Hartland Police Department
Hartland Police Department
PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE Village of Hartland BRIDGES PAID DOUSMAN, WI PERMIT NO. 10 BRIDGES **********ECRWSS**** VILLAGE OF HARTLAND 210 COTTONWOOD AVE. HARTLAND, WI 53029 POSTAL CUSTOMER www.villageofhartland.com Edition 8, Fall 2013 Inside this issue: 2014 Elections 2014 Budget Police Department Update PHONE NUMBERS (262) Citizen’s Police Academy Administration367-2714 Building Inspection 490-8222 Fire Administration 367-6878 Library367-3350 Police Administration 367-2323 Public Works 367-4880 Public Works - after hours 367-4750 Recreation Dept. 367-0352 Water & Sewer 367-2714 Library News & Events New Village Website Rec Department Recycling Information Snow Related Items 9 - 1 - 1 Police-Fire-Ambulance Emergencies Water & Sewer Department Property Tax Information Community Events BOARD AND COMMISSION MEETING SCHEDULES: CP RAIL HOLIDAY TRAIN Meetings are held in the Board Room, Municipal Building, 210 Cottonwood Avenue and begin at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, December 4 at approximately 9 pm 301 Pawling Avenue 1st Monday...................................Park and Recreation Board meeting Thanks to the past support of the Hartland community and the generosity of CP Railway, the spectacularly lighted Holiday Train has announced that they will stop again this year on Wednesday, December 4th, at approximately 9:00 pm. (plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early since train arrival time is subject to change). 2nd & 4th Mondays...........................................Village Board meetings 2nd Tuesday............................. Police and Fire Commission meetings 3rd Monday................Architectural Board/Plan Commission meeting Agendas are posted in the entryways of the Municipal Building as well as on the website: www.villageofhartland.com HARTLAND TREE LIGHTING & HARTLAND LIGHTS Friday, November 22, 2013 - 6 - 9 pm Start the holiday season in downtown Hartland with the official tree lighting and Santa in Village Square. Jump on the trolley to experience caroling, bagpiper, children’s parade, shopping, crafts, cookie decorating, glass fusing, letters to Santa, Christmas cards for the Troops, live children’s Nativity, free photos with Santa, fire spinning and other special offers. Enjoy the many holiday train window displays throughout the village shops. Accepting Hartland Food Pantry donations. For more information, visit the Hartland BID website at: www.downtownHartland.com • • • • Fireworks planned to announce the train arrival Appearance by Santa Free Elf Glow Wand with monetary donation to the food pantry courtesy of the Hartland Chamber of Commerce and sponsoring businesses Free music from the Holiday Train performers The Claytones and Wisconsin’s own Willy Porter The Holiday Train is making a special stop in Hartland to raise awareness of and funds for local food pantries. This is a FREE event but please bring your food donations to the Holiday Train event or drop off at the Hartland Chamber of Commerce Office at 116 W. Capitol Drive. The goal this year is to raise $12,000 in monetary donations and to collect thousands of pounds of food. Fire Prevention Week The Fire Department has been very busy during the month of October, Fire Prevention Week (October 6 - 12) with school children coming to the Survive Alive House and the department going to schools and giving out safety literature and talking about fire prevention. We have had over 700 children come to the station and Survive Alive House with more coming in the next 2 weeks. The open house on October 12, 2013 was very successful along with the Firefighters Annual Pancake Breakfast and the landing of the Flight For Life Helicopter. With the holidays coming up, fire safety is very important to remember. Dog & Cat Licenses Holiday Fire Safety Articles contributed by: The Hartland Fire Department in conjunction with the National Fire Safety Council, Inc. wish everyone a safe Holiday Season. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza, or New Year’s, there is always potential for fire and accidents. Please follow these rules to keep a celebration from turning into a tragedy. Mike Bagin Connie Casper Mike Einweck Jan Jensen Robert Rosch Connie Casper, Editor Celebrate Safely • Check all smoke alarms • Install carbon monoxide detectors • Have chimneys, fireplaces, and central heating units inspected by professionals. • Develop a Home Fire Escape Plan and practice it with your family. Make sure escape routes are not blocked. Common sense can keep a celebration from turning into a tragedy. • Holiday lights cause 510 fires each year and Christmas trees are involved in 400 fires. • 6,000 people are treated for injuries related to holiday decorations and Christmas trees. • Candles started 70% of home fires in December. • NEVER leave children unattended where holiday hazards are present, particularly in homes that are unfamiliar. This newsletter is published by the Village of Hartland Hartland Municipal Building 210 Cottonwood Avenue Hartland, Wisconsin 53029 Office Hours: 7:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday To receive the Electronic Newsletter “Hartland Happenings” go to the village website at www.villageofhartland.com and register to receive timely news updates from the Village. 