October Newsletter - MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce
October Newsletter - MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce
Volume 19 • No. 10 • October 2007 www.metronorthchamber.org A foundation for business to build on! PARTY LIKE THE MOBSTERS AND MOLLS AT METRONORTH’S “GANGSTER GALA” Back in the Roaring Twenties, gangsters reportedly knew how to party better than anybody. Next month, members of the Chamber can prove they know how to have even more fun than the mobsters and molls of those bygone days. MetroNorth and ECM Publishers will present the "Gangster Gala" on Friday, October 26, at the Schwan Center in Blaineís National Sport Center. It will run from 5:00 to 10:30 p.m. This event is a wonderful opportunity for MetroNorth members and their guests to come together to celebrate. Not only will attendees have a great time, but they will also help raise money for the general operating fund that keeps the Chamber running. prefer, you can just give us a call and weíll have some of our henchmen pick them up at your place and take them for a ride. We'd like to have all silent auction items by October 16. The deadline to be listed in the program is October 20. We're expecting a mob to attend, so make your reservations early. Tickets are $75 each. Classic gangster attire is optional, but fun. You can't have a great party without music. Our sponsors are the ones who make it all possible. ECM Publishers is sponsoring at the "Band Leader" level of $5,000. You can take your place on Festivities will include a gourmet A key to the success of our "Gangster our stage by sponsoring at these levels: Italian dinner buffet including a glass Gala" is the silent auction. Please Crooner ($2,500), Sax ($1,500), Bass of wine. The dinner will be provided by consider donating an item or two or ($1,000), Trumpet ($500), and Trombone Spectacular Catering, and will definitely three. No item is too small or too large. ($250). Help us make beautiful music in live up to their name. In appreciation of your generosity, you the coming year by joining our band! will be recognized in our program as well The Chamber appreciates your support. There will be music and dancing with the as on our Web site. Classic Big Band and the Nostalgics Vocal Have a great time at the gala! Quartet. You'll also be able to acquire some You can deliver or mail your silent auction exciting items simply by making an offer items to the MetroNorth Chamber of our Silent Auction people can't refuse. Commerce at 9380 Central Ave. NE, Suite #320, Blaine, MN 55434. If you SENATOR NORM COLEMAN Senator Norm Coleman will address the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, October 9. Senator Coleman will discus federal funding initiatives for vital transportation projects such as Northstar Corridor. In addition, he will update us on other key legislation that will directly impact the business community in Anoka County. The membership meeting is scheduled from 12:00 – 1:40 p.m. It will take place at Majestic oaks Country Club in Ham Lake. The address is 701 Bunker Lake Blvd. To make reservations please call the Chamber office at (763) 783-3553 or e-mail Rita at rita@metronorthchamber.org IN THIS ISSUE: Gangster Gala Senator Norm Coleman Extreme Makeover Nominations Northstar Communter Members in the News New Members Renewed Members Mark Your Calendar Sunset after Hours Page 1 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 8 Page 8 Chamber Leadership DIRECTORS Dick Haluptzok, CHAIR Continental Development Corporation (763) 757-7568 JoAnn Evans, VICE-CHAIR Solbrekk, Inc. (763) 404-4720 Mary Schutta, TREASURER Mary Rue Schutta, CPA (763) 784-2908 Duane Arens Connexus Energy (763) 323-2600 Walter Bell Oakwood Insurance Agency, Inc. (763) 862-4801 John Connelly National Sports Center (763) 785-5601 Mark Ethen KleinBank (763) 427-5005 Leonard Gandel Gaughan Companies 651-255-5557 Jim Kugler Kugler Financial (763) 784-0256 Gary Levine Dunwoody College of Technology (612) 374-5800 Rick Nelson ACE Solid Waste, Inc. (763) 427-3110 TJB HOMES TAKES ON "EXTREME" PROJECT ABC ís Emmy-winning TV show, "Extreme Makeover Home Edition," wanted to help a Twin Cities family. Erik and Vicki Swenson, both teachers, went from having one child to seven in one year. First they had a pair of twins. Then Vicki's sister was murdered by an ex-boyfriend. Her four children had already lost their father a few years before in a car accident. Erik and Vicki adopted the four, and now are expecting again. Their house in Minnetonka was way