May Newsletter - New Hope Baptist Church


May Newsletter - New Hope Baptist Church
A Publication of the New Hope Baptist Church Senior Adult Ministry
May 2016
Memorial Day May 30
May 10
June 16
July 14
August 11
September 8
October 13
November 10
December 15 (3rd Thursday)
Members Pay
Pastor – Senior appreciation
Coleman Family
Lester Bray – New Hope Garden
Blue Grass Boys
Scott Israel - Safety
Veterans and Thanksgiving Celebration
Joe and Kim Stanley
The May luncheon is on TUESDAY. The church provides the meal and speaker – Pastor Rhys. Please sign up
so we will know how much food to prepare.
Here’s a word from our Ladies Sewing Ministry who provided the program for our April luncheon.
Thank you, PrimeTimers, for your kind welcome at your last luncheon-meeting. We value the opportunity we
had to present the sewing ministry's work and share the joy we receive from our service. We also thank you for
your monetary gifts and your desire to share with us in making God's love known by the giving of the dresses to
little girls in our mission areas and t-shirts when possible to little boys. They can hear of God's love through the
mission leaders and sense God's love through the gifts. Thank you for your interest and for your prayers.
If you’d like to be involved in this ministry, please contact me at 770-771-2687 or at
NHBC Sewing Team
Carrie Craig
Homebound Ministry
We’re grateful to have Fred and Alycia Phillips serve as team leaders for our ministry to those who are
homebound. Please contact them at 770.486.8997 if you know of someone from our church who is
homebound or if you would like to help with this very important work. Below is a listing of the team
members and those who are homebound.
Home Bound Members
1. Elizabeth Burdette
2. Fred Evans
3. Joyce Hill
4. Clara Peppers
5. Mae Plunkett
6. Don Pritchard
7. Charles Preston
8. Lisa Goza
9. Cal Gerald
10.Helen Carol
11.Edna Strickland
12.Julius Graves
13.Betty Kimbell
Home Bound Team
Kim Cort
Wilma McCann
Wilma McCann
Carolyn Harrell
Jewell Gunn
Bob & Nancy Moore
Bob & Nancy Moore
Carolyn Harrell
Alycia Phillips
Mike & Barbara Auw
Fred & Alycia Phillips
Donna Heinlen
Carol Carroll
~~In Memoriam~~
March 2016 – April 2016
DORIS STONE, mother of Rita Smith (Larry, Jaylen & Elijah), in Fayetteville, TN, Apr 5, 2016
DAVID ELLINGTON, husband of Kathy Ellington, Apr 3, 2016
HOWEL “TOMMY” SANDLIN, brother-in-law of Nick Nichols (Diane) in Martinsburg, WV, Mar 30, 2016
FRANCES MOORE, mother of Joyce Edmondson (Ray, Leslie & Kenneth Edmondson) Mar 29, 2016
A special “thank you” to Ann Banks and helpers for the beautiful decorations each month.
A Word from Dan
Psalms 91:1-4 NLT
1 Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of
the Almighty.
2 This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety;
He is my God, and I trust Him.
3 For He will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease.
4 He will cover you with His feathers. He will shelter you with His wings. His faithful promises are
your armor and protection.
I love the comfort words found in these verses.
The words like shelter, rest, refuge, and my place of safety bring up pictures of comfort and peace.
Other words such as rescue, protect, cover, shelter, armor, and protection bring up images of
security and the defenses which God uses to surround His children.
These are wonderful verses to meditate upon and commit to memory. These are words to live by and
use as the filter through which we are to look at the world. The everyday, spiritual attacks from the
enemy have to confront these truths when we meditate upon them, and then remind ourselves of
God's truth.
As we celebrate the Senior Adults this month, I want to thank all of those people in my life who
taught me such wonderful truths from the scriptures. I can see their faces in my mind as a young
preacher and remember their passion as they spoke to teach me to really trust the Lord and His
On behalf of all those whom you have touched, I want to thank you for your faithfulness and prayers
which have helped to guide so many lives.
May we continue to keep up this great passing down of the faith for all our days.
With much love,
From the Church Library:
DVD Review of Award Winning Movie ~ “God Is NOT Dead”
A Christian college freshman and his atheist philosophy professor debate the existence of God. To pass the
course, Josh Wheaton must prove to the class that God is alive. Putting his relationships and his future on the
line, will Josh be able to support his beliefs? Court is now in session! Starring Kevin Sorbo (Hercules), Shane
Harper (High School Musical 2), Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) and David A. R.
White (Jerusalem Countdown) “God Is NOT Dead 2” Coming Soon…….
Upcoming New Hope Group Trips (for all ages)
Pennsylvania Dutch Country - June 20-27, 2016
Balance Due May 20th for those already signed up
Only 1 Seat Left
Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport
Field Operations Tour
Tuesday May 24th Cost $22 (transportation and tour)
Lunch (not included in cost) Oakwood Café at the Farmer’s Market
Leave New Hope North Campus at 8 AM ~ return by 3 PM est.
