January, 2014 - Koinonia House
1 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER IN TIMES OF TROUBLE Dr. Steve Elwart THE ROYAL PROPHET JANUARY 2014 Dr. Chuck Missler ONCE AGAIN THE FOG IS LIFTING Dr. Dan Stolebarger THE YEAR IN REVIEW Mark Gustafson NAVIGATING FINANCIAL UNCERTAINTY Gunnar Johnson THE DANGER OF EMOTIONAL CHOICES Nancy Missler COVER 2 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS COVER STORY IN TIMES OF TROUBLE Dr. Steve Elwart CONTENTS ORDER p.6 The Royal Prophet: Dr. Chuck Missler There is a specific prophet that dominates the entire Bible: The Prophet Isaiah. p.17 2013 - The Year in Review: Mark Gustafson Each year we try to assess how well we are fulfilling the call of God... p.22 Navigating Financial Uncertainty: Gunnar Johnson These Biblical financial insights will help you navigate financial turmoil. p.26 Once Again the Fog is Lifting: Dr. Dan Stolebarger We are seeking the Lord in regards to starting a regular weekly online broadcast, The Koinonia International Fellowship. p.10 PREPARING FOR disasters in- volves more than just food and fuel. In times of trouble, what kind of witness will we be? How will we face adversity? What will YOU do? p.33 The Danger of Emotional Choices: Nancy Missler When we choose to follow our own feelings over God’s will, we quench His Spirit in us. As Proverbs 18:13 states, “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” As maturing Christians, we should find value in diverse views challenging us to further study and to be open to additional perspectives. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, we see great value in them. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal Update subscribers. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - DR. CHUCK MISSLER, EXECUTIVE EDITOR - DR. GORDON MCDONALD, MANAGING EDITOR - TRACY MCDONALD, DIRECTOR OF PRINTING DAVID HANSON, LAYOUT EDITOR - GARRETT MCDONALD EXECUTIVE RESEARCH ANALYST - STEVE ELWART Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Volume 24, Number 1. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute, Inc. Physical address: 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854. Mailing address: P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347. Phone Orders: 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731). Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310. Fax: 1-208-773-6312. Koinonia House Website: www.khouse.org. Online Store: http://resources.khouse.org. To Subscribe call: 1-800-546-8731. The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute mission is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. President/Founder Dr. Chuck Missler Managing Director Louis Powell Executive Director of Education Dr. Dan Stolebarger Executive Director of Research and Analysis Dr. Gordon McDonald Provost Clint Robertson Registrar Stan Honn Dean Pat Poole. COVER 3 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER DIGITALCONTENTS TABLETEDITION STRATEGIC TRENDS YOUR LIFELINE TO UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD AROUND YOU! Stay informed on the many happenings that are shaping our present situations and their future outcomes. kiresearch.org Every month Personal UPDATE’s tablet edition offers an enriching, multimedia learning experience for free to all of our subscribers. KOINONIA INSTITUTE khouse.org/subscribe IT’S TIME TO GET SERIOUS AND BECOME A PART... THE BOOK OF ISAIAH The Old Testament prophetic “tour de force.” STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVES CONFERENCE Full conference on Audio/DVDs THE FULCRUM OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE One of the most astonishing passages in the Bible Seriously study the Bible with a world-wide community of committed and informed Christians. studycenter.com 4 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER FROM THE EDITOR Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Editor, Personal UPDATE I BE OF GOOD COURAGE T’S A NEW YEAR. And even though the world seems to be trapped in a “down-hill” slide with ever-increasing velocity, the New Year brings with it a certain amount of “built-in” optimism. If you have been following world events, you might suspect that there is a bit of denial infiltrating our perspective. Our circumstances are never supposed to affect our hope. That is left to a world without God. The Christian worldview has always been “counter intuitive.” When things are at their worst, God is at His best. Although our attentions are distracted by the struggle to save the American dream and to understand how the world is changing, God’s interests have always been directed toward the individual, not the collective. To maintain a proper Godly worldview, we must never lose sight of that most valuable datapoint. Kingdoms rise and fall. Political parties ebb and flow. But our God remains the same, forever. There are many foreseeable challenges before us in the coming months. Our responsibility to fight the fight remains, but the outcome is of God’s choosing. Our involvement is required, but our joy comes from God. In fact, that joy surpasses worldly understanding. One of our many mottos here is “It’s never been more important to know what is going on in the world.” It remains true day after day and year after year. We live in incredibly exciting times. Things are happening that are quickly leading to the soon-return of our Hope, the Lord Jesus Christ. Be of good courage. Maranatha! Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Editor COVER 5 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 JAN2014 CONTENTS ORDER IN THE NEWS EACH MONTH WE SELECT NEWS THAT WE FEEL WILL HELP KEEP YOU INFORMED. MANY OF OUR NEWS SELECTIONS ARE NOT GIVEN ADEQUATE ATTENTION BY THE MAINLINE MEDIA. >> MIDDLE EAST AFGHANISTAN PROPOSES TO BRING BACK STONING Afghanistan’s decision to consider reintroducing public stoning as a punishment has drawn a sharp rebuke from Human Rights Watch, who says it harks to the time of Taliban rule. “It is absolutely shocking that 12 years after the fall of the Taliban government, the [Hamid] Karzai administration might bring back stoning as a punishment.” For more info: Click here >> EDUCATION AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS SLIP IN GLOBAL RANKINGS The influential Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has just released its much-awaited triennial study of global education systems, and once again, the U.S. earns bad grades. According to the study, American 15 year-olds tested were average in reading and science skills, below-average in math. For more info: Click here >> SCIENCE SCIENTISTS MEASURE THE UNIVERSE’S COLDEST STUFF Physicists from Australia and the United Kingdom have created a new way of measuring matter — and as a result they now can study the coldest objects in the universe. For more info: Click here >> INTERNATIONAL OBAMA WHITE HOUSE BETRAYS AN AMERICAN PASTOR The Obama administration has left an American pastor behind. In its quest for a “deal” with the hostile, jihadist Iranian regime, The Obama administration has thrown an American Christian, Saeed Abedini, under the bus—the latest American victim in the administration’s continual, naïve (at best) quest to bargain with Islamic radicals. For more info: Click here >> MIDDLE EAST EU THREATENS ACTION AGAINST ISRAEL AND PA IF TALKS FAIL The European Union (EU) is apparently fed up with the lack of progress in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) and is threatening to take action against both sides if the talks fail. For more info: Click here 6 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER NEW COMMENTARY THE ROYAL PROPHET Dr. Chuck Missler - Founder IT IS BY COMPARING THE CLASSIC KING JAMES VERSION WITH THE NEW INTERNATIONAL STANDARD VERSION ( ISV ) THAT WE GAIN A MORE COMPLETE SENSE OF THE MAJESTIC FLOW OF THOUGHT OF THIS UNIQUE ROYAL PROPHET. T here is a specific prophet that dominates the entire Bible: The Prophet Isaiah. As the “Royal Prophet,” he served under four kings,1 with a span of future perspective that dwarfs all the rest. His vocabulary is the most extensive2 and the integrity of his messages constitute a pillar of apologetic reasoning. A Target of Controversy Isaiah’s message was so controversial that the Ashkenazi Jews took Chapter 53 out of their Bible (the Tenakh). (However, the Sephardic Jews retained it; and when the Dead Sea Scrolls were ultimately discovered, there was a complete copy of Isaiah—with Chapter 53 right where it belonged: in the precise center of the second section.) King Manasseh apparently had Isaiah cut in half. The modern critics have attempted a similar thing with their “Deutero-Isaiah” theories; however, only to the uninformed. (A careful study of John 12:3840 shatters their profane speculations.) Elegant Style The flow of thought—unequalled elsewhere—also led to Handel’s classic choral masterpiece. We are also now blessed with a proprietary translation of the Paleo-Hebrew from the Dead Sea Scrolls by the acknowledged expert, Dr. Peter Flint, which is also the cornerstone of the new International Standard Version Bible (ISV). We paralleled our expositional commentary with the marvelous flow and rhythms of the ISV, which very much speak for themselves. BIO Dr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute After a distinguished military career and more than 30 very successful years in the corporate business environment, Chuck was led to pursue a life-long endeavor of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. He founded Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible. He also founded Koinonia Institute to enable people to have a Kingdom effect on the world today. 