Personal Update - June 2016
THE N EWS JOU R N A L OF KO I N ON I A HOU SE Learn the Bible in 24 Hours – Small Group Initiative JUNE 2016 Graham Preston Update on Coming Changes Stan Honn LTB24Hrs To The World Ron Matsen COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 VIRTUALRESOURCES DIGITALEDITION FACEBOOK For up to date information, c u r r e n t events and d i s c u s s i o n s, f o l l o w u s on Facebook. KoinoniaHouse TWITTER Personal Update comes to vibrant life with the Digital Edition, available for your computer, tablet or mobile device. Get everything you love about our print edition -- plus interactive links to videos and additional online resources. Follow K-House on Twitter. KoinoniaHouse INSTAGRAM @chuckmissler Watch over 1000 hours of Bible Commentaries and Topical Studies online via your tablet, mobile device, laptop, PC or supported smart TV. With our Internet video live and on-demand streaming subscription service you can watch Commentaries, Topical Studies, and Special Events when it suits you. Or, create a free account, sample some of our free content, and tune in to watch our Weekly Free live Question and Answer broadcasts hosted by Dr. Chuck Missler and guests. 2 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 YOUTUBE Follow K-House on YouTube. koinoniahouse COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE CONTENTS “He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him.” Proverbs 18:13 COVER STORY Learn the Bible in 24 Hours – Small Group Initiative Jesus ended His earthly ministry by issuing The Great Commission. He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth... 6 Graham Preston BEREAN 6 Learn the Bible in 24 Hours – Small Group Initiative: Graham Preston Jesus ended His earthly ministry by issuing The Great Commission. He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” For many people this command is personally challenging as they feel ill equipped to carry out the task of carrying the Word of God to their World. 13Update on Coming Changes: Stan Honn You have seen articles in Personal Update over the past months about new things coming to Koinonia Institute (KI). We are very happy to announce that the first changes are rolling out in July! 21 Learn the Bible in 24 Hours - To The World: Ron Matsen Dr. Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” series is the foundational study for all Koinonia Institute students. Since its launch in 2005, thousands of people worldwide have enjoyed learning the Bible in an exciting way with Chuck as he leads them to discover that the Bible is an “integrated message system that is from outside our time domain.” KOINONOS 25 Footprints of the Messiah: Dr. Chuck Missler What Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today? 18 Strategic Perspectives Conference 2016 30 Resident Study 31 Product Order Forms As maturing Christians, we should find value in diverse views challenging us to further study and to be open to additional perspectives. While we may not agree with all the details in each article, we see great value in them. These articles are intended to stimulate discussion among the Koinonia Institute membership as well as our Personal UPDATE subscribers. CHAIRMAN EMERITUS DR. CHUCK MISSLER EDITOR-IN-CHIEF RON MATSEN EXECUTIVE RESEARCH ANALYST STEVE ELWART ART DIRECTOR/PUBLICATIONS DEAN PACKWOOD DIRECTOR OF PRINTING DAVID HANSON Personal UPDATE is a registered trademark of Koinonia House, Inc.. Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Personal UPDATE is published monthly for the supporters of the ministries of Koinonia Institute. Editor E-mail Address Physical Address 4055 East 3rd Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854 Mailing Address P.O. Box D, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-0347 Phone Orders/Subscriptions 1-800-KHOUSE1 (1-800-546-8731) Office Phone: 1-208-773-6310 Fax: 1-208-773-6312 Online Subscriptions Koinonia House Website Online Store The Koinonia House mission is to create, develop and distribute materials to stimulate, encourage and facilitate serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Koinonia House, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3 company. The Koinonia Institute is dedicated to training and equipping the serious Christian to sojourn in today’s world. VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 3 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 NEWBUNDLE Special Bundle Genesis Study Set! WORKBOOK US$100 NOTES DVD Notes Workbook ENTAL SUPPLEM INCLUDES AVAILABLE from our online store: Breakthroughs in the fields of physics, technology and biology led Chuck Missler to record this wonderful study in Genesis (recorded in 2004). With over 24 hours of teaching, this verse-by-verse study of the book of Genesis has been one of our most sought-after and best-selling series in the history of Koinonia House. Pulling back the veil of prehistory, Chuck will take you on a journey into the very nature of our universe, exploring the mechanics of creation, time and space, the physics of eternity and the intricate design of God's wonderful plan for our salvation This foundational study begins where any true adventure does... “In the Beginning”. 4 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE FROM THE EDITOR Ron Matsen CEO/COO, Koinonia House T DEAR FELLOW BEREANS he Great Commission makes it very clear that all Believers should be ready to share the Gospel with the world around them. Knowing the Bible is essential for anyone wishing to be effective in the witnessing of their faith. In the Apostle Paul’s final letter to his young disciple Timothy he stated, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 1 Paul pointed out to the Church in Rome the importance of knowing the Bible. He wrote, “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!’ But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, ‘Lord, who has believed our report?’ So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” 2 We could all do well by taking heed to theses instructions. God bless you, Ron Matsen, Under Rower 1 2 Timothy 2:15 2 Romans 10:14-17 VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 5 COVER CONTENTS ORDER LEARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS Graham Preston Chairman of the KI Academic Review Committee J SMALL GROUP INITIATIVE esus ended His earthly ministry by issuing The Great Commission. He said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” 1 For many people this command is personally challenging as they feel ill-equipped to carry out the task of carrying the Word of God to their World. Start in Your Jerusalem Before the Day of Pentecost, Jesus told His disciples, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 1 Matthew 28:18-20 6 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”2 Notice the natural progression of the ever-expanding ministry that Jesus is calling each of us to. We are to start in Jerusalem, then move on to all Judea and Samaria, and then finally to the end of the earth. Therefore, starting in “your Jerusalem” simply means that you initially reach out within the radius of your own personal contacts; family, friends, neighbors and the like. A personal invitation to someone you know is the best way to start. Let God’s Word do the Talking The next challenge in “reaching your world with the Word” is to choose a message that will clearly presents the complexities of Biblical truth in a simple, straight forward manner. Dr. Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” (LTB24H) is just the right message for laying the foundation of the Christian faith. Utilizing the learning tools available through Koinonia Institute (KI) is an excellent way to reinforce the learning experience. When you link the message of LTB24H and the KI tools with an intimate small group experience you have an ideal environment for spiritual exploration and growth. BIO Gr a h a m Pre s t o n Chairman of the KI Academic Review Committee Graham Preston is considered by many as the father of modern Christian education in New Zealand. He has 48 years ser ving NZ Education – 40 years as Principal. He is the founder of Bethlehem College in the Bay of Plenty and after establishing the Christian Education Trust in 1985, the legal entity to oversee the project, he served as a Trustee and chaired many of their committees. He is still very involved today. He is a visionary leader, team builder, and strategic planner with a talent for encouraging others in finding their ministr y gifts. He is an Honorary KI Gold member. Join the LTB24H Small Group Initiative Starting July 2016, Koinonia Institute will begin a special offer that will enable you to start an official KI Small Group which will utilize the “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” instructional material through the Koinonia Institute online school. The purpose of this initiative is to: • Enable KI members to host a small group in their home, church, or public place thus allowing them the opportunity to reach out to their “World with the Word of God.” 2 Acts 1:7-8 VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 7 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 • Encourage the shared experience of learning together. We know that there is no better place to mature spiritually than in an environment of intimacy and trust where the participants “may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” 3 • Equip others to take what they have learned about leading a KI Small Group so that they can host a small group of their own. KI is all about “equipping the saints for the work of ministry,”4 so let’s get going. Here are a few options you can consider for organizing your KI Small Group Meeting: • Weekly Fellowship This is a traditional type small group where you meet, enjoy some fellowship, watch the assigned LTB24H session, have a group discussion on the content and then take the session quiz together. This will generally take around two hours per week (plus set-up and clean-up time). • Flipped Classroom A flipped classroom leverages time away from the meetings and has been increasingly incorporated in many public and private schools over the past 20 years or so. In this model, participants, at a time convenient for them, watch the next session between group meetings. This eliminates the group watching the LTB24H together and for many, may be a better use of time. When the group gets together, the anticipation is that each member is ready to engage in discussion and the joint experience of taking the session quiz together. This type of home group takes about 1 ½ hours depending on the length of time spent in group discussion. 3 Ephesians 4:15-16 4 Ephesians 4:12 8 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE • Bible Blitz This option allows the participants to accelerate the classroom experience. Unlike the weekly model described above, a Blitz anticipates the participants doing several sessions in one sitting. For example, the group may decide to meet on the first and third Saturday mornings for six months. During these twelve sessions, two sessions would be watched, with discussion following each one. (Or eight days with 3 sessions at each) • Remote Tutoring In this model, there is no regular meeting (although the group may still meet when it likes.) The KI Academic Advisory Board recommends at least an initial “Meet & Greet” and a culminating celebration. The leader serves as a tutor or facilitator as each participant watches weekly sessions and completes weekly assignments. This decreases the time in meetings for those whose schedules make it difficult to meet regularly. KI Small Group Leader Requirements To become a KI Small Group Leader you need to do the following: • Complete the KI Bronze Medallion certification. • Have a current KI Membership which will be maintained throughout the duration of your KI Small Group experience. • Complete the KI Small Group Leader’s course. • Register yourself on the KI Small Groups home page. This will give you a KI Small Group Leader’s membership number. • Invite people from “your Jerusalem”5 to your small group by encouraging them to take advantage of the Special LTB24H KI Small Group’s Offer (shown at the end of this article). • Instruct the people you invite to create a student account on the Koinonia Institute main website. Make sure that you remind your group members to use your KI Small Group Leader’s membership 5 Acts 1:8 VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 9 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 number when they register so they can get the Special LTB24H Small Group discount and be linked to your online class. • Lead your group of at least 3 members to completion of the Dr. Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” series. This series has 12 sessions in the Old Testament and 12 sessions in the New Testament. • Agree to submit regular reports of your group’s activities with the KI Small Groups Coordinator. Special K-Credit Offer For those interested in completing their KI Silver/Gold Medallion certification, the KI Small Group Leader will earn 2,500 K-Credits for leading a minimum of 3 people to successfully completing the entire LTB24H course (BIB101-1 and BIB101-2). Do this with 3 different groups and you will get a total of 10,000 K-Credits (which is enough to satisfy the Koinonos Track requirements for the KI Silver Medallion)6. Special LTB24H KI Small Group’s Offer • The Small Group Leader registration is free. • Each individual Small Group participant registration fee is US$49.95 (a savings of US$105) for the entire LTB24H course. • All successful Small Group participants may apply the KI academic credits obtained on this course toward earning a KI Bronze Medallion. 6 2,500 K-Credits for each of the 3 completed LTB24H Small Groups plus 2,500 K-Credit bonus. 