
St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised: April 4, 2015
2015 - 2016
S&S Approved:
4St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter’s Policies and Procedures shall not conflict with any Grand
Chapter Governing Documents and/or updates.
Name of Chapter:
St. Louis Alumnae
Chapter Number:
Location of Chapter:
St. Louis, Missouri
Region: Central Region
Chapter Address:
St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
P.O. Box 410844
St. Louis , MO 63141
Chapter Web and Email Information:
Chapter Phone Number: 314-381-2634
Chapter Service Area:
Greater Metropolitan St. Louis Area
1. Executive Committee: The Chapter Executive Committee of the Executive Board shall
consist of all elected officers: President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Recording
Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Financial Secretary,
Assistant Financial Secretary (if needed). The Executive Committee may make decisions
for the chapter in emergency situations only. Its duties shall not supersede the Executive
Board and its decisions shall be subject to ratification by the Executive Board.
2. Executive Board: The chapter’s Executive Board shall consist of all elected and appointed
officers and positions of the chapter, chairpersons of standing committees including
Parliamentarians, Internal Audit Chair and the Immediate Past President. It shall be the
duty of the Executive Board to carry out the mandates of the sorority in accordance with all
governing documents of the sorority.
3. Committees:
a. Standing Committees are listed on the Rules of Order and have a continuing task in
relation to the operation of the sorority programs as delineated in this document. The
Chapter President appoints Chairpersons of Standing Committees.
b. Special Committees and their chair are appointed by the Chapter President for a specific
program or assignment and are dissolved when the assignment is complete.
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4St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
Elected Officers
President - The Chapter President shall:
1. speak for the chapter.
2. familiarize herself with all governing documents, especially the Chapter Management
Handbook and National Updates.
3. maintain cooperative relationships with other organizations.
4. prepare and maintain chapter paperwork.
5. review original bank statements; receive copies monthly of all bank account
6. authorize all chapter expenses and serve as a signer on chapter checks.
7. authorize the use of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority license plate.
8. initiate the removal of elected and appointed officers, committee chairs and committee
members who do not perform the duties to which they have been elected or appointed.
9. serve as the Voting Delegate to the National Convention and Regional Conference.
10. serve as chapter representative to Delta Days in the Nations Capitol, Delta Days in
the State Capitol with the Social Action Chair.
11. serve (or her designee) as the chapter representative at Cluster Meetings and State
12. prepare a report to the chapter for Social Action, local and Regional meetings.
13. exercise all powers and duties generally pertaining to the office of the President.
14. ensure that all fiscal officers are bonded.
15. serve as a member of the Chapter Finance Committee.
16. serve as ex-officio member of all committees except Internal Audit and Nominating.
17. authorize and sign all chapter disbursement checks except checks payable to herself.
18. not “pre-sign” any checks.
19. maintain a “Red Book” of all policy statements received from national and regional
officers in a central file after they have been reflected in chapter policies and procedures,
where applicable.
20. only vote in matters of secret ballot and/or to break a tie vote, per policies of Delta
Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
21. complete and submit the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility form.
22. facilitate Omega Omega Services (or a designee, who is typically a current or past
National or Regional officer or past Chapter President.)
23. be bonded.
! First Vice-President – The First Vice President shall:
1. serve in place or absence of the President as appropriate.
2. be responsible for the programs of the chapter.
3. serve as the RISK MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR of the chapter. The Risk
Management Coordinator must secure and submit the following minimum requirements
for chapter sponsored or participation in any youth initiative: Position Descriptions,
Qualifications, Time Requirements, Evaluation Procedures, and Background Checks.
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4St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
4. chair the Program, Planning and Development Committee and approve expenditures of
these committees before they are submitted for payment.
a. Physical and Mental Health
b. International Awareness and Involvement
c. Economic Development
d. Educational Development
e. Community Awareness and Involvement
f. Political Awareness and Involvement
g. Other chapter programs
2) National Impact Day (Formerly International Day of Awareness)
3) Delta Academy
4) Delta GEMS
5) Delta Twinkles
6) Dive Into Books with Delta
7) Breakfast with Santa
5. provide any other services deemed necessary by the President, the body or committee.
6. serve as the Chapter Alternate Delegate to National Convention.
7. be accountable to the body via the Chapter President.
! Second Vice-President – The Second Vice President shall:
1. serve in place of or in the absence of the President when the First Vice President is
unavailable or as appropriate.
2. chair Membership Services Committee, be responsible for all membership functions and
approve expenditures of these committees before they are submitted for payment.
Cheer Courtesy
Founders Day
June Luncheon
Delta Dears
Fall Retreat or Round-Up
Reclamation and Retention
Omega Omega Properties
Formal Dance
j. Merry Widows Support Group
k. Sisters of Support (SOS)
l. Check Out the Church
m. Telephone Calling Committee
n. Volunteer Services
o. Fellowship
p. Greeters
q. Chapter Photographer
r. Delta Darlings
s. Adopt-A-Delta Dear
3. provide any other services deemed necessary by the President, the body or committees.
4. serve as the Chapter Alternate Delegate to Regional Conferences.
5. be accountable to the body via the Chapter President.
! Recording Secretary - The Recording Secretary shall:
1. keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the chapter (minutes), including all
Executive Committee, Executive Board, chapter and called meetings.
2. sign and date all approved minutes.
3. keep on file all committee reports.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
4. record all votes.
5. provide written copies of the minutes at subsequent meetings to financial members.
6. insure minutes are made available on the chapter website for financial members to
download prior to the next chapter meeting.
7. receive and maintain all records of the chapter.
8. inform members of meetings, activities, and other relevant information.
