Personal Update - November 2014
Personal Update - November 2014
THE NEWS JOURNAL OF KOINONIA INSTITUTE ON THE ROAD NOVEMBER 2014 Dr. Gordon McDonald The Spiritual Entrepreneur The Bema Seat: Our Final Exam Dr. Chuck Missler Dr. Chuck Missler Trusting God in the Darkness: The Reemergence of Assyria? PART 1 - Nancy Missler Ron Matsen Koinonia Institute Presents ISRAEL The Berean Tour Pre-Tour Extension: PETRA, JERASH & DEAD SEA Post-Tour Extension: REMEMBER THE NAMES - A Journey to POLAND April 26–May 4, 2015 Led by Dan Stolebarger For more information Email: Website: Remember the Names - A Journey to POLAND Because We Must! May 4–8, 2015 A unique and insightful post-tour extension to the Berean Tour! COVER CONTENTS ORDER CONTENTS COVER STORY ON THE ROAD 40 For some 21 years the Lord has seen fit to allow me to be the proverbial “fly on the wall” while traveling and serving with Chuck. BEREAN 7 The Bema Seat - Our Final Exam: Dr. Chuck Missler They say, ”Experience is a hard teacher because it gives the test first, the lessons afterward.” However, we have ample lessons in life well in advance of our final exam. Paul has given us numerous written guides to help us prepare for it. ISSACHAR 12 The Reemergence of Assyria: Ron Matsen The rapid rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused many in the world to wonder at its apocalyptic implications. They have distinguished themselves by being the first terror group to declare its captured territory a sovereign country. 19 Christmas Catalog KOINONOS 40 On the Road: Dr. Gordon McDonald For some 21 years the Lord has seen fit to allow me to be the proverbial “fly on the wall” while traveling and serving with Chuck. 47 Trusting God in the Darkness - Pt. 1: Nancy Missler God is not only the Author of all Love, the Bible is His message of “hope” to a dying world. 53 The Spiritual Entrepreneur: Dr. Chuck Missler As we mentioned in our earlier article, when someone becomes truly serious about serving our Lord, he is typically confronted with two basic choices: Seeking employment in a Christian organization or joining an organization in which one must bring their own support. 58 Speaking/Tours Dates 59 Product Order Forms November 2014 | Personal UPDATE “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13 As maturing Christians, we should find value in diverse views challenging us to further study and to be open to additional perspectives. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, we see great value in them. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal Update subscribers. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF DR. CHUCK MISSLER EXECUTIVE RESEARCH EDITOR STEVE ELWART LAYOUT EDITOR DEAN PACKWOOD DIRECTOR OF PRINTING DAVID HANSON Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute. Physical Address 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 Mailing Address P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347 Phone Orders/Subscriptions 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310 Fax: 1-208-773-6312 Koinonia House Website Online Store The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute mission is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. President/Founder Dr. Chuck Missler CEO Louis Powell Managing Director Ron Matsen Executive Director, Israel Dr. Dan Stolebarger Executive Director, Communications Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Director, Operations Pat Poole Registrar Stan Honn VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 3 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER DIGITALRESOURCES DIGITALEDITION STRATEGIC TRENDS YOUR LIFELINE TO UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD AROUND YOU! Stay informed on the many happenings that are shaping our present situations and their future outcomes. Personal Update comes to vibrant life with the Digital Edition, available for your computer, tablet or mobile device. Get everything you love about our print edition -- plus interactive links to videos and additional online resources. KOINONIA INSTITUTE QR (Quick Response) Codes Over the last few years you’ve probably seen these QR codes all over the place, and also in the Personal Update. How do you use them? Simply click on the QR code (in the digital version), or scan the QR code with one of the freely available mobile apps from the Apple or Android stores (Some devices come with a QR code reader pre-installed). Scanning, or clicking, these codes will link to our website, videos or display other helpful information. 4 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 IT’S TIME TO GET SERIOUS AND BECOME A PART... Seriously study the Bible with a world-wide community of committed and informed Christians. VIDEO ON-DEMAND Over 900 Hours of Topical Studies and Commentaries as Video On-Demand. Broadcasting Live special events throughout the year, and providing free weekly Live Video Broadcasts hosted by Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen. COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE FROM THE EDITOR DEAR FRIENDS Dr. Chuck Missler Editor-in-chief, Personal UPDATE D ear Friends in Christ Jesus: This letter is to introduce a new emphasis in this publication which will feature a renewed focus on the three pillars of the programs of the Koinonia Institute: • A BEREAN Section to encourage us to be more serious than ever in studying the Word of God as the pre-emptive priority of our lives; • An ISSACHAR Section to help us understand the challenges emerging in the world around us, and to keep us from being blindsighted by forthcoming upheavals; and • The KOINONOS Section to help each of us to discover, and to prepare for, our distinctive callings. “The two most important days of our lives is the day we were born, and the day we discover why.” –Mark Twain We will also preview and explain many new resources and opportunities that will be assisting each of us on this grand adventure. Please do keep us high on your prayer list: it is a warfare, after all! In His Holy Name, Chuck VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 5 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER EBOOKS The Way of Agape After God healed Nancy Missler’s marriage, she prayed for three years, asking the Lord to show her from Scripture what He had done. She not only wanted to understand what had happened, but also needed be able to explain it to others. The Way of Agape details that answer. The Way of Agape eBook US$9.95 ea AVAILABLE on Kindle & our online store: OTHER eBOOKS By CHUCK & NANCY MISSLER 6 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE THE BEMA SEAT OUR FINAL EXAM Dr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute T hey say experience is a hard teacher because it gives the test first and the lessons afterward. However, we have ample lessons in life well in advance of our final exam. Paul has given us numerous written guides to help us prepare for it.1 Yet we all do have a last “final exam” still ahead of us: “We must all appear before the Bema seat of Christ...”2 And every day that our Lord tarries gives us an additional day to prepare for it. What is the “Bema seat”? Where will it be held? When is it given? What is at stake? What are the grading criteria? BIO Dr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute After a distinguished military career and more than 30 very successful years in the corporate business environment, Chuck was led to pursue a life-long endeavor of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. He founded Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible. He also founded Koinonia Institute to enable people to have a Kingdom effect on the world today. The Bema Seat This judgment is often taught as simply an awards ceremony, but that is not entirely correct. It was the tribunal seat, the judicial bench, the judgment seat, or throne of the one in charge. Herod Agrippa I addressed the people of Tyre and Sidon from his Bema seat.3 Jesus was brought before Pilate4 and his Bema seat. Paul was accused before Proconsul Gallio;5 and brought before Festus at Caesarea6 facing a Bema seat. (A relic of one was found among There are three the ruins in Corinth.) 1 Romans, Galatians and Hebrews instruct and amplify Habakkuk’s fabled challenge in Habakkuk 2:4. 2 2 Cor 5:10. 3 Acts 12:21. 4 John 19:13 (cf. Mt 27:19). 5 Acts 18:12, 16, 17. 6 Acts 25:6, 10, 17. principal judgments that are often confused: the Bema Seat Judgment, the Sheep and Goat Judgment, and the Great White Throne. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 7 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | November 2014 There are three principal judgments that are often confused: the Bema Seat Judgment, the Sheep and Goat Judgment, and the Great White Throne. They are each quite different. The Bema Seat7 deals with rewards for obedience, crowns, and the call of the Bride to the Marriage of the Lamb which occurs in the Father’s house. The Sheep and Goat Judgment8 is on the earth. Three separate parties are involved, and mortals are judged on the basis of their “works.” The Great White Throne9 occurs at the end of the Millennium, deals with the unsaved dead, and ushers in the New Heavens, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem. (not to scale) Bema Seat Judgment Marriage of The Lamb Harpazo Abomination of Desolation 31/2 years 42 months 1260 days (Interval) Dan 9:26 don Great Tribulation 31/2 years 42 months 1260 days Three Judgments 2nd Coming 70th Week Arm age d Sheep & Goats 70th Week Dan 9:27 Satan Bound Marriage Supper The Millennium Great White Throne New Jerusalem Judgments New Heavens and New Earth These are all highlighted in figure 1 below. Satan Released Figure 1. The Bema Seat Judgment is apparently the first order of business for the translated saints after the Harpazo. Everyone present will be “saved;” salvation is not the issue here. (That was concluded on a wooden cross erected in Judea about 2,000 years ago!) 7 2 Cor 5:10; 1 Cor 3:11-15. 8 Matt 25:31-46. 9 Rev 20:11-15. 8 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE Everyone present will have been saved by the completed work of our Lord Jesus. The issue here is fruit-bearing, not salvation. All are building on the same foundation, but with vastly differing results. According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:10,11 (KJV) “Let every man take heed:” A solemn warning. We are God’s Building. We are only subcontractors. The evaluation procedure is then detailed: “Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, [or] wood, hay, stubble; 1 Corinthians 3:12 (KJV) Notice that there are six commodities in two groups, in descending order of worth. Three are products of a God’s creative act, not growth or development; three are the result of natural growth and development (from our old nature?). The first three are permanent. The last three will perish under fire. (The largest load of hay or wood would be worth less than the smallest diamond.) Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. 1 Corinthians 3:13 (KJV) Also, notice that the “work” is being appraised, not the person. It is the work being tested by fire, not the individual. All are building on the same foundation, but the results are vastly different. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 9 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER If any man’s work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. 