7 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Messianic Insights Among many things, Isaiah is also the most Messianic of all the Old Testament prophets. On every page, we gain a Messianic insight: every Christmas we celebrate the Hebraic parallelism: “for unto us a child is born; unto us a Son is given.”3 (These are not synonymous: The child was human and his birth fulfilled in Bethlehem. The Son was divine, and given at Golgotha.) For many, the “Holy of Holies” of the entire Old Testament ORDER is Isaiah Chapter 53. Located in the geometric center of the second section of Isaiah, the pivotal implications of this passage impacts the entire universe. Far more than simply our personal WATCH IT! more about this salvation is in view here; so much so that this passage has been set Learn study in this special video excerpt. apart in a special study called The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe. (See page 42 to order.) It is also Isaiah that explains the mystery of why Jesus was ostensibly not easily recognized after His resurrection.4 (John’s enigmatic remark in John 21:12 is particularly puzzling!) And Isaiah also provides us with such a clear view of the Millennial Kingdom that it must certainly embarrass the amillennialists. There are passages that clearly commingle with the final chapters of the Book of Revelation.5 Cosmological Insights It is Isaiah’s glimpse that the Creation was not originally “without form and void” (as implied in Genesis 1:2’s “tohu v’bohu”): For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else. 6 Thus, this hints of a possible interval between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 and, perhaps, an insight on the fall of Satan, which Isaiah details in Chapter 14.7 Isaiah also confronts the very cutting edge of cosmology as he refers to the “stretching of the heavens,”8 which challenges the very fabric of space itself. (This, along with the profound implications of the “Zero Point Energy,” will be the subject of subsequent articles on the very foundations of subatomic physics.) 8 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS Other Eschatological Insights It is by comparing the classic King James Version with the new International Standard Version (ISV) that we gain a more complete sense of the majestic flow of thought of this unique Royal Prophet. It is in Isaiah’s description of the ultimate destruction of Babylon which alters our perspective of what has yet to happen in the Middle East and world affairs.9 It is in Isaiah’s allusion to the future role of the Sinim (China)10 which further seems to suggest a major global outreach to the Gentiles as part of the final climax. Unquestionably, Isaiah has given us our most indispensable Old Testament prophetic tour de force, and it is replete with exegetical discoveries and hermeneutic treasures. A Personal Letter The Book of Isaiah also includes a personal letter from God to Cyrus the Great (written over a century before he was born), calling him by name and providing so many anticipated details of his career that it moved him to free the Jewish captives to return to their land. That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure: even saying to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be built; and to the temple, Thy foundation shall be laid.11 For the Connoisseur Unquestionably, Isaiah has given us our most indispensable Old Testament prophetic tour de force and it is replete with exegetical discoveries and hermeneutic treasures. (It was Isaiah that revealed that the Pharaoh of the Exodus was not an Egyptian.12) The Holy Spirit always rewards the diligent. When you want to feed on the Word of God, prepare yourself for a gourmet meal. It will be uniquely rewarding (and life-changing!). This study is now available on DVD. See page 9 for more information. ORDER NOTES 1. The reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah covered a total of 81 years. 2. Ezekiel, 1535; Jeremiah, 1653; Psalmists, 2170; Isaiah, 2186. (Cf. Milton, Dante, Shakespeare who boast the largest English vocabularies on record.) 3. Isaiah 9:6. 4. John 20:14, 15; Luke 24:16-31, 35, 3639; John 21:4, 12. Isaiah 50:6 provides the provocative clue. 5. Isaiah 65:17; 66:22; Revelation 21:1ff. 6. Isaiah 45:18. 7.Compare Isaiah 14:12-17 and Ezekiel 28:12-19. 8. Isaiah 42:5; 45:12; 51:13. 9. Isaiah 13 & 14, and Jeremiah 50 & 51 speak of a global role that has yet to happen; Zechariah 5:5-11 seems to bring this strange climax into focus. 10.Isaiah 49:12. 11.Isaiah 44:28. 12.Isaiah 52:4. (Cf. Isaiah 10:5, 24; 14:25; 19:23; 23:13; 30:31; 31:8). 9 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER NEWCOMMENTARY DVD $89.95 USD ea. AUDIOCD $89.95 USD ea. MP3 CD-ROM $44.95 USD ea. MP3 Download $39.95 USD ea. RUNNING TIME 24 HOURS WATCH IT! Learn more about this study in this special video excerpt. ORDER Isaiah was the most comprehensive of all prophets: his writing spans the entirety of history, from the creation of the world to the creation of “a new heavens and new earth.” No other prophet matches his majestic eloquence on the glory of God and the redemptive work and sufferings of the Coming Messiah, all the while making us clearly aware of God’s abounding Grace. Join Dr. Chuck Missler from the Executive Briefing Room of The River Lodge, New Zealand, with his indepth commentary on the Book of Isaiah. 10 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER IN TIMES OF TROUBLE by Dr. Steve Elwart Executive Analyst Koinonia Institute P REPARING FOR DISASTERS INVOLVES MORE THAN JUST FOOD AND FUEL. IN TIMES OF TROUBLE, WHAT KIND OF WITNESS WILL WE BE? The year 2013 was a year of disasters. Typhoon Haiyan (the most powerful tropical cyclone to make landfall in recorded history) dominated the headlines as the year closed, as reports came pouring in from the Philippines with accounts of desolation throughout the country. The United States is still picking through the devastation left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. This disaster caused over $US 67 billion in the United States, Canada, Cuba, and several Caribbean countries. Man also has the capability of taking actions with disastrous consequences. In fact, the Obama Administration has euphemistically called acts of terror, “man-made disasters.” Whether natural or man-made, most people are not prepared for a disaster. In fact, the Red Cross’s 2013 World Disasters Report came to the following conclusion: We have learned from major disasters. … We must continue to improve and innovate to make disaster preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery more effective and accountable. 