Hartland Police Department


Hartland Police Department
Village of Hartland BRIDGES
www.villageofhartland.com Inside this issue: Lake Country Rotary Splash Pad is Now Open at Nixon Park!
Hartland Hometown Parade
Rec Department
Mailbox Damage Policy
Library Programs
Building Inspection
Fire Administration
Police Administration
Public Works
Public Works - after hours
Recreation Dept.
Water & Sewer
Budget Calendar
Cemetery Information
Construction Notice
Police Department
9 - 1 - 1 Police-Fire-Ambulance Emergencies
Cable TV Update
Community Events
Meetings are held in the Board Room, Municipal Building, 210
Cottonwood Avenue and begin at 7:00 p.m.
1st Monday...................................Park and Recreation Board meeting
2nd & 4th Mondays...........................................Village Board meetings
Fridays: 9 am - 3 pm
2nd & 4th Tuesday evenings: 6 - 8 pm
2nd & 4th Saturdays: 9 am - 1 pm
2nd Tuesday............................. Police and Fire Commission meetings
Fall Leaf Pick up begins on October 7 and concludes on
November 22. Leaves only will be collected from the curb.
More information in future newsletter.
3rd Monday................Architectural Board/Plan Commission meeting
The Yardwaste site closes for the Season on November 29.
Agendas are posted in the entryways of the Municipal Building as
well as on the website: www.villageofhartland.com
A T & T U-verse customers can view the Village Board meetings live
on Channel 99. Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the
month at 7 pm. The local access channel also replays the meeting
the following evening and presents other local events.
Time-Warner Cable also broadcasts the meetings on Channel 25.
Edition 7, August 2013
On a beautiful Saturday, June 29th, the Lake Country Rotary Club
proudly turned over the operation of the newly installed Splash Pad
to Village of Hartland dignitaries. The Rotary Club raised $300,000
for the construction of the Splash Pad which is the first of its kind
in the area.
A splash pad combines the sensations of water movements and
interactive play elements in a safe “zero-depth” water play area.
There is no need for lifeguards and virtually no drowning risk. The
play area is constructed on a concrete slab with various water
features that spray water in different patterns and directions, cooling
off visitors and providing for hours of fun.
The splash pad is the first of its kind in Waukesha County and made possible by
generous community members and local businesses. The Village of Hartland
is planning to have the splash pad open regularly from 10am-7pm, Memorial
Day through Labor Day. Saturday June 29th was the first day of operation as
construction crews were racing against the clock and the weather to complete
the project.
“Our parks are among Hartland’s finest resources. The Splash Pad will significantly enhance family recreational
opportunities as a new and different fun-filled experience. We are so pleased that the Hartland Rotary Club
has taken on this project. Rotary’s civic involvement is a cornerstone in our community of service.”
Articles contributed by:
Mike Bagin
Connie Casper
Mike Einweck
Jan Jensen
Robert Rosch
The Village has contracted with CivicPlus to redesign the Village’s
website. The expected “Go Live” date is Thursday, October 10,
2013. The new website will feature enhancements including a
calendar and Village News on the home page. Ease of accessibility to Village information as well as citizen involvement is the goal
of the new website. We will also be using Facebook and Twitter
to give updated information to the public using these social media
tools. We are very excited about this new offering to our residents
as well as those interested in the Village of Hartland.
Connie Casper, Editor
This newsletter is published by the
Village of Hartland
Hartland Municipal Building
210 Cottonwood Avenue
Hartland, Wisconsin 53029
Office Hours:
7:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday
To receive the Electronic Newsletter “Hartland Happenings” go to the village website at
www.villageofhartland.com and register to receive timely news updates from the Village.
Hartland’s Hometown Celebration Parade
Hartland Police Department
210 Cottonwood • 262-367-2323 NON-EMERGENCY
was held on Sunday, June 30th. Here are some of the pictures from
this year’s parade as provided by Danelle O’Neill.
Plan on attending next year’s celebration which will be held the
weekend of June 27-29, 2014.
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2013
The annual Hometown Celebration Parade could not continue without the financial
contributions of our sponsors. The Hometown Celebration Committee would like to
thank the following contributors for their continued support of this local event.
Kiwanis Club of Greater Hartland • Hartland Business Improvement District
Women’s Club of Hartland
American Legion Auxiliary Unit Post #294 • Austin Plumbing
Culver’s of Hartland - Greg Howe • Dave Droegkamp Heating, AC and Sheet Metal, Inc.
