We Will Rise Again - St. Thomas Aquinas Church and Catholic
We Will Rise Again - St. Thomas Aquinas Church and Catholic
sister parish of Dulce Nombre de Maria in Honduras We Will Rise Again Worship Space Improvement Appeal GOAL: $200,000— —100% —75% —50% DEC. 5: $61,700 — Donors: 144 —31% The parish Finance Council and its committees are concerned with all aspects of parish administration, finance and budget, parish staffing, fundraising, and upkeep of the physical facilities and properties of the parish. It is more than just numbers and accounts—it is about the good stewardship of parish resources. Its about planning and caring. ALL parishioners are invited to any meeting (next meeting: January 29, 2013) as a guest or to become involved on an ongoing basis with any aspect of the Council's ministry—contact Gene Noem, Finance Chair, for more information and meeting times, as well as to discuss how you best can serve and share your gifts in this parish ministry: Gene Noem (Chair) gnoem@murphybrownllc.com 515-232-3794 Second Sunday of Advent Lean Into the Wind: December 9, 2012 Divorced & Separated Support Group · Meets Thursday, Dec. 13, for potluck dinner at 6:00 p.m. in St. Martin room at STA. · Meeting follows from 7-8:30 p.m. also in St. Martin. · Group to discuss chapter on "Surrender" from Healing the Wounds of Divorce by B. S. Shlemon. · To RSVP for dinner by noon Wed., Dec 12, contact Cosette Bergman at(515) 298-1508 or <cb6234@gmail.com>. Monday December 10 - 7pm, STA: Lower Lounge Social Justice Committee · will meet Thursday, Dec. 13, 7:00 p.m. in St. Catherine rm. · The main topic will be next year's budget. Thursday December 20 - 7pm, St. Cecilia Gifts for Newborns Drive · Our annual Gifts for Newborns drive will happen during the Christmas season, beginning at Christmas Eve Mass, and continuing through the Baptism of our Lord on January 13th at all the masses. A collection box will also be in the Student Lounge for those who wish to help us by delivering to St. Thomas during the week rather than on the weekends. · Help is needed after all the masses at Scheman to collect items and bring them back to St. Thomas. If you are willing to commit to a mass time/dates, please contact shari@staparish.net. · This year gifts will be split between Birthright and the newly established Gabriel Project. For more information about the Gabriel Project, which serves women in crisis pregnancies through about 18 months post-delivery, contact Lynn Lynch, lynnlynch@mediacombb.net. Cook at Emergency Residence Project · Need cooks for Friday evening meals. · Dates include: December 14, 21, and January 4,11,and perhaps 18. · Contact shari@staparish.net or 515-509-6851 to volunteer. · See www.staparish.net/socialjustice/service/erp for more information. We Will Rise Again -- Worship Space Improvement · The brochure and gift/pledge card link on the parish website is www.staparish.net/forms · parishioners whom have not returned their gift and/or pledge intention, will receive a follow up phone call. · Any questions, contact <kris@staparish.net> Dance Your Pants Off Thanks You! · The service and justice team is grateful for the carloads of winter wear that was donated over the last several weeks. Many people will be able to stay warm as a result. · Donations will be directed to the Catholic Worker in Des Moines, and ACCESS and the Emergency Residence Project here in Ames until their capacity is reached. Any additional material will be given to other shelters in Des Moines as needed. To build your life on Christ, to accept the word with joy and put its teachings into practice: this, young people of the third millennium, should be your program! Message for the 21st World Youth Day April 9, 2006 Thank YOU for supporting Fair Trade Thanks to all of you who shopped at Worldly Goods last Sunday. Results of the sale: $2618.45! The Love Your Neighbor fund will receive $523.69 to assist those in need with rent and utility payments and deposits. Special thanks to the Service and Justice Team for their enthusiastic help and delicious cookies. And thanks for the help of STA parishioners who are Worldly Goods volunteers. Buying Fair Trade items goes a long way toward insuring that workers receive a fair