School of Divinity Viewbook - Gardner


School of Divinity Viewbook - Gardner
We invite you to immerse yourself in the life of our community. Stroll along the banks of Lake Hollifield. Sip a cup
of Broad River coffee at the Tucker Student Center. Listen as the bell tower chimes the hour. Linger by a crackling fire
in the Dover Campus Center. Share a meal with the Dean. Sit in the classroom of Dr. Hebert Palomino and ponder
the significance of interpersonal relationships in ministry. Worship with students, faculty and staff in Dover Chapel.
And, remember. Remember that the same God who called Moses and Miriam and Lydia and Paul called you.
• Baptist in tradition; ecumenical in approach.
• Committed to preparing the called for Christian ministry.
• Passionate about academic excellence and practical
tools for ministry.
• Ethnically and denominationally diverse.
• Committed to the church of Jesus Christ.
• Worship weekly in Dover Chapel.
• We are community.
The School of Divinity is accredited by the
Commission on Accrediting of the Association of
Theological Schools, and the following degree
programs are approved:
Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry
The Commission contact information is:
The Commission on Accrediting of the
Association of Theological Schools
10 Summit Park Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275
Telephone: 412-788-7525
Fax: 412-788-6510
The School of Divinity has as its express purpose to prepare men and women for
Christian ministry—namely the work of our Lord’s church.
Our two degrees, the Master of Divinity and the Doctor of Ministry, are carefully
designed and constructed to equip and encourage ministers for the calling that God
has placed on their lives.
Should God have called you to any number of ministry vocations, or if you aren’t
quite sure which one yet, you will find a place here at Gardner-Webb where, as one
of our former deans once said, your heart and your head can be friends.
For our Master of Divinity students, our primary goal (among the many practical and
academic tools that you will develop)
is that upon graduation you will be
able to say: “I came seeking a Master
of Divinity degree, but I have truly
learned how to be ‘mastered by the
Should God be calling you, we are
here to walk the journey with you.
Robert W. Canoy
Dean of the School of Divinity
The God of Moses and Miriam and Mary and Paul has called you by name. God has promised to be with you and to equip
you for the ministry to which you have been called. It is time to prepare. We’re here to help.
The Master of Divinity degree at Gardner-Webb University provides you with an holistic education that stretches the mind,
stirs the heart, and prepares you for the practice of ministry in and through the local church. Accredited by The Association
of Theological Schools, the core curriculum of the degree will equip you with the biblical, historical, theological, spiritual,
and practical skills needed to serve God’s people. Concentrations in Biblical Studies, Christian Education and Formation,
Intercultural Studies, Missiology, Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Pastoral Studies will provide you with a unique
opportunity to delve deeply into the depths of your specific ministerial needs and goals. Each concentration shares a
common sixty (60) hour core comprised of biblical studies, historical/theological studies, spiritual formation, and ministry
When you graduate with your Master of Divinity degree you will know how to engage critically with the Scriptures. You will
know how to reflect theologically upon the person and work of Christ. You will know the story of the Church and what that
story means for the living of the Christian life. You will know how to write and deliver a sermon. You will know how to write
Christian education curriculum for three year olds and ninety-three year olds! You will understand how to lead worship.
You will gain the tools necessary to deal with conflict in the church and the community. You will be prepared to engage in
conversations with people from different faith traditions. You will learn about grief, loss, death, and dying. And, you will
travel. You will travel to Israel, Egypt, Greece, Turkey, Asia, and the mountains of North Carolina.
When you graduate with your Master of Divinity degree, you will join hands with hundreds of alumni who are serving as
pastors, campus ministers, professors, missionaries, chaplains, youth ministers, music ministers, denominational ministers,
social justice advocates, church administrators, and higher administration professionals. When you graduate from GardnerWebb University, you will be prepared to share in the ministry of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Master of Divinity degree is a graduate professional degree that has ministry to the local church as its focus. The Master
of Divinity degree is a ninety (90) credit hour program. It may be completed in three (3) years.
