July 3, 2016 - 3381.95 KB - St. Augustine University Parish


July 3, 2016 - 3381.95 KB - St. Augustine University Parish
St. Mary Parish
July 3, 2016
130 W. Cedar St ● Platteville
Wisconsin ● 53818-2457
14th Sunday
in Ordinary Time
St. Augustine
University Parish
135 S. Hickory St ● Platteville
Wisconsin ● 53818-3316
Fr. Faustino Ruiz
After hours or
weekend emergencies
(608) 370-3751
Parish Established 1842
Parish Office: (608) 348-9735
Parish Email: smparish@mhtc.net
Parish Fax: (608) 348-9920
Parish Website: http://stmaryplatteville.org
St. Mary Staff
Parochial Vicars
Fr. John Del Priore
(608) 642-2484
Fr. Alex Navarro
(608) 370-3785
Parish Secretary
Lorraine Wackershauser
(608) 348-9735 smparish@mhtc.net
Child Care/Preschool Director
Chealsey Lolwing
(608) 348-3447 chealseylolwing@yahoo.com
Religious Education Director
Diane Drefcinski
(608) 348-9735 drefcinski65@gmail.com
Finance Chair
Lee Eggers
(608) 348-4848
Connie Koeller
(608) 348-9735 Connie.Koeller@straphael.org
Parish Hall
(608) 348-5407
Parish Cemetery
(608) 348-9735
Parish Established 1974
Parish Phone & Fax: (608) 348-7530
Parish Email: thomasl@uwplatt.edu
Parish Website: http://pioneercatholic.org
Pastoral Ministry
Deacon Bill Bussan
(608) 568-3355
Weekend Mass Schedule
St. Mary
Saturday 4pm
Sunday 9am English Mass
& 12 noon Hispanic
St. Augustine
Sunday 8am Traditional Latin Mass
10:30am & 6pm English Mass
St. Augustine Staff
Office Manager
Linda Thomas thomasl@uwplatt.edu
Development Director
Steve Davies Steve.Davies@straphael.org
Focus Team Leader
Steven Piorkowski steven.piorkowski@focus.org
W el co m e!
Our parishes welcomes persons newly moved into the area, those recently married
and those who have turned 18 years of age or who enjoy worshipping with us.
You are invited to register by contacting one of the parish’s office.
Sacrament of Baptism: Expectant couples should contact the Parish one month prior to their child’s birth to register for
Baptism preparation class.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: St. Mary’s - Everyday one hour before each Mass and during Saturday 4pm, and Sunday 9am &
12 pm Masses
St. Augustine’s - 20 minutes before each Mass, and during the Sunday 10:30am & 6pm Masses.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Couple planning to marry should contact the Parish at least six months prior to wedding.
Please contact the Parish for ministry or visitation to the sick or homebound.
UWP Student Parishioners
Make sure to register with your updated address and phone each semester, and check out the Catholic Newman Community
events inside this bulletin, and located on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/st.augustineparish.newman
Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday 10:00am. Please submit material in writing.
SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2016
St. Mary Parish
Monday, July 4
† Ellen Schramka
Tuesday, July 5
For Patrick Doan
Wednesday, July 6
Living & Deceased Members of the
Shane & Diane Drefcinski Family
Thursday, July 7
For Donna Shields
Friday, July 8
For the Salvation of Souls (Manor Care)
Special Intention (KK)
† Frances Brendemuehl (Park Place)
Prayer Reflection
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time “He said to them, ‘The harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few…’” Luke 10:2
As Catholics we are all called to serve in ministry. However,
many of us are unsure how to use our talents and gifts to
build God’s Church. Talk to God and ask Him what He
wants you to do. The next time one of your fellow
parishioners asks you to help or join a committee, it may be
the answer to your prayer
Private Reconciliation—every day, one hour before
each Mass. Thursdays after morning Mass until 9:30am
and 6pm to 7:45pm.
Saturday, July 9
For Dave Smith (TLM)
Eucharistic Adoration on Thursdays in the chapel begins after 8am Mass and concludes with Rosary and Benediction at 8pm.
Saturday, July 9
The Rosary is prayed ½ hour before Mass.
Sunday, July 10
12 noon
† Fran Hinderman
† Rich Lange
Hispanic Misa
Happy Birthday to Frances Reuter celebrating 100 years!!!!
Next weekend—Fr. Alejandro (Alex) Rodriguez, s.x. of the St. Francis Xavier Missionaries, will be preaching the Mission Appeal next Sunday as part of the annual
Missionary Cooperation Plan.
