National Board Elections


National Board Elections
National Board Elections
Positions up for Election:
Two Years Term (2015-2017):
One Year Term (2015-2016):
Director of Finance – (finishing 2014-2016 term)
Director of Parliament – (finishing 2014-2016 term)
Director of Public Relations
Directors of Chapter Services
Director of Membership
Director of Expansion
Director of Alumnae Relations
Six months to One Year Term Trial (2015-2016):
Director of Business Development
(As Excerpted from NB Bylaws)
National Board Eligibility:
1. All positions on the Alpha Pi Sigma National Board are elected. Any sister in “good
standing” may vote during these elections (proxy/absentee ballots included).
2. Positions are open to all “paid sisters” in “good standing” and meet the following
elections requirements:
a. Must have been a sister of the sorority for at least one year.
b. “Good standing” means no outstanding dues to any Alpha Pi Sigma Chapter or
Alumnae Association or National Board and not on academic probation. Prior to
elections, the Director of Parliament should receive a list of sisters with unpaid
fines from each chapters’ and associations’ representative.
c. A “paid sister” is defined as a sister who has paid her dues to a local chapter or an
Alumnae Association. If the sister is inactive at her local university, then she is to
pay an amount to the National Board to be determined by the National Board.
B. Presidential Election Requirements
1. National Board President Candidate must have served one consecutive term as a National
Board member prior to running for presidency or receiving a nomination.
2. National Board will adhere to article III section D as well as review the nominee’s
presidential application, interview and appoint new president from a majority vote. New
president will be introduced at annual convention.
C. Board of Directors Term Requirements
1. Member’s term shall last at least one (1) year. Term begins at Annual Convention and
shall end at the following Convention.
National Board Elections
D. Nomination and Voting Procedures
1. Nominations will begin at the last official meeting of the year and speeches will take
place the same day as voting.
2. Proxy/Absentee votes must be received one (1) day prior to Annual Convention by 10
p.m. Pacific Standard time.
3. General elections for board of directors and remaining executive positions (excluding
President and Director of Finance) will be held at the Annual Convention.
4. Candidates for Director of Finance will be interviewed and appointed by national board.
E. Special Elections
1. The President will appoint any National Board position not filled during the election process at
the Annual Convention by the next National Board meeting. Any member applying for a position
which is to be appointed shall submit the following to the president: a letter of intent, professional
resume, sorority resume, and a letter of recommendation. The appointee must be approved by a
majority vote of the current National Board membership.
The Executive Officers consists of President, Vice President and Secretary. In addition to the
Executive Officers, Alpha Pi Sigma will include a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors
consists of all positions listed in Article II. Members of the Executive Officers and Board of
Directors are to assist the National President in the pursuit of her and Alpha Pi Sigma’s official goals
to the best of their ability. The Executive Officers and Board of Directors shall be responsible for
matters pertaining to the administration of sorority business. In case of planned resignation,
Executive Officers or Directors must give the maximum possible term or notice to their peers prior
to notification of their resignation. In case of unplanned resignation and other emergent or
extenuating circumstances, the National President shall appoint someone to the position thus
National Board will elect appointee. Additionally, members may only hold one National Board
position each term, except in emergent situations that are of high priority and need immediate filling.
A. Executive Officers
1. President (2 year term)
a. Serve a minimum of one consecutive year as a National Board member prior to
their presidential term.
b. Official representative of the National Board Oversees the operation of the National
Board Responsible for the accountability of Board members.
c. Responsible for establishing meeting location, date and times.
d. Responsible for running meetings.
e. Responsible for setting agenda one (1) week prior to meeting.
f. Generate official letters from National Board.
g. Send complete packet of all reports to absent National Board members.
National Board Elections
h. Has the authority and responsibility to appoint a qualified sister to any open
position on the National Board when positions become vacant during the year either
by removal or resignation.
i. President shall have signing authority for all national board financial accounts.
j. Has the authority to appoint special committees as necessary and call special
meetings as needed.
k. Be the Official Representative to all NALFO meetings.
2. Secretary (2 year term)
a. Responsible for taking minutes at National Board Meetings and Annual
b. Distribute meeting minutes within two (2) weeks of meeting or conference to
National Board members. Upon approval of minutes, shall upload minutes to yahoo
groups within two (2) weeks. Failure to distribute minutes within specified timeline
will be cause for action upon member as stated in the National Board Performance
Criteria Article VIII.
c. Responsible for archiving all National Board and Chapter minutes and Newsletters.
d. Responsible for maintaining and updating National Board roster.
e. Responsible for keeping all Chapters’ calendar of events.
f. Responsible for keeping attendance.
3. Director of Finance (2 year term)
a. Draft and submit yearly budgets for the approval of the National Board, and make a
current version available to board members.
b. Filing federal and state taxes for the sorority and its alumnae association,
maintaining the sorority’s tax-exempt status, and keeping the sorority’s bank
accounts and electronic files in order, on a yearly basis.
c. Keeping a record of receipts and expenditures.
d. Generate a budget request form.
e. Responsible for establishing and maintaining scholarships.
f. Approving event budgets and keeping expenditure on track with yearly plans.
g. Maintain record keeping.
h. Archive all treasury accounts and records for the past seven (7) years.
i. Responsible for fund-raisers.
j. Responsible for collecting Chapter and Alumnae dues.
k. Responsible for collecting fines.
