Arcadia Republican Women`s Club,
Arcadia Republican Women`s Club,
Arcadia Republican Women's Club, Federated THE EDUCATIONAL ARM OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY lssueNo.4&5 April I May z0ld, Chartered 1954 National Federation Republican Women's Diamond Award Recipient ARWC Website : First Vice President - Program Chairman C $ * Carolyn Papp April 17,2A14 Our speaker, Jack Orswell, running for United States Congress, has lived in Arcadia with his wife, Janet, for 30 years. He has been honored by the Boy Scouts of America with the Silver Beaver Award and he is a Rotary lnternational Paul Harris Fellow. He has also received the Honorary Service Award from the Hugo Reid PTA. He is a life member of the FBI Agents Association, and a member of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBl, the Environmental Assessment Association, the National Association of Government Guarantee Lenders, and ASTM lnternational. He will have good information to share with us. We will also have a sale of Easter candy and other Easter items for purchase to help support our Republican Women's CIub. Please bring items for us to sell as well as purchase. We urge you to invite your friends and neighbors to come out and e $ * hear our candidate for the 27th U.S. Congressional District Seat. Social hour:, 10:30 AM Speaker: 11:30 PM $ General Meeting. 11:00 AM Lunch: 12:00 PM Santa Anita Golf Course 405 Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, 91006 Cost $17.00 Reservation Deadline: April 14, 2A14 Michelle Hopkins (626) 614-9290 Betty Flippen (626) 4464547 $ A reseruation made is a reservation paid. Board members have a standing reservation; call if not attending. Last minute walk{ns without reservations can't be guaranteed that a space will be available. ARWC Website: First Vice President - Program Chairman Carolyn Papp May 15,2014 Anne-Marie Murrell is the original anchor and National Director/Editor in Chief of PolitiChicks which was nominated at CPAC 2013 as the "People's Choice Blogger of the Year". Anne-Marie recently received Front Page Magazine's Glazov Gang Ronald Reagan Award for 2013. ln addition to PolitiChicks, Anne-Marie writes for conservative websites including Townhall, Daily Caller, Front Page Magazine and The Blaze. AnneMarie has appeared on the Dr. Phil Show, Fox News, Blaze TV, and The Dennis Prager Show. She is also a regular commentator and guest host on One America's Rick Amato Show and Front Page Magazine's Glazov Gang. She is a fantastic speakerl Social hour: 10.30 AM Speaker: 1 1:30 PM General Meeting: 11:00 AM Lunch: 12:00 PM Santa Anita Golf Course 405 Santa Anita Avenue, Arcadia, 91006 Cost $17.00 Reservation Deadline: May 12,2014 Michelle Hopkins (626) 614-9290 Betty Flippen (626) ffi4547 A reservation made is a reseration paid. Board members have a standing reservation; call if not attending, Last minute walk-ins without reservations cannt be guaranteed that a space will be available. President's Message O Hello, Fellow Members: I hope you are enjoying this beautiful spring weather. We have had our April showers, and now the air is clear, the sky is blue, and the birds are singing. It makes you want to roll up your sleeves and get into the garden. This would be great practice for rolling up our sleeves and working for our party in the upcoming elections this year. Speaking of elections, by the time you read this our Arcadia City Council election will have passed. As you know, our club hosted three candidates at our last luncheon meeting. I don't know about you, but I think they all could have been on the show "Dancing with the Stars" the way they danced around the subject of mansionization when they were confronted with it during the question and answer session. A11 three poohpoohed the proliferation of these grotesque, oversized houses that are popping up all across the city with the attendant crowding and traffic. The trio dismissed our concerns as "a cultural thing" that we should get used to. Beheading is "a cultural thing" in some areas too, but that doesn't mean we have to accept it in Arcadia. The argument was that they were legal according to the zoning and building codes. One of our members replied that maybe we should change the codes then to nip this in the bud. Only the naive would deny that many of these structures are being used for mini-hotels, boarding houses, and birthing houses, all illegal in residential areas. It was noted that the city has already closed down twenty-eight birthing houses locally, so we know the problem exists. April brings us mild weather and flowers, but it also brings us the dreaded chore of figuring out our income taxes. We need taxes, of course, to run the government, but we want to be sure our hard-earned money is being used wisely. That does not include frequent vacation junkets for the first family, their extended family, friends, personal assistants, and other hangers-on that cost us millions while many are struggling to make ends meet and the country is burdened with a crushing national debt. This is not the time for hand-wringing though. As the old proverb says, "Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." We need to redouble our efforts and work with other Republican groups including the CFRW to get Republicans elected