06_05_12 Annual General Meeting_engl_inkl
06_05_12 Annual General Meeting_engl_inkl
Welcome! Annual General Meeting 2006 Software AG May 12, 2006 Commerzbank Frankfurt, Germany Welcome to the Annual General Meeting of Software AG 2006 Karl-Heinz Streibich CEO AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 1 Software AG Software AG is Successful Again 2005 was the most successful year in Software AG's history! AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 3 Software AG Software AG is Successful Again Operating EBIT Margin (%) Operating EBIT (m) 25 120 100 22% 20.4% x 18.1% x 80 15.0% x x 20 15.0% x 15 60 9.0% x 40 10 6.0% x 20 1999* IPO 2000* 2001* 2002* 5 2003* 2004 2005 *HGB AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 4 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 2 Software AG Software AG Grows Again Revenue by Business Line (Mio. €) crossvision Total* (Mio. €) Enterprise Transaction Systems (ETS) Revenue EBIT +6% +5% 438.0 411.4 308.5 325.2 +15% +16% 83.9 91.5 78.9 96.4 FY 2004 FY 2005 * incl. other AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 5 Software AG The Share Price Increased 73 % in 2005 100% 41.15 € 50% 23.80 € 0% -50% January-05 April-05 Software AG July-05 TecDAX October-05 January-06 NASDAQ-100 AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 6 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 3 Software AG Software AG Has Positive Press Coverage Software AG goes up a gear Software AG with Record Results Software AG grows strongly Börsen-Zeitung Darmstädter Echo Frankfurter Rundschau Software AG Beats all Estimates FAZ Software AG to create jobs Software AG creates 240 jobs worldwide Berliner Zeitung Good data, not only for the Market Die Rheinlandpfalz License for Growth Euro am Sonntag Darmstädter Echo AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 7 Software AG Our Success: Value for all Stakeholders Shareholders + 73% Share price increase in 2005 Further increase in dividend Customer Security Innovations Customerfocused culture C-Level contacts Employees Society/Politics Proud again of Software AG Good turnaround story in Germany Attractive working environment R&D in Germany Strengthening of the European Software industry Invitation of the German Government Business Delegation Secure jobs for skilled employees Attractive salaries AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 8 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 4 Software AG Software AG's Strategy is Confirmed to be Successful From customers 100% approval at all top customer visits From IT analysts “New crossvision Suite Strengthens Software AG” Gartner Group By market trends SOA Market grows to 150 billion USD until 2008 Gartner Group From employees Full acceptance of strategy AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 9 Software AG We are Well Positioned with our Two Business Lines ETS ( , ++) Stability Innovator image High entry barriers for competition New growth potential High cash flow and good Long-term retention of profitability ETS customer base through Legacy Modernization Contribution to growth Increases attractiveness as Worldwide customer base Gives us independence employer Vision and strategy AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 10 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 5 Software AG Our Target is a Triple Turnaround Growth Profitability Innovator Image - + ++ Achieved in 2005: Fully achieved Improve rating of IT analysts +6% Revenue Goal: New Department: EBIT margin to grow to 25% (based on revenue) Goal: Strategic Marketing 10 % organic growth per year Requirement for successful partner business Acquisitions AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 11 Software AG Our Strategy: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) SOA is the 5th big paradigm change in the IT industry SOA Internet Business Applications PCs / Servers Data Centers 1st Wave 1970s 2nd Wave 1980s 3rd Wave 1990s 4th Wave 2000 - 2005 5th Wave 2006 - 2010 AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 12 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 6 Software AG The Drivers of SOA SOA changes the mindset in companies, so that: IT systems are no longer separate silos that shall not interact – Integration Legacy systems are to be exploited much more because migration