11 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS While governments plan (sometimes poorly) for disasters, individuals have the ultimate responsibility for their own welfare and that of their family. The first thing that needs to be determined is “How much of a risk is there from a disaster?” Risk, however, is more than just what the odds are that an event will occur. For risk analysts, risk is reduced to a quasi-equation: Risk = Threat x Vulnerability x Impact Risk is a combination of all three factors. For there to be any risk there must be at least some threat and vulnerability and impact. If any of these three factors is zero, then there is no risk. Of course, everything has an element of threat, vulnerability or impact, so everything carries some sort of risk. Those that demand that an initiative—be it a nuclear power plant, a new drug, or a social program—carry absolutely no risk believe in a fantasy. Risk Assessment for an EMP ORDER BIO by Dr. Steve Elwart Executive Analyst Koinonia Institute Steve Elwar t is the Executive Analyst for the Koinonia Institute and has been a member of the Institute since 2006. He has spent 40 years in the Oil Industry. In those 40 years, Steve has had the opportunity to work not only in private industry, but also as a consultant with numerous government agencies. As a Subject Matter Expert on energy, automation, a n d c y b e r s e c u r i t y, Steve has worked with two presidential administrations, several cabinet level departments, as well as numerous congressional staffs and state commissions. Steve has also served as interim pastor of his church. Take the dangers from an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). An EMP is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. Nuclear weapons, some new non-nuclear weapons, and even geomagnetic storms (often called space weather) can power an EMP, and the resultant changing magnetic field in the Earth’s atmosphere can disrupt electrical systems. An EMP can generate an electromagnetic shock that can disrupt anything with a computer chip in it, such as those found in communication systems. The pulse can flow through electrical transmission lines, overloading and damaging transmission distribution centers, fuses, and power lines, rendering equipment permanently inoperative. 12 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Many writers immediately call this an “Armageddon event,” where a single EMP can throw a large portion of a country back into the 18th century. The Risk Equation yields a slightly different answer. The Threat from an EMP is certainly out there. A nuclear missile detonated 120 miles up in the air would send out an EMP that would extend out 1,000 miles from the center of detonation. There are several countries that are capable of doing it. Russia and China definitely have the weapons and delivery systems that can launch such an attack. Other countries, such as North Korea and Iran claim to have the capability, but it is doubtful they have both the weaponry and delivery systems to deliver such an attack. So, in this case, the Threat is deemed to be moderate to high. The Vulnerability to such an attack is variable. The threat of an ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile) attack from China or Russia is deemed low—both would fear a retaliatory strike. North Korea says it has the capability, but an analysis of the “nuclear” tests it has conducted is suspect. Iran, while not believed to have this Many writers call capability now, could have it in the future, and given this an “Armageddon its worldview,1 this is one of the reasons their nuclear event,” where a single ambition is drawing close scrutiny. The most likely scenario for a country such as Iran is for it to launch a EMP can throw a device from a container ship located off the coast of large portion of a the United States. In response to this scenario, Aegis country back into the missile cruisers are on alert in their home ports lo18th century... cated along the United States coastlines. This is not a sure defense and open to criticism from military analysts. Many would deem U.S. vulnerability to attack to be low to moderate. The Impact from such an event has varied over time. Strategic military assets would suffer a low impact from such an event. They have been “hardened” against such an attack for years. Tactical military assets used to be hardened very well, but recent budget cuts have reduced their resistance to an EMP. Strategic civilian assets, such as the national power grid, would suffer significant damage from an EMP, but government and industry are taking steps 13 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER to mitigate any adverse effects. Consumer electronics would suffer the worst effects from an EMP and very little has been done to protect these devices. The impact of an EMP would thus be rated at moderate to high. All three components of risk make for a risk that is deemed moderate. For an EMP generated from a nuclear device, what is deemed to be the most likely scenario is a missile launch from a container ship where the missile’s trajectory would be low and flat, so to best avoid antimissile defenses. In this scenario, a detonation would occur much lower than 100 miles in altitude. The Risk Equation Any resulting damage would affect a region rather than yields a slightly an entire country. different answer. Preparing for a Regional Disaster A regional disaster is still something to worry about. The damage resulting from Hurricane Katrina that hit the United States in August 2005 is a good example of a regional disaster. While news reports left the impression that New Orleans suffered all the damage and other areas just received a lot of rain, the facts show something else entirely. Katrina was the costliest natural disaster in the history of the United States. At least 1,833 people died in the hurricane and its aftermath making it the deadliest U.S. hurricane since the 1928 Okeechobee hurricane. It also caused an estimated $81 billion in property damage. Entire towns were wiped off the map. While parts of the United States suffered no ill effects, for those caught in the storm, it was the End of the World. The resultant case study revealed what happens to a population when their world is turned upside down, and they are left totally unprepared. Preparing Spiritually While many talk about how to prepare for a disaster, they mainly talk about taking care of physical needs. Very little attention is paid to how to spiritually and psychologically prepare for such an event. 14 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER The hurricane and subsequent flood victims suffered from psychological disorders, such as PTSD2 long after the waters receded and the rebuilding began. People experienced all sorts of emotions—they had feelings of panic, a loss of control, anger and despair. Many felt disoriented along with a high degree of anxiety. The images we saw on TV were not those of people maddened by hunger and thirst, but those of people wading through water clutching boxes of goods that are clearly not for immediate consumption. There were pictures of people looting stores not for food, but for beer, televisions, clothes and other nonessentials. This irrationality showed up in other ways as well. Rescue helicopters were fired on by those they were trying to save. A pediatric hospital was attacked by roving gangs looking for whatever drugs they could find. This disaster scratched off that “thin veneer of civilization” and revealed that ruthless element of society that wants to protect itself and the unaccustomed power they found they had. Federal In times of trouble, Emergency Management Agency Director Michael what kind of witness Brown said his agency was attempting to work “under conditions of urban warfare.” will we have? How Some blame the government for this behavior; will we face adversity? some blame society in general. There is no end to the What will YOU do? number of reasons people attribute to this behavior. The ultimate reason for the resulting chaos can be explained this way: Where there is no vision, the people perish: But he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) When people do not have a moral compass, more importantly, a Biblical one, it is easy to fall into lawlessness and misery. One that lives by a moral code is much more likely to come through adversity much better than those that live in a world of relativism and situational ethics. What Kind of Witness Will We Be? Disasters like Katrina should make us think, as Christians, what would we do in such a situation? Opinions on this range from giving those in need everything you can, to defending what you have to save yourself and your loved ones, even if that means resorting to violence. 