East San Gabriel Valley Republican Women
East San Gabriel Valley Republican Women
The Newsletter of the East San Gabriel Valley Republican Women CHARTERED AUGUST 12, 1955 AFFILIATED WITH THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN MAY 2015 Our Next General Meeting 2014 Newsletter Awards 1st Place LACFRW 2nd Place CFRW Southern Division Program DATE Friday, May 22, 2015 SCHEDULE 10:30 AM Check-In 11:00 AM Business 12:00 PM Lunch 1:00 PM Speaker PLACE West Covina Lanes Banquet Room IV 675 S. Glendora Ave. West Covina, CA 91790 COST $17 per Person, Payable at the Door MENU Chicken Fajitas, Rice, Beans, Chips, Salad, Dessert, Coffee/Tea May Substitute Fettuccini Alfredo or Chef Salad. Request with RSVP RESERVATIONS BY Monday, May 18, 2015 RSVP To Helen Anderson, (626) 335-4381 Patt Anderson (626) 332-4341 Board members / standing reservation holders need to call if unable to come. No shows will be billed for the cost of the lunch. Keynote Speaker Birth Tourism, Fair Path to Citizenship or Legal Loophole? Jack Orswell 27th Congressional District Candidate – 2016 Birth tourism has become increasingly evident in the San Gabriel Valley. Businesses arrange for pregnant women to come to the United States on tourist visas to give birth to their babies. They often stay for months before and after the birth. Reasons for the practice include access to the destination country's healthcare system, circumvention of a one-child policy, and birthright citizenship for the child. Jack Orswell has investigated this practice in terms of the safety of the residents living in the converted houses, apartments and hotels and its effect on the neighborhoods in which they operate. Southern California and particularly the San Gabriel Valley, has a high concentration of maternity homes. As an FBI agent, Mr. Orswell worked to solve problems with bank fraud, political corruption and labor racketeering. He became one of the first agents to work with the EPA to investigate federal environmental crimes. Later, in private industry, Mr. Orswell did insurance investigation before starting his own company conducting environmental assessments for financial institutions, real estate companies and law firms. For over 20 years he worked as a Reserve Police Officer for the City of Arcadia. In addition he has been an active leader in the community through the Boy Scouts, his church and chamber organizations. Jack Orswell has announced he will be running for 27th Congressional District, the office currently held by Judy Chu. A WORD ABOUT THIS MONTH’S VIEWPOINT join us to hear Mr. Orswell the impact of this DueCome to a technical glitch, some membersdiscuss may receive ViewPoint by growing both U.S development in our community. Mail and email. Members desiring the email version only, are asked to let me know. Please email me at potrasjl@verizon.net –Jerri Potras, editor, ViewPoint President’s Message East San Gabriel Valley Republican Women Federated The activities of East San Gabriel Valley Republican Women have always emphasized reaching-out to our local communities—letting them know that Republicans are still “alive and kicking,” and that we have some wonderful conservative ideas that have been proven to work. Our work in 2015 continues in this tradition with ESGVRWF donations to Potrero Elementary School, the South El Monte Police Department, local city libraries, and the Baldwin Park Animal Shelter. These long-term projects have developed very positive relationships. You ladies have done an outstanding job of collecting books, stuffed animals, newspapers and other items. Our speakers, this year, have been chosen by our 1st Vice President Lisa Graham to highlight local talent…a professor from the Claremont Graduate School, a CHP captain who lives in West Covina, a Glendoran who is a San Gabriel Valley Watermaster, and this month an Arcadian who worked for the FBI and ran for Congress against Judy Chu. Recently, Jerri Potras set-up an ESGVRWF table at the Spanish Spelling Bee in Azusa. She and Pete Cardenas, an APU student, handed out refreshments and Republican literature, and registered two new Republican voters! Our presence at upcoming local events is so important; I hope many of you will volunteer to help. Remember, the elections this November will be for local offices (no state offices or propositions); so come on Republican Women, let’s get our message out there! Valerie Evans, President April Meeting Highlight Mailing Address 216 S. Citrus St., #56 West Covina, CA 