too small for ten people. The "Extreme Makeover" team decided to help them. It was only appropriate that in their effort to help this suddenly-extended family, the TV producers chose a builder that is very family-oriented. TJB Homes is owned by Tom Budzynski and his wife, Jan. Their son Jason is vice president of operations, son Justin is vice president of new construction, and daughter Tiffany is project coordinator. Tom's brother Rick is vice president of TJB Remodeling. When the call came in from the TV show, the Budzynskis were excited by the idea but felt it would be impossible. The problem wasn't contributing continued on page 6 A D V E R T I S E I N T H E . . . MetroNorth Chamber NEWSLETTER The newsletter is distributed by mail to over 1,200 MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce members every month. The front and back cover feature full color. There are single-issue rates Ad Size 1x as well as discounted frequency • Full Page $441 rates. The rates are as listed 7-3/4 x 10-3/8 on the right . DEADLINE • 1/2 Page $225 for ads is the 18th of 3-3/4 x 10-3/8 each month. • 1/4 Page $120.50 3-3/4 x 5-1/4 Tom Newland Allegra Print and Imaging (763) 780-0792 • 1/8 Page $63 3x 6x 12x $419 $397 $352 $214.50 $203 $181 $115 $108.50 $97 $60 $56.50 $50.50 3-3/4 x 2-1/2 Newsewsletter Eric Olson ECM Publishers, Inc. (763) 421-4444 Insert Charges • 8 1/2 x 11 Insert (Pre-Printed)...............$210 Jolene Trauba Houle Insulation, Inc. (763) 767-8412 • 8 1/2 x 11 Insert (ECM Print, Plus Distribution).........$250 Jerry Teeson Shamrock Development (763) 421-3500 M O N T H L Y CHAMBER STAFF Phone (763) 783-3553 Fax (763) 783-3557 Chamber@metronorthchamber.org www.metronorthchamber.org Tom Snell, Executive Director Jill Johnson, Director of Sales and Marketing Deborah Pallansch, Director of Administration Rita Moser, Administrative Assistant Reserve your space today: (763)712-3527 Danielle Kokora Danielle.Kokora@ecm-inc.com 2 METRONORTH CHAMBER BOARD NOMINATIONS 2008 NORTHSTAR COMMUTER Yesterday was a great day for Northstar Commuter Rail-ground was officially broken for the vehicle maintenance facility in Big Lake. New Board Members Nominated: The following three individuals have been nominated to serve on the MetroNorth Chamber Board of Directors beginning in January 2008. Board terms run for a period of three years. Candidates can choose to run for an additional three year term. These three individuals will be voted on for approval at the Annual Meeting. The $21.6 million Big Lake facility will have an important role when Northstar trains start rolling in 2009. It will be a center for fueling, cleaning, inspecting, maintaining, and storing the commuter trains, and will allow Northstar to provide a safe, efficient and reliable transportation alternative to commuters. Get a sneak peek of the facility here. Mary M Tjosvold PhD. Mary Tjosvold is the founder and CEO of Mary T. Inc. Her company is located in Coon Rapids and is a unique blend of rental communities, supportive living for people with specialized needs with home health to meet the current and changing needs of people. It may not be long before we start seeing other Northstar work taking place in Big Lake and along the corridor, once the Federal Transit Administration awards final federal funding for Northstar construction this fall. Mary T is a medium size business and one of the largest women own companies in Minnesota. Her company has been an active member of the MetroNorth Chamber for over two decades. In addition to Mary Tjosvold’s participation in local community affairs, she was Chair of the American Refugee Committee. Currently, she serves on the Minnesota Department of Human Development Board, Northeast Bank Board, Anoka Technical Foundation Board, and Volunteers of America Board. Thursday’s groundbreaking event also marked the 10-year anniversary of the Northstar Corridor Development Authority (NCDA). Can you believe that it’s been 10 years since 30 local government entities and rail authorities joined together with the goal of improving transportation in the Northstar Corridor between St. Cloud and Minneapolis? The leadership and cooperation within the NCDA and with our partners at the Met Council and Minnesota Department of Transportation as well as the work of so many supporters like you have been crucial to advancing Northstar through difficult state and federal funding requirements. Here we are a decade later and we’re almost there. Dean Richards Dean Richards is a Certified Public Accountant with the firm of Smith &Schafer & Associates ltd. Dean was Co Chair of the Golf Committee for four years. He also participated on several membership drives. Besides the Chamber, Dean is active in the Blaine Ham Lake Rotary Club. He is a resident of Blaine. Lisa Tollakson Lisa is the VP Regional Sales Manager for Twin City Federal. She has been an active Chamber member for a number of years. Lisa is past Chair of the Ambassadors Committee and is currently Chair of the Gala Committee. She resides in Andover Minnesota. We are making great progress in putting Minnesota’s first commuter rail line in motion by the end of 2009. Thank you for doing your part! Sincerely, Dan Erhart, NCDA Chair ����������� ��������������� Schedule your company’s meeting or party. Call 877-447-2631. 3 MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Evolve Systems was named as a finalist for the Upsize Business Builder Awards from a large and impressive field of nominations. Evolve Systems was nominated in the category of Best Practices in Community Impact Upsize Minnesota is a large successful regional magazine devoted to inspiring successful practices for small business. Evolve Systems has been a long time proud member of the MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce. In addition to the nomination, Evolve Systems recently celebrated their first five years in business. In other news about the college, three former Anoka-Ramsey Community College students were recognized in this years highly competitive Fine Arts Exhibition at the 2007 Minnesota State fair. Maria Arrazola, who is originally from Columbia earned first place for her acrylic painting, “Rooster in the Bottle”. Lucinda Silvis, a former glass blowing student, was recognized with a third place finish for her glass bottle, “Blue Sky Breeze”. Finally, Fredi Vilina, a former glassblowing student received honorable mention for his beaded necklace. CEAP SAYS THANKS to everyone who helped make the 2007 Caring Tree Back to School Program a great success. Through the generosity of the community 1,563 children received school supplies through the Northtown mall and 942 through Brookdale Center and the Shops at Arbor Lake CEAP’S Caring Tree Program is the largest in Minnesota. BEST BUY is planning a Grand Opening for its new store in Blaine on November 16, 2007. The store is located off highway 65 & 109 Ave. In leading up to this event, the company will be hiring individuals from the community. The company will hold a job fair in the club west parkway between Major’s and Bella... For more information check www. bestbuy.com, store number is 1443. Anoka Ramsey Community College + Bachelor of Science Degree. Anoka Ramsey Community College has once again proven to be an innovative leader in higher education. Students can now receive a Bachelor of Science Degree from Saint Cloud State without leaving the Anoka Ramsey Community College Campus. Saint Cloud State and Anoka Ramsey collaborated to offer this degree with an emphasis on special education. Bromley Printing recently passed the first decade in business. To celebrate their success Bromley Printing is giving away a select number of I Pod Nano’s. To participate in the drawing, simply register your e-mail on the Bromley Printing Website www. bromleyprinting.com Champlin Park High School will be holding their Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Fair. This event is the largest fair of its kind CONTACT ONE OF THE AREA BUSINESS BANKERS Mike Ringdahl • 763-792-4434 in the state of Minnesota. They typically attract over 1000 students to this event. The STEM Fair is a unique opportunity to nurture a student’s interest in science, math and engineering. Chaplin Park will be looking for approximately 300 judges. You do not need to be a scientist, mathematician of engineer to be a judge. The Science Fair is also looking for financial contributions. For more information contact Kevin Molohon at (763) 506-7084 or email Kevin@anokak12.mn.us Congressman Ramstad speaking at Lexington Manufacturing in recognition of their 2007 Manufacturing Alliance Award. MEETING SPONSORS The MetroNorth Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the following companies for sponsoring our membership meetings: 331 Highway 10 NE, Blaine, MN 55434 Tim Mortenson • 612-460-4689 1550 - 109th Ave. NE, Blaine, MN 55449 Silver Sponsors Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors Connexus Energy CenterPoint Energy Avalon Fortress 21st Century Bank Central Bank Security Corporation Donna Miller • 763-433-9187 3345 124th