Southwick Associates - 2012 - American Fly Fishing Trade Association
Southwick Associates - 2012 - American Fly Fishing Trade Association
Survey of U.S. Fly Fishing Retailers for the American Fly Fishing Trade Association Prepared by: Southwick Associates, Inc. PO Box 6435 Fernandina Beach, FL 32035 August 20, 2012 (THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 2 Southwick Associates - 2012 Table of Contents Introduction Methodology Results A. Size of the Industry Annual Sales Sales by Calendar Quarter Sales by Region Average Sales Per Retailer Retailer Sales by Channel Sales by Product Category Number of Fly Anglers 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 12 B. Retailer Characteristics and Distribution Years in Business Type of Retailers Geographic Distribution of Fly Fishing Retailers Type of Retailer by Region Customer Demographics 13 14 15 16 17 18 C. Sales and Trends Gross Fly Fishing Merchandise Sales: Per Average Fly Fishing Retailer, in $$ By Size of Retailer, in $$ By Category and Region, by % By Category and Size, by % Details for Select Categories: Types of Flies Sold Types of Leaders and Tippets Sold Travel Sales By Region, in $$ By Region and Size , by % By Quarter, by % By Type of Fishery By Retailer Size By Region Internet Sales: Percent of Sales By Size of Retailer By Region Trend from 2010 to 2011 Mail Order and Catalog Sales Percent of Sales Sales by Price Point by Category Top Brands by Category 19 20 20 22 23 24 24 25 27 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 42 3 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends, 2007 to 2011, National By Region By Size of Retailer 52 52 52 Sales Trends: 2010 vs 2011 , Average Change By Product Category Percent of Retailers Reporting Increases or Decreases By Region By Size of Retailer 53 53 54 55 60 D. Business Metrics Gross Margin Gross Profit Inventory and Turnover Employees and Employment Metrics Retail Space & Square Footage Metrics Cost of Goods Sold 63 64 69 72 75 82 86 E. Retailer Marketing Insights 88 Appendix A: Response Summary Appendix B: List of States per AFFTA Region 90 91 CAUTION –Many results in this report are based on small sample sizes. Southwick Associates urges caution in using results based on fewer than 40 responses. The number of responses, or sample size, is presented with most results. 4 Southwick Associates - 2012 Introduction This report presents the results of the 2011 AFFTA Fly Fishing Retailer Survey (Survey), conducted in 2012. This survey was developed to help explain trends within the fly fishing Industry and retail characteristics. The information for this report was collected through a combined online and telephone survey of retailers conducted by Southwick Associates. The results are intended to help individual members of the fly fishing industry, and the industry collectively, better understand their operating environment and improve profitability and performance. Methodology The survey questions were developed collaboratively by Southwick Associates, AFFTA staff and the AFFTA executive committee. Surveys were pretested to ensure all questions were understood and information correctly captured. The survey was conducted first by an online survey, with phone calls placed to nonresponding retailers. AFFTA contact lists were used as the universe of fly fishing retailers. For the email survey, 2,378 retailers were initially contacted. The first round of invitations was sent on February 18, 2012 with reminder emails sent on February 26 and again on March 6th. Surveys were later administered by phone to 2,371 retailers who did not respond to the email invitations or had a bounced email address. The online survey yielded 96 completed surveys and 174 partially completed but usable surveys. The length and complexity of the survey was a possible reason for the high rate of incomplete surveys, with many retailers reporting being unable to answer some detailed questions. The online survey was open February 18, 2012 to May 7, 2012. The phone survey resulted in 113 completed surveys and 14 partially completed surveys. Due to the survey’s length, a shorter version was utilized for the phone survey. The phone surveys were conducted between March 21 and May 7, 2012. Together, the two approaches resulted in 397 usable surveys distributed proportionally across the U.S. Both survey data sets were merged for analysis. The results were analyzed using a combination of SPSS, EXCEL and SAS. Estimates on total annual sales and the number of fly anglers were augmented with data from AnglerSurvey™ and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s five year survey to help ensure accuracy and to develop levels of detail otherwise not possible. CAUTION –Many results in this report are based on small sample sizes. Southwick Associates urges caution in using results based on fewer than 40 responses. The number of responses, or sample size, is presented with most results. 5 Southwick Associates - 2012 RESULTS: SIZE OF THE INDUSTRY CAUTION –Many results in this report are based on small sample sizes. Southwick Associates urges caution in using results based on fewer than 40 responses. The number of responses, or sample size, is presented with most results. 6 Southwick Associates - 2012 Annual Sales These results report industry sales for independent fly fishing retailers and small to medium sized chain retailers. Large national chain retailers such as Cabela’s and Bass Pro are excluded. Based on the estimated number of fly fishing retailers (2,378 individual retail businesses, some of whom have more than one location), and the average sales reported per retailer, the size and sales composition of the U.S. fly fishing industry for this segment is: $748.6 million Sales by Calendar Quarter (in $ Millions) Survey Question: What percentage of your fly fishing sales occurred in each fiscal quarter in 2011? Oct-Dec $140.2 18.7% July-September $272.1 36.3% Jan-March $113.9 15.2% April-June $222.4 29.7% Number of Respondents = 333 Sales by Quarter in 2011 Percent Sales (Millions) Jan-March 15.2% $113.9 April-June 29.7% $222.4 July-September 36.3% $272.1 18.7% $140.2 100.0% $748.6 October-December Total 7 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales by Region Sales by Region in 2011 (in $ Millions) US Northeast $81.6 10.9% US West $192.8 25.8% US South $177.7 23.7% US Rockies $235.8 31.5% US North Central $60.7 8.1% Number of Respondents = 221 Average Sales Per Retailer West Average Gross Sales Number of Retailers Total Sales (Millions) Rockies North Central South Northeast Total $421,726 $332,287 $251,190 $332,140 $187,703 $314,789 457 710 242 535 435 2378 $192.8 $235.8 $60.7 $177.7 $81.6 $748.6 8 Southwick Associates - 2012 Retailer Merchandise Sales by Channel Mean Sales per Retailer Internet Percent Sales per Retailer $33,141 Mail Order Catalog Traditional Total Number of Respondents = 202 13.1% $9,045 3.6% $209,967 83.3% $252,154* 100.0% * This figure relates to sales of products commonly sold in-store, via the internet and catalogs. Excluded are items like travel & guide services. Retailer Merchandise Sales by Channel in 2011 (in $ millions) Internet 13.1% Mail Order Catalog 3.6% Traditional 83.3% 9 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales by Product Category “Sales by product category” were estimated based on the responses to the question below, multiplied by the average fly fishing sales per retailer and the total number of retailers. Survey Question: What percentage of your gross fly fishing dollar sales came from each of the following product categories in 2011? Sales by Product Category in 2011 Percent of Total Sales Sales (Millions) Fly rod & reel combos: 5.3% $39.5 Fly rods: 8.3% $62.0 Fly reels: 6.4% $48.0 Fly lines: 4.9% $36.6 Leaders and tippets: 5.6% $42.0 11.0% $82.4 Accessories (clippers, etc): 3.9% $29.2 Waders (chest & knee, wading boots, open toed boots, etc ): 4.5% $33.9 7.8% $58.3 Flies: Fly tying (materials, vises, hooks, threads, tools, etc ): Softgoods: Standard apparel & sportswear 5.8% $43.7 Softgoods: Outerwear 3.7% $28.0 Softgoods: Vests/packs/bags: 2.4% $17.7 Gifts:What percentage of your 1.8% $13.2 Books & DVDs: 1.7% $12.7 Fly fishing / casting lessons: 3.3% $24.8 Float tubes / pontoon boats: 0.8% $6.1 Local guide services (gross sales, not just retailer margin): 12.8% $95.5 Destination travel (gross sales, not just retailer margin): 3.8% $28.7 Other supplies: 6.2% $46.3 100.0% $748.6 Total Number of Respondents = 327 10 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales by Product Category in 2011 (in $ Millions) Fly rod/reel combo $39.5 Destination travel $28.7 Float tubes / pontoon boats: $6.1 Other supplies $46.3 Fly rods $62.0 Fly reels $48.0 Local guide services $95.5 Fly lines $36.6 Fly fishing/casting lessons $24.8 Books/DVDs $12.7 Gifts Leaders/Tippets $42.0 $13.2 Softgoods (vests/packs/bags) $17.7 Softgoods (outerwear ) $28.0 Softgoods (apparel) $43.7 Flies $82.4 Fly tying $58.3 Waders $33.9 Accessories $29.2 11 Southwick Associates - 2012 Number of Fly Anglers Several sources of fly fishing participation estimates are available. The most dependable, based on the methodology used to generate the estimates, in the opinion of this report’s authors, is provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). These estimates were produced for the FWS by the U.S. Census Bureau at the request of state fish and wildlife agencies. The latest estimates at the time of this report’s release were for 2006 and estimated 3.012 million Americans over the age of 16 fly fished at least once that year. After examining data from the same source regarding youth fishing participation, it is expected that 3.75 million Americans, regardless of age, actually fly fished in 2006. Considering the number of individuals who purchased fishing licenses in the U.S. increased 2.34% from 2006 to 2011, it is expected that 3.838 million people fly fished at least once in 2011. Number of U.S. Fly Anglers, 2011 = 3.838 million It is important to note this figure estimates the number of people who fly fished at least once in 2011. It does not estimate the number of people who purchased fly fishing equipment, nor the number of people who consider themselves anglers. Previous research shows that not all anglers actually fish every year. Over a five year period, the pool of people who fished at least once during that period is likely two times larger than the number of people who actually fish in any single given year. By late 2012, updated fly fishing participation estimates are expected to be released from the USFWS. These estimates will report 2011 fly fishing participation numbers, and will have a greater level of accuracy than the adjusted estimates presented here. 12 Southwick Associates - 2012 RESULTS: Retailer Characteristics & Distribution CAUTION –Many results in this report are based on small sample sizes. Southwick Associates urges caution in using results based on fewer than 40 responses. The number of responses, or sample size, is presented with most results. 13 Southwick Associates - 2012 Years in Business Survey Question: How many years has your retail business been open? Number of Years Open for Business More than 100 50 to 100 20 to 50 10 to 20 5 to 10 1 to 5 Less than 1 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% Total % Number of Years Open Less than 1 Total % 2.2% 1 to 5 11.7% 5 to 10 17.9% 10 to 20 28.3% 20 to 50 32.0% 50 to 100 7.4% More than 100 0.5% Number of Respondents: 403 14 Southwick Associates - 2012 Types of Retailers Survey Question: Please check the category that best describes your retail business. Retail Categories General fishing tackle shop that offers flyfishing products Other Internet and/or mail order-only National sporting goods chain Sporting goods chain (more than just flyfishing, two or more) Independent sporting goods store (carries more than just fishing equipment) Flyfishing specialty store, multiple locations Flyfishing specialty store, single location 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Total % Retailer Category Fly fishing specialty store, single location Fly fishing specialty store, multiple locations Independent sporting goods store (carries more than just fishing equipment) Total % 51.9% 3.6% 18.0% Sporting goods chain (more than just fly fishing, two or more) 2.6% National sporting goods chain 1.0% Internet and/or mail order-only 4.1% Other 9.4% General fishing tackle shop that offers fly fishing products 9.4% Number of Respondents: 416 15 Southwick Associates - 2012 Geographic Distribution of Fly Fishing Retailers See Appendix B for states included in each region. Location of Retailers by Region Northeast South North Central Rockies West Unknown 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% Online Survey % Region Total % West 18.1% Rockies 30.0% North Central 12.8% South 16.9% Northeast 18.4% Unknown 3.8% Number of Respondents: 397 16 Southwick Associates - 2012 Type of Retailer by Region Survey Question: Please check the category that best describes your retail business Retailer Category Fly fishing specialty store, single location Fly fishing specialty store, multiple locations Independent sporting goods store (carries more than just fishing equipment) Sporting goods chain (more than just fly fishing, two or more) West Rockies North Central South Northeast Total 54.5% 56.6% 53.8% 42.9% 44.7% 51.9% 2.6% 4.9% 1.9% 5.7% 2.6% 3.6% 10.4% 13.1% 25.0% 24.3% 23.7% 18.0% 2.6% 2.5% 1.9% 2.9% 2.6% 2.6% National sporting goods chain 0.0% 2.5% 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 1.0% Internet and/or mail order-only 6.5% 4.9% 1.9% 4.3% 2.6% 4.1% 16.9% 9.8% 5.8% 8.6% 6.6% 9.4% 6.5% 5.7% 9.6% 10.0% 17.1% 9.4% 77 122 52 70 76 397 Other Please briefly describe: General fishing tackle shop that offers fly fishing products Number of Respondents: 17 Southwick Associates - 2012 Customer Demographics Average Number of Respondents What percentage of your 2011 customers were youth (16 years old or under)? 7.1% 196 What percentage of your 2011 customers were female? 15.3% 198 What percentage, of your 2011 sales (in dollars), were to women? 15.0% 180 18 Southwick Associates - 2012 RESULTS: SALES AND TRENDS CAUTION –Many results in this report are based on small sample sizes. Southwick Associates urges caution in using results based on fewer than 40 responses. The number of responses, or sample size, is presented with most results. 19 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Fly Fishing Merchandise Sales Per Fly Fishing Retailer Gross Fly Fishing Sales Per Retailer, National Average: $252,154* Survey Question: What was your gross sales for fly fishing-related merchandise (tackle, gifts, accessories, etc)? Gross Merchandise Sales by Size of Retailer $1,000,000 $938,173 $900,000 $800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $366,327 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $79,973 $0 Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 * Please note this figure only relates to sales of fly-fishing related products. Other sources of revenue, primarily guided trips and travel, are not included in this figure. Including the excluded items, the average sales of all fly fishing product and services is $314,000. Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: 159 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 34 35 Total 228 20 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Fly Fishing Merchandise Sales Per Fly Fishing Retailer (cont’d) Survey Question: (2011) What was your gross sales for fly fishing-related merchandise (tackle, gifts, accessories, etc)? Gross Merchandise Sales 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Gross Merchandise Sales Total % Less than $1,000 6.6% $1,000 to $10,000 8.3% $10,000 to $50,000 17.1% $50,000 to $100,000 14.9% $100,000 to $250,000 22.8% $250,000 to $1,000,000 25.9% $1,000,000 to $3,400,000 Number of Respondents: 4.4% 228 21 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Sales by Category and Region Survey Question: What percentage of your gross fly fishing dollar sales came from each of the following product categories in 2011? West Fly rod & reel combos Rockies North Central South Northeast Total Number of Respondents 4.3% 5.4% 3.8% 6.9% 6.3% 5.3% 268 Fly rods 10.8% 7.5% 9.2% 9.4% 9.2% 8.3% 303 Fly reels 7.7% 6.5% 7.9% 7.0% 6.3% 6.4% 305 Fly lines 4.6% 5.2% 5.7% 5.6% 5.9% 4.9% 303 Leaders and tippets 5.2% 6.5% 5.9% 5.8% 6.8% 5.6% 301 Flies 9.6% 15.1% 10.7% 8.7% 12.9% 11.0% 316 Accessories (clippers, etc) Waders (chest & knee, wading boots, open toed boats, etc ) Fly tying materials (vises, hooks, thread, tools, etc ) Softgoods: Standard apparel & sportswear (T-shirts, fishing shirts, pants, hats) Softgoods: Outerwear (rain gear, vests, jackets, boots/shoes, soft shells, gloves, etc ) 3.1% 4.4% 4.1% 4.0% 5.2% 3.9% 241 5.5% 3.9% 5.8% 3.9% 6.5% 4.5% 249 7.0% 5.6% 9.2% 6.6% 15.6% 7.8% 258 3.5% 7.3% 5.4% 10.0% 4.6% 5.8% 221 3.2% 3.4% 4.6% 6.6% 3.1% 3.7% 205 Softgoods: Vests/packs/bags 1.6% 2.5% 3.1% 2.7% 3.2% 2.4% 206 Gifts 1.3% 1.7% 1.9% 2.2% 2.7% 1.8% 146 Books & DVDs 1.6% 1.5% 2.3% 2.0% 2.2% 1.7% 169 Fly fishing / casting lessons 6.3% 2.4% 3.2% 4.4% 1.7% 3.3% 152 Float tubes / pontoon boats Local guide services (gross sales, not just retailer margin) Destination travel (gross sales, not just retailer margin) 1.4% 1.2% 0.2% 0.7% 0.2% 0.8% 127 14.9% 16.8% 10.6% 12.2% 7.3% 12.8% 174 8.5% 3.2% 6.4% 1.5% 0.2% 3.8% 123 22 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Sales by Category and Size of Retailer Survey Question: What percentage of your gross fly fishing dollar sales came from each of the following product categories in 2011? Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 Number of Respondents Fly rod & reel combos 5.3% 4.8% 3.1% 174 Fly rods 8.8% 7.9% 10.7% 200 Fly reels 6.4% 5.6% 7.9% 203 Fly lines 4.9% 5.3% 5.1% 199 Leaders and tippets 5.5% 5.9% 6.0% 198 12.3% 11.1% 10.0% 207 Accessories (clippers, etc) 4.4% 6.0% 3.6% 174 Waders (chest & knee, wading boots, open toed boats, etc ) 4.1% 6.4% 6.1% 173 10.1% 6.4% 7.4% 177 5.9% 7.8% 7.2% 158 Flies Fly tying materials (vises, hooks, thread, tools, etc ) Softgoods: Standard apparel & sportswear (T-shirts, fishing shirts, pants, hats) Softgoods: Outerwear (rain gear, vests, jackets, boots/shoes, soft shells, gloves, etc ) 4.2% 4.7% 5.0% 151 Softgoods: Vests/packs/bags 2.3% 2.9% 2.4% 156 Gifts 1.8% 1.5% 1.1% 111 Books & DVDs 1.8% 2.7% 1.3% 128 Fly fishing / casting lessons 3.2% 5.1% 1.1% 111 Float tubes / pontoon boats 0.5% 1.6% 0.7% 94 14.8% 12.3% 14.0% 128 3.8% 1.9% 7.2% 90 Local guide services (gross sales, not just retailer margin) Destination travel (gross sales, not just retailer margin) 23 Southwick Associates - 2012 Types of Flies Sold Survey Question: What percentage of your sales of flies in 2011 came from the following categories? (% of the flies you carry) Types of Flies Average Percent of All Sales of Flies, for the Average Fly Fishing Retailer Dry flies Bead head nymphs Tungsten nymphs All other nymphs Salmon/Steelhead Saltwater Streamers Bass Terrestrials Other Number of Respondents 25.2% 19.4% 9.3% 14.1% 13.2% 10.4% 12.9% 7.4% 8.3% 12.0% 168 164 127 131 114 106 147 113 129 78 Types of Leaders and Tippets Sold Survey Question: What percentage of your leader and tippet sales in 2011 were of the following categories? Average Percent of All Sales of Leaders and Tippets, for the Average Fly Fishing Retailer Number of Respondents Nylon 67.2% 182 Fluorocarbon 32.2% 177 Types of Leaders and Tippets 24 Southwick Associates - 2012 Travel Sales Survey Question: Please estimate as best as possible the percentage of the destination trips you sold in 2011 for each type of fishing1: Average National Travel Sales By Destination International 31.9% Domestic 68.1% Travel Sales By Destination Domestic Trips (Number of Respondents) International Trips (Number of Respondents) 0 to 25 % 7 18 26 to 50 % 3 3 51 to 75 % 1 1 76 to 100 % 18 7 29 29 Percent of Travel Sales Total Number of Respondents: 1 This question was only presented in the online survey to reduce problems associated with long phone surveys. 25 Southwick Associates - 2012 Average National Travel Sales By Water Type Saltwater 35.9% Freshwater 64.1% Travel Sales By Water Type Freshwater Trips (Number of Respondents) Saltwater Trips (Number of Respondents) 0 to 25 % 7 17 26 to 50 % 4 2 51 to 75 % 2 2 76 to 100 % 15 7 28 28 Percent of Travel Sales Total Number of Respondents: 26 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Fly Fishing Merchandise Sales by Region, in $$ Survey Question: (2011) What was your gross sales for fly fishing-related merchandise (tackle, gifts, accessories, etc)? $400,000 $350,000 Gross Merchandise Sales by Region $345,478 $272,209 $300,000 $272,088 $250,000 $205,775 $200,000 $153,766 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $0 West Rockies North Central South Northeast Retailer Size By Region Retailer Size (Gross Merchandise Sales) West Rockies North Central South Northeast Total Less than $250,000 61.5% 64.3% 69.7% 66.7% 88.4% 69.7% $250,00 to $500,000 17.9% 17.1% 18.2% 19.4% 2.3% 14.9% Greater than $500,000 20.5% 18.6% 12.1% 13.9% 9.3% 15.4% Number of Respondents: 39 70 33 36 43 221 27 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales By Quarter Survey Question: What percentage of your fly fishing sales occurred in each fiscal quarter in 2011? Sales by Quarter, 2011 JanOctober- March, December, 15.8% 19.4% JulySeptember, 37.7% Sales by Quarter in 2011 Average April-June, 30.9% Number of Respondents Jan-March 15.8% 305 April-June 30.9% 333 July-September 37.7% 331 October-December 19.4% 318 28 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Sales by Type of Fishery Survey Question: Please check the types of fishing that drove at least 25% of your gross sales in 2011 Retailers with Types of Fishing that Drove at Least 25% of Sales 72.1% 75.0% 60.0% 45.0% 30.0% 17.2% 15.0% 0.0% Warmwater (bass, panfish, carp, etc): Coldwater (trout, salmon, pike, etc ): Retailers with Types of Fishing that Drove at Least 25% of Sales 60.0% 50.0% 50.2% 40.0% 30.0% 15.8% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Freshwater Saltwater Sales by Fishing Type in 2011 # Checked % Checked Warmwater (bass, panfish, carp, etc): 37 17.2% Coldwater (trout, salmon, pike, etc ): 155 72.1% Freshwater 108 50.2% 34 15.8% 215 100.0% Saltwater Number of Respondents: 29 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Sales by Type of Fishery (cont’d) Survey Question: Please check the types of fishing that drove at least 25% of your gross sales in 2011 Results Presented by Retailers with Annual Gross Sales of: Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 Warmwater (bass, panfish, carp, etc) 17.4% 20.0% 10.0% 17.2% Coldwater (trout, salmon, pike, etc ) 70.7% 90.0% 85.0% 72.1% Freshwater 51.1% 20.0% 65.0% 50.2% Saltwater 16.3% 25.0% 30.0% 15.8% 92 20 20 132 Number of Respondents: Total 30 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Sales by Type of Fishery (cont’d) Survey Question: Please check the types of fishing that drove at least 25% of your gross sales in 2011 Retailer Size by Gross Sales West North Central Rockies South Northeast Total Warmwater (bass, panfish, carp, etc) 7.7% 9.1% 33.3% 47.1% 5.3% 17.2% Coldwater (trout, salmon, pike, etc ) 61.5% 87.0% 66.7% 58.8% 71.1% 72.1% Freshwater 69.2% 44.2% 42.9% 38.2% 55.3% 50.2% Saltwater 17.9% 6.5% 14.3% 35.3% 15.8% 15.8% 39 77 21 34 38 209 Number of Respondents: 31 Southwick Associates - 2012 Internet Sales Please note that the internet sales reported here refer to sales from all fly fishing retailers who replied to the survey. The results are not exclusive to just sales associated with businesses that operate online exclusively. Survey Question: Does your store have internet sales? Does your store have internet sales? 