chas newsletter - Cedars Castle Hill
chas newsletter - Cedars Castle Hill
CHAS NEWSLETTER DECEMBER DATES Monday 29th November - 10.30am - 12pm Christmas Coffee Morning at Castle Hill House Monday 6th December (until 9pm) Shaftesbury Town Late Night Shopping Wednesday 8th December - 3pm Residents & families Tea Party & Grand Opening of the Lounge at The Cedars 7pm - Trustees & Staff Supper in the new lounge at The Cedars Friday 10th December - 2pm Abbey Primary School - Carol singing at CHH Monday 13th December - 10.30am Slide show of The Lake District at CHH 11am Abbey Primary School - Carol Singing at The Cedars Tuesday 14th December - 11am Cinderella Pantomime at Castle Hill House Wednesday 15th December - 11am Cinderella Pantomime at The Cedars Wed 15th December -10.30am North Dorset Quilters at Castle Hill House (Garden Room) Wednesday 22nd December - 6pm St Peters Choir to sing to the residents at Castle Hill House Friday 17th December - 7.30pm Staff Dinner & Disco At The Royal Chase Hotel Friday 24th December - 5.30pm Father Christmas & his helpers arriving at The Cedars Nursing Home Friday 24th December - 6.30pm Father Christmas & his helpers arriving at Castle Hill House NOVEMBER 2010 REFURBISHMENT AT THE CEDARS The refurbishment at the Cedars is nearly finished. We are now enjoying a new raised garden for residents to grow their own vegetables. There is also a roof on the pergola, which has just finished off the structure, but the biggest change is the Lounge (upstairs and downstairs) along with the sun lounge, what a huge difference that makes. The decoration, carpets and soft furnishing ties the whole room in. The residents are going to enjoy these two rooms so much. The removal of the central pillar has transformed the lounge. The grand opening for the Evelyn Evans lounge and sunroom is Wednesday 8th December, starting at 3pm for residents and families and goes on into the evening with our Trustees supper. GRAND OPENING OF THE EVELYN EVANS LOUNGE AT THE CEDARS NURSING HOME ON WEDNESDAY 8TH DECEMBER AT 3PM FAMILIES AND STAFF WELCOME GOLD STANDARD FRAMEWORK Firstly, we would like to wish Rebecca well with the impending birth of her baby and to thank her for all the hard work she has put into the GSF, also to welcome Alison Walpole a nurse at the Cedars Nursing home who is taking Rebeccas place as GSF Coordinator—we look forward to working with her. We have now completed the final workshop and are meeting regularly to ensure all the paperwork and training is in place before we hold staff meetings to continue embedding our knowledge and plans, please look out for dates on the notice boards. Throughout the GSF program we have improved greatly on our already good relations with other local homes, G.P.’s, District Nurses, Hospitals & Clergy—we really do feel part of an excellent team and am sure this will go from strength to strength. Nicky Tudor—Deputy Manger Medication Training in Dorchester on 20th January 2011 for trained staff There are a few staff photos still to be taken. If you have not had your photo taken in your new uniform, please see Alison. TEA & CAKES AT GROVE FARM ALL THE STAFF AND RESIDENTS AT CASTLE HILL HOUSE AND THE CEDARS NURSING HOME WOULD LIKE TO THANK SARA JACSON FOR A LOVELY AFTERNOON OF TEA AND CAKES IN SEPTEMBER. A big thank you to Val & Jane for all their hard work on the night of the fireworks, we were all very appreciative THANK YOU TO ALL THE STAFF AND RESIDENTS AT CASTLE HILL HOUSE FOR ALL YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT DURING THE BUILDING WORK AT THE CEDARS. FROM GILL & ALL AT THE CEDARS THE RESIDENTS IN BOTH HOMES ENJOYED DECORATING PUMPKINS AND DRINKING PUMPKIN SOUP ON 31ST OCTOBER EMERGENCY FIRST AID TRAINING 1ST FEBRUARY 2011 AT CASTLE HILL HOUSE LOTS OF TRAINING PLEASE CHECK THE STAFF NOTICE BOARDS FOR COURSES & DATES THE RESIDENTS IN BOTH HOUSES ENJOYED A TRIP TO COMPTON ABBAS AIRFIELD IN AUGUST. WE WERE VERY LUCKY AND SAW A FEW PLANES TAKE OFF AND LAND. WE HAD TEA AND A BIG SLICE OF CAKE WHILE WE WERE THERE. EVERYONE ENJOYED THEMSELVES VERY MUCH 2 CHRISTMAS DAY AT THE CEDARS By. Dr. G.W. Tapper It were Christmas Day at The Cedars, But the residents were in free fall For cook had gone off on holidays There was no Christmas dinner at all But thee and staff made some jam sandwiches And set them all up in the hall Santa Claus came over from Warminster, And