Valentines Day, for the Young-at
Valentines Day, for the Young-at
JIM GRAUNKE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR • 323-257-7518 SPRING 2016 Valentines Day, for the Young-at-Heart in Love by Nina Zvaleko The scene: Solheim’s elegant dining room, high beamed ceilings, gold-tone and glass chandeliers, gold tapestry chairs, and the infamous hand-carved wooden map of the world. Add traditional red, pink and white hearts and balloons, happy people, and you’ve got a party! The cast: Mistress of Ceremonies, Director of Community Engagement Kathy Rust, King and Queen of Hearts 2016, Joan and Bob; Officiating, Conservator Pat Barr; Witnesses, a full complement of family, friends, members of the LAPD, and the residents, staff, and wonderful volunteers of Solheim; Entertainers, professional dancers and instructors, Brian Fortuna, Joan Robinson and Rachel Seward. The festivities started with a welcome by Kathy and introduction of the King and Queen of Hearts. While Bob waited patiently, all eyes were on his bride. Joan walked the aisle again in a cream lace dress carrying a bouquet of white roses accented with orange. His smile spoke volumes as she set upon the red “throne” beside him. The couple was then draped with royal capes of red with white faux-fur trim, and crowned with convincing gold crowns. White frosted wedding This year’s Valentine’s Day party was no exception, cake completed the setting. except for the added joy of wedding vows renewed. Kathy introduced the nine couples of Solheim, seven You can believe that love is in the air in our 80s and 90s. of whom were at the party to hear the congratulations Solheim currently has a record nine married couples, and applause in honor of their everlasting love. and a few new romances budding. There were smiles, hand holding, and more than a few kisses at this party. Continued on Page 2 A t Solheim, Eagle Rock’s premier retirement community, holiday parties are the norm. In addition to the regular activities; games, discussions, socials, there’s always a reason to celebrate. With holidays, birthdays, international independence days, national pie day... the festivities are endless. It’s called abundant living, and it is written into their mission statement. 1 Continued from Page 1 The happy couple were congratulated by several members of the Los Angeles Police Department, where Lieutenant Bob had served during his long career. They appreciated him for his service, and each wished them continued joy and happiness. On Valentine’s Day 1957, Bob and Joan were wed. He had just passed the police academy test, and they embarked upon their journey. Now, 59 years later, they would do it again! Ooh and the entertainment was delightful! Brian Fortuna and Joan Robinson, professional ballroom dancers and coaches (Brian of Dancing with the Stars fame) wowed The ceremony began with a remembrance. This was the crowd. Brian introduced himself and graciously a renewal of an ongoing lifelong commitment. First, a presented Joan. He in a smart, sharp and elegant fitted bit of romantic history: It was a Sunday in July when dress shirt and brown slacks, she in a formal gown of Bob first saw Joan at the beach, looking “glamorous.” rich dark turquoise, with a cascade of sparling white He met her and by the end of the afternoon he was flowers and matching collar, they took the dance floor. driving her home, yes, they kissed. In a 1956 letter Grace, rhythm and romance ensued as they performed to Bob, his sister approved of his intent to tie the a Rumba to “Quiet Night, Quiet Stars.” knot. She wrote that Joan was, Brian, coyly claiming that “a very nice girl.” She wished singing is not his first talent, them a life of happiness followed the Rumba with together. Her wish came true. a sweet rendition of Frank On Valentine’s Day 1957, Bob Sinatra’s “Fly Me to the and Joan were wed. He had just Moon”. This was followed passed the police academy test, by an impressive foxtrot. In and they embarked upon their an obviously surprise move, journey. Now, 59 years later, the dancers and their co-hort they would do it again! Rachel, who teaches dance at Solheim, brought the The vows were a reminder as officers to the dance floor, and well as a renewal: Joan and Bob proved them graceful as well you promised to love, for richer as dedicated and brave. Bob for poorer, in sickness and in thanked everyone for being health, in good times and sad, there to celebrate with them, and all have come to pass. You declaring before all that he have known plentiful times and lean, and you have “Loves Joan very much and is happy to be together”. been strong and weak. You have taken turns to care The last dance of the afternoon, dedicated to Joan for each other, and loved unconditionally through all. and Bob, was the father/daughter rendition of Nat Your love has made the good times better, and the sad King Cole’s “Unforgettable”. Not surprisingly, the times bearable. 