60% 50% 40% Yes 30% No 20% 10% 0% Sales from Internet Total % Yes 51.2% No 48.8% Number of Respondents: 217 32 Southwick Associates - 2012 Internet Sales (continued) The following question pertains to those respondents that responded “Yes” to the previous question: Does your store have internet sales? Survey Question: What percentage of your fly fishing sales came from the internet? Internet Sales, National Average: 24.5%2 Percent Internet Sales by Retailer Size 35% 31.8% 30% 25% 20.7% 20% 16.0% 15% 10% 5% 0% Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: 2 42 $250,00 to $500,000 13 Greater than $500,000 Greater than $500,000 16 Total 71 This applies only to retailers that sold merchandise online. 33 Southwick Associates - 2012 Internet Sales (continued) The following question pertains to those respondents that responded “Yes” to the previous question: Does your store have internet sales? Survey Question: What percentage of your fly fishing sales come from the internet? Percent of Sales from the Internet 70% to 100% 40% to 70% 20% to 40% Number of Responses 10% to 20% 1% to 10% 0% 0 10 20 Percent of Sales from the Internet 0% 30 40 50 Number of Responses 5 1% to 10% 53 10% to 20% 9 20% to 40% 11 40% to 70% 6 70% to 100% 13 Total 60 97 34 Southwick Associates - 2012 Internet Sales (continued) The following question pertains to those respondents that responded “Yes” to the previous question: Does your store have internet sales? Survey Question: What percentage of your fly fishing sales come from the internet? Percent of Sales from the Internet by Region 40.0% 35.0% 33.4% 32.1% 30.0% 24.4% 25.0% 20.0% 20.0% 12.2% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% West Number of Respondents: Rockies North Central South Northeast West Rockies North Central South Northeast Total 16 34 9 18 19 96 35 Southwick Associates - 2012 Internet Sales (continued) Survey Question: Comparing 2011 internet sales to 2010, how much were your internet up or down? Change in Retailers’ Internet Sales, 2010 to 2011 = +17.2% Internet SalesTrend by Region (2010 to 2011) US Northeast 20.4% US South 14.7% US North Central 22.4% US Rockies 14.1% US West 21.6% 0% 5% 10% West Number of Respondents: Rockies 14 32 15% North Central 20% South 8 17 25% Northeast 16 Other Total 1 88 36 Southwick Associates - 2012 Mail Order and Catalog Sales Survey Question: Does your store have mail order or catalog sales? Does store have mail-order or catalog sales? 90.0% 80.0% 70.0% 60.0% 50.0% Yes 40.0% No 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% Total % Total % Yes 17.3% No 82.7% Number of Respondents: 214 37 Southwick Associates - 2012 Mail Order and Catalog Sales (continued) The following question pertains to those respondents that responded “Yes” to the previous question: Does your store have mail order or catalog sales? Survey Question: What percentage of your fly fishing sales come from mail order or catalog? Average Percent Mail Order and Catalog Sales, Nationally: 22.4%3 Percentage of Fly Fishing Sales Coming from Mail-order or Catalog 70% to 100% 40% to 70% 20% to 40% 5% to 20% Number of Responses 1% to 5% 0% 0 3 6 Percent of Sales from Mail Order and Catalog 9 12 Number of Responses 0% 1% to 5% 12 5% to 20% 10 20% to 40% 4 40% to 70% 4 70% to 100% Total 3 2 2 34 This applies to those retailers that sold merchandise by mail order or catalog. 38 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales by Price Points for Specific Product Categories Survey Question: What percentage of your sales by product category in 2011 fit within each of the price categories below? Rod and Reel Combo Price Points 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 62.2% 40.6% 10.5% Under $200 $200 to $500 Over $500 Number of responses = 27 Fly Rod Price Points 50% 43.4% 40% 33.8% 35.0% $200 to $500 Over $500 30% 20% 10% 0% Under $200 Number of responses = 29 39 Southwick Associates - 2012 Fly Reel Price Points 55.4% 60% 50% 38.9% 40% 30% 20% 11.2% 10% 0% Under $50 $50 to $200 Over $200 Number of responses = 30 Wader Price Points 55.0% 60% 50% 42.0% 40% 30% 20% 5.6% 10% 0% Under $200 $200 to $500 Over $500 Number of responses = 28 40 Southwick Associates - 2012 Vest/Pack/Bag Price Points 100% 83.3% 80% 60% 40% 20% 18.5% 17.6% 0% Under $50 $50 to $150 Over $150 Number of responses = 27 Fly Price Points 72.6% 80% 60% 40% 20% 24.7% 9.3% 0% Under $1 $1 to $2.50 Over $2.50 Number of responses = 30 Apparel Points 60% 49.2% 50% 42.7% 40% 30% 20% 19.8% 10% 0% Under $20 $20 to $50 Over $50 Number of responses = 23 41 Southwick Associates - 2012 Top Brands by Category This section ranks the brands sold most frequently in 2011, as reported by fly fishing retailers. Note that due to the low response rates for these survey questions the results do not likely reflect the industry as a whole. Survey Question: Please check which best describes the percentage of your 2011 (Product Category) sales represented by each brand. Rod and Reel Combos 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% Redington 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 24.3% Other 11.1% Temple Fork Outfitters 10.9% Cortland 8.0% Store brand 7.2% Echo 5.6% St Croix 5.2% Hardy Uniqua 4.8% Ross 4.6% G Loomis 4.4% Scientific Angler 4.4% Sage 4.4% Orvis 3.7% Eagle Claw 3.0% Okuma 2.0% R L Winston 2.0% Pfleuger 0.6% Shakespeare 0.6% Mountain Cork 0.2% Fenwick 0.0% Gold Medal 0.0% Hobbs Creek 0.0% LL Bean 0.0% Loop 0.0% Martin 0.0% Winston 0.0% W W Grigg 0.0% Number of responses = 29 42 Southwick Associates - 2012 Fly Rods 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% Sage 25.0% 21.4% Temple Fork Outfitters 15.8% Other 8.0% Winston 8.0% G Loomis 8.0% Redington 7.7% Hardy 7.6% St Croix 7.2% Echo 6.8% Scott 6.3% Store brand 5.6% Orvis 3.7% Ross 3.1% Cortland 2.1% Scientific Angler 1.1% Fenwick 0.9% Pfleuger 0.6% Thomas & Thomas 0.4% Shakespeare 0.4% Wright-McGill 0.4% Diamondback/Redbone 0.0% LL Bean 0.0% Loop 0.0% Number of responses = 28 43 Southwick Associates - 2012 Fly Reels 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% Waterworks Lamson 20.0% 18.6% Ross 17.3% Other 11.1% Redington 8.1% Store brand 6.4% Galvan 6.3% Hardy 6.2% Abel 5.4% Nautilus 4.8% Tibor 4.8% Sage 4.6% Hatch 4.4% Orvis 4.2% Okuma 4.0% Cortland 3.7% Pfleuger 2.6% G Loomis 1.9% Billy Pate 1.3% Scientific Angler 1.3% Bauer 1.3% St Croix 0.4% Van Staal 0.2% Wright-McGill 0.2% Islander 0.2% Shakespeare 0.2% Albright 0.0% J Ryall 0.0% LL Bean 0.0% Loop 0.0% Mako 0.0% Shilton 0.0% Number of responses = 28 44 Southwick Associates - 2012 Waders 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% Simms 15.8% Other 15.2% Redington Orvis Hodgman 50.0% 60.0% 10.6% Patagonia Store brand 40.0% 49.2% Dan Bailey Frogg Toggs 30.0% 6.1% 4.6% 2.9% 1.9% 1.1% Number of responses = 25 45 Southwick Associates - 2012 Flies 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% Umpqua 25.0% 23.8% Locally tied 18.5% Store brand 14.8% Idylewilde 12.8% Solitude 12.6% Other 10.5% Montana Fly Company 10.0% Spirit River 2.9% Rainy's 2.7% Cortland 1.2% Enrico Puglisi 1.0% Targus 0.2% Betts 0.0% Blue Ribbon 0.0% Hareline Dubbin 0.0% Orvis 0.0% Scientific Angler 0.0% Number of responses = 28 46 Southwick Associates - 2012 Vest/Pack/Bags 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% Fishpond 36.9% Simms 26.3% Other 16.7% Patagonia 9.4% William Joseph 9.2% Sage 4.0% Redington 3.8% Orvis Clear Creek 2.6% 1.6% Frogg Toggs 0.4% Store brand 0.3% Bucks