May 2010 Hatchcover
May 2010 Hatchcover
Watergate WATERGATE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 8 Captain Drive Emeryville, CA 94608 OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OFFICE PHONE 510-428-0118 OFFICE FAX 510-428-0379 OFFICE EMAIL WCA WEBSITE CLIPPER CLUB 5 Captain Drive 510-654-4040 TENNIS CLUB 2 Captain Drive 510-547-7577 SECURITY 4 Commodore Drive 24-hour phone: 510-772-5005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Robert C. Blain VICE PRESIDENT Mike Cartmell SECRETARY Neil Straus TREASURER Murray Kane DIRECTORS Judith Choate Jean Goldman Tom Knight May 2010 Hatchcover A publication of the Watergate Community Association RESIDENT REGISTRATION A recent audit shows that there are 225 units that have residents with expired ID cards. Having a valid Watergate ID is a requirement of the community for all residents. As the Association moves toward keyless entry in the future, your “key” will most likely be linked to your valid Watergate ID card, so now is a great time to get into the habit of maintaining a current registration. Residents can register in the WCA Office Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Owners register with the office every five years. Tenants register at the office every year. BE SURE TO VOTE - PROPOSED NEW EMERYVILLE PARCEL TAX Watergate homeowners recently received ballots and voting instructions regarding Emeryville City Council’s proposed new Landscape and Lighting Assessment parcel tax. The goal of this proposed parcel tax is to raise approximately $1.2 million annually for the City of Emeryville’s general operating fund. If the property owners in Emeryville vote for this tax assessment, property taxes will increase close to $10.00 per month, or approximately $120.00 per year. Ballots must be returned prior to the conclusion of the Public Hearing on May 18, 2010. If you did not receive your Official Assessment Ballot from the City of Emeryville, contact the City Clerk, City of Emeryville at 1333 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608. Have you checked out the WCA website lately? Recent additions to the site include unit floor plans, renovations updates, and up-to-date photos of your beautiful Watergate community! Unit modification information, a current sample certificate of liability insurance, and all our most requested forms are also available and can be conveniently submitted electronically at While visiting our website, take the opportunity to stay informed and sign up for WCA E-News notices today! Advertisement Watergate Community Association is not responsible for misprints, misrepresentation, errors or omissions. Advertisements placed in the Hatchcover should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation\by this community, it’s Association, or it’s representatives. WATERGATE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 8 Captain Drive Emeryville, California 94608 (510) 428-0118 Fax: (510) 428-0379 E-mail: Website: POWELL STREET SIDEWALK AND SHUTTLE STOP SURVEY The City of Emeryville may consider constructing a new sidewalk on the northern side of Powell Street between the Watergate Market and Admiral Drive. This would improve pedestrian access and safety as well as provide for the placement of an Emery Go Round bus stop adjacent to the Watergate condominiums. Construction of the new sidewalk would be part of the next Capital Improvement Program which will be approved by the Emeryville City Council later this summer. Please let us know what you think! Submit your survey response directly to the City of Emeryville at, or complete the survey below and deliver your response to the WCA Office or the Clipper Club before June 1, 2010. Thank you in advance for your participation. POWELL STREET SIDEWALK AND SHUTTLE SURVEY RESPONSE 1. Do you support the idea of a sidewalk along the north side of Powell Street? ( ) Yes ( ) No 2. Please indicate your preference for the location of an Emery Go Round bus stop if a sidewalk is built (check only one): ( ) Commodore Drive at Powell Street ( ) Admiral Drive at Powell Street CLIPPER CLUB MOVIES May 2010 Movies are shown in the Clipper Club TV room every Tuesday, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Movies and popcorn are provided free of charge courtesy of your Clipper Club