Tapps Island Association Roads
Tapps Island Association Roads
Ta p p s I s l a n d A s s o c i a t i o n NOVEMBER 2013 Next Board of Trustees Meeting November 21st 7:00 pm In the Clubroom Tapps Island Phone Numbers General Manager: John Clark: 862-6616 Association Office: 862-6616 Association Fax: 862-3310 Association E-Mail Address: office@tappsisland.net Association Web Site: www.tappsisland.net Golf Course Web Site: www.tappsislandgolf.com Pro Shop: 253-862-7011 Restaurant: 253-862-6641 Security: 253-370-0658 Mighty Islanders Website: www.mightyislanders.org News & Advertisements you’d like published email to: office@tappsisland.net The “Islander” is published monthly by the Tapps Island Association, and does not warrant or endorse any product or service advertised herein. 20818 Island Parkway East, Lake Tapps, WA 98391 Roads As most of you are aware CenturyLink upgraded their connection speeds to the island in the latter part of the summer. They experienced a few delays which had us pushing back some of our normal summer roadwork such as striping. The first approach by CenturyLink was to dig up the existing utility easements from the front entrance to their junction boxes located across from the clubhouse by the 9th green on the golf course. The CenturyLink project manager and their engineer found problems with that approach. We met again, and they suggested digging down from the guardhouse area toward the bulkhead and then back up across the road near the boat launch. Their third proposal was to bring in equipment to drill under the roads to minimize road and easement disruptions. All options were available to them under the same conditions TIA initially imposed and CenturyLink agreed to. CenturyLink project managers assured us when they left, we would not know they were even here. We are going to hold them to their word. There are 15 patches on Island Parkway where they dug holes to drill. The patch works are unacceptable. Some of them are uneven, sealing was done over the paint restriping they had done and, overall, the quality of the work their subcontractor did is not acceptable. Negotiations are currently underway with them on what will be done to put our roads back in good condition. The project manager would not budge on his position that they are done. We have now gone to higher levels of authority with CenturyLink and will not stop until our roads are in the condition they were when the job started. The new smaller speed bump at the guardhouse should have been installed already and the temporary removed. The bump at 210th and Island Parkway was also to have been installed. We do not want to do any work on our roads until we resolve this dispute with CenturyLink. Any changes to our roads or bumps may give them an opportunity to dispute our claim and would be unwise at this point. All road paving operations have ceased for the winter months. Because of how this project dragged on, we will have all winter to resolve the issue with CenturyLink. We regret the delays and hope you understand it is in our best interest to delay the changes in the short term to keep our roads in excellent condition for the long term. PAGE 2 T H E I S L AN DE R NOVEMBER 2013 IMPORTANT COMMUNITY MEETING REGARDING YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS THURSDAY NOVEMBER 14. 7:00 PM Dieringer Elementary STOP THE STATE FROM TAKING AWAY YOUR WATERFRONT PROPERTY Every eight years the Shoreline Management Act requires each local jurisdiction to review their Shoreline Management Plan. In this case it is Pierce County. Because Tapps Island is part of unincorporated Pierce County the rules being reviewed at this time will apply to Tapps Island residents. The Pierce County rules must be approved by the Department of Ecology. Local Council members working through employees of Pierce County must eventually approve a plan acceptable to Department of Ecology staff or the Department of Ecology can impose their own rules. If this seems like being invited to a fight while blindfolded you are starting to get the picture. The County has submitted a plan which included no change in the 50 foot setbacks to waterfront properties on Tapps Island and the surrounding area. The Department of Ecology wants to expand the setbacks from the current 50 feet to 75 feet and in some cases depending on vegetation as much as 150 feet. Obviously an existing house can’t be moved back another 25 feet from the water but any vacant lots on the island would become unbuildable lots. Residents must also understand that there will be another review in eight years. The Department of Ecology has strengthened their position every eight years and will continue to do so every review. There are restrictions on how much a remodel can expand from the existing foot print. It is anticipated that in the future the restrictions on remodels will make it more difficult to remodel existing homes within the 50 or 75 foot setbacks. The Lake Tapps Community Council has once again gathered as they did to save the lake. The community council has engaged with our elected officials and together they have reached out to other communities including those on Lake Washington who are dealing with the same over burdensome regulations which will severely impact your right to use your property. The