Fr. Alex, born in Mexico, is a graduate of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, and
was ordained in Guadalajara, Mexico. He has served as a missionary in the
Philippines. He has worked as the Vocation Director, Vicar, at Our Lady of
Guadalupe Parish in a poverty-stricken area of metro Manila, Spiritual Director at the
St. Faustina Catholic School, Collaborator with the campus ministry of different universities in the Philippines, and Rector of the Philosophy Seminary of the Xaverians
in the Philippines. Fr. Alex is presently working in the field of Vocations and the
Hispanic Ministry in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He is willing to share his mission
experience with anyone interested.
Being exclusively a foreign mission society, the Xaverian Fathers and Brothers
depend greatly on proceeds from this collection. They carry out their service in
Bangladesh, Brazil, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Columbia, the Democratic Republic
of Congo (formerly Zaire), France, Great Britain, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Mozambique, the Philippines, Sierra Leone, Spain, Taiwan, and the United States.
Saturday, July 9
Sunday, July 10
Altar Servers
David Drefcinski
John Drefcinski
Ben Drefcinski
Andy Eggers
Carter Doan
RJ Schmitt
Lector & Leader of Prayer
Nekole Frommelt
Jessica Clifton
Lee Eggers
Jim Rosemeyer
Sacristan: Connie McCabe
Rosary: Rosie Hying
Karla Melssen
Drefcinski Family
June 26, 2016
Weekly Envelopes.......................$2,615.00
Offertory…………....……………..$ 368.00
Weekly Average Electronic Fund…...$ 900.00
Thank you for your generosity!
Prayer Line
Anyone requesting prayer may
call 348-6041. Please call in the
morning between 8am & 9am. If no
answer please leave your prayer.
The Parish Office
is closed
Monday, July 4th
May you have a safe
and fun holiday!
CATHOLIC HERALD—If you would like to
subscribe to the Catholic Herald
Newspaper or continue your current subscription, an envelope is in your July packets or
you may use a blank envelope and mark it
Catholic Herald. The cost is $20.00.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 66:10-14c—Gal 6:14-18—Lk 10:1-12. 17-20.
Monday: Independence Day
Hos 2:16, 17b-18, 21-22—Mt9:18-26.
Tuesday: St. Anthony Zaccaria, Priest
Hos 8:4-7, 11-3—Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: St. Maria Goretti, Virgin & Martyr
Hos 10:1-3, 7-8, 12—Mt 10:1-7.
Thursday: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9—Mt 10:7-15.
Friday: Hos 14:2-10—Mt 10:16-23.
Saturday: St. Augustine Zhao Rong, Priest,
and Companions, Martyrs
Is 6:1-8—Mt 10:24-33.
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dt 30:10-14—Col 1:15-20—Lk 10:25-37.
Congratulations to Shane and Diane Drefcinski celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary!
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus meeting will be July 11th at 7:30pm due
to July 4th falling on Monday.
Festival Planning Meeting
For all interested, Tuesday, July 5, 7:30pm in church hall.
Fr. John!!
Update on Clarity Clinic
Mark you calendar.
Clarity Clinic in Platteville has reserved 250 tickets for a private
showing of “Voiceless” on Thursday, October 6th at Millenium
Theater (with the Avalon Theater as a secondary choice. More
information later watch the bulletin for details.
Feast Day of the Week
St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria: Feast Day July 5.
Born in 1502
At the same time that Martin Luther was attacking abuses in the
Church, a reformation within the Church was already being attempted. Among the early movers of the Counter-Reformation
was Anthony Zaccaria. When Anthony was two, his father died.
His mother devoted herself to the spiritual education of her son.
He received a medical doctorate at 22 and, while working among
the poor of his native Cremona in Italy, was attracted to the religious apostolate. He renounced his rights to any future inheritance, worked as a catechist and was ordained a priest at the
age of 26.
Called to Milan in a few years, he laid the foundations of three
religious congregations, one for men and one for women, plus an
association of married couples. Their aim was the reform of the
decadent society of their day, beginning with the clergy, religious
and lay people.
Greatly inspired by St. Paul (his congregation is named the Barnabites, after the companion of that saint), Anthony preached
with great vigor in church and street, conducted popular missions
and was not ashamed of doing public penance.
He encouraged such innovations as the collaboration of the laity
in the apostolate, frequent Communion, the Forty Hours devotion
and the ringing of church bells at 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.
His holiness moved many to reform their lives but, as with all
saints, it also moved many to oppose him. Twice his community
had to undergo official religious investigation, and twice it was
While on a mission of peace, he became seriously ill. He died at
Cremona, July 5, 1539. [2] He was buried in the convent of
the Angelics of St Paul, the female branch of the Barnabites, in
Clare Bank
3 4 8 - 27 27
We invite you to consider these businesses and
thank them for their support.
Diane Drefcinski will be at the farmer's market on July 9.
