Platteville Catholic Community - St. Augustine University Parish
Platteville Catholic Community - St. Augustine University Parish
Platteville Catholic Community St. Mary Parish March 6, 2016 130 W. Cedar St ● Platteville Wisconsin ● 53818-2457 4th Sunday of Lent St. Augustine University Parish 135 S. Hickory St ● Platteville Wisconsin ● 53818-3316 Clergy Pastor Fr. Faustino Ruiz After hours or weekend emergencies (608) 370-3751 Parochial Vicars Fr. John Del Priore (608) 642-2484 Fr. Jerry Zhanay (608) 370-9588 Parish Established 1842 Parish Office: (608) 348-9735 Parish Email: Parish Fax: (608) 348-9920 Parish Website: St. Mary Staff Parish Secretary Lorraine Wackershauser (608) 348-9735 Child Care/Preschool Director Chealsey Lolwing (608) 348-3447 Religious Education Director Diane Drefcinski (608) 348-9735 Finance Chair Lee Eggers (608) 348-4848 Accountant Connie Koeller (608) 348-9735 Parish Hall (608) 348-5407 Parish Cemetery (608) 348-9735 Parish Established 1974 Parish Phone & Fax: (608) 348-7530 Parish Email: Parish Website: Pastoral Ministry Deacon Bill Bussan (608) 568-3355 Weekend Mass Schedule St. Mary Saturday 4pm Sunday 9am English Mass & 12 noon Hispanic St. Augustine Sunday 8am Traditional Latin Mass 10:30am & 6pm English Mass St. Augustine Staff Office Manager Linda Thomas Development Director Steve Davies Assoc. Directors of Student Ministry Sara Werner Theodore Bianculli Focus Team Leader Steven Piorkowski W el co m e! Our parishes welcomes persons newly moved into the area, those recently married and those who have turned 18 years of age or who enjoy worshipping with us. You are invited to register by contacting one of the parish’s office. Sacrament of Baptism: Expectant couples should contact the Parish one month prior to their child’s birth to register for Baptism preparation class. Sacrament of Reconciliation: St. Mary’s - Everyday one hour before each Mass and during Saturday 4pm, and Sunday 9am & 12 pm Masses St. Augustine’s - 20 minutes before each Mass, and during the Sunday 10:30am & 6pm Masses. Sacrament of Matrimony: Couple planning to marry should contact the Parish at least six months prior to wedding. Please contact the Parish for ministry or visitation to the sick or homebound. UWP Student Parishioners Make sure to register with your updated address and phone each semester, and check out the Catholic Newman Community events inside this bulletin, and located on our Facebook page: Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday 10:00am. Please submit material in writing. SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 2016 St. Mary Parish L I T U R G I E S F O R T H E W EE K Monday, Mar. 7 8:00am Living & Deceased of the Bill and Mary Lou Broske Families Tuesday, Mar. 8 8:00am Living & Deceased of the John Karsten Family Wednesday, Mar. 9 Thursday, Mar. 10 8:00am † Donna Dalsing 8:00am † Pat Leuth 10:30am Friday, Mar. 11 PRIVATE RECONCILIATION—every day, one hour before each Mass. Tuesdays 6:30pm—8:30pm. Thursdays after morning Mass until 9:30am. (Manor Care) 8:00am † Jerry Daniels 11:00am † Frances Brendemuehl Park Place) Saturday, Mar. 12 8:00am (TLM) WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday, Mar. 12 4:00pm † Bill Hying & Pete Larson Sunday, Mar. 13 9:00am Healing for Brian, Jeff & Kristen 12 noon REFLECTION—3rd Sunday of Lent “He said to the gardener, ‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none.’” (Luke 13:7) Are you like the barren fig tree? How will you respond when God asks you what you have done with all the gifts He has given you? Remember, not only are we called to be generous, we are called to develop and nurture our gifts and return with increase. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION on Thursdays in the chapel begins after 8am Mass and concludes with Rosary and Benediction at 8pm. THE ROSARY is prayed ½ hour before Mass. STATIONS ON FRIDAYS St. Mary’s—8:45am and 5pm Misa DONATIONS FOR EASTER FLOWERS St. Mary Parish and the CCW are seeking donations to defray the cost of flowers and decorations. Envelopes for donations for particular items are on a table by the center entrance of church and can be dropped in the collection basket or at the parish office. If you wish your gift to be a memorial, please indicate this on the envelope so we may acknowledge it. At St. Mary Parish Diocese of Madison—Parish Cemetery Seminar Cremations—What to do? Tuesday, March 8th—6:30pm—in church hall This educational seminar is to give you an understanding of the what, when, when, why and how increased numbers of cremations can be accommodated by the parish cemetery. After attending you should be able to better define project scope and have resources for your cemetery project, large or small. Anyone may attend. With Sympathy We extend our sympathy to Dolores Nihles, whose husband, Robert Nihles died Friday, February 26th; and to the family of Ramona Adams who died Sunday, February 28th. Eternal rest grant on to them, Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. THANK YOU The family of John Karsten would like to thank Fr. Faustino, Fr. John, Deacon Bill, the KCs, CCW, and St. Mary’s parishioners for all the prayers, support, and acts of kindness at the time of his death. Saturday, March 12 4pm Altar Servers Mic Frommelt CJ Straka Sunday, March 13 9am Andy Eggers Carter Doan RJ Schmitt Lector & Leader of Prayer Nekole Frommelt Dee Woolf Jim Rosemeyer Terry Woolf Sacristan: Connie McCabe Music: Youth Choir Rosary: Lily Bragg Karla Melssen Open Ensemble Jeanette Klaas PRAYER LINE—Anyone requesting prayer may call 348-6041. Please call in the morning between 8am & 9am. If no answer please leave your prayer. ST. MARY PARISH GIVING February 28, 2016 Weekly Envelopes......................$2,422.00 Offertory…………………....…….$ 402.00 Weekly Average Electronic Fund…..$ 900.00 Thank you for your generosity! R EAD I N G S F O R TH E W EEK 4th Sunday of Lent Jos 5:9a, 10-12—2 Cor 5:17-21—Lk 15:1-3, 11-32. Monday: Sts Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs. Is 65:17-21—Jn 4:43-54. Tuesday: St. John of God, Religious Ez 47:1-9, 12—Jn 5:1-16. Wednesday St. Frances of Rome, Religious Is 49:8-15—Jn 5:17-30. Thursday: Ex 32:7-14—Jn 5:31-47. Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22—Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30. Saturday: Jer 11:18-20—Jn 7:40-53. 5th Sunday of Lent Is 43:16-21—Phil 3:8-14—Jn 8:1-11 The Rosary Club has been busy making Rosaries and giving them away by the hundreds. They will be selling Butterbraids after the weekend March 5/6th Masses to help raise money to pay for the rosary supplies and shipping costs. Butterbraids are braided pastries and they are delicious. Orders will be accepted until March 6th and the Butterbraids will be delivered on March 14th, plenty of time to have them for Easter. If you have any questions or want to order a Butterbraid or 2, please contact Trina Hingtgen at or 563/543-0089. CHECK OUT THIS—NEW Lighthouse Catholic Media Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati - Man of the Beatitudes Born in 1901 in Turin, Italy into a family of wealth and status, Pier Giorgio enjoyed good friends, hiking and skiing, museums and music, and was involved in political action, He found that deep prayer, service to the poor, and a passion for bringing others to Christ led to a life of purpose, peace, and happiness. Pier Giorgio died at the age of 24 on July 4, 1925. He was beatified on May 20, 1990 by Pope John Paul II who referred to him as a "man of the beatitudes". SAINTS OF THE WEEK Monday, March 7—Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs Saints Perpetua and Felicity (believed to have died in 203 AD) are Christian martyrs of the 3rd century. Vibia Perpetua was a married noblewoman, said to have been 22 years old at the time of her death, and mother of an infant she was nursing. Felicity, a slave imprisoned with her and pregnant at the time, was martyred with her. They were put to death along with others at Carthage in the Roman province of Africa. Tuesday, March 8—St. John of God, Religious (1495-1550) John of God was born the son of André Cidade and Teresa Duarte a) in Montemor-o-Novo, now in the District of Évora, Portugal. John was 40 years old before the depth of his sinfulness began to dawn on him. He decided to give the rest of his life to God’s service. It wasn’t until he