information gathered and what needs to be done to move forward will discussed by elected officials and the Lake Tapps Community Council on November 14 at 7:00 PM at the Dieringer Elementary School. It is extremely important that water front property owners be present to understand what is at stake and what you can do to help stop this taking of your property rights with little or no notification to you as a waterfront land owner. We are setting up e-mail lists and other tools to keep the community aware of changing issues as well as when it is important to show up and be heard. PLEASE attend the meeting! Visit with Santa Saturday, Dec. 7th 10 —11 a.m. Clubroom Kids… bring your lists, Santa will be taking orders! Parents, bring your cameras! Refreshments will be served. NOVEMBER 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 3 Thanks to All! I want to take a moment to thank everyone involved in the Pasta Feed Fundraiser on October 12th. A special thanks to Jen, Cathy, Mary, and Jane who decorated and arranged everything to make it happen. George at Al Lago’s and The Lakeside Grill for donating all the great food, and all of the Island employees that helped. I feel like an academy winner that is forgetting so many people. I have been on Tapps Island since 1988 and always loved the beauty out here, but I am absolutely blown away with all the love I felt that night and I have not stopped smiling since. It was so positive and uplifting and everyone who came out made me feel great. I am so blessed to be a part of everyone's life. This is much more than a community, it is truly my family and I love each and every one of you. Many, many thanks. Darren Painter FOR RENT: 3 Bed, 2Bath Rambler, w/fireplace off 199th, two car garage. A must see. Very nice neighborhood. $1495.00. Call (253) 691-9338 for more info. MILESTONES Recognition Congrats to the Komarzec’s Malibu Marathon Finishers! 12th Annual Lake Tapps Community Food Drive Sponsors: Sam Suznevich, Eagle Home Mortgage Lauri McLeod, John L Scott Real Estate Pam Bauer, Slate Lake Tapps Saturday, Nov. 23 (note earlier date this year) Please place bags on your porch by 9 a.m., we will pick them up. Or, you may drop your bag at Slate Lake Tapps from Nov. 20 to 27th Benefits Sumner Food Bank. You have helped us collect more than 22,000 pounds of food through the years for needy local families. Watch for bags mailed to your home the week of the food drive. For more information, call or text Lauri at 253-468-3974 Toys for Tots Dear neighbors, THANK YOU for all the donated toys last year! We delivered seven barrels to the Toys For Tots distribution center for children here in our local area. We will have the Toys For Tots collection barrel at the Lakeside Grill for the month of November, until December 13th. This year we have a great opportunity to really help infants through high school ages. Gloves, hats, jammies, robes, things we take for granted these kids don’t have. Thank you all so much for your generosity! It means the world to them! T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 4 NOVEMBER 2013 Tapps Island Race Series Come on out and join us on Saturdays. Volunteers are needed. If you are interested, please let me know. We could use your help. Please contact Jason Hamlin at 425-691-0175 or Jason.Hamlin@ubs.com. Election Results The election for two seats on the Board of Trustees resulted in three community members offering to serve their community for the four year terms. The top two vote counts went to Ralph Mason who is continuing to serve another term and John Schneider who is filling the vacancy from Rich Kumar’s term which expires at the end of this calendar year. Thanks to all of the candidates who were willing to invest their time and expertise to make Tapps Island a great place for all to live and play. There are a number of committees and other events which allow residents to get involved in helping our community. If you have an interest in serving on any committees please contact General Manager John Clark or any of the current board members to find out about opportunities which may be of interest to you or members of your family. NOVEMBER 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R Security Report 10/4/2013, 196th Ave, 10:30pm, A noise complaint of neighbors playing basketball in their yard. Security asked the neighbors to close it down. They complied. 10/4/2013, 196th Ave, 11:00pm, Another noise complaint from same neighbors playing basketball in their yard. Security issued an excessive noise fine. 10/10/2013, 210th Ave, 1:40pm, Fine issued for 2nd offense parking in Association right-ofway. 10/14/2013, 200th Ave, 11:50am, Warning issued for dogs barking continuously. 