Ave. NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 TCF PREMIER BUSINESS CHECKING Grand Casinos Mille KleinBank Lacs & Hinckley Solbrekk, Inc. • 1000 FREE Monthly Transactions • FREE TCF Miles Plus Business Check Card • FREE Check Recovery • FREE Preferred Online Banking • FREE Online Bill Pay 4 NEW MEMBERS AUGUST 2007 All American Title Co. 8338 Highway 65 NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55432 763-235-1800 sue@allamericantitleco.com Sue Hilton Angels Amore Ltd. 10946 Isanti Court NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-717-7475 afrattalone@comcast.net 763-792-1095 Angela Frattalone Best Buy 10985 Ulysses Street NE Blaine, MN 55434 justincossette@bestbuy.com Justin Cossette Bridge Link 16150 Crosstown Boulevard NW Andover, MN 55304 763-434-5995 jim@constancefree.org Jim Barber Edina Realty - Sutton 13603 80th Circle N Maple Grove, MN 55369 763-486-9460 seansutton@edinarealty.com Sean Sutton Because the news never stops. HighTec Truck & Automotive Repair 329 Bunker Lake Boulevard Ham Lake, MN 55443 763-235-9994 hightectruck@comcast.net 763-235-9996 Amy Gibson Insurance For Longevity 3424 Zinran Avenue South St. Louis Park, MN 55426 952-938-7627 cathy@insuranceforlongevity.com 952-935-1764 Catherine Manning Law Enforcement Target Inc. 8802 W. 35W Service Drive NE Blaine, MN 55449 763-746-5390 manning@letargets.com 651-645-5246 Cherie Manning Massage Envy - Coon Rapids 12580 Riverdale Boulevard, Ste103 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-235-9000 elizcodd@integra.net Elizabeth Coddington Minnesota School of Business 3680 Pheasant Ridge Drive Blaine, MN 55449 Check us out online! You can renew or purchase your subscription on our website, browse the classified ads and connect to our local sponsor's sites... www.abcnewspapers.com 5 763-225-8000 smago@msbcollege.edu 763-225-8001 Susan Mago Moe’s Restaurant 2400 Highway 10 Mounds View, MN 55112 763-786-1800 jeff@moesonthego.com Jeff Moritko Signs Now 1451 91st Avenue NE, Suite 100 Blaine, MN 55449 763-717-0140 chad@signsnowblaine.com 763-717-0141 Chad Salewski Taco Del Mar 13131 Riverdale Drive, Suite 200 Coon Rapids, MN 55448 763-221-1024 foodiegirl.patt@gmail.com 763-576-3106 Patt Gustafson Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Blaine 11806 Aberdeen Street, Suite 250 Blaine, MN 55449 866-361-1101 (toll free) mark.a.spindler@wellsfargo.com 866-656-0895 Mark Spindler THANK YOU 21st Century Bank For your generous support of the Chamber. RENEWALS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Andy’s Service Animal Humane Society Anoka Hennepin Credit Union Atlas Staffing, Inc. Baskets2Give Bertolas & Pekula, LLC Blake Drilling Co., Inc. Bromley Printing, Inc. Chili’s Dairy Queen Direct Benefits, Inc. E.G. Rud & Sons, Inc. Express Health Care FM 107/Hubbard Broadcasting Forever Young Temporary Services, Inc. Global Card Network, Inc. Ham Lake, City of 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Hi-Ten Service Center Independent School District #16 Industrial Door Co. Integrity Lending Inc. Law Office of Steven C. Miller, PA, The Lino Lakes, City of Mate Precision Tooling Metro Dentalcare - Corporate Molly Professional Center MultiCenter Physical Therapy North Country Ford Lincoln Mercury North Suburban Eye Specialists NorthStar Property Inspections Northland Woodworks Northwest Passage High School Park Dental - Blaine Peoples Bank of Commerce 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Pinnacle Planning Group Ramsey, City of Rebel Electric, Inc. Rise, Inc. River Rock Lodge rms SevenHills Benefit Partners Solbrekk, Inc. Thrivent Financial TPAC Underwriters, Inc. Twin City Trolleys UltraTech Automotive, Inc. U.S. Representative Jim Ramstad Wells Fargo Bank – Anoka YMCA – Emma B. Howe Family Extreme Makeover continued from page 2 their time, talent, and supplies. It was the schedule. And it wasn't the part about having to build a house in the required 106 hours. The problem was that there were only 30 weeks for advance planning. "My brother and son were leaving that afternoon for a week-long fishing trip, and they would be key to putting this together," says Tom. The TV people relented and gave them an extra week and a half for the planning phase. landscape materials were all brought in without charge. In addition to the professional builders, hundreds of volunteers turned out to help with cleanup, food preparation, and the like. Construction went on without break, 24 hours a day. There were so many workers that all the drywall for the 5,600 square foot home was