9. receive and maintain a record of chapter absenteeism.
10. verify a quorum at meetings.
!Corresponding Secretary - The Corresponding Secretary shall:
communicate with members, individuals and organizations as appropriate.
assist with informing members of meetings, activities, and other relevant information.
share appropriate correspondence at chapter meetings.
maintain a roster of chapter members as provided by the Financial Secretary.
!Treasurer – The Treasurer shall:
1. serve as chair of the Budget (Finance) Committee.
2. keep the official financial records of the chapter.
3. present a written report of chapter disbursements monthly to all chapter members and file
for audit.
4. submit to the chapter President a copy of all monthly bank statements.
5. keep actual records of income, disbursement & summary ledgers on a monthly basis.
6. Prepare and submit annual fiscal reports by the established due dates.
7. deposit income received by the financial secretary within two (2) business days.
8. submit grand chapter funds within thirty (30) days of receipt, or as directed within the
Administrative Procedures for Membership Intake.
9. make disbursements on written authorization (ensure all checks have two signatures).
10. authorize and sign chapter disbursement checks, except checks payable to herself.
11. not “pre-sign” any checks.
12. complete all necessary grand chapter transmittal of funds forms for dues and other fees.
13. ensure a voucher system is used for the disbursement of funds, with appropriate
signatures before disbursement.
14. reconcile all accounts on a monthly basis.
15. prepare financial records for the CPA and Internal Audit Committee’s annual and
quarterly reports.
16. ensure books are audited in accordance with current audit guidelines for chapters.
17. present the annual operating budget for the ensuing fiscal year (prepared by the
budget/finance committee) to the chapter for approval by May of each sorority
18. monitor expenditures of the chapter budget regularly and recommend quarterly
modifications as needed.
19. ensure the annual financial report/federal group authorization return is completed.
20. attend the financial training workshops and use the Fiscal Officers Manual as her guide.
21. complete the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility form.
22. be bonded.
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4St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
!Financial Secretary - The Financial Secretary shall:
record all income received.
issue official receipts for income immediately upon receipt of funds.
turn all funds over to Treasurer to meet the two (2) business days deposit requirement.
serve as a member of the chapter Budget (Finance) Committee.
sign checks only when reimbursement is for the President or the Treasurer or when
specifically requested by the President. (This should be a rare occurrence.)
6. generate and maintain a current roster of financial members and provide this
roster to chapter members.
7. provide the chapter’s Nominating and Election committees with a financial roster as of
March 15th of the current year.
8. assist the Treasurer with preparation of financial records for the CPA and Internal Audit
Committee’s quarterly and annual audit reports.
9. attend finance training workshops.
10. present a monthly written report to the chapter of all income received and file for audit
11. serve as a member of the Minerva Circle.
12. complete the Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility form.
13. be bonded.
(The election to any office does not guarantee or imply an automatic succession to any
other office. Exception: when filling vacancies.)
!The Internal Audit Chair, assisted by her committee, shall:
1. be elected for a two year term, and may serve two consecutive terms.
1. conduct an annual internal audit of the chapter’s financial records and report these
findings using the online tool provided by National Headquarters.
2. conduct quarterly financial reviews, and report findings to National Headquarters, and
make recommendations to the Finance Committee of the chapter as needed.
3. assess the level of compliance to chapter policies and procedures and internal controls.
4. highlight any organizational problems and recommend solutions.
5. work to improve accountability, ethical and professional practices.
6. help the chapter achieve their stated objectives.
The Chapter President shall appoint two members to serve on the Internal Audit Committee. All
members of this committee must have finance experience.
!The Nominating Committee Chair and Five (5) Committee members shall be elected
individually at the May chapter election.
! The Nominating Committee Chair, with her committee shall:
1. determine upcoming vacancies or term expirations of any elected offices/positions.
2. present a “call to nominations” to notify members when nominations will be accepted for
all open elected offices and positions and solicit and receive nominations from chapter
3. set the dates for the written nominations period to begin and end.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
4. set the deadline to receive the candidate data profiles, and call a meeting of the
nominating committee to review same.
5. obtain written or verbal consent or have prior consent from each candidate.
6. verify with the financial secretary of the chapter that all the candidates for office have paid
their dues (Local and National) by March 31st for the ensuing sorority year and ensure that
candidates for chapter offices and positions meet all required qualifications.
7. submit a slate of candidates to the Executive Board, and then to the chapter.
8. notify the verified candidates that their candidacy has been verified and when they may
begin campaigning.
9. organize, oversee, implement and monitor campaigning.
10. members shall assist the chair with all duties as needed.
!The Minerva Circle
1. The Minerva Circle is an elected special committee created solely for the purpose of
planning and administering the activities of the Membership Intake Program.
2. Membership Intake is conducted at the pleasure of the chapter upon a two-thirds (2/3)
vote of the members present and voting.
3. The Minerva Circle shall plan and implement all phases of the Membership Intake
Process according to Grand Chapter’s Membership Intake Manual.
4. In the event a position becomes vacant on the Minerva Circle, the President will appoint
an eligible replacement within twenty-four (24) hours.
5. The coordinator of the membership intake activities is the Leader of the Minerva Circle.
At the end of the intake process, the committee is dissolved.
6. The Minerva Circle shall consist of – Fourteen (14) Sorors –Twelve (12) Membership
Intake Positions plus two chapter officers, President and Financial Secretary.
a. Leader of the Minerva Circle
b. Nine (9) Jewels of the Minerva Circle
c. Convener of the Odyssey Experience
d. Keeper of the Muses and Graces
e.* Chapter President
f. * Chapter Financial Secretary
*NOTE: These two (2) officers are not elected to the Minerva Circle, but are members by virtue
of their elected offices.
