Putting it all together to serve Healthy, Nutritious Meals
Putting it all together to serve Healthy, Nutritious Meals
Salad Bars School Rules Students Putting it all together to serve Healthy, Nutritious Meals 2013-14 Kern High School District Student Nutrition Update Sharon Briel Food Service Director Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Be Smart - Eat Breakfast What we serve students at lunch changed on July 1, 2012. The majority of children and adults do not eat the 5-9 servings of fruits & vegetables nor eat enough whole-grain rich foods as recommended in the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Over 6,300 students per day enjoyed breakfast at school. Since eating breakfast enhances academic success, we are excited that an additional 400 students per day chose a school breakfast. A lunch includes five components: 1 cup vegetables (dark leafy greens, red/orange, starchy, other vegetables & legumes) 1 cup fruit 2-3 oz. equivalent grains with at least 51% whole grain rich 2 oz. meat/meat alternative 8 oz. non-fat flavored or skim to 1% unflavored milk Calories: 750 -850 Less than 10% calories from saturated fat 1420 mg. sodium Our menus included more variety than the usual corn, iceberg lettuce and French fries. New dishes added included: broccoli salad, hummus with raw vegetables, salads made with spinach & romaine lettuces, jicama, roasted red potatoes, fresh sweet potatoes, and whole-grain rich pasta; rice and bread replaced products made with enriched wheat flour. Many dishes are “made-from-scratch” which helps to reduce the amount of fat and added sodium. The HHFKA required that students take ½ cup fruit or vegetable along with two other items of their choice. The downside of the policy is that the cafeterias observed more fruit & vegetables being thrown into the trash. Cafeteria staff encouraged & promoted the healthier options by offering fresh produce bars, health promoting marketing activities, and holding recipe tasting activities during lunch. While we served over 2,600,000 lunches, our lunch participation dropped about 2% compared to the prior year. A school breakfast includes four components: 2 oz. equivalent whole grain rich product, ½ cup fruit or non-starchy vegetable (may take more if desired), 8 oz. milk and a 550-650 calorie range. Many factors prevent students from eating breakfast. Sites are encouraged to seek out non-traditional serving areas (near bus stop or mid-morning nutrition break) to increase participation. Allow at least 10 minutes to eat after the student is served. Salad Bar Promotion United Fresh Produce Council, foundations and corporations donated over 400 salad bars for California schools. KHSD received 34 beautiful salad bars from: Whole Kids Foundation Paramount Community Giving Rabobank Foundation Fresh Produce & Floral Council Del Monte Fresh Produce Bayer Crop Science Save MART CARES The salad bars will be featured at: Arvin (4), BHS (2), East (2), Foothill (2), Frontier (2), Highland (2), Independence (2), Kern Valley (1), North (2), Golden Valley (2), South (2), West (2), Ridgeview (2), Mira Monte (2), Shafter (1), Vista West (1), Able (1), Tierra Del Sol (1), Nueva (1). The salad bar roll-out will start in midSeptember. A goal for this school year includes a salad bar offered at most cafeterias. 6 aaa KHSD 2013-14 Student Nutrition Update Student, Staff & Parent Wellness The district and site wellness policy provides guidance to improve the health and well-being of students, staff, and parents. The policy includes standards for: Foods & beverages served during the school day Nutrition education in the classroom Opportunities for physical activity Input from students, administration, school board members, parents, and teachers Policy assessment, evaluation, & corrections Establishing a wellness team at each site and district See KHSD BP 5030(a-e) for details on KHSD wellness policy. Post a copy in the school office and cafeteria for review by the public. A status report about the district’s wellness activities was presented at the June 24, 2013 school board meeting. Health teachers provided nutrition education for staff & students School Nutrition Facts & Figures KHSD ranks as the 20th largest school district in California nourishing 4.2 million students yearly or 24,000 customers per day; Employs more than 335 cafeteria staff; Serves students at 38 locations; Provides lunches to DiGiorgio, General Shafter, Blake and Linns Valley school districts; Average reimbursement rate: $3.37 per lunch & $1.95 per breakfast; Approximately 22,000 students qualify for free or reduced price meal benefits; $5,600,000 spent on food & supplies; $16,000,000 budget fuels jobs in our community, USA and foreign countries; 100% of KHSD cafeterias received Grade A on their food safety inspections conducted by Kern County Environmental Health Dept. Ag students taught primary students about the importance of farming & health Planned a fruit salad promotion Conducted an annual health fair Student $2.75 Included physical activities & competition events during lunch Adult $3.75 Conducted an orientation to the cafeteria for freshmen Scheduled tours of the school cafeteria Posted nutrition information on district website Demonstrated healthy recipes Included health announcements in the daily bulletin Many sites completed a 22 point Wellness Matrix evaluation tool. Most sites found they met the standards. Important Reminders 2013-14 Price for lunch has increased 25 cents: When a student requires a Special Meal Accommodation due to a disability, a physician’s diet order is required. Parents/guardians who believe their student qualifies for meal benefits must complete the 2013-14 Application for Free and Reduced Price Meals as soon as possible but prior to 9/30/13. Parents/guardians will receive an invoice for meals charged by students without funds. Welcome back! I hope you have a great school year. Areas for growth included: starting a school garden and increasing breakfast participation. 7 You’re an Essential Piece Isn’t it a wonderful thing that we’re all different? Each of us has strengths and skills to share. And when we link our individual strengths together, we’re invincible. “There are few, if any, jobs in which ability alone is sufficient. Needed, also, are loyalty, sincerity, enthusiasm and team play.” William B. Given, Jr. H ave you ever thought to yourself; what does this have to do with me I only work a couple of hours? Well let me tell you… everyone in school nutrition is important! Our cafeterias are like a puzzle, without 1 piece, the picture is not complete. No matter how many hours you work, or how long you have worked in school nutrition, you are a very important piece. CAN’T IMAGINE US WITHOUT YOU Table of Contents KHSD School Site Chronology.............................................................................................. 