We`ve Reached Our Destination!


We`ve Reached Our Destination!
N O R M A H E AT O N , E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R
From the President
Since its founding, Solheim Lutheran
Home has experienced growth and
change, regularly adapting to the
needs of the residents.
My first real exposure with
Solheim was in the early
1990’s when we were
looking for a new home for
my mother. Through the
preceding years
representatives from
Solheim and other Lutheran
homes had visited and
spoken at our church. That
gave us a start. After
visiting a number of senior homes, it
quickly became apparent that
Solheim was the place for our mom.
The services were what we felt she
needed. What we later learned was
called “the Solheim Feeling” was
apparent from our first visit. The
staff was friendly, helpful, caring,
and efficient. The facilities were
attractive, clean and
free of an
institutional look and
atmosphere. The fact
that Solheim had an
on-site church and a
resident chaplain was
another big selling
point to my mom,
plus the fact that
many other residents
seemed to come
from similar backgrounds didn’t hurt
However, getting mom admitting to
the need for senior housing was not
an easy task. She was concerned
about finding herself with strangers
and having to make new friends. A
big family selling job, with input
from her doctor, and support from
Solheim’s marketing staff which was
very helpful. She was the first
resident in her new apartment on
the ground floor of the Merton
Building and quickly started making
new friends and getting involved.
Her new neighbors and resident
family helped make it easy for her
to settle in. She passed on after a
short time, but approximately three
years later another family member
needed to move to Solheim. The
family selling job was less stressful
this time, and Solheim again made
a good impression. She lived over
five years at Solheim, moving from
Continued on page 2
We’ve Reached Our Destination!
We couldn’t have done it without YOU! Our last
challenge to raise the remainder of the needed funds
to purchase a new wheelchair friendly bus was a
huge success. Your donations have helped us reach
our goal of $85,000, and even surpass it!
We started our fundraising efforts in June of 2008,
and with this last push, are able to start negotiating
and purchasing our new bus very soon. We’d like to
thank all of our faithful donors and friends who have
contributed throughout the last couple of years
towards this newer, wheelchair friendly bus. More of
our residents will be able to take advantage of the
many outings offered such as:
• Concerts in the Park in Pasadena
• The Hollywood Bowl
• Whittier Narrows
Recreation Center
• Ocean Park in Santa Monica
• Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area and more
Your gifts offer more than transportation. Your gifts
help provide an abundant life for older adults in our
caring Christian community where love, peace,
dignity and security are found. Thank you!
Visit our new website at
for the latest news about Solheim Lutheran Home.
From the President
continued from page 1
residential through assisted living to skilled nursing.
Throughout her years at Solheim the spirit and warmth
of “the Solheim Feeling” was always very evident.
With fond memories of my family’s Solheim experience
I joined the Solheim Board of Directors in 2003, and
have found it a very rewarding experience. Since my
first involvement with Solheim Lutheran Home it has
been possible to notice change and adaption in both
Solheim and its service offerings and its residents and
their needs.
Solheim’s Board of Directors and management continue
to strive to develop and update the services offered to
meet the changing needs of the existing and future
residents. Four levels of care (residential, assisted living,
memory care and skilled nursing) are currently offered,
and the service mix and facilities for each have been
added, modified and changed as resident needs
evolved. Solheim is one of the few remaining stand
alone continuing care retirement communities (CCRC).
This means that we support ourselves and are not a
part of a bigger corporate or cooperative organization.
Solheim has continued to remain self-sufficient, viable
and successful in a very dynamic and changing field.
As a part of its ongoing stewardship of Solheim’s
operations, the Board of Directors periodically conducts
surveys and assessments of the residents’ needs and
the facilities and services offered to serve those needs.
We are in the midst of such a program at the present
Stay tuned for part 2 in our next Newsletter. Learn
more about Solheim’s Long Term plans, and how the
Board of Directors continue to be guided by Solheim’s
mission: “ to provide an abundant life for older adults
in a caring, Christian community where love, peace,
dignity and security are found.”
Norma Heaton
In May, our Executive Director Norma Heaton was
installed as Chair of Aging Services of California.
Aging Services of California is the leading advocate
for quality nonprofit senior living and care in the
state. The public-interest association represents more
than 400 nonprofit providers of aging services that
collectively serve more than 100,000 seniors. The
Norma Heaton with Aging Services immediate past chair and
association directs a statewide public education
current Solheim Board Member, James Graunke.
campaign—“Aging is an Active Verb.”