15 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS Many people talk in generalities about preparing for a disaster, some take concrete steps, but what many individuals, families and churches do not talk about is what their Christian witness would be in such an event. Assuming you are one that does not have a cabin in the wilderness away from civilization, what would you do? Imagine a scenario where you have prepared for a disaster that has come and your family is taken care of. But six months after the event, you are relatively well fed and your neighbors, who are still alive, are skeletal. They are going to figure out that you have something they want and they will come for it. What will you do? Is prepping in and of itself the way? Some people equate prepping with building your own “fortified city” as was built in Biblical times. In fact, the Bible says a lot about fortified cities. It notes that fortified cities are a means of protection3 and they are mighty and strong.4 It also says they are conquerable and utterly destroyed.5 In Hosea we read that fortified cities are no substitute for God. Israel has neglected its maker in building palaces. Judah has multiplied its fortified cities, but I will send fire to their cities, and it will consume their fortresses. Hosea 8:14 (ISV) While we are also admonished to be good stewards of what we have and to prepare for hard times, here in Hosea we learn that if we put all our trust in the things of this world and forget God, we are bound to fail. So, the question is, in times of trouble, what kind of witness will we be? How will we face adversity? What will YOU do? * * * [Ed. Note: This article has been excerpted from a longer article by Steve Elwart, Disasters - It’s More Than You Think, available at kiresearch.org] ORDER NOTES 1. There are many in the Muslim world that believe that the coming of the Mahdi, ‘The divinely guided one, also known as the twelfth Imam, will unite all Muslims and heralds the Day of Judgment. Some believe the Mahdi will only come after the world is thrown into chaos, and a nuclear war may just be the event to cause this. 2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder 3. 2 Samuel 20:6. 4. Deuteronomy 9:1. 5. Deut 3:4,5; 2 Kgs 3:19, 25. SOURCES Dalrymple, T. (2005, September 26). The Veneer of Civilization Utterly Removed. Retrieved from National Review: http://www. manhattan-institute. org/html/_national_ rev-veneer.htm Harris, G. (2010, Septe m b e r 1 0 ) . N ew York Times. Retrieved from Police in Suburbs Blocked Evacuees, Witnesses Report: http://www.nytimes. com/2005/09/10/national/nationalspecial /10emt.html?_r=2& COVER 16 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER NEWCONFERENCE DVD $59.95 USD ea. AUDIOCD $59.95 USD ea. MP4 Download $59.95 USD ea. MP3 Download $54.95 USD ea. RUNNING TIME 10 HOURS WATCH IT! Learn more about this study in this special video excerpt. ORDER If you missed seeing the conference in person, or viewing it as a “virtual delegate” via live-stream or video-on-demand, the DVDs and AudioCDs are now available! • • • • • • • Dr. Chuck Missler Dr. Peter Flint Dr. William Welty Tom Horn Joel Richardson Dr. Dan Stolebarger David McAlvany COVER 17 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER ANNUAL REPORT CARD Mark Gustafson, President & COO 2013: THE YEAR IN REVIEW EACH YEAR WE TRY TO ASSESS HOW WELL WE ARE FULFILLING THE CALL OF GOD. WE LOOK AT ALL THE POSSIBILITIES AND TECHNOLOGIES AND THEN DO OUR BEST TO UTILIZE THEM FOR THE KINGDOM. T he New Year always presents new goals and new challenges—a time to reflect, a time to pray, and a time to dream. But most importantly, this is a time to get our “marching orders” from the One we serve. We feel that 2014 offers many truly exciting challenges and opportunities, and we very much covet your continued BIO prayers and counsel in focusing on the most effective ones. Each year we try to assess how well we are fulfilling the call of God. by Mark Gustafson President and COO We look at all the possibilities and technologies that are at our disposal Ko i n o n i a Ho u s e and then do our best to utilize them for the Kingdom. To bring you Mark Gustafson has worked at Koinonia up to date, we have included a copy of our most recent update to our House for the past 16 Board of Directors for your review. years. His involvement * * * Radio/YouTube Outreach We are beginning to expand our radio outreach again by adding a station in Austin, Texas; one in Sag Harbor, New York; and a smaller local station here in North Idaho. Several other radio outlets also continue to broadcast our 66/40 radio program without charge, for which we are extremely grateful. Last year we also launched our official Koinonia House YouTube channel, which now has over 16,000 subscribers and close to 500 different video clips—more are being added daily. If you’d like to subscribe, go to YouTube.com, search for Koinonia House and subscribe! with Internet startups and technology, along with his business background, gives him the knowledge and experience to help lead this ministry and attain our mission. He is a 40-year resident of Idaho and enjoys life in the outdoors and wilds of Idaho and understands the necessity of preparing both physically and spiritually. 18 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER New Products in 2013 Last year was a fantastic year for producing new material! We released the following products in the past year: • Commentaries (and release date) 1. Book of John – Chuck Missler – February 2013 2. Book of Isaiah – Chuck Missler – January 2014 • Topical Studies (and release date) 1. Redesigning the Church – Dan Stolebarger – February 2013 2. Church in the End Times – Chuck Missler – March 2013 3. Jesus: Who & Why – Chuck Missler – April 2013 4. Leadership for the End Times—Ron Matsen – April 2013 5. The Gospel – Ron Matsen – May 2013 6. Hidden Treasures – Chuck Missler – June 2013 7. The Love of God – Ron Matsen – June 2013 8. The Great Commission – Ron Matsen – July 2013 9. Discovering God – Ron Matsen – July 2013 10. Fulcrum of the Entire Universe – Chuck Missler—August 2013 11. Human Nature – Ron Matsen – August 2013 12. Old Paths – Dan Stolebarger – August 2013 13. The Beginning of Wisdom – Chuck Missler – September 2013 14. Defending the Bible – Ron Matsen – September 2013 15. Angels Vol. 3: Denizens of the Metacosm – Chuck Missler – December 2013 • Other Collections (and release date) 1. The Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend – Chuck and Nancy Missler – May 2013 2. The Holy Spirit – Ron Matsen – October 2013 3. Expectations of the Antichrist – Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen – November 2013 4. 2013 Strategic Perspectives Conference – December 2013 If you have not yet watched or listened to these teachings, please do—your life will be enriched! 19 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Koinonia Institute KI continues to grow and reach new areas of the globe. Our membership currently stands at 2730. The testimonies of changed lives come in every day. Pray about joining and having a life change of your own. See studycenter.com for details. Here is a quick snapshot of the fruits of this ministry: • • • Medallion Holders: - Gold Medallions 13 - Silver Medallions 65 - Bronze Medallions 2,298 Teaching Assistants: 72 Area Representatives: 71 Here is a quick snapshot of the fruits of this ministry. Koinonia Institute’s Annual Conference This year’s Strategic Perspectives Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho contained some “firsts”: In addition to the individual presentations that have been the hallmark of the conference in previous years, panel discussions were added to the format and were well received. Also, the Koinonia Institute awarded earned Gold Medallions for the first time to members of the Institute. Many of them have been working on this goal for over six years. Underlining the fact that the Institute is truly a worldwide ministry, the awardees came from Australia, Canada, and the United States. New Zealand At the end of September I traveled to New Zealand to visit operations there. What a beautiful place! It was a pleasure to see how the River Lodge was functioning—Ron The River Lodge 20 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Matsen and company are doing an excellent job. The entire facility is perfectly set up for its intended purpose of being a Resident Study Retreat. We hope to fill it to its capacity in 2014. You can visit kitrust.org to explore the opportunities available to you in New Zealand. “Back Room” Upgrades This year we upgraded our facility in Idaho with a fiber 50 mbps Internet connection. This allows us to conduct live streams and allows for greater productivity on a daily basis. We also moved some of our websites into a cloud environment—within minutes we can now double our capacity. We moved our email subscriber list to a service provider, which allows us to send to our entire list in a matter of a couple Please continue to pray hours; in contrast, it took 24‐36 hours previously when sending from our own servers. for this ministry, as we Our online store has been redesigned and can definitely see the upgraded. It now exhibits better navigation, better effects of your fervent product display, online gift certificates, and more! prayers. Check us out at resources.khouse.org Israel Tours Coming in 2014 (Led by Dan Stolebarger) School of Discipleship – February 6 – March 6: This experience will seek to provide some serious “God Time.” We will be spending approximately one week in the desert, then a week in Jerusalem, then a week up in the Galilee, ending with a week making our way to Haifa, then down to Caesarea and Netanya. This will be a “Hebraic” type of experience, one that includes conversational teaching as we traverse the Land together rather than in a classroom setting with pre-recorded materials. Our desire will be to provide an experiential type of learning. We will not just have lessons on prayer and fasting; we will actually be incorporating these disciplines coinciding with our studies. Our ultimate goal will be to “See the Land, Hear the Land and also to Serve the Land.” Since the first trip sold out so quickly, we will add a second trip in June 2014. Talmidim Tour – March 9 – 21: This is our “giving back” to Israel – a true Genesis 12 experience. This “tour” travels via two vans, and the focus is on WORK. We will be working with Helping Hands Coalition, who ministers to Holocaust Survivors. We also will be refurbishing bomb shelters. Talmidim is an “invitation only” tour, and we only accept those who have been to Israel already. 