The sixty (60) hour core of the M.Div. provides students with an holistic education that stretches the mind, stirs the heart,
and prepares the student for ministry in the local church. The core curriculum is rooted in the belief that effective ministry is
more than a function of what the minister knows, or what the minister does, but includes who the minister is. It requires the
student to reflect theologically on the practice of ministry while they are engaged in ministry.
Old Testament I (3 hours)
Old Testament II (3 hours)
New Testament I (3 hours)
New Testament II (3 hours)
Greek I (3 hours)
Hebrew I (3 hours)
Christian History I (3 hours)
Christian History II (3 hours)
Christian Theology I (3 hours)
Christian Theology II (3 hours)
Administration and Leadership in the Church (3 hours)
Pastoral Care and Counseling (3 hours)
Mission in Biblical/Theological Perspective (3 hours)
Christian Ethics (3 hours)
Introduction to Worship (3 hours)
Introduction to Preaching (3 hours)
Introduction to Theological Education for Ministry (3 hours)
Spiritual Formation: The Christian Journey (3 hours)
The Theory and Practice of Ministry (3 hours)
Capstone Seminar (3 hours)
Chapel/Formations/Mentor Conferences
Biblical Studies
Christian Education and Formation
Intercultural Studies
Pastoral Care and Counseling
Pastoral Studies
The Biblical Studies concentration offers specialized training for the student who wishes to emphasize the study and the
teaching of Scripture in her or his ministry. It provides students with opportunities for advanced study in Greek, Hebrew,
Aramaic, Theological German, Old Testament studies, and New Testament studies. Unique to this concentration is the
seminar titled, “Writing for Publication.” This seminar is designed to teach students how to write for academic journals
and for formal paper presentations at academic conferences, such as the annual meeting of the American Academy of
Religion or the Society of Biblical Literature.
(30 HOURS)
The Christian Education and Formation concentration provides students with a firm foundation
in designing Christian education and spiritual formation curriculum for the church, a
biblical/theological model for servant leadership in the church, and the practical tools
necessary for age-specific ministry in the 21st century. New to the Christian Education and
Formation curriculum is “Ministering to and With the Millennials.”
The Intercultural Studies concentration provides students with the knowledge necessary for critical intercultural
engagement –domestically and globally. Courses, including Urban Studies, Community Development,
Cultural Anthropology, and Diaspora Studies are at the heart of the concentration. An integral component
of the Intercultural Studies Concentration is the Practicum, which is comprised of a field-based case study,
ethnographic research, and/or applied linguistics.
The Missiology concentration offers specialized training to the student who will serve in a variety of missionrelated ministries. Courses in the concentration address the biblical, historical, theological, and practical issues
that must be addressed by missionaries in the 21st century. The concentration addresses both religious and
cultural pluralism in an effort to equip the student for a variety of cross-cultural experiences.
The Pastoral Care and Counseling concentration traditionally prepares students for the ministry of chaplaincy.
Students enrolled in this concentration have the opportunity to register for classes such as Pastoral Theology;
Grief, Loss, Death, and Dying; and Health and Spirituality. All Pastoral Care and Counseling students are required
to have a clinical, field-based experience during their course of study. Titled Clinical Pastoral Education, this
required course is taken typically during the middler year. The School of Divinity assists students as they seek to
find Clinical Pastoral Education sites.
The Pastoral Studies concentration is designed with a view toward pastoral ministries (pastor, associate pastor,
etc.). It extends the basic M.Div. core curriculum by including advanced studies in biblical languages, biblical
electives, and historical/theological electives. The concentration includes courses that focus on the practical
dimensions of ministry in the local church.
Immersing yourself in the life of a university community
provides you with a unique opportunity for pursuing
multiple degrees. The School of Divinity offers four dual
degree programs for our Master of Divinity students.
The Master of Divinity/Master of Arts in Mental
Health Counseling provides students with a unique
opportunity to integrate theology, faith, and spirituality
with counseling theory and clinical experience in the
mental health field. Accredited by the Council for
Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational
Programs (CACREP), the Master of Arts in Mental Health
Counseling meets the requirements for licensure as a
professional counselor in the state of North Carolina
and in most other states. It is a 120 credit hour program.
