Tapps Island Association
Ta p p s I s l a n d A s s o c i a t i o n JUNE 2013 Next Board of Trustees Meeting June 27th 7:00 pm In the Clubroom Tapps Island Phone Numbers General Manager: John Clark: 862-6616 Association Office: 862-6616 Association Fax: 862-3310 Association E-Mail Address: office@tappsisland.net Association Web Site: www.tappsisland.net Golf Course Web Site: www.tappsislandgolf.com Pro Shop: Restaurant: Security: 253-862-7011 253-862-6641 253-370-0658 Mighty Islanders Website: www.mightyislanders.org News & Advertisements you’d like published email to: office@tappsisland.net The “Islander” is published monthly by the Tapps Island Association, and does not warrant or endorse any product or service advertised herein. 20818 Island Parkway East, Lake Tapps, WA 98391 The garage sales - another successful weekend The Tapps Island garage sale is known far and wide for great values and a fun weekend. As a gated community it helps control access to the island by having only one big garage sale per year. It’s a great way to minimize a large number of non-residents coming on the island every weekend in the summer to visit “garage sales”. The event has created a regional flair with other HOA’s in the area holding their community garage sales on the same weekend. Needless to say, ours is THE BEST. While a few residents choose to “get out of Dodge” for the weekend because they don’t like the congestion and buzz of activity, the others who stay create a weekend of fun, which the island is noted for. It’s somewhat the kick-off to the summer. Many residents host events on Friday night with close neighbors getting together for cookouts and refreshments. A lot of red solo cups make their way from house to house. Many others gather at the packed Lakeside Grill patio for spectacular views of the mountain across the lake. Lots of folks walk to see what their neighbors have to offer at their preview sales on Friday night before the general public comes in on Saturday. The Tapps Island staff prepare the maps, issue the guest passes for Friday night and Saturday, rope off fire hydrants, mark no parking areas, place garbage containers and a host of other tasks to make the weekend run well. This year the weather made it a great day for visitors to the island who wanted to take a stroll after they parked. Security was busy reminding folks who don’t live in a golf course community that walking down a fairway the wrong direction can be hazardous to your forehead. The staff who were posted at the gate heard some very creative stories from folks trying to avoid paying the admission on Saturday. The entrance fee covers (Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 T H E I S L AN DE R Boat launch etiquette Boats coming out of the lake have the right of way over boats waiting to launch. Boats should have all the gear placed in it BEFORE you get on the launch dock. If others are waiting to launch or dock please move to the dock area closer to the clubhouse to wait for other passengers. Close the chain and lock it behind you. Don’t leave it open for someone unless you absolutely know they are a Tapps Island resident. Keep calm when it gets crowded. Some people can launch a huge party boat in a matter of minutes and others are a little less skilled at backing in. Be patient with your neighbor who is challenged backing up. Being aggressive toward them is unlikely to help speed the process. JUNE 2013 (Garage Sales: Cont. from page 1) the costs of port-a-potties, signs, stakes, sheriffs, tow truck, and lots of extra hours of set-up and clean-up. This year was just as busy as in years past, but it seemed the traffic was more paced and steady throughout the day. More guest passes were given out to friends by residents, and ultimately used by garage salers this year. It’s a lot of work to put it all together but very rewarding when the weekend is over and the residents of Tapps Island have a great time with an event that truly is unique to our community. The garage sale is over and summer has begun! Be the spiffiest house on the Island The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) will do the monthly lot-by-lot drive around again in June. With the good weather here they will be particularly looking for moss control on roofs, excess weeds and lawn care, and other items that are usual spring cleaning chores. Please remember to submit any exterior changes such as roofs, siding, and paint color to the ACC for approval. Forms are available in the TIA office and the General Manager can answer any questions you may have. W.O.W. Yard of the Month - May If you remember the classic