February 2011 Hatchcover - Watergate Community Association
February 2011 Hatchcover - Watergate Community Association
Watergate WATERGATE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 8 Captain Drive Emeryville, CA 94608 OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. OFFICE PHONE 510-428-0118 OFFICE FAX 510-428-0379 OFFICE EMAIL wcaoffice@aol.com WCA WEBSITE watergatecommunityassociation.com CLIPPER CLUB 5 Captain Drive 510-654-4040 TENNIS CLUB 2 Captain Drive 510-547-7577 SECURITY 4 Commodore Drive 24-hour phone: 510-772-5005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Robert C. Blain VICE PRESIDENT Mike Cartmell February 2011 Hatchcover A publication of the Watergate Community Association UPDATE YOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION All Watergate residents should be sure that the Watergate Community Association office has an emergency contact person or alternate phone number where someone can be reached in the event of a maintenance emergency. If the sink, tub, toilet or other plumbing fixtures within a unit fails, it is critical that residents who are not at home are reachable via cell phone or through an alternate contact person or phone number. If a working unit key and/or current contact phone numbers have not been made available to the WCA office, it will slow down the staff’s ability to respond effectively to a maintenance emergency. The main goal of the WCA is to help residents reduce their personal liability exposure if their plumbing fixtures happen to leak and cause water damage to other units. Unit owners should make sure to have HO6 Insurance for their unit, as the Association’s Master Policy will not cover water leaks that originate from a unit’s plumbing fixtures. Tenants should carry renter’s insurance to protect their personal liability and property. UNIT MODIFICATIONS Please contact the WCA office before starting any type of interior renovations or modifications to your unit. Unapproved / unauthorized modifications may be in violation of your CC&Rs. Common violations include: removing the acoustal "popcorn" ceiling material; installing hardwood and tile flooring; and removing interior walls without Association or Board approval. Please see unit modification application guidelines and procedures, available in the WCA office and on the WCA website, watergatecommunityassociation.com, for more information. SECRETARY Neil Straus TREASURER Murray Kane DIRECTORS Judith Choate Jean Goldman Tom Knight OWNER NOTICES All unit owners are responsible for informing their tenants and/or guests of the community’s rules and registration requirements, and for insuring their compliance. Written notice of rules violations including noise, architectural control, and expired or expiring registration will be sent to the unit owner directly. Off-site owners who receive a violation letter or courtesy notice requiring action or resolution should contact their tenant or property manager Watergate Community Association is not responsible for misprints, misrepresentation, errors or omissions. Advertisements placed in the Hatchcover should not be considered an endorsement or recommendation by this community, its Association, or its representatives. CLIPPER CLUB MOVIES February 2010 Movies are shown in the Clipper Club TV room every Tuesday, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Movies and popcorn are provided free of charge courtesy of your Clipper Club staff. Please be aware that scheduled movies are subject to availability, and substitutions may occur. For more information or to suggest a movie selection, please contact the Clipper Club at 510-654-4040. February 1: Hildago Viggo Mortenson / Omar Sharif 136 minutes / PG-13 Frank Hopkins, reputed to be one of the best riders of the Wild West, gets his chance to prove his talent when an affluent sheik invites him to join one of the most outrageous and grueling races of all – a 3,000-mile trek across the Arabian Desert. February 8: Easy A Emma Stone / Alyson Michalka 92 minutes / PG-13 Emergency 911 General City Information 510-596-4300 Police Non-Emergency 510-596-3700 Police – Traffic 510-596-3727 Crime Hotline/Anonymous, Confidential 510-596-3784 Fire – Non-Emergency 510-596-3750 Graffiti Hotline 510-596-3773 Tree Maintenance 510-596-4330 Litter and Trash Hotline 510-596-4330 Household Hazardous Waste 510-670-6460 Vehicle Abatement 510-596-3727 Street Lights/Cleaning/Maintenance 510-596-4330 Sewer Maintenance 