Tapps Island Association
Tapps Island Association
Ta p p s I s l a n d A s s o c i a t i o n SEPTEMBER 2013 Next Board of Trustees Meeting September 26th 7:00 pm In the Clubroom Tapps Island Phone Numbers General Manager: John Clark: 862-6616 Association Office: 862-6616 Association Fax: 862-3310 Association E-Mail Address: office@tappsisland.net Association Web Site: www.tappsisland.net Golf Course Web Site: www.tappsislandgolf.com Pro Shop: 253-862-7011 Restaurant: 253-862-6641 Security: 253-370-0658 Mighty Islanders Website: www.mightyislanders.org News & Advertisements you’d like published email to: office@tappsisland.net The “Islander” is published monthly by the Tapps Island Association, and does not warrant or endorse any product or service advertised herein. 20818 Island Parkway East, Lake Tapps, WA 98391 Tapps Island Adventure Race The Tapps Island Adventure Race was a great success and a lot of fun. There were about 50 participants, including some wonderful volunteers. All of the runners were amazing! Over half of the participants were kids, which was awesome. For those that could not participate, we hope that you can join us for the next race on Saturday, September 28th at 12:30 PM. We have to start races a little later than we like until November due to the Mighty Islanders use of the outer island. We would love as many of them to participate as would like to. Races will be held weekly for 12 weeks. Please see the website for the schedule and weekly themes. We learned some things in putting on our first race, like have water at the finish line. My apologies to all the runners who may have expected that. We are working on improvements and are open to suggestions. The first race raised $315 that will go toward projects on the island. Our goal for this race series is to raise $2,500 to go toward island projects. Hopefully the race was of minimal impact to all of the island residents. Our aim is to help enhance the sense of community and encourage a healthy lifestyle. Volunteers are welcome as these are a lot of work to put on. Please call or text me if you would like to participate. Sincerely, Jason Hamlin (425-691-0175). Here are the race results: Kids Race Results By Age Name Paxson Hamlin Jillian Peterson Sawyer Hamlin Katie Eskridge Levi DiCugno Sydney Priebe Hayden Morrison Breya Morrison Kylie Sarysz Sydney Morrison Anna DiCugno Kyndal Tuntland Tavon Hamlin Grant Garrison Kaleb Eskridge Keegan Priebe M/F Age Time M 4 22:10 F 6 23:00 M 7 18:00 F 7 18:50 M 7 19:30 F 7 24:13 M 8 16:10 F 8 18:30 F 8 19:06 F 8 20:45 F 8 21:00 F 8 21:30 M 9 22:00 M 10 14:50 M 10 14:55 M 11 19:06 Mid Distance Race Results Name Time Name Lauren Hanbidge 35:15 Sarah DiCugno Alex Oseland 35:15 Gracie Classon Eric Priebe 36:41 Kyle Stocker Claire DiCugno 44:45 Steve Evans Time 44:45 46:24 46:26 48:32 Kids Race Results Overall Name Time Grant Garrison 14:50 Kaleb Eskridge 14:55 Hayden Morrison 16:10 Sawyer Hamlin 18:00 Breya Morrison 18:30 Katie Eskridge 18:50 Kylie Sarysz 19:06 Keegan Priebe 19:06 Levi DiCugno 19:30 Sydney Morrison 20:45 Anna DiCugno 21:00 Kendall Tuntland 21:30 Tavon Hamlin 22:00 Paxson Hamlin 22:10 Jillian Peterson 23:00 Sydney Priebe 24:13 Long Distance Race Results Name Time Eric Priebe 50:05 Luke Sarysz 50:06 Matthew Dickson 55:55 Jen Priebe 57:03 See more race information on page 5 PAGE 2 T H E I S L AN DE R SEPTEMBER 2013 COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE Focus On Roaming Dogs One of the most frequent complaints from homeowners is dogs roaming the island. Most pet owners are good neighbors and maintain their pets within their lots and have them under their control when off their lot as required. There are some on the island who let their dogs roam throughout the golf course, island streets and their neighbor’s yards, which is forbidden both in the Protective Covenants and the rules set down by the Tapps Island Trustees. The Protective Covenants state: “Dogs shall be restricted to their owner’s lot and shall not roam free.” It further states: “When off their owner’s lot dogs shall be under the direct control of their owner who shall be responsible to prevent the dog from creating a nuisance or endangering other people or pets.” The Protective Covenants have been in place since the founding of this HOA. They are almost impossible to change and thus there is no variance offered. Animal Control, Rule VIII explains how the Tapps Island Board will enforce this covenant. It describes the impound fine for impounded dogs as well as the process, including fine, for