2014 Elections 2013 Property Tax Information February 18, 2014 - Spring Primary, if necessary (non-partisan) November 4, 2014 - General Election (Partisan) April 2, 2014 - Spring Election (local offices, non-partisan) County: • Sheriff • Coroner • Clerk of Courts Local: • School Board(s) • Village Board (incumbents: Trustees Karen Compton, Mike Meyers, Rick Stevens) County: • County Board Supervisor District 13 (incumbent: Paul Decker) • Circuit Court Judges Branch 5 & 6 (incumbents: Lee S. Dreyfus, Jr. (Dist 5); Patrick C. Haughney (Dist. 6) August 12, 2014 - Partisan Primary Election (same offices as November) The Village is anticipating that tax bills will be mailed by December 10th. The first installment of taxes is due on January 31, 2014. The last day to pay your taxes in person during 2013 is Tuesday, December 31, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Offices will reopen on Thursday, January 2nd at 7:30 a.m. Payments dropped in the collection box on December 31 will be receipted with that date. State: • Governor • Lt. Governor • Attorney General • Secretary of State • State Treasurer • Representatives in Congress • State Senator in odd-numbered Districts (Hartland is Senate District 33, Paul Farrow, incumbent) • Representatives to the Assembly in all Districts (Hartland is District 99, Chris Kapenga, incumbent) Village Offices are Closed: Tuesday, December 24 Wednesday, December 25 Wednesday, January 1 EXACT amount of your taxes. Please do not use the drive through window for this transaction. You may also use the tax envelope enclosed with the tax bill. This is mailed to the lockbox of First Bank Financial Centre. If your escrow check is received for more than the tax amount, refund checks will be issued in accordance with the Village’s regular bill paying schedule: December 2013 refunds will be issued January 14, 2014 January 2014 refunds will be issued January 28 and February 11, 2014 A 24 hour collection box is available for payments. It is located at the entrance to the Municipal Building, 210 Cottonwood Avenue. You may also pay your taxes in the lobby of the First Bank Financial Centre located at 800 Cardinal Lane. To make payment at the bank you need the top tear-off portion of your tax bill and a check for the You may also pay your property tax bill via credit card payment through our vendor at Official Payments. Please review the insert in your property tax bill for more information on these payment options. NEW THIS YEAR - If you would like a receipt, please include a selfaddressed stamped envelope along with our payment. The first date to circulate nomination papers for the 2014 Local Elections is December 1st, 2013. Nomination packets for Village offices are available in the Clerk’s Office, 210 Cottonwood Avenue. 2014 Village Budget Information A Public Hearing regarding the 2014 Village Budgets was held on Monday, October 28, 2013. Adoption of the 2014 Village Budgets will be considered at the November 11, 2013 Village Board meeting. A copy of the proposed budgets is listed below. VILLAGE OF HARTLAND PUBLISHED 2014 BUDGET SUMMARY GENERAL, TIF, DEBT SERVICE, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS, IMPACT FEES, WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES AND OTHER FUNDS REVENUES ADOPTED PROPOSED 2013 BUDG 2014 BUDG 4,095,818 4,147,256 210,000 220,000 1,294,924 1,273,798 89,000 108,000 92,000 93,500 316,200 307,300 91,700 110,300 252,500 289,752 15,334 PROPERTY TAXES OTHER TAXES INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE LICENSES & PERMITS FINES & FORFEITURES PUBLIC CHARGES FOR SERVICES INTERGOVERNMENTAL CHARGES FOR SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS OTHER FINANCING SOURCES TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE EXPENDITURES 6,565,240 6,565,240 - TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES SUMMARY ALL FUNDS TIF SPECIAL REV FUND 22,850 2,650 20,200 DEBT SERVICE 1,241,909 1,241,909 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 6,565,240 PROPOSED PROPOSED 2013 BUDG 2014 BUDG 1,003,484 1,006,655 2,934,265 3,045,232 1,470,271 1,490,349 1,034,122 1,023,004 GENERAL GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SAFETY PUBLIC WORKS CULTURE & RECREATION GENERAL FUND REVENUES EXPENDITURES EXCESS REVENUES OVER/(UNDER) EXPEND FUND BAL/RETAINED EARNINGS BEG