1 Food Service Department Mission Statement..................................................................... 2 Ethics in the Workplace....................................................................................................... 2 Awards and Recognitions from 2012– 2013 ...................................................................... 3 Welcome Back Message from Food Service Director.......................................................... 4-5 Marketing Update ……………………..................................................................................... 6 Welcome back from Kathy.................................................................................................. 6 Bridge to Success…………………………………………………………………………………………… 7 Professional Development ................................................................................................ 8-10 Food Service Department Policies – Non Supervisory Staff Hours of Work............................................................................................................ 11 Assignment to Sites or Locations............................................................................... 11 Contract Days............................................................................................................. 11-12 Attendance and Punctuality....................................................................................... 12 Family Medical Leave – What Is It and How to Apply............................................... 13 Rest and Meal Breaks................................................................................................. 13 Cafeteria Property...................................................................................................... 13 Eating / Drinking During Shift................................................................................... 13-14 Re-hydration Procedures........................................................................................... 14 Uniform Policy............................................................................................................ 14-15 Personal Hygiene and Safe Food Handling Practices................................................. 15-16 MSDS Sheet and Safe Use of Food Service Chemicals................................................ 16 Food Service Equipment............................................................................................. 16 Industrial Injury Information.................................................................................... 16-17 i Table of Contents – Continued Cell Phones, Headphones/Earbuds............................................................................. 17 Class B Driver’s License…………………………………………………………………………….. 17 CSEA Contract…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 17 Call In Procedure................................................................................................................... 18 Payroll Information............................................................................................................... 19 Nutrition and Academic Achievement ………………………………………………………………….. 20 Student Attendance Calender ……......................................................................................... 21 Terms of Employment …………………..................................................................................... 22 Site Addresses and Phone Numbers ……………………............................................................ 23 Kern High School District Food Service Department 2013 - 2014 Staff Handbook KHSD SCHOOL SITE CHRONOLOGY Year 0 1893 KERN COUNTY UNION HIGH (Renamed BAKERSFIED HIGH – 1945) 35 Years 1928 SHAFTER HIGH 1938 EAST BAKERSFIELD HIGH 1941 KERN VALLEY HIGH 1949 ARVIN HIGH 1953 NORTH HIGH 1957 SOUTH HIGH 1961 FOOTHILL HIGH 1965 WEST HIGH 1967 VISTA CONTINUATION 1970 HIGHLAND HIGH 1970 NUEVA CONTINUATION 1971 CENTRAL VALLEY CONTINUATION 1972 RUGGENBERG CAREER CENTER 1985 SUMMIT CONTINUATION 1986 VISTA WEST CONTINUATION 1989 CENTRAL KITCHEN/WAREHOUSE (Moved to E. Belle Terrace location) 1991 STOCKDALE HIGH 1993 CENTENNIAL HIGH 1994 RIDGEVIEW HIGH 1999 LIBERTY HIGH 2003 GOLDEN VALLEY HIGH 2003 SCHEUTZ CAREER CENTER 2006 FRONTIER HIGH 2008 INDEPENDENCE HIGH 2008 MIRA MONTE HIGH 2011 TIERRA DEL SOL CONTINUATION 56 Years 77 Years 100 Years 115 Years 119 Years 120 Years 1 MISSION STATEMENT The KHSD Food Service Department recognizes that student and adult participation in its meal program is the reason for employment. The mission of our department is to prepare and serve nutritious meals of the highest quality by knowledgeable employees who understand and demonstrate the principles of safe food handling, quantity food preparation, child nutrition, customer friendly service, teamwork and follow Federal, State and District policies. ETHICS Ethics Defined: A principle of right or good conduct deals with the general nature of good and bad and the moral obligations made by individuals in the relationship with others. Ethics in the workplace are for employees basically to do the right thing. Ethics are very important to people whether in the workplace or out in the world. Ethics are the basis for how we treat each other and if they are not followed, it would be hard to function in society. Ethics is a huge subject but remember one simple important key… “ALWAYS DO WHAT’S RIGHT” 2 Awards and Recognitions from 2012 - 2013 Best Overall Attendance South Congratulations! Martha Martinez – promoted to Lead Lashanda Armstead – promoted to Lead Delanna Ellis – promoted to Lead Diana Sanchez – promoted to Lead Rosemary Wilson – promoted to Lead Tina Roberson – promoted to Lead Second Place – Mira Monte Third Place – Independence Great Job! Welcome! Danny Cordova - Warehouse Sandra Staffero- FSW West Guadalupe Carrillo-Torres – FSW Mira Monte Delia Gonzalez – FSW Highland Debra Nelson – FSW Mira Monte Maria Reveles – FSW South Amal Kassas – FSW Mira Monte Raegan Phipps – FSW Golden Valley Estela Ramirez – FSW Golden Valley Elena Thomas – FSW Golden Valley Lupe Hernandez – FSW Stockdale Evelyn Tena – FSW Liberty Hyun Sun Yum – FSW Stockdale Individual Perfect attendance Lashanda Armstead Jocelyn Blankenship Emily Duncan Rocio Gallardo Brenda Jaramillo Amal Kassas Angie Lopez Guadalupe Loya Isabel Maldonado Bernice McNutt Maryann Okal LouAnn Purcell Maria Reveles Maria Rodriquez Guadalupe Torres Susan Williams Good luck! Kathy Gregory – Retired Ruth Lee – Retired Candy Abbott – Retired Joe Pimienta - Retired Payroll Efficiency (PET) Marsha Reynoso – Golden Valley 3 SAFETY STARS Sites Without Industrial Injuries Arvin BHS Liberty North