dogs unrestrained, roaming at large. This rule has been around for a very long time as well, but the level of enforcement has not diminished the problem. The Compliance Committee plans to bring more attention to this issue. The Tapps Island Compliance Committee is up and running. If you have any issues or complaints about rules that are not being adhered to, please send an email to compliancecommittee@tappsisland. net! Your identity will be held in confidence by the committee members unless your permission has otherwise been obtained. We will follow up on each complaint and give you a response or request for more information. Rules should apply equally to all members of the HOA and rules that are not to be enforced should be removed. W.O.W. Yard of the Month - August Almost as impressive as THE White House in Washington DC is the White house located on 3025 196th Ave. CT E. This beautiful home majestically sprawls upon two waterfront lots with beautiful views of the golf course, and is the peaceful home of Alan and Erika White. Alan bought here on the Island 15 years ago and Erika followed afterwards as his new bride. The White's have always enjoyed water sports as a couple. They have friends that live on Banker's Island and had spent many days with them enjoying jet skiing and playing on the water. So, when the time was right and they were tired of the West Seattle traffic and the hustle and bustle there, they started looking around on Lake Tapps to find a quiet waterfront home to purchase. They soon found that perfect place (or that perfect lot). Then, after realizing how much they loved the lot and the location, they purchased the house and lot next door and soon the two houses and lots became one. They had their new home and yard professionally landscaped with tiered landscaping and a beautiful waterfall. After the initial design was implemented, now Alan and Erica do all their own mowing, trimming and yard work. Alan and Erica love their calm canal. They enjoy relaxing with their view of the water and watching the golfers golf as well. They enjoy entertaining their friends and playing a few games of bowling in their own personal bowling alley in their home. Alan has two grown children, and is the owner of LaserFab where metal parts are cut by the millions. He is retired, but is still plenty involved in the business. Congratulations to the Whites for being voted W.O.W. Yard of the Month for August. The White's will receive a $25 gift card to the Restaurant and display the "coveted" W.O.W. Yard of the Month planter until it moves onto the next deserving recipient.... Maybe YOU! Please participate in the W.O.W. Yard of the Month contest by casting your vote for the yard that wow's you the most. E-mail your vote to Sandy Shuman at shuboxsandy@hotmail.com by the 25th of the month. SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE 3 T H E I S L AN DE R AED onsite in Clubroom FOR RENT: House for rent, three bed, two bath. Please call 862-7226 MATH TUTOR: Looking for math tutor for 9th & 11th grade students. High school student OK. Please call 253-221-0512. Automated External Defibrillator, or AED for short, can save a life. Tapps Island Association wants to remind everyone that we do have an AED located in the Clubroom. Nearly all security staff and most of our full-time staff are Red Cross certified and trained in the use of the AED. Response time to a recent incident on the island for a first responder was 10 minutes. The minutes saved could be a life. BOATS AND TRAILERS COMING OUT FOR THE SEASON Pool Closing REMINDER-Boats and trailers are not to be parked in the right of way or Tapps Island easements. They must be parked in your garage, drive way or off premise. Many of you will be taking boats out of the water for the season and putting them into the shop for service. If you are going to have to leave the boat in the on street parking please notify security beforehand and let them know when the boat will be moved. NEW COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE One of the constant feedbacks we get from the community is residents want us to enforce the rules everyone agreed to when they moved to Tapps Island. Enforcement of the rules is also one of the most likely areas of conflict between residents, staff and the board. The board has taken the approach of first reminding the community of what areas are of concern. We use The Islander and reader board to communicate issues such as side road parking and other issues we are addressing. We have a warning, fine, additional