Energy Policy of Kazakhstan
Energy Policy of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Energy Policy of Kazakhstan London 15 March 2006 RUSSIA Astana KAZAKHSTAN eC UZBEKISTAN i asp GEORGIA KYRGISTAN an a se TURKEY th the Black sea AZERBAIJAN TURKMENISTAN TADJIKISTAN IRAN Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan CHINA ROLE OF KAZAKHSTAN For the purpose of strengthening global energy security, Kazakhstan together with other countries acts by way of: • Keeping a dialog between energy consuming and energy producing countries, cooperating with oil companies from many countries of the world • Reducing instability of oil market - on the basis of predictable policy • Further diversification of energy resources transportation routes • Improving business and investment climate Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 3 GUIDING LINES OF KAZAKHSTAN’S ENERGY POLICY The guiding lines of Kazakhstan’s energy policy are an energy security, energy efficiency and environmental safety. Therefore, the long-term governmental energy policy is built on: • a clear-cut and consistent activities of the Government of Kazakhstan on realisation of energy policy • commitment to establishing strong and sustainable companies open to a constructive dialogue • adherence to predictable and transparent investment policy • the key areas of cooperation between the Government and private businesses include the joint development of infrastructure and export Министерство энергетики и минеральных ресурсов Республики Казахстан 4 HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN Approve d by SCR (State Committee on Resources) re cove rable hydrocarbon rese rves of the Re public of Kazakhstan onshore are : crude oil - 32.8 billion barrels (4.5 billion tons) natural gas - 3.0 trillion m 3 By hydrocarbon rese rves, Kazakhstan ranks among te n le ading countries in the world Hydrocarbon rese rves of KSCS (Kazakhstan Se ctor of the Caspian Sea) are ove r 60 billion barre ls (8 billion tons) of standard fuel By e xplore d nature gas rese rves, Kaz akhstan ranks 15th in the world Proje cte d rese rves for Kashagan de posit are : natural gas crude oil geological - around 3 trillion m3 geological - 35,5 bln bls (4,8 bln tons) re cove rable - more than 1 trillion m3 re cove rable - 12 bln bls (1,6 bln tons) The largest e xplore d rese rves of natural gas dissolve d in crude oil are concentrate d in large de velope d de posits such as Karachaganak, Tengiz , Zhanaz hol, Urikhtau Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan EXPECTED OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION Prospects for increase of hydrocarbon producti on volume in Kazakhstan depend on realisation of the state program for development of Kazakhstan sector of the Cas pian Sea Expected production in 2006 crude oil – around 1,3 millions barrels per day (or 62.5 million tons per year) natural gas - 27,5 billion cubic meters per year in 2010 crude oil – around 1,8 millions barrels per day (or 90 million tons per year) natural gas – 52,5 billion cubic meters per year By 2015 crude oil – up to 3,0 million barrels per day (or 150 million tons per year) natural gas – 79.4 billion cubic meters per year Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan MAIN DEPOSITS OF HYDROCARBONS Орал Карачаганак Атырау Актюбе Астана Жанажол Курмангазы Кашаган Тенгиз Актау Узень Кумколь Кызылорда Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Northern Zone RUSSIA resources – 48,5 bln. bls ATYRAU DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROJECTED RESOURCES BY ZONES OF KAZAKHSTAN SECTOR OF THE CASPIAN SEA Central Zone BAUTI NO FHORT- SHEFCHENKO resources –7.5 bln.bls AKTAU ZHANAO ZEN Southern Zone resources – 4 bln.bls TURKMENISTAN AZERBAIJAN Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan STATE PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPMENT OF KSCS TASKS: ASSESSMENT OF OIL AND GAS PERSPECTIVE STRUCTURES; INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF OIL PRODUCTION LAUNCHING NEW FIELDS INTO OPERATION; CREATION OF FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS FOR ATTRACTING INVESTMENTS; PRESERVATION OF ECOLOGICAL