September 2012 HATCHCOVER
September 2012 HATCHCOVER
WATERGATE WATERGATE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 8 Captain Drive Emeryville, CA 94608 OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OFFICE PHONE 510-428-0118 OFFICE FAX 510-428-0379 OFFICE EMAIL WCA WEBSITE September 2012 HATCHCOVER A publication of the Watergate Community Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS CANDIDATE FILING DEADLINE The Annual Meeting of Members will be held on Monday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Clipper Club. Three seats are up in this year’s Board of Directors election. If you’re interested in running for the Board, please complete the “Candidates Filing Form” found in this issue of the Hatchcover. This form, also available in the WCA Office and on the WCA website, outlines the procedures, dates, and requirements for homeowners in good standing who are interested in running for the WCA Board of Directors. The filing form must be submitted to the WCA Office at 8 Captain Drive, along with a brief resume and background statement from the candidate no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 28, 2012. ELECTION VOLUNTEERS NEEDED CLIPPER CLUB 5 Captain Drive 510-654-4040 With the WCA Board of Directors Election quickly approaching the Association is seeking volunteers interested in participating in the election process and/or joining the Election Committee. The inspectors play a major role in ensuring the integrity of the voting process. TENNIS CLUB 2 Captain Drive 510-547-7577 Any homeowner in good standing interested in more information should contact the WCA Office at 510-428-0118. SECURITY 4 Commodore Drive 24-hour phone: 510-772-5005 FIRE ALARM TESTING SCHEDULED FOR MID-OCTOBER BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Robert C. Blain This year’s annual fire alarm testing (as mandated by the State) is scheduled for October and will require access into all 4th floor units in the A, B and D buildings, and all 5th floor units in all buildings. Detailed two week and 48hour reminder notices will be sent to all affected unit owners, tenants, and known property managers of record. VICE-PRESIDENT Tom Knight Access into these units is required so that the speaker and heat detector inside of the unit can be verified to be functioning properly. SECRETARY Neil Straus As in previous years, and as per the Board, unit keys stored at the WCA office will not be used. This means that somebody will have to be present on your unit’s testing day to open your unit’s door. A locksmith service will be provided for persons not able to have somebody available to open their unit door. Homeowners whose units are opened by a locksmith will be billed an amount equal to the total locksmith bill divided by the number of doors serviced (on that day) to a maximum of $45. TREASURER Albert Repola DIRECTORS Lubor Mrazek Douglas Flock Ron Dempster This project has nothing to do with your ceiling-mounted, battery-powered smoke and/or carbon monoxide detector. Watergate Community Association is not responsible for misprints, misrepresentation, errors or omissions. Advertisements placed in the Hatchcover should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation\by this community, its Association, or its representatives. CLIPPER CLUB MOVIES September 2012 Movies are shown in the Clipper Club TV room every Tuesday, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Movies and popcorn are provided free of charge courtesy of your Clipper Club staff. Please be aware that scheduled movies are subject to availability, and substitutions may occur. For more information or to suggest a movie selection, please contact the Clipper Club at 510-654-4040. September 4: Gone Molly Parker 87 minutes / NR In this made-for-TV drama, a distraught mom being extorted by kidnappers sets out to rescue her abducted daughter and soon becomes ensnared in a dangerous world of bogus pharmaceuticals, corrupt government officials and murder. September 11: Jeff, Who Lives at Home Jason Segel / Ed Helms 83 minutes / R Siblings Jay and Mark Duplass direct this comedy focusing on two brothers -- one a moderate success, the other still living with Mom. A trip to the store for glue, however, turns into an encounter with destiny for the stay-at-home slacker. September 18: Think Like a Man Michael Ealy / Jerry Ferrara 122 minutes / PG-13 Kevin Hart stars in this romantic comedy as a relationship expert whose thesis on love and dating has made him all the rage with single women. But, despite his so-called expertise, the "relationship guru" struggles to keep his own marriage together. September 25: Man on a Ledge Sam Worthington / Elizabeth Banks 102 minutes / PG-13 When fugitive ex-cop Nick Cassidy steps onto a window ledge high above a busy Manhattan street, police psychologist Lydia Anderson tries to talk him down. But soon Anderson suspects that there's more to Cassidy's stunt than meets the eye. FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS The Emeryville Fire Department sponsors free blood pressure checks for Watergate residents on the first Friday of every month at 11:30 a.m. in the Clipper Club. 2 PACKAGE PICK-UP REMINDERS With many residents utilizing the convenience of online shopping, the volume of packages delivered to the