www.ebcont.com EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com 1200 Wien, Handelskai 94-96 Johannes Litschauer, Alex Deles • Enterprise Solutions • Big Data Handling & Analytics • Mobile Business Solutions 1200 Wien, Handelskai 94-96 enterprise technologies operations Johannes Litschauer, Alex Deles proconsult • Quality Assurance • IT Consulting • Analysis 1200 Wien, Handelskai 94-96 Johannes Litschauer, Alex Deles group • IT-Infrastructure und operations • Cloud / elasticity 1200 Wien, Handelskai 94-96 Corporate Design & Identity Marketing Strategy Web coneption & UX design Mobile & interface design • Furnitures & Lifestyle 1100 Wien, Computerstraße 6 trade communication Leopold Machacek • • • • 3040 Neulengbach, Anzbachgasse 227 Franz Eulenhaupt, Adi Kaucic • • • • • personnel services Temporary work Personnel takeover Recruitment Holiday replacement Payroll systems The Company. BUSINESS SOLUTIONS MADE IN AUSTRIA . EBCONT is a leading Austrian provider of IT, communication and personnel services. Established in 2000, its founder Rupert Weißenlehner still privately owns the company. Initially positioned as a pure IT service provider, EBCONT used its first ten years of systematic development and stable growth to consolidate a corporate structure in 2010. Employees 500 Turnover 47 Mio. Euro Owner Rupert Weißenlehner Headquarter A- 3040 Neulengbach, Anzbachgasse 227 Focus IT, communication, personnel services enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT group GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96,Neulengbach A-1200 Wien Anzbachgasse 227, A-3040 +43 1 2700 2772 512512 69-9 +43 +43 office@ebcont.com 2772 20 512210 69-0 +43 2772 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com Our Customers. C L I E N T C O N F I D E N C E A S O U R M O S T VA L U A B L E A S S E T. We are proud to include large well-known companies across many industries to our customers. Even stronger are our efforts to strengthen the trust placed in us on a daily basis. Our Partners. C H A N G I N G T H E ( I T- ) W O R L D T O G E T H E R . To be technologically at the cutting edge, long-term partners, who implement new innovative solutions with us, are critical. enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT group GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96,Neulengbach A-1200 Wien Anzbachgasse 227, A-3040 +43 1 2700 2772 512512 69-9 +43 +43 office@ebcont.com 2772 20 512210 69-0 +43 2772 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com www.ebcont-et.com EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com Living Solutions. S E R V I N G O U R C U S T O M E R S W I T H G R E AT PA S S I O N . EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH was founded in May 2007 as a subsidiary of the EBCONT electronic business consulting Team GmbH. Right from the beginning, software development using Java and .net was regarded as our core business. Important milestones in addition were the start of the framework business with our product STORACC (2009) and the expansion of the branches business analysis, mobile app development (especially iPhone/iPad/Android), Big Data and consulting topics (technological decision-making, process definition and optimization). EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com All and More. W E A R E T E C H N O L O G I C A L LY F I T A N D E X P E R I E N C E D . EBCONT enterprise technologies feels at home in many technologies. With over 100 architects and consultants on board, it is one of our primary goals to offer only technologically state-of-the-art solutions and to look outside the box. The customer and his projects always come first: only those tools are applied that ensure efficiency and sustainability for the achievement of the objectives. To ensure this, we exclusively use enterprise ready technologies, which stand for security, scalability and maximum compatibility. EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com Verlage MEDIEN Öffentlicher Bereich FMCG Versicherungen Telekommunikation Industrie Logistik BANKEN Our Experience C L I E N T C O N F I D E N C E A S O U R M O S T VA L U A B L E A S S E T. Our customers come from various areas: media, banks, telecommunications, public area, insurance or also FMCG just to name a few. The projects are just as diverse. Our ultimate goal is to understand the customer and his challenges to being able to advise him optimally. Here we are always concerned with long-term partnerships and never with short-term profit maximization. EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com Strong Together. E V E R Y I N D I V I D U A L E M P L OY E E I S I M P O R TA N T. As an IT service provider, skilled employees are our most important asset. Only together with committed and willing colleagues, we are able to meet our high standards to the quality of our work. Our philosophy goes even further: as a team we are only in the long term together strong if both our company and employees continue to develop - and both grow only with their targets and tasks. We put great emphasis on measures that promote the individual employee but also the cohesion of the team and assist in coping with new