The Master of Divinity/Master of Business
Administration is designed to meet the educational
and vocational needs of three populations of ministers:
the minister who wishes to pursue advanced study in
business administration, the minister who will serve a
large congregation as a church administrator, and the
bi-vocational minister. It is a 108 credit hour program.
The Master of Divinity and the Master of Arts in English
is designed specifically for the minister who desires a
deeper foundation in the literary arts for ministry and/or
the bi-vocational minister. It is a 105 credit hour program.
The Master of Divinity and the Master of Arts in Religion
provides students with a broadened and deepened
context in the biblical languages, the academic study of
religion, and opportunities in either thesis writing or a
teaching internship. It is a 108 credit hour program.
You have heard the voice of God calling you to the life of ministry. You have answered, “Yes, Lord. Here I am. Send me.” You are
ready to embark on a new journey, but your mind is filled with questions about the future. One of the greatest concerns seminarians
experience is financial. The School of Divinity eases this concern by providing our students with an excellent and affordable
theological education. Tuition is determined by the credit hour for the Master of Divinity degree. Students who meet enrollment
requirements for full-time status receive financial assistance in the form of scholarships and grants.
The CSO Scholarship Fund was created so private donors could partner together with students training to enter the ministry field.
Applicants must enroll in the School of Divinity, must register for nine (9) or more semester hours, complete the Student Aid Profile,
and must meet certain financial need criteria to qualify.
The GWU Theological Grant is a form of assistance through Gardner-Webb University to aid seminarians enrolled at the School
of Divinity. Applicants must complete the Student Aid Profile, must register for nine (9) or more semester hours, and meet certain
financial need criteria to qualify.
This educational fund provides assistance to Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry students who are residents of NC, SC, or VA
and are members of a Baptist church in one of those states. All applicants are expected to enter full-time Baptist ministry or religious
work in the Baptist denomination. Eligible M.Div. applicants must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours for part-time grants and 9
credit hours for full-time grants. Full-time grants may be awarded up to $5,900 per year and part-time grants up to $3,375 per year.
Applications must be submitted by April 1 of each year. Eligible D.Min. applicants may receive awards in the amount of $2,500 per
year for a maximum of three years. Applications must be submitted by May 1 of each year of funding.
This scholarship is sponsored by the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and provides assistance for Baptist students who are members of
a CBF affiliated church. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of financial need, commitment to serve in Baptist life in keeping with the
mission statement of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and potential success in theological education and ministry. Students must be
enrolled full-time. Award amounts are $2,000 per semester and up to $1,000 for traveling expenses associated with required travel the
student must make to the CBF National General Assembly.
Scholarships may be available through individual state CBF offices requiring students to be members of a CBF affiliated church and
adhere to CBF principles and the moderate Baptist movement. Applicants must demonstrate potential leadership for CBF churches
and will be required to attend their state’s general assembly. The following states provide scholarship assistance through their CBF
office: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
• Baptist Women in Ministry Scholarship – North Carolina
• Baptist Women in Ministry Scholarship – Georgia
• Edna R. Harris Memorial Scholarship
• American Baptist Home Mission Societies Scholarship
• Baptist Foundation of SC Scholarship
• William G. and Margaret B. Frasier Scholarship Fund
• Blackwell Memorial Fund Scholarship
• Risden P. Reece Scholarship
• The Jolly Endowment Fund Scholarship
• Craig Holbrook Parham Scholarship
• Donald Ray Watson Christian Scholarship
• Charles C. Coffey Memorial Scholarship
• North Carolina International Missionary Fellowship Scholarship
• Bullard Family Fund Scholarship
• Luther H. Butler Student Loan Fund
• Baptist General Association of Virginia (BGAV)
• Virginia Baptist Foundation Scholarship
• Hispanic Scholarship Fund
• The International Order of the King’s Daughters and Sons Student Ministry Scholarships
• Marguerite Young Endowment Fund of the Pittsburgh Foundation
• MCA Chaplain Candidate Scholarship Program
• District of Columbia (D.C.) Baptist Convention Scholarship
• The Adrienne M. and Charles Shelby Rooks Fellowship for Racial and Ethnic Theological Students
• The Cannon Endowment Scholarship
• The Fund for Theological Education (FTE)
• Daniel R. Hoover Scholarship Fund
• Ebenezer Missionary Baptist Association Theological Education Scholarship Fund
• Privette Scholarship
Doctor of Ministry in Christian Ministries
Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and
Ministers are hungry! They are hungry for scholarship, personal growth, and community. The Doctor of Ministry degree
feeds that hunger.