staff. Please be aware that scheduled movies are subject to availability, and substitutions may occur. For more information or to suggest a movie selection, please contact the Clipper Club at 510-654-4040. May 4: Inglourious Basterds Brad Pitt / Christopher Waltz 153 minutes / R A Jewish cinema owner in occupied Paris is forced to host a Nazi movie premiere, where a radical group of American Jewish soldiers called the Basterds, led by Lt. Aldo Raine, plans to roll out a score-settling scheme. May 11: The Men Who Stare at Goats George Clooney / Jeff Bridges 93 minutes / R Journalist Bob Wilton latches onto an unbelievable story in Iraq when he meets Lyn Cassady, a man of mysterious origins who reveals he was a "warrior monk" trained by the U.S. Army to develop psychic powers. May 18: Broken Embraces Penelope Cruz / Lluis Homar 127 minutes / R Aging filmmaker Mateo Blanco, aka screenwriter Harry Caine, tells his assistant about life before the accident that left him blind, when he became embroiled in a torrid affair with aspiring actress Lena. May 25: The Informant Matt Damon / Melanie Lynskey 108 minutes / R While gathering evidence against his institutional employer to help the FBI build a price-fixing conspiracy case, affable agribusiness executive Mark Whitacre begins to piece together a fantasy world of his own. CLIPPER CLUB YARD SALE One man’s trash is another man’s treasure! Buy or sell at the Clipper Club Yard Sale on Sunday, July 19th, from 12 noon to 5:00 p.m. Tables (sizes 4 feet, 6 feet, 8 feet, or 10 feet) can be reserved at the Clipper Club for $1.00 per foot. 2 WATERGATE ARTISTS NEEDED An Art Show is being planned for June 12th and 13th, open to Watergate artists. All forms of art are welcome; painting, drawing, photography… Show your neighbors what you can do! There is room for about 10 artists, so sign up early. Contact the Clipper Club at 510-654-4040 or Jim Galvin at 510-655-4358. COME TOGETHER…FOR THE KIDS! Allegro Ballroom's Annual Fundraiser Show and Dance will be held on Saturday, May 22nd. One hundred percent of proceeds benefit Allegro's Youth Dancesport and Scholarship Program. This program encourages Bay Area youth to get involved in ballroom dancing at no cost to the students or their parents. Tickets for this event can be purchased for $20.00 General Admission, $10 Student (18 and under). Salsa lesson and dancing begins at 7:30 p.m. with dance performances at 9:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served. This event includes a silent auction, prizes, and general dancing until midnight. For more information please contact Allegro directly at 510-655-2888 or online at GUEST PARKING PASSES You may pick up guest parking passes at the Clipper Club, Security and the WCA office. Guest passes are issued for no more than a 30-day period and may have day and / or time restrictions. Keep in mind that there is no guest parking during major construction projects. CAR RINSE REMINDERS There is a designated car rinse area located at 4 Captain Drive next to the chain link fence. Cars should be rinsed and vacuumed in this location. Hoses may be borrowed at the Clipper Club desk with a valid Watergate ID card. No soaps or detergents may be used. State and federal laws prohibit runoff from draining into the bay if it contains soaps or detergents. Please be considerate of your neighbors. Radios, CD players, and tape decks are not to be played loudly in this area. GOING ON VACATION? Be sure to complete a Resident Vacation form before going on vacation! This form is available in the WCA and Security Offices, at the Clipper Club, and on the WCA website, CAUTION ABOUT AN ELECTRICAL PROBLEM As the electrical outlets in our buildings get used often over the years, the metal parts inside start to open up, and get looser, sometimes so loose the plugs we put into them will not even hold, or are very sloppy and easy to knock out of the outlet. As the outlets wear out the electricity sometimes has to pass to and from the plug prongs by a process called arcing. Normally, the current flows easily from outlet to plug by metal to metal contact, but in a loose plug, the electricity starts to jump a tiny distance through the air by arcing or sparking across the loose connection. This slows the current, and generates heat, as well as carrying some metal