Media Kit - 10/13 Communications
Media Kit - 10/13 Communications
Tucson 2015 Media Kit TARGETED RESULTS CREATIVE THINKING UNPARALLELED SERVICES Driving Your Business FORWARD A DIVISION OF Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● ALWAYS LOCAL Tucson Local Media saturates the market as it reaches 255,000 readers monthly. It covers all of the region with a major focus on community news, business, entertainment, politics and provides a market for advertisers to reach a well-desired demographic. Owned by 10/13 Communications, Tucson Local Media includes The Explorer Newspaper, the northwest region’s leading source for community news; The Foothills News, which encompasses all of the Catalina Foothills; The Marana News, which covers Marana and Pima County; The Desert Times, which provides local content for residents of southwest Tucson; Inside Tucson Business, the region’s leading source of news for professional leaders; and the Tucson Weekly, the region’s leading alternative newspaper, which is the go-to publication for things to do, entertainment, political news and a unique look at local issues. No matter what the publication, the reporting is fair, accurate and exclusive to the readers, whether it is online or in print. Tucson Local Media will always serve as your voice to all of Tucson. Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● OUR MARKET POSITION Tucson Local Media is a full-service media organization that can deliver your message to the correct audience at the right time. Whether through the 255,000 readership receiving our weekly, biweekly and monthly print editions, to more than 500,000 unique online visitors, Tucson Local Media helps you find the most effective way to deliver your message. From community news and entertainment to an in-depth look at cultural and social issues, Tucson Local Media delivers now and in the future. Tucson Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● CIRCULATION 100% LOCAL READERSHIP 108,000 MONTHLY CIRCULATION 86,737 WEEKLY CIRCULATION NEWSPAPER PENETRATION EXPLORER NEWSPAPER Areas: Oro Valley, Marana, Northwest Tucson. Weekly Circulation: 35,000. Print Edition: Every Wednesday Delivery Method: 93% Residential, 7% Single Copy FOOTHILLS NEWS Areas: Catalina Foothills, La Encantada, Sunrise & Swan. Monthly Circulation: 8,000. Print Edition: Monthly Delivery Method: 20% Single Copy, 80% Home Delivery TUCSON WEEKLY Areas: Tucson and surrounding areas. Weekly Circulation: 38,500. Print Edition: Every Thursday Delivery Method: 100 % Single Copy DESERT TIMES Areas: Avra Valley, Copper Crest, Picture Rocks, Tucson Estates, The Foothills, Three Points, Robles Junction, Southwest Tucson. Montly Circulation: 6,500. Print Edition: Monthly Delivery Method: 100% Single Copy MARANA NEWS Areas: Town of Marana and surrounding areas. Weekly Circulation: 9,400. Print Edition: Every Wednesday Delivery Method: 93% Residential, 7% Single Copy Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS Areas: Mailed To Tucson Business Professionals. Bi-Weekly Circulation: 5,600.*Paid Print Edition: Every Other Friday Delivery Method: 30% Mail, 70% Single Copy Source: Circulation Verification Council 2015 READER DEMOGRAPHIC PRINT Tucson Local Media’s audience is diverse with loyal readers from all over Southern Arizona. From the monthly and weeky community newspapers to the Tucson Weekly, we’ve evolved in the digital age, and we continue to recruit a larger, diverse audience. We deliver to an audience with the disposable income that is spent in your local business. COMMUNITY PAPERS Explorer, Foothills News, Desert Times, Marana News 24% 24% 21% 39% 18% 10% 61% 3% 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 + AGE MALE/FEMALE The majority of COMMUNITY PAPER readers are between the ages of 35-54. 61% of readers are FEMALE. 39% of readers are MALE. $$ INCOME 45% of readers earn $75,000 to $149,999 per year. TUCSON WEEKLY 39.1% 28% 32% 13.4% 11.6% 7.9% 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 68% 65 + AGE MALE/FEMALE The majority of TUCSON WEEKLY readers are between the ages of 25-44. 68% of readers are FEMALE. 32% of readers are MALE. $$ INCOME 56% of readers household income is $50,000 per year. INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS 31.4% 24.2% 56% 20.5% 9.4% 35-44 45-54 44% 55-64 65 + AGE MALE/FEMALE The majority of the INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS readers are between the ages of 35-54 56% of readers are MALE. 44% of readers are FEMALE. Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● $$ INCOME 38% of readers household income is $100,000 per year. Source: Circulation Verification Council 2013, Voice Media Group Survey SPECIALTY PRINT SOLUTIONS Tucson Local Media’s specialty print solutions allow clients to utilize different aspects of the newspaper to effectively reach potential customers. Advertisers have the ability to incorporate their message into unique custom opportunities that stem from a unique spadea ad position, stand alone inserts, as well as front page news. All of the specialty products have a purpose to directly solve an advertiser’s need. EXPLORER The Explorer, April April 16, 2014 Volume 21, Number 16 16, 2014 The Voice of Marana, Oro Valley and Northwest Tucson 40 Special Section: Kids Camp Find out what camps to send your children to during the summer|P15 Country Thunder wrap-up Arizona’s largest country music festival ends with highest attendance to date|P29 9-1-1, what is your emergency? Oro Valley hosts national synchronized swimming event EXPLORER April 16, 2014 Volume 21, Number INSIDE The Explorer, April 16, 2014 INSIDE 40 16 The Voice of Marana, st Tucson Oro Valley and Northwe n: Kids Camp Special Sectio your camps to send Find out what the summer|P15 children to during Arizona’ date|P29 attendance to ends with highest r emergency? 9-1-1, what is you Randy Metcalf The Explorer E Photos by Randy Metcalf/The Explorer Marana police dispatcher Grace Neal started working with the department as a secretary 24 years ago and was the first dispatcher for the town. Oro Valley, Marana dispatchers take the calls Randy Metcalf The Explorer T here is a job that only about four percent of the population is qualified and capable of doing. At this very moment, there are at least two people in Oro Valley and two in Marana who are doing it. This is the job as a police 911 operator and dispatcher. In both Marana and Oro Valley, they sit in front of multiple screens, which display maps and information, in a dimly-lit room. Constantly, the chatter over the radio is in their ear as they decipher what is needed and who. Sonia Schreiber, who is currently a lead dispatcher for the Oro Valley Police Department (OVPD), has been with the town for 10 years. Through college, she studied to be and thought she would be a teacher. But after serving as a military police officer in the Army, she was attracted to the environment and excitement of working for a police department, but liked the lessdangerous side of working as a dispatcher and operator. “There aren’t very many jobs out there that you can leave and feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment,” Schreiber said. “I think I just realized that with this job that I can kind of continue on that level of satisfaction and accomplishment without seeing face-to-face what goes on out in the field.” Shelia Blevins, who is the communications supervisor for Marana Police Department (MPD), was a preschool teacher before becoming a dispatcher and a 911 operator. As a teacher, she got to know a police officer with the Tucson Police Depart- Oro Valley lead dispatcher Sonia Schreiber has worked with the town’s police department for the past 10 years. ment (TPD). He offered her To become a dispatcher a ride-along, and in doing so, and 911 operator is a yearlong gave her a tour of the commu- process and is no easy task. nications department. Recently, in the Oro Valley’s “I just walked through and department’s search to fill a just said, ‘I want to do this.’ It vacancy within communicawas just an immediate ‘I can tions, it tested about 80 applido this,” Blevins said. cants. Of that 80, 13 continued She worked for TPD for 10 on to be reviewed by an oral years, and has been with MPD See Dispatchers, P10 for the past 17 years. ven before the Oro Valley Aquatics Center officially opened last spring, town officials were beaming about the U.S. National Synchronized Swimming Championships event that was slated to take place more than a year after opening. Last week, 40 teams, consisting of swimmers, coaches and other personnel, from across the country, traveled to compete in this national event in Oro Valley. Though it was touted as a highlight, the center has seen 18 competitions since it opened including state, regional, national, summer league and high school meets. Of those 18, more than half were larger meets, such as state and nationals. Having events like those locked in place and the town’s pool on the map for the swimming circuit, the town has secured the 2016 U.S. Masters Synchronized Swimming Championships, which will be held in October of 2016. “When we built this facility we had always envisioned having a lot of state competition. But we have been really aggressive on our bids for national competitions,” said Greg Caton, the Oro Valley Town Manager, as he watched the competition take place last week. “This is the fruit of that labor.” This past competition was