attempts of mission critical systems often destroy value – Modernization Processes also need to be automated, not only departments – Business Process Management SOA is the end of IT-driven technology and the beginning of the economic use of existing key applications AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 13 Software AG SOA is Key for Both Business Lines Enterprise Transaction Systems (ETS) crossvision (The SOA Suite) LegacyModernisierung Modernization of Adabas and Natural applications Transfer of existing customer base to the SOA world New growth potential AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 14 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 7 Software AG Our Competitive Differentiation IBM Oracle SAP Microsoft Tibco BEA Webmethods Progress SOA Suite based on open components Integrated suite Hardware vendor independent Know-how of legacy systems Software vendor independent Worldwide sales and service presence AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 15 Software AG Where We Stand – Today The transformation of Software AG is a long-term task and not yet finished Software AG Enterprise Value Development Employee Development Growth Drivers Image Development Ecosystem Development AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 16 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 8 Software AG Where We Stand – Today The transformation of Software AG is a long-term task and not yet finished Software AG Enterprise Value Development Employee Development Growth Drivers Image Development Ecosystem Development AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 17 Software AG Employee Development Market Universities Get the Best Leadership* Development Job Skill* Development Career Development High Potential Group International Assignments Trainee Programm C* Certified AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 18 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 9 Software AG Employees: Impressions from Global Kickoff in Berlin 2006 AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 19 Software AG Where We Stand - Today The transformation of Software AG is a long-term task and not yet finished Software AG Enterprise Value Development Employee Development Growth Drivers Image Development Ecosystem Development AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 20 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 10 Software AG Growth in Emerging Countries: Latin America Mexico Venezuela Brazil Chile AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 21 Software AG Growth in Emerging Countries: Middle and Near East Turkey Israel Saudi Arabia India Gulf States (Bahrain) AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 22 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 11 Software AG Growth in Emerging Countries: Eastern Europa and Asia Russia Poland Czech Republic Hong Kong Singapore AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 23 Software AG Growth in Emerging Countries: Results 2005 Results of Emerging Countries (in € million) Revenue EBITA +71% 37.9 +114% 22.1 7.5 3.5 FY 2004 FY 2005 AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 24 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 12 Software AG Growth: Supported by Acquisitions 30 30 DWL PureEdge Meiosys Isogon 20 Gluecode 16 Ascential Teleo 12 FrontBridge Siebel MessageCast Context Media Groove Networks TimesTen Equitant Corio 10 AlphaBlox Candle 0 PeopleSoft CrossAccess Navision … … Collaxa … Source: UBS Investment Bank & MergerStat 9 SeeBeyond StorageTek 8 Triversity iLytix Tarantella … 3 Casabac A2i APS … Sabratec AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 25 Software AG Growth: Principles for Acquisitions Strengthen organic growth Increase EPS Manage integration risks Acceleration of market success in existing and new markets Size alone is not an acquisition goal AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 26 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 13 Software AG Where We Stand - Today The transformation of Software AG is a long-term task and not yet finished Software AG Enterprise Value Development Employee Employment Image Development Growth Drivers Ecosystem Development AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 27 Software AG Strategic Marketing: Image