59 years ago, on Valentine’s Day you traditional tears were abundantly present throughout promised to spend the rest of your lives together. Bless the dining hall. you for making your hopes and dreams come true. You promised to love each other, and it has come to pass, A team of student volunteers, the performers, and and continues on. Your years have been filled with joy, Solheim staff, offered everyone rich chocolate chip laughter, hugs and unconditional, supportive love. You red velvet cupcakes and juice. promised to love each other and it has come to pass As is often the case at Solheim, where respect, and continues on. dignity, and kindness, reign, the closing remarks Joan, do you promise these vows again and to love Bob were simple, and clearly true: “To all our residents, even more? Bob, do you promise these vows again, ‘We love you.’” and to love Joan even more? They do. And sealed it with a kiss, again. Note: It is with sadness that we report the death of Bob, not quite a month after this celebration. ❤ 2 Solheim Family Spotlight— Jennifer Roman Rubio, Employee By Josephine Williams, Resident N ot many people can say they walk 40 miles a week. Postal carriers, yes. Maybe serious fitness walkers preparing for a competition. But 21-yearold Jennifer Roman, a full-time server in the Solheim’s dining room, averages eight miles a day making sure residents are cared for Sunday through Thursday on her shift, 6:00 am to 2:30 pm. “I actually set up my phone as a pedometer,” the Pasadena Community College (PCC) junior says, “because I knew I was doing a lot of walking and I wanted to know if was just my imagination or was it a fact!” Jennifer observed her second-year anniversary working at Solheim in February 2016. A friend told her there was an opening two years ago and even though she was enrolled full-time at PCC she knew she needed a job with plenty of hours to help pay for her education. Jennifer’s major is Linguistics and her long-term goal is to be a translator in the court system, she says. She is already fluent in English and Spanish and is studying French. She knows she will need to pursue a Masters Degree and a Doctorate to be truly proficient in several languages. Mandarin and Korean are the next languages on her list. She hopes to finish her Bachelor’s degree in 2017. “I’ve learned a lot working here,” Jennifer says. “I have to be sensitive to the resident’s preferences and needs. And I have to listen to people and be able to answer their questions and to be sensitive to their concerns.” When she’s not studying or working or attending classes, Jennifer likes to play sports, especially baseball and football. She says, “My friends would describe me as adventuresome, although I think I’m pretty shy.” Would Jennifer recommend Solheim to her grandparents should they be looking for the many Lunch time is particularly challenging. “Some residents levels of care available? “Absolutely,” she says. “It’s a bring family and we have to juggle more orders and caring place. All the employees I know are caring and make sure everyone is served and is satisfied.” it definitely feels like home.” ■ The walking is part of the job, she says. “I want to ensure that residents receive the service they expect. And residents choose where they sit and since almost all of the tables have at least one person at them it means we have to pay attention to all the details.” MYTH: Senior Living communities only have small one-room studios. FACT: Solheim has one bedroom suites, which feature twice the square footage and twice the closet space of our traditional studios! They include a kitchenette, with a full size refrigerator, microwave, cabinets, and granite countertops. The bedroom and living room also have separate temperature controls! See Chip or Jennifer in Marketing if you’d like to see our available apartments. 