! Parliamentarians - The Parliamentarians shall:
1. serve as an advisor to the President and to the membership as requested by the
President on issues requiring parliamentary interpretation according to the governing
documents listed on the last page of this document.
2. discuss with the President possible items for interpretation prior to each chapter meeting.
3. coordinate and/or provide presentations/training and Delta Internal Development (DID)
for the chapter on Parliamentary Procedure as directed by the President.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
4. per policies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Parliamentarians have the right to vote on
chapter business, same as all chapter members.
5. serve as a member of the Executive Board.
! Chaplains – The Chaplains shall lead chapter members in prayers, invocations, benedictions
and words of inspiration during chapter meetings, ritualistic ceremonies and other capacities as
requested by the chapter President.
! Sergeants-at-Arms – The Sergeants-at-Arms shall:
1. maintain order at all meetings and chapter sponsored events.
2. check the credentials of Sorors and deny entrance to unauthorized individuals.
3. deny entrance to improperly dressed Sorors.
4. serve as a teller for the presiding officer.
5. count votes by show of vote cards and/or hand when called upon to do so.
! Heritage and Archives (Historian) - The Historian shall:
1. photograph (in concert with the chapter photographer) chapter sponsored events and
2. maintain all chapter scrapbooks, historical periodicals and other archived materials.
3. maintain the chapter’s history.
! The Chapter Photographer shall collaborate with the Historian and Journalist to
photograph chapter events and activities for chapter archives.
! Custodian of Properties – The Custodian of Properties, with her committee shall:
1. organize, catalog, disperse and collect chapter properties and maintain a written
2. maintain ceremonial properties for usage as needed.
3. Inform appropriate officers when properties need to be replaced.
! Journalist (Public Relations) - The Journalist shall:
1. maintain a file of all media outlets for potential use by the chapter.
2. prepare press releases and distribute them to designated media as approved by the
chapter President.
3. collaborate with the Technology Committee in preparing and submitting regular reports of
chapter activities to the Regional Journalist and the National Journalist for inclusion in
their publications, with the approval of the chapter President.
4. report annually the results of media activity.
!Committee Chairs
1. The committee chairs (with the exception of the elected Internal Audit chair and
Nominating chair) are appointed by the President and have the same duties as Standing
Committee chairs. They shall serve on the chapter’s Executive Board, and follow the job
descriptions shown in this document and other governing documents of the sororitiy.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
2. Sorors must be financial with the chapter and Grand Chapter for the fiscal year to chair a
3. Chairs may schedule meetings as often as necessary to facilitate their assignments in an
efficient and effective manner.
4. The Chair has the responsibility of ensuring that the committee meets the outlined
objectives and should offer assistance toward that end.
!Election Chair and Committee - Election Chair and five (5) Committee members shall:
1. be appointed by the President each sorority year at the time the task is needed, to
conduct and oversee the election process of the chapter.
2. be appointed prior to the announcement of the slate by the Nominating committee.
3. prepare election ballots.
4. collect, count, and tabulate the ballots cast by the Chapter membership in each election.
5. not be a candidate for any office or appear on any ballot in an election in which that
member is counting the votes.
6. provide the Chapter President with a written report of the election results along with all of
the ballots cast for filing in chapter archives.
7. report the outcome of the vote, to the chapter. (The President reports election results.)
The election of chapter officers and acceptance of members into the sorority shall be by a
majority vote of chapter members present and voting, by secret ballot.
The large membership of the chapter makes it necessary that financial officers may have
assistance. Assistants may be elected for two year terms, and run for a second term if
1. Assistant Financial Secretary - The Assistant Financial Secretary shall:
a. be elected by the chapter.
b. assist in the collection of funds and can be assigned to assist chapter committees
with the collection of funds for chapter events.
c. assist with all Financial Secretary duties except signing checks, depositing funds
and managing
d. be bonded.
e. not serve as a member of the Minerva Circle.
2. Assistant Treasurer - The Assistant Treasurer shall:
a. be elected by the chapter.
b. assist with all Treasurer duties except signing checks, depositing funds and
managing accounts.
c. be bonded.
1. Beginning with the 2014 May election, the Financial Secretary and Treasurer shall be
elected for two-year terms. Their elections shall be staggered to afford overlapping
terms for purposes of continuity.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
2. The following elected officers and positions may serve two consecutive terms if reelected: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording
Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Assistants to
the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary, and Internal Audit Chair, each TERM
being two years.
3. The elected Nominating Committee Chair and Members, and the Appointed Elections
Committee may only serve one term; a TERM being two years.
1. When the office of President becomes vacant during the current fiscal year due to:
1) a member not being elected during the chapter elections; or 2) as a result of an
unexpected vacancy, the 1st Vice President shall become President. The 2nd Vice
President shall assume the position of 1st Vice President, and the President shall appoint
a soror to serve as 2nd Vice President who meets the eligibility requirements for elected
positions as described in this document.
2. For other elected offices, appointed officers and chairs, the President will fill all vacancies
within thirty (30) days, with the approval of the Executive Committee.
3. In the event the Chapter President cannot fill the vacant position due to chapter members
not meeting eligibility requirements for an elected position or unwillingness to serve, she
shall contact the Regional Director for approval for special dispensation to make said
4. If a member is removed from the Minerva Circle or resigns, the President will appoint
another member to fulfill that position within twenty-four (24) hours. This person must
meet all MIT training requirements.
NOTE: ALL chapter members are encouraged to attend Regional Conferences and
National Conventions to become familiar with proceedings, and prepare to serve in key
chapter positions.
