Tapps Island Association
Tapps Island Association
Ta p p s I s l a n d A s s o c i a t i o n APRIL 2013 Next Board of Trustees Meeting April 25th 7:00 pm In the Clubroom Tapps Island Phone Numbers General Manager: John Clark: 862-6616 Association Office: 862-6616 Association Fax: 862-3310 Association E-Mail Address: office@tappsisland.net Association Web Site: www.tappsisland.net Golf Course Web Site: www.tappsislandgolf.com Pro Shop: 253-862-7011 Restaurant: 253-862-6641 Security: 253-370-0658 Mighty Islanders Website: www.mightyislanders.org News & Advertisements you’d like published email to: office@tappsisland.net The “Islander” is published monthly by the Tapps Island Association, and does not warrant or endorse any product or service advertised herein. 20818 Island Parkway East, Lake Tapps, WA 98391 Nice weather increases vandalism incidents As we approach summer and warmer weather it seems the outdoor activity increases incidents of vandalism and property damage. This month we had someone drive a vehicle on the 5th fairway causing damage by doing doughnuts on the wet turf. The security staff was determined to find the individual(s) responsible, and they did. The vehicle was located in front of a residence with turf from the fairway all over the vehicle. The tire treads matched those in the fairway. The vehicle belongs to the homeowner where it was parked. Property damage is a crime and; therefore, Pierce County Sheriffs were called. They interviewed the homeowner and created a case number. The homeowner was issued a $1,000 fine by Tapps Island Association. In addition, the homeowner will also have to pay for the repair cost of the damages. The child of the homeowner is banned from all Tapps Island common areas for a period of one year. Don’t let this happen in your house. Parents, please remind children that there are serious consequences for vandalism and property damage. Rule II from the rules and regulations makes the homeowner responsible for the acts of their children and guests. Rule II: Revised June 16, 2009 The Tapps Island Association imposes the following separate penalty process applicable specifically and exclusively to criminal and/or intentional and malicious acts of vandalism and/or theft of common and/or private properties. Said fines and/or penalties apply to all island residents and their guests. (Continued on page 2) PAGE 2 T H E I S L AN DE R Seattle Children's Mary Judson Brannon Guild Fundraiser ANNUAL HANGING BASKET & WINDMILL GIFT CARD SALE! APRIL 2013 (Vandalism, Cont. from page 1) The Children's Hospital annual plant sale is just in time to meet all your summer needs. A huge selection of Windmill designed hanging baskets will be available entirely by pre-sale. The price is again just $30 for your choice of sun or shade varieties. Orders will be accepted until May 17th for a May 22nd Island pickup. Place your order now with Paula Mitchell at 253-862-8092 or your favorite MJB Guild member. Also available for purchase are Windmill Gardens gift cards in $25 or $50 increments. Gift cards make a wonderful easy gift for Mother's Day, as a special thank you or to take care of your own yard needs. Gift cards are available for purchase through May 22nd. Contact Karen Dean at 253-939-5876 or any of the MJB Guild members to purchase. Remember, all proceeds go to uncompensated care for the kids at Children's Hospital. Whether you purchase hanging baskets or gift cards, know you’re supporting a wonderful cause! A. Full restitution for any and all damages or loss of common property shall be made by the individual(s) responsible for the act within a reasonable period of time, both of which are to be determined by the General Manager. The General Manager will work in conjunction with the victimized resident to determine damages to or loss of private property. B. Fine amounts are held separate from restitution and for the current offense are to be determined at the discretion of the General Manager within a range no less than $500.00 and no greater than $1,000.00. C. Island residents and/or parent (s) of minor children may be cited and held liable for an offense committed by his/her guest(s) or child or children. W.O.W. Yard of the Month Winner for March A nice little chat with Mike and Teresa Proszek of 2411 199th Ave. Ct. E. is about all one might need to replace the Prozac from the medicine cabinet. This fun, happy couple chose Tapps Island to be their