across the gap, further damaging the outlet. Since the outlet is usually in a metal box, there is almost no risk of fire, unless a great deal of dust collects in the box. Even then the small fire would probably burn itself out inside the box, but it can damage sensitive electrical equipment, can cause failure to other outlets past the weak one, and very, very rarely can be a fire hazard. Consider replacing loose outlets to take care of this aging process. Advertisement GARETH M. FONG Real Estate Broker 510-655-8228 Call me for an appointment Serving the Watergate Community Since 1975 • Watergate resale experience since 1980 • Member of Multiple Listing Service • Honest and ethical representation • Watergate condominium owner • Member of California Association of Realtors • Rental and management service available • Representation outside Watergate TWO SAILS REALTY At WATERGATE DRE #00681533 FRIENDLY REMINDER: All holiday wreaths should be removed from unit doors in January of each year. Also, all stringed lights and holiday decorations need to be removed from balconies and patios as well. Your fellow residents thank you. Advertisement DRE #01105039 Advertisement 3 WCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES March 22, 2010 I. Call to Order. President Robert C. Blain called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Directors present were, Judith Choate, Jean Goldman, Murray Kane, Tom Knight and Neil Straus. Mike Cartmell was absent. Also present were General Manager Tim Sutherland, Controller Lisa Trabert, Assistant General Manager Jeff Kiel and six residents. II. Approval of Minutes. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the February 22, 2010 Regular Session minutes. The motion to approve was unanimous. III. Reports. Secretary’s Report. Secretary Straus reported that the board met with the finance committee and staff prior to the board meeting to review the operating budget request for 2010 -2011. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Kane reported a favorable operating budget variance of $177,018 through 2/28/2010. Kane also reported an operating fund balance of $202,695 and a replacement fund balance of $4,021,689. The full report is available at the WCA office and website. Manager’s Report. General Manager Sutherland reported the following common utilities usage results for February 2010: Water use averaged 89 gallons per unit per day; natural gas decreased 13.4% from February 2009 levels (due to the Clipper Club pool being closed 15 days for repairs); and electric use was up 1.4% from February 2009 levels. Sutherland also reminded everyone that increased levels of parking and patio violations are ongoing. IV. Old Business. None. V. New Business. The following items were presented for board review and consideration: Board Resolution to Record Three (3) Notices of Delinquent Assessments. Secretary Straus read the following resolution: “Resolved, the Board of Directors (“Board”) for Watergate Community Association authorizes and instructs Allied Trustee Services to Record Three (3) Notices of Delinquent Assessments in the full amount of unpaid assessments, late charges, interest and collection fees and costs against the properties bearing Assessors Parcel Numbers #049-1528-560, #049-1529-133, #049-1529-178 as authorized by Civil Code Sections 1367.1 and 1367.4 if such accounts have not been reinstated by the Notice of Intent to Lien expiration date.” Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the aforementioned Notices of Delinquent Assessments. The motion to approve was unanimous. Property Insurance Renewal. Renewal of Property Insurance with CIBA for an annual premium $249,741. Blanket coverage is $500,000,000 with a $10,000 deductible per occurrence. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the CIBA renewal as quoted for the period March 31, 2010 through March 31, 2011. The motion to approve was unanimous. General, Auto and Umbrella Liability Insurance Renewal. Renewal of the Association’s general, umbrella and auto liability insurance for the period 3/31/10 through 3/31/11. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the following: general liability renewal quote from Allied Group for $63,320; the auto renewal quote from Allied Group for $1974; and the umbrella liability renewal quote from Great American Insurance for $22,835. The motion to approve was unanimous. Earthquake Insurance. Two earthquake quotes were presented for $$10,000,000 in coverage with a 10% deductible per building. The annual premium for such limited coverage would be $594,188 resulting in a 10.6% dues increase. The board discussed the matter and determined that best approach is to continue to self fund (insure) through the replacement fund. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to continue to self-insure for earthquake damage. The motion to not approve earthquake insurance was unanimous. Cable Television Consulting Services. Proposal is to hire Dave Springer with AbbaCom to assist staff with Cable television wiring issued and to prepare for contract negotiations with Comcast. Staff worked with Mr. Springer in 2002 when his firm successfully upgraded our cable system. 4 Straus moved, and Kane seconded to authorize Dave Springer with AbbaCom to work on the Association’s behalf relating to cable television issues in an amount not to exceed $5,100. The motion to approve was unanimous. Finance Committee Member Application. Owner Liz Altieri submitted an application to join the finance committee for the remainder of 2010. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to appoint Elizabeth Altieri to the finance committee for the remainder of 2010. The motion to approve was unanimous. VI. WCA Committees. Architectural Control Committee. There were two unit modifications for March 2010: B223 - Work includes completing the unfinished renovations started by the previous owner including removal of wing walls, closet wall and the addition of a pass through kitchen window. Structural engineer’s report received for all wall removals with shear walls indicated in all cases. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the modifications to unit B223 pending receipt of all necessary building permits. The motion to approve was unanimous. B257 - Work includes removal of acoustical ceiling material and replacement of bathtub with dry rot repairs to be made if found. The owner may decide to install a shower instead if a similarly sized replacement tub cannot be found. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the modifications to unit B257 pending receipt of all building permits and a BAAQMD job number. The motion to approve was unanimous. Landscape Committee. Sue Kelly reported the recommendation that a leaning black acacia tree # 618 be removed. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to authorize the removal tree (#618) located in the south side of the 3 Admiral lobby. The motion to approve was unanimous. Common Area Renovations and Signs. Co-Chair Jean Goldman presented the CARS project decision timeline: May 2010 - The CARS committee will narrow down the various design options to at least two choices. The committee will vote to determine which two designs will be recommended to the board; June 2010 - Once the CARS committee has selected two design options, staff will go out to bid on two mock-ups to be installed on the 2nd and 3rd floors of 8 Captain Drive; July 2010 - Staff will present a mock-up project budget request to CARS committee for their review and presentation to the board. The board will make a decision to authorize funding for two mock-ups; August 2010 - If the board approves funding for the design mock-ups, construction will take about one month to complete. The final products will be available for viewing by the board and the community for one month; September 2010 - The board/community will look at the two mock-ups and offer feedback, comments and suggestions. The committee will present to the board their final design recommendation. The board will make their decision and direct staff to put together a bid package based on the design selected; October 2010 - Staff and Huntsman will work together on the bid specifications and submit a RFP to qualified contractors; November 2010 -Staff will review competitive bids, propose a project budget and make their vendor recommendations to the board. The board will make a decision regarding vendor selection and funding and authorize the WCA Board President to execute the vendor contracts; December 2010 - Review, finalize and execute vendor contracts; January 