Clipper Club continues to increase. Package delivery to the Clipper Club is a service provided to registered Watergate residents only. If you will be on vacation and are expecting a package, please complete a Resident Vacation form, or complete a WCA Package Pickup Authorization form designating someone to pick up your package. Please remember to bring your valid Watergate I.D. card when picking up your package. Packages for unregistered residents cannot be identified and will be refused or sent back. WIFI NOW AVAILABLE AT THE CLIPPER CLUB Watergate residents can now enjoy WiFi internet service at the Clipper Club. If you have an exisiting Xfinity high speed internet account you may log into the Xfinity hotspot at the Clipper Club with your current user name and password. If you do not have an Xfinity internet account, you may sign on by showing the Clipper Club employee on duty your current Watergate ID to obtain a user name and password. UPDATE ON WATERGATE @ ASHBY VILLAGE Social at the Clipper Club – Sunday, September 30, 4:00-6:00 p.m. This event is for members to enjoy and is also for those who are interested in learning more about joining and/or volunteering. Come enjoy the food, drink and companionship! To help you understand more about how a village works and what it has to offer, go to the Ashby Village website, Under the “Membership” tab you will find a very good “Frequently Asked Questions” that should be very helpful. For information about joining and/or volunteering for Watergate @ Ashby Village, you can contact residents Tobey Klein (510-653-4205, witboat@gmailcom) or Sam Foushee (510-658-4915, BALCONY REMINDERS The WCA office is receiving regular complaints from multiple sources about clothing, towels, rugs and other unsightly items being left on and or hung from unit patios and balconies. Please be reminded that your WCA Community Rules do not permit linen, clothing, rugs, mops, brooms, or other items to be shaken or hung from windows, doors, railings and balconies. Additional items commonly found in violation on balconies include bicycles, birdfeeders, shelving or cabinets and storage containers. Please do your part to keep the patios and balconies of Watergate neat and clean for the beauty and benefit of your community. RESULTS OF DRAMA CLUB MEETING Advertisement As announced in the May and June Hatchcovers, a meeting was held at the Clipper Club on Sunday, June 24, to decide how to disburse Watergate Drama Club funds. GARETH M. FONG The nine former club members who attended voted to pay Olga Labunsky $300 for her past services as a Drama Club director, and pay $1886 to Stagebridge, an Oakland theater group which performs many theater related activities around the east bay. The payment was made in honor of Heidi Bernd and Rolf Tutschek. 510-655-8228 One stipulation of this payment is that Stagebridge will perform many of their activities at various Emeryville institutions, such as the public schools, Senior Center, and Watergate. The first of these performances will be a musical performance of the Stagebridge Dreamers on Saturday, October 6 at 7:30 pm at the Clipper Club. All residents of Watergate are welcome to attend. Real Estate Broker Call me for an appointment Serving the Watergate Community Since 1975 • • • • • • • Watergate resale experience since 1980 Member of Multiple Listing Service Honest and ethical representation Watergate condominium owner Member of California Association of Realtors Rental and management service available Representation outside Watergate TWO SAILS REALTY At WATERGATE DRE #00681533 THE BENEFITS OF RECYCLING ADD UP! Educators have created interesting and innovative curriculum to teach today’s school-aged children about the importance of waste prevention and recycling. If you don’t have a kid handy to remind you about how important it is to conserve natural resources and extend the life of our existing landfills by participating in community recycling programs, then consider the following: • Using one ton of post-consumer paper to make new paper products saves approximately 7,000 gallons of water and conserves 3.3 cubic yards of landfill space. Advertisement • It takes 64% less energy to make paper products from post-consumer paper, saving the equivalent of three barrels of oil for each ton of paper that is recycled. • Recycling 300 lbs. of paper saves roughly one tree. • For every ton of glass that is recycled we eliminate 384 lbs. of mining waste. • Using post-consumer aluminum cans to make new cans produces about 95% less air pollution as compared to the process of manufacturing aluminum cans from virgin materials. • Paper recycling reduces pollution by about 50%. Advertisement • Recycling a 36-in stack of newspaper saves about 73 kilowatt hours of electricity (about 14% of a typical residential electric utility bill). • Recycling one pound of aluminum saves enough energy to light a 100-watt built for 290 hours. 