home 14 years ago. They decided they needed a “lifestyle” change. The Proszeks previously lived on five acres bordering Renton and Issaquah. There, they enjoyed raising horses with the company of their dogs and plenty of room to roam. After the horses started getting older (and Mike claims he did too), they became tired of cleaning out the horse stables and taking care of such a large parcel of land. After a recommendation from people Mike worked with to come check out Tapps Island, they came for a visit and decided that this was just the right “lifestyle” change they were looking for! The Proszeks were very attracted to the lake, the water sports and fishing that accompany living on the lake. But what they found was even more than they dreamed of. They love the country club amenities… the golf course and the safe, friendly community! Teresa recently retired from her flight attendant position with Alaska and Mike still immerses himself in his work at Sunset Cars in Auburn, the used car business he started in 1979. We Islanders find it a big blessing that the Proszeks decided to make a “lifestyle” change and move here to Tapps Island! Congratulations to the Proszeks for being voted W.O.W. Yard of the Month winner for the month of March. They will display the “coveted” Yard of the Month planter for the month of April until it moves onto the next deserving recipient, maybe YOU! They will also receive a gift card to the restaurant. Please participate in the W.O.W. Yard of the Month contest by casting your vote for the yard that wow’s you the most. Please email your vote to Sandy Shuman at shuboxsandy@hotmail.com by the end of the month. APRIL 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 3 Tapps Island Community Earth Day Island Beautification Event Saturday April 27th, 2013 9 am – Noon Join with your neighbors and participate in a fun day of beautifying the Island Projects you could help with include: •Cleaning up and beautifying Tapps Island common areas •Your own neighborhood improvements Meet at the Clubhouse @ 9:00 am with your gloves and gardening tools. Refreshments will be provided Questions? Contact Sandy Shuman at shuboxsandy@hotmail.com or John Clark at gm@tappsisland.net ‘IN-BASKET’ QUESTION: Q: When is it OK to be on the golf course? After all we do live in a golf course community. A: Rule VII of the Homeowners Association rules states, “The Clubhouse facilities and Golf Course have posted rules and hours of operation. In addition, only individuals authorized for active play are allowed on the golf course.” The golf course is an active firing range of golf balls. The golf course is not a dog park. (At least clean up after it if you do sneak on). Cart paths on the golf course are not jogging or walking trails. The fairway and green behind your house are not your personal pitch and putt practice facility. ALL GOLFERS MUST CHECK IN WITH THE PRO SHOP JUST LIKE THEY DO ON EVERY OTHER GOLF COURSE. Thanks for your cooperation. Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Emergency Power Generators One of the most valued pieces of equipment for most homeowners is their generator. Whether a portable or a permanently installed unit, generators are there for you when you need them most, in times of power outages. If you already have a generator, please remember to follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule to ensure that it will run whenever you need it. If you don’t have a generator, seriously consider purchasing either a portable or a permanently installed standby unit for your home. A standby, or stationary, generator is used for residential purposes, and will begin to work within moments of a power outage. You don't have to worry about stepping outside to start a home generator, since it is automatic and remains connected to the home's main power source at all times. A portable generator is also a good choice. Typically, your portable generator will need to be started manually. You should ensure that your standby generator is stored properly, either by storing in a protected area or by using a permanent housing. Be careful not to run your portable generator near doors or windows, however, since they do produce carbon monoxide gas. T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 4 APRIL 2013 253-862-7011 The Rules of Golf: Changes introduced in the 2012 Code. Rule 18-2b. Ball Moving After Address. A new exception is added that