WOW Cares for Childern
WOW Cares for Childern
WOW Cares March of 2015 Since WOW CARES’ first commitment in 2012, LAZITO DE AMOR has been making significant progress. The young lives are being powerfully impacted through genuine love, and the community is noticing it. This year, LAZITO DE AMOR have doubled the size of its infrastructure by acquiring the property next door, and soon will be ready to serve the double number of these precious lives. WOW’s president Lou Soteriou returned to Costa Rica bringing the resources needed and supervising the completion of the new roof for the annex housing to ensure that these beautiful lives remain safe and dry through the coming rainy season. WOW Cares WOW Cares WOW & KINGSMARK GLOBAL have been partnered since 2012 to help improve the future of children and youth living in extremely vulnerable communities, specifically the MAPUCHE Indians in the Patagonia region of South America, and the endangered children in Costa Rica. The joint benevolent endeavors provide basic humanitarian supports for self - sustainability and education to meet the immediate and long term needs. WOW Cares WOW Cares In August of 2014, WOW’s President, Lou Soteriou traveled to Costa Rica to bring donations that will significantly improve the conditions the kids are facing. Donations among others included mattresses, dining tables and chairs, kitchen appliances and various equipments needed for administrative purposes. Kids often sleep and eat on the floor due to lack of resources. But now thanks to the 100 mattresses and dinning furnitures provided by WOW Cares, children can enjoy the basic comforts of life WOW Cares WOW Cares November of 2013,WOW Cares delivered the necessary resources for brand new roof and ceiling, as well as various provisions for sustainability to LAZITO de AMOR. This significant improvement ensures that over 70 precious children are kept dry and safe in a country where the rainy season last 6 months of the year. WOW Cares WOW Cares July 2013, the first phase of infrastructure expansion completed at Lacito de Amor. The expansion is a part of an ongoing project and effort to provide adequate space and opportunity for educational improvement. The expansion of the edifice which will serve as study hall, includes the addition of 2 study rooms, 1 office and 1 bathroom. Acceso 7.9 CENTRO INTEGRAL LACITOS DE AMOR 3.5 Area de Juegos Planta esc1:100 0.6 Amplia entrada Juegos para Bebes 3 Cunas para Bebes 2 Rollos cinta papel 3 Cubetas de pasta 1000 tornillos Frijol 1500 tornillos 1.4 Cambiador para Bebes PATIO para JUEGOS 6 laminas de zinc 12pies 8 laminas de zinc 8 pies 4 laminas de acrilicas 8 pies 1.3 1.3 Pilas Baño Nuevo 120 Tornillos para Techo 3kg soldadura 2 discos de metal 32 m2 de cerámica 10 sacos de Bondex 10kg fragua 2.7 2.2 1.48 2.3 52 Stud 8 pies 20calibre 14 Tracks 24 Furring 15 Angulares 5 Canales U 15 Esquineros 9 Tubos 1"x2" (6ml) 5 Cajas 3"x3" (6ml) Cocina 5.2 3.4 4.4 Comedor Lista de Materiales para ampliación: 4 Laminas de Securok 12 Laminas de Gypsum 2.9 3.5 Juegos para Niños (a) Lacito de Amor is currently serving over 70 children, and with the support of WOW & KINGSMARK GLOBAL is creating a much brighter future for the children of Costa Rica. 4 apagadores 20 Tubos Conduit 1/2" 4 Cajas Octogonales 6 Tomas 10 Cajas Rectangulares 40 Conectores 1/2" 150 ml cable 30 gasas 1/2" 100 tornillos Frijolito. Aula 3.5 0.9 2.6 0.9 OFICINA NUEVA 1.6 1 3.9 5.3 23 ml rodapie 33.8 ml cornisa 2.4 5.3 3.8 AULA NUEVA 28,7m2 Iluminación Cenital 6.4 WOW Cares WOW Cares Clean Water for the School in Chanquin - November of 2012 WOW believes that all children deserve a better future. In November of 2012, WOW sponsored the clean water project and all the necessary infrastructure in the MAPUCHE school of Chanquin - Chile, 680 kms south of its capital Santiago. Lacitos de Amor - San Jose, Costa Rica - March 2013 This unique kind of Day Care take cares of children from recent born to 12 years old, whom otherwise would have been given up for adoption since the mothers are still teenagers. WOW & KINGSMARK GLOBAL are committed in creating a better future for the children in such underprivileged conditions. WOW Cares WOW Cares In March of 2012, WOW Care was established in partnership with KINGSMARK GLOBAL, for the purpose of helping to improve the future of children and youth of the community of MAPUCHE Indians in the Patagonian area of Chile. Community Center for the Mapuche Indians - March 2012 WOW sponsored the construction of the community center in the village of Nueva Imperial in Chile. The multi purpose facility serves as wedding hall, town meeting, house of worship, and other community events. WOW Cares