Ridgeview South Top ‘KICKER’ Safety Award (Keen In Commitment to Knowledge with Educational Review) Sites with 100 % on Both of the Health inspections 2012 – 2013: Arvin Ruggenberg East Summit Foothill TDS Highland Vista Liberty Vista West South ABLE ‐ Stockdale Village West Pathpoint Central Kitchen Aurora SOP’s Injury Prevention Training MSDS Review For the second year in a row…….Way to go! Special Recognition: BHS Independence Ridgeview Shafter Stockdale 4 YEARS OF SERVICE Brian McKinley Warehouse 34 Elizabeth Marquez Central Kitchen 29 Sharon Briel FS Office 28 Rosemary Perez North 26 Cindy Groves FS Office 24 Kathy Lopez East 24 Vickie Grimm Liberty 24 Sarah DeLaRosa East 23 Gloria Jackson Central Kitchen 22 Lynn McDermott FS Office 22 Janie Everly BHS 22 Bernice McNutt Vista West 21 Lorraine Spencer South 21 Juanita Grissom South 19 Kathy Hoeper Ridgeview 18 Elena Montes Tierra Del Sol 18 Priscilla Hernandez Foothill 18 Anita Coughran East 18 Clay Gibson Warehouse 18 Shelly Frair Highland 18 Elizabeth Blackmon West 18 Rosa Delacruz South 18 Concetta Costa West 17 Donna Gonzales Arvin 17 Maria Rivera Arvin 17 Sandra Suffridge Centennial 17 Karen Cooke Foothill 16 Rhonda Mills BHS 16 Marsha Reynoso Golden Valley 16 Teresa Rutiaga South 16 Katrina Vaughn North 16 Myra Benford West 15 Karen Davis Ridgeview 15 Linda Edwards Food Service Office 15 Donna Fischer North 15 Janice Howard Stockdale 15 Sue Howard Arvin 15 5 Directors message here Directors message here Delete this extra page KHSD MARKETING PROGRAM 2012 / 2013 Cindy Groves, Field Coordinator The theme for the marketing program for this past year was “What’s Cooking In Your School Cafeteria”. We held four promotions throughout the year. During National School Lunch Week, students were encouraged to read the nutritional analysis for breakfast and lunch menus. In November, we focused on Diabetes Awareness. Students were encouraged to rethink their drink, with information on the amount of sugar in popular beverages versus water. February featured Healthy Heart Month, and keeping your heart healthy by cutting back on fat and adding fruits and vegetables to the diet along with daily exercise. March was National School Breakfast Week. We had breakfast facts handouts available to students. They encouraged students to jump start their day with a healthy breakfast. The prizes for our promotions were; a whole fresh baked pepperoni pizza, a bottle of water every day for a month, bowling tickets and insulated beverage cups with matching straws in site colors. The Grand Prize winners were very happy to win a BIKE! The winners were West High’s Marcus Robinson and Nueva’s Noemi Garcia. Thank you By: Kathlyn Lujan, R.D., Assistant Director I want to thank all of you for your hospitality in welcoming me to the District and to Food Services. You all perform very important jobs in our department and in the schools. I am truly grateful for all your hard work. I know that the work is fast paced but the camaraderie we share with each other and our commitment to the students makes it all the more enjoyable. This year I want to concentrate on safety. It will be my mission to educate and explain safe work practices. We will work together to make our cafeterias and work areas safer work environments. I look forward to being here for the entire school year. There are so many fantastic things happening with all of our Salad Bars and the increasing role of Wellness in our Cafeterias. My first 6 months on the job were exciting and “mind boggling” sometimes but I truly enjoy working in Food Services and with all of you. I have been around School Food Service most of my life and have very fond memories and hope to have many more here at KHSD. Sincerely, Kathy 8 In all of our lives we have choices of where we want to go. It’s always exciting to take a new road; new sites, smells and the air is filled with anticipation. As we start another school year, a new year filled with new students, more regulations and yes, many more changes, I hope that we all could look at it with excitement! A new adventure and a new path that is bridged together with the support of each and every one of us; the bridge for every student as they take their journey through high school in hopes of reaching the other side. We are all important, we are all needed. When one of us has weaknesses, others have strengths. It’s us together that support ‘the Bridge to Success’ for each and every student who achieves their journey across the bridge to graduation. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO! Lynn McDermott 9 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Lead Food Services Academy This year we will have the Lead Food Services Academy again so watch for it. The class prepares you to take the Lead exam and be prepared to be promoted. The Academy consists of a three day class and you need to attend all three sessions In order to take the Lead’s test. Applicants are picked by Supervisors based on attendance and the desire to promote. Professional Interviewing Skills This covers how to prepare for and survive an interview. It is recommended for anyone wanting to promote--this is the class to take! Safe Food Handling Review All classes are voluntary and are scheduled after work. PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Ten ways to Advance in the Food Service Department 1. Genuinely enjoy working with teenagers. 2. Maintain an effective working relationship with every person contacted in the course of your job. 3. Maintain good attendance and punctuality. 4. Take classes at Bakersfield College or online through National Food Service Management Institute and when Food Services offer classes, make sure to sign up for them. 5. Become certified in Safe Food Handling by taking the training and passing the National exam. 6. Know the National School Meal Program and Meal Pattern requirements. 7. Become cross trained on all Point of Sale stations. 8. Seize opportunities to be trained and to fill in for Leads (or Supervisor if currently a Lead) when they are out. 9. Join the California School Nutrition Association. 10. Start applying for open positions that you are qualified for, learn how to pass the test and be successful in the interview. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT JoinyourIndustryAssociation Members Benefit of joining all three: ★ Subscription to School Nutrition Magazine (National) and Poppyseeds Magazine (State) ★ Broad range of seminars and classes online and in our local area ★ Local chapter meetings to keep up-to-date on food service and nutrition Topics and to socialize with other food service staff ★ Certification and Credentialing Program ★ Scholarships and grants for continuing education ★ Discounts on meeting and conference registrations “The more members, the stronger we are, the louder our voice and the more we’ll be heard” Join online at: http.