children's book "Dick and Jane, Fun Where Ever We Are", then you will want to meet our very own Dick and Jane who live at 2902 208th Ave. E. Dick and Jane Mariani have lived on the Island for about one year. They purchased their home thinking they would do a little remodel work. That remodel work turned into a total teardown and rebuild. They purchased the house because they loved the Island and the lot backing the golf course, but were especially pleased with their neighbors on each side of them (The Nichol's and the Wakefield's) as they take immaculate care of their yards. Landscaping is a big deal to Dick and Jane as told by their own story. Dick would commute from Seattle everyday to work on the landscaping of their home even at the start of the teardown. Jane says that his new job is in the yard! Dick and Jane's story IS having fun wherever they are. They lived in Highland Meadows in Auburn for 30 years while Dick practiced Dentistry. They raised three children, and when their house became too large for the two of them and their dog Spot (I don't think they have a dog Spot, but I had to add that in… ha ha!), they decided to sell the big house in Auburn and move to Seattle for three years. And, as the story goes, they then made the move to Tapps Island. They knew about the Island for years, but thought it was too far away. They are delighted to finally live here. They are especially happy with the work the General Manager is doing in enforcing covenants and making many beautiful improvements. They have been “around the block" and appreciate seeing the upkeep of our covenants that make Tapps Island such a desirable place to live. Dick and Jane's friends recently said to them, "You have found a little oasis". They know they have, and each time they cross the Island bridge, they say, "it feels good to be home!" Congratulations to the Mariani's for being voted W.O.W. Yard of the Month for May. They will receive a gift card to the Lakeside Grill and display the “coveted” Yard of the Month planter for the month of June, until it moves onto the next deserving recipient, maybe YOU! Please participate in the W.O.W. Yard of the Month contest by casting your vote for the yard that wow's you the most. E-mail your vote to Sandy Shuman at shuboxsandy@hotmail.com by the end of the month. JUNE 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R Common summer water bill issues As we start seeing sunshine and summer approaches we have two main sources of astronomical water usage. A little extra time to check on these in your home will help you avoid a water bill you don’t want to see. Culprit #1 = Hydraulic operated boat lifts. Make sure when you allow the kids, grandkids or yourself to put the boat in the water that you double check to make sure all water is turned off and not streaming into the lake. Double check if someone other than the person who pays the water bill is turning off the water to the lift. Culprit #2 = Lawn irrigation systems. When you turn on your lawn irrigation system for the first time test all valves. Look for any unusual wet spots in the lawn. Look in the irrigation controls in the ground to make sure there are no leaks hiding under the cover. If in doubt call an irrigation company to check your system. Since water usage meter reading is done every other month on Tapps Island like most water systems a line leak could be as old as 30 to 60 days before it is discovered. TIA staff does notify residents immediately if a meter reading shows high usage. In the meantime a lot of water and unnecessary cost is leaking into the lake or ground. PAGE 3 Weekend Office Hours In May we were open for one day on a Sunday. It was very well received by residents, and Marilyn said the lines were out the door almost the whole time. Residents were easy-going and patient while she processed each request, and they enjoyed visiting with their neighbors while they waited. Since residents appreciated the convenience of weekend hours, we are doing it again. Marilyn will be in the office on Sat. & Sun., June 8th & 9th, from 9 am - 2 pm, to issue vehicle stickers (be sure to bring your registrations), take pictures for ID cards (the camera is working again!), and issue boat launch keys for those who find it difficult to get into the office during regular business hours. August 1st is the deadline to be in compliance with the new vehicle stickers. After that date, all vehicles without the new stickers will be stopped at the gate. Golf Cart Drivers Outer Island Project Alan White has made great progress in his adopted section of the outer island. Brush has been cleared, vines have