21 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Berean Tour – March 23 – 31: This is geared toward those who have never been to Israel before and is an overview of the main Biblical sites. This is the tour that causes so many people to get passionate about Israel. It transforms the written Word into living color! Petra Extension – March 31 – April 4: This extension always fills up because so many want to see a place where future prophecy will be fulfilled! This year we are also including stops at Jerash and the seaport town of Eilat. Issachar Tour – late October/early November 2014. This is the “Israel of Today” as well as the “Israel of Biblical Times.” This tour is unique and is always Petra limited to one bus. On this tour our folks will visit an air force base, the Knesset, and IDF outposts inside the Golan Heights. We have Israeli speakers address our group, either on site or in our hotel in the evenings. These speakers often have backgrounds in Mossad, Shin Bet, the IDF, or are actual current political figures. We also visit Biblical sites, thus our tag line for this tour is the “Israel of the Bible as well as the Israel of Today!” Pray about joining us in Israel this year. For more information, see page 31. Your Help Is Needed Please continue to pray for this ministry, as we can definitely see the effects of your fervent prayers. First on the list is for the supernatural healing of Nancy Missler, who was diagnosed with mucosal melanoma in February. Following surgery to remove the tumor and additional reconstructive surgeries, the cancer returned in October. Nan recently finished a round of radiation treatments and we continue to lift her up to the Great Physician. Lastly, for those who can help this ministry financially, we thank you. We have many opportunities presenting themselves in China, Korea, Romania and throughout South America. Your contributions help make this possible. It’s an honor and an awesome privilege to serve our King, and I thank you for allowing this ministry to continue to change lives for the Lord. May God richly bless you this year as you continue to serve Him! COVER 22 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER FINANCIAL TURMOIL PART 2 Gunnar Johnson, Stewardship Gateway Church NAVIGATING FINANCIAL UNCERTAINTY THE FOLLOWING SEVEN BIBLICAL FINANCIAL INSIGHTS WILL HELP YOU NAVIGATE TODAY’S—AND TOMORROW’S—FINANCIAL TURMOIL. N o matter where we live in the world or whatever generation God has chosen to place us, we will experience financial uncertainty. Thank goodness for timeless divinely inspired Scriptures that tell us how to live. Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 The following seven Biblical financial insights will help you navigate today’s—and tomorrow’s—financial turmoil. 1. Understand God Owns It All Understand God owns it all—we are only stewards. When this message sinks from our mind to our heart, it is a relief. God really owns everything and gives time, talent and treasure to us for the season of our short life to manage for the glory of His Kingdom. 2. Determine your Kingdom Allegiance Remember Jesus’ Words in the Sermon on the Mount: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Matthew 6:24 BIO Gunnar Johnson Executive Stewardship Pastor, Gateway Church Gunnar Johnson serves as the Executive Pastor of Financial Stewardship at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, and is the author of a new book, Generous Life Journey. Prior to coming to Gateway, Gunnar was a business entrepreneur who established, owned and operated two successful companies. Since 1999 he has worked closely with financial ministries such as Crown Financial Ministry and Dave Ramsey to develop tools necessary for teaching the local church body and about faith and finances. Gunnar has had the opportunity to reach across international borders bringing the stewardship message to churches in Europe, and Israel. 23 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER I wonder if Jesus had the words of Joshua in mind as he gave His message? Joshua challenges Israel in the same way. And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 (NKJV) The challenge is to decide whom we will serve. It’s the exact same challenge for us today. God or money. God or possessions. When opposed to each other, God or country? Who will you serve? Many times the result of losing money or even the threat of losing money is a revelation that MONEY was really your god. Choose wisely, my friends. We cannot serve both. 3. Practice Generosity Practice generosity—God is a generous God. “For God so love the world he gave...” (John 3:16). It is His nature to be generous. An open hand Understand God that gives is available to receive. Generosity shaped our heart to be more like God. In the midst of financial uncertainty, is owns it all—we the Lord challenging you to also grow in generosity? are only stewards. The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself. Proverbs 11:25 (NKJV) 4. Avoid the Use of Debt Debt limits future opportunities because of previous decisions. Debt also places us in a servant/lender relationship. The rich rules over the poor, And the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 (NKJV) 24 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER With economic uncertainty around the corner I believe it is downright foolish to be in debt. I know this sounds harsh, but I mean to motivate, not condemn. Get out of debt as quickly as possible while preparing for the future. 5. Create Margin By Living Under your Income My family has been on a quest to create maximum margin in our finances. The more margin, the more options. Systematically analyze every monthly expenditure. Is it a need, want, or desire? Many of the items, like the cable bill, we cut and have not been missed. Every situation is different. God will guide you with specific wisdom in the creation of margin. 6. Save I like the way the Amplified Bible translates the following verse: The financial order of using money should be to give first, then save, then spend. There are precious treasures and oil in the dwelling of the wise, but a self-confident and foolish man swallows it up and wastes it. Proverbs 21:20 (Amplified Bible) The financial order of using money should be to give first, then save, then spend. Creating a lifestyle of saving will yield margin for today and security for tomorrow. What vehicle do I recommend for saving? That is another article for another time, but I leave you with this. Practice Solomon-style investing, the richest man in the world’s advice is found here. Diversify, diversify. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight; for thou knowest not what evil shall be upon the earth. Ecclesiastes 11:2 (KJV) 25 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 7. Build Your Eternal Investment Portfolio If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because The Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though as one escaping through the flames. 