//www.schoolnutrition.org or http.//www.calsna.org Chapter #09, Kern County President: Lynn McDermott Kern High School District 3701 E Belle Terrace, Suite #B Bakersfield, 93307 Phone: (661) 827-3190 2013 Meetings and Dates of Interest, please contact Lynn McDermott: lynn_mcdermott@khsd.k12.ca.us OTHER RESOURCES FOR PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND NUTRITION INFORMATION California Healthy Kids Resource Center www.californiahealthykids.org Free delivery anywhere in California. Topics include: Nutrition, Physical Activity, Health and Safety, school gardens and many more California After School Resource Center www.californiaafterschool.org Geared toward after school activities and special needs. This is a statewide circulating library of reviewed materials, online trainings, and technical assistance. Fresh Regional Education – Supportive Healthy Meals at Schools – FRESH MEALS @ Schools Look for presentations at www.freshmeals.org Network for a Healthy California – Harvest of the Month www.harvestofthemonth.cdph.ca.gov National Food Service Management Institute Online Courses and Resource Center www.nfsmi.org Our local colleges and trade schools. More ideas: www.cachampionsforchange.net www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/ www.csgn.org www.garden.org www.cdfa.ca.gov www.calraisins.org www.fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov www.harvestofthemonth.com www.choosemyplate.gov www.eatright.org www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ www.californiaprojectlean.org WE NEVER STOP LEARNING FOOD SERVICE DEPARTMENT POLICIES Non Supervisory Staff A. HOURS OF WORK 1. Hours and shift times are assigned based on need. 2. Three hour employees are not eligible for District benefits other than Holidays, vacation and sick time, which is calculated on a pro‐rated basis. CSEA Contract, 2012 – 2015, pg13, lines 30 ‐ 32 3. Part time employees (less than 8 hours per shift) are required to sign in at the beginning of work shift and to sign out at the end of shift. CSEA Contract, 2012 – 2015, pg 13, line 28‐29 4. An employee may decline a request to work overtime, which would be paid for by compensatory time off, only if another employee from the same site or department can be found to work. CSEA Contract, 2012 – 2015, pg 14, lines 29‐31 5. Each site will post the established site‐based overtime rotation list for employees to equalize opportunities for overtime hours. CSEA Contract, 2012 – 2015, pg 14. Lines 11‐13 B. ASSIGNED SITES OR LOCATIONS 1. Assignments are made on the basis of site need. 2. New hires must remain at the site where they were hired for the length of their probationary period (one year) before transferring to another site. 3. Occasionally, permanent employees may be temporarily assigned to another site to fit department needs. C. CONTRACT DAYS 1. Contracted days include winter and spring break and all classified Holidays during assigned months. 2. Employees who are assigned to less than 12 months per year do not work when school is not in session, with the exception of District declared “non‐student” days. 3. Employees who are assigned to less than 12 months are required to utilize vacation time to cover winter and spring breaks. The accrual of enough vacation time to cover breaks will normally take several years, therefore, new employees (less than three/four years) may not be able to save enough vacation time for these breaks to be paid for all hours required. 4. If additional time off is desired, other than vacation time needed for winter and spring break, a “Request For Time Off” form must be filled out and submitted to supervisor at least three (3) days prior to date requested. (See supervisor for instructions to fill out this form) Vacations shall be scheduled at a time mutually acceptable to the supervisor and the employee. Taking a vacation day when it has not been approved by immediate supervisor is not permissible. CSEA contract 2012‐2015 – page 19, Item C, Lines 24‐27) Substitutes will not be provided to cover employees who have been approved to take vacation time. 5. Taking a “no‐pay” day when vacation and sick time are exhausted is not permissible. Employees are considered absent without leave when taking a day off that has not been approved by immediate supervisor. 6. On occasion, a “voluntary” no‐pay day may be offered by supervisor when the students are on final or minimum day schedules and no lunches will be served. This is optional for the employee who is willing to not be paid for that day off. Employees who want to work will be assigned cleaning tasks, training on SOP’s or sent to another site. Employees who accept the “voluntary” no pay day option are required to write in ‘voluntary’ under special instructions on the Request to be Absent Form. 7. Employees who call in sick on the day before or the day after a Holiday may be required to provide a doctor’s note to verify illness. (CSEA Contract 2012‐2015, page 21, Item D, #2) D. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY 1. Employees are expected to maintain regular attendance. 2. Employees are expected to arrive dressed appropriately and ready to commence work at the start of their shift. Arriving late or leaving early in connection with scheduled work time, allowed breaks or meal periods is not permissible. 3. If unable to report to work as scheduled, employees are required to notify supervisor as soon as possible or no less than one and one half (1‐1/2) hours prior to beginning of shift. 4. Employees will be provided with phone numbers and ways to contact or leave a message for the supervisor if they are unable to report to work. It is not permissible for employee to contact a co‐worker and have them relay a message or to leave a message on a phone number not previously provided by supervisor. If supervisor is unavailable, employee must call Food Service Office at 827‐3190 to inform of inability to report to work. 5. If employee is absent, he/she shall fill out the Classified Employee Absence Slip and submit it to immediate supervisor on the first day back at work. 6. Absence for Jury Duty: If employee is called for Jury Duty but is not selected to serve, the employee shall immediately return to work unless there is less than one (1) hour left in the employee’s work shift. If not called for Jury Duty until the afternoon, they should be reporting to work in the morning. Employee must furnish District with time card and copy of jury summons. If employee is selected to serve on a panel, they are not required to report to work on the day they were actually serving on a jury panel. Employee will furnish District with time card of day(s) before selection and copy of jury summons. E. FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) 1. FMLA is an unpaid leave of up to 12 weeks for the following reasons: Birth of child or adoption or foster care placement of child Care for immediate family member with serious health condition Spouse, child or parent only; in‐laws do not qualify employee for leave Employee is unable to work because of serious health condition 2. Eligible employee must have been employed by KHSD for a total of twelve (12) months on the date FMLA is to start, or have worked at least 1250 hours during the past twelve (12) month period. 