3 Solheim’s Pastor Charlie has Retired! P astor Charlie Carlson, Solheim Lutheran H o m e ’s b e l o v e d fulltime chaplain, has recently retired. Our “encourager-in-chief” gave our Solheim family so very much, and now we give him our warmest send-off. Each Sunday, Pastor Charlie led a religious service in Solheim’s beautiful Weiche Chapel, and then led a second service for Solheim residents in Skilled Nursing. For the bed-bound, Pastor Charlie made personal room visits where he offered prayer and communion, frequently with visiting family members. Ministering to Solheim residents’ family members was a vital part of Pastor Charlie’s mission. During any family crisis—on campus or at the hospital—Pastor Charlie was there to share Scripture and prayer, offering hope, For 15 years Pastor Charlie comforted, counseled and encouragement and the strength to keep going. cheered Solheim residents, staff and supporters alike. Pastor Charlie would say: “I’m called here as pastor to “It’s all about making a human connection,” maintains administer the Word to these folks, to love them, pray Pastor Charlie. “And you can’t go wrong by focusing with them, joke with them, to always encourage them. on Jesus.” It’s a big thing to be an encourager.” Pastor Charlie’s love of man and God has fueled his And encourage he did, meeting and greeting all who message and his mission. This June he’ll celebrate a full stepped onto the Solheim campus. For the religiously 50 years in Ministry. oriented, he was Pastor Charlie, ready to lend an ear and offer spiritual guidance. For secular folks, he was We miss you, Pastor Charlie! Thank you for keeping in touch, lending your open hand and loving ear when just Charlie—a trusted friend in whom to confide. needed. As Pastor Charlie liked to say: “Every day can be a miracle for you and for me.” Goodbye, Pastor Charlie, and God bless! ✝ 4 Solheim is grateful to the generous donors who have made gifts between January 1 and April 15, 2016 $20,000 – 49,999 Tesoro Corporation $5,000 – 9,999 Thomas E. Lee Susan & Oliver Stark $1,000 – 4,999 James & Andrea Barber John & Annette Brende Howard & Esther Den Hartog Glendale Adventist Medical Center I.U.O.E. Local 12, Charitable Golf Committee, Inc., Pasadena Paul Jacques Dr. Ralph C. Jung Stone Tapert Financial Services Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Thrivent Choice Dollars Program Chester & Carol Weiche $500 – 999 Audrey Bahr Patricia & Robert Barr Faith Lutheran Church, San Dimas The M Shop, Los Angeles Ken Martin James & Kim Overton Patricia Poorkaj, Parvoneh & Pat Navas Debbie Speckenbrink $100 – 499 Allied Medical & Health Services, Inc., Glendale Donna Jean Anderson Lucy Arana Isabel Bellier Robin Bernier-Stieringer Dennis & Evelyn Carpenter Chevron Matching Employee Funds Eagle Rock Home Brewing Supply, LLC. Ellis & Ellis, CPA, Inc., Pasadena William & Alice Ewing, and Christian Brethren Ray & Marti Gillespie James Graunke John Hoffman Karen W. King Cheryl Kling Peter & Ella Loschky Lutheran Health Ministries of the Foothills, Inc. Stephen K. Shepard Solheim Lutheran Church, Eagle Rock David Starleaf Linda Von Dette Sherry L. Wait Warren Printing & Mailing, Inc., Eagle Rock $1 – 99 All Saints Lutheran Church WELCA, Sun Valley AmazonSmile Foundation Ken and Barbara Atkins Patricia Barnwell Filomena B. Caranto Christ Lutheran Church, Long Beach Jacqueline Downs Lourdes F. Foja Kendra Frank Jennifer Garcia Sally Kalaghan & Alexander Beebee 5 Farnaz Khanlar Rosie Manalastas Maria E. Pinlac Anriette Pirian James & Jean Speed St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church WELCA, Granada Hills Gladys Van Tilburg Thrivent Choice Matching Gifts Program: Donna J. Anderson Shirley Arkils Phillip and Barbara Counts Clemencia Cuellar Janet Giertz Olaf Halvorson Steven & Karen Jones Lionel Lyon Patricia Schwartz Dona Slotrem Sherry Wait Ronald & Janis White In Kind: James Davies Estate of Virginia Hausdorfer James Janossy Jewell City Knitters, La Canada Cornelia Klesges Bill Nelson Maureen Perry Lucille Seeley Vera Zvaleko Tribute Gifts: Weiche Chapel Chester D. & Carol Weiche In Honor of: Col. Donald Carver, on his 96th birthday Pat & Robert Barr In Memory of: Donald H. Anderson Donna Jean Anderson Richard Coffin Ken and Barbara Atkins Jane Hefflefinger Karen W. King John Hoffman Ethel “Bunnie” Martin Ken Martin Welcome to Solheim: Joyfully Remembered: Hedwig Bross David Andrews Barbara Canady Richard Coffin Carol Clarke Charlotte Costantini Sew Tai Fong Beverly Covington Janet Giertz Bruce Gill Elizabeth Height Merlene Griffin Venita Krasomil Virginia Hausdorfer Retha Matson Jane Hefflefinger Ruth Nelson Mary Hewson William Nelson Geneva Knutsen Robert Shaull Frimmie Leyton Gloria Sperry Florence McIllece Teresa Savior Betty Sweetnam Robert Wachter