Accredited by The Association of Theological Schools, the Doctor of Ministry in Christian Ministries degree at GardnerWebb University School of Divinity is an advanced professional degree that immerses the minister in scholarship, focused
faith formation, and the development of educational strategies needed to sustain a commitment to ministry as life-long
learning. Seminars, supervision, and an original ministry project comprise the degree. Ministers who serve in specialized
clinical settings and/or who serve the needs of missionaries and their families may seek to enhance their professional
expertise by pursuing the Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling degree.
Our Doctor of Ministry students are afforded the opportunity to study with faculty who are immersed in the life of the
church and the academy. From these women and men, our students pursue advanced research in Christian spirituality,
hermeneutics, leadership and administration, missiology, and pastoral care. Under the tutelage of the faculty, our Doctor
of Ministry students design and implement ministry projects that span the ministry spectrum.
Our Doctor of Ministry students find a community of ministerial colleagues from which they draw strength. Our students
travel from across North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, Arizona, Virginia, and South Korea to pursue this
advanced degree. Pastors, CPE supervisors, youth ministers, and denominational leaders fill our Doctor of Ministry
seminars, bringing diverse experiences and an ecumenical spirit that enriches the educational experience of each
entering cohort.
Ministers are hungry. Are you hungry for advanced opportunities for scholarship, personal growth, and community? Come
join the next Doctor of Ministry cohort at Gardner-Webb University!
• We are accredited by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools
and by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
• We were founded in 1992.
• We were the first professional school at Gardner-Webb University to offer a doctoral degree.
• We are affiliated with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
of North Carolina, and the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.
• We celebrate ecumenical diversity! Christian denominations represented in the School of
Divinity include Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, AME Zion, United Methodist, Church of God,
Baptist, and Free Will Baptist.
• We are located on the main campus of Gardner-Webb University in Boiling Springs,
North Carolina.
The Doctor of Ministry in Christian Ministries is an advanced professional degree for ministers. The thirty (30) hour degree program addresses ministry
issues developing naturally from the global community, and it seeks to enhance the capacity of the minister to engage in theological reflection in the
real world in the service of the church. With seminars offered on Thursdays and Fridays, the degree may be completed in three years.
• The student will understand ministry as a commitment to life-long learning.
• The student will develop appropriate educational strategies within the ministry setting to realize the commitment to life-long learning.
• The student will develop an appropriate biblical hermeneutic which incorporates both Old and New Testament studies and fosters meaningful
biblical and theological reflection.
• The student will develop an understanding of the church, and her/his role in it, within the global context, and the capacity to reflect theologically on
the implications of that global context for the nature and ministry of the church.
• The student will demonstrate the ability to reflect upon the nature of one’s ministry by conceptualizing and executing an original project in ministry,
reflecting theologically on that project, and defending the project to a committee of faculty and other ministry professionals.
The Doctor of Ministry in Christian Ministries is a degree program comprised of three components: seminars, supervision, and a ministry project. Five
seminars are required for which eighteen (18) credit hours will be awarded. Two of the five seminars are required for all students in the Doctor of
Ministry in Christian Ministries curriculum. The remaining three seminars may be chosen at the discretion of the student and her/his faculty advisor.