projected to bring in $429,543 to the town’s economy, which is a portion of the $2.2 million that was estimated to come into the town during the course of this year from the center alone. “The exposure that this See Synchronized, P7 m up Thunder wrapCountry music festival s largest country Oro Valley hosts national synchronized swimming event Randy Metcalf The Explorer E Valley ven before the Oro officially Aquatics Center town opened last spring, beaming officials were National Synabout the U.S. Chamchronized Swimmingwas slatthat pionships event more than a ed to take place year after opening.teams, conLast week, 40 coaches sisting of swimmers, from and other personnel, traveled to country, the across national event compete in this in Oro Valley. touted as Though it was center has a highlight, the since seen 18 competitions state, it opened includingsummer regional, national, school meets. league and high than half Explorer Photos by Randy Metcalf/The Of those 18, more such as were larger meets, dispatcher for the town. ago and was the first state and nationals. like those as a secretary 24 years with the department Having events and the town’s Grace Neal started working locked in place Marana police dispatcher for the swimpool on the map town has seming circuit, the U.S. Masters cured the 2016 Swimming Synchronized after serving which will be be a teacher. But Championships, 2016. officer in of as a military policeattracted to held in October Randy Metcalf this facil“When we built The Explorer the Army, she was and exciteenvisioned environment ity we had always that only the of working for a police state compehere is a job having a lot of of the ment have been rebut liked the lessabout four percent tition. But we our bids for qualified department,side of working as on population is ally aggressive said doing. At dangerous and operator. and capable of dispatcher national competitions,” there are at a very many Oro Valley “There aren’t this very moment,in Oro ValGreg Caton, the he watched that you can as least two people jobs out there Town Manager, take place Marana who sense of satisley and two in is the job as leave and feel a the competition the fruit of nt,” is and accomplishme are doing it. This last week. “This and dis- faction said. “I think I just town’s police that labor.” the with a police 911 operator Schreiber worked has that was that with this job dispatcher Sonia Schreiber This past competition patcher. on that Oro Valley lead and Oro realized to bring in $429,543 In both Marana of mul- I can kind of continueand ac- department for the past 10 years. which dispatcher projected front To become a yearlong to the town’s economy,million Valley, they sit in level of satisfaction seeing $2.2 is a which display He offered her t without tiple screens, is a portion of the to come in a complishmenwhat goes on out ment (TPD). and in doing so, and 911 operator no easy task. maps and information, a ride-along, process and is that was estimated the Constantly, face-to-face a tour of the commu- Recently, in the Oro Valley’sa into the town during the dimly-lit room. the radio is in the field.” is the gave her to fill from who year search over Blevins, this department. Shelia the chatter course of and department’s supervisor nications communicathey decipher “I just walked through in their ear as communications vacancy within center alone. that this and who. Police Depart- just said, ‘I want to do this.’ It tions, it tested about 80 appli“The exposure what is needed ‘I can a prewho is for Marana 13 continued (MPD), was Sonia Schreiber, was just an immediate cants. Of that 80, by an oral dispatcher ment before becom, P7 this,” Blevins said. for 10 on to be reviewed currently a lead Police De- school teacher and a 911 do TPD See Synchronized P10 She worked for for the Oro Valley has been ing a dispatcher she got with MPD See Dispatchers, partment (OVPD), 10 years. operator. As a teacher, years, and has been with officer for past 17 years. with the town she studied to know a police Depart- for the Through college, she would the Tucson Police to be and thought na dispatchers take Oro Valley, Mara the calls T Front Page SPADEA Deliver your message with a unique wrap-around ad position on the front and back page of the newspapers. The front page of the newspaper is the most sought out piece of advertising real estate within any newspaper and this ad position allows advertisers to have the best of both worlds with a synchronized advertisement on the front and back. INSERTS Deliver your message to our readers through the power of an insert that is placed strategically within the middle of the newspapers. Allow readers to engage with your advertising message for days, weeks and