analisis potensi dan kebutuhan air untuk menyusun rekomendasi
analisis potensi dan kebutuhan air untuk menyusun rekomendasi
Edisi Khusus Rawa, Desember 2013 Halaman Emission of Methane and Carbon Dioxide at Management of Organic Matter on Acid Sulphate Soil under Laboratory Experiment Wahida Annisa, Azwar Maas, Benito H. Purwanto, Jaka Widada ................................................ 1 Relationship between Soil Chemical Properties and Emission of CO2 and CH4 of Guludan under Surjan System in Acid Sulphate Soil Ani Susilawati , Bambang Hendro Sunarminto .................................................................................. 7 Application of Azolla pinnata Enhanced Soil Available P and Rice Yield A. Arivin Rivaie, Soni Isnaini, Maryati ..................................................................................................... 13 Contribution of Endophytic Microbes in Increasing the Paddy Growth and Controlling Sheath Blight Diseases at Transplanting Stage on Tidal Swamps Ismed Setya Budi, Mariana, Ismed Fachruzi, Fachrur Rozy ........................................................... 17 Water Quality Distribution of Peat Swamp of Lowland Areas under Jambi Province Muhammad Naswir, Susila Arita, Marsi, Salni .................................................................................... JTI Edisi Khusus Rawa Hal 1 – 32 Bogor, Desember 2013 ISSN 1410-7244 23 ISSN 1410-7244 Jurnal TANAH dan IKLIM Indonesian Soil and Climate Journal Edisi Khusus Rawa, Desember 2013 Terakreditasi LIPI, No. 471/AU2/P2MI-LIPI/08/2012 Ketua pengarah: Kepala Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian Ketua penyunting: Dr. Yiyi Sulaeman Pengantar Pembaca yang budiman, Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim Edisi Khusus Rawa tahun 2013 diterbitkan dalam rangka International Workshop on Sustainable Management of Lowland for Rice Production, yang diselenggarakan di Banjarmasin, pada tanggal 27-28 September 2012 Naskah yang disajikan dalam Jurnal ini sebanyak lima judul yang merupakan hasil seleksi dan evaluasi dari naskah-naskah yang dipresentasikan dalam workshop tersebut. Anggota penyunting: Prof. Dr. Fahmuddin Agus Dr. Budi Kartiwa Dr. Markus Anda Dr. Edi Husen Dr. Dedi Nursyamsi Dr. Rizatus Shofiyati Penyunting pelaksana: Drs. Widhya Adhy Wahid Noegroho Mitra Bestari: Prof. Dr. Budiman Minasny (Soil Mapping/Pedometrik, The University of Sidney, Australia) Prof. Shamshuddin Jusop (Soil Genesis and Mineralogy, UPM, Malaysia) Prof. Dr. Budi Indra Setyawan (Hidrologi & Fisika Tanah, IPB) Prof. Dr. Abdul Hadi (Mikrobiologi/Unlam) Prof. Dr. Azwar Maas (Pedology, UGM) Prof. Dr. Antonius Suwanto (Mikrobiologi/Bioteknologi, IPB) Prof. Dr. Aris Poniman (Geo Informasi Spasial & Inderaja, BIG) Dr. M. Rokhis Khomaruddin (Inderaja, LAPAN) Dr. Ali Jamil (Kimia dan Kesuburan Tanah, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Dr. Ai Dariah (Konservasi Tanah dan Air, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Dr. Eleonora Runtunuwu (Agroklimatologi, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Dr. Fadjry Djufry (Agroklimatologi/Crop modeling, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Dr. Ladiyani Retno Widowati (Kesuburan Tanah, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Dr. D. Subardja (Genesis & Klasifikasi Tanah, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Dr. Sukarman (Pemetaan Tanah, Badan Litbang Pertanian) Penerbit: Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian Alamat Redaksi: Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 12 Bogor 16114 Telp. (0251) 8323012 Fax. (0251) 8311256 Email: Frekuensi terbit: Dua kali per tahun (Juli dan Desember) Redaksi mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para penulis yang telah memberikan kontribusi dalam pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang ilmu tanah dan iklim. Redaksi juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada para pakar (Mitra Bestari) yang telah meluangkan waktunya untuk menilai artikel yang dimuat pada edisi ini. Redaksi mengundang para praktisi, akademisi, dan