10 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE STUDYSET Special Bundle Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study Set! INCLUDES DVD Handbook Workbook US$100 AVAILABLE on our online store: Are you ready for a detailed yet thoroughly enjoyable study of the most profound book ever written? Using sound scientific facts, historical analysis, and Biblical narrative, acclaimed teacher Dr. Chuck Missler weaves together a rich tapestry of information—providing an accurate understanding of Scripture’s relation to itself, to us and to the world at large. Examine the heroic tales of Exodus, the lasting wisdom of Proverbs, or even the enigmatic imagery of Revelation with the simple, Scripturally sound insights and fresh perspectives found in Learn the Bible in 24 Hours. Whether you want to explore some of the less-discussed nuances of Scripture or you need a comprehensive refresher course on the Bible’s themes and stories, Learn the Bible in 24 Hours is a great guide. VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 11 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 NEWBUNDLE Special Bundle Revelation Study Set! WORKBOOK US$100 NOTES DVD Notes Workbook ENTAL SUPPLEM INCLUDES AVAILABLE from our online store: The Book of Revelation is the only book of the Bible with a Promise to the reader! Why? What makes this book so special? Revelation is a “lens” that puts the entire Bible into focus. The lens is focused on the person of Jesus Christ, and his destiny is imminent. This is a book of victory: We are overcomers! We are the ultimate winners in the game of life! (I read the ending: we win!) One of the reasons this book strikes us as strange is because of our lack of understanding concerning the Old Testament. The Book of Revelation consists of 404 verses that contain over 800 allusions to the Old Testament. These are detailed, along with Chuck’s analysis of the design and structure of this fascinating book. Learn about the past, present and future of the Church and our ultimate destiny. This is an ideal “first study” and foundational for every Christian. 12 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE FROM THE REGISTRAR'S DESK Stan Honn Registrar, Koinonia Institute UPDATE ON COMING CHANGES Y ou have seen articles1 in Personal Update over the past months2 about new things coming to Koinonia Institute (KI). We are very happy to announce that the first changes are rolling out in July! That is exciting news because these changes put an even stronger emphasis on seeking and following God. We believe the new pathways and new classes coming online will help you not only sort out the trends around you, but also see how to accomplish what the Lord has appointed you to do. And you might be interested to know that a large number of these new classes will not have any quizzes or final exams. Keep reading for the details about these improvements. BIO Stan Honn, R e g i s t r a r , Koinonia Institute Stan came to work for KI in 2006 and became the Registrar in the summer of 2008. He’s been married to his lovely wife Bonnie for 37 years; they have 2 grown children and 4 grandchildren. Stan has been a student of the Word for nearly 40 years and was formerly a pastor of two churches. His 30-year background in computer and electronics began with a six-year career in the U.S. Navy. He currently leads a small group home Bible study in the home of a selfproclaimed atheist, and fills the pulpit at his local church when the pastor is away. Changes to Bronze Medallion Level The Old Testament and New Testament survey classes will continue as requirements for the Bronze level Berean Track, but there will be one And you might be change. In these survey classes, Dr. Missler interested to know introduces many things that he refers to in later teaching so we have made both that a large number classes the prerequisite for all other classes. of these new classes will not have any quizzes or final exams. 1 Chris Corlett, “The Truth About Truth,” Personal Update, February 2016: p27. Series continued in March and April. 2 Graham Preston, “Coming Soon: New and Improved Koinonia Institute,” Personal Update, April 2016: p8, VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 13 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 New students will have to complete both before they can enroll in other classes. The two other classes required for the Bronze level are being replaced with several shorter classes. The change will add one more session, about an hour, for Bronze. Here are the new classes: 1) How We Got Our Bible (Issachar Track) 2) How to Study the Bible (Issachar Track) 3) Death of Discernment (Issachar Track) 4) Discovering God (Koinonos Track) 5) The Love of God (Koinonos Track) The only other requirement for the Bronze level is unchanged. A signed affirmation of the Statement of Faith is still required. It can be completed online. Changes to Silver Medallion Level Silver Medallion classes have been a major focus of the Academic Review Committee’s work.3 There are no changes to Berean Track classes (the Bible classes). If you are a member of KI, you can see those requirements listed online. Log in, click Your Account, and then click Your Achievements in the sidebar. Silver Issachar Track There are now two pathways for the Silver Medallion Issachar Track. The original pathway, the I600 series classes, will continue with no changes. That path involves two preparatory classes, Introduction to Strategic Trends, and Worldview Studies. Then there are four classes to produce four briefings on Strategic Trends. The new option for Silver Issachar includes End Times Scenario, and Evidence and Logic (a new class) as required classes. To complete the track, you will soon be able to select from a variety of short courses that we are actively expanding. The focus will be on how to discern the truth, exploring the opportunities God provides, then finding and 3 Ibid. 14 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE developing your personal area of ministry in God’s Kingdom. This focus links directly with the Koinonos Track where you will begin bringing to life the ministry God is directing you to. The two paths for Silver Issachar have some striking differences, but they are also similar. Each path involves the same number of session hours, and they have the same goals. They both involve understanding both the world we live in, and how we as Christians need to function in it. The old Strategic Trends path has always dictated the direction the student had to travel. In contrast the new path requires the student to seek direction from the Holy Spirit. What has been known as the Silver Essay is being reformatted and may be re-named. Essentially, it is your assessment of how God has equipped you, and how your Kingdom ministry is either taking form or moving forward. This initially will provide a synopsis of your walk with the Lord as He accomplishes His will in your life. As you grow in your walk in the Lord and his will becomes more clear in your life, this paper will doubtless need “The Koinonos to be updated and will eventually serve as a tool to help keep you focused on Track is intended the ministry God has directed you to. to emphasize being New members will likely have their first a doer of the Word, exposure to this at the Bronze level. not a