Money from the sale will help our youth group attend a
Steubenville Youth Conference in Rochester, MN in this
Meditation Garden
A general clean-up, flowers planted, a coat of paint for St.
Francis, and a new Marian Statue has brightened up our Meditation Garden between church and rectory. We invite you to
stop by to view, pray, meditate, relax or have a cup of coffee
with a friend.
Pastoral Council Column
Independence Day
This coming Monday, we’ll celebrate the signing of the Declaration
of Independence. An ancestor of mine, with the unlikely name of
Caesar Rodney, was a delegate from Delaware and one of the
signers of the document. He is depicted on the Delaware quarter, a
man on horseback, because he rode 80 miles overnight, through a
thunderstorm, to be at Independence Hall the next day. There, he
cast the deciding vote for Delaware, thus making the signing unanimous by all thirteen colonies.
Keep in mind that this was nothing like gathering with a group of
like minded friends to pass a law in Washington. Every one of
those men signed his own death warrant, identifying himself as an
enemy of the British crown. But to some people, the call of freedom
from tyranny is more important than an easy life.
I bring this up by way of honoring Joseph Sciambra, about whom
we read a little last week, the man who challenged the leaders in
the Church to continue to give clear, unambiguous moral guidance.
Having lived a life mired in homosexuality before becoming a Catholic, Mr. Sciambra pleads the case for all of us, that we not be identified by, or indentured to, sin.
When Bishop Lynch of Florida wrote in his blog that a “hostile attitude” in the Church “breeds contempt for gays, lesbians and
transgender people,” Mr. Sciambra took issue.
“Unfortunately, some in the Church, like the Bishop from Florida,
continue to make the same mistakes of the past, by constantly
referring to us as gay, lesbian, transgender and LGBT; we are
none of those things. We were not born “gay,” and we were not
born damaged; we may have been hurt along the way, but, like
the rest of humanity, we can recover and heal. We do not belong to an identity, we do not belong to a movement, and we do
not belong to a group. So don’t talk to us as if we do. We belong
to God.”
Mr. Sciambra is asking the bishop – and us – to see him and all
mankind in the light of Christ. We are not a people subject to the
tyranny of lust, so don’t try to tell us we are. Yes, we struggle
against sin; that is our inheritance from Adam. Our inheritance from
Christ Jesus is life free from sin, and the promise of the deep and
joyous mystery of eternal life.
TREASURE: St. Augustine Par ish Giving– June 26
Weekly Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 420.00
Offertory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 275.10
July 3, 2016
Mass Schedule at St. Augustine
TLM = Traditional Latin Mass
Sun., July 3
8:00 am
Joseph & Kelsey Del Priore (TLM)
10:30 am For the People
6:00 pm
Margaret Stefanowicz
Mon., July 4
6:30 am
Frank Swedzinski † (TLM)
Tue., July 5
6:30 am
Success of Bldg Project (SP) (TLM)
Wed., July 6
6:30 am
Completion of New Church (TLM)
Thur., July 7
6:30 am
Ilario Fazzari † (TLM)
Fri., July 8
6:30 am
Fr. John Del Priore (TLM)
Sun., July 10
8:00 pm
Julia Billings (TLM)
10:30 am Steven Loberger †
6:00 pm
For the People
NO Scrip sold this week.
PRAYER: Prayer Chain Network – If you have
a prayer request, please email Cindy Kruser at
Money Counters:
July 3 - Elvera Scheppers & Gina Pitz
July 10 - Mar y J o Hennessy & Mike Hahn
NO Hospitality Hosts after 10:30 am Mass:
We will suspend Hospitality for the summer, however there may be coffee for those that want to gather.
We wish Fr. John safe travels and a
restful month in Spain
starting Mon., July 4;
and Happy Birthday on July 8.
Private Reconciliation: 20 minutes befor e each Mass, and
during the 10:30 am and 6:00 pm Sunday Masses.
SAVE THE DATE: Go to the link http://voicelessthemovie.com to
watch the trailer of an amazing film. There will be a private showing at Millennium Theatre in Platteville on Thurs., Oct. 6, Tickets
will be available at Clarity Clinic SW Wisconsin. More information
to come. Please plan to come and bring a friend.
The Parish Office is closed
Mon., July 4.
Have a safe and enjoyable
Fourth of July.
In today’s Gospel Jesus sends the 72 out to tell the people the good
news. We are each called by Christ to go out to all the world and tell
the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do we reflect the love
of Christ in our relationships, especially our marriage relationship?
Sign up today to attend one of the upcoming Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends on J uly 29-31 in Madison, WI; Sept 9-11 in
Crystal Lake, IL or Oct. 21-23 in Brookfield, WI. Early registration
is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at:
alifetimeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653. Para un fin de semana
en Espanol por favor llamen a Andres y Maria al 630-229-2600. Las
fechas son Septiembre 9-11 y Noviembre 11-13.