BALANCE Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakstan 9 E NV IR ON M E NT A L AS P E C T S Strict control and adoption of advanced technologies will allow to avoid destabilisation impact of offshore oil and gas operations on environment of the Caspian Shelf: use of environmentally clean and safe technology; use of certified transport carriers, equipment and materials; ensuring principle of «zero pollution» of the sea; providing utilization of industrial and domestic waste and associated gas Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakstan TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Kazakhstan has a comparatively developed infrastructure for oil and gas transportation from the producing regions Export routes: - oil pipeline CPC - oil pipeline Atyrau-Samara - oil pipeline Atasu - Alashankou - Port of Aktau In order to expand export potential a project is being realised for creation of national tanker fleet of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Two tankers already are built and floated from Vyborg ship-ways in December 2004 and the beginning of 2005 Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 11 DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Astana Темиртау Караганда Atasu НПС-7 (Ата с у ) Агадырь Акчатау Мойынты ТСБ Кошка р НПС 9 Balkhash Эмельта у Жаксыбулак Саяк Айгы з Актога й Учарал Camp Taldy-Kurgan Alashankou Druzhba Almaty ¾ ¾ ¾ In September 2004 started and in December 2005 was completed the construction of oil export pipeline Atasu-Alashankou from Kazakhstan to Chine Currently the pipeline is being filled in by oil Construction of the pipeline Atasu-Alashankou economically sound and provides diversification to oil transportation routes Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 12 PПРОЕКТЫ R O J E C TНЕФТЕПРОВОДОВ E D O I L P I P E L I NE S RUSSIA PAVLODAR AST AN A EXIST ING AT ASU- AL ASH ANKOU PIPEL INE EXIST ING ATYR AU-KENKYAK PIPELINE KAZAKHSTAN ATYRA U PROJECTED KENKIAK-KUMKOL PIPELINE AKTAU UZBEKIST AN AKT AU-BAKU-JEYHAN GEOR GY ALMATY SHYMKENT KYR GIST AN AZERBA DZHA N TURK MENIST AN TURKEY IRAN AKT AU-TEHER AN TADZHI KIST AN CHIN A P R O JE C T E D G A S P IP EL I N ES RUSSIA KOKSHETAU AST AN A PAVLODAR AKTOBE ATYRA U KAZAKHSTAN AKTAU UZBEKIST AN ALMATY SHYMKENT KYR GIST AN GEOR GY AZERBA DZHA N TURK MENIST AN TURKEY IRAN TADZHI KIST AN CHIN A OIL AND GAS PROCESSING Pavlodar oil proccesing plant Capacity- 7.5 mln. t./year PETROPAV LOSK KUSTANAI KOKSHETA U PAVLODAR URALSK ASTA NA Atyrau oil proccesing plant Capacity– 4.5 mln.t/year AKTOBE UST-KA MEN OGO RSK Zhanazhol gas proccesing plant Capacity – 0.7 bln.cubic/year KARAGANDA ATYRAU Tengiz gas proccesing plant Capacity– 3 bln.cubic m/year AKTAU TAL DIKO RGAN KYZI LORDA Kazakh gas proccesing plant Capacity– up to1.5 bln.cubic m/year ALM ATY TARA Z SHIMKEN T PetroKazakhstan Oil Products Capacity– 6.5 mln. t./year 15 DEVELOPMENT OF PETROCHEMISTRY • O rganisation in oil and gas producing re gions of the We ste rn Kaz akhstan “point of growth” for pe trochemical industry of Kaz akhstan on the basis of hydrocarbon raw mate rials • Processing of hydrocarbon raw mate rials: associate d gas from de velope d (Te ngiz , Korole vskoe ) and pre pare d for de velopment (Kazhagan) fields producing basic pe trochemical produce (e thane , e thylene , polyethyle ne, styrene e ct.) • Cre ation of ne w pe trochemical manufactures for production of pe trochemicals with high adde d value • Re construction of factories in Atyrau and Aktau and re commenceme nt of their ope rations Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 16 INVESTMENT PREFERENCES FOR PETROCHIMESTRY ¾ Program for development of petrochemical industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2004-2010 approved by the resolution of the Government of RK dated 29 January 2004, № 101 ¾ Tax code is added with a clause 119-1 “Taxation of indi vidual enterprises operating in petrochemical industry” giving privileged regime for corporative income tax on investment projects for creation of petrochemical enterprises during 5 years from the moment of launch into operation ¾ A project of legislative act has been developed, giving preferences for privileged taxation