Divine Redeemer Church • East Shore Speciality Foods • Emanuele & Haut, CPA
Frontier Title • Gerlach Companies • Grogan Family on behalf of St. Charles Parish
Hartland Chamber of Commerce • Hartland Animal Hospital • Jenson Motors
Palmer’s Steakhouse • Pat & Mary Walker • Taylor Computer Services, Inc.
American Dojo Martial Arts • Bob Hamilton Insurance • Divine Redeemer Church
Dr. Tim Seifert • Endter’s Sports Grill • Fox Brothers Piggly Wiggly
Hartland Area Greetings • Hartland Family Chiropractic • Hartland Historical Society
Jim Muenzenberger DDS SC • Knollwood Farm Ltd. • Mid-City Sports
Midwest Finishing Systems • RC Printing • Songbird Hills Golf Club • Suzanne Nowak
T-Lon Products • The Flower Garden • Tim & Debbie Michelic
Wallschlager Insurance Agency
In-Kind donations
Ewald Automotive Group for the use of automobiles. Ann Wallschlager-Franke
for the use of the golf cart. First Bank Financial Centre and The Sanctuary Church
for donations of water for the parade participants.
Hartland/Lakeside School District for supporting the services provided by
Christine Oestreich, 2013 Parade Coordinator.
The Hartland Hometown Celebration Committee Members: Christine Oestreich, Parade
Coordinator, Bob Condly, Connie Casper, Mike Einweck, Bill Kasch, Robert Rosch and
Kelli Yogerst. The Parade Committee would also like to thank the Hartland Department
of Public Works, Recreation Department, Police Department, Cable TV, and the Parade
Commentators, Jeff Schwager and Randy Swenson for their continued help and
assistance with Hartland’s Hometown Celebration.
Thank you to the Hartland Village Board for their continued support of
Hartland’s Hometown Celebration Parade and Fireworks Display.
See you next year!
The Village of Hartland has had a long cooperative relationship with
several area police departments to share resources. One example is
the Lake Area Critical Incident Team (a.k.a. SWAT). The Villages of
Chenequa, Hartland & Pewaukee, along with the City of Delafield
created a joint tactical team over 30 years ago. The City of Brookfield
joined several years later. This cooperation provides for significant
tactical resources being available to the participating communities. In
March of 2013 the team changed its name to the Suburban Critical
Incident Team as the Cities of Muskego and New Berlin, along with
the Village of Mukwonago merged together with the Lake Area Critical
Incident Team. The merging of these tactical teams brings many years
of experience, knowledge and tools together to provide skilled tactical
responses when emergency situations arise.
COMPUTERIZED VEHICLE REGISTRATIONThe Hartland Police Department is an authorized agent of the
Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles to provide vehicle registration
and renewal services. To learn about these services, go to www.
villageofhartland.com. Once on this website, go to Dept/Services,
then Police and click on Computerized Vehicle Registration. Call 262367-2323 during normal business hours if there are any questions.
ILLEGAL SIGN PLACEMENTVillage ordinances prohibit the placing of any signs in a right-of-way
owned by the village, county or state. In addition, permission must
be received from a property owner before placing any signs. Any
signs observed to be illegally posted will be removed by the police
department and discarded. The normal violations we observe involve
rummage sale signs, campaign signs and realty signs. Contact the
police department at (262-367-2323) if you have any questions
before posting signs.
COMMUNITY NOTIFICATIONSThe Hartland Police Department is a member of a two nation-wide
notification networks, which are basically “Reverse 911” systems. In
the event an emergency message needs to be sent out to a targeted
area of the community, we would utilize the services of one of these
networks. The networks utilized are 1) A Child Is Missing, which is
primarily for missing children and at-risk adults, 2) MyStateUSA, which
can be utilized for emergency notifications such as evacuations, sex
offender notifications, etc. If you are interested in signing up your
cellphone to receive these messages, please go to our website at
www.villageofhartland.com , look under dept for POLICE, and then
click on Community Notifications for information.
DRUG COLLECTIONIn order to Reduce Substance Abuse, Prevent Childhood Poisonings,
and Help Protect Our Environment, citizens can bring their prescription
or over the counter medications, sprays, inhalers, ointments, creams,
vials, herbals, pet medications and illegal drugs/paraphernalia (No
Questions Asked) to the police department 24 hours every day for
disposal. Please DO NOT bring hazardous materials/waste (household
cleaners, paint, etc) or any items containing or exposed to human
bodily fluids.