exonerates the player from penalty if his or her ball moves after it has been addressed when it is known or virtually certain that the player did not cause the ball to move. For example, if it is a gust of wind that moves the ball after it has been addressed there is not penalty and the ball is played from the NEW position. Summer Monthly passes are on sale now. Valid May 1st through September 30th. Residents Non Residents Single $125.00 $150.00 Couple $160.00 $195.00 Family- *(3) $195.00 $210.00 Senior Single $115.00 $125.00 Senior Couple $130.00 $165.00 Junior (Under 21) $100.00 $125.00 Fees must be paid one month in advance by the 1st day of the month. We can set up for a monthly credit or debit charge on the first of the month. Residents have the option of having the charge sent with their monthly HOA bills. Ladies’ Club April 20th 9-Hole, Four Club Tournament Yep, only carry four clubs! 9:30am tee-off Sign up in the Pro Shop Men’s Club Saturday, April 6th Draw for Teams @ 7 am You will be paired up and go! Saturday, April 13th Our TAPPS ISLAND MASTERS Sign up in the Pro Shop. Tapps Island Senior Men's Club If you’re 55 or older, come out and join the Seniors for a round of golf. Weekly competitions on Tuesdays at 8:00am For more information, call Keith Gamble @ 253-222-8150 The schedule and application are available on our website at http:// www.tappsislandgolf.com/golfclubs/ seniormensclub.html Come try us out, and we’ll pay for your first round of golf! Call Keith for more info @ 253-222-8150. APRIL 2013 PAGE 5 T H E I S L AN DE R Security Report 3/28/2013, 197th Ave. Ct. E., A resident reported their recycle bin had been set on fire. Damage occurred to the bin and to nearby trees. 3/1/2013, 210th Ave E, 1:00pm, Vehicle was issued a warning for parking violation. Too close to fog line and side mirror in roadway. 3/4/2013, 208th Ave. E., 10:08am, Vehicle was issued a warning for parking over 72 hours in their gravel area. plus a requirement to pay for damages. 3/25/2013, 34th St. E., A resident had been burning brush earlier in 3/15/2013, 5th Tee Box, 8:20am, the day. Security spotted a Vandalism was done to the 5th Fairway the night before by a truck smoldering stump and questioned the resident. The resident or SUV. The vehicle was tracked admitted they had been burning a down and found to belong to a stump out of their yard. Security resident. A report was filed with extinguished the fire. the PCSD and a $1,000 fine assessed to the homeowner’s son, BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING April 25, 2013, 7:00 p.m. AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Roll Call Approval - Last Meeting’s Minutes Open Session General Manager’s Report Treasurer’s Report Committee Reports Old Business New Business Executive Session Adjournment BOARD MEMBERS & OFFICES: Sandy Shuman, President Don Lisko, Vice President Shane Pitman, Treasurer Jon Bial, Secretary Ralph Mason, Trustee Perri Nieman, Trustee Rich Kumar, Trustee Scott Wehmer, Trustee 862-4085 891-8593 209-0238 862-7416 862-7418 862-0986 891-3040 447-4747 3/30/2013, Outer Island, 10:40pm, While on patrol, Security spotted a resident’s son building a bonfire with his friends. Security told them to put it out and to leave the Outer Island. The above incidents reported are just a representation of the actual number of reports filed. FOR SALE: 2005 SeaDoo, 3D premium standup/sitdown jetski. Original owner. Two Roll’n Go PWC shore docking jetski system. Call 253-312-5326. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS We appreciate all our advertisers who help support this publication. Please support our advertisers by seeking their services. If you would like to advertise, please contact our office at 253-862-6616. T H E I S L AN DE R PAGE 6 Tapps Island Association ANNUAL MEETING March 28, 2013 The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Shuman at 7:05 P.M. Roll Call/Attendance: Present: Sandy Shuman, President, Ralph Mason, Perri Nieman, Shane Pitman, Jon Bial. Absent: Don Lisko w/proxy to Ralph Mason and Rich Kumar and Scott Wehmer w/proxy to Shane Pitman. Also present-John Clark, General Manager, Owen Gladfelder and Scott Smith residents. The Annual Meeting must be attended by a majority of the Tapps Island members to conduct any business. Having no quorum of the membership, the meeting was adjourned at 7:06 PM. Tapps Island Association BOARD MEETING MINUTES March 28, 