for the period of over 5 years ¾ For attracting investments into construction of petrochemical manufactures the Ministry is planning to form National industrial petrochemical techno park in Atyrau region using advantages of special economic zone Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 17 STRATEGY FOR INDUSTRIAL AND INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF RK FOR 2003-2015 Priorities of industrial and innovati ve policy are development and creation of potenti ally competiti ve including export orientated producti on functi oning in non raw material areas of the economy The main aim of the Strategy is achievement of stable development of the state by way of di versification of the economy from raw material orientati on The Strategy is directed at increasing of scientific technical, innovati ve and industrial potential in promising development directions that shoul d promote creati on of fundamentally competiti ve advantages in the future Today Kazakstan possesses scientific fundament that allows to develop science intensive productions based on the nati onal inventions, in a number of areas Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan DYNAMICS OF INVESTMENTS INTO OIL AND GAS SECTOR (MLN. $) 10000.0 9000.0 7715.4 8000.0 7000.0 6000.0 4810.2 5000.0 3492.7 2990.72 5 90 .6 3 0 09 .9 4000.0 3000.0 2000.0 1000.0 6 0946.9 3.4 2129.0 1477.3 2032.6 1 75 5.3 1 99 0.9 89 9 .6 5 7 7.727 7 .3 34 3.5 1 3 8.1 4 00 .1 4 82 .8 5 90 1 .7 5275,5 43 6 6.7 4 59 5 ,7 1 81 3 .7 44 3 .5 8796.3 7 17 4.1 1 62 2.2 6 7 9.8 0.0 1 9 96 1 99 7 19 9 8 Dom estic 19 99 2 0 00 2 00 1 Foreign Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 20 0 2 20 03 2 0 04 9 mon ths 2 00 5 Total 19 ELECTRIC POWER INDUSTRY • National company “Kazakhstan Electricity Grid Operating Company” (KEGOC) – a technical operator of the power energy system • Regional electricity network companies – regional control centers • Power producers – independent and integrated with large industry consumers • 80% of electric and heat energy in Kazakhstan is generated from usage of coal Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan COAL INDUSTRY Kazakhstan by proved reserves takes 8th place in the world. The most valuable for industry thermal and coking coal concentrated in 16 fields. Reserves of coal – 35 billion tons. The most coal reach basins are Karagandinski, Ekibaztuzkii, Maikubenskii. Coal production is done by 33 sub surface users. Kazakhstan ranks in the top ten world producers and exporters of coal In 2005 it was produced 86.4 million tons of coal By 2015 it is forecasted an increase in coal production for up to 100 million tons Works are being undertaken on introduction of technology for deep processing of coal (gasification, synthetical liquid fuel, chemical products) Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 21 MAIN DEPOSITS OF COAL Eginsai Kushmurun Ekibastuz Astana Maikuben Yubileinoe Karagandy Shubarkol Karagandy Zhalyn Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan ATOMIC INDUSTRY At the present time uranium production exceeds the level of 1997 by 4 times that brings the republic to a leading world position in uranium market Production continues to grow steadily: an annual level of increase in production is on average around 12% Partnership relationship with foreign companies in atomic industry are successfully developing In 2004 a “Program for development of uranium industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2004-2015” was approved that at present time successfully implemented Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan URANIUM Around 21% of world uranium reserves is concentrated in Kazakhstan, out of which 75% can be extracte d at the most profitable , high technological and environmentally save method –subterranean lixiviation Proportion of uranium reserves and extraction in the w orld RESERVES (proved) EXTRACTION 21,9% 21,2% 30,0% 31,5% 10,2% 5,3% 21,0% 25,7% 8,5% 3,5% 6,6% 3,1% 7,0% 4,5% Australia Canada US A Uzb ekista n Russia Kazakhstan Total world reserves 4’200’000 tons of uranium World extraction is 32’000 tons of uranium Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Other countries