been unwrapped from choking trees, trash has been piled and several containers of his clean up have been hauled away thanks to our friends, Jack Gammons and Danny Lloyd from Lloyd Enterprises. We need more volunteers to take on section as small or as large as you want to help make the project more manageable. Please contact Alan if you are willing to help at 253-230-2334. For the safety of our children, the Board found a need to regulate the use of golf carts on Tapps Island. The rule states that anyone driving a golf cart must be at least 16 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license, and have a current Tapps Island cart sticker, which can be obtained in the TIA office. The fine system outlined in the Rules and Regulations will be enforced for golf carts without the sticker and also for underage driving and driving in a reckless or dangerous manner. PAGE 4 T H E I S L AN DE R Security Report 5/1/2013, Clubhouse, 3:00pm, A restaurant employee reported an underage golf cart driver in the parking lot. Security responded and issued a verbal warning, informing the young person he would receive a fine if he was found driving a golf cart in the future. 5/2/2013, 206th Ave, 6:15 pm, A vehicle was parked within one foot of the fogline. A warning was issued for being parked too close to the roadway. 5/11/2013, Clubhouse, 5:40pm, Two boys were reported riding their bikes in the Clubhouse parking lot. Security told them it was dangerous to ride their bikes in the parking lot and asked them to leave. They finally complied and left the area. 5/11/2013, Park/Beach area, 9:15pm, Two young teens were driving a golf cart without a license. They were warned that they cannot drive a cart on Island roads without a driver’s license and were sent home. 5/17/2013, 108th Ave, 7:30am, A boat trailer was parked in the Association right-of-way. A warning was issued. Tapps Island Fireworks Policy Many residents are concerned with the noise generated from illegal fireworks, as well as the hour and the length of time all fireworks are being used. Below is the rule put into place last July to help control the fireworks on Tapps Island. To the right is a box indicating which fireworks are allowed, and those that aren’t. Rule XVIII, Adopted July 26, 2012 Only legal fireworks will be allowed to be used on Tapps Island. Fireworks may be used beginning at 9:00 am to 11:00 pm on July 3rd, 9:00 am to midnight on July 4th, and 9:00 am to 11:00 pm on July 5th. Fireworks must not be used after 11:00 pm on July 3rd and 5th, and after midnight on July 4th. Use of illegal fireworks or use of legal fireworks outside the approved hours will result in an immediate fine of $100.00. Second offense will be $250.00, and subsequent offenses will be $500.00. JUNE 2013 5/17/2013, Clubhouse, 4:30pm, Teens were riding their bikes on the Clubhouse sidewalks. Security informed them for safety reasons they had to walk on the sidewalks. The teens soon left the area. 5/18/2013, Guardhouse, 1:35pm, A vehicle exited the Island on the wrong side of the guardhouse. The resident was tracked down and fined for reckless driving and endangering others. The above incidents reported are just a representation of the actual number of reports filed. JUNE 2013 PAGE 5 T H E I S L AN DE R 253-862-7011 Men’s Club The next tournament will be the BALL BUSTER on Sunday June 16. Tees and pin placements make this the most challenging layout possible for the Tapps Island Golf Course. Expect high scoring and no complaining because everyone is playing on the same challenging conditions. Gross and net winners. Congrats to Dan Small and Mike Skagen for taking home 1st place honors in our very wet Memorial Day tourney. College students ‘home for the summer’ special Since college students that are home for the summer are only here for a short time and may want to golf with competition, the Men’s Club is offering the following special: Pay your GHIN fee only (handicap service) and the Men’s Club will allow you to participate in the Men’s Club without the annual dues. This does not apply to students who are here year round or living at home. There are other programs available for them. This is for full-time college students who do not live at home year round. The GHIN fee is $35.00. You can use this and still post scores for your handicap while away at school. See John Leslie in the Pro Shop to sign up. Tapps Island Senior Men's Club We are up to 38 members strong and it is only the end of May. Some of our snow birds should be joining us soon. The club plays every Tuesday morning with a shotgun start at 8:00 am. If you are 55 or over come