BAL FUND BAL/RETAINED EARNINGS ENDING BAL TAX LEVY 6,442,142 6,442,142 IMPACT FEE FUND SPECIAL REV AND OTHER 257,324 1,652,656 500 2,500 650,875 728,908 (1,395,332) (2,000) (78,033) 6,565,240 WATER UTILITY SEWER UTILITY 1,176,500 2,116,670 1,338,734 1,557,605 (940,170) PERCENT CHANGE 1.26% 4.76% -1.63% 21.35% 1.63% -2.81% 20.28% 14.75% N/A 1.91% PERCENT CHANGE 0.32% 3.78% 1.37% -1.08% 1.91% TOTAL 11,253,932 13,868,138 (218,871) (2,614,206) 3,824,234 (647,239) 203,561 4,656,113 7,068 259,960 1,979,010 770,578 11,053,285 3,824,234 4,147,256 (627,039) - 203,561 1,047,994 3,260,781 - 5,068 - 181,927 - 1,038,840 - 551,707 - 8,439,079 5,195,250 A Public Hearing on the proposed 2014 Budget will be held Monday, October 28, 2013 during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Hartland Village Board. The meeting is at 7:00 PM in the Board Room of the Hartland Municipal Building located at 210 Cottonwood Avenue, Hartland, WI 53029. Copies of the budget are available for review at the Administrative offices in the Municipal Building. 2014 DOG & CAT LICENSE APPLICATION VILLAGE OF HARTLAND, WAUKESHA COUNTY, STATE OF WISCONSIN VALID JANUARY 1, 2014 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2014 (PLEASE COPY THIS FORM IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE ANIMAL) Owner: _________________________________________________________________ License # 2014-________________ Please Print Office Use Only Address: __________________________________________________ Hartland, WI 53029 Daytime Phone: ___________________ Name of Dog: ________________________ Color: ___________________ Breed: ________________________ Sex (circle): M Date Rabies Vaccine Given: _____/_____/_____ Date Rabies Vaccine Expires: _____/_____/_____ Name of Rabies Vaccine Producer: (circle below) IMRAB Merial Boehringer Ingelheim or F Serial/Lot # _______________________ (NOT the tag number) Fort Dodge Pfizer Defensor Other _________________ Spayed/Neutered: $10.00 by March 31, $15.00 April 1 and after Unspayed/Unneutered: $15.00 by March 31, $20.00 April 1 and after (SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 174 OF THE STATUTES, AND SUCH PROVISIONS ANDREGULATIONS AS MAY AT ANY TIME BE IMPOSED BY THE STATE OF WISCONSIN) I certify that the above information is accurate and that the animal to be licensed has a current rabies shot. I have proven this by completing the information requested or by enclosing a copy of the inoculation certificate. Any questions call Village Hall at 262-367-2714. Signature _____________________________________________ Date__________________ Total Due $____________ Enclose Check Payable to: VILLAGE OF HARTLAND, 210 Cottonwood Avenue, Hartland, WI 53029 LICENSES AND PAYMENT RECEIPTS WILL BE MAILED TO YOU WITHIN TWO WEEKS. LICENSES MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED BY COMING TO THE OFFICE. IF YOU COME IN PERSON, PLEASE BRING PROOF OF RABIES SHOT. Ready, Set . . . Snow! Hartland Police Department 210 Cottonwood • 262-367-2323 NON-EMERGENCY Village Ordinance Sec. 78-5 (a)(2) Prohibits the placement of snow into the roadway. Reminder that when you are shoveling or snow blowing your sidewalk or driveway that placement of that snow into the roadway is prohibited. Please inform your snowplowing contractors of this as well. COMPUTERIZED VEHICLE REGISTRATION-The Hartland Police Department is an authorized agent of the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles to provide vehicle registration and renewal services. To learn about these services, go to www.villageofhartland.com. Once on this website, go to Dept/Services, then Police and click on Computerized Vehicle Registration. Call 262-367-2323 during normal business hours if there are any questions. Please keep garbage cans and recycling bins clear of the roadway on collection days when snow is forecast or a snowplowing operation is underway. If possible, place these items at the end of your driveway and collect the emptied containers as quickly as possible to avoid damage. Fire Hydrants - For the safety of your family and neighbors, please shovel out fire hydrants within the right-of-way adjacent to your property. In the event of an emergency, firefighters cannot afford to spend valuable time removing snow to access the hydrant. Your cooperation is appreciated by all. Give the Plows a Break! Driving a snowplow is one of the toughest jobs around. Drivers must maneuver a 27’ truck with blade through village streets while dealing with foggy windows, swirling snow, slippery roads, parked vehicles and traffic. So please, “give ‘em a brake”. We ask that you maintain a safe and proper distance behind snow plows to avoid collision and damage to your vehicle from the flying sand and salt. State law prohibits motorists from driving closer than 200 feet behind a snowplow during plowing or salting