Solheim Lutheran Home was a founding member of
the association, then called California Association of
Homes for the Aging (CAHA), in 1961. Solheim has
always been active in the association, which provides
information, education and networking opportunities
not otherwise available to freestanding retirement
communities like Solheim. In her capacity as Chair,
Norma helps envision and direct the changes needed
to provide those broader range of services, and the
role Aging Services will play in advocating for those
changes. Solheim is very proud!
Page 2
Welcome to Solheim
Kathryn Akers
Astrid and Gordon Anderson
Merritt Bise
Mary Blackman
Doris and Anthony Briglio
Ernest Cary
Ruth Chastang
Anna Hewitt
Mercedes Hill
Siegfried Hillmer
Donald Johnson
Geri Jung
Neville Matthews
Mary Jane Meier
Beulah Mohr
Vivian Quillin
Nisa Saraj
Frank Sneed
Joanna Taylor
Francis Usher
Volunteers—Our Extended Family!
I can’t think of a better way to acknowledge and
appreciate our volunteers than to celebrate and
recognize their achievements.
Our annual Volunteer Recognition event was held on
Saturday, April 24. Our residents often volunteer and
were recognized for their service on councils and
committees; for leading activities; for service projects
such as processing soup labels; for their musical and
worship contributions; for their help in the MiniMart; and for giving presentations. Special
recognition goes to Ruth Nilsen, who recently
completed simultaneous two-year terms as the
Resident Representative to Solheim’s Board of
Directors and a member of the Resident Council.
Solheim is blessed to have family members who
come frequently, often daily, to visit with their loved
ones. Many “adopt” other residents without nearby
families. From there it’s a short step to working as a
volunteer in the activity program. Family members
call bingo, help with outings, share their musical
talents, or just visit. Among other contributions, John
Danielson and David Baird were recognized for their
willingness to dress in costume (even a kilt) for our
celebrations on patriotic and national days. They
advanced another step – to dancing (in costume) – at
the Norwegian Constitution Day celebration in May.
Two “family members” with many hours of service
are our canine mini-therapists Ole (who comes to
work with Sherry Wait, Director of Nursing Services)
and Hank (who comes with Jenny Buchanan,
Director of Marketing).
The number of student volunteers has increased
dramatically in the last two years. In addition to
lively(!) interactions with our residents, the students’
projects run the gamut from washing our vans to
working in the laundry to serving food at special
events to making cardboard boats for Columbus Day.
Herminia Bernardo, Norma Heaton, Adelita Sipin
and Ana Maria Calit
Our volunteer program enhances the quality of life at
Solheim for everyone involved. My heartfelt thanks
to all our volunteers for their generosity and
We also recognized our faithful community
volunteers. Among those honored was the Jr. ROTC
commander from Crescenta Valley High School
whose students provide assistance at our patriotic
programs; Pastor Ed Busch, who coordinates the
Campbell soup label project for the Navajo Lutheran
Mission in Arizona; several musicians; and our Wii
bowling instructor, Adeline Miele. The City of Los
Angeles presented certificates to Letty Arayata,
Herminia Bernardo and Adelita Sipin who have
provided 17 years of weekly support to the residents
in our Skilled Nursing Facility in the exercise and
activity programs.
Page 3
Donor Appreciation Dinner
Sunday September 12th
Solheim Annual Meeting
Sunday October 10th
Oktoberfest Fundraiser
Saturday October 23rd
Christmas Boutique
Saturday December 4th
Solheim Highlights
The highlight of April was the Volunteer
Recognition Program and special lunch for all in
the Residential Dining Room on Saturday April 24th.
We have many volunteers to celebrate, and each
received a certificate and special gift for their
dedication and love.
Norwegian Constitution Day with a party in the
Skilled Nursing dining room. We sang the National
Anthem, the Norwegian National Anthem, and
resident Helen Aaseng sang a familiar Norwegian
song “Jeg Ære Så Glad” (I Am So Glad)
accompanied by Sonia Ruud on piano. We viewed
authentic dresses (bunads) modeled by our local
Sons of Norway chapter and other staff and guests. I
read a short history about Solheim’s early years, we
enjoyed a traditional Norwegian Polka,
choreographed and performed by David Baird and
other volunteers and staff. The party ended with a
special treat of krumkake, lefse, lingonberry bars,
cookies and even lingonberry punch!