B. Director of Parliament (2 year term)
a. Make formal presentations of policies and procedures.
b. Responsible for orientation of Parliamentary Procedures for new Board members.
c. Interpret and clarify Constitution and /or Amendments.
d. Responsible for new Amendments/issues.
e. Assist in maintaining order at meetings.
f. Amendments/Constitution revisions.
g. Responsible for all aspects of elections, this includes working with the National
Vice President to verify all candidates are eligible to run.
C. Director of Public Relations
a. Establish and maintain contacts and resources.
b. Serve as spokesperson/press secretary.
c. Communicate with other national organizations.
National Board Elections
Responsible for networking information.
Generate press releases for National Board activities.
Provide press release templates to Chapters and Alumnae Association.
Collect and archive press releases from Chapters and Alumnae Association.
Update and maintain National web page.
Email quarterly National Board newsletter to sisters on list-serve.
Responsible for maintaining a Calendar of Events of National Board activity.
Responsible for updating site functionality.
Responsible for maintaining and updating main Alpha Pi Sigma list-serve and account.
D. Director of Chapter Services
a. Responsible for the planning of our National Day of Service.
b. Informing all sisters of philanthropies and community service events on campus.
c. Planning and executing at least two philanthropic events per year.
d. Chair of Philanthropy Committee and overseeing its activities.
e. Records member attendance and participation at philanthropic events, and relaying
the information to Vice President.
f. Will provide list of C.A.P.E. Seminars for collegiate chapters.
g. Develop, implement and manage a chapter development program that shall include
but not be limited to: academic development programs and resources,
implementation of a study/academic plan for the chapter, Quarterly/Semester
Progress Checks for active sisters.
h. Responsible for all aspects of Annual Convention.
i. Serve as Annual Convention Chair.
E. Director of Membership
a. Responsible of pledging and risk management workshops.
b. Revise and clarify pledge guidelines.
c. Be the primary contact for the Chapters’ Pledge Coordinator.
d. Make formal presentations to membership, as necessary.
F. Director of Expansion
a. Develop, update and oversee the expansion process.
b. Develop, update and oversee an Expansion Manual to be updated annually.
c. Keep records pertaining to her specific duties and pass these records on to future
d. Primary contact for interested parties.
e. Responsible for providing interest group packet and for arranging an informational
presentation to interested parties.
f. Responsible for following and documenting progress of interest group.
g. Responsible for reporting status of each interest group to the National Board.
h. Responsible for arranging pledging process, this includes working with the Director
of Membership.
G. Director of Alumnae Relations
a. Collecting and maintaining an updated database of alumnae contact information.
b. Initiating and maintaining correspondence with alumnae.
National Board Elections
c. Foster alumnae relations with each other and with the chapters.
d. Responsible for collecting dues from alumnae.
e. Responsible for paying dues to National Board.
f. Responsible for facilitating/planning Alumnae meetings.
g. Responsible for posting Alumnae meeting minutes.
h. Responsible for keeping Calendar of Events.
i. Develop, update and oversee the Alumnae Association Scholarship Fund.
H. Director of Business Development (New)
a. Create and maintain national partnerships and sponsorships
b. Establish national fundraising initiatives
c. Assist chapter fundraising chairs
d. Be responsible for overseeing scholarship program
e. Maintain and ensure proper branding, copyrights, trademarking, and royalties
f. Assist Director of Finance in her duties as assigned
National Board Elections
ALPHA PI SIGMA Sorority Inc.
National Board Candidate Form, Contact Information
Please Return by May 31 11:59 p.m. (PST) to:
I. Statement
Please complete this application and submit a current photo with a brief statement for the NB Elections Ballot
addressing the following:
1. Platform: Why would you be a good candidate for this position and what do you hope to achieve?
Qualifications: Years in the sorority; Positions held in the past. What existing experience makes you a
qualified candidate?
2. What kind of leader are you and how this will benefit your position on National Board?
3. Why do you wish to serve on this board?
4. How do you feel you can contribute to the Sorority?
5. In what ways would you seek to strengthen the National Sorority ?
6. What role do you see this board fulfilling at the local and national level?
7. What is your availability for travel and other sorority requirements?
8. Have you contacted your employer regarding your board candidacy?
Please attach a copy of your resume for inclusion with this application.
II. Personal Information
Position applying for:
Mailing Address:
Email Address:
Pledge Class:
Phone Number:
Academic Information:
Degree Attained:
Year Attained:
III. Certification
All of the information is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. My focus will be towards fully
participating in the National Board of Alpha Pi Sigma Sorority, Inc. and in serving the Latino Community.
Signature: My typed name below shall have the same effect as my written signature.