Required Seminars (6 hours)
• The Ministry of Life-Long Learning (2 hours)
• The Ministry of Biblical Interpretation (4 hours)
Seminars Offered for which three are selected:
• Educating the Church through Christian Spirituality (4 hours)
• Conflict Resolution in the Church (4 hours)
• The Ministry of Worship (4 hours)
• Issues in Advanced Pastoral Care and Counseling (4 hours)
• The Ministry of Preaching (4 hours)
• The Ministry and the World (4 hours)
• The Ministry of Christian Education and Administration (4 hours)
• Mission and Ministry in a Pluralistic World (4 hours)
• The Ministry of Leadership in the Church (4 hours)
• Mission and Cross Cultural Ministry (4 hours)
• The Ministry of Pastoral Care (4 hours)
• Mission Strategies for Ministry (4 hours)
Our students complete a minimum of two semesters of Peer Learning Supervision, for a total of six (6) hours. The Peer Learning Supervision Experience
will be related specifically to our students’ ministry settings. Peer Learning Supervision is directed by a Field Supervisor who has been appointed by the
School of Divinity. In lieu of one semester of Peer Learning Supervision, our students may register for one basic unit of Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE).
Year One – Three seminars and assignment to a Peer Group Experience
Year Two – Two seminars, the Peer Group Learning Experience and/or Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE)*, and the Ministry Project Workshop
Year Three – The Ministry Project Proposal, the implementation of the Ministry Project, and the defense of the Ministry Project.
*In lieu of one semester of Peer Learning Supervision, our students may register for one basic unit of Clinical Pastoral Education.
The Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling degree is designed for the minister who seeks professional preparation in the area of pastoral
care and counseling and for the minister who wishes to enhance her/his pastoral care in parish ministry. It is a thirty (30) hour degree program, which
may be completed in three (3) years.
The Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling is a thirty (30) hour degree program comprised of three components: seminars, supervision, and
a ministry project. Five seminars are required for which eighteen (18) credit hours will be earned. Our doctoral students enrolled in the Pastoral Care and
Counseling program follow a unique schedule that is comprised of one (1) week to ten (10) day intensive seminars that meet all day.
• Ministry as Life-Long Learning – Pastoral Care and Counseling (2 hours)
• Issues in Advanced Pastoral Care and Counseling (4 hours)
• Clinical Aspects of Care (4 hours)
• Interpersonal Relationships and Family Systems Theory (4 hours)
• Crisis Intervention Theories (4 hours)
Our Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling students will register for six (6) hours of Supervised Ministry. The Supervised Ministry seminar
includes 400 hours of supervised ministry, with a minimum of 100 hours in group/peer experiences or individual supervision. The supervision experience
may be held in an institutional setting (i.e., hospital, hospice, prison, etc.), including Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), Pastoral (or Marriage and Family)
Counseling, or Parish Ministry. The supervision experience will be approved by the School of Divinity’s Department of Pastoral Care and Counseling.
Our Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and Counseling students will design, implement, and reflect upon a self-directed, original project of ministry
conducted in her/his ministry setting. Upon completion of the Final Project, six (6) credit hours are earned.
Dr. Sheri Adams
Dr. Sheri Adams leads Civil Rights and Women’s Rights study tours.
She is the author of What the Bible Really Says about Women and The
Bible and Sinbearing: New Questions about Old Answers. Dr. Adams
is bilingual and has written numerous articles and book chapters in
Spanish, including a commentary article on the book of Esther.
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Dr. Adams
was the Associate Professor of Theology at the International Baptist
Theological Seminary in Buenos Aries, Argentina. She, and her
husband, Dr. Bobby Ell Adams, are the founders of a publishing
company, A Pair of Docs Publishing (www.apairofdocspublishing.
com). They have published five books.
Dr. Joseph W. Caldwell
Dr. Joseph Caldwell comes to Gardner-Webb University from San
Francisco, California, where he served as the Executive Director of
Missions for the San Francisco and Peninsula Baptist Association.
Dr. Caldwell has served for more than 20 years in pastoral ministry
in the states of Texas and California. He is a former active duty
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship-endorsed Army Chaplain. Dr.