began to work among the poor that he seemed to have found his real vocation. He established a house where he wisely tended to the needs of the sick. Slowly John drew to himself a dedicated circle of disciples who felt called to join him in this service. He organized his followers into the Order of Hospitallers, who were approved by the Holy See in 1572 as the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint John of God, who care for the sick in countries around the world. One mark of honour to his labours is that this Order has been officially entrusted with the medical care of the pope. John of God is the Patron Saint of: Booksellers, Firefighters, Heart patients, Hospitals, Nurses, Printers, and the Sick. ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK R o s e m e ye r - Jo n e s C h i r o p r a c t i c We invite you to consider these businesses and thank them for their support. THIS WEEK AT ST. MARY’S Tuesday—Mission Sewing, 8:30-10:30pm. Diocesan Cemetery Seminar—6:30pm Wednesday—Scripture Study, 3pm. Religious Education Classes. Thursday—Finance Council, 5pm. Sunday—Daylight Savings Time begins KC Pancake Breakfast, 8am-10am. SET ASIDE AUGUST 12 –14TH—WISCONSIN ON FIRE Family Charismatic Celebration—celebrating 50 years of the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. All are welcome to come. Bring the whole family. Come alone or bring a group. Enjoy a weekend at Green Lake Conference Center. Sponsored by “Spirit in Wisconsin” the charismatic renewal service teams from the five Dioceses. For more information phone Mona (608) 589-5270 or Judy (920) 434-6121. Check out website HOPE HOUSE The sign-up sheet will be at St. Augustine's until Sunday, March 6. Delivery will be on Monday, March 7th. Moms with young children are invited to attend a special gathering on Wednesdays after the morning Mass in the hospitality room. It is an opportunity for moms to discuss and support each other in the ministry of Catholic motherhood. For more information contact Jenna Vystrcil 348-3238. PASTORAL COUNCIL COLUMN Prodigal Son had experienced amnesty, his father would have forgiven him before the boy tried to return. He might even have sent notice inviting him home, saying that all was forgiven. Divine Mercy, according to the parable, does not work that way. The son has to do three things first: 1) recognize the nature of his condition, 2) repent of his action that led him there, and 3) approach his father as a servant. I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.” Then, Mercy manifests itself. As soon as the father sees his son returning, he rushes out to meet the boy and restores him to full honor within the family, weeping on his shoulder from joy. But notice that the son has had to commit to changing in his life first. That is why communion for divorced and remarried Catholics is impossible, unless they are first willing to change the way they live. They must recognize that living outside the blessings of the Father is no way to proceed. Yes, God will forgive us for anything, but we cannot be forgiven if we refuse to change. Pope Francis has designated this as the Year of Mercy. There are extra ways in which we can receive mercy this year, but remember that we are God’s adopted children. Because God loves us, He does not want us to make peace with our lusts and desires, because there is no room for any of that in Heaven. He wants us to strive for something much greater. He calls us to live with Him, to live in the true joy of supernatural life. The Father expresses his joy this way: “For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” STEWARDSHIP AT ST. AUGUSTINE’S TREASURE: St. Augustine Parish Giving— Feb. 28, 2016 Weekly Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $ 265.00 Offertory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 238.17 EFT’s for 3/5/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,045.00 Mar. 6, 2016 Scrip sold this week $50, profit $5.00 PRAYER: Prayer Chain Network – If you have a prayer request, please email Cindy Kruser at Money Counters: Mar. 6— Priscilla Hahn & Beth Ballweg Mar. 13—Ben Ballweg & Rose Averkamp Mass Schedule at St. Augustine TLM = Traditional