this year. Aesop said, "In union there is strength." Three disgraced and comrpt Democratic state senators have been arrested and are awaiting indictment. We have to capitalize on opportunities like these and replace them with Republicans. We need more in Sacramento. Our Vice-President of Programs, Carolyn Pupp, has done a terrific job in securing interesting and good quality speakers for our luncheon meetings. Our speaker for April will be Jack Orswell, who is the Republican candidate for the House of Representatives in our district. Anne-Marie Murrell, a writer for conservative websites, will be our May speaker. Please plan to attend these meetings and give our speakers a warm reception. In closing, this Newsletter is for April and May. I want to wish you a Happy Passover, Happy Easter, and a Huppy Mother's Day. Remember to fly the flag on Memorial Day as we remember all of the men and women who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Hoping to see all of you on April 17 andMay 15. t Wendy Hwpv *&ss vtfrr9 @ nfiy Americanism Chairman: Mary E. Hansen TFM MAKING OF A SOLDIER On a golden June day in 1911 in the little Kansas town of Abilene, a young man was Ieaving home for the first time to make his way in the great world. Nothing especially distinguished him. He was somewhat older than most, being only four months short of voting age. In early afternoon he stood at an upstairs window of his home, a plain white two-story frame house. He experienced such emotions as thousands of others felt that same summer, and for the same reason. He saw the Lincoln School where he had gone through the grades and the caf6 where he had loafed through many an hour. And beyond the house he saw open country - fields of knee high corn, wheat and cottonwoods along the bank of the Smoky Hill River where he swam in summer and skated in winter. Then, through the window, across miles of open prairie to the west, he heard the sad, lonely whistle of an approaching Union Pacific train. He seized his heavy suitcase and rushed downstairs. On the front porch by the trellis roses bloomed and he could see the large vegetable garden he helped plant and tend for years. He said goodbye to his mother, his youngest brother, and his dog Flip. (IIe had said goodhye to his father and three of his brothers when they left for work that morning.) There was a moment of embarrassment for the young man. His twelve-year-old brother burst into unexpected tears, but his mother remained dry-eyed as she kissed her departing son. (Later she went upstairs and sobbed, heartbroken.) IIe seized his suitcase and walked toward the depot Not once did he look baclc The young man's name - Dwight David Eisenhower - was on his way to West Point as a plebe. The early Eisenhowers were Mennonites from Europe. They settled along the banks of the Susquehanna River and became known as River Brethren. David Eisenhower married Ida Stover in 1885, following the pattern of his father Jacob and grandfather Frederick by marrying older women with very large dowrys. On October 14,1890, their third child was born, David llwight. His mother called him Ilwight because it was confusing to have two Davids in the house. His schoolmates ealled him "IKE". Editor's Note: President Eisenhower had his farm near the town of Gettysburg, PA. I attended Gettysburg College from 1960-1964. The college rented out a house to IKE for his office when he was in town that was a half block down from one of my dorms. There were fire towers throughout the Gettysburg Battlefield and one of the towers had a very good view of his farm. Whenever IKE was at his farm, that particular fire tower was always close to tourist viewing. The spring before I started college, we were visiting the college one day and actually got to wave at his carayan as they traveled by the college. znd Vice President - Membership Chairnan Joan Oakes MEMBERSHIP This is the deal: my anger, fear and frustration, due to the present condition of my country, must have space in which to vent. Arcadia Republican Women's Club, Federated is my space to vent with women who totally relate to my physical and verbal reactions to the political Washington D.G. royalty in action. When, in the course of meeting a social studies or history teacher, I have questions gurgling about in my head that will never be asked or answered, I pray that the teachers have studied the politically right and left solutions historically and, for current and national problems, the teachers relate both to their students. The choking feeling I have when being introduced to a "ptroud Progressive" like Hillary Clinton makes me a tad dizzy keeping a sick smile and my mouth shut. It's frustration! Our club individually cannot solve national problems but we are part of an organization that is capable of offering reasonable approaches to alternative solutions and contribute to the national consensus. My sincere hope is that more women will understand my dilemma and frustration and will feel they have company in the ranks of ARWC. I guarantee that you will be welcomed by every member. Please join us soon! I need more company Joan Oakes Mail to: 2{69 Highland Vista Dr., Arcadia, PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHT.CK PAYABLE NEw( RENEWAL ) ( TO: CA 91006 ARWC DUES ) NAME: Regular $ 25.00 SPOUSE: Silver $ 50.00 ADDRESS: GoId S 75.00 CITY/STATEIZTP CODE: Platinum $ 100.00 Associate $ 10.00 (Men or member of another Rep club) PHOhIE: EMATL AI}DRESS: CAN YOU HELP? Telephoning ( ) Precinct Luncheon Table Decorations () Work ( ) Fundraisers Republican Ileadquarters ( ) ( ) Speakers/Special Projects ( LEGISLATION: Pegry Merr WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE? "Power Conupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely'' Each month of 2A14 has brought news of another arrest or conviction of a Democrat Senator in the CA State Senate. Three months, three senafors. Republicans have repeatedly tried to expel Senator Rod Wright of lnglewood after he was convicted of felony counts of voter fraud in January. Democrats have blocked those efforts. (Sen. Wright is on administrative PAID leave.) I ln February Senator Ron Galderon of Montebello was indicted on federal corruption charges. Prosecutors say Calderon accepted about $100,000 for himself and family members in exchange for promoting legislation to expand Hollywood tax credits and protect the interest of a hospital that benefited from a provision of the workers' comp law. (Sen. Calderon is on voluntary PAID leave from the Legislature.) March brought us the arrest and indictment of Senator Leland Yee from San Francisco. Senator Yee was charged with public corruption, gang activity and an FBI investigation into illegal firearms trafficking overseas. . Senator Yee has since withdrawn his name as a candidate for Secretary of State in the June election. (Sen. Yee is on voluntary PAID leave from the Legislature.) Could some of this corruptness come from the democrab having total control of the Legislature, Governor's office, Attorney Generaland all other offices? WAITING IN LINE AT THE DMV Have you been to the DMV and had to wait in line for a long time or wait weeks to get an appointment to renew your driver's license. You will be glad to know they are opening more DMV offices. Oh, I forgot to mention, these offices will only process driver's license applications for illegal immigrants. Last year Gov. Brown signed into law a bill, A860, which will allow illegal aliens to obtain their driver's license beginning 1l1l'15. They have to acknowledge that they are undocumented to get the driver's license document. DMV has not yet finalized which documents will be acceptable. Proponents of the legislation say, this will provide an avenue for the state's 3-4 million illegals to obtain a license, which is necessary for them to get to and from work. Federal law prohibits the hiring of illegal aliens so the CA legislature and the Governor are condoning illegal employment practices. California government has been complaining since 1975 that it is aMully difficult to raise taxes because of Prop {3, However, the reality is Galifornia has the nation's highest income, sales and gasoline taxes. When it comes to property taxes we are in the middle of the pack nationally because of Prop {3's limits on assessmenG and how much they can inerease from year to year. When you check your tax bill you will see that the assessments on your house and land could only increase 2o/o pcr year thanks to Prop 13. But through the years the Bond Measures (both state and local) have added much debt to that tax bill. Prop 13 also said that the new taxes on your property by schools and local governmenb had to pass the voters by a 2t3 vote. Little by little the liberals have chipped away at that and convinced voters to pass Propositions that have lowered that vote to 55%. Don't vote for any more bonded indebtedness until you have people who will spend it wisely. Reminder: ARI's LET'S PLAY BINGO Night A fun-filled HAWAIIAN THEME evening of exciting bingo prizes, & great food! Saturday, April 26,2A14, 5 PM Arcadia Gommunity Center DTNNER wLL ,= ti;lHffi'r'ffi+f3??u*y, ALEHousE Ticket Price: S25 Per Person (includes 12 bingo games, prizes, delicious food, soft drinks and dessert) Reservations by: April 22,2014. YOU AND I ARE MEMBERS The typical U.S. household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday. lf all of us 'old guys' (and gals) have all of the money, then let us try to elect someone who might be near honest and not be after feathering their own nests. They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are "Baby Boomers" getting ready to retire. Others have been retired for some time. We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We have worked hard, raised our children, worshiped our God and grown old together. oYes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that is probably true. But before writing us off completely, there ale a few things that need to be taken into consideration. ln school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age. Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don't know what an icebox is, today they are electric and refened to as refrigerators. A few even remember when cars were started with a crank" Yes, we lived those days. We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many. But there are a few things you need to remember before cornpletely writing us off. We won World War ll, fought in Korea and Viet Nam. We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn't fight for the Socialist States of America; we fought for the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag. We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, America, and America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing. We have lived what many of you have only read in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America. Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it. It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep. There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent. It was mostly'the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress. You fell for the "Hope and Change" which in reality was nothing but "Hype and Lies." You have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don't like it after all. You make a lot of noise, but most. are all too interested in their careers or "Climbing the Social Ladder'' to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting. Many of those who fell for the "Great Lie" in 2008 are now having buye/s remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn't have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the 'Kool-Aid.' Now you're paying the price and complaining about it. No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom. This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Libefi and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house. Well, dont worry yourgsters, the Grey-Haired Brigade is here, and in 2014 we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like but we get where we're going, and in 2014 we're going to the polls by the millions. This land does not belong to the man in the White House nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. lt belongs to "We the People" and "We the People" plan to reclaim our land and our freedom. We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren. 'So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, Stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the "Grey-Haired Brigade." Members Corner Carolyn Papp is deatring with hvo broken ribs from a fall. Mary Hansen is struggling with a serious eold. Karen Rouse is facing minor surgery in May. Former member Emmy Petermann died March 7m at alrnostg7. Fomrer member Alice Pritchard died March 10tr at age 99. Peter Amundson's mother, Mary Amundson, died February 15ft just three days before her 90ft birthday. Please keep these families in your thoughts and prayers. THE TENNIS COURT OATH .An historical and fascinating event inspired by govemment abuse created by the neointellects who probably never bent their backs to earn a living for themselves. If insufficient transparency exists in government, obviously at some point, the government becomes the of the When taxation becomes an over-whelming theft of one's reward for one's labor and the dictates over life and liberty are stifling, historically, the anger swells until it explodes. This short article painting the details of the event have been "borrowed" from Wikipedia and only edited where the terms of the time are not explained. The EstatesGeneral was formed due to inflation famine. Unfortunately they did not have food stamps or the unAffordable Care Act. I may be confident that history will not repeat itself in this The Tennis Court Oath was a pivotal event during the first days of the French Revolution. The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate (edit: comprised all of those who were not members of the First (clergy) and Second Estates (royalty ex the king)) can be divided into two groups, urban and rural, together making up 97Yo of France's population who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General on 14 June 1789. The only person who did not sign was Joseph MartinDauch, a politician who would not execute decisions not sanctioned by the king. They made a makeshift conference room inside a tennis court located in the Saint-Louis district of the city of Versailles, near the Palace of Versailles. On 17 June 1789, this group, led by Honor6 Gabriel Riqueti, began to call themselves the National Assembly. On the morning of 20 June, the deputies were shocked to discover that the chamber door was locked and guarded by soldiers. Immediately fearing the worst and anxious that a royal attack by King Louis XVI was imminent, the deputies congregated in a grearby indoor tennis court where they took a solemn collective oath "not to separate. and to reassemble wherever circumstances require" until the constitution of the kingdom is established". Some historians have argued that, given political tensions in France at that time, the deputies' fea"rs, even if wrong, were reasonable and that the importance of the oath goes above and beyond its context. The deputies pledged not to stop the meetings until the constitution had been written, despite the royal prohibition. The oath was both a revolutionary act, and an assertion that political authority derived from the people and their representatives rather than from the monarch himself. Their solidarity forced Louis XW to order the clergy and the nobility to join with the Third Estate in the National Assembly in order to give the illusion that he controlled the National Assembly. For the booh see The Tennis Court Oath. Submiued by Joan Oakes &-l z* National