510-596-4330 Street/Sewer/Flood Emergencies 510-596-3700 Rodent Control 510-596-4330 Economic Development/Redevelopment 510-596-4350 High school is the setting for this freewheeling comedic th twist on Nathaniel Hawthorne’s 19 -century novel, The Scarlet Letter. Ambitious student Olive decides to boost her popularity by pretending to be the school slut. February 15: Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Michael Douglas / Shia LaBeouf 138 minutes / PG-13 Trader Jake tries to mend the between his fiancée Winnie and Gekko, while avenging the fate of getting close to Wall Street’s Bretton James. CITY OF EMERYVILLE – BUSINESS SERVICES QUICK TELEPHONE REFERENCE GUIDE broken relationship her father Gordon his mentor, Lou, by new megalomaniac February 22: Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work Joan Rivers / Melissa Rivers 85 minutes / R Documentarians Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg provide an uncompromising glimpse into the personal and professional life of comedian and red-carpet mainstay Joan Rivers, a woman clinging stubbornly and steadfastly to the pop-culture bandwagon. Commercial Façade Program 510-596-4354 First Time Homebuyer Program 510-596-4316 Building Inspections/Permits 510-596-4310 Planning/Zoning/Design 510-596-4360 Child Development Center 510-596-4343 Senior Center 510-596-3730 Recreation Center 510-596-3778 Business Licenses 510-596-4325 OTHER EMERYVILLE TELEPHONE NUMBERS Emeryville Unified School District 510-655-6936 Alameda County Mosquito Abatement 510-783-7744 Chamber of Commerce/Industries Assn. 510-652-5223 Emery-Go-Round Shuttle Hotline 510-451-3862 Emeryville Marina 510-654-3716 Watergate Market 510-655-2550 CLIPPER CLUB COUCHES FOREIGN FILM NIGHT February 18: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest Noomie Rapace / Michael Nyqvist 129 minutes / R Third in a trio of films inspired by Swedish author Stieg Larsson's "Millennium Trilogy," this thriller follows feisty computer hacker Lisbeth Salander as she finds herself hospitalized, suspected of murder and targeted for death by thugs. 2 Stop by the Clipper Club and check out the beautifully reupholstered couches in the lounge areas! We encourage residents and their guests to use and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the Clipper Club lounge. We do, however, ask that you be mindful of your surroundings, and refrain from placing your feet on the furniture, eating or drinking except in the dining areas, or otherwise misusing this common-area space. Your cooperation is appreciated as we all work together to make Watergate a beautiful place to live! LESLIE’S RHUBARB CUSTARD PIE 3 c. chopped fresh rhubarb 1 c. sugar 1 c. milk 2 eggs 1 unbaked pie shell Advertisement Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Place a layer of about 3 cups of chopped fresh rhubarb in an unbaked 9" pie shell. Evenly distribute 1 cup of sugar over the rhubarb. Lightly beat 1 cup of milk with 2 eggs and pour the mixture over the rhubarb and sugar. Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes, then turn down heat to 375 degrees and bake for another 30-35 minutes. Test custard for doneness before removing from oven. BOARDWALK REMINDERS Please remember the following when enjoying the boardwalk at Watergate: All persons using the boardwalk do so at their own risk. The boardwalk is open to the general public between sunrise and sunset. Access is limited to pedestrians traffic except for emergency and maintenance vehicles. No private autos, motorcycles, bicycles, skate boards, roller skates or similar vehicles or rolling objects are permitted. Access from the boardwalk for fishing, diving, windsurfing, or swimming is not permitted. DAVID H. GORMAN, Real Estate Broker 2324 Powell St. Emeryville, CA 94608 Advertisement Phone: 510-450-3812 Fax: 510-450-3810 • • • • • • Professional & ethical representation Sales, leasing, and property management services Tenant placement services Serving Watergate since 1990 DRE #01081074 Member of Multiple Listing Service Member of California Association of Realtors Advertisement Whether you are considering buying, selling, or renting at the Watergate or elsewhere in the east bay, call David at 510-450-3812 or email david@alleastbayproperties.com Visit our website at www.alleastbayproperties.com. 3 WCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES December 13, 2010 I. Call to Order. President Robert C. Blain