Caldwell taught adjunctively at Golden Gate Baptist Theological
Seminary. He earned the Doctor of Ministry degree at Fuller
Theological Seminary, the Th.M. and M.Div. degrees at Golden Gate
Baptist Theological Seminary, and the B.A. degree at the University
of South Carolina – Columbia. Dr. Caldwell is a Ph.D. student at
Golden Gate Theological Seminary. His academic interests include
Social Justice and Christian Spirituality. Dr. Caldwell has presented
papers at the national meetings of both the American Academy
of Religion and the Evangelical Theological Society. He has also
published curriculum materials on Colossians in BaptistWay Press
Dr. Robert Canoy
Dr. Robert W. Canoy’s primary area of research is New Testament
theology, and he has written articles and book chapters on
eschatology, Eucharistic theology, and teaching the New Testament
in the local church. Dr. Canoy regularly leads study tours to Israel,
Egypt, Greece, and Turkey.
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Dr. Canoy
taught at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Boyce Bible
School. He has a background steeped in the local church.
Dr. Tereso C. Casiño
Tereso Casiño is the author of numerous journal articles and
editor of Asia-Pacific Journal of Intercultural Studies. Prior to
joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, he served as Professor
of Systematic Theology and Intercultural Studies/Missions at Torch
Trinity Graduate School of Theology in Seoul, South Korea. He is
the former Director of the Master of Divinity/Master of Theological
Studies (English Track) program at Torch Trinity Graduate School of
Theology as well.
Dr. Casiño is an internationally renowned scholar and has
delivered lectures across Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe,
and the United States. His administrative background has afforded
him opportunities to serve as Dean of numerous seminaries,
including the Asia Baptist Graduate Theological Seminary and
Luzon Nazarene Bible College. A gifted minister in the local
church, Dr. Casiño has served as pastor, interim pastor, and youth
minister at churches in South Korea and Philippines. He is also the
Regional Chair of the Lausanne Movement.
Dr. Douglas M. Dickens
Dr. Douglas M. Dickens teaches a variety of pastoral care and
counseling courses and developed the curriculum for the Pastoral
Care and Counseling concentration in the Doctor of Ministry
degree program.
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Dr. Dickens
served as Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry at Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He is a
supervisor for the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.
Dr. Dickens serves on the Accreditation Committee of the MidAtlantic Region of the Association of Clinical Pastoral Education.
Additionally, Dr. Dickens is a board certified chaplain with the
Association of Professional Chaplains and a member of the
Scientific and Medical Network.Dr. Dickens is the author of two
monographs, An Introduction to Christian Ministry and Pastoral
Leadership. He is the editor of Clinical Supervision of the Medical
Psychologist in Russia, and he has published several journal articles
relating to pastoral care and pastoral psychology.
Dr. Gerald L Keown
Dr. W. Calhoun Robertson
Dr. Gerald L. Keown’s primary area of research is prophetic
literature. Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity,
Dr. Keown was the Associate Dean for Master of Divinity Studies
and the Martha and Talmage Rogers Professor of Old Testament
Interpretation at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary,
Louisville, Kentucky. He has a background steeped in the local
church. Dr. Keown is active in the life of the Fernwood Baptist Church
in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he lives.
Dr. Robertson’s research interests are in the areas of biblical
studies and theodicy. Prior to joining the faculty of the School of
Divinity, Dr. Robertson was Lecturer in Old Testament at Rutgers,
the State University of New Jersey. He served as the Editorial
Services Director for the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture.
Dr. Robertson is a contributor and consultant to the American
Bible Society, and he is the Associate Editor of Dictionary of
Religious Terms. He has a background steeped in the local church.
Dr. Robertson has served as pastor, interim pastor, and choir
member in numerous churches in New Jersey, Kentucky, Virginia,
Massachusetts, South Carolina, and Michigan. Dr. Robertson is
active in the music ministry of the First Baptist Church, Shelby,
North Carolina, and he participates regularly in the Cleveland
County Potato Project.
Dr. James R. McConnell, Jr.
Dr. James R. McConnell, Jr. is the author of The Topos of Divine
Testimony in Luke/Acts. He has served as the associate editor of
Perspectives in Religious Studies.