on out and enjoy the golf and good times. We’d love to have you join us. For more information, call Keith Gamble @ 253-222-8150. Ladies’ Golf Club League Play 5/2/13 results Even holes & 5 Red flag 1st Gross A. Tuttle $20 2nd Gross R. Thornhill 1st Net S. Sheythe $20 2nd Net D. Bishop $17 3rd Net A. Petrowitch $15 4th Net S. Kramer $12 5th Net K. Andrews $9 5/9/13 results Best 6 Holes Yellow Flag 1st Gross R. Thornhill $20 2nd Gross A. Tuttle $17 1st Net H. Bauermeister $20 2nd Net S. Sheythe $17 3rd Net K. Andrews $15 4th Net J. Anderson $12 5th Net. A. Petrowitch $9 First - Sally Kramer Second - Anne Tuttle Third - Holly Bauermeister Fourth - Lorna Willard Fifth - Deborah Bishop KP - Sue Sheythe 5/16/13 results Lowest Putts Yellow Flag 22 players @ $5 = $110 1st W. Walker $21 2nd K. Andrews $19 3rd R. Thornhill $18th K. Wilson $16 5th J. Jarvis $14 6th A. Tuttle $12 7th C. Wesche $10 5/24/13 - Horserace - no results yet. 5/4/13—Tournament - Black and White Affair, Bingo, Bango, Bongo First - Sally Kramer Second - Anne Tuttle Third - Holly Bauermeister Fourth - Lorna Willard Fifth - Deborah Bishop KP - Sue Sheythe Accuracy Tie - Rashelle Thornhill and Sally Kramer Best Dressed-Sally Kramer & Joan Jarvis! T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 6 Tapps Island Association BOARD MEETING MINUTES May 30, 2013 The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Shuman at 7:03 P.M. Roll Call/Attendance: Present: Sandy Shuman, President, Don Lisko, Shane Pitman, Ralph Mason, Jon Bial. Absent: Perri Nieman w/ proxy to Sandy Shuman. Scott Wehmer and Rich Kumar. Also present-John Clark, General Manager Approval of Minutes: Ralph Mason moved that the minutes of the Board meeting held on March 28, 2013 be approved with one correction noted Change year end to month end on the treasurer’s report. Don Lisko seconded. Approved. There was no quorum for the April meeting so no minutes to approve for April. Open Session: No comments. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Shane Pitman YTD ending April 30, 2013 we have a net loss of $40,789 compared to a net loss of $31,349 for the prior year. . Our cash position as of April 30, 2013 was $282,795. Total in the Operating Account was $30,587 and $252,208 in the Reserve Fund. The percentage of accounts receivable in the 90+ days is 21%, all of which are properties heading to foreclosure or abandoned. Liens are in place and collection will occur when the lenders take over the property. Legal action is underway for collections on all accounts over 90 days delinquent. It was noted that operating fund is low due to those delinquencies. Don Lisko moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report for March and April, subject to the annual audit. Jon Bial seconded the motion. Motion passed. The annual audit for 2012 was distributed to board members. It is also available in the office to any member of Tapps Island Association. General Manager’s Report: Submitted by John Clark. Water system. The annual water quality report must be submitted to the Department of Health by July 1 for the calendar year 2012. Each resident and tenant is required to receive a copy which we mail. JUNE 2013 The water conservation and usage report is also required to be completed and submitted to the State by July 1. More emphasis will be given to encourage water conservation by residents. The survey to determine residents with and without backflow prevention devices will be done in late summer. The Department of Health is requiring all water systems state wide to complete the survey and begin requiring all residences served by water systems to have back flow prevention devices. The 3 lots located on 214th Street which have been on the Tapps Island Water system are required under the original agreement to disconnect and hook up to Bonney Lake water. Lakeside Grill operations. Summer hours have begun with the Lakeside Grill serving breakfast, lunch and dinner every day through Labor Day weekend. High food and labor cost need to improve as we get to the busy part of the year. April sales were lower than budgeted with weather not improving until part of May. Golf Course Operations. Junior camp registration is under way. All three of the clubs are growing and well organized. Each of them is providing information for The Islander monthly. Security Gate for boat launch. The bids and scope of work for the security gate at the boat launch were extremely far apart. After reviewing the bids and scope of work it was decided to put it off until next year to allow adequate time for installation prior to summer season. Collections on Delinquent