operations on highways with a speed limit of 35 mph or more. Mailbox Damage Replacement Policy The Hartland Village Board recently approved to change the Village’s policy when it comes to replacing mailboxes due to our snow plowing operations. Now only mailboxes that are actually hit by the snowplow and are properly installed are eligible for reimbursement. Please note that reimbursement can no longer be made if a mailbox gets knocked over from the weight of the recently plowed snow. That is why we are encouraging everyone to check their mailboxes before winter. A properly installed and maintained mailbox will hold up to the snow that comes off the plow’s blade. In addition, the total value from reimbursement is now limited to a maximum of $75.00. Turn on your headlights and windshield wipers to provide greater visibility to other drivers and the snowplow operators. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Hall at 262-367-2714. Reminder from the Hartland Water and Sewer Department The sewer charge on your water and sewer bill is determined by averaging the water consumption used from September 15 - March 15 (January and April water/sewer bills). The figure is derived from the average number of gallons of water used during the winter months. This new average appears on the April bill each year and remains constant for the following three quarters regardless of current water usage. Using this methodology means you are not charged for sewer based on summer months watering uses. • How often does your water softener regenerate? In most cases, it should only run every 5-6 days. Some water softeners use large amounts of water in the regeneration process. This is a good time to remind property owners that even a small leak can cost you additional charges when the April sewer average is calculated. Some quick tips for leak detection are: • Record the meter reading on your water meter when no one is going to be in the home/building for at least 4 hours and no water is being used by dishwashers, washing machines, water softeners, etc. When you return, read the meter again. If the meter reading has changed, you have water leaking somewhere within your home/ property. • Check for a leaking toilet by putting 10-12 drops of food coloring in the toilet tank; do not flush the toilet. Let stand for at least one hour. If the food coloring has transferred into the bowl, your toilet is leaking. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT WATER USAGE Average amount of water required for: Taking a tub bath - 35 gallons Taking a shower - 5 gallons Washing Machine -19 gallons Washing Dishes by Hand - 10 gallons Dishwashing Machine - 12 gallons Flushing the toilet - 3 gallons ILLEGAL SIGN PLACEMENT-Village ordinances prohibit the placing of any signs in a right-of-way owned by the village, county or state. In addition, permission must be received from a property owner before placing any signs. Any signs observed to be illegally posted will be removed by the police department and discarded. The normal violations we observe involve rummage sale signs, campaign signs and realty signs. Contact the police department at (262-367-2323) if you have any questions before posting signs. COMMUNITY NOTIFICATIONS-The Hartland Police Department is a member of a two nation-wide notification networks, which are basically “Reverse 911” systems. In the event an emergency message needs to be sent out to a targeted area of the community, we would utilize the services of one of these networks. The networks utilized are 1) A Child Is Missing, which is primarily for missing children and at-risk adults, 2) MyStateUSA, which can be utilized for emergency notifications such as evacuations, sex offender notifications, etc. If you are interested in signing up your cellphone to receive these messages, please go to our website at www.villageofhartland.com , look under dept for POLICE, and then click on Community Notifications for information. WINTER PARKING RESTRICTIONS-Winter parking restrictions are in effect from November 1st through March 31st. Parking restrictions prohibits parking on all village streets between the hours of 2:00 AM to 8:00 AM. If you need to park your vehicle overnight on a village street, you will need to call 262-367-0358 Extension 400 after 3:00 PM daily. You will hear a recorded message which will indicate whether you may park on the street during the restricted hours, or because of a snow forecast, no parking will be allowed. Parking citations will be issued to vehicles that park on any village street when the message has denied parking. A tow notice may also be attached to a vehicle and if the vehicle is not removed within the time frame listed on the notice, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. DRUG COLLECTION-In order to Reduce Substance Abuse, Prevent Childhood Poisonings, and Help