peneliti di bidang ilmu tanah dan iklim untuk mempublikasikan hasil penelitiannya maupun ideide atau gagasan baru yang orisinil. Kontribusi dari para pembaca dengan mengirimkan tulisan, saran dan komentar sangat diharapkan. Sebagai media komunikasi ilmiah dalam bidang ilmu tanah dan iklim, jurnal ini berperan dalam menyebarluaskan berbagai hasil penelitian guna meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang pentingnya sumberdaya lahan bagi keberlanjutan produktivitas tanah dan tanaman. Akhir kata, redaksi berharap semoga artikel ilmiah yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini memberi inspirasi bagi para pembaca untuk berperan aktif dalam rangka pengembangan ilmu dan teknologi terutama di bidang ilmu tanah dan iklim. Bogor, Desember 2013 Redaksi Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim Edisi Khusus Rawa, 2013 CONTRIBUTION OF ENDOPHYTIC MICROBES IN INCREASING THE PADDY GROWTH AND CONTROLLING SHEATH BLIGHT DISEASES AT TRANSPLANTING STAGE ON TIDAL SWAMPS Ismed Setya Budi, Mariana, Ismed Fachruzi, Fachrur Rozy Lecturer, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University, Jl. A. Yani Po Box 1028 Banjarbaru 70714, South Kalimantan INFORMASIARTIKEL Riwayat artikel: Diterima: Disetujui: Keywords: Endophyte Rice sheath blight Tidal swamps Abstract. Tidal swamps are mostly cultivated with by local paddy varieties and one of the plant diseases that is very crucial in transplanting stage (taradak, ampak and lacak) is soil borne pathogen. The research was conducted on tidal swamps type B in Barito Kuala, South Kalimantan, it was M&M arranged in split plot design with the combination of endophytic microbe and transplanting stage application time as the treatments. Endophytic microbes formulation were Trichoderma viride PS-2.1, Nonpathogenic Fusarium PS-1.5, and Pseudomonas fluorescens PS-4.8. Combination application of endophytic microbes and transplanting stage on tidal swamps could decrease the disease intensity of sheath blight, as about 49.39 to 93.25%. Endophyte could also be able to stimulatethe plant growth that was indicated by the addition of plant height around 2.05 to 24.00 cm, the addition of rice grain weight as 0.7 to 9.3 g/1000 grains, and the addition of seed weight as about 0.3-1.2 kg. The result of soil analysis before and after application the endophyte showed that there was an increase in soil fertility with the element addition of N, P, K and pH. Introduction Sheath blight is one of the most importance disease that attacks paddy cultivated in tidal swamps of South Kalimantan. In the field, diseases intensity always increase because the difficulty to control it on the flooded condition (Budi and Mariana, 2009). So, it takes a certain control method which more space effective, efficient, and safe for the environment. Thus, the use ofspecificbiological agents should be done immediately because of consumer demand on synthetic chemicals free products. On biological control, R. solani can be parasitized by mycoparasites such as Gliocladium spp., Trichoderma spp. and Verticillium biguttatum Gams (Van den Boogert, 1996). The fungus V. biguttatum is a mycoparasite with biological activity against the important soil borne pathogen. According to Howell and Stipanovic (1995), the growth of R. solani on the cotton plant can be controlled by seed treatment using Gliocladium virens. Antagonists of nonpathogenic Fusarium strains which isolated from supressif soil has a capability to reduce the disruption caused by Fusarium wiltin some plant (Nel et al. 2006). While the bacterium Pseudomonas capacia, P. fluorescens *Corresponding author:; Phone: +6281933753340 and P.gladiowere alsoable to control the the growth of P. solanacearum causing wilt on tomato. Other bacteria such as Bacillus mesentericus, B. megaterium, B. mycoides and Erwinia sp. Also act as biological control of wilt disease in several plant (Hartman et al. 1992). The use of specific biological agents which have had a coevolution will be able to stimulate the development of harmful plant rhizosphere microorganisms (von Alten et