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 The way we live today determines our eternal rewards and treasure in heaven. No matter what we do financially, make it the top priority to walk down the middle of God’s Will for your life. To build a man-centered big kingdom of sand is still just a temporal kingdom of sand. As a seasoned eternal investor, keep focused on the true return in the Kingdom of God. There are days of economic uncertainty ahead, just as there always have been. The severity of the turmoil is in the hands of our loving Father. No matter the future, join me in seeking the Kingdom of GOD and loving the lost and reaching them with the Good News of our Lord Christ Jesus. * * * For background on my spiritual and financial journey, see my book, Generous Life Journey. In it I recount how at 23 years old, even though I was a new Christian, I thought I knew everything and set out to prove the Bible wrong about tithing. “I’ll prove this tithing doesn’t work. I’ll tithe my way into bankruptcy. God does not work in our finances in this modern day and age.” Find out how my encounter with God forever changed my life course and taught me that the way one handles finances is an issue of the heart. $14.95 (Limited quantities. See order form.) COVER 26 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER KOINONIA INT’L FELLOWSHIP Dr. Dan Stolebarger Executive Director, KI ONCE AGAIN THE FOG IS LIFTING THIS YEAR WE ARE SEEKING THE LORD IN REGARDS TO STARTING A REGULAR WEEKLY ONLINE BROADCAST, WHICH WE ARE TENTATIVELY CALLING “THE KOINONIA INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP.” O ver eight years ago I left a large church in San Diego to become part of a new revolution. My gut (okay—probably the Holy Spirit) was telling me that God was leading me to a new type of ministry that had never been done before. So, I made the move and hitched my wagon to Chuck Missler and K-House and began this “new” work. BIO Early Planning at Koinonia Institute Even today I can remember the times that Chuck and I would spend in his office “plottin’ and schemin’,” at least that’s what we called it, but in reality I can see that it was really us seeking the mind of the Lord! In the early days we often spoke about the fog lifting and then we relished a new-found clarity. Over the weeks and months we discovered the “three pillars” the Lord had given to us and these pillars are what we used as a foundation to build what we now call Koinonia Institute. Things seemed to be going at warp speed back then and Chuck and I often quipped, “There they go and we’re their leaders!” Now, as KI was being formed we were very cautious not to present ourselves as a replacement for the Church; we truly saw the Institute as a supplement to the Church. The Role of Small Groups As I look back at the time I served at a mega-church in San Diego, I can now see some of the seeds that God used to plant KI. We were a Dan Stolebarger, Executive Director of Education, KI Dan was born and raised in San Diego, California. During his Senior year of high school, Dan came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Early on, Dan had a deep thirst for the Word of God, as well as a desire to be a sold-out man of God. Dan met Chuck Missler and traveled with him to the Mediterranean countries and Israel. Dan left San Diego and moved to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho to serve as the Executive Director of Koinonia Institute Education. 27 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER young church and always planned a yearly visit from Chuck Missler. During that time I was both the Executive Pastor as well as the pastor overseeing all of our Small Groups. Chuck could truly see that we were committed to building Small Groups, as we coined the phrase that our church was a church that was made up of Small Groups! We knew the power of these small groups and how the Lord was using them to assist in growing passionate Talmidimers (Disciples). With the Small Group revolution as a backdrop, along with Chuck’s past experiences in Home Fellowships, he recorded a Topical Study called The Once and Future Church. Here’s what Chuck has to say about this teaching: ORDER The greatest personal growth I’ve ever witnessed occurred in a In the early days home Bible study. The fellowship of those intimate home groups, where people can interact, ask questions, and hold one another we often spoke accountable, was the place of growth for all of us—teacher and about the fog liftstudent...This was, of course, the way it all started. A group ing and then we of only a dozen— fisherman and others—along a seaside in relished a newGalilee. Even later as Paul traveled and planted, it was the found clarity. intimacy of home fellowships that provided the earliest forums for the Gospel. Today, too many people get lost in church and are only getting a surface skimming of the Word of God. We encourage you to be intentional and get involved! The Bronze Package Is Born So, the work began, and the Bronze Package was soon created, which included three courses by Chuck and one by me. These courses were centered around our Pillars: Bere- 28 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER an—Old and New Testament Survey; Issachar—Introduction to Prophecy and Koinonos— Introduction to Spiritual Disciplines. The curriculum was the easy part, but now we needed to go beyond a self-study method and start exploiting new technology called Online Learning! Looking back I can remember the fog lifting once again as we built three elements to each of these online classes. First, we made the material available in a variety of ways: MP3, downloads, CDs, and of course DVDs because we knew that people learn in different Now, just like it was ways. Second, because we wanted interaction for our students we put together Discussion Questions that eight years ago, we allowed them to both briefly answers some questions are seeing some as well as to interact with other students in their classmore fog beginning room. to lift as we look at We had no idea how popular that aspect would bethe future of KI... come! People began to build real community in these online classes! We then added weekly quizzes and a comprehensive final to complete the course. Last was the question of how to grade. We then came up with the following grading scale: Discussion Question participation = 25%; weekly quizzes = 25%; and Comprehensive Final = 50%. The amazing thing to remember is this was being done entirely on the Internet. Hundreds began to see the value of this and thousands of folks have joined Koinonia Institute over the years, and to date it is staggering to think that we have awarded over 2300 Bronze Medallions! 29 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Koinonia Institute Today Over the years we have added lots of courses and created two other Medallion Tracks: Silver and Gold to go along with the Bronze. And at our last Koinonia Institute Strategic Perspectives Conference we awarded our first 10 earned Golds to go along with our 65 Silvers. One thing that has stuck in my mind was that when we were beta testing some of these early classes I would do an exit survey and was stunned to find that one of the things that our students enjoyed the most were the Discussion Questions! The reason? Because they found other folks that had similar passions and were like-minded! I guess it was a kind of a validation that they weren’t weird! Part of it was because others had some of the same concerns regarding their church experiences; they really didn’t want to leave but they could see their church being compromised and slipping towards the things of the world. Even though we too could see this we still wanted to be cautious in not ...Many of those wanting to be seen as a ministry that was competing who are a part of with the church. However … Koinonia International Fellowship Now, just like it was eight years ago, we are seeing some more fog beginning to lift as we look at the future of KI. Even though we still do not want to compete with churches, we are starting to see a need for us to tighten the cords of our Fellowship! Many of those who are a part of the Institute are finding that the “koinonia” in the classroom is just not enough, and many are starving for more KI Fellowship. the Institute are finding that the “koinonia” in the classroom is just not enough and many are starving for more KI Fellowship. 