2013 The meeting was called to order by President Sandy Shuman at 7:06 P.M. Roll Call/Attendance: Present: Sandy Shuman, President, Ralph Mason, Perri Nieman, Shane Pitman, Jon Bial. Absent: Don Lisko w/proxy to Ralph Mason and Rich Kumar and Scott Wehmer w/proxy to Shane Pitman. Also present-John Clark, General Manager, Owen Gladfelder and Scott Smith residents. Approval of Minutes: Shane Pitman moved that the minutes of the Board meeting held on February 28, 2013 be approved. Perri Nieman seconded. Approved. Open Session: Owen Gladfelder had circulated the current golf course rules regarding non-players on the course and residents jumping on to play a few holes. After discussion the board asked that a reminder of the rule be put in The Islander as we approach summer to remind all residents that all play on the golf course must check in with the pro shop. Scott Smith had comments on the progress Alan White has made on the Outer Island clean up project. We have gotten assistance from Lloyds on hauling the yard waste, blackberries, and other yard waste out as we keep clearing the overgrown areas. He reminded everyone that Alan is looking for volunteers to take on a small section as a project for them or their families. Treasurer’s Report: Submitted by Shane Pitman Year ending February 28, 2013 we have a net loss of $13,812 compared to a net loss of $16,505 for the prior year. Our cash position as of February 28, 2013 was $261,720. Total in the Operating Account was $33,655 and $228,065 in the Reserve Fund. The percentage of accounts receivable in the 90+ days is 21.4%, all of which are properties heading to foreclosure or abandoned. Liens are in place and collection will occur when APRIL 2013 the lenders take over the property. Legal action is underway for collections on all accounts over 90 days delinquent. It was noted that operating fund is low due to those delinquencies. The lengthy period between the property being abandoned and foreclosure is lengthy. We eventually collect the delinquent amounts, it just takes much longer. Ralph Mason moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report, subject to the annual audit. Jon Bial seconded the motion. Motion passed. General Manager’s Report: Submitted by John Clark. Water system: Most of the winter maintenance on the pipe painting and other routine maintenance has been completed on the treatment and distribution equipment. The Department of Health is requiring that we have a certified Water Distribution Manager and Water Treatment Plant Operator Level 2 on staff. John Leslie is recertifying as a Water Distribution Manager and will also complete the Water Treatment Plant Operator Level 2 test and certification. Steve Lovelace is currently a Water Treatment Plant Operator Level 1. He will also be testing to certify as a Level 2 and complete the test for Water Distribution Manager. It is important to have these certified employees or we would be required to have a contract for satellite management from a firm who offers that. We do our own water testing daily and manage the required sampling for DOH. Lakeside Grill operations: The sales are starting to pick up again as summer approaches. They are continuing to work on food and labor controls to match closer to budget. The dessert and soup programs are gaining popularity with many island residents. Golf Course Operations: The golf course will be expanding hours now that days are getting longer. Summer monthly pass programs are on sale now to encourage fair weather golfers to take advantage of monthly pass savings over regular rates. The golf course staff will work with security to make sure residents are not “practicing” a hole or two without being checked into the pro shop. A reminder will be put in The Islander that all golfers must pay and even those with annual passes must check in at the pro shop before playing. The golf course is restricted to golf only. Walking the paths, jogging, playing fetch with dogs and other non golf activities should be reported by residents to the pro shop or they may call security. Security Gate for Boat Launch, Pool and Weight Room: We have several bids for the work to have the ID cards control the areas. If we are unable to award the contract soon it may be put off until next spring. Collections on Delinquent Properties: One of the delinquent accounts has been served with papers for collection by the attorney. We expect to collect