hearer only.” Silver Koinonos Track As the Koinonia Institute Student Handbook states, “The Koinonos Track is intended to emphasize being a doer of the Word, not a hearer only.” At the Silver level, this means engaging in real-world ministry, as God leads. New coursework begins with The Great Commission class, and will include a number of new short courses yet to be developed. These are intended to help members address the issues they may face as they serve God in the areas of ministry where He calls them to serve. New courses are being sought out and developed as quickly as possible. We intend to provide high quality teaching for hands-on situations. As much as VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 15 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 possible, we want to select the classes based on input from members and the kinds of service we see happening. Ideally, Koinonos classes will naturally link to practicum work “in the field.” When you are exploring possible ways of serving, you will want to get your feet wet by wading into an activity to get a sense of what ministry entails. Once the Lord makes it clear where He wants you to serve, you will certainly want to jump in and do it. After a while, you may want to explore even more options to expand your impact or to specialize as the Lord leads you. All of these types of opportunities you engage in are examples of what a practicum is made of, and we want to encourage everyone to develop those kinds of practicums. You will need several for the Silver Medallion level. Perhaps you already have a sense of where the Lord is leading you. If you have achieved a Bronze Medallion level, you can submit a practicum idea right now for review. Pray about what you should do, then log in and under Upcoming Courses click Course Schedule. In the section titled General Courses, click on Koinonos Practicums to get started. New Assessment Tool Some courses are better suited to being graded than others. Berean Track courses fit well with quizzes, final exams, and grades because of their length and the amount of information they contain. The courses in the Issachar and Koinonos Tracks, however, are generally shorter, and the emphasis in those tracks is on action more than information. The Academic Review Committee determined that a change was needed, so a new assessment tool has been incorporated for Issachar and Koinonos. It is known in educational circles as KWL. The KWL activity serves as a self-assessment of learning as well as a personal summary of the course. Prior to starting a course of study, the learner completes the “K” section by writing what is already KNOWN about the topic and the “W” section by writing what the learner WANTS to know about the subject. Together these form the foundation and provide the direction of learning. Either as the course progresses or at the end of the course, the learner records the “L” which is 16 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE what was LEARNED. This can be a series of statements from each lesson or a synthesis of ideas and themes throughout the entire course. As a serious student, what you receive from this class and the use of this tool will be in direct proportion to the effort you invest in your learning. (Excerpted from a new KI class introduction.) The KWL form will be available for download in each class where it is required, and is easily submitted online in the same way as the Proverb Log. No feedback or grading of the KWL will be done; submitting it only confirms the student has gone through the process of review and assessment. Of course, support is available to anyone who needs help. The KWL upload triggers the system to close out the class for that student. Some new Issachar and Koinonos Topical Elective classes4 will use quizzes and final exams as before. However, we are making KWL available as an option in every class for students who find it helpful to document what they learn and how God has been leading them. Ready, Set, Go… The Academic Review Committee was assembled because of a concern that KI was not the discipleship program it was meant to be. Dr. Missler and the Board of Directors approved the initial committee report and expressed confidence in this renewed commitment to the KI Mission. The ambitious changes outlined here are just the first phase. Lord willing, you will see announcements in the near future about new improvements being rolled out. In the meantime, you will have more choices available and fewer barriers! We hope that helps you run the race and be better prepared to take up the mantle God has prepared for you. Blessings from the office of the Registrar, Stan Honn 4 These course numbers begin with ITE and KTE designations, e.g. ITE501. VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 17 October 27–29, 2016 Coeur d’Alene, ID at The Coeur d’Alene Resort Hear outstanding Christian authorities speak about what’s really happening in the world, what you won’t hear from the popular media. Our conference convenes to inform, encourage, and support you as you follow Christ Jesus. Join us so you can be an informed believer, equipped to make good decisions for the days ahead. Conference Tickets & Event Pricing Registration Fee – US$95 Includes: General registration to all speaker sessions Complete Conference Package* – US$495 Complete Conference Package - a $615 value. Includes: General registration, exclusive access to the VIP Lounge, all speaker-hosted meals throughout the conference, Breakfast Cruise and complete DVD set. Seating Limited So Book Now! Book Online at Live & On-Demand Video Streaming available at – US$50 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 EBOOKS The Feasts of Israel • Passover • Feast of Unleavened Bread • Feast of First Fruits • Feast of Pentecost • Feast of Trumpets • Day of Atonement • Feast of Tabernacles The Feasts of Israel, set by God, are not only commemorative in a historical context, but are also prophetic. This briefing reveals the rich background of these feasts with many surprises for the Biblical believer, and yet only scratches the surface. eBook US$4.95 ea AVAILABLE on our online store: OTHER eBOOKS By Dr. CHUCK MISSLER MISSLER E URE pture can be considered n Biblical Christianity. ctrine of the Rapture is s quote by Dr. Richard physics: THE RAPTURE POSTEROUS BELIEF y questions concerning nd its apparent contrast esus Christ. Where does the term “rapture” even CHRISTIANITY’S MOST PREPOSTEROUS BELIEF ne understands quantum tated of all the theories liest is quantum theory. hat quantum theory has nquestionably correct. DR. CHUCK MISSLER 20 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE LEARN THE BIBLE IN 24 HOURS Ron Matsen CEO/COO, Koinonia House TO THE WORLD D r. Chuck Missler’s “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” series is the foundational study for all Koinonia Institute students. Since its launch in 2005, thousands of people worldwide have enjoyed learning the Bible in an exciting way with Chuck as he leads them to discover that the Bible is an “integrated