91791 ESGVRWF@GMAIL.COM EastSanGabrielValleyRWF.org ELECTED OFFICERS Valerie Evans President (626) 332-3913 vlrevans@verizon.net Lisa Graham Vice President, Programs (626) 339-8332 c.grahams@verizon.net Deborah Behounek Vice President, Membership (909) 815-0248 dbehounek@aol.com Diane Cachenaut Secretary (626) 919-1057 d2andd1@aol.com Linda Roy Treasurer (562) 697-7232 johnandlindaroy@yahoo.com NEWSLETTER| PUBLICITY |WEBSITE Jerri Potras (626) 331-1295 potrasjl@verizon.net ViewPoint is published 10 times a year for the members of the East San Gabriel Valley Republican Federated. Joe Gardner presentation our State’s water history, the Delta and infrastructure was most informative and very well-received. Water master Tony Zampiello followed with a lively discussion on ground water concerns and water management was engaging. April vendor Carole Mullner’s unique handmade cards were a big hit. 2 | VIEWPOINT Advertising: We welcome support by business and organizations that may be of interest to our readers. The cost of a single-size (2.5” x 1.5”) ad is just $30 for one year. A double-size ad (2.5” x 3”) ad is $60. Placing an ad is easy. Just mail a check payable to ESGVRWF along with cameraready copy or a graphic file sized to the desired finished ad size to Sigi A’Ce, Advertising Chairman, (909) 623-8127, sigridace@g-mail.com. Disclaimer: Articles in this newsletter are for information only and should not be considered a position or endorsement by ESGVRWF or its members. Precautions are taken to ensure accuracy, Errors may occur. We reserve the right to correct such errors. News & Views: Federal Government QUICK GUIDE TO Elected Officials FEDERAL GOVERNMENT President Barrack Obama (D) The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 Switchboard (202) 456-1414 Comment Line (202) 456-1111 www.whitehouse.gov District Offices Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) 312 N. Spring St., Ste 1748 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone: (213) 894-5000 Fax: (202) 224-0357 www.boxer.senate.gov Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 915 Los Angeles, CA 90025 Phone: (310) 914-7300 Fax: (310) 914-7318 www.feinstein.senate.gov Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano (D-32) 4401Santa Anita Ave., Ste. 201 El Monte, CA 91731 Phone: (626) 350-0150 Fax: (626) 350-0450 http://napolitano.house.gov/ Congressman Pete Aguilar (D-31) Contact information unavailable at time ViewPoint went to press. Congressman Ed Royce (R-39) 1380 S. Fullerton Rd. Ste. 205 Rowland Heights, CA 91748 Phone: (626) 964-5123 Fax: (626) 810-3891 http://royce.house.gov/ MY VIEW | JERRI POTRAS, EDITOR Presidential Executive Amnesty, the Courts, and Amicus Briefs: It’s Pure Politics, Folks In November 2014 when President Obama implemented his immigration plan via an executive order rather than working with Congress on legislation as the law requires, he did a complete reversal of his 22 previous statements that such an action not only violated our laws, it would be very difficult to defend legally. Although he and the media attempt to portray his action as an act of compassion, it is, I contend, political pandering designed to cause friction among the voting public. That’s tragic. America not only needs, it deserves a fair, honest, and candid discussion on immigration issue and a policy that is good for America, not the fulfillment of a political agenda. When the Democrats controlled Congress in the early part of Obama’s first term, the Democrats could have easy dealt with immigration reform on their own terms. They didn’t. Why now? Politics and the 2016 presidential election is the short answer. There is much more to this issue than that. Lawsuits were inevitable. Lawsuits provide an opportunity for activists to get strategically involved. For example, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti led an effort to organize cities in support of the President’s action and opposed to the court case, Texas vs. United States filed by the States. Eventually, this effort, Cities United for Immigration Action, had more than 70 cities and counties, the National League of Cities, and the U.S. Conference of Mayors as signatories to an amicus brief, a friend of the court. Here’s where the politics get interesting: the City of West Covina is a signatory due to solo action taken by its Mayor. Mayor Sykes actions are discussed on page 6. Amicus curiae briefs explicit purpose may be to educate the court on points of law that may be in doubt, gather or organize information, or raise awareness about an aspect of the case that court may miss. Implicitly briefs launch a political process. For instance, the brief noted above, argues the President’s action benefits cities and counties by authorizing millions of people to work which will increase tax revenue and stimulate local economies; keeps families together and helps integrate immigrates into communities which improves public safety by strengthening our neighborhoods. Who could argue with that? It all depends on who collects and analyzes the data. An example follows. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a group that works amnesty proponents, argues tax revenues increase when “undocumented workers” are given amnesty. Legal status, they argue, limits employer’s ability to pay workers off the books. Tax collections increase. Other groups observe tax collections increase only for workers whose income is high enough to have a tax liability. Low-income workers can actually receive a tax refund through the Earned Income Tax Credit. Yes, immigration issues are complex and deserve honest debate. References For Obama, Executive Order on Immigration Would be a Turnabout. (November 17, 2014) The New York Times. Cities for Immigration Action. Mayors de Blasio and Garcetti Announce Expanded Coalition to Take Legal Action in Support of Immigration Reforms. Available at www.citiesforaction.us. Martin, Jack. (May 7, 2015) Legalize Aliens to Collect More Taxes? Jack Martin. Immigration Reform. Available at www.immigrationreform.com/category/amnesty MAY 2015 |3 News & Views: The State QUICK GUIDE Legislation IMMIGRATIONREFORM.COM | JACK MARTIN | MAY 4, 2015 LIPSTICK ON A PIG: CALIFORNIA’S AB 60 California’s law to allow illegal aliens to obtain a state driver’s license is a political ploy designed to assist that population to reside and work in the United States with less chance of facing deportation. It appeals to the Democrat leadership who favor an amnesty for illegal aliens and to businesses that employ exploitable workers. In an effort to justify the State’s action in aiding the illegal aliens to compete for jobs with legal workers, the proponents of the measure – including Governor Brown – latched on to a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety that found unlicensed drivers were more likely to be involved in fatal crashes than licensed drivers. (Desert Sun, May 3, 2015) The implication in citing this study is that if the illegal aliens are granted licenses it is a road safety measure. That, however, is a false conclusion. A correlation between fatal crashes with unlicensed drivers does not imply causality. A search of the AAA Foundation’s website for the research did not find the study, but it is easy to imagine that if persons driving with suspended licenses were included among unlicensed drivers in the study that would greatly increase the number of unlicensed drivers involved in fatal accidents because it would include drivers who previously were responsible for an accident. Furthermore, as the news article asserts, illegal aliens driving without licenses are inclined to drive very cautiously in the hope of evading being stopped by the police. So, one would expect that the incidence of unlicensed illegal aliens involved in fatal accidents would be lower – not higher – than average. Giving the illegal alien a driver’s license would change that. It would encourage both more driving as well as less cautious driving, both of which are against the public interest. By accommodating illegal aliens, California is making itself an increasingly attractive magnet for those aliens. Added to the other negative effects of illegal immigration on job opportunities, fiscal costs, etc., AB 60 is harmful to most Californians. Marc, we are proud of you! When ESGVRWF sponsored Marc’s attendance CFRW Advocacy workshop attendance, we knew he was a young man of integrity and commitment. Marc ran for political office and served as a Republican Center manager and on the 48 th Central Committee. He now serves our country. His recent Facebook posting: Marc Anthony Rodriguez April 9 at 3:11am 10 weeks but it's finally here Graduation Day, thank you for all of you that wrote me while I was as at basic training. I'll still be a AIT till August though training for my MOS "Military occupational specialty". I can't wait to come back home and see everyone. 