Development Software AG Image Development Software AG Products Alliance Network Main Advantages Mission-critical systems Open Standards SOA Leader High-tech Product Suite Customerfocused SW Company Our Role Middle-sized Business European- based The Alternative Growth in all Geographies Global Thought Leader in SW Themes Innovator AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 28 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 14 Software AG Where We Stand - Today The transformation of Software AG is a long-term task and not yet finished Software AG Enterprise Value Development Employee Development Growth Image Development Ecosystem Development AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 29 Software AG Ecosystem Development: e.g. Technology Partners Composite Applications Business Process Management Process Design & Process Monitoring Metadata Repository Metadata Policies & Rules Process Workflow Process Integration Service Orchestration and Information Integration Legacy Modernization AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 30 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 15 Software AG The Next Step Towards Market Leadership: 10 % Growth Our goal: Global market leadership in specific segments 2006 6% Revenue Growth 22% EBIT Margin 2005 Back to Growth ETS & Integration Focus 2004 2003 10% Revenue Growth Financial Turnaround Achieved Achieved Achieved AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 31 Software AG Our Success Story Continues We have a strong team We are successful We have a clear goal Our market has a large potential and We thank you for your confidence! AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 32 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 16 Software AG Results Full Year 2005 (IFRS) Arnd Zinnhardt Chief Financial Officer Revenue 2005 (in mn. €) 2005 2004 ∆% License 131.6 114.2 +15.2% Maintenance 181.4 182.6 -0.7% Service 122.7 112.8 +8.8% 2.3 1.8 438.0 411.4 Other TOTAL +6.5% AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 34 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 17 Software AG License Revenue by Product Suite 2005 (in mn. €) 2005 2004 ∆% ETS* 96.0 85.9 +12% crossvision** 26.0 19.9 +31% Third Party 4.3 6.2 Other 5.3 2.2 131.6 114.2 TOTAL +15% * Enterprise Transaction Systems (Adabas and Natural) ** Compares to XML Integration Software AG products of previous year AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 35 Software AG Revenue by Region 2005 Total 2005 North America/Northern Europe 2004 Revenue 2005 21.4 2004 EBITA 2005 49.0 49.7 100.3 58.4 23.8 171.4 97.7 179.9 51.5 111.4 54.2 Central/Asia 2004 Revenue 2005 2004 EBITA 2005 27.3 32.6 32.2 35.7 117.9 50.0 19.4 20.2 South 2004 Revenue 2005 2004 EBITA 2005 (in mn. €) 66.0 32.3 70.1 31.4 37.5 34.1 129.7 141.7 12.9 9.9 Project Services + Other License Maintenance AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 36 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 18 Software AG Headcount and Revenue Development 2005 Headcount Revenue Total: 2,750 (+13%)* Total: 438.0 (+6.5%) German Sales Offices Germany 15% HQ 10% 18% Rest of World Rest of World * in FTE AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 37 Software AG Operating Result 2005 (in mn. €) 2005 2004 ∆% Total Revenue 438.0 411.4 +6.5% Cost of Sales -143.5 -137.4 +4.4% Gross Profit 294.5 274.0 +7.5% Margin in % 67.2% 66.6% -43.2 -49.0 -11.8% -109.1 -89.1 +22.4% Administration -48.3 -45.3 +6.6% Other income/expense +2.5 -4.8 EBITA 96.4 85.8* R&D Sales & Marketing +12.4% * excl. proceeds from equity sale (Sale of SAP-SI shares) AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 38 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 19 Software AG Net Result 2005 (in mn. €) EBITA Amortisation EBIT Margin in % of revenue Income from investments 2005 2004 ∆% 96.4 85.8* +12.4% - -1.9 96.4 83.9* 22.0% 20.4% - +24.5 +14.9% Financial income +4.7 +3.3 Profit before tax 101.1 111.7 +42.4% -9.5% Taxes -39.3 -34.5 +13.9% Net result 61.8 77.2 -19.9% Net result adjusted 61.8 53.2* +16.2% EPS adjusted 2.24 1.95* * excl. proceeds from equity sale (Sale of SAP-SI shares) AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 39 Software AG Balance Sheet 2005 (in mn. €) Assets Dec. 31, 2005 Liabilities Dec. 31, 2004 Dec. 31 2005 Dec. 31 2004 Short-term liabilities 161.6 Cash and cash equivalents 119.1 94.3 110.3 150.3 Trade receivables 124.3 33.5 15.5 Long-term liabilities Deferred taxes 4.3 63.0 Deferred income 5.1 35.1 4.5 Inventories and other assets Deferred taxes Prepaid expenses 35.7 5.3 242.7 Fixed Assets (Goodwill 188.1/174.6) 222.0 599.3 Total 510.7 136.4 94.4 33.3 26.8 12.5 12. 