message system that is from outside our time domain.”1 Upgrade and Remastering Project With the current availability of more modern video production tools, Koinonia House is remastering the whole 24-part series to a clearer High Definition (HD) standard. We are also updating all of Chuck’s Power Point slides to his most current layout standard. In addition, we are adding the option for seeing English subtitles. BIO Ron Matsen, CEO, Kononia H o u s e a n d Koinonia Institute With over 40 years in the pastoral ministry, Ron has taught verseby-verse through the Bi b l e , h o s t e d a l i ve 2-hour TV programme broadcast across Europe for more than 2 years, and taught extensively on the subjects of evangelism, leadership, and end-times topics. Although Ron and his wife are native Californians, they moved to England in 1992 and in 2011 immigrated to New Zealand where they now partner with Chuck Missler at the ministry base, The River Lodge. Foreign Language Subtitles Project With all of these new enhancements to the “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” (LTB24H) series we recognize the opportunity we have to now add foreign languages as optional subtitles. Therefore, we are launching a project that will translate the entire 24 sessions of LTB24H into at least 20 foreign languages. We will then embed the translated text as a subtitle option available on the video version of the series. We will also have the individual translation teams provide the foreign language translation of the Koinonia Institute student material so we will have a complete package of teaching the Bible that can be used to reach the whole world. Lord willing we have 1 66/40 Radio Program tag line VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 21 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 a target date of early 2017 for the phase one release of the remastered “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” series with foreign language subtitles. The idea is simple but the implementation may be complicated. Our plan is to carry out the work at our main headquarters at The River Lodge in Reporoa, New Zealand. We hope that we can find volunteers who would be willing to travel to New Zealand and work with our video production team for a one-month period. We estimate that it will take at least two people working as a team on each of the languages. Our target start date for beginning this project is 7 November 2016 assuming that we can generate the sufficient interest and financial support. All language translation volunteers will be provided with full room (shared accommodation) and meals at our River Lodge facilities ( All travel to and from The River Lodge will be the responsibility of the individual volunteer. Those interested in participating in the project as a language translation volunteer need to submit an e-mail with a statement of their qualification and availability to Sponsor a Language Project We understand that this is an ambitious project that will require a substantial amount of effort and finances so we are “testing the waters” to see what our closest friends feel led to support. We will build this project as large as “The Lord provides.” Therefore, if you would like to help sponsor the translation of the “Learn the Bible in 24 Hours” series into foreign language subtitles, then please contact us at LTB24Project@khouse. org. After all, Jesus said, “Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!”2 2 John 4:35 22 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE NEWBOOK MARY Ten Test Questions for the World’s Finest Woman Book US$14.95 eBook US$9.95 DVD US$19.95 AVAILABLE from our online store: MAYBE IT’S TIME YOU LEARNED THE TRUTH… The community of Christian faith worldwide knows her as the finest woman who ever lived. Born in obscurity to a distant descendant of Israel’s magnificent King David, Mary, the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, was honored by the Creator of the Universe to be the person through whom God himself would visit his own Creation. No matter what you may have thought you knew, there’s a good possibility that you’ve been misinformed about her. In fact, chances are you’ve been wrong from the start about the most remarkable woman who ever walked the dusty roads of first century Israel at the height of the Roman Empire’s power. No, Mary isn’t who you think she is. More than twenty centuries have come and gone since a teenaged virgin became the mother of God’s incarnate Son. As a result, far too much myth has grown up around the person and story of the woman who became one of the foundational figures of human history. But what the New Testament records tell us about the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus is fascinating enough in its own right that accumulated legends seem to embellish the story. So today, more than twenty centuries later, Biblical scholar and theologian Dr. William Welty pulls back the dusty curtain of historically inaccurate tradition and introduces you to the very human, but utterly magnificent character of Mary, the mother of the Messiah, as she struggles to pass Ten Test Questions for the World’s Finest Woman. In this analysis of every passage recorded in the New Testament in which she is mentioned, you’ll learn why Mary, the mother of the Rabbi from Nazareth, rose from literal obscurity to become one of the most pivotal figures in all of human history. VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 23 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 ROBERTCORNUKE Mountain of Fire: The Search for the Real Mount Sinai DVD (1 hour) US$14.95 AVAILABLE on our online store: The Search for the True Mount Sinai, tells the amazing story of explorers Bob Cornuke and Larry Williams' incredible expedition into the blistering heat of the Saudi Arabian desert to investigate what many scholars believe to be one of the greatest discoveries in history... the real Mount Sinai. The DVD documents over a dozen significant findings, including: Where the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea during the Exodus, The mountain top scorched by the fire of God, The altar of the golden calf, The split rock of Horeb. Robert Cornuke 24 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE EXCERPT Dr. Chuck Missler Chairman Emeritus/Founder, Koinonia House and K.I. FOOTPRINTS OF THE MESSIAH Mystery of the Messiah hat Bible study is mentioned twelve times in one book of the Bible, was given on seven different occasions by seven different people, and is hardly ever offered today? W Jesus as the Old Testament’s Messiah of Israel! In the early years of Christianity there was no New Testament. Jesus taught from the Hebrew Scriptures, and after His resurrection the first lesson He gave came straight from the Old Testament: And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. Luke 24:25 Peter, Stephen, Philip, Paul, Apollos, Aquila, and Aquila’s wife Priscilla each had the important challenge of presenting Jesus as the Messiah from the Tanakh, the Hebrew Old Testament. Collectively, these