al. 1993), and this can always be isolated more than one kind of antagonist (Budi and Mariana, 2009). Therefore,what is needed is to select the best combination of antagonists that can be better protect plants against various pathogens disorders. Materials and Methods This experiment was carried out on tidal swamplands of B type of Desa Karang Indah, Kabupaten Barito Kuala Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan during dry session 2009/2010. The experiment employed split plot design to determine the effects of treatments and the differences between treatments were tested using DMRT at 5% level. Isolation and Mass Production of Endophytic Agents Plant samples were taken from health plants on the infested area of paddy. Isolation of endophyte was done on the stem of plants and the rhizosphere zone. Isolation was 17 Ismed Setya Budi et al.: Contribution of Endophytic Microbes in Increasing the Paddy Growth based on Homby methods (Fokkema et al. 1959) and continued with dilution plate method (10-4 to 10-6). Each isolated of Pseudomonas fluorescens group was then tested according to Dhingra & Sinclair method (1995). Inhibition Ability and Sinergism Test of endophytic fungi and rhizosphere bacteria against R.solani on in vitro Condition Tests were carried out on an potato dextrose agar (PDA) in a petri dish by growing isolates that existin pairs, then performed measurements to see the growth inhibition by using the formula of Fokhema (Fokhema et al. 1959); I = (r1 - r2) (r1) – 1 x 100 Description: I is the percentage of inhibition r1 is the radius of A colony that grows in the opposite direction to B r2 is the radius of A colony that grows in the direction of B. Isolates that have the ability to inhibit the growth of pathogens in pairs test were then performed to determine the best combination of paire disolates. In Vivo Test of Endophytic Hitting Ability on sheath blight Disease In-vivo test conducted in field experiment (split plot design). Endophytic inoculation was performed straw at one month before seedling . While the application of antagonists conducted of soil one week before transplanting stage, and also at the time of planting by soaking seeds for 24 hoursat10-4 per ml spore suspension. Observations were carried out three weeks later in transplanting stage (local term are: taradak, ampak and lacak) by counting the number of plants that wilt or sheath blight symptoms and measure the height of the plant, seed weight and grain weight. To determine effect of the difference between treatments then tested DMRT at 5% level test. Results and Discussion Effect on Disease Intensity and Plant Height The results of analysis variance showed that there wasa significant treatment effect than the controls as shown in the Table 1 and Fig 1, ie disease intensity and plant height. In the taradak stage treatment effect T. viridae + P. fluorescens, T. viridae + FNP, FNP + P. fluorescens, T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens was not significantly differentto the intensity ofthe disease, 18 butthere is a significant difference on plant height. The treatment gives the best effect on plant height is T. viridae + FNP. In the ampak stage there is no difference effect to diseases intensity between T. viridae + P. fluorescens and FNP + P. fluorescens. However, they have effect differences with T. viridae + FNP and T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens. While the T. viridae + FNP and T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens has a different effect . At ampak stage there are not differences influence between T. viridae + P. fluorescens and FNP + P. fluorescens on disease intensity. However, they are have different effect with T. viridae + FNP and T. viridae + FNP + P.fluorescens. While the T. viridae + FNP and T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens have adifferent effect. The best treatment suppress the intensity of the disease is FNP + P. fluorescens (smallest intensity, 7.28%). Effect of treatment on the ampak stage to plant height showed T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens different than T. viridae + P. fluorescens. T. viridae + FNP. Treatment T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens give higest effect on plant height (53.40 cm). On the lacak stage, T. viridae + P. fluorescens have the lowest disease intensity. This treatment has no effect differences with FNP + P. fluorescens and T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens, but they have effect difference with T. viridae + FNP. At T. viridae + P. fluorescens treatments give effect smallest disease intensity (5.00%). There is no significantly difference between T. viridae + FNP and T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens, but the both have significantly differences with other. T. viridae + FNP and T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens have the best effect on plant height ( 75.74 and 72.29 cm). In general, all three phases of the reduction in disease intensity ranged between 49.39 and 93.34%, while the addition of plant height ranged between 2.05 and 24.00cm. Guetsky et al. (2001). Two biocontrol agents, Pichia guilermondii and Bacillus mycoides, were tested separately and together for suppression of Botrytis cinerea on strawberry leaves. The biocontrol agents significantly inhibited spore germination, lesion formation, and lesion development. The mixture of B. mycoides and P. guilermondii suppressed B. cinerea effectively (80 to 99.8% control). Thus, application of both biocontrol agents resulted in better suppression of B.cinerea, and also reduced the variability of disease control. Application of more than one biocontrol agent is suggested as a reliable means of reducing the variability and increasing the reliability of biological control. Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim Edisi Khusus Rawa, 2013 Table 1. Effect of treatment on disease intensity and plant height on three transplanting stage Taradak Symptom Intensity Reduction Treatments 29.50 c Control T. viride+ P. fluorescens T. viridae + FNP FNP + P. fluorescens T. viridae + FNP + P. fluorescens 8.73 a 11.36 a 9.28 a 10.10 a Transplanting Stage On Tidal Swamps Ampak Lacak Symptom Symptom Plant Plant Height Intensity Height Intensity Reduction Reduction 0.00 18.25 a 46,00 d 70.41 24.15 b 10,40 a 29.74 c 18.42 b 7,28 a 23,28 c 51.32 68.54 65.76 21.40 ab 25.29 b Plant Height 0.00 37.20 a 75.12 c 0.00 45.57 a 77.39 44.17 b 5.00 a 93.34 64.15 b 46.12 b 21.18 b 71.81 75.74 c 10.00 a 86.69 50.12 ab 6.47 a 91.39 72.29 c 60.00 84.17 49.39 50.72 bc 53.40 c **Within column, means values followed by different letters are significantly different (P<0.01; LSD test). In treatment has effect to decrease disease intensity and to increase plant height. In the microbe have capability to induced plant resistance to disease, therefore they produce chemical which trigger plant defence response. Yedida et al. (1999) reported that Trichoderma penetrate epidermis and outer cortex strengthen it.This is due to deposition of newly formed barriers. This typical host reaction were found beyond the sites of potential fungal penetration.Wall apposition contained large amounts of callose and infiltrations of cellulose. The wall-bound chitin in Trichoderma hypahewas preserved, even when the hyphae had undergone substansial disorganization. Biochemical analyses revealed that inoculation with Trichoderma initiated increased peroxidase and chitinase activities within 48 and 72 h, respectively. Nonpathogenic Fusarium can induce systemic resistance in plant when invade host plant species before the pathogen (Kaur et al. 2010). cotton growth as root length, shoot length, fresh weight, dry weight and vigour index. In our research the microbe promote plant height, grain weight, and seed weight, but in grain weight and seed weight just some treatment significantly different than control (Table 2). Fuchs et al. (1997), Nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strain Fo47 controls the incidence of Fusarium wilt. Four bioassays in which a strain of the pathogen F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and