Remember: No medications should ever be thrown into the toilet-Let
us dispose of them properly. If there are any questions, please contact
our department at (262) 367-2323
HOUSE NUMBERSMunicipal Ordinance 78-30 specifically states that all residential and
business buildings must have the address clearly posted on the street
side of the structure, with numbers being no less than 2 ½ inches in
high (suggested to be reflective). This is primarily for safety reasons
so that the Police or Fire Department may find the property in an
emergency. Keep in mind that the 911 system tracks to an address and
dispatches the correct police and fire agencies. Please make sure the
numbers are clearly posted and seen from the street, usually posted
near a doorway that is visible from the street.
Oconomowoc City Hall, 174 E. Wisconsin Ave., Oconomowoc, WI
Phone: 262-569-0920 • Link: http://lcmunict.com
The Lake Country Community Court serves 17 communities. It is
100% funded by user fees. The Village of Hartland is one of the
founding members of the Lake Country Municipal Court.
During May, 2013, the Lake Country Municipal Court has begun
utilizing another tool when working with our youth under the age of
21 who have been issued a drinking and/or drug violation from their
local municipality.
“Judge Kay, at his discretion, may refer youths who have received a
citation for an alcohol or drug offense to the ‘Your Choice to Live’
program. The goal of this program is to help each participant reduce
the risk of developing an alcohol or drug problem, and to focus on
self-assessment to help people understand and accept the need to
make changes to protect the things most valuable in their lives.”
This program is open to all youth under the age of 21. Youth who are
at risk may utilize this program on their own without any involvement
with the court. This may be a first step for parents when there is
concern about their children using alcohol and/or drugs.
Wednesday, September 18
The Village Board will begin reviewing the proposed 2014 Village Budget during a Special Budget
Workshop scheduled for Wednesday, September 18th beginning at 5 pm.
Thursday, October 10
The proposed 2014 Village Budget will be available for review in the Lake Country Reporter and will be
posted on our website at: www.villageofhartland.com.
Monday, October 28
Budget Workshop and 2014 Budget Public Hearing
Monday, November 11
Final Budget Workshop and approval of the 2014 Village Budget
All meetings are open to the public and held in the Board Room, Municipal Building, 210 Cottonwood Avenue. Meetings begin at 7 pm
unless otherwise noted. The meetings are also broadcast live and carried on Time-Warner Channel 25 and AT &T U-verse on Channel 99.
Residents and businesses may bring their mattresses or box springs to
be recycled for a fee of $15 per item. The collection is a coordinated
effort between Midwest Mattress Recovery, the City of Oconomowoc
and the Waukesha County recycling program.
Midwest Mattress Recovery, located in Watertown, opened its doors
on March 4th of this year, and has already recovered over 248,000
pounds of material from over 4,000 mattresses and box springs.
“Mattress recycling is a trend building steam nationwide, and we are
proud to be the first company in Wisconsin in the game,” said Bob
Mulder, founder and owner of Midwest Mattress Recovery.
For more information about the collection event and Midwest
Mattress Recovery, visit midwestmattressrecovery.com or call 920261-1999. Waukesha County Recycling can be contacted at 262896-8300.
The Village of Hartland owns and operates a Municipal Cemetery.
Cemetery Lots are currently available in the flush mount section of
the upper cemetery area located off of Hill Street. The dimensions
of a standard grave space in the cemetery is 4’ x 10’. Graves may
be sold individually or in multiple numbers. Graves will not be sold
in increments of less than one full grave space. Two cremations are
allowed in one grave space. The Village allows for one regular burial
and one cremation per grave space.
The current cost for the purchase of one grave site is $500. If you
are interested in purchasing a grave in the Village Cemetery please
contact the Administrative Offices at 262-367-2714 to make an
appointment to view the grave sites that are currently available for
Cemetery records are available for review on the Village website at
Go to the GIS/Maps tab and register for the public use access. When
the menu comes up pick the Cemetery Map tab. You can review
burial records by either using the owner or occupant key on that site.
Hartland Rec Department
210 Cottonwood Avenue • 262-367-0352
1st Annual Family Movie Night in Nixon Park
Join the Hartland Recreation and Community Education Department on Thursday, August 22 for the first
annual Family Movie Night in Nixon Park. The whole night will be filled with entertainment for the family.
The night will start off at 6:30 pm with the great and powerful Magician David Seebach. Following the magic
show there will be children games from 7:30 - 8:00 pm. Then to end the night, we’ll be showing Hotel
Transylvania (PG)at 8:00 pm. Special thank you too all of our wonderful sponsors for making Family Night
possible; Hartland Lakeside Community Education Program, Citgo (Hartland-Village Mart), Hartland Service,
Jenson Motors, BMO Harris Bank, Avalon Graphics, Fox Brothers Piggly Wiggly, To The Pointe, First Bank
Financial Centre and Dr. Jim Muenzenberger. Food and refreshments will be available for purchase starting
at 6:00 pm at the Fine Arts Center concession stand.