3 8 Captain Drive Emeryville, California 94608 Phone: (510) 428-0118 8 Captain Drive E-mail: Fax: (510) 428-0379 Watergate Community Association Board Candidate Filing Form 2012-2013 NAME ADDRESS OWNER OF UNIT NUMBER PHONE (Home) EMAIL I wish to declare my candidacy for a position on the Watergate Community Association Board of Directors. I have attached a brief resume of my background and a statement of my goals for Watergate. I also understand that verification of ownership will be completed by the Watergate Office and that members must be in good standing* to be a candidate for a position on the Board of Directors. ____________________________________________________ SIGNED ________________________ DATE *The Governing Documents (Bylaws, Article 4 Section 4.3) state the following: “Each Director must be an Owner who is not delinquent in the payment of any assessment levied against the Owner's Unit or any monthly assessment or fine. If any Director ceases to be an Owner, membership on the Board shall terminate immediately. In the event the Owner is a corporation or trust, the president of the corporation or the trustee of the trust may designate the person who will be eligible to serve as Director. Directors cannot have been convicted of a felony. They must be willing to do the following: a. fulfill the requirements of California laws regarding common interest developments; b. fulfill the requirements and enforce the Articles of Incorporation, the By-Laws and the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the Association, as amended from time to time, and the duly adopted rules of the Association; c. cooperate with the other Directors in a respectful manner in making decisions and resolving disputes.” Deadline for filing at the WCA Office is September 28, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. “DRAFT” WCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES July 23, 2012 I. Call to Order. President Robert C. Blain called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Directors present were Ron Dempster, Doug Flock, Tom Knight and Lubor Mrazek. Albert Repola and Neil Straus were absent. Also present were General Manager Tim Sutherland, Controller Lisa Trabert, Assistant General Manager Jeff Kiel and seventeen residents. II. Reports/Announcements. Secretary’s Report. President Blain reported on action taken by the Board of Directors since the June 25, 2012 Regular Session: After the 6/25/2012 Board meeting the Board reviewed performance and compensation for its direct reports. Before the meeting tonight, the Board voted to authorize Three Notices of Default and Election to Sell for APN 049-1528-239, APN 049-1529-068, and APN 049-1528-108. The Board also discussed and approved a debt collection settlement with a former unit owner. Treasurer’s Report. General Manager Sutherland reported a favorable operating budget variance of $250,168 through 6/30/2012. Sutherland also reported an Operating Fund balance of $255,781 and a Replacement Fund balance of $7,165,414. The full report is available at the WCA office. Manager’s Report. General Manager Sutherland reported on the following: Garage Fire Sprinkler Work - The WCA is wrapping up the sprinkler work in the garages and the lobby asbestos abatement work at the end of this month. The painting department is deferring other common area painting projects for 65 days to texture coat 13 lobbies where wallpaper was removed as an interim step to not make it look so apparent that we are renovating the complex. The ceilings will remain unfinished as lighting and sprinkler penetrations would ruin any interim steps taken and would be a waste of resources. Barbecue Use on Patios and Decks - The August 2012 edition of the Hatchcover will communicate the current State of California Fire Codes regarding barbecue use on patios and balconies in apartment buildings. Please refer to the attached list of what type of equipment you can use on your patios. No open flames are allowed within 10 feet of combustible materials, and the normal 20 pound Liquified-petrolium gas (LP) tanks cannot be brought inside or stored in the building. One pound LP tanks are permitted to be transported through the building to get to the patio area. YTD Common Utilities - Natural gas use down 4.9%; electric use up 1.2%; and water use is up 1.2% to 86 gallons per units per day Tree Topping - Sutherland also shared a simple pictorial on tree topping verses pruning to better understand why our staff arborist Robert Murphy declines to perform tree topping trimming for views. III. Statements and Requests. A resident spoke in support of reestablishing the Watergate Emergency Preparedness Committee. IV. Consent Calendar. Approved by Unanimous General Consent: June 25, 2012 Regular Session minutes as submitted. Continental Insurance Co. - Directors and Officers Liability for 8/12/12 thru 8/12/13 4 V. New Business. Board Resolution to Record One Notice of Delinquent Assessment. President Blain read the following resolution: “Resolved, the Board of Directors (“Board”) for Watergate Community Association authorizes and instructs Allied Trustee Services to Record One Notice of Delinquent Assessment (“Lien”) in the full amount of unpaid assessments, late charges, interest and collection fees and costs against the property bearing Assessor’s Parcel Number 049-1529-305 as authorized by Civil Code Sections 1367.1 and 1367.4 if such account has not been reinstated by the Notice of Intent to Lien expiration date.” Knight moved, and Mrazek seconded, to approve the aforementioned Notice of Delinquent Assessment. The motion to approve was unanimous. Anchor Drive Sewer Repair Civil Engineering