wage, work in safe conditions, and fulfill dreams. As Manju of Nepal says, “I’ve gained peace of mind, income, and confidence. I’ve raised four children on my own and have been able to send them to school thanks to my work.” Thank you for your generous support! The STA Service & Justice team is collecting warm winter clothing for local charities until December 14. The items we are looking for include coats, hats, mittens, sweaters, long johns, and socks. These can be new or previously used items for men, women, or children. Donations can be dropped off in the boxes at St Thomas Aquinas or at various locations on campus. For any questions, contact Heidi at <hdittmer@iastate.edu>. k FAITH FORMATION Catechists Needed for Spring 2013! If you are passionate about our faith and have a desire to help others grow in it, please consider being a catechist for the upcoming spring semester. As Pope Benedict says, “we need witnesses” of the faith. As a new catechist you would be paired with an experienced catechist in the classroom and therefore all catechist duties are shared with another person. Catechists would only need to commit to this spring semester. Prayerfully discern if this is a gift God has given you and if you have any questions, concerns, or are ready to say “yes”, contact Tyler Wheeler at tyler@staparish.net or 515-292-3810 ext. 29. Faith Formation Families, The Faith Formation Commission (FFC) has agreed to supply a themed basket to be auctioned off at the TOMS Event coming up in January. TOMS is STA’s annual fundraiser to support the many service trips that occur during the year. FFC has chosen the theme “Family Togetherness” and we are seeking donations to help fill the basket. Not sure what to donate? Think about how your family spends time together. Some suggestions are: family movies and snacks to go with them, books, games (board and or card, indoor or outdoor), puzzles, playdoh or even a small blanket to snuggle under while reading or watching a movie. Any items that allow interaction between family members would be great. A basket or container to put these in would also be appreciated. Please take the donations to STA during Faith Formation class time or during the day and leave them with Tyler. If you have any questions please contact Marianne Todey at 2324722 or <metodey@yahoo.com>. Thank You, Marianne Todey (Faith Formation Commission member) Catholic Car Talk As you hear this reading, what words or phrases strike you? What in this reading touches your heart? What lingers in your memory? Question for Children: What things do you do to get ready for a big event or celebration? Question for Youth: How do you share the Good News of Jesus with others? Question for Adults: Name one thing you can do to help “prepare the way of the Lord?” l Tips on Taking Young Children to Mass As a parent of 2 little ones I know I need all the pointers I can get on taking young children to Mass. If you feel the same way, here is an article on the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops website for marriages that has some helpful tips. You can also find many other great articles on the site. http://foryourmarriage.org/how-to-take-young-children-to-mass/ YOUTH MINISTRY STA Middle School students: Start the new year celebrating with your friends! You are all invited for afternoon of movie-watching, snacking, and bookmark-designing! Here’s the details: What: Movie, Snacks, & Service (We are making more bookmarks for Dulce Maria parish in Honduras.) When: Sunday, January 6 from 1:00pm-4:00pm Where: STA Lower Lounge What Else? Bring your favorite movie-watching pillow or beanbag chair AND, one ingredient to add to make a delicious snack mix! Upcoming: Sunday, February 3, 2013, 1:00-3:00pm (LL) – Games N’ Snacks NCYC: There is still time to sign-up for NCYC 2013! Students in 8th grade remember, you will be eligible to go too! The final deadline for registering and paying the first $50.00 is Friday, December 14, 2012. High School Students: --St. Cecilia’s Life Teen invites you to their annual Harry Potter Yule Ball on December 16, 2012. You have a choice to wear a character costume or formal attire. RSVP – To make a reservation and get a character assignment (if you want to wear a