Bags 0.2% Glacier Glove 0.2% Allen Company 0.2% Number of responses = 27 47 Southwick Associates - 2012 Standard Apparel and Sportswear (T-Shirts, Fishing Shirts, Pants, Hats) 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% Simms 33.1% Other 15.8% Store brand 15.6% Patagonia 12.3% Redington 9.8% Columbia 7.6% Sage 3.5% ExOfficio Orvis 2.8% 1.0% Filson 0.2% Guy Harvey/AFTCO 0.0% Magellan 0.0% Redhead 0.0% Under Armour 0.0% Number of responses = 26 48 Southwick Associates - 2012 Outerwear (Rain Gear, Vests, Jackets, Soft Shells, Boots and Shoes, Gloves, etc) 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% Simms 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 39.2% Patagonia 17.6% Other 15.5% Redington 7.2% Buff 7.0% Glacier 3.5% Columbia 3.3% Store brand 2.5% Orvis 2.3% Fish Pond 2.0% Sage 0.8% Dr Shade 0.7% Carhartt 0.0% Filson 0.0% Guy Harvey/AFTCO 0.0% Magellan 0.0% Under Armour 0.0% Number of responses = 26 49 Southwick Associates - 2012 Fly Lines 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% RIO 36.2% Scientific Angler (3M) / Mastery 33.8% Air Flo 10.8% Cortland 10.0% Other 8.3% Royal Wulff 6.5% Jim Teeny 1.7% Sage 1.5% Flow Tek 0.2% Shakespeare 0.0% Store brand 0.0% Number of responses = 30 50 Southwick Associates - 2012 Leaders and Tippets 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% RIO 50.0% 13.0% Umpqua 10.9% Climax 7.4% Store brand 5.3% Orvis 5.2% Maxima 4.6% Air Flo 4.4% Other 4.3% Seaguar 3.9% Cortland 3.5% TroutHunter 40.0% 42.0% Scientific Angler Frog Hair 30.0% 2.7% 1.3% Shakespeare 0.0% Targus 0.0% Number of responses = 30 51 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sale Trends 2007-2011 Survey Question: To the best of your recollection, please estimate how much (%) your 2011 net sales revenues (gross sales minus returns) were up or down compared to 2007 (the year before the economic downturn began in earnest) Change in Net Sales, 2007 to 2011, Nationally: +5.5%4 Change in Net Sales, 2010 to 2011, Nationally: +3.9% Changes in Net Sales, by Region (2007 to 2011) US Northeast 11.2% US South 6.5% US North Central 0.4% US Rockies 7.4% US West -1.8% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% West Number of Respondents: 2.0% 4.0% North Central Rockies 39 71 6.0% 8.0% South 25 10.0% Northeast 36 12.0% Other 33 Total 6 210 Changes in Net Sales, by Size of Retailer (2007 to 2011) Greater than $500,000 15.8% $250,00 to $500,000 11.8% Less than $250,000 0.0% 1.6% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 16.0% 18.0% Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: 101 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 25 22 Total 148 4 Please note these results only reflect sales for fly fishing retailers who were in business in 2007 and in 2011. These results do not account for decreased sales represented by retailers who went out of business between these years. For this reason, these figures are considered a maximum estimate of sales increases since 2007. The actual change is probably lower to an unknown degree. 52 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends: (continued) Survey Question: By what percentage were your 2011 (Product Category) sales (in $$) up or down compared to 2010? Average Change by Product Category Average Change Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 3.5% 173 Fly rods 1.9% 180 Fly reels 3.9% 181 Waders 0.4% 167 Flies 5.2% 176 Vest/Pack/Bag -0.5% 175 Outerwear -0.7% 164 Standard apparel & sportswear 2.8% 167 Fly lines 2.7% 189 Leaders and tippets 4.3% 182 Fly tying materials 10.8% 170 Destination travel 4.3% 120 Sales Trend by Product Category (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 3.5% Fly rods 1.9% Fly reels 3.9% Waders 0.4% Flies 5.2% Vest/Pack/Bag -0.5% Outerwear -0.7% Standard apparel & sportswear 2.8% Fly lines 2.7% Leaders and tippets 4.3% Fly tying materials 10.8% Destination travel -2.0% 4.3% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 53 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends: (continued) Survey Question: Were your 2011 (Product Category) sales (in $$) up or down compared to 2010? Percent of Retailers Reporting Increases or Decreases Fly rod and reel combos Fly rods Fly reels Waders Flies Vest/Pack/Bag Outerwear Standard apparel & sportswear Fly lines Leaders and tippets Fly tying materials Destination travel Stayed Number of Increased Decreased the Same Respondents 192 38.5% 22.4% 39.1% 198 37.9% 28.3% 33.8% 195 38.5% 24.6% 36.9% 185 29.7% 24.9% 45.4% 191 45.5% 21.5% 33.0% 188 27.1% 25.5% 47.3% 177 28.8% 24.9% 46.3% 180 37.2% 16.1% 46.7% 202 35.6% 21.3% 43.1% 195 43.6% 15.9% 40.5% 185 50.3% 11.4% 38.4% 125 19.2% 10.4% 70.4% 54 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category, 2010-2011, by Region Survey Question: By what percentage were your 2011 (Product Category) sales (in $$) up or down compared to 2010? West Average Sales Change Fly rod and reel combos Number of Respondents 5.3% 34 Fly rods -0.4% 36 Fly reels 3.8% 36 Waders 3.7% 34 Flies 9.0% 34 Vest/Pack/Bag -5.5% 32 Outerwear -1.9% 31 Standard apparel & sportswear 0.8% 32 Fly lines 2.3% 38 Leaders and tippets 5.8% 35 Fly tying materials 17.2% 29 Destination travel 6.2% 18 Sales Trend by Product Category in West (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 5.3% Fly rods -0.4% Fly reels 3.8% Waders 3.7% Flies Vest/Pack/Bag 9.0% -5.5% Outerwear -1.9% Standard apparel & sportswear 0.8% Fly lines 2.3% Leaders and tippets 5.8% Fly tying materials 17.2% Destination travel -10.0% 6.2% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 55 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category, 2010- 2011, by Region (continued) Rockies Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 2.2% 70 Fly rods 0.9% 71 Fly reels 4.7% 70 Waders -2.5% 68 Flies 1.2% 67 Vest/Pack/Bag 0.7% 70 Outerwear 0.8% 68 Standard apparel & sportswear 3.2% 68 Fly lines 0.5% 69 Leaders and tippets 1.5% 70 Fly tying materials 5.6% 65 Destination travel 5.3% 48 Sales Trend by Product Category in Rockies (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 2.2% Fly rods 0.9% Fly reels Waders 4.7% -2.5% Flies 1.2% Vest/Pack/Bag 0.7% Outerwear 0.8% Standard apparel & sportswear 3.2% Fly lines 0.5% Leaders and tippets 1.5% Fly tying materials 5.6% Destination travel -4.0% 5.3% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 56 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category, 2010-2011, by Region (continued) North Central Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 4.2% 15 Fly rods 8.8% 15 Fly reels 6.3% 16 Waders 5.8% 15 10.4% 15 8.2% 17 Outerwear -5.7% 15 Standard apparel & sportswear -2.5% 15 Fly lines 6.6% 19 Leaders and tippets 2.4% 14 Fly tying materials 4.8% 16 Destination travel -1.3% 13 Flies Vest/Pack/Bag Sales Trend by Product Category in North Central (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 4.2% Fly rods 8.8% Fly reels 6.3% Waders 5.8% Flies 10.4% Vest/Pack/Bag 8.2% Outerwear -5.7% Standard apparel & sportswear -2.5% Fly lines 6.6% Leaders and tippets 2.4% Fly tying materials Destination travel -8.0% 4.8% -1.3% -4.0% 0.0% 4.0% 8.0% 12.0% 57 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category, 2010-2011, by Region (continued) South Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 7.4% 28 Fly rods 5.9% 29 Fly reels 5.7% 29 Waders 5.7% 27 Flies 10.3% 29 Vest/Pack/Bag 2.3% 30 Outerwear 5.3% 27 Standard apparel & sportswear 7.3% 28 Fly lines 7.9% 32 Leaders and tippets 10.6% 32 Fly tying materials 14.9% 29 Destination travel 5.3% 24 Sales Trend by Product Category in South (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 7.4% Fly rods 5.9% Fly reels 5.7% Waders 5.7% Flies Vest/Pack/Bag 10.3% 2.3% Outerwear 5.3% Standard apparel & sportswear 7.3% Fly lines 7.9% Leaders and tippets 10.6% Fly tying materials 14.9% Destination travel 