3. To request Family Medical Leave, write a letter explaining the circumstances in detail and the time requested on Family Medical Leave and send to Dean Juola, Director of Personnel, Kern High School District, 5801 Sundale Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93309. You will receive a letter from the District regarding the dates of your leave. 4. Three hour employees do not work enough hours to qualify for FMLA. If needed there is a general leave you can apply for. F. REST AND MEAL BREAKS 1. Three (3) hour employees do not take rest or meal breaks during their shift. 2. Employees working shifts of four (4) hours or more will have rest and meal breaks designated as rest periods throughout the workday and will be scheduled in accordance with the bargaining unit contract. (CSEA Contract 2012‐2015, page 13) 3. Designated breaks and meals must be taken when scheduled and cannot be saved up to be taken at another time; Example ‐ Leaving early at the end of shift instead of taking lunch break at the scheduled time. G. CAFETERIA PROPERTY 1. No food, supplies or equipment shall be removed from the site by employees for personal use. 2. School District property cannot be used for any personal activities. H. EATING / DRINKING DURING SHIFT 1. Eating, chewing gum or drinking beverages during the regular shift is prohibited. Food and beverages must be consumed only during designated break time in designated break area. 2. Three hours employees must eat after their regular shift. 3. Employees may eat one lunch daily at no charge. This lunch shall be the same food and portions as served to students participating in the National School Lunch Program for that day. 4. All food must be consumed on the school grounds. No food may be taken home. 5. Ala carte items may be purchased at approved prices. The sale must be recorded by a cashier in the Point of Sale computer. No food may be taken home. 6. Food Service staff cannot provide free meals to any adult, other than Food Service employees. All food must be paid for at approved prices. 7. Food Service staff cannot provide equipment or space to the staff for the storage or heating of meals brought from home. 8. Food Service staff cannot provide leftover food to adults. 9. Food Service staff cannot take food home, even if the food is going to be discarded. Leftover food is donated to charity organizations when possible. I. REHYDRATION PROCEDURES 1. Employees may drink a beverage when they feel it is necessary by: ● bringing a closed beverage container ● using drinking fountain with pre‐cooled water 2. If employee brings a closed beverage container it must be handled to prevent contamination of the employee’s hands, the container, non‐prepackaged food and food contact surfaces. 3. If employee brings a closed beverage container it must be keep away from food preparation and serving areas in a space designated by site supervisor. J. UNIFORM POLICY 1. Each employee receives a $300 uniform allowance to purchase approved garments through the department from approved vendor(s). This allowance is for the individual employee’s use only Employees may not order uniform items for other employees with their personal allowance. The uniform order form may not be filled out by anyone other than the employee. CSEA Contract 2012‐2015, page 6, lines 20‐22 2. Uniforms remain the property of the Kern High School District, Food Service Department and will be returned to the department, cleaned, upon separation from the District. Employees may turn old, unusable uniforms into the Food Service Department only at previously scheduled times. Old, unusable uniforms may not be given away or sold at garage sales. 3. Employees will not be reimbursed for the purchase of garments other than through the Food Service Department and the approved vendor(s). 4. Employees may only wear approved uniform garments while on the job. 5. 2013 – 2014 Approved uniform garments for non supervisory kitchen/cafeteria personnel are: ● Female employees: Smock top, with or without collar, in chosen site color, or rainbow color with Supervisor approval. ● White, long or short sleeve, knit shirt (may only be worn under smock top) ● Male employee: Short sleeve bu on front work shirt in site color ● Black cardigan with KHSD Food Service logo ● Black lightweight Windbreaker jacket with KHSD Food Service logo ● Black Apron with Site and Team Mo o embroidered upper front “Feed Your Mind” aprons may also be worn if not faded, stained or torn ● Black baseball cap (only with approval of school site administra on) ● Black pants only 6. Warehouse personnel/Delivery Drivers: All non‐supervisory personnel will wear long or short sleeve navy/khaki striped shirts, and navy pant. 7. Employees may also wear Holiday or specific shirts to celebrate site occasions with the approval of immediate supervisor. Holiday shirts limited to last work day before, or on Holiday/site celebration. Wearing of shirts other than approved uniform smock tops is optional for all employees. 8. Rainbow Days: In 2013 – 2014 Tuesday and Friday will be rainbow days with site supervisor approval. 9. On Fridays site cafeteria personnel may also wear school specific or team spirit shirts which they have purchased themselves or received from school site sources. Shirts must be free of any foreign objects that could contaminate food. 10. Non‐supervisory personnel may not wear the colors “wine” or “tan” at any time while on the job in Food Services. 11. A uniform committee will meet with CSEA representatives in the early spring of each year to discuss uniform issues and concerns. The committee will recommend acceptable uniform options to the District. CSEA Contract 2012‐2015, page 6, lines 23‐24 K. PERSONAL HYGIENE AND SAFE FOOD HANDLING POLICY 1. Wear a clean department approved uniform every day – including Team apron or “Feed Your Mind” apron. Be mindful of possible contamination of uniform that may occur before shift while going to grocery store, gas station, etc. on way to work. Remember, foodborn pathogens are becoming much more dangerous and harder to control. 