Federati$n of Republicnn #l lilrmrn cAr ITAL-CONNECT tss Spring Board of Directors Meeting a Success Last week NFRW held ib annual spring board of directorc meeting in Arlington, Virginia. Attended by state federation presidents from all over the country, the board attended to business, passed resolutions, and heard from dynamic and engaging speakers. The board passed four resolutions at the meeting, one refuting claims of a "Republican War on Women," another thanking Christine Oster, former finance director at NFRW, for 18 years of service. Apart from conducting business, attendees heard from a panel on Friday morning titled "Diversity, Youth and Women: How the GOP's women can grow the Republican Party in our communities" moderated by Sandy Liddy Bourne, the coalitions director for Ed Gillespie's senate campaign in Virginia. Panelisb included Neri Martinez, director of the Future Majority Project at the Republican State Leadership Gommittee; Jill Bader, communications director at the Republican State Leadership Committee; and Assemblywoman Maria Rodriguez€regg, a newly elected member of the New Jercey Assembly. Assemblywoman Rodriguez-Gregg is the only Republican woman to have won an Assembly seat over a Democrat incumbent in the New Jersey elections last year. flrRhr Colefcrnio Faderstion cf Reprb{icon Wsmen You are invited to join the CFRW at the 2014 Spring Conference and Youth Advocacy Workshop, lnspiring Future Leaders. The conference will be held Apri, 25,26, 27,2014 at the Double Tree Hotel 100 Gity Drive, Orange, California 92868. ln this election year, it is more important than ever for our club leaders and memberc to have the tools they need to promoG our organization and to recruit like-minded Republican women. Our outstanding Spring Conference workshops are designed to do just that. You will have abundant opportunities to network and to learn from other Federated women. The highlight of our Saturday evening program will be keynote speaker Dinesh D'Souza. The CFRW Website has all the details for your reservations, and agendas for each of the three days. Colif*rniry f;ederotion clf R*publi€{:il Wsm€n r SOUTHHRN FIVISISHX You are as important to us as we will be to you. All hands are needed on the deck of this battleship as we steer toward restoring our Country and preserving the Freedoms that identiff our noble Foundation. We realize, as you do, The Time is NOW, and if you are a conservative Republican woman, that means getting involved in the Federation. As Ronald Reagan said, "We need to act today to preserve tomorrow." We lead the way. We are the grassroots. We worry about the future and take responsibility for it. We are the army of Republican Women who will protect and preserve this great nation. We believe our country has lost its way morally and governmentally. We humbly pray to God for His guidance and blessings, and proudly display the Flag of the United States of America at every meeting. With over 100 Republican Women, Federated clubs you have your choice of clubs to join, from Santa Barbara all the way to San Diego (or form one of your own with 10 members). LACFRW News: The LACFRW April meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 23, 2O14 at the Bistro Garden - {2950 Ventura Blvd. - Studio City. The meeting will start at t0:30 am and the cost is $35.00 prepaid. The speakers will be Linda Paine and Ellen Swensen from the Election lntegrity Project. We are Republican llUomen making a difference by being informed. Join us at LACFRW for a morning of education and enlightenment! For reservations ptease call Barbara Ludt at (626) 287{H19 CALENDAR OF EVENTS April April Board Meeting (10:00 AM) General Meeting Easter Earth Day Board Meeting (10:00 AM) Mother's Day General Meeting Armed Forces Day Memorial Dey Observed 10 17 April20 April22 May 8 May tl May 15 May 17 May 26 Matt Dennyns Santa Anita Golf Course Matt Denny's Santa Anita Golf Course Fly the Flag Fly the Flag FOR YOUR IhI-FORMATION: ARWCF PBESIDENT Wendy Schieldge 9ll Magnis St, Arcadia CA 91006 (626) 446-1910 (626) 818-0137 U,S. Coneress Judy-.1Q!u (D) 27d 5275 S. l,ake Ave. Ste. 106, Pasadena, CA 91 NEWSLETTERCHAIR/EDIOR (626)M7-1951 COUNTY SUPERMSOR Mike Antonovich (R) 5ft Districr L-A. County Hall of Administration, Rm. 869 Main Offrce: los Angeles, San Dimas Office: Diane Branson 32 Corto Road, Arcadi4 CA 91007 lA 101 (626) 304-01 l0 I 90012 Qt3) 974-5ss5 (9W)3e4-2264 REPTJBLICAN HEADOUARTERS 43 E. Huntington Dr., Suite C, Arcadia (626) M7-3s34 CALIF. GOVERNOR Jerry Brown (D) State Capitol ls Floor, Sacramentq CA 95814 (916) 445-2841 (9r6) 4454633 STATE SENATOR Carol Liu (D) 256 501 N. Central Ave., Glendale, CA 91203 (818) 409-0400 U.S.SENATORS (D) Barbara Boxer, 312 N. Spring St. #1748 , (D) Diane Feinstein, I I I I lSanta Monica Bl. Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 894-s000 (3 l 0) 9r4-7300 STATE ASSEMBLYMAN Ed Chau (D) 496 205 S. Chapel Ave. #B, Alhambr4 CA 91801 STATE ASSEMBLYMAN Chris Holden @) 4l$ State Capitol # 51 19, Sacramento, CA 95814 (626)3824049 CA 91006 (916) 319-2041 LOS ANGELES COUNTY REGISTRAR/COURT CLERK P.O. Box 54187 l-os Angeles, CA 90099,46M s I ,(Bhl LT IVfY (800) 815-2666 , 200t6 vc 'ElpBcrv peou oloc zg JlBrl3 6u;1;eg1JaBalsn oN 'uosuBJg ouBlq oltwecEJ 'gn1c s,Nlwoi Nvcnandla wovSav