lessons were recorded on 12 different occasions: 1) Acts 2:22-38 Peter’s first sermon 2) Acts 3:18-26 Peter’s second sermon 3) Acts 7 Stephen before the Sanhedrin 4) Acts 8: 26-39 Philip and the Ethiopian Treasurer 5) Acts 9:20-22 Saul at Damascus 6) Acts 10:42-43 Peter’s sermon to the Gentiles 7) Acts 13:16-41 Paul’s sermon at Antioch 8) Acts 17:2-3 Paul at Thessalonica 9) Acts 18:5 Paul at Corinth VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 25 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 10)Acts 18:24-28 Apollos, Aquila, and Priscilla at Ephesus and Corinth 11)Acts 26:23 Paul at Agrippa 12)Acts 28:23 Paul at Rome Not once in these passages did Paul or Peter preach without mentioning the Resurrection of Christ. They never let that chance go by, even when they were defending themselves against the authorities. In every case, they reminded their adversaries that, though they had killed Jesus, He had beaten death. We can imagine how frustrated these disbelieving persecutors must have been as Paul and Peter rubbed their noses in the mess the Jewish authorities had created. Jesus Himself adds two more to this list, two occasions in which He presented Himself from the Scriptures: 13)Luke 24:13-27Jesus with two disciples on the way to Emmaus 14)Luke 24:44-48Jesus with the Apostles in the Upper Room What words did Jesus give to those two disciples on the road to Emmaus that Sunday morning? That must have been quite some walk! What passages did Jesus quote in reference to Himself in order to open the understandings of Cleopas and his companion? Through the pages of this book, we begin our own journey to answer that question, to retrace the footsteps of the Messiah. In the Beginning The first prophecy of the Messiah does not show up in Isaiah or even in Deuteronomy. To find the first indication of the Messiah in the Old Testament, one simply has to turn to the first few pages of Genesis. Immediately after the sin of our first parents is exposed, God declares His plan of redemption to Adam and Eve (and Satan). He tells the Serpent: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:15 26 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE That’s a strange statement to make, that the seed of the woman would bruise the head of the serpent. The seed of humanity even then was believed to come from the man. We now know that the sperm of a man fertilizes the egg of a woman, thus giving rise to the zygote— that both contribute to the new life in the womb. It is strange that Genesis 3:15 refers to the “seed of the woman” rather than the seed of Adam. We know from the New Testament, though, that God had a sound reason for referencing the prophetic offspring in this manner; Jesus, the Messiah, came by way of God’s work in Mary while she remained a virgin, not sexually known by a man. Genesis 3:20 refers to Eve as the Mother of all living. And she is. From Eve came all men, even Jesus Christ, by whom we gain eternal life. This excerpt is from Dr. Chuck Missler’s book Footprints of the Messiah, now available in print and eBook from Also available in Kindle format from Amazon. Footprints of the Messiah NEW - eBook US$4.95 NEW - Book US$5.95 Also available in DVD, Audio CD and Video Download formats. AVAILABLE from our online store: VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 27 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 ROBERTCORNUKE Search for Noah's Ark: The Lost Mountains of Noah DVD (Approx. 1 hour) US$14.95 AVAILABLE on our online store: Ever since embarking on his first expedition to Mt. Ararat, Bob Cornuke, a biblical investigator and real life Indiana Jones, has had a passion shared by only a select group of explorers. Follow Cornuke as he brings this adventure to life and tries to be the one who makes the greatest archaeological discovery in human history - finding the remains of Noah's Ark. Robert Cornuke This documentary uses the Bible as a road map for uncovering its ancient mysteries. Based on the testimony of the Bible, personal investigation, examination of evidence, and other factors, Cornuke points to Mount Suleiman in the modern-day country of Iran, as the most probably resting place for Noah's Ark. Throughout the investigation, Cornuke discovers archaeological evidence to support God's Word. His relentless search for the ark is captured on this DVD and includes threatening misadventures and narrow escapes from political unrest that are sure to leave viewers breathless. 28 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE NEWBOOK Beyond Coincidence Book $5.95 eBook $4.95 DVD, Video Download or Audio CD $19.95 AVAILABLE from our online store: Is our universe some kind of cosmic accident, or is it the result of careful and skillful design? What do scientists mean by "The Anthropic Principle"? When compiling the many physical and mathematical subtleties which make up our universe, scientist have discovered that a slight variation in any of them militates against the existence of life. Even at the atomic and sub-atomic level, the slightest variation in any of the primary constants of physics - some as sensitive as one part in over 1,000,000 - cause life to be impossible. Even secular science refers to these appearances of apparent design as the "anthropic principle," since they yield the impression that the universe was designed specifically for man. VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 29 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 STUDY TOGETHER The KI Resident Study Program - Take the Bible Seriously! Journey through the whole Bible with Dr. Chuck Missler and other special speakers as you gather valuable insights into God’s “integrated message system that is from outside our time domain.” Koinonia Institute offers a unique opportunity in the centre of North Island, New Zealand. Each residential student will: • Participate in a guided classroom environment that will be comprised of lectures, open discussions, and testing, • Live communally with other students in the beautifully isolated grounds of The River Lodge in Reporoa, Bay of Plenty on the banks of the Waikato River, and • Grow individually in his/her knowledge of the Bible so he/she can gain the maximum benefit of this intensive preparation experience. Accelerated and Long Term courses available. For more information, visit: 30 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Mark Titles Below And Add Total To The Summary At The Bottom Of This Page. JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE Topical Studies by Chuck Missler on CD or DVD - For Download Pricing visit Each study is $19.95 and contains approximately two hours of audio or video BASIC BIBLE STUDIES CD Qty DVD Qty DVD108 GETTING STARTED SERIES A Walk Thru the Bible CD Qty DVD Angels Vol. 1: The Angelic Realm CDA114 Angels Vol. 2: The Invisible War CDA115 DVD109 How to Study the Bible CDA60 DVD28 Angels Vol. 3: Denizens/Metacosm CDA135 DVD135 How We Got Our Bible CDA55 DVD27 The Grand Adventure CDA47 Behold a Black Horse CDA151 DVD160 Behold a Livid Horse CDA152 DVD161 