called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Directors present were Mike Cartmell, Judith Choate, Jean Goldman, Murray Kane, Tom Knight and Neil Straus. Also present were General Manager Tim Sutherland, Assistant General Manager Jeff Kiel and three residents. II. Approval of Minutes. Cartmell moved, and Straus seconded, to approve the November 15, 2010 Regular Session minutes with a minor date correction made. The motion to approve was unanimous. III. Reports/Announcements. Secretary’s Report. Secretary Straus reported on action taken by the Board since the November 15, 2010 Regular Session: The Board met in Executive Session earlier this evening to authorize a Board Resolution to Record One Notice of Default and Election to Sell for APN #049-1529-551. The Board reviewed the existing Adecco Technical labor service contract and agreed to continue construction management services for 2011 for a total of 2080 hours at $75.11 per hour. Treasurer’s Report. Treasurer Kane reported a favorable operating budget variance of $89,891 through 11/30/2010. Kane also reported an operating fund balance of $177,453 and a replacement fund balance of $5,007,446. The full report is available at the WCA office and website. Manager’s Report. General Manager Sutherland reported the following: Common Utility Use November 2010 compared to November 2009: Water use decreased 4.6%; natural gas usage decreased 4.9%; and electric usage increased 1.2%. Comcast Cable Rate Increase: Cable television rates will increase 7.4% effective January 1, 2011. IV. Old Business. None. V. New Business. The following items were presented for Board review and consideration: Election of Officers. Straus moved, and Cartmell seconded, to approve the following officers: Robert C. Blain, President, Mike Cartmell, Vice-President, Murray Kane, Treasurer, and Neil Straus as Secretary. The motion to approve the slate of officers was unanimous. Board Resolution to Record Two Notices of Delinquent Assessments. Secretary Straus read the following resolution: “Resolved, the Board of Directors (“Board”) for Watergate Community Association authorizes and instructs Allied Trustee Services to Record Two Notices of Delinquent Assessments in the full amount of unpaid assessments, late charges, interest and collection fees and costs against the property bearing Assessor’s Parcel Number 049-1528-260 and 049-1528-313 as authorized by Civil Code Sections 1367.1 and 1367.4 if such accounts have not been reinstated by the Notice of Intent to Lien expiration date.” Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve the aforementioned Notices of Delinquent Assessments. The motion to approve was unanimous. VI. Consent Calendar. (Routine Items) 4 Huntsman Prototype Work Change Order. Additional funds are needed for architectural services for the period September and October 2010. Straus moved, and Kane seconded, to approve $6,185.00 for Huntsman Architectural Services to be funded from the replacement fund. The motion to approve was unanimous. Cyprus Insurance Workers Comp Renewal for $46,365 with coverage limits of $1 million per accident, per disease - 12/31/2010 thru 12/31/2011; Federal Insurance (Chubb) Fidelity and Crime Insurance for $7,700 with coverage of $7 million with a $10,000 deductible - 12/31/2010 through 12/31/2011; 2011 Reserve Study Fee of $750 for Community Reserve Solutions; 2011 WCA Committee approvals. Director Knight pulled the last item (2011 WCA Committee approvals) for further discussion. Straus moved, and Kane seconded to move the remaining items by general consent. The motion to approve was unanimous. VII. 2011 WCA Committee Approvals: Knight moved and Straus seconded to disband the Emergency Preparedness and Renewable Energy Committees for 2011. The motion to approve was unanimous. Straus moved and Kane seconded, to approve the Finance, Architectural, Landscape and CARS committee slates as presented. The motion to approve was unanimous. WCA Committees. Landscape. Chair Sam Foushee reported that the committee is continuing their work on tree trimming guidelines as part of an overall master plan for the community. CARS. Co-Chair Jean Goldman reported that the committee is finalizing carpet choices and making preparations to present their final recommendations to the Board at a working session January 2011. VIII. Statements and Requests. An owner inquired as to the status of the alleged unapproved word flooring installed in the unit directly about her unit. A follow