Protect Our Environment, citizens can bring their prescription or over the counter medications, sprays, inhalers, ointments, creams, vials, herbals, pet medications and illegal drugs/paraphernalia (No Questions Asked) to the police department 24 hours every day for disposal. Please DO NOT bring hazardous materials/waste (household cleaners, paint, etc) or any items containing or exposed to human bodily fluids. Remember: No medications should ever be thrown into the toilet-Let us dispose of them properly. If there are any questions, please contact our department at (262) 367-2323 HOUSE NUMBERS-Municipal Ordinance 78-30 specifically states that all residential and business buildings must have the address clearly posted on the street side of the structure, with numbers being no less than 2 1/2 inches in high (suggested to be reflective). This is primarily for safety reasons so that the Police or Fire Department may find the property in an emergency. Keep in mind that the 911 system tracks to an address and dispatches the correct police and fire agencies. Please make sure the numbers are clearly posted and seen from the street, usually posted near a doorway that is visible from the street. Citizen’s Police Academy The Village of Hartland Police Department will be sponsoring a Citizens Police Academy in cooperation with the City of Delafield, Village of Chenequa, and Village of Pewaukee Police Departments. We held our first academy in Spring of 2013 with great success. The next academy is scheduled for January through March of 2014. The various topics to be covered during the academy sessions will include: • Enforcement related to Operating a Motor Vehicle While Intoxicated (OAWI) • Identity Theft • Use of Force • Major Investigations Unit (MIU) • Computer Crimes • Traffic Stops • Waukesha County Communication Center operations • Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) • Suburban Critical Incident Team (SCIT)and several other areas as they relate to the operations of your local law enforcement agency. Any citizen interested in attending can contact Village of Pewaukee Captain Jay T. Iding at (262)691-5678 ext. 232 Hartland Public Library: November - January News & Events 110 E Park Ave • 262-367-3350 • http://www.hartlandlibrary.org/ Acoustic Jam Do you enjoy folk, gospel, or bluegrass style music? Then come on down to the library from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each month for some toe-tappin’ fun. Beginners to experts are all welcome to bring a stringed instrument (non-electric) such as guitar, ukulele, banjo, mandolin, violin, bass, etc. to experience the joy and satisfaction of creating music with a group. Upcoming dates: November 26th, no jam in December due to holidays; January 28th, February 25th. Book Clubs Readers can join one of two book discussion groups that meet regularly at the Hartland Library. The Tuesday Morning Book Group meets from 10 AM till noon on the 1st Tuesday of each month. Their November 5th selection is “Tinkers” by Paul Harding. The Bonus Book Group meets every six weeks on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Their next meeting will be December 3rd with a discussion of “The Round House” by Louise Erdrich. Check the library’s website calendar at www.hartlandlibrary.org or call 367-3350 for further details on upcoming dates and titles. Program Room: Does your non-profit group want to meet at the library? Call the reference desk to check on program room availability. Veterans Program - November 11th from 4:00 - 7:30 PM Join us as we will be honoring those who served by showing movies featuring interviews with our local area veterans. Refreshments provided. Toddler Storytime is for 2 year olds and caregivers. Sessions run about 30 minutes and are limited to 12 children. Registration is required, so come in ahead of time or call 262-367-3350 to see if a spot is available. Preschool Storytime for ages 3-5 is a lively session filled with stories, songs and crafts. Children are encouraged to attend on their own, but caregivers can remain with the child until they become used to the routine. (Parents must remain in the building in any case.) The storytimes last about 40 minutes and is limited to 20 children. Registration is required, so come in ahead of time or call 262-3673350 to see if a spot is available. LEGO Club, Saturday, 9:30 AM on Saturdays - November 23rd, December 28th, and January 25th. The Hartland Library has a great collection of LEGOs. Kids ages 5-11 are invited to come make a variety of fun items and share their ideas with the group. Please call ahead to sign up - 262-367-3350. New Village Website The Village has launched its new website, which had been in production for several months. Not only does the website contain all the information users have come to expect but lots of new, useful information