2011 - Project coordination, vendor mobilization and construction planning; February 2011 - Work begins in building “E”. Emergency Preparedness. Tom Knight spoke about finding another agency to conduct CERT Training, as the City of Emeryville is reportedly unable to offer assistance in this area due to budget cuts. Statements and Requests. An owner spoke about the proposed new landscape and lighting assessment tax currently before the Emeryville City Council. Another owner voiced concerns about Comcast and his frustration in working through channel line up compatibility issues relating to his TIVO recorder. VII. Upcoming Meetings Budget Session – April 12, 2010 Regular Session – April 19, 2010 VIII. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. and the board went into Executive Session Respectfully submitted, /s/ Neil Straus, Secretary 5 COMCAST DIGITAL CABLE CHANNEL GUIDE - WATERGATE 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 6 KTVU-2 (FOX) KNTV-11 (NBC) KRON-4 (IND) KPIX-5 (CBS) KICU-36 (IND) KG0-7 (ABC) KTSF-26 (IND) KQED-9 (PBS) KTOP - Gov. Access Home Shopping Network KBCW-44 (CW) KOFY-20 (IND) KDTV-14 (UNI) KTEH-54 (PBS) KKPX-65(ION) KCSM-60 (PBS) KSTS-48 (TLMD) KTNC-42 (IND) KFSF-66 (TF) KCNS-38 (IND) KRCB-22 (PBS) C-SPAN QVC KTLN-68 (IND) Bay Vision East / Leased Access Emeryville City Channel / KDOL / KCOM PCTV (Educational Access) TV One WGN KMTP-32 (IND) Discovery Channel Food Network TBS Superstation FX TNT ESPN ESPN2 CSN Bay Area Comcast SportsNet California USA MTV VH1 Spike TV Lifetime A&E Bravo AMC TLC Animal Planet ABC Family Nickelodeon 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 81 82 89 104 108 109 110 111 116 119 128 136 164 165 173 181 183 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 195 196 197 199 229 230 275 Cartoon Network Disney Channel CNN CNN Headline News CNBC Fox News MSNBC The Weather Channel The History Channel Comedy Central E! truTV Galavision Home and Garden TV BET Travel Channel TV Land Syfy CMT Hallmark Jewel TV Gem TV OurTV Versus Golf Channel CSNet Comcast Hometown Network California Channel C-SPAN 2 C-SPAN 3 T V Guide CSNBPF Sprout Bloomberg G4 ShopNBC Oxygen KTSF-KBS Bravo Style KNTV West KNTV Universal Sports LATV KQED - Encore & Life KQED - World KQED - VMe KQED - Kids KGO AccuWeather Now KOFY - DT (Azteca) KEMS KFTY - DT EWTN Trinity Broadcasting Network Biography Channel 276 History Channel International 410 CSN Plus / Jewelry TV 483 TV-1 500 Hallmark Movie Channel 504 Lifetime Movie Network 620 KBWB 621 KQED - KQEI - KTEH 622 KTVUL 715 KGOD DIGITAL FM 960 KQED 88.5 Public 961 KRCB 91.1 Public 962 KCSM 91.1 Jazz 963 KSJO Channel 92.3 964 KNGY 92.7 Dance 965 KRZZ 93.3 Spanish 966 KJZY 93.7 Smooth Jazz 967 KPFA 94.1 Variety / Berkeley 968 KBAY 94.5 Adult Contemporary 969 KYLD 94.9 Top 40 970 KRTY 95.3 Country 971 WOLF 95.7 Fresh Country 972 KOIT 96.5 Adult Contemporary 973 KLLC 97.3 Hot Adult Contemporary 974 KISQ 98.1 Urban Contemporary 975 KFOX 98.5 Classic Rock 976 KSOL 98.9 Spanish 977 KMVQ MOVIN 99.7 978 KZST 100.1 Adult Contemporary 979 KBRG 100.3 Spanish 980 KIOI 101.3 Hot Adult Contemporary 981 KDFC 102.1 Classical 982 KBLX 102.9 Urban Contemporary 983 KKSF 103.7 The Band 984 KFOG 104.5 Album Alternative 985 KMHX Mix 104.9 986 KITS 105.3 Alternative 987 KMEL 106.1 Hip Hop 988 KEZR 106.5 Hot Adult Contemporary 989 KSAN 107.7 Classic Rock To order additional premium services, or to report trouble with your cable connection, contact Comcast directly at 800-856-2374 May 2010 - Clipper Club Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Clipper Club Gym Hours: Monday 6:00 a.m to 9:30 am / 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 6:00 am – 10:00 pm Friday 6:00 am –11:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am – 10:00 pm Residents must present a valid Watergate ID card to use the gym. All guests must be accompanied by a resident while in the gym area. 2 3 11:00 am Toastmasters 6:15 pm ACC Committee 6:00 pm Flower Arranging 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 4 9 10 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 11 16 17 11:00 am Toastmasters 6:00 pm Flower Arranging 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 23 24 11:00 am Toastmasters 7:00 pm WCA BOARD of DIRECTORS MEETING WCA 11:00 am Toastmasters 