up letter will be sent to the owner to document the type of underlayment installed and to invite both owners to Internal Dispute Resolution (“IDR”) January 2011. IX. Upcoming Meetings. X. Working, Executive and Regular Session - January 24, 2011 Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Neil Straus, Secretary 2010 – 2011 WCA COMMITTEE MEMBERS WASHING MACHINE REMINDERS The Watergate Community Association and Board of Directors would like to thank the following committee members for volunteering their time and energy to make Watergate a beautiful place to live: Our Coinmach Service Technician has advised us of three things to be conscious of when using the washing machines in our laundry rooms. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE Elizabeth Altieri; Phyllis Ewers; Jim Galvin; Judy Oser; Reginald Saavedra COMMON AREA RENOVATIONS AND SIGNS COMMITTEE Ron Bier; Judith Choate; Jean Goldman; Michael Hagerty; Marlis Keller; Tom Knight; Irene Lauren; Ruth Major; Lenore McDonald; Virginia McNeill; Albert Repola; David Robinson FINANCE COMMITTEE Liz Altieri; Albert Repola; Finley Robbins; Steve Wallace LANDSCAPE COMMITTEE Ira Berkowitz; Eleanor Dahl; Sam Foushee; Sue Kelly; Virginia McNeill; Lubor Mrazek For information on committee meeting dates, times and locations, consult your monthly Hatchcover calendar, or go to the Meetings and Maintenance calendar on the Watergate website. Oversoaping: This is a chronic problem that affects not only your own laundry, but often times the laundry of the people using the machines after you. The washing machine pumps are not able to handle excessive sudsing, causing the machines to shut down and the machine doors to lock. PLEASE REMEMBER today’s highly concentrated detergents should be used in much smaller quantities. Change and Other Loose Objects: Something as simple as a forgotten coin in your pocket can block the washer’s pump and cause it to shut down, requiring a service call. Change, paper clips, golf tees and other small items, and the underwire from women’s bras, are the most common reasons for pump replacements in our washers. Slamming the Washing Machine Doors: Not only does this type of misuse cause the doors to lock up, it can also loosen the glass and potentially cause it to fall out and shatter. Please be respectful of the machines and your fellow residents when using the laundry facilities. 5 RECYCLE – AND SAVE WILDLIFE Birds and animals can get entangled in discarded plastic can holders, which may cause sores or choking. The solution: Always cut open the loops on plastic can holders before putting them in the recycling bin. Animals may climb inside plastic bags and suffocate, or eat them and choke. The solution: Tie a knot in all plastic bags and dispose of them properly in a bin or at a recycling facility. Re-use your bags instead of throwing them away – each one takes hundreds of years to decompose. Advertisement THE WISDOM OF FLYING GEESE In the spring, when you see geese heading north for the summer or south in the fall, flying along in "V" formation, you might be interested in knowing what scientists have discovered about why they fly that way. It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates an uplift for the bird immediately following. By flying in "V " formation, the whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird flew on its own. Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go it alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird immediately in front. Advertisement When the lead goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wing and another goose flies point. These geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up their speed. Finally, when a goose gets sick or is wounded and falls out, two geese fall out of formation and follow him down to help and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly or until he is dead, and then they launch out on their own or with another formation until they catch up with their group. ENERGY AND KEEP SAVE ENERGYSAVE AND KEEP YOUR HOME YOUR HOME WARM THIS WINTER! COOL THIS SUMMER! Window and Door Installation for Maximum Performance and Insulation Complete Unit Redesign – Including Engineering Requirements Kitchen and Bath Remodeling Hardwood, Tile and Carpet (with Noise Deadening Membrane as Required) Crown Moulding, Baseboard Casings, Interior Doors All Work in Conformance with WCA Don’t wait around in long lines, WE obtain necessary city