1 Corinthians 3:14 (KJV) Rewards, not salvation, are the issue. Among these rewards, five crowns may be included: the Crown of righteousness,10 Crown of glory,11 Crown of life,12 incorruptible Crown,13 and Crown of rejoicing.14 Salvation is invariably presented as a free gift;15 rewards are earned by works (fruit-bearing).16 Salvation is a present possession;17 rewards are a future attainment given by Him at His Coming.18 If any man’s work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. 1 Corinthians 3:15 (KJV) So you have been saved: what have you done with it? That which is done for sake of personal gain, popularity, influence, or its impression on the world, will be for naught.19 Lot as an example Lot was vexed daily.20 Abraham was not vexed; he had separated himself from the world. God destroyed Sodom but saved “Of all the words Lot, “yet as by fire.” Everything he of tongue or pen, had lived for was burned up. the saddest are these: ‘it might have been.” – John Greenleaf Whittier 10 2 Tim 4:8. 11 1 Pet 5:2-4. 12 Rev 2:10. 13 1 Cor 9:25-27. 14 1 Thes 2:19,20. 15 John 4:10; Rom 6:23; Eph 2:8, 9. 16 Matt 10:42; Luke 19:17; 1 Cor 9:24, 25; 2 Tim 4:7, 8; Rev 2:10; 22:12. 17 Luke 7:50; John 3:36; 5:24; 6:47. 18 Matt 16:27; 2 Tim 4:8; Rev 22:12. 19 John 15:16. 20 2 Pet 2:8. 10 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE Tears in Heaven? Why? (There will be no sin, no sickness, no death, nor lack of anything…) “Of all the words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: ‘it might have been.” –John Greenleaf Whittier When I take my life under review, I will be deeply distressed. Not for the sins I’ve committed: they have all been paid for by my Saviour. I will be distressed for the time and opportunities I’ve wasted; for the time frittered away on foolishness; for the people I might have helped; for the moments I lacked the courage to exploit for Him; etc., etc., etc.... Every day our Lord tarries is another day in which we may repair our own report cards. Our Final Exam is rapidly approaching. What are you doing to prepare for it? That’s what the Koinonia Track within the Koinonia Institute is intended for. Let us help you where we can. In His Name, Chuck Dr. Chuck Missler’s newest ongoing Bible study on the Book of 1 Corinthians. “The city of Corinth was a major influence throughout that part of the world in every respect, including it becoming an idiom for fornication (which, of course, became idiomatic for the entire gentile culture). When I teach this book in America, I can’t resist calling it “1st Californians. Unfortunately, the epithet is justified.” - Chuck Get this insightful and timely study in weekly installments! US$4.95 per session for the complete Digital Download Package (HD MP4, MP3, PDF Notes) US$3.95 per session for HD Video download only US$2.95 per session for MP3 + PDF Notes download only Session Release Date Bible Study 1 2 3 4 3-Nov-14 10-Nov-14 17-Nov-14 24-Nov-14 1 Corinthians Chapter 1 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 1 Corinthians Chapter 3 1 Corinthians Chapter 4 Available from Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER END TIMES THE REEMERGENCE OF Ron Matsen Managing Director, Koinonia Institute T ASSYRIA? he rapid rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused many in the world to wonder at its apocalyptic implications. They have distinguished themselves by being the first terror group to declare its captured territory a sovereign country. As a self-proclaimed Caliphate1, they aspire to bring much of the Muslim-inhabited regions of the world under their direct control. Just days after the group posted a video The rapid rise of the on social media showing one of its Islamic State in Iraq fighters beheading the journalist James and Syria (ISIS) Foley, US Defense Secretary Chuck has caused many in Hagel declared, “This is an organization the world to wonder that has an apocalyptic, end-of-days strategic vision and which will eventually at its apocalyptic have to be defeated.”2 implications. Daily the world’s media is filled with the macabre images that portray this ruthless group of fundamental Muslims as uncompromising and terrifying to say Daily the world’s the least. We will examine this emerging media is filled with problem with what I like to call the the macabre images “Issachar Challenge3.” Therefore, that portray this we need to address three questions ruthless group of concerning this area of the world: fundamental Muslims as uncompromising and terrifying to say the least. an Islamic state led by a supreme religious and political leader known as a caliph – • What is its history? • Who are its leaders? • What is its prophetic destiny? 1 i.e. “successor to Muhammad” 2 3 1 Chronicles 12:32 12 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE What is its History? BIO In the September “Personal Update” news Ron Matsen, journal4 Dr. Steve Elwart laid out the recent history Managing Director, Koinonia Institute of the regions currently controlled or claimed by With over 40 years in the pastoral ministry, the Islamic State. He stated, “Many analysts see has taught versethe upheaval in the Levant as a realignment of the Ron by-verse through the Bi b l e , h o s t e d a l i ve region to a configuration of national boundaries TV programme 5 before Sykes-Picot went into effect.” When we look 2-hour broadcast across Europe for more than 2 years, backwards through history we see that before the and taught extensively on Sykes-Picot agreement, which was implemented the subjects of evangelism, under the British and French Mandate of 1918, the leadership, and end-times Although Ron Ottoman Empire had ruled this area since the mid- topics. and his wife are native Californians, they moved sixteenth century. Before the rise of the Ottoman to England in 1992 Empire, a brutal succession of Turk and Mongol and in 2011 immigrated to New Zealand where they Empires ruled this region from 930AD. now partner with Chuck The rise of the Arab Islamic Caliphate between and Nancy Missler at the new ministry base, 633-930AD replaced the Byzantine & Sasanian The River Lodge. Empires which had occupied this region since the decline of the Roman Empire in 363AD. The Romans (68 BC – 363 AD) succeeded the Greeks (332 – 63 BC) which had succeeded the Persians (539-332 BC) which had conquered the Babylonians (606-539 BC). What preceded the Babylonian Empire? From approximately 2600BC to 612 BC this region was home to various Assyrian empires. In summary, the Assyrian region has a 4,600-year continuous history of conflict and conquests. In fact, the armies of this region were well known for their brutal tactics. The Assyrian King Ashurnasirpal wrote after his campaign of 883BC, “I built a pillar over against the city gate and I flayed all the chiefs who had revolted and I covered the pillar with their skins. Some I impaled upon the pillar on stakes and In summary, the Assyrian region has a 4,600-year continuous history of conflict and conquests. 4 “A MAN-MADE DISASTER” by Steve Elwart - “Personal Update” September 2014 edition, pages 21-26 5 Ibid; page 24 VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 13 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER others I bound to stakes round the pillar. I cut the limbs off the officers who had rebelled. Many captives I burned with fire and many I took as living captives. From some I cut off their noses, their ears, and their fingers, of many I put out their eyes. I made one pillar of the living Stone relief of Ashurnasirpal II and another of heads and I bound their heads to tree trunks round about the city. Their young men and maidens I consumed with fire. The rest of their warriors I consumed with thirst in the desert of the Euphrates.”6 Who are its leaders? Genesis chapter 10 tells us of this region’s first great leader. Nimrod “began to be a mighty one on the earth.”7 He was responsible for building both the cities of Babel and Nineveh. Some Bible scholars believe that Nimrod was the first world-governing ruler, thus earning him the notoriety of being a prototype of the end-times antichrist. Isaiah tells us that the Pharaoh that “oppressed them (Israel) without cause”8 was an Assyrian. Both Syrian Kings BenHadad9 and Hazael10 put the northern tribes of Israel under tribute. The Assyrian King Shalmaneser IV conquered Northern Israel11 and Sennacherib led a failed attempt to defeat Jerusalem where he lost 185,000 troops in a single night.12 Against this history of ruthless oppression God still deals generously with the Assyrian people. God sent them prophets like 6 7 Genesis 10:8 8 Isaiah 52:4 9 1 Kings 20 10 2 Kings 12,13 11 2 Kings 17,18 12 2 Kings 18,19 14 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE Jonah, Elijah13, Elisha14, and Nahum. The apostle Paul was converted on the road to Damascus15 and began his public ministry there16. What is its prophetic destiny? The Bible is not silent when it comes to prophecies concerning Assyria. Daniel chapter 11 details in advance the wars that would be fought between the Ptolemies of Egypt and the Seleucids of Assyria. Chapter 11 ends with verses 21 to 35, which detail the treacherous exploits of Antiochus IV Epiphanes. In 168 BC this tyrant made Torah reading punishable by death, slaughtered a pig on the Jewish altar, and then erected an idol to Zeus in the Holy of Holies of the Temple. All of this foreshadowed “The Abomination of Desolation” as described by Daniel chapter 9 verse 27. Some Bible scholars believe that Antiochus IV Epiphanes is another prototype of the end-times antichrist. Daniel gives us yet again another very interesting clue as to the identity of the end-times antichrist that ushers in the seventieth week of chapter nine.17 He states that “the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary.”18 In 68 AD the Roman General Titus surrounded the city of Jerusalem, with four legions (V, X, XII and XV). The Twelfth Legion (Legio XII Fulminata) was sent out by the legate of Syria and was made up of units from the Syrian army. This legion participated in the defeat of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple. In the Biblical end-time judgment scenario God promises, “I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks”19 13 1 Kings 19:15 14 2 Kings 8:7-10 15 Acts 9 16 Galatians 1:17 17 Daniel 9:26,27 18 Daniel 9:26 19 Isaiah 10:12 Bust of Antiochus IV at the Altes Museum in Berlin. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 15 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER and He “will break the Assyrian in my land, and upon my mountains tread him under foot.”20 In Joel Richardson’s book “The Islamic Antichrist” he lists some very provocative predictions concerning Islamic eschatology. He shows that the Mahdi will be the caliph and imam of the Muslim world, make a seven-year peace treaty with a Jew of priestly linage, and will appear on a white horse.21 The sixth chapter of the Book of Revelation states, “I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer;”22 so it would seem that the Islamic Mahdi is a perfect match for the rider of this white horse. Notice that the rider on the white horse has a bow (without reference to an arrow). The term used here could mean a symbol of a covenant using the hermeneutic principle of first mention, as the first use When you consider the of the word “bow”23 is used to coalescences of current represent a covenant. events in the former region of Assyria with Biblical precedents and prophecies, it should not seem strange to see this region of the world once again at the center of the world’s prophetic stage. 