53.4 87.3 33.3 12.8 393.0 599.3 Shareholders‘ Equity (Ratio: 65.6%/63.4%) Total 125.8 323.6 269.2 510.7 509.1 AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 40 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 20 Software AG Cash Flow Analysis 2005 (in mn. €) Operating Cash Flow ./. CapEx Free Cash Flow as % of revenue Free Cash Flow per share (in €) 2005 2004 55.7 28.9 -10.3 -6.9 45.4 22.0 10.4% 5.3% 1.65 0.81 AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 41 Software AG Results 1st Quarter 2006 (IFRS) AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 21 Software AG Revenue Q1 2006 (in mn. €) ∆% 2006 2005 ∆% License 33.4 27.0 +24% +19% Maintenance 47.5 43.7 +9% +4% Service 32.2 29.2 +10% +9% Other 0.7 0.4 Total 113.8 100.3 +13% +10% at constant currency AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 43 Software AG Growth Driver: Geographic Expansion Q1 2006 Revenue by Main Markets Total Revenue: 113.8 mn. € Growth yoy USA/Canada 28.4 2006 Growth Markets 12 % UK 9% 2005 USA/Canada 25 % 25.5 +11% Spain 2006 18.8 2005 +7% 17.6 Germany Germany 12 % Others 26 % Spain 16 % 2006 13.5 2005 -9% 14.9 Growth Markets 2006 2005 14.0 8.8 +59% UK 2006 2005 6.9 10.2 +48% AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 44 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 22 Software AG Result – Q1 2006 Q1 2006 Q1 2005 ∆ % (in mn. €) Total Revenue 113.8 100.3 +13% Cost of Sales -36.7 -34.8 +5% +18% Gross Profit 77.1 65.5 Margin in % 67.8% 65.3% Operative Cost -55.6 -47.5 -31.0 -24.1 +29% 21.5 18.0 +20% 18.9% 17.9% thereof Sales & Marketing EBIT Margin in % +17% Financial income 2.1 1.2 +75% Profit before tax 23.6 19.2 +23% Taxes -9.2 -7.5 +23% Net income 14.4 11.7 +23% EPS* 0.51 0.43 +19% * Basic and fully diluted (Number of shares in Q1 2005: 27.3 mn. / 2006: 28.0 mn., 28.1 mn.) AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 45 Software AG Outlook 2006 Growth in Revenue and Profit (in mn. €) 2005a 2006e Forecast* Q1 2006a* Revenue 438.0 Growth: 10% +10% - License 131.6 Growth: 18 to 20% +19% - Maintenance 181.4 Stable + 4% - Services 122.7 Growth: 12 to 15% + 9% EBIT Margin Revenue BL ETS Revenue BL crossvision 22.0% 21 to 23% +100 bp 325.2 Growth: 5 to 7% +10% 91.5 Growth: 20 to 30% +15% * Change constant currency AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 46 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 23 Software AG Resolutions AGM 2006 Item 2 Use of non-appropriate balance sheet profits / dividend Item 3 Ratifying the actions of the Executive Board members for fiscal year 2005 Item 4 Ratifying the actions of the Supervisory Board members for fiscal year 2005 Item 5 Appointment of the financial auditor for fiscal year 2006 Item 6 Insertion of a new paragraph 5 in § 5 of the Articles of Association / Authorization of the Executive Board to increase the registered share capital (authorized capital) Item 7 Authorization to acquire own shares Item 8 Amendment of paragraph 16 sentence 2 and paragraph 17 of the Articles of Association (UMAG / Record Date) Item 9 Amendment of paragraph 18 of the Articles of Association (UMAG / speaker time) Item 10 Supervisory Board remuneration AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 47 Software AG This presentation contains forward-looking statements based on beliefs of Software AG management. Such statements reflect current views of Software AG with respect to future events and results and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results may vary materially from those projected here, due to factors including changes in general economic and business conditions, changes in currency exchange, the introduction of competing products, lack of market acceptance of new products, services or technologies and changes in business strategy. Software AG does not intend or assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements. AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 48 Software AG AGM 2006 / May 12, 2006 / 24 Software AG