even months, allowing you to always have a top-of-mind awareness campaign throughout the distribution areas. Insert printing options available NEWS NOTES Deliver your message clearly and concisely by utilizing news notes (Post-it note) advertising. News notes are placed strategically on the front page that will overlay content on the newspaper. News notes allow a client’s message to have a shelf life of up to 30 days as well as high-impact recognition of front-page exposure. KRAFT WRAP If you are looking to make a big statement and put your message front and center, the kraft wrap is the way to go. Wrapping around the front and back of the main paper, the kraft wrap is great for promoting specials, delivering a message, or raising awareness for special events and programs happening in the region. Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● DIRECTORY SOLUTIONS Whether you are a small-to-medium-size business looking to drive traffic through the power of a coupon, a service-related business trying to make your phone ring, or a church looking to advertise special services - Tucson Local Media has the answer for you within our directory solutions. LOCAL CARD CONNECTION* Display your small-to-medium-size-business with an effective cardsize ad within the local card connection directory. Perfect for service customers or small local direct clients. All ad positions are 3.25 x 2 inches, and include spot color. COUPONS* Deliver your message with a special coupon that is unique for readers. Ad positions are templated for increased effectiveness. The ad is 3.25 x 2.75 inches. WORSHIP GUIDE* Display your church’s message and information within the Worship Directory. Increase your exposure by allowing the public to view hours, locations notice of any special services throughout the month. Templated dimensions are 3.2153 x 1.3241 inches, and all ad positions are only available in black and white. SERVICE DIRECTORY* Display your service business within the Service Directory, which caters to all industries such as plumbing, landscaping, painting, housekeeping, handyman and much more. Premium inside back cover placement. Ad dimensions are 1.575 x 2.25 inches. All ad positions are only available in black and white. Call 797-4384 to place your ad The Explorer, April 23, 2014 The Job Zone The Northwest’s Newspaper GENERAL EMPLOYMENT Drivers-CDL-A: Great Benefits! Paid weekly. Vacation/Holidays/401k. Doubles, tanker, hazmat, 1yr exp. Catalina Inn is Now Hiring for the Night Auditor position. Shifts include weekends and holidays. Shift hours are from 11:00pm to 7:00am. Please apply in person at 15691 N Oracle Rd. Dreaming of a New Job but Don’t Want the World to Know? Lucky for me, lets me explore jobs anonymously so I can get matched to my dream job without anyone finding out. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINEES needed in Phoenix! Become a driver for Werner Enterprises! Earn $750/ week + benefits! NO CDL? NO PROBLEM! CDL training available! 1-888-512-7114. (AzCAN) EARN $500 A-DAY: Insurance Agents needed: Leads, no cold calls; Commissions paid daily; Lifetime renewals; complete training; Health & Dental Insurance; Life License required. Call 1-888-713-6020. (AzCAN) Try Real-Time Job Matching and get hired fast on ™ CDL A Truck Drivers Needed. Up to $5,000 Sign-On-Bonus & $0.54 CPM. Solos & Team. Excellent Hometime. Great Miles, Benefits, 401K, EOE. Call 7 days/wk! 866-837-5997. GordonTrucking. com. (AzCAN) The Northwest’s Newspaper The Explorer Newspaper has an immediate opening for an Advertising Sales Executive. We’re seeking an organized, self-starting, energetic person who wants to grow with us. We offer a guarantee, commission and an enjoyable, rewarding environment. Please send a cover letter and resumé to: Ryan Kedzierski The Explorer Newspaper 7225 N. Mona Lisa Road #125 Tucson, AZ 85741 EOE The Northwest’s Newspaper find. buy. play. Tucson Local For Media Sale & Yard Sales Homes&Rentals GOLF LOVERS PARADISE Oro Valley, Gated Community Completely Updated with All Stainless Appliances/Granite 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom 2 Car Garage with storage $1,400 per month (520) 850-9744 Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● MANUFACTURED HOMES LOOK--Homes for sale and R.V’s spaces available. 55+ nice quiet Mobile Home Park. Clubhouse, pool, horseshoes, and shuffle board court. 