Behold a Red Horse CDA150 DVD159 Armor For the Age of Deceit CDA30 Behold a White Horse CDA149 DVD158 Being Faithful in Faithless World CDA46 Church in the End Times CDA123 DVD122 Halloween: Invitation to Occult? CDA17 Eternal Security CDA82 DVD56 Kabbalah CDA26 DVD23 Footprints of the Messiah CDA37 DVD105 Spiritual Gifts - 3 Hours CDA42 DVD155 Fulcrum of the Entire Universe CDA134 DVD134 Storm Warning--Missler/McDonald CDA110 DVD100 Heaven and Hell CDA18 DVD07 Thanksgiving CDA84 CDA45 PERSONAL CD Qty DVD Hidden Treasures CDA128 DVD127 The Architecture of Man Inheritance & Rewards CDA101 DVD71 The Da Vinci Deception CDA23 DVD18 Israel and The Church CDA116 DVD110 The Once & Future Church CDA16 DVD05 DVD124 Jesus: Who & Why? CDA125 Jonah - The Reluctant Prophet CDA103 Letters To Seven Churches CDA39 Manifesto of our King CDA62 DVD31 FOR TECHNICALLY INCLINED Return of the Nephilim CDA14 DVD06 Beyond Coincidence CDA34 DVD82 The 7th Day CDA093 Beyond Newton CDA108 DVD85 The Agony of Love CDA51 Beyond Perception CDA36 DVD84 The Beginning of Wisdom CDA136 DVD136 Beyond Time & Space CDA31 DVD80 The Christmas Story CDA58 DVD49 Biotech: Update CDA02 DVD30 The Easter Story CDA68 DVD40 Digging Up the Truth CDA03 The Feasts of Israel CDA76 DVD44 DNA by Design - Meyer/Missler The Flood of Noah CDA43 The Vortex Strategy CDA77 DVD45 Twilight’s Last Gleaming? CDA49 DVD61 What Is Truth? CDA63 CD DVD CDA40 CDA85 DVD58 In the Beginning…was Information CDA32 CDA148 DVD157 Monuments: Sacred or Profane? CDA48 The Prodigal Heirs CDA104 Seat of Mercy CDA07 The Rapture CDA13 Signs in the Heavens CDA35 The Sovereignty of Man CDA41 Stretching the Heavens CDA57 The Trinity CDA33 The Holographic Universe CDA119 DVD116 The Whole Counsel of God CDA102 DVD72 The Hybrid Age - Missler/Horn CDA113 DVD107 This Generation CDA27 DVD24 Technology & the Bible CDA80 DVD52 Thy Kingdom Come CDA08 DVD63 The Mysteries of Mars CDA38 CD A Legacy of Hate (Chuck & Avi) CDA05 Antichrist: Alternate Ending CDA12 Babylon: Alternate View CDA21 Betrayal of the Chosen CDA50 Daniel’s 70 Weeks CDA25 Europa Rising CDA15 Hosea, Can You See? Qty DVD Qty OTHER AUTHORS CD Qty DVD Death of Discernment - Matsen CDA117 DVD112 DVD03 Defending the Bible - Matsen CDA137 DVD137 DVD14 Discovering God - Matsen CDA131 DVD130 Doctrines of Demons - Matsen CDA142 DVD144 DVD19 Human Nature - Matsen CDA132 DVD132 DVD04 Leadership/End Times - Matsen CDA124 DVD123 CDA44 The Gospel - Matsen CDA127 DVD126 Jihad: America’s New War CDA06 The Great Commission - Matsen CDA130 DVD129 Myths of Eschatology * NEW * CDA156 DVD167 The Love of God - Matsen CDA129 DVD128 Roots of War: Profiling MidEast CDA11 DVD02 Mary - Dr. William Welty * NEW * The Kingdom of Blood CDA092 The Kings of the East CDA61 DVD32 The Magog Invasion: Alt. View CDA107 DVD77 The New World Order CDA52 The Next Holocaust CDA65 The Sword of Allah CDA105 TOPICAL STUDIES ORDER SUMMARY ** Individual Topical Studies ** CD Qty DVD79 Genesis and the Big Bang The Physics of Immortality PROPHETIC UPDATES Qty DVD34 Qty The Origin of Evil DVD75 Qty CDA56 Qty DVD170 DVD36 Qty DVD Qty CD ** Individual Topical Studies ** Qty DVD Qty COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 Other Topical Studies CD Price CDA155 CDA121 CDA24 CDA141 49.95 49.95 49.95 49.95 CDA097 49.95 Kingdom, Power & Glory Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs On the Trail of Discovery - Cornuke: 2 hrs * NEW * Prophecy 101 - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs CDA126 CDA154 CDA66 49.95 19.95 29.95 Redesigning the Church - Stolebarger: 2 hrs Shiite/Sunni - Lipkin Sleeping in America - Lipkin Strategic Trends 2012 - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 4 hrs The Beyond Collection - Chuck Missler: 8 hrs The Case for Mecca - Lipkin The Coming Conflict - Lipkin The "Creator" Series - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman: 8+ hrs The Dead Sea Scrolls - Flint: 2 hrs The End Times Scenario - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: 8 hrs * NEW * The Holy Spirit - Ron Matsen: 4 hrs The Mystery of Melchizedek - Chuck Missler: DVD - 1 hr The Reemergence of Assyria - Ron Matsen: 1 hr The Romance of Redemption - Chuck Missler: 4 hrs Turkey: Turn Thee Back - Lipkin Weathering the Coming Storm - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 5 hrs Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM - w/automated PowerPoint CDA122 CDA79 CDA19 CDA118 CDA109 CDA099 CDA72 CDA096 19.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95 19.95 19.95 49.95 DVD121 DVD47 DVD11 DVD114 DVD86 DVD69 DVD38 19.95 19.95 19.95 29.95 49.95 19.95 19.95 CDA090 CDA153 CDA138 49.95 49.95 29.95 CDA091 CDA81 CDA120 CD105 29.95 19.95 39.95 44.95 DVD89 DVD113 DVD162 DVD138 DVD152 DVD154 DVD143 DVD53 DVD117 19.95 49.95 49.95 29.95 14.95 14.95 29.95 19.95 39.95 Commentaries (plus notes) Price Qty Angels Series - Chuck Missler: 6 hrs An Agape Weekend - Chuck & Nancy Missler: 6 hrs Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs Expectations of the Antichrist - Chuck Missler & Ron Matsen: 6 hrs Family Matters Vols. 1-3 - DVD - Matsen ** Getting Started Series - Chuck Missler: 8+ hrs Qty Islamic Uprising - Lipkin Genesis (24 sessions) Exodus (16 sessions) Leviticus (16 sessions) Numbers (8 sessions) Deuteronomy (16 sessions) Joshua/12 Tribes (16 sessions) Judges (16 sessions) Ruth & Esther (8 sessions) I & II Samuel (16 sessions) I & II Kings (16 sessions) I & II Chronicles (16 sessions) Ezra & Nehemiah (8 sessions) Job (8 sessions) Psalms (24 sessions) Proverbs (8 sessions) Ecclesiastes (8 sessions) Song of Songs (5 sessions) Isaiah (24 sessions) Jeremiah/Lamentations (24 sessions) Ezekiel (24 sessions) Daniel (16 sessions) Prophets to the N. Kingdom (13 sessions) Prophets to the Gentiles (8 sessions) Prophets to the S. Kingdom (13 sessions) Prophets to the Post-Exile (22 sessions) Matthew (24 sessions) Mark (16 sessions) Luke (24 sessions) John (20 sessions) Acts (16 sessions) Romans (24 sessions) I & II Corinthians (22 sessions) Galatians (8 sessions) 32 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 MP3 CD116 CD011 CD037 CD046 CD043 CD018 CD038 CD019 CD040 CD041 CD048 CD042 CD033 CD049 CD047 CD039 CD017 CD022 CD015 CD008 CD004 CD051 CD052 CD050 CD053 CD006 CD028 CD021 CD027 CD023 CD009 CD055 CD012 44.95 39.95 39.95 29.95 39.95 39.95 39.95 29.95 39.95 39.95 39.95 29.95 29.95 44.