30 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER So, this year we are seeking the Lord in regards to starting a regular weekly online broadcast, which we are tentatively calling The Koinonia International Fellowship. One of our goals will be to include at least three segments into this weekly service: a Berean devotional, an Issachar Report and then get a glimpse of those who are “doing it” as we highlight a Koinonos practicum. Again, just like back at the beginning we are praying for clarity, but as I reflect back, the words of Chuck Missler continue to ring in my ears “the church began in homes and may one day end in homes!” What we are planning is the “next step” in creating an intentional online global Fellowship of like-minded Believers that are passionate about Discipleship! As I am writing I hear the lyrics from a song from way back saying (or I guess praying) these words: “The church began in homes and may one day end in homes.” Bind us together, Lord bind us together with cords that cannot be broken! Bind us together, Lord bind us together with cords of love! And as Solomon wrote: Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12 Please keep this endeavor in your prayers and keep your eyes open. 31 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS Now accepting applications for June 2014 ORDER 32 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 33 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER AGAINST THE TIDE Nancy Missler, Founder, KHW THE DANGER OF EMOTIONAL CHOICES WHEN WE CHOOSE TO FOLLOW OUR OWN FEELINGS AND DESIRES OVER GOD’S WILL, WE QUENCH HIS SPIRIT IN US. A s Nancy continues to get better, we at The King’s High Way Ministries have been bringing back articles she wrote over the past 15 years. These messages are a chronology of what the Lord taught her through Scripture during her own personal faith journey. It’s amazing how the Lord gave her Scriptural knowledge of the BIO practical “how to” of Christianity. Because of her willingness to share Nancy Missler what the Lord showed her, we are privy to insights from God’s Word for Director/Founder of King’s High Way the times we are living in today. Na n c y M i s s l e r h a s In this article, which was written in 2004, Nan opens with a true published four studies: story about a missionary who lost his faith in God and didn’t finish the The Way of Agape, Be race because of his own emotional choices. He chose to follow his own Ye Transformed, Faith in the Night Seasons, feelings, thoughts and desires rather than continue in God’s Will for his and her latest, The Kingdom, Power & life. She highlights in this article the dangers and pitfalls of letting our Glory. In addition to emotions rule our life. these popular studies she As we enter this new year of 2014, we pray that you will have endur- also has published six Plain and Simple Series ance on your own personal journey of life. May you keep the faith, finish books, as well as two In His Likeness Series the race and someday hear the Lord say: Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:21 * * * Let’s begin with a classic example from one of David Wilkerson’s newsletters (Times Square Pulpit Series, 2/16/98) that graphically illustrates the cost of making emotional choices: books. Nancy has been married for over 50 years to Chuck Missler. They are the parents of four grown children, one of whom has gone to be with the Lord, and seven grandchildren. 34 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER In 1921, two young missionary couples in Stockholm, Sweden, received a burden to go to the Belgian Congo (which is now Zaire). David and Svea Flood (along with their two-year-old son) joined Joel and Bertha Erickson to battle insects, fierce heat, malaria and malnutrition. But after six months in the jungle, they had made little or no contact with the native people. Although the Ericksons decided to return to the mission station, the Floods chose to stay in their lonely outpost. Svea was now pregnant and sick with malaria, yet she faithfully continued to minister to their one and only His anger towards God convert, a little boy from one of the nearby villages. had totally wasted his Svea died after giving birth to a healthy baby girl, and as David Flood stood over his beloved wife’s life’s potential... grave, he poured out his bitterness to God: “Why did You allow this? We came here to give our lives, and now my wife is dead at 27! All we have to show for all this is one little village boy who probably doesn’t even understand what we’ve told him. You’ve failed me, God. What a waste of life!” David Flood ended up making drastic “emotional choices”: he chose to leave his new daughter with the Ericksons; he took his son back home with him to Sweden; and, from then on, he never allowed the name of God to be mentioned in his presence. His little girl was raised in the Congo by an American missionary couple, who named their adopted daughter “Aggie.” Throughout her life, Aggie tried to locate her real father, but her letters were never answered. She never knew that David Flood had remarried and fathered four more children, and she never knew that he had plunged into despair and had become an alcoholic. But when she was in her forties, Aggie and her husband were given round-trip tickets to Sweden, and while spending a day’s layover in London, the couple went to hear a well-known black preacher from the Belgian Congo. After the meeting, Aggie asked the preacher, “Did you ever know David and Svea Flood?” To 35 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER her great surprise, he answered, “Svea Flood led me to the Lord when I was a little boy.” Aggie was ecstatic to learn that her mother’s only convert was being mightily used to evangelize Zaire, and he was overjoyed to meet the daughter of the woman who had introduced him to Christ. When Aggie arrived in Sweden, she located her father in an impoverished area of Stockholm, living in a rundown apartment filled with empty liquor bottles. David Flood was now a 73-year-old diabetic who had had a stroke and whose eyes were covered with cataracts, yet when she identified herself, he began to weep and apologize for abandoning her. But when Aggie said, “That’s okay, Daddy, God took care of me,” he became totally enraged. “God didn’t take care of you!” he cried. “He ruined our whole family! He led us to Africa and then betrayed us! Nothing ever came of our time there, and it was a waste of our lives!” That’s when Aggie told him about the black preacher she’d just met in London, and how the Congo had been evangelized through the efforts of his ...and created a wife’s one and only convert. As he listened to his daughter, the tragic legacy for Holy Spirit suddenly fell on David Flood, and tears of sorrow and repentance began to flow down his face. Although God his family. mercifully restored him before he died, David Flood left behind five unsaved and embittered children. His anger towards God had totally wasted his life’s potential and created a tragic legacy for his family. * * * Again, this story clearly illustrates the danger of going with the tide of emotion and following one’s own thoughts and desires. Had David Flood chosen by an act of his will to accept the tragic situation and know that somehow God would use it for His glory, who knows what awesome fruit God could have brought forth from his life? God is involved in every 36 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER aspect of our existence, and there is no sorrow so great that He cannot somehow “recycle” it to bring forth a blessing. The deciding factor, however, is our own choice to release God to work. Nothing Shall Separate Us The above story exemplifies that when we choose to follow our own feelings and desires over God’s will, we quench His Spirit in us. This, then, blocks His Love not only from flowing through us to others, but also hinders us from experiencing His Love personally. Psalm 119:70 explains this further. It says that when we make emotional choices, our hearts become “fat as grease” (like kitchen lard!). This grease, then, not only clogs, chokes out and quenches any communication or personal leading from God, it also causes us to become insensitive and unfeeling towards others. The Bible tells us that James describes this as the “pure water” of God’s Spirit getting blocked off and coming out “bitter.” “sin” is anything we (James 3:10-11) choose to do or believe It’s interesting to note that in a real life situthat is “not of faith.” ation, when you put grease or fat on a physical (Romans 14:23) burn, you not only make that area insensitive and resistant to healing, you also cause a scar to be formed in its place. Sin and self are just like that grease—they not only make us insensitive and resistant to God’s leading, they also leave scars on our lives. In other words, we always reap the consequences of our wrong choices, as clearly seen in the above story about Aggie. What Is Sin? The Bible tells us that “sin” is anything we choose to do or believe that is “not of faith.” (Romans 14:23) Now, if we are Christians who sin, God remains in our hearts, but His Spirit will be quenched and thus, His Life in our hearts is blocked from coming forth. When I used to think of sin, I thought of the list in Galatians 37 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER 5:19-21 and I could say, “Hey, I’m really okay. I don’t do those kinds of things!” But, then I came across a little book called The Calvary Road by Roy Hession that changed my life. In this little book, there is a list of subtle things that cover our hearts and separate us from God’s Life just as much as the big