on that account within the next 30 days. The others have not progressed as fast however liens are in place to protect the association. Comcast Business Bundle: We have converted all of the phone lines except the water system pump communication lines to Comcast with our internet, cable and other services which APRIL 2013 T H E I S L AN DE R generated a substantial saving in our costs. We will also be able to create specific phone numbers for information message lines which can be used for emergency information and other community information. Outer Island Project: Alan White has made great progress on the area he is taking on. Jim Myers has been helping with cutting some of the larger branches on the ground to manageable size for disposal. Scott Smith has been helping hauling some of the wood from the ground away. We are hoping that as many people see what a few people can do in a small area of the island we will get more volunteers to take on an area of their own. All work is being coordinated by General Manager John Clark and Alan White. Anyone wishing to adopt a section needs to work with them on a plan for clean up and maintenance of a given area. Vandalism on the Golf Course: Property damage was done to the 5th fairway by a vehicle doing donuts and spinning tires on the golf course after hours. Security did a great job of tracking down the vehicle that did the damage. Pierce County Sheriffs were called and a case number was opened. PCS interviewed the owner of the vehicle who is an island resident. The resident’s child was driving the vehicle on the night of the damage. The turf from the damage was still on the car when PCS interviewed the owner. The resident was fined $1,000 under the vandalism rule. The child is banned from all Tapps Island common areas for one year. The resident will also be responsible for payment of the repairs when the total is complete for labor and materials to repair the damage. There will be an article in The Islander this month to remind parents to let their children know that vandalism on the island will not be tolerated and the homeowner is responsible for damage caused by their children or any guests at their residence. The board members thanked security for their good work in tracking down the responsible party. ACC Committee Report: Submitted by Jon Bial Request for variance on fence for lot 1-035 and 1-036. The resident is removing vegetation in front of the front façade which will expose and old chain link fence. They are would like to remove the old chain link and tie their existing stone pillar and wrought iron to the edge of their property. Jon Bial moved to approve. Seconded by Shane Pitman. Approved Request for an extension on construction completion for Lot 1090. The resident is having delays in permit approvals for their deck and would like an extension for completion of their home. Jon Bial moved to approve. Shane Pitman seconded. Approved. Golf Committee: The issue of residents using the course after hours was covered during open session and in the managers report. Landscape/Beautification Committee Report: Submitted by Sandy Shuman. The committee met on March 18. Attendees were Sharon Piccolo, Janice Thomas, Karen Baker, Lori Curnow, Barbara McKinney, Sandy Shuman and John Clark. The yard of the month winner for February was Chuck and Evelyn Nichols of 2826 208th Ave E. PAGE 7 The annual Tapps Island community Earth Day event is scheduled for Saturday April 27 from 9:00 AM until noon. We invite, encourage (maybe even beg) ALL island residents to participate. Please meet at the clubhouse for directions to the planned projects. Refreshments will be provided. The volunteers will be planting the pool pots on Monday May 20 th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Any interested island residents are encouraged to participate. The next meeting will be held April 15th at 1:00 PM in the clubroom. Please participate in the yard of the month nominations by e-mailing your vote to shuboxsandy@hotmail.com by the end of the month. Safety and Security Committee Report: Submitted by Perri Nieman The committee had a request for a parking variance from parallel to perpendicular parking in front of the property for lot 1-129. The vehicles can park perpendicular with well over one foot from the fog line and the edge of the road. Perri Nieman moved to grant the variance. Shane Pitman seconded. Motion passed 4 in favor 3 against. The