When, Frequency, Duration
1. Executive Board Meetings: The Executive Board shall meet monthly (during the sorority
year) to receive committee reports and exchange chapter information as needed.
2. Executive Committee Meetings: The Executive Committee meets monthly or at the
discretion of the President to plan the business of the chapter.
3. Chapter Meetings: Chapter meetings shall be held on the first (1st) Saturday of each month,
from September through June. Exceptions may be made in September when a “Retreat”, or
“Round-Up” may be held, and at other times due to weather conditions or scheduling conflicts.
4. Called or Special Meetings (synonymous) may be held at the discretion of the President
and convened to consider one or more items of business specified in the call of the meeting,
requiring immediate attention. Notice of the time, place and purpose of the meeting shall be
mailed or emailed to all members ten (10) days in advance. Minutes will be made available to all
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
financial members on the chapter website. There must be a quorum present for business to be
validly transacted.
5. Standing Committees: Meeting times and dates for standing committees are at the
discretion of the committee chair as necessary to perform their duties.
Members may be notified of Executive Committee, Executive Board and Standing
Committee meetings by telephone, email or postal mail.
Executive Committee Meeting: A quorum is established when 33% of Executive Committee
members are present in a meeting.
Executive Board Meeting: A quorum is established when 33% of Executive Board members
are present in a meeting.
Chapter and Called (Special) Meetings: A quorum is established when 33% of the financial
members are present in a meeting.
Committee Meetings: A quorum is established when 33% of the financial members of the
committee are present in a meeting.
NOTE: Once established, a quorum remains in effect for the duration of the meeting. If a
quorum is lost during the course of the election process, then the election should be postponed
until the next meeting when a quorum is present. HOWEVER, if the quorum is lost after the
election process has ended, and the results of the election have not been reported to the
chapter, the election results stand.
Standing Committees (elected and appointed): The Chapter’s Standing Committee chairs
and members shall follow the duties for tasks related to chapter operation as stated in
the governing documents and any updates from Grand Chapter. Chairpersons should be
financial members of the chapter. Meeting times and dates are at the discretion of the
Chair in collaboration with committee members to facilitate their duties.
Standing Committees: Arts and Letters, Choir, Finance, Heritage and Archives, Internal
Audit, Membership Services, Nominating, Presidents Advisory Council, Program
Planning and Development, Properties, Protocol and Traditions, Public
Relations/Journalist, Rituals and Ceremonies, Social Action and Technology.
Special Committees: Ariya, Elections, Chapter Directory, Founders Day Observance,
Minerva Circle
The CHOIR performs selections at chapter events, and represents the chapter at other events.
The PRESIDENTS ADVISORY COUNCIL is comprised of currently financial past chapter
Presidents of the chapter who agree to serve. This committee shall:
1. meet at the call of the President and as often as necessary to conduct business.
2. review, develop, maintain and revise Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures in
accordance with Grand Chapter guidelines and updates.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
3. receive from the Chapter President proposed amendments to the Chapter Polices and
Procedures from chapter members and evaluate for inclusion in policies and procedures
4. present revised Rules of Order and Policies and Procedures to chapter members for
approval, and prepare same for submission to the Regional Scholarship and Standards
5. stimulate interest in and educate members in using and understanding Policies and
Procedures and other sorority governing documents.
6. encourage and support younger chapter members in their quest for chapter
positions and offices.
The 14 National President and current Chapter President are ex-officio members.
Special Committees: Committees appointed or elected for a definite program or assignment,
usually with a time limit in which to complete the assignment. When the task is completed, the
committee’s business is considered finished and the committee is dismissed. Examples: Ariya,
Elections, Chapter Directory, Housing.
The ARIYA Celebration Committee makes available opportunities for guidance, academic
support, financial and life skills training, college preparatory and introduction to college life, as
well as scholarships. The training culminates with the ARIYA celebration, presenting students to
the St. Louis community in April.
Ad hoc Committees:
Ad Hoc Committees are one-time only committees, appointed for special assignments.
Roles and Responsibilities
(SEE also Duties/Responsibilities of Financial Officers)
General Operating Procedures
The policies set forth in this document are intended to serve as guidelines and procedures for
the fiscal operations of the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in
regards to financial accounting and receiving and disbursement of funds.
The leadership team of the chapter has as part of its composition, fiscal officers elected by the
chapter. These officers have fiduciary responsibilities specific to each position. The division of
fiscal responsibilities must be in line with those defined in the Fiscal Officers Manual, and other
duties as may be determined by the chapter and as detailed in this document.
NATIONAL DUES: National dues are $125 and per capita fee per member is $10.
1. Grand Chapter Dues Late Fee
A $5.00 Grand Chapter late fee shall be assessed to any member paying dues from
April 1 to June 30.
2. Grand Chapter Reinstatement Fee (beginning July 1)
Grand Chapter Reinstatement Fee - $15.00
If a soror has not paid all dues and fees for two or more years, she shall pay a
Reinstatement Fee of $25.00.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
LOCAL DUES: Dues are determined by Chapter vote annually.
1. Current regular local dues for St. Louis Alumnae Chapter are $263.75.
2. Retirees Local Dues are $213.50
3. Local and National dues are due and payable from January 1 – March 31.
Failure to do so by an officer will result in removal from office utilizing the
“Procedure for Removal from Office”.