Consulting. The Association recently completed video inspection work on Anchor Drive which shows multiple cracks and failures throughout the 38 year old 270 foot clay 8” sanitary sewer line on Anchor Drive. Sutherland presented three bids and recommends the low bidder KCA Engineers for a contract amount of $16,750 and an overall Phase 1 budget of $26,738 to be funded out of the Replacement Fund. This budget includes a 15% contingency for unforeseen issues that may come up during the planning stages of this process. The piping replacement construction work may end up being a six figure plus replacement project. Knight moved, and Mrazek seconded, to enter into a contract with KCA Engineers, Inc. for a base contract amount of $16,750 and an overall Phase 1 project budget of $26,738 to be funded from the Replacement Fund. The motion to approve was unanimous. VI. WCA Committees. Architectural Control. Assistant General Manager Jeff Kiel presented the following committee recommendations: 4 Commodore Drive, D332: 1 Bedroom unit. The owners wish to replace their tiled tub surround with a walk in shower. Knight moved, and Flock seconded, to approve the modifications to unit D332 pending receipt of all necessary permits. The motion to approve was unanimous. 8 Captain Drive, E462: 1 Bedroom unit. The owners wish to replace their tub and surround and insulate all walls and ceilings to reduce sound transmissions from other units. Committee does not recommend insulation in the kitchen and bathroom ceilings due to the possibility pf water retention in the event of a leak from a unit above. Knight moved, and Flock seconded, to approve the revised modifications to unit E462 pending receipt of all necessary permits. The motion to approve was unanimous. Request to Reconstitute the Emergency Preparedness Committee. Sutherland reports a renewed interest by some to restart the Emergency Preparedness Committee. Knight moved, and Flock seconded, to approve the reconstitution of the Emergency Preparedness Committee with Lubor Mrazek and Neil Straus serving as liaisons to the committee. The motion to approve was unanimous. VII. Upcoming Meetings. Regular and Executive Session – August 20, 2012 VIII. Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Neil Straus, Secretary 5 DON’T FLUSH MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT WATER When the Association receives a water bill with an obvious spike in usage in just one building, every attempt is made to track down the cause of the wasted water. Very often it can be traced to a running toilet that requires only a simple repair. Approximately 70% of the earth’s surface is covered in water. Of that, only approximately 1% is fresh water we can use. 97% is salt water, and 2% is frozen in glaciers. If your toilet makes a continuous hissing sound even after the water has been refilled in the bowl, it is constantly leaking water down the drain. When everything is working correctly, your toilet will be silent when not in use. Pressing down on the handle and letting go is all that is needed to complete a flushing cycle – you should not have to ‘jiggle’ it to make it work. Fortunately, repairs to the inside of a toilet are easy and inexpensive. Keeping your toilet and household faucets in good working order can save the Association and its members hundreds of dollars in water bills and prevent the waste of a valuable natural resource. If you think you hear a neighbor’s toilet running nonstop, please contact the WCA Office so we can immediately investigate the source the running water and inform the unit owner of the problem. BE PROACTIVE - WATER CONSERVATION TIPS Check household faucets for leaks. A faucet with even a slow drip takes 10 to 25 gallons of water. Just think, 15 drips per minute add up to almost 3 gallons of water wasted per day, 65 gallons wasted per month, and 788 gallons wasted per year! Keep showers to 5 minutes or less in length. A fiveminute shower takes 10 to 25 gallons of water. Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator. Then you won’t have to run tap water to cool it. When using the car rinse area, fill a bucket with clear water to wash down your car and rinse quickly with the hose. Use water only when you need it. Don’t run your dishwasher until you have a full load. Never leave water running, and be sure to turn it off when you are finished. Boyd’s Body & Auto Repair Complete Automotive Service Center Serving the East Bay For over 25 years Transmission Timing Belt Water Pump Engine Axle Brakes FREE ESTIMATES • all insurance welcome • frame straightening • computer precision color matching Advertisement 510-654-0425 1245 Powell Street, Emeryville, California 94608 6 Today we have the same amount of water as when the earth was formed. Earth will not get any more water. The average person uses about 168 gallons of water per day. In the United States we use approximately 25 trillion gallons of water a year. Water makes up 83% of our blood, 70% of our brain, and 90% of our lungs. Overall, our bodies are 70% water. September 2012 - Clipper Club Calendar Monday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Clipper Club Gym Hours: Monday 6:00 am - 9:30 am / 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 6:00 am – 10:00 pm Friday 6:00 am –11:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am – 10:00 pm Residents must present a valid Watergate ID card to use the gym Guests must be accompanied by registered resident while in the gym area 2 3 4 11:00 am Toastmasters WCA OFFICE CLOSED in observation of Labor Day TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Gone” Saturday 1 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 5 6 7 8 6:15 pm ACC Meeting 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 10:00 am Landscape Committee 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 12 13 14 15 Clipper Club Holiday Hours 9:00 am to 6:00 pm 9 10 11 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:30 pm Scrabble Club TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Jeff, Who Lives at Home” 16 17 18 11:00 am Toastmasters 6:00 pm Flower Arranging 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 7:00 pm WCA Board of Directors Meeting 23 24 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 19 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Think Like a Man” 25 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Man on a Ledge” 20 FOREIGN FILM NIGHT 7:30 pm - Movie to be Announced 21 27 22 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 26 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 28 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 11:00 am Toastmasters 31 The Clipper Club gym and the package room close at 9:45 pm Sunday through Thursday and at 10:45 pm on Friday 29 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 7 PARTICIPATE IN PRESERVING, PROTECTING AND ENHANCING YOUR PROPERTY VALUES One of the biggest advantages of living in a commoninterest development is the ability of the Association to preserve, protect and enhance property values. But, just how does the Board of Directors guide the Association to perform those duties? Often residents think of the Association as a collection of Rules and Regulations limiting personal freedoms and individuality. But, it is those same Rules and Regulations that protect, preserve and enhance the investment of each Watergate homeowner. If you dust off your copy of the CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions) and reread them, you will see that the Board of Directors have a pretty precise blueprint on how to protect your investment. First and foremost, your Association is not just made up of the Board, Committees and a few interested owners. It was established as a corporation in which ALL owners are members. What that means is that as an owner, you have committed yourself to become business partners with every other owner in the community. In order to achieve the primary goal of the Association (to preserve, protect and enhance property values) certain covenants, conditions and restrictions had to be established. In those CC&Rs, the Board is given the authority to establish Rules and Regulations that complement the Association's purpose. By following the CC&Rs and the Rules and Regulations, homeowners are doing part of their duty as members of the Association. Architectural controls, guidelines and procedures for gaining architectural approval were established in order to promote aesthetic conformity and eliminate architectural changes that threaten the investment other members have in the Association. By following the architectural guidelines and obtaining approval from the Association before any architectural changes are made, homeowners are doing part of their duty as members of the Association. The Board of Directors is given the charge of overseeing the operations of the Association and to see to it that the CC&Rs and Rules and Regulations are followed by the Association's members. The Board is made up of owners, other members just like you. They volunteer their time and energy to serve the Association because they care about the investment they have in it. Committees are formed to assist the Board with their charge. These committees are made up of volunteer owners, just like you. When a homeowner volunteers to serve on the Board of Directors, or volunteers to serve on a committee, they are doing part of their duty as a member of the Association. Monthly assessments are necessary to protect and maintain our community assets and to help provide professional management to assist our community. When owners fail to pay their assessment on time, the Association is could potentially be unable to meet all of its financial obligations. The result: The degree of property value protection the Association provides could be reduced. In other words, even one owner who does not pay their assessment on time can adversely effect how Association business is conducted. When owners pay their assessment on time, they are doing part of their duty as a member of the Association. Finally, the Board of Directors meet on a regular basis in order to make decisions, keep up-to-date on Association business and to hear from other owners in order to make proactive business decisions. As owners, keeping abreast of association matters and making positive contributions whenever possible is only good business. When you choose to attend the Board meetings, participate in the Annual Meeting or vote in person or by proxy during Board elections, you are doing part of your duty as an appreciated member of the Watergate Community Association. 