2 miles N. of SaddleBrooke 825-9313 RECRUITMENT SOLUTIONS The Job Zone is a great solution for employers looking to hire help for their business. This combined with our www.YourAZJobs. com gives you access directly to hundreds of applicants that fit your specific requirements. Your online source for news in Northwest Tucson Classified Finder the late first round at best in this coming draft. This mid to late level selection window has nothing to do with HOMES FOR RENT his skill set, however. Instead, Johnson’s projection has everything to do with concerns about his size. At 6 foot 3, the natural shooting guard is extremely undersized for the Great Home, Stunning average NBA player at his po- Views, Lovely Neighborhood! Oro Valley sition. Talent-wise, however, Johnson has little left to learn Move in Ready 1600 sq. ft. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths at Arizona. The team’s leading Updated Throughout scorer showed vast improve- 29 – 520-624-2348 Drive-away across the USA even if you don’t own a car. 22 Pickup Locations. Call 866-764-1601 or (AzCAN) FIREFIGHTER. Paid training to join elite U.S. Navy team. Good pay, medical, dental, promotions, vacation. HS grads ages 17-34. Call Mon-Fri (800)354-9627. (AzCAN) find. hire. work. Follow The Northwest’s Newspaper GARAGE/YARD SALES ESTATE/GARAGE SALE NORTHWEST: Everything Goes! Furniture, Kitchen cookware, Computer monitors and printer, dining tables, Women’s Clothing XL-20, Holiday, Fitness, Sewing machine, Microwave, Games, Tools, Weber grill, Book shelves, TV Cabinets, SATURDAY - SUNDAY, April 26-27 from 8am2pm, follow yellow signs 5121 W. Malachite, 85742. Final Sale Date May 10th. MISCELLANEOUS DirectTV: 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-6442857. (AzCAN) DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800- DirectTV - 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800279-3018 My Computer Works Computer problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-800-681-3250 * Not available in Tucson Weekly or Inside Tucson Business TUCSONLOCALMEDIA.COM PROFILE Tucson Local Media continues to enjoy growth. Its readers are attractive to advertisers because they are well-educated consumers. The popularity of this site combined with a targeted and appealing local audience makes this a highly desirable place to advertise online. Each ad campaign is carefully focused on key audiences, giving businesses a smart and effective way to extend their reach locally. FEMALE READERS MALE READERS 39% 61% 28,458 unique visitors every month 93,000 + page views per month 86% traffic from Northwest Tucson 3.25 min average time user spends on site $$ $60K READER INCOME average reader income AVERAGE AGE 47 years old HOMEOWNERS 73% visitors are homeowners SOCIAL MEDIA 5,900 + Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● fans/followers on Facebook and Twitter INSIDETUCSONBUSINESS.COM PROFILE provides the Tucson community with current information on construction, real estate, business openings, promotions and up-to-date news on the economic climate of the entire region. MALE READERS FEMALE READERS 56% 44% 55,000 unique visitors every month 84,000 page view per month $$ 82 READER INCOME % readers make between $50K-75K AVERAGE AGE 36 years old EDUCATION 21% college educated SOCIAL MEDIA 10,800 + Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● fans/followers on Facebook and Twitter TUCSONWEEKLY.COM PROFILE isn’t your average newspaper website or just another way to read the weekly paper. It’s an entirely different experience, with years of archives, new content on the Range (our blog) all day and exclusive online contests and features. 54% FEMALE READERS 46% MALE READERS 299,000 unique visitors every month 495,000 page view per month $$ 37 HOUSEHOLD INCOME % of audience + $100,000 AVERAGE AGE 46 years old EDUCATION 73% college educated 30% post graduate SOCIAL MEDIA 41,500 + fans/followers on Facebook and Twitter Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS The future is now! If you have not been advertising online, you are missing a tremendous amount of revenue that is going to your competitors who are taking advantage of multiple digital solutions. With a robust digital product platform that encompasses everything from digital display to front-page advertising on Google, Tucson Local Media strives to drive results through the power of the internet. DIGITAL DISPLAY With the power of digital display you can monitor results, which include impressions as well as clicks so you can determine if your online message is seeing a return on investment. Ad positions include leaderboard and medium rectangle, drop down, peel back, expandable, sequenced, back drop, and much more. VIDEO ADVERTISING Increase online exposure and get your message out to the growing population of video users online. Our video production is simple, to the point, and built to engage your customers. All video is shot in high definition (HD) and implemented onto Production includes a basic shoot and edit, minimum of 1 hour of HD shooting, full