4. Golden/Diamond Life members shall pay:
A. Local chapter dues
B. No annual Grand Chapter dues
C. $10.00 per capital fee
D. No late and/or reinstatement fees
Retired members who 1) are no longer employed full time, 2) have been financial with the
Chapter consecutively for five years immediately preceding their retirement date, 3) and
who have reached the age of 65 may request special dues consideration. Those
members who have reached retirement age (65), and have less than five years in the
chapter will be eligible to request special dues consideration once the five consecutive
years requirement has been met. Local dues for qualified retirees shall be reduced by
$50.25 (fifty dollars and twenty-five cents).
a. Beginning with financial officers elected for the 2013 – 2014 sorority year, local
dues shall be waived in their 2nd year of office. [Financial officers elected prior to
2013 shall continue their current dues waiver for their 2nd and 3rd years (per
chapter vote) until their term is completed.]
b. Collegiate members who are financial members transferring to the Saint Louis
Alumnae Chapter within the current sorority year shall have their dues waived for
the remainder of that year if the transfer occurs immediately upon graduation.
a. The chapter will transfer unconsumed dues to a Soror’s new chapter when a written
request is submitted by the member.
b. To transfer unconsumed dues, the member requesting the transfer must complete
the Member Information and Former Chapter section of the Dues Transfer Form.
c. The requesting member must submit the form to the Financial Secretary of the
new chapter.
d. The Treasurer of the soror’s current chapter will submit the unconsumed dues to the
mailing address of the new chapter.
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
National Conventions and Regional Conferences
National Convention & Regional Conference expenses for the chapter Delegate and the
alternate Delegates shall be paid by the chapter. Eligible expenses include registration
fees, air or rail transportation, if driving, mileage at the IRS prescribed rate, lodging at one
half of the regular convention room rate (in a shared room) for the duration of the
conference or convention, payment for the Social Action Luncheon, plus a meal
allowance of $300 for a National Convention and $150 for a Regional Conference. The
President or designated delegate will be allowed up to $100 yearly to purchase updated
Delta documents. Appropriate receipts are required for reimbursement.
Registration fees and transportation fees for Chapter President and Social Action
chair will be assumed for Delta Days in the Nations Capitol and at the State Capitol.
The St. Louis Alumnae Chapter voted to incorporate the following process for selection of
Voting and Alternate Delegates. The incoming President shall be the Convention and
Conference Delegate; the incoming 1st Vice President shall serve as Alternate Delegate
to the National Convention; the Incoming 2nd Vice President shall serve as Alternate
Delegate to the Regional Conference. If a Vice President cannot attend the designated
convention/conference, the other Vice President shall attend. If both cannot attend, the
order of succession as per Roberts Rules of Order will prevail, i.e., Recording Secretary
is next in line. Delegates and representatives at State and National events shall prepare
a report of the event to the chapter.
SOCIAL ACTION (A National Focus)
! The Social Action Chair, under the auspices of the Social Action Commission shall
institute activities that foster:
Interest in social action and education of chapters on current issues
Sponsoring Voter Registration and voter education programs
Combating Voter Suppression
The full restoration of voting rights for individuals who have paid their debt to
society (ex-offenders)
5. Affordable Health Care and access to quality health care
6. Financial Literacy and Economic Empowerment
7. Support for HBCU’s
8. Partnership with Political Awareness and Involvement
9. Gender equality
10. Racial Profiling
11. Develop the potential for Delta’s influence in the community and Nation.
! The Social Action Chair shall:
1. be appointed by the Chapter President.
2. serve, along with the Chapter President, as Chapter Representatives at Delta Days
in the Nations Capitol and at the State Capitol and together report back to the
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Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Revised - 04/04/2015
S&S Approved:
3. Encourage Sorors to attend Social Action activities, and to support the Social
Action budget by purchasing Delta license plates.
4. Prepare meaningful Social Action experiences for the chapter at the local level, in
conjunction with the Political Awareness and Involvement Committee.
City/County council meetings, other community boards, debates, Candidate
Forums, Voter Registration events, education of the chapter on Political and Social
issues, local community involvement, etc.
In order to insure chapter representation, Registration expenses and Transportation costs
for the Chapter President (or her designee) and the Social Action Chair (or her designee)
to attend Delta Days in the Nations Capitol and at the State Capital shall be assumed from
the chapter budget.
The costs for her portion of a shared room shall be paid from the Social action budget for
the Social Action Chair to represent the chapter at Delta Days in the Nations Capitol and
at the State Capitol with the Chapter President. Remaining Social Action budget shall be
used to foster the above projected goals for the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter on a regular
A designated team shall represent the Chapter at step shows, as well as other step
performances, as approved by the chapter. The team shall ensure that National Step
Show guidelines as defined in Delta’s guiding documents (Chapter Management
Handbook, Fiscal Officers Manual, or other governing documents) as established by the
National Scholarship and Standards Committee.
When a soror’s check is returned for insufficient funds, the soror will be responsible for
any related fees charged by the bank. For two (2) years thereafter, all monies submitted
to the chapter by that soror must be by cash, money order or cashier’s check.
When checks are returned for insufficient funds from individuals who are not members of
the chapter, such individuals will be responsible for related fees charged by the bank. No
other checks will be accepted from the writer of the check.
Educational Development, as one of our Five point Programmatic Thrusts under
Program Planning and Development shall foster academic support. The St. Louis
Alumnae Chapter shall provide academic scholarships on an annual basis to male and
female graduating high school seniors through the Scholarship committee, under
Educational Development. Scholarship awards range from $500.00 to $5,000.00 based
on availability of funds. Students must complete an application process to be considered,
and show documentation of acceptance to an accredited post secondary program.