has been added. The site is updated and easy to use. As part of the launch, users will be able to sign up for automatic notifications from the Village, be able to advise Village staff about concerns and be able to provide feedback on Village initiatives. The new site was created with the user in mind and as a method to provide our residents with another option for getting information about and communicating with the Village. The website address remains the same: www.villageofhartland.com Hartland Rec Department 210 Cottonwood Avenue • 262-367-0352 This December, the Hartland Recreation Department is offering Hartland North and South. The 2014 Winter/Spring Program Guide some exciting classes in the 2014 Winter/Spring program guide. will be out in the mail and online at www.villageofhartland.com Here are some of the classes we will be offering; Friday Fun Nights in mid-December. The Hartland Recreation Department is always for youth, Digital Camera classes, Brain Dance for seniors, Archery looking for new programs, if you have a program that you would like for adults and youth, NEW art classes for youth and more After to see offered or to instruct, please contact Kelli Yogerst, Recreation School Programs that will be offered right after school for youth at Director at 262-367-0352 or kelliy@villageofhartland.com. Recycling Center Information DPW Garage Site - 701 Progress Drive November 16th is National Gaming Day. 11:00am - 3:00pm Come to the library to enjoy a Wii game, one of our many board games, and new fun ideas from Epic Quest Games. American Girl Club - 1:00 PM on Saturday November 23rd, December 28th, and January 25th. Young ladies age 8-12 are invited to come (with AG doll if they wish) to have fun making crafts and learning about some of the historical doll characters and their times. Fall Leaf Collection Program continues through Friday, November 22nd. Santa Claus will be back again this December 7th from 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. to read stories and pose for photos with your children. Free! Cookies for good girls and boys (& parents, too). Bring your camera! American Red Cross Blood Drive - December 27th - 10:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. Call ahead to sign up; Please follow these simple rules: • Rake the leaves out to the street in neat piles or a continuous tight row or rake into the gutter area • DO NOT BAG LEAVES • DO NOT place yardwaste, brush, garden debris or animal waste at the curb or in with the leaves, it will not be picked up. These items need to be taken to the Yardwaste site during the hours as noted below. Song Lab: 6:30 p.m. on November 13th, December 11th, & January 8th; Learn from professional song-writing tips and strategies to bring out your best efforts. Each month the group shares their progress with others for encouragement, ideas and feedback. Kids Build: 6:30 p.m. on November 7th and December 5th; Kids ages 6-11 are invited to have fun expressing their creativity as they work with guidance to build something cool to take home. Infant Storytime for ages 0 - 23 months is held at 9: 30 every Friday. This short (20-30 minute) session features lap games, songs and action rhythms as parent/caregiver/caregiver participate to help their child take part in the class activities. Sessions are limited to 12 children. Please call 262-367-3350 to reserve a spot. Storytellers Guild 6:30 p.m. November 25th, December 30th, January 27th - Adults who enjoy telling personal or literary stories are invited to come share with those who like to listen to stories. News about BadgerLink - BadgerLink provides FREE access to online materials that would cost the residents of Wisconsin over 72 million dollars if they each had to pay for it out of pocket. We want all Wisconsin residents to know that they can use BadgerLink from home, from work, and on the go! Stop in the library or call the library to learn more: 262.367.3350. One collection pass will be made throughout the Village weekly during the time period as noted above. YARDWASTE SITE CLOSES FOR THE SEASON - Friday, November 29th. Hours of operation through November 29th are as follows: Every Friday, 9 am - 3 pm Tuesday evenings, November 12 & 26 from 6-8 pm Saturday mornings, November 9 & 23 from 9 am - 1 pm The Recycling Center will be open during the winter months on Fridays, from 9 am - 3 pm. Electronic Recycling Rules The Village of Hartland has a drop-off for electronics including: • Computers, Laptops, Servers, Monitors • Keyboards, Mice, Hard Drives, etc. • Printers, Copiers, Scanners, Fax Machines • Cellular Phones, Portable Devices • Telephones, Cables, Accessories • Televisions, Stereos, Game Systems • DVD/VCR/DVR Players • VHS, CDs, DVDs, Computer Games • Christmas lights • Other small appliances, e.g. toasters, vacuum cleaners, etc. or “anything with a cord”