fine procedure which gives staff the ability to take corrective action on violations of the rules and regulations. We have an architectural control committee and safety and security committee to hear appeals or take action when appropriate. The process works most of the time but has flaws from time to time. Sometimes residents don’t feel like they are being heard when a problem isn’t addressed. An example is someone calling about a neighbor’s dog running lose all the time and nothing seems to change. They don’t want to run the risk of bad relations with the neighbor but they also aren’t happy because they shouldn’t have to deal with it in a community where the rules say you don’t let your dog run lose on the golf course or in your neighbor’s yard. This is The pool will remain open after Labor Day as long as the weather remains good. Lifeguards will be on duty after school and on the weekends through September 8th from 3:00-8:00 PM. We will have no lifeguards on duty after September 8th. Pool is projected to close for the season at the end of September just one of many examples where residents should have an outlet to express their concerns with anonymity, if desired. The purpose of this new committee is to better serve the community and improve compliance with reduced conflict. Here’s how it will work. We set up and start with, a well published email account compliancecommittee@tappsisland.net for residents to send complaints and perceived violations. A clearing house for ongoing violations and an informal dialog forum to only discuss those potential violations. This is not for immediate action items. Those still need to be addressed by security or staff. The violations will be investigated and corroborated. The residents not in compliance will be informed of their noncompliance and encouraged to change their practices. (There are four alternatives: change, apply to the Board for a variance, ask the Board for a rule change, or go to the next step of warning/fine.) This a precursor to any warning sent by the HOA. An education process if you will. Residents will have a place to vent and have a more easily accessible method to bring problems to the attention of this Committee and ultimately the Board. The Committee can discuss recommendations to the (Continued on page 4) T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 4 SEPTEMBER 2013 driveway. Security blocked them from leaving. As the vehicle attempted to back out, they caused damage to some shrubbery. Security obtained the identities of the young driver and his passenger, and informed the homeowner of the damage. Security Report 8/7/2013, 208th Ave, 1:00pm, First offense warning was issued for boat parked in Association right-of-way. 8/7/2013, 211th Ave, 9:30pm, It was reported to Security that an elderly resident was attacked and knocked down by a neighbor’s dog. Animal control was contacted by the resident. 8/8/2013, 204th Ave., 12:40pm, First offense warning was issued for boat parked in Association right-of-way. this behavior was prohibited and they would be banned from the course if there were any future infractions. 8/16/2013, 196th Ave, 11:56pm, Security observed a vehicle speeding. They followed the vehicle, which pulled into a 8/9/2013, 211th Ave., 11:50am, First offense warning was issued for boat parked in Association right-of-way. 8/11/2013, First Green, 5:50pm, nonresident golfers were observed throwing garbage and the cart’s weather shield out of their cart onto the course. Security informed them MILESTONES Recognition Happy 7th Birthday Roman! Happy 5th Birthday Anghus! (Continued from page 3) Board for any rule changes that may be needed. We need more eyes and ears. That is where the residents come in, but they need a central clearing house for complaints and their complaints should not fall on deaf ears. The Committee will follow up on all perceived violations. We hope this improves communication and ultimately compliance with the rules and regulations in a less confrontational manner. The Board of Trustees 9/1/2013, Clubhouse Parking Lot, 5:10pm, A non-resident accidentally backed into another vehicle. The Sheriff was called and arrested the driver for DUI. The above incidents reported are just a representation of the actual number of reports filed. MJB Guild’s Downtown Seattle Bus Trip Saturday, November 9 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Back by popular demand! (Proceeds benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital) $60 includes bus trip, continental breakfast & coffee on way up with wine appetizers on the way home. Fantastic Raffle Baskets to bid on! A fun stop-off at SLATE on way home for more refreshments & special promotions! (Shuttles provided for guests wishing to get home directly.) Interested in being a sponsor or contributing to the raffle? Call Lauri McLeod at 253-468-3974. Tickets: Call Paula Mitchell at 253-862-8092 SEPTEMBER 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 5 Tapps Island Adventure Races An adventure race for the whole family. Come join us for Island-run races designed for the readerboard at the island entrance. Your support of this entire family. race helps us improve our community. When and Where: The schedule of courses is listed What to wear: Wear running shoes you don’t mind below. Please show up early so we can begin the races on getting wet, running shorts and a t-shirt. time and not have big lines at the last minute for The course: There are three different courses. One registration. for kids that is about a mile long. A medium level race How to Register: We encourage you to register in that will be about 2.5 miles long. Also a longer race for advance by calling or stopping by the Tapps Island Office. racers wanting more of a challenge that will be about Credit cards can only be processed in advance through the 4.5 miles long. office. The Tapps Island Association phone number is 253Volunteers: We will need several volunteers. If you 862-6616. SIGN-UP FORMS & COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ARE are interested, please let me know. We could use your AVAILABLE ON THE WEBSITE: www.tappsisland.net. help. Cost: The racing fee is $5 per child, $10 per adult, or Questions: If you have any questions, please $20 for a family. There will be 10 total races through the contact Jason Hamlin at 425-691-0175 or end of the year. You may pay for an *Family Pass for all Jason.Hamlin@ubs.com. races: $60 for an adult or $120 for a family. * Family Pass includes immediate family members only (2 generaUse of proceeds: While there will be some small tions only - parents and their children). expenses to put on the race, all proceeds will be donated to **Parents/adults escorting their children in the race are expected to pay the entry fee. a fund to update the weight room and to replace the T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 6 SEPTEMBER 2013 253-862-7011 Tapps Island Senior Men's Club The club welcomes new members 50 and up to play on Tuesday mornings. While the club just completed the two week Club Championship Tournament there is still plenty of golf to play for this year. The group tees off every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am and will continue with weekly events through the end of October. Anyone interested in joining the group can either show up at 8:00 am on Tuesday mornings or contact Keith Gamble at 253-222-8150 for more information. Senior Club Championship Winners 36 Holes Low Gross (Club Champion) Dave Joyce 162 Low Net Art Daniels 129 The ARHS Boy’s Golf Team Thanks You For Your Support! Thanks to all our sponsors, donors, golfers and volunteers who made the ARHS Boy’s Golf fundraiser a HUGE success! We raised over $3,000 for the golf team. A Special Thanks to Shuttle Express. We hope to see you all again next year! Ladies’ Golf Club League Play Results for 8/1 Yellow flag throw out 2 worst hole 16 players @ $5 = $80 1st Gross S. Sheythe $18 2nd Gross J. Holden $15 1st Net J. Bond $18 2nd Net K. Mannelly $15 3rd Net J. Jarvis $14 Results 8/8 Blind Draw 6 Holes (1,2,4,6,8,9) Red Flag 13 players @ $5 =$65 1st Gross J. Knox $18 1st Net R. Thornhill $18 2nd Net E. Wofford $16 3rd Net K. Dennis $13 Tournaments 8/18 Triple Play 1st Place: Sue Sheythe and Karen Schroetke, $85 each 2nd Place: Jackie Knox and R.Thornhill, $60 each 3rd Place: Sally Kramer and E. Harschfeld, $50 each Results 8/15 1st Net Tie: Kramer, Tuttle $16 each 2nd Net: Petrowitch $14 3rd Net: Jarvis $13 4th Net: Holder $11 Upcoming Tournaments: Ladies Club Championship September 7th SEPTEMBER 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R Tapps Island Association BOARD MEETING MINUTES August 22, 2013 The meeting was called to order by Sandy Shuman, President at 7:00 P.M. Roll Call/Attendance: Present: Sandy Shuman, Don Lisko, Shane Pitman, Perri Nieman, Ralph Mason, Jon Bial, Owen Gladfelder Absent: Rich Kumar Also present-John Clark, General Manager Approval of Minutes: Ralph Mason moved that the minutes of the Board meeting held on July 25, 2013 be approved. Owen Gladfelder seconded. Approved. Open Session: Two residents attended. A resident requested the board consider allowing him to park his boat on the street. The board asked him to formalize his request in the form of a variance and forward it to the general manager. The board will review the request once it is submitted in writing. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Shane Pitman YTD ending July 31, 2013 we have a net loss of $17,326 compared to a net loss of $17,248 for the prior year. Our cash position as of July 31, 2013 was $340,997. Total in the Operating Account was $37,641 and $303,356 in the Reserve Fund. The percentage of accounts receivable in the 90+ days is 18.9%, all of which are properties heading to foreclosure or abandoned. Liens are in place and collection will occur when the lenders take over the property. Legal action is underway for collections on all accounts over 90 days delinquent. Jon Bial moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report for June, subject to the annual audit. Owen Gladfelder seconded the motion. Motion passed. Special Committee Appointment: Sandy Shuman moved to appoint a Special Committee to tabulate election ballots and the annual survey. The committee is to be made up of the President, Secretary, Treasurer and General Manager for the association. Shane Pitman seconded the motion. Motion passed. Proposed Changes to By-Laws: Owen Gladfelder Owen Gladfelder moved to go into committee of the whole to discuss seven proposed by-laws changes. Don Lisko seconded. Approved. The committee discussed purpose of the changes, language and benefits to each of the proposed changes. The proposals will be amended to final language and circulated to board members for final consideration. Any recommended changes will be circulated to the members with election ballots and surveys in October. Owen Gladfelder moved to return to the regular board meeting. Ralph Mason seconded. Motion approved. General Manager’s Report: John Clark, General Manager Water system: Discussed mechanical systems after PAGE 7 operating the filtration and corrosion control system for 3 years. Suggestions for what parts may need to be upgraded, improved ventilation to protect equipment and requested a SCADA system be considered for the 2014 reserve fund budget to allow improved real time monitoring of critical points in the system. Steve Lovelace and John Leslie will be attending exam review for renewal of their Water Distribution Manager certification required by the State Department of Health on August 27-29. They will both also have to complete a review and testing before the end of the year for Plant Treatment Operator certification. The Department of Health only required the Water Distribution Manager until we upgraded the water system. They now require the WDM and Plant Treatment Operator due to the facilities we operate. We will be starting the back flow survey to homeowners very soon. Surveys will be included in bills and all residents will need to return them for our compliance with Department of Health. We will also include the septic inspection letters in those surveys. Lakeside Grill operations: The Lakeside Grill continues to have a very strong summer. Several catering events and golf events have added to a very busy summer. Golf Course Operations: Junior camp was a success with participation up substantially over last year. Collections on Delinquent Properties. Judgment in favor of TIA was issued on one of the largest delinquencies and garnishment has been served which will allow the association to be paid. Centurylink Fiber Optic Project: They are done digging in our streets and have completed the fiber optic connection to the island. Their contractor is working with the association to repair all road work to the condition it was in before they started work. Side Street striping: Side street striping is complete. Island Park Way will be scheduled for next spring. ACC Committee Report: Submitted by Jon Bial The committee reported on homes in violations, letter written and responses or failure to respond. There has been some increase in the yard violations with the dryer weather some residents are not watering or mowing. Not mowing results in weeds popping up in dead yards. A few residences have been issued violations for excess weeds. Ditches and side yards also are getting attention from the ACC. Overall, the committee believes the compliance is improved but will continue efforts to review all island properties monthly and direct the general manager to take appropriate