permits so you don’t have to! Call for a FREE Consultation and Estimate C AL L f o r Weekly Specials! A-ADA Construction and Window Co., Inc. (510) 351-5357 (800) 400-5357 License #484120 B C-17 Licensed, Bonded and Insured Local References Available Upon Request 6 Advertisement February 2011 - Clipper Club Calendar Monday Sunday Tuesday 1 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Hildago” 6 7 8 13 14 15 11:00 am Toastmasters 11:00 am Toastmasters 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp Flower Arranging 6:15 pm ACC Meeting 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 20 21 27 28 11:00 am Toastmasters 11:00 am Toastmasters 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp Flower Arranging 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp 7:30 pm Scrabble Club 7:00 pm WCA BOARD of DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Easy A” TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” 22 TUESDAY MOVIE 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm “Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work” Wednesday 2 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp Thursday 3 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice Friday 4 11:30 am Blood Pressure Clinic (Sponsored by Emeryville Fire Dept.) Saturday 5 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 10:00 am Landscape Committee FOREIGN FILM NIGHT 7:30 pm “The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest” (Scandanavia) 23 6:00 pm Carla’s Boot Camp 24 6:30 pm Tai Chi Practice 25 Clipper Club Gym Hours: Monday 6:00 a.m to 9:30 am / 3:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 6:00 am – 10:00 pm Friday 6:00 am –11:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am – 10:00 pm Residents must present a valid Watergate ID card to use the gym Guests must be accompanied by registered resident while in the gym area 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 26 10:00 am Universal Tai Chi Study 11:00 am Sensing Hands 7 In Memoriam PETER ALTIERI On December 28, 2010, after a few months of illness, 8year resident Pete Altieri passed away peacefully at home. He was 73 years young. Pete loved living at Watergate, saying frequently how much he appreciated the beautiful grounds, attentive staff, and especially the proximity of Trader Vic’s restaurant. Watergate will continue to be home to me and our cats, especially because of all of the wonderful memories Pete and I enjoyed while spending our time together here. Thanks to all of our neighbors and friends for their support during this time, and my colleagues at All East Bay Properties. Liz Altieri, D328. HEIDI BERND Heidi Bernd, a resident since 1973, passed away unexpectedly on December 30, 2010. I have been her close companion for over 20 years and I mourn her loss tremendously. Heidi was a big part of the social life of Watergate for many years including her supportive participation of my involvement in the Drama Club. In recent years, she was not as active due to declining health but she was still a fun loving, caring person who helped many people over the years. I do not plan a formal memorial but for all those who knew her and wish to contribute their memories of her, I invite you to contact me: Russ Bankson, B380 by phone at 510 428-2749 or by email at russ@mind-dancer.com. HELPFUL REMINDERS Smoke Detectors: Under no circumstances should you remove the batteries or in any way disable the smoke detectors located inside your unit. These are for your own personal safety and are required in addition to the fire alarm safety system installed throughout the common areas. Be sure to check your inside smoke detector batteries on a regular basis so that your equipment can operate as intended in the event of an emergency. Bathroom Fans: Please be mindful of your neighbors as well as your electrical usage and turn off your bathroom fan when not in use or when leaving your unit. Bath Hatches: When painting your bathroom ceiling, please DO NOT paint over the bath hatch located above your bathtub. This will make access difficult during a bath trap inspection, and may result in undue damage in the event of a water leak. Boyd’s Body & Auto Repair Complete Automotive Service Center Serving the East Bay For over 25 years Transmission Timing Belt Water Pump Engine Axle Brakes FREE ESTIMATES • all insurance welcome • frame straightening • computer precision color matching Advertisement 510-654-0425 1245 Powell Street, Emeryville, California 94608 Advertisement Trader Vic’s is offering a 20% discount for all Watergate residents with valid ID during February. Not valid on Valentine’s Day. Lunch Tues.