costume), please email St. Cecilia’s Youth Minister,Anna Steele at: asteele@stceciliaparish.org. --Sneak Peak: Also, STA Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors are invited to join your friends at St. Cecilia’s for a Totus Tuus Leadership retreat in March 2013. More details on this will follow. However, those of you who would like to be involved in planning and/or attending this leadership opportunity, please email your YM, Cynthia <cynthia@staparish.net> soon! PARENTS of Middle School & High School Students: You are invited to join us the Parent Planning Meeting on: Wednesday, Dec. 12, 6:00pm at Dublin Bay – We will address final questions about NCYC and initiate steps for our youth to attend Catholic Heart Work Camp in 2014. Please email Cynthia <Cynthia@staparish.net> by noon on Dec. 12 so we can be sure to reserve enough room for all. TEC – For High School Seniors # 543 will be at Marquette HS, Bellevue, January 26-28, 2013STA registration deadline: Dec. 11, 2012 # 544 will be at Beckman HS, Dyersville, March 2-4, 2013- STA registration deadline: Jan. 15, 2012 A United Way Member Agency 225 South Kellogg, Ames, Iowa 50010 (515) 232-8075 erp@midiowa.net Dear Friends, Here's a little update on our work. We provided shelter for 749 people this past year, a new record in our 27th year of operations. We couldn't house that many in our main shelter facility and in the family apartments, so we used motel rooms for overflow. We sheltered an average of 45 people a night, which included single adults, couples, and families. Equally important, I believe, is our program to prevent homelessness. Last year we assisted 1432 people in the form of emergency payments to prevent evictions and sometimes to stop utility shutoffs. Our shelter could not even come close to housing this additional population if they lost their homes. The key to understanding most of the homeless and near homeless situations that we see can be found through our interviews with those who seek our help. We find that a large majority of those we assist have struggled to pay more than one half of their income for housing. When living in such untenable situations, an unexpected expense, a cutback in hours, or even a slight rent increase is all it often takes to start a downward spiral. The stress experienced by the adults who live so close to the edge, and by those who depend upon them is, I feel, the greatest and least understood manifestation of poverty in our nation. This stark realization came to me early in my working career as I saw its effects as I investigated and worked with families in child abuse cases. CHRISTMAS EVE 4:45 PM —BENTON AUDITORIUM— 11:30 PM: Carols & Lessons Midnight Mass —LOWER LOUNGE— I am grateful for those in our community who see our work as important and who do so much to make it possible. I realize I will never be able to adequately thank everybody, but I hope you know you are greatly appreciated. CHRISTMAS DAY 9:00 AM Vic Moss and the staff and guests of ERP —LOWER LOUNGE— MEET THE CAT IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Through the centuries the Church has become ever more aware that Mary, "full of grace" through God, was redeemed from the moment of her conception. That is what the dogma of the Immaculate Conception confesses, as Pope Pius IX proclaimed in 1854: "The most Blessed Virgin Mary was, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege of almighty God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, preserved immune from all stain of original sin." (CCC 491) Retreats Looking for a meaningful gift idea for Christmas? Here’s a wonderful suggestion! Ask for or give a Christian Experience Weekend (CEW). The CEW weekend is an adult renewal experience offering participants a better understanding of old and new aspects of their Christian faith. The 2013 weekends will be January 25-27 for women and February 8-10 for men at Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart Church in Ankeny. Brochures are available at www.olih.org. Questions: call Kari Smith at 3601690, John Gaspari at 360-4915 or the parish office at 964-3038. At Saint Thomas Aquinas Church and Catholic Student Center, we are: m GATHERED in the Holy Spirit, a diverse and vibrant community, TRANSFORMED by Jesus Christ in the Catholic Tradition, and SENT to be the presence of God in Ames, Iowa State University, and the world. PARISH STAFF Pastor, Fr. Jon Seda………………….