Each Wednesday we enjoy “Life and Culture
with April Foster”. She is so knowledgeable and I
enjoy all of the wonderful travel stories and photos
she shares with us. There is so much to do at
Solheim. Other events include dinner outings for
Norma Heaton, Hanady El-Tawansy and Enam El-Tawansy. pizza, to Carrows, and Hometown Buffet. We enjoy
many special services and
May’s highlights were the
vespers each week. Thank
Tomato Planting party
God for our Chaplain Charlie
on May 1st with music
and all the volunteers who
by Michael McGinnis
help with bringing people in
(former Musical Director
wheelchairs to all the
of The New Christy
services and events. I’m so
Minstrels), the Walker
glad to live here, it’s HOME!
Wash on May 13th
where residents had their
walkers washed and
tuned up, as well as
learning how to use them
Ann Bailey
properly by Wellness
Ann Susan Crow
Liegh Stalnaker
Coordinator, Paloma
Josephine “Joey” Daharsh
Barroso. May 14th
Mary Ann Foster
Florence Goulette
brought a beautiful
Shirley Joann Greer
day for a trip to
Betty Ann Guenther
Charles Heitkamp
Gardens for nearly
Helen Jaurretche
50 residents to
Marian Karagozian
enjoy the flowers,
Edna Kunze
beautiful weather
Jean Monson
and lunch in the
David Monty
Karen Mossberg
Genevieve Ossiff
May 17th we
Lucille Simons
Ingrid Yang
Ricardo Rodriguez and Raul Zelaya-Amaya washing walkers.
Page 4
Solheim Highlights
Michael McGinnis
Guests, Residents, Staff & Volunteer “Norwegians”.
Dean Spurgeon connects with the piñata.
Liegh Stalnaker takes aim at the piñata.
Calling all Crafters!
If you knit, crochet, paint, draw, design, or create in any way, we need your help!
On December 4th, Solheim will host our first Christmas Boutique as a fundraiser,
and we’d like you to start creating your goods for it NOW!
For more information, contact Tina Antypas at 323-257-7518,
or email her at giving@solheimlutheran.org
Page 5
Solheim Lutheran Home is grateful to the generous donors who have
made gifts between March 1, 2010 and May 31, 2010.
$5,000 – 9,999
Solheim Lutheran Church, Eagle Rock*
$1,000 – 4,999
Ruth Binzley
John & Annette Brende*
John E. Danielson*
Rev. Otis Flournoy*
Carl O. Gustafson*
Drs. Ralph & Geri Jung*
Rev. & Mrs. Samuel & Ellen Platts*
Thrivent Financial For Lutherans,
Terrie Yao*
$500 – 999
Harold & Sandra Bergh*
John & Sue Clauss*
James & Judith Graunke
William & Linda Krantz*
Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale
Chester & Carol Weiche
$100 – 499
Donna J. Anderson*
Robert & Dora Beadles*
Elwood Belsheim*
Ronald R. Benson
Robin Bernier-Stieringer
Jane Blomquist and Robin Blomquist*
Kathleen A. Bush*
Rev. Charles Carlson*
Kathleen A. Casson*
Chelsea Management Company
Christ Lutheran Church, Monterey Park
Louis & Glenda Christensen*
Serafino Ciarrocchi*
Colleen Collar
Carolynn Conley
Karen S. De Gilio
Donald & Patricia Doty
William & Alice Ewing, Christian
Faith Lutheran Church, San Dimas
Gary & Marilee Falde*
Frances Fefes
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Fleischer*
Dr. & Mrs. A.L. France*
Fredrickson Enterprises, Inc.*
Marilyn C. Fursman
Grace Lutheran Church, Covina
Alma M. Guzman*
Renee M. Hadar
Benjamin & Nancy Hawkes*
David J. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Hoffman*
Pamela E. Holten
Muriel Horstman, Jim Horstman,
Jean Steele
Solveig Jerstad*
Harold & Carol Johnson*
Pamela Koslov*
Richard A. Krussow*
LIFEhouse Church, Northridge
Victoria E. Litizeto*
Roy & Thelma Luke
Karen G. Lundquist*
Lutheran Church of the Cross, Arcadia