Properties. Legal action is moving forward. We expect one of the claims to be completed by the end of June. Outer Island Project. Alan White has made great progress on the area he is taking on. Jack Gammons and Danny Lloyd from Lloyds Enterprises are helping with hauling out what Alan has been JUNE 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 7 completely replanted all the clubhouse and pool removing. We need more volunteers to take on some flower pots. The pool pots were planted with New small plots to get some momentum going on this Zealand flax, geraniums, heuchura and many other project before we burn Alan out. It looks great but annual and perennial plants to five a fresh new Alan needs help. tropical look. The restaurant and breezeway pots Shoreline Buffer Rules. were planted with new annuals. The Department of Ecology requires every county to Yard of the month winner for May 2013 is Dick and update their shoreline management plan. The Jane Mariani of 2902 208th Ave E. process is currently underway for Pierce County. The DOE is recommending a new buffer zone of 150 feet. Many positive comments have been forwarded by residents regarding the beautiful improvements that The board has directed the General Manager to be have taken place around the island recently. involved in the process and keep the community informed on matters which may impact our The committee recommended relocation of the community. outhouse on 204th Ave to the woods instead of exposed on the street. It is on the staff “to do” list. ACC Committee Report: Submitted by Jon Bial The next meeting will be held June 17th at 1:00 PM in Lot 3-001. The property has made progress however the clubroom. Please participate in the yard of the violations have not all been completely done. The month nominations by e-mailing your vote to ACC imposed the deadline of June 1. The resident shuboxsandy@hotmail.com by the end of the did respond with items completed and they plan to month. continue on the other items. The ACC recommends to the board that the resident be given until June 30, Safety and Security Committee Report: 2013 to complete all work. Because the deadline was Submitted by Perri Nieman May 31, 2013 the ACC recommends the $500 fine is The committee is including the illegal fireworks assessed. In addition if the work is not complete by information in The Islander along with a reminder June 30, 2013 the second tier fine under the schedule of hours fireworks are allowed. There is a “no of $1,000 will also be assessed. The board reserves warning” policy on illegal use of fireworks. Fines the right to waive the $500 fine if all work is are assessed at any violation. completed by June 30, 2013. The committee and the The committee reviewed the intersection map and board would rather have the money spent on the will make a recommendation on the hedges at 197th home improvements rather than collected in fines. and 34th Ave. All board members were asked to The General Manager was directed to notify the look at the intersection to determine if there are any resident in writing. safety concerns. The intersection safety map is The ACC asked to have a reminder put in The Islander complete and up to date. We are still working with that spring is here and the committee will be doing one homeowner on hedge work to improve safety. their monthly rounds noting violations for lawn care, mossy roof and driveways, paint and other violations Old Business: of the ACC. None Golf Committee: Scott Wehmer resigned from the New Business: board leaving a vacancy for the golf committee chair. Jon Bial asked for the general manager to look into Shane Pitman volunteered to chair the golf county rules and other home owners association committee. Sandy Shuman and the board thanked rules on how many animals may be allowed per him. household. Landscape/Beautification Committee Report: Sandy Shuman reported on the Cascade Water Submitted by Sandy Shuman. Alliance lake safety meeting in May. th The committee met on May 20 for a work session East Pierce County Fire and Rescue is working on a from 1:00 until 4:00 pm. A big thanks to committee plan to have numbers placed on docks without the members Jon Bial, Sharon Piccolo, Janice Thomas, actual street name to help better identify homes in Karen Baker, Lori Curnow and Sandy Shuman who PAGE 8 T H E I S L AN DE R an emergency from the lake side of a property. The Bonney Lake Police Department has a water safety video that is available on U-Tube. There was a reminder that all persons 50 and under are required to complete the boater safety class and have a card to prove it if they