editing with graphics, music and a completed video from 30 seconds to a 2 minutes and 30 seconds. NATIVE ADVERTISING Native advertising is the next generation of rich media advertising. Have something you want to tell readers without a traditional advertising block? Then native advertising is the way to go. A native advertisement is an advanced advertorial. While it’s still a paid advertisement, native advertising feels less intrusive and thus increases the likelihood users will click on your site, seek your services or buy your products. EMAIL MARKETING Another resource Tucson Local Media provides is email messaging. Through our extensive database, we can reach thousands through our weekly newsletters and specially-crafted email blasts. Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● INTERACTIVE SOLUTIONS RESPONSIVE WEBSITE DESIGN Create the best user experience on all devices. Say goodbye to spending money on multiple website updates. This cutting-edge technology provides one website for your business that adjusts to the size and resolution for every device – automatically! Get all the features you need on one platform and easy-to-use content management system. Now you can save time and money that can be put back into your business. It’s just that easy! REPUTATION MONITORING Know what customers are saying about you. Don’t let bad reviews shut you down. Everyone has an opinion and the internet provided the megaphone. With 70% of consumers trusting online reviews, you can’t afford to ignore what’s being said online. Monitoring and addressing your online reputation has never been easier with your online dashboard. LIST OPTIMIZATION Get Listed. Get Found. Get customers. Are you losing customers due to incorrect contact info? If a customer cannot reach you, you have just lost out on a potential sale. Get more customers by increasing your online credibility. Maintain up-to-date, consistent and visible business information across top search engines and directories. RETARGETING Regain lost customers. Don’t miss out on lost business. Today’s customers take time to research and reflect before making a purchasing decision. Now you can keep in touch and stay relevant to customers throughout their buying decision. Plus, increase return visits to your website. Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● READER ACTION STATISTICS EXPLORER, MARANA NEWS, FOOTHILLS NEWS, DESERT TIMES, INSIDE TUCSON BUSINESS AFTER SEEING AN ADVERTISEMENT IN TUCSON LOCAL MEDIA, 83% OF READERS TOOK ACTION... TOP NEWSPAPER READER PURCHASES and 82% Dining Entertainment 61% Auto Accessories 44% Furniture and Home Accessories and 43% Lawn Garden 19% Childcare 40% Children’s Apparel and 75% Pharmacist Prescription and 53% Travel Vacations 32% Athletic and Sporting Equipment 77% Women’s Apparel and 40% TV Electronics 32% New and Used Automobiles Services TOP WEBSITE READER PURCHASES 47% Movies, etc., 37% Office Supplies and 39% Health Beauty 44% Pet Supplies and 29% Garden Landscape and 27% Eye Sunglasses 42% Travel 20% Large Appliance 31% Furniture or 42% Wine Liquor 29% Home Re-decorating 15% Photography Tickets Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● OUR CUSTOMER PROMISE Thank you for your interest in Tucson Local Media, the No. 1 source for news, entertainment and advertising in Southern Arizona. Tucson Local Media, which includes the Explorer, Tucson Weekly, Inside Tucson Business, Marana News, Foothills News and Desert Times, is the No. 1 source in Southern Arizona for getting advertisers in touch with our readers. Every week, our publications are picked up by more than 100,000 readers and reach more than 200,000 people. Our goal is to provide you, the customer, with the best advertising resource in the region. At Tucson Local Media, we value each and every business, from locally owned and operated businesses to national retailers. Our goal is always to be the best advertising resource by holding ourselves accountable in numerous ways, including delivering tangible results, outstanding customer service and 120 percent effort every day to help you grow your business. In short, we want to help make you money. Our staff is here every day to help you understand the value of advertising and coach you through the process of making one of the most important decisions your business can make. We look forward to working with you and for you and are available to answer any questions. Paul Hay Publisher 520-797-4384 Tucson Local Media Ahwatukee Foothills News ● Arizona Interactive Media Group ● Clipper Marketplace Daily News-Sun ● East Valley Tribune ● Surprise Today ● Glendale-Peoria Today Tucson Explorer ● U and Your Home ● Tucson
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