soon they were having a ball. GOOD LUCK TO REBECCA (RGN) AT THE CEDARS NURSING HOME AND HER HUSBAND WHO HAS RECENTLY GONE ON MATERNITY LEAVE. THEIR BABY IS DUE VERY SOON. WEAR IT PINK DAY STAFF AND RESIDENTS IN BOTH HOUSES WORE PINK ON FRIDAY 29TH OCTOBER IN RECOGNITION OF BREAST CANCER AWARENESS. BETWEEN BOTH HOMES WE RAISED £50.00 THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO TOOK PART IN THIS VERY WORTHY CAUSE. The Inside Story from ....... It has been lovely meeting the residents from the Cedars Nursing Home, having Barbara Barnes keeping me up to speed on each of her fellow residents and getting to know the staff better. Our residents from both homes have been on some lovely trips during the Summer, our first trip out was to Orchard Park Garden Centre, we then travelled further a field to Wilton Shopping Centre, during our time there we enjoyed feeding the ducks. We took some residents to the Shaftesbury Art Centre to see Carousel, lots of Castle Hill House residents enjoyed the afternoon and evening time at this years Carnival, although it did rain, our residents thoroughly enjoyed themselves, some not getting back home until 9pm !! We are getting ready to take our residents to Sherborne Castle Garden Centre to see their festive displays and I feel a Panto at the Art Centre is a must too. Castle Hill House were lucky enough to win the Presidents Shield at a presentation evening from the Lions Club for taking part over the years in the Swimarathon. All thats left for me to do now is wish everyone a Happy Christmas and a very prosperous New Year. Serena Underwood Assistant Deputy 3 TRAINING There is a lot of training booked for staff in both homes from now until Christmas. I have Safeguarding Adults Awareness training booked with Dorset County Council and there are various dates which staff will be notified of about 2/3 weeks beforehand. 4 trained nurses have completed training on Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Medication Training with some more booked for December. Fire Training, Infection Control and Emergency First Aid training coming up in Nov. Peter Kaye is coming back in Dec to do more Dementia Training and I am going to book him for the new year to do another session on End of Life Care with Dementia, he came and delivered this training on the 13th Oct at Castle Hill House and it was excellent training. Please keep an eye on the training boards and once again “THANKYOU” for your support in attending courses. One final note, all training will be paid for from now on, that is not just compulsory training but any training I book for staff. Thankyou Emma - Training Co-ordinator WE ALL WISH ALISON MORWOOD & JOHN DEE GOOD LUCK FOR THEIR BIG DAY IN THE NEW YEAR We have new staff to introduce, Care Assistants Leona Modekova & Dyan Macayan, RGN’s Mandy Tobin, Alison Walpole & Jo Durrans, Supper Assistant Charlotte Southwood, Domestic Services Karolina Ozdoba and Maintenance Manager Stephen Power. THE BIG BLACK TAXI CAN ACCOMODATE WHEELCHAIRS PLEASE CALL TONY MEAD ON 07989 746 156 OR email - A WARM WELCOME TO OUR NEW RESIDENTS Betty Baker, Ada Stokes, Dorothy Elsworth, Phyllis Kavanagh, John Charlton, George Durdle, Elizabeth Bright -Williams, Pamela Foy & Elizabeth Atkinson A CHRISTMAS RAFFLE WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE CEDARS NURSING HOME PLEASE CONTACT GILL TOTHILL FOR DETAILS 4 The Inside Story from Sally Ashcroft Deputy Manager We are coming to the end of phase 1 of the building works at The Cedars. The new lounge is now open and being enjoyed by the residents. It looks completely different and provides a very calm environment that is now user friendly. The new furniture and decoration is lovely and we are looking forward to having any visitors who visit to pop in for a coffee and look around. We all appreciate how welcome everyone at Castle Hill House has made us during all the disruption. It has been a very positive experience for residents and staff. New friendships have been made and new experiences enjoyed, don’t forget to come and visit us and look around. The downstairs lounge at The Cedars is nearing completion and everyone is excited to see the result. The sun lounge will be named in memory of Evelyn Evans and Professor Evans will be officially opening the building. Hopefully, this will be on 8th December with everybody welcome and followed by the