………..x13 frjon@staparish.net……..….….(h) 515-292-1192 Associate Pastor, Fr. Jim Dubert……………... x 17 frjim@staparish.net ……...…….. (h) 515-337-1265 Associate Pastor, Fr. Richmond Dzekoe .…… x 23 frrichmond@staparish.net January 26th at 5pm in the Scheman building. Dinner tickets are $35 and 50/50 Raffle Tickets are $10 per ticket. Dinner tickets are available in the parish office. tomsevent.com Business Manager, Bobby LeBlanc. ................. x12 bobby@staparish.net……..…….(c)515-708-2861 Campus Ministry/Social Justice Shari Reilly ...................................................... x24 shari@staparish.net……..……….(c) 515-509-6851 Campus Ministry, Emily Klaus ......................... x14 emily@staparish.net Faith Formation, Tyler Wheeler…………….....x29 tyler@staparish.net Liturgy & Music, Todd Flowerday ................... x15 todd@staparish.net…………….(c) 816-838-6579 IN YOUR PRAYERS Parish Life/RCIA Lorraine Schmaltz, PBVM............................... x16 lorraine@staparish.net Congratulations to Katee Keller, who came into full Communion with the Catholic Church, through a profession of faith, the sacrament of Confirmation and receiving her First Communion on Sunday. We rejoice with you Katee as you celebrate your new life as a Catholic on the beginning of the Church year. Development & Alumni, Kris Egan ................... x18 kris@staparish.net Welcome to Ashley Moorman and Lauren Graves, who celebrated the Rite of Welcome and are now Candidates preparing for full communion in the Catholic Church. Katee, Ashley & Lauren, know of the prayers and support of this Catholic Community in being faithful to your commitments. Youth Ministry, Cynthia Sneller………...………...x30 cynthia@staparish.net Marriage Preparation, Brenda Neppel ................. x25 brenda@staparish.net Don Alexander, Secretary .................................. x10 don@staparish.net Net Larson, Financial Secretary ........................ x22 net@staparish.net Anne Recker, Librarian...................................... x19 anne@staparish.net Steve Borton .......................................... Maintenance Lual Dau ................................................ Maintenance Catholic Charities Counseling Archdiocese of Dubuque Individual v Marriage & Family Depression v Stress Management v Parenting Pregnancy Counseling Serving all faiths Mary Jo Pfeifer Wulf Lisa Turner Professional Counselors 296-2759 with their offices at STA Affordable sliding fee scale n PEER MINISTERS 515-296-2460 Mark Ryant mjryant@iastate.edu Joey Sevcik jjsevcik@iastate.edu Caitie Taylor taylor03@iastate.edu Diane Walsh ddwalsh@iastate.edu 2210 Lincoln Way Ames, Iowa 50014 515-292-3810 www.STAparish.net Catholic Charities office @ STA 296-2759 Retirement Fund for Religious The Meeting Minutes of all Finance Council meetings, a listing of the Council membership and other forms are available at staparish.net/finance - know what your parish leadership group is discussing and talk to members of the Council if you have an opinion or insight to share—or Share in the Care Aging religious need our help. Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests offered their lives in service to others— educating the young, comforting the sick, seeking justice for the oppressed. Today, many are frail, elderly, and in need of assistance. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious supports basic necessities, such as prescription drugs and nursing care. Each year a special nation-wide appeal takes place in December. Please place your check in the collection with “Religious Retirement” on the memo line. www.retiredreligious.org better yet consider sharing YOUR time and willingness to serve with the parish as a member of the Finance Council. Center for Creative Justice 210 Lynn Av. Providing adult probation and rehabilitation services for low-risk and first-time offenders. Last year 1400 completed the program. To volunteer or donate: Mark Kubik, 292-3820 Promoted by STA Social Justice Committee While the debates on liturgy and revelation