Happiness comes of the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy
simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.
- Storm Jameson
Upcoming Food Pantries in Platteville
Ruby’s Pantry, Next food distr ibution will be Thur s., J uly
7th from 5:00-6:30pm. Registration begins at 4:30pm. There
are no income requirements, so all are welcome. For $20 you
will take home 2 baskets of food. Bring two large laundry
baskets, boxes or recycle bins. If you would like to help with
the distribution, arrive anytime after 2:00pm
Platteville Food Pantry, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Thur sday each
month ,9 am—12:30 pm, at Lutheran Church of Peace, 1345
Water St. All clients must fill out an application and show
proof of income and address. Applications available at the
Food Pantry. For questions or to volunteer call 608-7788572.
Mobile Food Pantry at St. Mary Church, thir d Fr iday of
the month (July 15), 10 –11 am. Free-no qualifications-all
welcome. Bring own container to take food home.
"To protect creation, to protect every man
and every woman, to look upon them
with tenderness and love,
is to open up a horizon of hope;
it is to let a shaft of light
break through the heavy clouds;
it is to bring the warmth of hope!"
- Pope Francis
JULY 3, 2016
Salvation is an even less expressive notion because it is usually set
against Condemnation, thus being merely a positive concept opposing a negative
On the other hand, it is true that while no effort is spared in explaining any
type of Spirituality, nevertheless, notions such as paradisiacal state, happiness,
or eternal salvation are insufficient for they are unable to fulfill the deepest aspirations of the human heart. After all, the human heart has been created to love and
to be loved, and it cannot be satisfied unless it knows that a personal element will
be the other within the relationship of love that is to be the last end of man. In this
regard, we must emphasize the importance of the entire Farewell Sermon of the
Last Supper as the scene par excellence where Christ expresses clearly the full
scope of the final destiny of each one of the Elect: being with Him forever. In other
words, the mutual, reciprocal, and eternal possession of the one by the other –of
Jesus Christ by the disciple— and vice-versa –of the disciple by Jesus. Then, and
only then, the desire expressed by the bride vis-à-vis the Bridegroom –and the desire of the Bridegroom in relation to the bride—will finally be fulfilled; a mutual
desire which the Song of Songs so sublimely describes (Sg 2:16; 6:3):
My beloved is mine, and I am his:
He feedeth among the lilies.
I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine:
He pastures his flock among the lilies.
In this sense, the knowledge that the crown of the Elect is nothing less than
the definitive possession of the Morning Star, that is Jesus Christ Himself, fills an
important gap in the history of Christian Spirituality. For Christian Spirituality
has not emphasized nearly enough, or so it seems to me, the Person of Jesus Christ or
the need to bring to the fore the Humanity of Jesus Christ in order to evoke in man a
love whose allurement his heart has always yearned for, consciously or unconsciously. A love, moreover, which can only be stirred up by a personal element, as
Saint Augustine foresaw: Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.
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Platteville, WI 53818
(608) 348-2300
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44 E. Main St., P.O. Box 253
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Gray’s Nursing Home
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Michael A. Hahn, LLC
(608) 348-5026
6058 S. Chestnut Ste A
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(608) 348-7766
Glass & Screens Repair
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340 W. Linden Lancaster, WI
(608) 723-4343
Four Seasons
Robb Paquette, LUTCF
Landscaping and Nursery
840 Bus. Hwy 151 East, Platteville
Serving Southwest Wisconsin”
Bridal Boutique
40 East Main St.
Platteville, WI 53818
345 West Pine St. · Platteville, WI 53818
(608) 348-2727
8 Locations in Southwest Wisconsin
Member FDIC
(608) 348-3433
Diane Drefcinski
Plumbing & Heating
10 W. Main • Platteville, WI
Beauty Consultant
170 McGregor Plaza · Platteville, WI 53818
(608) 348-2515 · 1-877-244-2515
or 608-348-9368
Mary Kay
Real Estate & Auction Service, Inc.
Platteville, WI 53818
of Platteville, LLC
Tami L. Wall-Feyen, DC
Stephen C. Misky, DC Ryan E. Liebfried, DC
Lynn M. Randall, DC—Lisa M. Millin, DC
Chase J. Dreessens, DC
(608) 348-3550
Bob Hundhausen, Financial Advisor
Platteville · 608-348-4846
(608) 348-8790
Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-6 · Sat: 9-4
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1291 College Farm Rd
Platteville, WI 53818
608 348-5787
185 E. Pine St.
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Walk-ins welcome
100 Park Place • Platteville
(608) 348-2446
Office: (608) 348-2231
Fax: (608) 348-4875
Email: digman@centurytel.net