installed in 75 minutes! "What was cool was that, although all these people started out doing this for us, soon they found they were doing it for themselves and for a good cause," says Tom. One pipefitter told me, "I don't have a lot of money to contribute Two hundred companies and 1,500 to charity, but I workers pitched in to contribute know how to do their time, expertise, and material. something they Food, bottled water, RVs, tents, needed, install lights, generators, furniture, and a fire sprinkler TJB Homes approached all their suppliers and subcontractors and asked for help. This was made more difficult because at that point they couldnít disclose the location of the home or anything about the people who would receive it. Yet the outpouring of support was tremendous. 6 system. I could use my talent to make a difference in someoneís life." "And he made a difference in his own life," adds Tom. "That's what happened to all of us who worked on this project." The schedule was met, and the house was completed in just 99 hours. The show will air as a two hour special on Sunday, November 25. For photos of the project as well as a list of all the companies that contributed, visit www.tjbhomes.com. ������� �������������������������������� ���������������� ���������������� ��������� �������������������������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������ ����������������� ������������ ���������������������������� Is your bank too big for your business? Okay. We admit. We’re not the biggest bank in the Twin Cities. We don’t have layer upon layer of loan officers involved in approving your business loan. And the way we see it, that’s a benefit to you. Because when you work with us, you work with the decision makers who have the resources and the authority to make things happen for you. Call us. BANKING & WEALTH MANAGEMENT SERVICES www.anchorlink.com AMBASSADOR OF THE MONTH Our congratulations and thanks go to Ambassador of the Month, Tom Hewhouse. THANK YOU Payroll Control Systems (763) 513-5951 For handling the Chamber’s payroll 10710 Town Square Dr. NE • Blaine • 763-795-8400 7 3 3 Mark Your Calendar October 3, Wednesday Government Affairs Committee 7:30 a.m. @ place to be determined Membership Committee 3:30 p.m. @ chamber office PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Anoka, MN 55303 Permit No. 287 9380 Central Ave. NE, Suite 320 Blaine, MN 55434 October 4, Thursday Fall Fundraiser 8:00 a.m. @ chamber office October 5, Friday Board Retreat All day @ Grand Casino Hinckley Sunrise Network 7:30 a.m. @ New Brunswick Zone October 8, Monday Executive Committee Meeting 11:00 a.m. @ Bella in Blaine October 9, Tuesday Membership Meeting with Senator Norm Coleman Registration 11:00 a.m. @ Majestic Oaks Ambassadors 4:00 p.m. @ location varies October 10, Wednesday Board Meeting 7:30 a.m. @ Chamber office SUNSET AFTER HOURS October 12, Friday Coon Rapids Sunrise 7:30 a.m. @ Old Country Buffet Mark down Tuesday, November 13th for the MetroNorth Chamber Sunset After Hours. It will be held at Village Bank in Blaine which is located at 9298 Central Ave. NE. October 17, Wednesday New Member Orientation Lunch 12:00 @ Place to be determined October 18, Thursday Fall Fundraiser 8:00 a.m. @ Chamber office Golf Committee 3:30 a.m. @ Chamber office This informal networking event will run from 5:00 –7:00 p.m. There will be a splendid array of appetizers available along with beverages. October 19, Friday Blaine Sunrise 7:30 a.m. @ Old Country Buffet October 23, Tuesday Business Education Partnership 3:30 p.m. @ Chamber office Sunset is an informal networking venue that brings together Chamber members interested in building business relationships. October 25, Thursday Fall Fundraiser 9:00 a.m. @ Chamber office There is no charge to attend Sunset After Hours. Please RSVP email to:rita@metronorthchamber.org October 26, Friday Sunrise Network 7:30 a.m. @ Old Country Buffet Fall Fundraiser 5:30 – 10:30 p.m. @ Schwan Center Blaine You Call... We Answer You need to spend more time talking with your bankers than trying to reach them. Call us - we’re only seven numbers away. “Real People, Real Answers” ANOKA-RAMSEY BLAINE 763-398-8000 763-780-2100 7125 Riverdale Drive (Hwy 10) 9298 Central Ave. NE Ramsey, MN 55303 Blaine, MN 55434 www.villagebankonline.com EAST BETHEL 18802 Ulysses St. NE East Belthel, MN 55011 763-398-8050 OAK GROVE 3122 Viking Blvd. Oak Grove, MN 55011 763-753-3777 ST. FRANCIS 3350 Bridge Street NW St. Francis, MN 55070 763-753-3007
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