committee had another request for parking variance from parallel to perpendicular parking in front of the property for lot 1 -029. The on street parking will barely fit a vehicle off the one foot mark from the fog line. The board also noted this was on one of the narrow one way streets and a congested area of on street parking. Perri Nieman moved to grant the variance. Shane Pitman seconded. All votes opposed the variance. The variance is denied. The committee will be locating the additional speed bumps in the oncoming lane approaching the guard shack and another one prior to 210th Ave and Island Park Way intersection. Feedback from the fireworks survey was discussed. The committee will work with more education of the existing policy using The Islander and the reader board to improve on fireworks violations on the island. Old Business: Spring planting will take place on the Rod and Gun Club property at the entrance of 214 th and Island Park Way. We will be removing the dead plantings and replacing them as well as shielding the lot used for storage. New Business: Janice Thomas is working with staff on a possible live streaming eagle cam for Tapps Island. We will present more information as we get details on possible ways to cover the cost. Executive Session: Shane Pitman moved to adjourn to Executive Session to discuss board member attendance at 9:05 PM. Perri Nieman seconded the motion. Motion passed. Perri Nieman moved to return to the regular Board Meeting at 9:26 PM. Shane Pitman seconded. Motion passed. Adjournment: Perri Nieman moved to adjourn at 9:28 PM. Ralph Mason seconded. Motion passed. The next Board of Trustees meeting will be April 25, 2013 at 7:00 PM. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION window fashions, awnings & outdoor solar shades (253) 472-1346 (888) 662-5672 / info@majorblinds.com WWW.MAJORBLINDS.COM majorb*936QL Wood / Faux Blinds Roman and Woven Shades Shutters Silhouettes Awnings Drapery / Soft Treatments Outdoor Solar Screens Motorization Lake Tapps, Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma Major Blinds Makes it Easy…. Major Blinds brings the showroom to you! (No Storefront=Low Overhead) We carry ALL Major brands such as Hunter Douglas, Graber, Norman Shutters, Durasol Awnings and Outdoor Solar Screens. We also carry some lesser known brands that are up to 50% less in cost. Our professional Design Consultant works with you to help choose the right window treatment for your home and budget, and measures to make sure they fit and function properly at installation. Just for Calling or emailing us to arrange a FREE In-Home Consultation, we will provide you with a $100 Major Blinds Gift Card that you can use, or it could be passed to a friend, family member, or co-worker…..Major Blinds accepts checks, all major credit cards and ALWAYS 12 months/No Interest financing OAC. All Renovations & Construction, LLC General Contractor Licensed • Bonded • Insured ALLRERC897CD New Roofs / Re-Roofs / Tear Offs Composition Roofing 30-50 Yr Warranties Siding and Painting Experienced Kitchen Remodel Professional Bathroom Remodel Window Installation Courteous Decks Home Repairs Call Virgil for Free Estimates Tel: (253) 202-5305 Email: virgil@allrenovationsconstruction.com CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS CGM Dirt-Works (253) 468-8775 Hydro-seeding & Complete Lawn Installation Concrete demo & disposal Stump & brush removal Mini Excavator Site Work Tractor with Front loader CGMDID*887 License, Bonded, & Insured Gravel & Topsoil Delivery up to 5 yards per load CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Best Cleaning Are you looking for someone who can take care of your home? Are you coming back from work in the evening, have other things to do, or just hate housecleaning? Or maybe your present housekeepers are doing a lousy job? We Will Make Your Home Crystal Clean! We are a Small, Family & Friends Business, and We Really Treasure Our Relationship With Our Clients, and Their Pets Too. Our Goal is to Make You and Your Home Happy! We Respect Your Privacy and We Cost Less Than Chain Cleaning Companies. Experience in Europe and America Weekly KITCHEN: Countertops, Sinks Appliances Stove: Movable Parts Microwave: In & Out Outside of Oven Refrigerators: Outside Window over Sink Floor: Washed Bi-Weekly What We Do Every Time: ROOMS: Furniture: Dusted & Polished Light Fixtures: Dusted Mini-Blinds: Dusted