Orlando Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Orlando Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta
Delta Education and Life Training Alliance of Orlando, Florida, Inc. Foundation Orlando Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. . P.O. Box 555238 ▲Orlando, FL 32855 ▲ Phone: (407) 826-0005 Website: www.oacdst.org ▲ Email: info@oacdst.org March 24, 2016 To Our Community Supporter: The Delta Education and Life Training Alliance of Orlando, Florida, Inc. Foundation (DELTA Inc. Foundation) in partnership with the Orlando Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (OACDST) presents the 7th annual Celebration of Women Brunch on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. at First Baptist of Orlando (Faith Hall). The theme this year is “Stepping into Greatness”. We are also pleased to announce that the keynote speaker is Dr. Keita Joy Ductant, Success Coach, Motivational Speaker and Professor at Valencia Community College. This exciting event celebrates everyday women who have had an impact on their family, the community and the world as a whole while at the same time helps raise funds to support local high school scholarship programs, organizational youth groups, and Delta Charities. Our goal this year is to raise over $10,000. We need your help to create an even greater impact in our community; therefore, we are requesting your Company’s/ Organization’s support of this event by becoming a Sponsor. Your partnership with us would bring stellar quality to an already spectacular event and enhance our efforts of supporting the communities in the Central Florida Area. This is also a wonderful opportunity for you to provide more exposure of your business or organization to the Greater Orlando area. We have enclosed information on the various sponsorship opportunities for your review. For additional information please contact Fundraising Leads, Shaloom Lang at 321-217-4010 or Terri Harvey at 407-956-0550, or visit our website at www.oacdst.org. Thank you for your consideration and support. Sincerely, Andrea Hampton, Chapter President Orlando Alumnae Chapter Rose Kalala, President DELTA Inc., Foundation Shaloom Turnbull-Lang, Fundraising Co-Chair Orlando Alumnae Chapter Terri Harvey, Fundraising Co-Chair Orlando Alumnae Chapter DELTA INC. FOUNDATION The Orlando Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., established the Delta Education and Life Training Alliance of Orlando, Florida, Inc. Foundation, (Delta Inc. Foundation), a public 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization established in 1992, is chartered and registered in the State of Florida. As a public charity supporting scholastic achievement, public service programs, and research initiatives focused upon African American women. Today, the Foundation remains strong, vibrant, and poised to meet 21st century challenges with the same unwavering spirit and dedication the Sorority originally envisioned. Our charge to realize social and economic equality for future generations of African-American women continues as our guiding principle. DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. A sisterhood of more than 250,000 college educated women, the Sorority currently has over 900 chapters located in the United States, England, Japan (Tokyo and Okinawa), Germany, the Virgin Islands, Bermuda, the Bahamas and the Republic of Korea. The major programs of the sorority are based upon the organization's Five Point Thrust of: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL AWARENESS AND INVOLVEMENT PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH POLITICAL AWARENESS AND INVOLVEMENT The Sorority was founded in 1913 by 22 students at Howard University. These young women wanted to use their collective strength to promote academic excellence; to provide scholarships; to provide support to the underserved; educate and stimulate participation in the establishment of positive public policy; and to highlight issues and provide solutions for problems in their communities. ORLANDO ALUMNAE CHAPTER OAC has been a legacy of change and cultivated its expanding membership since 1954. Today, with over 200 members, the chapter remains in the forefront: crafting the debate on public policy and social issues, creating opportunities for higher quality education through the provision of annual scholarships and innovative youth development programs, and stimulating economic growth through its evolving and diverse community based partnerships in the City of Orlando. A “commitment to serve” is what the Orlando Alumnae Chapter has been recognized for by many community organizations. Several awards, certificates, plaques, and trophies have been received throughout the years. Of those, the chapter received the Order of Hammer Award and Outstanding Public Service Award from the Walt Disney Company. SPONSORSHIP LEVELS COMMITMENT TO SPONSORS We value our partnerships with major corporate and individual donors and will serve as good stewards of your generous investment. We are committed to delivering valuable benefits and a positive partnership experience to each Empowerment sponsorship level. Corporate sponsorship with OACDST will give your company the opportunity for greater visibility within the local business community and the chance to create a special bond with the fastest growing segment of the world-economy; women-owned businesses. MINERVA SPONSOR [$850.00] 8 Brunch Tickets with Premium Venue Seating Opportunity to provide marketing and informational materials to participants Live promotion announcement during the event with over 500 attendees Recognition in event program booklet Recognition on Orlando Alumnae chapter Website and social media outlets during the month of the event with active engagement. WHAT YOUR SPONSORSHIP ACHIEVES An opportunity to demonstrate social responsibility and make investments in the next generation of leaders. Sponsorship provides you and your company with opportunities to make meaningful connections with business owned and operated Women of color, which can provide recruitment and increase demographic reach through exposure to minority talent. Build your brand loyalty to the community of Central Florida. Leverage your investment when you carry our messages on or in customer information, statements, your website and advertising Gain powerful marketing and social media exposure. Professionally managed PR campaign will ensure that your message, as well as ours, reach and stretch beyond the target audience. The chance to position your company favorably in the eyes of the women of color in the business community. FORTITUDE SPONSOR [$550.00] 4 Brunch Tickets with Premium Venue Seating Opportunity to provide marketing and informational materials to participants Live promotion announcement during the event with over 500 attendees Recognition in event program booklet AFRICAN VIOLET SPONSOR [$350.00] 2 Brunch Tickets with Premium Venue Seating Live promotion announcement during the event with over 500 attendees Recognition in event program booklet SCHOLARSHIP AMBASSADOR LEVELS To support the brunch recipients, you may donate at the following levels listed below. Special Recognition as an Ambassador Sponsor in the 7th Annual Celebration of Women’s Brunch Program Booklet [$25] Sigma Ambassador Level [$50] Service Ambassador Level [$75] Sisterhood Ambassador Level [$100] Scholarship Ambassador Level SPONSORSHIP COMMITMENT FORM CELEBRATION OF WOMEN’S BRUNCH This exciting event celebrates everyday women who have had an impact on their family, the Central Florida community and the world as a whole. With over 500 attendees, and growing, The Celebration of Women’s Brunch helps raise funds to support local high school scholarship programs and organizational youth groups go to college. Our goal this year is to raise over $10,000. INDIVIDUAL (COMPANY NAME): _______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________ STATE: ________________ ZIP: ___________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________________ TWITTER OR INSTRGRAM HANDLE: _________________________ YES, I would like to sponsor the 7th Annual Celebration of Women’s Brunch and support the Orlando Alumnae Chapter Scholarships, Youth Groups, Programs and Charities. [$850.00] MINERVA SPONSOR [$550.00] FORTITUDE SPONSOR [$350.00] AFRICAN VIOLET SPONSOR [$100] SCHOLARSHIP AMBASSADOR LEVEL [$75] SISTERHOOD AMBASSADOR LEVEL [$50] SERVICE AMBASSADOR LEVEL [$25] SIGMA AMBASSADOR LEVEL DOOR PRIZE IN KIND DONATIONS AMOUNT ENCLOSED:__________________ SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________________________________________ Please submit donations and completed form by April 30, 2016 to: Orlando Alumnae Chapter — Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Attn: Fundraising Committee P.O. Box 555238 Orlando, FL 32855 Make all Checks Payable to: Orlando Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.