8 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS COMMITTEE Message from Watergate Resident Lorie Hill Let's all hope no emergencies come our way, and that's certainly my hope. At the same time let's be prepared in case an emergency lands here. On Wednesday evening, July 11th, a group of about 25 residents met at the Clipper Club to talk about how to prepare for an emergency. Two board members came which was helpful, as they filled us in on the process for taking action at Watergate. Tim Sutherland, the General Manager, met with me and gave great guidance on how to avoid mistakes encountered by past committee efforts and suggested positive ways to move forward in reestablishing this committee. The Watergate Board at its meeting on July 23rd acknowledged the interest and approved the reconstitution of an Emergency Preparedness Committee. Lubor Mrazek and Neil Straus agreed to serve as board liaisons to the committee. To start, we all need to better get to know our neighbors. The more we get to know our neighbors, the better we'll be able to face whatever comes our way .. so let's have fun and move forward! -Lorie Hill More information about this committee will be provided in future issues of the Hatchcover, posted on the website, and announced through lobby and bulletin board postings. Residents interested in participating can contact Lorie Hill through the WCA Office at CLASSIFIED ADS HOME CLEANING SERVICES - Regular cleanings – Windows - Moving One time - A gift? - Chanda Phillips 510-520-9811 (We live here) CARPET CLEANING - Highly effective teri-towel system; non-toxic, clean and dry in 1 to 2 hours! $100/hr, $75 minimum - satisfaction guaranteed. “Many and sincere thanks for an excellent job cleaning my carpet.” L.B. Watergate resident. Call for estimate and appointment – mention Code W1109 – at 415-685-1422 – Jon, carpet cleaning tech since 2003 – The Carpet Muse (aka Red Rugs – see for reviews) and fellow Watergate resident COMPUTER HELP AVAILABLE - Slow computer, repair, upgrade, installation, virus issues, printer, and more. Also, private instruction and tutoring on ALL topics for ALL levels. Very affordable rates, friendly and patient. Windows/Mac okay. Call Dave 415-509-3725. for resume and testimonials HANDYMAN - Home repair and maintenance – Responsible, reliable, on time – References – Peter Cameron 510-409-4429 COMPUTER REPAIR, RENTALS, PC, MAC, PRINTERS DSL install, virus Removal, all problems - Zoey 510-393-1540 DIANA GUITTARD, CNA - Caring, compassionate caregiver - Dementia – Alzheimer’s - Drive to all appointments - Run errands - Cooking – Lite housekeeping - Live in or out - 16-years experience - Excellent references 510-289-1417 GLEN’S PAINTING – Experienced – Reliable – Affordable - References upon request – Watergate resident 415-728-4944 COMPASSIONATE, SKILLED CARE PROVIDER – Nelly AragonEmerson has worked at Watergate, in other private settings and in care facilities. College educated in her native Philippines, she provides competent, friendly care at affordable rates. References available. 510253-7413 WCA SECURITY ACTIVITY July 2012 The Watergate Security Department is dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for Watergate and its residents. Security is everyone’s concern. We depend on you, the residents of Watergate, to let us know when you observe a security problem or situation that may be unsafe. Issues such as noise complaints and balcony or pet violations should be reported to the Security Department directly at 510-4501729. Security can also be contacted 24hours a day at 510-772-5005. In the event of an urgent police, fire, or medical emergency, please call 911. Security Activity Open Door Hazard Citizen Assist Animal Complaint Alarm Elevator Juvenile Complaint Misc. Investigation CC&R Violations Misc. Assignments Maintenance Reports Parking Violations Property Reports Vehicle Registration Vehicle Tow Casualty Reports Fire Fire Alarm Mail Delivery WCA EPD 0 0 27 1 0 1 60 33 171 21 2 0 40 2 0 0 0 43 Crimes Against Property Burglary-Residential Burglary-Auto Burglary-Commercial Grand Theft Petty Theft Robberies Malicious Mischief Auto Theft Recovered Stolen Vehicle Vehicle Hit and Run 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * Crimes Against Persons Homicides Battery - Simple Assault Domestic Disputes Aggravated Assault Sexual Assault Car Jacking * * * * * * * * * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * * * * * *EPD case summary report for July was not available at time of print. Visit their website at for current statistics 9 10 Commodore Dr. Emeryville, CA 94608 office (510) 654-8700 fax (510) 652-5674 Stop by Our Waterfront Guest Lounge Today! LANDLORDS get it rented now: • • • • • • NEW RENTAL – AVAILABLE NOW !!! Get highest net rents Comprehensive tenancy program Custom Watergate leases Custom marketing program Onsite management team Representing hundreds of landlords locally and abroad Call today CA DRE #01337170 (510) 654-8700 Visit our remodeled office & updated website! On the waterfront @10 Commodore Drive On the web Information deemed accurate, no guarantees for errors & omissions. Advertisement, no liabilities for errors & omissions, subject to change without notice.
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