Latin Mass Sun., Mar. 6 8:00 am Lexi Neumaier (TLM) 10:30 am Vocation of Ben Kraemer 6:00 pm For the People Mon., Mar 7 6:30 am Andrew Kunz (TLM) Tue., Mar. 8 6:30 am John Howard family (TLM) 5:00 pm Completion of New Church 6:30 am Reparation & Salvation of Jim Stelpflug Family (TLM) Wed., Mar. 9 5:00 pm Thur., Mar. 10 6:30 am Fri., Mar. 11 Sun., Mar. 13 Hospitality Hosts after 10:30 am Mass: Mar. 6 — Pat & Ben Ballweg Mar. 13 — Catholic Newman Community WELCOME STUDENTS! COME CHECK OUT ST. AUGUSTINE UNIVERSITY PARISH AND THE CATHOLIC NEWMAN COMMUNITY. Sebastian Chavez Upcoming Events—join us for all or some! Sun., Mar. 6, 7:30 pm—Community Night Wed., Mar. 9, 5:45 pm— Newman Dinner Questions contact Sara at Isabel Howard (TLM) 5:00 pm Tom Kenney, In Thanksgiving 6:30 am Fr. Pedro Escribano (TLM) 5:00 pm St. Paul Ministry & Bldg Project 8:00 am Paul Kunz (TLM) Please Join us at the 2016 NEWMAN BANQUET Sat., March 12, 5:30—7:30 pm 5 Course Meal and Program Learn more about the plans for our new building project. Help us celebrate the beginning of a new era! Ticket Prices: 1 @ $75; 2 @ $125; Table of 8 @ $00 Please RSVP for reservations by calling or emailing Linda at 608-348-7530 or 10:30 am John Karsten † 6:00 pm For the People Private Reconciliation: 20 minutes before each Mass, and during the 10:30 am and 6:00 pm Sunday Masses. Eucharist Adoration: Tuesday-Friday 1:30 –5:00 pm STATIONS ON TUESDAYS after the 5:00 pm Mass PENANCE SERVICE—Thur, Mar. 10, 7 pm PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING—Tue., Mar. 8, 7:00 pm Pastoral Council Nominees needed: If you or someone you know would be interested in being on our Pastoral Council, please contact the Parish Office and submit the name. Don’t forget to sell your Sweepstakes tickets. We have received other prizes since the tickets were printed, such as: tickets to Milwaukee Bucks, Milwaukee Admirals, Cave of the Mounds, One night stay at Harbor Shores on Lake Geneva, and others. Drawing March 12. Lenten Fish Fry, Fri, Mar. 11, 5-7:30 pm, at Sts. AndrewThomas School, Potosi, WI Don’t’ forget to SPRING FORWARD ONE HOUR NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT, as Daylight Savings begins March 13. Delivering Material Value with Integrity T: 608-348-5166 Platteville, WI Robb Paquette, LUTCF 608-348-6355 Gary V. Bell · Broker - Auctioneer Jason Bell · Salesperson 85 N. Elm St., Platteville WI 53818 6058 S. Chestnut St., Suite A · Platteville, Wisconsin (608) 348-7766 725 N. Jackson St. Cuba City, WI 53807 (608) 744-2159 Mon., Tues., & Thurs. 7:00-5:30 Wed & Fri. 7-7; Sat. 7-4:30 Gray’s Nursing Home - Platteville Bob Hundhausen, Financial Advisor Platteville · 608-348-7623 CHESTER K. BELL REAL ESTATE (608) 348-4591 WE’RE HERE ALL YEAR FAHERTY INC. Recycling & Waste Collection 1120 Broadway Platteville, WI 53818 * 24 Hour Skilled Nursing * Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapy * Medicare & Medicaid Certified * Your Home Away From Home 555 North Chestnut St., Platteville, WI · (608) 349-6741 350 East Main Platteville, WI 53818 (608) 348-2711 Promotion and Gift Ideas With Your Name and Logo Michael A. Hahn, LLC 608-348-4760 March 6, 2016 Dear Parishioners, As sons and daughters of the Church, we have to look at the events in our lives through the eyes of Christian faith. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit, we have to be able both to discard from our lives what is not in accord with our dignity as Christians, and to promote Christian behavior by way of teaching and example. We have to be constantly endeavoring to revive in us the Spirit of Jesus Christ and not to let the Spirit of the world to work in us instead. There is a subtle way the Spirit of the world could penetrate our souls and tarnish our faith: to see in the rules and regulations of the Church just that, rules and regulations. The tendency of many Catholics is to forget that Jesus gave full authority to the Church and that all of the Church rules have but one end: the salvation of souls. One example of this is what happens in the controversy between burial vs. cremation. As you know, the Church permits cremation as a way to dispose of the body of a