Windowsills: Dusted Baseboards: Dusted Mirrors: Polished Carpets: Vacuumed Floors: Washed & Cleaned Monthly Just One Time BATHROOMS: Basins, Tubs, Tile Showers Tracks & Doors Vanity Tops Toilets Mirrors Metal Fixtures Floors For Free Estimate Please Call or Leave a Message: (253) 887-1235 Licensed, Bonded, Insured, Excellent References CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Affordable Resort Living on Tapps Island Tapps Island One Level Home Open Waterfront Home with 6 Car Garage 3011 200th Avenue East $690,000 MLS #451353 www.johnlscott.com/52977 2806 211th Avenue East $335,000 MLS #456785 www.johnlscott.com/29051 Lake Tapps view*Light and bright home with 2234 square feet*Newer windows, furnace, siding, doors and floors*3 big bedrooms + bonus on the main floor*Formal living and dining with see through fireplace*Slider to backyard*Master with full bath, walk in closet and slider to deck overlooking Lake Tapps*Established landscaping*Two car garage*Furnace set up for A/C Meticulously maintained 2082 sq ft rambler on .44 acre lot with 105 feet of no bank open waterfront*3 bedrooms and 2.5 updated bathrooms*Formal living and dining rooms*Open concept kitchen with eating area and family room with cozy gas stove*Master with updated 5 piece bath and access to deck overlooking lake*Immaculate yard*Hardwood floors, cedar siding, dock, boat lift*2 car attached garage and 4 car over-height detached garage/shop*Newer roof, windows, air conditioning and furnace* Lauri McLeod 253-468-3974 Lauri McLeod 253-468-3974 Josh Kumar’s Don Magruder Painting HOUSES / DECKS / DOCKS ROOMS / FENCES / SHEDS AND MORE 31 Years experience Quality materials skillfully applied CALL FOR MORE INFO (253) 330-1529 AND A FREE BID ISLAND REFERENCES Licensed, Bonded, Insured DONMAMP893ND Lawn Service 253-304-6385 Mowing Edging Staining Painting Pressure washing Weed eating Yard clean up Minor carpentry skills Feel free to ask about any other jobs. Working $20 / hour and will give estimates on mowing. I have other workers if needed. Will be home some weekends throughout the spring, and from June 14th to the end of September. CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Sam Suznevich Branch Manager T 253.863.1113 C 253.569.2493 F 253.863.0110 ssuznevich@eaglehomemortgage.com TAPPS ISLAND SPECIAL $999.00 (Special pricing is good for white gutters only up to 2400 sq ft homes. Call for pricing on larger homes and color selection) NMLS#182657 / CL-370853 614 Harrison St. Sumner, WA 98390 Call today to schedule your Gutters! (206)715-1468 Lake Tapps 21108 State Route 410 East Bonney Lake, WA 98391 Cell (253) 468-3974 Fax (253) 648-6144 Office (253) 863-4406 laurim@johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com.laurim Some offices are independently owned and operated. Serving South King and Pierce Co. 825-5580 / 845-FAST (845-3278) 862-1227 www.frontierseptic.com T.A.P.P.S. PAINTING Call for Spring Specials! Residential & Commercial Free Estimates Owner, Darren Painter 224-4532 TappsPainting@comcast.net #TAPPSP*100JR CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ISLAND MERCHANTS Ken Wynne Owner Ph 206-418-8733 253-686-1380 1402 Lake Tapps Pkwy E Ste 104-271 Auburn, WA 98092-8157 WA Contractor #ACCENTS908N6 Fax: 253-863-6597 Email: cutmytree@evergreenmm.com Main Street Salon New Clients receive a complimentary designer hair cut with your color service! Call today or book online! 1202 Main St Suite 102 Sumner Wa 98390 NORTHCI148BG 1 800 FLOHAWK FloHawks 253-826-3965 www.themainstsalon.com Plumbing + Septic A division of Northwest Cascade, Inc. Steve Redford Key Account Customer Rep. Cell: 253/606-1115 Puyallup: 253/848-2371 Email: SteveR@nwcascade.com Toll Free: 800/356-4295 Fax: 253/848-2399 P.O. BOX 73399 - PUYALLUP, WASHINGTON 98373 862 862--6641 16” Hawaiian Pizza With Ham, Pineapple & extra Mozzarella Cheese No Substitutions Only $20 Come sing your heart out! KARAOKE In the Lounge Saturday, April 20th 8-10pm Sunday Monday Tuesday RESTAURANT HOURS 7:00 am - 8:00 pm 11:00 am - 8:00 pm 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Wed.-Thurs. Friday Saturday TAPPS ISLAND ASSOCIATION 20818 Island Park Way E. Lake Tapps, WA 98391 11:00 am - 9:00 pm 7:00 am - 10:00 pm 7:00 am - 10:00 pm PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SUMNER, WA PERMIT #103 ECWSS Postal Customer Route #7 Lake Tapps, WA 98391
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