Rec Department News
The fun doesn’t stop there! Check out all our new youth and adult programs in the Fall 2013 Hartland Recreation and Community Education
Program Guide. The Program Guide is scheduled to be mailed out in mid to late August. Free Try-It-Week will be held on September 9 - 14th.
For more information on Free Try-It-Week or to view all of our current program offerings, visit www.villageofhartland.com.
SAVE THE DATE: Hartland Lights 2013 Friday, November 22, 6-9 pm
Downtown Hartland will be aglow with lights for this yearly event. New this year will be the addition of train sets in many of the downtown
business owners windows.
Here is a brief listing of events:
• 6-6:45 pm - Caroling at the Christmas Tree including the Hartland Fine Arts Leadership Academy, Bagpiper,
St. Charles Carolers and a Community Sing Along from 6:25-6:45 pm
• 6:30 pm - Tree lighting at the Village Square e intersection of Hill Street/E. Capitol Drive
• 6:25 pm -Parade of Presents
• Free Trolley Rides
• Many other events
Join in the activities as Hartland celebrates - Hartland Lights!
For more information check out the Hartland BID website at: www.downtownhartland.com
The summer construction season is still with us as the Village wraps up
our last roadway repaving project. We ask for your cooperation and
understanding while we bring this improvement to you. Please use
caution and slow down when travelling through work zones.
The Village, working with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, will
have the contractor, Payne and Dolan, perform the road construction work
on Hartbrook Drive from Merton Avenue to North Avenue. This work will
occur during August and September. Please note that the road will only be
open to local traffic accessing homes and businesses. Any through traffic
will need to follow the detour of Merton Avenue to Lisbon Road to North
Avenue. Construction notices will be delivered to properties adjacent to
the work area once the final schedules have been determined so you can
plan your activities around the construction.
Minor traffic disruptions can be expected during the construction work.
Please be aware of open trenches, gravel patches, dust, and rough roads at
times. Access to the adjacent properties will be maintained, but there will
be delays. We appreciate your cooperation during this construction activity
while we help to improve Hartland.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Hall at
As the summer season comes to close, now is the time to check your
mailbox for any needed maintenance repairs before the winter season
sets in. The Village of Hartland encourages every property owner with
a mailbox to check for its proper location (please note the diagram)
and sturdiness. Each property owner is responsible for the installation
and maintenance of their mailbox and this includes having it on a
sturdy base and firmly attached to its support post.
The Hartland Village Board recently approved to change the Village’s
policy when it comes to replacing mailboxes due to our snow plowing
operations. Now only mailboxes that are actually hit by the snowplow
and are properly installed are eligible for reimbursement. Please note
that reimbursement can no longer be made if a mailbox gets knocked
over from the weight of the recently plowed snow. That is why we
are encouraging everyone to check their mailboxes before winter.
A properly installed and maintained mailbox will hold up to the snow
that comes off the plow’s blade. In addition, the total value from
reimbursement is now limited to a maximum of $75.00.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Village Hall
at 262-367-2714
Daily Schedule
Hartland Public Library Events
110 E Park Ave • 262-367-3350 • http://www.hartlandlibrary.org/
The Hartland Public Library is seeking your help in determining future programming. Please fill out our survey online or on paper to let us
know your interests and how we might serve you better.
Fourth Saturday of the Month (Sept, Oct,
Nov, Dec)
For ages 8-11
1:00 p.m.
Fourth Saturday of the Month
(Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec)
For ages 6-10
9:30 a.m.
Do you enjoy folk, gospel, or bluegrass style music? Then come on
down to the library from 6:30 - 8:00 PM on the 4th Tuesday of each
month for some toe-tappin’ fun. Beginners to experts are all welcome
to bring a stringed instrument (non-electric) such as guitar, ukulele,
banjo, mandolin, violin, bass, etc. to experience the joy and satisfaction
of creating music with a group.
Readers can join one of two book discussion groups that meet
regularly at the Hartland Library. The Tuesday Morning Book Group
meets from 10 AM - till noon on the 1st Tuesday of each month. The
Bonus Book Group meets every six weeks on Tuesday evenings from
6:30 - 8:00 PM. Check the library’s website, www.hartlandlibrary.org,
or call 367-3350 for further details.
Does your book club want to meet at the library? Call the reference
desk to check on program room availability.
November 11th from 4:00 - 7:30 PM Join us
as we will be honoring those who served by
showing movies featuring interviews with our
local area veterans. Refreshments provided.