2. Wearing dirty, soiled or contaminated aprons that have been worn more than one time without laundering is not permissible as it can contribute to a foodborne illness outbreak. Plastic aprons will be worn when preparing food. 3. Employees are required to remove aprons when leaving production floor/kitchen for any reason. 4. Nothing, except a thermometer, may be stored in uniform pockets, or in apron pockets. Employee may not carry anything such as keys, tissue, gum/lozenges, lipstick, cell phones, etc. on production floor/kitchen in uniform or apron pockets as this could cause cross‐ contamination of food or food contact surfaces, and lead to foodborne illness outbreak. 5. Employees shall wear a hairnet, or approved baseball cap with hairnet when preparing or handling food or utensils, to prevent the contamination of food, food contact surfaces or utensils. All hair, including bangs must be covered by a hairnet. Hats are to be worn in an appropriate manner and cover all hair. 6. Fingernails must be kept clean and trimmed short to follow Health Department policy in preventing contamination and the outbreak of a foodborne illness. Site supervisors are authorized to determine if employee fingernails need to be trimmed to maintain food safety requirements. 7. Bathe daily and wash hair frequently. 8. Wearing or applying perfume, cologne or scented body spray during or just before shift is discouraged as it endangers the health of co‐workers who may have severe allergies. 9. No jewelry, necklaces, watches, bracelets or earrings may be worn during shift. Exceptions: wedding rings may be worn if covered by a plastic glove. District issued lapel pins with safety clasps may be worn on Team aprons during serving. 10. Jewelry from facial piercing (for example – nose, eyebrow, lip) must be removed when preparing or serving food. 11. It is recommended that work shirts with tails be tucked into uniform pants. 12. Do not prepare or serve food when ill especially with vomiting, diarrhea or fever. 13. Cover any open wounds on hands with a bandage and cover all with a plastic glove when preparing or serving food. 14. Wear plastic gloves anad use utensils to serve ready‐to‐eat foods that are not packaged. Never touch potentially hazardous ready‐to‐eat food with bare hands. 15. Wash hands and change plastic gloves when changing tasks, after visiting the restroom, touching body, face or hair, or after eating food, drinking a beverage, coughing, using a tissue or smoking. 16. Use disposable towels to dry hands after washing them. Do not use apron or dish towel. 17. Wear comfortable, non slip, leather or leather like oxford or athletic style shoes, with enclosed heel and toe. Height of heels are not to exceed 1 inch. 18. Smoking is prohibited on any school campus. This includes but is not limited to electronic cigarettes. L. MSDS SHEET AND THE SAFE USE OF FOOD SERVICE CHEMICALS 1. Employees are instructed in the safe use of chemicals and the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) by site supervisor. Employees are oriented to the procedure should a chemical accident occur. The MSDS Binder is to be hanging on the wall somewhere in the kitchen that is easy access to all employees and used as an emergency first aid resource in the event of a chemical accident. 2. Employees are responsible for wearing proper protective gear (gloves, goggles) and following requirements after receiving instruction for safe chemical usage. 3. It is not permissible for employees to use chemicals without being instructed in the safe use of same and the location and use of the MSDS sheet and binder. M. FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT 1. Employees are not permitted to work with food service equipment without instructions on how to safely work with equipment. 2. Employees are responsible for following safety precautions after receiving instruction on the safe operation of food service equipment. N. INDUSTRIAL INJURY PROCEDURE 1. Employee will notify supervisor immediately when injury occurs. 2. Complete the Employee Report of Injury form. 3. Supervisor, with employee present, will call the On Call Company Nurse at 877‐230‐9692 for evaluation of injury and instructions for care. 4. If required, employee will be directed to one of the Industrial Injury physician groups contracted with District unless they have a designated physician form on file with the District office. For more information on designating a physician, call Barbara Sachs in Personnel – ext. # 53322. 5. Fax all paperwork to the Food Service Office, Kathlyn Lujan, on the day of the Injury. Hard copies go to the District office O. CELL PHONES AND USE OF HEADPHONES/EARBUDS DURING SHIFT 1. Answering personal cell phones during the work shift is not permitted. Emergency calls should go to the site or cafeteria telephone number. Cell phones are to be stored in a locker or left in supervisor’s office to minimize danger of contaminating food which may contribute to a foodborne illness outbreak. 2. Employees shall not use earphones or earbuds to listen to any electronic devices (such as iPhones, iPods or mp3 players) during shift. P. CLASS B DRIVER’S LICENSE 1. Proof of renewed license must be provided to Food Service Department a minimum of three weeks before current license expires. CSEA CONTRACT Chapter 81 - Units B & E Every employee needs a copy of the approved current contract. If you do not receive a copy after approval, please call the Food Service Office at 827-3190 to obtain one. Good health practices begin with us Wellness is a complex balance of physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and intellectual health. Wellness, that sense of well-being, that elusive life-work-family balance, is the result of involved, daily decision making. 5 – fruits and veggies 2 – hours or less of recreational screen time* 1 – hour or more of physical activity 0 – sugary drinks, more water and low-fat milk Keep TV/computer out of bedroom. No screen time under the age of 2 Tips for Eating Healthy when Eating Out If main portions at a restaurant are larger than you want, try one of these strategies to keep from overeating: Order an appetizer or side dish instead of an entrée. Share a main dish with a friend. If you can chill the extra food right away, take leftovers home in a “doggy bag.” When your food is delivered, set aside or pack half of it to go immediately. Roasted Carrots and Asparagus 1 pound baby carrots 1 bunch asparagus, trimmed, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 tablespoon ground ginger 1 tablespoon sesame seeds Salt to taste Preheat oven to 475 F. Place carrots and asparagus in a large bowl. Toss with olive oil. Add ground ginger, sesame seeds and salt; mix well. Place vegetables on a baking sheet and roast in oven for 15 