Trustees Supper in the evening. Our residents went to Castle Hill House on Thursday 4th November for a spectacular firework display, the evening was very much enjoyed by all who attended. Before we know it Christmas will be upon us, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. As always, thank you for all your hard work over the last year. See you all at The Staff Christmas Dinner on 17th December. JIM GALLAGHER - GUITARIST Jim came into Castle Hill House in October to sing to our residents. Jim is full of life and seems to know how to get our residents dancing ! Jim sang in both lounges in the main house and then went down to our garden room. Leila left Castle Hill House in October to start her Maternity leave. With her bundle of joy fast approaching We wish Leila lots of luck. We hope to see her back at work next year some time. COFFEE MORNING DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Christmas Coffee Morning Monday 29th November Monday 24th January 2011 Monday 21st Feb 2011 Monday 21st March 2011 AROMATHERAPY 2 WEEKLY AT CASTLE HILL HOUSE AND THE CEDARS NURSING HOME CHIROPODIST Our Chiropodist visits Castle Hill House & The Cedars every 6 weeks ALL STAFF PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT THE OFFICE IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR THOSE “CHILL OUT/ SUPPORT” CHATS AFTER YOUR SHIFT NIGHT SUPPORT MEETINGSPLEASE SEE NICKY TUDOR CASTLE HILL HOUSE CHRISTMAS RAFFLE £1.00 PER STRIP PLEASE SEE SUE OR ALISON FOR TICKETS 5 How time flies when you’re having fun !! When we last wrote in march, we were waiting for Spring to arrive, and now, here we are, looking to Christmas. The clocks have gone back an hour and the nights are drawing in fast, “Strictly Come Dancing” is back on our television screens, along with adverts suggesting that we should buy a new sofa for Christmas or fill our freezers with puff pasty ! The Garden Room is eagerly awaiting the festive season too, with plenty of fun and activities planned to while away the cold winter days. But first, here’s a selection of the fun and activities we have had over the last few months..... Back in Spring, Siska Redman, a music therapist, started monthly visits to Castle Hill House. The raised beds in the garden started to fill with seedlings; carrots, curly Kale, strawberries, sweet corn and beetroot. Great fun was to be had over the following months with the thinning, weeding and finally, harvesting of our produce. Jill arranged a week of “Music in the Air” in response to an incentive set by NAPA (National Association for Providers of Activity) with whom we are members. This included water music, Songs of Praise, making our own instruments and recognising bird songs. In June we held a “Blooming Great Tea Party” in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care and raised £80, a huge success. A beautiful summers’ evening in the garden was perfect for our “Evensong”, led by Mary Harding, where previously chosen favourite hymns were sung. Incense sticks, candle lanterns, bunches of lavender and glasses of wine enhanced an already calm and spiritual evening. At the beginning of August we were joined on a daily basis by several residents and staff from the Cedars Nursing Home whilst their lounge area was being restructured. This proved to be very popular, good weather definitely helping, where many hours were spent sat on the patio admiring the garden, playing cards and chatting. Friendships were formed and residents seemed to relish the new faces and topics of conversation. Although this has now come to an end, it’s success has ensured that we will continue to visit each other after the madness of Christmas has passed. Thank you to all who made this possible, the tough times were outweighed by the benefits. Visitors to the Garden Room have included Kate the Ballerina, Jim Gallagher the guitarist, Nigel the Organist. Country Dave played hits by artists such as Jim Reeves and Don Williams in hour of Phyllis’ 90th Birthday Party, grateful thanks to her family for a wonderful afternoon. Edward Jacson showed us how he gets Ships into Bottles with his display including a nativity scene in a bottle and a ship in a light bulb ! This month we celebrated November 5th with Fireworks , a display for residents, staff, family and friends followed by pumpkin soup, tomato soup , hot dogs & wine, definitely warmed the cobbles ! A Remembrance Service will be held and a visit to the Town Hall for the Parade planned, weather permitting, of course. We have just had a morning of playing on the Nintendo Wii games console, excellent fun, proving that you’re never to old to learn ! Bowling was firm favourite with a few strikes added for good measure. With more visitors and activities planned in the run up to Christmas and a trip to Salisbury Cathedral, we’re sure to have a busy and very Happy Christmas. 