We will have an escorted ground operations tour of
“The Busiest Airport In The World”
Everyone will need to go through security so when reserving your spot
I will need your full name as it appears on whatever ID you will be using (Driver’s License or Passport)
Deadline for Signing-Up is May 16th due to security check
Deposit of $10 required to hold your spot – Limited Seating so RESERVE NOW
Got Questions or for more information contact
Diane Nichols 770-461-4953 (home) 404-822-5693 (cell) or e-mail
**For those who are able, a tour of the Field Tower will also be offered (69 steps–no elevator)**
(all ages are welcome on all our tours)
Details Coming Soon For July
Chamberlain Chocolate Factory Tour
John Conrad
Associate Pastor of Music/Missions
I was born March 14, 1960 in Winston-Salem, NC to Robert and Lois Conrad. As a boy, I enjoyed playing
Daniel Boone in the woods near my house as well as looking for arrowheads and hunting on my grandad’s
farm. Playing in the band was a favorite school activity, and working in the local grocery store and helping with
the farming kept me busy as a teenager. My sister Amy (4 years younger) and I remember evenings spent
playing and singing, as music was a big part of our lives.
I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at the age of fourteen in Olivet Moravian Church.
At Olivet I experienced the worship, fellowship, and Biblical instruction of a loving community of believers.
Attending Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, I was further discipled through Campus Crusade for
Christ (CRU), which fanned a flame in me for missions and evangelism.
While participating in CRU I met my wife, Donna. I soon fell in love with her heart for God and her loving
spirit. She was smart, beautiful and had such a quick wit; I thought I probably didn’t have a shot at convincing
her to marry me. The Lord graciously blessed me however, and we were married in 1982. After graduating
from ASU, where I was trained in music education, Donna and I both began teaching school in the mountains in
NC. We were also serving in our local church and hoping to work in lay-mission endeavors.
On the lengthy drive through the mountains in western North Carolina each day to my school, I would often
sing and pray, and it was on one of these drives that I felt the Lord’s call to ministry in my life. For some time I
had felt a “tug” at my heart as I would read God’s Word, and this intensified until one winter’s day when I
pulled to the side of a mountain road, stepped out of the car, and shouted into the howling wind, “Yes Lord!
Whatever it is, I will do it.” I could not have imagined how quickly the Lord would open doors and hold me to
my word to follow Him in ministry. Two weeks later I received a call from a pastor in Lynchburg, VA who
asked me if I would meet with him about being the minister of music at Hyland Heights Baptist Church.
After much prayer and seeking wise counsel, Donna and I moved to Lynchburg to serve at Hyland Heights.
Though the journey was sometimes uncertain, God confirmed His Word to us often, and through the wisdom
and instruction of the Hyland Heights pastor and his wife, we learned much about local church ministry. In
Lynchburg our son Zach was born Feb 15, 1985.
After serving in Lynchburg for three years, we accepted a call to serve in West Lenoir Baptist Church in Lenoir,
NC. It was while we were in Lenoir that our daughter Bethany was born Nov 6, 1986.
Donna and I served there until we sensed the Lord moving our family to Fort Worth, TX to attend Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary. This decision was greatly influenced by Donna’s grandfather, Reverend Norman
Lytton. At that time, Reverend Lytton pastored in Tennessee, and having attended Southwestern Seminary
himself, I both respected and appreciated the instruction afforded him there. He modeled for me a love for the
Word of God as he passionately and powerfully preached. It was through the seasoned insight and wisdom of
men like Reverend Lytton in my life that I learned much about the importance of ministry and what a call to
ministry really means.
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary was an
opportunity to both learn and grow, and while there
we accepted a call to serve at Northrich Baptist
Church in Richardson, TX.
John Avant was pastoring Northrich at that time and
he and his wife Donna became lifelong friends.
Seminary classes both inspired and fanned the flame
of the Spirit in me, and not long after graduation, we
accepted a call to 12th Street Baptist Church in
Gadsden, AL. Our years in Gadsden were blessed
with ministry opportunities in our city, local schools,
and community. Richard Trader, pastor at 12th St.,
taught us so much while we were there about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the power in the blood and
name of the Lord Jesus. I served as the minister of worship for five years before following the Lord’s prompting
to accept a ministry position as associate pastor of worship at New Hope, where John Avant was then pastor.
Donna and I are thankful to have had the privilege of serving at New Hope for 19 years.
During our time here at NH, we have seen our children grow up, go to college and get married. Zach and
Heather were married June 1, 2013 and Justin Terry and Bethany were married Aug 2, 2014. Donna has served
in multiple leadership roles at NH including south campus Minister to Children. She is currently the Director of
Weekday Ed at the North Campus, NH Women’s Minister, and is on the Wales Mission Leadership team.
We have also seen NH grow in spirit and in number. In 2005 we saw the Lord bring dear friends, Rhys and
Louise Stenner, along with their girls Meg (now Alex/baby Brynlee) Eleanor and Sarah, to pastor and join us in
kingdom work. We have seen the staff and facilities expand and I have even been given the privilege of
overseeing missions as well as music.
Serving on a six-person leadership team under the pastor called the Exec Team, I have administrative and
leadership responsibilities in all areas of New Hope’s ministry, with specific oversight in missions, worship
services, and events for two campuses. This includes Missions; Local/National/International and coordinating,
directing, or leading approximately twelve mission trips per year.
Music ministry responsibilities include coordination of music staff and volunteers for choirs, orchestra, praise
band, and ensemble, as well as dramatic and technical ministries. I also have pastoral duties including
weddings, funerals, baptisms, hospital visits, prayer, counseling, teaching and preaching.
Colossians 3:16 is a life verse for me. It states, “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom,
teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your
hearts to the Lord.”