Fo47 were not in direct contact were developed to evaluate whether Fo47 could induce resistance to Fusarium wilt in tomato plants. Inoculation with Fo47 increased chitinase, b-1,3glucanase, and b-1,4-glucosidase activity in plants, confirming the ability of Fo47 to induce resistance in tomato. Microbe nonpathogenic strain of F. oxysporum can induce resistance to Fusarium wilt in tomato plants. As shown Table 2 and Figure 2 the best combination of Figure 1. The intensity of the disease and plant height after application at transplanting stage Another mechanism in the control of plant pathogens by antagonistic microbes is parasitism, antibiosis, and competitionsite andnutrients. Trichoderma spp. can compete with other microorganism for key exudates from seed that stimulate germination of propagules of plant pathogenic fungi in soil (Harman et al. 2004). It have known that some microbe as Trichoderma spp and P. fluorescens can promote plant growth. Shanmugalah et al. (2009) reported that Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescens to promote plant treatment to reduce disease intensity and to increase plant height is T4P1 (smallest intensity, 10.8%, and plant highest, 172.2 cm). While the best treatment for the increased weight of grain is T4P4 (the heaviest, 30.2g/1.000grain) and to increase the weight of the seed is T4P1 (the heaviest, 3.6 g/1.000 seed). In general, increased grain weight and seed weight, each ranging between 0.7 and 9.3 g/1.000 grains, and between 0.3 and 1.2 g. 19 Ismed Setya Budi et al.: Contribution of Endophytic Microbes in Increasing the Paddy Growth Table 2. Effect of treatment on Diseases Intensity, plant height, grain weight and seed weighton tidal swamp type B Treatmen K P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 T1 T2 T3 T4 Diseases Intensity (%) 62.4 d 19.2 b 28.1 bc 21.2 bc 20.3 bc 22.7 bc 18.7 bc 20.5 bc 23.3 bc 13.4 ab 10.8 a 17.5 b 12.4 a Plant height (cm) 125.7 a 160.8 bc 157.6 bc 159.0 bc 162.6 c 158.4 bc 165.5 c 167.5 c 159.9 bc 167.3 c 172.2 d 168.9 c 169.5 c Grain weight (g) 20.9 ab 23.7 b 21.8 ab 22.9 ab 22.8 ab 22.1 ab 27.5 bc 21.6 ab 19.9 a 23.6 b 28.4 bc 27.3 bc 30.2 c Seed Weight (kg) 2.4 a 2.6 ab 2.8 b 2.8 b 3.0 bc 2.7 ab 3.2 c 2.8 b 2.4 a 3.0 bc 3.6 d 2.7 ab 3.1 c Mean values followed by the different letters are significantly different from each other(P<0.05) accordingDMRT T1 T2 T3 T4 P1 P2 P3 K = = = = = = = = Combination T. viridae PS-2.1 and P. fluorescens PS-4.8 Combination T. viridae PS-2.1 and FNP PS-1.5 CombinationFNPPS-1.5 and P. fluorescens PS-4.8 Combination T. viridae PS-2.1 and FNP PS-1.5 and P. fluorescens PS-4.8 Application endophytic at straw one month before planting Application by soaking seeds for 24hours before planting Kombination P1 + P2 Control. Figure 2. Effect of treatment on disease intensity, plant height, grain and seed weight Effect of microbes onsoil nutrients and soil pH The microbe enhance nutrient and pH soil as shown in Table 3 dan Fig 3. This occurs because the fungi and bacteria as decomposers of organic material. Thus, the organic material decompose into compost so that enrich the soil and available to plants. Thus, the organic material decompose into compost so that enrich the soil and nutrients are available to plants. In addition, microbe and organic composting material change soil pH becomes more alkaline so the nutrients become available to plants. This finding is in agreement with Yan et al. (1996) who found increases in soil pH with glucose addition due to the decarboxylation of functional groups and aminization of nitrogen compounds. This contributes to plant growth. The combined activity was due to the summation of biocontrol mechanisms of both agents. The modes of action of the biocontrol agents were elucidated and the relative quantitative contribution of each mechanism to suppression of Botrytis cinerea was estimated using multiple regression with dummy variables. The improvement in control efficacy achieved by introducing 20 one or more mechanisms at a time was calculated.Pichia guilermondii competed with Botrytis cinerea