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 39.95 34.95 29.95 34.95 44.95 44.95 39.95 44.95 39.95 39.95 44.95 44.95 29.95 CD DVD Price DVD165 DVD118 49.95 49.95 DVD141 DVD149 49.95 39.90 DVD97 19.95 DVD125 DVD163 DVD08 49.95 19.95 29.95 Price Qty DVD Qty Total Price Qty CDC01 89.95 DVD15 89.95 CDC04 44.95 DVD94 44.95 CDC20 44.95 DVD66 44.95 CDC09 69.95 DVD76 69.95 CDC12 CDC05 89.95 44.95 DVD43 DVD29 89.95 44.95 CDC30 CDC33 44.95 89.95 DVD98 DVD139 44.95 89.95 CDC16 CDC02 CDC26 CDC27 CDC25 89.95 69.95 59.95 44.95 59.95 DVD60 DVD20 DVD91 DVD92 DVD87 89.95 69.95 59.95 44.95 59.95 CDC06 CDC23 CDC29 CDC32 CDC31 CDC10 CDC34 CDC15 89.95 69.95 89.95 74.95 69.95 89.95 89.95 44.95 DVD33 DVD81 DVD96 DVD120 DVD104 DVD46 DVD164 DVD55 89.95 69.95 89.95 74.95 69.95 89.95 89.95 44.95 All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE Commentaries (plus notes) Cont. Ephesians (8 sessions) Philippians (6 sessions) Colossians (8 sessions) I & II Thessalonians (8 sessions) I & II Timothy/Titus/Philemon (8 sessions) Hebrews (16 sessions) James (8 sessions) I & II Peter (8 sessions) I, II, & III John (8 sessions) Jude (8 sessions) Revelation (24 sessions) Minor Prophets Set on MP3 CD-ROM Entire Old Testament on MP3 CD-ROM Entire New Testament on MP3 CD-ROM Entire Bible on MP3 PC DVD-ROM MP3 CD020 CD030 CD034 CD032 CD014 CD016 CD013 CD024 CD029 CD010 CD005 CD054 CDOTEST CDNTEST Price Qty 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 39.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 29.95 44.95 99.95 499.00 399.00 CD CDC17 CDC28 CDC21 CDC24 CDC13 CDC11 CDC07 CDC18 CDC22 CDC08 CDC03 Price Qty 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 69.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 89.95 DVD Price Qty DVD59 DVD93 DVD74 DVD83 DVD51 DVD54 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 44.95 69.95 DVD64 DVD78 44.95 44.95 DVD26 89.95 DVDMP3BIBLE 550.00 Comprehensive Study Workbooks Cosmic Codes Comprehensive Workbook Hermeneutics 101 Workbook (How we Got/How to Study Bible) Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Comprehensive Workbook Prophecy 101 Comprehensive Workbook Genesis Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Numbers Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Proverbs Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Daniel Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the N. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the S. Kingdom Comprehensive Workbook Prophets to the Gentiles Comprehensive Workbook Matthew Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Mark Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Luke Commentary Comprehensive Workbook John Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Acts Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Revelation Commentary Comprehensive Workbook Bundles Genesis Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) Revelation Study Set (DVD, Notes, Workbook) Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Learn the Bible in 24 Hours DVD set (24 hrs.) - Chuck Missler Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Book Learn the Bible in 24 Hours on Audio CD - 24 CDs + CD-ROM Learn the Bible in 24 Hours CD-ROM - w/automated PowerPoint Learn the Bible in 24 Hours Study set (DVD, Handbook, Workbook) Books # Price BK124 BK136 BK123 BK122 BK120 BK144 BK137 BK127 BK167 BK168 BK169 BK143 BK183 BK177 BK182 BK178 BK131 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 # Price BUNDLE011 BUNDLE012 100.00 100.00 # Price DVD25 89.95 BK107 CDA10 CD105 BUNDLE004 19.99 89.95 44.95 100.00 # Price Alien Encounters - Chuck Missler & Mark Eastman Behold a White Horse - Chuck Missler Behold a Red Horse - Chuck Missler Behold a Black Horse - Chuck Missler Behold a Livid Horse - Chuck Missler BK056 BK195 BK196 BK197 BK198 16.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 Beyond Coincidence - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK205 5.95 Beyond Perception - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK206 5.95 Beyond Time and Space - Chuck Missler * NEW * BK204 5.95 Cosmic Codes - Chuck Missler: Revised & Expanded! The Christmas Story - Chuck Missler Daniel's 70 Weeks - Chuck Missler Hidden Treasures - Chuck Missler How We Got Our Bible - Chuck Missler * NEW * I, Jesus: an Autobiography (Hardcover) - Chuck Missler & William Welty, Ph.D. The Kingdom, Power & Glory - Chuck & Nancy Missler Mary: Ten Test Questions for the World's Finest Woman - Dr. William Welty * NEW * Prophecy 20/20 - Chuck Missler The Rapture - Chuck Missler The Trinity - Chuck Missler BK119 BK199 BK194 BK100 BK203 BK188 BK150 BK208 BK139 BK193 BK200 19.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 5.95 19.95 18.95 14.95 13.99 5.95 5.95 All prices in U.S. dollars, correct at time of printing and may be subject to change. See also our online store: Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total Qty Total VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 | 33 COVER CONTENTS ORDER Personal UPDATE | JUNE 2016 Robert Cornuke Book Price Qty In Search of the Lost Shipwreck of Paul (Hardcover) Mountain of Fire - The Search for the True Mount Sinai - (Approx. 1 hr) On the Trail of Discovery - (Approx. 2 hrs) * NEW * Search for the Ark of the Covenant - (Approx. 1 hr) Search for the Lost Shipwreck of Paul - (Approx. 1 hr) Search for Noah's Ark - (Approx. 1 hr) Temple BK211 22.00 BK191 12.00 The King’s High Way Series - by Nancy Missler Book Price Qty Against the Tide: Getting Beyond Ourselves -- Book Be Ye Transformed Be Ye Transformed Leader's Guide -- Notebook Faith in the Night Seasons Faith in the Night Seasons Leaders Guide -- Notebook Hope Against Hope -- Book Never Give Up! -- Book Private Worship: The Key to Joy -- Book Re-Igniting the Passion - DVD (4 hours) Reflections of His Image: God's Purpose for Your Life -- Book The Choice: Hypocrisy or Real Christianity? -- Book The Key: How to Let Go and Let God -- Book The Kingdom, Power & Glory The Kingdom, Power & Glory Leader's Guide -- Notebook The Kingdom, Power & Glory Workbook The Way of Agape The Way of Agape Leader's Guide -- Notebook Tomorrow May Be Too Late -- Book Why Should I Be The First to Change -- Book (Introductory) BK105 BK020 BK023 BK087 BK095 BK189 BK129 BK114 5.95 14.95 19.95 13.95 19.95 18.95 6.95 10.95 BK140 BK102 BK098 BK150 BK155 BK154 BK016 BK019 BK118 BK015 12.95 6.95 6.95 18.95 19.95 12.95 17.95 19.95 6.95 6.95 Conferences Strategic Perspectives 2015 DVD Set Strategic Perspectives 2015 Audio CD Set If Subtotal is: $10.00 and less $10.01 - $15.00 $15.01 - $30.00 $30.01 - $50.00 $50.01 - $100.00 $100.01 - $150.00 $150.01 - $200.00 Over $200.00 34 | VOLUME 26 | ISSUE 6 USA $2.75 $3.75 $4.75 $5.75 $7.25 $8.75 $10.25 $11.75 Shipping Table CANADA C$4.50 C$5.50 C$7.00 C$8.00 C$9.50 C$12.00 C$13.50 C$15.00 DVD Price DVD171 DVD163 DVD172 DVD173 DVD174 14.95 19.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 DVD Price DVD16 49.95 DVD17 49.95 DVD39 34.95 DVD57 59.95 DVD10 49.95 # Price Qty KIDVD29 KICDA11 60.00 60.00 INTL-Surface INTL-Air $5.00 $6.00 $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 10% $16.00 $20.00 $25.00 $27.50 $30.00 $35.00 $40.00 20% Qty Qty Total All prices in U.S. dollars. See also our online store: COVER CONTENTS ORDER JUNE 2016 | Personal UPDATE Koinonia Institute Membership (Credit card will be automatically renewed at the end of your selected time frame.) ** Email address required: _______________________________________ ** Circle one: 1 MONTH US$25 1 YEAR US$250 (Discount from $300) LIFETIME US$2500 Please bill my credit card Enclosed is my pre-paid order Personal UPDATE News Journal Subscription (Paper--U.S. Only) One Year US$20 NLR1 $_________ Donations -- Thank You! 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