4 | VIEWPOINT TO Elected Officials CALIFORNIA STATE GOVERNMENT Governor Jerry Brown (D) State Capitol, Ste. 1173 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 445-2841 Fax: (916) 558-3160 www.gov.ca.gov District Offices Senator Dr. Ed Hernandez, O.D. (D) (SD-22) 100 S. Vincent, Ste. 401 West Covina, CA 91790 Phone: (626) 430-2499 Fax: (916) 651-4924 http://sd24.senate.ca.gov/ Senator Carol Liu (D) (SD-25) 201 E. Bonita Ave. San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 599-7351 Fax: (909) 599-7692 http://sd25.senate.ca.gov/ Senator Bob Huff (R) (SD-29) 1800 E. Lambert Rd., Ste. 150 Brea, CA 92821 Phone: (714) 671-9474 Fax: (714) 671-9750 http://district29.cssrc.us/ Assemblyman Roger Hernandez (D) (AD-48) 100 N. Barranca, Ste. 895 West Covina, CA 91791 Phone: (626) 960-4457 Fax: (626) 960-1310 http://www.asmdc.org/mem bers/a48/ Assemblwoman Ling Chang (R) (AD-55) 13920 City Center Dr., Ste.260 Chino Hills, CA 91709 Phone: (909) 627-7021 Fax: (909) 627-1841 https://ad55.assemblygop.co m/ News & Views: The Region U QUICK GUIDE TO Elected Officials LOS ANGELES COUNTY ESGVRWF OUTREACH ESGVRWF participated in the Third Annual Spelling Bee held in Azusa on April 18. This annual regional event was organized by Azusa Pacific University and involved students from high schools throughout Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. The top three winners earned $300, $200, and $100, respectively. Field Offices Supervisor, First District Hilda Solis (D) 3400 Aerojet Ave., Ste. 240 El Monte, CA 91731 Phone: (626) 350-4500 Fax: (626) 448-1573 http://molina.lacounty.gov/ Supervisor, Fourth District Don Knabe (R) 1199 S. Fairway Dr. Ste. 111 Walnut. CA 91789 Phone: (909) 594-6561 Fax: (909) 594-1621 www.knabe.com Supervisor, Fifth District Michael Antonovich (R) 615 East Foothill Blvd., Ste. A San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 394-2264 www.antonvich.com VOTER REGISTRATION ASSISTANCE Register to Vote Verify Registration Status Look-Up Polling Place On line at: www.LAVOTE.NET In Person at: REPUBLICAN CENTER 200 E. Rowland Ave. Covina, CA 91723-3146 Phone: (626) 967-6677 Jerri Potras and Pete Cardenas handed out American flags, Republican literature, snacks, bottled water and assisted with registering two new Republican voters at this year’s Spanish Spelling Bee in Azusa. Spanish spelling bees are similar to traditional spelling bees. They provide a wonderful opportunity for Spanish speakers to showcase their ability to spell in Spanish. They are open to native Spanish speakers and students learning Spanish. Spanish spelling bees are growing in popularity throughout the United States. WEBSITE HIGHLIGHT: REPUBLICAN GROUPS A monthly list of websites of interest to our members! Log Cabin Republicans www.logcabin.org National Black Republican Association www.nbra.info Republican Jewish Coalition www.rjchq.org Republican National Hispanic Assembly of Greater Los Angeles www.rnhala.org Find more websites of interest at www.eastsangabrielvalleyrwf.org 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Tuesday - Friday MAY 2015 |5 News & Views: City Government MY VIEW | JERRI POTRAS, EDITOR WEST COVINA’S MAYOR FRED SYKES IMMIGRATION CHUTZPAH The April 22 edition of the San Gabriel Valley Tribune ran an article titled “West Covina residents criticize Mayor Fredrick Sykes over immigration position.” I was at that and subsequent meetings. It took real chutzpah for Mayor Sykes to ignore the wishes of the council on this issue. When Mayor Sykes failed to gain council support for the city to sign on to the amicus brief discussed on page 3 of this newsletter, the issue should have ended. It did not. Mayor Sykes had outside council sign the document on his behalf. It is a technicality that it is in his name only. In actuality, West Covina is now listed as one of 73 cities supporting President Obama’s immigration policies. This brief, along with another brief filed by more than 150 civil rights and immigration advocacy groups activates the political progressive left. An example follows. At subsequent council meetings representatives from activists groups thanked Mayor Sykes for his action and offered their organizations willingness to work with the city on issues of concern to their clients. Residents who criticized the mayor’s actions or expressed concern West Covina would become a “sanctuary city” were denounced by other residents as anti-immigrant or racist via terms such as “Mayflower American,” “coconut” and the like. Resident activists spoke using coded calls to action such as “Should I be afraid to go