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S&S Approved:
Educational Development committee shall conduct programs and projects
designed to address the need for excellence in education. These programs range
from tutorial services to the awarding of scholarships. Scholarships are supported
through chapter members’ voluntary contributions of $40 per year to the Mind
Guard program, and may also be supported through fund-raisers that are approved
by chapter vote.
Requests for reimbursement of funds for chapter budgeted expenses shall be
submitted to the Treasurer using a voucher. Original receipts must be attached to the
voucher. Signatures of the committee chair and the Chapter President are mandatory.
All reimbursements must be pre-approved by the Vice President and/or chair of that
committee if applicable, before reimbursement. Exceptions will not be allowed.
Dues shall be paid to the Financial Secretary by cash, money order, cashier’s
check, personal check and/or credit/debit card.
Financial officers shall present monthly reports to chapter members and file for audit.
Written reports will be available for all members. End of year reports are presented at
the June meeting. Financial officers shall submit all required reports to Grand Chapter
according to National guidelines. The Internal Audit Committee shall conduct quarterly
reviews and an annual internal audit, and provide finance quarterly recommendations to
the Treasurer and Financial Secretary.
Fund raising events/activities must be presented to and approved by financial members
of the chapter. When fund-raising events are planned within a shared service area or
outside of the local service area, St. Louis Alumnae Chapter shall inform the chapter with
whom they share the service area or whose service area it is. A written notice shall be
provided as a courtesy, with a copy to the Regional Director. Chapters are encouraged
to work cohesively when these instances occur. (HOT off the press; National Scholarship
an Standards Committee (December, 2013).
The Chapter President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary, shall
hold General Bonding Insurance in the amount of $20,000 each, and appropriate General
Liability coverage. In the event an Assistant Financial Secretary and/or Assistant
Treasurer are elected they shall each hold General Bonding Insurance in the
amount of $20,000.
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S&S Approved:
The Finance Committee, chaired by the Chapter Treasurer, is responsible for creating the
chapter budget for the ensuing sorority year. The budget shall outline how dues are used.
The Finance committee shall request budgeting concerns from committee chairs prior to
preparation of the budget. The Finance Committee Chair shall review and recommend
budget modifications to the chapter on a quarterly basis, or as needed to support chapter
programs, per chapter vote. Budget recommendations shall be with approval of the
membership by the May chapter meeting. A change in dues structure for the ensuing
year must be approved by two thirds (2/3) vote of chapter members present and voting.
Voting to revise the dues structure shall be done no later than the December chapter
meeting to be effective for upcoming dues payment period.
Sorors must notify the President and Chair of Cheer Courtesy of needs as quickly as
possible so that appropriate courtesies may be extended in a timely manner
PASSING OF A SOROR: The family of a deceased chapter member shall be offered the
option to choose: a) $40.00 monetary token, b) a plant, or c) $40.00 donation to Mind
Guard, a charity, or other non-profit institution in memory of the deceased soror,
ILLNESS: A hospitalized soror shall receive a plant or token of $40.00 once during the
year, after which cards will be sent. A card will be sent if the soror is home for a week.
DEATH OF 1ST DEGREE RELATIVE OF A SOROR: (parent, sibling, child or spouse.)
The soror has a choice of a plant, a $40.00 token, a $40.00 donation to Mind Guard or a
non-profit charity of her choice. This courtesy is extended upon each occurrence during
the year. Cards will be sent in the passing of all second-degree relatives.
WEDDINGS: A $40.00 monetary token is presented for a first time wedding.
BIRTHS: A monetary token of $40.00 is presented when a soror welcomes her first child.
In the sad event of the passing of a soror, the Chapter President and Chair of Cheer Courtesy
must be notified immediately so that “Calling Post” notification may be activated to inform
chapter members of her passing and final arrangements. Families of deceased members
should be advised of the option for an Omega Omega service when the sorority is
notified. This final Rite of Passage will be provided only at the request of the family. ALL
sorors should attend if at all possible.
The “Calling Post” will be activated in the death of a first (1st) degree relative of chapter
members (parent, sibling, child or spouse.). Other Cheer Courtesy needs may be announced at
chapter meetings, shared through email notifications, the “Telephone Call Committee” and/or
printed in the chapter updates. Only the Chapter President or her designee is authorized to
activate the “Telephone Call Committee” or “Calling Post” notification.
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S&S Approved:
TIME OF ELECTION – Chapter elections are held at the May meeting.
1. Elected and appointed officers shall not serve more than two consecutive two year terms
in the same office.
2. Five (5) Nominating Committee members and Chair shall be elected individually at the
the May meeting along with other chapter offices whose terms are vacant. They shall
serve a single, two year term. Members of this committee are ineligible to be
candidates for office while serving on the committee. If they wish to run for an office they
must resign from the committee before the call for nominations.
3. The Internal Audit Committee Chair shall be elected at the May chapter election.
4. All members elected to an office or position shall be installed in June. (A May installation
may be held in the event of conflicts such as National or Regional events.)
Each soror seeking an elected office or position in the St. Louis Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc. shall:
1. Be financial with the chapter and Grand Chapter for the fiscal year in which the election
takes place and maintain financial status during her term(s) of office as verified by the
Financial Secretary as of March 31st of the current sorority year.
2. Complete and submit to the Nominating Committee Chair a Candidate’s Data Profile at
the designated time.
3. Obtain Candidate Data Profile Forms from:
a) The Nominating Committee Chair
b) The Chair’s designee
c) The Chapter website
4. Have attended at least one Regional Conference or National Convention within the three
(3) years immediately prior to the election.
1. All chapter members shall receive written notification (10) ten calendar days prior
to a chapter election; voting whether to proceed or not to proceed with
membership intake process; and voting on the acceptance of candidates for
membership into the sorority. Absentee ballots are not recognized in Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority, Inc.