10/25/2013, 2nd Fairway, 2:15pm, Security was alerted Compliance Committee Unauthorized Golf Course Use What is unauthorized golf course use? Rule VII states that “only individuals authorized for active play are allowed on the Golf Course”. This means that it may not be used for a quick practice of your chipping and putting shots. It is not a quick short-cut to your neighbors on the other side of the fairway. It is not a place to play with your dog, or a nice field to let your dog run in. It is not a place to play catch with your kids. In short, the only use of the Golf Course is for an authorized round of golf after you have checked in at the pro shop. The Board from time to time has reviewed its policy on the Golf Course. One idea was to let residents use the Golf Course for practice when the course was not in use. Another idea has been to allow residents to use the Golf Course path for evening or morning walks or jogging. None of these ideas have been approved by the Board. The Golf Course is a business venture for the Association. It also increases the value of all homes on the island and is another intrinsically valuable feature of Tapps Island. It is an asset that costs money to maintain and requires revenue from players to support. It also must compete with all other golf courses in the area for revenue. So, for cost containment, revenue production and safety of our residents the Tapps Island Golf Course has been restricted to authorized active play only. In addition “the waterway areas within the Golf Course fairways are off-limits to swimming and boat moorage. Diving or jumping from bridges is prohibited.” This coupled with the concept of not allowing use of the Golf Course for any other activity are additionally for the sake of safety. Although a PAGE 5 by the Pro Shop that there was a pitbull barking at golfers. Security chased it back to its owner’s house. A fine was issued. 10/25/2013, 211th Ave, 5:38pm, A dog was reported acting aggressive to a resident while walking. Security responded. Took the dog home and issued a loose dog warning. The above incidents reported are just a representation of the fun place to play, the golf course area also has the potential to be a very dangerous place when you are not directly involved in the game. When children and adults are involved in other activities in and around the Golf Course, they are not situationally aware of golf balls in play. Getting hit by a golf ball would be a serious, and could be a tragic, event. Please be SAFE! Send an email to compliance committee@tappsisland.net if you have any complaints or violations that you want investigated. Your identity will be held in confidence by the committee members unless your permission has otherwise been obtained. We will follow up on each complaint and give you a response or request for more information. If your issue is of an immediate nature, call Security. Rules should apply equally to all members of the HOA and rules that are not to be enforced should be removed. T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 6 Tapps Island Association BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 31, 2013 The meeting was called to order by Sandy Shuman, President at 2:00 P.M. Roll Call/Attendance: Present: Sandy Shuman, Don Lisko, Shane Pitman, Perri Nieman, Ralph Mason, Owen Gladfelder Absent: Jon Bial, Rich Kumar Also present-John Clark, General Manager Approval of Minutes: Don Lisko moved that the minutes of the Board meeting held on September 26, 2013 be approved. Owen Gladfelder seconded. Approved. Open Session: A few residents attended. One resident asked about progress on the speed bump at the intersection of 210 th and Island Park Way. All road work is on hold until Centurylink gets the roads repaired to the satisfaction of TIA. Other comments on the intersection included requesting the board to review the height of plantings on the corner home to make sure they were not obstructing the view. One resident questioned the number of pets per household discussion that had taken place at a prior board meeting and tabled. A couple of board members explained that the issue was discussed and voted on as a tabled issue. Because an item is discussed at a meeting it should not be considered by the community as an agenda of the board or any board member. The board discusses issues that come from the community. In this case there were complaints regarding some homes with a large number of pets that are a nuisance to neighbors. The covenants state pets may be kept in “reasonable” numbers. Because of complaints the board had to have a discussion of what is a reasonable number. Sandy Shuman thanked the resident for addressing the issue so it can be shared with all of the community to understand there are many issues brought to the attention of the board from the community and the board will address them in the most appropriate way possible. If there is a vote it will also be recorded and included in the minutes. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Shane Pitman YTD ending September 30, 2013 we have a net loss of $15,268 compared to a net profit of $19,696 for the prior year. Our cash position as of September 30, 2013 was $323,282. Total in the Operating Account was $26,682 and $296,600 in the Reserve Fund. The percentage of accounts receivable in the 90+ days is 24.4%, all of which are properties heading to foreclosure or abandoned. Liens are in place and collection will occur when the lenders take over the property. Legal action is underway for collections on all accounts over 90 days delinquent. Ralph Mason moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report for August, subject to the annual audit. Owen Gladfelder seconded the motion. Motion passed. Proposed Changes to By-Laws or Rules and Regulations All of the following proposed changes were circulated to the membership