ones of Galatians 5. Let me recall just a few: Self-pity, self-defensiveness, oversensitivity, criticalness, resentfulness, worry, grumbling, bossiness, self-complacency, self-energy, selfseeking, self-indulgence, and self-consciousness. The above list describes sins that quench God’s Spirit and cover our hearts just as much as the “biggies” of Galatians 5. These “little sins” cover our hearts with grease, form a barrier or a blockage and prohibit God’s Life from being experienced, not only personally, but also through us to others. An Example: “Could I Borrow Some Money?” Joanne was a hairdresser in a Christian salon and a total perfectionist. She never could stand any untidiness or messiness in her booth. She befriended Susie, a Christian who worked in the booth next to hers. Susie was a single mom, who out of necessity (when her baby-sitter did not show up) brought her two little children to work with her. Of course, the kids often brought crackers and cookies, and before long the whole place became a total disaster. Joanne tried to put up with this situation for a while. She smiled and pretended everything was fine, even sometimes taking care of Susie’s children. But after months of the inconvenience and the mess, she unknowingly allowed deep roots of bitterness to grow. Like many of us, Joanne didn’t realize that when we don’t deal with our real negative thoughts and emotions right away, they form a barrier (grease) over our hearts and can become the motivation for many of our actions. One day while out shopping, Joanne ran into Susie who was trying to buy some clothes. Susie’s estranged husband was coming over the next night for a visit, and Susie was hop- 38 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER ing there might be a chance for a reconciliation. When Susie went to pay for the clothes, however, the cashier for some reason couldn’t take her credit card. She didn’t have any cash in her purse, so she quickly turned to Joanne and asked, “Please, could I borrow some money? I’ll pay you back at work in the morning.” Before Joanne could even think, she responded with, “No, I’m really sorry, but...” and then she made up some feeble excuse for why she couldn’t loan Susie the money. Joanne actually had plenty of money in her purse, but because her heart was so clogged by resentment and bitterness, she reacted out of that grease, rather than God’s Love. Susie responded, “Oh, I understand. I was Our thoughts trigger our just hoping to make tomorrow night special. It’s okay.” emotions; our emotions And then she left. Joanne was mortified. She stir up our desires; and, could hardly believe what had just came out of our desires produce our her mouth. She could have easily lent Susie the actions. money, because she had plenty in her purse. Guilt and shame consumed her. She finally went to the ladies’ room to regain her composure. In the bathroom, she wept, asking the Lord to forgive her. He exposed the bitterness and resentment that she was still harboring in her heart against Susie for always bringing her children to work. Joanne thanked God for revealing the truth, chose to confess and repent of it and then, to give it over to the Lord, knowing that He would forgive her and cleanse her. When she left the bathroom and went back into the store, she saw Susie’s pile of clothes still sitting there on the counter. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, she bought the clothes as a gift 39 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER for Susie. When Joanne went to work the next morning, she told Susie the whole story, asked her forgiveness and then gave her the “love gift” out of her heart. Once again “the sweet fountain water” of God’s Life in Joanne’s heart was able to flow. (James 3:10-11) When we daily wash our hearts with that cool, fresh, running water of God’s Word by confessing, repenting, and giving our sins to God, our sin and our self will not only be washed away, but no scars will be left! Chain Reaction of Our Soul One of the more interesting things I learned when I was writing Be Ye Transformed is that there is a natural mental and emotional “chain reaction” in each of our souls. In other words, if we could peel back the outer layer of our soul, we would see that our thoughts trigger our emotions; our emotions then stir up our desires; and, our desires produce our actions. In other words, every action we take really comes from four split decisions. Since our thoughts are the first to be triggered in this chain-reaction, God puts great emphasis on them throughout Scripture. He knows that if we can catch the negative thoughts when they first occur, then we’ll be able to stop the whole chain reaction before it even begins. And thus, we might be able to prevent some of the sin before it occurs in our lives. What happens, however, when we don’t take every thought captive is that we end up being carried on by the “tide of emotion” (that chain reaction), quenching God’s Spirit, and then His Life in our hearts is thwarted. This is why 2 Corinthians 10:5 exhorts us to: “... bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” In other words, we are to stop and examine the thoughts we have. Now, obviously, we can’t examine every thought we think, but we can stop and take a good hard look at the angry thoughts, the hurtful thoughts, the fearful thoughts, etc. Any thought that takes away our peace is a thought that God wants us to “take captive” and to examine. 40 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER If we’re unable to catch the negative thoughts before they stir up our emotions, then perhaps we can spot the wild emotions before they become out-of-control desires and before they become actions. Obviously, it’s like splitting hairs to examine this chain reaction, but it’s imperative that we, at least, see its domino effect. When Are Thoughts “Sin”? Technically we are not responsible for the first, original self-centered or ungodly thought: it’s what we choose to do with that thought that produces the sin or not. If we can recognize the negative thought and choose to immediately give it over to God, then we’ll not have sinned. However, if we entertain, mull over and follow what those thoughts are prompting, then it will be sin and we’ll end up with a layer of grease over our hearts. It’s interesting because, even if we do nothing with our negative thinking, it still will end up quenching God’s Spirit and eventually be buried in the hidden part of our soul. It’s absolutely Only choosing by faith impossible to stand still in our walk with God; to do God’s will, regardwe are either moving forward with Him or falling less of how we feel or behind. Ephesians exhorts us to: what we think, will allow us to be overcomers. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you. Ephesians 4:29-32 Only faith choices will allow us to walk in the above Scripture. Humanly speaking, it’s impossible! Choosing to walk by our own sight and our own feelings will never cut it. This is not what the Christian life is all about! Only choosing by faith to do God’s will, regardless of how we feel or what we think, will allow us to be overcomers. COVER 41 / UPDATE / JANUARY 2014 CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKING/TOURS Idaho Florida Post Falls (Dan & Others) Jan 8, 15, 22, 29 Feb 5, 12, 19, 26 Mar 5, 12, 19, 26 Koinonia Institute Bible Study 800-546-8731 Orlando (Chuck) Mar 28-30 Prophecy Summit, sponsored by Prophecy in the News Renaissance Orlando 405-634-1234 www.prophecyinthenews.com Israel Various Cities (Dan Stolebarger) Feb 6 - Mar 6 School of Discipleship Mar 23 - 31 Berean Tour to Israel Mar 31 - Apr 4 Petra Extension June 2014 School of Discipleship 800-546-8731 sharon@khouse.org Missouri Branson (Chuck) April 2-5 Breakthrough Conference, sponsored by World Missions Alliance 417-231-4131 http://www.rfwma.org/ STUDY TOGETHER The KI Resident Study Program Koinonia Institute has established a “Resident Study Program” at the River Lodge in New Zealand. Participants can come for one month, three months, six months, or longer to study with us, advance in the KI Medallion Program, and prepare for supplemental “tentmaking” skills, all specifically tailored to their specific calling. For as little as $1,000 New Zealand Dollars (about $850 USD, £600 GBP) per month you can join our growing residence study program at the River Lodge in Reporoa, New Zealand. For more information visit: www.kitrust.org Topical Studies by Chuck Missler Each study approximately two hours of audio or video EACHcontains STUDY CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 2 HOURS OF AUDIO OR VIDEO NEWEST RELEASE! 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