Tapps Island Association
Tapps Island Association
Ta p p s I s l a n d A s s o c i a t i o n JANUARY 2014 Next Board of Trustees Meeting January 30th 7:00 pm In the Clubroom Tapps Island Phone Numbers General Manager: John Clark: 862-6616 Association Office: 862-6616 Association Fax: 862-3310 Association E-Mail Address: office@tappsisland.net Association Web Site: www.tappsisland.net Golf Course Web Site: www.tappsislandgolf.com Pro Shop: 253-862-7011 Restaurant: 253-862-6641 Security: 253-370-0658 Mighty Islanders Website: www.mightyislanders.org News & Advertisements you’d like published email to: office@tappsisland.net The “Islander” is published monthly by the Tapps Island Association, and does not warrant or endorse any product or service advertised herein. 20818 Island Parkway East, Lake Tapps, WA 98391 Thanks for your cooperation Thank you to all our residents who have worked closely with the Architectural Control Committee and Compliance Committee to improve our overall appearance of the Island. If you read The Islander monthly you know there has been a big push to improve those nagging little issues that sometimes don’t get addressed. Don’t shoot the messenger if Security has delivered a parking violation notice or loose dog notice to your door. Those are the most common complaints in any homeowner’s association according to the Community Association Institute. The board, through the two named committees, has made a high priority of making sure the rules are enforced, changed if necessary, or removed if they are not going to be enforced. The process used is always to start with courtesy notices. If the courtesy notices or request for meetings don’t get compliance the association resorts to fines as a last resort. Fining your neighbor is not something anyone looks forward to, however if it comes down to the rules being ignored then a fine is going to get the job done. As a result we now have less parking violations and more home exterior repairs and lawn improvements than in quite some time. The goal is to consistently enforce the rules which are agreed to by all homeowners when they move to Tapps Island. There are going to be violations somewhere on the island every day. It is a daily process of monitoring and follow up. If you are noted for a violation don’t take it out on Security. They are doing their job. If you disagree, ask for an appeal to the committee or the board where a civil discussion can take place to resolve the issue. The goal is to resolve the issue and have everyone enjoy their neighborhood. It is not perfect but the board and staff are working toward improving the process every day. Thanks again for all of your cooperation as we raise the bar a little higher on the overall appearance of Tapps Island and our amenities. P.S. Time to take down the lights and decorations from your house but thanks for sharing it with your neighbors throughout the holidays (yes, there is a rule). PAGE 2 T H E I S L AN DE R LAKESIDE GRILL HOURS TO CHANGE The Lakeside Grill is a very hopping spot in the summer months. During the winter months it is a completely different story. While we are open to the public, the primary purpose of the Lakeside Grill is to serve the residents of Tapps Island. Very few residents eat lunch in the Lakeside Grill from Monday through Thursday. We are going to change the hours of operation for the winter months to reduce the cost of operating when very few residents use the restaurant. Obviously we will evaluate the results and adjust if necessary. WINTER HOURS Dinner only will be served Monday thru Thursday. Open at 4:00 pm and serving until 8:30 pm. Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Serving breakfast, lunch and dinner - 8:00 am until 10:00 pm on Friday and Saturday. Sunday dinner will be served until 8:30 pm. The winter hours will run until May 1st. Beginning May 1st we go back on regular hours through the end of September. Summer hours will include breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. The Lakeside Grill will be open for lunch on Mondays when there is a Federal holiday and many residents are home using the restaurant and golf course. Should you have a private party or catering function and you wish to use the Lakeside Grill during the closed hours we can make arrangement to cater your private function. JANUARY 2014 Security Report 12/13/2013, 197th Ave., 4:30am, A resident reported they noticed someone had dumped trash all over his front yard. 12/17/2013, 34th St., 4:15pm A verbal warning was issued for parking a trailer on the fog line. Security asked them to move the trailer. 12/21/2013, 26th Ave, 9:30pm, A warning was issued to a resident when their dog left its yard and chased another resident. 12/23/2013, Island Pk Way, Numerous calls were received for a house alarm going off throughout the day. The resident was not at home but called their alarm company to get it repaired. A first offense warning was issued for noise nuisance. 