0.0% 5.3% 4.0% 8.0% 12.0% 16.0% 58 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category, 2010-2011, by Region (continued) Northeast Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos -1.7% 23 Fly rods -2.2% 25 Fly reels 0.1% 26 Waders -4.5% 19 Flies 3.6% 26 Vest/Pack/Bag -5.2% 22 Outerwear -4.3% 19 5.6% 20 -0.7% 27 2.8% 26 Fly tying materials 18.3% 26 Destination travel 2.5% 14 Standard apparel & sportswear Fly lines Leaders and tippets Sales Trend by Product Category in Northeast (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos -1.7% Fly rods -2.2% Fly reels Waders 0.1% -4.5% Flies Vest/Pack/Bag 3.6% -5.2% Outerwear -4.3% Standard apparel & sportswear Fly lines 5.6% -0.7% Leaders and tippets 2.8% Fly tying materials 18.3% Destination travel -10.0% 2.5% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 59 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category by Size of Retailer Survey Question: By what percentage were your 2011 (Product Category) sales (in $$) up or down compared to 2010? Small Retailers: Less than $250,000 in Gross Merchandise Sales Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos -0.1% 73 Fly rods -1.3% 75 Fly reels 0.7% 78 Waders -2.0% 72 5.2% 74 Vest/Pack/Bag -1.1% 74 Outerwear -3.7% 67 Standard apparel & sportswear 3.0% 69 Fly lines 1.4% 79 Leaders and tippets 3.9% 76 Fly tying materials 13.0% 71 Destination travel 5.9% 52 Flies Sales Trend by Product Category for Small Retailers (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos -0.1% Fly rods -1.3% Fly reels Waders 0.7% -2.0% Flies Vest/Pack/Bag 5.2% -1.1% Outerwear-3.7% Standard apparel & sportswear 3.0% Fly lines 1.4% Leaders and tippets 3.9% Fly tying materials 13.0% Destination travel -5.0% 5.9% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 60 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category by Size of Retailer (continued) Medium Size Retailers: $250,00 to $500,000 in Gross Merchandise Sales Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 3.6% 20 Fly rods 2.2% 20 Fly reels 3.9% 20 Waders 1.1% 20 Flies 1.3% 19 Vest/Pack/Bag -2.7% 19 Outerwear -1.6% 19 Standard apparel & sportswear -3.9% 19 Fly lines 4.2% 18 Leaders and tippets 5.6% 18 Fly tying materials 2.8% 19 Destination travel 0.7% 14 Sales Trend by Product Category for Medium Size Retailers (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 3.6% Fly rods 2.2% Fly reels 3.9% Waders 1.1% Flies 1.3% Vest/Pack/Bag -2.7% Outerwear Standard apparel & sportswear -1.6% -3.9% Fly lines 4.2% Leaders and tippets 5.6% Fly tying materials 2.8% Destination travel -6.0% 0.7% -4.0% -2.0% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 61 Southwick Associates - 2012 Sales Trends by Product Category by Size of Retailer (continued) Large Retailers: Greater than $500,000 in Gross Merchandise Sales Average Sales Change Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 6.1% 16 Fly rods 6.6% 19 Fly reels 11.7% 19 Waders 6.1% 19 Flies 3.6% 20 Vest/Pack/Bag 9.6% 19 Outerwear 10.6% 18 Standard apparel & sportswear 13.6% 18 Fly lines 4.4% 20 Leaders and tippets 6.1% 20 Fly tying materials 21.4% 19 Destination travel 4.9% 15 Sales Trend by Product Category for Large Retailers (2010 to 2011) Fly rod and reel combos 6.1% Fly rods 6.6% Fly reels 11.7% Waders Flies 6.1% 3.6% Vest/Pack/Bag 9.6% Outerwear 10.6% Standard apparel & sportswear Fly lines 13.6% 4.4% Leaders and tippets 6.1% Fly tying materials Destination travel 0.0% 21.4% 4.9% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 62 Southwick Associates - 2012 RESULTS: BUSINESS METRICS CAUTION –Many results in this report are based on small sample sizes. Southwick Associates urges caution in using results based on fewer than 40 responses. The number of responses, or sample size, is presented with most results. 63 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Margins Survey Question: What was your gross margin on sales for each of the following categories (2011)5? Gross Margins in 2011, National Average: 41.0% Gross Margin, 2011 70% to 100% 50% to 70% 40% to 50% 30% to 40% Number of Responses 20% to 30% 10% to 20% 0% to 10% 0 15 30 45 60 Gross Margin by Retailer Size Gross Margin by Retailer Size 45% 41.2% 40% 39.9% 38.8% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: 74 $250,00 to $500,000 21 Greater than $500,000 15 Total 110 5 Gross margins for detailed product categories were only presented in the online survey to minimize low response rates associated with long phone surveys. 64 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Margin by Region Gross Margin by Region 50.0% 43.9% 41.7% 40.0% 41.5% 40.9% South Northeast 35.8% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% West Rockies West Number of Respondents: Rockies 23 North Central North Central 42 17 South Northeast 20 18 Total 120 Gross Margin On Sales by Product Category Margins by Product Category Average Margin Number of Respondents Fly rod & reel combos 34.9% 105 Fly rods 38.5% 109 Fly reels 37.4% 109 Waders 34.4% 98 Flies 59.5% 111 Standard Apparel 39.6% 91 Outerwear 36.3% 90 Fly Line 44.5% 109 Fly tying 45.9% 99 Leaders and Tippets 47.7% 105 Books & DVDs 37.6% 88 Gifts 37.5% 74 Local Guide Services 30.9% 77 8.8% 63 Destination Travel Offerings 65 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Margins (Continued) Gross Margin By Retailer Size Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Greater than $500,000 Total Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 34.5% 34.3% 35.6% 34.9% 92 Fly rods 36.8% 42.7% 38.8% 38.5% 98 Fly reels 35.8% 40.8% 37.9% 37.4% 99 Waders 31.6% 37.3% 36.5% 34.4% 87 Flies 63.2% 54.5% 52.1% 59.5% 101 Standard apparel & sportswear 37.6% 43.1% 39.5% 39.6% 85 Outerwear 32.8% 42.1% 36.7% 36.3% 83 Fly line Fly tying materials, (vises, hooks, thread, tools, etc.) 42.5% 48.6% 47.4% 44.5% 98 44.3% 47.4% 48.1% 45.9% 90 Leaders and tippets 45.8% 50.7% 54.8% 47.7% 94 Books and DVDs 35.1% 38.3% 43.6% 37.6% 82 Gifts 39.9% 31.5% 35.4% 37.5% 70 Local guide services 35.3% 23.2% 21.1% 30.9% 73 9.4% 8.2% 9.3% 8.8% 60 Destination travel offerings 66 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Margins (Continued) Gross Margin By Region West Rockies North Central South Northeast Total Number of Respondents Fly rod and reel combos 41.4% 33.6% 32.4% 35.7% 33.0% 34.9% 101 Fly rods 41.0% 36.2% 35.7% 42.9% 40.6% 38.5% 105 Fly reels 41.0% 36.3% 33.8% 40.2% 37.8% 37.4% 105 Waders 41.4% 33.0% 33.0% 34.3% 30.6% 34.4% 94 Flies 60.1% 51.6% 49.1% 57.9% 92.8% 59.5% 107 Standard apparel & sportswear 45.4% 39.7% 36.1% 42.2% 32.2% 39.6% 88 Outerwear 40.6% 37.1% 33.3% 40.3% 24.3% 36.3% 88 Fly line Fly tying materials (vises, hooks, thread, tools, etc.) 48.4% 42.7% 40.7% 46.4% 46.2% 44.5% 105 56.6% 40.4% 42.6% 45.1% 49.1% 45.9% 95 Leaders and tippets 48.4% 46.7% 40.4% 49.8% 56.1% 47.7% 101 Books and DVDs 40.9% 38.8% 32.0% 39.2% 33.8% 37.6% 85 Gifts 41.0% 38.8% 22.1% 36.5% 44.2% 37.5% 72 Local guide services 36.5% 30.0% 26.5% 26.7% 28.1% 30.9% 74 Destination travel offerings 11.9% 7.1% 11.3% 4.8% 8.1% 8.8% 61 67 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Margin (Continued) Change in Gross Margins, 2010 to 2011, Nationally: +4.2% Percent Change in Gross Margins, by Region (2010 to 2011) US Northeast 7.6% US South 19.4% US North Central US Rockies 7.6% -1.8% US West -0.1% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Change in gross margins (2010 to 2011) West Number of Respondents: Rockies 19 North Central 39 South 13 Northeast 16 Other 16 Total 4 107 Percent Change in Gross Margins, by Size of Retailer (2010 to 2011) Greater than $500,000 0.3% $250,00 to $500,000-0.5% Less than $250,000 -1.0% 6.3% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 4.0% 5.0% 6.0% 7.0% Change in gross margins (2010 to 2011) Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: $250,00 to $500,000 64 Greater than $500,000 19 15 Total 98 68 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Profit Survey Question: (2011) What was your gross profit (gross revenue minus your cost of goods sold)? Gross Profit in 2011, National Average: $113,350 Gross Profits by Retailer Size $450,000 $385,092 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $111,612 $100,000 $50,000 $41,263 $0 Less than $250,000 $250,00 to $500,000 Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: 66 $250,00 to $500,000 16 Greater than $500,000 Greater than $500,000 17 Total 99 69 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Profit (Continued) Survey Question: (2011) What was your gross profit (gross revenue minus your cost of goods sold) Gross Profits by Region $180,000 $160,000 $153,158 $140,000 $129,275 $118,740 $120,000 $100,000 $77,339 $80,000 $49,168 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 West Rockies West Number of Respondents: 23 North Central Rockies 42 North Central South South 17 Northeast Northeast 20 18 Total 120 70 Southwick Associates - 2012 Gross Profit (continued) Survey Question: (2011) What was your gross profit (gross revenue minus your cost of goods sold)? Gross Profit by Retailer, 2011 $300,000 to $1,500,000 $100,000 to $300,000 $30,000 to $100,000 $10,000 to $30,000 $1 to $10,000 $0 Less than $0 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Total % Gross Profit Less than $0 $0 Total % 2.9% 9.6% $1 to $10,000 17.3% $10,000 to $30,000 19.2% $30,000 to $100,000 20.2% $100,000 to $300,000 17.3% $300,000 to $1,500,000 13.5% Number of Respondents: 104 71 Southwick Associates - 2012 Inventory: Value and Turnover Rates Survey Question: (2011) What was the average value (replacement value, not retail value) of your fly fishing inventory on a typical day last year (tackle, gifts, accessories, etc)? Replacement Value in 2011, National Average: $146,470 The table below reports the percentage of fly fishing retailers, listed along the horizontal axis, that had an average inventory worth the amounts listed along the vertical axis. Average Replacement Value of Fly Fishing Inventory (daily, 2011) $200,000 to $3,000,000 $100,000 to $200,000 $50,000 to $100,000 $10,000 to $50,000 $1,000 to $10,000 $1 to $1,000 $0 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Total % Inventory Value: $0 Percent of Fly Fishing Retailers: 0.6% $1 to $1,000 10.6% $1,000 to $10,000 11.2% $10,000 to $50,000 22.4% $50,000 to $100,000 19.3% $100,000 to $200,000 19.3% $200,000 to $3,000,000 16.8% Number of Respondents: 161 72 Southwick Associates - 2012 Inventory and Turnover (continued) 2011 Inventory Turnover Rate, National Average: 1.33 Distribution of Retailers Across Inventory Turnover Rates: Inventory Turnover Rate: Total % 0 0.9% 0 to 0.3 12.1% 0.3 to 0.60 16.4% 0.6 to 1 21.6% 1 to 2 29.3% 2 to 5 19.0% 5 to 10 0.9% Number of Respondents: 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 116 Inventory Turnover in 2011 by Region 1.58 1.28 1.40 1.26 0.87 US West US Rockies West Number of Respondents: 22 US North Central Rockies 41 North Central US South South 7 US Northeast Northeast 21 23 Total 114 73 Southwick Associates - 2012 Inventory and Turnover (continued) Inventory Turnover Trend, 2010 to 2011, Nationally: +1.04% This section reports changes in inventory turnover rates from 2010 to 2011. Inventory Turnover Trend by Region (2010 to 2011) US Northeast 2.9% US South 0.6% US North Central 3.4% US Rockies US West 4.7% -8.4% -10% -8% -6% West Number of Respondents: -4% -2% North Central Rockies 18 0% 37 2% South 6 4% 6% Northeast 15 Other 23 Total 2 101 Inventory Turnover Trend by Size (2010 to 2011) Greater than $500,000 $250,00 to $500,000 9.5% -9.0% Less than $250,000 -12% 1.2% -7% -2% Less than $250,000 Number of Respondents: 3% $250,00 to $500,000 62 8% Greater than $500,000 14 17 Total 93 74 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics Survey Question: During the most recently completed fiscal year, how many employees in total did you have? Total Number of Employees 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 Full time 2.0 Part time 1.5 Seasonal 1.0 0.5 0.0 Total Employee Type Average Respondents Full Time 3.0 256 Part Time 2.5 205 Seasonal 3.6 180 75 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics (continued) Full time equivalent (FTE) employees were based on a formula where each actual full time employee counted as one employee, each part time employee counted as half a position, and each seasonal employee counted as a quarter employee. The chart below shows the percentage of retailers (listed on the vertical axis) who have the number of FTE employees listed along the horizontal axis. Employee Full Time Equivalents in 2011, National Average: 4.2 Employees - Full Time Equivalents, 2011 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% Total % 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 0 1 to 2 Number of FTE Employees 0 2 to 4 10 to 20 20 to 66 Total % 7.5% 1 to 2 34.8% 2 to 4 27.2% 4 to 10 22.2% 10 to 20 5.7% 20 to 66 2.5% Number of Respondents: 4 to 10 279 76 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics (continued) Average Change from 2010 to 2011 Average Change Employee Characteristics Full-time Equivalent Employees Number of Respondents 4.4% 212 Sales per full-time equivalent employee 14.3% 144 Payroll per full-time equivalent employee 1.6% 119 23.1% 72 Gross Profit per full-time equivalent employee Percent Change (2010 to 2011): Employee Characteristics Full-time Equivalent Employees 4.4% Sales per full-time equivalent employee Payroll per full-time equivalent employee 14.3% 1.6% Gross Profit per full-time equivalent employee 0.0% 23.1% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Percentage of Retailers Who Experienced Increases or Decreases Increased Decreased Stayed the Same Number of Respondents Full-time Equivalent Employees 16.0% 9.9% 74.1% 212 Sales per full-time equivalent employee 56.3% 29.2% 14.6% 144 Payroll per full-time equivalent employee 30.3% 31.1% 38.7% 119 Gross Profit per full-time equivalent employee 48.6% 26.4% 25.0% 72 77 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics (continued) Survey Question: What was your total payroll for all employees in each year? Employee Payroll in 2011, National Average: $63,699 Total Payroll for All Employees $300,000 to $735,000 $100,000 to $300,000 $60,000 to $100,000 $30,000 to $60,000 Total % $10,000 to $30,000 $1 to $10,000 $0 0.0% 5.0% Total Payroll for All Employees 10.0% 20.0% 25.0% Total % $0 21.6% $1 to $10,000 18.7% $10,000 to $30,000 9.9% $30,000 to $60,000 17.0% $60,000 to $100,000 15.8% $100,000 to $300,000 14.6% $300,000 to $735,000 2.3% Number of Respondents: 15.0% 171 78 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics (continued) Sales per employee is based on dividing each retailer’s total sales by their number of FTE employees. Sales Per Employee in 2011, National Average: $84,568 Sales per Employee, 2011 $250,000 to $540,000 $50,000 to $250,000 $5,000 to $50,000 $1 to $5,000 $0 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 60.0% Total % Sales per Employee $0 Total % 2.5% $1 to $5,000 13.8% $5,000 to $50,000 28.8% $50,000 to $250,000 50.0% $250,000 to $540,000 5.0% Number of Respondents: 160 79 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics (continued) Payroll per employee is based on dividing each retailer’s total payroll by their number of FTE employees. Payroll Per Employee in 2011, National Average: $16,066 Payroll per Employee 2011 $40,000 to $80,000 $30,000 to $40,000 $20,000 to $30,000 Total % $10,000 to $20,000 $1 to $10,000 $0 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% Amount per Employee Total % $0 13.5% $1 to $10,000 29.0% $10,000 to $20,000 23.2% $20,000 to $30,000 18.1% $30,000 to $40,000 10.3% $40,000 to $80,000 5.8% Number of Respondents: 155 80 Southwick Associates - 2012 Employees and Employment Metrics (continued) Profit per employee is based on dividing each retailer’s total gross profit by their number of FTE employees. Gross Profit per Employee in 2011, National Average: $32,496 Average Profit per Employee 2011 $100,000 to $156,000 $60,000 to $100,000 $30,000 to $60,000 $5,000 to $30,000 $1 to $5,000 $0 Less than $0 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% Total % Number of Employees Total % Less than $0 3.3% $0 7.6% $1 to $5,000 22.8% $5,000 to $30,000 26.1% $30,000 to $60,000 17.4% $60,000 to $100,000 16.3% $100,000 to $156,000 6.5% Number of Respondents: 92 81 Southwick Associates - 2012 Retail Space & Square Footage Metrics Survey Question: (2011) How many square feet of retail space in your store(s) is dedicated to fly fishing related products and services? Retail Space in 2011, National Average: 1,277 sq. ft. The average square feet per store dedicated to fly fishing tackle is listed along the vertical axis, while the percentage of retailers within each size category is listed along the horizontal axis. Square Feet of Retail Space Used for Flyfishing 3,000 to 10,000 1,000 to 3,000 300 to 1,000 Total % 100 to 300 >0 to 100 0 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% Square feet for fly fishing 0 Total % 1.3% >0 to 100 11.5% 100 to 300 10.9% 300 to 1,000 31.0% 1,000 to 3,000 37.7% 3,000 to 10,000 7.7% Total Number of Respondents: 100.0% 313 82 Southwick Associates - 2012 Retail Space & Square Footage Metrics (continued) Sales Per Square Foot in 2011, National Average: $294 per sq. ft. The table below was calculated by dividing each retailer’s total fly fishing sales by the square footage dedicated to fly fishing sales. Average Sales per Square Foot $2,000 to $11,000 $800 to $2,000 $400 to $800 $200 to $400 Total % $100 to $200 >$0 to $100 $0 0.0% 10.0% Sales per square foot $0 20.0% 30.0% Total % 2.3% >$0 to $100 33.6% $100 to $200 25.3% $200 to $400 24.4% $400 to $800 9.2% $800 to $2,000 4.1% $2,000 to $11,000 0.9% Number of Respondents: 40.0% 217 83 Southwick Associates - 2012 Retail Space & Square Footage Metrics (continued) Gross Profit Per Square Foot in 2011, National Average: $87 per sq. ft.* Average Gross Profit per Square Foot, 2011 $300 to $500 $200 to $300 $100 to $200 $50 to $100 Total % $1 to $50 $0 -$170 to -$1 0.0% 10.0% Gross profit per square foot -$170 to -$1 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% Total % 3.1% $0 10.2% $1 to $50 39.8% $50 to $100 18.4% $100 to $200 15.3% $200 to $300 6.1% $300 to $500 7.1% Number of Respondents: 50.0% 98 * Not all retailers who answered the earlier question about gross margins were able to respond to this question. The overall gross margin of 41% reported earlier, when matched to the $294/sq foot in annual sales, indicates gross profit could be $120/sq foot. Therefore, we assume the actual gross profit per square foot to be between $87 and $120. 84 Southwick Associates - 2012 Retail Space & Square Footage Metrics (continued) Average Percent Change from 2010 to 2011 for Respondents Fly Fishing Retail Square Footage Characteristics Average Change Retail Area in Square Feet Number of Respondents 4.8% 262 Sales per square foot 12.4% 195 Profit per square foot 30.8% 75 Percent Change (2010 to 2011): Flyfishing Retail Area Characteristics Retail Area in Square Feet 4.8% Sales per square foot 12.4% Profit per square foot 0.0% 30.8% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% Percentage of Retailers Who Experienced Increases or Decreases Fly Fishing Retail Square Footage Characteristics Retail Area in Square Feet Increased Decreased Stayed the Same Number of Respondents 9.5% 3.4% 87.0% 262 Sales per square foot 55.4% 29.7% 14.9% 195 Profit per square foot 56.0% 18.7% 25.3% 75 85 Southwick Associates - 2012 Cost of Goods Sold Survey Question: (2011) What was your total cost of goods sold for fly fishing-related merchandise (tackle, gifts, etc) Cost of Goods Sold in 2011, National Average: $169,000 The percent of fly fishing retailers who fit within each COGS category are listed along the horizontal axis. Total Cost of Goods of Fly Fishing Merchandise $500,000 to $1,600,000 $200,000 to $500,000 $100,000 to $200,000 $50,000 to $100,000 $10,000 to $50,000 $1,000 to $10,000 $1 to $1,000 $0 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% Total % Gross Sales $0 $1 to $1,000 Total % 1.6% 5.6% $1,000 to $10,000 11.1% $10,000 to $50,000 23.0% $50,000 to $100,000 17.5% $100,000 to $200,000 16.7% $200,000 to $500,000 16.7% $500,000 to $1,600,000 Number of Respondents: 7.9% 126 86 Southwick Associates - 2012 Cost of Goods Sold (continued) Survey Question: Please estimate the percentage of your costs of goods sold for each of the major categories listed for 20116. Percentage of Costs of Goods Sold for Each Category 2011 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% 16.0% 18.0% Flies: Fly tying: Fly rods: Standard Apparel: Fly reels: Fly Line: Fly rod & reel combos: Leaders and Tippets: Outerwear: Waders: Books & DVDs: Gifts: Product Category 6 Average Percent Number of Respondents Flies 15.6% 47 Fly tying 11.5% 39 Fly rods 9.8% 45 Standard Apparel 9.3% 36 Fly reels 7.7% 47 Fly Line 7.3% 44 Fly rod & reel combos 7.0% 40 Leaders and Tippets 6.8% 43 Outerwear 6.8% 36 Waders 6.5% 40 Books & DVDs 6.3% 35 Gifts 5.3% 33 This question was only presented in the online survey to reduce problems associated with long phone surveys. 87 Southwick Associates - 2012 RESULTS: RETAILER MARKETING INSIGHTS 88 Southwick Associates - 2012 Retailer Marketing Insights Survey Question: In the table below, please check which of the following activities you engaged in 2011 to reach new customers Marketing Tactics Used by Fly Fishing Retailers: Percent of Retailers % of Retailers This Activity Was a Top Using Each Five Tactic for x% of Tactic: Retailers Radio ads 15.0% 7.0% Newspaper ads 28.0% 10.0% Website 78.0% 71.0% Word of mouth 80.0% 77.0% Online ads 28.0% 12.0% Regional magazine ads 27.0% 10.0% National magazine ads 9.0% 7.0% 48.0% 30.0% 8.0% 6.0% Schools/classes/clinics/seminars Television ads Radio shows 6.0% 1.0% Direct email 36.0% 19.0% Mailed promotions 14.0% 9.0% Consumer shows 28.0% 15.0% Operate a guide service 45.0% 33.0% Local fishing or social clubs 54.0% 15.0% Social media promotions (Facebook, Twitter, etc) 48.0% 20.0% Sponsor local events 29.0% 6.0% Newsletter: private, store-owned 42.0% 21.0% Newsletter: third party (Midcurrent, Angling Trade, others) 2.0% 1.0% Tournament/derbies 9.0% 3.0% Catalog 5.0% 4.0% Nothing Other Number of Respondents 4.0% 2.0% 12.0% 9.0% 100 100 Survey Question: In 2011, how many beginners received some form of fly fishing training through your store, whether on-site or off-site? Average Less than 25 30.0% 25-50 24.6% 51-100 20.7% Over 100 Number of Respondents 24.6% 203 89 Southwick Associates - 2012 Appendix A - Response Summary Processing Survey Dataset Online Survey Original Survey Dataset Phone Survey Total 554 175 729 44 7 51 Survey Records Removed Test Surveys Duplicates Empty Surveys 25 2 27 213 39 252 2 0 2 270 127 397 Other Total Number of Respondents Survey Respondents Online Survey Complete Phone Survey Total 96 113 209 Partial 174 14 188 Total Number of Respondents 270 127 397 90 Southwick Associates - 2012 Appendix B - List of States by US Region North Central Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota Ohio Wisconsin Rockies Arizona Colorado Idaho Montana New Mexico Utah Wyoming South Alabama Arkansas Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Virginia Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas West Virginia Northeast Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont West Alaska California Hawaii Nevada Oregon Washington 91 Southwick Associates - 2012