action. Golf Committee: Submitted by Shane Pitman PAGE 8 T H E I S L AN DE R The golf committee met in August with representatives of the seniors, men’s and ladies clubs present as well as John Clark, John Leslie and Shane Pitman, golf committee chairman. The committee discussed the dress code. Chambers Bay is the only public golf course in the area which requires collared shirts. We do not allow tank tops, torn up shirts or shorts or other inappropriate attire. If residents observe someone in attire that is forbidden they may call the pro shop or security and they will fix the problem. Speed of play will continue to be our hot button issue. We will use more course marshals and provide material for visitors on our rules for speed of play. John Leslie will work with the Auburn Riverside Golf Coaching Staff on etiquette and speed of play now that the golf tryouts are underway. Overall the clubs reported the course is in really good shape. Aeration of greens will take place in early September. Landscape/Beautification Committee Report: Submitted by Sandy Shuman The landscape committee took the month of August off. They did ask their members to forward any landscape or beautification concerns they may have. The yard of the month was awarded to Steve and Erin Ford of 2826 199th. Congratulations. Our next meeting will be held on Sept. 16th at 1pm in the clubroom. Safety and Security Committee Report: Submitted by Perri Nieman The committee did not have a meeting in August. They will continue to monitor and improve parking violations and other safety concerns. Compliance Committee Report: Submitted by Owen Gladfelder The committee met this month to set up guidelines for how the committee will operate. The chair did a drive around the island to see what types of issues security staff is observing when on patrol. The committee will be working on “hot button” issues and improving overall compliance. One area of on-going concern that never seems to improve is roaming dogs. We have a policy which states dogs will be impounded and the owners charged a fee of $75.00. Security continues to release dogs to owners with no consequences. The committee will be making the roaming dog issue a major push to improve compliance. The Islander will have a section each month where the committee will be able to educate residents on a problem and ask for their assistance in correcting the problem. The article may also include results of efforts to improve compliance in a noted area. Committee members are available to ride with security or assist them in identifying situations. Frequently it becomes the word of security against a homeowner on a violation. This way a third party can verify if a violation has occurred. SEPTEMBER 2013 Old Business: None New Business: Jon Bial requested that the board look into reasonable limits on the number of pets allowed in a household. The issue was assigned to the compliance committee for review. Executive Session: Don Lisko moved to adjourn to executive session at 9:49 PM to review a request for documents from a resident. Shane Pitman seconded. Motion passed. Don Lisko moved to return to the regular board meeting at 10:15 PM. Jon Bial seconded the motion. Motion passed. Adjournment: Owen Gladfelder moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:17 PM. Ralph Mason seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned. The next Board of Trustees meeting will be September 26, 2013 at 7:00 PM. BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. September 26, 2013, 7:00 p.m. AGENDA Roll Call Approval - Last Meeting’s Minutes Open Session General Manager’s Report Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business Executive Session Adjournment BOARD MEMBERS & OFFICES: Sandy Shuman, President 862-4085 Don Lisko, Vice President 891-8593 Shane Pitman, Treasurer 209-0238 Jon Bial, Secretary 862-7416 Owen Gladfelder 862-4900 Ralph Mason, Trustee 862-7418 Perri Nieman, Trustee 862-0986 Rich Kumar, Trustee 891-3040 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS We appreciate all our advertisers who help support this publication. Please support our advertisers by seeking their services. If you would like to advertise, please contact our office at 253-862-6616. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS All Renovations & Construction, LLC General Contractor Licensed • Bonded • Insured ALLRERC897CD New Roofs / Re-Roofs / Tear Offs Composition Roofing 30-50 Yr Warranties Siding and Painting Experienced Kitchen Remodel Professional Bathroom Remodel Window Installation Courteous Decks Home Repairs Since 2001 Call Virgil for Free Estimates Tel: (253) 202-5305 Email: virgil@allrenovationsconstruction.com CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Best Cleaning Are you looking for someone who can take care of your home? Are you coming back from work in the evening, have other things to do, or just hate housecleaning? Or maybe your present housekeepers are doing a lousy job? We Will Make Your Home Crystal Clean! We are a Small, Family & Friends Business, and We Really Treasure Our Relationship With Our Clients, and Their Pets Too. Our Goal is to Make You and Your Home Happy! We Respect Your Privacy and We Cost Less Than Chain Cleaning Companies. Experience in Europe and America Weekly KITCHEN: Countertops, Sinks Appliances Stove: Movable Parts Microwave: In & Out Outside of Oven Refrigerators: Outside Window over Sink Floor: Washed Bi-Weekly What We Do Every Time: ROOMS: Furniture: Dusted & Polished Light Fixtures: Dusted Mini-Blinds: Dusted Windowsills: Dusted Baseboards: Dusted Mirrors: Polished Carpets: Vacuumed Floors: Washed & Cleaned Monthly Just One Time BATHROOMS: Basins, Tubs, Tile Showers Tracks & Doors Vanity Tops Toilets Mirrors Metal Fixtures Floors For Free Estimate Please Call or Leave a Message: (253) 887-1235 Licensed, Bonded, Insured, Excellent References CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Don Magruder Olson Piano Studio Painting HOUSES / DECKS / DOCKS ROOMS / FENCES / SHEDS AND MORE 31 Years experience Quality materials skillfully applied CALL FOR MORE INFO (253) 330-1529 A fun filled studio for all ages AND A FREE BID Recreational Music Making for adults Computer interactive music theory Many opportunities to perform Spacious studio with two grands Nationally certified teacher of piano ISLAND REFERENCES Licensed, Bonded, Insured DONMAMP893ND Phone: 253.891.1299 Lawn Maintenance Weeding Bark Trimming Pruning Sod Patio Retaining Walls Rockeries Hedges Yard Clean up FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION 253.473.8876 855.550.3500 / rvessey@jetcityblinds.com WWW.JETCITYBLINDS.COM / jetcicb873m4 Lake Tapps, Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma Wood / Faux Blinds Roman and Woven Shades Shutters Silhouettes Awnings Drapery / Soft Treatments Outdoor Solar Screens Motorization CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS T.A.P.P.S. PAINTING Call for Summer Specials! Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Owner, Darren Painter 224-4532 TappsPainting@comcast.net #TAPPSP*100JR Serving South King and Pierce Co. 825-5580 / 845-FAST (845-3278) 862-1227 Ken Wynne www.frontierseptic.com Owner Ph. 206-418-8733 253-686-1380 1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy E Ste 104-271 Auburn, WA 98092-8157 WA Contractor #ACCENTS908N6 Fax: 253-863-6597 Email: cutmytree@evergreenmm.com Lake Tapps 21108 State Route 410 East Bonney Lake, WA 98391 Cell (253) 468-3974 Fax (253) 648-6144 Office (253) 863-4406 laurim@johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com.laurim Some offices are independently owned and operated. We also do window cleaning and power washing CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Main Street Salon New Clients receive a complimentary designer hair cut with your color service! Call today or book online! 1202 Main St Suite 102 Sumner Wa 98390 Sam Suznevich Branch Manager T 253.863.1113 C 253.569.2493 F 253.863.0110 253-826-3965 www.themainstsalon.com ssuznevich@eaglehomemortgage.com NMLS#182657 / CL-370853 614 Harrison St. Sumner, WA 98390 NORTHCI148BG 1 800 FLOHAWK FloHawks Plumbing + Septic A division of Northwest Cascade, Inc. Steve Redford Key Account Customer Rep. Cell: 253/606-1115 Puyallup: 253/848-2371 Email: SteveR@nwcascade.com Toll Free: 800/356-4295 Fax: 253/848-2399 P.O. BOX 73399 - PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 98373 Del Ava il 862 862--6641 ive ry Fri. & S able on at. $5 5pm Del iver -9pm y Ch arg e Must present coupon to receive discount. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Expires 9/30/2013 NEW WINTER RESTAURANT HOURS Fri. & Sat. 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Mon. & Tue 11:00 am - 7:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm Wed. & Thurs. 11:00 am - 9:00 pm TAPPS ISLAND ASSOCIATION 20818 Island Park Way E. Lake Tapps, WA 98391 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUMNER, WA PERMIT #103 ECWSS Postal Customer Route #7 Lake Tapps, WA 98391
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