-Fri. 11:30am-2:30pm Dinner Tues.–Thurs. 4pm-10pm Fri. & Sat. 4pm-10:30pm Sun. 4pm-9:30pm Happy Hours Tuesday to Friday 4pm to 6pm & 9pm to 11pm Call for reservations 510.653.3400. Catering and Banquet rooms available. 8 FIRE ALARM ACTIVATIONS RECAP 2010 A total of 15 fire alarm activations occurred in 2010, one more alarm activation than 2009. Four activations occurred in the A Building, and four activations occurred in the F Building. B Building, C Building and D Building each had two activations, and there was one activation in the E Building. Most activations were due to dust likely generated from residents emptying their trash or vacuum cleaner canisters, or from smoking in unauthorized areas. Several were also the result of residents burning their food. Please remember that the life safety system is very sensitive to dust and other airborne particles. Make sure when you are emptying your trash that your trash bag is securely fastened before emptying it into the trash chute, and never shake rugs or other articles in the common area hallways. Additionally, do not open your unit door if there is smoke from food burned in your unit; instead open your patio door and use a fan to direct the smoke outward. Also be reminded that by ordinance of the City of Emeryville, there is no smoking on the grounds or in the common-area hallways at Watergate. Smoking is therefore restricted to inside your unit, or outside on your unit’s balcony. CLASSIFIED ADS COMPUTER REPAIR, RENTALS, PC, MAC, PRINTERS Dsl install, Virus Removal, All Problems - Zoey 510-393-1540 DIANA GUITTARD, CNA - Caring, Compassionate Caregiver Dementia – Alzheimer’s - Drive to All Appointments - Run Errands Cooking – Lite Housekeeping - Live In or Out - 16-years Experience Excellent References 510-289-1417 COMPUTER HELP AVAILABLE - Slow computer, repair, upgrade, installation, virus issues, printer, and more. Also, private instruction and tutoring on ALL topics for ALL levels. Very affordable rates, friendly and patient. Windows/Mac OK. Call Dave 415-509-3725. www.deyec.com for resume and testimonials. WCA SECURITY ACTIVITY December 2010 Security Director Dan Marchetti and the Watergate Security Department are dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for Watergate and its residents. Security is everyone’s concern. We depend on you, the residents of Watergate, to let us know when you observe a security problem or situation that may be unsafe. Issues such as noise complaints and balcony or pet violations should be reported to Dan directly at 510-450-1729. The Security Department can also be contacted 24hours a day at 510-772-5005. In the event of an urgent police, fire, or medical emergency, please call 911. Security Activity Open Door Hazard Citizen Assist Animal Complaint Alarm Elevator Juvenile Complaint Misc. Investigation CC&R Violations Misc. Assignments Maintenance Reports Parking Violations Property Reports Vehicle Registration Vehicle Tow Casualty Reports Fire Fire Alarm Mail Delivery HOME CLEANING SERVICES - Regular Cleanings - Windows Moving - One time - A gift? - Chanda Phillips 510-520-9811 Crimes Against Property CARPET CLEANING - Highly effective Teri-Towel system, non-toxic, clean and dry in 1 to 2 hours! $100/hr, $75 minimum, satisfaction guaranteed. “Many and sincere thanks for an excellent job cleaning my carpet.” L.B. Watergate resident. Call for estimate and appointment – mention Code W1109 – at 415-685-1422 – Jon, carpet cleaning tech since 2003 – The Carpet Muse (aka Red Rugs – see Yelp.com for reviews) and fellow Watergate Resident Burglary-Residential Burglary – Auto Burglary-Commercial Grand Theft Petty Theft Robberies Malicious Mischief Auto Theft Recovered Stolen Vehicle Vehicle Hit and Run WCA EPD 0 0 14 2 0 0 10 216 192 32 14 8 12 1 0 0 1 59 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 7 9 4 21 43 3 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 Crimes Against Persons Homicides Battery - Simple Assault Domestic Disputes Aggravated Assault Sexual Assault Car Jacking 9 Watergate Sales Company ™ DRE #01337170 Happy Valentines Day: buy your sweetheart a view… 4 Advertisement. No liabilities for errors & omissions, subject to change without notice. (510) 654-8700
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