RETAIL & APTS 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE | BUSINESS BROKERAGE | LAND & BUILDING DEVELOPMENT INVESTMENT & INCOME PROPERTIES | TAX DEFERRAL STRATEGIES 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Table of Contents } Page 3 - 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, 16 17 18 19 Features Floor Plan Photos Aerial Plat Zoning Map Zoning Description Traffic Counts Location Map Demographics Thank You Agency Disclosure Contact 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 2 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Features } Commercial Building w/ Apartments. Prime retail space available as one large unit or divisible into three smaller spaces. Located in the heart of Pequot Lakes’ business district, locals and tourists alike flock to this area for many of their shopping needs - you could be in the middle of it all! Great opportunity for an end-user seeking an affordable building with prime visibiliy and high traffic counts. In addition, you can earn extra income on three upper level apartments, all of which are currently occupied. Location: 30690 Government Drive, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 Directions: From Baxter - North on Hwy 371 to the Pequot Lakes Traffic Light Right (east on CR 11 - Right (south) on Government Drive to the 3rd building on the left (east) Lot Size: 7,100 sq. ft. (.16 Acres) Lot Dimenions: 50’ x 142’ Building Size: Front Space: Back Space: Breezeway: Apartments: Apt 1: Apt 2: Apt 3: Approx. 6,304 sq. ft. Total 2,176 sq. ft. 2,016 sq. ft. 96 sq. ft. (Connects Front & Back Spaces) 2,016 sq. ft. Total (Includes Common Area) 630 sq. ft. 630 sq. ft. 680 sq. ft. PRICE REDUCED: $279,000 2013 Real Estate Taxes: $15,791.08 (Including $15.00 in Assessments) $259,000 Continued on next page. 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 3 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Features } Water & Sewer: City Heating: Natural Gas Forced Air Cooling: Electric-Central Air Electric: Retail Building: 200 Amps, Single Phase Apartments: 125 Amp/Apartment Lighting: Fluorescent & Incandescent Year Built: Front Space: 2002 Back Space & Apartments: 2003 Number of Levels: 1, plus upper level apartments in the back Construction: Wood Frame Foundation: Concrete Block Exterior: Hardy Board (30 Year Guarantee) Roof: Asphalt Shingles (25 Year Warranty) Windows: Weather Shield Vision 2000 (10 Year Guarantee) Ceiling Height: Front Space: 20’ Vaulted Back Space: 12’ Bathrooms: Front Space: 2 Apartments: 1 per Apartment Floor Drains: 2 High Speed Internet: Yes Security: Yes Parking: 5-6 in Front of Building, On-Street Parking on the West Side of Governemnt Drive, and 3 Designated Spots for Apartment Tenants off of the Alley Continued on next page. 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 4 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Features } Utilities: Gas: Electric: Water, heat and light are metered separately for each apartment unit, the back retail space, and then the front & middle spaces are combined Xcel Energy MN Power Zoning: DMU - Downtown Mixed Use PID #: 291020060070009 Legal Description: Lot 7 Block 6, Coles Plat of Pequot Neighboring Businesses: Neighboring businesses include Pfeiffer Pharmacy, American Legion, Lakes Latte, Lucky’s Tavern, Silver Creek Traders, Lakes State Bank, Super America, Family Dollar, Super Valu, Dairy Queen, Oasis Restaurant/Liquor/Gas Station, Pestello’s, Wells Fargo, Dollar General, Pequot Fire Hall Center, TimberJack Steak House, plus numerous other retailers located within the downtown area. Apartments: Each Apartment Contains: 1 Bedroom Full Bathroom Living Room Kitchen/Dining w/ Dishwasher, Refigerator, Sink, & Stove w/ Exhaust Hood 3-4 Closets Washer/Dryer Furnace/Hotwater Utility Closet Rental Details: Apt 1: Apt 2: Apt 3: Note: $450/Month $400/Month (Shovels Sidewalks, Some Maintenance, Contacts Landlord with any Issue, etc.) $450/Month Each tenant is responsible for their own utilities, (water, electric, etc) 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 5 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Floor Plan } Upper Level Apartments 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 6 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Photos } Retail Building Front Space Front Space Front Space Front Space Back Space Back Space 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 7 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Photos } Apartments Apartment Entrance Upper Level is Apartments Living Room