12/27/2013, 200th, 204th, & 211th Aves., 11:30am, Warnings were issued for unsecured lids on a garbage cans. 12/28/2013, 199th Ave., 2:30pm, Trailer was parked on roadway shoulder. A 2nd offense fine was issued. W.O.W. Yard of the Month Winner for December “WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY?” If you were one of the hundreds of visitors to the Christmas light display in front of the Wolter’s home at 20704 Island Parkway E., you may know the possible answer to this mystery. The Wolter’s Family moved here from Nampa Idaho a little over three years ago and while renting their home here on the Island, Annalee finished her Bachelor degree in Nursing. Austin is the mastermind behind the phenomenal light show every year. He works really hard throughout the year collecting lights and building the electronic portion of the show. There are over 7,000 individual controlled elements and over 20,000 lights in the show! Austin has his degree in electronics…..IF you couldn’t guess! When not shopping for Christmas lights, the family finds time to enjoy camping, boating and enjoying the outdoors with their children, Austin and Kailey. The Wolter’s have enjoyed their life here on the Island and would like to thank the many friends and neighbors they have met, all the visitors to their light show, the food bank donations and the many kind words and support they have received over the past years. The Wolter’s will be moving their light show to a new location next year, to their new home they are looking to purchase. WHAT DO YOU SAY? I think we Islander’s would like to say Thank-you, good luck and it has been nice knowing you!!! We wish the Wolter’s the best in their next adventure. A OO OO OOO, WOO OO OO OOO! (As the Fox would say!) The Wolter’s will display the “coveted” W.O.W. Yard of the A BIG THANK YOU to all who donated to the Toys for Tots this year!!!! Bonney Lake Police are who handle the distribution and wanted to make a big shout-out of thanks! 100's of kids in our local schools benefited from your generosity! Thank you!!! WANTED HOME TO RENT Two adults/2 kids (ages 2 & 5), two cats, looking to rent on Tapps Island. Stable income, good credit, clean and respectful and non-smokers. Able to move anytime between now and the next few months. Call Chris at 206-850-3878. Month planter for the month of January until it moves on to the next deserving recipient…Maybe YOU! They will also receive a gift card to the restaurant. Congratulations to the Wolter Family! JANUARY 2014 T H E I S L AN DE R Tapps Island Association BOARD MEETING MINUTES December 19, 2013 The meeting was called to order by Sandy Shuman, President at 4:00 P.M. Roll Call/Attendance: Present: Sandy Shuman, Don Lisko, Shane Pitman, Perri Nieman, Ralph Mason, Owen Gladfelder and Jon Bial. Absent: Rich Kumar Also present-John Clark, General Manager Approval of Minutes: Don Lisko moved that the minutes of the Board meeting held on November 21, 2013 be approved. Ralph Mason seconded. Approved. Open Session: No residents attended. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Shane Pitman YTD ending November 30, 2013 we have a net loss of $69,957 compared to a net loss of $35,486 for the prior year. Our cash position as of November 30, 2013 was $329,448. Total in the Operating Account was -$6,293 and $335,741 in the Reserve Fund. The percentage of accounts receivable in the 90+ days is 24.7%, all of which are properties heading to foreclosure or abandoned. Liens are in place and collection will occur when the lenders take over the property. It is only 4 homes which account for the 24% delinquency. Legal action is underway for collections on all accounts over 90 days delinquent. Jon Bial moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report for November, subject to the annual audit. Owen Gladfelder seconded the motion. Motion passed. Report of the Finance Committee: The finance committee has met four times beginning in early November to review operating and reserve fund budgets for 2014. The reserve budget will be completed after the Reserve Consultants mandatory 3 year on site review report is completed which will be prior to the January board of trustees meeting. The finance committee recommends the board of trustees approve the proposed operating budget for 2014. Perri Nieman moved to approve the proposed operating budget for 2014. Ralph Mason seconded. Approved. PAGE 3 Lot 1-209 and Lot 1-010 have agreed that the parking will be used only for passenger vehicles and no vehicles are to be parked in the spaces exceeding 72 hours. No boats, RV’s, trailers or other non-passenger vehicles will be allowed to park in those spaces. Ralph Mason moved to approve the recommendation of the ACC to approve the variances. Don Lisko second. Approved. Two abstained. Landscape/Beautification Committee Report: Submitted by Sandy Shuman The yard of the month winner for the prior month was 2517 199th Ave Ct E. The home belongs to Dr. Vincent and Amy Ho and their family. Congratulations. Please participate in the W.O.W. Yard of the Month contest by sending your nomination to Sandy Shuman at shuboxsandy@hotmail.com by the end of the month. Compliance Committee: by Owen Gladfelder The compliance committee circulated an e-mail prior to the meeting with an update on all on going action by the compliance committee. Safety and Security Committee Report: Submitted by Perri Nieman The committee reminded all that New Year’s fireworks are not allowed on the island. Reminders will be put on the reader board and fines will be issued to violators. The committee will be conducting an emergency response training drill for board members on January 14, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. Compliance Committee Report: by Owen Gladfelder The compliance committee circulated an e-mail prior to the meeting with an update on all on going action by the compliance committee. Old Business: New Business: Motion: Owen Gladfelder motioned to adjourn to Committee of the Whole at 4:50 P.M. Shane Pitman seconded the motion. Motion passed. Motion: Don Lisko motioned to return to the regular Board meeting at 5:09 P.M. Jon Bial seconded the motion. Motion passed. ACC Committee Report: Submitted by Jon Bial Adjournment: Two lots have requested variance from parallel parking to the curb on the on street parking. Both lots have deep on street parking spaces which will allow parking perpendicular to the curb while maintaining well over one foot from any vehicle to the fog line or edge of the road. Don Lisko motioned to adjourn the meeting at 5:09P.M. Ralph Mason seconded the motion. Motion passed. Next meeting January 30, 2014 at 7:00 P.M. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS All Renovations & Construction, LLC General Contractor Licensed • Bonded • Insured ALLRERC897CD New Roofs / Re-Roofs / Tear Offs Composition Roofing 30-50 Yr Warranties Siding and Painting Experienced Kitchen Remodel Professional Bathroom Remodel Window Installation Courteous Decks Home Repairs Since 2001 Call Virgil for Free Estimates Tel: (253) 202-5305 Email: virgil@allrenovationsconstruction.com CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Don Magruder Painting Interior Walls & Ceilings Cabinets Doors Millwork Drywall Repairs FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION 31 Years experience Quality materials skillfully applied with an eye for detail 253.473.8876 855.550.3500 / rvessey@jetcityblinds.com WWW.JETCITYBLINDS.COM / jetcicb873m4 CALL FOR MORE INFO (253) 330-1529 AND A FREE BID ISLAND REFERENCES Licensed, Bonded, Insured DONMAMP893ND We will make your Home Lake Tapps, Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma Wood / Faux Blinds Roman and Woven Shades Shutters Silhouettes Awnings Drapery / Soft Treatments Outdoor Solar Screens Motorization Olson Piano Studio We are a small, family and friends business, and we treasure our relationship with our clients (and their pets, too!). Our goal is to make you and your home happy! Best Cleaning Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly, or Just Once, this is what we do Every Time KITCHEN: Countertops, Sinks Appliances Stove, movable parts Microwave, in & out Outside of Oven Refrigerators - Outside Window over Sink Floors washed Cabinets, wash & polish ROOMS: Furniture-dust & polish Light Fixtures dusted Mini-blinds dusted Windowsills dusted Baseboards dusted Mirrors polished Carpets vacuumed Floors-wash & clean Doors washed BATHROOMS: Basins, Tubs, Tile Showers Tracks & Doors Vanity Tops Toilets Floors & Doors washed Mirrors polished Metal fixtures For Free Estimate Please Call or Leave a Message: 253-887-1235 bestcleaning2004@hotmail.com We respect your privacy and we COST LESS than the Chain Cleaning Companies! A fun filled studio for all ages Recreational Music Making for adults Computer interactive music theory Many opportunities to perform Spacious studio with two grands Nationally certified teacher of piano Phone: 253.891.1299 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Claudia’s Cleaning Service Come home to a clean house! New Clients receive a complimentary designer hair cut with your color service! Call today or book online! Claudia Guzman clausclean@gmail.com Experienced References Free Estimate Call me today! 253 253--826 826--3965 1202 Main St Suite 102 Sumner WA 98390 www.themainstsalon.com 253-250-6062 Lake Tapps 21108 State Route 410 East Bonney Lake, WA 98391 Cell (253) 468-3974 Fax (253) 648-6144 Office (253) 863-4406 laurim@johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com.laurim NORTHCI148BG 1 800 FLOHAWK FloHawks Plumbing + Septic A division of Northwest Cascade, Inc. Some offices are independently owned and operated. Ken Wynne Steve Redford Owner Cell: 253/606-1115 Key Account Customer Rep. P.O. BOX 73399 - PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 98373 Ph. 206-418-8733 253-686-1380 1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy E Ste 104-271 Auburn, WA 98092-8157 WA Contractor #ACCENTS908N6 Fax: 253-863-6597 Serving South King and Pierce Co. 825-5580 / 845-FAST (845-3278) 862-1227 www.frontierseptic.com T.A.P.P.S. PAINTING Call for Specials! Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Owner, Darren Painter 224-4532 TappsPainting@comcast.net #TAPPSP*100JR Puyallup: 253/848-2371 Email: SteveR@nwcascade.com Toll Free: 800/356-4295 Fax: 253/848-2399 253 253--862 862--6641 Bar Bingo Sat., Jan. 25th For Sunday night 7pm, In the Lounge It’s a BLAST! meal specials Play FREE with purchase of two cocktails or soft drink & appetizer. on the sandwich board in front of clubhouse. *Seats are limited so come early* WINTER RESTAURANT HOURS Mon. - Thurs Fri. & Sat 4:00pm - 8:30pm 8:00am - 10:00pm Sunday 8:00 am - 8:30 pm TAPPS ISLAND ASSOCIATION 20818 Island Park Way E. Lake Tapps, WA 98391 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUMNER, WA PERMIT #103 ECWSS Postal Customer Route #7 Lake Tapps, WA 98391
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