outside?” Mayor Sykes chutzpah has consequences for West Covina. Republican Women: Scholarships Part II CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN ADAPTED FROM CAPITOL UPDATE: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE | FEBRUARY 27, 2015 YOUNG REPUBLICAN WOMEN ARE OUR FUTURE: CFRW SCHOLARSHIPS In a recent Capitol Update, California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) President Roseann Slonesky-Breault noted Federated scholarship deadlines will here before we know it and encouraged Federated members to start thinking of worthy applicants now! A summary of CFRW’s scholarship follows. Detailed information and applications are on-line at http://www.cfrw.org/index.cfm/scholarships.htm Completed applications must be submitted to CFRW through local clubs. ESGVRWF’s contacts are Gayle Mason, Committee Chairman, and Valerie Evans, President. THE PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN SCHOLARSHIP ▪ What it does: Honors President Ronald Reagan. ▪ Who Qualifies: An undergraduate registered Republican women who is majoring in political science, communications, or directed toward law. The applicant must be a United States citizen, have completed two years of college, and be a resident of the State of California. Scholarship Amount: $2,000. CFRW Application Deadline: August 15 6 | VIEWPOINT QUICK GUIDE TO Elected Officials CITY OF COVINA Council Members Peggy Delach, Mayor John C. King, Mayor Pro Tem Walter Allen Jorge Marquez Kevin Stapleton Covina City Hall 125 E. College Street Covina, CA 91723-2199 Phone: (626) 384-5400 www.ci.covina.ca.us CITY OF WEST COVINA Council Members Fred Sykes, Mayor James Toma, Mayor Pro Tem Mike Spence Corey Warshaw West Covina City Hall 144 West Garvey Avenue West Covina, CA 91790 Phone: (626) 939-8400 www.westcovina.org CITY OF GLENDORA Council Members Judy Nelson, Mayor Karen Davis, Mayor Pro Tem Gene Murabito Joe Santoro Douglas F. Tessitor Glendora City Hall 116 E. Foothill Blvd. Glendora, CA 91741-3380 Phone: (626) 914-8200 www.ci.glendora.ca.us CITY OF SAN DIMAS Council Members Curtis W. Morris, Mayor John Ebiner, Mayor Pro Tem Denis Bertone Emmett Badar Jeff Templeman San Dimas City Hall 245 E. Bonita Ave. San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone: (909) 394-6200 www.cityofsandimas.com Important Dates & Upcoming Events May 2015 Mon 2 CALIFORNIA FEDERATION OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN SOUTHERN DIVISION ESGVRWF Board Meeting 10:00 AM |Republican Center Fri 22 BOARD OF DIRECTORS LUNCHEON MEETING ESGVRWF General Meeting ▪ See page 1 for details. Mon 25 Memorial Day | Local Observances (Partial Listing) ▪ 9:30 AM |Oakdale Cemetery, Covina Ceremony & Parade ▪ 10:00 AM | West Covina Civic Center Ceremony ▪ 11:00 AM | Rose Hills Memorial Park, Whittier Ceremony, Band, Vintage Plane Flyover, Military Vehicle Display June 2015 Mon 1 ESGVRWF Board Meeting 10:00 AM |Republican Center Wed 3 CFRW Southern Division Board of Directors Meeting ▪ See details this page. Sat 6 ▪ Wed 16 Program Diane Harkey State Board of Equalization 4th District Elected in 2014 to the State Board of Equalization Diane Harkey advocates for policies that support job creation in the private sector, improve the state budget outlook, and reduces the burden of complying with government audits and various tax regulations. Meet the 2015 Charlotte Mousel Scholarship Recipients ESGVRWF Bingo & Pizza ▪ See page 8 for details. Meeting Details CFRW Southern Division Republican Women on Target! ▪ See details this page. Fri 26 Date: Time: 10:00 AM ESGVRWF General Meeting ▪ Details to be announced. Place: ` Cost: CFRW Southern Division REPUBLICAN WOMEN ON TARGET! Shooting is the perfect activity for our group of women. Come for the experience, stay for the camaraderie! Date: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 Time: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Place: ` Cost: Burro Canyon Shooting Park 22100 E. Fork Rd. Azusa, CA 91702 Wednesday, June 3, 2015 Call to Order Pomona Valley Mining Co. 1777 Gillette Rd. Pomona, CA 91768 $25 per person. Must be pre-paid. Reservation Process No reservations taken at the door. Checks Payable to: CFRW Southern Division Mail to: Sue Kinsling 5182 Kingsgrove Dr., Somis, CA 93066 Phone: (805) 386-8112 Email: sdreservations@cfrw.org Pre-Paid Deadline: May 23, 2015 $20 per person. Includes safety instruction, range shooting practice, lunch, refreshments. Requirements, Options, RSVP Instructions and Form