Lionel & Marlene Lyon
Virginia M. Martens*
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McWhirter*
Mary & James Mieding*
Rev. & Mrs. Gil & Lavona Moore*
Bishop & Mrs. Dean W. Nelson*
Lars & Thelma Nelson
Richard L. Nielsen*
Marilyn Ornelas*
Palisades Lutheran Church Women,
Pacific Palisades*
Dave & Dee Pardekooper*
Carol L. Peterson
Donald A. Philipp*
Donald Rabe*
James A. Rabe*
Bill & Vi Reardon*
Gari Rubino, Tri City Produce,
Salem Lutheran Church Women,
Samuel & Raija Salomaa*
Rev. & Dr. Jerry & Sue Schaar*
David & Judy Schultz
Stephen K. Shepard
Leslie & Lois Simons
Thomas & Elaine Smith*
Southwest California Synod, ELCA
Ralph Spannenberg
Debbie Speckenbrink
Reinhard Speckenbrink*
Kari Stenberg*
Chet & Ruth Soule*
Jim & Kristin Tranquada*
Jan & Terri Van Willigen*
Margaret Wennberg
Julie C. Wheeler*
$1 – 99
David & Carole Abernethy*
Mary A. Adams-Smith
Margaret J. Alcan
Knud G. Andersen*
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Arnot*
Sandra Ashdown
Sara Atalaya
Julie Ballo
Joan Becker & Amir Hussain
Ronald R. Benson
Rev. & Mrs. Roger A. Bergfalk*
Peter & Anita Berk
Bethel Evangelical Lutheran Church,
Hilton M. Bailey, Jr.
Page 6
Mary Ann Blackman*
Thomas Blevins*
Fred Bonn
Terry & Janet Brager
James F. Butlin
Suzi & Benjamin Byrd
Grace A. Clarke*
Solveig A. Dahl*
Tiffany Davis-Rustam, Darius Rustam*
Victor Decker*
Judith Dellinger*
Ruby DeVera*
Suzanne M. Diona
Lorraine Engelsgaard
Lily Famisaran*
Stanley & Robyn Fea*
April D. Foster*
Emily Gillula*
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmartin
Elaine Goolsby*
Edward & Elizabeth Greer
Ronald W. Grotke*
Robert & Martha Hager
Delphine J. Hagge*
Dennis & Diane Haig*
Michael and Connie Jo Haney
Sheilia M. Hansen*
Maria S. Heckman*
Elizabeth Height
Jean Henderson
Deborah Herzoff
Harold & Delight Hoffman
Marion K. Holzer*
Ernest & Abies Horinouchi
Thomas & Cathy Howie
Carol Jackson*
Mrs. Miriam E. Johnson
Kenneth & Linda Juengel
Sally Kalaghan
Ursula C. Krummel
Joyce Larson*
Alan A. Landros*
Patricia La Voire
Walter & Lois Leutz
Leonida Limon*
Mr. & Mrs. E.G. Litke*
Elsa Louthan*
Lutheran Oriental Church, Inc.,
Julie Marca
Betty McFarland*
Dorothy McKim
Joaquin Miller Elementary School,
Miller Faculty Fund
Suzanne L. Mountain*
Martha Mumford*
Ruth Murray
Lois W. Neil
Timothy & Mary O’Brien*
Alice V. Osborne*
Karen M. Ostash*
Christine D. Paquette
James & Lisa Ptaszenski*
Frances L. Quick
John F. Rabe*
Rev. & Mrs. John W. Rieck
Clinton & Martha Reitz
Tanis Rhines*
Fern E. Richter*
Kathy & Ed Rightor
Betty R. Robinson*
Norman & Frances Ross
Dorothy Rosselli & Sharon Ziemer
Carla Fischer Rundle
Elvira L. Saxe*
Donald & Patricia Schmiedeberg*
Seashore West, Inc.*
Charlene K. Snyder*
Jean I. Speed
Lucy Spurgeon*
Jean H. Steele*
Mr. & Mrs. B.A. Steffensen
Barbara Stenberg*
Mary E. Stewart*
Elvi Swanson-Burke*
Jack & Doris Swink*
Janice Thomas & Gloria Stolarski*
David K. Thompson*
Joni Thornton*
Virginia Thurow
Jean Tjomsland
Trinity Lutheran Church, San Gabriel
Anthony & Maria Urioste*
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Vehling*
Carl & Effie Voien
Pamela Weber*
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Wilkowski*
Otis & June Wilson
Elizabeth Wolfe*
Women of the ELCA, First Lutheran
Church, Glendale
Bernard & Kay Woody
Tribute Gifts
In Kind
Josephine “Joey” Daharsh
Kathy Dressler
Estate of Mary Ann Foster
Estate of Charles Heitkamp
Rozella Jacobsen
Estate of David Monty
Patty Oluwa
Estate of Vivian Quillin
Russell & Holly Roberts