WIND-POWER ENGINEERING From ge ographical and mete orological points of vie w Kaz akhstan is one of the most suitable countrie s in the world for gene ration of gre at volumes of ele ctric powe r on the basis of use of wind-powe r enginee ring In 1997 a proje ct "Accele ration of de velopment of wind-powe r enginee ring in Kaz akhstan" was realise d on an agree ment be tween the Gove rnme nt of Kaz akhstan and the Unite d Nations De velopment Program In the frame work of the proje ct a me teorological rese arch was carrie d out for two ide ntifie d place s - Dz ungarian Gates and Chilikskii corridor in Almaty area The results of the re search re ve ale d: significant wind potential in Chilikski corridor and Dzungarian Gate s have been ide ntifie d as one of the be st place s in the world for de velopment of wind-powe r enginee ring A proje ct of the Gove rnment of Re public Kaz akhstan and UNDP/Global Ecological Fund (GEF) "Kaz akhstan: initiative of de velopment of the wind-powe r enginee ring marke t“ was pre pare d The proje ct, realiz ation of which began in 2004 is dire cte d at rende ring of te chnical help to Kaz akhstan in pre paration of the De velopment Program for wind-powe r e nginee ring and construction of demonstrative wind-powe r station with a capacity of 5 MV in are a of Dzungarian Gates Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 25 PRINCIPLES OF INVESTMENT POLICY Attraction of direct investments into Kazakhstan is based on abi ding the following basic concepts of the state investment policy: • Stability and predictability • In conformity with world standards clear, transparent and unambiguous legal regulations of investments • Protection of investor’s legal rights • Equal terms for activity of foreign and domestic investors • Observance of contracts’ and international agreements’ terms • Profitability and efficiency of direct investments • Stimulation of direct investments into priority sectors of the economy • Provision of informational transparence of the domestic stock market and equal terms of activity for different groups of investors Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 26 BRITISH EXTRACTIVE INDUSTRIES TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE Kazakhstan is supporting and carrying work on implementation of British Extractive In dustries Transparency Initiative (EITI) On 5th October 2005 a Memorandum of understanding on Initiative implementation in Kazakhstan was signed As of today, the Memorandum was joined by 38 extractive companies operating in Kazakhstan and by 52 associations of non-governmental organizations (NGO) which represent interests of more than thousand social organizations of Kazakhstan A National S takeholders’ Council on implementation on EITI was established it consists of deputies of Parliament of RK, representatives of working group, companies and NGOs Kazakhstan’s Legislation does not allow to force the companies to sign the Memorandum, because our country is strictly abiding to the principles of stability of company’s contracts A vital role in realisation of the Initiative is played by Deputies of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan’s NGOs and civil society Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 27 C ONC LUS IO N • Base d on strategic inte re sts Kaz akhstan intends: • To promote furthe r growth of mutually bene ficial e conomic and trade relations • To attract investments into capital-intensive proje cts in sphe re of pe trochemical and oil and gas industry de velopment • To e stablish joint ente rprises for manufacture of oil and gas e quipme nt • To pro vide for maximal attraction of Kazakhstan’s companies and spe cialists to re alisation of fuel and ene rgy comple x’s proje cts • To provide stimulation for de velopment of small and me dium size d busine ss • Large scale proje ct are planne d and implemente d in Kazakhstan • Conside rable investments are attracte d, estimate d in tens of billions of USD • The Re public of Kazakhstan is open for a dialogue on coope ration and re alisation of joint proje cts in fuel and ene rgy comple x Ministry of energy and mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan 28