http://www.cfrwsoutherndivision.org/userfiles/258 /file/SDRepublicanWomenonTarget_flyer.pdf Interested in carpooling to Southern Division’s meeting? Contact Valerie Evans. Pre-Paid Deadline: June 1, 2015 MAY 2015 |7 Club News: Working Together We Turn Words into Action Membership I am pleased to report we now have 113 renewals and 4 new members for a total of 117. The associate count is up to 27. Our newest member, Joann Patton, came as a guest to our General Meeting April 24th. She attends meetings in Claremont with the Mountain View Republicans. I welcome Joann as well as our other 3 new members: Ronda Forgette, Brandy Guenveur and Sarah Hernandez. Our newest associate members are: Ben Brandt, Debbie Gardner and Tim Petarra. Welcome to all. It's never too late in the year to join. Bring friends to our luncheons, introduce them to me and I will certainly invite them to join us. We have a great group of women. We all have our work cut out for us with the upcoming 2016 election. We’re glad to know Carole Mullner is up and around after a bout in the hospital. Speedy recovery wishes to Jackie Heathcote who is recuperating from surgery, Natalia Raygoza, Chairman 5 Mary Ann Morgan MAY 8 Elaine Baxter 10 Nancy Anzalone Birthday Wishes 12 Lillian Arlt 23 Jewell Stevenson If this is your birthday month and your name is not listed, please let me know. Jerri Potras, editor Deborah Behounek Vice President, Membership Come join us for a day of Date: Saturday, June 6, 2015 Location: Red Devil Pizza 116 W. Badillo St. Covina, CA 91723 Time: 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM Cost: $15.00 per person RSVP & Payment Due: Friday, May 22, 2015 (General Meeting) Please bring a brown bag item which will be used as the prizes. .See page 11 for RSVP & Payment Instructions. Caryn Shewmaker, Chairman 8 | VIEWPOINT ESGVRWF member Liz Fry has been a volunteer at the Covina Library for quite some. It was a most pleasant surprise to see her on duty when we delivered this year’s MELP donation. (See article on page 9.) I enjoyed our chat. The Friends Book Nook is a wonderful place to donate those gently used books you’ve read but may no longer want. It is also a good place for purchasing books. Visit your local library “book nook” today. I’m glad I did. , --- Jerri Potras, editor/photographer. Club News: Working Together We Turn Words into Action CARING FOR AMERICA Solving problems through the combined effort of individuals rather than encouraging dependency on government programs Military: We have $335 in our Military account so we are sure to reach our Memorial Day goal of $400 to send to the “Wounded Warrior Project” to honor their service and help their projects to heal the wounded. We do care and we show it. Animal Shelter: The Shelter has a new sign posted saying if you are having trouble keeping your animals there is help to be had. (See photo at right.) The last time I went and took the five cans of formula for young animals when the attendant was told we had it she immediately took it and said I’ll take it into them right now. So evidentially they really needed it! Stuffed Animals | Books: There has been testing all day at Poterero School so the stuffed animals were on vacation until things got back to normal. They are needed. Barbara McPherson, Chairman MAMIE EISENHOWER LIBRARY PROJECT (MELP) ESGVRWF is pleased to donate books to the Covina Library as part of its annual Mamie Eisenhower Library Project. See story at right. The Covina Public Library was visited on April 8, by Valerie Evans, President, Jerri Potras, Newsletter Editor and Photographer and me to give the books the Library had selected: ▪ America’s Star-spangled Story – Celebrating 200 years of the National Anthem ▪ A Race for the Future: How Conservatives Can Break the Liberal Monopoly on Hispanic Americans ▪ Awakening: How America Can Turn from Moral and Economic Destruction Back to Greatness ▪ Enabling the People: The Amendments to the U.S. Constitution and How to Always Remember Them ▪ Good Call: Reflections on Faith, Family, and Fowl ▪ The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic ▪ Henry Knox: Bookseller, Soldier, Patriot ▪ Tuesday Tucks Me In: The Loyal Bond between a Soldier and His Service Dog ▪ U.S. Symbols ▪ We Were There at the Boston Tea Party – 2 copies Krizia Virbia, Covina Administrative Technician, Veronica Palaaos, Management Analyst, Lilly Jimenez, Literacy Coordinator, Valerie Evans, President and I took a picture with the books. Gloria Gandara, Chairman