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Serves 6 Nutritional information: Low cal, great source of vitamin A and fiber Resign from the “clean your plate club” – when you’ve eaten enough, leave the rest. Move more: Increase your activity levels by doing both continuous exercise and “lifestyle” exercise. Continuous exercise, like walking, jogging, biking or yoga, is vital to keep you fit. “Lifestyle” exercise, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the store instead of driving, or doing yard work, will keep you moving and active and will also help burn calories throughout the day. PREVENTING BACK INJURIES Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) considers back injuries as the nation’s #1 workplace safety issue. ●Five leading back injury risk factors 1. Poor posture 2. Poor physical condition Extra weight 3. Improper body mechanics 4. Incorrect lifting 5. Jobs that require high energy ●Best ways to prevent back injuries: 1. Do not lift anything over the weight requirement for your job Food Service Workers/Lead Food Service Workers (male or female) is 37.5 pounds 2. Store heavy objects up off the floor – between the shoulders and knees – “Safe Lifting Zone” 3. Use carts and dolly’s to move heavy objects 4. Reduce total weight of load by dividing into smaller loads 5. Get help if shape is too awkward or too heavy to lift and carry 6. Take the time to warm up muscles with simple stretches before starting work Nutrition and Academics Did you know? American Children are eating 40 % of their daily calories from “empty calories” like sweetened bevereages and deserts 75% of children 6 – 19 do not eat enough fruit every day 86.2 % of high school students do not eat enough vegetables per day No Breakfast in the Morning = Decreased cognitive performance Decrease speed and accuracy in problem solving tasks Decreased performance on testing Even among healthy, well‐nourished children 65% of high school students skip breakfast at least 1 time per week What to expect of a hungry child Slower memory recall Hyperactivity and attention problems High school students are more likely to be suspended and have trouble getting along with others Lower math scores More likely to repeat a grade Irondeficiencyanemiaandlowproteininthedietleads to shortenedattentionspan,irritability,fatigue,anddifficultywith concentration.TheSchoolBreakfastandSchoolLunchprogramsoffernutrientrichfoodstostudentsthatcontain vitamins,minerals,proteins,fiber,andcarbohydratesthatcontributetotheiracademicsuccess. Itisdifficultforstudentstolearnwhentheyarehungryand/ormalnourished.Healthy,physicallyfitchildrenarebetter learnersintheclassroom.Schoolsplayacriticalroleinhelpingstudentslearnandpracticehealthyeatinghabits. Resources: Parker, L. Therelationshipbetweennutritionandlearning:aschoolemployee'sguidetoinformationandaction. Washington: National Education Association, 1989; Pollitt, E., Leibel,R., Greenfield, D. Brief fasting, stress, and cognition in children. AmericanJournalofClinical Nutrition1991;34(Aug):1526-1533; Bogden, J.F. Fit,healthy,andreadytolearn:aschoolhealthpolicyguide.Alexandria (VA): NASBE, 2000; Center on Hunger, Poverty, and Nutrition Policy. Statement on the Link between Nutritionand Cognitive Development in Children. Medford, MA: Tufts University School of Nutrition 1995; Murphy, J.M., Pagano, M.E., Nachmani, J., Sperling, P., Kane, S., Kleinman, R.E. Therelationship of school breakfast to psychosocial and academic functioning. ArchivesofPediatricsandAdolescentMedicine1998;152:899-906; BRIEF SNAPSHOT OF FOOD SERVICE POSITIONS Central Kitchen Supervisor: Manages and directs operations and activities in the central kitchen. Confers with site supervisors regarding cafeteria orders, needs, conditions and/or problems and takes appropriate action to accommodate requests. Assistant CK Supervisors: Assists supervisor in planning, organizing and directing the activities and operation of the central kitchen. Acts as information source for CK staff regarding internal operations, procedures and standards. Site Cafeteria Supervisor: Organizes, supervises and coordinates the activities and operation of a school cafeteria site. Ensures that all necessary equipment, food and supplies are available for the daily operation. Trains, assigns, supervises and evaluates work of staff. Lead Food Service Workers: Assists FS supervisor and assistant FS supervisor (CK) in the day-to-day operations of a CK Department or school site cafeteria. Performs and directs cooking tasks. Assists and instructs helpers in the methods and procedures for performing assigned tasks. Food Service Workers: Assists in the routine preparation and serving of food items in school cafeteria and central kitchen facility. Food Service Distribution Supervisor: Manages and directs operations and activities of Food Service Warehouse. Supervises and directs purchasing, receiving, storage and transport of state and federally approved goods and meals to District and contracted sites. Prepares drafts of food service bids for submittal to business services. Lead Warehouse Worker: Directs oversees, coordinates and participates in the receipt, storage, marking, loading, unloading, delivery and inventory of District food goods, mail, supplies and equipment. Inspects and checks items against purchase orders and invoices. Assistant Lead Warehouse Worker: Assist the Lead Warehouse Worker in planning and overseeing the work of warehouse workers and participates in the receipt, storage, loading, unloading, delivery and inventoryof District materials, supplies, mail, equipment and food goods. Warehouse Worker: Receives, unloads, stocks, stores, shelves and re-shelves food and/or non-food materials, supplies and equipment. Inspects incoming stock for conformity to purchase orders and reports discrepancy to supervisor. Delivers stock, materials and supplies to District sites as needed. Maintains warehouse facility and equipment in a clean and orderly condition. Operates forklift and delivery vehicles in conjunction with assigned duties. CALL IN PROCEDURE FOR ABSENCES OTHER THAN VACATION ALL Non-Supervisory Employees: 1. Are required to call in an absence at least one and one half (1-1/2) hours before beginning of shift. (Preferably the night before, if possible, especially Central Kitchen and Warehouse.) 2. Employees are to call supervisor at assigned site using contact phone numbers provided by supervisor for after/before hours. 3. Employee must call and personally speak directly to, or leave a message on the voicemail of the supervisor. It is not permissible to call a co-worker at assigned site instead of Supervisor. 