with a recommendation for approval by the board of trustees. The member of the home owners association voted NOVEMBER 2013 to approve all of the following by an overwhelming majority. Proposed changes (in bold and underlined) to read: The Tapps Island Association hereby adopts the Washington State Motor Code, RCW Title 46, its rules, regulations, and definitions. The RCW’s shall be enforced by state, county, and designated Island Security Officers. Violations of said requirements of RCW Title 46 shall be punishable by State/County citation or by a fine imposed by the Association to the person or persons violating the provisions of RCW Title 46. Moving violations do not require a first warning under the Tapps Island Association fine schedule. Due to safety concerns, a first offense may result in a monetary fine. Second, third and subsequent offenses will be consistent with the fine schedule. The Tapps Island Home Owners Association Board of Trustees has reviewed our current By-Laws and has determined that in its judgment there are areas of the By-Laws that need revision. In order to approve these proposed changes a vote of the members must take place. The Board recommends a vote of “yes” on these proposed changes. All added words will be bold and underlined. All words to be removed will be crossed thru. The proposed changes are as follows: Article I, Section 3. ; Article VI, Section 7. ; and Article IX all discuss in some fashion how the By-laws may be changed. Article VI only says to refer to Article IX and does not mention Article I. Since Article I language and Article IX language do not match, the Board would like to have the language in Article I changed to match that of Article IX. The purpose is to allow two-thirds vote of all members casting a vote, as indicated in Article IX, and not just the members who show up at the meeting. The proposed change to Article I, Section 3. is as follows: “The purposes for which this corporation was created may be altered, modified, enlarged or diminished by the a vote of two-thirds of the members. present at A meeting will be duly called for such purpose, notice of which such meeting shall be given in the manner provided by the By-laws of giving of notice for the election of trustees. Approval will require twothirds vote of the ballots cast by the members.” Article II, Section 3. fails to include the “Protective Covenants”. Whereas the Protective Covenants have their own section on enforcement and are mentioned in other areas of the By-Laws, it appears that mention of them was inadvertently left out in this paragraph. The proposed change to Article II Section 3. is as follows: “SECTION 3. In the event that any owner, his family or guest shall violate the Articles of Incorporation, or By -Laws or Protective Covenants of this corporation, or the rules and regulations established by the Board of NOVEMBER 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R Trustees, or shall fail to pay the assessments levied by the corporation, such owner may be prohibited from using the facilities and enjoying the benefits of this corporation for such period as the President of the ASSOCIATION shall direct.” Article IV, Section 1. States that there “shall be 5” trustees. There are currently 8 trustees and at times in the past there have been 9 trustees. This section must accurately reflect the actual number of trustees. The proposed change to Article IV, Section 1 is as follows: PAGE 7 attendance. There is a “Fiduciary Duty for Board Members and Oath” letter dated 1/9/2009 that the Board feels trustees should sign once they are elected. There is also a two page “Tapps Island Association Candidate Information Sheet” dated 1/9/2009 that the Board feels candidates should fill out and sign before they run for a position on the Board of Trustees of Tapps Island Association. Both of these documents are attached so that you can read them. We thus recommend adding the following new Section 7. to Article IV: “SECTION 1. Corporate power of the corporation shall be vested in a Board of Trustees. The number of trustees who shall manage the affairs of the corporation shall be five nine. At any meeting or special meeting called therefore, the members may increase or decrease the number of trustees to any number not more than nine or less than three.” “Section 7. All candidates running for a position on the Board of Trustees of Tapps Island Association must fill out and sign the ’Tapps Island Association Candidate Information Sheet’ dated 1/9/2009, which includes an agreement to sign the ‘Fiduciary Duty for Board Members and Oath’ letter, prior to putting their name on the ballot. Article IV, Section 6. states that if a vacancy occurs on the Board, then the Board elects a replacement trustee, but the replacement trustee only serves until the next annual meeting. The past practice of this Association has been to let the replacement trustee serve out the remainder of the associated term. The Washington state law states: “A director elected or appointed, as the case may be, to fill a vacancy shall be elected or appointed for the unexpired term of his or her predecessor in office.” Many associations take this approach and your trustees are recommending that we take the same approach. The Board also wishes to have the