here - Maryland Recycling Network


here - Maryland Recycling Network
Our Moderator:
• Peter Houstle - MRN Executive Director
Our Presenter:
• Robert Murrow - Recycling Coordinator, Baltimore City Department of Public Works
Mark Your Calendars:
• May 17 – MRN Annual Conference
• Post questions in chat box on right hand side of screen
• Recording will be posted on MRN website
Maryland Recycling Network
Social media includes web-based and mobile
technologies used to turn communication into
an interactive dialogue.
“You can't just say it. You have to get the people to say it to each
other," says James Farley, CMO Ford.
1971 – The first email is sent.
1980 – Compuserve and Prodigy - first commercial offering of news,
weather, shopping, games, and more.
1991 – America Online launches with over 30 million members in its
1995 – is born.
2002 – launches and quickly grows to 3 million users
in 3 months.
2003 – MySpace grows to the most popular social networking site in
2006 with 100 million users.
2004 – Facebook launches originally as a way for college students to
connect. The year also saw the birth of Digg and Flickr.
2005 – YouTube launches.
2006 – Twitter launches and squeezes our communication into 140
character "tweets".
2008 – Facebook overtakes MySpace as the most popular social
networking site.
2009 – The first Shorty Awards ceremony was held on February 11 at
the Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn, New York
2011 – Google introduces Google+ after two previous failed
attempts to break into the social space (Wave and Buzz).
2012 – Winners Announced After the Record Breaking 1.6 Million
Tweet Nominations for The 4th Annual Shorty Awards Ceremony
People on Facebook
• More than 794 million active users
• 50% log on to Facebook on any given day
• Average user has 137 friends
• People spend over 740 billion minutes per month
on Facebook
Twitter says it has 175 million Twitter accounts
119 million Twitter accounts follow one or more other
85 million accounts with one or more followers.
There are 56 million Twitter accounts following zero other
accounts, and 90 million Twitter accounts with zero followers.
Super Bowl anyone?
 Audience – 114 million
 Average ad cost for 30
seconds - $3.5 million
 Results – Priceless!?
It’s not the how big the
audience is…it’s who is in the
audience and what is your
relationship with them.
Yes – develop followers who can become your
Yes – communicate directly with your target
Yes – learn from your constituents!
Yes – have your audience communicate with
Yes – it’s here to stay!
Maryland Recycling Network
Robert Murrow
Recycling Coordinator
Bureau of Solid Waste
Department of Public Works
Abel Wolman Municipal Bldg.
200 Holliday St., Rm. 1001
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4511
Cell: 443-474-7851
Fax: 410-545-6117