are operating on the lake. They also reminded everyone that the minimum age to operate Seadoo type vehicles is 16 on Lake Tapps. Lorrie Nelly's NTMS 7th Grade Social Studies class has taken on an important project to benefit our community. Please read the following message to see how you can help. A NTMS 7th grade class has spearheaded efforts to install flashing LED caution signs at both Lake Tapps’ public parks for the promotion of cold water shock awareness. In addition, a brick memorial wall has been constructed at Allan Yorke Park. Stainless steel plaques will be attached to honor the lives lost on our lake. Students are requesting donations for the purchase of the plaques. Donations can be made to NTMS ASB Memorial fund and delivered to the NTMS Office. Executive Session: Jon Bial moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss board vacancies at 8:33 PM. Don Lisko seconded the motion. Motion passed. Shane Pitman moved to return to the regular Board Meeting at 8:49 PM. Jon Bial seconded. Motion passed. Sandy Shuman nominated Owen Gladfelder to fill the remainder of the term of Scott Wehmer subject to Owen accepting the position. Jon Bial seconded. Owen has been active on the Safety and Security as well as the ACC. Motion passed unanimously. Adjournment: Don Lisko moved to adjourn at 8:54 PM. Ralph Mason seconded. Motion passed. The next Board of Trustees meeting will be June 27, 2013 at 7:00 PM. JUNE 2013 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING June 27, 2013, 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Approval - Last Meeting’s Minutes 3. Open Session 4. General Manager’s Report 5. Treasurer’s Report 6. Committee Reports 7. Old Business 8. New Business 9. Executive Session 10. Adjournment BOARD MEMBERS & OFFICES: Sandy Shuman, President Don Lisko, Vice President Shane Pitman, Treasurer Jon Bial, Secretary Ralph Mason, Trustee Perri Nieman, Trustee Rich Kumar, Trustee 862-4085 891-8593 209-0238 862-7416 862-7418 862-0986 891-3040 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS We appreciate all our advertisers who help support this publication. Please support our advertisers by seeking their services. If you would like to advertise, please contact our office at 253-862-6616. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION (253) 472-1346 window fashions, awnings & outdoor solar shades (888) 662-5672 / info@majorblinds.com WWW.MAJORBLINDS.COM majorb*936QL Lake Tapps, Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma Wood / Faux Blinds Roman and Woven Shades Shutters Silhouettes Awnings Drapery / Soft Treatments Outdoor Solar Screens Motorization Major Blinds Makes it Easy…. Major Blinds brings the showroom to you! 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Ken Wynne Owner Ph 206-418-8733 253-686-1380 1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy E Ste 104-271 Auburn, WA 98092-8157 WA Contractor #ACCENTS908N6 Fax: 253-863-6597 Email: cutmytree@evergreenmm.com Client Looking for Home on Golf Course I have a client looking for a home on the golf course to purchase. If you are on the course and are considering selling please let me know. Kim Fraser- John L. Scott kimfraser@johnlscott.com 253-279-0600 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS T.A.P.P.S. PAINTING Call for Spring Specials! Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Sam Suznevich Branch Manager Owner, Darren Painter 224-4532 TappsPainting@comcast.net T 253.863.1113 C 253.569.2493 F 253.863.0110 #TAPPSP*100JR ssuznevich@eaglehomemortgage.com NMLS#182657 / CL-370853 614 Harrison St. Sumner, WA 98390 Main Street Salon New Clients receive a complimentary designer hair cut with your color service! Call today or book online! 1202 Main St Suite 102 Sumner Wa 98390 253-826-3965 www.themainstsalon.com NORTHCI148BG 1 800 FLOHAWK FloHawks Plumbing + Septic Steve Redford Key Account Customer Rep. Cell: 253/606-1115 A division of Northwest Cascade, Inc. Puyallup: 253/848-2371 P.O. BOX 73399 - PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 98373 Avocado Madness 862 862--6641 Add avocado to any sandwich, burger or salad at no extra charge, for the month of June. Come sing your heart out! KARAOKE In the Lounge Saturday, June 29th 8-10pm RESTAURANT HOURS Fri. & Sat. Mon. & Tue 7:00 am - 8:00 pm Sunday Wed. & Thurs. 7:00 am - 9:00 pm TAPPS ISLAND ASSOCIATION 20818 Island Park Way E. Lake Tapps, WA 98391 7:00 am - 10:00 pm 7:00 am - 8:00 pm PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUMNER, WA PERMIT #103 ECWSS Postal Customer Route #7 Lake Tapps, WA 98391
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