for glucose, sucrose, adenine, histidine, and folic acid (Guetsky et al. 2002). Table 3 and Figure 3 show that treatments to elevate the content of N, P, and K. The increase in N after treatmen tranged from 0.410 (T. viridae +P.fluorescens) and 0.456 (T. viridae +FNP+P.fluorescens). While the increase in Pranged between 0.002 (T. viridae +FNP+P.fluorescens) and 0.015 (FNP +P.fluorescens). At K, the increase ranged from 0.383(T. viridae + FNP) and 0.485 (T. viridae +FNP+ P.fluorescens). For pH, the increase ranged from3.42 ( T. viride+FNP) and 3.63 (P. fluorescens + FNP). So, does an increasedue to treatment, but not the best hikes on just one treatment. Paddy residues can be a source of organic material for the growth of rice plants in the field. Residues contains a highcellulose and decomposition process takes time, but with the activity of the microbial decomposition of running fast. Decomposition into mono sacchari decompounds, CO2 ando ther organic acids (Rao, 1994). Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim Edisi Khusus Rawa, 2013 Table 3. Effect of microbes on soil nutrient and pH Soil Nutrient Analysis Treatment Before Treatment N P After Treatment K pH N P K pH CONTROL T. viridae PS-2.1 + P. fluorescens PS-4.8 0.546 0.546 0.021 0.021 0.352 0.352 3.97 3.97 0.533 0.956 0.020 0.026 0.366 0.485 5.72 7.50 T. viridae PS-2.1 + FNP PS-1.5 0.546 0.021 0.352 3.97 0.984 0.024 0.383 7.39 FNPPS-1.5 + P. fluorescens PS-4.8 0.546 0.021 0.352 3.97 0.979 0.036 0.399 7.60 T. viridae PS-2.1 + FNPPS-1.5 +P. fluorescens PS-4.8 0.546 0.021 0.352 3.97 1.002 0.023 0.457 7.42 Soil acidity and pH affects the availability of nutrients, because in general the acid soils nutrientsless available, at neutral pH of nutrients available to plants. While the tidal swamps on South Kalimantan in generalis acidic. So this treatment helps increase the acidity of the soil to be neutral. In general, availability of nutrients can help increaseplant resistance to disease and plant growth. According to Harman (2006), Trichoderma sp pasplant symbionts capable of being able to control some of the root and leaf disease resistance mechanisms affected and directly attacking pathogens and changing the composition of microflora roots. growing hyphae of the biocontrol fungi within a 2- to 3day period under no special aseptic conditions. G. virens and T. hamatum applied to soilless mix at a rate of 1.5% (wt/wt) reduced damping-off of eggplant caused by Rhizoctonia solani. The inhibition of pathogen spread significantly reduced the pos temergence damping-off of cucumber, eggplant, and pepper seedlings. Trichoderma effect on plants, and the presence of local and systemic resistance affected. These fungi colonize the root epidermi sand oute rcortex and secrete bioactive molecules that cause the formation ofcell walls fromTrichoderma thalus. At the same time, the plant Figure 3. The results ofchemicalanalysis ofsoilbefore and afterapplication formulation in tidal swaps Contribution of pH available to plants on tidal swamps in South Kalimantan in general is acidic and availability of nutrients can help increase plant resistance to disease and plant growth. Maurhofer et al. (1998), of salicylic acid induces systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. pchA and pchB, which encode for the biosynthesis of salicylic acid in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These constructs were introduced into two root-colonizing strains of P. fluorescens and significantly improved its ability to induce systemic resistance in tobacco against tobacco necrosis virus. Lewis et al. (1998), Trichoderma spp. and Gliocladium virens to produce achlamydospores actively transcrip to meandproteome changes, so willspur resistance of plants, increasing plant growth and increase nutrient absorption (Harman, 2006). Conclusions Application of microbes used in this study shows that they have a good effect, which reduces the intensity of the sheat blight disease, stimulated plant height, grain weight and seed weight. Microbes also have the effect of soil fertility, which is made of N,P, and K increased and available to plants. In addition the research also showed 21 Ismed Setya Budi et al.: Contribution of Endophytic Microbes in Increasing the Paddy Growth that an increase in soil pH. However, there is no single best combination for each parameter measured. Thus, this treatment can be applied to tidal swam price field by considering the best treatments. This result combination isolate has important practical implications for biocontrol of paddy on tidal swamps diseases under commercial. References Benhamou,N., C. Garand and A Goulet. 