20 Isaiah 14:25 21 Richardson, “The Islamic Antichrist”, 2009, pages 31,32 22 Revelation 6:2 23 Genesis 9:12,13 24 Richardson, “The Islamic Antichrist”, 2009, page 58 16 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Joel Richardson goes on to list the characteristics of the Muslim Jesus. “He will return to the earth in the last-days near a mosque in Damascus. He will arrive at a time when the Mahdi and his army will be preparing to pray.”24 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE When you consider the coalescence of current events in the former region of Assyria with Biblical precedents and prophecies, it should not seem strange to see this region of the world once again at the center of the world’s prophetic stage. The question is, “What should we be doing during this time of great uncertainty?” The prophet Habakkuk was faced with a similar challenge during his lifetime. God showed him that Israel was going to be overrun by the Chaldeans. “Look among the nations and watch—be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you. For indeed I am raising up the Chaldeans, A bitter and hasty nation which marches through the breadth of the earth, to possess dwelling places that are not theirs. They are terrible and dreadful; their judgment and their dignity proceed from themselves.”25 These predictions troubled Habakkuk so he sought an answer from God. God responded with this simple statement, “Behold the proud, His soul is not upright in him; But the just shall live by his faith.”26 25 Habakkuk 1:5-7 26 Habakkuk 2:4 Koinonia Institute Presents PETRA JERASH and DEAD SEA Led by Dan Stolebarger April 21–26, 2015 A unique and adventurous pre-tour extension to the Berean Tour! For more information Email: or Website: Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER NEWTOPICAL STUDY CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! DVD US$14.95 US$12.71 Video Download US$12.95 US$11.01 RUNNING TIME 1 HOUR Use Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 TRIPLE PLAY DVD + MP3 + DIGITAL COPY The rapid rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused many in the world to wonder at its apocalyptic implications. We will examine this emerging problem with what I like to call the “Issachar Challenge” Therefore, we need to address three questions concerning this area of the world: • What is its history? • Who are its leaders? • What is its prophetic destiny? When you consider the coalescence of current events in the former region of Assyria with Biblical precedents and prophecies it should not seem strange to see this region of the world once again at the center of the world’s prophetic stage. The question is, “What should we be doing during this time of great uncertainty?” Join Ron Matsen in the Executive Briefing Room of the River Lodge, New Zealand as he examines the past, present, and future events associated with this troublesome region of the world. 18 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 K O I N O N I A I N S T I T U T E For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 “Turning believers into Bereans” Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. Explore the Word of God among an international Fellowship without borders—neither intellectual nor geographic. We offer a unique program that teaches the Bible, explores current events, and encourages being a doer of the Word. You are invited to undertake a lifelong adventure. This is an opportunity to “bloom where you are planted” by studying the Bible—and related topics—in virtual classrooms on the Internet, while discovering the unique calling on your own life and preparing for the challenges which will inevitably emerge on your personal horizon. KI Members receive: • • • • Access to all online classes, Weekly Intelligence Updates, “Ki live” interviews and the News of the Day, A 20% Discount When You Purchase Regularly Priced Items Online, (Does not apply to subscriptions or events, outside the US, discount only on download orders.) • Discount pricing on KI sponsored conferences, • Online discussion forums with a group that takes the bible seriously. More info at: 20 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Give A embership This hristmas M C (to yourself or a loved one)! Only: US$25/month, US$250/year New Bible MP3 Player Koinonia Institute is introducing a new product, which uses an MP3 player to provide Chuck Missler’s teaching on Genesis and Matthew. The Bible MP3 player is the size of a credit card and contains: • 24 hours teaching on Genesis • 24 hours teaching on Matthew • KJV Bible MP3 files of Genesis and Matthew US$19.95 ea. 2 for US$29.95 (save $9.95) or 10 for US$120 (save $79.50) Even with all this teaching included on the Bible MP3 Player, there is still room to load over 2,000 songs or music files. We are making a special offer for this new product to encourage people to share the content with others. This tiny Genesis/Matthew MP3 player normally sells for US$99, but it is being offered now for only US$19.95 Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 21 Berean Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Twenty-four 1 hour sessions from Genesis to Revelation as only Chuck Missler can teach. This comprehensive overview of the Bible is the foundational study that, as new Christians, we all should have mastered. With over 1400 slides, Dr. Missler takes you on an amazing adventure from the miracle of our origin to the mystery of our destiny. The Book US$19.99 ea. The Workbook US$14.95 ea. 8 DVD Set (Includes PDF Notes) US$89.95 ea. 22 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 The Basics 2 MP3 CD-ROM Set Automated Multi-Media CD-ROM (Includes PDF Notes) US$44.95 ea. 24 AudioCD Set (Includes PDF Notes) US$89.95 ea. Running Time: Approx. 24 hours Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 How We Got Our Bible • Where did our Bible come from? • How good are the texts? • Why do we believe its origin is supernatural? • How do we know that it really is the Word of God? • How accurate are our translations? • Which version is the best? How to Study the Bible From forty years of intensive Bible study and teaching, Missler shares his favorite helps, secrets and practical suggestions on how to take the Bible seriously. Footprints of the Messiah Review some of the major passages in the Tanakh (the Old Testament) which predict and describe the Scriptural expectations to be fulfilled by the Messiah of Israel. This study will also take a mathematical analysis of a small sampling from the more than 300 predictions concerning the Jewish Messiah. The Christmas Story Chuck explores the background, and myths, surrounding our favorite holiday. • What really happened in Bethlehem two thousand years ago? • Who were the “Magi?” • Why a virgin birth? • What does a Christmas Tree have to do with it? DVDs US$19.95 ea. The Easter Story Most reasonably informed Christians are well aware that many of the traditions that surround the Christmas holidays have pagan origins and very little correlation with the actual events as recorded in the Bible. However, most of us are surprised when we discover that some of what we have been taught about Easter is not only in error, but deliberately so! Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 23 The Bible Bible Commentaries These verse-by-verse studies of the books of the Bible have been one of our most sought-after resources in Koinonia House. Pulling back the veil of prehistory, Chuck will take you on a journey starting in Genesis and the very nature of our universe, exploring the mechanics of creation, time and space, the physics of eternity and the intricate design of God's wonderful plan for our salvation. Climaxing in Revelation, a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. These foundational studies are invaluable to any serious Bible Student. Commentaries range from 4 to 24 sessions (of approx. one hour each), and include PDF notes. See Order Form on page 60 for Special Pricing 24 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 The Torah The Five Gospels MP3 CD-ROM Collection US$100 per set MP3 CD-ROM Collection US$100 per set Chuck’s Complete Bible Commentary Series on MP3 PC DVD-ROM! MP3 PC DVD-ROM Set US$550 Save over $1000 Running Time: Approx. 624 HOURS Includes: 6 Discs containing MP3 Audio Files, Multi Media Slide Show (available for selected commentaries) and PDF Study Notes Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 25 Mysteries of the Bible Hidden Treasures Drawing upon over 50 years of collecting, Chuck highlights in this study many of the precious nuggets that have become characteristic of his popular Bible studies around the world. It is guaranteed to stimulate, prove, and hopefully disturb. It will confound the skeptic and encourage the believer. This also makes a great witnessing tool, where the Bible literally speaks for itself! Now available as: Book, DVD, Audio CD, Video & Audio Download DVDs US$19.95 ea. The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe Isaiah 53 is one of the most astonishing passages in the entire Bible: It is often called, “The Holy of Holies” of the Old Testament. However, it is even more broadly impacting than most people realize; that’s why we call it, “The Fulcrum of the Entire Universe.” Its reach includes the entire creation. 26 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 The Mystery of Melchizedek Who was this strange Priest/ King that received tithes from Abraham? (…and administered bread and wine to him?) Deriving from some very recent discoveries in Jerusalem (although some are yet to be confirmed) this study may challenge many of the comfortable traditions that have shaped our classic Biblical perspectives. Join us as we explore some fascinating challenges to our previous understandings of things that shape our ultimate destiny… DVD US$19.95 ea. DVD US$14.95 ea. Israel and the Church: The Prodigal Heirs • Has God abandoned Israel? • Has the Church “replaced” Israel? • What does the Bible say? As we watch the world events, it is clear that Israel is following her prophetic scenario, and a new chapter is about to be written— and there may be a big surprise on our near horizon! Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 27 Issachar The Metacosm DVDs US$19.95 ea. For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about angels and our own reality. In the Angels Series Chuck deals with these fascinating entities. Alien Encounters (Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman) and Return of the Nephilim (Chuck) confront these issues head-on: • What’s behind the UFOs? • Are they real? • Where are they from? • Are they the Nephilim of ages past? • What does the Bible say about them? • What’s their agenda for Planet Earth? • Are they friendly or hostile? DVD US$39.95 ea. | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 28 The World Around Us Beyond Time and Space - The startling discovery of modern science is that our physical universe is actually finite. Beyond Coincidence - The slightest change in any one of many variables prevents life. Beyond Perception - The implication of quantum mechanics is frightening to secular scientists. Beyond Collection DVD DVDs set US$49.95 ea. US$19.95 ea. Beyond Newton - The interaction of the heavenly bodies cannot be explained by gravity. The Holographic Universe There seems to be evidence to suggest that our world and everything in it are only ghostly images: projections from a level of reality so beyond our own that the real reality is literally beyond both space and time. In this executive summary Chuck gives a current perspective on some of the areas that define our reality. Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 29 The End Times The Bible contains 8,362 predictive verses about 737 different matters and yet prophecy is one of the most neglected subjects in the Church today. Understanding prophecy is an essential and fundamental issue for every serious Christian. But where do we start? Eschatology (the Study of “Last Things”) is among the most challenging avenues of study, even for the most sophisticated. This series has been designed to give you a strategic overview of prophecy: past, present and future. This series will encourage the new believer and strengthen the faith of all who study it. Now, more than ever, it is important that we have answers for people who are seeking the truth. We need to equip ourselves to be ready to give an answer to every man for the hope DVDs from that lies within us. US$19.95 ea. 30 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 DVD US$39.95 ea. DVD US$19.95 ea. DVD US$19.95 ea. Dr. Chuck Missler outlines our current economic predicament and defensive steps you can take to lessen the impact of the impending economic crisis. Chuck shares some key strategies to prepare yourself spiritually and practically. • Is the World facing another major economic upheaval? • What is the best strategy to protect your family in times of economic uncertainty? • The Church has enjoyed a relatively peaceful existence in the West for a few centuries but the with the coming persecution, how do we go about organizing home study and home-church? • Soul Survival – Keeping your “lamp full” during the hard times ahead. Join Dr. Chuck Missler and Ron Matsen in an intensive summary outlining what lies ahead and how we can prepare for the coming storm. Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 31 Order Today from or Phone 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) (208) 773-6310 FEATURING THE INTERNATIONAL STANDARD VERSION FOR SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS Jesus of Nazareth Speaks in His Own Words about Himself, His Purpose, His Nature, and His Mission HANCES ARE, Jesus isn’t who you think He is. No matter what you may have read before about this first-century rabbi from Nazareth, there’s a good possibility that you’ve been misinformed. In fact, maybe you’ve been wrong from the start about the most amazing man who ever walked the surface of the earth. Many people who knew Jesus understood Him well enough to admire Him, to respect Him, and to love Him. Others were terrified of Him. Some of His own relatives said He was out of His mind. But the politically and religiously intolerant leaders of first-century Israel hated Him. So they murdered Him. But that wasn’t the end of the story. Dr. Chuck Missler Not by a long shot. Today, more than twenty centuries later, respected Bible scholars Dr. Chuck Missler and Dr. William Welty bring Jesus of Nazareth to you in the most unconventional way possible… by bringing Jesus of Nazareth to talk in His very own words about Himself, His purpose, His nature, and His mission. Dr. William Welty End-Times Deception What Is Truth? • How do we know what is really true? • How do we know that the Bible is true? • How sure can we be? We live in a skeptical environment, where even the very existence of truth is questioned. Lately, the Bible - and even the Lord Jesus himself - has been under attack. Death of Discernment Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible, “deception and apostasy in the church” is listed more times than any other end-time “sign of the times.” Are we currently living in the Age of Apostasy? Ron Matsen explores the evidence and causes of apostasy and provides an antidote for apostasy in this timely study. DVDs US$19.95 ea. Doctrines of Demons What does the Bible have to say about the End Times? Matthew’s Gospel records the warning of Jesus where He said, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” The apostle Paul expands on this by stating; “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.” Ron Matsen investigates and exposes these dangerous doctrines. Kabbalah And The Rise Of Mysticism Beyond the beguiling allure of many contemporary forms of ancient paganism, such as the New Age, Wicca, and others, many people have become attracted to a form of Hebrew mysticism known as Kabbalah. Join Chuck as he delves deeply into the hidden world of Kabbalah and exposes the lies and traps that Satan has laid there for the unwary. 34 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 Koinonos The Kingdom “After being Christians for over 50 years, we consider the truths in this series to be some of the most life-changing principles we have encountered since our new birth.” — Chuck and Nancy Missler Scripture tells us that we are to “prepare ourselves” for Christ’s soon return. What exactly does this Mean? What if we aren’t prepared? Being ready, fit and prepared will dramatically affect our role, our position and our place of responsibility in the future Millennial Kingdom. In this DVD series, Chuck and Nancy See Order Form share, not only the Scriptural importance on page 59 of why we need to be “prepared”, but also for Special Pricing what we need to do to be prepared. Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 35 The Great Commission The last commandment of Jesus before His ascension was for His disciples to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Evangelism • How seriously should we personally take this command today? • Is this command somehow only limited to those who feel they have the gift of evangelism? • What needs to be said, understood, and believed for a person to be born-again? DVDs US$19.95 ea. Discovering God The beginning of a person’s reconciliation with God is their recognition of God. The argument for and against the existence of God has raged for ages. Yet proving the existence of God is an understanding that comes from an “aggregate of thoughts” knit together with “summary logic.” • Can the existence of God be proven? • What are the classic arguments for the existence of God? • If an infinite God exists, how can He be understood by finite man? Defending the Bible For salvation, Man must understand the purpose and power of the Bible. But how do we explain our faith? If we only rely on our personal experience to explain our faith, we are no different than any other religious mystic. • Can the Bible be trusted or has it been corrupted over time? • How do we defend the Bible as the inerrant Word of God? • What does the Bible reveal about God and us? 36 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 Jesus: Who & Why? Just who is Jesus Christ? What did Jesus actually accomplish? Jesus Christ is not “a concept,” an “idea,” or a “useful traditional value.” He is an actual living person who came to accomplish a specific purpose that prevails over everything else. Join Dr. Chuck Missler as he explores who Jesus really is. DVDs US$19.95 ea. Human Nature What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, theologians, sociologists and psychologists have attempted to understand the nature of mankind for ages. Their conclusions often contradict each other which lead to confusion rather than clarification. Clearly, Man is a very complicated social being. The Bible tells us that man is “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Join Ron Matsen as he explores the subject of our “Human Nature” and gives insight into the architecture and accountability of all mankind. The Gospel: The Message of Reconciliation One of the last instructions given by Jesus to the Church was, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel.” (Mark 16:15) The fact is most Christians don’t know how to share their faith effectively. Sadly, many of the people they know in the world today are wandering around, lost and without hope, having never heard the wonderful Message of Reconciliation. Join Ron Matsen as he explores the subject of “The Gospel – The Message of Reconciliation” and gives practical insight into how to share the essential doctrines of salvation. Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 37 Discipleship Looking Up: Understanding the Spiritual Disciplines (Volume 1) Spiritual Disciplines begins with the call to discipleship. This gives us a look at our Jewish roots, zeroing in on what it meant to be a telmidin and what it means to follow in the dust of your Rabbi. DVD US$34.95 ea. Redesigning the Church For the Age to Come Redesigning the Church for the Age to Come is a charge to believing Christians to reignite their passion for serving Jesus. Many know the truth of the Scriptures DVD but the power of God resides in the application of these truths. US$19.95 ea. Living in an age where it is growing more and more dark, we, as Believers, must trim our wicks and brighten our intensity in order to illuminate the world by letting our lights so shine! I believe there will be one last great revival and it will be led by everyday Believers who are following as close to Jesus as they possible can! Join with those who once again want the Church to have the reputation as “those who are turning the world upside down!” DVD US$19.95 ea. Revealing Jesus Jesus is the Word of God and He has revealed to us in the Scriptures that the volume of the Book speaks of Him. This two-part series by Dr. Dan Stolebarger explores the Passover as well as the Seven Species that God promised He would give the Israelis in the Land of Canaan. Is it possible for us to see Jesus in every detail? Find out in this briefing. 38 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Special 15% Christmas Discount Code: CHR2014 King’s High Way Nancy Missler, Founder, KHW Paperback: 368 pages US$18.95 ea. You can have faith, but still be hopeless. After being a Christian for over 60 years, Nancy lost her hope this past year as she faced overwhelming and multiple physical challenges. When you lose your hope, you not only lose your mooring and your grounding, you also lose your vision and your dreams. But God…loved her so much…that He used her pain and suffering to teach her what real hope in Him means. That’s what this book is all about. Hope is “the tie or the connection to the Lord behind the veil.” Hope not only allows us to “see Him who is invisible” in the midst of our trials, it also gives us the endurance to go on. Only “hope” can become “the anchor of our soul” when everything around us is crashing and burning. (Hebrews 6:18-19) Like Abraham, “who against hope believed in hope,” we must learn to unconditionally trust the Lord to do the impossible, regardless of what we see, what we think, or what we feel. (Romans 4:18) Call 800-546-8731 or visit VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 39 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 ON THE ROAD by Dr. Gordon McDonald Executive Director, Communications F or some 21 years the Lord has seen fit to allow me to be the proverbial “fly on the wall” while traveling and serving with Chuck. I am sure that many of you have imagined the fantasy of having all the time available to explore the depths of the “rabbit trails” that Chuck often tantalizes us with. I have thought of you many times through the years, wishing that I had all your questions as well as my own. I have always seen what I have been allowed to do as somehow vicariously sharing this experience with all who have been blessed by this ministry. This has allowed me to remain “one of you.” 40 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE Oftentimes your questions have been the inspiration for our conversations. I want you to know that I listened as you poured your hearts out, tried to articulate some technical question or tried to express the wondrous world of understanding that He had opened to you. Through me your voice has been heard. Through me your questions have not only been answered, but have affected what we all, including Chuck, have learned about the depths of our Lord’s Life. The road is not easy. It is not always “fun.” But with Chuck, it has never