Anne Staie
Joan Tilley
Gloria Tyner
In Honor Of:
Sarah Abernethy
David & Carole Abernethy
Jayne Beall
Carolynn Conley
Annette & John Brende
Suzi & Benjamin Byrd
Dr. & Mrs. A.L. France
Dee De Gregory
Lloyd De Gregorio
Carol Jackson
Mary Casson
Kathleen Casson
Robert Emmons
Jan & Terri Van Willigen
Elizabeth Danielson
John E. Danielson
Mary Ann Foster
Frances Fefes
Ernest & Abies Horinouchi
Muriel Horstman, Jim Horstman,
Jean Steele
Dorothy Rosselli
Sharon Ziemer
Dorothy Faubion
Carolynn Conley
Bert Figuracion, CNA
David & Judy Schultz
Dorothy Grotke
Ronald Grotke
Robert Griffiths
Karen G. Lundquist
Rev. Andrew Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Vehling
Norma Heaton
James & Judith Graunke
Mrs. Jomina Johnson
Muriel Horstman
Jean H. Steele
Rev. Amon Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Miriam E. Johnson
Alice Mann
Hilton M. Bailey
Lenora Ruud & Sylvia Lee
Ursula C. Krummel
Clinton & Martha Reitz
Lidia Sanchez, CNA
David & Judy Schultz
Laurine Kelly
Joni Thornton
Margaret Wennberg
Jean Klinkert
Elaine Goolsby
May I. Landros
Alan A. Landros
Dean Spurgeon
Lucy Spurgeon
James & Lisa Ptaszenski
Seashore West, Inc.
Adriana Litizeto
Renee M. Hadar
Axel & Hazel Lundring
Bill & Vi Reardon
Anne Staie
Carol L. Peterson
All Who Work at Solheim
Marion K. Holzer
James A. Rabe
In Memory Of:
Margaret Moeller
Virginia M. Martens
Irene Mountain
Patricia La Voire
Suzanne L. Mountain
Richard H. Mumford
Martha Mumford
Donald Anderson
Donna J. Anderson
Verna Nelson
David and Judy Schultz
Ann Bailey
Greta T. Cosley
Thomas & Elaine Smith
Genevieve Ossiff
Mary A. Adams-Smith
Sandra Ashdown
Joan Becker & Amir Hussain
Colleen Collar
Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmartin
Julie Marca
Joaquin Miller Elementary School
Miller Faculty Fund
Christine D. Paquette
Kathy & Ed Rightor
Ann Susan Crow
Rev. & Mrs. Samuel & Ellen Platts
Esther Schaff
Bill & Vi Reardon
Josephine “Joey” Daharsh
Rev. Charles Carlson*
Dave & Dee Pardekooper*
Debbie Speckenbrink*
Kari Stenberg*
Terrie Yao*
Ione Schultz
David and Judy Schultz
Ellen Augusta Blevins
Thomas Blevins
Ruth Brager
Terry & Janet Brager
Emma B. Champie
Edward and Elizabeth Greer
In Loving Memory of
Michael A. De Gilio
Karen S. De Gilio
We apologize for any errors or omissions.
Page 7
Elmer & Helen Steffensen
Mr. & Mrs. B.A. Steffensen
* Includes contributions toward the “Van
Drive” 20-Passenger Bus Fund
Thank you for remembering Solheim Lutheran Home in
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We’ve Reached Our Destination
Norma Heaton Installation
Volunteers–Our Extended Family
Solheim Highlights
Visit us ONLINE at
and learn more about Solheim Lutheran Home.
Request information about living at Solheim.
Make a gift online.
Email individuals/departments directly.
We make every attempt to keep our mailing list accurate.
If you are receiving the Sun Update in error, please
contact us at
323-257-7518 or giving@SolheimLutheran.org.
The ministry of Solheim Lutheran Home is to provide an abundant life for older adults in a caring,
Christian community where love, peace, dignity and security are found.
Complete and return this coupon to receive more information for you or a friend.
Information requested: ❑ Living at Solheim
❑ Donations
❑ Volunteer Opportunities
❑ Education Programs
❑ Meeting Rooms
Mail to: Solheim Lutheran Home
2236 Merton Avenue
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Eagle Rock, CA 90041
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