August 20th from 5:30 - 7:45 PM- Jerry Turley of Epic Quest Games
will bring fun games and provide instruction for ages 10 and up. Sign
up is requested - call 262.367.3350.
September 11th, October 11th, November
13th, and December 11th at 6:30 p.m.
Meet together with others who are aspiring
Follow a professional
song-writer’s steps to bring out your best
efforts, then meet together with others for
encouragement and feedback.
For ages 8-11
Third Thursday of the Month (Sept, Oct. Nov, Dec)
6:30 p.m.
For children ages birth to the start of
Kindergarten. Stop at the Reference
Desk to sign up your child for this selfpaced early literacy program. Incentives
will be offered as you progress
throughout the program.
Fun for Children
Fall story time begins soon at the Hartland Library!
Sign-up September 3rd through September 7th
Story time runs from September 9th through October 18th
Sign-up October 28th through November 2nd
Story time runs from November 4th through December 13th
Registration begins one week before each session. It is advisable
to sign up early, as many sessions fill up almost immediately.
You may call 367-3350 or come in, but preference is given to
those who come into the library. We will maintain a waiting list
if the session you want is filled. We will begin signing up at 9:00
am. on the morning designated on the schedule.
For ages 0-23 months
This short session (20-30 minutes) features lap games, songs and
action rhymes, stories and finger plays. Caregivers participate
and help their child partake in the class. Sessions are limited to
12 children.
August 23rd , Come celebrate the Hartland Public Library’s
birthday with a piece birthday cake and get your fill of information
and entertainment resources while you are at it.
Spooky stories are lots of fun for kids and adults. Come with
one of your own to tell or just come to listen and join the fun as
stories are shared at 6:30 p.m. on Monday October 28th in the
library’s program room.
10:30, 1:30
For 2 year olds
Your child must be two years before story time begins.
Caregivers come in with their children to help them enjoy
stories, songs and a simple craft.
Each session runs about 30 minutes and is limited to 12 children.
For ages 3 - 5 years
Your child must be three years old to enroll. These lively sessions
include stories, songs and a craft. Children are encouraged to
attend on their own, but caregivers can remain with their child
until they become used to the routine. This story time lasts
about 40 minutes and is limited to 20 children
Upcoming Events
at the Hartland Public Library
Santa Claus will be back again this December to read stories and
pose for photos with your children. Check the website or call for
details later this fall.
Infant Toddler Preschool
Summer Reading Program Recap
The summer reading Program was a huge
success this year with around 1000 students
participating. Participants were primarily from
the Hartland public schools, plus additional
students from Swallow, St. Charles, Lake
Country, Divine Redeemer, University Lake
School, Lake Country Lutheran, Lake Country
Montessori, Richmond, Lake Country Christian
Academy, Zion Lutheran, Prairie Hill Waldorf,
and even more. Homeschoolers, and children
visiting local grandparents for a few weeks
during the summer were also welcomed as
Several wonderful programs
were held during the seven week program.
Before/After School Program Coordinator
Before/After School Program Staff
The Village of Hartland Recreation
Department is looking to fill the position of
Before/After School Program Coordinator.
This individual will be responsible for
planning, staffing and general management
of the Before/After School Program all full
school days from 6:00am - 8:40am and
3:35pm - 6:00pm starting in the fall of
2013. Half days of school morning care will
be provided.
The Village of Hartland Recreation
Department is looking to fill the position
of Before/After School Program Staff.
The program is held at Hartland South
Elementary and takes place all full school
days from 6:00am - 8:40am and 3:35pm 6:00pm starting in the fall of 2013. Half days
of school morning care will be provided.
This position will be responsible to plan a
program that will consist of free play time,
outside/gym time, homework tutoring,
reading time and planned activity time. Other
duties will include staff supervision, parent/
school/Rec. Department communications,
program supply management and the
overall operations of the program.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of
age, have a high school diploma and some
college preferred. Hourly wage will be
dependent on experience.
Staff will be responsible to fulfill program
expectations that will consist of free
play time, outside/gym time, homework
tutoring, reading time and planned activity
time. Other duties will include assisting the
Coordinator with program administration,
parent communications, care for school
space and reporting to the Coordinator.
Candidates will be chosen based on
experience and availability.
must be at least 18 years of age, have a
high school diploma. Hourly wage will be
dependent on experience.
Applications will be accepted at
Village Hall, 210 Cottonwood Ave, Hartland, WI 53029
to the attention of Kelli Yogerst, Recreation Director
Questions? Contact Kelli Yogerst, Director of Recreation at 262-367-0352
or kelliy@villageofhartland.com.

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