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Dr. McConnell
taught as an adjunct professor at University of Mary Hardin Baylor,
Belton, Texas. A former software engineer, Dr. McConnell designed,
wrote, and tested extensive C-language programs for a new dental
Dr. Hebert Palomino
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Hebert O.
Palomino served as a Baptist missionary and professor for more than
two decades in Peru and Paraguay. He has a passion for the local
church. Dr. Palomino has served as pastor of several congregations in
Colombia and the United States of America.
Dr. Palomino has been a guest professor at seminaries in
Colombia and Chile. While serving in Paraguay, he coordinated the
heart transplant team, served as a family counselor and chaplain,
and facilitated the basic unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at the
Baptist Hospital in Asuncion. For the past fifteen years, Dr. Palomino
has provided member care for missionaries in the Americas. Most
recently he was involved in a counseling program in Cuba.
Dr. Palomino is the author of two books, Introduction to Christian
Counseling and Pastoral Care for the New Millennium. He is a founding
member of Paraguayan Palliative Medicine.
Dr. Sophia R. Steibel
Dr. Sophia R. Steibel coordinates the spiritual formation
curriculum for the School of Divinity, and she leads spirituality
retreats for students annually. Christian education and spiritual
formation are Dr.Steibel’s primary areas of research interest.
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Dr. Steibel
was Associate Professor of Religious Education at GardnerWebb University. She is the former Director of Campinas Baptist
Theological College, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, Dr.
Steibel served on the faculties of South Brazil Baptist Theological
Seminary and Baptist Religious Education Institute, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. She is active in the life of the First Baptist Church, Shelby,
North Carolina.
Dr. Danny West
Danny M. West’s primary area of research is preaching, and
Dr. West’s articles on the subject have appeared in publications
including From Our Christian Heritage: Hundreds of Ways to Add
Christian History to Teaching, Preaching, and Writing; The Minister’s
Manual; John Killinger: Celebrating 75 Years; Next Sunday Resources;
and Preaching Magazine.
Prior to joining the faculty of the School of Divinity, Dr. West was
the Regional Vice-President of the Tennessee Baptist Children’s
Home, Inc. He taught for almost a decade at Carson-Newman
College. Dr. West has a background steeped in the local church.
He has served as pastor, interim pastor, and guest teacher in
numerous churches.
We invite you to apply for admission to the School of Divinity and join this community of learners and pilgrims. Requirements for
admission to the Master of Divinity program are as follows:
• The completion of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
• A minimum grade point average of 2.5 in baccalaureate work.
• Demonstrated commitment to ministry.
• Applicants for admission to our dual degree programs must meet admission requirements for each specific graduate program.
The Application Process involves the submission of the online or paper application, official transcripts, the Pilgrimage Statement,
three references, the Church Approval Form, the statewide criminal background check, and the Immunization History Form.
We invite you to apply for admission to the Doctor of Ministry in Christian Ministries or the Doctor of Ministry in Pastoral Care and
Counseling program. Requirements for admission to either doctoral program are as follows:
• The completion of the bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution.
• The completion of the Master of Divinity (or its educational equivalent) from an ATS-accredited institution. • A minimum grade point average of 2.75 in Master of Divinity studies.
• Completion of three years of significant ministry experience beyond the first graduate theological degree and placement in a
full-time ministry setting.
The Application Process involves the submission of the online or paper application, official transcripts, the Ministry Essay, the three
references, the Church Approval Form, the statewide criminal background check, and the Immunization History Form.
P.O. Box 7308 | 110 S. Main St. |Boiling Springs, NC 28017
(877) 498-4723 | (704) 406-4723 |
• The School of Divinity is located in Noel Hall, which is on the campus of Gardner-Webb University situated on over
250 acres in the Piedmont section of western North Carolina. Boiling Springs is a small, rural town. Nearby Shelby,
a city of 25,000, is noted for its support of the arts and as the home of state and national leaders. Fifty miles east of
Gardner-Webb is the thriving city of Charlotte, the largest city in the Carolinas. Less than one hour away to the
south is the city of Greenville, SC, and Asheville is located 68 miles northwest.
• Find us by GPS
110 S. Main Street,
Boiling Springs, NC 28017
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