2002. Ability of Nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Strain Fo47 to Induce resistence aggainst Pythium ultimum infection in cucumber. Applied Environ. 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PENYIAPAN MAKALAH RUANG LINGKUP Jurnal ini menerima makalah-makalah dari berbagai sumber jika memberikan kontribusi yang orisinal terhadap pemahaman teoritis dan percobaan, serta aplikasi dari teori dan metodologi dari berbagai aspek ilmu tanah dan ilmu iklim pertanian di Indonesia. Jurnal dipublikasikan dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dua kali dalam satu tahun. PENGIRIMAN MAKALAH Makalah diketik pada kertas ukuran A4 dengan spasi ganda dan pias atas, bawah, kiri, kanan 3 cm, dengan maksimum 20 halaman. Font menggunakan Time New Roman 12pt dalam format MS Word. Makalah harus diberi nomor baris. Tabel dan gambar harus dipisahkan dari tubuh tulisan dan diletakan setelah daftar pustaka. Lokasi tabel dan gambar harus ditandai di dalam tubuh tulisan. Untuk pengiriman, makalah harus disusun dalam urutan sebagai berikut: 1. Surat pengantar ke Editor 2. Abstrak (Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris) 3. Tubuh tulisan a. Pendahuluan b. Bahan dan metode c. Hasil dan Pembahasan d. Kesimpulan e. Ucapan terima kasih (jika ada) f. Daftar pustaka g. Tabel dengan nomor tabel h. Gambar dengan nomor gambar i. Daftar judul tabel j. Daftar judul gambar 4. Lampiran (jika ada) Makalah beserta kelengkapannya dikirimkan ke alamat berikut: Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim Balai Besar Litbang Sumberdaya Lahan Pertanian Jl. Tentara Pelajar 12, Cimanggu, Bogor, Indonesia Email: Makalah lebih disukai apabila dikirim secara online. Penulis dapat memengirimkannya melalui alamat website: Judul harus jelas, faktual, informatif dan terdiri atas maksimum 15 kata. Nama lengkap penulis ditulis di bawah judul yang dilengkapi dengan alamat penulis. Abstrak meringkaskan penelitian dalam satu paragraf dan ditulis tidak lebih dari 250 kata. Abstrak menguraikan secara singkat masalah yang dikaji, cakupan penelitian, mengindikasikan data yang penting untuk ditampilkan, dan menyajikan penemuan utama dan kesimpulan. Makalah terdiri atas Pendahuluan, Bahan dan Metode, Hasil dan Pembahasan, Kesimpulan, dan Daftar Pustaka. Ucapan terima kasih dan Lampiran boleh ditambahkan jika perlu. Pendahuluan meletakan penelitian dalam persfektif penulis, mengulas literatur secara singkat, dan menyatakan secara jelas tujuan dan arti penting dari penelitian. Detil yang cukup disajikan dalam Bahan dan Metode agar peneliti lain dapat menilai penelitian dan menduplikasi prosedur. Gambar dan tabel disajikan di bagian Hasil dan Pembahasan yang menguraikan hasil dalam hubungannya dengan tujuan dan hasil penelitian lainnya. Kesimpulan ditarik sesuai dengan judul, tujuan dan pembahasan hasil. Ucapan terima kasih disajikan secara singkat (kurang dari 40 kata) Penyitiran dalam teks menggunakan sistem namatahun dalam dua bentuk, yaitu Subandi (1990) atau (Subandi 1990). Jika lebih dari satu sitiran, sitiran harus disebutkan bersamaan dan ditulis dalam urutan tanggal; contohnya, (Partohardjono and Adiningsih 1991; Widjaja-Adhi 1995; Muljadi 1997). Jika lebih dari dua penulis, ditulis nama pertama dan diikuti et al. Singkatan et al. TIDAK PERNAH digunakan dalam Daftar pustaka. Semua sitiran/acuan harus disajikan dalam Daftar Pustaka. Daftar Pustaka disusun menurut urutan alfabetis. Masing-masing pustaka yang disitir adlah yang tercantum dalam teks. Format pembuatan pustaka adalah sebagai berikut: Artikel Jurnal Akhter, M. and C.H. Sneller. 