latitude to choose not to replace the trustee if it sees fit, anytime up until the next election. The Board feels that any trustee who does not live up to their oath as outlined in the “Fiduciary Duty for Board Members and Oath” letter dated 1/9/2009 or fails to attend meetings or actively serve on a committee as outlined in the “Tapps Island Association Candidate Information Sheet” dated 1/9/2009 should be removed from office. This may be done by the members as outlined in the bylaws. As the members are not always aware of the daily workings of the Board, the Board wishes to have the authority to remove a trustee who does not fulfill his/her obligations as a Board member. The Board wishes to be held to a high standard for this recall vote to take place. We thus recommend adding the following new Section 8. to Article IV: “SECTION 6. Any vacancy occurring in the Board of Trustees shall may be filled, by appointment, by a majority of the remaining trustees. The person so appointed shall hold office until the expiration of the term for the trustee being replaced. next regular meeting of the members of the corporation at which annual or adjourned annual meeting the vacancies for the remainder of the original terms, if any, shall be filled by election by the members in the regular manner.” “Section 8. Any trustee who fails to abide by the requirements as outlined in the “Tapps Island Association Candidate Information Sheet” or fails to abide by the “Fiduciary Duty for Board Members and Oath”, both dated 1/9/2009, may be recalled by 2/3 (6) vote of the Board of Trustees. All of these changes will be incorporated into the governing documents and updated on the web site. General Manager’s Report: John Clark Votes can be taken by the use of proxy, but there is no formal process for giving a proxy. We thus recommend adding the following new Section 7. To Article V: Water system: “Section 7. All proxies for any type of vote taken within the Association shall be delivered to the President, the Secretary, or the General Manager prior to the start of any meeting or the deadline for a vote that does not require a meeting. The proxy may be delivered via electronic means or may be a writtensigned proxy.” Ventilation work complete on treatment building. The Board feels that any member wishing to run for a position on the Board of Trustees of Tapps Island Association must understand their fiduciary responsibilities and make a commitment to participate in the ongoing business of this association. This includes committee responsibilities and meeting CenturyLink Fiber Optic Project: We are disputing the repair work on the roads caused by CenturyLink digging to install fiber optic. Some of the final repair may not be able to be complete until spring due to temperatures. The road repair is not to our standard and will not be accepted as final. Homes on 214th close to being off our system. First quote for SCADA system is in. Lakeside Grill operations: Winter hours. Food and liquor cost reviews. Golf Course Operations: Foggy and wet September really slowed things down. ACC Committee Report: John Clark for Jon Bial T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 8 Update on compliance issues. The committee will follow up on truck camper parking and storage requirements. A few appear to be unsafe and others unsightly. Golf Committee: Submitted by Shane Pitman The committee met earlier in the month. Looking into replacing what is left of the 150 yard marker trees. Many of those were damaged in the last ice storm and have not recovered well. We may use a unique bush or some other marking to replace the trees. Looking into winter projects such as another bunker or other improvement project for the golf course. Landscape/Beautification Committee Report: Submitted by Sandy Shuman Our last meeting was held on October 21st with Karen Baker, Sharon Piccolo, Lori Curnow, Jan Thomas, Sandy Shuman and John Clark in attendance. The Yard of the Month winner for September is Jim and Patti Lingnaw of 3414 204th Ave. CT E. A big thank-you goes to Karen Baker for planning and designing a clematis vine addition to our past Earth Day project to help screen and beautify the dumpster area. The implementation of this plan is TBD and will take place soon. We have received valuable input from the community about the effectiveness of the compliance committee for improvement of the beautification and landscape of the Island. The new reader board plans were discussed. The committee also discussed the hedge replacement between the lower club house parking lot and Dr. Paul and Kris Sadleir's home. The hedge being considered is the Italian Cypress. The characteristics of this hedge tree was discussed in length. The committee encourages the community to participate in the Yard of the Month contest by casting your vote for the yard that wow's you the most by the end of the month. E-mail your vote/nomination to Sandy Shuman at shuboxsandy@hotmail.com The Christmas Tree Lighting and festivities will be held on December 6th at 6PM, with the DHES Cougar Chorus to perform. Our next meeting will be held on November 18th at 1pm. Safety and Security Committee Report: Submitted by Perri Nieman The safety light needs to be installed in the lower golf course parking lot as soon as