4. If supervisor or voicemail are unavailable after multiple attempts, the employee may call and leave a message on the voice mail at the Food Service office. It remains, however, the responsibility of the employee to continue to attempt to contact the site supervisor to confirm message was received. ★ FOR CENTRAL KITCHEN STAFF ONLY: 827-3190 ext 51321 (Voice Mail) ★ ALL OTHER SCHOOL SITE STAFF: 827-3190 (Voice Mail) SITE Phone Arvin BHS Centennial East Foothill Frontier Golden Valley Highland Independence Kern Valley Liberty Mira Monte North Ridgeview Shafter South Stockdale West 854-5561 324-9841 588-8601 871-7221 366-4491 829-1107 827-0800 872-2777 834-8001 760-379-2611 587-0925 366-1800 399-3351 398-3100 746-4961 831-3680 665-2800 832-2822 5. Employees are responsible for calling in on each day of continued absence, following the 1-1/2 hour before shift requirement. This will ensure enough time to get a substitute. If the employee has a doctor note covering a period of time, (example: May 1st through May 16th) this will take the place of the daily call for that specific time period. 6. After third day of continued absence, a doctor excuse may be required to return to work. The doctor excuse should read “May return to work without restrictions” and specify the date of return. If there are restrictions, they must be specific as to employee limitations. 7. On the first day back at work, a “Classified Employee Absence Slip” is to be filled out and submitted to Supervisor before going on the floor. PAYROLL INFORMATION 1. When and Where Paid: ● All Kern High School District employees are paid on the last working day of the month. ● Checks are distributed from the payroll office to the appropriate sites. If payday is a non-work day for employee (example: during winter break), the check will be sent to your school site office. Contact school site office for information on whether check is mailed to employee or held for employee’s return. No one except the employee whose name is on the paycheck may pick up that paycheck without written permission. 2. Time Sheets: ● Supervisors will record attendance, keeping track of absences and time worked on an Employee Daily Report of Time Worked form. Employees who work less than 8 hours are expected to sign the Employee Daily Report form when they arrive to work, and then sign out when they leave. The supervisor will write the number of any extra hours worked for their employees on this form. Daily Report of Time Worked forms should be sent in to the Food Service Office on a daily basis. Questions about payroll should be addressed to Rhian in the Food Service Office at Ext. #51316. 3. Absences: ● On the first day employee returns to work following an absence, the employee must complete a Classified Employee Absence Slip (green) and submit this to supervisor. Supervisor should approve and sign the absence slip, then send it in immediately to the Food Service Office. 4. Overtime/Extra Time: ● Overtime or extra time must be authorized by your immediate supervisor. 5. Personal Information: ● To avoid confusion, employees must update the Food Service Office immediately if they change name, address, phone, or any other information pertaining to payroll. 6. Discussing Paycheck with Co-Workers: ● It is the policy of the Food Service Department that employees will not discuss their paychecks with other District employees. If an employee has questions or concerns regarding their paycheck, they should speak with immediate supervisor or contact Rhian at Ext. # 51316 MEMORANDUM TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT – 2013 - 2014 First Day of School – Monday – August 19, 2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ★ 9.5 MONTH EMPLOYEE.................Wednesday, August 14, 2013 to Thursday, May 29, 2014 ALL SITES Food Service Workers Lead Food Service Workers WAREHOUSE Delivery Driver 4/4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ★ 10 MONTH EMPLOYEES..........................Monday, August 5, 2013 to Tuesday, June 3, 2014 CENTRAL KITCHEN Assistant Supervisors FOOD SERVICE OFFICE Bilingual Clerical Specialist SCHOOL SITES Food Service Supervisor II WAREHOUSE Warehouse Workers I & II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ★ 11 MONTH EMPLOYEES......................Thursday, August 1, 2013 to Monday, June 30, 2014 FOOD SERVICE OFFICE Account Clerk III Bilingual Staff Secretary I Purchasing Clerk CENTRAL KITCHEN Food Service Supervisor III WAREHOUSE Distribution Supervisor Lead Warehouse Worker Assistant Lead Warehouse Worker FIELD COORDINATORS Joanne Faubus……………………..Thursday, August 1, 2013 to Monday June 30, 2014 Cindy Groves………………..………………. Monday July 1, 2013 to Wed May 28, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ALL STAFF WELCOME BACK MEETING FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 2013 4 and 5 hour employees will make up time at their sites ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Site Addresses and Phone Numbers SITE/SUPERVISOR ADDRESS Ext. Office 900 Varsity Avenue, Arvin, CA 93203 70-054 854-5561 2) BAKERSFIELD Anitra Pierson 1241 "G" Street, Bakersfield, CA 93304 71-054 324-9841 3) CENTENNIAL Jean Starkey 8601 Hageman Road, Bakersfield, CA 93312 63-054 588-8601 2200 Quincy Street, Bakersfield, CA 93306 72-054 871-7221 501 Park Drive, Bakersfield, CA 93306 73-054 366-4491 6401 Allen Road, Bakersfield, CA 93314 68-054 829-1107 801 Hosking Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93307 67-054 827-0800 2900 Royal Scots Road, Bakersfield, CA 93306 74-054 872-2777 9) INDEPENDENCE Aida Sotelo 8001 Old River Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 60-054 834-8001 10) KERN VALLEY Michelle Smith 3340 Erskine Creek Road, Lake Isabella, CA 93240 79-950 (760) 379-2611 925 Jewetta Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. 93312 65-512 587-0925 1800 South Fairfax Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93307 69-054 366-1800 13) NORTH Rosemary Perez 300 Galaxy Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93308 75-054 399-3351 14) RIDGEVIEW Karen Davis 8501 Stine Road, Bakersfield, CA 93313 64-054 398-3100 15) SHAFTER Deana Morales 526 Mannel Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263 76-054 746-4961 16) SOUTH Juanita Grissom 1101 Planz Road, Bakersfield, CA 93304 77-054 831-3680 17) STOCKDALE Susan Williams 2800 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 62-054 665-2800 1200 New Stine Rd., Bakersfield, CA 93309 78-054 832-2822 19) CENTRAL KITCHEN David Verrell 3701 E. Belle Terrace, Bakersfield, CA 93307 51-321 827-3187 20) WAREHOUSE Joanne Rosenthal 3701 E. Belle Terrace, Bakersfield, CA 93307 51-330 827-3189 1) ARVIN Marianne Lucas 4) EAST Jocelyn Blankenship 5) FOOTHILL Angie Lopez 6) FRONTIER Becky Harris 7) GOLDEN VALLEY Marsha Reynoso 8) HIGHLAND Shelly Frair 11) LIBERTY Vickie Grimm 12) MIRA MONTE Mayra Casillas 18) WEST Brandi Lozano You ……. Complete the Puzzle!