Write-in candidates are prohibited and provisions for write-in candidates shall not be
included on the ballot.
Candidates become disqualified if any violation of nominating or campaign guidelines
occurs. If disqualified, the soror cannot run from the floor.
Individuals who were not slated may run from the floor in April if they meet eligibility
requirements and submit the required Data Profile Form at the time of nomination.
Elected officers shall not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
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S&S Approved:
6. A majority vote is more than half of the votes cast by members entitled to vote
(excluding blanks, or abstentions), at a properly called meeting.
(Example: 19 x ½ = 9½ . 10 votes needed for majority.)
1. The Nominating Committee Chair shall present the “Call to Nominations” at the
February chapter meeting, and present open offices and positions to the chapter. She
shall also inform members when nominations will be accepted.
2. The Nominating Committee spells out the requirements and expectations and provides a
deadline for submitting the Candidate’s Data Profile.
3. Any financial soror who nominates a soror for an office shall confer with and obtain that
soror’s written or verbal consent before submitting said soror’s name in writing or
nominating her from the floor.
4. The Nominating soror shall advise the nominee that she must complete a Candidate’s
Data Profile Form and submit it to the Nominating Committee Chair at the designated
1. The Elections Committee (Chair and 5 Committee members) shall have been appointed
prior to the slate announcement.
2. The Nominating Committee shall present their slate of eligible, verified candidates to the
Executive Board and then to the chapter. The presiding officer opens the floor for
nominations. After each position is read, the President shall call three times - “Are
there any other nominations for the office of _________?” If there are no nominations
from the floor, thereafter the nominations for that position shall be CLOSED.
This shall be repeated for each open position until all positions have been called. If there
are no nominations, then the nominations shall be CLOSED.
3. Those candidates nominated from the floor shall be in compliance with all eligibility
criteria for holding office.
4. The Nominating Committee presents the complete slate (including those previously
slated and eligible nominations from the floor) (the Nominating Committee shall verify
nominations from the floor) and sorors are asked to come forward and be presented.
5. The committee prepares and publishes the slate of candidates.
6. A chapter vote is taken to accept the report of the Nominating Committee, with the
caveat that a Candidate’s Data Profile is required at the time of her nomination
from a soror running from the floor, AND her eligibility will be verified. If these
requirements are not met and she is NOT eligible she WILL NOT be placed on the
ballot for the chapter vote.
7. The report of the slate, which was accepted by chapter vote and verified by the
nominating committee, will then be given to the Elections Committee to prepare the
ballot for the May election.
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S&S Approved:
8. CAMPAIGNING may begin after the April meeting for all eligible, verified candidates,
and end at midnight on the fourth Tuesday in April of each sorority year.
9. Campaigning may take place at any closed Delta events.
10. Campaigning may take the form of telephone calls, emails, flyers and other modes of
communication and may include edible and/or non-edible items.
11. Campaign expenses may not exceed $500 (five hundred dollars) with documentation
submitted to the Elections Chair by the 4th Wednesday in April after campaigning ends.
If it is found that campaigning exceeds this amount the candidate may be disqualified.
! It shall be the duty of the Elections Committee to:
1. Conduct the election of the chapter.
2. The committee Chair and members shall not be candidates for an office while serving on
the Elections Committee.
3. Develop rules for electing chapter officers and present to the Executive Board and then to
the chapter for approval prior to the elections being held.
4. Provide a ballot for each financial soror on the day of the election, and follow the
guidelines spelled out in this document.
5. Prepare a listing of the names of candidates in the chapter update and/or newsletter.
6. Collect, count and tabulate the ballots cast by the chapter membership in each election.
(A majority vote is more than half of the votes cast by members entitled to vote,
excluding blanks, or abstentions, at a properly called meeting.)
7. (Example: 19 x ½ = 9½ . 10 votes needed for majority.)
8. Provide the Chapter President with a written report of the election results, along with all
ballots cast for filing in chapter archives.
9. Provide an opening and closing time for voting, and after the voting has closed then
ballots should not be issued.
• The Chair of the elections Committee reads the election report and hands it to the
Presiding Officer.
• The Presiding Officer reads the report and declares the result of the vote. In each
case, where the candidate has the majority, the Presiding Officer declares that
candidate elected.
• The election report is entered into the minutes becoming a part of the official
records of the chapter. No chapter vote is needed to approve.
1. The chapter shall provide prior written notice of at least ten (10) days for the election of
officers and elected positions, voting to proceed or not to proceed with Membership
Intake process, and voting on the acceptance of new members into the sorority. For
members who do not have access to electronic mail, US Postal mail must be used.
2. Voting privileges shall be extended to chapter members only.
3. Chapter elections occur through a secret ballot.
4. There shall be no campaigning at the May meeting
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5. A QUORUM of 33% of the members must be present.
6. All candidates for office shall be present on the day of the election. If a candidate is
absent the chapter will vote on extenuating circumstances.
Note: Extenuating circumstances shall be: attendance at Regional or National Meetings
of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., job responsibilities, illness of soror or immediate
family member.
7. Election of chapter officers and acceptance of members into the sorority shall be done by
a majority vote of the chapter members present and voting by secret ballot.
8. The vote to proceed with membership intake shall be by a two thirds (2/3) vote of those
present and voting.
9. If the motion passes to conduct membership intake and the decision is reconsidered,
then a motion must be passed to rescind the decision to conduct membership intake, and
must pass by two thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting.
10. Per policies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Parliamentarians have the right to vote
on chapter business, same as all chapter members.