6 FOR SALE 5ft wide Pine Dressing Table With drawers either side £40.00 & VIOLIN Excellent Condition £65.00 PLEASE PHONE ALISON ON 01747 854699 FOR SALE Rory the Racing Car Ride on Excellent Condition £15.00 Childrens Slide, suitable up to 8 years £15.00 Toddlers plastic see-saw, suitable for up to 3 children £5.00 MOTHERCARE 2 IN 1 PUSHCHAIR Navy Print Includes Rain Cover, Large Shopping Basket & Lap Tray £20.00 Thomas the Tank Engine Bike with stabilisers, for age 2-5 years. Excellent Condition, hardly used, plays tunes & peeps ! £25.00 ono FOR SALE WALK IN BATH ALL REASONABLE OFFERS CONSIDERED PLEASE PHONE CASTLE HILL HOUSE FOR DETAILS ON 01747 854699 WANTED CHILDRENS GO KART FOR 5 YEAR OLD, MUST BE IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. CONTACT NICKY AT CASTLE HILL—01747 854699 FOR SALE HAMSTER (18 MONTHS OLD) & CAGE FREE TO A GOOD HOME PLEASE PHONE EMMA ON 01747 854699 Bratz Sleeping Bag (Nearly New) £8.00 Please phone Nicky 01747 854699 Or 07811 247978 CASTLE HILL HOUSE WORK EXPERIENCE As from 10th November we are welcoming 2 students from Shaftesbury School: Alexandra Loveland and Chloe Hancock. They will be visiting every fortnight for work experience and will be completing assignments along the way. Recently, I was invited by the Health & Social Care Students Group at Shaftesbury School to talk to them about my role as Deputy Manager and to explain what CHAS offers to the community. The students had prepared many questions for me and I was able to share some of my experiences with them. Emma Reeman joined me to give the students an idea of the training our staff do and we left information on apprenticeships and careers for them to look at. The students have been invited to visit the Home. This may now be a possible annual event. Nicky Tudor 7 From the Manager Well what a year this has been in the history of our two homes, we have achieved many things but the recent upgrading of the lounges at the Cedars has exceeded all our expectations. The daily exchange of residents from the Cedars to Castle Hill House has been a first and it would not have been possible without the dedication of you all. May I thank all the staff at both homes including Tony from the Big Black Cab Company for such an outstanding effort, hopefully the residents will resume visiting both houses after Christmas because the amazing relationships and friends it has created needs to be cherished and encouraged. Mac Registered Manager/Director of Homes A BIG THANK YOU TO TONY BALLARD AND HIS TRUSTY AID TONY RANDALL FOR THE SUPERB DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS A SAD FAREWELL TO Hilda Pacey SHAFTESBURY IN BLOOM CASTLE HILL HOUSE HAS BEEN AWARDED JOINT 3RD PLACE IN THE SHAFTESBURY IN BLOOM 2010 COMPETITION FOR BEST PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL HOME THE PRIZEGIVING WILL TAKE PLACE ON MONDAY 15TH NOVEMBER AT 7.30PM IN THE TOWN HALL, SHAFTESBURY, TONY & SUE RANDALL WILL ACCEPT THE AWARD ON BEHALF OF CASTLE HILL HOUSE. Our Hairdressers are at Castle Hill House on Wednesdays and Thursdays Joyce Lucas Michael Harrison Evelyn Hanson Irene McNiel Russell Stokes CHRISTMAS COFFEE MORNING Monday 29th November 10.30am - 12 mid day Mince pies and hot drink 50p Mulled wine, raffle, bottle tombola & handicrafts ANYONE KIND ENOUGH TO DONATE A BOTTLE FOR THE TOMBOLA WILL BE GIVEN A TICKET FOR THE RAFFLE, TO BE DRAWN ON THE MORNING. PLEASE SEE BOX IN THE GARDEN ROOM FIREWORKS AT CASTLE HILL HOUSE The turnout for the fireworks at Castle Hill House on Thursday 4th November was the best attended to date. It was so nice to see so many staff, residents and families. Many residents from the Cedars and Castle Hill House came down to the garden room and sat outside to see the spectacular display. After the display, everyone enjoyed soup and hot dogs, it was a most enjoyable evening. A big thank you to everyone who attended and all our helpers. 8