been boring. On a trip about ten years ago, Chuck and I were driving across northern Florida. The road was straight and we had been away from home for a while, carrying the prospects of speaking events before us. We filled this time with silence. The joy of being with you all, talking and teaching, had left us satisfied with complete silence. I know what you are all thinking: “What a waste of seclusion with Chuck.” All I can say in my defense is that sometimes the body is weak when the heart is willing. BIO Gordon McDonald, Executive Director, Communications After serving in the U.S. Navy and receiving his undergraduate degree in Behavioral Psycholog y, Gordon was led to come on staff with Koinonia House. In his 20 years with the ministry he has served in many positions, most prominently as Chuck’s research assistant and traveling companion. Go rd o n re c e i ve d h i s Masters (Biblical Studies) and Doctorate (Communications) from Louisiana Baptist University, and currently serves as Executive Director, Communications with Koinonia Institute. He has been married to Tracy for 31 amazing years with two happily married children, Erika and Garrett. Out of that silence the Lord spoke. The conversation that broke the silence centered on the continuation of the ministry, Koinonia House, after Chuck. It also encompassed the observation that many, or most, of the great Bible teachers of our generation were beginning to show their age. Although there were many other conversations that led to the development of Koinonia Institute, this was the one most precious to me. Our hope was that the many brothers and sisters that had discovered the joyful, empowering experience of serious Bible study could band together, grow together and be made available to God to become that next layer of leaders in the Body of Christ. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 41 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER We never foresaw all that God would do. KI Today In our simplicity of mind we conceived of a learning institution. We really had no clue. What God has built is a community. Of course learning still takes place, but it has far eclipsed our meager expectations. Truly it has grown into a vital and active body of fellowship in love and service, not limited by distance. There are over 3,000 members now in over 40 countries. Believers from all over the world can meet in any given class. Seriously, that is amazing. That may all too soon be a distant memory. Translations As word of KI has spread, the faithful from all over the world have taken notice. At the beginning of the year, Chuck was asked if he would go to China if there were “only” 10 members who achieved completion of their first level, the Bronze Medallion Level. Of course, Chuck didn’t hesitate to say yes. As the weeks went by, the numbers were being continually revised. By April, when we actually went, they had risen, between China and the Philippines, to 500. Yes, 500. It seems that one person told another and it “went viral.” Three hundred of those were pastors who hungered for a greater understanding of God’s Word to better serve their congregations. We have always wanted to reach outside the U.S. to countries that don’t speak English. The problem is God has never sent us anyone that speaks another language. Relying on translators to interpret what Chuck is trying to convey seemed There are over too risky. We were always afraid 3,000 members now something embarrassing would be in over 40 countries. said via misunderstanding. Believers from all Very frustrating. over the world can meet in any given class. 42 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE With the growth of interest in Asia, and the initial required resources being provided by the Lord, we are now starting a major effort to have Chuck’s studies translated into Spanish, Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese), Russian, and German (French and Italian later). We have already started the plans for a separate site for KI, completely in Spanish. We try not to think We are so excited to see what about how all this gets God will do with these efforts. We are counting on Him to provide done, but trust God that “where He guides, the necessary resources and open all He provides.” the right doors. Upon sharing this, we have had inquiries from all over Pray for us that we the world asking for similar efforts in might read the “road other regions and languages. map” accurately. We try not to think about how all this gets done, but trust God that “where He guides, He provides.” Pray for us that we might read the “road map” accurately. Organize, Organize With all this anticipated growth, of course, the necessity to be ahead of the curve in organizing ourselves has not been lost on Chuck. The first region that we must do a good job on is the U.S. If you can’t organize your own house, how can you organize God’s? From the beginning, our intention was to set up a local network of KI members who could not only see to the needs of other members but also spearhead efforts to inform others of the advantages of serious Bible study. Face-to-face will always be the most effective method of sharing our lives. Toward that end we have divided the U.S. into 15 regions by state boundaries and created a position which we call Deputy Provost (DP). These DPs serve the members of these regions and provide all the necessary regional information of member activities and outreaches. They will also oversee a more local layer of Area Representatives (AR) who will serve areas or regions within their state. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 43 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER As it has been from the beginning, and as it should be, KI is dependent upon volunteers who have caught the vision of this explosion of hunger for the Word of God. We are currently evaluating members who have expressed an interest in this localfocused network. Regional Conferences With the huge success of our Strategic Perspectives Conferences, the four regional DPs we have installed so far (we need more) have requested conferences “closer to home.” We are in the process of bringing a conference to a location near you. Keep your eyes open for information on this in the near future. If you missed it, we are offering Video On-Demand of our October 24-25 Strategic Perspectives Conference, recorded in Coeur d’Alene, on the website. It was an incredible conference with many great speakers. If you missed it, we are offering Video On-Demand of our October 24-25 Strategic Perspectives Conference on As you can see we have many “fingers in many pies.” Pray for us that we can remain in the middle of what God is doing. Then He can act miraculously to ensure our ability to complete every one of these amazingly adventurous projects. Take the Tour of KI For those of you who have not yet jumped on the wagon with KI, we have a new feature at called “The Tour of KI” (see next page). It will give a complete overview of life here at Koinonia Institute. Please consider getting involved. Also, Chuck’s (along with Dr. William Welty) new book, I, Jesus: an Autobiography, is now available (see pages 32-33). This is a very unique book that will change the way you see Jesus by His own words. 44 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE The “road” has not ended. There has been a growing awareness that there really is no “retirement” in Christian service. We hope to see you soon at a local event. We certainly pray all of you will continue with us on Chuck’s Grand Adventure. “Turning believers into Bereans” O Conference Date Change O From the Desk of Nancy Missler It gives me great joy, dear friends, to extend a personal invitation to you to be a part of the Hope Conference and DVD filming of the teaching for my new book, Hope Against Hope. Nan Grace Chapel, in Franklin, Tennessee has graciously opened their door to host this free one day event. I am privileged to share my personal experiences of what the Lord has revealed to me over the last several years about God’s Hope. cy I am also excited to introduce and teach alongside my beloved ministry friend and partner, Debbie Holland. She has been the managing director of The King’s High Way Ministries for over 14 years and is a gifted counselor, retreat and conference speaker. This one day event will be held on Saturday, February 7, 2015. You can call The King’s High Way Ministries at 866-775-5464 or go to our website at for more information. If your vision has been clouded by the cares of this world and you need a fresh spiritual infusion of Hope or you simply want a deeper understanding to be equipped to face the difficulties of these days, you will be renewed in your spirit. Come and be greatly blessed by God’s fresh word from my heart to yours. You won’t be disappointed! I hope to see you there! Nan Debbi e Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the veil . . . (Hebrews 6:19) COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE HOPE AGAINST HOPE Nancy Missler Founder, King’s High Way TRUSTING GOD IN THE DARKNESS: L PART 1 ast month we began a series of articles on the phenomenal subject of “hope.” What hope is; why it’s so important and how hope is our only “anchor” when everything else in our life is crashing and burning. As we said, God is not only the Author of all Love, the Bible is His message of “hope” to a dying world. My motive for writing is that I see hopelessness everywhere, especially in the Christian Body. And, since I am living in a similar hopeless (by world’s standards) situation right now, I pray God would use my own experience to BIO help others see their difficult circumstances as ancy Missler opportunities to draw them even closer to the Lord. N Di re c t o r / Fo u n d e r Without hope, we allow the enemy not only to have of King’s High Way Nancy Missler has an entrance into our souls, but also to destroy our published five studies: faith and kill our dreams. I know, because I’ve been The Way of Agape, Be Ye Transformed, there! Proverbs 13:12 says “hope deferred makes Fa i t h i n t h e Ni g h t the heart sick.” This is exactly what happened to me Seasons, The Kingdom, Po w e r & G l o r y, last year. My Story The following is how it all began… I was visiting my daughter when she noticed a bump (or a lump) on the side of my nose. She kept insisting that I go and see a doctor. To me, it really wasn’t a big deal, as I normally don’t go to the doctor. I have always been so healthy. Finally I gave in and went to see my primary care doctor. He was concerned enough to refer me to and her latest, Hope Against Hope. In addition to these popular studies she also has published six Plain and Simple Series books, as well as two In His Likeness Series books. Nancy has been married for over 50 years to Chuck Missler. They are the parents of four grown children, one of whom has gone to be with the Lord, and eight grandchildren. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 47 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER an eye, ear and nose specialist who biopsied the lump and one week later told me it was a malignant melanoma of the mucosal area of my nose (not a skin cancer). He then referred us to a cancer surgeon, who candidly and straightforwardly said that either part of my face and nose should be removed or I would have less than a year to live. That scared all of us to death. The following day he called, and I asked him point-blank if I was “his mother,” would he put her through that kind of an operation. He candidly said “no way.” But he also said that if I didn’t do anything at all, the melanoma would work fast, spreading to my brain and other organs, and I would have perhaps only a couple of months left. I was in a total daze when I heard all of this, but I believed with all my heart that God was involved in some way and that He would do a “miracle.” And that I would somehow be healed and perhaps lead many others to Christ in the hospital, where lots of “fruit” would be produced from the whole ...but because they had experience, etc… never treated or operated on Because of the horrific someone with my condition, news, however, we thought they miraculously made an it probably a good idea exception and took me as to get a second doctor’s a training example... To be opinion. We then went honest, I was terrified. to another cancer specialist who was absolutely adorable and encouraged us to fight the cancer in any way we could. He referred us to a radiation oncologist who happened to work closely with many of the surgeons at the famous Mayo Clinic. Because my case was so rare (1 in 100,000), the Mayo surgeons agreed to see me. Unfortunately, my insurance was not what they wanted, but because they had never treated or operated on someone with my condition, they miraculously made an exception and took me as a training example. The Mayo doctor said she might be able to get the cancer from the inside of my nose (without having to remove it and do such radical surgery). That, obviously, is what I was praying would happen. At the same time, she introduced me to a plastic surgeon who would do the reconstruction if needed. He said 48 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE that in the thirty years that he had been practicing, he had never seen a cancer like mine nor had he ever operated on one. To be honest, I was terrified. The Miracle The first miracle is that Mayo Clinic did take me and that those two surgeons operated on me. They were able to keep the top of my nose but had to remove my entire septum (the bone and cartilage that support the nose). They then put in stents to hold up the skin on the top of my nose until such a time that they could reconstruct a new nose for me. They believed they got all the cancer, as the margins around the area were clear on the scans. My sister-in-law kept telling me: “It’s a gift. They got all the cancer. It’s a gift.” However, I must be honest and say that when I first saw my face after this surgery, I wept for hours. I do praise God for getting all the cancer at the time, and it was a gift, but I’ve had to choose daily by faith to stand on this, because over the next several weeks everything began to go wrong. One week after the major operation to remove the cancer, we had to call 911 because we couldn’t stop the bleeding from my nose. I have an AFib heart condition that requires me to take a blood thinner daily. The doctor knew this but mistakenly told me to continue taking it. Well, it definitely was the wrong decision because the next morning I woke up bleeding so profusely that they rushed me to the ER. This also proved to be a mistake, because in the ER they left me on a makeshift (hard) table for eight hours, bleeding continuously. They checked me maybe five times the entire day (never changing my dressings or my clothes, thus I bled all over myself, the table and the floor). Finally, at close to 5 PM (we had arrived there at 8 AM), my surgeon’s assistants came in and proceeded to pull out the metal wires (the stents) holding my nose skin in place. This absolutely traumatized me. (Picture the entire top of your nose held up by stents—small poles. When you pull these out, your nose comes VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 49 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER crashing down as there is no septum to now hold it up.) They did all of this without any anesthesia or painkiller. It was probably the worst moment of my entire life (I’d give birth to five babies in place of this). It was horrific. I kept calling out “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!” Over and over again, I cried out in pain and asked them to please stop. They wouldn’t and seemed completely unsympathetic. I know if it hadn’t been The young intern doing the for the Body of Christ procedure kept saying to me, “I know what you are going praying for me that through,” when he obviously did day, I would never have not! (I almost punched him in the made it through…. face!) Like Job, I cried out in agony to the Lord, “Why Lord, have you forsaken me?” It was absolutely devastating. Finally, they gave me two transfusions and sent me, thankfully, to the main hospital. I know if it hadn’t been for the Body of Christ praying for me that day, I would never have made it through…. Things kept going from bad to worse—nurses kept getting offended and the doctors were often sarcastic and belittling. Rather than draw these people toward the Lord in us, which is what we had hoped God would do, they fled from us. It was so strange. It was as though the enemy had this huge inroad and monstrous stronghold and he wasn’t going to give it up for anything. In the midst of this spiritual battle and the intense pain, my “hope became deferred” and it became very difficult for me “to see” the Lord’s Hand. I had expected so many miracles to happen, but after time passed and things kept going downhill, my question to God became: “Where are You, Lord?” “Cancer” (medically and personally) can be defined as something that has taken over, controlled, permeated, usurped and defiled a whole system or another person. It brings with it a spirit of disunity, anxiety, insensitiveness—certainly not the “fruit of the Spirit” but the fruit of “the flesh.” This is exactly what the cancer did to me. It was the first time that I had ever really experienced the physical part 50 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE of “the flesh” (i.e., the pain). I’ve talked in all my books about “the flesh,” but never really had experienced the physical side of it. I had been through the ups and downs of huge emotional and mental calamities but never unending physical pain. Ten days after the above incident, I was scheduled for reconstruction surgery. But I was so weak and had lost so much blood that I was worried about even making it through the operation. The doctors convinced me that the surgery had to be done quickly, because without the stents holding my nose up, it would begin to collapse and shrink on its own (like a pig’s nose). So something had to be done and done quickly. The operation turned out to be seven hours long. This time they took a strip of skin from the left side of my forehead (from my hairline down to my left eyebrow), twisted it downward to become the liner and the blood source for the new nose cartilage that they had built from a cadaver rib bone. They laid the strip of skin down first, propped the new septum on it and then pulled the old nose skin down and sewed it back in place. Pretty amazing surgery!! The final operation was when they took away this “blood source” bridge and refined some of the bumps on the newly reconstructed nose. I wish I could say I sailed through all of these operations like a “saint.” But I didn’t. I was sick to my stomach most of the time, not only from the surgery but also from the medications they gave me afterward. I experienced nausea, dizziness, sinus headaches and congestion, double vision, infection, diarrhea, constipation, heart pain, mouth rash (from air tubes), boils and gums inflamed. You name it, I had it! I truly thought a lot about Job during this time. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 51 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER That’s why all the loving e-mails from hundreds of brothers and sisters all over the world were so precious to me at that time. I have no doubt that I would not have made it through the above ordeal without their prayers and their intercession. That’s where I did see God’s Hand! Even when I couldn’t put my glasses on, I would hold the glass frame up with one hand and read the e-mails, continually being blessed by the constant prayers, stories, suggestions and Scriptures, etc. This happens over and over and over again, I didn’t have the faith to fight the fight at that time, but they did until we finally get the for me. Someone even wrote me: message and learn to “Your ministry has meant so much trust and hope in a to us as the Body, now we are here for Father that we don’t you.” They surrounded me with their always see, a God love and carried me through with that we don’t always their prayers. Another wrote: “Jesus’ understand and a Lord face is also scarred, but it only adds that we don’t always to His beauty.” know what He is doing. Many of us, like me, have made previous commitments to trust our lives to the Lord (in fact, we probably have done this many times before. I know I have), but because everything somehow goes from bad to worse, we finally give up. In His Love, God returns to us again and asks: “Will you trust Me in the darkness this time?” Will you hope in Me now? Will you once again rely upon Me?” This happens over and over and over again, until we finally get the message and learn to trust and hope in a Father that we don’t always see, a God that we don’t always understand and a Lord that we don’t always know what He is doing. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 (KJV) To be continued next month: Trusting God in the Darkness (Part Two). This article was taken, in part, from Nan’s new book Hope Against Hope. 52 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE THE SPIRITUAL ENTREPRENEUR Dr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute A A ROAD LESS TRAVELLED s we mentioned in our earlier article,1 when someone becomes truly serious about serving our Lord, he is typically confronted with two basic choices: 1)Seeking employment in a Christian organization: a church, a “para-church” organization, etc.; or 2)Joining an organization in which one must bring their own support: YWAM, Campus Crusade, et al. BIO Dr. Chuck Missler President/Founder, Koinonia Institute After a distinguished military career and more than 30 very successful years in the corporate business environment, Chuck was led to pursue a life-long endeavor of teaching the Bible on a full-time basis. He founded Koinonia House, an organization devoted to encouraging people to study the Bible. He also founded Koinonia Institute to enable people to have a Kingdom effect on the world today. This basic choice is between being an employee and spending a significant portion of one’s time soliciting personal support. The second approach can be effective for a season, but is inefficient over the long term since one can spend over half their time “pan-handling.” Each of these have restrictions and frustrations. There is an alternative, a road less travelled: the independent “Spiritual Entrepreneur.”2 The Spiritual Entrepreneur Relying on his vocational income, he is an independent contractor (occasionally soliciting support for others, but not for himself ); as such, he can minister to others without being a burden to them. 1 “The Spiritual Entrepreneur,” Personal Update, March 2014, p.6-8. 2 This word for “risk-taker” was borrowed into English in the mid-19th century from the French (where it literally means “undertaker.”) When applied homiletically, it could be regarded as somewhat parallel to the term for ministry, ὑπηρέτης huperetes , the “under-rower” in the galley ships. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 53 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER In fact, we have a The Apostle Paul, remarkable example staring in several of his letters, at us from the Scripture: highlights that he the Apostle Paul! In several supported himself through of his letters he highlights that a recognized vocation he supported himself through at the time, tent-making. a recognized vocation at the time, tent-making (coming from Cilicia, which was known for its unique fabric made from goat’s hair which lent itself for that purpose.) When he encountered others of the same vocation, they shared lodging, etc.3 Within the Koinonia Institute we have established an environment hospitable to developing the independent “Spiritual Entrepreneur.” The Koinonia Missionary Fellowship Within the Koinonia Institute, the Koinonia Missionary Fellowship (“KMF”) is a “club within a club” for the truly serious and committed: a private fellowship of lifelong members who have committed themselves to achieve a Gold Medallion in accordance with the policies of the Institute (as documented in the current Handbook of the Institute). The KMF elects its own officers annually and determines its own procedures and administrative requirements. Members of the KMF are presumed to include the future leadership of the Koinonia Institute, and are thus granted special access, private information, and unique opportunities as they arise. In support of these confidences, a special Fiduciary Covenant is required of all KMF members. A Parsonage Pool Members of the KMF are also eligible to participate in the Koinonia Parsonage4 Reserve (“KPR”), a collective pool intended to assist in the partial reimbursement of “out-of-pocket” ministry expenses once their Gold Medallion has been achieved. A personal 3 Acts 18:3. 4 Parsonage is defined as any funds set aside to support a missionary in the field. (It is not limited to a minister’s housing as is commonly assumed.) 54 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE KPR account is initiated by depositing each lifetime membership fee into a KPR account on the member’s behalf. Members can also voluntarily purchase additional participation units for their personal accounts in the KPR. The unit value of the shares will tend to increase, not only from normal investment returns; they are also supplemented, from time to time, by voluntary donations from external sources which are sympathetic to the goals of the KMF. The unit value of the parsonage shares are calculated monthly by dividing the liquidation value of the total fund by the unit claims, both acquired and reserved via pledges by the members. The Custodian may permit the registration of a “Pledge,” consisting of a monthly amount and the number of months committed to. The required units are then reserved at the thencurrent price for the ultimate acquittal of the Pledge. Each month, a payment purchases the requisite units from the reserve to the Member’s account. At any time, for any reason, a Pledge can be terminated by simply missing a monthly payment, whereupon the remaining (unpurchased) reserved shares are vacated without prejudice. It is entirely self-policing. Ministry Expense Reimbursements Once the Gold Medallion status has been achieved, the KMF member can receive an expense reimbursement of up to 7% of his KPR account annually. Prior to achieving the Gold Medallion, each member establishes three KMF members to serve as his “Personal Advisory Board” to monitor his personal mission plan. Each year this Personal Advisory Board signs an affidavit confirming that the member is demonstrating a commitment to the Statement of Faith, that the funds are reimbursement for ministry expenses, and such other minimum requirements that the collective KMF membership may establish from time to time. As long as the KPR maintains a 7% annual growth, the total equity base does not diminish; only the earnings are disbursed. Donations, in this case, remain in the KPR in perpetuity. VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 55 Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Caveats The KPR funds are donations for a specific purpose, and not compensation or part of a personal estate. The disbursements are for reimbursement of ministry expenses, and are disbursed only in accordance with the KMF procedures as they are modified from time to time. There are no guarantees on the growth or security of the KPR, other than the good faith of the leadership. A member’s personal estate should also include such life insurance and other assets as one can manage. The KPR is for ministry expenses only. 1)The KPR tends to grow through four contributing factors: 2)Additions by the members (Participants); 3)Additions by non-members (Benefactors); 4)Earnings of the invested capital; 5)Ultimate maturation of the elements of “Portfolio N.” (Non-productive contributions—those not having a readily determinable liquidation value—are relegated to “Portfolio N” until they emerge to qualify for the Reserve. Until then these are excluded from share valuations to avoid the complexities and expenses of appraisals, etc.) The composite growth of the unit values of the KPR can be quite substantial. External Donor Appeal The KMF/KPR enterprise appeals to non-member donors (Benefactors) for four reasons: 1)It represents an opportunity to support competent participants, as exemplified by the Gold Medallion requirements detailed in the Koinonia Institute Handbook. 2)It supports participants who are truly committed: they only participate in proportion to what they have put in personally. They have their own “skin in the game.” There are no “free rides.” 56 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER November 2014 | Personal UPDATE 3)It supports missionary activities which are supervised by their own peers—not a corporate headquarters or denominational fiefdom. 4)The donations remain in the ministry in perpetuity. Only the earnings are at risk or expensed. Strategic Significance The vocation of the independent Spiritual Entrepreneur can also serve as a “cover” in an increasingly hostile environment. In fact, it may prove to be the ideal rebuttal to the encroaching darkness that threatens to obliterate or compromise more traditional avenues of ministry. This will become manifestly evident as Biblical Believers become increasingly “Politically Incorrect.” Pray seriously about it. Is this something you are being called to? As a Benefactor? Or as a Participant? “The two most significant days in a person’s life: when he is born; and when he discovers why.” –Mark Twain More detailed information on these topics is posted on Personal UPDATE | November 2014 COVER CONTENTS ORDER SPEAKING/TOURS Idaho Post Falls (Dan Stolebarger) Nov 4, 11, 18, 25 Dec 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 Sundays 6 PM PST, 9 PM EST Koinonia Institute Bible Study Israel New Zealand Reporoa (Chuck) Weekly Bible Study (Mondays 3 PM - New Zealand Standard Time) 800-546-8731 Live-Stream from the River Lodge Various Cities (Dan Stolebarger) Nov 8-15 Revelation/7 Churches February 2015 ISOD (Sold Out) Apr 21-25 Pre-Tour Ext. to Petra Apr 26-May 4 Berean Tour to Israel May 4-8 Journey to Auschwitz (See page 2 for details) Reporoa (Chuck & Ron Matsen) Live Q&A Broadcast Tuesdays 6 PM PST, 9 PM EST (Wednesdays 3 PM - New Zealand Standard Time) Live-Stream from the River Lodge Email your questions to: 800-546-8731 STUDY TOGETHER The KI Resident Study Program - Take the Bible Seriously! Journey through the whole Bible with Dr. Chuck Missler and other special speakers as you gather valuable insights into God’s “integrated message system that is from outside our time domain.” Koinonia Institute offers a unique opportunity in the centre of North Island, New Zealand. Each residential student will: • Participate in a guided classroom environment that will be comprised of lectures, open discussions, and testing, • Live communally with other students in the beautifully isolated grounds of The River Lodge in Reporoa, Bay of Plenty on the banks of the Waikato River, and • Grow individually in their knowledge of the Bible so they can gain the maximum benefit of this intensive preparation experience. Accelerated and Long Term courses available. For more information, visit: 58 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 Prices in RED reflect Christmas Special Discount November 2014 | Personal UPDATE Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit Each study is $16.96 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video BASIC BIBLE STUDIES CD The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 Qty DVD136 DVD Beyond Coincidence CDA34 DVD82 Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85 Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84 Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 DVD124 Beyond Time & Space CDA31 Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110 Storm Warning--Missler/McDonald CDA110 Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 DVD108 Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30 Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46 Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17 Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Thanksgiving CDA84 From Here to Eternity CDA094 The Architecture of Man CDA45 Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18 Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71 The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05 Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103 The Vortex Strategy CDA77 DVD45 Letters To Seven Churches CDA39 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 Manifesto of our King CDA62 DVD31 FOR TECHNICALLY INCLINED Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06 The Holographic Universe **NEW** The Agony of Love CDA51 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107 The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30 The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 Digging Up the Truth CDA03 The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler The Flood of Noah CDA43 THE “BEYOND” SERIES PERSONAL CD CD CD Qty DVD DVD DVD23 DVD61 Qty DVD CDA40 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48 Seat of Mercy CDA07 CDA85 CDA104 The Rapture CDA13 The 7th Day CDA093 Signs in the Heavens CDA35 The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 Stretching the Heavens CDA57 The Spiritual Gifts CDA42 Technology & the Bible CDA80 The Trinity CDA33 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38 The Whole Counsel of God CDA102 DVD72 This Generation CDA27 DVD24 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144 Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137 What Is Truth? CDA63 DVD34 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132 CD A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) CDA05 Antichrist: Alternate Ending CDA12 Babylon: Alternate View CDA21 Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 Europa Rising CDA15 Hosea, Can You See? Qty DVD CD Qty The Old Paths - Stolebarger DVD52 Qty DVD DVD133 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129 DVD03 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130 DVD14 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126 DVD19 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123 DVD04 Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger CDA122 DVD121 CDA44 Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117 DVD112 Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 Revealing Jesus - Stolebarger CDA111 DVD103 Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin CDA79 DVD47 The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77 Sleeping in America - Lipkin CDA19 DVD11 The New World Order CDA52 The Case for Mecca - Lipkin CDA099 DVD69 The Next Holocaust CDA65 The Coming Conflict - Lipkin CDA72 DVD38 The Sword of Allah CDA105 Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin CDA81 DVD53 Qty Family Matters Vol. 1 - Matsen CDA143 DVD146 Family Matters Vol. 2 - Matsen CDA144 DVD147 Family Matters Vol. 3 - Matsen CDA145 DVD148 GETTING STARTED SERIES CD DVD02 Islamic Uprising - Lipkin DVD97 The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint DVD36 Qty DVD A Walk Thru the Bible CDA56 How to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28 How We Got Our Bible The Grand Adventure CDA55 CDA47 DVD27 Mark Titles Above and Add Total to the Summary at the Top of Next Page. Qty DVD79 Genesis and the Big Bang OTHER AUTHORS Qty DVD100 The Prodigal Heirs DVD75 Qty DVD80 Qty The Origin of Evil PROPHETIC UPDATES DVD58 Qty DVD89 Qty Prices in RED reflect Christmas Special Discount Personal UPDATE | November 2014 TOPICAL STUDIES ORDER SUMMARY ** Individual Topical Studies ** ** SPECIAL: Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen ** Other Topical Studies CD The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr ** NEW ** The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: DVD - 1 hr ** NEW ** The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs Expectations of the Antichrist - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 5 hrs An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 4 hrs The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs The Beyond Series Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs The Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Chuck Missler: 10+ hrs Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman: 8+ hrs CDA091 CDA141 CDA138 CDA126 CDA120 CDA121 CDA118 CDA090 CDA109 CDA095 CDA24 CDA097 CDA096 Price Qty 25.46 42.46 25.46 42.46 33.96 42.46 25.46 42.46 42.46 42.46 42.46 42.46 42.46 # Price DVD149 16.96 33.92 DVD Price DVD152 DVD143 DVD141 DVD138 DVD125 DVD117 DVD118 DVD114 DVD113 DVD86 12.71 12.71 25.46 42.46 25.46 42.46 33.96 42.46 25.46 42.46 42.46 # Price CD102 CD111 CD103 CD107 CD104 CD101 CD105 25.46 16.96 25.46 33.96 33.96 33.96 38.21 84.96 MP3 CD-ROMs by Chuck Missler Cosmic Codes on CD-ROM w/automated PowerPoint (over 8 hrs) Prophecy 101 CD-ROM (4 hours) The Creator Series on CD-ROM - over 8 hours of audio Seasonal Favorites CD-ROM - over 10 hours of audio The Legacy: Israel in Prophecy CD-ROM - over 12 hours of audio 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse CD-ROM - over 10 hours of audio Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM - w/automated PowerPoint Study Pack Special on CD-ROM -- (circle any 4 listed above) Commentaries (plus notes) MP3 Genesis (24 sessions) Exodus (16 sessions) Leviticus (16 sessions) Numbers (8 sessions) Deuteronomy (16 sessions) Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) Judges (16 sessions) Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) I & II Samuel (16 sessions) I & II Kings (16 sessions) I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) Job (8 sessions) Psalms (24 sessions) Proverbs (8 sessions) Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) Song of Songs (5 sessions) Isaiah (24 sessions) Jeremiah/Lamentations (24 sessions) Ezekiel (24 sessions) Daniel (16 sessions) Prophets to the N. Kingdom (13 sessions) Prophets to the Gentiles (8 sessions) Prophets to the S. Kingdom (13 sessions) Prophets to the Post-Exile (22 sessions) Matthew (24 sessions) Mark (16 sessions) Luke (24 sessions) John (20 sessions) Acts (16 sessions) Romans (24 sessions) I & II Corinthians (24 sessions) Galatians (8 sessions) Ephesians (8 sessions) Philippians (6 sessions) Colossians (8 sessions) 60 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 CD116 CD011 CD037 CD046 CD043 CD018 CD038 CD019 CD040 CD041 CD048 CD042 CD033 CD049 CD047 CD039 CD017 CD022 CD015 CD008 CD004 CD051 CD052 CD050 CD053 CD006 CD028 CD021 CD027 CD023 CD009 CD025 CD012 CD020 CD030 CD034 Price Qty 38.21 33.96 33.96 25.46 33.96 33.96 33.96 25.46 33.96 33.96 33.96 25.46 25.46 38.21 25.46 25.46 25.46 38.21 38.21 38.21 33.96 29.71 25.46 29.71 38.21 38.21 33.96 38.21 33.96 33.96 38.21 38.21 25.46 25.46 25.46 25.46 CD Price Qty DVD Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total Price Qty CDC01 76.46 DVD15 76.46 CDC04 38.21 DVD94 38.21 CDC20 38.21 DVD66 38.21 CDC09 59.46 DVD76 59.46 CDC12 CDC05 76.46 38.21 DVD43 DVD29 76.46 38.21 CDC30 CDC33 38.21 76.46 DVD98 DVD139 38.21 76.46 CDC16 CDC02 CDC26 CDC27 CDC25 76.46 59.46 50.96 38.21 50.96 DVD60 DVD20 DVD91 DVD92 DVD87 76.46 59.46 50.96 38.21 50.96 CDC06 CDC23 CDC29 CDC32 CDC31 CDC10 76.46 59.46 76.46 63.71 59.46 76.46 DVD33 DVD81 DVD96 DVD120 DVD104 DVD46 76.46 59.46 76.46 63.71 59.46 76.46 CDC15 CDC17 CDC28 CDC21 38.21 38.21 38.21 38.21 DVD55 DVD59 DVD93 DVD74 38.21 38.21 38.21 38.21 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: Special 15% Christmas Discount Code For Online Orders: CHR2014 Prices in RED reflect Christmas Special Discount Commentaries (plus notes) Cont. I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon (8 sessions) Hebrews (16 sessions) James (8 sessions) I & II Peter (8 sessions) I, II, & III John (8 sessions) Jude (8 sessions) Revelation (24 sessions) Minor Prophets Set on MP3 CD-ROM The Torah MP3 CD-ROM Collection ** Special ** The Five Gospels MP3 CD-ROM Collection ** Special ** Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-ROM Entire New Testament on MP3 CD-ROM Entire Bible on MP3 PC DVD-ROM ** NEW ** MP3 CD032 CD014 CD016 CD013 CD024 CD029 CD010 CD005 CD054 CDOTEST CDNTEST Price Qty 25.46 25.46 33.96 25.46 25.46 25.46 25.46 38.21 84.96 100.00 100.00 424.15 339.15 550.00 November 2014 | Personal UPDATE CD CDC24 CDC13 CDC11 CDC07 CDC18 CDC22 CDC08 CDC03 Small Group Packs (1 DVD set + 6 Workbooks) Additional Workbooks of _______________ if buying Small Group Pack Prophecy 101 Small Group Pack Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Small Group Pack Genesis Commentary Small Group Pack Numbers Commentary Small Group Pack Proverbs Commentary Small Group Pack Daniel Commentary Small Group Pack Prophets to the N. Kingdom Small Group Pack Prophets to the S. Kingdom Small Group Pack Prophets to the Gentiles Small Group Pack Matthew Commentary Small Group Pack Mark Commentary Small Group Pack Luke Commentary Small Group Pack John Commentary Small Group Pack Acts Commentary Small Group Pack Revelation Commentary Small Group Pack Comprehensive Study Workbooks Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the S. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the Gentiles Comprehensive Workbook Matthew Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Mark Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Luke Commentary Comprehensive Workbook John Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Acts Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Revelation Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) Prophecy 101 Prophecy 101 MP3 CD-ROM (4 hours) Prophecy 101 audio CD set (4 one-hour audio CDs) DVD: Prophecy 101 set (2 DVDs - 4 hours) Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Price Qty 38.21 38.21 59.46 38.21 38.21 38.21 38.21 76.46 DVD 38.21 38.21 59.46 DVD64 DVD78 38.21 38.21 DVD26 76.46 # Price SGP01 SGP02 SGP03 SGP04 SGP05 SGP06 SGP07 SGP08 SGP09 SGP10 SGP15 SGP13 SGP14 SGP12 SGP11 8.46 72.21 118.96 118.96 80.71 80.71 101.96 93.46 93.46 80.71 118.96 101.96 118.96 110.46 101.96 118.96 # Price BK122 BK123 BK120 BK144 BK137 BK127 BK167 BK168 BK169 BK143 BK183 BK177 BK182 BK178 BK131 BK124 BK136 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 # Price CD111 CDA66 DVD08 16.96 25.46 25.46 # Price Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler DVD25 76.46 Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on Audio CD - 24 CDs + CD-ROM Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM - w/automated PowerPoint BK107 CDA10 CD105 16.99 76.46 38.21 # Price Bible MP3 Player MP3 Player with 24hrs teaching, and KJV, of Genesis and Matthew MP3 Player with 24hrs teaching, and KJV, of Genesis and Matthew - 2 pack (save $9.95) MP3 Player with 24hrs teaching, and KJV, of Genesis and Matthew - 10 Pack (save $79.50) All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: Price Qty DVD83 DVD51 DVD54 Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total 19.95 29.95 120.00 VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 | 61 Prices in RED reflect Christmas Special Discount Personal UPDATE | November 2014 DVD Studies by Other Speakers Watchers 7 - L.A. Marzulli - 82 min. DVD Transhumanism - Jeremiah Films - 60 min. DVD America & The Coming Mideast Wars - Bill Salus - DVD Foundations in Creation - Jay Seegert (6 hr. DVD set) The Privileged Planet - 60-min. DVD Inside the Revolution - J. Rosenberg 90-min. DVD Looking Up - by Dan Stolebarger (5 hrs) - DVD The Late Great U.S.A (2 hrs) by Dr. Jerome Corsi - DVD Conferences 1997 Alien Encounters Conference DVD Set (6 hours) Strategic Perspectives ISRAEL DVD Set (6 sessions) Books I, Jesus: an Autobiography - Chuck Missler & William Welty, Ph.D. Nuclear Showdown in Iran - Bill Salus Blood on the Altar - Tom Horn & Others Exo-Vaticana - Cris Putnam & Tom Horn Petrus Romanus - Tom Horn & Cris Putnam The Pilgrim's Progress - John Bunyan The Amazing Works of John Newton The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded! Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - Chuck Missler Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler Which None Can Shut - Reema Goode The King’s High Way Series - by Nancy Missler Hope Against Hope -- Book The Kingdom, Power & Glory Workbook The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide -- Notebook Re-Igniting the Passion - DVD (4 hours) Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life -- Book Never Give Up! -- Book Tomorrow May Be Too Late -- Book The Key: How to Let Go and Let God -- Book The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? -- Book Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves -- Book Why Should I Be The First to Change -- Book (Introductory) Private Worship: The Key to Joy -- Book The Way of Agape Leader's Guide -- Notebook Be Ye Transformed Leader's Guide -- Notebook Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide -- Notebook King’s High Way Series Book Price Qty The Kingdom, Power & Glory The Way of Agape Be Ye Transformed Faith in the Night Seasons To Walk in Love, Truth, Knowledge A More Excellent Way BK150 BK016 BK020 BK087 16.11 15.26 12.71 11.86 MP3 Price Qty CD123 CD117 CD118 CD119 CD122 CD120 16.96 16.96 16.96 16.96 13.56 9.31 CD CDA83 CDA69 CDA70 CDA71 CDA78 CDA73 # Price DVD151 DVD145 DVD142 DVD119 DVD21 DVD68 DVD115 DVD50 16.96 16.96 16.96 59.46 12.71 8.46 29.71 8.46 # Price DVD131 KIDVD22 33.96 42.46 # Price BK188 BK187 BK186 BK184 BK179 BK174 BK173 BK150 BK139 BK119 BK056 BK107 BK100 BK166 16.96 12.71 12.71 12.71 12.71 13.56 12.71 14.41 11.89 16.96 14.41 16.99 5.06 8.46 # Price BK189 BK154 BK155 DVD39 BK140 BK129 BK118 BK098 BK102 BK105 BK015 BK114 BK019 BK023 BK095 16.11 11.01 16.96 29.71 11.01 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.91 5.06 5.91 9.31 16.96 16.96 16.96 Price Qty 29.71 25.46 25.46 25.46 16.96 12.71 DVD Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total Price Qty DVD57 DVD10 DVD16 DVD17 50.96 42.46 42.46 42.46 Shipping Table If Subtotal is: USA CANADA INTL-Surface INTL-Air $10.00 and less $2.75 C$4.50 $5.00 $16.00 $10.01 - $15.00 $3.75 C$5.50 $6.00 $20.00 $15.01 - $30.00 $4.75 C$7.00 $8.00 $25.00 $30.01 - $50.00 $5.75 C$8.00 $9.00 $27.50 $50.01 - $100.00 $7.25 C$9.50 $10.00 $30.00 $100.01 - $150.00 $8.75 C$12.00 $12.50 $35.00 $150.01 - $200.00 $10.25 C$13.50 $15.00 $40.00 Over $200.00 $11.75 C$15.00 10% 20% 62 | VOLUME 24 | ISSUE 11 All prices in U.S. dollars. 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