30 5 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Inglourious Basterds” TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “The Informant!” Office Closed Clipper Club Open Holiday Hours Memorial Day 12 31 6 7 8 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 11:30 am Blood Pressure Clinic 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 13 14 15 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 10:00 am Landscape Committee 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am – 6:00 pm Clipper Club “Yard Sale” 19 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Broken Embraces” 25 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study (Sponsored by Emeryville Fire Dept.) TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “The Men Who Stare at Goats” 18 Saturday 20 21 26 27 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 22 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 28 WCA Office Closes at 4:30 pm 29 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 7 Boyd’s Body & Auto Repair Complete Automotive Service Center Serving the East Bay For over 25 years Transmission Timing Belt Water Pump Engine Axle Brakes FREE ESTIMATES • all insurance welcome • frame straightening • computer precision color matching Advertisement 510-654-0425 1245 Powell Street, Emeryville, California 94608 DRE 01516255 MOVE-IN / MOVE-OUT PROCEDURES Responsibility for a move and any damage to the building or common area rests with the homeowner and tenant. Arrangements for move-in or move-out must be scheduled at least 24-hours in advance with the Watergate Community Association (WCA) office at 8 Captain Drive. If the WCA office is closed, WCA Security at 4 Commodore Drive must be notified. All new residents are charged a non-refundable processing fee of $150.00 which covers certain administrative costs as well as the cost of moving in and moving out. This processing fee also applies to residents who relocate within WCA. Tenants are charged an additional fee of $30.00 for their WCA ID card, $25.00 of which is refundable upon return of their I.D. card to the WCA office when they move out. A $400.00 refundable security deposit for elevator pads, in the form of a personal check, must be left in the Security Department to cover the loss of the pads or damage to the common area. Move-ins / move-outs are permitted every day from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Care should be exercised not to damage the elevators or common area during moves. This includes the following: • Elevator pads are to be in place. • Caution should be used when loading elevators so that they do not exceed 1,500 pounds. Overloading will cause the elevator to malfunction. The cost of any subsequent service calls will be the responsibility of the homeowner and the tenant. 8 • Lobby front door is to be protected by the movers. • Unit door exterior is to be protected by the movers. Boxes, bicycles, strollers, etc. are not to be placed in the lobbies or hallways in such a way that they block mailboxes or doorways or create a nuisance during the move. All hallways and doorways must remain wheelchair accessible. At the end of each day and at the end of the move, all areas, including hallways, lobbies, and elevators must be cleared of all debris. Packing materials and containers must not be disposed of in the garbage chutes. All cartons must be flattened and placed in the recycling bins located in each garage. Owners are to obtain all keys directly from the seller or agent. Tenants are to obtain all keys directly from owners or their agent. WCA is not responsible for such items. Replacement or additional lobby door keys are available from the WCA office for a refundable deposit of $50.00 for each key. All incidents of problems or damage to the common area should be immediately reported directly to WCA Security, which is available 24-hours a day. The lobby door should be kept closed when unattended. If the unit is rented, a copy of the lease must be provided to the WCA office prior to move-in. No commercial moving vehicles or containers (moving vans, trailers or pods) may be left on WCA property overnight. Vehicles belonging to residents must be registered with WCA Security. CLASSIFIED ADS HOME CLEANING SERVICES - Regular Cleanings - Windows Moving - One time - A gift? - Chanda Phillips 510-520-9811 and HOME REPAIRS – Plumbing – Electrical – Lighting – Front Door Locks - Thermostats – Toilets – Computer Work Adjusting Stuff Minor Carpentry – Small Jobs Welcome! – I “Phyx” Stuff - MacWain Phillips 510-547-4354 (We live here) CARPENTRY – REMODELING – REPAIRS - Dependable, reasonable, experienced - Small jobs welcome and done quickly Shelving, cubbyholes, closet systems, cabinets, drawers - Electrical lines, fans, fixtures, switches, receptacles - Toilets, faucets, sinks, disposals, filters, water lines - Temporary and permanent walls, windows, decks, doors, locks, hardware, tile and painting - Warren Smith – 510-530-1805 – Cell phone: 510-282-7388 CARPET CLEANING - Highly effective Teri-Towel system, nontoxic, clean and dry in 1 to 2 hours! $100/hr, $75 minimum, satisfaction guaranteed. “Many and sincere thanks for an excellent job cleaning my carpet.” L.B. Watergate resident. Call for estimate and appointment – mention Code W1109 – at 415-685-1422 – Jon, carpet cleaning tech since 2003 – The Carpet Muse (aka Red Rugs – see for reviews) and fellow Watergate Resident PRIVATE ACADEMIC TUTOR - Coaching in French, Spanish, English composition, social sciences, algebra and pre-algebra; preparation for the Independent School Entrance Examination (ISEE). Students from elementary school through college and post-graduate. Please contact me for additional information - Alice D. Kisch – 510985-0651 - DIANA GUITTARD, CNA - Caring, Compassionate Caregiver Dementia – Alzheimer’s - Drive to All Appointments - Run Errands Cooking – Lite Housekeeping - Live In or Out - 16-years Experience Excellent References 510-289-1417 SOLANO CONSTRUCTION CO. – GENERAL CONTRACTOR One call does it all – Full handyman/maintenance A to Z – No job too small – New shower valve safety upgrades – New bathroom exhaust fan – Electrical and plumbing – Finish carpentry / painting – Kitchen upgrades – Complete unit upgrade – Safety grab bars, bathroom – Granite / tile installations – Call Now – Free Estimates – 650-6972705 – Senior Discounts – Licensed / Bonded / Insured CSL#902080 COMPUTER REPAIR, RENTALS, PC, MAC, PRINTERS Dsl install, Virus Removal, All Problems - Zoey 510-393-1540 SPRING CLEANING / ORGANIZING - Highly effective professional organizer will help you move or downsize / de-clutter your home, work space, storage area. Reasonable hourly rates. Jean Goldman 510-595-0202, Interested in advertising in the Hatchcover? Contact Debbie Tennell at 510-450-1724 Advertising size, rate, and discount information is also available in the Notices / Newsletters section of the WCA website WCA SECURITY ACTIVITY March 2010 Watergate’s Security Department is dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for Watergate residents. Security is everyone’s concern. We depend on you, the residents of Watergate, to let us know when you observe a security problem or situation that may be unsafe. We sincerely invite your comments, feedback, and ideas on how we may be of better service to the Watergate Community. Security can be contacted 24-hours a day at 510-7725005. In the event of a police, fire, or medical emergency, please call 911. Security Activity WCA EPD Open Door 1 Hazard 0 Citizen Assist 23 Animal Complaint 2 Alarm Elevator 0 Juvenile Complaint 0 Misc. Investigation 26 CC&R Violations 125 Misc. Assignments 180 Maintenance Reports 59 Parking Violations 34 Property Reports 1 Vehicle Registration 36 Vehicle Tow 3 Casualty Reports 0 Fire 0 Fire Alarm 0 Mail Delivery 66 Crimes Against Property Burglary-Residential 0 6 Burglary – Auto 0 11 Burglary-Commercial 0 4 Grand Theft 0 11 Petty Theft 0 26 Robberies 0 3 Malicious Mischief 0 0 Auto Theft 0 8 Recovered Stolen Vehicle 0 10 Vehicle Hit and Run 0 0 Crimes Against Persons Homicides 0 0 Assaults 0 0 Battery - Simple Assault 0 11 Domestic Disputes 0 0 Aggravated Assault 0 4 Sexual Assault 0 0 Car Jacking 0 1 9 ™ Watergate Sales Company on site, on your sidesm at 10 Commodore Drive Spring is here, time for a new home: DRE# 01337170 (510) 654-8700 Advertisement. No liabilities for errors & omissions, subject to change without notice
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February 2011 Hatchcover - Watergate Community Association
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