occupied most of the time at the Council’s first session (1962), the document on the Church took up most of the second session (1963). The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church is in many ways the crowning achievement of Vatican II. In it, the Council addressed the nature of the Church itself: Who do we say we are? Before Vatican II, Catholics might have imagined the Church as something to which they simply belonged. “The Church” then was equated with its structures, its institutions, its hierarchy. But we don’t belong to the Church; we are the Church. The first draft of the Constitution reflected the pre-conciliar mentality. But through successive drafts, revisions were made to affirm more clearly that the Church is not first an institution; it is first of all a mystery bound up in the love of God, “a people made one by the unity of the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit” (#4). The Church is not first the clergy; it is first of all the whole people of God. In fact, the most famous editorial decision of the whole Council was the decision to insert into the Constitution on the Church a chapter—chapter two on the People of God—before the chapter on the hierarchy. The arrangement reflects the theology that we are all the People of God, sharing a oneness and a baptismal equality that precedes the distinctions among different roles in the community. o 2210 Lincoln Way Ames, Iowa 50014 515-292-3810 www.STAparish.net The Gabriel Project: A parish-based crisis pregnancy assistance program that provides on-going support and services to all women who are in the midst of a crisis pregnancy or who are struggling to care for a newborn baby. We offer these women physical, spiritual, and emotional help and the support of the faith community. Any woman in a crisis pregnancy situation may call (515) 450-6473 for help. During this 'giving' time of the year (December 24 - January 13), we especially ask for donations of unwrapped gifts for newborns and children up to 2 years of age to go toward the Gabriel Project and Birthright closets. These items may be left at St. Thomas Aquinas during the week or before or after Saturday evening masses. Contact Lynn at (515) 231-9026 for more information about the baby items. During ISU Break STA Building OPEN Monday - Friday: 8 am to 5:00 pm Saturday: for 4:45 Mass Use Lincoln Way Entrance No Parking in Ash Ave lot: 8-5 M-F —Gathering & Worship spaces OFF LIMITS— MASSES 4:45 PM Saturday: STA lower lounge 5:00 PM Saturday: St. Cecilia 8:30AM & 10:30AM & 7:00PM Sunday AT THE SCHEMAN BUILDING, ISU NOON MASS (M-F) Lower Lounge RECONCILIATION NOTE: Parking in the structure is for those who are in the STA church building for meetings, events, Mass, services, studying, appointments, etc. Others, not in STA and illegally parked, will be warned, ticketed and as a last resort towed. The parish, for the spring semester, is offering limited permit parking (Monday-Friday). Please contact the parish office for details about vehicle registration and restrictions. Saturday Confessions at STA 3:30 - 4:30 pm Confessions at St. Cecilia 3:30 - 4:30 pm Thursday at TNL 8:00-9:00 pm or by appointment with Fr. Jon, Fr. Richmond, or Fr. Jim HELP WITH SNOW is always appreciated— READINGS THIS WEEK Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: p Bar 5:1-9/Phil 1:4-6, 8-11/Lk 3:1-6 Is 35:1-10/Lk 5:17-26 Is 40:1-11/Mt 18:12-14 Zec 2:14-17 or Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/ Lk 1:26-38 or 1:39-47 Is 41:13-20/Mt 11:11-15 Is 48:17-19/Mt 11:16-19 Sir 48:1-4, 9-11/Mt 17:9a, 10-13 Zep 3:14-18a/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18 Clear the Lincoln Way entrance, steps and sidewalk. Shovel the Ash Ave. sidewalk. Help make it easier and safer for all to get in and out of the building. Shovels are just inside the Lincoln Way entrance. THANKS! Hy-Vee 4%VGGt 3800 W. Lincoln Way 515-292-5543 Allen L. Kockler, LPA, EA Jewelry Truly Original Licensed Public Accountant Mike & Judy 515-232-0678 (JMHFS%FTJHOT+FXFMSZ -JGFr-POH5FSN$BSF 3FUJSFNFOUr%JTBCJMJUZ Bacon Funeral Home & Crematory 619 Burnett Ave. Ames GaryLinahon Manager www.themongolianbuffet.com 1620 S. Kellogg Ave #103, Ames, IA 50010 Tel: (515) 232-2338 Jeff Blum Meat Manager 5BY1SFQBSBUJPOr1BZSPMM4FSWJDFT "DDPVOUJOHr$POTVMUJOH 10#PY UI4U /FWBEB*" &NBJMBML!LPDLMFSDPN XXXDFOUSBMJPXBBDDPVOUBOUDPN ,OJHIUTPG$PMVNCVT */463"/$& 'BXDFUU1LXZr/FWBEB*" r baconfh@midiowa.net $IBSMFT4UBTUOZ (515) 344-0962 XXXCBDPOGVOFSBMIPNFTDPN Mainstream L I V I N G I N C Voted Best of Roofing & Home Improvements In Story County! Enhancing Opportunities for Persons With Disabilities t&.1-0:.