possible. th The hedge on the 210 corner is lower but still not within compliance. Follow up with the homeowner. Compliance Committee Report: Submitted by Owen Gladfelder Compliance committee heard an appeal for a repeat dog roaming and on the golf course violation. Fine of $250.00 to remain in place unless they get an electric fence or other containment device. If they install the fence or other repair the fine can be credited to that cost. Further violations on the same property for the same offense will result in escalated fines from the schedule. Compliance Committee will continue to publish a monthly article regarding our most often complained about topics in NOVEMBER 2013 the newsletter monthly to heighten awareness of areas where enforcement is in need of improvement. Election Results: Submitted by Sandy Shuman The board waited until after 3:00 PM for final tally of votes for the board of trustees as required. There were three candidates running for two available seats on the board of trustees. Both terms are for four years. The board thanked all three candidates for running and appreciated their willingness to serve their community. The two top vote counts went to Ralph Mason and John Schneider. Ralph currently serves on the board. John Schneider’s term will begin in January. Sandy encouraged others to get involved with a committee or activities within the community. Old Business: New Business: Update on the shoreline set back activities. Article will be included in the Islander. There is a community meeting to be held at Derringer Elementary on November 14 at 7:00 PM. It is very important to have a good turnout. It is not just vacant lot owners who are going to be impacted by this proposed change in shoreline set backs and buffers. Adjournment: Owen Gladfelder moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:45 PM. Perri Nieman seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday falling on the last Thursday of November the next Board of Trustees meeting will be held on Thursday November 21, 2013 at 7:00 PM in the clubhouse. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING November 21, 2013, 7:00 p.m. AGENDA Roll Call Approval - Last Meeting’s Minutes Open Session General Manager’s Report Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business Executive Session Adjournment BOARD MEMBERS & OFFICES: Sandy Shuman, President 862-4085 Don Lisko, Vice President 891-8593 Shane Pitman, Treasurer 209-0238 Jon Bial, Secretary 862-7416 Owen Gladfelder 862-4900 Ralph Mason, Trustee 862-7418 Perri Nieman, Trustee 862-0986 Rich Kumar, Trustee 891-3040 John Schneider, Trustee elect 862-4997 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS We appreciate all our advertisers who help support this publication. Please support our advertisers by seeking their services. If you would like to advertise, please contact our office at 253-862-6616. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS All Renovations & Construction, LLC General Contractor Licensed • Bonded • Insured ALLRERC897CD New Roofs / Re-Roofs / Tear Offs Composition Roofing 30-50 Yr Warranties Siding and Painting Experienced Kitchen Remodel Professional Bathroom Remodel Window Installation Courteous Decks Home Repairs Since 2001 Call Virgil for Free Estimates Tel: (253) 202-5305 Email: virgil@allrenovationsconstruction.com New clients only. For homes under 3000 sq.ft. Please contact us for quotes on larger square footage. Must present coupon to redeem. New clients only. Must present coupon to redeem. 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Some offices are independently owned and operated. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS T.A.P.P.S. PAINTING Call for Summer Specials! Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Owner, Darren Painter 224-4532 TappsPainting@comcast.net #TAPPSP*100JR Ken Wynne Owner Ph. 206-418-8733 253-686-1380 NORTHCI148BG 1 800 FLOHAWK FloHawks 1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy E Ste 104-271 Auburn, WA 98092-8157 WA Contractor #ACCENTS908N6 Fax: 253-863-6597 Email: cutmytree@evergreenmm.com Plumbing + Septic A division of Northwest Cascade, Inc. Steve Redford Key Account Customer Rep. Cell: 253/606-1115 Puyallup: 253/848-2371 Email: SteveR@nwcascade.com Toll Free: 800/356-4295 Fax: 253/848-2399 P.O. BOX 73399 - PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 98373 Main Street Salon New Clients receive a complimentary designer hair cut with your color service! Call today or book online! 1202 Main St Suite 102 Sumner Wa 98390 253-826-3965 www.themainstsalon.com Del Ava il 253 253--862 862--6641 ive ry Fri. & S able on at. $5 5pm Del iver -9pm y Ch arg e Set your Calendars for Nov. 16th & Dec. 7th Bar Bingo 7pm In the Lounge It’s a BLAST! Play FREE with purchase of two cocktails or pop & appetizer. *Seats are limited so come early* NEW WINTER RESTAURANT HOURS Fri. & Sat. 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Mon. & Tue 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed. & Thurs. 11:00 am - 9:00 pm TAPPS ISLAND ASSOCIATION 20818 Island Park Way E. Lake Tapps, WA 98391 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUMNER, WA PERMIT #103 ECWSS Postal Customer Route #7 Lake Tapps, WA 98391
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