11. The President will only vote in matters of secret ballot and/or to break a tie vote.
Minerva Circle - The Minerva Circle shall be elected at a special election prior to
Membership Intake of the chapter using guidelines in the Membership Intake Manual.
All elected Chapter officers, elected committee chairs and members shall be installed in June. A
National Officer, or Past Chapter President may serve as the installing officer
A transition meeting shall be held for outgoing officers and positions to pass duties,
responsibilities, forms and any materials associated with the office to incoming officers.
The Transition of Officers period shall be from the May election through July 1st, per the
National Scholarship and Standards Committee’s mandate effective July 16, 2012. The
incoming officer is a participant in all chapter related administrative activities once elected. She
shall be attentive, open to activity and observing during the transition period. The outgoing
officer has the sole responsibility of closing out all chapter requirements for compliance and
submitting all paperwork to National Headquarters for the year. The Chapter President will
provide leadership and dates for transition meetings and duties.
1. Members must be notified 10 days prior to conducting the vote to proceed with
Membership Intake. Written notice shall be by US Postal mail only.
2. After chapter vote to take in new members, the chapter shall follow procedures outlined
in the Membership Intake Handbook for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
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S&S Approved:
3. Candidates for Alumnae Membership Intake must reside in the chapter service area as
identified by Chapter Charter or source documentation provided from National
Headquarters or Regional Director.
4. The chapter vote for membership intake requires two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership
that is present and voting on the day the chapter votes.
5. The Jewels are no longer elected by position but shall be elected as a group.
6. If a member is removed from the Minerva Circle or resigns, the President will appoint
another member to fulfill that position within 24 hours. This person must meet all MIT
training requirements.
7. Candidates who are related to Minerva Circle members:
• A member of the Minerva Circle is allowed to continue to serve on the Minerva Circle
if an applicant is a family member.
• Minerva Circle Members must recuse themselves from scoring the application packet
and interviewing a family member.
• A Minerva Circle Member retains her right to vote on all applicants.
1. The Financial secretary must notify the Chapter President of non-financial Sorors holding
an elected or appointed office by June 30th of the current sorority year.
2. The Chapter President must give notification to the soror that dues must be received by
the Financial Secretary in the form of a cashier’s check or money order to continue in the
elected or appointed office at a designated time.
3. If dues are not received by the Financial Secretary by the designated time, that office
shall be vacated.
4. The Chapter President notifies the soror in writing that she will be replaced. Elected
officers must be replaced in a Chapter meeting. The replacement of appointed officers
is at the discretion of the Chapter President. Current St. Louis Alumnae Chapter Policies
and Procedures states: “for other elected offices (other than President and Vice
Presidents) the President will fill all vacancies within 30 days with the approval of the
Executive Committee. (See: Filling Vacancies in this document)
5. IMPEACHMENT – The impeachment process shall be carried out in accordance with the
Impeachment Procedures outlined in the Chapter Management Handbook, Newly
Revised By National Scholarship and Standards, April 2011, Section 1700,
Member/Chapter Discipline, pp. 358-369, in compliance with “HOT Off the Press” Appeal
Process, effective November 28, 2012.
1. Chapter members will be notified that revisions in Policies and Procedures may be
submitted to the Chapter President using the “Policies and Procedures Amendment
Form” by the March chapter meeting to be “formally” considered. (This allows chapter
members to share suggested improvements or concerns for consideration and possible
inclusion in the Policies and Procedures document.) The amendment form may be
obtained from any active member of the Presidents Advisory Council (PAC).
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S&S Approved:
2. After review, the President shall pass proposed amendments to the Presidents
Advisory Council to prepare policies not in conflict with Grand Chapter’s governing
3. PAC shall complete and submit to Executive Board for review.
4. The Executive Board shall notify the chapter when the draft has been placed on the
chapter website for a minimum of thirty days review.
5. After prior notice, revisions shall be reviewed at a chapter business meeting for a
two/thirds vote of members present and voting.
6. After approval by the National Scholarship and Standards Committee, copies will be
made available for chapter members within 60 days.
7. The Chapter Rules of Order/ Policies and Procedures shall be reviewed at least
annually and as needed to determine ongoing compliance, and to reflect Constitutional
• Corporate Charter
• Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Grand Chapter Constitution and Bylaws,
2013 Edition
• Grand Chapter’s Fiscal Officers Manual
• Internal Audit Manual
• Chapter Management Handbook
• Chapter Rules of Order and Policies & Procedures
• Heritage and Archives Manual of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
• Conduct of Ritualistic and Ceremonies protocol for Delta Sigma Theta
Sorority, Inc.
• The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised is the
resource for all matters not covered in Delta’s Governing Documents
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4St. Louis Alumnae Chapter
Rules of Order/Policies and Procedures
Submitted by:
Revised - 04/04/2015
Mitchelle Price
S&S Approved:
April 4, 2015
Chapter President
Mitchelle Price
P. O. Box 410844
Saint Louis, Missouri 63141
314- 381-2634
Email address:
Members - Presidents Advisory Council
Mildred R. Anderson, Ph. D.
E. Kim Banks
Rebecca M. Barnes, Chair
Janet H. Bonner
Doris J. Carter
Odessa Chambers
Queen D. Fowler, Ph. D.
Teresa Hargrow-Simmons
Thomasina F. Hassler, Ph. D.
Thomasina F. Hassler, Ph. D.
Lila M. Hunter
Mary K. Jones
Ruth M. Lewis
Sandra Lucado
Betty C. Patton
Honorable Gloria C. Reno
Elizabeth H. Thomas
Frankie Muse Freeman, Esq., 14th National President
Mitchelle Price, Chapter President
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