1996. Yield and yield components of early maturing soybean genotypes in the mid-south. Crop Sci. 36: 877-882. Buku Bosc, A.N., S.N. Ghosh, C.T. Yang, and A. Mitra. 1991. Coastal Aquaculture Engineering. Oxford and IBH Pub. Co. Prt. Ltd., New Delhi. 365 pp. Artikel di Buku/Bab Powers, D.A. and P.M. Schulte.1996. A molecular approach to selectionist/neutralist controversy. p. 327-352. In J.D. Ferraris and S.R. Palumbi (Eds.) Molecular Zoology: Advances, Strategies, and 23 Ismed Setya Budi et al.: Contribution of Endophytic Microbes in Increasing the Paddy Growth Protocols. Wiley-Liss, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware (DE). Disertasi/tesis Simpson, B.K. 1984. Isolation, Characterization, and Some Application of Tripsin from Greenland Cod (Gadus morhua). PhD Thesis. Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. 179pp. Prosiding Konferensi Tangendjaja, B. and E. Wina. 2000. Tannins and ruminant production in Indonesia. p. 40-43. In J.D. Brooker (Ed.) Tannins in Livestock and Human Nutrition. Proceedings of an International Workshop, Adelaide, Australia, 31 May-2 June, 1999. ACIAR Proceedings no. 92. Artikel Konfrensi Chin, L.J., L.M. Tan, and K. Wegleitner. 2007. Occurrence of mycotoxins in feed samples from Asia. A continuation of the Bromin mycotoxin survey program. Paper presented in 15th Annual ASA-IM Southeast Asian Feed Technology and Nutrition Workshop, 27-30 May 2007, Bali-Indonesia. Artikel penelitian (working paper)/laporan/artikel kerja Hanya artikel yang merupakan bagian dari serial publikasi oleh institusi yang dikelompokan sebagai artikel penelitian (Working Paper). Ini harus mencantumkan nomor artikel penelitian yang diberikan oleh institusi. Contoh: Heidhues, P. and B. Kassogi. 2005. The Impact of Consumer Loss Aversion on Pricing. Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper 4849. Artikel online Hawk, A. 2004. Mycotoxins. Proc. Grain Elevator and Processing Society (GEAPS). http://www.geaps. com/ proceedings/2004/Hawk.ctm. (1 July 2008). Korespondensi pribadi tidah disebutkan dalam Daftar Pustaka tetapi dapat disitir dalam teks secara langsung: (Z.Harahap, pers. com.). Tulisan yang telah diterima untuk publikasi tetapi belum dipublikasikan dapat disitir sebagai 'in press' dalam Daftar Pustaka, dan harus disertai dengan nama jurnal. Contoh: Husen, E., A.T. Wahyudi, A. Suwanto, and R. Saraswati.2008. Prospectif use of ACC deaminaseproducing bacteria for plant growth promotion and defence againstbiotic and abiotic stresses in peatsoil-agriculture. Microbiol. Indones. (in press). Satuan Pengukuran menggunakan sistem SI untuk semua jenis pengukuran. Tabel harus diketik dengan spasi ganda, dinomori secara berurut, mempunyai judul yang singkat, dan diacu dalam teks. Garis vertikal tidak diperbolehkan. Catatan kaki menggunakan nomor dengan superscript. 24 Ilustrasi: gambar garis dibuat menggunakan tinta hitam pada kertas putih. Semua gambar disesuaikan dengan ukuran jurnal dan proporsional tanpa kehilangan detil. Gambar yang dibuat dengan microsoft office dapat dikirim dalam file utuh atau yang sudah dikonversi ke dalam bentuk file .tif. Setiap gambar diberi judul, diikuti oleh deskripsi singkat. Simbolsimbol singkatan yang terdapat dalam gambar harus dilengkapi dengan penjelasan. Setiap gambar dinamai dengan nama penulis, judul tulisan, dan nomor gambar. Foto yang dikirimkan harus memiliki kualitas baik dengan tingkat ketajaman yang cukup. KOMENTAR EDITOR Semua makalah yang dikirimkan ke Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim dinilai (di-review) oleh Dewan Editor yang terdiri atas Penyunting dan Mitra Bestari yang bertindak sebagai wasit sesuai dengan topik dan cakupan keahlian masing-masing. Para wasit akan menilai apakah makalah yang dikirimkan memberikan kontribusi yang nyata pada Ilmu Tanah dan Ilmu Iklim Pertanian di Indonesia, orisinal, dan hasil penelitian sah dan nyata. Penolakan makalah oleh Dewan Editor bersifat final. Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim Edisi Khusus Rawa, 2013 25