We make every attempt to provide accurate information. Please contact us with any updates or corrections. Emelyn Whitlock Thank you for remembering Solheim in your will or trust document. Annual Meeting: You’re Invited! A t last year’s Annual Meeting in October, a couple of important things happened! •The delegates voted on a proposal to amend our by-laws so that our Annual Meeting is held in June, rather than October annually. •The delegates voted to amend our by-laws to provide our current Board of Directors a vote at the Annual Meetings, along with our delegates. This year’s annual meeting is scheduled for Sunday June 12th at 4pm! Just around the corner! Please mark your calendars! The evening’s events include elections to the Board of Directors, and reports on current and future plans. Dinner will be served immediately following the annual meeting and election of the officers. Solheim is a California not-for-profit corporation, and its members, the congregations of the Southwest California Synod, elect the Board of Directors. As a delegate, you can affirm your congregations’ ownership in this vital ministry. To register as a delegate, as a non-delegate attendee, or for more information, please contact Kari Stenberg at 323 257 7518 or ■ 6 Luminaries Shine on our Future! What is a Luminary? The word Luminary can be defined as an object, such as a celestial body, that gives light. Our Luminaries give light! They radiate the light of God’s love through stewardship to Solheim. Our “Luminaries” are those in our Solheim Family who have made a planned gift to support the future success, mission, and ministry of Solheim. Simple steps: • Determine whether you’d like to make a gift of a specific amount, or if you’d like to leave a percentage, allowing your gift to remain in proportion to your estate size. T! U O L D y bid O mit a prox a S s i a l a till sub make G s or r an s c m e u u t i o O ever, y uction ebsite. How ur live a on our w for o onation d • Decide if you want to direct your gift to a specific project or leave it as unrestricted, where it is used for our most pressing needs. If you chose to restrict it, please contact us so that we can ensure your intent is fulfilled. • See your attorney to include your gift in your will or revocable living trust. The bequest language below will help with your wording. • If you desire, please notify us of your intention so we can thank you and keep you informed of ongoing activities. We are happy to adhere to your wishes of anonymity. Bequest Language for Your Will: Bequest language is the formal name of the sentences your estate planning attorney uses to include a charitable bequest in your will. Here is our suggested wording: I, (Name), of (city, state, zip), give, devise and bequeath to Solheim Lutheran Home (written amount or percentage of the estate, or description of property) for its unrestricted use and purpose. For more information please contact Tina L. Antypas, Director of Development at 323 257 7518, or e-mail at ■ 7 Celebrating Solheim’s exceptional nursing staff! Who provide loving quality care to our seniors every day. Inside ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Gala Announcement Annual Meeting Notice Staff Member Profile by Josephine Williams Pastor Charlie Retired Oktoberfest Save the Date Donations List Welcome to Solheim Joyfully Remembered Visit us ONLINE at At Solheim, it’s all about LOVE and learn more about Solheim Lutheran Home. Request information about living at Solheim. Make a gift online. Email individuals/departments directly. This means that we believe in loving care for seniors of all religions or none. We believe in supporting one another in our joy and our pain. Like us on Facebook at: The mission of Solheim Lutheran Home is to provide abundant living for older adults in a caring, faith-based community filled with love, peace, dignity and security. 2236 Merton Ave, Los Angeles (Eagle CA 90041 Complete and return this coupon to receive more information for you orRock), a friend. 323 257-7518 • Information requested: n Living at Solheim n Donations n Volunteer Opportunities n Education Programs n Meeting Rooms Name����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Address��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� City_______________________________State_________Zip_______________ Telephone ( _______ )����������������� Mail to: Solheim Lutheran Home • 2236 Merton Ave • Eagle Rock, CA 90041 • (323) 257-7518 8
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