Christian; moreover since 1997 the ashes of a person may be received into the church for a funeral Mass. This the Church has permitted, but it is not what the Church prefers. If in that preference Catholics could see the authority of Christ, they will make a better informed decision for them or for their loved ones. The Church still prefers to give to the body of the deceased person the honor that it deserves having been the temple of the Holy Spirit. Burial expresses more clearly the fundamental truth of our faith: the resurrection of the body. So even in death we could give a good example for all Christians. If the life of a Christian should be spent in imitation of our Lord, also in death we should resemble Him. Not only do we know that Jesus body was buried (not cremated), but He even spoke about his own burial. To those who were scandalized because Mary had anointed his feet with a costly ointment, He said: “Let her alone, let her keep it for the day of my burial” (John 12:7). There might be a number of circumstances that could make a faithful choose cremation for him/her or their loved one. But the decision has to been taken knowing that it would be preferable in Christian view to have the body buried. A cemetery is a place of dormition. The bodies of our brethren are laid until they will wake up in the resurrection. May the grace of the Holy Spirit strengthen our will and enlighten our minds to imitate our Lord always. May God bless you all, Fr. Jerry. KOPP MCKICHAN, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW Thomas H. Geyer Kim John Skemp Sheila Stuart Kelley Michael J. Olds Nathaniel W Curry Lukas L. Steiner “Building Restoration Contractors Since 1936” Renovation & Restoration of Structures Restoration & New Masonry Work Tuckpointing & Waterproofing 44 E. Main St., P.O. Box 253 Platteville, WI 53818 · (608) 348-2615 Michael’s Masonry Sand Blasting & Painting Plastering & Stucco 400 East Highway 151 · Platteville, WI 53818 (608) 348-2300 Brick * Stone * Block 2283 Airport Road Platteville, WI 53818 Michael Droessler (608) 568-3099 CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATES Of Platteville, LLC AL’S ELECTRIC, INC. 1165 E. Mineral Street Platteville, Wisconsin (608) 348-6066 CLAYTON GE Crosley Hotpoint Samsung Frigidaire Speed Queen Beautyrest Mattresses Oreck Vacuums Sales & Service Since 1949 Real Estate & Auction Service, Inc. (608) 348-2156 Office: 608-348-8213 or 608-348-9368 Tami L. Wall-Feyen, DC Stephen C. Misky, DC—Ryan E. Liebfried, DC Lynn M. Randall, DC—Lisa M. Millin, DC Chase J. Dreessens, DC 470 S. Water · (608) 348-3156 Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant Diane Drefcinski (608) 348-3937 APARTMENTS FOR RENT “HOUSE OF PEACE” AND “FAIRFIELD KOURT APARTMENTS” 800 and 805 Fairfield Drive, Platteville Bill’s Plumbing & Heating Available to very low & moderate income elderly, handicapped or disabled. Handicapped accessible units available. Appliances, water/sewer, garbage service provided. On-site coin-operated laundry facility. Platteville, WI 53818 (608) 348-5026 Proud to be here for you Toll-free: 1-888-622-6069 Call 608-348-7755 For an application today! Certain Income Restrictions Apply. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. PLATTEVILLE McDonald’s 170 McGregor Plaza · Platteville, WI 53818 (608) 348-2515 · 1-877-244-2515 MICHAEL L. TASHNER, O.D. 75 W. 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Selection & Service Paint...Tools….Hardware Platteville, WI 53818 608-348-5231 “Financial Strategies for REAL LIFE” Jim Rosemeyer * Andrew Tranel 348-2274 * Securities and Advisory Services Offered Through Harbour Investments, Inc Four Seasons Landscaping and Nursery Free Ultrasounds Free Baby Items CONFIDENTIAL 608-348-5787 Walk-ins Welcome 185 E. Pine St. 840 Bus. Hwy 151 East · Platteville (608) 348-6617 1291 College Farm Rd Platteville, WI 53818 Concrete•Commercial•Residential•Farm 1621 Progressive Parkway Platteville, WI 53818 Ph: 608-348-5000 f: 608-348-9909 Open 7 Days a Week 11 am—10 pm Digman Construction 100 Park Place • Platteville (608) 348-2446 Office: (608) 348-2231 Fax: (608) 348-4875 Email:
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