learning that other experienced lecturers have used or using. As for others, Sprink & Daniels (2010) comprehend what teachers can control in their classrooms which are firstly structuring whereby teachers can structure their classroom for success where effective teachers cautiously arrange their classrooms in ways that prompt responsible student. Next, teacher can teach behavioral expectations to students. Effective teachers explicitly teach students how to behave responsibly and respectfully to the people surround them. Then teachers can also observe and supervise their students continually in class. Effective teachers will monitor student behavior by physically circulating whenever possible and visually scrutinizing all parts of the classroom repeatedly. At all times they also need to interact positively with students and give attention to the students needs whenever possible. Finally teachers will need to correct effortlessly if mistakes are found. Planning ahead for responses to misbehavior of students is to ensure that they respond in a brief, calm, and consistent manner, increasing the chances that the flow of instruction is sustained. From my own practice, this is quite similar with the mentioned researchers which are doing planning in advance. Therefore, before the beginning of the new semester I will ensure that I get the latest course outline for each course that I will be teaching from the main campus, UiTM Shah Alam. Then I will also check and tally with other branch campus in UiTM Penang so that the course that will be taught is standardized for all students regardless which campus they may study. Next, I will do my own scheme of work to be handed to students at the beginning of the first class so that students aware on what they will be learning throughout the semester. Students are also given the class assessment on what they should be expecting and their target for the course so that they can plan themselves. When the class runs, before starting each lesson, I always believe in seeking Allah’s blessings in the very beginning of each lesson. I will recite Surah Al-Fatihah together with my students. >> >> From here, I believed that students will be more willing and sincere to learn as they have sought Allah’s blessing first. Class will start in a quite serene environment and makes students more eager to learn. For me the students will not only have blessings by Allah each time, there will also have more respect and can have better trust in me. I also practice in giving them freedom of speech. There are free to voice out and share their opinions in whatever topic they feel like too and specifically on the topic learned on that day. If they are too embarrassed to ask in class they can also make appointments with me and come personally to my room and discuss. This is important as it can give them more confidence in them expressing their endless ideas and thoughts and they will feel good once they can express them when sometimes no other medium allows them to do so. My practice in giving students freedom and listening to their problems is called empathy. Empathy is a construct, grounded in humanist psychology advocating human needs and interests with the intent of providing some all-round basis for personal growth and development, to go on throughout life in a self-directed manner (Burger, 2006). The study underlined the importance of empathy as a crucial motivational concept to be taken into consideration in student-centered educational systems. Buzkart & Ozden (2010), study is that empathetic behaviors rather than academic competencies of teachers have impact on self report students’ success. The study underlined the importance of empathy as a crucial motivational concept to be taken into consideration in studentcentered educational systems. Empathy is believed to be vital in today’s environment where students can be quite demanding and likes to be given such attention. Apart from those practices, I also implement the use of information technology as to create diversity in teaching. The use of technology such as doing slide presentation in power point and some related videos which I had downloaded from the internet will be shown in class. This can create more interest to students. Baek, Jung & Kim (2008) had concluded that six factors which influenced teachers use technology in their classroom: adapting to external requests and others’ expectations, deriving attention, using the basic functions of technology, relieving physical fatigue, class preparation and management, and using the enhanced functions of technology. Interestingly, these factors do not correspond to the common sense theory of instructional technology. Additionally, we analyzed the patterns of factors’ scores by teachers’ level of teaching experience. From this study we deduced that although the majority of teachers intend to use technology to support teaching and learning, experienced teachers generally decide to use technology involuntarily in response to external forces while teachers with little experience are more likely to use it on their own will. As for Bruce and Levin (2001), they suggest that technology can be helpful in classroom settings by encouraging inquiry, helping communication, constructing teaching products, and assisting students’ self-expression. Technology is emphasized as a medium for enhancing classroom teaching. In general, the term technology shall represent relatively new electronic media such as computers, video, and the associated hardware, networks, and software that enable them to function (Mehlinger & Powers, 2002). Besides that educators should also look at other factors such as language barrier among students. A major finding of the present study is that language anxiety and achievement are negatively related to each other. This result is quite consistent with the previous studies which have shown that students with higher levels of English Language Anxiety performed poorly compared to less anxious students (Batumbu and Erden, 2007; Horwitz, 2001). Na (2007) asserts that “Usually, high anxiety can make learners discouraged, lose faith in their abilities, escape from participating in classroom activities, and even give up the effort to learn a language well. Therefore, the learners with high anxiety often get low achievement makes them more anxious about learning”. Studies had been conducted by Awan, R.N. et al. (2010) in examining anxiety in English undergraduate classes in University of Sargodha, Pakistan. They conclude that language anxiety and achievement are negatively related to each other. Female students are less anxious in learning English as a foreign language compared to the male students. ‘Speaking in front of others’ is ranked the major drawbacks of anxiety which followed by ‘worries about grammatical mistakes’, ‘pronunciation’ and ‘being unable to talk spontaneously’. Therefore they had suggested that teachers need to deal with anxiety-provoking circumstances carefully. In my own practice I will do bilingual teaching in class so that students will understand better. However, when doing assignments and presentation they are forced to only use English language so that they practice and have more confidence in talking in English later on when its needed especially during their future careers. With the combined efforts of all factors mentioned, the appropriate policies, incentives and practices can be put into place and use accordingly. The approaches discussed can ensure that educators can acquire the knowledge and skills in managing classroom efficiently, therefore maximizing learning opportunities for all students, preventing unruly behavior and can respond appropriately to the inappropriate behavior that predictably will occur. Improving teacher quality through effective classroom management which includes behavioral management is a crucial step in improving outcomes in general and special education on all students. This certainly proved will lower the stress level and symptoms of burnt out among the educators. It can also make them more ready and confident to teach, as classroom management is taken care of systematically to make their teaching more enjoyable. >> >> References: Awan, R.N., Azher, M., & Anwar, M.N. (2010). An investigation of Foreign Language Classroom anxiety and its relationship with students’ achievement. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 7(11), 33. Baek, Y., Jung, J., & Kim, B., (2008). What makes teachers use technology in the classroom? Exploring the factors affecting facilitation of technology with a Korean sample. Computers & Education 50, 224–234 Batumulu, D.Z. & Erden, M. (2007). The relationship between foreign language anxiety and English Achievement of Yildiz technical university school of foreign languages preparatory students. Journal of theory and practice in education, 3 (1), 24-38. Bruce, B., & Levin, J. (2001). 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