Kitchen Bathroom Laundry Closet 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 8 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Aerial } N Dollar General UBC Fire Hall Center Pestello’s Silver Creek Lucky’s Tavern Lakes Latte Wells Fargo Legion Pfeiffer Pharmacy Family Dollar Super America Chamber Lakes State Bank Pequot Lakes High School Retail & Apartments Oasis Dairy Queen Super Valu Pequot Lakes Industrial Park 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 9 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Plat } Cole’s Plat of Pequot 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 10 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Zoning Map } City of Pequot Lakes DMU - Downtown Mixed Use 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 11 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Zoning Description } DMU - Downtown Mixed Use Purpose & Intent: To provide a zoning classification for a mix of high-density residential and commercial uses. Development in this zone relies less on automobile traffic and more on walking, biking and other similar modes of transportation. Compatibility: The Downtown Mixed-Use zone is most compatible with and should be established next to the Urban Residential zone, but it also may be adjacent to the Transition Residential, Commercial and Light Industrial Zones. Lot, Use, & Density Requirements: Minimum Lot Width .................................. 25 ft. Buildable Lot Area............................... 2,250 sq. ft. Max. Imp. Coverage w/storm sewer....... 90% Max. Imp. Coverage wo/storm sewer .... 50% 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 12 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Traffic Counts } 2007 Counts from MNDOT Pequot Lakes Traffic Counts: 10,000 - 12,200 on Hwy 371 and 8,200 - 8,500 on CR 11 (Main St.) 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 13 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Location Map } North South 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 14 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Demographics } Trade Area 2013 Population (Includes the following counties): Crow Wing County Cass County Total Trade Area Population 64,181 29,349 93,530 2013 Population: Pequot Lakes Brainerd Baxter 7,821 30,309 8,074 Estimated Summer Population: Brainerd/Baxter 200,000+ Projected Population Growth Change 2013-2018: Crow Wing County Pequot Lakes Households in 2013: Crow Wing County Pequot Lakes 0.59% 1.80% 26,802 3,228 2013 Median Household Income: Crow Wing County Pequot Lakes $43,810 $44,933 Crow Wing County Retail Sales in 2004: $1,563,020,000 Major Employers (with 150 or more employees): Brainerd Public Schools #181 St. Joseph’s Medical Center Brainerd Regional Human Service Ctr Grand View Lodge Maddens, Inc. Crow Wing County Ascensus Cuyuna Regional Medical Center Cragun’s Resort Bethany Good Samaritan Village Central Lakes Community College Super Wal-Mart Brainerd Medical Center Crosby Public Schools-ISD Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge U.S. Link Trus Joist Mac Millan Breezy Point Resort Pequot Lakes Public Schools Riverwood International USA Nor-son, Inc. MN Dept of Transportation Anderson Brothers Construction Keystone Automotive Industries Woodland Good Samaritan Village Good Neighbor Home Health Care # of Employees Brainerd 950 Brainerd 908 Brainerd 677 Nisswa 600 Brainerd 500 Brainerd 450 Brainerd 404 Crosby 390 Brainerd 350 Brainerd 325 Brainerd 313 Baxter 300 Brainerd 285 Crosby 255 Deerwood 250 Pequot Lakes 246 Brainerd 220 Breezy Point 205 Pequot Lakes 200 Crosby 190 Baxter 177 Baxter 175 Brainerd 160 Brainerd 157 Brainerd 150 Brainerd 150 Continued on next page. 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 15 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Demographics } Area Businesses: (To see a list of additional businesses, please go to www.explorebrainerdlakes.com) Financial Institutions: 15+ (multiple locations not counted) Churches: 30+ Schools: 15+ Golf Courses: 27+ Resorts: Bay Colony Inn Breezy Point Resort Craguns Fritz’s Resort Grand View Lodge Gull Lake Resort Izaty’s Kavanaugh’s Lost Lake Lodge Maddens Quarterdeck Ruttger’s Bay Lake Lodge Sullivans Plus numerous others Major Retailers: Anytime Fitness Baxter Village (6 Retailers) Best Buy Big Lots Book World Brother’s Motorsports Christmas Point Costco Crosslake Town Square (12 Retailers) Cub Foods (2) Discount Tire Dunham’s Sports East Brainerd Mall (17 Retailers) Fleet Farm Gander Mountain Herberger’s Home Depot JC