tasks. EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com - 360° overview AGIL scheme free - Search in any granularity unstructured PETABY TES - Combined search in text, structure, semantic structured geo-information and amounts of values ACID COMPLIANT using one query highly scalable - Reuse the data for new ENTERPRISE NoSQL document oriented RDF products / applications DATA CONSOLIDATION operational P L AT F ORM real-time FLEXIBLE DATA LAYER highly available XML - Simple adjustment of data to data consistency TEXT meta data JSON search engine requests - not vice versa! seure REST API Data Warehouse BI ANALYTICS - Document cross BI data analysis iterative XQUERY JAVA API search - MarkLogic as „data hub“ REPOSITORY - Data in- and output in different formats poly-structured semi structured - Agile development and supply of application CONTENT and products binar y Big Data. F R O M C H A L L E N G E T O O P P O R T U N I T Y. MarkLogic is not only the answer to the problems arising from large, heterogeneous amounts of data – it is rather full of unexpected possibilities. What makes the technology so unique: • Operational, scheme-free, document-oriented database • Enterprise NoSQL - transactional, consistent, secure • Search engine and database from one source - flexible use of all available data pools • Highly scalable and performing processing of all data formats (text, XML, JSON, binary, etc.) • Consolidation of complex and heterogeneous data and content • Analyses and reports in real time • Agile platform for applications, products and data services Mark Logic transforms Big Data into your business advantage! EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.marklogic.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai A-1200 Herriotstrasse 1, D-6052894-96, Frankfurt am Wien Main +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com +49 69 6 77 33 144 germany@marklogic.com Big Partners. C H A N G I N G T H E ( D ATA ) W O R L D T O G E T H E R . MarkLogic and EBCONT enterprise technologies act jointly for several years in the DACH area and beyond with regard to Big Data. Together with a partner who masters all technologies within the enterprise world and who passionately advises his customers, MarkLogic is able to establish its revolutionary database solutions also in the heart of Europe. Big Projects. C L I E N T C O N F I D E N C E A S O U R M O S T VA L U A B L E A S S E T. We are proud to include large well-known companies across many industries to our customers. Even stronger are our efforts to strengthen the trust placed in us on a daily basis. EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com works Full Service. MARKLOGIC. DELIVERED. Being long-term partners, MarkLogic and EBCONT together are able to deliver MarkLogic packages that provide full service to the customers. From PoC to development to operations – everything from one source: It has never been easier to benefit from the advantages of MarkLogic. operations Development Services Infrastructure Services EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com works Packages. W E TA I L O R , YO U C H O S E . From idea to prototype, from project to operations. Learn how tailored delivery services can help you to make your ideas become reality. Small Large Medium Standard PoC Medium PoC Large PoC 1 Node 3 Node Cluster Bigger Cluster OUR CUSTOMERS. We are proud to count large well-known companies across many industries among our customers. Even stronger are our efforts to strengthen the trust placed in us on a daily basis. EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com operations www.ebcont-operations.com EBCONT enterprise technologies GmbH www.ebcont-et.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 1 2700 20 210 +43 2772 512 69-9 office@ebcont-et.com operations In Good Hands. C E R TA I N LY A S TA B L E I N F R A S T R U C T U R E . To be successful, companies must use their fullest concentration on marketing strategies and sales activities. All basic conditions must be reliably available at any time – the enterprise IT often plays a crucial role. We provide IT infrastructure solutions that are flexible, highly available and tailored to the needs of the company. We will advise you by using the following products and services: • • • • Microsoft Infrastructure Open Systems Cloud Services Managed Services enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT operations GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 +43 office@ebcont-et.com +43 11 2700 2700 20 20 210 210 +43 2772 2772 512 512 69-9 69-9 support@ebcont.com operations Full-Service. A L L T O O L S F O R TA I L O R - M A D E S O L U T I O N S . Microsoft supports companies around the world on the way to increased competitiveness, quicker response to constantly changing requirements, optimized products and services, new markets and sustainable improvement of their KPIs. As a Microsoft Certified partner, we can create interconnected technology and applications environments, that are precisely matched to the requirements of the company and the respective areas. P R O D U C T S A N D S E R V I C E S AT A G L A N C E . Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Exchange Server 2013, SQL Server 2012, Forefront Threat Management Gateway 2010, Windows Intune, Hyper-V, System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2, System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2, System Center Operations Manager 2012 R2, Office 365, older versions of all mentioned products. • Rollout of client- and server operating systems including all applications via Windows Deployment Services • Server virtualization und consolidation using Hyper-V • System-wide monitoring and problem identification including escalation management via System Center Operations Manager • Effivcient client- and server-management via System Center Configuration Manager including software deployment, hard-and software inventory and MDM (Mobile Device Management) combined with Windows Intune enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT operations GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 +43 office@ebcont-et.com +43 11 2700 2700 20 20 210 210 +43 2772 2772 512 512 69-9 69-9 support@ebcont.com operations Open Systems. W E D E L I V E R TA I L O R - M A D E S O L U T I O N S . EBCONT operations is expert in the implementation and operation of highly available, scalable and resilient systems and architectures – using data centers as well as cloud solutions. We see ourselves as independent full-service IT provider and integrator, who is 100% on the needs of its customers and provides an all-round carefree package that is adapted to the requirements. P R O D U C T S A N D S E R V I C E S AT A G L A N C E . Services: Analysis, design and implementation, operation, outsourcing, expert consulting, Performance optimization Server Operation: Backup (e.g. snapshots, file backup, backup PC, Bacula, security (standards, firewalls), patching (ongoing maintenance and upgrades), monitoring (e.g. Zabbix, Nagios), support (support and SLAs according to customer request – also 24x7), scaling (horizontal, vertical scailing and high availability according to architecture), different stacks (e.g. php, java), different OS (e.g. Ubuntu, RedHat, SLES) Services (amongst others): Web server (e.g. Apache, Lighttpd, Nginx), relational databases (e.g. Oracle, Mysql, Postgres), noSQL-databases (e.g. MarkLogic, MongoDB), caching (e.g. Squid, Memcached, CDN), load balancing (e.g. HaProxy, LDirector, F5), high availability (e.g. DRBD, Pacemaker, Heartbeat), configuration management (e.g. Puppet, Chef, PXE) Tools & Services: Infrastructure as a Service (e.g. Amazon Web Services, Rightscale Cloud Management), storage (e.g. Netapp, EMC, Qnap), Atlassian products (e.g. Confluence, Jira), content delivery networks (e.g. Akamai, Level3) enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT operations GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 +43 office@ebcont-et.com +43 11 2700 2700 20 20 210 210 +43 2772 2772 512 512 69-9 69-9 support@ebcont.com operations Cloud Services. TA I L O R - M A D E S O L U T I O N S F O R YO U R B E N E F I T. Operating IT in the cloud provides advantages down the line. Users are mobile at a maximum, can edit documents simultaneously and enjoy the perfect combination of different applications - all offline. At the same time, the cloud is highly cost-effective: with ‚pay what you need‘ nothing is oversized and extensions are possible at any time. Although security and availability are more guaranteed than under own operation, there are no additional licence fees. Also from a technical point of view, the cloud has many advantages. Scalability will never become a challenge again, developments are included and no maintenance by an own IT is necessary. Certifications of the providers offer the greatest possible security. T H E T O O L S A N D T H E I R C A PA B I L I T I E S . Everything from a single source with perfect matching with virtually unlimited possibilities and at an unbeatable price. Microsoft Office solutiuons in its usual perfect quality and a full set of features. enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT operations GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 +43 office@ebcont-et.com +43 11 2700 2700 20 20 210 210 +43 2772 2772 512 512 69-9 69-9 support@ebcont.com operations Managed Services. YO U R A L L - R O U N D C A R E F R E E PA C K A G E . EBCONT operations specializes in the provision of managed services, by which we understand the deployment and operation and maintenance of any required infrastructure. Together with the customer, we put together an all around carefree package tailored to the requirements and consisting of different services and provide this in usual professional and reliable manner at the highest level. As an independent IT integrator, our focus is specifically on the selection of the required services for the clients in collaboration with various data center operators. We like to operate highly available Windows- and UNIX based systems: ort pp Su Managed Services Monitoring enterprise technologies GmbH EBCONT operations GmbH www.ebcont-et.com www.ebcont.com Inf ras tru ctu re Se cu rity ebcont ce an en int Ma Backup Millennium Tower, Handelskai 94-96, A-1200 Wien +43 +43 office@ebcont-et.com +43 11 2700 2700 20 20 210 210 +43 2772 2772 512 512 69-9 69-9 support@ebcont.com