&/5"7"*-"#-& (515) 232-5452 .BJO4Ur%PXOUPXO"NFT (515) 233-4568 www.worldlygoods.org "NFTtY %FT.PJOFTtY %03"/$-*/*$ #FZFS)BMMr"NFT*" '0380.&/ POUIF*PXB4UBUF6OJWFSTJUZDBNQVT Medical Arts Building 1015 Duff Ave. 5PSFHJTUFSDBMMPSWJTJUPVSXFCTJUF ® www.cardinalgymnasticsacademy.com JEFFREY G. HERRICK, D.D.S. 'BNJMZ%FOUJTUSZ New Patients Welcome UI4U "NFT*PXB (515) 233-3778 +FSSZ$BSOFZ 4POT*OD 4FMMJOH3PBE5FTUFE6TFE"VUP1BSUTBU 4&UI4USFFUr"NFT 4JODF www.carneyautoparts.com Manager agerr t7PJDF%BUB$BCMJOH t'JSF"MBSN4ZTUFNT t%FTJHO#VJME t$PNQMFUF8JSJOH t3FQBJS t"FSJBM#VDLFU5SVDL 515/956-1520 %JSFDUr800/681-7333 ext. 1520 515/231-6778 Mobile dhaugo@friedrich-realty.com A Tradition of Caring 502 Douglas Ave. 232-5121 232-4304 316 South Duff Avenue Karen K. Popelka Rental Consultant Supervisor Professional Property Management Inc. “Students - It’s the Perfect Place 2 Move” 4UI4VJUFr"NFT*PXB 1&YUr' XXXQQNJODDPN LBSFO!QQNJODDPN $IJSPQSBDUJD1SBDUJDF 100 6th Street, Ames, Iowa 50010 Each office independently owned and operated Ames Oral Surgeons, P.C. ROBERT A. RUDMAN, D.D.S. JOHN B. KAZWELL, D.D.S. PETER W. CHO, D.D.S. 5FMFQIPOFtTOLL FREE 800-262-0036 1212 Duff Ave., Ames, IA 50010 somersetpharmacy somersetpharmacy.com Dr. John R. Moore General Practice 809 Wheeler St., Ste. 104 Ames, Iowa, 50010-5098 “Your Locally Owned Independent Pharmacy” .PO'SJBNQNr4BUBNOPPO /PSUISJEHF1BSLXBZ Q "NFT*PXB G (515) 233-1709 SHOULDN’T YOUR AD BE HERE? For information on advertising, please call our church representative Jim Byrne at 1-800-678-4574, Ext. 4035 jbyrne@4LPi.com www.SeekandFind.com 823 Wheeler, 4VJUF /PSUIFSO-JHIUT Ronell “Ronnie” Lindeman Florist & Interior Design Professional for Over 20 Years www.geangelos.com Ryan & Tina Colburn, Owners Services Include Preserving Fresh Bridal Bouquets 515-231-1672 '3*&%3*$) www.doranclinic.com Jake Vogel, Pharm. D, MBA %0/)"6(0$34(3* Dave Tucker #SPBE4Ur4UPSZ$JUZ*" www.waddleexteriors.com Compliments of Richard Ochoa, Parishioner mmdesign@netins.net 4813 W. Lincoln Way r888,%".64&.&/5$0. “Unique Name One of a Kind Service” 450-0476 (515) 663-9971 292-6663 )BZXBSE4VJUFr"NFT klynn@tomrandall.com Your Locally Owned & Operated Durable Medical Equipment Provider www.tomrandall.com (515) 232-6000 K’Lynn Lynn GENERAL DENTISTRY %VGG"WFnue 232-6775 +PIO,FBSOFZ%%41$ ,BUJF,FBSOFZ1PSUFS%%4 We’re by your side so your parents can stay at home .PSUFOTFO3Er"NFT r233-3539 Advertising Sales Opportunities Lit Liturgical Publications, Inc. Open 10:30 AM-10:00 PM Daily 525 Gilchrist St. 233-1760 r1SJPS0VUTJEF4BMFT &YQFSJFODF/FDFTTBSZ 3FTJEFOUJBMr-JHIU$PNNFSDJBMr'BSN r#BTF1BZ1MVT$PNNJTTJPOT & Bonuses #"5)300.3&.0%&-4r,*5$)&/3&.0%&-4r#"4&.&/53&.0%&-4 "%%*5*0/4'*/*4)803,r4&"40/300.4r*/5&3*03&95&3*03 8*/%08*/45"--"5*0/r4*%*/(300'*/(r("3"(&4 $0/$3&5&*/45"--"5*0/r10-*-%*/(4r(&/&3"-$0/53"$5*/( 4PVUIFBTUUI4USFFUt 515-441-2988 FREE ESTIMATES XXXFOUJSFDBSDBSFPGBNFTDPN FOUJSFDBSDBSF!ZBIPPDPN 4FMM"ET Like This One! PLEASE CALL OREN r$&-- r.FEJDBM%FOUBM*OTVSBODF 'MFYCFO#FOFàUT r(FOFSPVT,&NQMPZFS .BUDIJOH$POUSJCVUJPOT r1BJE7BDBUJPOr)PMJEBZT Dr. Barbara Barba Read FREE CONSULTATION DrBarbaraRead.com (PMEFO"TQFO%S4UFr r5SBWFM3FRVJSFE !"#$%&'()*)+,-&')."/-'&'()*)0-1/,)2/11&'( YOUR PLUMBING AUTHORITY Email Jeff Tallman at jtallman@4lpi.com for more information 515-233-3700 3455)67,+)81,//1)*)-$/89)&70- Your One-Stop Fireplace Shop Owners: Kent Bachman Jim & Sandy Fagan President/Parishioner (515) 203-6469 bachmaninsurance@gmail.com -JGFt)FBMUIt"OOVJUJFTt.FEJDBSF1MBOT ¥ 515-233-0200 BEN KELLEN 515-460-2844 www.hickoryonline.biz (in front of Lowes) 208 Airport Rd.,Ames 'OR AD*/'0$"--+JN#ZSOFBUr WWW-1JCOM ST. THOMAS, AMES '*/"/$*"-4&37*$&450'*5"--0':063/&&%4 RIVER VALLEY CREDIT UNION If You Live Or Work In Story County You Are Eligible To Join DRIVE UP WINDOW OPEN AT 7:00 AM &5)45r".&4rXXXSWDVPSH "$