Penney’s Kohl’s Major Retailers Continued: Menards Northwoods Plaza (6 Retailers) Office Max Sears Super One Super Wal-Mart Target The Power Lodge Walgreens Westgate Mall (27 Retailers) Restaurants/Fast Food: 371 Diner Antler’s Applebee’s Arby’s Bar Harbor Billy’s Black Bear Lodge & Saloon Bonanza Boomer Pizza Boulder Tap House Breezy Point Marina Brick House Pizza Buffalo Wild Wings Burger King Caribou Coffee (2) Cherry Berry China Buffet China Garden Cold Stone Creamery Country Kitchen Cowboy’s Cragun’s Legacy Grill Cru Culver’s Dairy Queen (3) Domino’s Pizza El Tequila Erbert & Gerberts Ernie’s Four Seas Giovanni’s Pizza Grizzly’s Grill & Saloon Restaurants/Fast Food Continued Half Moon Saloon Hardee’s Hunt ‘N Shack Iven’s on the Bay Jack’s House Jake’s Jimmy John’s KFC (2) Madden’s Classic Grill Manhattan Beach Maucieri’s McDonalds (3) Moonlite Bay Northwinds Grille Olive Garden Papa John’s Pizza Papa Murphy’s Pizza Perkins Pestello’s Pine Peaks Pizza Hut Pizza Ranch Poncho & Lefty’s Prairie Bay Prime Time Quarterdeck Rafferty’s Pizza (3) Riverside Inn Ruttger’s Sawmill Inn Sherwood Forest Starbucks Subway (3) Sunshine/Moonshine Taco Bell Taco John’s The Barn The Chap The Commander The Lodge Grill The Pines at Grandview Timberjack TJ’s Log Cabin Wendy’s (2) Ye Ole Wharf Zorbaz (2) 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 16 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Thank You } Thank You for Considering this Close - Converse Opportunity Close - Converse is pleased to present this real estate opportunity for your review. It is our intention to provide you with the breadth of information and data that will allow you to make an informed decision. We are Here to Help Please review this package and contact us with any questions you may have. We are prepared to discuss how this property meets your needs and desires. Facts, figures and background information will aid in your decision. Should you need specialized counsel in the areas of taxation, law, finance, or other areas of professional expertise, we will be happy to work with your advisor or, we can recommend competent professionals. How to Acquire this Opportunity When you have made a decision to move forward, we can help structure a proposal that covers all the complexities of a commercial real estate transaction. As seller’s/landlord’s representatives, we know the seller’s/landlord’s specific needs and can tailor a proposal that expresses your desires, provides appropriate contingencies for due diligence and results in a win-win transaction for all parties. Agency and You Generally, we are retained by sellers or landlords to represent them in the packaging and marketing of their commercial, investment or development real estate. You are encouraged to review the Minnesota disclosure form “Agency Relationships in Real Estate Transactions” which is enclosed at the end of this package. If you have questions about agency and how it relates to your search for the right property, please ask us. We will answer all your questions and review the alternatives. Should you wish to pursue this opportunity, please acknowledge your review of “Agency Relationships” by signing, dating and returning it to us. 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 17 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Agency Disclosure } 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 18 30960 GOVERNMENT DR, PEQUOT LAKES { Contact } Address: 521 Charles Street PO Box 327 Brainerd, MN 56401 Telephone: 218-828-3334 Fax: 218-828-4330 Website: www.closeconverse.com You may also contact the following members of the Close~Converse team by cell phone or email. Rod Osterloh 218-831-1301 cell osterloh@closeconverse.com Chris Close, CCIM 218-831-7510 cell chris@closeconverse.com Nate Grotzke, CCIM 218-838-1000 cell nate@closeconverse.com Tim Miller 218-838-8772 cell tim@closeconverse.com Jody Osterloh 218-831-0712 cell jody@closeconverse.com Kevin Close 218-831-3077 cell kevin@closeconverse.com 521 CHARLES STREET | PO BOX 327 | BRAINERD, MN 56401 | 218-828-3334 © 2014 Close~Converse: The above information has been obtained from the property owner or other sources that we deem reliable, however, neither the owner nor Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties, guarantees the accuracy of such information. No part of this information may be reproduced, adapted, or transmitted without the prior written consent of Close~Converse Commercial & Preferred Properties. www.closeconverse.com 19
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