MAY 2015 |9 Our Advertisers: They Support Us. We Support Them. Place it with us! ▪ Economical. Only $30 per year (9-10 issues) distributed by email (color) and U.S. Mail (B/W). ▪ Includes opportunity to present business at general meeting of membership. ▪ Includes subscription to our award-winning newsletter. subscription. For more information, contact Sigi A’Ce, Advertising Chairman: Email: Sigridace@gmail.com Home (909) 623-8127 | Cell (909) 374-3429 Memorial Day isn't just about honoring veterans, its honoring those who lost their lives. Veterans had the fortune of coming home. For us, that's a reminder of when we come home we still have a responsibility to serve. It's a continuation of service that honors our country and those who fell defending it. Pete Hegseth, CEO, Concerned Veterans for America 10 | VIEWPOINT The Back Page ESGVRWF Special Event RSVP and Payment Instructions Name: ______________________________________________________________ Contact Information: ________________________________________________ No. of Reservations: ________ at $15 each Amount Enclosed: __________ Make checks payable to ESGVRWF. On Memo Line: Pizza and Bingo Mail check to: Caryn Shewmaker, 1825 Borrego Dr. West Covina, CA 91791 Additional Information, call Caryn Shewmaker at (626) 695-6364. RSVP & Payment Due by Friday, May 22, 2015 EAST SAN GABRIEL VALLEY REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED MEMBERSHIP FORM Membership Period: January – December 2015 Name Spouse Name (Optional) Street Address No. City New State Renew Zip Code CLUB USE ONLY Received _________ Cash Check # _______ Phone Home ( Alternate ) ( Birth Month and Day Email Address (For updates and timely information.) Send newsletter by: U.S. Mail Membership Regular Associate Dues $30 Per Cap __________ ) Referred By: Email Open To (Select one.) ▪ Registered Republican women with ESGVRWF as primary club Club Name: $15 ▪ Registered Republican men ▪ Regular member of another Republican Women Federated Club ___________________________ ▪ Non-citizen interested in the Republican Party and the Federation Make checks payable to: ESGVRWF Mail to: Deborah Behounek, 2607 N. White, La Verne, CA 91750 Call (909) 815-0248 12/29/14 j MAY 2015 |11 + FEDERATED 216 S. Citrus St., #56, West Covina, CA 91791 www.EastSanGabrielValleyRWF.org | esgvrwf@gmail.com First Class | Dated Material Highlights ▪ May Meeting: Jack Orswell will speak on Birth Tourism, Fair Path to Citizenship or Legal Loophole? ▪ Presidential Executive Orders, the Courts and Amicus Briefs: Its Pure Politics, Folks. ▪ Lipstick on a Pig: California’s AB 60 Join us for a fun-filled day of Bingo and Pizza! RSVP and payment deadline is near! An America’s Founding Principle: Constitutional Government Part V of our review of the principles associated with the framework of limited republican government, principles central to the American way of life. Who has the ultimate say in determining what the Constitution means? No one person or branch of government has the final say in determining what the Constitution means. The Supreme Court has the power to decide the cases and controversies before it; those decisions are binding on the parties involved and lower federal or state courts are bound to follow them. However, it is important to remember that the Constitution is not simply whatever the Supreme Court says it is. The decisions of the Supreme Court never replace the Constitution itself. Just as the Supreme Court is not the final interpreter, it is not the exclusive interpreter. Everyone who holds an office in the United States—the President, members of Congress, federal judges—takes an oath to uphold the United States Constitution. As the Supreme Court must dutifully and faithfully interpret the Constitution when determining the validity of the laws in the cases before it, so too must the members of Congress when they make laws and the President when he enforces them. Each branch has a responsibility to act in accordance with the Constitution. This coordinate-branch construction of government, when executed properly, provides the proper checks and balances and ensures the faithful execution of the will of the people as embodied in our Constitution. For more on the subject, see Edwin Meese’s WebMemo “ The Meaning of the Constitution. ” From: Leadership for America: First Principals: Constitutional Government. www.Heritage.org 12 | VIEWPOINT
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---Jerri Potras, editor, ViewPoint.